#Send me a first sentence and I'll write the next five!
terresdebrume · 4 months
First line of a fic:
He could take or leave pie, honestly.
Not that he'd say as much in front of Bull: the man truly was the salt of the earth, but everyone had their limits. Johnny gamely accepted his serving, half a size too big at any given time, made even more so by the generosity of the Randlemans' table for the night, but he didn't really have a choice there. He'd promised the missus to be on his best behavior, seeing as she was really keen on making the evening a success for everyone. In front of them, Bull Randleman beamed with pride at his pie's reception, Coleen's face aglow with satisfaction.
So far, Johnny and Moira's first foray into swinging was going pretty well.
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tizniz · 9 days
Hi my darling 😘 hope it's not too late for the sentence thing! Buddie + Why didn't you lead with that?!
Maggie my love 🩵 Never too late for you.
Also, I swear I finish one and two more come in haha
"Why didn't you lead with that?!" Buck splutters and Eddie just stares back at him. "Excuse me?" "You should have led with that!" "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Eddie snaps back, "Buck! You hated me when we first met!" "Because I was stupid! I didn't know you liked me!" "I got into an ambulance with a live grenade in it with you!" "Because that's our job!" "Well, I love you!" "I love you too!" "So why are we still shouting?!" "I don't know!"
Send me a ship and a sentence, I'll write the next five
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-For the sentence ask thingy-
"No~, five more minutes," Aizawa barely managed to speak, having being woken up many times.
You try your best to get him out of bed but it's useless.
"What happened to 'Lets wake up early and go to the gym' ?", you questioned annoyingly....
^Have a great day!!^
Shota grumbled into his pillow, inky hair cascading over his face. He could be so stubborn.
You tugged at his arms, shaking the man out of his slumber with a pout. "C'mon, I got ready because you said we'd be out of the house early!"
Barely cracking his eyes open, your love peered up at you with sleepy adoration, his lips settling in a lazy smile. "One kiss and I'll be up, promised."
A flutter of warmth tickled your chest as you smiled down at him. He could be such a tease when he'd barely shaken off the night's sleep. You cherished this part of him.
Leaning down, your lips met his in a gentle display of love. He hummed into the kiss, breaking out into a smile. Pulling away left him dazed; a love sick man.
"Okay, I'm awake now." He breathed, finally allowing to be pulled away from his sheets.
Send me the first sentence of a fic and I'll write the next 5!
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welcomingdisaster · 4 months
For the first sentence prompts! || The sash rippled as he drew it through his fingers, silken and supple, and something in the touch eased his lingering disquiet.
ooo thank you! what an evocative sentence. let's give it a go
The sash rippled as he drew it through his fingers, silken and supple, and something in the touch eased his lingering disquiet. It had been his father's, during his days as king; the blue-and-silver embroidery in the colors of their house. He had not worn it to that last battle, knowing his own Doom and thinking it too fine to be lost.
So Fingon would wear it. Let his father's silk be with him, his father's colors, his father's men, his father's lost hope; he would show them all victory. The day was coming, and the battle with it.
send me one sentence and i'll write the next five!
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lenaboskow · 1 month
back at it again with the emoji game as i have the next two days off and nothing to do but stress about this week's episode... so distract me by forcing me to write! in return, i'll post a couple sentences from the wip
i'm not including the burn the loft or the presumed dead fic this week because both have their first chapters being published tomorrow night (today? just realized it's past midnight...) on the us east coast. i want to say they'll be updated once a week, but life gets in the way sometimes so if i ever don't publish them one week they'll be added back to the list for the game
however... i have added several wips since we last did this... so... (several are close to being done, but i won't say which)
anyways, here's the wip list, send your asks and i'll start answering them... well i guess later today ☃️-- 5+1 five times people assumed buddie was a couple while out with chris before they got together, and one after they got together
👓-- another 5+1 five times eddie can't keep eye contact with buck, and the one time he can't look away
⁉️-- affectionately called the pick me fic, eddie realizing (read: incorrectly assuming) that buck isn't interested in him not because he's straight, but just because he isn't interested
📝-- hr thinks buddie is hiding their relationship… (i know of two fics with this premise, but i have… ideas… that i haven't seen anyone do yet)
💃-- eddie seduces buck on the dance floor
💭-- soulmate au where there's multiple different kinds of bonds, the rarest being telepathy. some soulmates have multiple bonds, like buck and eddie (telepathy and... something else :) ). people have two soul mates, one platonic, and one romantic. eddie thought shannon was his romantic, so he assumes buck is his platonic. buck hasn't met either soulmate, so he agrees with eddie. obviously they're wrong
⛪️-- marriage of convenience fic where buck goes on a search about custody laws after the shooting so he can be prepared if it comes to it, and realizes the will isn't enough sometimes. eddie, being eddie, suggests marriage of convenience so buck can do step-parent adoption (i came to this one after going down my own rabbit hole about custody laws for the presumed dead fic)
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jtl-fics · 8 months
WIP Wednesday - 10/18/23
Playing @kedreeva's game again this week :)
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
Here are my offers this week: 1. Math Nerd AU 2. New Kings AU 3. Smalls AU 4. Foxhole Bake AU 5. Dealer's Choice - Send me a line and I'll either write something new or write something for it in one of my existing WIPS (could be one on offer or a fic I'm working on otherwise) (Example in the link)
Dealer's Choice - Pretty Boy (one of the things I could pick from) under the cut
"I'm going to put this in your ear and make sure there is not any glass in there okay?" The remaining EMT says holding up a small tool.
