#Sports Injuries and Prevention
heighpubsseo · 2 years
Journal of Sports Medicine and Therapy
Sports medicine and therapy is a distinct division of Health Care Sector, which takes care of physical fitness and injuries associated with musculoskeletal.
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rodmansanchez · 3 months
#1 pitcher in college softball tears her acl in the first game of the season what is going onnnnn
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
Do you think VT will hold off on saying the extent of Liz’s injury until after selection sunday? Similar to what Notre Dame did with Olivia Miles last year? I’m actually not familiar with how Olivia sustained her injury but I think it was pretty clear to all what the injury to Liz likely is so it probably wouldn’t benefit VT all that much to hold off on announcing the diagnosis once they know?
Oh I hadn't thought about that.
Umm I think it's definitely possible they do because the committee is allowed to take injuries into account and obviously if she's not gonna be able to play, then that'll likely affect V-Tech's seeding (although either I think hey will be a top 4 seed). But I agree with you, I think even if they don't say what it is, if she doesn't play in the ACC tournament, people (the committee) will likely just assume the worst.
I'm still really hoping against hope that it really wasn't something serious and she's okay.
But also on a tangent, ACL/knee injuries have been terrible in women's sports this year and it is so, so, so important that there's a concentrated effort put forth intro trying to figure out this epidemic. It's extremely unfortunate and women's sports are suffering without their stars. These women deserve their health taken seriously and sport science needs to a better job in being all inclusive in their research.
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gingiberiequis · 4 months
Gingiberi Equis
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Website: https://www.gingiberiequis.com
Address: Lincolnshire, UK
Gingiberi Equis, based in Lincolnshire, UK, specializes in equine sports and rehabilitation massage therapy. Offering professional services for horses, ponies, and donkeys, the business focuses on relaxation, tension relief, and overall well-being of equids. Techniques include massage, Light and Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), and bit and bridle fitting, aiming to prevent and treat diseases, promote optimal health, and achieve calmness in mind, body, and spirit.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083065672289
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gingiberi_equis/
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pierregaslays · 9 months
not football fans calling for more research into acl injuries now that four men’s players have them within the first few days of the season. where were all the calls for more research when the women’s players were getting them every other game
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bsaka7 · 2 years
i have a love/hate relationship with reading articles about the problems with women's running. i love running so much and it has so many problems. and of course I've lived several of them. but my favorite thing about running is you can keep getting better for a long time.
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thepotentialof2007 · 2 years
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drsnehapelviphysio · 17 hours
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Discover comprehensive rehabilitation for specific injuries at Dr. Sneha Life Active Clinic in Kharadi, Pune. Expert care for sports injuries, pain management, and more.
Rehabilitation after Specific Injuries: Expert Physiotherapy in Kharadi Recovering from an injury can be a challenging journey, but with the right rehabilitation, you can return to your daily activities and even improve your overall physical health. At Dr. Sneha Life Active Clinic in Kharadi, Pune, we specialize in personalized physiotherapy plans that cater to various specific injuries, ensuring you receive the best care tailored to your needs.
Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services in Kharadi, Pune
Sports Injury Therapy Pune: Athletes often push their bodies to the limit, resulting in sports injuries that require specialized care. Our clinic provides targeted sports injury therapy in Pune, focusing on quick recovery and prevention of future injuries. Through advanced techniques and personalized treatment plans, we help athletes regain their peak performance levels.
Pain Management Kharadi Pune: Chronic pain can severely impact your quality of life. Our pain management services in Kharadi, Pune, are designed to alleviate pain and improve function. We use a combination of manual therapy, exercises, and advanced pain relief techniques to address various pain conditions effectively.
Orthopedic Physiotherapy Pune: Orthopedic injuries such as fractures, sprains, and strains require expert care to ensure proper healing. Our orthopedic physiotherapy in Pune involves a detailed assessment and customized rehabilitation plan to restore mobility and strength.
Neurological Rehabilitation Kharadi: For individuals recovering from neurological conditions such as stroke or spinal cord injuries, our neurological rehabilitation in Kharadi offers specialized therapies. These therapies focus on improving motor skills, balance, and coordination to enhance overall functionality and independence.
