#Sarah Reese/ Connor Rhodes
crimsonrae · 2 years
Favorite Excerpts from My Writings
No I love you on this one.
No please call me.
Connor didn't realize tears were streaming down his cheeks as he reread her letter. At the bottom, she had left her phone number and he realized it wasn't the same one she had had in college.
This couldn't be right. He couldn't have... He couldn't.
"Ahhh!" He cried out curling in on himself as he glared at the stack of letters still waiting for him. At the life he missed. The life he ignored. He wanted to burn them. No, he wanted a damn time machine.
The ache in his chest burst and he was consumed by an entirely new kind of hurt.
Can’t Change the Past, Chapter Three: The Hits Just Keep Coming
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felicitysmoaksx · 4 months
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"Central line. Can’t tell you how many times I missed before I finally got it."
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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crockettmarcel · 4 months
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"Do you think it's odd that we still come here?" Ava asks. She's leaning against the doorframe of Connor’s room, a glass of wine already in hand as she watches his pathetic attempt at unpacking, and it’s the only thing she can think of to break the silence.
He stops unpacking for a moment and turns to face her. “Honestly, Aves, I have no idea. I want to say no, but…” His voice trails off and he runs a hand through his hair.
“I know what you mean.” She makes her way over to take a seat on the bed, and he joins her. For a few minutes, they sit and stare out of the window at the falling snow, passing the glass of wine back and forth between them. Neither of them says anything.
Crockett and Hannah are talking in the kitchen, and their voices float down the hall and into the bedroom. They’re unintelligible, but they sound like they’re having a good time. Ava’s stomach twists.
“I still think,” she says eventually, “that there’s something I could have done. Maybe that’s why I keep coming back. I want to make it right.”
“It wasn’t your fault, Ava.”
“I know.” She takes another sip of wine. “I know.”
— snow!au
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connorshalstead · 1 year
A few opinions about Chicago Med below unpopular, popular, I dunno, y’all decide!
Ava’s character had so much potential, but the way the producers wrote her relationship with Connor screwed her over.
As much as I love Rhodestead, I really, REALLY wish Manstead would’ve worked out. Albeit, give Will some therapy and teach him how to treat a woman !!
If we couldn’t have Manstead, we should’ve at the very least had Jeff Clarke with Natalie, he genuinely cares about her, but at the time, she was in love with Will. I wish they had more time together.
Elsa sucks. Period. I get, that it’s fiction and she’s meant to be quirky and not an average doctor? But she’s such an asshole to patients that I can’t respect her as a doctor.
Natalie should’ve had an arc where she was transferred to the peds department permanently. She would’ve thrived there.
I don’t like Nina. I understand people that do, but she’s personally not for me, I think her and Will’s relationship was… pointless? It was only to make Will realize he was truly in love with Natalie. Which, didn’t matter in the end cause of how badly their relationship ended.
The way Sarah left was absolutely insulting to her character and her relationship with Dr. Charles. Biggest punch to the gut ever as someone who relates strongly to Sarah.
Connor’s best arc was becoming a heart surgeon under Downey’s guidance. Their friendship was too short and underrated.
Lanik deserved so much more screen time. He was the best E.D. Chief and should’ve gotten more appreciation.
Maggie carries the show, I take not disagreeing on this one actually. /hj
April honestly deserves to be happy. She’s been through so much shit, and she and Ethan DESERVED that happy ending.
The “safe” drug use site was maybe Will’s worst decision. Next to Jennifer Baker and taking care of Burke.
And leaving Natalie in the dark ^
As bad as I feel for both Natalie and Will, she had no right to treat Will the way she did, having lost her memory or not.
There was a point where I DID NOT like Natalie. She was flat-out emotionally abusive to Will when he genuinely did care about her and tried to help.
That being said, Will still has faults. He should’ve absolutely given her space after the breakup and the Burke situation.
And I know he’s a highly secondary character but, I can’t help but feel bad for Owen? He saw Will as his dad, he was probably the first male figure he saw after he was born for… quite a while? It was shitty of Natalie to completely separate them. Especially after how much Will cared about him.
Second, to all of that, Philip was fucking pointless.
Ben was the best thing to happen to Maggie as well.
Jesus Christ, I feel like these people go through fiancés like cigarettes. (April with Tate, and in S5, Ethan)
And Natalie with Jeff, then Will?
Like, let people get married?? What is Dick Wolf so scared of? (Gay ppl probably)
Will deserves a STABLE RELATIONSHIP with a good person, not an ex-drug addict (who he fought with constantly and THEN SHE ASKED HIM TO GO TO LA WITH HER?), not Natalie, and Connor is gone so… :/ Idk, give him and Nina another chance even???
I really wish we got more “casual” crossover content. Like, I wanna see scenes of Casey, Severide, the Halstead brothers, Upton and maybe even Ruzek? Just hanging out at Molly’s :(
I really think Sarah and Connor were a missed opportunity. Especially with all the weird shit that happened in the first two seasons? It wouldn’t have been too far-fetched.
Better than Sarah and Joey 😭
Sarah deserved a love interest and someone to help carry her burdens. That girl had been through enough
Along with wanting Will to have a stable relationship, we should’ve gotten more Reesestead scenes…
Crockett is kind of a dick…? Especially to Ethan in his earlier episodes. But, he’s redeemable.