Neil settles looking irritated but nods and Andrew can see his discomfort as the EMT pulls on the bottom of his ear and puts the device in to inspect Neil's ear. "What exactly hit him in the head?" she asks.
"A glass bottle." Andrew answers eyes on Neil and offering his hand to his Junkie. An offering that Neil took almost immediately with a desperation that had Andrew wondering why he hadn't asked until he remembered who he was dealing with.
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zukkaoru · 2 months
for the first sentence ask game:
He wasn't... okay. He wasn't exact sure how he'd gotten here and really, he was hoping that maybe if he just closed his eyes and then opened them again, things would start making sense.
left character vague so you can pick the fandom, also I don't know what this is at all so have fun taking this literally in whatever direction :D
jjk first year trio,, oh how i miss them.....
He wasn’t... okay. He wasn't exactly sure how he’d gotten here and really, he was hoping that maybe if he just closed his eyes and then opened them again, things would start making sense. Unfortunately, Megumi has never been a very lucky person. “Fushiguro!” Itadori exclaims, apparently having caught him in the single instant he blinked his eyes open. “You’re awake!” Megumi groans. “You passed out during training.” So you brought me back to your dorm room? he thinks, but the words get caught in his throat and he doesn’t have the energy to try forcing them out. “You really should be more careful,” another voice speaks up—Nobara. She’s here too? Megumi huffs out a breath which, in his mind, is a long-suffering sigh that fully conveys how he feels right now. “Hey!” A shadow falls over him, and Megumi cracks one eye open to see Nobara now staring down at him, hands on her hips. “Don’t get upset with us! You were the one who decided it was a great idea to apparently go to this morning’s training session while dehydrated!” Megumi closes his eyes. Still unable to verbally argue back, he simply resigns himself to the inevitable lecture he’s about to receive.
send me a sentence (+ a ship) and i'll write the next five sentences
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biblio-smia · 5 months
v's 800 follower celebration!
CLOSED - until next time! check out the entire collection here!
hi i have reached 800 followers :')))) truly can't believe so many of you are still enjoying my works!! so to celebrate, i'll be hosting a little event!
Tumblr media
EVENT #1 ! first, choose a prompt (from list 1, list 2, or list 3). next, add a character from the list below. optionally, add some more context if you'd like! then, submit your ask & i will write a short scenario. NOTES: only one prompt and one character per ask. you can submit multiple asks! EXAMPLE: "i feel safe with you" with sam carpenter. CHARACTERS OPEN FOR THIS EVENT: mike schmidt, clapton davis, peter parker (tasm), ethan landry, tara carpenter, sam carpenter.
EVENT #2 ! short + sweet! give me a short idea/trope (please keep it to a few words max!) + a character, send an ask and i'll tell you how i think they feel about it! EXAMPLE: enemies to lovers with sam carpenter. CHARACTERS OPEN FOR THIS EVENT: mike schmidt, clapton davis, peter parker (tasm), ethan landry, tara carpenter, sam carpenter.
EVENT #3 ! let's talk! send in any headcannons/thoughts/fic ideas you have/etc. about any characters i write for or from any fandoms below! FANDOMS OPEN FOR THIS EVENT: five nights at freddys, detention (2011), scream (scream v/vi focus), the hunger games, marvel.
