#So my main fandom is Frozen the musical
pureanonofficial · 2 years
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I know this solitude
I know this kind of cold
but I had faith in what the stories told
of true love
how I’d find true love
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shedidntevenswear · 4 months
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So this is only two articles out of millions but I have thoughts on this and I'm really interested to hear others' thoughts as well.
First of all: extremely valid critique to point out the problems with Taylor's capitalism and the weakness and gaps in her activism. These are conversations that we within the fandom, the biggest die-hards, have on a regular basis. Of course there are a lot of fans that can't hold space for their love of Taylor and their criticisms of her brand at the same time, and I think those are the loudest Swiftie voices to the public when they go into defense mode at the drop of a pin so I get it. I understand the general sentiment that Swifties are uncritical of these important things.
My main take in this regard is: are we expecting too much of celebrities? The one-stop-shop, superstore view of celebrities we have slipped into doesn't seem to be serving us. We're viewing public figures as a Walmart of a person, where we can get our music and our content and our fashion and our moral and ethical leadership. Whereas I think we should look at them more like specialty shops, like the hardware store or the craft store. You don't go to Joann's and end up shocked you can't find a frozen pizza there. I'm not going to Taylor Swift for political leadership. I'm not going to Bernie Sanders for pop songs. Not that public figures shouldn't be pressed to speak out on important issues or donate their hoards of money or whatever - we should absolutely still hold them to a high standard, especially the ones that insist on making activism part of their brand. Have we rewritten the social contract with them that they have to give us the superstore experience or else we won't engage in their purported specialty (ex. "if Taylor Swift doesn't do more public activism I no longer find her art entertaining")? I think we'll find that thought process, especially as it seeps into our interpersonal relationships as well, will just leave us lonely and devoid of joy.
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sgiandubh · 25 days
OMG! I can practically see her pulling at her pearls in indignation and fury! I wonder how many wet dreams he rejected her to result in this anger 🙃🙄😜 https://www.tumblr.com/maximumwobblerbanditdonut/747779411400671232/public-intoxication-sh-was-invited-to-the-landcon?source=share
Dear Pearl Clutching Anon,
This woman is the worst mythomaniac and the most pathetic know-it-all of the entire fandom. Mark me: probably a sock account of one of the Mordor sopranos, who'd like to play it cool otherwise. She is an impostor, pretending to be a Scot. But her grammar and spelling recurrent mistakes point to anything else but an English native speaker.
Prized and praised as she is by the dim-witted, she is living proof of the fact that you cannot reasonably and endlessly pretend to be an expert in hair implants, cocktails/bartending, audiovisual production, copyright, alcohol sales and pretty much everything in between. To me, she is at her most pathetic when she pretends to analyze the legal intricacies of the French regulations applicable to public alcohol tasting events.
What happened, in fact, at the Landcon 6 whisky tasting?
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Ok. So, this was announced by the French organizers on March 5th and presented as a limited audience event, priced at 350 euros.
This idiot's comment is absolutely priceless:
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She would be surprised to find out that, unlike the US, there has never been any Prohibition decreed in France (Hell would have frozen). Even more interestingly, the only venues where French law specifically prohibits alcohol tastings and sales are enumerated very clearly in regulations far above her intellectual abilities:
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The main idea is that you cannot sell/organize alcohol tastings in public health venues (hospitals, clinics, etc), rehabilitation clinics (d'oh!) - both for alcohol and drug addictions -, schools, youth summer camps, sports arenas, swimming pools or any other public or private sports venues.
(Source: French Public Health Code, https://www.dalloz.fr/documentation/Document?id=CODE_CSPU_ARTI_D3335-1&scrll=CSPU022225&FromId=CODES_SECS_CSPU_TALPHA)
To these limitations, the French national professional organizations add, as best practice, the following: churches, cemeteries, prisons, military barracks, railway/public transport facilities (including depots).
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(Source: Vin & Société's Guide juridique de la dégustation/Tasting Legal Guide - https://www.syndicat-cotesdurhone.com/upload/article/file/202103guidejuridiquedeladegustation-60658bb9468b4.pdf)
To my knowledge, Landcon's venue was neither a cemetery, nor a church (the latter could be, however discussed: wee & lame joke, btw). And for that poor woman's information, you would not need an exemption, but a permit, or licence. In current French law, there are four such sale permits, ranked from I (soft drinks, such as Orangina) to IV (all drinks, including spirits). The fabled Licence IV (also the name of a beloved 90s French kitschy music group, LOL) is now impossible to obtain and if you want to have one, you have to buy the venue (cafe, nightclub, bar, bistro, restaurant or buvette) that had it issued first, many moons ago.
That problem solved, we would have to further analyze the type of event hosted by the Landcon. Was it a tasting or a sale, according to French regulations?
If it was a tasting, no licence is needed. If it was a sale, you might need a temporary licence, granted by the Mayor, provided you have notified them at least 3 months before the event. These are also famously hard to get and very sparingly granted, too.
Because tastings are an exception, they are strictly defined by French regulations as 'free alcohol consumption' and their regulations are excruciatingly detailed. Procedures and limitations vary according to the type of event: sports, tourism promotion, markets and fairs, public gatherings or cultural events (which is the one that seemed the closest to our situation). But a cultural event-cum-tasting would have to be completely free of charge (no paying access tickets), in order to be exempt from any legal obligation. This was not the case, as we know there was a rather steep, 350 euros fee, to be able to attend it:
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(Source: Vin & Société's Guide juridique de la dégustation/Tasting Legal Guide - https://www.syndicat-cotesdurhone.com/upload/article/file/202103guidejuridiquedeladegustation-60658bb9468b4.pdf)
That new activity was certainly not a tasting, as defined by French law. An amateur could then conclude, that S's event was, in fact, a disguised sale and that he is either a sinister fool or a filthy conman.
The trouble is, French legislation tolerates one single, overruling exception to everything I wrote above: sale by the producer of said alcohol. It is to be found (or rather interpreted - and it has been so by myself AND the French professional organizations), in the Code Général des Impôts/ French Tax Code:
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To avoid a tedious legal translation, the idea is that if you do not sell your own produced booze, you are automatically considered as a stockist/trader and as such, subject to alcohol sales' regulations. If the Landcon organizers would have sold/promoted Laphroaig, for example, they would have needed the permit. But hosting a paying tasting event organized by SRH, promoting SRH's whisky and which profits entirely belonged to SRH is a sale by the producer, as defined by French law, not needing a permit:
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(Source: Vin & Société's Guide juridique de la vente/Sales Legal Guide - https://fgvb.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Vin-et-Societe-Guide-juridique-de-la-vente-19042021.pdf)
So: even if the tasting event was, in fact, a sale, French law allows a producer to sell his own alcohol, for promotion purposes as a side event, with no further need to obtain a permit. And this is exactly what their legal team rightfully advised them to do and completely what I would advised them to do, too.
That woman is so often and in so many ways completely wrong, that she is absolutely ridiculous. She (and also her other Big Friend) should perhaps stop pretending to be whatever they are not. Infantilizing, bullying and snarling at people does not help with their credibility.
Such women are genuine Frauds and absolutely despicable. People spend years fucking their eyesight in law school and we do not joke about interpreting and reading legalese. Ever. But to see idiots pretending to know just because they fucking used Google for ten minutes is just infuriating: it took me two hours to find the exception and another two to write this comment.
I hope this long, tedious answer was helpful, Anon.
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galaxygolfergirl · 7 months
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Some of my favorite Helsa fan arts I’ve done throughout the years (dates are in the alt text).
