#Resh made sure of that
tiny-prince-alef · 1 year
Letter from the Pleading Child
Dear Prince Alef, It’s me!  It’s your friend, Bairn.  Are you okay?  I haven’t seen you in a while.  Did I do something wrong?  Is that why we haven’t been playing together?  If it was something I did, I’m sorry.  I miss you a lot. Can you talk to your Papa about something?  Mama was taken away by the guards.  I’m scared and I don’t know where she is.  I’m alone and only have my dolls.  She hasn’t been back in a few days and I’m scared and hungry.  Can your Papa have my Mama given back to me?  I miss her. I hope you’re okay, Prince Alef.  Please write back to me soon. From your friend, Bairn
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plutonium-sky · 2 months
Sky lore/headcannons dump part two boogaloo. This one is about spirits, and maybe a little about skids and winged light
part one in link below
So I like to put spirits into a hierarchy: Elder spirits, Season guides, and Regular/Seasonal spirits. So. What are they?
Spirits are beings of pure light, just like winged lights are. I'm not talking about those btw because idk what they are in my head... yet. But! that's not exactly it. Here, spirits are more like the... vessels, of light. In order to function, and be aware, they gotta be supplied with light. Otherwise! They will enter a dormant state.
And, of course, not everyone gets the same amount of light- Elders get it directly from skids (cutsceeeeenes~), Season guides get it from you finishing their quests (yay), and Regular spirits.... get it from season guides or Eden itself (last one is only when they come as ts or something). This would explain why we see some spirits out and about, while others aren't (e.g. performance spirits compared to... I don't know, Abyss)
Also this would mean that Hopeful Steward takes care of it for the regular spirits in aviary lmao
Anyways! Regular spirits CAN be woken up by skids. just give them a little light like skids do to elders (unfortunately this isn't part of the game), and then they're out and about until the light you gave them fades out- takes about an hour or so, depending on how active they will be. and here's where we go into the headcannons zone, returning to winged light even though I can't explain those.
If regular spirits want to be out and about for MORE than an hour, they would have to take a winged light- filling up their "vessel" in a self-filling loop. OFC, after having taken one, they can fly but beware- never let them use the last star on their cape. they'll just dissipate and you'll have to wake them up again :T
also, if you want to make things more interesting, make it so that it would be inadvisable to wake them up for the first time by yourself- wait for them to have come as a ts at least once. that way, you don't have to deal with them violently reliving their death by Eden shattering for the first time.
also, I like to think that season guides have at least some control over their seasonal area (if they have one), while elders are stuck in their statues (rip), can oversee the entirety of their realms, and have limited control over them. Also! they can meet each other in an in-between if needed (aka vault elder scene)
anyways onto skids. They're literally just fallen stars given form. We all knew that. And if they give up their light, they become ancestors/elders depending on how much they gave up (check part one). they're here to make sure that the balance of the realms won't tip over to darkness.... and here to also clean the mess that SOMEONE made (looking at you, Resh. naughty little skid you are, exploding eden)
aaaaand that's it for now. if I think of something I'll add more parts. otherwise! only headcannons from me from this point on.
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hadit93 · 5 months
As someone who's exploring Thelema, starting out with the Qabalistic Cross and Resh, could you maybe help me overcome my aversion to the judeo-christian language in the exercises?
I feel uncomfortable with trying to change the wording, being a novice to ceremonial magick.
Thank you for any advice.
The first thing to acknowledge is the aversion isn't there because of the powers invoked but because of your own experience of their representatives in organised religion. Perhaps you've had bad experiences, haven't we all, you can think of these exercises as claiming back your own relationship to these powers.
Furthermore, think of the names invoked, even the language used as a formula that will bring about desired effects. For example, you are not invoking God per se in the Pentagram ritual you are harmonising your environment and invoking the influence of the Holy Guardian Angel in to your sphere. The Holy Guardian Angel is the spiritual interface between you and the God-head- however you define that concept.
The good news is once you have the training and can take off the training wheel you can ride the bike that is your spiritual practice however you want. You may find that the names and language no longer bothers you because the object of your worship has taken on the names willingly yet has no relation to what you assumed was meant by God. Your understanding of God may also change on your journey and your relationship to that force.
Also if you are following a practice drenched in hermetic qabalah understand that the forces are representations of powers that are shared across cultures and pantheons. There is nothing monotheistic about original Judaism, it's all earlier paganism under new clothing. The majority of problems we face from religion are entirely human made. The Hebrew names are favoured because of the gematria available as well, this is what I mean by forumlas. You are vibrating powerful names as well as numerical expressions which tie in other concepts into that name.
To quote Crowley:
"In the true religion there is no sect, therefore take heed that thou blaspheme not the name by which another knoweth his God; for if thou do this thing in Jupiter thou wilt blaspheme YHVH and in Osiris YHShVH . Ask and ye shall have! Seek, and ye shall find! Knock, and it shall be opened unto you!" - Liber Librae.
In truth, the only God or spiritual experience you should be concerned about is the HGA and that force will reveal itself to you in a variety of masks which you must strip away to come to the root of the force.
I've changed the LRP many times, I have written many versions utilising various traditions. My rituals were good, but the LRP is surely a masterpiece and all derivatives will never touch close to its perfection.
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breath-of-eternity · 5 months
At long last, the sun dipped behind the buildings and they cast the fields into the paling hues of dusk. The Knight Of Air had jumped up, ready to go, as was Melusine, but Ereshkigal suggested perhaps they wait until it was dark enough to keep people from spotting the giant bird taking off in the middle of the city. An illusion would cover that, but as she was reminded, there were cameras everywhere. Even when they sat in a thicket of trees to wait, she found herself checking around to make sure none of the black eyes hung from the trees.
“You’re more paranoid than usual,” Imatar said. They sat under a tree next to Ereshkigal, elbow resting on knee, head resting on hand.
“I am possessed by the certainty that Castle knows we are here,” Ereshkigal said.
“Last I checked, you have no power of telepathy. Besides, he should know we’re coming for him.”
“He shouldn’t have ever known we existed,” Melusine said, gripping a low-hanging branch. Though she hadn’t intended it, Resh frowned at her tone while Imatar flinched. “We are legends to these people, enough that they had no qualms about invading our vault. Except he was unsurprised to see us display our powers. What made him so convinced of our existence that he stole the book with the last fragment of magic?”
She turned and swung her fist into a tree hard enough to make it shake and drop a flutter of leaves.
“You’re reading too much into it,” Imatar said. “Some people are just zealots. Remember back at the volcano, how vindicated he seemed? That was a man who spent his entire life believing magic was real, and finally had confirmation that he was right.”
Melusine squeezed the branch, as thick as her forearm, cracking the outermost layer of bark. “Stupid fucking worm. I should have killed him right there.”
“You did not because it was not the right time,” Ereshkigal said, getting to her feet and brushing the dirt from her skirt.
“It would have saved us so much trouble.”
“Foretelling has long been disproven.” Resh came up next to her, twining her arm with hers, the rigid muscles thrumming with anxiety. “I believe it is dark enough for us to leave.”
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shiny-hoothoot · 6 months
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legit finally only completed the game so I could shiny hunt Bluescreen here
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I didn't get many pics of the Elite four because oops my SD card was full... but I went with an all-shiny team, and Teal the Quaxly played their part admirably!
Full team was Resh the Ceruledge, Mint the Decidueye, Egg the Altaria, Popsicle the Eiscue, Nori the Dragonite and ye, Teal the Quaxly.
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Re-injured Arven's dog and made a point of beating Skeledirge with Quaxly.
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Even if I was a lil cheap and used Substitute to make sure Teal would be fine.
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I screenshot this just because it made me laugh. Me too, Penny.
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teehee fisheye lens
fat penguin💙
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litgwritersroom · 2 years
is it too soon for suresh smut? 👀
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Baby (One More Time)
S5 | Suresh/MC | 3700+ words | i-boop-you
It's night one in the Villa, and how will exes Suresh and Bonnie cope having to share a bed together with all that bad blood still in the way? NSFW.
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After everything, Bonnie couldn’t believe that now she was going to have to get into bed with Suresh. Being coupled up with him was bad enough, but having him next to her all night … She had sworn they would never share a bed again, and now…
She’d gone all day doing her best not to think about it, to not think about him, but every time he caught her eye, every time she saw him smile her way, acting like everything was all okay, her mind was just filled with Suresh.