EVENT #4 ! send in any word and if i find it in any of my drafts, i'll reveal the sentence!
EVENT #5 ! ask me something you're curious about, or just stop by to chat!
general notes !
-if you have sent in a request, please do not resend it during the event, even if it falls within one of the event categories! i will still be working on regular requests during the event.
-send as many asks as you'd like!
-please like & reblog if you can!
-this is a follower celebration but you are still welcome to participate if you're not a follower! i appreciate everyone who has interacted with my fics!!
-all works for this celebration will be tagged under #v's 800 follower celebration for easier navigation.
thank you guys again & i hope i'll see things from you soon!!
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goddesspharo · 5 months
You asked for it
"I know that you are scared, this is not what you were looking for. But, I'm in If you are. I've been all in since the start."
A Hannix story.
[Send me the first sentence and a pairing and I'll write the next five.]
"I know that you are scared," Hangman whispers before ducking his head dangerously close to her face like there isn't an entire hangar full of space for him to occupy. "And this is not what you were looking for—"
"That much is obvious," Phoenix hisses with renewed irritation. "We had a plan and it was working great until you went off script!"
She should've known better than to trust him with something as important as this. When had he ever given Natasha the impression that he wouldn't let her down? Even now when he's looking at her so intensely that his green eyes practically glow neon, Phoenix can't completely believe the words coming out of his mouth when he promises, "But I'm in if you are."
Even after she agrees with a sigh, "You and me against the world, Bagman," Natasha's got one finger waiting to squeeze the trigger if he screws up again. Her attempt at menacing is wasted on him though because the moment she agrees, the tension seems to leave Hangman's body as his shoulders drop back down and he finally gives her some breathing room. He's about to tell her that he's been all in from the beginning when Natasha hears someone in the distance and practically dives into Hangman to press her palm against his mouth.
"What are you—" Of course, he'd be stupid enough to keep trying to talk when she clearly wants him to shut up. Natasha jerks her head to her right to signal that they're not alone and waits for him to figure it out before she pulls her hand away.
"If you take out Rooster—"
"When," he corrects smugly.
Natasha rolls her eyes and continues, "I think I can get past Bob and still win us this thing."
She will never understand why Maverick insists before every mission on having a team bonding activity that he clearly made up while half a dozen beers in at The Hard Deck, but Phoenix misses the days of dogfight football and extreme tennis. His latest invention – a demented combination of laser tag with capture the flag and dodge ball – feels like the kind of thing that would only bond children on Nickelodeon's Guts in their shared hatred for the game. Jake Seresin is not her first choice to partner up with for this last-ditch effort at the chance to lead the mission, but everyone else on their team has already been eliminated so he must have something to offer.
"That's the brilliant plan?" Hangman asks incredulously. When she shoots a glare in his direction, Phoenix notices that he looks just as hungry as she is for a glowing piece of the Aggro Crag. Sensing there are no better options, Hangman sighs and concedes, "Fine. Teamwork makes the dream work, right?"
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hourcat · 3 months
piarles + divorce (hehe sorry 🫶)
It's fitting, almost, that the universe hates Charles Leclerc enough to not only put him in this shitty little cafe in the middle of April, facing the big open windows to watch the sky open up, but to even put him here in the first place: at a fucking speed dating event, because his coworkers had begged him to just to get him to stop sleeping on their couches every weekend they go out together. It's humiliating, and yet he can't even fault them for doing it because they're his friends and they want him to be happy and find someone--at least someone to see next weekend, as a distraction from the fact that it's his three-year anniversary of getting divorced.
Progress, his therapist had stressed, and in theory, sure, but it doesn't change how he feels now, sitting across from a chattering woman whose tone is just nasally enough for Charles to know that he'd bang his head on the table if they were out together for longer than the allotted time here. He glances at the clock on the other side of the room to try and piece together how many more of these he has left before he can go back to his apartment in peace--
--and then catches sight of one Pierre Gasly, seated three tables away from him and looking equally as displeased at the man sitting across from him, which would be funnier if his brain hadn't just fully morphed into a deer in the headlights.
Pierre, like always, seems to feel the gaze upon him: he turns and catches sight of Charles before he can look away in embarrassment, and a crooked, familiar grin appears on his face right as the timer buzzes loudly, indicating everyone at the event to change tables--and suddenly it hits him, as he watches Pierre stand and move to the next table, that he might have to talk to his ex-husband at this god-awful event and avoid doing something stupid...like falling in love with him again.
send me a ship and a word and i'll write you five sentences <3
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nilefreemans · 15 days
“Took you long enough.”
