#Schumann Resonance
reality-detective · 4 months
The Firmament is likely Earth's Magnetic Field, which is not created by Earth's core, but is actually caused by Cosmic Magnetic Induction from the Sun through ferromagnetic elements inside the Earth that set up the conditions for said induction in the first place.
The visible Plasma / Electro-Static Energy of inertia and acceleration near the vortices of Toroidal Magnetic Reciprocation towards the poles of our planet known as AURORAS, sure would look like flowing waters separating Heaven and Earth to our ancestors thousands of years ago, as it still resembles today.
Which begs the ultimate question :
Well, if this experiment would shine quite the Light on that answer by working the opposite direction.
Since our Pineal Gland and the cells in our Wi-Fi enabled meatsuits are wirelessly plugged into Earth's Electro-Static /Magnetic Field, what happens if we LEAVE the Resonant cavity of the Field filled with Electro-Static Energy our body is dependent upon to not only function, but attain consciousness?
Similar to a Light bulb moving too far away from a Tesla Tower, would it be LIGHTS OUT for consciousness?
Through this logic, brings another legitimate questionable observation :
Either we physically / consciously couldn't have went to the moon, or Earth's Magnetic Field extends much further than they're telling us.
The sole / soul reason to suppress Nikola Tesla will be 25% due to "Free Energy" and 75% because our species digging into what he was working with and what he KNEW, would lead directly to the suppressed metaphysics related to TRUE BIOLOGY! 🤔
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spiritualseeker777 · 3 months
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precedex-files · 5 months
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I never understood why in D.P.O. it’s Mulder who is the lightning expert. Scully was a physics major!
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growwithmeastrology · 2 months
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Saturday, March 30th 2024 Sun in Aries♈️🔥Moon in Sagittarius ♐️🔥
We continue to be in a calm before the storm kind of feel today. That’s if you can call a Sagittarius Moon calm but we still don’t have too many transits going on in the sky. If you’re feeling some intensity in your body however, you may want to check out the Schumann Resonance as we’ve had some massive solar flare energy reach earth in the last 24 hours.
The Saggi Moon will trine the Sun in Aries which brings on an overall general feel of wellbeing and harmony which might help balance out the solar flares. The Moon did square Mars in Pisces overnight as well which brought in a need to go after desires with a strong passion however, that energy is separating but you may still feel the effects as you wake up. Get some exercise if you wake up irritable or with a sense of intensity in your body.
Later tonight and into tomorrow the Sagittarius Moon will square Saturn in Pisces which could create a feeling of distance in our relationships and possibly a little low self esteem.
There’s a general feel of tiredness and irritability going on right now with Mercury coming to a complete halt before fully going retrograde on Monday. Luckily the spontaneous and adventurous Sag Moon is also helping balance that out. I will continue to remind everyone that we are in a timeline shift in this period between eclipses. Lots of things either closing out their chapters and the energies building for the start of new ones. It’s important to take care of your body, hydrate and process what’s changing up for you this weekend. Have a beautiful Saturday! 💫
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iamthatwhich · 1 year
Hi All,
If you deal with stress, anxiety, or anything like that, please consider giving this a listen.
I make guided meditations for a living; after doing ASMR for years I notice that ASMR may be catchier, trendier and more approachably noncommittal, but I really think actual guided meditation can help more (well, I more than just think that, it's scientifically supported) but a lot of people just don't think they connect with it, largely because spaces involving it don't tend to include them.
But as a nonbinary black Femme I want to offer these things from a lived experience and context that speaks to others like me---
so if you have a moment and an ounce of curiosity, please listen and if you like it, please subscribe to my channel and help my work grow.
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creature-wizard · 4 months
Got another New Agey spam message in my inbox and it's really long and also advertising a specific person, so I'm not going to post the whole thing. But I'm going to quote and talk about a few specific pieces from it.
Intense movement with solar and earth energy over the last 24 hours… We received a large X 3.38 solar flare and 3 M flares in the last 24 hours with density purging and light codes to show the way.
So, your New Age types have been claiming for years that Big Things Are Coming. Quantum healing technologies! New monetary system! Ascension to 5D! All the bad guys gone! According to their own past predictions, these things should be here already.
We’ve been living in a massive sleepy illusion unaware (for most) that we’ve been used as fuel for parasites siphoning us dry.
This is your standard Protocols-derived conspiracy theory nonsense right here, rooted in the antisemitic beliefs/propaganda about greedy Jews hoarding all of the money. It is, unfortunately, a very prominent element of New Age beliefs these days.
