#Snape celebration 2023
dranna · 1 year
Happy New Year potatoes! ✨🦀
~ Let’s start the year with a grumpy Sev as the featured genius in Witch weekly ~
He hates being in the spotlight, but he needs to support his experiments. Simply couldn’t refuse the offer
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Scoundrel or Saint- Snape celebration 2023!!
This was done for @snapecelebration scoundrel or saint.
Week 1- The Muggle: Childhood & Friendship!
For this one prompt I chose to do two in one, because Sev and Lily were friends from childhood so really this could go in either friends or childhood.
Lily and Sev are sitting in LIly’s garden and Sev is having one of those days, where Tobias has been in a foul mood. So he tells Lily what had happened that day, and Lily is trying to reassure him, that it won’t be long before they’re off to Hogwarts. (Just realised forgot to draw the back garden fence. Damn!!)
You can find the link to the prompts for week 1 here:
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lunap999 · 1 year
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Sneak peak at my art for the 2023 @snapecelebration calendar! 🏴‍☠️🏝️🧚‍♀️
The calendar’s theme is ‘legends and fairytales’. All the proceeds go to charity.
Check out the Snape Celebration tumblr for more information and how to purchase the calendar.
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ebysse · 11 months
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snape celebration 2023 week 3 - “the spy”
occlumency, before meeting the dark lord.
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momo-t-daye · 5 months
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“Hey, Sirius,” said James Potter, “Why has Snape got your scarf?" “The little asshole was whinging about being cold,” Sirius shrugged, unconcerned by the chilly evening air. “I thought he might gag himself but no luck yet.” “Huh,” said James.
“I still think it’s just a marketing ploy,” the little asshole swathed in woolen scarves said thoughtfully.  “Everyone knows he doesn’t sell firewhiskey to students and his butterbeer is near rancid, but once you’ve hiked all the way up here to check out the goat it’s almost a waste of time to not buy something.” “A giant goat is quite the statement given his, ah, past legal entanglements,” Narcissa said with the sort of obvious delicacy that teetered dangerously close to turning suggestive. “It really must be seen to be believed and the last few have hardly lasted any time at all.” “It looks so flammable,” Lily Evans gushed, bubbling with malicious anticipation. The best thing about the magical world, Lily maintained, was the sheer number of holiday traditions that eventually included lighting something on fire.  Her mother’s nerves had never been up for a proper Bonfire Night and Cokeworth’s Catholics weren’t the type to celebrate it either.
“Hey, Sirius,” said James Potter, “Why has Snape got MY scarf?" “Because Evans said it was cold and you gave her your scarf to be gallant and she then handed your scarf over to him” Sirius replied, without any worries over his best friend’s apparent memory issues. “Right,” said James.
“He’s bound to have put up some anti-arson charms on this one after the fiasco with Dumbledore’s pet phoenix last year and inexplicable triple lightning strikes the year before,” Severus scoffed.  “If it’s properly phoenix-proofed— and I doubt the rest of Hogsmeade would allow him to put another goat up that wasn’t properly phoenix-proofed— we’d need a miracle to burn it down without being caught.” “We’ve got the blessings of tradition with us, Sev,” Lily replied. “Can’t you see? The goat must burn again!”
“Hey, Sirius,” said James Potter, “Why has Snape got Remus’ scarf?" “Because I was foolish enough to take my scarf off inside and Snape picked it up and put it and just looked at me when I asked for my scarf back,” Remus interjected, slightly bitter at his ignoble defeat. “Gosh,” said James.
“Twice is hardly sufficient grounds to claim a tradition,” Narcissa opined. “Three is a far more magically significant number.” “So you’re saying it’s up to us to ensure the sacred fires once more hold back the darkness!” Lily said, full of pyromaniacal resolution. “I say it’ll take planning and proper intelligence gathering, neither of which I’m inclined to do while my mouth still tastes like something died in the Hog’s Head butterbeer barrels,” Severus sighed. “Let’s stop at the Three Broomsticks, Potter will buy us all a round of the special seasonal cinnamon spiced butterbeer, and we’ll work on preparations back at school.”
“Hey,” said James Potter.  “Why hasn’t Snape got—” “Unlike you all, I know better than to leave my clothes and stuff unattended in Snape’s vicinity,” Peter interrupted, smugly snug and cozy. “Oh,” said James. It really was quite cold.
For an assortment @snapecelebration's Snoliday 2023 prompts
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racfoam · 1 year
🫧 Rac’s Masterlist Of Snippets 🫧
(last updated: 6th April, 2023)
BTS Dh Part 2
nynn snippets
graveyard add-on
what-if, Voldemort kisses Harry on the graveyard (Read the Warnings!)
