#sports injury therapy pune
drsnehapelviphysio · 2 days
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Conquer Back Pain: 5 Daily Habits for Relief (Physiotherapy Kharadi) Back pain is an incredibly common issue, affecting millions worldwide. It can strike due to various reasons, from poor posture and injury to muscle strain and underlying medical conditions. Regardless of the cause, back pain can significantly disrupt your daily life.
The good news? You don't have to live with back pain! Here at Dr. Sneha's Life Active Clinic, a leading physiotherapy center in Kharadi, Pune, we offer comprehensive treatment plans to address back pain and improve your overall well-being.
In addition to physiotherapy, incorporating these five simple habits into your daily routine can significantly reduce back pain and prevent future flare-ups:
Maintain Good Posture:
Standing Tall: When standing, keep your shoulders back and relaxed, with your core engaged. Imagine a straight line running through your ear, shoulder, hip, and ankle. Sitting Straight: While sitting, choose a chair with good lumbar support and adjust the height so your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Avoid slouching; keep your back straight and shoulders relaxed.
Strengthen Your Core:
A strong core is essential for supporting your spine and reducing back pain. Exercises like planks, bridges, and bird-dogs can help strengthen your core muscles. Our team at Dr. Sneha's Life Active Clinic, specializing in core strengthening exercises in Kharadi, Pune, can guide you through a personalized program to target your specific needs.
Embrace Regular Stretching:
Tight muscles can contribute to back pain. Gentle stretching can help improve flexibility and reduce tension. Focus on stretches for your lower back, hamstrings, and glutes. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds and repeat 2-3 times.
Mind Your Movements:
Be mindful of your movements throughout the day, especially when lifting objects. Lift with your legs, keeping your back straight, and avoid twisting while lifting. If you need to carry something heavy, consider splitting the weight into smaller loads or seeking help.
Prioritize Quality Sleep:
A good night's sleep is crucial for overall health, including back health. Choose a supportive mattress and pillow that keep your spine aligned. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.
Additional Tips for Back Pain Management:
Maintain a Healthy Weight: Excess weight puts additional strain on your back. Losing weight can significantly reduce back pain. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can contribute to muscle tightness and pain. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Consider Pain Management Techniques: Techniques like heat therapy, ice packs, and topical pain relievers can offer temporary relief from back pain. Consult a Physiotherapist: If your back pain persists, consider consulting a qualified physiotherapist like Dr. Sneha at Life Active Clinic in Kharadi, Pune. We offer personalized physiotherapy plans for back pain, sports injuries, orthopedic conditions, and more. Life Active Clinic: Your Partner in Back Pain Relief
At Dr. Sneha's Life Active Clinic, we understand the debilitating effects of back pain. Our team of experienced physiotherapists in Kharadi, Pune, is dedicated to helping you achieve lasting pain relief and regain control of your life.
We offer a range of physiotherapy services, including manual therapy, rehabilitation programs, sports injury therapy, and pain management techniques. We also specialize in neurological rehabilitation, pediatric physiotherapy, geriatric care, and post-surgical rehabilitation.
Don't let back pain hold you back! Contact Dr. Sneha's Life Active Clinic today to schedule an appointment and discuss your personalized physiotherapy plan for back pain relief.
Life Active Physiotherapy Clinic
Address: Office 201, Gera Park View Society, behind Eon IT Park, Kharadi, Pune, Maharashtra 411014
Phone: 083902 36030
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revive-physio · 11 months
The Role of Physiotherapy in TMJ Disorder
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder can cause significant pain and discomfort in the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. While there are various treatment options available, physiotherapy has emerged as a valuable approach to managing TMJ disorders. In Pune, individuals dealing with TMJ issues can find relief and support from qualified physiotherapists who specialize in treating this condition.
Understanding TMJ Disorder:
TMJ disorder refers to a range of conditions affecting the temporomandibular joint, which connects the jawbone to the skull. Symptoms may include jaw pain, difficulty chewing or opening the mouth, clicking or popping sounds, headaches, and facial discomfort. Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in addressing these symptoms by focusing on pain reduction, improving jaw function, and promoting overall well-being.
The Role of Physiotherapy:
Physiotherapy offers a holistic and non-invasive approach to treating TMJ disorder. A physiotherapist in Pune will begin by conducting a comprehensive evaluation to understand the underlying causes and assess the severity of your condition. They will then develop a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs.
Treatment Techniques:
Physiotherapy for TMJ disorder utilizes various techniques that aim to reduce pain, improve jaw mobility, and restore normal function. These may include:
1. Jaw exercises: The physiotherapist will prescribe specific exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles around the jaw joint, promoting improved jaw movement and reducing muscle tension.
2. Manual therapy: Hands-on techniques, such as joint mobilization and soft tissue manipulation, can help increase joint mobility, alleviate pain, and release muscle tension.
3. Heat or cold therapy: The application of heat or cold packs to the jaw area can reduce pain, inflammation, and muscle spasm.
4. Ultrasound therapy: Ultrasound waves can penetrate deep into the tissues, promoting healing, improving blood flow, and reducing pain and inflammation.
5. Electrical stimulation: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) involves the use of low-level electrical currents to relieve pain and relax muscles.
6. Posture correction: Correcting poor posture can alleviate strain on the jaw joint. Physiotherapists in Pune can provide guidance on proper head and neck alignment and ergonomic modifications.
7. Education and self-care: Physiotherapists will educate you about proper jaw mechanics, relaxation techniques, and self-care strategies, empowering you to manage your TMJ symptoms effectively.
Finding Relief:
If you're experiencing TMJ disorder, seeking the expertise of a qualified physiotherapist is essential. Look for physiotherapy clinics or practitioners who specialize in TMJ disorders. They will have the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to provide a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, helping you find relief and regain a pain-free quality of life.
Dr. Poonam Patil is a highly skilled and dedicated physiotherapist who serves as the founder and principal practitioner at Revive Physio Clinic. With a passion for helping individuals regain their physical well-being, Dr. Poonam has established herself as a leading expert in the field. Her clinic, Revive Physio Clinic, located at Baner, offers a comprehensive range of physiotherapy services including Neurological Rehabilitation, Joint Pain Management, Work-Related Rehabilitation, Pre-Surgery Rehabilitation, Post-Surgery Rehabilitation, Arthritis Pain Management, Sports Injury Rehabilitation, Wellness Counselling.