The Schumann resonance is reflecting some density clearing. The purification of earth is underway as the distortions, inversions, and inorganic darkness of the 9th sphere/veil/fracture within Mother Earth are purified. We experienced a barrage of M class solar flares the last 3 days with the largest being and M 5.18 flare. How are you feeling? The symptoms could be quite intense with all the incoming light codes that help us transmute the density within. Some common symptoms may include neck and/or spine pain, GI issues and purging, fever, burning sensations on the body- for me it is my lips, head pressure, itching, high pitched tones in the ears, spine and neck pain, sacral/womb/kidney area pain, fatigue, downloads/revelations, and excess mucus as the body releases toxins, just to name a few.
For years, New Agers have been claiming that symptoms like these are symptoms of ascension, bad energy purging, etc., and again, their associated predictions have never come to pass. (Seriously, that whole ascension into 5D was supposed have happened already several times over.) If you experience symptoms like these, please do not dismiss them as a healthy spiritual process. Please talk to a doctor, and if your doctor cannot find an obvious cause, please consider the following:
You might be experiencing symptoms of stress, anxiety, and/or depression.
You might have some sort of food intolerance.
You might have allergies.
You might have something like endometriosis, fibromyalgia, or some other poorly-understood condition.
Your doctor might not be taking your symptoms seriously due to medical misogyny, racism, etc.
Your doctor is just incompetent, period.
So yeah, this kind of spiritual content is pure bullshit. It's all a bunch of pseudoscience and conspiratorial thinking dolled up as Very Enlightened Spirituality, which it is most definitely not.
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Last year I dreamt the numbers 18 and 23 which I took to be part of a date (in the dream the revelation of the numbers was made to be significant). June 18th the Earth’s ‘heartbeat’ the Schumann Resonance just did something it has never done before in recorded history. On the left of image you see what is normal, and on the right what is presently happening, some kind of sacred geometry unimaginable designs. This frequency is said to have a direct effect on human consciousness, with some touting this as the beginning of a conscious ascension point, breaking from our 3D thought prison and ascending to something higher, 5D perhaps. It’s weird that it is happening now, as disclosure breaks through and the truth embargo is slowly lifted on what has been going on for at least 90 years on this planet. What is this frequency doing to us? Or are we changing the dial? Nobody seems to have a fucking clue what is happening with the resonance, to say this is unprecedented is an understatement. It just doesn’t do anything like what you see now. So what’s happening?
Sacred geometry, eleven lines, and we are on the precipice of being told we are not alone.
High strangeness indeed.
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brantheblessed · 2 months
Breaking: The Schumann Resonance is once again off the charts according to Tok Tok.
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Schumann Resonance Update👇
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It’s been at least a month and a half since we’ve reached the 30s on the Schumann Resonance chart.
Yesterday we had some action spanning from about 12:20AM EST and going for about twelve hours with the amplitude height reaching 18hz at 2:20AM.
Today at about 5:20AM the action started up again and is still currently going. The height that was reached so far is 33hz which happened at 9:35AM.
I’ve felt the energies of clearing out the last few days. Clearing out your physical world (cleaning/dusting/getting rid of things) to help make space mentally and energetically for fresh healthy things to enter your life. The full moon in cancer that we just had helped to close out some cycles which is in line with the new beginnings that are waiting for us to allow them in. Do all the thing to be good to your body, drinking plenty of water is always a great start as usual.
Are You Feeling It?🤔
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doozierthanthou · 1 year
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This is the Schumann Resonance, it graphs the Earth’s vibration. On the left (17th) you see an average day. On the right (18th) all those  thin continuous wiggly lines? Yeah apparently no one anywhere has ever seen that before 🤯
so uh basically   I T ‘ S      H A P P E N I N G
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(via Reliable Source)
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reality-detective · 1 month
Understanding the impact of the Schumann Resonance...
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You Decide 🤔
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jalloweenknight · 1 year
The Schumann resonance is just the Seal Of Orichalcos. lol
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lahilden · 1 year
Schumann Resonances
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freerspirit · 2 years
Merging Your Multiple Timelines
Merging Your Multiple Timelines
Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash Hey, how’s it going? Is life a chaotic, crazy mess right now, or what? How’s your time management? Are you forgetting things you normally wouldn’t? Do you find it difficult to form words when you’re trying to speak? Are you losing items, and then finding them in places you already checked MANY times? How about receiving news that you could have sworn already…
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lovehas1joyrains2 · 1 year
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