#Roleplay minecraft servers high school
hensonkent71 · 10 months
Exploring the Features: Downloading and Setting Up Minecraft Launcher
Minecraft, the wildly popular sandbox game, has captivated millions of players with its endless creativity and immersive gameplay. To embark on your Minecraft adventure, you'll need to download and set up the Minecraft Launcher—a crucial tool that allows you to access the game, explore different versions, install mods, and connect to servers. In this article, we will guide you through the process of downloading and setting up the Minecraft Launcher, helping you make the most of its features and ensuring a smooth start to your Minecraft experience. Step 1: Visit the Official Minecraft Website Open your web browser and navigate to the official Minecraft website. You can do this by typing "Minecraft" in your preferred search engine or directly entering "minecraft.net" in the address bar. Brahmail.com Step 2: Access the Downloads Page Once you're on the Minecraft website, look for the "Menu" button at the top-right corner of the page. Click on it, and a dropdown menu will appear. From the menu, select the "Downloads" option. Step 3: Choose Your Platform On the Downloads page, you will find different versions of Minecraft available for various platforms. Select the version that corresponds to your operating system—Windows, macOS, or Linux. Step 4: Download the Minecraft Launcher After selecting your platform, you will be redirected to the download page specific to your operating system. Look for the prominent "Download" button and click on it. The Minecraft Launcher installer file will start downloading to your computer. The download time will depend on your internet connection speed, so be patient. Step 5: Install the Minecraft Launcher Once the download is complete, locate the Minecraft Launcher installer file on your computer. It is usually found in the default "Downloads" folder or the location you specified during the download. Double-click on the installer file to run it. Follow the installation wizard's instructions, which may include accepting terms and conditions, choosing an installation location, and creating desktop shortcuts. The wizard will guide you through the installation process, and you can generally leave the default settings as they are. Step 6: Launch the Minecraft Launcher After the installation is complete, you can launch the Minecraft Launcher. Locate the Minecraft Launcher icon on your desktop or in the Start menu (Windows) or Applications folder (macOS). Double-click on the icon to open the Minecraft Launcher. Step 7: Log in to Your Minecraft Account Upon opening the Minecraft Launcher, you will be prompted to log in using your Minecraft account credentials. Enter the email address and password associated with your Minecraft account, then click on the "Log In" button. If you don't have an account, you can create one by selecting the "Register" or "Create Account" option. Step 8: Explore the Launcher Features Once you're logged in, you will have access to the Minecraft Launcher's main interface, where you can explore its various features: - Game Versions: The Minecraft Launcher allows you to select different game versions, including the latest release, snapshots, or even older versions for nostalgia or mod compatibility. - Installations: You can create multiple game installations with different configurations, such as specific mods or resource packs, allowing you to switch between them effortlessly. - Mods and Resource Packs: The Minecraft Launcher provides an easy way to manage and install mods and resource packs, enabling you to customize your Minecraft experience and enhance gameplay. - Server Connectivity: You can connect to different Minecraft servers by selecting the "Multiplayer" tab and adding server IP addresses or browsing through the server list. - Profile Settings: The Launcher also allows you to customize various settings, such as Java arguments, game resolution, and RAM allocation, to optimize your gameplay experience. Step 9: Start Playing Minecraft Once you have
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pagewaugh10 · 10 months
Expanding Your Minecraft Community: Hosting a Multiplayer Server
Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, is at its best when played with others. While joining existing servers can be fun, hosting your own multiplayer server offers a unique opportunity to expand your Minecraft community and create a thriving environment for players to connect, collaborate, and explore together. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of hosting a Minecraft multiplayer server and provide a guide on how to set up and manage your own server to foster a vibrant and engaging community. Benefits of Hosting a Minecraft Multiplayer Server: - Community Building: Hosting your own server allows you to build and nurture a community of like-minded players. By creating a space where players can connect, share ideas, and collaborate, you foster a sense of belonging and create an environment where friendships can flourish. A strong community keeps players engaged and encourages them to return to your server. - Control and Customization: Hosting your own server gives you complete control over the gameplay experience. You can choose the game mode, enable specific features or plugins, and tailor the server settings to suit your preferences and those of your community. This level of customization allows you to create a unique and personalized Minecraft experience that sets your server apart. - Collaboration and Projects: A multiplayer server provides the perfect platform for collaborative projects. Whether it's building massive structures, creating towns and cities, or embarking on epic adventures, players can work together to achieve ambitious goals. Collaboration fosters teamwork, creativity, and camaraderie among players, making the Minecraft experience even more enjoyable. - Events and Activities: Hosting a multiplayer server allows you to organize special events and activities that bring the community together. These can include building contests, treasure hunts, PvP tournaments, or community-wide projects. Such events promote engagement, encourage participation, and create memorable experiences for players. - Learning and Growth: Running a Minecraft server offers valuable opportunities for personal growth and learning. Managing a community requires leadership, problem-solving, and communication skills. Additionally, you can gain technical knowledge by configuring server settings, installing plugins, and troubleshooting issues. These skills can be valuable in various aspects of life, including teamwork, organization, and problem-solving. Setting Up and Managing a Minecraft Multiplayer Server: - Choose Server Hosting: Decide whether you want to self-host the server or use a third-party hosting service. Self-hosting requires technical knowledge and reliable hardware, while a hosting service offers convenience and support. Consider factors like server performance, uptime, customer support, and pricing when selecting a hosting service. - Select Server Software: Choose the server software that best suits your needs. Popular options include Spigot, Paper, and Bukkit. These software options offer compatibility with plugins and provide additional features and customization options. https://screamyguy.net/ - Configure Server Settings: Customize server settings to create the desired gameplay experience. Set the game mode, difficulty level, and other parameters according to your preferences. You can also enable or disable features like PvP, fire spread, or mob griefing to shape the server environment. - Install Essential Plugins: Plugins enhance the functionality of your server and provide additional features. Install essential plugins like permissions systems, anti-griefing tools, and chat moderators to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for players. Browse plugin repositories like SpigotMC or BukkitDev to find plugins that match your server's needs. - Promote and Advertise: To attract players to your server, promote it through various channels. Utilize social media platforms, Minecraft forums, and online server directories to showcase your server and engage with potential players. Provide a clear description of your server's features, rules, and community guidelines to set expectations. - Engage with the Community: As your server grows, actively engage with your community. Interact with players through in-game chat, forums, or social media. Encourage player feedback, address concerns, and involve the community in decision-making processes. Regularly organize events, contests, or community projects to keep players engaged and excited about the server. - Regularly Update and Maintain: Stay up to date with server software updates, plugin releases, and Minecraft versions. Regularly update your server to access new features, bug fixes, and security patches. Additionally, ensure regular backups of server data to protect against data loss. By hosting your own Minecraft multiplayer server, you can create a vibrant community, foster collaboration, and provide an exciting and engaging Minecraft experience for players. Whether you're building epic structures, organizing events, or embarking on grand adventures, a multiplayer server offers a platform for endless possibilities. So, dive into the world of Minecraft server hosting, nurture your community, and expand the horizons of your Minecraft experience.