Hermione Defending Harry (4th Year)
nynn Harry meets Movie Voldemort (Graveyard)
Voldemort licks Harry’s wound (Graveyard)
Sirius’ reaction to Harry crushing on Cedric
Cedric gives Harry clue about the egg + Moody reacting to Hedric
Fred & George’s nickname for Voldemort
Voldemort Faces The Dursleys Pt 2 (what-if)
Voldemort shows Harry he can fly
Harry dreaming of Voldemort
Harry’s Letter 1
Harry’s Letter 2
Sirius' reaction to Harrymort getting together
Harry & Voldemort Summer of 6th Year
Harry hears Voldemort laugh
Harry & Bellatrix Ministry fight (5th Year SPOILERS)
Harry under Amortentia (6th Year)
Harry almost gets attacked by McLaggen, Voldemort & Ron team up (6th Year)
Harry & Voldemort, Harry & Slughorn (6th Year)
Scene with Mirrors (SPOILERS)
old fashion vs new fashion
no towels, walk naked (SPOILER for 7th Year)
Flashback Scene - Slughorn Meets Voldemort after he was refused the DADA position (6th Year)
Harry & Voldemort talking about Slughorn, Slughorn is the father that STEPPED UP 😤 (6th Year)
Harry high on Liquid Luck (6th Year)
Voldemort calling Harry beautiful (SPOILERS 5th Year)
Harry being beautiful (6th Year)
McLaggen eyeing Harry during Quidditch Practice (6th Year)
Harry vs Snape (SPOILERS 6th Year)
Harry asking Voldemort for help with homework through the soul bond (5th Year)
Harry using the soul bond during Potions (5th Year)
McGonagall murdering Umbridge (5th Year)
Hedwig is accepting bribery
King's Cross Meeting
Harry talks to Sirius after the Atrium (SPOILER)
Voldemort & Barty (SPOILER)
Slughorn hugs Harry (short)
Harry & Sirius during Ministry fight (short)
Fred & George teasing Harry
Two Apples (SPOILER)
Harry's Quotes in 5th Year (SPOILER)
Death Eaters (SPOILER)
The Quaffle Incident (SPOILER)
Harry dreaming about kisses (SPOILER)
Bellatrix meets Harry
what Slytherin Locket is doing during nynn
Voldemort & Dumbledore Face Off Atrium (SPOILERS)
“I lie to myself.” (SPOILERS)
Harry asks Voldemort about his anatomy
Harry & Voldemort 6th Year Summer
Harrymort cuddles (6th Year)
Muttons (be proud)
Reference Pictures for Voldemort in nynn
Fem Harry Reference Pictures
nynn Deathly Hallows AU
escape from Ministry
Harry going into the Forbidden Forest
"I'll blow it up!" The Trio
Nagini in Godric's Hollow + nynn Voldemort stealing cupcakes
Harry flying on Ili
Seven Potters Polyjuice Scene
Dursleys packing + fight at Malfoy Manor
Harry's no good 17th Birthday
Harry & Hedwig after sky chase, Harry is so done with everything
Voldemort & Death Eaters celebrate Harry's homecoming
nynn Voldemort raises Harry AU Masterlist
nynn Lily & James alive AU
Harry is too chill and very hungry after dementor attack + Lily & Harry heartwarming scene
James & Harry
future son-in-law
all the times Voldemort calls James dad, and the time James calls Voldemort son
nynn James survives, Voldemort Wins AU
nynn Lily survives, Voldemort wins AU
nynn Professor Gaunt
pt 1
pt 2
pt 3
pt 4
snowball fight
Gaunt gets jealous
Harry finds out Gaunt is Voldemort
pt 6 kiss™
nynn Same Age, growing up together & 1st Wizarding War
Tom & Harry’s first meeting written by Anon
Tom sneaks into Harry's dormitory
Harry & Voldemort moments during 1st Wizarding War
Lily & James discussing whether the Dark Lord has a wife
when Voldemort & Harry argue
Voldemort tells Harry about the Prophecy
Halloween 1981
Dolohov returns with baby Voldemort in 1983
Voldemort decides not to kill Harrison
Harry & Voldemort raising Harrison (angst)
Harrison says his first words
Harrison meets Hermione (Harmione)
Harry & Voldemort + 17-year-old Harrison going to meet Hermione's parents
last thought, last breath
- Canon Compliant, Harry surrenders in Forbidden Forest, Voldemort discovers Harry is a Horcrux, Captive Harry, Dark Fic
Narcissa is too sober for this
Harry tries to get drunk, Voldemort stops her
The Dark Lord wants his birthday gift (Mature themes)
your fingers seek mine (Masterlist)
generousity - Harry Time-Travels to 1st Wizarding War AU (Masterlist)
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sitp-recs · 9 months
Happy birthday to the one and only @writcraft! I know you probably feel this year hasn’t been as productive as you’d like fandom-wise, so this is both a reminder and a token of appreciation, a short rec list that hopes to highlight a little bit of your immense contribution to fandom. This is ofc 100% self-indulgent and my picks might be a bit too obvious - I doubt that anyone who’s been around for a while hasn’t heard of these classics before, but those who are new to the fandom (or just new to Writ’s works - I’m so jealous!) might enjoy this “starter pack” with my personal selection of must-reads.
There’s a little bit of everything: Drarry, Snarry, femslash, dark fic, kinky fic, angst with a happy ending, romcom, hurt/comfort. No matter the tone or trope, they’re not only perfectly thought out and executed but they also deliver profound human experiences that resonates within, and thought-provoking explorations of romance, queerness and hope. I have often wondered how Writ could be so prolific over the years, always impressing me with such flawless depth of characterization across different ships. Now I realize this comes from the amount of passion and research they pour into their work. Writ commits to fandom - and to writing - both intellectually and emotionally, bringing together their creative, fannish, militant and intellectual sides like nobody else can do. This combination breathes life and heart into every love story they create, making them all bright and unique, inspiring universal emotions while remaining deeply personal.
Writ, I cannot thank you enough for being such a kind, witty and welcoming friend, always up to discuss fandom meta, gritty fic plots, old and new ship obsessions, dog parenting, queer & pop culture references! I learn so much from you and it’s a privilege (and a delight) to have someone to share both silly and deep, insightful convos with. Becoming friends with you - an author I’ve been admiring and looking up to for so many years now - still feels a bit surreal but it’s easily one of the best parts of 2022/2023 for me. I hope you enjoy your day to the fullest, and have an amazing time celebrating with yours. Happy birthday my friend! 💜
🎵 True Colors (E, 6k) - Harry/Teddy
Teddy spent the last year running away from his feelings for Harry. Now it’s time to come home.
