#Russia investigation
Donald Trump on Monday reiterated a belief that sent shockwaves through Washington in 2018 when he first famously described it while standing next to Vladimir Putin.
The former president was roundly denounced by both Republicans and Democrats at the time for denigrating the work of America’s intelligence community and in particular for taking the word of Russia’s president over his own Director of National Intelligence.
But on Monday he proved that his beliefs were changed little if at all by the wave of criticism he received at the time with a post describing members of the intelligence community, presumably including the CIA, NSA, FBI and cybersecurity agencies, as “lowlifes”.
“Remember in Helsinki when a 3rd rate reporter asked me, essentially, who I trusted more, President Putin of Russia, or our ‘Intelligence’ lowlifes[?]” wrote the former president on Truth Social in a Monday morning post.
He continued: “My instinct at the time was that we had really bad people in the form of James Comey, McCabe (whose wife was being helped out by Crooked Hillary while Crooked was under investigation!), Brennan, Peter Strzok (whose wife is at the SEC) & his lover, Lisa Page. Now add McGonigal & other slime to the list. Who would you choose, Putin or these Misfits?”
It’s an example of the kind of comment that will gin up excitement and agreement from Mr. Trump’s hardcore base of supporters but will alienate potential allies in Washington as he pursues a third bid for the presidency.
Mr. Trump is likely to face a cadre of Republican rivals for the 2024 GOP nomination including, potentially, former CIA director Mike Pompeo who could very well take issue with his former boss’s words during the campaign.
The former president was loathe to acknowledge the conclusion of US intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election — apparently on his behalf, or to Hillary Clinton’s detriment — throughout his four years in the White House.
The involvement of Russia in the election sparked a years-long and politically damaging investigation into Donald Trump and his inner circle, headed up by special counsel Robert Mueller of the Justice Department, which eventually resulted in no criminal charges for the President (though others were convicted of unrelated charges in the course of the probe).
Mr. Trump has long held a grudge against the FBI and Justice Department for that reason, a feud which spilled back into vocal maligning of the agency’s personnel and mission last year after FBI agents raided his residence and resort at Mar-a-Lago and seized documents including materials marked classified which he had retained without permission.
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memenewsdotcom · 1 year
House votes to censure Adam Schiff
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BREAKING: Trump Planned to EXTORT DOJ With Trade of Stolen Classified Docs for Russian Docs
A new bombshell report cites sources close to Donald Trump that before the August 8 search warrant was executed on Mar-A-Lago, he was demanding his team offer the DOJ a trade that he would give back the records he stole if they gave him records relating to the DOJ's Russian investigation. This absurd offer never was acted upon but can be used to show Trump's intent in any potential future criminal case.
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lenbryant · 6 months
More Looted Classified Material
Long Post: Did anyone check Putin's file cabinet?
Material From Russia Investigation Went Missing as Trump Left Office
A binder given to the Trump White House contained details that intelligence agencies believe could reveal secret sources and methods.
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Material from a binder with highly classified information connected to the investigation into Russian efforts to meddle in the 2016 election disappeared in the final days of Donald J. Trump’s presidency, two people familiar with the matter said.
The disappearance of the material, known as the “Crossfire Hurricane” binder for the name given to the investigation by the F.B.I., vexed national security officials and set off concerns that sensitive information could be inappropriately shared, one of the people said.
The material’s disappearance was reported earlier Friday by CNN. The matter was so concerning to officials that the Senate Intelligence Committee was briefed about it last year, a U.S. official said.
The binder consists of a hodgepodge of materials related to the origins and early stages of the Russia investigation that were collected by Trump administration officials. They included copies of botched F.B.I. applications for national-security surveillance warrants to wiretap a former Trump campaign adviser as well as text messages between two F.B.I. officials involved in the inquiry, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, expressing animus toward Mr. Trump.
The substance of the material — a redacted version of which has since been made public under the Freedom of Information Act and is posted on the website of the F.B.I. — is not considered particularly sensitive, the official said.