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fagbearentertainment · 11 months
Genuine question,
What separates the Youtuber and the character they play in a SMP in your eyes?
Because as far as I can tell by watching some of them, the people involved in a SMP are just on average very talented at improv skits and prompts while playing Minecraft and other games.
This isn’t intended to be hateful, I’m just trying to see if they should be allowed in a tournament I’m opening submissions for in a few days.
(also don’t let the hate get to you, you’re doing great!)
It really just depends on the server
Like for example Dream Smp is a more roleplay oriented server that the creators on the server viewed as such. They referred to the characters they played as characters and talked about writing for them and stuff like that. It was more akin to a dnd session than just friends improving in minecraft for lols which is evident in the more lore heavy streams
A server like Hermitcraft however is a more complex case. Like I don’t really see it as a roleplay server bc it’s definitely more just friends goofing around most the time but I allowed submissions from it and it’s sister Traffic Life servers here bc lots of creators on it refer to the personas they play as characters and are ok with things like queer headcanons, iirc Grian included (could be wrong tho if he’s uncomfortable with stuff like that I’m very sorry /genuine)
Plus Grian has been on other roleplay heavy servers like Yandere High School, a fully roleplay minecraft series, and played obvious characters like Ariana Griande and all the Watcher!Grian implications from another server he was on (don’t think it was Hermitcraft but again could be wrong)
It’s really just a case by case basis. If you do allow mcyt servers just check each one and see how the creators on it talk about it
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auricgold0 · 2 months
Wanna talk about the fact that even though the dsmp has a lot of story to it, to me it still feels very…stale? Empty because if you know the plot points you don’t need to know much more and I think the problem is, is that no one realises you can literally just expand on the world if you want. It doesn’t have to only consist of those 30 players, give it life, people who we see momentary but still give some warmth to the story. People who give us more insight to how a character would treat someone they don’t have history with.
And the fact we can work with magic in our stories, it’s literally canon. think of all the Minecraft mechanics and go haywire with it, twist and turn them to be more creative. Even if it’s just a little moment.
My brain is obsessed with the idea of c!Quackity leaving his car on a sunny evening, citizens rushing about some walking with fitted suits a mind at work and some loitering around the office building. Visiting his favourite dinner after work, not his own but one ran by a small but warm family who treat him as their own. Sometimes he walks home, taking the more denser part of the city to visit the local markets, check in on the woman who kisses his forehead and scolds him for being out so late as if he was her child. C!tommy and C!Tubbo stumbling into farmers land and being rushed off. C!Tubbo asking mechanics for scrap to work on his projects. C!Tommy annoying a school teacher late so he can borrow her art supplies. Him climbing walls of more fancy estates, being offered help with his farm by an old lady. Young children aweing at the main server, people brought there for school trips. Whispers aimed toward C!Wilbur if he’s recognised, him messing with waiters,stealing uniform to blend in. You’ve got high stress scenes where he’s trying to not get caught rushing down the halls though the employees have been alerted of him. Him employing a random guy for a good second, whispering his plan while the dude mindlessly agrees because he doesn’t wanna be late for his mother’s dinner.C!Niki walking through a market area, polite greetings as she passes through her city. THERES SO MUCH YOU CAN JUST WRITE!!!
It’s not even the fact I find the relationships in the dsmp boring but the small random relationships/interactions can push a story forward, make it more fun to write.
I think dsmp writers forget that you can keep it canon compliant but still have fun with it. It’s Minecraft, minecraft roleplay- just have fun with it.
(I say this but won’t write shit🤩)
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stormloup · 1 year
Dream SMP is officially over. And weirdly enough, I’m not crying about it. On the contrary, I have the stupidest grin on my face.
God what an experience. No words can describe the craziness of it all. It was wild. And in a good way.
I started watching Dream SMP with BlueberryTV’s edited videos on YouTube, but the moment it really ticked for me, the moment that made me love it was the first Disc War. Seeing TommyInnit and Tubbo hunting Tommy’s discs, fighting Dream, Tommy doing this INSANE block clutch, that’s when I thought “Fuck, this is what everyone’s freaking out about!”. And I started to love it more and more.
Then there was L’Manberg, and GOD this whole arc was one of my favorites with the Exile. This is when I started loving the lore but also the content creators and their characters. This is when I started loving TommyInnit’s content, and now he’s my favorite YouTuber!
This server changed my life. I met people through it that I now consider my best friends, and I have some of the best memories of my life with them.
Dream SMP helped me get through what was probably the hardest part of my teenage years, as 2021 (the year I started watching) was the year I started high school, and I also went through a lot of personal issues that were, honestly, very shit.
I love this server to bits. I loved every single part of it and if I were to do it all again I wouldn’t change a single thing.
Thank you so much to all the fanartists and animators that inspired me and pushed me to become better at my art, and to want to be an animator even more.
Thank you so much to the fanfiction writers who made me cry, laugh, who put a smile on my face with their godly written fics that made me stay up ridiculously late at night just to finish a chapter because the story was just so good.
Thank you Minecraft for just being an amazing game in general.
Thank you so much to all the content creators who put their heart and soul into making the best, most down-to-earth, funniest Minecraft roleplay I have ever seen.
Thank you Tommy, Wilbur, Quackity, Tubbo, Technoblade, Ranboo, Dream, Awesamdude, Eret, Niki, Karl Jacobs, Badboyhalo and everyone else for creating the most amazing stories ever. My hands are literally shaking I can’t write everybody’s name.
Thank you, Dream SMP. Thank you for the laughs. Thank you for the tears. Thank you for the memories I will always cherish. Thank you for the indescribable joy you gave me.
Thank you for everything.
It was meant to be.
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mooseonahunt · 8 months
Serennedy Minecraft Streamer AU Notes
✂️Details below the cut ✂️
In General
Luis and Leon live together as roommates (“roommates”) while in grad school
Ashley is Leon’s younger half-sister (just because; she’s a senior in high school)
Ada hacked her way into the RE SMP server not realising what it was
She initially plays a prank and gets Ashley to think she’s Herobrine, but Luis and Leon don’t buy it for a second
They leave her alone though because they’re a little scared of her low-key
When Ada finds out she’s in a roleplay server, she drops the Herobrine act and just introduces herself to get a role in the game
The Merchant is just the guy who works the night shift at the corner store near Luis and Leon’s apartment. He seems cool enough, so Luis asks him if he’d like to play a character on their SMP. The Merchant agrees and puts his all into his character.
CC Shipping Boundaries
Ashley doesn’t want her character (or her as a person) to be shipped with anyone. These people are her friends and family so it makes her uncomfortable.