🧵 Independent Love Song (E, 6k) - Ginny/Millie
Millicent Bulstrode is a tailor and Ginny is losing her mind over a woman in a tweed blazer and burgundy brogues.
🪞 Doppelganger (M, 7k) - Drarry, Romione
It was just a silly dare, but one ill-advised trip into the Forbidden Forest changes Harry’s life forever.
🎼 Hopelessly Devoted To You (E, 10k) - Harry/George
Harry and George watch a lot of musicals and accidentally fall in love.
🗞️ Potterzine (E, 11k) - Snarry
When Severus Snape finds a fanzine with a picture of Professor Potter in a compromising position with Draco Malfoy on the cover, he confronts Potter about the offending literature.
🪩 An Aching Soul (M, 14k) - Drarry
Draco Malfoy escapes to the Muggle world to avoid his parents, memories of the war and Harry Potter. However, some things prove harder to escape than others as Draco realises when his favourite Muggle haunt is rudely invaded by a post-war Harry who is struggling to cope with grief, growing up and the battle with his inner demons.
⛓️ Dirty Little Secret (E, 22k) - Drarry
When someone threatens Harry’s life, Kingsley decides to send him to a safe house with only Draco Malfoy for company. As the two men are forced together, memories of the past resurface and secrets are discovered.
🥐 A Life Worth Remembering (E, 23k) - Drarry + Snape
Severus Snape wakes in St Mungo’s, to discover that a potions accident has wiped the last forty years from his body and mind. Just twenty-five years old, Severus is reliant on Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, now both in their forties, to help him fill in the missing decades.
🚘 Harry Potter and The Bisexual Awakening (E, 23k) - Drarry
Harry is perfectly content being single, heterosexual and living in Godric's Hollow with his very clingy rescue dog, Snitch. When Draco Malfoy turns up on Harry's doorstep demanding that Harry teach him how to drive, things quickly become a lot more complicated.
⌛️ Collapse Amongst the Dying Stars (M, 26k) - Drarry
After the final battle nothing is quite as Harry expected. Death Eaters remain unaccounted for, Malfoy is in prison and there is something rotten in Azkaban.
💋 The Beating of This Fragile Heart (E, 33k) - Snarry
After the war, the last thing Severus Snape needs is the memory of a fleeting wartime kiss and a very persistent Harry Potter thwarting his plans to live a peaceful and solitary life.
📸 Expecto Patronum (E, 35k) - Drarry
As Draco Malfoy negotiates his feelings for the wizarding world's brightest star, he becomes increasingly attached to Harry and unravels the secrets he keeps hidden from the rest of the world.
🗽How We Were Warriors (E, 51k) - Snarry
A homophobic attack in London’s Soho brings Harry to New York City to discover more about the past. Still haunted by love and loss in the eighties, Severus just wants to forget.
🥃 The Beauty of Thestrals and Other Unseen Things (E, 63k) - Drarry
Harry has terrific friends, an amazing girlfriend and his job as Head Auror enables him to work on challenging cases and Ministry reform. He just wishes he could work out why he’s been so out of sorts.
🏳️‍🌈 Little Compton Street verse (E, 150k) - Drarry, Sirius/James, Minerva/Will
Draco is lonely, Harry hates the press and it won’t stop raining in London. Harry discovers a magical street that’s close to disappearing forever and Draco realises he’s one rainy night in Soho away from finding everything he’s been searching for.
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lostdrarryfics · 7 months
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THE BIG FIND 2023: Day 5
The Big Find is a 10-day long Drarry fic-finding marathon to celebrate the blog’s anniversary. Below is the Day 5 compilation of lost fics, both old and new, that we’ve been unable to find. Our aim is to get as much attention to these lost fics as possible, to help people finally find their missing fics! Anyone can participate by reblogging, reading through each list, providing additional fic details, and informing us the title, author, or link of a fic, and their respective number in the comment section. Happy finding!
5.1 George throws a life celebration for Fred at the Burrow and Draco is there. At night Draco and Harry sleep together at the Burrow and Draco wakes up in the middle of the night to Harry missing, he goes downstairs and Harry is talking with Ginny in the kitchen and Draco gets jealous 5.2 It started with Harry’s birthday (royal family?). And Harry was sneaking to the kitchens and accidentally spied on Draco making bread with the family servants. Harry and Draco then bond and they talk about how them feel like a combo of the houses. (I believe Draco is a Sytherpuff.) Draco also reveals that he is being abused by Lucius and is planning to leave on his 17/18th birthday before it gets worse. Later, during the party, there was a fight and Harry transported Draco and him to the Potter family gardens for protection. Harry then showed Draco a special (rainbow) flower and even parted the lake to show Draco the view. It ended with Lily, Molly, and Narcissa setting a trap for Lucius and him being arrested. Harry’s birthday then ended happily.
5.3 It started on the last night of their 8th year of Hogwarts. Harry was in the black lake where he met some kind of forbidden forest creature maybe a fairy/nymph, they gave harry a gift for his help defeating Voldemort. After that Draco met Harry and they spent the night in a hut or barn around Black Lake. The next day Draco left Harry, so Harry felt down because he knew Draco had to marry Astoria. A few days later harry got sick and then met snape (yes severus was alive) and he was the one who told harry that she was pregnant (it turn out the “gift” is the ability to get pregnant) and then took care of him during the pregnancy. A few years later, harry accepted the position of professor of defense against the dark arts where he met draco who a potions professor there too. harry brought his son to Hogwarts, I think his name is something that starts with D. I remember their children have the ability to dream something or empathize. there is a scene where lucius and narcissa meet their grandson and surprisingly they open up to it. snape is also part of the family because he lives with harry and his son so he is called grandpa. i think the last plot is that their son got lost in the forest because of the nymph so draco went to see him thanks to his son’s ability.
