bayofwolves · 1 month
tarik's death is even more devastating when you consider how much he would never know.
tarik died thinking abeke and meilin were dead and he had failed them.
tarik would never know shane was the devourer all along, he never knew abeke got her heart broken, he never knew her relationship with meilin changed for the better, that meilin and jhi were freed from the bile, that they mended their bond, that the war was ended. he never knew rollan and meilin got together.
he never knew conor got infected, that his own nephew summoned cabaro and rollan and abeke took him under their wing, that abeke reconciled with shane in the end. he never knew that abeke lost uraza, but that she got her back.
tarik never knew that rollan would eventually create a bond token, his own talisman, from tarik's old cloak. he never even knew rollan took his greencloak vows -- he could only hope. oh god. i am in so much pain.
he never got to see the four grow up. change. mature. become stronger. love each other deeper.
i'm choosing to believe erdas has an afterlife of some kind and tarik has been watching over his kids the whole time bc it's too painful to imagine otherwise.
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bookwyrm-42 · 1 year
Conor: What do you think Rollan and Meilin will do for a distraction? Abeke: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do. *Building explodes and several car alarms go off* Abeke: ... or they could do that.
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megs-msdd24 · 2 months
Headcanon #11
OK FRIENDS time to talk about our feline friend Uraza 😌
FIRST. Uraza's a little stalker. (a grumpy one at that) You know she's making good use of her silent skills. But she's like everywhere? She's in the trees, stalking across stone walls, or leering down at you from some high up object. She likes to jump scare people too. Conor's walking down the hall? Next minute there's a growling purple eyed leopard staring him down from one end. Scary no? Just wait till she scares Rollan. He's somehow in a tree or on his way to Arctica :)
TWO. Uraza loves to be pet. We already know this from the books but it's not just Abeke who she'll let pet her. (She's her favourite though) Any one of the four fallen kids accidentally brushes against her and she's nudging her head against them asking for more.
Ok that's all 😘
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Spirit Animals and Character Development
Has anyone ever realized how Rollan and Abeke, and Meilin and Conor all have opposite character developments?
(I've never seen this talked about, so I'll just have to talk about it.)
Rollan: His arc is all about learning to put more faith in people. He learns to trust more. After bonding with Tarik, he learns that it's okay to have people that you can trust, care about, and lean on. He learns that some people are trustworthy and that trust can be earned.
Abeke: Her arc centers around learning to trust less. At the beginning of the series, she blindly puts her trust in Shane and Zerif. Later, she learns her trust was misplaced. At the end of the first series, we see her fight Shane and yell at him about how she trusted him and he essentially lied to her the whole time. She learns that although people can seem kind, they may not actually be.
Meilin: Her arc is about how to step down and not be so controlling all the time. Give other people a chance to lead, to make decisions. She needs to step down from a leader-like position in the group and let others' opinions be heard. She needs to be less of a leader and more of a follower.
Conor: His arc centers around being more of a leader. He learns to trust himself, step up as leader, and be less of a follower. He learns that even though he messed up when he gave away the Iron Boar, he can still step up and make decisions and lead the group. He learns to be more sure of himself and less shy.
I love Reilin and Coneke as much as the next person, but platonic Rollan x Abeke and platonic Meilin x Conor is something that I don't see much of. I think it's so interesting that their character developments are mirror images of each other. They need to be a bit more like the other person was at the beginning of the book. It also creates an opportunity where the characters can learn these traits from each other, and I really enjoyed how it played out in the books. It's such an interesting dynamic.
It also shows how neither extreme is ever healthy: you shouldn't trust people too little, lest you end up like Rollan, but you shouldn't trust people too much, either, or else you'll end up like Abeke. You shouldn't be too controlling and bossy, or else you'll end up like Meilin, but you shouldn't be afraid to step up either, lest you end up like Conor.
I don't know if the writers did this intentionally, or if it was just a byproduct of the characters, but either way, I love the way this was handled.
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badgerqueen07 · 3 months
Do any of yall have one or two thousand draft or scrapped ideas that you want to post but you're worried that your idea is dumb or others won't like it and you just want to add to the tag because there's not a lot of post in that tag?
Also I shaved my legs yesterday and they're so smooth and that makes me really happy
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catquenn · 3 months
Meilin: I have the urge to do something stupid
Abeke: Do Rollan, he's stupid
Connor: *high-fives Abeke*
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jinn-mori · 9 months
Color Wheel Challenge Part 4
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And Shinji's piano teeth ass won for Yellow! Sooo....
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kitttttchaos · 1 month
My Possibly Controversial Spirit Animals Headcanon
It’s always Conbeke or Shabeke, but hear me out—Wobeke
Yes. Worthy and Abeke. I’m not going to say it’s canon necessarily, but I totally ship it. Not to knock the other two ships, I do think they were both great and I feel like Conbeke should be the slow burn that we all need.
Wobeke could’ve been THE COOLEST. Worthy was my Zuko, okay. I was and still am obsessed with the redemption arc of Devin Trunswick that deserves WAY more hype. And you know who was a big part of that redemption arc? Abeke.
Abeke was the first person who gave Worthy a second chance. She understood the grayness of morality and really helped him become part of the group, and he helped her get through her grief about Shane. He’s also adorable, like come on. In Wildcat’s Claw, there’s a scene where they’re walking ahead of everyone else, just talking about their sad feelings and aaaaaah. And in the Dragon’s Eye, Abeke is the one who finds Worthy. I cannot tell you how much I wanted more of them in that book, at least a good goodbye.