Over and over she saw him, it was inescapable, constant.
His hands travelling up her body; his skin is warm against hers, his touch smooth and soft but his hold is hard and direct.
Just as fast, she pictured those hands on some other woman’s skin, him going too far or just far enough with some woman that Bonnie never got a name of, let alone a picture. She was just this unknown, faceless creature that had haunted Bonnie ever since Suresh’s confession. Bonnie referred to the woman as the Phantom Menace since her love rat of an ex wouldn’t give her more details.
Bonnie was the last one out the changing room, really taking her time to get into her pj’s before heading downstairs. She was the only one of the girls not to make a show of wearing something sexy…
Of course, that didn’t mean she wasn’t. No one else knew that Suresh used to rave on and on about how she looked in booty shorts and a t-shirt. He always said he loved envisioning himself taking them off of her, stripping her down until she was naked, leaving her clothes all over the floor. He loved the way the shorts cupped her ass, how her naked legs looked as the high cut left them looking longer; her t-shirts were thin, near see-through, and even just a hint of her nipples beneath them made him drool, and there was a guarantee that his hands would be all over her under the fabric in minutes.
Well, let him think about that tonight. Thinking would be all he would get from her.
The moment she walked into the bedroom, his eyes were on her like she was one of those flashing neon signs. Specifically the busty woman ones.
His hungry gaze never left her once, from the moment she stepped barefoot into the room, to the moment she snuggled up under the duvet. He was in bed already, the smell of his body wash from his shower wafting over. He was wearing her favourite.
Well, it looked like they were both playing this game.
“Even when you’re wearing the simplest outfit, you look ten times better than everyone else in the room,” he said, turning on his side to face her. He’s sitting up enough that he had to prop up his head with one arm.
“A whole six other people, Resh,” Bonnie replied, making a show that she was holding off rolling her eyes. “And most of them are men. You sure haven’t lost your ability to make me feel a certain type of way.”
That’s when his fingers brushed her outer thigh, hidden beneath the duvet. Their eyes meet, and neither pulled away.
“I’m trying to prove that,” he said.
There’s a pause, a moment, one Bonnie has been having far too much today.
His breath hot against her neck as he grips her thighs from beneath, his kisses eliciting her breathy moans, pressing himself between her legs, letting her know how much he's enjoying the sounds she's making. He knows how to drive her crazy, knows exactly where to let his lips linger, exactly how much pressure to put on; where to touch, where to let his tongue travel, where to press his fingers into. He just knows her.
“You had a chance to prove that already,” she said, turning away with a snooty air. She got herself comfortable for a night of torture and continued, “and what did you do with that chance? You cheated on me with the Phantom Menace.”
His mouth pulled into a tight line. Unfortunately - wait, no fortunately - the lights went off, sinking them into darkness, and putting a natural end to the conversation.
Bonnie turned her back to Suresh, wishing she could turn to him, to keep talking like they used to. They could talk for hours, and often did. She couldn’t lie and say that she didn’t miss that, but she couldn’t ignore what he’d done with that random girl either.
Then why was Bonnie turning over? Why was she now facing him in the dark? The outline of his too familiar face came to life before her eyes like the dark meant nothing to her. It meant nothing when she knew him so well, knew him better than the back of her hand … or she had at least thought she had.
Her hand rested in the open space between them, fingers slightly curled, in the perfect position to be held. Her stomach turned in knots at the thought that he wasn’t going to reach out again, that he might give up, that he wouldn’t go for that last stretch. She was here, right here.
And then he was there, too. A simple graze of her hand, his pinkie slipping into the cusp of air before they gently brought their hands together, fingers locked together. They simply held on like that for a time. The room was quiet, so the fierce drumming of Bonnie’s heart, the sound of her breath, it all felt so heavy, too much, too obvious.
She’d be a fool to take him back, a joke. And this show was designed to push them, to amp up the drama, and no doubt the showrunners would love nothing more than to watch Suresh crumble in another woman’s arms while Bonnie had her back turned, blissfully unaware of what was going on. They’d have a huge target on their back and when - if - if Suresh faltered again, the sympathy for Bonnie would be mute. No matter how much she would hurt, to the public, it would be nothing more than deserved for trusting him again.
And they wouldn’t be wrong.
Bonnie would have to be crazy to take him back.
The hesitancy in their touch disappeared, and Bonnie went to reel back, to run away from the intimate moment. Suresh held on, and so she barely budged, but she was still holding on too. She was shocked at how much she was unwilling to drop his hand, to fully give up on this, on them, on him.
Once a cheater, always a cheater. But it was once. Out of the three years they had been together, it was once, it was sudden, and he hadn’t stopped being sorry since. Yeah, he’d been an ass about it, but that was just Suresh; just one reason why she had loved him.
His voice whispered over in the dark. “Nothing needs to happen,” he said, letting go of her hand to let his fingertips trail up her arm, sending a shiver down her spine. “I know you hate sleeping alone, come here.”
It was happening like on automatic - no, like it was just natural. Bonnie went to him, letting him engulf her in his strong and open arms. His scent was already intoxicating, but having him this close, her senses so full of him, Bonnie was getting more than a little wet between the legs.
“I’ll keep you safe,” he said, his cheek nuzzling against the top of her head. “No matter what happens, Bon, I will always look out for you.”
It was so frustrating that he knew exactly what to say, knew exactly what she wanted to hear. He did know her so well, up until they broke up, he had pretty much been the perfect boyfriend. She’d never had any major complaints, so it was all so much more sad, so much more infuriating.
Her anger was coming back in quickly. All day she had been going through the same cycle of bitterness and sadness and anger. There was no denying that there was still a lot of feelings there. Bonnie would love nothing more than to get back together with him. It would be the easier thing in the world, but could she trust him?
… Did she need to? His body was so familiar; the way he held her, the way he felt, the warmth that radiated off of him, his smell, the pattern of his breathing, it was all exactly the way it had been.
So she knew exactly what he could do to her if he wanted to. The fact she hadn’t had sex since they broke up was becoming a huge inconvenience to her right then. The moments before she had last been intimate with someone had been just like this.
His cock often strained against the tight underwear he wore to bed, and it was strained now. She could feel it prodding her as their legs tangled together beneath the sheets.
He was in her mouth, taking up more space than she realised she was capable of making. Before long his tip was hitting the back of her throat, his loud moans stirring her on, making her determined to get every inch of him in her mouth that she could. His loud, unfiltered moans were intoxicating, driving her crazy.
Try as she may to keep her hands working on stroking the base of his shaft, cupping his balls and his ass, he was sending her over the edge already. He was turning her on so much she had to steal one hand into her underwear.
When he noticed her stroking herself beneath the fabric, her own moans interrupting the gurgling and slurping noises she was involuntarily making, his fists knotted into the bedsheets, his whole body stiffened, precrum trickled down her throat, and he moaned even louder, not taking his eyes off of her.
Like he could read her mind, Bonnie felt Suresh’s cock twitch, followed by a short, small gasp, almost barely distinguishable. She twisted her legs in his, stealing his heat, enjoying the feel of his thighs sandwiching her in.
“I don’t want to come on too strong,” he said, “but having you this close again is really doing things to me, Bon.”
She nuzzled in close, seemingly innocent, all until she let her arm trail off his hip, running her fingernails into the soft flesh of his back, scratching him as she brought her hand to the space between them, down to his cock. Bonnie delicately gave it a rub over his underwear, her thumb circling the tip.
He stiffened, straightening up; he squeezed her whole body tighter, his arms pulling her in tight, face lost in her hair. As Bonnie brought her hand back down, purposefully running her fingers down his shaft, Suresh shook, his leg twitching like mad to keep himself composed. She cupped his balls, face tilting up, bringing her lips to the crook of his neck.
“Imagine everything you’ve been missing these past few months, baby,” she said. She brought her nails back to his back, idly letting them tease the pair's antics from their heyday.
“I am.”
Suresh took hold of her hip. He was firm, but not forceful. He pinned her back to the bed, rolling on top of her, deftly getting between her legs with his own, pinning them open. Tingles shot through her entire body. If the lights were on, he’d get a good look at her nipples through her shirt.
