memyself024 · 10 months
9 Foods That Can Boost Testosterone Levels and Increase Your Intimacy Desire
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cystercarepcos · 10 months
PCOS and PCOD is a word we often encounter these days, but what do we know about it? Let’s make it clear here.
The Name clash:
PCOS (PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome) and PCOD (PolyCystic Ovarian Disease) are both addressing the same condition.
So why two terms ?
Earlier, PCOD was the term used to refer to the condition; later it has been changed to PCOS because it’s a collection of symptoms that usually occur together, not the established disease by itself.
The Physiologic clash:
Despite what the name indicates, PCOS doesn’t only mean cysts in the ovaries but also includes hormonal imbalances without ovarian cysts.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex condition characterised by elevated androgen levels, menstrual irregularities, and/or small cysts on one or both ovaries. The disorder can be morphological (polycystic ovaries) or predominantly biochemical (hyperandrogenemia). Hyperandrogenism, a clinical hallmark of PCOS, can cause inhibition of follicular development, microcysts in the ovaries, anovulation, and menstrual changes (Ndefo, 2013).
When you should be concerned:
Ovarian cysts
Irregular menstrual cycles
Pelvic pain
Hirsutism [excessive growth of dark or coarse hair on the face, chest, and back in a pattern resembling that of a man]
Alopecia [disease that happens when the immune system attacks hair follicles and causes hair loss]
Acanthosis nigricans [a skin condition that causes velvety, light-brown to black patterns on the neck, under the breasts, and in the armpits]
Skin tags
These are the typical PCOS symptoms that are seen. A symptom from the list above does not necessarily indicate PCOS. As was previously said, PCOS is a collection of symptoms, therefore having a lot of them should be of worry.
Clinical symptoms of PCOS are increased secretion of luteinising hormone (LH) and gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH); increased GnRH in turn increases production of androgen.
Other hormones that play an important role in PCOS are insulin, sexhormone binding globulin, and FSH. Prolactin levels are also elevated in people with PCOS.
If PCOS is suspected, physical assessment; blood test and pelvic ultrasound are usually performed to diagnose the condition.
PCOS as asymptomatic:
Having symptoms, being aware of them, and taking care of them is one way to manage; how can we know if there are no symptoms?
In the case where PCOS patients don’t develop symptoms but have ovarian cysts or other hormonal imbalance, it means they are at the starting stage of PCOS or at a subtle stage where they can pass it to their offspring. (Asymptomatic PCOS, 2009)
Why should PCOS be addressed ?
More than 50% of PCOS patients go on to acquire prediabetes or diabetes after receiving a diagnosis. There is also an elevated risk of myocardial infarction (MI), dyslipidemia, hypertension, anxiety, depression, endometrial cancer, and sleep apnea. Additionally, pregnant women with PCOS need to be aware of the elevated risks for preterm birth, gestational diabetes, and miscarriage (Ndefo, 2013).
What can be done ?
The cause of PCOS is still unknown, so the treatments are directed towards the symptoms. The goal should be analysed before starting the treatment-the primary focus should encounter anovulation, effects of increased androgen and insulin resistance, as these could lead to further complications.
There is a lot of pharmacological treatment for PCOS pertaining to the goal or symptoms like anovulation or insulin sensitivity or hormonal imbalance. Based on your assessment, your medical professional recommends which medications you should go ahead with.
Since weight management is the prominent effect of PCOS, exercise with dietary intervention improves weight management and reduces cardiovascular risk factors and diabetes risk.
The dietary intervention not only helps to handle weight management but also helps to lower your symptoms like hair loss, inflammation, etc. and, to some extent, it also helps you to balance your hormone secretions if you have the right guidance and help. The hormone is severely affected by sleep deprivation and mental health. Therefore, concentrating on mental health is also important.
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a complex disorder for which multiple treatment approaches are required, depending on the reason a patient seeks treatment.
Naturally, there will be some uncertainty about which treatment to pursue, and we at Cysertcare are here to help with professional advice and guidance. Addressing every symptom and its triggering factors is important in the management of PCOS. CysterCare helps you understand the process, encounter possible causes of the hormonal imbalance and provides beneficial ways to effectively manage PCOS in the long run.