But the raw version in the binder contained details that intelligence agencies believe could reveal secret sources and methods. (The publicly available version contains numerous portions that were whited out as classified.)
It is not clear if the missing material comprises the entire original binder of material provided to the White House for Mr. Trump’s team to review and declassify in part before leaving office.
Among other murky details, it is not known how many copies were made at the White House or how the government knows one set is missing.
The binder has been a source of recurring attention since January 2021, just before Mr. Trump left office. At the time, Mr. Trump’s aides prepared redactions to some of the material it contained because the president — who was obsessed with the Russia investigation and believed his political enemies had used it to damage his presidency — planned to declassify it and make it public.
Officials made several copies of the version with the redactions, which some Trump aides planned to release publicly.
Mr. Trump’s White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, had a copy of material from the binder given to at least one conservative writer, according to testimony and court filings.
But when Justice Department officials expressed concerns that sharing some of the material would breach the Privacy Act at a time when the department was already being sued by Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page for having publicly released some of their texts, the copies were hastily retrieved, according to two people familiar with the matter.
Mr. Trump was deeply focused on what was in the binder, a person close to him said. Even after leaving the White House, Mr. Trump still wanted to push information from the binder into the public eye. He suggested, during an April 2021 interview for a book about the Trump presidency, that Mr. Meadows still had the material.
“I would let you look at them if you wanted,” Mr. Trump said in the interview. “It’s a treasure trove.”
Mr. Trump did not address a question about whether he himself had some of the material. But when a Trump aide present for the interview asked him, “Does Meadows have those?” Mr. Trump replied, “Meadows has them.”
“We had pretty much won that battle,” Mr. Trump added, referring to questions about whether his 2016 campaign had worked with Russia. “There was no collusion. There was no nothing. And I think it was maybe past its prime. It would be sort of a cool book for you to look at.”
George J. Terwilliger III, a lawyer for Mr. Meadows, said the former chief of staff was not responsible for any missing material. “Mark never took any copy of that binder home at any time,” he said.
A person familiar with the matter said, shortly after the court-authorized search of Mar-a-Lago in August 2022 by F.B.I. agents looking for classified documents, that they had not found any Crossfire Hurricane material.
Adding to the confusion about the material and who was in possession of it, a set of the Russia investigation documents that Mr. Trump believed he had declassified did not have their classification markings changed when they were given to the National Archives, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.
At the time, Mr. Trump was in a standoff with the archives over the reams of presidential material he had taken with him upon leaving the White House on Jan. 20, 2021, and was resisting giving back. So Mr. Trump told advisers he would give back those boxes in exchange for the Russia-related documents.
Aides never pursued his suggestion.
In the run-up to the 2020 election, John Ratcliffe, then Mr. Trump’s director of national intelligence, declassified around 1,000 pages of intelligence materials related to the Russia investigation, which Trump allies used to try to discredit the inquiry.
In 2022, Mr. Trump made John Solomon, a conservative writer who had been briefly given the binder before it was retrieved, one of his representatives to the National Archives. This allowed Mr. Solomon to see Trump White House records deposited with the agency. He later filed a lawsuit against the government over the binder, seeking access to what he said were declassified documents from the binder being denied to him by the archives.
A court filing he submitted in August described the binder as about 10 inches thick and containing about 2,700 pages. The publicly released version is 585 pages; it is not clear what accounts for the discrepancy.
The filing said Mr. Solomon had been allowed to thumb through a version of the binder at the White House on Jan. 19, 2021. The contents, it said, included a 2017 F.B.I. report about its interview of Christopher Steele, the author of a dossier of unverified claims about Trump-Russia ties; “tasking orders” related to an F.B.I. confidential human source; “lightly-redacted” copies of botched surveillance warrant applications; and text messages between the F.B.I. officials.
The filing said Mr. Solomon or an aide had gone back to the White House that evening and had been given a copy of the materials in the binder in a paper bag, and that separately a Justice Department envelope containing some of the documents had been delivered to his office.