He was a big guy, his weight on her felt comforting and safe rather than being too much. She could feel his cock rubbing between her legs, but that was as far as the teasing below the waist went.
He held her down with one hand on her hip still, letting his other travel up the bed, pinning her hair to the pillow, leaving her neck exposed. He didn’t kiss her yet. He was still teasing her, trying to rile her up as much as she had riled him. Even moreso.
Still, her body pressed upwards, arching up at him, begging for contact. His mouth was open to let his jagged breath tickle her skin, driving her crazy at the smallest connection. She turned her face from him, burrowing into the pillow, leaving herself as open to him as possible. His lips pressed to her skin, he roamed up to her ear, taking her lobe between his teeth. He sucked her into his mouth slowly, savouring the way her whole body reacted to the simplest move.
Bonnie needed him to crumble, to stop teasing her. She dragged her hands to his back again, digging both sets of nails into him. He grunted, thrusting at her between the legs. He let go of her ear, and used his face to pin hers down, inching over to her lips.
He kissed her hard, breathless. She kissed back, open, taking his bottom lip between hers. The next kiss was tentative, like they were just realising what they were doing, but neither wanted it to stop.
Bonnie slid her hands to the band of his underwear, letting her fingers slip beneath. She grabbed a hold of him, pushing him down onto her. Suresh opened the slow kiss, letting his tongue penetrate into her mouth, stealing a taste of her.
He moved from her hip, tracing down to grasp her between the legs, his fingers inching into the dip, making her realise just how wet she’s gotten in the last few minutes, as his palm presses through the fabric to her clit, the seam of her shorts on the perfect spot.
Suresh broke the kiss so he could trail his tongue along her jaw, coming to a stop at her neck. Once again, he let his hot breath make her melt before he finally gave her what she craved.
It started soft, his kisses delicate, but it quickly became wet, his tongue coming out to taste her. Between kisses, he nipped at her skin, purposefully dragging it out so she would make those desperate little sex noises he teased her about in front of everyone.
His name was on her tongue, slipping out her mouth before she could help it. His whole body was twitching, straining with the effort not to just fuck her senseless then and there. He spread her legs wider, pushing down again to keep her exactly where he wanted her.
His hand tickled across the soft skin of her stomach, making her shudder as he kept the touch light and brisk. He stole himself under her t-shirt, rolling it up over her ribs. He took one of her breasts, rolling her nipple between his fingers before squeezing with his whole palm.
Bonnie was grinding upwards, stroking herself against his stiff dick. At first he wasn’t giving back, but slowly his hips rolled, creating a rhythm for them, and he was thrusting up against her as hungrily as she was to him.
He rolled her shirt up to expose her breasts, allowing himself a reprieve from her neck to suck on her nipples.
One kiss to her lips, another at her neck, and Suresh was travelling down her body again. He kissed her all over, edging to bite, but never committing to it, teasing her into a soppy mess. He lingered on her tits enough to get her to take her top off completely before his worshipping kisses trailed over her stomach.
He edged her shorts off her hips, only allowing them get halfway down her thighs. She couldn’t open her legs and let them go wide and bare herself to him, but that’s what he wanted. The tip of his tongue could only just edge to her throbbing clit, purposefully torturing her. He held her legs as she took his hair in her hands, trying to get him to keep going, but he wouldn’t budge. She knew he got off on being a menace.
His fingers slipped in from underneath, coming up from where her thighs were raised. He circled in her juices, savouring the mess he was making of her still before slipping one finger inside.
It was begging, pleading, desperate. She was wholly and completely giving in. Right now she was his, and he was hers. There was no one else but them.
He let her shorts come down another few inches to her knees, letting her legs open again. His mouth crested over her as he slowly let his tongue make figure of eights between her lips and over her clit.
Her legs twitched, shaking. She was whimpering for more.
He finally took the last of her clothes off, leaving her completely naked. He positioned her quivering thighs either side of his head, holding them up by pressing into the squishy undersides.
She was already a mess, but when he focused his tongue on her clit, she realised she still had a long way to go. Her face turned to the pillow where she had to bury herself to keep from being any louder. She she had to muffle herself somehow.
Suresh had her pinned down again. Locked between him and the bed after she continually thrust up into him, betraying how desperately she wanted it. Her trembling legs were the only part of her body she could move below the waist. She brought them over him, locking and unlocking them over his back and neck. She couldn’t lay still, she couldn’t keep quiet. She was so close - just about to -
And he came away, peeling his tongue off of her.
Bonnie had only seconds to revel in the devastation of this. He was already setting her up for his next move, wordlessly directing her. He took her legs, letting his nails tickle her skin as he swept his touch down her, all the way to her feet. He was purposefully sending tingles all over her, showing off that he knew which of the simplest touches would make her feel so fucking alive.
He had her on her stomach, her legs bent at the knees, tenting them under the duvet. Her legs were shut, but in one swift movement, he parted her open. Her bottom lip trembled in anticipation, his hand on her ass, getting a good grope, as she burrowed into the pillow again already.
He crawled up behind her, positioning himself perfectly between those parted legs, giving her one slap across the rear. Bonnie arched herself up, eyes already rolling.
Both of his hands were on her lower back, his thumbs nearly coming together over her spine. He held her down, using his weight to leverage himself.
And then he was slickening himself inside of her, letting out a low groan as her walls engulfed him. Bonnie bit down on the pillow, stuffing it in her mouth, but it barely did anything she was so fucking loud.
She wasn’t going to last. He took a moment to get used to her again, to compose himself, but it didn’t take long and he was arching in and out of her. Bonnie wasn’t the only one who struggled to keep quiet, but Suresh was never one to try and soften how much he was enjoying himself. No doubt if the other’s hadn’t been aware of what they were doing yet, they were now.
Bonnie could feel him all over, like he was invading every part of her. This was it, she was ready to put the past behind her, to open up and let him have all of her. Who knew all it would take was one night?
His fingers dug into her thighs the closer he got. There was no let up, once he reached his perfected rhythm, he was in the zone. The muffled squeaks and gasps from Bonnie were evidence enough that he hadn’t lost his touch. Her eyes were wide as she reached closer and closer to a finish, grinding down on the pillow so much that she made contact with her teeth either side.
It was coming, edging ever closer -
Suresh shifted. He hiked her legs down, pinning them closed together. He eased off of the tail of her spine and laid himself over her wholly. They lost some of their rhythm, of the build up, but it was in exchange for a lot more intimacy, and Bonnie didn’t find herself minding much at all.
She could feel him breathing heavily in her ear as he fucked her a lot more gently this time, one arm resting beside them as he used his other to brush her hair from her neck. Bonnie opened up for him and he resumed kissing under her jaw and along her neck like they’d never stopped.
She arched her lower back, her hands making their way across the bed to find his. Their fingers locked together as it became clear that this was far more than fucking.
It was love. There was still so much there, it was undeniable, inescapable.
Suresh was hitting her at the perfect angle, and he’d garnered enough speed that Bonnie was building to that finish faster than before.
He was muttering in her neck, whispering and kissing her, taking her ear between his teeth again. He was now the one succumbing into a mess, getting too overwhelmed.
Her name fell from his lips, between the moans and the gasps, and she could hear his mutterings clear as day, whispering as he nuzzled right into her, repeating again and again, “I’m yours, Bon. I’m yours. I’ll always be yours. I need you. I fucking need you.”
And Bonnie was done for. She went over the edge, mind blank but for him. She panted out his name right back, her nails digging into his hands. He held on tighter, not minding in the slightest, seeking more.
He emptied into her, going quiet, resting his forehead against the back of her neck. As Bonnie dissolved underneath him, he hugged her tighter, staying where he was long after he’d finally spilt the last of himself within her, gathering himself as his soft panting faded to something more controlled.
Bonnie moved only to allow herself more comfort, keeping herself buried in his arms as she shifted them more on their sides. She wrapped him around her properly, kissing his forearms as she went. She kept going, turning herself up to face him.
“I think I’m still yours, too, Resh,” she said. “I need you, too.”
In response, he held onto tighter, wrapping a leg over hers as they stayed like that to drift off to sleep. He wasn’t letting her go again so easily.
