#Since she's one of my many Agent 8's
Some Ghost Love
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zoetheneko · 3 months
Spoiler warning!!!
Acht's eyes are seen for a brief moment during side order's gameplay, and later where seen from pictures of Acht when they were not sanitized yet.
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But thanks to @splatoongamefiles for providing more details of Dedf1sh's model, their eyes where confirmed to be of a Yellow colour.
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But why are their eyes like this tho?
As far as we know about sanitized octarians, they were almost all potrayed with black scleras and teal irises (the sanitized octoling's eyes were never revealed, but they were probably the same as other octarians. Many fans got the memo since i saw a lot of fanarts of them with those eyes).
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During Octo expension, Dedf1sh was said to be no different then any other sanitized octolings, drained from all willpower and no memories of who they were, being nothing then one of Tartar's pawns. Their passion for music was the only thing that Acht wasn't stripped from, so they could only play their tracks that echoed thought the Deep sea Metro.
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In Side Order however, Acht doesn't seem to be this mindless pawn in the slightest anymore, their green skin and blue hair being the only thing that remain from their sanitization. Strangely, their eyes returned to their original colours. That's it. That's all that changed of Acht's appearence.
Why? How?
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First and foremost, Marina has got to have to have something to do with Acht's redemption arc since the two were close friends during their time in the army.
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And also, the reason of Acht's eyes going back to their original colours is it may be because they were no longer under Tartar's control.
The black scleras and teal irises indicates that a sanitized octarian is still brain-washed by the "test-subjects-based ink", and their purpose is only to follow Tartar's orders.
What could back up this theory is agent 3's sanitization. It was only partial, but 3's eyes were still different from their usual colours, but when they woke up after being knucked out by agent 8, their eyes were back to normal.
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That being said...
I have 3 possible theories about Acht returning to their senses and restore their memory:
Theory #1:
Following her escape from the Octarian army, Marina was trying to reach out Acht since they left as well a long time ago, but they never responded to any of her messages.
After Tartar was defeated, Marina went to wander the Deep Sea Metro. She must have listened to the music echoing and recognized the voice of her lost friend despite the fact that it was affected by the sanitization.
Marina went on a searching spree across every corner of the metro to find a sign of them, until she finally found them in their sanitized state. Marina had no choice but to bail them out of their hellhole.
She was determined to help Acht regain their sense of self and catch up on them.
Marina never told Acht about the Memverse though.
Theory #2:
After Tartar was defeated, Acht was still working as a DJ at the Deep Sea Metro for a while. Then maybe because they were not under Tartar's control any longer, the sanitization of their mind slowly died out, their eyes fading back to their usual hues, and they were able to flee containment, seeking to restore their memories.
After Acht fully regained themselves, they ran away from the Metro to find Marina. Unfortunately, Order caught them and brought them to the Memverse.
Theory #3:
Acht was still under the influence of the "test-subjects-based ink" even if we beat Tartar, but Order somehow found a way to get throught their mind to be put into the Memverse.
If you have anything to add to this theory, go for it. I'm open to feedbacks and opinions.
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zaptap · 3 months
my thoughts on side order so far (after doing the tutorial run)
panicked a little at the beginning when it asked me to design 8 because i thought it was just going to pull it from splatoon 2 and then ask if i wanted to change any of it, not go through each step like i didn't already have existing agent 8 data. suspended it and looked on youtube to see if it did do something differently (trying to stick to people that probably played splatoon 2) (and covering the sidebar with my hand because i KNOW there's at least one "side order all bosses" thumbnail in there. i'm looking at you prosafiagaming. wait no i mean i'm NOT looking at you)
eventually i decided that they must not be pulling that data for some reason, since everyone i saw starting it had the same customization experience (though i noticed different options were highlighted by default for different people? and mine didn't 100% match up with my s2 agent 8 but it was close)
anyway uh. as far as the actual game. seems like it'll be fun. i do still have splatoon 1 nagging at me until i finish my business before it shuts down though (just 18 wins to S+ 99... and then 3 battles with each of the other 90 weapons i haven't used in 7-8 years, or ever)
found it interesting that they kept pearl's last name as houzuki. like... they only localized half of her name? calling her pearl houzuki all these years made sense because she didn't have a canon english name but um. i guess that's it now? (i won't argue with not leaving her first name alone because probably too many people would pronounce hime as "haim" or something)
this is almost like when octo expansion just casually dropped that actually the localization didn't change marina's name, the japanese version just uses her last name and english uses her first
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
(Patreon anon) Here's the last of what I have of my QnA archive, I don't plan to repledge so cheers to whoever uses their money to snitch like me.
-HB season 1 takes place within one year
-Wally Wackford won't appear much in season 2 but will be important in the future.
-Vivzie would love more Wally merch but her merch lead doesn't feel confident in it selling well.
-Vivzie hasn't consider making pride merch because "It's the kind of thing that big corporations to try to appeal to a generation they're not normally involved in."
-Vivzie claims the whole show is a celebration of pride and doesn't feel the need to make pride merch but would be down to making if there's a demand for it. (With the amount of fan merch I've seen, there is)
-She claims to do general research for the HH character time period but doesn't integrate the history into their backstories as of now.
-Viv's open to oversea convention appearances and has been trying to get a booking agent to travel more for European conventions.
-Paimon's a big shapeshifter and is only an owl because that's what he needs to be.
-There was a time where Vivzie hated Zoophobia, saying if something doesn't work out, keep trying new projects that excite you.
-One hell year equals a lot of Earth years, so stolas existed well before 1985.
-Vivzie actually loves Mammon's design, she conceptualized it and had someone else finalize it. Sort of like how Oz was designed by someone on the team with Vivzie finalizing it.
-Vivzie wanted to show men can be abused too with Stolas
-Jeremy Jordan might join be cast by Vivzie since she knows him
-Stella may not want Stolas dead right away anymore, just at a later time. (This was asked pre-Western Energy)
-It's currently unclear when we'll get HH merch with their full series designs since they're owned by A24. (This was months before the recall of that Sir Pentious keychain that used the full series design)
-At the time, they were aiming for a three month wait period between HB episodes for season 2.
-Unlike HH, HB isn't considered a musical to Vivzie but will have elements to it in season 2.
-Vivzie doesn't remember what the golden feathers in epsiode 6 meant. Adam saids the artist come up with a bunch of ideas.
-Sinners technically don't need food and water to live, it's mostly out of habit and indulgence. Electronic sinners like Vox find a way through cartoon logic.
-Because of how long episode 8 was taking, Vivzie and Adam have started making HB comics of what happens between the episodes. They're still figuring it out with HH.
-If Oz ever met Valentino, he would hate him. The team jokes that Val would be very "notice me senpai" with him.
-Stolas is confirmed to be 8ft tall with Blitz at 5ft.
-Fights between an overlord and a goetia would barely happen so Vivzie wouldn't know which one would win.
-Tilla was removed as a sibling because Blitz's family was still in the early works, she's going to be renamed.
-Vivzie doesn't have a specific favorite villain archetypes, she enjoys ruthless mean girls and dramatic, and theatrical messed up villains like The Joker.
-Episode 6's collaboration was fun for Vivzie but complicated because she had to manage an entire second team, There were file issues and they had to go back and forth to make sure they were correct.
-Vivzie's interested in making more Zoophobia merch but doesn't wish to for other older projects. She mentions it'd be hard to convince her merch lead that anyone would want to buy anything from her older works.
-Stolas does have guilt with his affair and he has a lot of turmoil related to it.
-Leviathan will have a cameo in season 2
-Vivzie can't give specifics but Stolas doesn't have many friends who we might see them in the future. Stella has two friends who at the moment of that QnA don't have names.
-White marks on Imps are scars, and can be added for aesthetics (Unsure if she means design wise or in-universe cosmetics, possibly both with how Barbie looks)
-Stolas's job is to look into the skies of Earth and find prophecies in them and inform Hell of what's to come in the future, he doesn't do much other than that.
-Oz has a broad range of powers, there were too many to list in the timespan of the QnA.
-Octavia takes after Stolas in that she's socially unaware, Vivzie claims she also unaware of her parents's relationship because of Stolas trying hard to make it seem things are fine and does that to a "good extent".
-we'll see what Octavia and Stella's relationship is like later.
-Vivzie would like to release an artbook bigger than their con-exclusive one for HB after season 2 and when the team is free to organize the production art, she's unable to do one for HH at the moment.