I like the other Abeke ships, but I feel like Worthy and Abeke could’ve been SO GOOD. The tension after Devin literally kidnapped her in Hunted (which is by my girl Maggie Stiefvater:), the tension after everything that happened in Tales of the Fallen Beasts, Abeke being the only one to hear him out, Abeke learning how there’s so much hope and kindness and loyalty behind Devin’s outer shell, Devin making her laugh and telling her things about Shane.
Afafsgsgdhdhfh yeah. Wobeke.
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whynotyurianime · 9 months
it’s been a while but here’s another Spirit Animal post!
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Some Reilin art, referenced from a couple meme ^^
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bayofwolves · 21 days
i find it hard to believe that abeke and rollan didn't at least suspect that king was really shane before he revealed himself. like, i dunno. i get that king's redcloak disguise was supposed to be really good. and it had been a while since they'd seen him last. but if 11 y/o me could figure it out in immortal guardians, surely abeke could?
it would have been so cool if there'd been a part where the thought started to form in abeke's head. or she talked to rollan about it. and isn't rollan's whole thing supposed to be intuition? maybe he'd raise the possibility before abeke, who might have written off her suspicions as her just being paranoid and emotional. idk. just a thought.
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bookwyrm-42 · 7 months
*Rollan and Meilin skipping stones on lake* Rollan: It’s such a beautiful evening. Meilin, whispering: Take that you freakin' lake
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megs-msdd24 · 2 months
Headcanon #10
(if you haven't noticed yet, I'm doing a little Great Beasts headcanon series)
-let's talk about Jhi 🫶🏿 FIRST. It is my firm belief that all of the four fallen kids at some point cuddled with Jhi. Who wouldn't? She's just there in their space so why not have a hug or two? But let's also discuss the fact that she's basically the kids therapist. They'll sit with her ranting about something and she'll just give them her very furry opinions. Rollan doesn't like something? She's agreeing with him with her big panda sigh. Abeke tells her something exciting and she's standing on two legs trying to celebrate with her. She just really really loves the four fallen kids 💙 Ok, enjoy your happy thought of the day <3
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dark-night-star-light · 9 months
Spirit Animals: Heart of the Land (Reread pt. 14)
Chapter 1
“Soon the leaders of the four main governments of Erdas, plus Stetriol, would meet for the first time since they’d gone into hiding during the turmoils of the Devourer’s invasions and the Wyrm’s attack” (1). Didn’t Stetriol participate in those invasions?
“Song remembered to make her steps small and dainty, not the sweeping strides she felt like taking” (1). Isn’t she in her private chamber??? Why does it matter?
“His eyes narrowed as he saw the emerald and ocean of her embroidered robe - green was not a favored color at the moment” (2). Is Song wearing an ocean-toned robe meant to foreshadow her spirit animal being a water dragon? Also, why did Song risk wearing the green if she knew her father would be angry?
“Always he treated her this way, as if she were an object - a beautiful doll - and not his living, breathing daughter” (3). Honestly, Song’s story is so tragic.
Chapter 2
“ . . . each built in the style of one of the four main lands of Erdas. The brightly colored flags of Nilo, Zhong, Eura, and Amaya hung from a wide gateway . . . ” (4). Nothing for Stetriol? Not even a flag?
“If Conor needed her, she vowed to herself, she could be there for him” (5). The Wyrm taking a personal toll on them could be a source of further bonding, I think.
“‘ . . . if a certain black-and-white bear hadn’t stuffed herself with an entire forest of bamboo and then needed three days to recover’” (6). Three days??? From a single meal???
“ . . . Abeke had gone to see Kirat and Cabaro in Nilo” (6). I still don’t like Kirat, but I want to know how Uraza and Cabaro acted around each other . . .
“‘No Greencloak flag,’ Meilin observed” (7). What about a Stetriolan flag?
“ . . . only one of them was Marked . . . ” (7). There’s no way they could know that at first glance.
“‘Its venom turns its victims to stone, and they can only be saved by an antidote’” (7). I love how Spirit Animals made up its own animal.
The Oathbound all having names that are positive qualities is so funny to me.
“‘I’m not a brat,’ Rollan said. He glanced aside at Abeke. ‘Are you a brat?’ ‘No,’ Abeke answered. ‘And I don’t snivel, either’” (8). I love the humor in this series. It doesn’t feel like it’s trying too hard to be funny.
The fact that four kids defeated five adults within ten seconds without drawing blood at all is just. Sad (for the adults). Although most of  the Oathbound aren’t marked, so maybe that’s it . . .
“[Princess Song] turned a frowning gaze on the guards” (11). I wonder if Song ordered the Oathbound to put on this show with her, to get the four to trust her.
“‘She has no intention of coming down here’” (13). Essix being Essix is hilarious.
“‘You, patient?’ Abeke heard Rollan say, and then Meilin said something in response that made him laugh” (14). I want to know what that was.
“ . . . but she walked swiftly, sweepingly . . ” (14). Symbolism for Song disobeying her father? 
“‘We will share a room,’ she said firmly” (15). There’s a line in a later book that implies that they don’t like sharing, so I found this funny.