I really like Noah! But, I think he’s better suited as an E.D. doctor, not a surgeon.
Also, as much as I LOVE April and want to say she does no wrong, the way she treated Noah was extremely childish and unfair. He truly could handle himself and him becoming a surgeon goes to show that.
Finally, Chicago Med is absolutely shit at trans and gay representation. To the point of sometimes blatant transphobia in some episodes… (Looking at Claire…)
Thank you for reading, and remember that these are my opinions ! Feel free to disagree but remember, sending death threats is a crime !! Respect people’s opinions.
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thena0315 · 9 months
The Original Chicago Med Main Cast
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Season 4: Sarah left
Season 5: Connor left
Season 6: Natalie and April left
Season 8: Ethan and Will left
Maggie, Sharon and Charles are all that remains of the main OGs
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kitweewoos · 8 months
I wanna try something new, so.... you know.... vote, reblog, word of mouth, whatever, help me!
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coincidenceconnection · 5 months
Had a dream about Sarah and Connor returning to the show. How I wish it was real. 😭
I will return to Rumors and Romance I promise ❤️
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pushupcontest · 1 year
Sarah: Dr. Charles, I think I’m a psychopath.
Daniel: What, why? You are one of the most empathetic people I know.
Sarah: Every time I see Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Bekker, I feel really angry and I want to strangle them. They didn't do anything to me, I don't know why I feel like this.
Daniel: Sarah, that’s normal, you're just jealous.
Sarah: What do you mean? Why would I be jealous of him?
Daniel: No, I think you're jealous of Dr. Bekker. From what I’ve seen, you seem to have some sort of romantic feelings for Dr. Rhodes.
Sarah: No… that’s not it. I can’t see us together romantically.
Daniel: *takes out notepad and starts writing* Describe how you feel when you see them.
Sarah: Well, when I see them together, I feel really angry and like I want to strangle them. When I see Dr. Rhodes alone, I still feel angry but it’s less intense. And… you know, it’s weird, when I see Dr. Bekker alone, I don’t feel angry at all. 
Daniel: Ok, we will brainstorm some reasons as to why you feel this way. Number one, you’re in love with Connor. Number two, you want to be friends with Ava. Number three, you want to be friends with Connor. Number four, you’re jealous of their surgical accomplishments. Number five, you are jealous of Connor’s wealth.
Sarah: No, I don’t know… none of those sound right.
Sharon: *closes her laptop in the background* Daniel, you are so stupid. The girl is clearly in love with Dr. Bekker.
Sarah: Oh my god.. You are right. What do I do?
Sharon: *shakes her head* How are these my two psychiatrists?
Ava: *enters* Dr. Charles, I think I'm a psychopath!
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Chicago Med and Brat headcannons
A/N: I still have a day before the results of the poll are final and I make my decision and will therefore write the next part but I have decided to bless you with this in the meantime 🖤🖤
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Connor Rhodes
-100% biggest Ravenna supporter in everything she does
-Soft and gentle with her but also easily irritated with her (because he’s in love with her and pining)
-Secretly jealous of Ava
-Buys her all the comfort items for when he has to work
-All the sex dreams about our little brat
-But also just wants to love and cherish her
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Ava Bekker
-Firm believer in making Ravenna independent and her own woman without needing Connor all the tome
-Finds her new books to read when she goes shopping with Sarah
-Takes her on field trips to Art Museums and music halls (because she needs other friends Connor it can’t be just you)
-Definitely has a bit of a crush on our girl
-Is the main driving force between Connor/Ravenna
-Sometimes wonders how those two can be so cute but so stupid at the same time
-100% encourages Ravennas bratty attitude to Connor
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romeowho · 2 years
Connor and Will are Sarah Reese's dads. I will not be taking criticism.
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You mentioned in a past post that Dr. Charles is a member of the Terrible Chicago Fathers Club. Who else has a membership lol
Terrible Chicago Fathers Club members (in no particular order);
Daniel Charles - physically and/or emotionally abandoned at least two children but still expected unconditional love, forcefully admitted Robin to psych when he was not her doctor and without consulting her psychiatry team, which was totally messed up and illegal, seriously that man should have lost his license for that
Hank Voight - never held Justin accountable for his actions or let him face any consequences, lied to Erin a lot and usually just supported her in ways that were beneficial to him, has a secret history with Bunny outside of old CI stuff that the show mentioned/alluded to but never elaborated on
Robert Haywood - abandoned Reese, emotionally abusive, serial killer
Patrick Halstead - emotionally abusive, manipulative
Mr. Upton - physically abusive, alcoholic
Mr. Casey - they alluded to him being physically abusive sometimes on the show, had anger issues
Cornelius Rhodes - narcissistic rich scumbag, treats his daughter like dirt, tries to control Connor's life and goes out of his way to do so, uses his wife's death to hurt and manipulate Connor, they alluded that Cornelius had something to do with her death in season 1 of med but never did anything with it
Benny Severide - abandoned Kelly, manipulative, demonstrated lots of toxic masculinity, tried to undermine Kelly's stand in dad (Boden) because of DNA, womanizer, serial cheater
Let me know if I missed one!
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flyingpotstickers · 29 days
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Head held higher than her heels.