-DHORK will return
-She's still figuring out the sins but don't want them to be fallen angels since it doesn't matter in HB, but it will for HH. So she wants to wait until HH to decide. (Possible they figured it out with HH season 1 done)
-She finds people saying the childhood friends trope with Stolitz being fanservice frustrating. (As seen with her recent rant of the overall story)
-Vivzie adopted Pixel a year and a half after she graduated SVA. She didn't explain how she got Honeybee and Nugget.
-full quote "There would be demons from the ring of Lust who would be asexual, and they will get to that in the future. But she generally imagines that lust demons wouldn't think it'd that much of a taboo. Lust demons would generally be confused by the concept, but they wouldn't have any hate.
Asmodeus would be an example of someone who wouldn't understand asexuality"
-She would like region-free dvds of HB but it would require re-negotiations with everyone who was involved with the show, if they do release it, it'll be difficult to make it region-free.
-Stolitz didn't interact at all between the 25 years apart.
-She put a lot of her life into Loo Loo Land, and yes...Viv's dad was openly horny in front of her and her sisters growing up, Viv found it funny but like I told Lemon...There was no mention of how her sisters felt about it.
-Viv put aspects of herself into Octavia but claims to not be a self-insert. Fizz has an aspect that is directly from Viv that we'll see in season 2 that she feels needs to be shown.
-HB was spun off because IMP was originally for HH, with Vivzie thinking they were better off as their own thing. HB's also about exploring Vivzie's hell like the demons that possess people.
-HB/HH was inspired by Batman and various musicals with the idea that she wanted a worlds with nothing but villains.
-The fan interpretations of Andrealphus were pretty close to what she's written for him.
-Vivzie's interpretation of Stolas's "I used to think that I was bold, I used to think that love was for fun" is meant that he's never gotten the chance to experience true love with him being gay and he had an arranged marriage.
-She wants Stolas and Stella's relationship to be something that's debated.
-The Von Eldritches will not appear in HH season 1
-question "How did Viv get to where she was? How did she get Hazbin and Helluva produced?"
answer: "She has reps who set her up with people very interested in her show. It was the producers who pitched their interest in her. This is what happened with Hazbin in that production companies showed what they would do for that show. When A24 showed interest in Hazbin, that's when she started pitching it to others (No mention of that those others are)"
-The certificate on Loona's adoption paper was signed by Beelzebub.
-HH will have the same level of NSFW and dark as HB is at the time of season 2's beginning, (I'm not sure why people are thinking it'll be even more if she has to obey S&P with a TV show) she admits to not having a good gauge of what's too extreme as she just does what she wants to do to tell her story. HH is new territory since it's more story based than HB.
-YT doesn't allow the use of the word "cunt" so Mammon will be heavily censored with the amount of time he saids it. There's also a scene in HB that a storyboard artist went too extreme on and Vivzie was afraid it would be rejected but turned out to be okay. (This ask was in September 2022, she didn't mention which scene but if I had to guess it might have been the dildo room)
-Oz is aware of Fizz being an imp, but Vivzie doesn't know if it's an open fact and she might use it as a story element someday.
-Rosie is an overlord, that's all Vivzie can say when asked what kind of demon she is.
-At the time Vivzie was still figuring out how time works in hell, Sinners are stuck at the age they died as while Hellborns do age.
-Stolas would have thought of Blitz a lot after their day together and has a problem separating fantasy from reality, Blitz would have never thought of him.
-Blitz's horse obsession started as an inside joke among the team
-Vivzie can't say if season 2 will have a Stolitz kiss
-Episode 6's collab started 4-5 months before the episode came out, There's no plans for season 2 to have one but Vivzie would love to do it again.
-When asked if any new characters will join IMP in season 2 Vivzie said "Not this season!"
-Stolas can transform into other things, but Vivzie is still deciding if it's something he can do on his own or needs the grimoire for it.
-Vivzie uses Google sheets to write and takes the complete draft to something called Final Draft to finish it
-That white cyclops guy that shows up in Cherri Bomb's segment of Addict is likely to change but that's all Vivzie can say.
-Striker was confirmed to be a hybrid hellborn.
-The client giving birth button in episode 1 was an oversight on Vivzie's part but did say that IMP had hellborn clients before
-Any remaining reveals of HH characters will be minor characters from the pilot, the final reveal will be a brand new character. (This was before the Adam reveal, so he could have been the final one)
-The thing about the sins being a pseudo-family with "nice and asshole" ones were accurate to what's been told to you, same with them technically being goetias, they're just in a different category.
-We'll see Oz and Mammon's relationship in the middle of season 2.
-A lot of material things have been made in the greed ring, it's very industrial, full of banks, smoggy and crime ridden like that was seen in the Chaz episode.
-HH and HB are planned out but said that there's "wiggle room' in that they figure out as the show goes by how they get to the events.
-Vivzie's still deciding what special powers Striker would have as a hybrid.
-If Vivzie had unlimited funds, she would love to make a movie for HH and HB and to speed up her production pipeline. she had issues in 2022 with her working more on HH.
-Claims that HH will definitely come out in 2023, but she also mentioned season 2 of HB will have a more consistent release schedule at the same time.
-Vivzie would like to make a height chart for the HB characters but claims the team doesn't need one because they know the size of them already.
> Vivzie hasn't consider making pride merch because "It's the kind of thing that big corporations to try to appeal to a generation they're not normally involved in."
Says Vivzie as she can't put out Sallie Mae merchandise fast enough, despite her having one speaking line and about five seconds of screen time.
> -HH and HB are planned out but said that there's "wiggle room' in that they figure out as the show goes by how they get to the events.
She's flip-flopped on how planned out the show is so many times it's not even funny anymore.
> Stolas does have guilt with his affair and he has a lot of turmoil related to it.
Figures this was before both scenes where he says he has zero guilt and would feel bad if he thought he did something wrong but doesn't.
> -Stolas would have thought of Blitz a lot after their day together and has a problem separating fantasy from reality, Blitz would have never thought of him.
What a fascinating character trait that we were all looking forward to seeing more of after Blitzo told him off in Ozzie's and popped his delusional bubble! What a shame it was downgraded to "Stolas, as always, did nothing wrong."
> -She wants Stolas and Stella's relationship to be something that's debated.
> -She put a lot of her life into Loo Loo Land, and yes...Viv's dad was openly horny in front of her and her sisters growing up, Viv found it funny but like I told Lemon...There was no mention of how her sisters felt about it.
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> -Vivzie doesn't remember what the golden feathers in epsiode 6 meant. Adam saids the artist come up with a bunch of ideas.
Remember when we all thought that was important? Oh Vivzie, you fucking hack.
Thank you so much for all of these, Patreon Anon. Hopefully someone else will step into your shoes but for now know that you're braver than any Marine.
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reidsbookclub · 1 year
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Flicker of Hope Pairing: Spencer Reid x BAU! fem! reader Category: angst if you squint and fluff WC: 1483  AN: thank you to @ofwilliamandwalter for beta reading this AN again sorry for so many: it would mean so much to me if you're on this taglist to like and reblog this fic or some feedback would be greatly appreciated as well . thank you and I appreciate all of you
Spencer Reid did not believe in love. At least, not the "all-encompassing, burst into butterflies at the first eye contact, can’t breathe unless you are next to them" type of love. To him, that love was mystical, fictional, just another folklore story that stood the test of time. 
He knew why he didn’t. Every romance book he had ever read mentioned this type of perfect, shiny rose-colored, charming, get-love-quick type, yet every relationship he had around him never lived up to those expectations. But even if he didn’t believe in it, he knew deep down that the part of him that safe kept his inner child longed for that type of love. Even if it was as unattainable as he believed it was. 
It all changed one Thursday morning on his way to work.  Spencer Reid was a man of routine, always the same and always ensuring that he would get to work at precisely a quarter to 8.  Always the same story, through the chapters of his life until the next chapter unfolded on a cold October morning in a corner cafe. Spencer had forgotten his contacts and his stubbornness not to wear his glasses had him spilling his coffee on the person that was right behind him. The only thing on his mind was that she must be an angel. 
“Seriously?” he heard the disgruntled grunt of the person who was now wearing his coffee.  “I have a job interview today!” 
But, instead of being able to say anything, Spencer looked stunned at her beauty. His shock was not taken well by her as she said, “At least a sorry would be nice.” “S–s-soo—” “Ugh,” she rolled her eyes and walked away “WAIT!” he called as he ran towards her, eventually catching up to her. He attempted to say, “I am sorry!" as he finally caught his breath. "You mentioned an interview. Let me help, at least take my coat.” 