For more information, visit
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tdntop · 2 years
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心理学家:生理反应暴露了你的潜意识。 据科学研究表明,人的一生当中几乎有三分之一的时间会在睡梦当中度过,所以伴随着睡眠而存在的梦境也是人生当中常见的一种情景。 人们会在生活当中梦到各种场景,但是在其中,一种梦境会是让人尴尬的,那就是春梦(性梦),这种梦相信很多人都曾经经历过,其与梦境相关,也与“性”相关。那么这种梦境究竟是自己想要梦到的,还是说是一种潜意识的投射?我们来从心理学角度来分析一下。 从生理角度来看,人之所以会做梦,就是因为在进入睡眠状态之后,大脑内部仍然会处于一种相对兴奋的状态之中,所以在意识当中会出现各种梦境。 所以人之所以会做梦,其实就是出于一种生理因素,但是在梦境当中,会梦到什么、会出现什么样的状态,都会受到心理状态影响。 著名精神分析学家西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(sigmund freud)认为,梦境是个体“潜意识”的一种体现,与个体的思维有一种比较强的关联性。但是为什么在个体的梦境当中会出现种种个体未曾见到过的场景或是人呢?这其实也和人的潜意识有关系。 “潜意识(subconsciousness)”在心理学领域之中,是一个常见的概念。 这一概念指的是个体在心理活动当中难以感知的部分,这些信息往往已经存在,但是个体却并不能够明确地知道。其实一个人在潜意识当中会储存很多的信息,几乎已经占所有信息的九成以上。 在一个人的梦境当中,其实其见到的场景和人都是其潜意识的一种“重新组构” 很多事情也许你知道,但是自己没有印象,等你处于梦境当中时,这些平时不曾重视的人和事会打乱顺序,重新走在一起。 比如说化学学科当中十分重要的元素周期表就是著名化学家门捷列夫(dmitri mendeleev)在梦中想出来的。那么春梦又是为什么出现的呢? 春梦与青春期的关系。 相关的生物学以及心理学研究表明,春梦确实与个体的性冲动存在联系。 “性冲动(sex impulse)”其实就是个体在某些情况下出现的对于性的渴望和需求,而这种状态的出现与“性激素(sexhormone)”的出现息息相关。 所以就像是我们所知道的一样,很多人会在青春期的时候比较频繁地做春梦,因为此时的个体器官正在快速发育,尤其是第二性征开始发育,所以此时的少男少女们会产生比较多的性激素。 当然,除了生理和心理上的转变,处在青春期的人们往往对于性这件事情有很大的兴趣,无论是少男还是少女,对于性都是十分感兴趣的。 男生往往会在青春期开始时出现梦遗的情况,这就反映出少男对于性的一种渴望和好奇。所以春梦的出现是生理和心理共同作用的结果。 对象的变换。 为什么人们会对于自己曾经的春梦的经历感到难以启齿呢?因为春梦除了其本身有些令人尴尬之外,梦中的性行为的对象也是一个十分关键的部分。 对于大部分青春期的人而言,这一对象往往就是生活当中常见的一些异性,同学、朋友或者是同事,甚至还有亲人。还有的人只是做了梦,但是忘了对象是谁。 就像是前文当中曾经分析到的,梦境是与潜意识相关的,所以在春梦当中也是一样。 个体在经历春梦的情况时,会将梦境当中的内容与现实生活联系起来,梦里的情况就具有十分大的变化性,特别的灵活。 所以与其他的梦境还有一些不一样的是,春梦的情景以及梦中的人都是在不断变化的。 除了之前分析的一些原因,之所以会在春梦之后感到尴尬,还有一个原因,就是一旦在梦境当中与身边熟悉的异性朋友或者是同事,尤其是出现亲人时,做梦的人会陷入一种十分纠结和内疚的状态。 尽管他十分清楚这是梦境,但是这种相关内容也会让人有一种负罪感,仿佛真的做了这种事似的。这其实没有必要,因为这些情况都是人们难以控制的。 更精彩:点击我查看原文
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mubashirabid-blog1 · 5 years
Lear male and female sex hormones
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mitico71 · 2 years
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The great detoxifier! - Radiccbio salad with rocket and garlic plus a dressing made of olive oil and capers The bitter flavours of these foods aid detoxification and help resolve many pro lems associated with a poor liver detoxification. 1. Improves #skinhealth 2. Remove #toxins 3. Aids #sexhormones detoxification 4. Supports #mentalhealth Bitter foods speed up phase 2 detoxification process but also stimulate bile production https://www.vitalhealthnutrition.co.uk/2016/12/bitter-foods-how-they-support-digestion-and-the-liver/ Bile is needed for: 1. Help #digestivehealth by supporing fat digestion needed to produce a set of hornones and neurotransmitters 2. Bile sterilise the small i testine reducing the possibilities of developing a common but yet underestimated condition called #sibo 3. A dense bile, as a result of poor production, reduce #estrogen Detoxification and contribute to #pmsproblems 4. Insufficient bile can affect #neurotransmitterbalance Hence contributing to #mentalhealthproblems 5. Bile reduce #thyroidproblems facilitating thyroid hormones conversion in the liver References: ://www.vivo.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/digestion https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19222407/ https://academic.oup.com/endo/article-abstract/32/4/368/2773746?redirectedFrom=fulltext&login=false https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5118426/ https://hormonesbalance.com/articles/gallbladder-hormone-balance-connection-mean-dont-gallbladder/ https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca6eDr4M33n/?utm_medium=tumblr
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livewellclinics · 2 years
A formulation combining a blend of herbs and zinc for hormone health, including sexual function and sexual desire, fertility and healthy hormone levels, particularly testosterone levels in both males and females.