I’ve been thinking about this ship recently, especially its place in the fandom, and I have some thoughts (read below)
Ever since I was roped into this franchise 10 years ago, I think I’ve almost always drawn Hans with a beard. Primarily, it was because I felt that if he ever did show up again in Frozen media, he would be more weathered and unpretentious about his appearance since dropping his facade in the first film. Also because I just thought he would look better with more facial hair (it’s a me thing).
As for Elsa, I’ve never been consistent in drawing her, as it was hard for me to read her animated model, what with her huge eyes and baby nose, as normal, so that’s evolved over the years to a happy medium where it still reads as Elsa, but also reads as human with normal face proportions.
As to why I’ve shipped helsa all these years? Hans and Elsa are two sides of the same coin to me, the main difference being that one of them succumbed to their worst intentions and desires, while the other freed themselves and learned to embrace love and peace in their life. Both were isolated during their childhoods, resulting in years of loneliness, misery, and bitterness; both try to appear poised and reserved, hiding their inner self-loathing; both are intelligent and cunning, both have a definite aggressive streak, and both have interesting chemistry in their very few scenes together. Hans seems to be the only one on equal footing with Elsa who can get through to her throughout the film, mainly for his own ambition, of course, but it intrigued me to see even all these years later how compelling their interactions are.
Why would he sympathetically plead, “don’t be the monster they fear you are,” and stop her from killing those two guards? If he was planning on killing her, why would he go to her and ask if she could stop the winter? Why does he look shocked, almost sad when she tells him that she can’t, like he’s regretting having to kill her? It’s moments like these that paint these characters with more nuance than meets the eye.
I’ve always thought after the first movie, there was definitely potential for a more nuanced and interesting story if Hans were to return. Not simply for revenge, but rather an “enemy of my enemy is my friend” situation, where Frohana would have to work with Hans somehow to fend off an invading force or adversary, like the Southern Isles, to stick it to his family. He and Elsa would be adversarial, for sure, but through forced cooperation, they could open up and become more vulnerable with one another. The amount of angst and turmoil over their feelings for one another would be doubly engrossing. The drama would be incredible.
Now listen: I don’t really expect any of that to happen. I got off the Helsa or die party bus years ago and I’m just mainly enjoying it as it’s own non-canon concept. Believe me, I would love it if it did happen, god willing and the creek don’t rise. But really, when you get down to it, these are movies marketed at little girls, and I don’t think it would really go that far. It’s not easy to come back from holding a sword over a girl’s head, as quoted by Santino Fontana himself.
I grew up with this fandom, I started all the way back in middle school 10 years ago, and this has been a definite learning experience for me in separating the extrapolated world of fan-fiction and the reality of a pg animated musical. I’ve grown up and my expectations are different, and now I understand that canon doesn’t mean shit. I beg, do not take any of this seriously. Just because it has the Disney trademark slapped on it does not mean it’s the end all be all of a story. Stories are fluid things that adapt and evolve in each of the hands they pass through. No one interpretation of a story or a character or a relationship has to be “the right one,” and not every character has to sit on a black and white scale of moral dichotomy, there are always shades of gray.
I’m not saying all of this to be deep about a ship between a Disney princess and a Disney villain that I got into when I was 13, believe I know it’s not that deep. I’m saying this because I’ve lived through fandom and set myself up with false expectations, only to be disappointed. Hell, I took a break from helsa for a solid 3 years because of how burnt out I was. It’s far too easy to dissociate from the text and treat fanon as canon; you’re just setting yourself up to be disappointed. Just let it be its own thing! Like I said, canon does not mean shit! Don’t take things so seriously! Feel free to tell your own stories!
Anyways, I still love this ship, or at least the version I came up with in my head, because I am a storyteller, and I saw potential in these two that could be realized through other means. It doesn’t matter to me if it’s canon or not. Just enjoy it as it is.
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Ok, I just saw someone do this and I just did it to my friend...
So here are the Les Amis and Co. As described by me :)
Enjolras: oh boy, gay. Very gay. Also blonde. He has a big forehead. (This is the guy Joe Quinn played). He likes red a lot. Sings a whole damn song about it. He dies
Combeferre: what a funky man. He likes moths. Also, like the ENTIRE fandom has decided he's a medical student. Pretty sure it's not canon tho. He's played by that guy I was on about the other day who I thought was like 40. He also dies
Courfeyrac: gay. Short king. Defo likes theater. Literally everyone's friend. Either dating Jehan or Combeferre depending on the fanfic you read. I've met the guy that played him in the film. Also dead
Grantaire: Cynic. Has a crush on Enjolras. The fandom has decided he's a cat person and he does art. Bi. He's an asshole. But a loveable one. Honestly I can talk about the different characterisation of him for DAYS. My boy Vicky Hugo did him so dirty tho. Also dead
Feuilly: Orphan. Bless him. Sweetest boy. Honestly so slept on. Wants to adopt the whole world. Enjolras has had a crush on him. He also makes fans (how funky is that!). He's ginger. Most people Headcanon him as Polish (same tbf). An icon. I can talk about him for days. Oh he's also tall. And dead
Jean "Jehan" Prouvaire: Monarch of "what the fuck is gender?" No fashion sense whatsoever. Also another favourite of mine. Gay. Or queer. Something along those likes. They also speak like 10 languages (canon) I find that so freaking cool. He also plays the flute. And he does poems. Alistair Brammer plays him beautifully. They are the youngest of the barricade boys. They were kidnapped on the barricade and died alone. (I can talk about them for months)
Bahorel: Sometimes queer. Sometimes straight as fuck. I can't decide. Sports a stunning moustache. Boxer. Very muscley. I don't think about this guy enough. I should. He's a funky guy. Very loud. Also dead
Bossuet: B A L D. Big part of his character. Oh he's also bi. And polyamorous. Dating Joly and Musichetta. Very clumsy. Vicky Hugo makes this VERY obvious in the book. It's like he has 2 personality traits. Bald and Clumsy. He's also rad. Best buds with Grantaire. Dead
Joly: Med student. Also a hypochondriac. And germaphobe. This man.. please help him. He's very extravagant. Has a cane. And a top hat. Dating Bossuet and Musichetta (as said earlier). Also short king. Also Chinese. What an icon. And he's dead.
Marius: poor soul. Help him. Constant state of confusion. But somehow he pulls 2 bitches? Idk how either. Bless him, he's trying his best. Courfeyrac is his comfort extrovert. He is also afraid of Enjolras and Combeferre. Don't blame him tbf. Noodle boy. He's so tall.. like 6"5 or something. He actually survived.
Eponine: Has a crush on Marius in canon. But my Headcanon.. she's bi. She's also a bitch. But in the best way. I love her. Feminist. Marius is probably also scared of her. Shitty childhood. But y'know, she vibes. She also reminds me of you. And I've seen the person that plays her perform live. HOLY SHIT I cried. (For the record, the show was Frozen). Also dead
Cosette: Marius' main girl. In canon. Headcanon she's defo queer. Cottagecore goth. Adopted. Listens to Taylor Swift (so does Eponine, I forgot to mention that) she's probably Eponines girlfriend, let's be fair. She needs a hug. Trauma central. Bless her. I love her so much. I'm still deciding weather I like her with Blonde hair or Brown hair. Her and Jehan are besties. She also survived.