5.4 I read a fic (probably 2-3 years ago now) based on/inspired by the song “Boy in the bubble” by Alec Benjamin. Harry gets beat up by Dudley’s gang in the park near private drive. He skulks back to the house and Petunia questions him in the living room like in the song. I think it may also tie in later to the train scene where Draco breaks Harry’s nose? Which leads to Draco realising just how deranged Harry’s mental state is? Please help, this fic was the entire reason I listened to the song in the first place so I know it exists.
5.5 voldemort turned the rooms at harry’s childhood home (the one at godric’s hollow) into like challenges/traps? and in one of them there was draco, and the entire room (walls, ceiling, floor) was describes as being live, pulsating bloody flesh? Fic is not Forgive Those Who Trespass by Lomonaaeren
5.6 Drarry were in secret affair but Harry gets Ginny pregnant and they break up with the promise of getting back together after all the kids are grown up. So Albus and Scorpius are sent to Hogwarts, Harry meets Draco after years, they discuss and decide it is time to get back together. Draco is divorced while Harry plans to divorce Ginny who wasn’t happy at all finding this. James was the only kid who had trouble, he tries to run away from school but fails.
FOUND! 5.7 I believe I read it in AO3. It was a war fic with older Drarry stablished relationship and it was part of a series in believe, in a different part I think Draco had died and then had been brought back to life and one of the consequences of the spell was that they needed to have sex everyday to keep Draco alive. They also had a son and I think Draco carried him. They were living in Grimmauld (I think) and I remember this scene in which their son had been kidnapped because Kreacher had access to the house and had taken him to Malfoy Manor where Voldemort was staying (I think Lucius gave him the order). Then they had broken into the Manor to rescue the baby and Draco had taken a potion that made him invisible. The potion didn’t include his clothes so he was naked and Harry had the invisibility cloak. I also think they were married but I’m not sure
5.8 It’s very VERY old and I remember I read it in ff.net. it’s pre battle au. The story starts with the Malfoys deciding to change sides and going into hiding but they are found and attacked. Narcissa dies protecting Draco. After that Lucius and Draco goes to Diagon Alley till Draco starts the new school year. In the alley Draco finds the golden trio, I think they have some kind of discussion and when Draco returns to where they are sleeping he speaks with Lucius and talks about all his feelings (all this in the beginning of the story is what I remember the most) Sirius and Remus are alive and together I think. I remember they ‘welcoming’ Lucius in their little family. I think the fic was mpreg with Draco getting pregnant. I cannot remember if the story was finished
5.9 fic on Wattpad it is a creature inheritance and I think it’s set in like the 8th year after the war but I might be wrong. So harry is a Neko and is like a sub and I can’t for the life of me remember what Draco is. They are living in the room of requirement for some reason I can’t remember why. The big plot point I remember is that harry gets raped but like he thought it was his fault and feel like he wronged Draco to the point that he trys to kill him self but Draco helps him get better and the end is happy
5.10 set during the war, at least during fifth year. I don’t remember a lot but i do remember that harry was dark, and i believe he cast sectumsempra on walburgas painting and it caused the walls to bleed. I think he and snape were close to or something. Thinking about it right now, it could be wtwog but im not sure.
5.11 Harry and Draco spend the summer together. Draco gets a camera from a store from a muggle woman and is intrigued by the pictures not moving. I think they were avoiding school or in hiding. They were nervous to stay together at first, but they got more comfortable as time went on living together over the summer. I think they were living in an abandoned house or something along those lines!
5.12 Draco had a child. Draco was a rare fae that was taken by death eaters who tortured and sexually assaulted him, resulting in him having a child. Harry comes upon him in a rescue centre for magical creatures and tries to help Draco (post-second wizarding war). Draco had wings that he would wrap his child in whenever he felt threatened. Draco and Harry are mates and Draco eventually trusts Harry with his child. Draco is traumatised and therefore doesn’t speak but can communicate with his child through a mind link
5.13 searching for a fic where Harry is at first in a relationship with ginny but they had a big fight over Harry wanted to be pegged but Ginny not wanting to do it because she was afraid Harry would leave her for a man, because she noted how harry looked at other guys in the street, Harry relizes he is gay and he and Ginny broke up. Harry goes to a gay bar and see Draco, then follows him and sees him fucking a guy, he gets really horny. Draco confronts Harry at the ministry the next day (in the elevator) about him being in the club watching him, he tease Harry a little bit and Harry thinks Draco is just being an asshole, but then after some days and with the encuraging of Ginny he and Draco make out a little at the ministry and then fuck at Harrys house. They ended doing that very often and Harry start catching feelings (Draco abously does too) and they became boyfriends. At the end they go on a date and they meet up with Ginny and her new boyfriend Neville, Harry tells Draco a little about how Ginny was very kinky (like, there’s a mention of golden rain) and tells him about a little scene she wanted where he was in his auror uniform and she was arrested, and Draco sugest doing it but Harry was the one being fucked, Harry then thinks he is going to enjoy that more and says he would like that.
5.14 Draco is raised by Regulus, Narcissa giving Draco to him as a newborn child, and he decides to raise him properly in America. Lily and James are alive also Sirius and Remus, I think they were a couple. Draco had some special abilities I think and around when he was a teenager, Greyback found them and the Potters, Sirius and Remus came to warn them, but not quickly enough and Draco was injured and Lily healed him. Lily has 3 kids including Harry and she is a healer. It wasn’t a finished fic , in fact i don’t think there was more than 4-5 chapters in it at the time.