"Took you long enough." "Weren't you the one who commented on just how delicate my poor colonizer skin is?" Henry mused as he came out from the back door in a loose linen shirt and shorts. It was a set in a soft lavender color that Henry had picked for himself, and the soft shade complimented Henry's fair skin. "I had to put on suncream-" "SPF 150," Alex interrupts with a grin and Henry rolls his eyes but he's not denying anything and he's smiling fondly at Alex. Henry runs his fingers through his hair, and it's just the two of them so Alex can stare at the way Henry's long elegant fingers card through his hair. They catch a knot and Henry tugs lightly, still getting used to the longer length. "Sit," Alex says then, swinging his legs to either side of the lounge chair so Henry can sit in-between them. "I'll help you with your shoulders and your back. Red is more my color." "You just want to get your hands on me," Henry muses but he takes a seat where Alex instructed, unbuttoning his shirt as he goes. Alex takes it from his boyfriend's hands and discards it on the table next to them before he bends and kisses Henry's shoulder. "I kinda love my hands on you."
send me an ask with the first sentence of a fanfic and I’ll write the next five(ish)
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tizniz · 9 days
More spam!! For buddie: “this is what I get for marrying my best friend”
Ellie, you need to send in a LOT more to be spam - Baz has you beat by like 10 hahaha
"This is what I get for marrying my best friend." "Hey!" Eddie shoves Buck's shoulder, "You were the one who got all upset that I called you my best friend instead of husband last week." "And I stand by it." Buck scoffs, "You should be calling me your husband as often as possible." "I do. Frequently. Everyone hates us for it." "I second that!" Chim calls from across the loft. "And," Eddie tugs Buck closer, smiling at him, "you are my best friend. First and foremost. You got my back, remember?" Buck sighs, leaning into Eddie, "Yeah. And you got mine." "Please do not make out!" "Shut up, Chim!" Eddie and Buck call back in unison.
Send me a ship and a sentence, I'll write the next five
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hbyrde36 · 2 months
🌈WIP Weekend🌈
I was tagged LAST weekend, by the lovely @sidekick-hero
post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days.
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from, write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
Gift!fic (IDTWIHABB): The secret is out now, help me finish the final chapter!
Steddie Big Bang: No snippets but encouragement is welcome!
No Vacancy: I'll get the next chapter out soon if it KILLS me
TLT (ill advised anniversary edition): only one more to go!
Snippet from: I Don't Think We're In Hawkins Anymore, Big Boy
“Steve?” Steve sat up, pulling Eddie up along with him and into his arms, crushing the other boy to his chest, the snowfall slowing to a stop as they held each other. Eddie pulled back, running his hands up and down Steve’s arms, shoulders, and chest, as if searching him for wounds, before they found their way to Steve’s face, gently wiping away the wetness left behind by the melting snow.   “Are you okay?” Steve stared back at him, feeling lightheaded and a little breathless, unsure if it was due to the poppies or the way Eddie was handling him like he was something precious. ”I think so, w-what about you?” “Better now.” Eddie smiled, tilting his head as he fully cupped Steve’s cheek.  The touch was warm and gentle, and the look in Eddie’s eyes so tender that Steve couldn’t help turning away to blush—the butterflies waging assault in his stomach returning with a vengeance. The move had him looking back at the others for the first time since he woke up, and while The Scarecrow was helping The Lion to his feet, The Tin Woman stood behind them, frozen.  “Damn, the snow—it’s got her rusted again.”
No pressure tags:
@pearynice @penny00dreadful @klausinamarink @griefabyss69 @vecnuthy
@cranberrymoons @dreamwatch @withacapitalp @sourw0lfs @medusapelagia
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stevethehairington · 2 years
steddie!!! ‘Eddie is always jumping headfirst into everything, acting first and thinking later; so when Steve senses hesitation from him worry blooms in his chest’
lex!!!!! thank you for sending this in!!! this is SUCH a good first line omg, and i have thought of a million different directions i could take this in, but my mind kept spinning back around to this one, so i hope you like it!! (also i definitely planned on cheating here and doing 5 paragraphs instead of 5 sentences because i have A LOT to say to this one, but uhhh it turns out i've got MORE than 5 paragraphs in me for it sooo..... oops?)
