deedadobee · 24 days
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yea can you come over theres this hard level i cant get past ? yea thanks !
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hisbucky · 6 months
Buck: I just got an idea. Eddie, sighs: Buck, your ideas are usually — Buck: How about we try dating each other? Eddie: — Brilliant, incredible, and inspiring. Say less. Heck, let's start doing that right now.
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BEHOLD! I present to Thee!!!
The Man, The Myth, The Legend!
In all his glory on these delightfully precisely redacted photographs from my two sketchbooks I remembered I have in my possession
I won’t be lying when I say that graphic iterations of the unique manifestation of human imagination bring me jollity and gayness and therefore I might have to continue on capturing the stream of my consciousness on easily flammable blank parchments
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beautifularsonist · 1 month
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Love my two Vengeful Elf Princes/Kings
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firstkanaphans · 4 months
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I was rewatching the episode for horny reasons and I need y'all to know that Phee is wearing Jin's shirt here—with Jin's whole ass name right there on his chest for everyone to see.
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me when archie madekwe 🤤
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rylee-001 · 2 years
trying new things
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summary: jake seresin has always been a flirt but when the pretty bartender is too innocent to catch his drift? well he might just have to go about this differently.
pairing: pilot!jake seresin x bartender!reader
word count: 1.2k words
warnings: afab reader, she/her pronouns, tooth-aching fluff, jake being putty in the readers hands! might be missing something soz
jake seresin is a man who gets what he wants. a man that snaps his fingers and has everyone falling at his feet.
that being said, when he walked into the bar he expected to see penny working as usual. what he did not expect to see though, was the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on working the bar instead.
it made him do a double take, maybe even caused havoc in his usually steady heartbeat, created sweat to bead on his palms.
he swallowed the spit building up in his mouth, letting a smirk grace his lips and doing his best at tucking his nerves into the back of his mind, and headed over to where you were stationed talking to an older regular.
when he got close enough he was able to hear the angelic sound of your laugh and he swears he would die every day if he had the chance of being the one to cause that sound. he finally rounded his way to the seat next to the older man and when your eyes slid over to him he swears everything slowed to a stop.
when your eyes finally met with his the smile that was gracing your lips fell slightly and everything went silent, all jake was focused on was the way your eyes slid over his face, taking him in.
he loved the feel of your eyes on him, loved the idea that all your attention was centered on him, he was practically buzzing when he saw your bottom lip find its home between your teeth.
the moment between you two came to an abrupt halt when a customer cleared their throat and your headed snapped to them, an apologetic look crossing your face.
“uhh- can i get another beer?” the man asks, and you blush a pretty red and nod.
“y-yes of course,” you stutter out, turning around and grabbing a beer and uncapping it, walking over and handing it to him.
he thanks you, pays, and walks away.
you turn around, with beautifully stained cheeks and look at him, plastering on an adorably awkward smile.
“err hello, what can i getcha tonight?” you go for casual and it brings a shit-eating grin to jakes face.
“well firstly, you can give me your name,” he says in a sultry tone.
you seem to brighten a little at this, “it’s y/n!” you say so sweetly it pulls at something in jakes heart. “now is there something i can get you to drink?” you ask, tilting your head to the side slightly.
jake rubs his chin and smiles, “oh i want something to drink alright,” he licks his lips and you smile, perking up.
“great! what would you like?” by the way you are smiling at him, jake can tell you are completely clueless as to what he was insinuating.
he bites the inside of his cheek.
“i’ll- uhh i’ll have a whiskey,” he finally manages, stumped how you didn’t understand what he was saying.
you nod your head and set a glass in front of him, leaning over and pouring him a shot of whiskey.
“would you like to start a tab?” you ask, looking him in the eyes. your eyes are probably the most mesmerizing thing he’s ever seen.
he shakes his head and smiles down at you.
“i’ll be here all night darling,” he winks at you and you nod your head, starting a tab up for him.
after a few more glasses of whiskey, jake is riding on a light buzz, both from the whiskey and the sweet smiles you are sending him.
he has gotten some information out of you as he has been sitting here. you just moved here, you were looking for a job and penny offered you one, your favorite color changes depending on the day (today it is green) (the color of jakes eyes but you don’t tell him that), and that you have a weird cousin, francis, that curls her dogs hair.
every word you say has jake absolutely enthralled with you.
that, and the fact that you are absolutely not picking up on jakes blatant flirting
“you’re gorgeous when you smile,” jake looked at your lips, slowly looking back up at your eyes.
you smiled, “aww! thank you, your smile is pretty nice too!” you said.