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houseofsnarry · 8 months
The Snape Showcase is back, baby! Click the link for all the details and rules and how you can participate. It's a fest hosted by iulia_linnea over on LiveJournal.
Also, wondering about the previous fests? Here are the links to the previous years' masterlists:  2011, 2012, 2013, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.
The fest is in celebration of Severus Snape throughout his ages from birth to....well. We like to pretend around here he reached his golden years. Shhhh. That snake bite did nothing but leave a little scar and he's happily somewhere away from the adoring public (us), brewing his potions, and sending scathing letters to the editors.
"Gen, het, and slash fan works of any kind and of any rating are welcome."
We can't wait to see what our amazing community bring to the fest!
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consistentsquash · 6 months
2023 HP Fic Recs
HP Fics written and completed in 2023 which I read and loved. My recs are based on my reading + taste.
For I Have Found Salvation by @lumosatnight
Severus is a priest, and Harry is the parishioner who may just make him break his vows of celibacy.
Enough said. Hot, wrong, dirty. So totally Snarry!!! Also with a twist you don't see coming! Rated E. 7100 words. From Snarry AUctober Fest 2023 collection.
  Snake Charmer by @perverse-idyll
Sometimes all Severus had to do was turn thirty-plus years of repressed hunger upon him, and Harry would start shaking.
They are total disaster failmarriage hotness! Feel really sorry for everybody around them. Like a lot! The opening line is giving one really bad vampire in Hunger so much for me :D :D It's like a snippet/draft from WARM my beloved! <3 3200 words. Rated T.
  Devotion by @danpuff-ao3
Is there anything more undignified than needing someone so much?
26000 words. Rated E. Maximum hotness. Maximum wrongness. Maximum dirty bad delicious Snarry. This is the longest HP fic I read this year and 100% worth it!!! I am a big fan of Danni's Snarry and this fic is one of my all time fav Snarries. From Snarry-a-thon 2023 collection.
  In His Bed by @givereadersahug
Jealousy flooded Harry at their familiarity with each other's bodies. Resentment at their ease in getting each other off — the passion, the eagerness, the joy. All so different from his relationship with Severus.
Harry is super Slytherin here! Using the memories in order to learn what makes Snape tick! I really loved the dirtybadhotness of this fic! 450 words. Rated E. HP Kinktober collection.
  Coda to "Soft Touch" by @perverse-idyll
He'd thrown the bait. Would Snape catch it? Yes, he would, and throw it back.
Soft Touch is the Most ethical Massage Therapy fic ever :D Dirty, bad, hot, wrong. So it's incredible to get this really sweet and wholesome coda. You can see the undercurrents of the more complicated themes but also really sweet. 3300 words. Rated T. This is as fluffy as PI Snarry gets :D :D
Nymphadora, Nymphet by @thistlecatfics
Could this woman be a relative of her mother’s?
Bellatrix/Tonks, Bellatrix/Andromeda. 20200 words. Rated E. From Women of the House of Black fest 2023 collection. Really hot, dirty, wrong on literally every single level :D Obviously I love it! The femslash Lolita fic HP fandom really really needed :D
  Candles Lit Against the Dark by @perverse-idyll
Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank/Minerva McGonagall. 13600 words. Rated G. My favorite fic of 2023. From Snapecase 2023 fest collection. Beautiful, beautiful fic which is kind of my personal epilogue for the books at this point. Lost count of rereads. It's packed with beautiful friendships, people focusing on the sweet instead of the bitter, people moving on together, people forgiving each other. It's an incredible fic with perfect execution on some classic tropes like matchmaking and friends who are going to help you whether or not you asked for it. Also some not so classic tropes like celebrating a female character's life/happiness/love being the center of a rich fic. Ultimately this is Minerva McGonagall's fic and I am so here for it.
  Once of Eden by eldritcher.
Lily/Eileen. 2000 words. Rated M. Poignant and super sharp character study of Lily. Lots of storms inside her head about her family/war/Petunia/Snape. This is right before her marriage but she has this feeling she doesn't fit into that life and she doesn't want to let go of her past. Like a lot of us, she's also seeing her past/childhood through these nostalgic glasses but at the same time she's also noticing adults in her life and has this bittersweet feeling that she's an adult now/making adult choices now. Serious Catcher in the Rye vibes. This fic has the Lily for me. Really like Harry, really Gryffindor. It's a really beautiful, sensitive, unique, powerfully human fic.
  Leather by @saintsenara
Tonks/Fleur, Tonks/Charlie, Tonks/Remus, Tonks/OFC. 2900 words. Legit character studies of bi characters are super rare in our fandom. I don't really go for self-discovery type fics but this one is whoa! Love, love, love and highly recommend this one. It's out and proud and amazing. <3 From Ladies of HP Fest Collection.
  Rare slash
Rare as in the only fic on AO3 for the pairing :D
The Ice Cream Man and the Potions Master by @squibstress
Florean Fortescue/Snape. 9000 words. Rated G. From Hoggywartyxmas 2022 fest collection. This is definitely my fav slash fic of the year <3 I feel like a lot of times especially with OTPs the preslash part is kind of assumed to happen in the background. This fic does an incredibly amazing job of setting up the preslash and it's just ultra convincing. New Snape ship dropped <3
Yeah, I read gen! Tbh I don't except when a character study fic or an author's writing style really grabs me :D
October by @ashesandhackles
Insanely amazing character studies. Rated G. The Barty Crouch Jr. character study, Disappointing Fathers, is probably my all time fav genfic with him. I came out of this super sympathetic for Barty which is something that never happened to me before. So well written and brilliantly characterized.