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felicitysmoaksx · 4 months
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Hi everyone! Not much to say except I wanted to have this done by Valentine's day. Obviously, that didn't happen. But oh well! I hope you enjoy this chapter nonetheless. For song recommendations, I recommend The Archer by Taylor Swift and Homecoming Queen by Kelsea Ballerini. To set the mood with where Sarah's head is at. And Only Us by Kaitlyn Dever and Ben Platt for Sarah and Connor's relationship.
Rating: Explicit (Minors DNI 18+)
Summary:   It was only a two-hour and twelve-minute flight to Chicago. Yet it was the longest flight of Connor’s life, as he stared at his phone-willing it for any updates about his girlfriend.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Implied Car Explosion, implied Sexual Content, Depictions of parental abandonment, depictions of violence, inaccurate medical procedures
Read On AO3 | Part One |  Fic Playlist | Fic Playlist but Less Shippy | Want to be tagged when I post a Rheese story?
It was only a two-hour and twelve-minute flight to Chicago. Yet it was the longest flight of Connor’s life, as he stared at his phone-willing it for any updates about his girlfriend. When he bought his last-minute ticket, he also bought the wifi package so he could enable wifi-calling to ensure he didn’t miss an update about Sarah’s condition. Her sister had told him she had told Ava she could share information about Sarah’s condition with him. 
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“I-Hank wants all of us back at the district to find out who this.” Erin sucked in an audible breath that he could hear through the phone. After he had spoken to his boss (probably harsher than one might, considering Ms. Goodwin had the power to fire him) and hadn’t so much as asked, as told her he was coming home early, presentation be damned; Will’s phone had been passed back to the detective. 
She might’ve been holding back another sob, “So I can’t be here with her and my brother isn’t able to get here until tomorrow morning because of heavy rain in New York-” 
“Go do what you need to do. I’ll be there with Sarah.” His reply was instantaneous as he reassured her, “As soon as I’m in Chicago, I’m by her side.” 
“I figured as much when you said you were coming home. So I told Dr. Bekker she can share Sarah’s medical information with you.”
But that conversation had been just before he boarded the plane and since then his phone had been unnervingly silent. He didn’t even get a meaningless notification, which only made Connor that much more worried and agitated. Sighing, he dropped his head in his hands as he rubbed his eyes. With no news of how his girlfriend was doing or how her surgery was going, his imagination was conjuring every worst-case scenario.
Connor touched the screen of his phone and resisted the urge to throw it when it lit up. He still had another hour and a half on this flight. Plus the forty-five minute drive to Med from the airport. 
Two and a half hours later, he was at Med. He didn’t even go home to drop his luggage off. Instead, it was dropped in the corner of the doctor’s lounge in the ED. Erin was there when he found Sarah’s room in the ICU. Looking a little worse for wear with her matted curls and a neck brace, From where he stood, he could see white gauze on the side of her neck..where the bullet must’ve been...Sarah seemed to be sleeping peacefully though. He sighed audibly in relief. “Thank God,” 
The detective’s eyes snapped up and met his. Connor nodded in silent greeting to her, before he was moving forward to the sleeping brunette’s side. Then he sighed in relief as he pressed his lips gently to her forehead. 
“Hey babe, ” he whispered when he pulled away from Sarah, despite her sister sitting in a chair on the opposite side of her bed, and could probably hear everything he was saying. Still, he softly teased Sarah, “You know if you wanted me home early, you could’ve just asked. You didn’t have to worry me half to death.” 
“When I didn’t hear anything, I started thinking of everything that could happen in her surgery,” Connor explained to her sister and Erin nodded in agreement. 
“Me too. That’s why I stopped by before we started running down leads. I arrived just as they finished getting her settled in here. Dr. Bekker said the surgery went off without any complications. They pulled two bullets out of her and she should recover well, but there will be some scarring on her neck. But that’s to be expected. And her sedation should wear off in a little while and she said the neck brace is just in case she gets restless.”
“What happened to her wrists?” Connor asked, spying the angry-looking bruises and cuts on the skin of her wrists. Erin hesitated before she told him. 
“Barbed wire. Her wrists were bound together with barbed wire.”
Instantly, Connor lifted his eyes away from her wrists. Then he shut his blue eyes and counted backward from ten. Twenty. He made it as far as thirty before the monster in his chest was nothing more than a roar in his ears. When he finally opened his eyes again, he stared at Erin. 
“What happened? How did this happen to her?” He asked, “Do you know anything yet?”
“We don’t know for sure. But our working theory is that Hank asked Sarah to talk to Justin. Because he was worried about Justin falling into old habits and his knack for finding trouble because of those habits.”
She was quick to reassure him when she saw a dark look on Connor’s face. “He wasn’t. He was actually trying to help a friend’s widow get out of a bad situation after her ex-boyfriend roped her in. We’re guessing that Sarah went to talk to Justin because the last app open on her phone was a Find My Friend app and she was…caught in the crossfire of it all.” 
The monster roared once more. Feeling restless, Connor stood up and paced until he was at the foot of her bed, where a paper chart hung on a clipboard. 
“Paper chart?” He said aloud, more to himself than Sarah’s sister, while he flicked it open to look at it. Even though Erin had told him Sarah would be okay, he knew he’d feel only a little better if he knew what happened during her surgery. 
“Something about the wifi being down while I.T. is working on it? At least that’s what I heard.” Erin shrugged while she untangled a knot in Sarah’s matted curls. 