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drmayurpurandare · 2 years
Best Orthopaedic Surgeon in Pune
Before recommending a course of therapy, our doctor evaluates the severity of the pain and attempts to identify the root source of the problem. Get in touch with us now to learn more about our lower back pain treatment solutions.
Dr. Mayur Purandare is Orthopaedic & Joint Replacement consultant who has extensive knowledge and training in the field. He is also trained arthroscopy & shoulder Surgeon. He has more than 14 years’ experience of in the field. He has been outstanding throughout his academic career. He has done his fellowship in the joint replacement from DMH Pune & fellowship in shoulder surgery from the esteemed Institute – Wrightington Hospital, England. He is owner and chief orthopaedic surgeon at Orion Hospital, Wakad, Pune.
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drsanaahmadsayyad1 · 27 days
The Evolution of Sports Medicine: Enhancing Athletic Performance and Recovery
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Introduction to Sports Medicine
In the ever-evolving landscape of athletics, sports medicine stands as a crucial pillar supporting athletes of all levels. Sports medicine is a specialized branch of healthcare dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries related to sports and physical activities. At the Best Orthopedic Clinic in Pune, Dr. Sana Sayyad, a renowned sports medicine doctor in Pune, leads the charge in delivering cutting-edge care tailored to the unique needs of athletes. His expertise ensures that athletes receive comprehensive care designed to enhance performance and expedite recovery.
Detailed Procedure in Sports Medicine
Initial Assessment
The journey into sports medicine begins with a comprehensive assessment by Dr. Sana Sayyad. This initial stage involves a thorough evaluation of the patient's medical history, lifestyle, and specific sports-related activities. Dr. Sayyad utilizes advanced diagnostic tools such as MRI, CT scans, and ultrasound to accurately pinpoint the nature and extent of the injury. This meticulous approach is a hallmark of the Best Orthopedic Clinic in Pune, where precision and patient care are paramount.
Personalized Treatment Plan
Based on the diagnosis, Dr. Sayyad collaborates with the patient to develop a personalized treatment plan. This plan may encompass:
Physical Therapy: Targeted exercises to restore strength and flexibility.
Medication: Pain management and anti-inflammatory medications.
Orthopedic Bracing: Support for injured limbs or joints.
Surgical Interventions: Minimally invasive procedures if required.
Dr. Sayyad’s approach as a Sports Medicine Doctor In Pune ensures that each treatment plan is tailored to the individual needs of the patient, promoting optimal recovery and performance enhancement.
Advanced Surgical Techniques
For cases necessitating surgery, Dr. Sayyad employs state-of-the-art techniques such as arthroscopy, which allows for precise, minimally invasive procedures. This approach minimizes recovery time and reduces the risk of complications, ensuring athletes can return to their activities swiftly and safely. At the Best Orthopedic Clinic in Pune, the focus is on utilizing the latest surgical advancements to provide the best outcomes for patients.
Benefits of Sports Medicine
Enhanced Athletic Performance
Sports medicine goes beyond injury treatment, focusing on enhancing overall athletic performance. Dr. Sayyad's expertise as a sports medicine doctor in Pune enables athletes to optimize their biomechanics, strength, and endurance, leading to improved performance and reduced injury risk. Athletes benefit from tailored training programs that address their specific needs and goals.
Rapid Recovery
Advancements in sports medicine have significantly reduced recovery times. Through innovative rehabilitation protocols and cutting-edge technologies, Dr. Sayyad ensures a swift return to activity, allowing athletes to regain their peak condition efficiently. The Best Orthopedic Clinic in Pune is equipped with the latest rehabilitation technologies to support this rapid recovery process.
Preventive Strategies
Prevention is a cornerstone of sports medicine. Dr. Sayyad emphasizes injury prevention through education on proper training techniques, biomechanics, and risk factor identification, helping athletes avoid future injuries. By implementing these strategies, athletes can maintain optimal performance and minimize the risk of injuries.
Potential Risks in Sports Medicine
Surgical Risks
Although modern surgical techniques are highly safe, there are inherent risks such as infection, bleeding, and nerve damage. Dr. Sayyad mitigates these risks through meticulous surgical practices and stringent safety protocols at the Best Orthopedic Clinic in Pune. His expertise ensures that every surgical procedure is performed with the highest level of care and precision.
Overuse Injuries
Athletes striving for peak performance may sometimes push their limits, leading to overuse injuries like tendonitis or stress fractures. Dr. Sanaahmed Sayyad advises balanced training regimens and adequate rest periods to prevent such injuries. As a leading sports medicine doctor in Pune, he provides guidance on how to balance training intensity with sufficient recovery time.
Rehabilitation Challenges
The rehabilitation process can be demanding, requiring dedication and perseverance. Dr. Sayyad supports his patients through personalized rehabilitation plans and ongoing encouragement, ensuring a smooth recovery journey. The comprehensive care at the Best Orthopedic Clinic in Pune includes continuous support throughout the rehabilitation process.
Comprehensive Post-Surgery Care
Tailored Physical Therapy
Post-surgery, Dr. Sayyad designs individualized physical therapy programs to restore mobility and strength, facilitating a complete recovery. These programs are tailored to each patient’s specific needs, ensuring effective rehabilitation and a return to normal activities.
Nutritional Support
Proper nutrition is vital for healing. Dr. Sayyad offers personalized nutritional guidance to enhance recovery and support overall health. By focusing on nutrition, patients can improve their recovery outcomes and maintain optimal health.
Continuous Follow-up
Regular follow-up appointments with Dr. Sayyad ensure monitoring of progress and timely adjustments to treatment plans, promoting optimal recovery outcomes. The Best Orthopedic Clinic in Pune emphasizes continuous care and monitoring to achieve the best possible results for each patient.
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Q: What conditions can sports medicine treat?
A: Sports medicine addresses a wide range of conditions, including ligament tears, muscle strains, tendon injuries, and stress fractures.
Q: Is sports medicine only for professional athletes?