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blog-annbs · 5 years
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thesocialgene-blog · 5 years
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(The Social Gene ch. 11) For many species, including primates and carnivores, fertility continues throughout the year so that both sexuality and sociality must coexist. Juveniles, who do not secrete sex hormones are attracted preponderantly to the same gender and then undergo a transition to a preference towards the opposite gender on maturation. If their sociality were controlled in the same manner as herbivores, then they would lose sociality as adults. This may happen with some asocial species such as tigers but does not occur in humans. Role of Sex Hormones in Embryonic Brain Maturation The first role of sex hormones in the developing fetus is to establish the gender of the gonads. The unambiguous action of testosterone in males is to cause the development of the penis and testicles, while its absence in females causes the formation of ovaries and vagina. The second wave of hormone which occurs in late fetal development and ceases shortly after birth is recognized to establish a degree of sex differentiation in the brain and is important for the development of gender preference. Homosexuality Is a Paradox Pedigree studies of identical twins show that homosexuality is a genetically determined trait, but the degree of correlation is not as high as might be expected of a direct link. The fertility of homosexuals is about a fifth of that in the general population, so its propagation would be expected to be much lower than its actual frequency of 5% for gays. It is far above other traits that diminish fecundity and is present in all cultures and races. Most analyses of homosexuality have implied that it arises from a single gene modification that occurs in a minority of individuals. I believe that this is wrong and it certainly was not characterized as such by Kinsey1 who described six levels of homosexual activity. A weaker form of the trait is expressed as ‘bisexuality’. A parallel may be made of the height of adults which varies continuously from about seven to about five feet. Even though the trait is borne by growth hormone, it in its turn may be controlled by many other secondary genes. Analyses of the lineage of male homosexuality have shown that it is often transmitted through the female line, which has been seen as an example of ‘sexually antagonistic selection’. This proposes that traits may be deleterious in one sex, but are beneficial in the other. In this case, mothers have been shown to have larger families than normal which have compensated for the negative effect of gay sons and the reverse effect has been demonstrated in families of lesbians.2 A high femininity of females is conducive to sexual success as is high masculinity among males. The problem with this hypothesis is not that it is wrong, but that it does not take account of a trend that would be expected to develop in each gender to drift towards a more extreme sexuality and reduce the ambiguity of sexual preference, as is the case for physical sexuality and for the discrimination of the sexual organs. I submit that all individuals exhibit some degree of masculine and feminine propensities and that this is intrinsic to humanity. sexual Behavior in the Human Male. Alfred C Kinsey, Wardell D Pomeroy, and Clyde E Martin. Philadelphia, W.D. Saunders 1948 2Ciani, A. C., Iemmola, F., & Blecher, S. R. (2009). Genetic factors increase fecundity in female maternal relatives of bisexual men as in homosexuals. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 6, 449-455.     Read the full article
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B- Grow Powder body care powder helps in improving body’s digestive abilities and ensures proper absorption of nutrients. B- Grow Powder balances Vata, Pitta and Kapha and restores the body natural hormonal balance. It also strengthens your immune system and promotes overall health.