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Chapter 14 ~ Everything is fine... Just fine
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Hidden Depths
Masterlist ~ Next
Also on ao3
Genre: Fantasy whump
CW: Some internalized ableist thoughts and anger over a new disability (unable to speak), ableist language from some drunk dude, physical violence, and a chapter saturated in angst :)
WC: 2295
Tagging my HD crew: @kixngiggles, @dont-touch-my-soup (if you want to be added or removed, let me know!)
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In which all is not as peachy keen as it seemed at the end of Arc 1, but everyone expected that, right? Right. 😅
AN: This is part of a series. You can find the first chapter of Arc 1 here, or you can just jump right on in to the recovery arc and catch up along the way :D
So uh, its been... a hot minute since I finished the first arc. Took me a bit longer to start this one than expected, but here we gooooo! Wish me luck as I journey into this unknown territory called fluff, which should hopefully make more than a brief appearance by the time I wrap this story up 😂
But before the fluff, we get the angst of recovering from trauma *rubs hands together*
Current plan is to do a chapter a week, on Fridays at 2 pm EST, and hopefully by the time we get to the 6th bitch-ass chapter, I'll have figured that shit out so I can continue with the weekly schedule 😂😅
If not... you'll get what you get when you get it <3
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Resh still felt dazed, even miles out from the capital.
Carr… she had come. To say goodbye, he'd thought. He'd been so relieved to see her, and at the same time, seeing her had felt like having his heart ripped out of his chest. The pain had taken his breath away, and he'd just stood there, unable to move.
But she'd been planning to come the entire time. Resh blinked back the tears that rose every time he thought about it. His hand went to his throat, but he encountered the light silken fabric of his scarf, so he pretended to adjust it.
He also pretended not to see the knowing glance Carr shot him from the corner of her eye, electing to look out the carriage's window instead. There wasn't much to see, unfortunately. They were between towns or villages, so the view was mostly an unbroken, rolling landscape of tall grass waving in the breeze. A hot, mid-summer breeze. Sweat prickled his skin even under the light material of his shirt, and burned unpleasantly on his forehead.
But his discomfort faded to the background when he remembered the feel of Carr's arms wrapping around his waist. The steady rhythm of her breathing while her head rested on his chest. He gave up looking out the window in favor of looking at her, sitting on the bench opposite him and Orla.
The red tones in Carr's blond hair were more noticeable in the sunlight. Resh traced the fall of the short waves across her cheek while she stared out the window. At some point, she'd pulled her bare feet up on the bench and wrapped her arms around her knees. He cocked his head; the position, the set of her shoulders—she looked tense. Resh wasn't sure why. She had the whole cushioned bench to herself and two windows to choose from, one on each side of the carriage.
The sense that something was off dampened his mood. Resh glanced at Orla, who was curled up in the corner, her small features relaxed in sleep. Then, he waved his hand to get Carr's attention.
She snapped her head around so fast Resh winced. "You okay? Do you need t' stop?" 
Since Resh couldn't fucking speak, Carr had taken over communicating with the carriage driver. Not that he was bitter about that or anything. Out of habit, he reached for his notebook, but Carr tapped her lips, reminding him she could read them. Gods, he still couldn't believe she'd practiced lip reading for him.
I'm fine, Resh said, shaping the words carefully, then motioned to her. You? Are you okay?
"I'm fine," Carr said, turning to look out the window again.
She'd said that awfully fast. And he wasn't sure how it was possible, but she'd somehow made herself even smaller. Sighing, he waved his hand again. Carr slowly looked back over at him, her eyes wary. Resh didn't like that look.
Do you want to take a break? he asked.
Of course, she shook her head. The tender skin on Resh's forehead pulled when he crinkled his brow, trying to figure out what was bothering her. He ruffled his hair, using the motion to ensure his bangs still covered the brand. He knew his other scars were still hidden; he was sweltering despite the expensive shit the fabric of his clothes was fashioned from.
He tugged on his sleeves anyway, making sure they fell over the cuff of his gloves. Maybe they had pulled up or something.
"Resh," Carr said hesitantly, and he looked at her, his fingers rising to his throat. "You know you don't have t' wear all that, right? You must be hot."
I'm fine, he said, forcing his hand back down. Damnit, he'd said that already. Why was this so awkward? To the pits with it. Something is wrong, I can tell. Orla is asleep. Talk to me? Please?
They looked over at Orla, checking to make sure what he'd said was still true. When Resh turned his head, Carr's expression was pinched. She wasn't really looking at him, so he let her be. She would speak if she wanted to.
Turned out she didn't want to.
Something tightened in his chest as the silence stretched on and on. A few times, he thought she would speak, but then nothing.
He couldn't stop the doubts from forming in his head. Had she changed her mind? They barely knew each other outside their shared imprisonment and all the traumatic experiences that had come with it. He may feel like he'd known her forever, but that didn't mean she felt the same. Maybe Orla had talked her into this, and now she regretted her choice.
Maybe… Resh rechecked his clothes. Maybe there was something about him that was uncomfortable? But she'd let him hug her. It didn't take a genius to figure out Carr didn't like to be touched, and she'd let him hug her. Maybe she'd felt the uneven patches of skin under the thin fabric of his shirt, and now she was unsettled? Resh tugged on his sleeves again.
When Orla finally woke, she filled the carriage with bright, excited chatter. Resh watched Carr relax a little as she talked with his sister.
He was happy Carr and Orla got along. He was.
It must be him that was the problem, then.
After a few stilted interactions, Resh accepted he was too preoccupied to be good company. He rested his head on the back of the seat, closing his eyes as if he were going to nap. He wasn't, of course–no way would he risk one of his nightmares inside this carriage. But he patterned his breathing and listened to the girls' conversation.
It was a long carriage ride.
Resh neither knew nor cared what the name of the town they stopped for the night in was. Well, it wasn't night yet, more like early evening, but they wouldn't be able to reach another town today, and he'd wanted to stay in an inn each night. His sister deserved a bed, and the queen was essentially paying for all this, so why not?
He was stiff and exhausted when he exited the carriage, but Resh pushed through and led the way into the inn. The building was simply appointed, with worn wooden floors and white plaster walls. Decorations befitting a farming community adorned the walls; a spray of dried flowers here, a painting of the people at harvest, there. A long table with bench seats was positioned at the back, in front of an unlit fireplace. Resh was relieved to see there weren't too many people sitting at the table; it meant the inn might be able to give them all separate rooms. Several windows had shutters thrown open to admit the slightly cooler evening air and the reddish-orange light of the setting sun.
After pausing for a moment to take it all in, he headed for the bar on the left. A few men were sitting at the counter, and one looked pretty drunk already, so Resh gave him a wide berth. He nodded at the innkeeper, who was wiping the counter with a wet rag, and leaned against the counter to wait for the man. Orla climbed up on a stool beside Resh, and Carr moved to stand on his right side.
"How many rooms you want?" Carr asked, turning away from the other men, who suddenly looked a little cowed. Her fingers tapped her thigh, and Resh wondered what she'd done.
He just shook his head and pulled out his notebook. I got this.
She opened her mouth but closed it again without speaking when the innkeeper walked up.
The innkeeper was a portly, middle-aged man with butter-yellow hair and bright blue eyes. Laugh lines appeared when he smiled at them, dropping his wet rag on the counter. It made a small splat, and Orla giggled.
"Name's Innes," the innkeeper said, smiling at Orla then looking at Resh. "You kids passing through or looking to stay for a while?"
Resh pointed to his throat, at which the innkeeper raised an eyebrow, then extended the notebook. He'd written out several different requests in anticipation of this journey.
Innes took a moment to read the page Resh had flipped to. "Three rooms for the one night? You sure?"
Resh nodded.
"Alright," Innes said. "I've got three. Supper is stew and bread tonight. If you leave afore breakfast, there'll be something left out to take with you. It'll be one silver each."
Carr stopped staring at the drunk man long enough to snap her head around at that. Resh didn't blame her; it was an outrageous price. This innkeep clearly thought they were spoiled rich kids from the city. Well, Resh and Orla certainly looked it anyway, dressed in the fancy clothes they had from the palace. Carr's clothing was simpler—tight black pants paired with a dark blue tunic and soft, well-worn boots.
Resh held up his hand when Carr scowled at the man. Last thing he needed was her calling him some ridiculous, obscene name and pissing him off. She turned the scowl on him instead.