But as Mr. Solomon’s office was scanning the larger set, the filing said, the White House requested that the documents be returned so certain private details could be removed. Mr. Meadows promised Mr. Solomon he would get back the revised binder, it said, but he never did.
When Mr. Solomon later tried to see the binder within the Trump White House records at the National Archives, he said, the agency denied him access to a box of 2,700 pages “with varying types of classification and declassification markings” that it said it was obligated to treat as highly classified. The agency also told him it did not have the declassified version of the binder that Mr. Solomon had briefly possessed, because the Justice Department still has it.
Maggie Haberman is a senior political correspondent reporting on the 2024 presidential campaign, down ballot races across the country and the investigations into former President Donald J. Trump. More about Maggie Haberman
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simply-ivanka · 4 months
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volumniafox · 11 months
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Since the only way our fresh government managed to get rid of a literal nazi as a minister was when foreign press started taking notice... It would be a shame if some recent developments gained international attention :-)
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Matt Gertz at MMFA:
On the right, the word of the week is “Rubicon.”  MAGA commentators from social media to Fox News are arguing that President Joe Biden and the Democrats passed a point of no return when a Manhattan jury found Donald Trump guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in connection with a scheme to conceal the hush-money payoff made to a porn star in the final weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign.  They claim Trump is the victim of a politicized prosecution that requires Republicans to respond in kind by trying to throw Democrats in jail.
But Trump’s supporters are just trying to concoct a righteous excuse for doing what they have already done. Trump and the right-wing press spent his presidency teaming up to demand federal criminal probes of his political foes, only for those investigations to collapse when Trump’s own law enforcement appointees assessed the purported Democratic crimes. Indeed, Republicans and Trump appointees have overseen nearly all of the high-profile investigations of political figures conducted over the last decade. When those Republicans and Trump appointees have investigated Republicans, the probes have regularly led to criminal charges and convictions, and when those Republicans and Trump appointees have investigated Democrats, they largely have not.  And for all the right’s claims of politicized prosecutions, the record shows Democratic presidents bending over backward to appear impartial, while Trump as president constantly and publicly accused his political opponents of crimes and demanded their prosecution.
Republicans keep finding Republican crimes
One of the huge holes in the right’s argument is their claim that Biden is connected to Trump’s myriad legal travails.  Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who successfully prosecuted Trump, is a Democrat — but he was elected by New York voters and charged Trump under state law, requiring the right to gin up a baroque conspiracy theory to explain how Biden supposedly masterminded the probe.  Fani Willis, the Fulton County district attorney who filed racketeering charges in Georgia over Trump’s election subversion plot, is likewise elected in her own right without a tie to Biden.
Meanwhile, Trump’s classified documents and January 6 federal prosecutions are led by Jack Smith, a political independent who prosecuted politicians of both parties as head of the Justice Department’s political corruption unit. Smith took over probes launched under FBI director Christopher Wray, a Trump-appointed Republican, and received special counsel status from Biden-appointed Attorney General Merrick Garland to keep him walled off from political pressure. Trump is now a convicted felon like many of his former associates, including his former legal fixer Michael Cohen, his former campaign chair Paul Manafort, and his longtime political consigliere Roger Stone. Robert Mueller, a Republican who was appointed as FBI director by President George W. Bush, led their successful prosecutions. Mueller in turn was hand-picked to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election by Rod Rosenstein, a Republican and a Trump appointee at the Justice Department.
Republicans keep not finding Democratic crimes
At the same time, the MAGA media spent years demanding the Trump Justice Department conduct criminal probes of high-profile Democrats and other public officials who had otherwise tangled with Trump. Fox hosts like Sean Hannity, a close adviser to the former president, would read long lists of purported crimes committed by Trump’s political opponents and demand they face justice. 