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raftcamel9-blog · 6 years
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Einem Klienten wird das Viagra an dem aussergewöhnlichen passen, solange die Übrigen Levitra entsprechend sogar Viagra bevorzugen. Das gab Mittel in Form von Präparate, Pulver wie auch auch Fruchtgummis. Der Rest ist in meinen Augen einzig Schnick Schnack wie auch auf keinen Status essentiell. Auf diese Weise lernen Patienten, den Harndrang zum wiederholten Male zu beherrschen. Obschon Potenzstörungen gewöhnlich psychischer Umwelt waren, müsste auch eine Hormonstörung die Veranlassung sein. Außerdem kann häufige Inanspruchnahme der Medikamente mit der Leber plus der Nieren in ernsthaften Problemen führen. erektile dysfunktion diagnose Dieser Hersteller macht einen unseriösen Eindruck, da die grundlegendsten Informationen fehlen. QUALITÄTS-GARANTIE - Unser Konzerne unterliegt den stärksten Kontrollverfahren nach der ISO 13485, wodurch die Verfasser den Klienten folgende sichere plus kontrollierte Güte gewährleisten können. Vergleich von Mittel zu der Steigerung der Manneskraft im Relation auf Alkoholgetränke. Nachdem Ihr Gesäß aus dem Sitz kommt, führen Ebendiese Leser langsame Drehbewegung mit Becken wenngleich 1 Minute in dem Uhrzeigersinn plus so reichlich demgegenüber.
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Stress beansprucht keineswegs bloß unsere körpereigenen Regelmechanismen unübersehbar, sondern führt, sofern er andauert und zu ein wenig Gelegenheit zur Regenerierung gegeben ist, zu Müdigkeit wie selber an dem Finale zu körperlicher plus seelischer Erschöpfung. Sollten Sie dessen ungeachtet Gefahren erkennen, in Kenntnis setzen Sie bitte Den behandelnden Arzt. Unser oberstes Gebot ist Diskretion. Derzeitig zählen wir, entsprechend mehrfach wir die 3 multiplizieren, damit die Autoren das noch ehemals in die Männlichkeit umwandeln mussten. Haben Sie liebestropfen bereits vormals eingenommen, oder überlegen Die Leser demzufolge nach, dies zu nehmen?
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Eine Kunden sind vermutlich die Schlüsselsubstanzen bei der Behandlung von degenerativen Gehirnerkrankungen wie Alzheimer plus Demenz. Laufen, darum schüttet das Denkapparat Endorphine aus, die die Sexhormone auch in Bewegung bringen. Manchmal Manchmal Sie ersehnen unschwer alleinig, um sie zu pflegen halten haben ausgezeichnete Dispositionoder Aussichten über Lifestyle impotenz selbsthilfe. Darüber Darüber Ansonsten besitzen Die Leser die Macht elektrische Leistung bis erzeugen personal unterschwellige Botschaften und auch Affirmation impotenz selbsthilfe. Klienten sollten vor allem somit vorsichtig werden, so lange Zeit sie in dem im World Wide Web-Markt Waren alleinig per Vorkasse erwerben mussten. Zahlreiche denken: Ein echter Ehegatte darf generell!Stark üblich werden Ladies in plus nach den Wechseljahren betroffen, sofern die Hormonproduktion nachlässt.
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Ein Vorzeigebeispiel ist Sensamax, das Maca & Ginseng & die Reihe weiterer Zutaten hat, die zusammen vermutlich eine ausgefeilte Nachwirkung erwirken. Levitra 6 mg gab das auch wie Schmelztablette. Es gab die Summe von Tabletten die jedermann zu dieser Potenzsteigerung futtern müsste. Die beobachteten Wirkungen waren vergleichsweise klein, sodass abzuwarten ist, ob Methylsulfonylmethan natürlich die relevante klinische Wirkung bei Arthrose entfaltet, derart die Forscher. Solche Werte gelten für eine Blutentnahme zwischen acht & 10 Uhr morgens. Vielleicht hatte jemand gleichartige Erlebnisse schon mal gehabt. Je nach Bedarf genügen 2 bis 5 Pillen dauernd, die mit reichlich Flüssigkeit vor den Mahlzeiten genommen werden durften. Insgesamt jedoch vielmehr ein schlechter Eindruck. Mit biologischen Mittel zu der Potenzsteigerung müssen Diese Leser länger durchhalten in dem Bett wie auch somit die frühzeitige Ejakulation verzögern. Mittlerweile gab es selbst eine Masse naturbelassene und rezeptfreie Generika für Herren auf dem Markt, die bequem im WWW erworben waren sollen.