Wearily of the shy stranger, because he could be a serial killer for all she knew, she teasingly added, "You should know that I’m an FBI agent.” However, she never expected what could come out of his mouth next. “Great,” he added with a shy chuckle, “guess you can give me my coat back after your interview, angel since I am an FBI agent as well.” 
“Guess I can,” she said, strange feelings flourishing inside her. 
They both walked in comfortable silence to FBI headquarters and, as they both stepped into the elevator, they broke the silence by both asking, “What floor?” Fits of giggles filled the elevator and it was soon filled with shock when they both said, “Six please.” 
In yet another uncharacteristically bold move, Spencer said, “Good luck in your interview, angel… feel free to give my coat back when it's over,” following it up with a wink. 
A wink, a wink? Really, Spencer? Derek would be laughing his ass off at how weird you look right now. Pull yourself together, he couldn't help but think. 
Spencer found himself jittery but for the first time, it wasn’t for the large amounts of coffee in his system. It was because of the slight possibility that the one person that brought out a side of him that he didn’t even know existed could work with him, it was like a flicker of hope was igniting in his heart, he could see himself, for the first time, believing in the love he claimed he did not believe in.
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Months flew by and Spencer formed a close friendship with Y/N. Slowly he could feel that small flicker of hope growing, igniting, it felt like a sparkler quickly growing in force. From weekly movie nights and museum visits to shared car rides to and from work. Everyone could see Spencer quickly falling for her with something more than a school-boy crush and the team thought it was funny to see Y/N tirelessly flirting with an unsuspecting Reid. Bets quickly flew not only around the team but with the office agents like Anderson and Sharp. It was a six-floor pool on if or rather when Spencer would notice. The one person running out of patience was Y/N, who in a moment of desperation, resorted to making a move she’d only ever read about in novels and seen in cheesy rom-com movies.  She would attempt to make the gorgeous genius jealous by fake dating with the only person she knew would be willing to do it, even if it was just to finally see him happy. 
Y/N set the plan into motion. After having Morgan agree to be a participant, she strategically calculated when and where she would make her move and waited for the dominoes to start falling into place that fateful morning when she put all her cards on the table and hoped that Spencer was overhearing the conversation she was about to have. After all, the greatest rom-coms had a bit of a jealous element to them, didn’t they?
“Are you sure you want to do this pretty girl? As much as I want to see you both happy, the kid will be crushed for a while,” Morgan asked.
“Morgan, he calls me an angel for fucks sake and I need to know if he actually likes me. I mean, a girl can only flirt for so long before taking desperate measures and I say 7 months is too much.” 
Seeing her pouting face, Morgan couldn’t help but laugh and prepare to say the script he had been rehearsing.  
  He had not meant to overhear them. In fact, he didn’t even know they were there. Spencer had gotten up to make what was now his fourth cup of coffee when his heart shattered into a million pieces. “So, pretty girl, seeing you at 7 at that Indian place downtown right?” He heard who he not only thought was his best friend, but his brother say. Morgan was the only one Spencer had confided his feelings towards Y/N to and he couldn’t believe he had betrayed him like that. But another knife to the heart was felt as she said, “It's a date.” Of course, she had chosen Morgan. Not that she had ever shown the slightest interest in Spencer, but that didn’t stop him from falling for her. It didn't prevent his mind from forming very realistic scenarios of Y/N and him together, in the dead of night when he couldn’t sleep. 
If anyone noticed the change in Spencer’s mood, no one commented on it, but he knew one thing: he would not let the date between Morgan and Y/N ruin his evening.
Spencer was at a corner bookstore that always made him feel safe. Deep down he knew that books would be the one thing that never let him down… after all, he was on his own, and he would always be on his own. Just like every secret romantic, he wished for the perfect kiss to save him, to prove to him that what he had been believing about love had all been wrong. He had been lost perusing the bookstore shelves, time slipping away faster than the leaves falling from the trees. When he looked out the window it was already getting dark. He couldn't help but gag at the happy couples, wondering if that could've or even would've been him had he told Y/N how he felt. Between all the couples walking by, he could spot Morgan with someone in his arm, someone that was not Y/N. Confusion was written all over his face, he left the bookstore and marched right up to Morgan and his date. 
Before he could explode angrily at Morgan, Spencer felt a strong hand stop him and say, “You have two options right now, pretty boy: you can either rip me apart and let some other dickhead get your girl or, since I know you overheard the conversation, you can go to the restaurant and make sure you have the best first date you can.” 
If he thought the walk to the restaurant was going to calm him down, it didn’t. His mind was a labyrinth of both emotions and memories. In the midst of all the haziness his mind was going through, one thing was clear, he was in love. As soon as he walked in, he was able to spot her, and a bundle of nerves that he was. He stood next to her and cleared his throat waiting for her to look up. When she did look up, a knowing smile greeted him, the words falling from her lips being, “Took you long enough. I was beginning to think you were going to stand me up, Dr. Reid.” To which he could only reply, “And here I thought I was the mastermind but as it turns out, it's you.”  AN: to read more of my fics you can click here to sign up of my taglist you can click here taglist — posting again because y’all didn’t get tagged
@samuel-de-champagne-problems  @fightingdragonswithwho @writer-in-theory @pretty-boys-book-club @kodiakwhiskey  @nygmaperry @reidslibrarybook @luredwithpretzels @justreadingficsdontmindme @nomajdetective @lilibet261 @safespacespence @dontjudgemeimawriter @serenity-lattes @reidselle @scargarcia-magshotchner @alexxavicry @cafeacademia @paperbackprettyboy @esoltis280 @milla984
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flamingskull28 · 17 days
i want to hear about your agent 4's family since you haven't talked about them. Like how they would to her being in the NSS or dating agent 8
So in most any iteration of my 4's they don't have a good relationship with their family, I'm just going to refer to deep sea 4 though.
As I've said before, deep sea 4 was shunned and overshadowed in her hometown, not having many friends. Not helped by her older sister (Astra) who got popular by making fun of her with the other kids, she also had a sister her own age (Star) who she got along with, but they were a book worm type and kept to themselves. Her parents were always busy, and when they weren't they focused more on 4's older sister as their golden child, and always did the "why can't you be more like your sister?"
A month or two after becoming 15 she got tired of being so lonely and ran away to inkopols only leaving a note on the fridge basically saying, "If you don't want me then bye." she was reported as a runaway, but she cut her hair and sold what she had to get new clothing (Her parents always made her wear formal outfits and have long, even hair. She was glad to change it) so the police never found her.
you know how it goes she barely scraps by from turf and Marie finds and recruits her.
I think at some point, after the events of 4's guide to the deep-sea metro, she would reach out to Star once more after finding out they worked at a library in the city. Her and her sister get alone well, but Star promised not to tell their parents or other sister she found them. Star didn't like them much either.
Star doesn't know about 4 being in the nss, whenever Star asks about 4's scars (both sanitization and mission ones) she's just told the sanitized ones are from an accident at grizz co and the normal one's from turf and training. Star is also very supportive of 4 and 8's relationship, happy that her sister found love even if 8 scares her.
8 knows about 4's past with her family and didn't want Star to hurt them at all but eventually let her guard down.