A: No, sports medicine benefits anyone involved in physical activity, from recreational enthusiasts to elite athletes. Dr. Sayyad welcomes patients of all ages at the Best Orthopedic Clinic in Pune.
Q: How can I schedule a consultation with Dr. Sana Sayyad?
A: Contact the Best Orthopedic Clinic in Pune to book an appointment with Dr. Sayyad, who will guide you through your recovery journey.
For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, sports medicine offers a pathway to enhanced performance and quicker recovery. Under the expert care of Dr. Sana Sayyad at the Best Orthopedic Clinic in Pune, patients can expect comprehensive, compassionate care tailored to their unique needs. With a focus on both treatment and prevention, Dr. Sayyad ensures that every patient can pursue their athletic passions with confidence and resilience. Whether dealing with an injury or seeking to improve athletic performance, Dr. Sayyad's expertise provides the support and guidance needed for a successful and fulfilling athletic journey.
Read Also This - From the Sidelines to Recovery: A Comprehensive Guide to Sports Injury Management
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pacehospitalshyd · 2 months
PACE Hospitals Best Orthopaedic Doctors in Hyderabad,India
The Department of Orthopaedics at PACE Hospitals comprises best orthopedic doctors in Hyderabad  who are  highly skilled and experienced doctors dedicated to providing comprehensive care . This includes bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves.
Our Services :  
PACE Hospitals' Department of Orthopaedics offers a wide range of services, including:
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    Joint Replacement Surgery: Knee, hip, and shoulder replacement for improved mobility and pain relief.
    Arthroscopic Surgery: Minimally invasive procedures for knee, shoulder, and other joint problems.
    Sports Medicine: Diagnosis and treatment of sports injuries, helping athletes return to their peak performance.
    Fracture and Trauma Care: Management of all types of fractures, including complex and displaced fractures.
    Spinal Care: Treatment for a variety of spine conditions, including herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and scoliosis.
    Foot and Ankle Surgery: Correction of bunions, hammertoes, and other foot and ankle deformities.
    Hand Surgery: Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, and other hand and wrist conditions.
Tendon Transfer & Repair: Procedures to restore function after tendon injuries.
Department of Orthopaedics, Joint Replacement and Sports Medicine
Dr. Anand Agroya :
MBBS, D.Ortho, Fellow in Joint Replacement, Arthroscopy & Sports Medicine
Senior Orthopedic Consultant, Trauma Surgeon & Sports Medicine Specialist | Expert in Knee & Joint Replacement & Arthroscopy Surgery
Dr Anand  Agroya has 10+ years of experience as consultant orthopedics, trauma and joint replacement surgeon. He has completed MBBS in 2009  and PG in 2012. He achieved 1st rank during  PG . Did his Fellowship in Joint Replacement from Sancheti Institute - Pune; Fellowship in Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy from "THE ROYAL ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL AND SPORTS INJURY CENTER".
He has experience of top corporate hospitals as Orthopaedician . He also did observership in joint replacement from Jaipur - Fortis hospital. He is specialist in Knee pain cases and advises required investigations &  treatment to his patients.
Hitech City: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm & 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm - Mon to Sat
Dr. Chitithoti Prathyush :
MBBS, MS (Orthopaedics), Fellowship in Joint Replacement Surgery
Orthopaedic Consultant, Joint Replacement Surgeon & Sports Injury Specialist
Dr. Chitithoti Prathyush has extensive experience in diagnosing, managing, treating problems and performing procedures related to Complex and Failed Traumas, Non-Union and Malunion Fractures, Joint Replacements, Revision Surgeries, Geriatric Trauma Surgeries, Spine Problems, Foot and Ankle Problems, Knee and Shoulder Pain, Sports Injuries, Arthritis etc.
He is skilled in operating and managing various traditional procedures but not limited to Total Knee Replacement, Total Hip Replacement, Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction, Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Reconstruction, Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Reconstruction etc. In addition, he has a special interest in Joint Replacement, Complex Traumas, Revision Trauma surgeries and Regenerative therapy - Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC).
Our Expertise
The department's doctors are fellowship-trained in various orthopaedic subspecialties, ensuring you receive the most advanced and specialized care.  They are committed to staying at the forefront of the field, utilizing the latest techniques and technologies to provide optimal patient outcomes.
PACE Hospitals Advantage
PACE Hospitals offers a comprehensive approach to orthopaedic care, focusing on personalized treatment plans and a patient-centered approach.  Our facilities are equipped with advanced diagnostic tools and technology, ensuring accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.
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revatiu12-blog · 2 months
Common Orthopedic Injuries
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Our bodies are marvels of movement, but they’re not invincible. Orthopedic injuries affect millions worldwide, from minor strains to major fractures. Whether you’re an athlete or an office worker, knowing these common injuries can keep you active and informed.
Understanding Orthopedic Injuries
Orthopedic injuries involve your musculoskeletal system – bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. They range from sprains to complex fractures.
Trauma: Falls, accidents, and sports mishaps can lead to fractures and tears.
Overuse: Repetitive actions strain muscles and joints, causing conditions like tendinitis.
Aging: As we age, bones weaken, increasing risks of arthritis and osteoporosis.
Pain: From dull aches to sharp jolts, pain indicates trouble.
Swelling: Inflammation suggests injury.
Limited mobility: Difficulty moving may signify damage.
Deformity: Severe injuries can visibly alter affected areas.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Doctors use exams, imaging, and tests. Treatment varies, including rest, therapy, meds, or surgery.
Maintain weight: Less strain on joints.
Warm-up: Prepares muscles.
Stretch: Enhances flexibility.
Use proper form: Reduces injury risk.
Listen to your body: Rest when needed.
Healthy diet: Builds strong bones.
Remember, while this information is valuable, it’s no substitute for medical guidance. For accurate diagnosis and treatment, consult a professional. Understanding orthopedic injuries empowers you to lead a fulfilling life! Find expert care from an Orthopaedic Doctor in Magarpatta, Pune at Dr. Rohit Chakor’s “The Bone & Joint Clinic”, Pune.