Pediatric Physiotherapy Pune: Children with developmental delays or injuries require gentle and effective treatment. Our pediatric physiotherapy in Pune caters to the unique needs of children, providing a supportive environment for their growth and development.
Geriatric Care Kharadi Pune: Aging can bring about various physical challenges. Our geriatric care services in Kharadi, Pune, focus on maintaining mobility, reducing pain, and enhancing the quality of life for elderly patients through tailored physiotherapy plans.
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation Pune: After surgery, a structured rehabilitation program is crucial for a full recovery. Our post-surgical rehabilitation in Pune includes comprehensive care to ensure proper healing, reduce pain, and restore function.
Manual Therapy Kharadi Pune: Manual therapy is a hands-on technique used to treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. Our skilled therapists in Kharadi, Pune, use manual therapy to improve joint mobility, reduce pain, and enhance overall physical performance.
Sports Performance Enhancement Pune: Athletes looking to boost their performance can benefit from our sports performance enhancement programs in Pune. We use scientific approaches to improve strength, flexibility, and endurance, helping athletes achieve their best.
Injury Prevention Kharadi Pune: Preventing injuries is as important as treating them. Our injury prevention services in Kharadi, Pune, involve educating patients on proper techniques, exercises, and lifestyle modifications to avoid injuries.
Musculoskeletal Therapy Pune: Our musculoskeletal therapy in Pune addresses conditions affecting muscles, bones, and joints. Through tailored treatments, we aim to alleviate pain and restore optimal function.
Personalized Physio Plans Kharadi At Dr. Sneha Life Active Clinic, we believe in providing personalized physiotherapy plans in Kharadi that are tailored to each patient’s specific needs and goals. Our team of experienced physiotherapists works closely with patients to create individualized treatment plans that promote faster recovery and long-term health.
By choosing our clinic for your rehabilitation needs, you can be assured of receiving the highest standard of care in a supportive and compassionate environment. Whether you're recovering from a sports injury, surgery, or managing chronic pain, we are here to help you every step of the way.
Experience the best in rehabilitation and physiotherapy services at Dr. Sneha Life Active Clinic in Kharadi, Pune. Contact us today to start your journey to recovery.
Life Active Physiotherapy Clinic
Address: Office 201, Gera Park View Society, behind Eon IT Park, Kharadi, Pune, Maharashtra 411014
Phone: 083902 36030
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vonehospital · 16 days
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Sports Injury Prevention: Expert Strategies for a Safe and Active Lifestyle
Dive into our insightful blog to explore proven strategies for preventing sports injuries. Written by experienced sports medicine doctors in Indore, this guide offers practical tips and techniques to keep you injury-free while pursuing your favorite activities. Stay ahead of the game and safeguard your well-being with our expert advice.
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labsportstherapy · 18 days
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Treatment Approaches at LAB Sports Therapy
At LAB Sports Therapy, our goal is to provide personalized care tailored to each individual’s needs. We develop customized exercise programs focused on stretching tight muscles, strengthening weak muscles, and improving overall biomechanics.
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optimal-living-lab · 21 days
A Guide to Injury Prevention in Sports and Exercise
Injuries are an unfortunate reality in sports and exercise, often sidelining athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike. However, many of these injuries can be prevented with proper precautions and strategies. Whether you're a professional athlete or a casual gym-goer, understanding how to prevent injuries is essential for maintaining peak performance and long-term health. This article explores various strategies and tips for injury prevention in sports and exercise.
Understanding Common Injuries: Before diving into prevention methods, it's crucial to understand the common types of injuries that occur in sports and exercise. These can range from acute injuries, such as sprains, strains, and fractures, to overuse injuries like tendonitis and stress fractures. Each sport and activity carries its own set of risks, so being aware of potential injury areas is key to prevention.