Grabbing his notebook, he scribbled "six coppers" and flashed it at the innkeeper. Innes grinned, and they started haggling back and forth, finally agreeing on one silver for the lot of them. Resh shook the innkeeper's hand, pleased to feel the rush of a deal gone well, and flipped the man his coin.
"Go 'head and take a seat. I'll have some food brought out," Innes said.
Orla skipped ahead, Carr following after. Resh trailed behind, trying to think of a good way to ask Carr if she really wanted to be here or if his sister had just put her up to this. He completely forgot about the other men at the bar.
They hadn't forgotten him.
The hand that wrapped around Resh's bicep startled him badly, and he dropped his notebook. The leather cover made a loud thwack as it hit the floor.
"Whatsa matter with ya, kid?" the drunk man slurred. "Can' talk, wearing fuckin strange ass clothes like that in summer… don' want freaks like you in our town, ya hear?"
The other men at the bar didn't look up, but Resh heard them grunt their approval. He pulled on his arm, but the drunk fuck was surprisingly strong.
Let go, Resh tried to say, forgetting nothing would come out.
The man laughed as he stood, getting right up in Resh's face. His breath was awful, and Resh started to push him off when the man's eyes caught his attention.
Dark green.
Like Marcus' eyes.
A frisson of fear skittered down Resh's spine, and he froze, unable to look away. The drunk shoved him back against the bar. He gasped when the edge of the counter dug into his back, and his heart rate kicked up.
"Oh," the man chortled. "You can hear the air escape, anyhow."
One moment the man was there, his laughter sending putrid waves of alcohol and rotten breath into Resh's face, the next moment, he was gone. Released from those eyes, Resh blinked, his skin flushing hot with anger, then growing clammy as shame took its place.
Carr sat on top of the drunk man, who stared at her with wide, unblinking eyes as drool trickled down his cheek. The other men were conspicuously silent, not even daring to look Resh's way anymore. When the rush of blood pounding in his ears died down, Resh caught the end of what Carr was saying and finally understood why the drunk looked so fucking terrified.
"… take the fuckin hint? Your brain been sittin in the brine of this nasty piss you been drinkin too long, huh. Wise up and get the fuck outta here before I decide t’ use your guts as a noose. Yeah?" Carr's voice was pitched low, and Resh was sure it didn't carry, just as he was sure no one could see the dagger she held to the man's throat.
Resh gripped the counter's edge and took a deep breath, trying to settle whatever that man had shaken loose inside him.
"Y-yesh…yes," the drunk stammered, sniffling. The scuffle of boots against the floorboards receded as the man unsteadily rose and ran out.
Unable to look up, Resh kept his eyes on the floor. Useless. Worse than useless. How was he supposed to keep anyone safe if he couldn't even handle a fucking drunk? Brown boots entered his line of sight, followed by his notebook. His fingers cramped when he released the counter to take it back.
"You wanna take the meal in our rooms?" Carr asked softly.
Resh nodded. He forced his head up but found he couldn't meet Carr's eyes. Instead, he searched for Orla over her shoulder. She stood by the trestle table, biting her lip and looking worried.
It's okay, he said. It was something he'd said to his sister often enough that she should be able to catch the meaning.
"Why don't you take Orla to one of the rooms, and I'll come find you in a minute," Carr said before she stalked off, presumably to find the kitchen.
He managed to dredge up the strength to pretend in front of his sister. The rooms were big enough for a bed that would barely fit two people and a rickety-looking table and chair. Resh left his sister in her room, telling her he wanted to wash up. 
It hadn’t been a lie, but once in his room, he couldn’t summon the energy. Instead, he sat on the edge of his bed and stared blankly at the wall, struggling to keep the memories and the feelings they contained at bay.
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Image Description
[ID: The banner is a blue-green background, with tree branches arching over a set of blue-green eyes, forming an approximation of a face. The words Hidden Depths are written in white above the eyes. Any other images are purely decorative lines. end ID]
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dsimsdecades · 7 months
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When Mr. Beaufort placed his monthly order, Sebastián insisted on being the one to deliver it. Ever since meeting Caroline, he has been dreaming of seeing her again. Upon arriving at their estate, he was surprised to be greeted by Yamarex.
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Sebastián: "What are you doing here?"
Yamarex: "I work here now. I am her lady's maid."
Yamarex (Ya-ma-resh), a Taino native, has known the Sánchez family since childhood and is especially fond of Sebastián. Struggling to make ends meet since her parents passed away, she took up a job with the Beauforts.
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Yamarex: (clinging to his arm) "I have seen little of you lately. Have they swamped you on the farm?"
Sebastián: "Yes, the work at the farm is never-ending."
Yamarex: "All work, no play? You should visit the village when you can, so we can swim together, just like in the old days… Eh, of course, I'm sure everyone will be delighted to see you."
Yamarex's heart flutters whenever she is near Sebastián, but he remains unaware of her secret affections. To him, she's like a little sister.
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"Yamarex, should you not be attending to your duties?" Caroline stood on the porch, her mouth a tight line as she took in the sight before her. As soon as he saw her, Sebastián's face lit up, and he hurried over to her side. Disappointed, Yamarex made her way into the house. Caroline gestured to Sebastián, inviting him to sit together on the wooden bench nearby. He was delighted to oblige.
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Hours passed, but it felt like time stood still as they talked. Laying on the grass beneath the starry night sky, they felt the soft blades tickle their skin as they mapped out the constellations.
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Caroline: "The beauty of the night sky is undeniable."
Sebastián: "It is indeed exquisite, yet nowhere near as gorgeous as you." A giggle escaped her lips as her cheeks grew rosy with embarrassment.
Caroline: (playfully teased) "You probably say that to every girl."
Sebastián's face lit up with a playful smile as he placed a hand over his heart, feigning hurt. "Oh, you wound me, Señorita."
They laughed heartily and continued their flirtatious conversation until an irate Mr. Beaufort interrupted their bliss.
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"Caroline!" He yelled. She stood up immediately.
Caroline: (with a quiver in her voice) "Father, Sebastián just came to deliver your order…"
His voice cut through the air, cold and stern, as he commanded her to enter the house, his eyes filled with rage.
Sebastián: “Señor Beaufort, I…”
Mr. Beaufort: (With disdain) "Your sole purpose here was to deliver my order, so please complete your task and leave; boy, the hour is late."
Sebastián refrained from pursuing the matter. Mr. Beaufort's stern countenance made it evident that he was not pleased. He put the wine barrels in the cellar and then headed home.
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Beginning | Previous | Next
*the lot featured in this post was created by  @myramblingrose​
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lightofunova · 8 months
As they walked, something about the Yveltal’s remark stayed in her mind. She imagined he meant nothing of it, sweet words with decent intentions. Yet that remark sat there, not helping ease her mind.
“I will never be whomever you're thinking of. Whether that be a good thing or not, it is the truth."
She wasn’t sure how to feel about it, and continued on. There would be time to reflect later.
It took them but a moment to make it to the gazebo overlooking the lake, the soft lights and fireflies illuminating the dark area. Setting both of her items down on the ledge, she leaned over the side of the structure. The pale moonlight reflecting off the water’s surface shimmering in the night. The way the leaves floated and spun along the surface, colors ever changing. Something about it made her happy, how long had it been since she was graced with a sight like this?
It reminded her of that night. Perhaps he would have enjoyed the view were he present.
A sudden weight upon her shoulders brought her back to reality, a heavy warmth now resting on her skin. Looking back to see the crimson haired man behind her, she was surprised at the gesture. It hadn’t dawned on her that the air was truly that cold.
“Thank you…” A quiet stunned response, met with a deep chuckle from him. “Isn’t it lovely out here?”
She was met with no witty remark, no response. Turning to see her companion, her face fell as she saw him attempt to steady himself.
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Guiding him to sit down on the floor of the small structure, she wondered what could have happened so suddenly. “Gods, you look exhausted. What happened?” Resh asked, worry overtaking her gentle tone.
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priya-san · 8 months
Inktober 2023 - Day 1 JojaMart
I'm going the multi prompt list and multi fandom this year! Basically this is my way of showing I have to many ideas and I can't commit to one, so I'm going to try them all! Will I succeed or crash any burn? Let's find out together!
Prompt taken from the Grapefruit Sky Inktober prompts!