Leon doesn’t know what shipping is
Luis is the #1 Serennedy shipper. He’s the captain of the ship. He doesn’t care if his character gets shipped with others (except Ashley) but he’s the #1 supporter of Serennedy (he loves that people picked up on their chemistry; they didn’t want to outright say they were in a relationship from the start, but they did leave hints)
Ada shuts the concept down from the start. Bans it. (She has a lovely girlfriend that she doesn’t talk about because she doesn’t owe anyone any details of her personal life; she has slipped up once or twice though because she loves Alice very much)
And that’s all the notes I took in between my classes, but I’m writing more down to expand on this AU. I like it too much to let it stop here.
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mcytblr-archive · 3 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: warpedfungusonastick
today's interviewee is warpedfungusonastick, who's been in MCYTblr since the summer of 2020 and is a member of dreamlying! below is a transcript of their account of early MCYTblr.
Digging back into what I have of my online history, I started the tumblr blog warpedfungusonastick in late July 2020. Beforehand I had a very small <20 follower dttwt account and saw that the Tumblr community was more my vibe. I was 18 when I got into being a dteam ~fan and my personal views on fandom and stan culture and parasocial relationships were, while still evolving, kind of against a lot of the culture that was growing up around especially the twitter fan community.
(This being said, this was the depths of COVID lockdown and I rarely left my house because I was a senior in high school in the U.S. and living with someone who absolutely could not get sick. So I was terminally online and can definitely say in retrospect deeply invested in the fan culture and even the creators/their online personas while being semi-ironically self aware of this relationship.)
I first saw a dteam video in later 2019. Funny enough (and not funny at all, because I think about these Patterns quite a lot), I had then just left the Cryaotic fandom. If you don't know, he was an old friend of pewdiepie who split with him around the time of or before the multiple pewdiepie scandals and pewdiepie whistling off several alt-right dog whistles and that whole thing. But back to the point, like a month after i became a regular Cryaotic Twitch viewer, a long expose came out about him being abusive to his ex-girlfriend and a groomer of underaged fans. Cryaotic was a faceless streamer whose iconography was this little blob thing and I will not abandon the theory that the origins of Dreamwastaken fanart are the direct successor to humanized fanart of this Cryaotic persona.
Through the whole Cryaotic thing I first found out about kiwifarms/lolcow. What stuck to me, beyond the abhorrent stuff said on those sites, was that they had a pretty clear system of archiving things using sites such as archive.is and were completely unafraid to post "doxxed" materials anonymously.
Commentary on DL interviews: - I fully second what georgesoot said about "No it's not odd, I at least partially strove for infamy. Any attention gratifies the ego after all, not just positive attention. Then there was the absurdity of it all". I tried to be a lot less controversial than some other DL members, but I did run with them and did say some things that weren't within the typical conventions of more mainstream and popular blogs of the time. It was a dopamine hit for people to interact with my blog--like any social media--but I/we did it in a kind of absurdist way at a point with the things we said and the ways we kind of transgressed whatever the normal way of being a fan blog was. - Re: Wormweeb--I was also kind of mentally ill and depressed and really only interacted with both friends online (even if they were friends from school). And as a result I took it all a bit more seriously than it was at the time. This is is less related but I used to get these--visceral? reactions to when Drama would happen because I was personally invested more so because I didn't want my online friend group who (although seen as a united front on the outside sometimes, I think) each had our Faves in the mcyt space and had had petty infighting over the morals of that (both seriously and unseriously, but everything starts to bleed, in my opinion).
More about my previous exposure to Minecraft fandom: I used to follow mianite back in the day and watched a lot of captiansparklez & aureylian. Since I joined the dteam fandom before any blog presence I was there for their very first streams (which got like…5k views 10k?) and the birth of the dsmp as essentially a server for friends (which led to minor discourse later when the line between roleplay and people on a MC server blurred.)
So my points of reference for these types of fandoms were a fandom that was very much for younger children (Mianite) and therefore the creators were treated with more distance and the recently up-in-flames Cryaotic fandom.
Back to doxxing/archiving/odd relation between: I used to joke about the tension between the right to privacy and to be forgotten on the internet and the right for nosy teenagers with too much time on their hands (and literally obsession brainworms) to dig up your past. Two things I think that were interesting about the most (in my opinion) morally dubious element of mcytblr and most people formed their negative opinions of critblr on was the having/knowing "forbidden" information. Most of this we were either told by randos or knew through other people online. A lot of it also ended up on Dream's kiwifarms, but that was a bit of a two-way street.
And the second part of this whole thing is the way that this information would come up among The Discourse. Because knowing some of the things we/I knew, you could call out creator's lies/misrepresentations of their histories/online pasts in ways that people who didn't know couldn't. Which was kind of where some of the in-jokes came from. I also took the habit of archiving things (old accounts, posts, whatever) to archive.is and such at the time because I fell on the 'I don't want this digital history to be erased if only for my own sanity.'
I think this has been rehashed before, but at every corner, the mcyt/dteam fandom was a fandom like any other, complicated by the fact that it was a real person fandom. And especially on tumblr where the Culture was a little different because no creators (few creators) were on Tumblr, people kind of just said and did whatever. I struggle to think of any of this as important in the grand scheme of anything, but there was a massive outpour of content because of the sheer size of the fandom across all platforms. There was 24/7 content, big fomo, and so I think blogs acted like pundits--like a forum on the newist in DSMP or Love or Host or MCC or whatever. My memory of that time has atrophied a lot but I think that DL and co. cropped up as the pundit subclass (however some of us had actual talent like wormweeb and made fanworks) and the fandom overall was sustained by a sprawling form of Conversation on the Latest Content.
Q: right-- and while other blogs caught people up on streams, dream lying was more interested in meta on the creators themselves?
I think that was a part of it. We were all united in this semi-ironic cynicism about fandom culture as a whole while being fans ourselves, and we socially shared this Vision of a number of variably worded critiques about - stan culture - cancel culture - the dangers/pitfalls/intricacies of these.
I think a lot of it was just shits and giggles, but at least I at one point had this idea that I was a tiny little measured response to the excess of fandom culture. I looked down on uncritical fandom and thought that especially because some of these creators cultivated deeply parasocial relationships with their young fans (I was not much older, but all 18 year olds are Like That) it was some sort of imperative to talk about that at least a little bit.
As I read through my old posts--these was a lot of self important a lot of rambling a lot of nonsense. And I don't really think that these fandom culture can be changed by one little microblogger with a couple hundred followers, but I stand by a lot of my initial criticisms of the ecosystem as a whole and mainly the creators themselves and their (heh) lying, their harm, their overall misconduct and above all the systems that created and enable their whacky ass bullshit to this day. .
But the doubled edged sword of (I return to the forbidden info thruline) I never really shared info that was private because I wanted to be somewhat ethical, so it always felt a bit like we/I was going crazy with things I knew to be true but obviously wouldn't share because that's nor super moral.
Another note about The Rumors and DreamLying--in my memory we kind of thought were Something. And I guess we've been nudged along in that perception but I think the most vocal and controversial of us just said wild shit that stuck in people's brains and for the longest time I didn't associate myself with dream lying at all on Warpedfungus because I wanted to be Somewhat Normal, if measuredly critical and just…vibing. But I think at circles back to a lot of this being wank amongst a handful of terminally online people who at the time didn't get out enough and, like, fixated on this Thing because it was community (or a facsimile of) and at the end of the way we're all just archives or archived pages or gone forever.