Warm-Up and Cool Down: One of the most effective ways to prevent injuries is through proper warm-up and cool-down routines. A dynamic warm-up, which includes movements that mimic those of the activity you're about to perform, helps increase blood flow to the muscles, improves flexibility, and prepares your body for the demands of exercise. Similarly, cooling down with stretches and gentle exercises helps prevent stiffness and reduce the risk of injury post-activity.
Strength and Conditioning: Building strength and improving conditioning are crucial for injury prevention. Weak muscles and imbalances in strength can lead to poor biomechanics and increased injury risk. Incorporating strength training exercises that target all major muscle groups can help improve overall stability and reduce the likelihood of injuries. Additionally, focusing on functional movements that mimic sports-specific actions can further enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury.
Proper Technique: Using proper technique is paramount in preventing injuries during sports and exercise. Whether you're lifting weights, running, or playing a team sport, improper form can place unnecessary stress on your body and increase the risk of injury. Seeking guidance from qualified coaches or trainers to ensure you're using correct form and technique is essential, especially when learning new exercises or activities.
Listen to Your Body: Ignoring pain or pushing through discomfort can lead to serious injuries. It's important to listen to your body and recognize the difference between normal muscle fatigue and potential signs of injury. If something doesn't feel right, it's best to take a break, modify your activity, or seek professional advice to avoid exacerbating the issue.
Rest and Recovery: Rest and recovery are just as important as training when it comes to injury prevention. Overtraining and insufficient rest can lead to fatigue, weakened immune function, and increased injury risk. Incorporating rest days into your workout schedule allows your body time to repair and rebuild, reducing the likelihood of overuse injuries. Additionally, prioritizing quality sleep, proper nutrition, and techniques such as foam rolling and massage can aid in recovery and injury prevention.
Cross-Training: Engaging in a variety of activities through cross-training can help prevent overuse injuries and improve overall fitness. By mixing up your routine and incorporating different types of exercises, you can reduce strain on specific muscles and joints while promoting balanced strength and mobility.
Conclusion: Injuries are a common occurrence in sports and exercise, but many can be prevented with the right strategies and precautions. By incorporating warm-up and cool-down routines, building strength and conditioning, using proper technique, listening to your body, prioritizing rest and recovery, and incorporating cross-training, you can minimize your risk of injury and enjoy a lifetime of active and healthy living. Remember, injury prevention is not just about avoiding setbacks—it's about maximizing performance and longevity.
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lorrainestea · 2 months
As the weather finally turned nice, I can go skate outside in the public sports arena and the number of people who don't wear pads or at least the helmet scares me.
You don't like that you look like a Ninja Turtle in pads and helmet? Fine, me neither. But it's better to think you look like a Ninja Turtle than risk an injury.
Seriously, you can survive it for the time you are skating.
And I beg all parents to not let their children even stand on skates without pads and a helmet. The injuries are not worth it.
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benjaminfoged48 · 2 months
Tips for Neck Pain
NECK PAIN FROM SITTING AT A DESK ALL DAY? READ BELOW FOR TIPS AND STRATEGIES TO HELP. by Sherri Cicirello | Sep 7, 2023 | Blog Neck pain is a common condition, particularly in office workers when compared to other occupations. It was found in a study by Chen et al., 2018 that approximately 42% to 63% of office workers suffer from neck pain. This is a fairly high number, and not only does having pain and discomfort affect our job, but it can also affect our life outside of work. It is likely that your workplace has provided education or strategies for your specific job and job environment such as ergonomics tips. This may have included proper desk set up, sitting posture, limiting screen time, chair adjustments, or standing breaks every so often. These can be helpful but may not be enough to reduce or prevent your neck pain. More specifically, these techniques may provide some relief, but often once the neck pain has developed it turns into a reoccurring issue. Why do office workers get neck pain? There is likely many contributing factors to your neck pain including physical, psychological and environmental factors. As you may know, office workers sit for prolonged periods of time at their desk or computer. Remaining in a seated position for a prolonged time can cause muscles to fatigue, resulting in a bent over posture and forward head position. Repeating this day-to-day can cause compression through our neck and overstretching of specific neck muscles, and eventually turn into neck pain. Further, these overstretched neck muscles may eventually reduce in endurance and strength, which can exacerbate the problem. These specific neck muscles are in place to support our head, help with posture and provide stabilization to our neck – therefore, if they are weak and lack endurance our body will rely on other structures to support our head and neck causing neck pain and tightness. What does the research say for office workers suffering from neck pain? If the previously mentioned tips and strategies provided by your workplace are not enough, then what else do we do? The study by Chen et al., 2018 investigated different workplace-based interventions for the prevention, management and reduction neck pain in office workers – let’s see what they found. Office workers who have neck pain benefited from specific neck and shoulder strengthening exercises. More specifically, the individuals who were symptomatic with their neck had the greatest reduction in neck pain intensity. Also, the researchers suggested that even those not suffering from neck pain, but are at an increased risk due to the nature of their job, may benefit from a neck and shoulder exercise program. The type of neck and shoulder exercise vary from stretching the muscles around the area, building up strength and increasing endurance in surrounding musculature. For example, an exercise program consisting of front raises, lateral raises, reverse flies, shrugs, and wrist extensions was shown to be beneficial for reducing neck pain in office workers.