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Fandom: Stardew Valley Characters: Reshmi Lavari (my farmer), Morris Pairing: N/A Rating: M (CW: Swears, anxiety, corporate burnout, corporate guilt, mentions of a shitty ex)
The warm spring rain surrounded Reshmi, as she stood outside the stark white building on the furthermost corner of town. She gripped her umbrella tightly. Not even the gentle pitter patter of rain hitting her umbrella could sooth her in this state. She’d manage to avoid shopping at the local JojaMart for two months now, but after her Grandfather’s old toaster died this morning, Reshmi knew she couldn’t avoid it any longer.
You can do this, Resh. Just run in, grab the damn thing, and run out.
A cold blast of air greeted her as the automatic doors opened. Reshmi shielded her eyes from the harsh white light that lit up the store. Each JojaMart store was engineered in the exact same way, to get customers to spend as much as possible in the shortest amount of time. After fifty years of operating, JojaCorp had it down to an exact science. A science that Reshmi herself had helped push all across the country thorough her work with the legal team. The generic pop music that was playing in the background was interrupted by DJ Joja to let customers know that there was a limited time sale going on in aisle three. Reshmi watched as customers curiously wandered over, in an almost zombie like state, driven by the desire for a bargain. A shiver ran down her back. She swallowed the guilt she felt bubbling in her chest, and made her way to the appliance aisle.
The toaster was easy enough to find. While she hated to admit it, JojaMart really did have shockingly low prices. Driving to Grampleton and buying this same model at the local homewares store would have cost almost double if she counted the money needed for petrol. As soon as the farm did well enough, she was buying her new stove from a local retailer. She had to. With her new found resolve and guilt abated just a little, Reshmi made her way to the checkout queue. While waiting for the lone cashier to scan through the people in front of her, she felt a tap on her shoulder.
“I can help you with that if you like.” A short man with glasses, and neatly swept back black hair grinned at her. He wore a full three piece suit and an obnoxious red tie. Reshmi mentally rolled her eyes, this had to be the manager. She nodded and the man led her to the customer service desk and scanned through the toaster. Reshmi pulled out her card to pay, but the man just grinned wider. “You’re the new Farmer aren’t you?”
Great, he’s chatty. Reshmi nodded, keeping her face as neutral as possible.
“I knew it, you’ve been the talk of the town for a few weeks now.” He held his hand out. “Name’s Morris, I’m the manager of the first ever JojaMart in the Valley.” She grabbed his sweaty palm and he shook her hand vigorously. “It’s always great to get more people moving here, helps with the economy as I’m sure you’re aware.”
Reshmi made a noncommittal hum in return. “Morris, I appreciate you helping me out, but I would like to be on my way.”
“Of course, I’m sure you have a busy day ahead of you. Let’s see here,” Morris rattled off the price and Reshmi tapped her card to pay. While he grabbed a bag for the toaster, she noticed the cork-board behind him. It was filled with news clippings and photos of JojaCorp achievements. One was about the latest mining project they had undertaken, another of the company revenue figures. All boastful corporate language, which was all too familiar. But it was the headline about the Joja Expansion project that really caught Reshmi’s attention. She felt a heavy lurch in the pit of her stomach. Shit. That was her project. Sure enough, underneath was a photo of the whole team, she and Owen right in front. He had her hand around her waist, pulling her towards him, with the both of them grinning for the camera. A wave of nausea threaten to overwhelm her. It was all so fake. So freaking fake. She had to get out of here.
“Done, and I’ve dropped a couple of coupons in there too. As a welcome gift.” Morris winked, he actually winked at her. She had to go.
The coupons were thrown in the trash as soon as she left, with the toaster almost along with it. But that wouldn’t solve anything. Instead she rushed home in the rain, this time without bothering with the umbrella. Relishing the feeling of the raindrops on her skin, forcing her to feel something other than numb. Her resolve grew stronger with every step, and she knew she wouldn’t be stepping into JojaMart ever again. Instead she grabbed her last packet of parsnip seeds, and head out to till the soil. She had more work to do.
Want more Reshmi? You can read my Harvey x Farmer fic here!
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perfectlysunny02 · 2 years
A one-shot inspired by the @litgwritersroom prompt.
sorry i don’t really know how submissions work. i’ve never done this before. but I hope you enjoy😅
Operation Summa
Rating: T for cussing
Word Count: 921
Summary: Finn laid his heart his heart on the line and she chose Suresh instead. So he teams up with Dana to get his girl.
Warning: Suresh will be called Resh and MC will be going off.
Finn couldn’t handle this. He had finn-ally (ha see what he did there) confessed his feelings for Emma, laid his heart out on the line, and she chose Suresh, of all people. The dick who cheated on her, the man who made her whole summer hell. This was some bullshit.
And now he was stuck coupled up with Kat of all people. Clingy, immature, gossip fiend Kat. Who he didn’t even really like. I mean yeah sure the sex was okay, alright even, but she still wasn’t Emma. His Beour. His brown haired, blue eyed beauty.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Someone said, interrupting his thoughts. He glanced up, squinting through the sun, and sees Dana.
“Oh yeah?” He asked. “What am I thinking?”
“Scoot over,” She bumped him with her hip and made herself comfortable beside him on the daybeds. “You’re wondering why Emma chose Suresh of all people.”
Finn glanced at her suspiciously
“Yeah I was. How did you know?”
Dana laughed and motioned towards Suresh and Emma.
“They’ve been in their little bubble all day and every one but them and you it seems have noticed that you’ve been glaring at them.”
Finn rolled his eyes, not really wanting to play whatever game she was clearly trying to convey to him.
“Yeah so?” He asked.
“So, you don’t want them together.”
Finn raised his eyebrow, hoping she would get to the point.
“I don’t want them together either.” Dana said with a slight smirk. “Do you remember operation Nope?”
“From Season Two?” Finn asked, intrigued.
“Yeah, Bobby and Priya did it to break up Noah and Hope.” Dana said. “And technically it semi worked considering Millie left Bobby and took the cash to be with Noah.”
“Okay,” Finn said slowly. “What does this have to do with Suresh and Emma?”
“What if we do Operation Summa?”
“You want to break them up?” Finn asked, shocked, not expecting this from Emma’s best mate. Although with the way this season had been going, he shouldn’t have been so surprised.
Dana shrugged.
“I want Suresh. You want Emma. What’s the harm?”
Finn’s smile free as big as the Cheshire cat as he leaned closer to Dana.
“So what’s the plan?”
Emma curled up to Suresh on the beanbags, slightly wiping the sleep from her eyes.
“Hey sleepy head,” Suresh whispered, leaning down to give her a kiss on the forehead.
“Hi love,” She whispered as she yawned. “How long was I asleep?”
“Not long,” Suresh said, glancing at the time on his phone. “Just maybe a half hour. You kinda drooled a little.”
“Ugh. Why didn’t you wake me up?” Emma laughed.
“Because I know you haven’t been sleeping well,” Suresh murmured dragging his hand over her hair. “You’ve never been able to sleep with multiple people in the room. It took you months to adjust to me sleeping over.”
Emma went to respond until she was interrupted by Finn suddenly yelling stomping towards them.
“Suresh,” He yelled, turning red in the face. Emma would’ve laughed at how comical it was if she wasn’t so damned confused. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
Suresh glanced up at Finn, seeming as confused as Emma was.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Suresh snapped.
“I’m talking about you necking Dana, Emma’s best mate, behind her back.”
Suresh gaped at him, as Finn’s exclamation drew all the islanders around him.
“What are you talking about?” Suresh frowned.
“Oh don’t play innocent Suresh,” Finn snapped. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. Dana told me all about it.”
“S-Suresh?” Emma whispered. “Resh? What’s he talking about it?”
“I don’t know,” Suresh murdered, and at Alfie’s scoff, his expression hardened. “I really don’t know ‘Em. I’m not interested in Dana like that.”
Emma glanced at him with so much hope and love and something like almost desperate and it made his heart ache.
“Emma please,” Suresh whispered. “Please believe me baby. I really don’t know.”
Emma turned to Finn, her eyes almost fire.
“What’s your proof?” She snapped.
“Oh come on Em,” Alfie snapped, covering for his best mate. “You’re really gonna take Suresh’s side over Finn? Especially when this is his calling card.”