(Which reminds me that for the longest time I had you and Roxytonic blocked because I thought archiving was corny but I now think it's kind of cool. It's a nostalgia trip, if anything else. I'm now in another fandom that would've really benefited from some hardcore archiving because so much of the old internet (and fan spaces amongst them--ie ff.net, livejournal, even more underground spaces) are completely lost to the sands of time and the deletion of those hosting sites, etc)
Q: i am very interested in your thoughts on, as you mentioned before in reference to cryaotic, the way that creators cultivate and manipulate fanbases, and the effects you think it had on how the mcytblr fandom
Dream, along with "learning/studying the algorithm" and getting insanely lucky, did many specific things to cultivate a fandom of immensely parasocial fans. And regardless of my cynical vision of what his motives were, his actions of wanting to be seen as a 'friend', sharing many personal details, being accessible to fans, DMing young stan accounts, following fan accounts, OKaying a lot of fanworks about him/his personal and the whole…gaybaiting (you know what i"m referring to) thing had the result of a very large very dedicated fanbase.
As far as cryaotic, it's my theory that dream knew the effect on having a very…intimate…relationship with his conventionally not ugly young white man friend, and used that. And as far as the other element that I associate between dteam/cryaotic--these were men who had very boring lives and probably saw themselves as undesirable to women Until they had this massive following and this kind of situation happens time and time again where people get Influence that didn't used to have and do messed up things with it. And I don't know what's to be done, but it's quite bad and completely goes against the "wholesome" image they try to cultivate. If not some of the stuff being actually crimes.
I think the common perception is sometimes that these cases are "bad apples" when there are so many bad apples And not even in the man aint shit way, but unlike more conventional routes to Fame, mcyts have no oversight unless they join and esports org and still then…the org may just side iwth them if it's worth it. And that's not to say that this stuff doesn't happen with conventional celebrity and even on college campuses and in everyday life and whatnot but I think people in such a public eye should be held to standards of conduct that may prevent some of this.
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rotten-vivs · 2 months
girl help, my stupid little high school au of a minecraft roleplay server is becoming a metaphor for class inequality, suburbanization, and lack of third places for teenagers
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anurapoda · 8 months
Orginal Character Masterlist
Hi, fun fact about me: I mainly write orginal works with orginal characters. Despite this everything on this account is very fanfic focused... I want to change that!
This is a masterlist of orginal characters I am actively using. This is not every orginal character I have, as there are a few I'm just not invested in outside of specific roleplays. Those ocs will be excluded.
For the sake organization these ocs will fall under three sections, orginal characters, dungeons and dragons ocs, and minecraft ocs.
Anyway, ocs are below the cut and will include their name(s) and basic background.
Orginal Characters
*Anura (She/They/He) - This is just my online sona, she is different from oc!Anura who will appear later in the list. persona!Anura is a shapeshifter who can take any form she wishes with no restrictions, her most common form is with feathered wings and some kind of horns - thought it depends on how I'm feeling *turns into catgirl*
Usha (She/Her) - My oldest orginal character, Usha comes from an old god roleplay based off of a webcomic I read back in 2017. She's the goddess of Death, may have destroyed 80% of the world that one time, and has a son named Insanity who is @fizzello character!
Constance (She/Her) - My second oldest orginal character, she orginally went by a different name and was considerably younger. I took the main themes of her old character and made Constance, a medium from the 1860's who's heavily indoctrnated and falls in love with a white boy.
Walter (He/Him) - The white boy Constance falls for. He is a newer orginal character who has gone through a lot of revisions, at first he had fire powers! Now he's just a redhead in the 1860's who's a cop with a politician as a father. Also he may be cis and straight but in modern day this bitch is a femboy.
Annette (She/Her) - I keep saying I'll flesh her out but I haven't. She's dead, Constance and Walter need to solve her murder. Annette is not her real name, I forget her real name, it's in a book somewhere. Annette exists.
Solstice (She/They) - My lil vampire baby, I love her. @fizzello character kidnapped her but that's ok because they're gonna fall in love! She's super new and I haven't used her much, I'm just in love with her as a whole. Think high school mean girl obsessed with her looks but she's actually really nice (unless if you've kidnapped her)
Dungeons & Dragons OCs
Robin (She/They) - My first DnD oc who I made in 2021 I believe? I gave her all my trauma. Abusive mom? Check. Brother who she has complicated feelings for because she feels betrayed? Check. Lesbian cat moms? Ok so I don't have those but that's besides the point.
Ceana (She/They) - I love Ceana. You can take her from my cold dead hands. Her parents are dead, she's a single mom who works two jobs to support her 7 brothers, there's other stuff I can't say here cause @fizzello is gonna see this and they're in the campaign she's an NPC for, but just know I will tell you about it if you send me an ask.
Nephilia (She/They) - I LITERALLY CANNOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HER BECAUSE OF @fizzello BEING HERE. But I am so gay for her. She's a villain and that makes her 10x hotter. She's also a spider!! She has many arms to hug me :)
The Queen and Princess - Once again, cannot say anything about these guys cause of @fizzello. Please ask me about them though. I need to scream about them.
Minecraft OCs
*Anura ( She/They/He) - Listen, I know she's identical to my online persona. But her lore is different! She's made entirely of void, can shapeshift, and feeds off of player code. Also, she's not a player!
Azelea (She/They) - The twin of @blood-smith character Berry, Azelea works in Decked out as a medic and landscaper and owns her own bakery called the Lush Cafe! Oh also she's a mooshroom hybrid who will fight you if you pick on her sibling.
Ayaan (She/They) - A wallcreeper bird hybrid! She's orginally from an anarchy server and has a found family with @cr0w-covered0n-m0ss and @chara--system characters. Her dream is to be a server admin, though she kinda put that dream aside to be of us to her family.
Aria (She/Her) - My newest oc, she's a demon hybrid who has a found family with @z-alien-boi character. She's grieving the loss of her brother and working to let Z's character enjoy their youth - something she's never been able to do.
*When discussing Anura I will use either person!Anura or oc!Anura to indicate which one I am discussing. If I do not include the prefix, assume I am discussing oc!Anura.
That's all the orginal characters I'm invested in at the moment, I'll try to update this as that changes. I always love talking about my ocs so please send me asks about them, and I'll try to write orginal stories for them again soon and post them here...
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falled-over · 1 year
i miss the anime themed minecraft high school roleplay server my sister and i would break into and she would roleplay as a depressed mcdonalds employee who would world chat advertisements like ‘come to mcdonalds where the meat is tender and so is my heart’ and i would be ‘the orange man’ and run up to people, give them an orange and say ‘spread the joy of orange!’ until we got kicked out for not having real names as our usernames
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
tumblr user 420technoblazeit
there is currently a discord server drama involved amongst everyone in high school rn that involves identity theft and someone just called in their lawyer
how do u find someone's IP address on discord bc i would like for this investigation to be over 😔
hwy is ur high school on its saul goodman arc. also u guys will put literally the most batshit insane things in my inbox what coudl possibly make u send this to a dsmp/gorillaz/danganronpa/dhmis i guess now blog. bestie i do minecraft roleplay
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unboundwanderers · 1 year
1 , 17, 29, 36 & 37 (to any of the doctors!)