Also deep sea 4's name is Nova
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yatgb · 3 months
Okay well i GUESSSS i can ramble about agent 8 🙄 if i mustt
He/She Eight forever and always ^-^ people (including herself) default to she/her but she doesnt mind! Either prns are fine any time. Also doesnt label her sexuality he's just balling
Aside from all the sanitized kamabo bullshit i think hitting her head after the fight with agent 3 actually did give her some Lasting Brain Damage, and she has problems with forgetting things. Her and Agent 4's apartment is PLASTERED with sticky note reminders, even for stuff like "close the fridge" "turn off the stove" because she WILL forget to do that part
Agent 4 made her a little cookbook that step-by-step tells her how to make her favorite foods with those menial reminders to turn stuff on and off and close doors
AND she and Agent 4 have made what they call Eight's Brain Board, whoch is a crime board style corkboard that lays out all her memories and how they relate to each other just in case she forgets again. Proudly on display in their room
Likes wood-and-metalworking just to make little trinkets, most of the time Octivus or Squidmas gifts. The definition of Hobby On The Side that keeps her hands sharp. The first one she made on the surface was a little Salmonid keychain she gifted to Agent 4 ^-^
Still writes poetry too. She doesnt mean for it to be 8-8-8 syllables they literally just. Happen like that. She'll write a poem about literally anything. she wrote one about Agent 4's freckles
I know Donny is the shopkeeper in-game but Eight is the actual store manager for the Ammo Knights in Inkopolis Square. Sheldon hired her before he moved to Splatsville and she proved to be a VERY good employee so he let her take over the store
She and Sheldon often have friendly races between who can take apart and put a weapon back together the quickest. Eight's record is less than 2 minutes for a Hydra Splatling
Eight takes her job SUPER seriously and absolutely Will Not Budge on anything like prices or weapon availability. No "i left my ID at home" or "i'm basically level 10 cant i just have that one" she does NOT care. Rules are rules and by jove she will not only follow but she WILL enforce them
^ that being said she also HATES Grizzco. She doesnt like their shady vibe and has heard many horror stories about the actual work from Agent 4 (who works there to pay off his student loans) and she really really REALLY despises how they illegally modify weapons for golden rotations. Every time she finds a modified weapon she instantly confiscates and dismantles it. It's like a spit in the face to her entire career and she will not stand for it
Very good with teenagers! Mostly bc thats the majority of who comes into the shop. She loves hearing about their battle tales and has been jotting down little plotlines that unfold in her store (like a kid trying a new weapon to impress their crush, or someone climbing up the ranks in Clam Blitz, that type thing)
She has a reputation for being super nice to everyone but really its because she just has a really long fuse. It takes a LOT to get her mad
Charger main! She's amazing with any charger you put in front of her and she's an absolute MENACE in an inkbattle. Her favorites change but "you can never go wrong with a good and standard Splat Charger"
Her favorite battle mode is Tower Control!
She also Is crushing on Cap3 but she will literally never make a move. Partly bc they live across the ocean in splatsville now but also It's Agent 3. The Legendary Agent 3. Theyre Too Cool For Me (Agent 4 has been trying to wingman them together ever since they started hanging out. the pining is mutual theyre both just flustered. Hes suffering)
Idol relationships!!!!!!! Since she is genuinely good friends with Agent 3 she's frienda by proxy with the squid sisters. They dont really have a lot in common and dont hang out much but she and Marie like being menaces in inkbattles together because theyre both cracked with a Charger and love causing problems. Imagine 2 E-Liters on the Brinewater ledge. Hell. She finds it easy to chat with Callie and they'll talk about literally anything. Callie just has that effect on people i think
She sees Pearl and Marina as cousins, partly bc Pearl started calling her Cousin as a nickname but they really are like family. She lived with them for a solid month learning the language and etiquitte before they couldnt put off their Idol Jobs any longer, which is when she started living with Agent 4. They check in with each other every day and fuckig. LOVE EACH OTHER. She always gets front row tickets to their shows
Has only met Deep Cut very very briefly while being a roadie for OTH's world tour. They indimidate her but she'll take Marina's word that Big Man is chill at least. She's also heard good things about their heroism in Alterna from Cap3 so at the moment theyre vaguely Okay in her book
Also besties with Acht ^-^ initially bonding over Side Order bullshit but she finds their practical blunt nature to be really refreshing and calming. They mostly parallel-play when they hang out together. Like cats. She really likes their new music (can't listen to any Kamabo songs without feeling Bad after :( trauma and all. Acht respects this)
Shelly and Donny absolutely LOVE HER. She always entertains their kiddie ramblings and helps them out if they need a hand at their store, and theyre always welcome to work at her store if theirs is slow and they want something to do. She teaches them more about the weapons in a hands-on way so they have more to tell the customers rather than just parroting Sheldon
Speaking of, she's also great friends with Sheldon! Technically he's her boss but hes a very chill boss and she's been invited to family gatglherings outside of work and such. A good friend to the Shellendorf family!
"Hey eight how are you so cheerful all the time you have a very busy job and lots of friends to keep up with! Whats your secret!" Shes literally just in love with life. Thats it. After dealing with so much shit underground and nearly losing everything in Kamabo she has a huge appreciation for life itself. She relishes in the good and accepts the bad because at least she has a choice to experience it all. That being said can trauma responses go away she doesnt quite like those
(Hiiii :3 watch out here comes the extremely thought out backstory i made under the cut)
The reason shes so good with Chargers is actually because she was training under a Special Forces unit in the Octarian Army
She was known in her class for being super smart and quick on her feet but she just CANT build up any muscle mass, and the wasabi supply unit were already thinking of allowing Certain Octolings to use Chargers and Splatlings without being Octocommanders or Octosnipers, so they decided to guinea pig her with a Charger along with a smattering of other similar Octolings
She became like. SUPER good at using Chargers and a lot of her peers would call her The Next Marina because she surprised everyone with how cracked she was at like everything they threw at her. She never liked this comprison due to wanting to just Be Herself
She was also known for being extremely caring and empathetic, which landed her in hot water for speaking out against the way she and her fellow colleagues were treated as faceless soldiers, and wondered if plotting against the Inklings was even worth it st this point. She famously got in MASSIVE trouble for insinuating that they let The Great Zapfish go and was in Detention/Jail for like a While and nearly lost all her progress climbing up the ranks
Alsooooooo :3 in my personal canon she was part of the squad to escort Callie into Octo Canyon. It was her first time ever on the surface and once she got a taste for the real sun she needed more of it
(I know Octo Expansion is likely happening the same time as Splat2 Hero Mode but it makes sense for my canon for it to happen After)
Also she's 18 st the start of Octo Expansion just to tie back into the whole 8 thing they had going on
The whole hypnoshade thing was also thrust on Callie as a surprise and like. It's not fun to be Surprise Brainwashed so of course she fought back before the hypnoshades took effect. Eight still has a scar on her shoulder from where Callie dug her nails in. That experience was also the final nail in the "i gotta get out of here" coffin
Even though she had made up her mind to run away to the surface, it still really hurt to leave her life behind. She had real friends and even something romantic going on with someone special, as well as having actual good standings in the army with a bright future ahead of her, but the surface was more worth it in her eyes. being able to have her own life instead of one she was forced into was so appealing. Her friends think she's selfish and definitely resent her now (even though theyre fuzzed and barely remember her in turn)
Oh and also her name used to be Maia Idachi :3 but since she doesnt know her old name she can't find her file in Cap'n Cuttlefish's dossier. She doesn't want to go by facial recognition in case she mistakes her fime for someone else's and remembers something that never happened to her yknow (got Maia from amai, the japanese word to describe something sweet to tie into her being caring and empathetic, and Idachi from Idako which is the word for a species of Octopus)
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welcome :D
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(images above is not mine, it's an art req by @pokimoko[a cool person :D]!) (i will hold onto these forever tysm dude)
(also AUDHD OCTOLING SQUID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(tw!!! I swear here(got that American and Scottish in my dumb self), if you don't like it, you should probably go!!! I don't wanna make people sad :<) 🦑 ★ this abt me temp is by @electricalstemplatesᔦꙬᔨ—!! ╰━ Name: Spike ↭ Age: not telling but here's a hint: I cannot drive a car┊🎮 Pronouns: any! she/her is preferred tho!!! ﹅ __gender: Transfem | orient: lesbian__ꕀ🏆 ✮ l [link]() 🔫➜ I (surprisingly)have a gf who likes to be called Eight/Agent 8!!!↯ . . ੭ ⁠くコ⁠:⁠彡く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡
⁠ C⁠:⁠彡 C⁠:⁠彡 C⁠⁠:⁠彡 C⁠⁠:⁠彡 hello, I'm Spike! you can call me Goldie if you want, too. i go by any pronouns! i have ADHD so i may forget to do things... if i do, remind me! ;-;
cake day: jan 19 :D
a furry/avian/lgbtq+ safe space! (if I ever make you feel uncomfortable, please tell me!!! I don't wanna make you feel that way!!!!)
i am opening art requests again after like 3 months lol i can draw:
ocs(that aren't complicated)
reaction images
art prompts
please send asks on @askbfdicharactersorocs i wanna draw objects more
BUBBLE BLOG: @thebubblebfb
BH BLOG: @etherealhole
LIY BLOG: @liythefourbiddenexplorer
TWO BLOG: @two-integer
ROOT BEER(my objectsona) BLOG: @transfem-cowgirl-cook-rootbeer
GOO BLOG: @cheerfactoryco-founder
TEA KETTLE BLOG: @caring-kettle-ii
FOURBIDDEN AU BLOG: @fourbiddenarchives
you can also find me on: RobloxWattpadBeta.Character.AIScratchRedditTwitter/X
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here's Root Beer V3!