Musichetta: Icon. Ginger. Suuuper curly hair.. like wild. Pansexual. Also poly. As said earlier, dating Joly and Bossuet. Don't know much about her.. but she defo loves musicals. Watches bootlegs with R (grantaire) when bored. Indie/grunge style. Girl boss. I believe she survived.. idk tho
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pitruli · 1 year
ended up trying tu summarise my frozen watcher au through stories on insta after i got asked in comments so i’m retyping everything here too. wanted to make a proper mega post one day but this’ll have to do
so Warmth of the Winter Sun (wows) or just Frozen Watcher, is a hermitcraft 8 au based on the boatem crew and hugely  inspired by both of the Frozen movies. Basically, I just wanted to play with the concept of watchers that is over used in the fandom, and made it a frozen au because of a skin made for halloween mcc last year (grian as elsa done by mahgck)
Grian is the “lucky” kid who got gifted a part of the watchers’ power and gained matter manipulation magic; he can manipulate any object and part of landscape and change its form at will. It goes as far as turning matter into another one and can have effect on the weather (mostly by summoning storm clouds) When the manipulation goes too far, the matter turns into something similar to minecraft sculk, some kind of nebula cloud, way easier to manipulate, but can also spread on its own and corrupt stuff.
Pearl is his little sister, and unfortunately, the accident is still a thing there haha. Living matter (other than plants) immediately corrupts under Grian’s magic, and Pearl got something she though was a burn scar on the side of her face.
I’m adding a twist tho, as the siblings acually got cursed through the accident; if they’re too close, Pearl’s injury would spread and threaten to suffocate her. If they’re too far, it’s Grian’s heart that can’t handle it. (Yeay i like angsty stuff like that). So they spent the rest of their childhood trying to keep a middle ground, apart from one another (Pearl not knowing why as you could guess).
For the following I need to settle more background lore I made for this. The siblings are the heirs of the Mountain kingdom, a part of a huge island they inhabit with several other kingdoms. These different factions were all at war for years, until “something” caused a massive explosion during an atempt between monarchs to set peace. They all died. Leaving the island in a cold war the time their orphaned heirs reach adulthood.
(The “something” and the war will be relevant for what would be “frozen2″ haha. The universe is also set in something like northern UK in the 50′s)
SO back to main plot, Grian doesn’t lose control as he becomes king. He had the role for a couple years actually. But he had organised a ball to set real peace across the island once and for all, despite his fear of his power being reveal. He failed, as you can guess, but he tried his best ! And you can imagine how the other monarchs reacted, thinking they had been tricked into a trap when Grian’s black magic reveal itself. So yeay, some background part of the au is the monarchs trying to dismantle the Mountain kingdom as Grian exiled itself somewhat.
The following goes mostly like in Frozen; Pearl sneaks off to find back her brother; finds out a plush she made as kid and gave to Grian, Mumbo, is now alive (and having massive existential crisis); and travels with a friend she met years prior while sneaking off the castle, Impulse, and Scar, a cat shapeshifter.
Grian morphed an entire mountain into his s7 mansion (no need to make the back /hj), and once the curse got him back with violent hearthache, he’s ready to give up just so the curse can finally break (the song monster from the musical be like)
A huge thing I changed is the whole thing about true love, as I didn’t want to have shipping in this au. Mostly, it’s just pearl, once she learns the curse “needs true love to fade away”, thinking she’s doomed for good as she doesn’t have anyone, and thinks her death would somehow be another way to break the curse. (Yeay both sibling are being suicidal at one point, ready to die so the other gets free of the curse)
I’m still indecive about how to make the end of this, as i want the aftermaths of the plot to be more obvious than canon Frozen. Don’t worry no one dies tho !! I still need them for part 2 okjihibuv
Part 2 of the au is for now very vague; all I know for sure is that it has a rather sad ending (I’m going full on “fix it” on that one, loved Frozen2 but the plot from deleted scene could have been epic haha). I will have stuff with the island war and shapeshifter lore, and I already made edits to the wonky spirits for the au. But other than that, that’s basically all!
Well, I went rambling quite a lot for just some summary... Hope i’ll have more drawing f this to post this year tho !
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chaosoftheages · 3 months
All About Me Post!
I'm giving y'all a full about me post because I have nothing better to do besides do random shit so here y'all go :3
Name: Autumn
Birthday: May 27th
Age: High School-aged, not saying exact age or grade
Gender: Non Binary!
Pronouns: They/Them, occasionally she/her
Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual
Relationship Status: Single and would love to stay that way.
Nationality: German-American(My family immigrated from Germany; I also have some Italian, Dutch, Irish, Scottish, and Cherokee mixed in too I think)
Social Media:
My Tumblr! (Your here, so no link for you :3)
My AO3
My Wattpad
My Discord: autumn_viola_jayy #3070
My Instagram: its_autumn_jay
My Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/ashmoejean
Important Posts Abt My Fics!
Standalone Headcanons (Now updated with sexuality's and phobias!)
Father & Son Headcanons
Father & Son Infection AU Status
Father & Son Infection AU: Stages Of Infection
Random Facts About Me!
I'm a Ravenclaw. They are said to be curious, creative, and eccentric. They are logical, rational, quick thinkers, and they value learning, wisdom, wit, and and intellect. They are also very academically motivated. Believe me. I have a necklace, a purse, a bunch of bracelets, a journal, and a fucking HOODIE for Ravenclaw merch
I was RAISED by Disney. I grew up on it. It's my life. My favs are Frozen, Moana, and The Incredibles.
I'm writing a novel! An actual novel. It's called Shadows Of The Unknown, and it's part of a true crime series I mapped out.
I'm learning French, German, Spanish, and Turkish through Duolingo(The goddamn owl is MOCKING ME I SWEAR TO GOD-)
I've been writing since elementary school. It's been a rough journey, that took me from the traumatizing Wattpad, to the complication FanFiction.Net, to where I am now on AO3.
I can play the piano, violin, and the steel drums.
I did cross country and wrestling in middle school. I could probably easily overpower you and outrun you depending.
I'm neurodivergent (ADHD)
I have PTSD(I'm a sexual assault/attempted R*pe survivor)
Favorites Colors: Blue, Black, White, Purple, Pink
Fandoms I Will Write For: Hamilton, Alan Becker, Doctor Who, Stranger Things, Rick & Morty, Pokemon, The Owl House
Favorite TV Shows: Rick & Morty, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Stranger Things, Pokemon, Doctor Who, The Owl House, Bluey
Favorite Movies: Moana, Frozen, Hamilton, RENT, Encanto, Elemental, Muppets Most Wanted, Harry Potter, Winnie The Pooh, Captain Underpants
Favorite Books: Adam Silvera's Death Cast books, Twisted Series by Ana Huang, Soul Snatchers by Jackie Egan, The Girl Who Survived by Lisa Jackson, Dog Man series by Dav Pilkey, Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey
Favorite Artists: Telehope, Arctic Monkeys, 6arelyhuman, Mitski
Favorite Songs:
Summer Bummer by Telehope
Like You Give Enough by Telehope
I Don't Smoke by Mitski
boys beware by Mad Tsai
Sex, Drugs, Ect. by Beach Weather
Faster n Harder by 6arelyhuman
505 by Arctic Monkeys
Infinite by Tyler Smith
Cigsrette Daydreams by Cage The Elephant
Stalker's Tango by Autoheart
Spicy Food
Fall/Autumn(hey it's my name :D)
Atychiphobia- Fear Of Failure
Autophobia: Fear of being alone
Arachnophobia -Spiders
Claustrophia -Tight spaces
Genophobia- S*xual Intercourse
Spheksophobia- Wasps/Hornets
Apiphobia/Melissophobia- Bees
AO3 Fic Masterpost
Basically just the main series I write for.