“‘We are not called the Heroes of Erdas because we spent the Second Devourer War or the struggle against the Wyrm hiding in a bunker . . . ’” (16). Abeke somehow manages to be humorous while doling out threats.
Chapter 3
“ . . . a vision that had led them to victory” (18). Ironic, considering that vision was actually a trick sent by Kovo, to set them up to fail.
“‘We defeat the Wyrm every day that we go on’” (20). Conor having PTSD(?) from the Wyrm’s invasion is so realistic and I love that it’s explored.
“Her bond with Uraza had been shattered” (20). Wasn’t Conor’s bond also technically shattered?
“‘I fought a duel against him, and it was the angriest I’ve ever been in my entire life . . . ’ . . . ‘Shane was my first friend.’ . . . ‘But you are my truest friend’” (20). So like a best friend? Abeke and Conor BFFs canon? Also, complex feelings about Shane, my beloved.
“‘This is where they put us?’” (20). Song’s still pretending she’s on their side, so why did she allow Brunhild to put them in this room?
“ . . . ‘when I tried it I almost cut my own hand off’” (21). Weirdest grammar ever. But also, I want Rollan to use that move in a fight later in the series, as like a full-circle moment.
“‘ . . . then why did they invite us and the other Greencloaks to the Citadel? What is really going on here?’” (22). Meilin being competent, my beloved. Can’t believe she guessed (kind of) what was gonna happen.
Chapter 4
“The imperial princess had helped the four Greencloaks at the gate. If Meilin was right and something strange was going on, then she might be a valuable ally” (23). Meilin being so close but so far is just. *gurgling sounds*
“ . . . then opened a wooden door carved with Zhongese water dragons . . . ” (24). Foreshadowing? 
“Her father had been reporting to the emperor, bringing six-year-old Meilin with him so she could see the vast palaces” (25). I feel like this moment should’ve been expanded on more.
“‘I have admired you for a long time,’ Princess Song said softly” (25). I have a feeling Song’s not lying about this . . .
“She couldn’t stop staring at the spiced bun. If he took a step forward, he would squish it” (26). I love how much thirteen-year-old energy this gives.
“Meilin gave him a bright smile so he wouldn’t suspect that his had been the bun that dropped on the floor” (26). How is that going to make him less suspicious?
“Since Zerif used us to spread the Wyrm’s parasites, across Erdas, there have been big changes in the world” (29). So why can’t he just explain that to the leaders?
“‘As a group beholden to no nation, but with unparalleled access to all of them, they spread this corruption farther than any other force could have . . . ’” (31). Okay, so they’re worried about the Greencloaks’ being allowed everywhere? But isn’t that, like, everyone?
“‘The Nectar of Ninani is no longer needed. The Greencloaks, too, are not needed as they once were’” (32). Honestly, he sort of kind of has a point.
“‘We cannot break up the Greencloaks!’ Princess Song insisted” (33). She’s actually really smart, speaking in defense of the Greencloaks before framing them is a good way to deflect suspicion.
I like how Song only risked her father’s wrath because she knew he’d be dead soon. 
Chapter 5
“Her lithe, pantherlike jaguarundi, an animal from Amaya, crouched and then leaped toward the Ambassador of Stetriol, snarling” (35). I have a feeling Song was only trying to kill her father and just simply trying to scare the other leaders.
“‘Call forth your spirit animals!’ Olvan roared at the other Greencloaks. ‘Defend the leaders!’” (35). Did the other leaders not hear Olvan say this? Or maybe they just thought he was putting on a show?
Okay, so the leaders didn’t let the Greencloaks have their spirit animals out, but allowed them to bring weapons into the meeting? That just seems so stupid. What’s the point of that, then?
The fake Greencloaks literally bolted the second the emperor was dead, which just seems so short-sighted. Like, it was obvious that they were only gunning for the emperor and nobody else.
When Song starts going on about how the Greencloaks’ true color is “bloodred” not green, all I can think about is the Redcloaks, whose true color is actually bloodred. There’s probably some symbolism in there somewhere.
Chapter 6
“As Princess Song issued crisp commands . . . ” (40). Was Song also trying to impress the other world leaders?
“ . . . leaving Lenori and the other Greencloaks to hold off their pursuers” (40). This feels like Olvan and Lenori predicted something like this would happen and had a plan . . . or they’re really quick thinkers.
“She swallowed and then clenched her teeth, as if holding in tears. Then he remembered that she’d seen her own father cut down in the battlefield - maybe the death of the emperor was making her relive that awful moment” (41). Maybe it was because of what Song said to her after her father died? Because Song appeared to be saying something harsh to Meilin . . .
“‘All those Greencloaks were new recruits’” (41). Then why did Olvan bring them??? Isn’t the Greencloak contingent supposed to be made of trusted members? And why weren’t they with the Greencloak contingent? They literally arrived halfway through the meeting.
“‘Someone is trying to sabotage the Greencloaks . . . ’” (41). I love how this ends up being pretty inaccurate, in the end.
“‘For many years, this gift has been passed down from one leader of the Greencloaks to the next . . . ’” (42). Did Tembo find it? He was the founder of the Greencloaks, right?
Chapter 7
“The door had not been there before! Had this Greencloak hidden it somehow?” (45). Anka can hide doors? Also he immediately refers to her as a Greencloak . . . interesting
“‘Yeah, they warned me about you,’ she said sharply” (47). Who? How do the Oathbound know about Rollan’s personality? Maybe it’s just common knowledge? Or maybe Anka actually joined the Greencloaks to keep the masquerade up?