  Womb by eldritcher
3000 words. Rated M. Phineas Nigellus Black character study with a beautiful friendship with Snape. Dark and intense but the fic has my fav Snape resurrection of all time <3 From Snapecase 2023 fest collection.
  Birds of Paradise by eldritcher
2700 words. Rated G. Fawkes character study with a beautiful friendship with Albus Dumbledore. Really beautiful, ethereal fic. eldritcher can write non-human characters with their own "type" of emotional connect. Normally they use this superpower for writing interspecies :D But this is a beautiful gen fic. From Pandemic, my most beloved. Obviously each and every eldritcher fic has a really special place in my heart but Pandemic is just insanely generous giving something special at the right time when it was needed and it made a huge difference for me personally. Love and anarchy, always!
  The Octaves and the Circumsion of Our Lord by eldritcher
The Dark Lord is circumcised. Nobody knows how everybody knows, but everybody knows.
2300 words. Rated M. Regulus Black character study with a beautiful friendship with Kreacher. Dark and intense fic about Regulus getting radicalized but also showing how he actually buys into those beliefs. Normally I avoid Regulus fics because the characterizations just don't work for me. This is exactly how I imagine Canon Regulus.
  Al Najid by eldritcher
She has come here to make an example of this woman for the son to find. Snape should know that betrayal comes with consequences.
2800 words. Rated M. Bellatrix Black character study set just before she tortures the Longbottoms. A complicated situationship with Eileen. Dark and hot mess Black family fic.
Oof. Literally zero reason to trust my hetfic recs but you got to trust me :D These fics are amazing!
Ariadne by @ashesandhackles
Surrealistic, beautiful character study of Cho. It's got Harry/Cho, Cedric/Cho for pairings but this is 100% her fic. 1100 words. Rated G.
Exploring Cho's feelings for Harry in wake of her grief for Cedric's death, with symbolism from myth of Ariadne, Theseus and the Minotaur
  Four Christmases Pomona Sprout Loved and One She Hated by @kellychambliss.
Aberforth/Pomona. 6800 words. Rated T. This fic keeps it real. I really felt her pain because when you are an adult making new friends is super hard! The BEST Aberforth Dumbledore Snarkiest!!!! <3 I am a big fan of how this author writes The Abe D! Actually I am a big fan of this author. FAVE! <3 A lot of times rarepairs can feel kind of hard to believe because the characters don't have canon time together. You are totally going to be convinced. ALSO BANTER. I love relationship progression with banter. Things get bittersweet because of the war but it's got a really beautiful earned happy ending <3 My fav het fic of the year. Best fic to end this list :D
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
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Another May, another Snarry-a-Thon: the best time of year! (Also happens to be my birthday month, which makes it all the more special!) The Snarry community is so full of creative, generous, and supportive folks which always makes for a great event! Plus...more Snarry in the world! :D
This fest has been so meaningful to me over the years, and in celebration of another fest wrapped up, I've compiled a list of some of my favorites! This year had lots of goodies, so make sure to check out the rest of the collection, too!: Snarry-a-Thon 2023 (and the Master List on DW!)
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Info: The Want of You, by Ephemeral (@fleetingdesires) Rated: E. Words: 7,337. 8th year. Student/teacher. Clubbing.
On his night off, Severus unexpectedly realises that Harry has grown into quite an attractive man. He's just not going to think too hard about it. No, he's not going to think about him at all. It's fine. He's fine. Everything is fine.
Read for: a fun & sexy time.
"Merlin, Snape, why was that so hot?" "Because you like breaking rules, and I broke them for the want of you."
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Info: My Soul to Keep, by catharticEscapism (@catharticescapism.) Rated: E. Words: 4,027. Fat Harry. Internalized fat phobia. Fat acceptance. Body image & self-esteem. Past child abuse. Bottom!Snape. Fluff & smut.
Harry is self-conscious about his weight gain after the war, and Severus reassures him that he’s loved just the way he is.
Read for: heartwarming & wholesome lovemaking.
“I have great regard for your body. There is little I enjoy as much as having the opportunity to lay my hands on you.”
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Info: Luck of the Draw, by Writcraft (@writcraft.) Rated: E. Words: 11,857. Getting together. Gay bar. Drag queens. Hiking. Minor injuries. Paddington the dog.
Severus is enjoying the quiet life when his participation in a Ministry raffle forces him to go on a date with Harry Potter. During a weekend filled with drag queens, hiking, a twisted ankle and a dog named Paddington, Severus begins to wonder if the quiet life is really all it’s cracked up to be.
Read for: humor & fluff
Severus has always loved deeply, jealously, greedily. Even if it is utter madness to think of love and Potter in the same breath, now the fire has started Severus knows it is futile to attempt to resist the kind of yearning he believed long since buried.
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Info: Nocturne, by NecromanticNoir (@necromanticnoir.) Rated: E. Words: 54,090. Creature fic. Mystery & romance. Fairytale & horror. Angst & feels. Mutual pining. Dark magic.
A Gothic Snarry version of ‘Beauty and the Beast’, inspired by the dark and sensual tale from the Czech film version, ‘Panna a Netvor’. I follow some of the plot, but then diverge and do my own thing. Got to make it even weirder, right? An eerie, erotic, brooding, bloody, batty, haunting fairytale.
Read for: erotic fairytales & dark romance.