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AND Golden Egg!
about the Salmonling:
ROOT BEER?!?!/!(REAL)(AT 3 AM) :000000000
Spike - yea sure, anybody can call me this Salmonoid - it's salmonling, but they get mixed up often so yea :) Salmonling - sure :) Golden Egg: godamnit 8 I will get you back for that (she kept calling me this when we were at a cafe and due to me having the 'ability' to get embarrased easily of a glass ant with broken legs I was a blushing mess for the rest of the time I was with her--) THING - w h y d o y o u c a l l m e t h i s Person - ok???????? Root Beer - go for it :D Spika - this one's your fault irl fren/silly Pika - other sona's name so ye :D Asteroid - old roblox name, ye :D Asriel/Alphys - my kin so ye :) legal name - big no-no >:( Any other silly little nicknames: go for it!
i run a BFDI/TPOT/II ask blog called @askbfdicharactersorocs! if you wanna ask stuff there, to to that :D i also have a blog that just puts Root Beer in random ass places that y'all ask me for called @puttingrootbeerinplaces!
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i'm a young artist trying to build my following on Tumblr! I draw many things, including;
-{memes(sometimes)}- -{CHANGED}- -{Bugsnax}- -{fanart(sometimes)}- -{Battle for BFDI/TPOT}- -{Mysterious Object Super Show}- -{Otherworldy Ravenous Beast}- -{Animated Inanimate Battle}- -{Open Source Objects}- -{Excellent Extraordinary Entities}- -{Beautiful Ultimate Really Never Ending Realm}- -{The Daily Object Show}- -{The Nightly Manor}- -{Inanimate Insanity Invitational}- -{and other object shows!}- -{smaller game characters}- -{splatoon}- -{transfurs}- -{My own OCS}- -{UNDERTALE}- -{Cookie Run}-
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and more to come in the future! my blog is mainly for wholesome content cuz do a lot of meme/just straight up wholesome art.
i'm alright with nsfw art of my ocs although i wont draw any nsfw myself. i'm not ready yet...
my asks are always open, I would love to answer questions for you all on both accounts! :D
my account isin't that active with posts since i often forget to finish or just start another drawing...
i appreciate likes and reblogs and I would love for you all to follow me on my adventure through Tumblr! be sure to stick around for stuff like work in progress animations and artwork. <3
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birthday: jan 19 :D
fav colors: 💜purple💜 💙blue💙 💖pink💖
Object Shows
Spongebob(ik sounds generic but yea i love that show)
Roblox: @mayab3020
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Remote (Tpot/Bfb)
Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
thank you for reading :>
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sailorsplatoon · 8 days
Elita/Pepper meeting 8 could go so many different ways depending on if your 8 has regained their memories. Cuz if the two were rivals I could see 8 wanting Elita/Pepper to tell them everything about themselves then Elita/Pepper would twist some facts or embellish details to make herself look better. And Elita/Pepper would be the only person of the group to know 8s real name.
Oooh I hadn’t thought about that.
My Eight doesn’t have all his memories (which is why he goes by Eight rather than his real name). He is gradually regaining them in the Memverse, but when he meets Elita again he still doesn’t have every detail. 
Elita/Pepper totally twists certain details, but then it turns out those were things that Eight remembered already and he sees straight through her embellishments. He doesn’t really care though. 
As revenge, when he tells her about his experiences in the Deepsea Metro and the Memverse, he embellishes a ton too, making himself look better. He already has an impressive amount of accomplishments, so his embellishments make him seem like the strongest octoling alive. Elita/Pepper 100% falls for it and believes every word.
Elita/Pepper is in fact the only one to know Eight’s real name. She didn’t know that his name was something that he forgot though. So ended up just casually calling him it, and then not understanding why he was thanking her so much. Once she understood what was going on, she was happy to have been the one to remember it for him. It gives her a bit of a “you owe me” that she can dangle over Eight’s head when she needs it.
As for what Eight’s real name actually is, it has been well established that names are things that I struggle with. However, this time I did some research and actually put some thought into it because I feel like Eight’s real name is a significant part of his story.
So, my Agent 8’s real name is Gale. I based it off of the funeral bell mushroom (scientific name being galerina marginata) because I love mushrooms and this one is cool. it’s very poisonous and grows on stumps of pine trees or dead pine branches. It’s also very small, meaning that poisonings by it are rare. The word gale can also refer to a very strong wind.
I felt like these fit Eight pretty well, since my Eight oc is really kind most of the time (mushroom is small and unassuming), but can also kill you (mushroom is very poisonous). He’s extremely strong (like a gust of wind), but won’t use his strength unless he needs to (poisonings from the mushroom are rare). 
Thank you for the ask!!! Half of this was me actually responding to what you wrote and the other half was just me rambling about Eight’s name lol. 
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octomae · 12 days
(worldbuilds my ocverse so hard it includes the coroika characters too)
in Newbeakverse, Octo Expansion... happens differently than it does in both the games and in coroika. my Agent 8, [Elite Theta], goes through Kamabo's tests alone, with her memory wiped. however, she wasn't the original subject 10,008. the original 10,008 was Hachi (yeah the coroika guy).
during the two years between the end of Splatoon 1 and the beginning of Splatoon 2, after the Calamari Inkantation and the Final Battle, octolings started leaving the domes en masse. they could:
try to reach the surface themselves (and risk encountering certain death, aka, Agent 3 [Trip], who went absolutely berserk on Octo Valley)
attempt to find a representative of Forge to smuggle them up, out of the domes, and into the cities safely (the safest, but hardest option; Forge is privately/secretly owned by surface octolings, namely, Army and his family, and not many dome octolings knew Forge was an option)
sign up for Kamabo Co.'s highly advertised surface program
Kamabo advertised itself to deserting octolings, offering "training" to them via tests to prepare them for the "Promised Land", boasting a 100% success/passing rate (which nobody could dispute otherwise, since every test subject was either sanitized or blended). because many of the deserters were citizens and low level to average soldiers, Kamabo was by far the most popular, alluring, and well known option.
so of course, many octolings were lured into the mouth of Kamabo for what it promised. Acht (No. 35) was one of them. Hachi (No. 10,008) and Nana (No. 10,007) were two more. my Neo Agent 3, [Novah] (No. 10,009) was another.
one octoling who did not choose Kamabo was Prince Aorta, Octavio's son. my Agent 8, Elite Theta, caught him attempting to sneak out and refused to let him go alone. after pulling in a few favors, she managed to make contact with a Forge representative, and she left the domes with Prince Aorta to escort him safely to the meeting point on the surface, Mt. Nantai.
it is here that Elite Theta and Prince Aorta encounter Agent 3 and Cap'n Cuttlefish. Theta chooses to stay behind to distract Agent 3 long enough for Aorta to get away safely and he does. Agent 3, Cap'n Cuttlefish, and Elite Theta do not, and are dragged into Kamabo.
[and then this (old) fanfic i wrote happens lol]
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boredwritergirl · 24 days
Day 8 - Skeletal Agent 008: A Change of Plans
This is the follow up to Day 1's entry in my one short story a day challenge but you don't need to read it to follow this one. Have a nice Day
Skeletal Agent 008:A Change of Plans
Come on, Come on! Jane thought, her knee impatiently bobbing up and down in anticipation.
It had been a week since Queen Sorceress Bahati had briefly graced her quaint little café in Cairo. Special Agent Jane Bones thought that this was the first big breakthrough of her assignment at the time, but now she wasn’t so sure anymore.
She said she’d be back… She promised me… well, she promised the woman I’m impersonating, but still! How am I supposed to free all of those skeletons from their fleshy prisons if I can’t seduce my way into her compound? I still can’t believe I was so caught up in the moment that I didn’t even try to skepathically communicate with the bones within that wretched monster. I had to lie on it in my report to HQ just so they didn’t know how bad I fumbled it… 
Jane then wiped some tears off of her face, the magic form giving the skeleton a human visage generating them for the first time. What… What is this? Jane wondered, studying the liquid on my finger. God these fleshies are so bizarre. Why do their bodies generate water like this? There’s no way that this little can be enough to sustain them.  
The café door opened, ringing the little bell attached to the top of the door frame as Bahati finally walked inside. 
Jane’s face flushed as she gazed upon the Queen of Cairo once more, the mighty sorceress strutting over to her as she took off her sunglasses.