“He grinned back at her. Having Anka around to aggravate was going to be fun” (50). LOL.
“Rollan caught her eye. ‘She’s telling the truth, as far as I can see’” (51). I know Rollan’s intuition isn’t foolproof, but usually he’s only wrong because he’s distracted or overwhelmed or emotional, none of which apply here, so how was he so wrong about Anka?
Chapter 8
“They tracked the five Greencloaks all afternoon . . . she could run for a long time without getting tired” (52). They ran for an entire afternoon??? Okay, I get they have spirit animals, but that seems impossible . . .
“‘They would give it to him, wouldn’t they? They wouldn’t let him die?’” (53). Conor sounds so innocent in this quote . . . I love how he seems cool and herolike to outsiders but he seems so innocent around the other three.
“‘ . . . long ago, the four regions of Erdas bestowed the Greencloaks with gifts as thanks for ending the First Devourer War . . . ’” (54). Okay, so I was sort of right about Tembo, since he was the Greencloaks’ founder, he must’ve gotten the gifts.
“‘Four items,’ Rollan put in. ‘wielded by four heroes?’” (54). Wait, this is literally foreshadowing of the end of the series.
“‘And you didn’t even have to count on your fingers’” (55). Anka is actually hilarious.
“‘Anyway, the four gifts were symbols that the Greencloaks were of and for all of Erdas’” (55). Oh . . . I was wondering why it was significant that this quest should only happen if a Greencloak fights another Greencloak. This is why . . . right??? Also . . . no Stetriol . . . sadness.
I don’t get how finding gifts that are going to make the Greencloaks even more powerful will show the leaders that the Greencloaks should stand united. Like, that seems weird . . . also why don’t they have the gifts with them??? Like they had the talismans at Greenhaven before they got stolen? Why were they hidden?
“‘For the Greencloaks,’ Abeke, Conor, and Rollan repeated” (56). Anka didn’t repeat it . . . red flag.
Chapter 9
“ . . . ‘but what kind of meat?’ ‘The chewy kind,’ Anka answered” (59). LMFAO.
“Conor, Meilin noticed, had fallen asleep already, with his head on Abeke’s shoulder, his dinner uneaten” (59). Truly, we are getting all the Conor-Abeke moments.
“Something drifted across her vision. It was a faint thread, glinting in the moonlight. Sleepily, she watched it unspool across the clearing. Then another silvery thread floated past, just overhead” (60). I know this is the spider, but this kind of reminds me a little of the scene from Jhi’s story in Tales of the Great Beasts, where Yin is watching the sky and sees silver stars that turn out to be Jhi’s eyes.
“Meilin was not afraid of spiders. At least, that’s what she told herself” (61). Meilin has spider-PTSD.
“‘His name might be Just, but he will not treat you fairly . . . ’” (64). Does Kana dislike Wikam??? Yeah, she’s just acting, but she appears to really hate him. Also, his name is Just??? I thought that was a title.
Chapter 10
“And yeah, he wanted in, too, though at the same time he rather liked his slit-pupiled golden eyes, not to mention the muscles he’d put on since he and his black panther spirit animal had merged. The retractable claws were good, too” (66). I really like that Worthy has a nonchalant attitude about the whole merging business. Usually when a character is different they obsess and stress about it so much to the point where it becomes annoying, and this is such a refreshing way to handle that.
“Their late, great leader . . . ” (66). LOL.
“‘So who set them up? Who wants to destroy the Greencloaks?’” (68). I love how we’re made to think that the perpetrator hates the Greencloaks for the majority of the arc. It really sets up the final twist to be even more shocking.
“‘Or a Redcloak?’ Worthy suggested. ‘No,’ Stead said flatly. ‘Definitely not’” (68). Why is Stead so certain of that?
“He wanted to be the hero” (69). Why’s that, though? Also, I don’t know why, but Worthy feels so different from Devin Trunswick. Like, he doesn’t have the same energy. I can’t quite put my finger on why.
“‘The gifts have apparently been lost for many years . . . ’” (69). Yeah, but why??? Why didn’t the Greencloaks just hold onto them?
“‘Rock and claw! Circle! And that other thingie!’” (69). How dare they. How dare the authors spell thingy incorrectly. They have declared war (joking). Also, Yumaris is hilarious.
Chapter 11
“‘I feel closer to you all than I’ve ever felt before’” (71). Ah, Rollan.
“Essix was still tangled, no help to him” (72). Just put her in passive state??? Then take her out again??? This is literally a nonissue-
“ . . . paying the captain extra to finish loading their goods quickly . . . They only had enough money for one cabin . . . ” (74). That’s a weird contradiction to have in the same paragraph. Though I guess it makes sense to some extent.
“‘A cute, little, fluffy, brown mouse,’ Rollan went on, grinning, and Meilin gave in, laughing” (74). This arc is giving us so many ship moments.
“Finally the falcon had stopped struggling and had gone into passive state . . . ” (75). Why did Essix take so long???
“Where the Wyrm was waiting for him” (76). Dun, dun, duuuuuuuun.
“To his astonishment, she pushed his hand aside, leaned closer, and put her lips to the very spot where the Wyrm had marked him” (77). I like how this isn’t really made out by the narrative to be a romantic gesture. It fits very nicely with my Conor-Abeke QPR headcanon.