Father & Son
Father & Son Infection AU (Link coming soon!)
Alan Becker AU's
Adventures In Stick City
I take fanfic requests and will accept fanart of Father & Son or my standalones I also take fanart requests if anyone wants me to draw them something. I cannot draw this bundle of silly sticks for shit(I can't draw for shit lol), but I'll do my best.
Autumn out!
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fan-mans · 6 months
Tagged by @ohshy YEEEEE
1: Three Ships
Gonna only do one per fandom so I don't over saturate this with just punch out lmao
Burnt bread (Glass joe x Aran Ryan) is my current main squeeze in the fandom but I do have a lot more.
Knellis my beloved (Nick x Ellis x Keith from l4d2) I'm not too fixated on the game anymore but these three are so dumb and funny. Love when hick boyfriends drag their grumpy cat of a man into situations.
Navarro/Kyburz from bioshock- I think when they see each other there's a 20/60 chance of them either making out or getting into a fistfight and then making out. Funny lil guys.
2: First Ever Ship
I do remember some from when I was probably 10, but they're all super esoteric crossover crackships so... to spare myself the embarrassment, I'll just go with an early one that makes sense and another early but important one.
The first is probably Vincent Vaude x Frozen Charlotte from Living dead dolls (Once a huge special interest of mine that's faded quite a bit and something i wanna get back into)- I just think they're cute together :P
The second is Gamtav- probably my first gay ship and something I can tie back to almost all my favorite ships since then, lol. I can never escape the homestuck.
3: Last Song
Haven't listened to too much music in the past few weeks, but the last song in my history is Otava Yo - russian couplets while fighting
I listen to just about eveything that has good energy and otava yo definitely scratches my more hyper moods.
4: Last Film
Either Perfect Blue or Black swan (2010), both were excellent watches for Halloween and I highly reccomend both!!!
5: Currently Reading
If you count emails, I'm following along with Dracula Daily! I haven picked up a physical book (Except my old copy of frankenstien and an american girly mystery) in quite a while. I really need to get back into reading lol.
6: Currently Watching
Nothing. I've been busy with school so I've just had youtube horror vids playing in the background while I work. Though I do hope to go through my annual re-watch of Over the Garden Wall and Steven Universe soon!
7: Currently Consuming
Ham, turkey, and cheese sandwiches. I can't really cook atm so this is the best I got lol.
8: Currently Craving
I wanna make meatloaf and sides SOOOO bad but my brother won't do the damn dishes so I can't cook whatsoever and I haven't had much energy to clean them myself :(
Now to spread the curse- I SOMMON THEE @atlas-slut-of-the-people @wierdlesbian @scrubazoid @teasweet13 @doomstonee @haterb0y-m0e @matt-the-second-coming @twentydaysofmay (bro I swear you followed me but apparently you dont??) @bellasbarginart and new friend to the punch out fandom @irys-punch!!!
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ufonaut · 1 year
Might be a weird ask, but after that convo about the JSAer's ages, what about their partners and kids (especially the kids)? Because of the sliding time scale, characters like Jennifer-Lynn, Todd, Rick, Jesse and Jack Knight are presumed to have been born sometime in the late 80s or 90s (as of 2023)? So that leaves a situation in which most JSAers kind of avoided having kids until they were in their 60-70s? That or maybe DC will one day say that these kids also are time-displaced.
see my best friend katie (@slaapkat) and i have spent ages trying to figure this one out, and i know the folks over on the cbr forums (which is basically the last bastion of old time fandom, not that that's necessarily a good thing) have been recently discussing this exact thing post-lost children finale... and, well, there's no easy answer!
there's cases like rex tyler, where even by wendi's first appearance in showcase 1956 #56 it's pretty obvious she's significantly younger than rex (she's introduced as a 'girl' and rex already has grey temples by that cover date of '65) and that's made even more clear in hourman 1999 #24 when their age difference actually leads to some arguments about rex not getting the hip music wendi listens to but. that's just one case of many and it's one that'd have to be updated with the timeline, too.
i think the solution is either time displacement or what i'm personally leaning towards is having the jsa's time in ragnarok come sooner and last longer, have them come back at a decent age (having effectively been frozen during their time there) and then settle down and have families. with that particular avenue, i think we'd reach around the same ages roy thomas had in mind during infinity inc. i've gotta say this is one of the main reasons i love judy garrick's introduction so much, having her born in 1949 is absolutely a stroke of genius and jay & joan having the first of the jsa kids is perfect considering they're the only ones of the 'default' couples to have ever discussed marriage & kids in their actual golden age comics (as per flash comics 1940 #35 and #45)!
that being said, even keeping canon as it is, i don't think it's actually as big of a concern as it seems at first glance! out of the original team mcnider, kent, al, wes, corrigan, johnny t and terry never had kids -- with the caveat that grant emerson isn't really al's son and the closest thing wes has to a kid, sandy, is kept ageless in sand monster form for as long as necessary. similarly, johnny t's peachy pet can keep her original timeline as she doesn't inherit any legacy, and the hawks can have hector at any point because it's his return from the dead as fate that needs to be in line with the current timeline instead of his actual birth. as stated above, rick also requires no real update because rex could've simply met wendi much later and dating a twenty-something year old actress as a status symbol doesn't make him more of a creep than he already was if it happened in the 60s or in the 90s.
and here's where it gets problematic. david & jack knight... well, let's say ted's in the same boat as rex, he's not a family man type to begin with. jennie & todd? i can see alan holding onto his confirmed bachelor status for as long as he's able until societal pressure wears him down, and mr gbc ceo getting with young secretary alyx rose thorn makes him a believable straight cliche that would raise no suspicions (and it would also account for the blind anger of the 90s sentinel era, he hates what he's had to do... plus, you know, other real world events of the 90s that might influence for the worse the way alan feels about being gay)*. the one that's really giving me trouble is jesse quick but i suppose we can either move up johnny and libby's wedding and allow johnny the normal course of his original canon (he was still a bachelor living with tubby watts by adventure comics #174 in '52) or jesse's older than she looks and the speed force lets her age real slow.
as for their partners, in the case of those who aren't simply with significantly younger women, it's canon that they were all bathed in that weird ian karkull shadowland radiation that makes the jsaers themselves eternally sorta young as per all-star squadron annual #3.
WHEW THIS GOT LONG, I'M SORRY!! what do you think?
*as a side-note to the alan situation -- considering his marriage with alyx rose thorn lasted precisely a day and a night, molly's timeline doesn't need to be moved up for longer than a couple years when alan eventually gives in to that too and we can have their divorce somewhere around 2011 as a fun reference to the life-changing events of new 52.
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mondaybear21 · 1 year
10* games to know me! (*it was hard to fit ten games onto here so here's kind of a good analysis of it)
1. Wandersong
Ahh, this was the first game I think where I was involved with a fandom and for good reason because Wandersong is so dang good after hearing some stuff about it on the internet years ago! Chicory: A Colorful Tale also is related since the man who made WS also made this too.
2. Dicey Dungeons
Dicey Dungeons is becoming one of my new favorite games because of the easy to learn game style, cool art style, and great soundtrack as well! Also, because of working with mods with art for enemy and player sprites, this game kind of is responsible for getting me back into making art.
3. Guitar Hero/Rock Band
These two game series was kind of my first experience with rhythm gaming and also it actually got me into drumming in real life! I still play these games nowadays to some degree thanks to Clone Hero (fan game which plays like these two series).