“Hey, cutie.” She said with a soft purr in her voice. “Missed you.”
Jane bowed in an attempt to stay in character. “Greetings your highness,” I shouldn’t assume too much, I can’t ask anything about the secret relationship she had with the shopkeeper I took the form of, or else I’ll be found out as a spy.
Bahati giggled, “Don’t be so silly. How many times do I have to tell you, call me Mommy.”
Jane’s false flesh grew rosy, her hand scratching the back of her head as she tried to come up with a good answer. “Ummm, Yes Mommy.”
Bahati shot Jane a devilish grin, “Good Girl.” She said, before sitting down at the nearest table. “Get me a fresh cup, we have much to discuss.”
Jane nodded, making a brief retreat to the coffee machine to get her a fresh cup. When the drink was done, the machine poured its contents into a small, white porcelain cup with a pink and red floral pattern that converged into a spiral beside the handle.
As Jane walked over to Ms Bahati’s table with the drink, her mind raced. HQ is gonna kill me for not poisoning her again, but I need to play it cool for now so that I can rescue more later. Maybe I can learn some more about “Our” relationship.
Ain immediately took a sip of the drink Jane had made for her. Without saying a word, she firmly patted herself on the lap, signaling Jane to sit on it.
Jane gulped, hesitating but ultimately caving into her command.
The Queen said, “You didn’t put as much creamer in as usual… Whatever, there’s something we need to discuss, cutie.”
Jane asked, “Is it about our relationship?”
The Sorceress scoffed, “No, we already went over that.”
“You mean last week? But that was so short, shouldn't we discuss it some more?”
“No.” Ain Bahati said with a stern coldness. “That has been settled. You’re mine again. Don’t forget that.”
“Y-Y-” I can’t believe I’m demeaning myself like this. “Yes, Mommy. What are you here to discuss then?”
“Something far less interesting.” She sighed. “My husband… I want you to come with me back to the castle and poison him.”
Jane’s magic eyes grew wide. Wait, what!? She actually wants me to go with her? She wants me to kill one of her own kind? Her legal partner no less! Something’s off, there’s no way I’m getting my way this easy. “P-Poi- What!?...”
Bahati stroked Jane’s magic hair, “You heard me, cutie.”
“But-But, you’re married to him for a reason, right?”
“Oh please, we both know I’m more into you. Marrying him was a convenience. We both got to continue our family lines and got all of the benefits of being legally bound to each other. But now he’s outgrown his usefulness. And you’re just so inconspicuous, you’d be perfect for the job.”
But-But I’ve never done something like this!” Jane cried, staying in character.
“I know, it’s a big ask, but it’d just be too suspicious if I did it. That’s why it needs to be someone like you. Now be a good girl and say yes.”
“...Yes, Mommy. I’ll do it.”
“Good Girl” The Queen said, giving Jane a kiss.
Jane was so lost by the kiss that she barely even thought anything until Ain Bahati was about to leave.
As the Sorceress departed, Jane snapped to her senses, Oh shit, her skeleton! This is my last chance to communicate with them until she moves me into the compound!”
As Ain leaves, Jane attempts to skelepathically communicate with the being serving as the skeletal structure of The Queen’s body. But, to Jane’s shock, there’s no response.
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energywarning · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons for (your) agent 24? I feel like you've probably posted some before but I can't find any lol
(Hi it is a bit disorganized i use both 3/8 and their names (ripley and eight) sorry ^_^' also alex is 4 bc shes mentioned once)
-8 wears 3's clothes sometimes for comfort to the displeasure of everyone most of the time. ("... does she seriously NOT notice the smell.?" (She doesnt, weirdly enough))
-8 stole 3's cape pretty much. BUT Asks 3 to wear it again every now and then though because 8 likes wearing it in the context where its 3's cape that she wears and if 3 doesnt wear it anymore then itd just be 8's cape that used to be 3's and she doesnt quite like that.?
-3 is an excellent cook and she meals prep for the week when she can, 8 is extremely grateful for this and sends her a thank you text everyday when she eats lunch. Or gives her a thank you kiss when theyre eating together. An unbroken habit. Despite 3 insisting that its literally just some food but ya know.
(tho Alex also live w them(since its her apartment??? Lol) And she is also very grateful for Ripley's cooking but its in a girlbro way not romantically. And this is an agent24 ask so)
-8 writes poems for 3 sometimes, the 1st time 3 catches her in the middle of writing it and she tries to be like "what is that, a poem ? Cool is it for me hhah-" "Yes it is do you want to me to read what i wrote so far now ? Im a bit stuck on it because i dont know if this rhyme sounds good or not" "Oh uh. Uh. uhhh. Sure Ok." . It surprises 3 a lot because she always considered herself boring and somehow 8 has So Many Thoughts about her?? (Boring NOT in a vanilla ice cream way, more like a discarded empty trash bag near a garbage bin way, or a few shards of a broken street lamp way)
-They do use pet names for eachother sometimes. Eight calls Ripley "honey" mostly and Ripley calls Eight "darling" (in octarian) . Ripley gets embarrassed easily so using a foreign language helps...
but their names means a lot to one another etc. so they mostly call eachother .that. ?
-3 has Zero respect for their body, sometimes it shows in big ways (post oe or splat 3... but anyway)
but mostly in small-ish details like dark circles under their eyes cus they dont sleep much, new small scars and scabs that they obviously did not disinfect properly and all that.
Annnd their hands.
One day they are in a bus or smth and 8 decides to be a Bold Friend (not dating yet at that point... i think ?) and grabs their hand but Oh My God it feels like shes holding a crusty chunk of wood!! What!?
So she moves 3s hands out of the pocket of their hoodie to get a better look and oh gosh your hands look so dry ??? How do you even move them!
3 tries to apologize but theyre cut off by 8 showing them something she got out of her bag... a hand cream ? Oh. Well thank you 8 ill go put on some- but then 8 starts to massage their hand and 3 is literally just Sitting There. From there its a little ritual they have somewhat, since 3 would literally never bother doing it themself, despite saying they would.
-8 chews/gnaws when shes nervous/excited/bored/(insert feeling here). She hates the weird plastic-y taste/feel so those chewing necklaces are out of the question. She doesnt like chewing gum either bc it doesnt offer enough resistence.? for a while she just mistreated her poor fingers/hands/arms ( last one is on rarer occasions.)
One day 3 notices and after some back and forth dialogue, digs around in their bag and gives her a.. box of liquorice roots ?
They tell her to try gnawing on these instead, "though the taste could be a bit weird so just try it and if you dont like it well we will try to find something else dont worry etc".
It worked out just fine! Now she always has a box on her. Well not always sometimes she forgets, but 3 always has one on them just in case 8 forgets.
(Energywarning here: when i mean "liquorice roots" i do NOT mean those liquorice stick candies. I DO mean the Actual Liquorice roots. I used to get these as a kid. I hear theyre good for teeth? Idk)
- 8 likes kissing 3's scar. Thats it thats the hc
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I probably had more in my head but i forgot. Thanks for the ask !
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lurking-latinist · 2 months
For the meta for writers questions, 1, 3, 8, and 20!
Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Ah, the Ace Longfic! Which still doesn't have a title to itself. It is supposed to be like ten chapters but will probably be more than that, and I'm in chapter four! I'm trying not to talk about it too much online because then I won't want to write the actual thing, but without spoilers, it's a series of solo adventures for Ace that explore her parallels with/similarity to the Doctor. I'm trying to actually write full adventures and I'm having fun coming up with interesting characters for her to meet. Plot less so, but we'll get there.
Since she is on her own and filling the Doctor's shoes, I've found she works less and less well as a POV character. So I'm writing from the perspectives of people she meets along the way, which also allows me to show how she's growing and changing and getting weirder (as she should). My current POV character is a wet-behind-the-ears military officer posted to an isolated space station where secret scientific experiments are being done. I'm sure you can guess whether the scientific experiments go wrong or not. My young officer has to step up and make complex moral judgment calls (which she does not want to do but discovers she will if she has to) when both her superiors get their brains taken over.
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Hahaha I always do just write it anyway! That's why I have so many ficlets. The things I dream about and don't write are the big sprawling daydream AUs that won't distil into one scene.
Oh fine OK I do have one key scene but the reason I haven't written it is because no one will have any idea what it's all about. Remember you asked for this! This is from the viewpoint of an agent of the Gallifreyan CIA who's been spying on the Seventh Doctor during the events of the novel Set Piece.