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How can physiotherapy treatment help office workers suffering from neck pain? A guided and well-balanced neck and shoulder strengthening program is a great start for neck pain. A physiotherapist can help provide you with specific exercises and an appropriate intensity for your level of fitness. Along with these types of exercises, physiotherapy interventions such as manual therapy to loosen and stretch muscles surrounding the neck may be beneficial. Also, the use of modalities such as acupuncture may help to speed up your recovery and reduce your neck pain even more. natural What are some tips and strategies from a physiotherapist’s perspective? 1.Practice good posture: you may recall people telling you to straighten up and “fix” your posture – but what does this exactly mean, and what is an optimal posture? Recent evidence states there is no optimal posture, but that holding a position for a length of time (i.e. >20 minutes may cause discomfort. Therefore, frequently changing our posture, such as standing up, stretching out our arms or walking is beneficial. 2.Alter your workstation: your workplace may have signs up or given tips to set up your office space for better comfort. Follow the below picture for a good starting point on how to set up your office space. 3.Increase your activity throughout the day: being busy with work and sitting for the majority of our day is likely contributing to our neck pain. Therefore, finding time before work, after work or even on our lunch breaks to be active is important. For example, going for a 30-minute walk before work can be beneficial for our musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. Neck pain can have a large effect on our work productivity, mood, and general life outside of work. If you are tired of suffering from neck pain or discomfort and looking to improve yourself, visit South Simcoe Physiotherapy at our Alliston or Tottenham locations. One of our physiotherapists will take you through a physical examination to identify the exact problem, as well as prescribe specific exercises and treatments to help reduce your neck pain.
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thorsenolsson90 · 2 months
WHAT IS ACUPUNCTURE AND HOW CAN IT HELP RELIEVE MY PAIN? by R_Shea | Aug 15, 2023 | Blog What is the History Behind Acupuncture? Acupuncture has been practiced in China for more than 3000 years, where their use of natural healing therapy has gained traction around the world. If you have heard of acupuncture before, you have likely been told or read something regarding the yin and yang, so what exactly is this? Essentially, yin-yang can be thought of representing a person’s state of being or behaviour and is necessary to be in balance for health. Therefore, when it is not in balance, an individual may feel pain or other symptoms. To restore this balance, acupuncture is used, where traditional acupuncturists are stimulating Qi (pronounced “chee”) to affect change. Let’s try an example to explain this phenomenon. An individual has been suffering from chronic low back pain for multiple years. Their yin and yang can be considered to be off balance or in disharmony, contributing to this reoccurring back pain. A health practitioner trained in acupuncture can use acupuncture needles in various locations to stimulate Qi in order to help restore the balance of yin and yang. It has been reported that in the early 1970’s, an American experienced the benefits of acupuncture and described this experience in an article in the New York Times. Since then, acupuncture has been a part of North American treatment for various injuries and pathologies. In Western medicine, acupuncture is thought to have many different effects on the body. It is thought to restore blood flow to a specific location, which can help to simulate healing. It also can help to reduce inflammation in an area, which can in turn help to reduce pain. Similarly, acupuncture has been seen to have a neuromodulator effect, where multiple pain-relieving systems are activated to release neurotransmitters and ultimately reduce pain. How is acupuncture applied? low back pain, sciatica Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles through the skin and into tissues in different areas of the body. These needles are sterile and individually packaged. The physiotherapist will prep the area on your body for acupuncture by using an alcohol-based solution to ensure for a clean surface. Depending on the injured body part and area, there are different lengths and gauges of needles that your trained physiotherapist will determine is appropriate. The acupuncture needles are so thin, that there is generally minimal discomfort felt on insertion. Once inserted, the needle may stay in for approximately 10-30 minutes depending on your condition. Many people describe the