4. Racing games in general
I grew up playing a lot of arcade racing games and still play some to this day, so basically this could be considered one of my favorite genres. Games I love from this genre are Hydro Thunder, the Rush series, the Ridge Racer games, Mario Kart DS and 8 Deluxe, Midnight Club II and 3 REMIX, the early Gran Turismo games, the Burnout series and the list could go on, but it could go on forever.
5. Skateboarding games in general
Skateboarding games are super fun! I play the early Tony Hawk’s games because of the addicting gameplay and the Skate series because tricks are super good when you get used to the control setup and the Skate games are the types of game where you can relax, get on, and ride around in the city and do tricks whenever you feel like doing so.
6. Dance Dance Revolution
Another rhythm game series that I do enjoy a lot since this was another first experience of rhythm gaming for me! There was a period in my life that played the heck out of this and got very good, but nowadays I would probably never reach the same skill level as back in the day, heh heh 😅 The beatmania and pop'n music series also are related since they also fall under the same umbrella of rhythm games that Konami makes (under the BEMANI brand) and has somewhat shaped my music tastes nowadays (plus I kind of do like pop’n music’s art style).
7. Pikuniku
Ahh, this game is so good! I love this game’s quirky style and the soundtrack matches the games tone as well, it’s one of my favorites! The only thing that is my least favorite part was that it’s so short to beat the game though, man this game honestly needs a sequel
8. Rhythm Heaven (series in general)
Ooooh, the Rhythm Heaven games are so great with the gameplay, the soundtrack, and the art style too! I personally prefer the DS installment and Fever.
9. Neopets
Oh yeah; I’ve been playing Neopets since 2008 and am still am to this day to some degree! My first account sadly got frozen but I am still going strong on my second account :)
10. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004
I put this one on here because TW2004 also feels like somewhat of a “relax and just play” game as well, although it’s better if you beat the main campaign beating all the golfers first (which is tough but doable!). I would also put TW2003 and TW2005 too because I grew up with those ones but I heard 2004 is the better version with more courses and such and it shows.
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madangel19 · 1 year
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I posted 34,086 times in 2022
90 posts created (0%)
33,996 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,323 of my posts in 2022
#stranger things spoilers - 26 posts
#helluva boss spoilers - 23 posts
#the band ghost - 20 posts
#ghost bc - 19 posts
#oh damn 😳 - 17 posts
#what in tarnation - 17 posts
#sonic the hedgehog 2 spoilers - 16 posts
#fanfiction - 15 posts
#ghost band - 13 posts
#body horror tw - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 103 characters
#i love con clavi con dio but i'm certain i'll summon a demon if i sing it in the middle of the night xd
My Top Posts in 2022:
Already got an idea for another Ghost fic!
A child gets in a car wreck with her parents that happens to be close to the ministry. Both parents are dead and child goes to the nearby church for help and a sister of sin takes her in and brings her to Papa 4. Papa hears her story and then asks if she has any other family and she says no, so he offers to let her live at the ministry. Child accepts and she then gets to live in the church and explores and learns all about it. Lots of bittersweet stuff ensues.
Been seeing lots of sweet pics and vids of the Papas interacting with young fans and wanted to do something cute
11 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
 A sneak peak of my Ghost/Scooby Doo fic for ya’ll :3
There were eight, no, nine figures in the red-lit room that resembled the main stage. Eight of these figures were clad in all black and each one wore a terrifying black horned mask. The more he looked the more demonic they became. They surrounded a ninth figure who was dressed like he ran a church, but something felt very bad. He was swinging some strange smoking device around as the others played different instruments. 
“Siamo con clavi, siamo con Dio
Siamo con il nostro Dio scuro,” the main figure sang in a ghostly tone.
They were summoning demons! This was bad. Really really bad. Ghosts he was used to, but this was much more sinister and dangerous. He had to find Shaggy. No, he had to find everyone and warn them. 
Scooby turned and came face to face with one of those masked monsters. It hissed in his face and pushed him forward, making him yelp and fall through the door. 
The music stopped instantly. Scooby looked back and saw that the creature that pushed him had vanished. He heard low voices whispering amongst themselves and he whipped his head around to find that he was surrounded by those eight confused and slightly agitated masked creatures. Scooby was at a loss for words as he looked at each one. All he could see and sense were bad intentions and bared teeth as some growled at him.
“Ruh-roh,” he managed to whimper, trembling like a leaf. The eight figures stepped back, letting their obvious leader come forward. Everything about this one felt evil to Scooby as a single pale eye looked down at him. The man’s painted face appeared frozen in a scowl before he smiled and chuckled darkly.
“Ahh, we have a visitor. You look nervous, piccolo amico,” he crowed in an Italian accent as he bent down to face him properly.
Scooby found the energy he so desperately needed and he let out a howling scream, kicking the man towards the creatures and jumping to his feet to run. He didn’t dare look back as those other creatures let out alarmed cries.
“Ah! Cazzo! Get him!” The man exclaimed.
Let me know what ya’ll think so far. I’m having a lot of fun with this :D
Also @space-is-a-paradox enjoy ^-^
11 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
Getting 3 of my wisdom teeth removed in an hour. Wish me luck y’all ✌🏼
11 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
God, I’m such a simp for TFP Starscream :’D
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12 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Ghost (Sweden Band), Scooby Doo - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Papa Emeritus IV, Nameless Ghoul(s), Scooby Doo, Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, Velma Dinkley, Daphne Blake, Fred Jones, Original Female Character(s), Hex Girls (Scooby Doo), Muffy St. James | Dusk, Kimberly "Kim" Moss | Luna, Sally McKnight | Thorn Additional Tags: Mystery, Minor Violence, Recreational Drug Use, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change Summary:
Scooby and the gang have another mystery on their hands after being invited as VIP guests for the Hex Girls who are the opening act for the mysterious and ghoulish band, Ghost, in a mysterious theater. One of Papa's ghouls has been framed for attacking an employee of the theater, but Papa insists that his ghouls would never do such a thing unless provoked. Can Scooby and his friends prove the band's innocence before the big show begins or will more people be attacked by the mystery ghoul, resulting in the show to be cancelled and Ghost being sent away?
Chapter 3 up! Check it out ya’ll :D
13 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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writingforfun0714 · 6 months
Hi everyone,
Sorry it’s been so long, I’ve been having some writers block. I’ve been trying to work on the block by drawing some fanart that I’ll post on my main @mabrego0714
Here are my WIPs I’m working on IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER so comment/reblog if you have a preference:
—Arcane Sisters of Mine fic Chapter 5
—Bad Batch AU—Jedi OC
—Game of Thrones/Jungle Book crossover
—Clone Wars Clone One-Shots (Day in the Life Of series, Shinies, etc)
—Delta Squad Reader Insert fic
I actually started getting writers block around the midpoint of Ahsoka. I hadn’t really had high hopes but it really fell short for me. I won’t get into it in this post, but because of my dissatisfaction with the show, my faith in Disney Star Wars has fallen. While I did think Rebels was more ‘kid-oriented’ at first, I didn’t hate it and I even grew to love it as a young adult (iirc Rebels is Disney’s first SW content). The Sequel trilogy should’ve been a wake up call.
Then, Clone Wars Season 7 was announced. I thought the animation was beautiful (aside from the horrendous clone model), and the soundtrack/music is incredible. That being said, I have some major problems with the story(ies). I liked the ideas but not the execution.