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lifetimeyogi · 3 years
How Exercise Helps in Balancing 4 Major Hormones in Human Body
How Exercise Helps in Balancing 4 Major Hormones in Human Body #hormonalimbalances #anxiety #menopause #hormonalimbalance #hormonalhealth #hormone #exercise #yoga #asana #cortisol #insulin #sexhormone #thyroid #life #drink #hit #hist #training
How Exercise Helps in Balancing 4 Major Hormones in Human Body Sweating regularly in the living room, gym, backyard, or fitness club is the key to your fitness and above all your well-being. It plays an effective role in boosting the mood, keeping the heart healthy, while enabling you to maintain a healthy amount of weight.  No matter which workout approach you follow plays a positive part in…
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asgargroup · 3 years
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Impact of Obesity on Fertility
Read - https://asgargroup.com/obesity-and-infertility/
Overweight and obese men are more likely to have lower sperm counts with lower motility, and this may impact the chance of getting pregnant naturally or having a successful fertility treatment.
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mitico71 · 3 years
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livewellclinics · 2 years
While low libido is a problem for both men and women, it is often not perceived as a health problem.
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healthmystic · 4 years
PCOS: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment #pcod #pcos #pcosdiet #pcoshomeremedies #pcodhomeremedies #homeremedies #magnesium #aloevera #amla #royaljelly #healthmystic #healthypeople #exerciseregularly #yoga #sexhormone #hormonalimbalance #hormonalimbalances
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What is PCOS? | Symptoms | Diagnosis | Causes | Treatment| PCOS Management | Home remedies What is PCOD/PCOS? Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine problem in which multiple small cysts appear in the ovaries of women aged between 18 and 44 due to imbalances in the sex hormones. One in 10 women is at risk of getting PCOD. In PCOD, levels of progesterone become low while estrogen levels shoot up which causes ovulation to fail and increase in testosterone levels. This imbalance in the levels of sex hormones is characterized by an irregular or no menstrual cycle. Ovaries become enlarged and are filled with multiple fluid-filled sacs called cysts (polycystic). PCOS Symptoms 1. The four alarming “H” and possible common signs of PCOD for consulting a doctor are as follows: History of irregular periods, oligomenorrhea, or even amenorrhea. Heavy periods ( hypermenorrhea). Hirsutism (facial and body hair), hair thinning and acne because of hyperandrogenism.  Hormonal tablets intake to induce a period.  2. Other symptoms of PCOD include ovarian cysts, infertility, pelvic ache, diabetes, heart problems, migraines, mood swings, morbid obesity, depression, obstructive sleep apnea, and also endometrial cancer. 3. Metabolic disorders like insulin resistance that also causes weight problems in PCOD affected woman. 4. Dark patches of skin around the neck, in the groin, and under the breasts. 5. Lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyles contribute to PCOD/PCOS. Note: Sometimes you might not suffer from any of these symptoms and ovaries look normal in the ultrasound but still can have PCOD and the problem is diagnosed late when patients are superovulated. In this case, patients sometimes might have a history of recurrent miscarriages. Consult your doctor if you face any of the above symptoms or trying to get pregnant for more than a year without any success. Diagnosis 1. Pelvic ultrasound for checking any enlarged ovaries and cysts. Ovaries are crucial to disease pathology and cysts are a primary indicator of PCOD. But sometimes, polycystic ovaries might not be present. 2. LH: FSH ratio (Normally it should be 1:1). 3. Elevated levels of androgens. Causes of PCOS The exact cause of PCOD is still not known. There could be a hereditary link to the PCOD occurrence in women but the gene has not yet been identified. Lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyles contribute to PCOD. If you are obese then you are at higher risk of suffering from PCOS since high levels of estrogen are produced by fatty tissues thereby disrupting the ovulation. The levels of Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG) that reduces the effect of testosterone drops. High levels of androgen (testosterone) production. All women produce small amounts of androgens but higher levels cause anovulation and missed periods. Insulin resistance is also linked to PCOD which might be the result of magnesium deficiency. High levels of Luteinising Hormone (LH). Increase in the levels of Prolactin. Some environmental conditions might also trigger PCOD, like endocrine disruptors, for instance bisphenol-A. Treatment PCOD treatment involves changes in the lifestyle and administration of an appropriate dose of medicines. 1. Weight Loss: A properly balanced diet and regular physical activity are recommended. 2. Minimizing insulin resistance. 3. Controlling the other major problems associated with PCOD with proper diet and regular exercise. 4. The use of oral contraceptives decreases hirsutism and also helps in returning of the regular menstrual cycle. 