“You said Dr. Bekker was handling Sarah’s case?” Erin looked up at Connor’s tone more than the question. Because she could hear the quiet anger in his words, she raised an eyebrow at him as she nodded, “Yeah, why? What’s wrong?”
“The pain meds she has her on? They won’t do any more than the equivalent of an aspirin. For a bullet wound.” He said with the anger rising in his voice, “Did she tell you about this?”
“Yes,” Ava had been weary to give Sarah anything stronger, explaining the effects it could have on the baby. But when the blonde had been getting her settled, she offered to change it if Erin wished. She almost considered it. Then she remembered the words of her sister just a week earlier about having this baby, Erin opted to stay with Dr. Bakker’s treatment plan. 
“Did she say why?”
“Yes,” but Connor didn’t know about the baby yet. Her sister had been waiting to tell him until he got back. 
“Are you going to tell me why?” His confusion was apparent with his eyebrows raised at her. Erin turned back to look at her sister. She frowned slightly. 
“It’s not my place,” the police detective explained, knowing Sarah would want to tell her himself. But the curly-haired brunette wasn't awake to do so right now. Erin sighed and turned back to face him, “It’s not my place to tell you…My sister really should be the one to tell you. But with Sarah being sedated, I will if you want. ”
Her sister’s boyfriend was silent momentarily as he glanced back down at the chart in his hands. Then he whipped his head up to stare at Erin. Something flickered in Connor’s eyes, and Erin saw it. A realization. It was almost like watching an old cartoon with a light flashing over his head.
“She said she had something to tell me. Nothing bad, but she was waiting until I got back because she said it was an in-person conversation.” He said slowly. Then he was flipping through her chart. He must’ve found what he was looking for because he stopped abruptly. His eyes never wandered from the chart as he said, “Sarah’s pregnant…eight weeks according to her blood panel…”
“Yeah,” Erin confirmed even though her sister’s boyfriend had the proof in his hands, “That’s why Dr. Bekker gave her the lesser pain medication. She said she was limited on what she could give Sarah, worried about how it might affect the baby.”
After replacing the chart at the end of the bed, Connor fell heavily into the chair he had been sitting in before. This was not how he was supposed to find out he was going to be a father. 
How she reacted to Boston offering him a job made so much sense now…More sense than it just it had originally.
“Connor,” he looked up at his name being said quietly. Erin continued to caution, “Be gentle with her about this. She was nervous to tell you. But I don’t think it’s as much to do with you, as the experiences she watched my mom go through.”
Connor felt his mouth dip downwards. Sarah hadn’t told him a lot about Erin’s mother. But he knew enough to know he didn’t like the woman and he hadn’t even seen her. 
“Sarah said she tries to be a con woman,” he mumbled, well aware that he might need to tread carefully because he was talking about Lindsay’s mother. Erin opened her mouth to respond. But Sarah mumbled something unintelligible before she could.
 Erin and Connor both turned, but the curly-haired brunette was still asleep. Connor's lips twitched, slightly amused that, she talked in her sleep even now. (Something she vehemently denied she did like most people denied they snored.) He moved before Erin could so much as blink. Gripping her limp hand in both of his Connor pressed his lips gently to the skin of the back of her hand. “It’s okay baby. You’re okay. We’re okay.”
But when Sarah started whimpering quietly, Connor stood up. With gentle hands, he soothed the deep line that had appeared on her forehead. “Shh…it’s a dream baby. A dream. You’re safe. You’re okay. You’re okay. I’m right here. Your sister is here. You’re safe.”
“Con-woman is much kinder than Bunny deserves. Especially how she treated Sarah after Robert left the last time,” Erin told him, once Sarah was settled again and Connor had sat back down. “But yes, she tries to be one and her favorite scam to run was before she hit forty, she was telling whatever jerk she was with that month, that she was pregnant to trap them into taking care of her. They never took it well.”
The female detective sighed, scrubbing a hand down her face. Connor watched her squeeze Sarah’s other hand, “I don’t think she likes to admit it. Or if she’s even aware of it, but I think Sarah internalized those memories so much more than she realizes that she expects you to be unhappy with her about this baby.”
Connor’s frown deepened at Erin’s words because there was no way he could be upset with Sarah about this. But he wasn’t sure how to convince her of that, if she had been internalizing since she found out and had been for the last week. His girlfriend was a stubborn woman like that. 
Erin left a little while later after she received a text from Jay Halstead. He was waiting in the parking lot. It was time to start running down leads. She stood up to leave and leaned over to press a kiss to the brunette’s head.
“Any advice?” He asked when she pulled away. Erin raised her eyebrows at him. Connor cleared his throat and continued, “On what to do with her and this pregnancy? How do I reassure her? Do you think I should tell her I know? Or let her come to me first then tell her I knew.”
“I don't know, but you’ll figure it out,” Her eyes held a few tears, but Sarah’s sister gave him a watery smirk, “Because you love my sister and unlike all of her other past relationships, I don’t feel like I need to worry about picking up the pieces of her broken heart with you.”
“Does this mean you like me?” He called softly, a ghost of a smile on his face when she started to walk away. She glanced over her shoulder and shrugged but her tone seemed teasing more than serious. “Don’t flatter yourself, it means I tolerate you more than anything. But the others never got past dislike. So you’re already farther ahead than them.”