The Bad Batch’s intro is a perfect example.
It’s clear that the group is quite different in CW S7 than in their own show (which I won’t get into rn since those that have seen my previous posts know I hate tbb). In TCW, they are introduced as a unique clone squad that all have enhanced senses. They are shown to be disobedient and disconnected from the other clones, which makes absolutely no sense. They appear different to the ‘regular’ clones who have a derogatory nickname of ‘regs’. Their mission is to save a ‘reg’ clone who we (the audience) thought was dead: ARC Trooper Echo.
We see Rex’s loyalty to his men through his faith that Echo is alive. Despite being clones, Rex KNOWS the sound of Echo’s voice because of how long he’s served with him. Because of their prejudices, The Batch is skeptical and Crosshair, the sniper, even taunts Rex about Echo’s death. Despite being in the wrong, Wrecker, CF99’s weapons expert and largest of the group, defends Crosshair and attacks Jesse for defending Rex. That clearly set up a good group character arc of learning that all clones are brothers, not just the ones closest to you. At the end of Echo’s story, we learn that CF99 offers him to join the squad and he accepts (despite the group looking down on Echo and judging him once rescuing him).
We don’t learn until TBB that what little progress, if any, towards having a good relationship with clones is gone.
Next we learn about where Ahsoka’s been since walking away from The Jedi Order. It’s assumed she’s been hiding on the lower levels of Coruscant surviving. Her story opens with her speeder bike dying and her falling onto a garage platform belonging to the Martez sisters. Lots of people dislike the Martez sisters story arc due to their attitudes and behaviors. While I don’t hate them like a lot in the fandom seem to, they aren’t my favorite characters and I thought there were a lot of better stories that could’ve been told with Ahsoka.
That brings me to Ahsoka’s character. I get that people change over time and she was obviously still hurt by the Jedi Order, specifically the Council, but I didn’t like how easily she partnered with Bo Katan in the finale and sided with her cause given Bo’s history. She easily dismissed her relationship with Anakin (and Rex to an extent) despite her recognizing everything he did for her. But other than that, I loved Ahsoka meeting/fighting Darth Maul and the O66 moment for her and Rex was so tragic.
I loved the clones but I thought one person would’ve made it next level good: Kix, the 501st medic. I know in Legends he was frozen in carbonite/hypersleep or something and was woken up by pirates about 50-60yrs later, making him the last clone since the others have accelerated aging (aside from Boba/Omega). But I would’ve loved to see Kix either with Ahsoka and her 501st half or at least mentioned about being with Anakin and his 501st half.
So while I generally enjoy CW S7, I definitely prefer making my own interpretation and looking at fan-made art/stories.
Because I enjoyed the animation and music of CW S7, I was excited to see another show that has the same animation about clones: The Bad Batch. This is definitely one of those shows that has great ideas but the execution actually hurts it. They are shown to have lighter skin than the rest of the darker ‘regular’ clones and they all think they are superior to the other clones but especially Crosshair. Again, I won’t get into it, but TBB is a dumpster fire of racism and horrible story telling.
I definitely prefer the live action shows, but even then it’s hit or miss. Like I said, OWK and Ahsoka fell short for me. However I love Andor, Mando and TBoBF.
Which finally brings me to the upcoming Star Wars content animated and live action. SPOILERS—YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!
First, the Mandalorian movie. I’m more hesitant about this movie despite my love for the show but that’s mostly because of Ahsoka. I didn’t like how Ahsoka was handled and because it left on a cliff hanger, I’m sure it’ll tie into the Mandalorian movie with Thrawn probably taking the role of the villain. I don’t think I really have any expectations other than it’s not bad, though Felony will helm the project so I’m not holding my breath.
Second, the Rey Skywalker movie. I definitely think Disney knows how badly they messed up with the sequel trilogy and will try and redeem Rey’s character. I think it’s an interesting premise. She knows Luke, who had a failed Jedi school, and she chooses to do the same, knowing it could fail like Luke’s but chooses to do it anyway. I’d love for this movie to show a new villain instead of Palpatine/Sith. I could see more Dark Jedi or even Night Sister magic being the main conflict instead.
Next, the James Mangold Star Wars movie. Supposedly it’s set thousands of years in the past and will focus on the first Jedi. I think that’s an interesting topic and a great chance to form new ideas as well as bring in Legends/EU content. However, with the mixed reviews of Indiana Jones 5, I’m tempering my expectations accordingly.
I know Taika Waititi has a Star Wars movie coming out as well but idk anything about it other than he wants to have original characters (which I think is good).
I think Shawn Levy has a Star Wars movie coming but again, no details about it since he’s been busy with Stranger Things S5 and Deadpool 3.
I believe Rian Johnson also has a trilogy set in a new place the lore has never explored before but I don’t think this trilogy is coming any time soon.
I believe that’s it for movies so over all I’m hesitant, but that’s because I need more info.
Now for the shows. I’ll start with the new ones.
Lando will obviously focus on Lando Calrissian played by Donald Glover. There’s no info about any idea of when the series will take place but I kinda hope it’s like right before the sequel trilogy.
Skeleton Crew has a good concept of a Jedi in hiding finding 4 Jedi kids and as long as it doesn’t get too family friendly and the writing is good I’m sure I’ll enjoy it. I’ve always thought this was the story they should’ve told with the Jedi Younglings in TCW arc.
The Acolyte is about the growing dark-side powers in the final days of the High Republic era (~200yrs before TPM). It seems like a noir-detective style show (like AotC) with a Master/Padawan duo investigating a series of crimes. It seems pretty cool and I’m excited for it.
I’m hoping Mandalorian S4 will be better than S3. I really want Din to call Grogu his son. Not his kid, not his boy, but his SON. SAY IT.
Definitely looking forward to Andor S2 the most. I thought Andor was slow at first and a bit complicated due to how many characters are introduced, but I loved the story and the actors had the passion that made their roles believable.
I could not care less about The Bad Batch S3. No matter what happens, I definitely prefer fandom ideas/my own headcanons. I MIGHT binge watch the season once all eps are out but I will NOT be watching on episode release days.
That brings me to the planned animated Clone Rebellion show. I’m assuming it’ll be the same CW style set after TBB S3 and focus on Rex (and possibly Wolffe+Gregor) which leads me to believe we won’t get much in the way of the clone rebellion in TBB S3. If this show uses the same damn clone model I will cut out Disney Star Wars. I don’t mind making my own stories/AU’s/etc, but Disney in general is on thin ice as it is.
Thanks for letting me get all that out. This is basically why I haven’t been writing. I’ve been pretty disappointed with Disney as of late due to their horrible live action remakes, mid-level animated movies like Elemental, Strange World, Lightyear and mediocre SW content.
If you’ve made it through this whole post, thank you for your time and I promise I will post something soon.