It's a shame to see a good agent--never reliable, but brilliant at his best--end up in such a state. A shame, but not surprising. He's not the first agent to end his career like this and he won't be the last, especially being a renegade as he is. They know from his file that nine centuries' hard living has put him in his seventh body already. Most of his career he's believed he was defying the Agency. Some of it he actually was. They've retrofitted quite a bit of their timeline planning around his entirely unauthorized interventions--and it's always turned out better than you'd hope. Now he's stranded, sponging off an old friend, health broken, nerves shot all to pieces. He's lost that TARDIS of his--gossip says they'd grown hopelessly into each other--if she's dead he'll have a horrendous psychic wound. Perhaps that's even the root of what ails him; perhaps that's the reason he's drinking French wine laced with opium at ten o'clock in the morning local time. Not much else he can hope to do for it, not without a Gallifreyan medic. And he won't come home, they know that too. He'll wither away there, jumping at shadows, country servant-girls pitying him, before he'll come home and be properly looked after. Some of the agents think he can't anymore; after so long away, they say, he can't take his place in Gallifrey's telepathic web. The closest he can get, now, is the buzz and chatter of human voices around him. They note how he haunts the kitchens. He's made a wreck of his lives and fortunes, probably his ship as well. He's reduced to drifting about in the local skirmish called the Franco-Prussian War--a purely human conflict, not even a branch of the War, which would be something--and he isn't even doing anything there. He's serving as a dreadful warning to young agents: the renegade life may seem exciting but this is how it ends. There's some suggestion they should inform Cardinal Braxiatel. If you want to speak to him, you should do it soon. Before nineteenth-century drugs and living on his nerves and the loss of his ship and the unknown wound in his shoulder he keeps rubbing take their toll. Even the humans say he isn't quite all there. And wherever else it is he's going, it's somewhere the CIA can't reach.
It's a weird book, Set Piece. Don't worry, Seven has a very complicated plan going behind all this. But he does have something of a breakdown. It ends up being quite cathartic for him actually. (He's drinking the drugged wine because someone else is drugging it and he doesn't want them to know that he knows. He claims.)
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
I like to read the sort of thing I write, certainly! (Although there's some things I've written that I'm pretty sure if someone else had written them I'd find hopelessly saccharine.) But there's also things I like to read that I could never write. Novel-length fics, for sure, I really appreciate but don't write; I also love a good pastiche of a book series with a strong authorial voice, but avoid doing them myself, after a really harrowing experience doing cod-Pratchett. (Although I had a really fun time doing that Stevenson-in-space bit. Maybe I just need the amount of distance provided by an AU to enjoy doing author pastiches? I should try space!Aubrey-Maturin sometime and see if that'll do it.)
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
These questions assume I don't shove all that in the notes already! :P
Oh yeah, I did do a bit of research for that Hornblower fic that I forgot to put in the notes! I wondered whether the superstition that it's bad luck to toast in water was old enough for the characters to think of it. The few minutes of research I did were pretty inconclusive, actually--one source did say it originated in the Royal Navy but didn't say when, which was not very useful to me, but I decided it at least sounds old enough that I could project it back to the 1800s. Apparently the superstition is specifically that someone who drinks a toast in water will die by drowning, which... well, both of them avoid that at least....
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strwbmei · 5 months
Hi Mei question what are you favorite characters from all fiction? Because in my case i have about top 10 list plus honorable mentions:
1. Spider-man (Peter Parker and Miles Morales) (Marvel Comics)- I honestly love these two spider-man because how relatable they are. Not to mention i feel like they are the definition of responsability. I honestly related to Peter Parker's nerdy actitud and humor along with Miles's personality wise. I also love the fact thag Miles have a strong love for his family as well. Not to mention both of these characters don't give up no matter how hopeless things gets.
2. Superman (DC Comics)- Some people considered superman boring but i really love his caracter because he embodies Hope. Not to mention he is someone who always tries to do what is right and have a very strong moral compass. I still remember when i was younger and saw superman returns when he lifted the kypotonite Island. Even when it was killing him he still keep going and never gave up that's is inspiration.
3. Batman (DC Comics)- If we ignored all the batman with prep time thing. Batman is actually a well written character. Especially since he tries to do the right thing for his city. I also love the fact that even though he is human and is very aware of that he plans ahead and works very hard. The fact that mlst characters in the DC world respects him that speaks volumen.
4. Optimus Prime (Transformers)- I love optimus prime for me he is what a leader should be. Selfless, just and someone who always fights for freedom no matter what. He is the leader that i wish i could be.
5. Kratos (God of war franchise). To a bloodthirty and revenge seeking spartan to a reedem warrior. As someone who played the OG god of war games. Kratos in the recent years have one of the best character development, especially now in the recent DLC.
6. Anakin Skywalker Aka Darth Vader (Star Wars)- he went to a slave to the Dark lord of the Sith. Once a hero became the villain by fear of lost of loved one. For me Anakin is a tragic character who wanted to protect the love of his life but failed and became the thing he was supposed to destroy. At the end he was redeemed thanks to his son.
7. Black Panther (Marvel Comics)- i love his character intelligent, strong and just for his people and his kingdom. The fact that Chadwick Boseman (Rest in Peace) played such and awesome character made it better.
8. Wonder Woman (DC Comics)- The proud amazonian and a proud member of the Justice League. She is strong, honorable and compassionate making her an Icon and a part of DC trinity.
9. The Flash (Barry Allen, DC comics)- i love is perseverance and willpower since he never gave up on searching for his mother's killer. After becoming the fastest man alive is character development continue and his death on infinite crisis was a huge moment.
10. John Wick (John Wick series)- the legendary baba yaga this man willpower and tenacity made me love his character by a lot. He has an impresive body count and commites to his mision. To think all of that started with a puppy left behind by his late wife. What i like about his character is that he never stop until he got his revenge.
Honorable Mention
Issac Clarke (dead space series)- An engineer who was on the wrong place at the wrong time. To a dependable and selfless survivor.
Kiana Kaslana (Honkai Impact 3rd)- the naive girl to the strongest valkyrie in the honkai series.
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider series)- one of the greatest if not THE greatest Adventurer in all of gaming.
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)- One of sony most charming and beloved characters.
Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil series)-Rookie cop to a well experience agent of the resident evil franchise.
I see you like superheroes! My siblings were mostly into anime, so that's what I grew up with instead of Marvel/DC comics. I've been wanting to get into them for years now, but there are so many movies and heroes that it's a bit overwhelming... I also don't have the attention span to sit through an entire movie.
I wouldn't be able to choose any favorites with how much fiction I've read/watched/played, but here are some characters I've really enjoyed recently in no particular order:
Dr. Mobius - She's insane. Literally. She has a sad backstory, but it doesn't tie that much into why she goes to such extents to achieve her goals. I just like morally grey characters in general. I also really like her dynamics with the other flamechasers!
Frieren - She's so unserious, but she's come a long way. She went from not really caring about humans, only spending her time pursuing magic, to actively helping out anyone she sees in need like Himmel used to. To be loved is to be changed, they say. She's just an old woman traveling around the world with her adopted grandchildren while collecting the remaining traces of the 10-year adventure that she treasured the most in her 1000+ years alive.
Rudeus Greyrat - Okay. Before people burn me alive, he's absolutely disgusting and a pedophile. Yet, at the same time, that's what makes his character development way more impactful. He went from worse than trash and the maggots living inside it to worse than cattle, which is still a pretty big improvement in my book. The main reason why I put him here, though, is because of the scene where he reunited with his father. I'm not a very expressive person, but that scene had me tearing up because of how relatable it was.
Elysia - I love her, and the best part is that she'd probably love me too! She went through so much, saw the worst of humanity, and still decided to love the entirety of it. I really admire how she can see beauty in anything and everything. She wasn't even supposed to exist. She was an anomaly, and yet she was what saved everyone. Also, the one thing we have in common is our love for pretty girls.
Miles Morales - ITSV and ATSV are one of the only Marvel movies I've watched, and I enjoyed both of them immensely! They blended 2D and 3D animation techniques so well together, the halftones were used really well, and all of the colors really made the characters pop. I could go on for hours about how well the movies were animated, but back to the point— even though he's a hero, and a very reliable one at that, the show doesn't let us forget that he's still a kid. He still has to balance his responsibilities while at the same time, fighting crime and dealing with puberty. He also just seems like a really chill person to be friends with. We're both into similar branches of science and art, so I think we'd get along pretty well.