“But thanks to his friends, he was finally, truly, free of the Wyrm” (78). Not a fan of how quickly he recovers, because healing is always a long process, but that’s slightly nit-picky of me, so.
Chapter 12
“Uraza flexed her claws, and the boy yowled and squirmed, but she didn’t let him up” (80). Parallels to Hunted, when Uraza did the same thing to Devin Trunswick.
“‘Get this overgrown house cat off me, and I’ll tell you’” (80). This is so funny, considering that Devin’s own spirit animal was also an “overgrown house cat”.
“‘The quest for the four gifts is far more important than you realize. You must find them . . . ’” (82). Anka being suspicious . . . she’s the first one to insist they continue the gift search.
“‘Have you forgotten who he really is? Devin Trunswick. He’s a bully, and a liar, and he betrayed all of Trunswick when he joined Zerif.’ ‘I was having a bad day,’ Worthy mumbled” (82). I believe in angry Conor superiority. Also, what kind of a shitty excuse is that??? A bad day?
“No matter what else he had done, Shane had died a hero’s death” (83). This line made me so weirdly sad the first time I read the series. It was, like, the first time I truly processed that Shane was gone.
“‘Meilin, take out the gift,’ Abeke ordered. When her friend had taken out the rock and unwrapped it, Abeke pointed to it. ‘The rock is hidden. Unrevealed, as Olvan said. We have to be the same way. As the Heroes of Erdas, we’re too easy to track. We have to go in disguise. We can’t be Greencloaks anymore’” (85). Abeke is so dramatic, taking out the rock and making comparisons like that. (It’s also a bit cringy, but whatever.)
Chapter 13
“‘Your cloak is basically rags. You should throw it away anyway, and get a new one when this is all over’” (86). I feel like they only started emphasizing Rollan’s connection to Tarik’s cloak in this arc, as preparation for the final climax. I don’t think they really talked about how important it was in the Wyrm arc? 
“ . . . in Stetriol, on what they had thought would be a suicide mission. It has been a matter of life and death. This situation wasn’t so dire” (87). Parallels. Also, Rollan kept his cloak in his pack in that scene in The Evertree, didn’t he?
“His cloak had a patch of leather sewn onto the shoulder so she wouldn’t shred it when she perched there . . . She was not a comfortable passenger” (88). Then how did she perch on his shoulder before he became a Greencloak? Maybe his other cloak also had something similar . . .
“When they didn’t answer, he slumped, as if disappointed. ‘I just want to help, that’s all’” (89). That’s actually kind of sad. And I’m not even a Devin apologist.
“Anka gave them a few coins . . . ” (89). What’s this about having no money, then?
“ . . . Conor looked like a slightly better-dressed Euran visitor” (89). Why is Conor better dressed?
“‘No,’ Conor said hastily. ‘We don’t know anything about Greencloaks. We’ve, uh, never even met a Greencloak.’ He gulped. ‘I’m not even sure we know what-’” (91). How did Conor not realize how awkward he sounded? Like, I know he’s not the best liar, but he appears to be so bad that it feels like he’s deliberately trying to get them caught. Also, was he about to say “We don’t know what a Greencloak is?” Because that’s just. *facepalms*
“‘A lot of these people know that I’m a Greencloak’” (92). Then why aren’t they turning him in?
“His mother, teaching math. He’d seen some strange things in his life, but this was possibly the strangest” (94). Why’s that? Also, imagine teacher assistant Rollan. That would be so cute.
“‘She found us,’ Ngozi began. ‘because we’re-’” (94). His mom traveled and found Marked kids before the Greencloaks?
“‘With that darling girl, Meilin?’ Rollan felt a blush prickling on his face. ‘Mo-om!’ he protested” (95). His mom sees him for the first time in months and immediately asks about Meilin??? Also, wow, a normal mother-son dynamic. 
Chapter 14
“Rollan and Conor. Greencloaks. Stupid. So stupid” (97). I love how he immediately went “Greencloaks are all so fucking dumb”. That energy is what we need.
“Worthy had been following Rollan and Conor since they’d entered the city, hardly noticing the odd looks from passersby” (97). How did Rollan and Conor not notice him with all the looks he’s getting???
“ . . . and really, nobody needed to know about the tail” (97). If you say so.
“ . . . Worthy could see why Shane had been in love with her. Whether he’d admitted it to himself or not” (98). I have. Too much to say. First of all, just. The tragedy of Abeke and Shane. Forced onto opposite sides of a war, where circumstances made them have this complicated relationship. Loving each other throughout. Never quite being able to hate the other. And, wow, people being able to see how much they cared for one another. Like Conor in Blood Ties. And now Worthy. Shane never really getting over himself and constantly wanting to make Abeke proud, I just. It’s too good. Abeke is almost the reason for his redemption, and having that come full circle when he sacrificed himself for her. Just. Amazing. I’ll need to talk about that more when I talk about Shane in depth.
“Six adults, armed and well trained, versus two stupid kids who hadn't even called forth their spirit animals yet. Worthy waited another moment, just so they’d know how much danger they were in before he heroically rescued them” (99). Sir, I think you’re forgetting that they literally saved the world twice. And also, you’ve never even won a single one-on-one duel before??? Where is this ego coming from?
“A move he’d learned from the terrifying Meilin, no doubt” (99). Yeah, wasn’t that the move that Meilin uses on the Oathbound at the beginning of the book?