1 A.) Technically, this is a two part question because I started writing when I was like... ten. I started in SCHOOL, actually, in fourth grade. I wrote these DOG ass DBZ fanfics for show and tell, and a friend group formed a whole expanded universe for me. We made characters, wrote their stories, and drew comics. Not only was it the birth of my creative passion, but those friends would help me meet my brother, and their enthusiasm would lead me on to make my more prolific muses later down the line. I fostered my writing by making dog ass Doctor Who Minecraft videos with my friends. I still keep up with them, and our passion for writing is still at an all-time high.
1 B.) I started roleplaying when I was twelve. I joined tumblr back in early 2010 - 2012? I interacted a LOT with the Superwholock fandom and the Sonic fandom, as those were the most prolific fandoms on the platform at the time. Tumblr was a wasteland back then, and poor little Alex had no idea how to make any blogs or do any fancy artwork. I joined when ASK BLOGS were the biggest thing on the platform. Once Undertale got popular, I got roped into that fandom and by proxy some discord servers (as Discord was starting to become popular around that time).
17) This is a contentious topic. I have no idea who my FIRST muse REALLY WAS. I think it was The Doctor. I remember making them all their own seperate blogs that were interconnected because I had no idea you could do multimuse blogs when I was a wee shitlord. These versions are just... matured/refined versions of the Doctor's I made when I was a kid. I was super into Doctor Who when I started roleplaying, so I just kinda got easily absorbed into the fandom. I remember there was this guy who made a deadpool version of his muse, and he kept trying to send me Magic Anons that turned my Doctor's into canon versions (I DO NOT miss Magic Anons. Some of them lasted for months.) I remember young Alex being upset about being turned into canon Doctors. Made his feel unwanted. However!! Now I am god! I make the rules!!! No magic anons.
29) Complicated. I don't hate Doctor Who's current canon - it's just CONFUSING as all balls. I think I really just wanted to try something new, as I'd been writing just villains nonstop up to this point, and that got really bad for my mental health. I wanted to get back into the swing and do something that gave me a lot of creative freedom. I used to be group roleplays only, and that was hard for my mental health. There was a lot of drama and a lot of hate, and it was pretty cliquey. I decided I wanted to build my pipeline, but with a character I could really get into with it. Did I think I'd fall down the Genshin Rabbit hole??? No, but The Doctor has given me the opportunity to make all sorts of friends (shoutout to @kemikorosu @lunaetis @terestris, @verdantstride and all my muttuals for putting up with all my crazy time travel horseshit---) and I've never been happier with an RPC. It feels like I've crafted a really fun experience for myself by writing my own canon? Is it MESSY? Yeah. Is it fun as HELL?? For SURE. Doctor Who changes so much, and it's canon is fucking balls to the walls. In that chaos, I've crafted something really fun, and the friends I write with are what make me come back to this hellsite :>
36) I sure hope so. They're based on my own personal experiences. Every doctor here has been crafted and molded with inspiration taken from my own life. I feel like every character, whether it be canon or original - always had a tiny part of it's writer imbued within them, and for The Doctor - that's never been more relevant than with these five. How do you write these many Doctor's, who are ageless, emotional, and complicated individuals? Even some of The Time War, The Doctor's relationship with his people, family, and the ways his incarnations change? They're based and rooted in different stages and styles of anger, depression, warmth, recovery, and humor. I try to put a lot of what people tell me they enjoy about what I bring to a room. Of course, they're still heavily being playtested and actively developed-- but I like the friends and relationships they have so far--
37) Yes. The doctor is smart, and I am dumb. He's also like 5000 years old and can travel in time. He fought in a huge war and watched the universe burn. Also his personality changes like... every day. He's hard to keep up with. He's also an Alien. There's more I could list but Vee asked all the complicated questions and my brain juice is depleted.
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thisblogisathing · 2 years
Hello, long time no see.
I know I haven't posted on here in a really long time, but I think it's time I come out about something.
I was active on tumblr @thisblogisathing-moved from 2011 to early 2017, and moved for reasons I stated in the very beginning of my current account (the account this is posted on). I left out 1 reason, and that is the memories of a past relationship I had with someone of with the url of Galaxyphoenicx, real name Nic.
We met on a unofficial Rooster Teeth minecraft server called Drunk Rooster Server (DRS). We formed a friend group consisting of some of their IRL friends, and also some others we met on DRS. Sooner or later, Nic and I started a relationship. This would be a wonderful thing, but I was 15 years old and just dropped out of high school, and they were 20 going to college.
This is where I don't know where to continue. The entire year I was with them was blurry, because I was in a terrible mental state. I will state some of the things that I remember.
We spent most of our time in Skype calls, sometimes messaging
We would RP Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth. Yes, that includes ERP (Erotic Roleplay).
We would talk nonstop about meeting in New York, where they lived at the time, but never to where I lived.
We would spend time together almost every night up until 5:00AM, sometimes later
Near the end of our relationship, Nic got into an anime called Haikyuu and also met some people on tumblr that were also into that anime. I didn't like it, but I tried it out for them so I could be involved in the friend group and enjoy more time with them. That is when I started crushing on someone in that group almost immediately.
Around the time, I heard of Polyamorous relationships on tumblr. Being naive, and not understanding what entails, I asked Nic if we could have one. Nic said yes, and started dating someone else in the Haikyuu friend group. My crush said no to joining the relationship, and I got upset. I asked Nic to end the polyamorous relationship, and that it could go back to just us two.
I remember I was starting to get really anxious, and I was talking to my friends from the DRS group, while Nic was being silent. I was deciding on breaking up with Nic, since obviously communication was a big problem, and I was feeling like absolute garbage from the entire situation. Then some of the people from the Haikyuu group start messaging me, calling me manipulative and that I was a terrible person. That I needed help and to leave Nic alone.
I was in shock, I didn't understand what was happening and I panicked. I claimed that it wasn't me and that it was an alternative personality I had that was doing all that, even though I didn't have DID. I do admit that was INCREDIBLY stupid, and I should've just asked what the hell was going on and moved on from that point, but I didn't. Of course, the people messaging me said it was still my fault.
The rest is a complete blur. All I remember was kicking Nic from all our skype groups so that the friend group from DRS could comfort me without them seeing. I sometimes still wonder if the Haikyuu group is still friends with Nic, and do they know that Nic was dating a 15/16 year old while they were 20/21?
To conclude this, I know Nic isn't on tumblr anymore, or has changed their URL. They are still on twitter going by the same URL though, and I just wanted to get this out somewhere. I want the Haikyuu group to know that Nic was the one that manipulated me. Nic was the adult dating an underaged teen.