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amitr7 · 3 months
Comprehensive Joint Pain Treatment in Chandan Nagar, Pune: A Holistic Approach to Wellness
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Joint pain is a prevalent issue that affects millions of people worldwide, hindering their daily activities and quality of life. Chandan Nagar, Pune, is a bustling locality where individuals often seek effective solutions for joint pain treatment. This article aims to explore various aspects of joint pain, its causes, and the comprehensive treatment options available in Chandan Nagar, Pune, emphasizing a holistic approach to wellness.
Understanding Joint Pain:
Before delving into treatment options, it's essential to understand the factors contributing to joint pain. Joint pain can result from various causes, including arthritis, injuries, inflammation, and lifestyle factors. In Chandan Nagar, Pune, individuals often face joint pain due to a combination of factors, ranging from sedentary lifestyles to age-related conditions.
Common Causes of Joint Pain:
Arthritis: Arthritis, a common cause of joint pain, includes conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. These conditions lead to inflammation and damage to the joints, resulting in pain and stiffness.
Injuries: Accidents or sports injuries can cause damage to the joints, leading to acute or chronic pain. In Chandan Nagar, where an active lifestyle is prevalent, addressing joint injuries is crucial.
Inflammation: Inflammatory conditions such as bursitis and tendonitis can cause swelling and pain in the joints. Identifying and treating the underlying inflammation is vital for effective joint pain management.
Lifestyle Factors: Sedentary lifestyles, poor posture, and unhealthy habits can contribute to joint pain. In a rapidly developing area like Chandan Nagar, residents may be susceptible to such lifestyle-related joint issues.
Comprehensive Joint Pain Treatment in Chandan Nagar, Pune:
Orthopedic Consultation: Seeking an expert opinion from orthopedic specialists in Chandan Nagar is the first step in diagnosing and treating joint pain. These professionals can conduct thorough assessments and recommend appropriate interventions.
Physical Therapy: Physical therapy plays a crucial role in joint pain treatment, focusing on exercises to improve flexibility, strength, and range of motion. Chandan Nagar offers numerous physiotherapy centers with experienced therapists.
Pain Management Clinics: Pain management clinics in Chandan Nagar provide specialized treatments such as injections, medications, and other interventions to alleviate joint pain. These clinics tailor their approach to each patient's unique needs.
Ayurveda and Alternative Therapies: Ayurvedic treatments and alternative therapies are gaining popularity in Chandan Nagar for their holistic approach to wellness. Ayurvedic practitioners may recommend herbal remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications to address joint pain.
Joint Injections: Orthopedic specialists in Chandan Nagar may administer joint injections, such as corticosteroids or hyaluronic acid, to reduce inflammation and improve joint function.
Surgical Interventions: In severe cases where conservative treatments are ineffective, surgical options like joint replacement may be considered. Chandan Nagar boasts modern healthcare facilities equipped to handle advanced orthopedic procedures.
Nutritional Guidance: Nutrition plays a crucial role in joint health. Dietitians in Chandan Nagar can provide guidance on anti-inflammatory diets, supplements, and lifestyle changes to support joint function.
In Chandan Nagar, Pune, residents have access to a comprehensive range of joint pain treatment options. From orthopedic consultations to alternative therapies, the holistic approach adopted by healthcare professionals addresses the diverse causes of joint pain. Whether it's adopting a healthier lifestyle or undergoing advanced medical interventions, individuals in Chandan Nagar can find effective solutions for joint pain, enabling them to lead active and pain-free lives.
If you are looking for joint pain treatment in chandan nagar pune, please visit us
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niks9123 · 4 months
Meet the Sports Injury Specialist in Viman Nagar, Pune
If you're an athlete or enjoy playing sports, you know that injuries can happen. That's where a sports injury specialist comes in. In Viman Nagar, Pune, Dr. Nikheel Pansare is the go-to doctor for anyone dealing with sports-related injuries. Let's dive into what makes him the best sports injury specialistin Viman Nagar.
Who is Dr. Nikheel Pansare?
Dr. Nikheel Pansare is a highly trained and experienced orthopedic doctor who specializes in sports injuries. He understands the unique needs of athletes and sports enthusiasts and is dedicated to helping them recover from injuries and get back to doing what they love.
What is a Sports Injury Specialist?
A sports injury specialist Dr. Nikheel Pansare, is a doctor who focuses on diagnosing, treating, and preventing injuries related to sports and physical activity. They have specialized knowledge and training in dealing with a wide range of injuries, from sprains and strains to fractures and ligament tears.
Why Choose Dr. Nikheel Pansare?
Dr. Nikheel Pansare stands out as the top sports injury specialist in Viman Nagar, Pune, for several reasons:
Expertise: With years of experience and specialized training in orthopedic sports medicine, Dr. Pansare has the expertise to diagnose and treat a variety of sports-related injuries.
Compassionate Care: Dr. Pansare understands the physical and emotional toll that sports injuries can take. He takes the time to listen to his patients, understand their concerns, and develop personalized treatment plans to help them recover.
Advanced Treatment Options: Dr. Pansare stays up-to-date with the latest advancements in sports medicine and offers a wide range of treatment options, including physical therapy, minimally invasive procedures, and surgical intervention when necessary.
Preventive Care: In addition to treating injuries, Dr. Pansare focuses on preventive care to help athletes avoid future injuries. He provides education, training, and advice on injury prevention techniques to keep his patients safe on and off the field.
If you're dealing with a sports-related injury in Viman Nagar, Pune, Dr. Nikheel Pansare is the sports injury specialist you can trust. With his expertise, compassion, and dedication to patient care, Dr. Pansare will help you recover from your injury and get back to doing what you love. 
Click here for to know about Bone Fracture information
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anjaliverma123 · 4 months
A Shoulder Specialist in Pune's Extensive Knowledge
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The shoulder, which is frequently praised as the human body's most movable joint, is a marvel of anatomical complexity. A vast variety of motions, from the straightforward act of reaching for an object to the dynamic movements required in sports and physical activities, are made possible by its sophisticated design. But, because the shoulder is so prone to many ailments and injuries, this adaptability comes at a price. It becomes essential to seek the professional care of a shoulder specialist when faced with shoulder-related disorders. Here, we examine the many facets of the work of a pune shoulder specialist, including the anatomy of the shoulder, frequent problems people encounter, and the vital therapies these professionals offer.