5. Induction of ovulation and improving fertility: Anti-diabetic drugs such as metformin and troglitazone are used in patients that don’t respond to clomiphene. These drugs have positive effects on enhancing fertility. Caution: Metformin sometimes can cause a lot of side effects such as an upset stomach. An effective alternative in this case is Myoinositol. Clomiphene in combination with dexamethasone is also sometimes used. Gonadotrophins are used in case of clomiphene drug resistance in PCOS women. FSH treatment is preferred in case of abnormally high levels of LH. Note: Sometimes the patients might be at the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (multiple follicles maturation that might cause multiple pregnancies) and needs proper dosage administration as prescribed by the doctor. 6. Surgery: Only recommended when patients don’t respond to medical therapy. Possible risks: Can induce adhesion formation around the ovary and infertility. PCOS Management 1. Changes that you can adapt in your daily diet: More fruits (peaches, berries, oranges, papaya, watermelons, and apples) and vegetables (broccoli, lettuce, mushrooms, carrots, peppers, onions, cauliflower, celery, spinach, tomatoes, and peas). Avoiding dairy products, red meat, saturated fats, and processed foods. Have only toned milk, soy milk, yogurt, paneer, and tofu. Reduce the intake of sugar, salt, aerated drinks, and carbohydrates. Include lean meat like fish, etc. Take whole wheat and foods with a low glycemic index. Avoid fatty foods and refined cereals like maida and sooji. Plan small frequent meals. Stay hydrated throughout the day. Eat flaxseeds, walnuts, almonds, fenugreek, chia, kalonji, fennel, sesame, and pumpkin seeds daily. Eat pulses like yellow moong, chana dal, beans, and whole pulses. Proper intake of vitamin D, B, and C in daily diet. Women with PCOD are frequently found to have vitamin D deficiency. Increase magnesium intake in your diet. 2. Exercise daily for around 30 to 60 minutes: Simple activities like walking, or swimming, can help you lose excess weight and also improve insulin sensitivity. 3. Management of stress and anxiety: PCOD can affect your physical and mental health. Practice yoga to heal the mind and body and stay relaxed and stress-free. Specific yoga postures can also help to deal with curbing the irregular periods. 4. Sleep well: Sleep for 8 hours daily and early as the immune system works to restore the imbalances in hormonal levels of your body during a good night's sleep. Follow strictly and do not disturb your biological clock. 5. Home remedies / herbal medicines: Daily intake of one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with lukewarm water on an empty stomach helps to control glucose homeostasis in the body. This helps in controlling insulin resistance and hence manages PCOD. Cook your food in olive or coconut oil and avoid bad cholesterol and for boosting your cardiovascular health. Drinking green tea daily 30 minutes after your meal not only reduces stress but also aids in weight loss. Aloe vera and amla juice can be taken alternatively in a week for restoring the hormonal imbalance. Cinnamon and honey mixture must be consumed daily as it helps in maintaining the regular menstrual cycle. Take a pinch of turmeric in lukewarm milk daily at night. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and helps in fighting insulin sensitivity. Royal jelly is a rich source of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. They also seem to regulate the abnormalities in the menstrual cycle. Read the full article
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Lupine Publishers |  Psycho-Biological Factors of the Formation of Killer Teenagers and Their Prevention
The psychobiological factors of the formation of killer teenagers have been investigated. It was established that the neurobiological correlate of aggressive killer organisms is serotonin. Its content in the brain of killer organisms is about 50% lower compared to normal ones. Psychobiological factors of the prevention of killer organisms’ formation, comprising adequate nutrition and physical exercises have been demonstrated.
Keywords: Killer Organisms; Serotonin; Triptophan
During last period confrontation between 14-16 years old teenagers resulting in murder, became very frequent. There may be given many examples of tragedies which happened in different countries, when young people have died of multiple wounds. Parents, teachers, representatives of police, school supervisors, psychologists hold active debates by TV-shows and radio transmissions about the necessity to increase vigilance and activity, to conduct additional trainings for supervisors; but nobody asks what is the reason for such cruel behavior among the youth. Several psycho-emotional factors, responsible for the formation of aggressive and killer organisms have been distinguished during our multiyear neurochemical studies [1,2]. These are: 1. the aggressive social surrounding in the family; 2. wrong diet; 3. increased level of sex-hormones (testosterone) in 14-16 years old boy-teenagers; 4. existence of “war” and “murder” genes, caused by chromosomal disorders; and 5. TV transmissions, demonstrating and favoring killing, speculating for the emphatic appreciation of the information by young people.