“Where’s his proof?” Emma snapped. “And you of all people Alfie shouldn’t be judging Suresh over cheating.”
“Zing,” Kat said gleefully, very clearly enjoying the drama. “She’s got you there mate.”
“I saw them Beour.” Finn snapped, getting flustered. “And Dana told you.”
“Oh Dana told you, huh?” Emma snapped. “The same girl who told me not to go out with Suresh again, but then constantly kissed him behind my back, told me he wanted him, and when I mentioned that I might, just might, like Eddie, she freaked out. The girl who got with the girl that Suresh cheated on me with with no thought of my feelings? Both of you can go fuck yourself.”
“‘Em-“ Finn began.
“No Finn.” Emma snapped. “You don’t get to come and do this after I told you I didn’t want to be with you. I’m so tired of this stupid fucking villa not letting me be happy. So all of you shove off and leave me and Suresh’s alone.”
Everyone walked away, surprised by Emma’s words. But it seemed she wasn’t done yet.
“Oh and Finn,” Emma called. “You and Dana ever try to pull Operation Nope on me again, and I’ll make your lives miserable.”
And so Finn walked away without his girl, and a really big fear of her instead.
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Seth would be lying if he said that he wasn’t excited for his boss to try his food. Seth had put a lot of effort into each and every one of his boss’ supposed foods, and he was going to make sure everything was perfect. From the taste to the presentation. Seth moved across the kitchen. The french onion soup was topped with a few fresh herbs to add it a little bit more taste. French onion soup was also one of his mom’s favorites, and had actually been a dish he had made a lot back when he lived with them. So he definitely felt confident in his dish. The taste, he was confident, would completely blow him away. 
The coq au vin was something he had made in one of his classes before, although it wasn’t one of his favorites personally. Still, he was determined to make sure it was good enough for him to win this bet. He made sure to use all fresh ingrediants. He was pretty confident someone of a King’s position would tell the difference. The mushrooms, lardon, and pearl onions were prepped and added in. Some glazed carots and herbs were also added in there to add it a little bit of extra flavor. This coq au vin? S tier, Seth would like to say.
And then it was the last two dishes. The Salade Nicoise and the Chocolate soufflé. Seth made sure each food was just as perfect as the resh of the dishes, and he made sure to plate all of it beautifully. He grinned as he moved out and put the food on the table, smiling as he saw the King had been seated and was waiting. 
“Hope you weren’t waiting to long, boss man.” Seth said with a smile as he moved to begin placing the food on the table in front of his boss, a eager grin on his face. “I can’t wait for you to try it.” 
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diviner-alva · 2 years
You've probably already talked about this, but after Singularity, when Kotallo returns to the Grove, he talks about how he is "back with the tribe" and he sounds so SAD? He only says it if you approach him without talking to him immediately, but it breaks my heart.
ooh the one "Here I am, with the tribe again" now that you made me think about it he does sound a little down doesn't he? When Aloy asks him how he's feeling he says it's an adjustment to be with the tribe again, that comment always intrigued me bcs he has been with the tribe for his entire life but with the gaia gand for like a few months tops? I know it can be related to the fact that at the base there's technology, (which I admire he got the hang of it so fast) yet he's the only ally that says that, Alva mentioned she missed the base but she doesn't seem as bothered as him, neither does Zo that has her disagreements with the Utaru.
I hc that perhaps it's not the technology or the base itself but the people that were in there with him? We don't get that much of insight, but I bet even after Kotallo being close to their champion, the outlander that defeated Regalla, she who flies on the wings of the ten, I'm pretty sure more than a few tenakth might still spit at his way. We know very well that even after Aloy became the Anointed of the Nora, Resh was still being a prick, and a few within the tribe had barely change on perspective towards her, so pretty sure Kotallo is going through the same.
And on a personal opinion, I think Kotallo chose to leave his tribe in a way, he wasn't exiled but he wanted to follow Aloy and give her the rest of his life, while his tribe was in the middle of a civil war and very few marshals like him to support Hekarro. I think he belongs more to Aloy than his tribe actually, if she ever had to travel to the other side of the world he would very likely to follow. That being said, I guess that could also be why he sounded sad, imagine if Aloy had to go back to the nora and stay there until being called back? But with all her allies, Kotallo being relocated to the Grove again is kind of useless? The Tenakth will stand behind Aloy without question, but I understand, having all the gaia gang back with their tribes except Kotallo would be odd? And he had to report to Hekarro and speak to each clan's commanders as well... BUT EITHER WAY JUST GIVE HIM BACK TO US GUERRILLA HE DOESN'T WANT TO BE THERE!!!!
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poppypopp · 10 months
horizon tag game
tagged by the lovely @fogsblue and @pinetreetea thank you 💖
1. ride or die ship: I don't know that I can pick just one ship. Can I pick an OT3? Aloy/Nil/Kotallo has rotted my brain. I love all three of them so much.
2. most annoying ship: *insert Mad Max gif "That's bait"*
3. second favorite ship: Hmm... this is also a tough one. Including Fashav in any iteration with the the OT3 always makes things interesting.
4. favorite platonic relationship: Nil and Attah. One of my favorite little bits during the Gauntlet runs is when Aloy first appears at Dry Yearn and Nil gives up his spot for her. All he has to do is LOOK at Attah, and she knows exactly what he wants to do. That kind of understanding between two people is hard to find, and I love the idea that Nil has found that kind of friendship where words aren't needed.
5. Underrated ship: *bangs table* NIL/KOTALLO
6. overrated ship: See question 2
7. one thing i would change in canon: We are MISSING a Carja in the Gaia Gang, and it deserves to be Nil!
8. something canon did right: Growing Aloy's connection to the tribes through the Gaia Gang and the whole arc where she comes to realize she doesn't have to fight alone.
9. a thing i’m proud of creating for the fandom: Oof, hm. Creating the Nilysium server is probably one. There are so many great people in there, and I feel so fortunate that this fandom brought us all together. And then there's also my copious list of fics on AO3.
10. a character who is perfect to me: I mean, I think my fave is pretty obvious. Nil is complex and interesting and endlessly fun to write. Kotallo has some of the best, most thoughtful character development in the whole game. Aloy's journey is not done, but she's come so far and I love her so much.
11. character i relate to most and why: Uhhh... I'm not sure there any that I--nope, Alva. Alva has that whole hyperfixates-on-interesting-things-and-excitedly-chatters-to-whoever-will-listen thing going on that I definitely relate to. 🤣
12. character(s) i hate most and why: Oh man, there are a lot of great characters that are written intentionally for that love-to-hate vibe. Lansra, Resh, Ulvund, Tekotteh, Erik Visser, Ted Faro! I know it's cliche, but I love the simplicity of the one-dimensional villains that are JUST there for you to hate/defeat.
13. something i’ve learned from the fandom: This is the first fandom that I've really taken part in, and I've met so many amazing people. I feel like I've become a better writer, more organized and thoughtful. I never used to outline or keep track of my daily word counts until I joined this fandom. The little community we made in Nilysium is so nice and positive. I love you guys so much! *Group hug!*
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: Pfft. The Nil character tag. Completed works, because I hate waiting for updates. Niloy, if I'm feeling old-school. 🤣
15. a song i associate strongly with my otp/favorite character: I listened to this song so much while writing Toward the Sun, it's definitely become one that transports me into OT3 land when it comes on.
Aaaand tagging @nyxianthe @every-raindrop77 @wandereringray @blessedwithgloriousbutt and @priscillabee
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breath-of-eternity · 5 months
Getting Carsick
The others had to be aware Imatar was faking sleep, but they never said anything. Melusine shook them to get them up sometime after midnight, and they headed out to the paved field where people left their cars, and it was quiet enough for Imatar to take off their clothes and transform. And if somebody was around at this hour, they were probably too drunk to believe what they were seeing.
They flew through the night, using the winds to get them north before nightfall. Ereshkigal had looked up the location of the place on their phone, and it was where Niza once stood, the place that gave Imatar their boomerang after the death of Empress Levia. It was the last time the world made something resembling sense.
As usual, they found a dark spot to land and spent the rest of the night walking to a road and then waiting next to one of those signs until a bus finally came to collect them. They leaned against Ereshkigal, who had her eyes squeezed shut and was gripping the seat in front of her, and rubbed her back in an attempt to ease her suffering.