Dissecting Shoulder Joint
The complexities of the shoulder joint must first be understood in order to fully grasp the value of a shoulder specialist. The articulation of the humerus, scapula, and clavicle forms the ball-and-socket joint that is the shoulder joint. Although this architecture gives the shoulder an unmatched range of motion, it also leaves the joint susceptible to several issues. The network of muscles, ligaments, and tendons that surround the joint cooperate to allow for easy mobility.
Typical Problems with the Shoulders
Rotator Cuff Injuries
A collection of muscles and tendons called the rotator cuff is essential for supporting the shoulder. Overuse, trauma, or degenerative changes can all lead to rotator cuff injuries.
Prolonged pain, weakness, and a discernible reduction in range of motion are among the symptoms.
Frozen Shoulder
Shoulder joint stiffness and discomfort are the hallmarks of this illness. It frequently appears gradually, impairing movement and producing discomfort. A specialist in shoulders can create focused strategies to reduce pain and enhance function.
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
Arises from compression of the rotator cuff tendons between the shoulder bones. frequent in people who perform repeated overhead tasks. A expert in shoulders can provide recommendations for targeted exercises and treatment interventions aimed at reducing impingement.
The Crucial Function of a Shoulder Expert
Expert Diagnosis
a careful review of the patient's medical background and a detailed evaluation of their symptoms. application of cutting-edge imaging methods, such MRIs and ultrasounds, to provide precise and accurate diagnoses.
Differential diagnosis is used to identify different shoulder diseases and provide a customized treatment approach.
Options for Specialized Treatment
Individualized rehabilitation plans are developed to meet the specific requirements of every patient. implementation of non-surgical symptom relief measures, such as medicine and physical therapy. Considering surgical treatments like arthroscopy or rotator cuff surgery as necessary.
Recuperation and Rehabilitation
Assistance during the rehabilitation process in order to maximize recovery and regain maximum function. For individualized care, progress will be tracked and treatment plans will be modified as necessary. teaching people about ways to avoid shoulder problems in the future.
Multidisciplinary Care
Working together with orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, and other medical specialists.
Making sure shoulder care is approached holistically in order to create a thorough and well-rounded treatment strategy. collaboration with many professionals to get the greatest results for patients.
Patient Instruction
Giving patients information about their shoulder condition to empower them. providing advice on preventing diseases and changing one's lifestyle. encouraging proactive shoulder health by well-informed decision-making.
To sum up, a shoulder specialist's knowledge is invaluable when handling the complexities of shoulder-related problems. A shoulder expert is crucial in helping people restore function and reduce discomfort, from the first diagnosis to the creation of individualized treatment plans and continuous rehabilitation. A comprehensive approach to shoulder care is facilitated by the coordinated efforts with other healthcare providers and the emphasis on patient education. Consulting with a shoulder expert guarantees that patients receive the specialized care required for the best possible recovery and long-term shoulder health, regardless of whether they are suffering from a degenerative condition, sports-related injury, or persistent shoulder pain. The shoulder joint is a complex dance of muscles, tendons, and bones that requires the specialized knowledge of a shoulder specialist.
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orijine · 6 months
PRP Face Treatment vs. Other Skin Treatments for Face: Which Is Right for You?
Picking the best treatment for your face can be difficult, but maintaining healthy skin is important. In order to make an informed choice, it's critical to comprehend the subtle differences between the various choices that are accessible, all of which promise young radiance. The secrets of PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) face treatment will be revealed in this blog, along with comparisons to other well-liked methods of skin rejuvenation such as facials, microneedling, and facelifts.  By the end, you'll have the insights needed to choose the best skin treatments for your face.
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Understanding the Basics
1. PRP Face Treatment:
The "Vampire Facial," or PRP face treatment, uses your blood's platelet content to promote collagen synthesis and cell renewal. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is injected into the face during a PRP facial, which is a more natural cosmetic procedure. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a blood component that contains growth factors and other proteins that facilitate cellular healing. PRP injections can help smooth out wrinkles, promote the formation of new collagen, and enhance the texture and tone of the skin.
2. Face Lifting:
A face-lift is a surgical cosmetic operation used to rejuvenate the face. The process can lessen skin drooping. It can also aid in the smoothing of skin creases around the jawline and cheeks. Another name for a facelift is a rhytidectomy. Even though they work well, they are more expensive, require more healing time, and may leave scars. Thanks to developments in cosmetic technology, there are now non-surgical facelift options available, offering less problematic alternatives.
3. Microneedling:
Thin needles are used in the least invasive process known as microneedling. Skin issues like wrinkles, stretch marks, and acne scars may become less noticeable after the surgery. Microneedling is most commonly used for cosmetic reasons, but it can also treat some medical issues.
Comparative Analysis
1. Effectiveness:
PRP is injected into specific areas of the skin to create an environment that promotes collagen growth, tissue regeneration, and tight, smooth skin. PRP smoothes out wrinkles and improves the texture and tone of the skin, making it look younger and more radiant. Surgical or non-surgical face lifting can produce impressive results, but its durability might not be as good as that of PRP therapies. Even while microneedling is effective, it could take several sessions to see results.
2. Downtime:
There is no recovery period after facial PRP injections. But for up to a day, your skin can remain red and inflamed. For a few days, stay out of the sun and limit your physical activity. There is no downtime with microneedling. Nevertheless, it could be challenging to get back to your regular schedule right away due to the side effects. A facelift may require a 15–30 day recuperation period. After one to two weeks, you can resume your everyday activities and employment. PRP is therefore more practical than any other kind of therapy.
3. Safety:
PRP facials, or platelet-rich plasma, are thought to be safe. Since they use your plasma and are non-surgical, there is no chance of an allergic reaction. Sports injuries are another area where PRP is useful. There are inherent surgical risks associated with facelifts, including infection and scarring. Although micro-needling is generally harmless, in certain situations, it may produce redness or discomfort.