But when Republicans and Trump appointees actually tried to turn frothy right-wing media reports into real cases, they failed. Trump led chants of “lock her up” during his campaign against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but FBI Director James Comey — a Republican who oversaw the probe of her use of a private server — recommended no charges against her, and Trump’s law enforcement appointees apparently found no cause to reverse that determination.  Nor did Trump-appointed Republicans bring charges following federal probes of the Clinton Foundation and the Hillary Clinton Uranium One pseudoscandal. And the much-touted probe into the origins of the Russia probe, overseen by a Trump appointee with the full backing of Trump Attorney General William Barr, ended with a whimper.
Ever since the 34-count felony verdict against Donald Trump was handed down last week, the MAGA cult and their mouthpieces have been screeching about a “Rubicon” by demanding frivolous investigations into from Democrats in retaliation.
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minnesotafollower · 9 months
Cuba Arrests 17 linked to Russian Trafficking Network Recruiting Cubans for War in Ukraine   
As reported in yesterday’s post to this blog, the Cuban Government on September 4th stated that it “has detected and it is working to neutralize and dismantle a human trafficking network that operates from Russia in order to incorporate Cuban citizens living there and even some living in Cuba, into the military forces that participate in military operations in Ukraine. Attempts of this nature…
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Newly-appointed special counsel Jack Smith is moving fast on a pair of criminal probes around Donald Trump that in recent months have focused on the former president's state of mind after the 2020 election, including what he knew about plans to impede the transfer of power, people familiar with the matter tell CNN.
Though he remains in Europe recovering from a biking accident, Smith has made a series of high-profile moves since he was put in charge last month, including asking a federal judge to hold Trump in contempt for failing to comply with a subpoena ordering him to turn over records marked classified.
Since Thanksgiving, Smith has brought a number of close Trump associates before a grand jury in Washington, including two former White House lawyers, three of Trump's closest aides, and his former speechwriter Stephen Miller. He has also issued a flurry of subpoenas, including to election officials in battleground states where Trump tried to overturn his loss in 2020.
Smith takes over a staff that's already nearly twice the size of Robert Mueller's team of lawyers who worked on the Russia probe.  A team of 20 prosecutors investigating January 6 and the effort to overturn the 2020 election are in the process of moving to work under Smith, according to multiple people familiar with the team.
Smith will also take on national security investigators already working the probe into the potential mishandling of federal records taken to Mar-a-Lago after Trump left the White House.
Together, the twin investigations have already established more evidence than what Mueller started with, including from a year-long financial probe that's largely flown under the radar.
"Mueller was starting virtually from scratch, whereas Jack Smith is seemingly integrating on the fly into an active, fast-moving investigation," said Elie Honig, a former federal prosecutor and senior CNN legal analyst.
Smith also won't be constrained in the same way as Mueller, who deferred decisions on whether to charge Trump because he was a sitting president.
While Trump lambasted Smith's appointment on social media, some of the former president's attorneys think it could've been worse, according to people familiar with the matter. Those lawyers maintain the former president is unlikely to be indicted, according to two sources familiar. They also believe Smith's appointment is a good thing because he is "not emotionally attached" to the original case and can look at it "dispassionately and factually," one of the sources said.    
"The fact that they found a guy who has been Europe for the past several years, without his brain marinating in the soup of January 6th coverage, that's a good thing," the source said.   
But others on Trump's team are concerned that Smith's appointment signals a more aggressive stance from Attorney General Merrick Garland, characterizing him as a "hit man" who is likely to bring a prosecution, people familiar with their thinking said.
On Friday, the Justice Department's approach in the Mar-a-Lago case hit a small bump, with a federal judge declining to hold Trump in contempt of court and urging DOJ and Trump's team to work out a resolution as investigators attempt to make sure all national security records are back in the possession of the federal government.
Behind the scenes, in separate sealed proceedings related to January 6, Smith has already told the federal court he is in charge of the investigation, according to some of the sources. And while Trump lawyers on the January 6 probe have not been in touch directly with Smith at this point, according to some of the sources, they anticipate they will eventually speak with him once he returns to the US.
It's unclear how long Smith may continue to work before deciding on any charges in either probe. While both investigations may result in charges within months, Smith could still spend time organizing and expanding his team, and continuing to pick through information that's been collected, according to people familiar with parts of the probe.