“Better get in there and be a hero quick, before the Greencloak boys rescued themselves” (100). Yeah, Worthy. 
“ . . . as if they were going to protect him!” (100). Feel like I’ve talked about this before, but I despise characters that are arrogant and overestimate their abilities. I get it’s a character flaw and whatnot, but it just annoys me everytime. Especially when there are more competent characters around. 
“And suddenly it wasn’t about being a hero anymore” (102). Ah.
“They were surprisingly skilled, Worthy could see at once” (103). These kids are being trained for battle and they aren’t even Greencloaks (or Redcloaks) . . . I don’t quite like that??? Like it feels very icky. 
“ . . . not wanting to reveal how pleased he was by Conor’s comment” (105). Poetic, that Worthy, who Conor was once forced to please, is now trying to please Conor.
“It was Dawson for whom Devin had finally decided to be Worthy” (105). Aw. That���s cute.
Chapter 15
“‘Nobody sees me as I am,’ Anka finally said” (108). That went so deep, so suddenly, for no reason.
“‘You’re from Zhong!’ Meilin exclaimed, delighted” (108). Then why is her chameleon named Toey? That’s not a Zhongese name . . . 
“And now she knew another reason why Anka didn’t know how to fight - in Zhong, girls weren’t supposed to study the martial arts” (108). But Anka would’ve studied them when she joined the Greencloaks???
“‘The Oathbound will be on our tail soon. Our trail, I mean’” (110). The insinuation is strong with this one. 
“‘Give me the spit, bear,’ he said” (110). I imagine him saying that almost demandingly but in a funny way.
“All six of them had faced such hardships before” (111). This narration is so weird, it almost feels unreliable. Also, if Anka has faced hardships like this, she definitely should know how to fight.
“‘Can you all please shut up?’” (114). She has a point. They need to stop talking.
“Without the Greencloaks to keep the peace, the great countries of Erdas would fracture” (114). Not necessarily . . . but a little, I guess.
Chapter 16
“The masked boy shrugged. ‘I was only trying to help’” (117). I don’t know why, but Worthy just annoys me. Like I know he’s intentionally that way, but he just grates on me.
“Meilin set aside the sword she’d been sharpening obsessively and got to her feet” (117). Someone’s excited. Also the amount of ship moments in this book, both for Conor and Abeke and for Rollan and Meilin is ridiculous.
“He grinned. ‘Reilin, I mean’” (117). Books that use ship names in the story will never not be incredibly cringy. It’s not the fourth wall break you think it is.
“They went along the stream in awkward silence . . . ” (118). Wow, okay. They can’t even acknowledge that they’re in a relationship?
“Rollan felt half afraid, half excited, and half . . . Wait, that was too many halfs” (119). I like that this is a realistic portrayal of early-teenage romance. It’s so refreshing.
 “There were sounds of shouting and yowling - Worthy - and the roar of a big cat - Uraza - and then the clash of weapons” (119). How did they hear that all the way from the waterfall???
“ . . . when Anka struck the spearman from nowhere . . . ” (120). Do the normal Oathbound know that Anka is a spy for them?
“‘Cowards!’ he shouted at them” (121). A consistency with Devin’s character, at least . . . he yells the same thing in Hunted. So he’s always hated cowards: he’s been morally gray since the beginning.
“‘Wikam the Unjust must know about the Heart of the Land’” (123). How did Song get her hands on that knowledge??? She must’ve known about the saying about Greencloak fighting Greencloak, too . . . 
“‘We have to stick together.’ ‘We have to stay true,’ Conor added, ‘like Olvan said’” (123). They can split up and still stay true to each other, though???
“‘There’s a whole army of Oathbound out there. And they’re coming after us’” (125). The Oathbound have to know about all the gifts, right? Because Anka knows, so . . .
Chapter 17
“Princess Song did not turn from the mirror” (126). It was definitely a choice to refer to her as a princess.
“The proper way to speak to a princess was to call her Your Highness. A ruler - an emperor, a king, a queen - was addressed as Your Majesty” (126). This is actually the first time I’d ever learned of this rule, lol.
“The Oathbound were sworn to serve her” (127). I love how they said “her” and not “the leaders of Erdas”. Kind of foreshadowing.
“The chamber in which her father had been killed. By Greencloaks” (128). Unreliable narrator Song?
“‘The Greencloaks are bad’ was the Euran Queen’s contribution” (129). How did she become queen? If she was born into it, she should’ve been educated.
“Yes, she mourned her father” (129). Unreliable narrator Song continues.
“He could only breathe, and blink” (131). Okay, not to be gross, but how is he eating and using the bathroom?
“‘Why Amaya?’” (132). Why did Song pretend she didn’t know about the Heart? What purpose did that serve?
“You . . . and all the Greencloaks . . . are charged with treason, and with the coldhearted murder of the Emperor of Zhong’” (132). Song defended the Greencloaks during the meeting, so why did she antagonize Olvan? 
Chapter 18
“ . . . Anka had led them through the forest, keeping them invisible so any Oathbound scouts would not be able to track them” (133). I think that should take a physical toll on her.
“Worthy pulled something out of the pack and quickly handed it off to Rollan” (134). Worthy’s redemption arc is stored in Rollan’s cloak.