In another universe, Sarah slept for another day and a half, but in this universe, with the lighter medication; she woke up sooner than later. 
Before Sarah resurfaced the land of the living, she lay between awake and asleep trying to make heads and tails of where she was, and what was going on. She knew she wasn’t in the trunk of the car anymore because there was a steady beeping in her ears. There was also a weight on her stomach, but she knew it wasn’t Justin’s unconscious body on top of her anymore. And her neck…her neck…It was like there was the worst crick in her neck, but worse. So much worse. Someone was holding her hand…
She awoke fully with a soft gasp of pain. A dim, dark room greeted her when the brunette finally blinked sleep away from her eyes. Her eyes darted around the room…She was in the ICU…which explained the steady beeping. That was her heart monitor. 
Sarah looked at the hand interlocked with hers. Then she sluggishly moved her gaze down her body…Her boyfriend who was supposed to be in Boston was holding her hand. Her boyfriend, who was also fast asleep with his head resting against her hip. That explained the weight she felt. She thought, raising a hand to curl into his dark locks. (His hair was damp) Usually, when he was asleep, Connor would practically purr and nuzzle deeper into her when she played with his hair. 
But these weren’t usual circumstances. Instead, he made a noise and turned to face her. His ocean-blue eyes were just opening until he saw that she was awake.
“Hey,” he whispered, sitting up so fast that he almost gave her whiplash. If she could only move her neck, which she just realized was immobilized by a neck brace. Connor cupped her cheek gently, “There she is.”
“You’re home,” Sarah pointed out the obvious in a voice that did not sound like hers, as he sat at the edge of her bed. His arms were on either side of her as he leaned in to kiss her forehead. He lingered in the kiss as he nodded. Sarah continued, “You’re not supposed to be home for another few days…Unless I’ve been asleep longer than I think I have.”
“You haven’t,” Connor reassured her, pulling away. “But I should probably call Ava before anything else. She told me to call it something happened because she thought you’d sleep through to tomorrow.”
“Ava said we can take off your neckbrace if you want to. Are you in any pain?” Connor asked her softly, after a quick phone call with Ava, in which the blonde woman told him she’d be there as soon as she could. Because in the span of that phone call, his girlfriend drifted somewhere. He could see it in her brown orbs. They were getting warier with each second that passed. When she didn’t answer him, he touched her hand, “Sarah? Baby?”
“I was shot.” 
“Yeah,” Connor exhaled softly. He almost felt like a volcano with his emotions threatening to build and boil over. But he needed to keep it together. For Sarah’s sake. The trauma surgeon continued to explain methodically, focusing on the facts of her case, “Ava pulled two bullets out, but you should make a full recovery and-”
“Did she tell you about…anything else?” 
“You mean about the baby?” Sarah sucked in a sharp breath at his words. Connor winced. He didn’t mean to approach the subject of the baby like that. Especially given Erin’s words from earlier, about Sarah thinking he’d be upset. (Granted he didn’t know how he was going to tell her he already knew. But it wasn’t going to be that blunt.) He squeezed her hand. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to just blurt it out like that. But no one’s told me anything that suggests they aren’t fine. But we can ask Ava to do an ultrasound when she gets here. Or I can get a nurse to page OB right now. It’s up to you.” 
Some of the tension loosened in Sarah’s shoulders, but she asked, “You’re not upset with me? About the baby?” 
“No baby, it took both of us to make them,” Connor said gently, taking a seat on her bed again. Like earlier, his arms were on either side of her.  “We haven’t had the kids talk yet, but I am not upset. I’m the farthest thing from upset and now our conversation last week about my job offer in Boston makes a lot more sense to me now.” 
“I almost told you after you told me about Boston.” His girlfriend nodded, but wouldn’t meet his eyes. So with gentle hands, Connor grabbed her chin until her brown orbs were blinking owlishly at him.
“I wish you had,” he murmured tenderly and when she started to protest, he continued, “I understand why you wanted to wait until I was home, but I wish you hadn’t waited because then you wouldn’t have had the chance to think I would be upset with you about this pregnancy when it took both of us to make this baby.”
One of his hands came up to rest protectively on her still-flat stomach, to cradle their baby. Their baby. Sarah covered his hand with hers before she interlocked her fingers into his. “I wouldn’t have even let that thought cross your mind.  Mostly though, I wish you would’ve let me know that there was a chance you were pregnant.”
“You were in Boston. Nothing you could’ve done from there.” She mumbled.
“Except we could’ve had a conversation so I could reassure you that we’re in this together.” He paused to lean down so he could press his forehead to her head. “And you wouldn’t have had to sit all week, if I know you, the way I think I know you, spiraling because it was a bad week and you were overwhelmed enough by everything else that had happened.” 
The way she was back to not meeting his gaze told him that he was right. Holding in a sigh, at her flight or fight response tendencies, Connor pressed his lips back to her forehead.  Her hand curled into his shirt. 
“Will you kiss me?” The brunette asked in a shy whisper and he pulled away to look at her. Their hands were still interlaced. Then with his blue eyes soft, Connor leaned in and captured his girlfriend’s lips in a tender kiss. He felt a tongue at the seam of his lips, which was unusual. Because he was usually the one who initiated kisses like this in the relationship. Still, Connor opened his mouth and allowed her to deepen the kiss. Her tongue moved against his almost languidly. Until, her movements weren’t so lazy as she moved her free hand to grab the back of his head. 