"It could well be that Jack Smith moves more quickly than Merrick Garland would and forces a decision to Merrick Garland's desk more quickly than it might have otherwise," said Honig.
According to a handful of people familiar with the probe, there is still work to be done to centralize all the moving parts of large prosecution teams under the new special counsel's office.    
Smith is expected to set up a physical office for the two investigative teams away from the downtown Justice headquarters, as Mueller did for his probe and as did John Durham, who is nearing the end of his examination of 2016 Trump-Russia investigation.
According to several people familiar with his appointment, Smith will operate more like a US Attorney -- managing an existing team of career prosecutors already working on the cases, and signing off on evidence they bring him -- rather than as a de facto-department head like Mueller, who tapped several lawyers from outside the Justice Department to pursue parts of the Russia investigation from scratch.  
Mueller also had his own set of legal advisers akin to a shadow Justice Department appeals and policy team. Smith likely won't have the same set-up -- with lawyers from throughout the Department assisting as needed, according to multiple people familiar with the office's development.
Garland already turned to a long-time criminal appellate section leader, Patty Stemler, who retired earlier this year from DOJ, to advise as a consultant on the January 6 investigations throughout this year. 
Others from Stemler's former unit and other sections are likely to shepherd cases and policy issues as needed, in a departure from Mueller's soup-to-nuts approach of preparing for thorny Constitutional issues and appeals in the Russia investigation, some of the sources said.
A spokesman for the Justice Department didn't provide any comment for this story. 
Publicly released court filings have already made clear Trump is under investigation for the mishandling of national security secrets after his presidency.    
But the other investigative team, looking at efforts to block the transfer of power from Trump to President Joe Biden after the 2020 election, had even a year ago been given the greenlight by the Justice Department to take a case all the way up to Trump, if the evidence leads them there, according to the sources. Work that's been led by the DC US Attorney's Office into political circles around Trump related to January 6 now will move under the special counsel.
Partly led by former Maryland-based federal prosecutor Thomas Windom, DOJ has added prosecutors to the January 6 team from all over the Department in recent months. Windom and the rest are also expected to move over to the special counsel's office. Some, like Mary Dohrmann, a prosecutor who's worked on several other Capitol riot cases already, appear to be reorienting, according to court records of open Capitol riot cases.   
Another top prosecutor, JP Cooney, the former head of public corruption in the DC US Attorney's Office, is overseeing a significant financial probe that Smith will take on. The probe includes examining the possible misuse of political contributions, according to some of the sources. The DC US Attorney's Office, before the special counsel's arrival, had examined potential financial crimes related to the January 6 riot, including possible money laundering and the support of rioters' hotel stays and bus trips to Washington ahead of January 6.
In recent months, however, the financial investigation has sought information about Trump's post-election Save America PAC and other funding of people who assisted Trump, according to subpoenas viewed by CNN. The financial investigation picked up steam as DOJ investigators enlisted cooperators months after the 2021 riot, one of the sources said.
In interviews with people in Trump's orbit over the past several months, some of the DOJ focus has been on the timeline leading up to January 6 and Trump's involvement and knowledge of potential events that day, according to a source familiar with the questioning.
Trump allies have consistently maintained that nothing Trump did related to the election and January 6 itself amounts to a crime. They have also suggested that if Trump were to ultimately face an indictment, the bar to prove he committed a crime is extremely high, and that a jury would hear he was getting conflicting advice from different lawyers. For example, Trump allies point out, White House Counsel Pat Cipollone told Trump that Vice President Mike Pence couldn't block the election certification on January 6, while Rudy Giuliani and others believed he could.
Even earlier this year, federal prosecutors were specifically asking witnesses whether there was a plan to steal the election and for Trump not to concede, according to a source with knowledge of the questions posed during this stage of the DOJ criminal probe.  