“When he returned, he was wearing an enormous brown cloak he’d picked up in town. It looked bulky and warm in the Amayan heat . . . ” (134). That means he’s wearing two cloaks, because Tarik’s is underneath??? Also, parallels to Against the Tide, when Rollan complained about the heat and Meilin pointed out that he wasn’t wearing a cloak?
“Abeke saw Meilin pat the pouch where she kept the rock . . . Checking to be sure it was still there” (134). Thinking about how Kaz from Six of Crows talked about how doing that makes a person the perfect target for a thief. And Rollan is a thief . . . could we interpret this as a sign of Meilin’s trust in Rollan? I’m probably reading way too much into this.
“‘You’ve missed exactly one meal,’ Meilin said calmly, and started walking again. ‘You’re hardly starving’” (135). Thank you.
“She was now riding on Rollan’s shoulder, looking ruffled and annoyed” (135). Why isn’t she just in passive state???
“‘Cranky,’ complained Worthy” (135). It’s giving Kovo-describing-Meilin energy.
“As a Redcloak, Worthy had taken on aspects of his spirit animal, the black panther” (137). This sentence sort of implies that only the ex-Conqueror Bile-drinkers are allowed to become Redcloaks.
It just occurred to me that the Heroes, despite not liking Worthy, never actually suspect him or the Redcloaks of being the people behind the attack. Not even once. So there has been some trust built before this arc even started.
Chapter 19
“‘Shut up, Worthy,’ Rollan and Abeke said at the same time” (141). Jinx.
“‘I know, I know,’ Worthy muttered. ‘Shut up, Worthy. But I’m not wrong. This is a completely terrible idea’” (142). He’s graduated to self-awareness.
“‘And . . . and I’m sorry for the way I treated you, Conor. You know, back in Trunswick, and the rest.’ ‘You were having a bad day?’” (143). Funny Conor is almost as good as angry Conor.
“‘When the Wyrm took me, I did bad things. And I thought for a while that it made me a bad person. But it didn’t. I am worthy. And maybe, so are you’” (143). That isn’t comparable at all??? Conor had no choice. Worthy had a choice. (I’m not saying Worthy doesn’t deserve a redemption arc, I’m saying the comparison is completely invalid.)
I genuinely don’t understand why they didn’t just wait for the storm to be over. It’s logically the best move. This is a dumb risk to take.
“Ever since then he’d been a little queasy about heights” (147). He wasn’t queasy during Immortal Guardians when he jumped into the net? That happened after the sleep-walking-and-almost-fell-off-a-tower incident, too.
Chapter 20
“And . . . thank you, Worthy, for handing him the cloak earlier” (149). Worthy’s redemption arc being stored in Rollan’s cloak will never not be funny.
“Zerif had once hoped to bank on these stories by bonding four young Conquerors to imposter legends . . . ” (152). I still find it weird that he chose the Stetriolan frog instead of the Zhongese water dragon.
It’s weird that the spirit just gave them the gift after they swore they were good. Like there was no test? And they can lie?
“Others are seeking the Heart. They will try to take it from you” (155). How does Kikimi know that the four are the “good guys”?
Chapter 21
“ . . . now the Oathbound would try to take it, and then arrest the Greencloaks” (157). Do they know about the other three bond tokens? Anka does, so they should, right?
I don’t like how in this arc, the spirit animals feel a lot like tools. Jhi is almost never called out and Essix pretty much obeys Rollan whenever. I don’t know, it just feels like it goes against the whole partnership idea. In the first arc, the spirit animals had things to “tell” their human partners, but here they just . . . don’t.
“Behind him crouched the faint outline that was Anka. Hiding, not fighting” (159). Red. Flag.
“It had turned to quicksand - just as Worthy had feared!” Why didn’t they fall into it when they crossed the bridge, then???
“‘Listen,’ Meilin said. Unsheathing her sword, she glanced around at her friends and their spirit animals. ‘We don’t have to defeat them. We just have to fight through and escape. All right?’” (160). Meilin assuming the leader role . . . I like it, but it does feel like her character development (and Conor’s) has been nuked. Conor hasn’t been leader-y at all this entire arc. And the last one.
How is Meilin able to help Worthy get out of the quicksand without falling in herself?
Okay . . . never mind, she also gets sucked in.
“‘I’m sorry I ever thought you were scary, Meilin . . . ’” (162). I’m pretty sure Meilin wouldn’t take that as an insult.
“ . . . he grinned wildly, his hair tousled, his brown cloak whipping around him” (163). Why is Rollan described like a YA novel love interest, I can’t-
Chapter 22
“‘For the Greencloaks!’ her friends joined in” (164). Not “her friends and Anka” . . . hm.
“ . . . all bearing sharp-pointed pikes that kept [Wikam] clear of the battle” (165). Honestly, he should be called “Wikam the Brave” because he’s a coward.
Oof, this is the third time Abeke’s had a specific target in mind and something has come in her way. (The first two times were both Zerif and now it’s Wikam.)
Chapter 23
“‘Come to me, Greencloak!’ he shouted. ‘And learn how to die!’” (167). So that means the Oathbound are trying to kill them?
“Conor couldn't fight a madman” (168). LOL.
Chapter 24
“If he could figure out how to use it, they might be able to defeat the Oathbound army” (169). He did, though??? Just slam it down on the earth again?
“He’d already been choked once today - this was really too much!” (171). Rollan gets choked a disproportionate amount of times in this series. Like in The Return, he was choked by the guard.