“if you don’t stop biting your lip i’m going to have to bite it for you,”
“oh my goodness! it’s such a bad habit of mine i need to quit!”
“gosh i just love swimming in the ocean, it’s such a beautiful place to be!”
“i hear that if your naked you swim faster,”
“oh- well that does make sense!”
it’s driving jake absolutely insane in the best way.
he has been trying every pickup line in the book and all you do is rebut it with a sweetly innocent response.
jake decides it’s time to pick it up a notch.
his idea of picking it up a notch being asking you out plain and simply. so when you dance around over to his side of the bar, instantly gravitating towards him like there is a magnet between you two, he sits up straighter and it is right on the tip of his tongue to ask you out, when you speak to him first.
“oh my gosh jake, the guy over there just told me the coolest thing ever! did you know that with seahorses it’s the male that gives birth to the babies?!” you ask him, wonderment in your eyes and he can’t help but just melt.
he clears his throat and shakes his head, “no, no i’ve never heard that. what a cool fact,” he smiles sweetly at you and you smile back, turning your focus on your other customers, telling them the same thing.
he watches you for the rest of the night, never finding the right moment to ask you out because you are always one step ahead and telling him these strangely adorable fun facts and he just can’t bring himself to change the subject when you seem so excited about the topic you guys are on.
he does actually end up staying for when you ring the bell for final drinks, and stays as everyone files out.
when you go over to speak to him about some other fun fact you learned tonight he cuts you off, not being able to hold it in any longer.
“-y/n will you please go out on a date with me?” he asks, chest nearly heaving due to how fast he rushed it out.
you clamp your mouth shut in shock for a couple seconds, taking in jakes face, which is red and completely vulnerable in showing you the way he feels.
your face breaks out into a grin, “well why didn’t you say so earlier? of course!” you say.
jake takes a second to go over all the ways he was basically asking you out, looks at you and your adorable smile, and figures that’s a story to tell you another time.
right now he just smiles and swaps numbers with you, telling you he will text you about the details of the date tomorrow when he isn’t buzzing from the alcohol and your addicting smiles (you blush at that), and goes home with sore cheeks, a brain full of crazy fun facts, and a heart full of beautiful smiles and mesmerizing eyes.
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me at the reader that i created. jake was really fighting for his life ong 🖐🏻😭
@love2write2626 @craftymoonchaos
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spicyvampire · 9 months
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TanBunn and TinnCharn parallels [3/?]
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sarafangirlart · 2 months
Where does it say that Iris sleeps under Hera’s throne to do her job quicker? That’s actually fucking hilarious.
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kreolekitty · 10 months
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bow down bootlicker! betas belong on all fours at ALL times
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pinkfreakk · 6 months
By the way akaza was being a desperate loser, asking a man he just met to spend the rest of his life with him and deep down not wanting to off him, uh, whore..
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0-yeni-0 · 27 days
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stupid ass SIMP
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hisbucky · 5 months
Chimney, carrying a shit ton of grocery bags up the stairs: Are you busy right now? Eddie, flipping through a magazine: Yes. Buck, from downstairs: Hey, Eds! Are you busy? Can you help me with all this stuff? Eddie: I'll be right there, babe! Chimney: ...Why did I even bother asking?
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mrbango · 7 months
Me sitting all pretty waiting for Peter Nureyev to come back bc I’m so desperate to hear his pretty ass voice again
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kanhapriya · 8 months
Krishna : I am so cool. I am an absolute Chad. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness—
Radha: Hi.
Krishna : *melts down in a flustered heap of softness*
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@hachandraws DID THE PROMPT I SUGGESTED RJAKSNWKKANSBSJAMANAJAOQKSHDB the one with the annoying emojis is the one i suggested i think BUT HDJSBSBS LOOK AT IT GUYS JACKS LOOKS SO BEAMNS
i love this doodle with all of my heart oh my god
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