feeling of the needle as a heaviness, fullness or distension, whereas others feel very little at all. It is also possible to continue to feel the previously mentioned sensation for up to 48-72 hours after treatment, however relief will be felt once these sensations have subsided. What can acupuncture treat? As stated in the title of this blog, acupuncture is a very versatile treatment tool, but why? This is because many studies suggest acupuncture effectively treatment multiple types of injuries and impairments such as: headaches migraines smoking addiction stress depression insomnia, low back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis tennis elbow A study by Ezzo et al., 2001 studied the effectiveness of acupuncture on knee osteoarthritis. Many of us either suffer or know someone who has suffered from osteoarthritis. There is currently no cure, so therefore treatment is to manage the condition, whether it is pain or functional impairments. In the study, they looked at comparing the use of acupuncture versus sham acupuncture at reducing knee pain in those suffering from osteoarthritis. It was found that acupuncture was in fact beneficial at reducing pain in those with knee osteoarthritis. There was also some evidence in the improvement of function (i.e. going up and down stairs). Who can provide acupuncture? There are specific health care professionals who have taken specialized training in providing useful and sage acupuncture. Here at South Simcoe Physiotherapy, all of our physiotherapists are specially trained in providing acupuncture. What can I expect with acupuncture treatment? As previously mentioned, different people with experience different sensations with acupuncture, ranging from nothing at all to a heaviness or fullness feeling around the needle. The frequency of treatments and relief felt by the person will differ from person to person. Many people feel relief in their first treatment, where others require multiple treatments to experience a benefit. This is generally due to the nature of the injury, for example an acute injury may notice benefits in the first treatment or even after a couple of treatments. In comparison a chronic condition such as low back pain, may take multiple treatment sessions to begin to notice a difference. Here at South Simcoe Physiotherapy, it is a important treatment tool that practitioners use to help you to feel better and get back to the things you enjoy doing. If you have more questions or clarification regarding acupuncture, one of our health care practitioners would be happy to speak with you.
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If you are suffering from an injury that has not gotten better, or simply wanting to try acupuncture, let your health care practitioner know, or call the South Simcoe Physiotherapy today!
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ravnjustesen60 · 2 months
Ankle Sprains
ORTHOPAEDIC BRACES ANKLE SPRAIN? LET’S TALK ABOUT DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT AND RETURNING TO SPORT. by Sherri Cicirello | Oct 4, 2023 | Blog Ankle sprains are a common type of injury that can sideline anyone from a weekend warrior to a training athlete. This injury can be quite painful and also frustrating to rehab and return to the activity that you are wanting to get back to. In this blog, we will take a dive into the ankle sprain injury, as well as how to rehab it the safest and fastest in order to help you get back your activity better than ever. What is an Ankle Sprain? An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments surrounding the ankle are stretched, partially or completely torn. Ligaments are tissue that attach from bone to bone and provide proprioceptive feedback to keep us up right and balanced when we are stationary or moving. Ligaments also help to keep our joints stable when we are moving them. For a ligament to be stretched, partially or completely torn, there typically needs to be an excessive force to the ankle and/or an awkward twist. There are a few different types of ankle sprains that typically occur: Lateral ankle sprain: This is the most common, often referred to as “rolling” your ankle. This occurs with twisting your ankle inwards with an excessive force or even your body weight. The ligaments affected are your anterior talofibular ligament, calcaneofibular ligament, and posterior talofibular ligament. Medial ankle sprain: This is less common, however occurs when we twist our ankle outwards with an excessive force, which affects a group of ligaments on the inside of our ankle called the deltoid ligament. physiotherapy High ankle sprain: This typically occurs from rotational type injury, such as planting our ankle and rotating our leg at the same time. This affects a ligament a bit higher up on our ankle called our anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament.