Connor went with it, letting Sarah dictate the pace of the kiss. Then his chin knocked against the top of her neckbrace and it all came crashing down. Where they were. Why they were here…
“Wait, baby…” Sarah sucked on his bottom lip. He barely contained his groan of pleasure. The brunette wasn’t usually this forward. Connor hated to stop it, but now wasn’t the place, and it certainly wasn’t the time. 
“Rhodes, I said you could take off her neck brace. I didn’t say you could maul her like she was your last meal.” Sarah pulled away from him at the sound of Ava’s dry voice. Her cheeks were as red as they were the first time the blonde woman caught them on the roof two months ago.
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crockettmarcel · 1 year
I wish you would write a fic where Sarah and Ava actually hate each other and Connor is stuck in the middle <3
sorry that this took me almost two years to write lol. better late than never though right? wc: 1076
“Connor, how many psychiatrists work at this hospital?” Ava asks, appearing out of nowhere next to him at his computer.
“I’m not sure,” he says, turning to look up at her. “Maybe ten? Give or take.”
“Uh-huh.” She nods, then pulls out the chair next to his and sits down. “So, more than one, you’d say?”
“That’s usually what ten means, yeah. Why, what’s going on?”
“Oh, I’m just wondering why, if we have so many different psychiatrists here, you’d page Dr Reese to consult on our patient. Surely there was someone else, perhaps with more experience, that would have been able to assess competency?”
He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “Honestly, Ava, I had no idea she’d be the one doing it. I asked Maggie to page psych and I guess she chose Sarah. Not my fault.”
She glares at him, then for added emphasis, crosses her arms against her chest. “Have you considered using your brain for once? Next time, tell her to page anyone but Dr Reese, okay? It’s not that hard to remember.”
“Yes ma’am.” He salutes her, earning himself an even fiercer look, and he’s certain that if he pushes her any further, she’ll burst a blood vessel. Or into flames. “What’s the big deal, anyway? You don’t have to be there while she does her assessment.”
“I know that, Connor. I’m not a complete idiot.” As soon as Sarah had appeared in the doorway of the treatment room, tablet in hand and that stupid sickly-sweet, over-sympathetic smile on her face, Ava had excused herself and spent the next fifteen minutes staring daggers at the room from the nurses’ station. “But she had to tell someone the results of her assessment, and since you’d fucked off up here to do God-knows-what, I got that privilege.”
“Okay, well I’m sorry about that, Ava. I’ll stick around next time so you don’t need to speak to her.”
“My knight in shining armour, thank you.” She grins at him, and suddenly that murderous look in her eyes from thirty seconds ago has disappeared. Connor can’t imagine the death stares she must have given Sarah, and he’s glad he wasn’t around for the immediate aftermath of their interaction. At least the couple of minutes in the elevator on the way up from the ED gave Ava a chance to calm down slightly.
He wonders if he should go and check on Sarah.
“You know, if you told me what this whole feud was about—”
She cuts him off almost instantly. “Not a chance in hell, Connor. Absolutely not.” With that, the murderous look is back, and it’s the last thing Connor sees before Ava stands up and storms off.
They have a valve repair together in the afternoon, and he hopes that she’ll have done something — most likely shout at a med student or drink a gallon of her “super cool” black coffee — to calm herself down by then. If not, he’ll have to start praying.
He spots Sarah an hour later in the cafeteria. As grateful as he is to see that she’s alive and unharmed after her time with Ava, he’s in no rush to make small talk in between mouthfuls of lunch; she has that same pissed-off look in her as Ava did, and he’s not in the mood to hear about why. (He’s sure he already knows.)
He does his best to avoid eye contact with her, keeping his head down as he shoves his slightly disappointing chicken sandwich into his mouth, but Sarah notices him anyway. A chair scrapes against the floor, and when he puts his sandwich down for a moment and looks up, Sarah’s sitting opposite him, setting out her fruit cup and bread roll on the table.
“Hey, Sarah.” He’s not entirely sure what he can say without upsetting her further, so he waits until she’s stopped staring at him to speak again. “That, uh, that fruit looks good. What is that, cantaloupe?”
“You know,” she says, ignoring his attempt to start a conversation, “I liked working here a lot more before Dr Bekker arrived.”
There’s nothing he can do to stop this from happening, so he just raises an eyebrow and takes a sip of his coffee. “Is that so?”
“Oh, come on, Connor. Don’t act like your life wasn’t easier before she got here. We’ve all heard the way you two fight. You’re lucky you’re an excellent surgeon, because otherwise…” She lets her voice trail off, but the face she pulls is enough for Connor to know exactly what she means.
If he wasn’t such a good surgeon, he’d have been fired for his conduct.
“Look, I get that she can be difficult, but—”
Sarah scoffs. “She’s an absolute nightmare.”
He frowns. “What is going on with you two? She’s walking around looking like she wants to kill someone, and you’re like…” he gestures loosely at her, “...this. Can’t you just, I don’t know, talk it out?”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” 
She leans back in her chair and folds her arms, and Connor can’t get over how uncannily similar her movements are to Ava’s. Telling her would be a death sentence though, and he’s not that stupid, so he lets the thought go. Instead, he takes a moment to observe Sarah's defiant posture, her arms tightly crossed, and the determined look in her eyes. It's clear that whatever this is, it goes far beyond over-competitiveness or a disagreement about patient care. There’s something else entirely.