Eddie is always jumping headfirst into everything, acting first and thinking later; so when Steve senses hesitation from him worry blooms in his chest. "You haven't— you're not saying anything," Steve says after another silent second stretches out between them. "Why aren't you saying anything?" He'd expected an instantaneous answer from Eddie: an ecstatic and resounding 'yes' and maybe even one of those giddy, uncontrollable grins of his that Steve loves so much — the kind that pulls up the right corner of Eddie's mouth before the left side follows and pops both of his dimples so vibrantly. Instead, Eddie is quiet. Contemplative. He's got his thumbnail between his teeth, and his eyes are big and wide and round with a serious sort of shine in them that makes Steve nervous. Makes him worry. Like, did he just screw it all up with this question, with this proposition? Was he moving too fast? Was it— too much? "That's—" Eddie starts, hesitates again, drops his hand to his lap where he starts to pick at the loose string on the hem of his shirt, "I just— you really want that? With me?" Steve's brow furrows, lips pursing into a frown. He reaches out to steal Eddie's hand away from his t-shirt, wrapping it up in his own, squeezing it and looking right into Eddie's eyes. "I'm asking you aren't I? Not anybody else," he says. "It's kind of embarrassing how much I want it. Like—" he bites his lip, figures in for a penny, in for a pound, and bares his soul, "god, I had to— I had to stop myself from asking you weeks ago, man. Like I probably would've asked you right after our first date if it wouldn't have scared you off. That's— that's how into you I am. It's," he laughs again, ducks his head, "it's ridiculous." Eddie's eyes are still shining as he stares back at Steve, but the nervousness is gone, so is any hesitation. His lips are pressed together, but it's so obvious that it's because he's trying to hold back his smile, and Steve knows from just that that it's got to be one of those megawatt ones. When it finally becomes too big for Eddie to contain, it bursts across his face, bright and sunny, and he sways forward into Steve's space. "Fuck, Steve," he laughs, and his hand comes up to cup Steve's jaw. "What kind of an asshole would say no to that?" He asks. "Of course I'll move in with you." He moves even closer, eyes twinkling as he whispers, "For the record, I would've said yes weeks ago too." And he leans the rest of the way in to seal it with a kiss.
Send me a ship and a sentence, I'll write the next five
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sidekick-hero · 3 months
WIP Wednesday Game
I was tagged by @augustjustice for WIP Weekend (which I missed, sorry!) and @hbyrde36 - thank you guys (gn)! 💜💜💜
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited! If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
The WIPs
Summer Exchange Fic (won't be able to share lines but I appreciate the peer pressure 💜)
End of Beginning
Hold my like a grudge (last part of hold me close (I'm shaking apart))
The next part of @chooseyourownsteddie
Have their first meeting from End of Beginning under the cut
“I’m begging you to get a second opinion. I know they'll tell you the same thing I'm telling you: Go. For. It."
Robin emphasizes her last words by pounding the table with each one, attracting the attention of more than one patron in the busy downtown Chicago bar where they have settled. They each have a drink in front of them, but while Steve hasn't touched his beer since Robin began her impassioned speech about him taking a chance on his future, his best friend has just cleaned up her Dirty Shirley.
"I promise I'll get a second opinion when we get home, Robs." Steve uses his most rational voice, the one that hopefully says, 'No, I'm not scared shitless and putting off a decision as long as possible until it's too late and I don't have to decide anymore.'
He's not sure it'll work, too many years of living in each other's pockets and too few boundaries between them mean that even on her way to being plastered, Robin can read him like a book.
Her eyes narrow at him, her lips form a thin and determined line, and Steve knows that whatever's coming, he's not going to like it. But before he can say anything more, Robin slips out of her booth and walks over to the bar, where a group of men about their age are standing and chatting. She grabs one of them by the arm and practically drags him over to where Steve is sitting, his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide in horror.
The guy whose arm is still caught in Robin’s surprisingly strong grip gapes back at him, clearly at a loss what just happened. Uncaring for their predicament, Robin uses her unoccupied hand to point at Steve.
"Listen, you have to tell him that this is his chance, but he has to take it, even if it's scary." She demands of the stranger, who blinks at her and then at Steve like a deer in the headlights. He does look a bit like a deer with his big brown doe eyes, and of course it's Steve's luck that he's making a fool of himself in front of a hot guy.