Severus knows he should not watch in secret - but there, through the window - oh, merciful heavens… The young man is bathing, in the large hammered-copper tub, his skin pale as moonbeams. All around the tub, candles burn; a hundred tiny flickering flames. Severus draws closer to the window, mesmerised. The bath water is white, sprinkled with flower petals and herbs of some kind, perhaps rosemary… The water seems to sparkle; the boy bathes in liquid moonshine.  Severus draws nearer still, and he beholds creamy skin - a pale shoulder, like marble. He is watching a rare creature; a unicorn, bathing in pure enchantment…
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Info: old fires and phantom limbs, by LilaDiurne (@liladiurne.) Rated: E. Words: 14,514. 2nd person POV + present tense. Severus POV. Minor Harry/OMC. Exes to lovers. Heartache. Angst with a happy ending.
A long moment passes. And then he steps out of the shadows of the surrounding shops and into the bright sunlight, walking up to you. "You came back," you say bluntly, unable to look away. "Yeah." He shuffles his feet a bit, slips his hands in his pockets in such a familiar way that a pang of deep fondness strikes through your chest. "Last week," he adds. It seems impossible that he would have been back in the country for days and you wouldn't have sensed it somehow. How could his presence not send shockwaves all the way to Spinner's End? How could you not know, in your heart of hearts, the instant that he returned?
Read for: poetic prose & immense emotion.
The passers-by come and go around you, shuffling about on the street this way and that, oblivious to your predicament, your dilemma. They did not feel the earthquake, they did not see your life crumbling. They do not know that your polished countenance is truly in shambles, held together with worn pieces of twine.
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Info: Loose Ends, by Arrisha (@arrisha-ao3.) Rated: E. Words: 9,856. Heavy angst. Trauma. Mystery. Romance.
I love you, Severus wants to say. But the timing is never right.
Read for: emotional devastation and/or you need to cry and the tears need help.
He never doubted that the boy loved him. But something deeper, darker, lurked underneath. Harry was broken. The war had broken him, and Severus was all he had.
~~ BONUS: Shameless Shelf Rec ~~
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Info: Devotion, by danpuff. Rated: E. Words: 25,843. Postwar. Background Hinny. Minor Severus/others. Cheating. Mental health issues. Angst. Unhealthy relationship. Ambiguous/open ending.
Is there anything more undignified than needing someone so much?
Read for: all of my Snarry feels.
The light of him transforms Spinner’s End. In the way of dreams, every wall is familiar and strange. Every book, every shelf in its place. The sofa is still lumpy, the lights still dim. The wallpaper still peels at the edges. The colors are changed. Just a shade off, he thinks. The air is crisp. Sweet and fresh as an apple. Cold and biting as a winter breeze. Harry is the soft warmth of a flickering flame. The heavy heat of a raging inferno. He is the blazing sun. The harsh light beneath which nothing can hide, and nothing survives.
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akaryuga · 1 year
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Happy birthday to Merula & Maca 2023!
A little bit failed like usual ٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)૭✧ but it still tasty! Merula already get use to it.
Love you Merula. ( ᐛ ) b ( ⌯᷄௰⌯᷅ ) I know weirdo.
This is the 3th year celebrating Merula’s birthday together! 。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。 Hope she’ll be happy this year too!
**9/1 is my Merula head-canon birthday. Cause her office consternation is Capricorn(22/12~19/1) but no matter when her true birthday is, I just want to have a day where we could celebrate the birth of our greatest witch.✧*。٩(๑˙╰╯˙๑)و✧*。**
maybe change it next year since professor Snape also 9/1 yuy I just noticed that. Maybe 2/1(?
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scamanderishredmayniac · 11 months
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Week 2 of Snape celebrations: The Professor!
This is for the @snapecelebration May event, prompt of The Professor!! For this one I chose to do the potions master, colleagues, head of slytherin. Prompts can be found here In this picture Snape is sitting in the staffroom, with Minerva McGonagall, his only friend and colleague (well apart from Dumbledore that is), by a roaring fire discussing house points.
“It seems rather unfair,” Snape drawled, “that once again Dumbledore favours your house over mine Minerva once again. He has awarded a ridiculous amount of house points to Potter as always.”
“Oh come now Severus, at least Harry works hard and plays fair. I rather think he deserves it don’t you?” Minerva smiled at the angry potions professor before her.
“His skills in potions are atrocious. No I don’t particularly think so Minerva.” Severus huffed in response.
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enter-the-phantom · 5 months
Enter Writes A Blog - December 19, 2023
Shenanigans Ensue at the Inaugural Rickmas Party ‘23
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Rickmas this year was a grand affair and hopefully the first of many more to come!
I’d been wanting to host a holiday party for a long time now—I know a lot of people and don’t get to see some of them as often as I’d like—and I had the brilliant/terrible idea to pay tribute to the spirit of the season in the best/worst way possible. Hence something my friends have been expecting for years: Rickmas—the party!
You don’t know true chaos until you have a group of 10-12 people, many of them dressed as various Alan Rickman characters, playing Cards Against Humanity while being benevolently watched over by a giant cutout of Severus Snape. Followed by karaoke in which Hans Gruber and two angels Metatron belt Gay Bar in the middle of the living room.
A night celebrating friends and love that the man himself would be proud of.
Favorite costume was Marvin by far (she had such clever makeup!), closely followed by Turpin complete with a tiny pie! My sister’s Metatron included $2 maracas that I was proud of.
And not a single good picture of my Hans to be found. Oh well, here’s a pre-party makeup check. I’ve really got to do something with all these niche cosplays I’ve acquired.
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momo-t-daye · 9 months
Momo's unofficial Snapetober for 2023
I have had such a delightful time with Snapetober the last couple of years and wanted to celebrate Severus Snape again this October!