“And I take it you don’t want to tell me what the problem is?”
She sighs. “I got assigned to your patient today, and Ava was a complete bitch about it.”
“Yeah, I heard about that. I meant in general though. Do you want to tell me about what happened in the first place between you two?”
“I do not.” She rips a chunk off her bread roll, then breaks it up into smaller and smaller pieces until she’s left with nothing more than crumbs. Connor watches as she does it two, three more times, and it’s only when there’s less than half of the roll left that she speaks again. “I don’t know. Maybe. Not now, though.”
“Well, I’m here if you ever want to chat. And I promise I won’t tell Ava what you told me.”
Sarah smirks. “Good luck keeping a secret from her. She’ll figure it out, especially if it's about me.”
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connorshalstead · 2 years
Hey! If you don’t mind, send me some Moustead and Rhodestead prompts!!! Thank you guys!
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pedritomosquito · 1 year
Assume the Worst (Ch 1)
Words: ~2.5k
Tags: implied SA, SA aftermath, blood, injury, lots of comfort, Connor being the MVP
Summary: Connor discovers Reese bleeding and confused in the hospital parking garage. The team unravels who did this to her and why as they try to save her.
A/N: it’s my first fic! Heed the content warning—the assault is not shown, but the story picks up minutes after. If the assault is ever recounted, I will add a proper warning to the chapter. Have a safe read 💞
Sarah lays on the ground. She is there in that parking garage, but in a very real sense—she’s gone.
She is simply a loose sketch of herself, scratched and smudged onto a notebook page.
The world around her swings wildly between blurred and devastatingly surreal. Her body has shut down and she is both locked out and trapped inside.
A dark looming figure darts toward her and she does her best to get away. She may have screamed but she isn’t sure.
Don’t touch me.
The figure pauses, shrinking before her. She is sure that it is the monster, returning for more. All she can do is beg to be left alone.
Please, please, please.
“—Reese,” an emphatic, familiar voice cuts through the veil.
The darkness of the figure melts down to black scrubs.
The voice filters through the air around her. “Parking… Chicago Med… Me, it’s Connor.”
She finally weaves the voice and image in front of her together.
Connor? Dr. Rhodes?
Oh god, he isn’t going to believe what happened to her. No one is going to believe her. She tries to hide herself, covering where her scrubs are torn. Maybe she hadn’t fought hard enough. Maybe it had been her fault.
“I didn’t want it. I couldn’t s-stop him, I couldn’t.”
“Okay, okay.” His voice finally sounds clear in her ears. His face appears confused. “Breathe, Reese.”
She is breathing, isn’t she?
He is looking at her questiongly, suspicious. His eyes fall to the tear in her scrubs and she watches his expression drop with realization.
He knows he knows he knows.
She is sure she can tell what he is thinking. She is just a slutty intern. Just let it happen, probably even wanted it.
He murmurs something, surely some sort of admonishment.
“I I-couldn’t stop him, I tried, I—“ how can she possibly explain herself?
“No, no, Reese. This wasn’t your fault.”
The world tilts on its axis. He believes her?
She is interrupted by a sharp pain shooting through her head. Her fingertips come away from her forehead dabbed with blood.
“Hey, would it be okay if I took a look at that?” Connor asks.
She tears her gaze away from the deep red. Can he “look at“ it? Can he look at…
The blood is coming from her head. Connor wants to see the laceration on her head. Right. That is okay, she decides.
She nods.
He moves closer and her fear flares, but then his touch is so gentle, so different from the monster’s.
His aura is a quiet rain.
“How about we go inside and get this sutured up?”
The idea is jarring. She can’t let anyone know this happened. Connor already knows and word travels in the ED. Soon it won’t be one person—it will be two, then four, then eight. Panic begins to reignite.
“I don’t w-want,” she tries, “people will…”
“I’ll call Maggie and make sure she has a bed ready, okay?”
Somewhere within her, she knows that won’t be enough, but she doesn’t want to spend a second more in this parking garage. She nods.
“One second.”
The soothing rain is suddenly gone as he leaves to make the phone call.
She feels scraped raw and bare, inside and out. She wills the fabric of her scrubs to stretch farther, to cover her completely. It doesn’t.
The pain in her head has become more insistent and throbbed in time with her side. Breathing is now an exercise in cruelty.
Connor reappears in front of her.
“Maggie’s got a room and Natalie is going to take a look at you, okay?”
Natalie. What is Natalie going to think of her now?
“Is it alright if we tie my jacket around you?”
She nods as her prayer for coverage was answered in the form of a warm fleece jacket in her lap.
A pain in her side abruptly screams at her and she tries to hold it in.
Connor becomes stock still.
“That hurt?”
She just nods, too afraid to open her mouth as she controls a strangled exhale.
Control. She just needs control.
“Do you think you can walk?” He asks.
“Yeah,” she replies without a second thought. Walking is control. Moving her own body is control.
His hand is extending toward her so she takes hold of it. Her hand feels so numb, she’s not totally sure she is holding on.
The soles of her feet hesitantly greet the pavement and her visions twinkles. The throbbing pain becomes more intense and a freezing wave of heat rolls down her body. Connor’s hands are a steady force as they wrap around her arms.