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samtheacesheep · 2 years
epithet jinxed songs
basically the songs that are on my ej playlist + my justification because why not
It’s My World (and we’re all living in it): ok I don’t really need to explain this. I’m just putting it here because it’s on the playlist
Us Against The Universe [CATU]: I imagine this as the main trio at the end of the first/museum arc
Bring On The Monsters [The Lighting Thief Musical]: The main trio after the second/villain arc, with the bridge (I’ll be back next summer you’ll see me again, I’ll be back next summer I’ll survive ‘til then) being Milo talking to D&C. I think Milo jokingly assuring them that he will survive until the next time they meet is funny 
Good Kid [TLT Musical]: Milo’s outburst towards Cav at the bar, but longer and more musical.  (I like this as an angsty Milo song in general, the whole being blamed for what you can’t control thing)
Fine! [Mal Blum]: Also a song I like for Milo in general, I can see this one for Milo’s sort of character arc over the story, learning from Cav and Dakota and such
No Matter What [The Steven Universe Movie]: Just a really cute friendship song for the main trio, I’m imagining Zack and Melissa reassuring Milo.  Tightrope [The Greatest Showman]: Listen I know it’s not the original point at all but this song for the main trio’s friendship. In canon as well as the au. “Never sure, never know how far we could fall. But it’s all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking view, walking a tightrope with you” DOES IT NOT FIT THEM I LOVE THEM
Two Birds: Yes its used for every fandom yes it’s common but it FITS for Milo and Melissa and Zack leave me alone
Bang! [AJR]: For Dakota and Cavendish, also for Banzai Blaster Milo
Hero [Faouzia]: Milo’s relationship with Mel and Zack. Like. (“If I were to save you would you do the same, and catch me if I’m falling”, and then for the scene where he tells them he understands if they don’t want to hang around him anymore after this, “and I’m fine if you leave but I’m hoping this time you won’t”) if it’s not obvious yet the main trio’s relationship is very important to me I love them so much
Busted[PnF]: ok. This sounds silly. But you know how there are three groups in the final arc and all of them are plotting against at least one of the others because they think they’re bad. That.
Ready As I’ll Ever Be [tangled the series]: listen I put this on every playlist for a story with a big confrontation or fight leave me alone
Kick It Up A Notch [PnF]: The final fight against Savannah
Villain [Stella Jang] a major thing is who is good and who is bad, so it fits
The Wall In My Head [Everyone’s Talking about Jamie]: Another angsty Milo song
I’m The Bad Guy [the one on my playlist is Caleb Hyles’ cover but also the original]: I don’t think I need to explain this one
Great At Crime [Epithet Erased]: Cavendish and Dakota. Because yeah.
Don’t Wake Me Up [The Hush Sound]: I needed an angsty Milo song for something that is mentioned and relevant to season one but will be much more important to season two
Addict [Hazbin Hotel, the version on my playlist is the Annapantsu cover because I love her and her covers so much holy crap]: It’s just a cool song considering all the crime that is going on
Guilty [MARINA]: related to the don’t wake me up one. The best description I can give is you know in Frozen Elsa accidentally hurts Anna with her magic and then isolates herself from Anna? That but the younger sibling and the isolation was not caused by the parents. And obviously he isn’t isolating himself physically, just avoiding her
Titanium [The version on my playlist is the Annapatsu one again]: I like this as a Milo song in general
That Beautiful Sound- Epithet Erased cover: listen. Some parts are a bit ooc, but imagine Milo singing this with Cav and Dakota. Especially the final verse. “I was inaudible, but now I can swear!” Like, that’s hilarious and adorable for Milo, but then “a round of applause, because I know all of you care” that is so cute my HEART I love this cover, I love Molly and Giovanni, and I love Milo and his gay uncles (in this case gay crime uncles)
The One Thing You Won’t Regret [Danielle Keiko Eyer]: ok this is just the perfect Milo song. I have made a post about this before. I need to reiterate. MILO (also go listen to this song it’s really good, as are all of her VaT7K songs)
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aerynwrites · 3 years
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Now presenting @aerynwrites’ December Writing Challenge!
What is it?
I created this challenge because I just love the holiday season and everything to do with it! Now while I personally celebrate Christmas I know not everyone does, so I tried to keep this list as inclusive as possible and not Christmas-centric. So, most of the prompts are vague and generic which leaves a lot of room for people to write what they want! So, below is more info on how this challenge works.
How does it work?
Below the read more cut I will have a list of 31 days and each day will have a main 1-2 word prompt, followed by some “vibe/aesthetic” type words, feelings, or smells.
Writers can choose use the prompt PLUS the vibes and such (in italics) or they can choose to simply use the main prompt! It’s really how ever you feel most inspired!
Finally, at the very bottom of the list there s a sit of holiday themed dialogue prompts. These are just there as an option. If a dialogue prompt inspires you try to use it for one of the days! These prompts are just there for fun!
Any and all fandoms are encouraged to participate!
Please, please, please tag your fics appropriately! NSFW content is acceptable, but please make sure to clearly take these fics accordingly.
Please use the tag #aerynwritesDC21 so I can track all the fics you all write for this challenge! I would love to read them and keep up with them!
However, please do NOT tag my blog in any fics - I want to keep my inbox clear. So the above tag will allow me to see what you all produce.
Happy writing! I can’t wait to see what you al do with this challenge and I wish you all Happy Holidays!
Day 1 - Baking || Vanilla, sprinkles, and chocolate flavored kisses.
Day 2 - Frozen Lake || Cold hands, Scarves, and Snow.
Day 3 - Hot Chocolate || Marshmallows, wam hands, and soft smiles.
Day 4 - Cozy Cabin || Patterned rugs, soft blankets, and warm baths.
Day 5 - Fire Places || Fuzzy socks, soft rugs, and hands intertwined.
Day 6 - Blanket Fort || Fluffy pillows, movies, and snacks
Day 7 - Catching a cold || Tissues, savory soup, and cuddles.
Day 8 - Snowed In || Candles, snow drifts, and quiet.
Day 9 - Sledding || biting wind, cold noses, and laughter
Day 10 - Winter Market || Murmuring crowds, rows of stalls, and the smell of food.
Day 11 - Snowball Fight || Heavy breathing, footprints in the snow, and warm hugs.
Day 12 - Lonely || Gloomy skies, soft blankets, and a warm fire.
Day 13 - Warm Bath || Bubble bath, soft music, and gentle hands.
Day 14 - Homemade Meal/Cooking || Savory spices, hot meals, and family.
Day 15 - Sleigh Ride || Sleigh bells, foggy breath, and the smell of cedar.
Day 16 - Mistletoe || Warm lights, smoke, and friends.
Day 17 - Gingerbread || Icing on their cheek, smell of cinnamon, and playful kisses.
Day 18 - Sunsets || Golden hour, towering pine trees, and warm coats.
Day 19 - Movie Nights || Laughter, snacks, and cuddles.
Day 20 - Hiking || Rough ground, crisp morning air, and sunrises.
Day 21 - Sweaters || Cozy feelings, goosebumps, and comforting hands.
Day 22 - Unique Traditions || Smiles, acceptance, and making memories.
Day 23 - Proposal || Nerves, candles, and a tasty meal.
Day 24 - Holiday Traffic || Car horns, comforting words, and snow.
Day 25 - Lazy Mornings || Soft blankets, familiar arms, and the morning light.
Day 26 -Furry Friends || Shining eyes, the pitter - patter of paws, and that fuzzy feeling in your chest.
Day 27 - Roasting Marshmallows || Roaring bonfires, laughter of friends, and gooey marshmallows.
Day 28 - Huddle for Warmth || Warm bodies, steady breaths, and comforting feelings.
Day 29 - Holiday Lights || Holiday music, bright colors, and joy.
Day 30 - Fireworks || Loud booms, sparkling light, and a breathtaking kiss.
Day 31 - Wild Card || write anything you want!
Optional Dialogue Prompts:
“oh shit! The cookies!”
“I’m going to fall in my ass.”
“Are you a heater or something?”
“you get the blankets and pillows and I’ll get the snacks.”
“You’re freezing!”
“What are we going to do?”
“Woah - Woah! slow down!”