Since I haven’t seen an official list of prompts for 2023 just yet (if anyone does have an official list, please do let me know! I don't want to step on toes), I compiled a list from a few previous Snapetobers, Inktobers, etc. and then added in some other words that struck me as October-ish and/or autumnal and/or Snape-esque to challenge myself If anyone else would like to participate with my unofficial prompt list, that would be glorious and I’d be thrilled!  It is such a treat to see all sorts of new Snape art and thoughts and creativity and all the ways the Snapedom can have fun with a concept and theme.
As I understand from previous years, the Snapetober rules are that you can do any number of prompts you fancy, combine prompts (I will!), respond to prompts in any order and on your own schedule (Snapetober can last until March and beyond if that is the timetable that works best for you!), and/or use prompt lists from previous years and that entries can be anything you wish to create from fic (any length, format, point of view, pairing, alternate universe or canon, featuring any additional characters), art (in any style and any level of effort), head-canons, plot bunnies, mood-boards, ballads, etc. etc. just so long as it is focused on Severus Snape and it is yours (also, if you have older art that fits a prompt that you want to circulate upon the metaphorical refrigerator, I think that’s awesome and would love to see it!)
I expect this list is a bit more plant and animal themed (because that is where my brain resides most of the time) and I did gravitate towards words that tickle the tongue (if there are any words that don’t translate well or don’t quite make sense, I am happy to try to help clarify). I hope there is sufficient wiggle room in the prompts to be interpreted in any direction!
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evernkillian · 6 months
HP Rec Fest 2023 - Prompts (Day 1 - A Favorite Fic Under 5k)
Standard Rec Lists Disclaimers Apply: Please for the love of God read the tags and Author's Note/s, This is NOT the ultimate rec lists or whatever, the fics below are my cup of tea.
This was originally through Days 1-5 but .. I Rec'ed (?) a lot. So. Per Day it is.
(also I have more fic recs here!)
@hprecfest #hprecfest2023
1. the monster you (don't) see by Lils_White (@decomposingfungi )
E | One- Shot | 1.8k Words | Harry / Tom | Voldemort
Summary: "Kneel," says Voldemort. And Harry does. (He dreams of blood and bones under his feet. A throne made of skulls. A king made of poison and lies. Harry carves out his heart and eats it, and he’s finally at peace).
2. Breaking More Taboos by Destiny_Of_A_Dragon
M | One- Shot | 3.3k Words | Harry / Tom | Voldemort
Summary: The first time Harry broke the taboo, he’d been beyond starving, with little to no choice. The second and third times were much the same. But the fourth? That’s when everything changed.
3. between the good and bad is where you’ll find me (dancing with him) by funky_at_heart (@funkyatheart)
T | One- Shot | 4.4k Words | Harry / Tom | Voldemort
Summary: Harry's seventeenth birthday brings with it a whole lot of presents, a slow panic about future job prospects and the freedom of finally being able to attend one of the many peace celebrations a certain Ex-Dark Lord has been throwing for two years now.
4. Once a Paw a Time by You_Light_The_Sky (@youlighttheskyfanfiction)
T | One- Shot | 3.1k Words | Harry / Tom | Voldemort
Summary: In which Tom is still Tom, and Harry is a black cat intent on making Tom miserable. Or happy. Who knows? Certainly not Harry the cat who is absolutely just a normal cat.
5. A series of unlikely events by Pseudonymous_Entity
T | WIP | 4.1k Words
Summary: While running through the Ministry in their attempts to avoid Death Eaters something went terribly wrong. Fortunately, Harry is nothing if not resilient. Inexplicably in the past? Your adversary is now your classmate? Sorted into Slytherin? Bring it on. Harry Potter has totally got this.
6. Wicked Rumor by Anna_Hopkins
T | WIP | 4k Words
Summary: Lord Voldemort has just had an excellent idea for how to ruin Dumbledore's reputation. If he handles this right, the old goat will never recover! "Harry, mate, I'm so sorry," Seamus Finnegan clapped him on the shoulder. "This must be so hard for you." Harry blinked. "..What?" It was just Potions, it wasn't that bad. Slughorn was loads better than Snape had been, after all. "Your dad, mate!" Seamus insisted, holding up an evening edition of the Prophet. "Everyone knows now, you don't have to hide it anymore-" "My dad's dead," said Harry flatly. "Voldemort killed him. Everyone knows that-" Then he read the headline.
7. we who walk in shadows black by Evandar
M | Complete | 3.5k Words | Harry / Tom | Voldemort
Summary: The boy looks up, eyes like the killing curse framed by soot-black lashes, and smiles. It’s a cold, wicked thing with far too many teeth to be friendly and far from the attitude Dumbledore is likely expecting. In which Harry Potter is a vicious little gremlin who knows too much, and Lord Voldemort adores him for it.
8. Riddle in the Dark by LeeASherlook
T | One- Shot | 1.6k Words
Summary: Revisiting the concept of boggarts in Snape's Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson, Harry was wholly prepared to face the faux dementor. But what stepped out of that darkened space was something else entirely. A handsome boy with a gleaming prefect's badge and a cruel smile.
9. Whirlpools by asterismal (asterisms)
T | One- Shot | 484 Words | Harry / Tom | Voldemort
Summary: Harry Potter has fallen back in time. He refuses to fall again.
10. rhythmicity by TreacleTeacups
T | One- Shot | 934 Words | Harry / Tom | Voldemort
Summary: In which Harry says Tom's First Words, but does not bear Tom's
11. the best of friends by TreacleTeacups
T | One- Shot | 1.8k Words | Harry / Tom | Voldemort
Summary: There's less than twenty four hours left until Harry has to face a dragon. He's too wired to sleep, too anxious to sit still. He goes looking for something to preoccupy his mind - and discovers a new friend.
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