He looks at the poor guy who has been unwillingly drawn into their argument and tells him, "I'm so, so sorry, she doesn't usually drink, so she's a total lightweight. She's mostly harmless, I promise."
"I'm not sure I like the sound of 'mostly harmless.' She doesn't look it, but my arm is starting to go numb from her grip." Doe Eyes replies in a deep, whiskey-smooth voice, and Steve thinks he wouldn't mind hearing it recite a dictionary as long as the guy keeps talking.
No pressure but much love: @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe, @matchingbatbites, @shares-a-vest, @puppy-steve, @corrodedbisexual, @just-my-latest-hyperfixation
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lavender-lotion · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
How many works do you have on ao3?
868, which is bonkers???
What's your total ao3 word count?
2,445,126 words! I'm aiming for 5mil within the next decade haha
What fandoms do you write for?
CURRENTLY I am (only) writing teen wolf fic! it's so strange to be back where I started, but it's also been really nice coming back to all these familiar characters
Top five fics by kudos:
1. (baby) maybe that matters more - Steter, 40k
2. The Perceptions of You and I - Seter, 5k
3. With You, I Belong - Stalion, 59k
4. Mates and Marriage Proposals - Steter, 15k
5. Breathing You In - Steter, 29k
... should I just call myself a steter writer at this point?
Do you respond to comments?
yes!! all the time. literally nothing brings me as much joy as comments do
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I reaaaaally don't write a lot of angst, but one of the unhappiest fics I've ever written is probably this one?
And Now? - Stetopher, 300 words
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
there actually isn't one fic I would say that fits this? I primarily write schmoop, so a lot of my fic would count as having very happy endings! p
Do you get hate on fics?
oooooooh yeah babes. I've gotten some mean comments lol
Do you write smut?
yes! not a favourite thing of mine, but I do write it here and there. I recently wrote a fic w/ smut that I really really liked it!
keep me warm in the cradle of your skin - Sterekira, 7k
Craziest crossover:
ooooh this is actually SUCH an easy answer for me! it's 100% this one teen wolf/x-men cross over (possibly my only one?) where Logan (wolverine) knew the sheriff from the way when they'd been lovers and he goes to find him, and stiles is a lil jean grey esque character. I think about this thing allllll the time, too. I freaking love it.
what-ifs (don’t fuckin’ matter to no one) - Logan (X-Men)/Sheriff Stilinski, 2k
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have actually! I only know of one for sure, and it was a stackson fic that someone had reposted to ao3? im so glad I found it (I think someone sent it to me?) and I was able to report it and get it taken down!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! I love it, it's such a crazy labour of love. if you wanna translate my work, just send me a link so I can see it!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
me & @flightinflame co-wrote an almando series where we wrote the same fic from different pov's which was a suuuuuper super fun experience! I've started a few other co-writes, but unfortunately they've never taken off and gone anywhere :(
there's nothing i wouldn't do to make you feel my love - Almando, 27k
All time favourite ship?
nope. nope nope nope I don't knowwwwwww
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh!! this is marked completed on ao3 now because honestly, I'm never going to finish it, but I love love love the premise of this one and I always wished I had finished it
Love Thy Family - Stilinskicest, 12k
What are your writing strengths?
this is soooo tricky lol I hate talking about myself. I would say probably dialogue! I also really like how I write romance, specifically getting together works, and I think I do a good job at nailing down the feelings that go along with them!
What are your writing weaknesses?
settings. actions. plot. I hate plot!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I used to use a looooot more than I do now, and I would use google translate. it's never GREAT, so I mostly avoid it now. I'll translate like, a single sentence every now and again, but I don't do a lot with it anymore.
as for how I feel about it as a reader - as long as I can figure out what's going on from context clues, I really don't mind it!
First fandom you wrote in?
Percy Jackson & the Olympians!
To Long For Lust - Percico, 3k
Favorite fic you've written?
this is sooooo hard and so unfair and so difficultimpossiblehorrible to answer. if I had to pick one, gun to my head, it would currently be poly fic. it's the longest, plotiest, most developed thing I've ever written, and if nothing else, it's shown me that I can write things I've never imagined being able to write! once im done act 4, I wanna print it out lol
lift our faces, together, towards the glistening - Stisaackson, 159k
@lucky-bishop @mirrorthoughts @thotpuppy @like-lazarus @rosieposiepuddingnpie @kordyceps @whimsicalmeerkat
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