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Common Causes of Ankle Sprains: Landing on your foot awkwardly after jumping or pivoting Walking/running on uneven surfaces Slipping off a curb Another person stepping on your foot/ankle A fall that causes your ankle to twist Symptoms of an Ankle Sprain: Pain in the ankle Increased pain with weight bearing or excessive activity on your feet Tenderness when touching the ankle Bruising Swelling Reduced ankle mobility Weakness surrounding the foot and ankle An instability feeling in the ankle with walking What to do if you think you just sprained your ankle? The initial stages after an ankle sprain are quite important. Prior to getting in to see your physiotherapist, there are a few things you can do to accelerate your healing and improve your prognosis. These can include icing your ankle with combined compression and elevation. Also, avoiding strenuous activity, such as walking, running or hiking. These simple, but important steps can go a long way in your recovery! How is an Ankle Sprain Diagnosed? An ankle sprain can be diagnosed by different health care practitioners, including a physiotherapist. The physiotherapist will begin by asking your questions about how you hurt your ankle, including the mechanism of injury, if you felt a popping sensation, if there was any bruising and/or swelling, and if you have had any previous ankle injuries. The physiotherapist will then carry on with an objective evaluation which may include a gait analysis, range of motion testing, strength testing, palpation and ligament stress testing. Depending on the grade of your sprain, it is important that the physiotherapist complete a comprehensive examination to rule out the potential for an ankle fracture. Rarely is imaging used to diagnose an ankle sprain, however if your health care practitioner is concerned, they may refer you for diagnostic imaging. If your physiotherapist diagnoses you with an ankle sprain, they will often communicate to you a grade of sprain. For example: Grade 1 sprain: stretching or slight tearing of the ligament. You may have mild tenderness on palpation, swelling and ankle stiffness. Grade 2 sprain: increased stretching of the ligament but an incomplete tear. You may have moderate pain and swelling. Walking is likely painful, as well as the feeling of instability may occur. Grade 3 sprain: a complete tear of the affected ligament. You may have significant swelling and bruising. The ankle is unstable, and you are likely unable to walk due to pain. How can a Physiotherapist help Treat an Ankle Sprain? In treating an ankle sprain, it can be broken down into 3 continuous steps: Step 1: Reducing Pain and Inflammation: this may include strategies to help reduce the pain and inflammation such as icing, ultrasound, compression sleeves and acupuncture. Step 2: Restore mobility and begin strengthening: It is crucial to begin gentle pain free ankle range of motion as soon as possible. Your physiotherapist may help with mobilizing your ankle as much as you can tolerate, as well as prescribing you with exercises to begin moving it on your own. Also, when ready, you may be prescribed initial strengthening exercises for your ankle in non-weight bearing. Step 3: Return to sport and activity: In this stage, you will be walking pain free and progressing to more dynamic and proprioceptive exercises. Your physiotherapist may prescribe to specific exercises to mimic your sport. They may also recommend an ankle brace to wear to prevent another injury. If you think you have suffered an ankle sprain, and are wanting to return to your favourite activity as fast as you can, call our clinic to book an appointment with one of our physiotherapists!
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mlleshopping · 3 months
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing many industries, and sports medicine stands among them. From predicting potential injuries before they happen to enhancing the rehabilitation process, AI’s applications go far beyond our imagination. Even mundane tasks like medical dictation transcription are made simple by advancements in voice recognition technologies.  This technology not only…
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