4. Cost Considerations:
Although surgical facelifts are more expensive than PRP facial treatments and microneedling, it's important to consider the return on investment. In Pune, face PRP costs between INR 5000 to INR 25000. In Pune, the cost of microneedling (also known as collagen reduction therapy or dermalrolling) can range from 2000 to 35,000. The price range for a facelift (rhytidectomy) in Pune is Rs. 12000 to Rs. 50000. When all treatments are taken into account, PRP and microneedling seem to be the most economical and durable choice.
Choosing the Right Treatment for You:
1. Age and Skin Condition:
Microneedling and PRP face treatment are examples of non-invasive procedures that may be beneficial for younger people with modest skin issues. For a more thorough lift, those with more advanced signs of aging may want to think about getting a facelift.
2. Budget and Time Constraints:
Analyze your recuperation time allotment and budget. Because PRP facials and microneedling are frequently more affordable and need less recovery time, they are appropriate for people with hectic schedules.
3. Expectations and Longevity:
Establish your goals and the duration of time you hope the results will last. While facelifts give a more instantaneous alteration, PRP facial treatment yields results that are natural and long-lasting.
Be Smart, and Choose Skin Treatment Wisely!
There isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to skincare. Every treatment method has advantages, and the best solution will rely on personal expectations, skin problems, and preferences. Choosing the best cosmetologist in Pune that best recognizes your needs—whether it's the instant gratification of a facial, the collagen boost from microneedling, the regenerative powers of PRP Face Treatment, or the transformational impacts of face lifting is crucial.
The path to glowing, youthful skin is ultimately a personal one. You give yourself the power to select the best dermatologist in Pune that best supports your lifestyle and aesthetic objectives by being aware of the subtle differences between PRP Face Treatment and its alternatives. So, with knowledge and confidence, set out on this life-changing adventure, and allow your skin to tell the radiant tale of your well-informed choices.
Author Profile 
The author of this blog is a content writer with Orijine, a leading dermatology clinic in Pune. Orjine provides skin and hair care services such as the best skin & hair care services in Pune. We offer solutions to all your skin and hair-related issues and our doctors are experts in resolving each of them most organically. We specialize in skin & hair care, panchakarma therapy, and skin tightening treatments. 
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drsnehapelviphysio · 7 days
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Elevate Your Workspace with Ergonomic Tools & Equipment! In today's fast-paced work environment, creating a comfortable and efficient workspace is essential for maintaining health and productivity. Ergonomic tools and equipment are designed to reduce strain and enhance your overall well-being, making them an excellent investment for anyone spending long hours at a desk. At Life Active Clinic in Kharadi, Pune, we understand the importance of a well-optimized workspace for preventing and managing pain, improving performance, and aiding in rehabilitation.
Understanding Ergonomics Ergonomics involves designing workspaces and tools to fit the user's needs, minimizing discomfort and the risk of injury. By integrating ergonomic principles into your workspace, you can prevent musculoskeletal disorders, reduce pain, and boost productivity. The specialists at Life Active Clinic are experts in musculoskeletal therapy and pain management in Kharadi, Pune, ensuring that our clients receive the best advice and treatment for their needs.
Essential Ergonomic Tools & Equipment Ergonomic Chairs: A good ergonomic chair supports your lower back, promotes good posture, and can be adjusted to fit your height and desk setup. This reduces the risk of back pain and other musculoskeletal issues.
Standing Desks: Alternating between sitting and standing can reduce the risk of sedentary lifestyle-related health problems. Standing desks can help improve posture and increase energy levels.
Keyboard and Mouse: Ergonomic keyboards and mice are designed to keep your hands in a more natural position, reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries.
Monitor Stands: Positioning your monitor at eye level can prevent neck strain and eye fatigue. Adjustable monitor stands are a simple solution to maintain a healthy viewing angle.
Footrests: Using a footrest can improve circulation and reduce pressure on your lower back and legs, promoting overall comfort.
Benefits of an Ergonomic Workspace Pain Management and Prevention At Life Active Clinic, we see many patients suffering from chronic pain due to poor ergonomics. By investing in ergonomic tools, you can significantly reduce pain and prevent conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and neck strain. Our orthopedic physiotherapy services in Pune are designed to help you manage and alleviate pain effectively.
Enhanced Performance and Productivity An ergonomic workspace doesn't just reduce discomfort; it also enhances your performance. When you are comfortable, you can focus better and work more efficiently. Our sports performance enhancement programs in Pune emphasize the importance of ergonomics in achieving peak performance, whether you're an athlete or an office worker.
Rehabilitation and Recovery For those recovering from injuries or surgeries, an ergonomic setup is crucial. At our clinic, we offer post-surgical rehabilitation and sports injury therapy in Kharadi, Pune, ensuring that our patients have the tools they need to recover quickly and safely. Ergonomic adjustments can speed up recovery and prevent re-injury.
Personalized Physiotherapy Plans Every individual has unique needs, and a one-size-fits-all approach to ergonomics often falls short. At Life Active Clinic, we provide personalized physiotherapy plans that cater to your specific requirements. Whether you need neurological rehabilitation, pediatric physiotherapy, or geriatric care, we tailor our services to ensure optimal results.
Conclusion Investing in ergonomic tools and equipment is a proactive step towards a healthier, more productive work life. By optimizing your workspace, you can prevent pain, enhance performance, and aid in rehabilitation. At Life Active Clinic in Kharadi, Pune, we are committed to helping you achieve these goals through our comprehensive physiotherapy services. Visit us today to learn more about how we can assist you in creating an ergonomic workspace tailored to your needs.
Remember, your health and productivity are worth the investment!
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revive-physio · 3 months
Conquering Your Hectic Days: How a Physiotherapist Can Help
The modern world moves at a frenetic pace. Between work deadlines, family commitments, and personal pursuits, it's easy to find ourselves neglecting our physical well-being. This often manifests in aches, pains, and stiffness, impacting our daily lives and overall quality of life.
But fret not, for a hidden gem lies within the world of healthcare: physiotherapy.
More than just treating injuries, physiotherapists are movement specialists who can significantly improve your day-to-day life, even amidst a hectic schedule. Here's how:
1. Pain Management: Whether it's back pain from long hours hunched over a desk, or neck and shoulder stiffness from carrying a heavy bag, a physiotherapist can assess the source of your discomfort and develop a personalized treatment plan. This may involve manual therapy techniques like massage and mobilization, coupled with targeted exercises to strengthen supporting muscles and improve posture.