It took me years to get over the fact that I am NOT manipulative, and that I was the one that was manipulated. I couldn't look at Haikyuu for years. I couldn't even enjoy Phoenix Wright for while. This has been on my mind at least once a month for the last 8-9 years and I hope it can finally be put to rest in my brain once I press the post button.
Thanks to those that read.
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fictionfixations · 2 years
Inspirational Person Research Paper
bro i did a whole essay thing for Techno and I kind of just ranted for some of it because I really like talking about like the potato war especially and everything he did and just
“Technoblade never dies.” This is one of the most famous quotes from Technoblade ever, where he’s usually doing some cool thing in Minecraft, be it winning a duel, roleplaying in a server as an antagonistic-like character, or just saying it for the meme, it is likely that you have at least seen it once. Especially since according to YouTube’s tribute to Technoblade called “Technoblade Never Dies”, it’s stated that “an average of 300 new videos with ‘Technoblade Never Dies’ in the title are uploaded every day.” Technoblade, or Alex was born on June 1st, 1999, and died around June of 2022 at the young age of 23. He lived in San Francisco, California, and had three sisters and one brother, as well as a dog named Floof. He’s taken a fencing class before in middle school and was in California for the start of his career in YouTube until after his gap year in 2018 where he graduated high school, moved to Chicago, Illinois, started college and became an English major for over a year before dropping out and returning to San Francisco. An addition to this is that he’s been diagnosed with ADHD, yet it is unsure of when, but in a post on a Hypixel Forum from September 27, 2014, he states, “I have ADHD, that was a fully comprehensible and flowing paragraph of nonstop wisdom to me,” to a post with a long sentence that contains zero breaks or pauses. The first reason he is inspirational to me had to be back in July of 2020, where he was invited as backup for Calvin & xNestorio in Minecraft Ultimate because half of their team had dropped out, but since Technoblade is known as a professional at PVP, the organizer said that if Techno joined, then they would have to be the only 3-player team in a game with 56 other teams, equaling to 217 players not including their team according to the side bar in the video, but there might be less due to old members possibly still counting.
In this tournament, he absolutely nerfed everyone alongside his team, starting the Technoplane meme when he flew around with his elytra while his teammates rode on top of him, and breaking the old record of the highest number of kills in the tournament with a combined 116 kills, with the previous record being 19.
The event had raised $36,264 for charity, which almost a third of that he raised, the exact number being $11,625, which was donated to the Miracle Foundation, a charity that supports orphans. It's also ironic because it's been a running joke that his parents were killed by orphans, and in fact has a sword in the Dream SMP called "Orphan Obliterator". The second would have to be The Potato War (Late 2019-Mid 2020), when Technoblade had seen that he had been making a ton of potatoes (242,000/day) on Minecraft due to potato minions on a server called Hypixel, in one of its games called Skyblock, and decided to get the #1 rank on the potato leaderboard, which you get by having farmed the most potatoes. It was also because he was in the top 50 already, and the #1 was a guy called im_a_squid_kid.
With his goal confirmed, he decides to get to know his enemy by going through the forums on Hypixel.net and discovered a post from September where Squid Kid bragged about being rank #1 in potatoes, having 4 million during then. Technoblade went through his profile and found a post weeks later where he had stated that he was around 7 million, so then Technoblade put the two dates together and calculated the slope to estimate Squid Kid’s growth, but then later found out he could just go to his island and figure it out from there.
Basically, so on and so on where Technoblade tends to one-up Squid Kid, meanwhile Squid Kid is still a few steps behind. By around after the first video, I’m not sure if he already streamed before, but he was doing twitch streams as due to being in Techno’s video led to more viewers for him and helped grow his community.
In fact, in I believe the third video, Squid Kid actually complained about being unable to replant potatoes immediately after picking them up compared to melons or watermelons, which are much more efficient to farm because you don’t need to replant them, while for potatoes, with a huge multi-layer farm, half of that time spent on the potatoes is replanting them, and by the time you go back to the bottom, some of them have already regrown. But due to this, the admins added a new update where the potatoes replant when you have a hoe with the enchantment called “replenish”, which is a custom enchant.
The two had also been working hard on getting bonuses to help get even more potatoes farmed that included the legendary rabbit pet, which had a farming bonus where farming minions work 0.3% faster and leveling it up to 100 got a bonus of 30%.
In fact, in the second video, it is revealed that Technoblade has chests upon chests of materials for Flycatchers, which increases the speeds of minions by 10%. The problem with that is that it’s hard to create them in the first place, because they have less than a 1% chance to drop from a high-level tarantula boss, and then need over 10 million coins worth of tarantula silk. And despite having chests and chests full of materials, all of it combined could only make 24 Flycatchers, which you use for individual minions. 
That’s not even mentioning how since he needed to level his legendary rabbit pet in the same video, he grinded alchemy since they level based off skill experience, which is a rich man’s skill, meaning if you have the cash, then you can level quickly. By the end of it in fact, he ended up ranked #4 in Alchemy.
Technoblade had also been watching every one of Squid Kid’s livestreams on Twitch to where he amassed 9k channel points, which you get overtime for free by watching their stream.
He had also crawled through Squid Kid’s farm and timed all his minions with a stopwatch every day to calculate about the exact number of potatoes harvested.
The point is, there were a lot of tactics used to get one step ahead of the other, until it eventually ended in the 3rd episode, where they decided to end it at first person to earn 500 million potatoes, and the owner of the server Hypixel, who also goes by Hypixel pitched in, stating that the winner gets a surprise.
Of course, Technoblade won, and the surprise turned out to be 3 exclusive items, that being the Potato Talisman, given to anyone who spoke to the NPC labeled “Potato King” which had Technoblade’s skin. There was also Basket of Hope from the Great Potato War, which was for those ranked top #1000 in the Potato leaderboard, or Potato Collection according to the Hypixel wiki, as well as the Potato War Silver Medal for the player ranked 2nd, aka Squid Kid, and the Potato Crown for Technoblade.
Lastly, my third reason had to be in his fight against cancer and how he treated it. In the video titled, “where I’ve been”, posted August 27, 2021, he explains where he had been and what was going on. In fact, he says that his arm had been hurting, and when he got it checked out, the doctors said he had cancer. In fact, he had Sarcoma. According to curesarcoma.org, or the SFA (Sarcoma Foundation of America), which is a charity that Technoblade had started a fundraiser for back in February of this year (Minecrafters vs Cancer), which raised $119,420 according to the SBI wiki over the fundraiser, Sarcoma is a cancer that has many subtypes since it can be anywhere in the tissue, which is also everywhere on our body. It’s mainly in the limbs, and tend to be hidden deep inside the body, which means Sarcoma tends to be diagnosed when it is already too large to be able to be cured.
Sarcoma has a chance of being cured by surgery, or surgery with chemotherapy, which we know Technoblade took. In fact, in TommyInnit’s video called “100 Minecraft YouTubers VS Natural Disasters!” posted on March 5th, 2022, towards the end, Technoblade states that he must get chemo (short for chemotherapy) in fifteen minutes.