The DOJ probe has evolved significantly since that time, but sources familiar with testimony before the grand jury in recent months have told CNN that prosecutors are still focused on the core question of whether there was a plan to steal the election and Trump's understanding about the relevance of January 6.  
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lasseling · 2 months
Kremlin Opens Criminal Investigation Into Ukrainian Gas Company Burisma
Moscow believes the Hunter Biden-linked company was used to fund terror attacks inside Russia.
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thetrueparanormal · 2 months
A new article is out now! Grigori Rasputin: The Mad Monk of Russia
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msclaritea · 2 months
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Although some have been proficient since the beginning, and made sure their names are pronounced correctly, like Benedict Cumberbatch, some have not been able to get people to pronounce their names correctly even after being in the business for decades – like Charlize Theron. And some, like Timothée Chalamet, just don’t care what name you call them by.
Here are five celebrity names, including Charlize Theron, that you have probably been pronouncing wrong all this time.
Charlize Theron
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Charlize Theron, while being interviewed by Piers Morgan, once revealed how her name should actually be pronounced. Saying her name in Afrikaans, she said that her name is actually pronounced as “Shar-lis Throne.”
Saoirse Ronan
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We don’t blame you, Irish names are difficult to pronounce for anyone who is not an Irish themselves. Back in 2017, during her Saturday Night Live opening monologue, Saoirse Ronan taught everyone how to pronounced her name, which is  “Sur-sha.”
Also included in this farce:
Syphilis Murphy
The Swedenborgians, Jake Gyllenhaal (& Maggie Gyllenhaal)
Emily Ratjkowski, whomever that is
Say hello to cult tool, and stenographer, Swagata Das. Shameful.
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Has anyone ever seen anything this fucking low class and petty? Only, usually from Fandomwire, is it this bad. A magazine, supposedly started by Reilly Johnson, a young man in a wheelchair. But given we all now know two things: That Stephen Hawking was a pedophile and a creep AND because of the Doctor Who Davros shitstorm, that saying people in wheelchairs cannot be villains.... I name Reilly Johnson of Harrisburg, PA, where the magazine is located, as either being a complete Nazified asshole OR...someone else runs the business, and uses him as cover, to deflect. I think it's past time for the public to know which.
No one who puts out petty shit for traffickers, like Scientology and the criminals connected to Soho House, is of good character. As for the article, as usual, the Hollywood Mob decided to highlight aka promote the talent that they control.
I think I speak for everyone sane, when I say I don't want cultist, Charlize Theron, anywhere NEAR a Doctor Strange film. Scrap it and come up with something new.
I'm glad that Ben won't be there to put butts in the seat for Scientology Tool, Timothee Chalamet, because that is the only way I would ever pay for one of his movies.
NOW I get the big deal with trying to make fetch happen with Saoirse Ronan, for years. She's Irish, and they even tried to get a boost by using David Tennant in one of her films. McAvoy, Knightly AND Cumberbatch were used in another film, for the same reason, weren't they? To try and boost Ronan.
As for Syphilis Murphy....nobody fucking cares or is comfortable around that creepy-looking cheat.
I don't want to see any of these fuckers. I want a decent, good, even GREAT Benedict Cumberbatch film, because HE'S the one with real talent. DO NOT shove mid listers, propped up by mobster billionaires, in my fucking face.
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torillatavataan · 1 year
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Finland's Minister for Foreign Affairs Haavisto: Explosion at Kakhovka dam causes great risk and danger to civilians. It’s a huge humanitarian and ecological disaster and can have major impact on water supply. The cause of the explosion must be investigated. Finland ready to help civilians suffering from the damage.
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vorbarrsultana · 5 months
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ready to be a hater (she has deleted two of my favorite emperors to get her alternative history)
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muddypolitics · 6 months
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(via Material From Russia Investigation Went Missing as Trump Left Office - The New York Times)
gee...I wonder what could have happened?
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louisdotmp3 · 7 months
btw when u talk about the icc and israel u should know that they were one of the 7 countries that voted against the rome statute specifically because, "the action of transferring population into occupied territory" was included in the list of war crimes
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