2. Improved Mobility and Flexibility: Sitting for extended periods can lead to tight muscles and reduced joint range of motion. A physiotherapist can design a program of stretches and mobility exercises to improve your flexibility, allowing for easier movement and a wider range of activities.
3. Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation: Aches and pains are often warning signs of potential injuries. Physiotherapists can identify these early signs and create preventative strategies to keep you active and healthy. Additionally, if you do suffer an injury, a physiotherapist can guide you through the rehabilitation process, helping you regain strength, function, and confidence in movement.
4. Enhanced Performance: Whether you're a weekend warrior or a fitness enthusiast, a physiotherapist can help you reach your peak performance. They can assess your movement patterns, identify any limitations, and recommend exercises to improve your technique, efficiency, and reduce the risk of sports-related injuries.
5. Post-surgical Rehabilitation: After surgery, regaining strength and mobility becomes crucial.
 A physiotherapist can design a safe and effective exercise program to facilitate post-surgical recovery, enabling you to return to your daily routine sooner and with greater confidence.
Finding the Right Physiotherapist for You:
If you're looking to improve your mobility, manage pain, or optimize your physical well-being, seeking help from a qualified physiotherapist can be transformative. In Baner, Balewadi, and Pashan, Pune, the Revive Physio Clinic stands out for its team of highly skilled and experienced physiotherapists. Equipped with a patient-centric approach and cutting-edge techniques, they create personalized treatment plans to empower you to conquer your hectic days and live a life filled with movement and well-being.
So, don't let a busy schedule compromise your physical health. Take charge and invest in your well-being. At Revive Physio Clinic, we're here to help you move with ease and confidence, one step at a time.
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drsoumya125 · 7 months
 In today’s fast-paced world, where our physical health often takes a backseat, it’s important to recognize the significance of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in restoring and maintaining our well-being. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain or recovering from an injury, seeking the assistance of a professional physiotherapist can make all the difference.
Understanding Physiotherapy:
Physiotherapy is a branch of healthcare that focuses on restoring and maintaining physical function and mobility. It involves a range of techniques, exercises, and treatments tailored to individual needs, aiming to alleviate pain, improve strength and flexibility, and enhance overall quality of life.
Expertise and Experience:
When it comes to your health, it’s crucial to seek the assistance of experienced professionals. Dr. Soumya’s Physiotherapy and Rehab Centre in Wakad boasts a team of highly skilled and compassionate physiotherapists. Their expertise allows them to accurately diagnose and create personalized treatment plans for a wide range of conditions, including back pain.
Back Pain Treatment in Wakad:
Back pain is a common complaint that affects individuals of all ages. Whether it’s due to poor posture, muscle strain, or an underlying condition, back pain can significantly impact your daily life. At Dr. Soumya’s Physiotherapy and Rehab Centre, you’ll find the best physiotherapist in Wakad dedicated to providing effective back pain treatment.
a) Comprehensive Assessment: The team at the rehab centre conducts a thorough assessment to identify the root cause of your back pain. This assessment includes a detailed medical history review, physical examination, and possibly additional diagnostic tests.
b) Tailored Treatment Plans: Once the cause of your back pain is determined, the physiotherapist will design a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs. This plan may include a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, posture correction techniques, and pain management strategies.
c) Rehabilitation and Strengthening: Apart from addressing immediate pain relief, the focus of physiotherapy is on long-term healing and prevention of future injuries. The rehab centre offers a comprehensive approach to back pain treatment, including rehabilitation exercises to strengthen the back muscles and improve overall spinal stability.
d) Lifestyle Modification: To promote lasting recovery, the physiotherapists at Dr. Soumya’s centre provide valuable guidance on lifestyle modifications, ergonomics, and postural correction. These practices help prevent reoccurrence of back pain and promote a healthy spine.
Holistic Approach:
Physiotherapy extends beyond mere symptom management. It embraces a holistic approach to healing, aiming to restore the body’s natural balance. Dr. Soumya’s Physiotherapy and Rehab Centre adopts this philosophy by providing a range of complementary therapies such as electrotherapy, heat and cold therapy, ultrasound, and manual therapy techniques. These therapies enhance the effectiveness of treatment and accelerate the healing process.
Injury Prevention and Sports Rehabilitation:
Physiotherapy is not just about treating existing injuries; it also plays a crucial role in preventing future injuries and optimizing sports performance. Dr. Soumya’s centre offers specialized programs focused on sports rehabilitation, conditioning, and injury prevention. By addressing biomechanical imbalances, enhancing flexibility, and improving strength, these programs help athletes and active individuals perform at their best while reducing the risk of injuries.
Physiotherapy is a powerful tool for restoring physical function, alleviating pain, and enhancing overall well-being. If you’re seeking the best treatment for physiotherapy then you must visit the Dr. Soumya’s best Physiotherapist Clinic Located in Wakad, Pune.
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jeevishaclinic · 7 months
Sports Injuries Pain Management at Jeevisha Pain Clinic
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Embrace the spirit of resilience with our specialized pain management for sports injuries at Jeevisha Clinic! Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a weekend warrior, we understand the toll sports injuries can take on your body. We tailor personalized treatment plans to address the unique challenges of sports-related injuries, helping you transition from strain to strength. No matter the sport or the intensity of your activity, your journey to pain relief begins here. Contact us today to explore our sports injury pain management services. . . Contact On- 9119111837 Website- www.jeevishapainclinic.com . . #sportinjuries #kneepain #knee #tips #physiotherapy #painclinic #non-surgical #painmanagement #therapy #treatment #facialpain #arthritis #threapy #regenerative #advancedpaintreatment #mipsi #pain #clinic #doctors #treatment #paincare #chronicpain #patient #pune #wakad #jeevishapainclinic #jeevisha
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pawnalakecamping12 · 9 months
Massage Center in Pune: Rejuvenate Your Body and Soul
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In the bustling city of Pune, where life moves at a rapid pace, finding moments of tranquility and relaxation is a precious gift. If you're seeking respite from the daily grind, look no further than the Massage Center in Pune. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of rejuvenation, health, and wellness that awaits you in this vibrant city.