“Wow…it’s so beautiful!”
“If you throw that, so help me-”
“Want some company?”
“Are you just going to stand there?”
“So this is the part when we kiss?”
“hm, something smells good.”
“But-! Look how cute they are!”
“Please, just take it.”
“Aren’t you cold?”
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comrade-heather · 2 years
I Did Some Super Scientific Data Analysis to Determine Which of these Shows is *Statistically* the Most Niche
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why these shows? bc they’re ones that I like that I thought might actually have a chance of being the most niche. want me to analyze a show or include a new metric? Let me know!
Spotify Listens (average): How many people are listening?
I consider this to be the most important metric, since it shows interest beyond just hardcore fans interacting with fandom content or hyper-focused broadway metrics (ie BroadwayWorld and show runs). Some outliers were excluded (ie short tracks where Spotify has faulty tracking of listens).
Spotify Listens (most popular): Does this show have at least one song that is known beyond the show itself?
Some shows have a song that’s well-known in the theatre community, outside of the context of the show. I consider this to raise name recognition of the show, thus making it less “niche”
Ao3 Fics: Are fans interacting with the show?
This is the easiest way to measure total fandom output. For shows based on previous media, strictly the musical fandom was counted
Tumblr Posts (last 3 weeks): Is there an active fandom?
I did a basic search to try to estimate the total volume of posts about each show in the month of Feb so far. Tumblr is the main gathering place for most of these fandoms, plus this also captures how relevant the fandom is currently.
BroadwayWorld Articles: How much press has the show gotten?
This turned out to be a less useful metric than I’d hoped, and as such it’s weighted pretty lightly. Shows that ran on Broadway (as opposed to off-broadway) in the last 5-10 years got more press than those that didn’t. Go figure.
Number of Performances of the “Highest” Level Run: Did the show do well with a general audience? Did it stick around?
Again, this is an imperfect metric. Broadway is a wild industry, and general interest doesn’t perfectly correlate with length of run (see: Be More Chill’s Broadway run). And Carrie’s swing-and-miss Broadway run arguably makes it more famous. Weighted lightly.
Least Niche: Bonnie & Clyde (21 points)
I think we have Jeremy Jordan to thank for this one. Bonnie & Clyde far and away has the most Spotify listens, and it’s got mild fandom engagement on Ao3 and Tumblr. 
Bare: A Pop Opera (20 points)
Bare wins the award for most dedicated fandom on this list! Combine Tumblr and Ao3 activity with solid streaming numbers and Bare takes second-to-least niche. 
Bandstand (20 points)
What Bandstand lacks in Spotify listens and a Tumblr fandom it makes up for with plenty of gay fanfic and a decent 2017 Broadway run. It got pretty good press and even won a Tony (although we all know it deserved more). If you know anything from this show, it’s “Love Will Come and Find Me Again.”
Assassins (19 points)
note: I included both cast albums in the Spotify listens stat
A solid Sondheim bop that’s gotten some interest recently for its 2021 Off-Broadway revival. Major points for the existence of “Unworthy of Your Love,” which is by far the most popular song even without counting the Ben Platt cover.
Carrie (16 points)
Wins the award for "notable for sucking ass at the beginning.” There’s very little Carrie content relating to the musical specifically, and it’s dwarfed by online interest in the book and its movie adaptation. Notables from the cast album are “The World According to Chris” and “You Shine.”
Amélie (14 points)
Starring the lovely Phillipa Soo, Amélie has decent Spotify hits, and renewed interest due to the increasing popularity of the West End production. Major points for “Times are Hard for Dreamers” (which tbh is singlehandedly inflating the Spotify stats)
Most Niche: In Transit (6 points)
I can now back up my opinion with evidence that In Transit is very underrated. Written by Kristen Anderson-Lopez of Frozen fame, it’s the first acapella musical to run on Broadway (which it did for quite awhile, by this list’s standards) This could maybe be a reason why the cast recording has very few listens, and as a result there’s basically no fandom. 
TLDR: you should listen to In Transit, the Bare fandom is awesome, and lmk if you have suggestions to expand this data!
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Okay. I don’t think anyone has said it yet, so I guess it’s up to me.
look, I remember when I first heard of the Good Omens fandom, and naturally, Aziraphale’s name, I was struck frozen like, “Wait, I know that name. Israfil, that's a first. Which is what reluctantly pulled me in
(I’m a Muslim)
See, growing up, we have this nursery rhyme for the 10 most important angels that you have to know, and Israfil’s name was right up there (if you want to know, the other nine are Jibril, Mikail, Mungkar, Nakir, Raqib, Atid,Ridhwan, Malik andIzrail)Christians to mention some of them in movies, I mean, you guys have versions of them too, right? So I’ve naturally heard the mentions of Jibril (Gabriel), Mikail (Michael) and Izrail (Azrael), but I was kind of stuck at the mention of Israfil of all angels, so throughout all 6 episodes  I kept trying to remember what his main purpose was, in the nursery rhyme (you know that thing that you can’t think of something purely due to the reason because you’re looking for it?). As the story progressed I began to recall that he was a pretty big deal for starting Doomsday, but it wasn’t until this scene happened;
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that it occurred to me what Israfil’s purpose was, in Islamic terms-
He blows the Sangkakala
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Right, you guys don’t know what the Sangkakala is, of course. 
The Sangkakala is basically this musical instrument that Israfil was tasked with to blow to start Doomsday, nothing can begin without it. In fact, the blowing of the Sangkakala basically does half of the job.
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is basically what it looks like, and what could possibly be the approximation of its size. There are, even, entire theories circulating to whether or not the blowing of the Sangkakala was also behind the Scientific theory of the Big Bang. The closest I’ve ever heard of another mythology or religion that has someone that more or less has someone tasked with this is Heimdall, in the Norse mythology (thank Magnus Chase for that one). Basically, In Islamic terms, At the Beginning, and the End of All Things, the Big Star of the show is, and always has been, Aziraphale. 
That, my friends, is how big of a deal he is.
Which, by the way, makes this scene all the more hilarious and scandalous, to me at the same time;
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because to me, what it looked like is basically that these angels, irritated by Aziraphale’s behavior and fraternizing with a demon and whatnot, had decided to, against God’s rule, just give the job to someone else. And if that wasn’t crossing a line, I don’t know what is. I genuinely thought this, which makes his look of scandalized offense, after the sound of the trumpets, make much more sense. Doomsday, the End of All Things, had been tasked to Israfil (Aziraphale) since before the Beginning of Time. He was one of the earliest angels to have been created, due to this fact. Which meant, that God said, in the Beginning, Doomsday won’t start until Israfil says so. It wasn’t until Israfil says so, that things can proceed accordingly. I really think that this is why God made it so that he, Crowley and Adam
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had managed to avert Doomsday so successfully. And why Death, when the Them had managed to beat the other three Horsemen, went peacefully. He knew his place. Aziraphale/Israfil said ‘no, Not Today,’ so Izrail/Azrael/Death just went ‘Fine. Hit me up when it is.’ He remembered his place. The other Angels did not. Aziraphale/Israfil just did his job-God would probably contact him personally should the End Times were ever to come about-so he wasn’t punished. What is there to punish? I wager God probably thought that the resulting Chaos and Humiliation on Both Sides were enough of a punishment to just let things be, after that.
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Which, you know, ends my take on why God let Aziraphale and Crowley get away with living the rest of their lives on Earth like the hedonistic, naive Ethereal and Occult creatures they are. 
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End Scene
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