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dollarbin · 9 months
Dollar Bin #8:
Judy Collins' Fifth Album
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Judy Collins had it rough.
Like just about everyone else in history, her songwriting could never compare with that of Joni Mitchell, Sandy Denny or Leonard Cohen; rather she introduced the world to those artists by covering Clouds, Who Knows Where the Time Goes and Susanne. Nearly 60 years later we're more than content to listen to Joni, Sandy and Leonard's own versions and forget all about poor Judy.
And her version of Amazing Grace is nice, sure, but comparing her take to Aretha Franklin's is as silly as comparing my writing to that of my famous brother.
And no matter how many times she posed in the nude with odd, defiant joy Collins could never compete in the looks department with Linda Ronstadt. Who could? All Linda had to do was put on a Porky Pig tank top.
Collins couldn't even win the boyfriend war. Joan Baez claimed Bob Dylan long before his ship came in, so Collins had to shack up with none other than our forever nemesis Stephen Stills, her sweet blue eyes serving as the muse for one of his only good songs before he wandered off to forever suck.
So it's no wonder that the Dollar Bin is chock full of Judy Collins.
(Please note that I bought my copy for a mere 91 cents. And that was in the last year. After noting this, please join me in praise of the God of the Dollar Bin, from whom all blessings flow.)
Anyway, don't be fooled when you see Judy's Fifth Album lodged between Captain & Tennille's corpulent dogs and CS&N's schooner of certain destruction. Snap Fifth Album up; it's awesome.
So let's drop the needle!
Collins' spent her first four albums stuck in the Hootenanny Spin Cycle, producing an album every 6 months full of churning, seasick guitar work and strident, declarative singing. Baez's sound at the time is similar; like stage actors 25 years earlier who couldn't adjust to film's close ups, early 60's folk singers, Dylan excepted, all belt to the back row when in the studio. It's as if they are unsure how exactly this new fangeled thing called "amplification" works.
But with Fifth Album, recorded in 1965, Collins achieves comfort and ease before the microphone, setting the stage for every studio singer who's come since; she sings to us rather than at us, and every moment is wonderful.
Let's start with Thirsty Boots. I always wondered why Dylan covered the song, pretty terribly, for Self Portrait. Now I know. Bob wanted to sound like Judy.
Equally great is her take on Mr. Tambourine Man. There's a lot to say about the track; here it is if you'd like to listen while I ramble.
Dylan's original hit the street in March 65; the Byrds altered the world's axis with their cover a month later. Collins' version didn't come out until the next Fall but it's unclear when she actually recorded the song.
Without any proof, I'd argue that she laid her take down that same Spring. After all, she doesn't sing the song as if it's a Dylan or Byrds cover. Instead, it sounds like she heard Bob sing the song in her apartment one night, demanded the lyrics, then went into the studio and owned it on her own terms the next day.
Sure, Roger McGuinn, who'd served as a mediocre player and arranger for Collins on her previous studio record, invented that iconic 12 electric string sound. Sure, Dylan knew his way around a six string. But Collins straight up shreds on the guitar; no one else is playing for her here. Had she been born 20 or 30 years later and not been shackled by 60's and 70's sexism, it's easy to imagine Judy showing Kim Deal, Kristin Hersh, PJ Harvey and all the boygeniuses who followed how to rock.
There's a lot more to this record. Collins' does her trademark thing yet again, introducing the world to Gordon Lightfoot via her cover of Early Morning Rain. Yes, I know, Ian and Sylvia put out their version a month earlier. But who wants to listen to them when we could listen to Judy?
A year or so later she'd take her talent agent shtick to a whole other level by famously talking Leonard Cohen out of his reticence to even get on stage. Collins knew talent when she heard it, long before others. That's why she relegated Stills to bass in her band in the late 60's and never covered one of his crummy songs.
Let's end with perhaps the most obscure track on the record, The Coming of the Roads. I keep a list in my wallet of previously unknown-to-me artists to seek out whenever I'm deep in the Dollar Bin. Because of Collins' cover of this song, Billy Edd Wheeler is currently underlined on that list.
Dear friends, I hope you are all well. Thank you for reading. I hope your next hunt through the Dollar Bin turns up something half as beautiful as this track.
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pearlescent-soda · 1 year
🐵//A Sample of My Headcanons on Spyro's Allies (Agent 9 Edition):
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Agent 9:
The lights are on and everybody's home, he's one misstep away from committing friendly fire on the innocent that's how unhinged he is. The constant yelling, the literal bouncing off the walls, and the laughing, oooh, that laugh can send chills down to the soul. However, beneath the madness is an unflinchingly loyal primate with a sharper mind than what people give him credit for. Whew, glad to have him on the hero’s side.
Rhynoc exterminator turned battlefield liability, he's been deemed 'psychologically unfit' to join the Peace Keeper Army, so he's joined Handel and Greta. 'Secret Agent Agent 9' doesn't roll off the tongue well, but since the Rhynocs have more or less conformed to a life of peace without the Sorceress, he had to find work elsewhere. 
He's got more war stories than the damn Peace Keepers, though most teeter along the war crime category. Whether it be the time he packed enough fireworks together to blow up a Rhynoc fortress in Seashell Shores or the time 'Mr. Laser Blaster' ran out of ammo and he was forced to introduce 'Ms. Cybernetic Claws' to an army of Rhynocs in Spooky Swamp, listeners will experience the full range of emotions. The stoic and often gruff Cynder likes him the most out of Spyro's colleagues, and for good reason. He makes her do something that she hardly ever does, something that few have ever witnessed her do... He makes her laugh. His scatterbrained heroism reminds her of the folks in the Dream Weaver Realms, his chaos is comforting to her. Agent 9 thinks she's a good listener and an amazing battle buddy, but trust and believe the real icing on the cake is the banter. She can counter his lightspeed dark humor with her own deadpan wit, it’s spectacular.
Out of the friend group, he's the best babysitter for the baby dragons. To start, he's the 'fun uncle' who plays so many games that the kids get tired before he does and he rarely sticks to the schedule given to him by the elders, because they're so bland compared to what he comes up with on the spot. Activities depend on the realm, but he always finds ways to involve excessive amounts of sugar and his laser blaster. In all fairness, he is a rather big kid himself and the only one who could possibly keep thirty children entertained at a time. He bails Hunter out of sticky situations all the time, like when the babies set him on fire or bite his tail… Off. 'Hey, hey, hey kids!!! Uncle Hunter has to reattach his tail right now, hehehe. Wanna go fry some Gnorcs for fun?'
Without the helmet and 'space suit' he's got a lot of incision scars from the numerous surgeries performed on him by his creator. The Professor hooked him up with all sorts of enhancements which he documented for future analysis. Agent 9 has read those documents and is disappointed beyond belief at the Professor for not replacing his actual feet with rocket boosters, he won't lose hope, though. Maybe on his birthday or Christmas he'll get them, this monkey is not known for quitting, he'll install them on his own if he has to. ‘This monkey wants to fly, doc!! Hehehe - Ah, I figured you’d say no, so I made a whole three hundred slide presentation of all the benefits. Number one, I can kick major booty at higher elevations…’.
The Professor has tabs on Agents 1 through 8 and makes sure that every Agent is aware of the other's existence. Their track devi - identification chips are meant to monitor their vitals and statuses, so the Professor is able to deduce their current activities and whereabouts. Agents 1 and 2 fell in love and eloped to Dragonfly Falls, condition(s): stable. Agent 3 lost contact with the Lab after she went on assignment to Dino Mines, condition: unknown. Agents 4, 5, 6 are on a space station ready to receive orders at a moment's notice, condition(s): stable but subject to change in zero gravity environments. Agent 7's body rejected the protective titanium plating around the medulla oblongata, but x-rays show the foreign object unintentionally severed the brainstem, condition: decommissioned. Agent 8 is retired from active service and currently resides in the primate exhibit at the Avalar Zoo, condition: stable.
His brain implants need to be recalibrated twice a year, or else he'll be rendered 'brain dead'. It's not hard to tell when its time either, because he'll be uncharacteristically sluggish and quiet. The only remedy to this situation is to give him a gargantuan boost of energy, sadly, sleep and food won't cut it... But fifty thousand volts will. The nape of his neck has little outlets at the base meant for composite cables to go so his body can directly receive the voltage. After an hour or so hooked up to his Lab's supercomputer, he'll resume his regular activities at his normal supersonic speed.
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