The Importance of Self-Care
Modern life often demands our undivided attention, leaving little room for self-care. However, it's essential to prioritize our well-being to maintain balance and vitality. A visit to a Massage Center in Pune can be your sanctuary, a place where you can reconnect with your body and soul.
Benefits of Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is not just a luxury; it's a valuable investment in your health. Here are some benefits that await you at a Massage Center in Pune:
Types of Massages Offered
At the Massage Center in Pune, you can choose from a wide range of massages tailored to your specific needs. Here are some of the most popular options:
Swedish Massage
The classic Swedish massage is perfect for relaxation. With long, flowing strokes, it eases tension and promotes a sense of well-being.
Deep Tissue Massage
For those with muscle knots and chronic pain, the deep tissue massage is a powerful choice. Therapists apply firm pressure to release tension deep within the muscles.
Aromatherapy Massage
Indulge your senses with the soothing scents of essential oils. Aromatherapy massage not only relaxes your muscles but also calms your mind.
Hot Stone Massage
Smooth, heated stones are placed on specific points of your body, providing deep relaxation and alleviating muscle soreness.
Thai Massage
Experience the ancient art of Thai massage, which combines stretching and acupressure techniques to improve flexibility and balance.
Sports Massage
Designed for athletes, this massage focuses on preventing and treating sports-related injuries while enhancing performance.
Pregnancy Massage
Expecting mothers can enjoy a specialized massage that relieves pregnancy-related discomforts and promotes relaxation.
What Sets Pune's Massage Center Apart?
Highly Skilled Therapists
The Massage Center in Pune boasts a team of highly trained and experienced therapists who prioritize your comfort and well-being.
Tranquil Ambiance
Step into a serene oasis where soothing music and aromatic scents transport you to a world of relaxation and rejuvenation.
Customized Treatments
Every individual is unique, and so are their needs. At the Massage Center in Pune, treatments are tailored to address your specific concerns.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Enjoy the latest in wellness technology and equipment, ensuring that your experience is both safe and effective.
Credibility and Trust
With a reputation built on trust and excellence, the Massage Center in Pune has become the go-to destination for wellness enthusiasts in the city.
Q: What should I wear during a massage?
A: It's best to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. Most massages are performed with you in your underwear, but draping techniques are used to ensure your privacy.
Q: How long does a typical massage session last?
A: Massage sessions can vary in length, but a standard session usually lasts between 60 to 90 minutes. However, you can choose shorter or longer sessions based on your preferences.
Q: Are massages suitable for everyone?
A: While massages are generally safe for most people, it's essential to inform your therapist about any medical conditions or concerns you may have to ensure a tailored and safe experience.
Q: Can I request a specific therapist?
A: Yes, you can. The Massage Center in Pune aims to provide a personalized experience, and you are welcome to request a specific therapist if you have a preference.
Q: Is it customary to tip the massage therapist?
A: Tipping is a way to show appreciation for excellent service. While it's not mandatory, it's a common practice to tip your therapist if you are satisfied with their service.
Q: How often should I get a massage?
A: The frequency of massages depends on your individual needs and goals. Some people benefit from weekly sessions, while others find monthly visits sufficient. Your therapist can provide guidance based on your specific situation.
In the heart of Pune, the Massage Center in Pune awaits, ready to embrace you in a world of relaxation, healing, and rejuvenation. Whether you seek stress relief, pain management, or simply a break from the chaos of life, this center offers a haven of tranquility.
Discover the joy of self-care and experience the many benefits of massage therapy. It's time to prioritize your well-being and embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier you.
If you're ready to experience the magic of the Massage Center in Pune, book your appointment today and t
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navimperial · 10 months
India’s Leading Joint Replacement Surgeon- Dr Sachin Gupta
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Knee replacement, commonly known as knee arthroplasty or complete knee replacement, is a surgical operation designed to resurface an arthritic knee. In addition to the kneecap, metal and plastic components are utilised to cap the ends of the bones that comprise the knee joint. This procedure may be recommended for patients with severe arthritis or knee injuries.
As one of the top Joint replacement surgeon in Jaipur, Dr Sachin Gupta employs cutting-edge treatments to assist patients in managing orthopedic ailments and knee-related issues. In addition, individuals with musculoskeletal and joint disorders or injuries receive quality care.
What is the cost of Knee Replacement Treatment IN Jaipur?
The cost of knee replacement in Jaipur roughly ranges from Rs. 150,000 to Rs. 3,80,000, based on a variety of variables, such as the price of the knee implant, the hospital's costs, the surgeon's fee, his or her level of experience, and the surgical technique employed.
How are these surgeries conducted?
• Make use of incisions and invasive techniquesMore importantly, the surgeries are done using incisions and fixing the cause of the problem. The invasive methods help to replace the defunct joint with prosthetics or metal. While operating the joints that are located in different parts of the body, they can remove the damaged tissues, resurface the existing areas and implant the artificial parts into the areas. • Leave out some bones to not cause uneasinessDuring shoulder replacement surgery, some muscles and bones are not operated upon. These are fixed to offer a painless movement.
What are the precautions that are taken?
• Advise physical therapy and immobilizationThe doctors also advise physical therapy and immobilization techniques for the patients. Also, the surgeons recommend that the patients should not put weight on the injured leg and use crutches. • MedicationSome patients require some medication and the healing begins rapidly. These medicines do not have setbacks.
Why choose Dr Sachin Gupta?
Dr Sachin Gupta, M.B.B.S., M.S, M. Ch. (USA), F.I.A.S (PUNE), F.J.R.S (AHMADABAD), is a Senior Knee Replacement Surgeon in Jaipur. His centre specialises in Joint Replacements, joint reconstruction, and Sports injury operations. In 2002, Dr Sachin Gupta completed his Medical Degree and Postgraduate Degree [MS, Orthopaedic] from RNT Medical College. He has worked extensively in the disciplines of Joint and Spine Surgery since completing his postgraduate studies. He completed his fellowships in Joint and Spine Surgery at the JM Hospital in Ahmadabad and Knee Replacement at the Sancheti Institute in Pune. From 2005 until 2010, he worked at SK Soni Hospital in Jaip
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