“This is the right direction, isn’t it?” they asked.
Her eye opened a sliver. “I am not entirely certain.”
She grimaced as she reached into her pocket and slid out her phone. She dropped it on their lap and they stared at the black rectangle. Probably a bad move on her part to let them handle it, though they would try their best not to totally wreck the thing.
They held it up and it came on by itself, then words appeared on the glass asking for a password, and they had to prod Resh until she gave it up. Apparently you didn’t say the password, you pressed letters and numbers that flashed onto the screen. Well, it wasn’t their fault they weren’t told how to do it.
So many bright and colorful icons with names Imatar couldn’t quite understand, and they also wished they’d paid more attention when Resh used it. They pressed one that was… a shell? A weird looking shell, sure. It only brought up a list of names, not what they were looking for. There was a little wheel, but nothing recognizable there, and a globe, because come on, that had to tell you where things were. It did bring up a map that you could move around by touching the picture, but they didn’t know how to make it show them what they wanted.
“This was a mistake,” they said.
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im-a-ramblr · 1 year
A little piece about Jin meeting Tristan for the first time. A lot of Jin's dialogue was taken from or inspired by a conversation @krittaart and I had about it. Also, the idea that Jin reads Dragon Damsel was originally proposed by Tely, in a different conversation.
Jin dusted his pants off, looking around. The room was plain, with only a set of large, elaborate doors on one side and a smaller one opposite of it. Corin was kneeling next to him. That was both a relief and unsurprising at the same time. They had entered the portal together but you could never know with Spire doors.
Corin groaned as he tried to stand. His hand was pressed to the cut on his forehead, dangerous close to his attument. It was bleeding, nowhere near as bad it had been when the cut was fresh, but the site made Jin's stomach churn. He let out a breath, steading himself and leaned down to grab Corin. "You okay?"
"I'm fine. Just... It's a bad idea to go tumbling through a portal head first when you already have a head injury."
Jin nodded, letting go of Corin's arm. "Take a moment, we seem safe enough. Though I do wonder what this is supposed to be." He gestured around the room and Corin hummed as he started to look around. His eyes landed on the double doors and he went white as a sheet of paper. "Resh."
Jin tensed at he glanced at the doors, hand drifting to holster. "What is it?"
"Resh" Corin repeated. He took a step closer to Jin, eyes locked on the doors. Jin waited for a better explanation, but it never came.
"Corin." He finally broke the silence. Corin's head whipped towards him, and Jin had a spilt second to try and read the emotion on the others face -fear, dread, something that looked suspiciously like heartbreak- before Corin forced a blank mask.
"It's nothing." He said finally. "I was just expecting..." He glanced at the doors. "He normally doesn't interfere unless he wants something. So I was expecting him to come out, but I guess not."
"He?" Jin asked, eyebrow-raising.
Corin didn't say anything, just started towards the single door, and Jin sighed but followed. They hadn't even made it halfway there when there was a noise behind them. Jin glanced over his shoulder and startled a little at the figure who was standing in the slightly opened doors.
When they had first arrived he'd expected a towering figure based on the sheer size of the doors, and when Corin had mentioned being here before he'd kind of expected Katashi. The man was neither of them.
He was older than either of them but still young. He was probably a few inches taller than Corin, which meant he was nearly half a foot taller than Jin. A jagged scar crossed his face and over his right eye. He
"Corin." The stranger called, and Corin sighed.
"Tristan." he didn't turn all the way around to face the man, but he did twist so he was looking at him. "Thank you, for the save."
"Of course," Tristan said, in a tone that Jin had a feeling was supposed to sound gracious and posed but instead came across as condescending. "Stay a little longer, I have things to discuss with you."
Corin frowned. "I can't. I'm sure your already aware of the fact that I came for a test. I'm sure Chancellor Meltlake has already found the others, so we-" he gestured between himself and Jin "-need to be getting back."
"Your.... friend can go." Tristan, and that name sounded familiar but Jin wasn't sure why, waved a dismissive hand. "Once we're done here, I'll portal you to where the others are."
Jin's eyebrow inches higher at that. "I'm not sure I feel comfortable with that."
"It doesn't really mat-" Tristan started at the same time Corin nodded and said "Neither am I."
Tristan froze. He blink slowly, the let out a heavy sigh. "Corin. Please don't be difficult."
"I'm not." Corin said flatly. "I am stating how I genuinely and justifiably feel. I don't trust that you won't try something that gets either Jin or I hurt. So I don't want to spilt up. Either we both go, or we both stay."
Jin moved closer to Corin, standing shoulder to shoulder with him. With one hand he gripped the tips of Corin's sleeve, so that if Tristan tired to separately magically it won't work. With the other, he reached for a gun.
Tristan looked exasperated. "Aren't you a little too old to be acting like this. I mean, for Selys sake Corin, you're eighteen."
"I think you mean, I'm finally old enough to be acting like this. Old enough to realize our family was has been broken for a long time and that i have to trust poeple outside of my family..." He trailed off, as Tristan gaze truned cold
"And you trust him? Over me, your brother? Truly?"
Corin nodded, and Jin noticed he looked pale. And if this was his brother, that made since. He tried to remember what he'd heard about Tristan Candece, but he didn't get far before the older man spoke again.
"I am thwarted by your dismissal of me and Father.
Jin gapped at him. Then he truned to Corin. "He uses words like 'truly' and 'thwarted'."
"Is... Is that a question or statement?" Corin asked, looking a little surprised.
Jin wasn't sure if that was because of his comment or because he didn't remember he was there. He mentally checked that his attument was off. He wasn't sure he'd used of, he hadn't meant to if he had, but it was habit of his. He didn't reply to Corin though, just shrugged. That got the enchanter to crack a smile.
"Ahem." Tristan cleared his throat and Corin turned back to him.
"You know, you say you're thwarted by my dismissal, but it's really funny because the only reason it's happening is because I'm thwarted by your dismissal of the abuse father put me through." His voice was drenched in sarcasm. "So really, you only have yourself to blame."
Tristan glared. "I have said anything to father about your... little friend here but clearly he's a bad influence on you. And if your not willing to listen to me, then it's time father hears about it."
Jin could help but roll his eyes "Oh my goddess, father will hear about this. Corin what kind you of YA villain family do you come from?" He hoped his voice didn't shake. He didn't fancy the idea of drawing Magnus Cadence's attention, not when the man wouldn't hesitate to attack him.
Corin, however, seemed to think it was a bluff. "FaThEr WiL kOnW aBoUt ThIs! You can't leave the tower, what you are going to do about it? Tell mom to send him a message? You might be the golden child, but she won't do it. She doesn't care enough about what happens to me to do so. Besides, it would make.her look bad, and that's more important than any child of hers. Com'on Jin." He laced their figures together and marched out of the room, leaving his brother gapping after them.
The door closed behind them, but neither of them said anything for several minutes. Jin glanced at Corin, and saw he was tense again. But he was also shaking. Jin stopped walking, instead leading them a wall. He sat down, pulling Corin along with him. They rested with their back against the wall. "We should be safe here. Beath." Jin said softly.
Corin let out a choked shuddering breath. "Sorry. I just. Sorry."
"It's fine. Really." Jin said. "I can't even imagine what that was like for you."
"Please don't talk about it. I don't want to think about it. I... I think I majorly messed up by doing that."
Jin frowned. "I don't think you did." Corin tensed and Jin decided that now was not the time to push. This had clearly shaken Corin, much worse than Jin would have thought was possible. So he tried to find a way to change the subject. "I meant what I said about your family being a YA villain family."
A smile started to creep across Corin's face, so Jin kept going. "I'm pretty sure I've read those exact things in a book before. Yeah, it think it was in one of the Dragon Damsel books. Not that I have ever read them of course but-"
Corin started to laugh. "Oh you absolutely have!"
"Have not!"
"You can't convince me Jin. You're a swashbuckling romantic who loves to pretend to be mysterious, you absolutely read Dragon Damsel!"
"No! I don't! I've only read the first one!" Jin protested.
Corin laughed harder. Jin felt his cheeks burn but he really didn't care. He'd take Corin laughing at him over Corin, pale and shaking because he'd run into a member of his family unexpectedly any time. Still didn't mean he had to like it though. "Aren't we supposed to be find Meltlake and the others?"
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