“ . . . followed by a precise strike at that particular place where boys really don’t want to be hit” (172). How did I miss this on my first read-through, oh my gosh-
“He was fierce, but his movements were slowing” (172). Worthy finally winning in fights? Devin quite literally being a loser to Worthy taking on multiple people at once and winning . . . Shane really did a number on him.
“The attacking Oathbound were flung to their knees. But so were his friends” (173). At least we can say he tried.
“Worthy echoed him, yowling with glee” (173). Awwww. Okay. This is where I start liking Worthy (mostly in the next book, but a little in this one, too).
I like that they show Rollan trying and failing to use the amulet.
Chapter 25
“‘Ooh, arrows!’ Abeke exclaimed. She started gathering them up, stuffing as many as she could into her quiver” (175). Abeke just almost-died and her response is to be like Arrows, I love you. Hilarious. 
“ . . . Worthy ripped off the remains of his mask and let out a sound that was part snarl, part yowl, and fiercely triumphant” (177). Drama king.
“‘I hate this,’ she heard Worthy mutter” (179). He’s back, guys.
“‘It’s really dark in here,’ came Worthy’s complaining voice. Then Meilin heard him mutter, ‘Shut up, Worthy’” (179). Well. I can respect the effort.
“She gave it a reassuring pat. ‘It’s all right,’ she said softly. ‘We’re all scared.’ . . . ‘Thanks, Meilin’” (180). I think my heart just melted.
“The furry rope touched her cheek again, and she reached up quickly, grabbed it, and pulled hard” (180). I love how Meilin’s first instinct when confronted with something new is to just pull on it.
Chapter 26
“‘I’ll ask Uraza to check our tail,’ Abeke said. ‘Our trail, I mean’” (181). I don’t care how overused this joke is, it’ll never stop being funny. Also, is Abeke hinting at knowing about Worthy's tail?
“For some reason, the four Greencloaks and Anka were all smiling at him” (182). Okay, they definitely know about the tail. Also, Worthy doesn’t think of Anka as a Greencloak. Hm.
“‘Farewell. Think kindly of me when I’m gone’” (182). My favorite part of Devin’s personality. His drama. It doesn’t change throughout the story. We love that.
“His own family had once possessed an ancestral sword. It had been modeled after a famous sword from Euran history” (183). The Trunswick Blade? Huh.
“ . . . if there was a record of the real gift, it was likely somewhere in Trunswick. He, Worthy, would lead them to it” (183). Unreliable narrator Worthy? We (and Worthy) know that the Trunswick Manor burned down . . . (Well, I know that. Because I read Tales of the Fallen Beasts before this.)
“‘I wanted to be a hero’” (184). Indeed. 
“‘Worthy has a tail?’” (185). Most iconic way to end a book.
Final thoughts and rating:
In love with the concept behind this arc. Bringing four gifts together to represent unity between the four lands and possibly to stop a war is an astoundingly good premise for a story. I also like that Worthy is in this arc. I complained about him a lot, but I do think he’s a genuinely good addition to this arc. His drama and wanting to be a hero really adds a new level of depth to him that wasn’t there before. His could-care-less attitude toward the Greencloaks also balances out the group and brings new perspectives to the table. His tail and his hiding of it also works as symbolism for the trust between him and the four. Song being an unreliable narrator was a tremendously good move, because it almost makes her seem unstable, not that the reader knows that at this point. It was a risky move, but it was executed almost perfectly, in my opinion. This arc in general is clearly a relationship-development arc, even though the relationships are already established. Especially the romantic relationships, if they can even be called that. I like how the romance isn’t shoved in your face and is a very minor part of the story. It might be the aroace in me talking, but I feel like these books just have the perfect amount of romance and it doesn’t overwhelm the story. I also like that Rollan had to work through some kinks and didn’t get the amulet’s powers right on the first try. 
Although it makes sense in a thematic way, I was not a fan of the fact that the four just immediately jumped on board when Olvan gave them their mission. It wasn’t even explained well??? He just said to stay true to each other and to find the gifts and the four just immediately obeyed him. I also don’t like how literally the group took that message. They heard “stay true to each other” and took it as “we must not ever split up” and that just weirded me out. I’m not a fan of the fact that Anka can apparently create illusions? It makes her way too overpowered, in my opinion. The fact that we know Song knows about the gifts and still questioned Olvan about why the four were headed to Amaya makes no sense. How did that serve her? What is the point in trying to make Olvan believe she doesn’t know about the gifts? That really confused me. Kikimi immediately handing the gift over to the four is my biggest gripe with the story. How did she know that they were the “good guys”? If the Oathbound had climbed up and revealed the Heart, Kikimi probably would’ve let them get away with it, as well. How does she know who’s pure of heart? And being pure of heart isn’t a black and white thing either. Some people believe they’re pure of heart and aren’t and vice versa. I find it stupid that there was no test of anything. The spirit animals in this arc. I . . . don’t like it. It goes against the whole human-animal partnership the first arc worked so hard to build. Jhi is barely present and the other spirit animals are only mentioned when they are being useful. I don’t like how the spirit animals feel like tools in this arc. They don’t have the same weight or persona they had in the first arc. 
Rating: 8/10
9 notes · View notes
badgerqueen07 · 11 months
Meilin : Can I be frank with you guys?
Rollan: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Abeke: Can I still be Abeke?
Connor: Shh, let Frank speak
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