The steps she takes echo, rattling her body and exploding in her head. The kaleidoscope of the world in front of her is smeared with a thick charcoal ash, its plume expanding out to the corners.
She is losing control.
Connor disappears behind the black. Her mouth won’t form the words so she weakly grabs at the air in front of her, hoping to find him.
His contact doubles just as her brains goes numb. Gravity pulls at her and her side pulls taut. Pain screeches in her chest.
Connor’s voice is distant and underwater, saying something she doesn’t understand. She feels her balance shift along with her ribs, forcing a small sound out of her.
She felt a solid presence against her, warm and greatly unlike the concrete.
She felt like she could rest.
He was locking his car when he heard it. He froze for a moment, listening intently. It was unmistakably a quiet whimpering voice with harsh, short breaths.
He quickly made his way down the row of cars, following the sound. He wasn’t expecting what he came upon.
Between two cars, he found Sarah Reese sitting on the concrete, blood covering half of her face.
He rushed over to her only to be halted by her frightened shriek as she frantically backed away from him.
“Don’t! Don’t touch me!”
“Whoa—” Connor soothed as he stopped short, hands up in surrender, “okay, alright.” He slowly knelt down a few feet away. “Breathe, Sarah.” He scanned over her, cataloging her injuries.
Head trauma. Tachypnic. Agitated. Laceration with venous bleed. Her head injury must have been severe if her disorientation was this strong.
He assumed there must have been a hit and run.
“Please, please, please,” she quietly pleaded, wrapping her arms around herself.
“Reese, look at me, Reese,” he directed. Her wild eyes darted up to his. “You’re in the parking lot at Chicago Med. It’s just me, it’s Connor.”
Recognition dawned on her face. Connor.
“I didn’t want it,” She spoke quickly, begging Connor to believe her, “I couldn’t s-stop him, I couldn’t.”
“Okay, okay,” Connor said gently, trying to understand what she was talking about, “Breathe, Reese.” He searched her for some sort of explanation. His eyes fell to her left hand as it tugged at the fabric of her scrubs, trying to cover herself.
Her pants were torn open.
The realization was a punch to the chest.
“Oh god,” Connor whispered. A knot tied in his stomach.
“I I-couldn’t stop him, I tried, I,” she sputtered in response.
“No, no, Reese,” he rushed to assure her, shaking his head, “this wasn’t your fault.”
She suddenly blinked hard, her shaking hand coming up to her forehead.
“Hey, would it be okay if I took a look at that?”
She thought for a moment before nodding.
Connor cautiously approached her. She didn’t startle this time. He slowly and gently placed his fingertips on her temple, examining the laceration. It was fairly deep and surrounded by an angry bruise. He stole a glance at her eyes to see if her pupils were even.
“How about we go inside and get this sutured up?” He said carefully.
“I don’t w-want,” she stuttered, “people will…”
“I’ll call Maggie and make sure she has a bed ready, okay?”
She nodded apprehensively at that.
“One second,” Connor said as he stepped away to call. He wandered until he hoped he would be out of earshot.
“ED,” Maggie’s voice chimed.
“Maggie.” His tone immediately gave him away.
“Dr. Rhodes?” Maggie asked, concern bleeding into her words,
“It’s Reese. Someone attacked her in the parking lot.”
“What?” Maggie questioned in shock. “Get her in here, I’ll call Goodwin. Do you need rapid?”
“No, she’s stable right now.” He hesitated to continue, glancing back at Reese. He kept his voice barely audible. “Maggie, she was sexually assaulted.”
“Oh my god,” Maggie whispered, pausing for a moment. “Bring her straight to treatment four.”
“Page Natalie?” Connor added.
“You got it.”
He pocketed his phone and made his way back over to Sarah.
“Maggie’s got a room and Natalie is going to take a look at you, okay?” He told her. He noticed that she was still trying to cover herself. “Is it okay if we tie my jacket around you?”
Sarah nodded gratefully.
Connor unzipped his fleece and shrugged it off. He draped it over her lap and reached behind her to tie the sleeves, brushing her side.
She tried to suppress the sound of pain in her throat as her body stiffened.
Connor froze.
“That hurt?” He eyed her carefully.
“Mhm,” she answered, her eyes slammed shut as she tried to control an exhale.
He worried the fast pace of her breathing might not be from panic alone.
“Do you think you can walk?” He asked, now even more keen on getting her inside.
“Yeah,” she nodded confidently, shifting to get up.
She held onto his extended hand and he carefully guided her to feet, giving her a moment to steady.
Connor walked backwards as he guided her out from in between the cars. He kept a firm hold underneath her elbows, watching her closely. She made it two steps before blindly reaching for Connor.
“Reese—“ Connor immediately moved to grab hold of her.
She started to slide to the ground and Connor caught her weight against him.
“Alright,” He strained, “I got you.”
The way her ribs stretched cut a sob from Sarah’s throat.
“Reese I’m going to pick you up, alright?” He called to her as he watched her fight to keep her eyes open. He prayed that his touch wouldn’t upset her.
He moved quickly to lift her, taking the weight off of her buckled knees. The movement made her tense up and another pained sound escaped her.
“Easy, easy,” he did his best to comfort her and started to walk back inside.
“I got you.”
A/N: There you have it! Tell me your favorite moment/thing/line in the chapter and I'll tell you mine? Thank you for reading, it’s everything to me 💞
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