Despite all of this, he still makes a joke about it in his past videos where he talks about it, especially in his “I Almost Became An Amputee” video where he talks about where they trolled him because they say that the treatment’s going fine and so is his arm (which has the tumor). Then 3 days later he met up with his radiation therapist who talked to his surgeon, stating that they might need to amputate his arm next week because the tumor is swelling dangerously due to cells dying off, and that it might be too late.
A few days later, they’re in the waiting room with the reception and he must fill out this form such as if he’s ever had surgery before, and including dates, so then he goes onto his phone to see, and he sees a new procedure on November 8th called ‘Arm Amputation’. He found it funny and joked about it being called arm amputation, saying in the video, “why would they call the procedure arm amputation? Like- Like you’re gonna get the tumor as well, right? … Like I’m gonna wake up on the operating room table, and I’m gonna like push myself up with my one arm and I’m gonna be like, ‘Doc! Doc, did you get the cancer?’ and he's gonna be like, ‘You have cancer? Wow, that’s crazy, you should see a doctor about that.’”
Techno treated it lightheartedly, so when in June of 2022 the news of his death reached the internet, everyone was caught off guard.
Another thing he did that I wasn’t sure where to put was another charity for SFA, for his stream on YouTube labeled, “Minecraft But Viewers Control The Game [CHARITY EVENT]” where viewers could donate to either help or sabotage Techno as he plays Minecraft with his friends on September 25, 2021. There, he raised a total of $363,495, which according to SFA’s Technoblade Tribute, overall raised over 500k. My point is, is that Technoblade is an amazing and inspirational person who stayed strong throughout it all to the bitter end, and while he may be gone from this world now, “Technoblade Never Dies.” He will never die because he will live on from his friends’ memories and from their posts, from videos he’s been in, and new videos that are still coming out now about him, as well as any work of art. Therefore, while he may has left physically, his memory will forever be preserved on the internet. ----- Sources ----- (i was supposed to have only 3 lMfao)
YouTube. “Technoblade Never Dies.” YouTube, YouTube, 28 Oct. 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_fZjGm2OrM.
“Technoblade.” Wikitubia, https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Technoblade.
Lol Technoblade | Hypixel - Minecraft Server and Maps. https://hypixel.net/threads/lol-technoblade.185404/.
technothepig. “Absolutely Ruining a $36,000 Minecraft Tournament.” YouTube, YouTube, 2 Aug. 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAACnDkKqFo.
“Minecraft Ultimate.” Sleepy Bois Inc Wiki, https://sleepy-bois-inc.fandom.com/wiki/Minecraft_Ultimate#Season_2.
technothepig. “Skyblock: The Great Potato War.” YouTube, YouTube, 13 Nov. 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qjnDd1rsII.
technothepig. “Skyblock: Potato War 2.” YouTube, YouTube, 7 Mar. 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PAEqgfAts4.
technothepig. “Skyblock: Potato War 3 (Finale).” YouTube, YouTube, 13 July 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09CeBwGbCeg&t=73s.
“Rabbit Pet.” Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki, https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Rabbit_Pet#:~:text=Bonus%20stats%3A,%E2%9C%A6%20Speed%3A%20%2B0.2%20per%20level.
“The Great Potato War.” Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki, https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/The_Great_Potato_War. automatic replanting potatoes | Hypixel - Minecraft Server and Maps. https://hypixel.net/threads/automatic-replanting-potatos.3023907/. technothepig. “Where I've Been.” YouTube, YouTube, 27 Aug. 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9_aYyEDMD0.
“Patient Resources- What Is Sarcoma? Treatments & More.” Sarcoma Foundation of America, 5 Jan. 2022, https://www.curesarcoma.org/sarcoma-resources/patient-resources/.
“Minecrafters vs Cancer.” Sleepy Bois Inc Wiki, https://sleepy-bois-inc.fandom.com/wiki/Minecrafters_Vs_Cancer.
“100 Minecraft Youtubers vs Natural Disasters!” YouTube, YouTube, 5 Mar. 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h61SlPZfWfw.
technothepig. “I Almost Became an Amputee.” YouTube, YouTube, 23 Dec. 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG1Q1ouemVA.
technothepig. “So Long Nerds.” YouTube, YouTube, 30 June 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPMluEVUqS0.
technothepig. “Minecraft but Viewers Control the Game [Charity Event].” YouTube, YouTube, 25 Sept. 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHKsjtB9Q30.
“Made for Fundraisers.” Tiltify, https://tiltify.com/+team-technoblade/tests35352.
Saunders, Cindy. “Technoblade Tribute.” Sarcoma Foundation of America, 31 Oct. 2022, https://www.curesarcoma.org/technoblade-tribute/.
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quinlankring49 · 1 year
Roleplaying Adventures: Uncovering the Top Roleplay Servers in Minecraft
Minecraft, a game known for its endless possibilities and creative gameplay, offers players a chance to step into the shoes of characters and immerse themselves in a world of roleplaying. Roleplay servers provide a unique and engaging experience, where players can embark on epic quests, interact with vibrant communities, and create their own stories within the Minecraft universe. In this article, we will uncover the top roleplay servers in Minecraft and delve into the captivating adventures that await players. - The World of Warcraft: Enter the realms of Azeroth within Minecraft. This roleplay server recreates the iconic world of World of Warcraft, allowing players to embody their favorite characters and undertake epic quests. Immerse yourself in the rich lore, explore detailed landscapes, and interact with other players in an ever-evolving narrative. - Medieval Realms: Transport yourself back in time to a medieval world full of knights, castles, and magic. The Medieval Realms server offers an immersive roleplaying experience where players can engage in political intrigue, forge alliances, and partake in epic battles. Develop your character's backstory and engage in storytelling with a passionate community. - Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland: Survive in a desolate post-apocalyptic world where resources are scarce, and danger lurks around every corner. This roleplay server challenges players to navigate through a wasteland, form factions, scavenge for supplies, and fight off hostile forces. Will you be the savior or succumb to the harsh realities of the wasteland? - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Step into the magical world of Harry Potter with this enchanting roleplay server. Attend classes, learn spells, and explore the halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Interact with fellow students, join houses, and partake in magical adventures that will leave you feeling like a true wizard or witch. - Cyberpunk Metropolis: Dive into a futuristic world filled with neon lights, high-tech gadgets, and sprawling metropolises. This cyberpunk-themed roleplay server allows players to become part of a cybernetically enhanced society, engaging in high-stakes heists, corporate espionage, and navigating a morally complex world where technology blurs the lines of humanity. - Ancient Greek Mythology: Embark on a mythical journey through the realms of Greek mythology. Join gods, heroes, and mythical creatures in an immersive roleplay experience inspired by ancient Greek legends. Engage in epic battles, solve intricate puzzles, and interact with iconic figures from Greek mythology in a world filled with gods, monsters, and legendary quests. - Wild West Adventures: Step into the rugged and lawless era of the Wild West. This roleplay server allows players to become cowboys, outlaws, or lawmen as they explore the untamed frontier. Engage in shootouts, run businesses, and carve out your own place in the Wild West through immersive storytelling and collaboration. - Starship Explorer: Embark on a spacefaring adventure in a galaxy far, far away. This sci-fi roleplay server invites players to join the crew of a starship, exploring distant planets, encountering alien species, and navigating through thrilling space battles. How to set up a minecraft server Shape the fate of the universe and unravel the mysteries that lie beyond the stars. - City Life Simulations: Experience the hustle and bustle of urban life with a city-based roleplay server. Engage in everyday activities, pursue careers, interact with other residents, and shape the city's development. From becoming a successful entrepreneur to living the life of a humble citizen, this server offers a realistic simulation of city living. - Fairy Tale Fantasies: Enter a world of enchantment and magic, inspired by classic fairy tales. This roleplay server allows players to become part of their favorite fairy tales or create their own stories. Interact with iconic characters, embark on magical quests, and explore enchanted realms in this whimsical and immersive Minecraft experience. Roleplay servers in Minecraft offer players an opportunity to unleash their creativity and immerse themselves in captivating adventures. Whether exploring mythical realms, surviving in post-apocalyptic landscapes, or delving into magical schools, the top roleplay servers in Minecraft provide a vast array of experiences to suit every player's preferences. So, choose your character, forge your path, and uncover the thrilling roleplaying adventures that await you in the rich and immersive worlds of Minecraft.
