#Sophie Hill
filmonizirani-filmo · 3 months
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The Glenarma Tapes (2023) - #EmilyLamey, #RyanEarly, #SophieHill, #TonyDevlin, #WarrenMcCook https://filmonizirani.net/the-glenarma-tapes-2023/
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carveredlunds · 2 months
do you still think about the hot vampire priest from a show that aired years ago and only had 7 episodes or are you normal?
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delulukittyy · 6 months
like a soft cozy sweater on a cold winter morning, ft. ghibli hugs ♡
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jessebutchman · 4 months
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if crossover yuri has a million fans i am one of them
if crossover yuri has a 5 fans i am one of them
if crossover yuri has one fan that is me
if crossover yuri has no fans i am dead
if the entire world is against cross over yuri i am against the entire world
till my last breath ill support crossover yuri
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dualcontrol · 5 months
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can a silent hill boy and cry of fear girl really be together...
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soapyghostie · 1 year
I love Pyramid Head a whole lot, and i think he deserves all the kisses, he literally has to suffer because of other people sins, so i was thinking, there's this big teory that Pyramid Head uses this Pyramid in his head as a punishment, so he has to walk around with it all the time, but Masahiro Ito said he had a face, his words were:
"I didn't design & make Pyramid Head face, but have a image of inside of helmet in those days. It's a binded someone's head with many frames.", soo i was thinking about a very fluffy comfort fic, where after muchhh time convincing Pyramid its ok to talk his helmet off for some time, him and reader can finally cuddle in a completely comfortable way. Please feel free to deny, i love your work and i know this request may be a bit bad, lol! Thank you
Hey! Thank you Anon! I’m so glad you love my work! Plus, this was a great request! There is no such thing as a bad request on my blog. 😊 Hope you enjoy!
Pyramid Head
Unlike all the other monsters in Silent Hill, Pyramid Head was manifested from the guilt and sorrow of the ones who needed to be punished; to remind them of their sins. Moreover, Pyramid Head was never one of the humans that got turned into a monster from Silent Hill’s curse, but was created from a person’s imagination. He pretty much was born with his helmet. 
Pyramid Head has never taken his helmet off before, let alone has seen his actual face. He doesn’t need to. Him being the executioner, his job is to inflict pain on his victims for their wrongdoing. In wearing the helmet, it reminds others of the pain they’ve caused others and the pain that is about to be brought upon them. He loves his job and he’s proud to represent it by wearing his helmet.
It’ll take a lot of convincing for him to take his helmet off. To him, it feels like his actual face; it helps him feel like he belongs; it makes him feel strong, powerful, and masculine. Yes, he knows he has a human body and face; however, it makes him feel insecure to think about it. All the other monsters look nothing like humans, but he is the only monster who does. The helmet makes him less of a human and more of a monster, the scariest one at that. All fear him: monsters and humans alike. He has all the power and control in Silent Hill so why take his helmet off, you know? 🤷‍♀️ 
You have to reassure him. Trust me, it does the trick. You have to remind him that he is no less of a strong, powerful being with his helmet off than with it on. Then again, he’ll still hesitate to take it off. This his is first time taking it off since he’s existed so he is quite nervous. Nevertheless, he’ll do it for you. 🙂 
The day he finally takes his helmet off, praise him. Tell him how handsome he looks. Kiss him all over his face. Pyramid Head will get so flustered: it’s cute. He appreciates that you see him for no less than who he is without his helmet then with it on. He might take it off more often now. Seriously, he didn’t realize how the weight of his helmet was killing his shoulders. 
He’ll show a softer side of himself. You thought he already did have a soft spot for you, but just you wait! This is a side of him no one has ever seen before, not even you. 
Pyramid Head becomes a literal giant man child, always wanting to be held and kissed. He’ll follow you around like a lost puppy everywhere; he wants you to hold his hand and be near you all the time. 
He apologizes a lot for never trusting you with seeing his face. He was just so scared you’d turn him away and think of him as weak. He wants to be big and strong for you, to protect you. Not be weak. 
You have shown him what true love actually is. He never knew feelings until you came along, yet, he still struggled with showing them towards you. However, when you saw his face for the first time, you showed him kindness and love. He doesn’t know how it happened, but it just clicked. He actually felt something. He felt love and he understood it. He understood it was okay to be vulnerable around the ones that truly love you because they’d near judge you and loved you for you. 
You are the light in his dark world. You’ve taught him so much. Before you, all he knew was pain and suffering. Now, he knows kindness and love. He can’t thank you enough and he’ll never take it for granted. Bonus, he loves to take off his helmet now. He feels like he can be more himself than with it on. He sees there is much more to him than being the feared executioner of Silent Hill.
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aardvaark · 2 months
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do you ever think about how nate went to seminary school and almost became a priest? because i do
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elizabugz · 2 days
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doodle-do-wop · 4 months
posting my entries for the Keeper Sexyman
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(left to right) Quinlin Sonden, Sandor the Goblin, Timkin Heks, Jurek, Grady Ruewen, William Foster, Durand Redek, Cadfael the Orge, Barth the Reaper (gnome)
Zoom ins under cut
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classichorrorblog · 11 months
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The Hills Run Red (2009)
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kaitlinj16 · 1 year
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Redheads are beautiful | Multifandom Edit
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sophiethewitch1 · 24 days
Hello! New anon here, I want to say that I really like your www series!!! I literally binge-read the entire series in one go till' I hit past midnight with how much I fell in love with your writing! I also love how you portray the reader! While I do like strong MCs, I think www reader is endearing in a special way, since it's completely understandable to be like that considering of all the things she's been through, and will get into later on. And so, I was wondering if I can ask a few questions about the bat boys? Feel free to ignore if this bothers you by the way
So for my question, what if (a big IF, since it's seems unlikely that it'll happen) the Girl failure flat out rejected the Batboys? Girl failure's reason can be anything really, but will their reactions be different if it's somehow because Girl failure has her eyes on someone else? Maybe she fell hard for a random Chad civilian she just met in the city, or worse- a villain, or a criminal, to which Girl failure has absolutely no clue of their true identity.