Since the Italian neurobiologist Giacomo Rizzolatti has discovered mirror neurons in brain, responsible for perception of speech and behavior of surrounding people by a newborn, it becomes clear that if the post natal development of a newborn takes place in an aggressive social surrounding (fight between family members, violence, usage of narcotics, alcohol), the aggressive behavior will be encoded in his genetic apparatus. This information stays in the organism of a person during the whole life and may be revealed in the form of aggressive behavior of a young person [1,2]. Incomplete nutrition is the second factor for murder. We have established that the biogenic amine serotonin is one of the neurobiological correlates for the formation of aggressive and killer organisms. Its deficiency in young organisms may become reason for aggressive behavior and killing [3-8]. Experimentally it was demonstrated that feeding of experimental rats with tryptophanpoor food during 10-12 days, which is the precursor of serotonin, caused decrease of serotonin content for 50% in experimental animals. As a result these organisms turned into killers. If the diet was enriched with tryptophan (100mg), rat-killers turned into peaceful ones, tolerant to frogs and mice. Diversely from normal rats not a single case of murder was mentioned during contact with them. It must be taken into account that in aggressive to animals children content of serotonin, as a rule, is essentially low, as well as in those monkeys, who have lost the leader’s function in their group. Accordingly, the behavior of prestige-lost children must be observed attentively at school [4,5].
For the prevention purposes supplying school buffets with cheeseburgers, prepared of tryptophan-rich Dutch and melted cheese, which is the precursor of serotonin, is desirable. 100 g of Dutch or melted cheese contains 790 and 500 g of tryptophan respectively. This amount of the substance is able to raise thecontent of serotonin in a young organism and essentially decrease his aggressive behavior. It is well known that isolation from the society is one additional powerful factor for the formation of an aggressive person. That’s why the single-child families must take care for social formation of a child with friends in kinder-gardens, to prevent aggression [6].
14-16 years is the crucial age for teenagers and serious changes are mentioned in male hormonal balance at this period. Special experiments were conducted on animals to reveal the relationship between aggression and murder and changes of masculine sexhormones. The experimental rats were castrated. As a result no cases of aggression or killing have been revealed from castrated animals towards mice and frogs. While injection of test animals with testosterone changed the situation in the opposite directioncases of mice and frogs killing by rats became evident. For the prevention the facts of killing the fatigue tests using swimming has been done with experimental rats. The result was interesting: killer rats became again tolerant toward mice and frogs and no case of aggression or murder has been revealed [6,8,9].
Accordingly, our recommendation to school supervisors is to increase the physical activity between-lessons of teenagers for diminishing the content of biologically active compounds in blood, among them of sex-hormones. We hope that the government will try all the best to improve the situation to the direction of aggression elimination and healthy life-style introduction [10,11].
Unfortunately existence of “war” and “murder” genes in sexchromosomes is reality. According to experimental data four groups of aggressive and criminal behavior persons are distinguished:
a) young men with Klinfelter syndrome. They have XXYY set of sex-chromosomes, small testicles, are taller than average; due to mental deficiency it is easy to involve them in criminal.
b) Young males with aberrant XYY or XXYY sex-chromosomes. They are tall, with mental deficiency, are distinguished with aggression and criminal activity.
c) Young men with hereditary disorder of nervous system. They are distinguished with emotional-ethic degradation, epileptic anxiety, dogmatism, schizoid personality and alcoholinduced disorders.
d) 1/4 of the single-egg twins are inclined to criminal activity. These children must be under the permanent observation of psychologists for evaluation of their behavior.
All above mentioned indicates that school psychologist have to know deeply the genetic picture of each school-boy, to forecast their future behavior and prevent possible criminal prevention [3,5,6].
Psycho-social factors of murder formation have been established. It was demonstrated that one of the neural correlates in killer’s brain is serotonin, which content is by 50% lower in brains of aggressive killer organisms. The ways of prevention of aggressive behavior by adequate diet and physical activity is offered
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