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"My Kid Is Rich"
Ashleyosity is an American YouTuber and gamer best known for her Minecraft gameplay. Ashleyosity is also tied to Chrisandthemike her husband's YouTube channel. Her YouTube channel, which has everything from Let's Plays and Role-Plays, is well-known.
Ashleyosity is an American YouTuber and gamer who is most famous for her Minecraft gameplay. Ashleyosity is also linked to Chrisandthemike her husband's YouTube channel. She is also well-known for her YouTube channel, which features everything from Let's Plays to Role-Plays.
What is the Net Worth of Ashleyosity 2022?
Ashley clearly earns a good living through her work. Her YouTube channel is able to earn her quite. Her net worth is estimated at $419K in June 2020.
YouTuber, Gamer, Vlogger, Instagram Star Source .thefamouspeople.com
Wikis of Ashleyosity
Early Life of Ashleyosity - Age Born, Education, and the Age of
Ashleyosity was born in America on July 1, 1994 in Austin, Texas. Her zodiac sign is Cancer, and she will turn 26 in 2020. She hasn't shared much information about her family or her childhood. Brittany, her half-sister, is her only sibling. We do not know much about her education.
Ashleyosity's body is slim and curvaceous. Ashley has a stunning figure. She is 5' 4" tall and 53 kg. Her hair is naturally dark brown and her eyes are hazel. Her hair is primarily dyed in a variety of shades such as blue, pink, purple, gray blonde, and many more.
Relationship Status Married
Ashley is happily married. In June of 2018, she was married to YouTuber Christopher Foltz. MINECRAFT SERVERS LIST Lasata was Chris's first wife. Soon after they moved into their 'Minecraft' family, their relationship became complicated and stressful. Chris and his wife split in early 2016.
Shortly after he began dating Ashley as they were working on their respective YouTube projects. While on vacation in the summer of 2018 Chris proposed to Ashley. Their shared love of video games is a great example of how they were destined to be together.
Their Instagram photos, on the contrary, show that they don't just have a common interest and love for one another, but also accept each other's shortcomings, implying that this amazing couple is growing old together. Their connection has a fascinating aspect to it! Ashley's birthday is on July 1st, Chris's is July 2nd, and their wedding anniversary falls on July 3rd! What a delightful and fortunate couple they are.
Ashley began her career in social media with Twitter in 2011, and she then joined YouTube as 'Ashleyosity' July 2012. However, she did not upload anything on the channel until 2014. Her debut video on the channel was titled 'Apocalyptica Apocalyptic Role-Play Minecraft Survival wSheWolfDeadly SheWolfDeadly Episode 1'. The channel has 'Let's Plays and 'Role Plays among other types of 'Minecraft' activity.
Ashley has also produced several role-playing video series. Each series tells a unique story, many of them inspired by Ashley's own personal experiences. "Yandere High School," for instance is a story about four friends in their first year at 'Minecraft High School.' 'Roblox' is the subject of another 'Ashleyosity' serial video series. Two of them are Roblox Fairies and Mermaids Winx Winx High!' as well as Roblox Royale High! '. The majority of the episodes of the life simulation series' episodes have been viewed millions of times.
FIRST DAY! [Minecraft Roleplay [Minecraft Roleplay MY FIRST KISS' is yet another well-known video on the channel. 'My Kid Is Rich? Roblox Bloxburg,' writes one user. 'Adopting Triplets?!? Roblox Fairies and Mermaids Winx High School"I AM A PRINCESS?? Roblox Royale High Ep. 5", and many more.
Ashley has created a second gaming-related channelcalled 'Ashleyosity - Sims,' on September 1, 2017. The channel, which was previously known as SimsWithAsh', is dedicated to the fourth and final installment of 'The Sims', an online simulation game. The Sims 4 Gameplay,' 'The Sims 4 Builds and other 'The Sims' stuff may be available on this channel. Ashley has been a dedicated player of 'The Sims 4' since 2012, when her mom bought her her first game.
She was totally immersed in the game and spent countless hours playing it. Ashley now owns the complete The Sims" game collection, which includes single expansions and spin-offs. She also owns single "goodies" and game packs for both console and handheld versions. The Sims 4 Vampires The Sims 4 CrashLife, The Sims 4 Sterling Legacy' and 'The SIMS 4 Cats & Dogs' are just a few of the video series featured on the channel.'
Ashley's second YouTube initiative was a partnership with her husband and fellow YouTube gamer Christopher Foltz, aka "Chrisandthemike." The couple's sole non-gaming-related social media presence is "Ashley and Chris The channel was launched in October of 2016. It's mostly a vlog site where Ashley and Chris talk about their lives with their followers. The channel is similar to Ashley's original.
The channel's vlogs are organized into episodes and are titled "CrashLife," which is taken from the term "Crash Nation," which refers to the fan base of the duo. This is why the name "Crash" is a combination of their first and last names (Chris + Ashley = Crash).
In addition to providing material for her gaming channels, Ashley collaborates with Chris on other gaming projects online. Chris's channel, Chrisandthemike, is dedicated to Roblox's game 'Jailbreak'. She is frequently a part of it. They also collaborate on videos for 'Crash Nation.
Chris and Ashley as well as other gamers Sean (as Garlian) and Carlo joined for the first time after Chris shut down two of his collaborative channels. Together with Ashley and Carlo, Chris filmed multiple episodes of 'Minecraft', roleplays, and live streaming of games on 'Mixer. A few months after the group disbanded and Chris and Ashley started their own 'YouTube channel.
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