That's all! Also, I know you probably get this a lot, but we appreciate all of the efforts you put in your writings! Remember, don't push yourself too hard, and make sure to take all of the rest you need!
-🎲 (can I be the die anon? Just in case I want to send more asks in the future)
Wahhh thank you for the kind words!! I'm super happy you like reader as well, she's so... she's got so much heart yknow. Underdog supreme.
Also the question... Some of this stuff would be spoilers I think, but I can definitely tell you what would happen if girl failure ended up falling for someone else. First of all, there's going to be serious upset from all the guys. They'd react in different ways but majorly they don't want to take out their feelings on you so... so poor chad civilian/villain i guess.
If it's a civilian, it's going to be a slow take down of everything he has/loves and making sure it's all HIS fault (they set him up in situations but he has to be the one who does it) and that you get to watch him crumble. They're not doing anything wrong! They're just showing you how terrible and not worth your time this guy was... Yeah, it sucks, but at least you have them! And they have movies and popcorn so just come and cuddle and it'll be fine :)!!
If it's a villain, things are a lot more simple. Bro's either going straight in the slammer or dying via some horrible accident. Now that you mention it civilian chad probably dies that way a few months later too. They comfort you as always :D
(Also yes! you've got 🎲 anon, I'll add it to the list :))
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★kotlc book 8 and 9 spoilers★
Sophie and Oralie's relationship is so interesting to me because I feel like Sophie is trying so hard to convince herself that she's nothing like Oralie but in book nine we start to see how similar they actually are and I want to see how Sophie handles that and if she'll come to terms with it. I also want to add that I completely understand her reaction to finding out, she's a fifteen year old girl who's been lied to by someone she trusted, she's not going to handle it like an adult because she's a child who's been hurt over and over again.
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dualcontrol · 4 months
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im yuriful and everyone loveme
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thegabbycorner · 5 days
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soapyghostie · 1 year
hello!! i adore your writing style and i finally mustered up enough courage to submit my own ask, but feel free to discard it if its too specific! i was wondering whether you could write something for pyramid head and mikey myers with a reader who has paranoia/anxiety? something where they explain to their murderous partner that being sneaked up on makes it worse? gender of reader is irrelevant 2 me! tysm in advance :D
Awwwww! Thank you Anon! I’m so glad you enjoy my writing! 🤗 I enjoyed writing this one. I can totally relate with anxiety so this gave me a sense of comfort. I hope you like it!
Pyramid Head
Pyramid Head could sense something was off about you the first time you guys met. He could see the way you cowered into yourself, looking in all directions for danger as you took your first steps into Silent Hill. 
Obviously, he doesn’t know what anxiety is. He is definitely no human or has any experiences with humans and their world. 
You’re going to have to tell him what anxiety is. Pyramid head is pretty understanding and a great listener. Oh? That’s what anxiety is. Have no fear! Pyramid Head is here! Yeah… He’ll get the other monsters to baby proof Silent Hill. At least he is trying. 🤷‍♀️
One time, Pyramid Head was out patrolling for enemies and he saw you. You had your back turned to him, working on one of your hobbies. He wanted to say hi to you before he went to finish up the rest of his patrol. He walked up behind you, silently. He thought you’d maybe have heard him coming, but he was wrong. He tapped you on your shoulder and you freaked out, having the worst panic attack of your life. He felt really bad afterwards. ☹️ 
You had to explain to him that being sneaked up on makes your anxiety worse. From then on, he made sure to make some sort of noise to let you know he was somewhere nearby.
Michael Myers
Michael knew you had anxiety long before you guys even met. Ya know? The usual stalk before the kill. However, he never expected that you and him would become a thing instead of being his latest victim. 
Even though Michael knows what anxiety is, because a lot of other patients had anxiety, he doesn’t know how to deal with it. He’s been in an asylum his whole life, but he’ll learn for you though. 🙂   
By learning, Michael will stalk you 24/7, 7 days a week. He finds out what triggers your anxiety and what keeps you calm. Do large groups make you anxious? He’ll snatch you right out of that crowd, take you home and cuddle you. Do plushies help you with anxiety? He’ll go steal all the plushies out of the toy aisle in Walmart. Don’t ask him how he didn’t get caught. He’s just built different. 
Well what Michael did miss is that you get awful anxiety attacks when you get sneaked up on. Idk how he didn’t observe that because he is super observant, but he did. Anyways, he makes the mistake of sneaking up on you while making dinner and dinner goes up in flames. Good job Michael. 
You had to sit him down and tell him that your anxiety gets badly triggered when people sneak up on you. That made Michael sad because he loves sneaking up on people. Sorry Michael. However, to apologize for scaring you, he does give you one of his big bear hugs. 🙂
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