#Red for Firefighter
togrowoldinv · 4 months
Firefighter Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
When Natasha gets off work early, she comes home to find you in need of her
Warnings: Smut! 18+ please! Kissing, cursing, R taking care of business solo, fingering (R receiving), Nat being cocky as always
Note: Firefighter Nat 🔥 Enjoy!
Burning Red AU, Main Masterlist
“Baby, I’m home early!” Natasha calls out as she enters your newly shared home. “Babe?” She calls out again when she gets no response.
Nat walks further into the house and pours herself a glass of water. That’s when she hears soft moans coming from the bedroom. Her first reaction is worry, but then she listens closer.
She waits by the slightly cracked bedroom door and listens again. She would know that sound anywhere. Nat patiently lets you get further along before she pushes the door open.
“Are you close?” Natasha’s voice sounds through the room.
“Fuck,” you mumble as you quickly pull the covers over you and drop your phone onto the bed. “I’m sorry, Nat.”
“No, no. Don’t apologize,” Natasha says. She is wearing an amused smile. “And don’t let me interrupt.”
You feel heat all over your body at the way she grins at you. Nat makes her way over to the bed. She is wearing gray sweatpants and a shirt from work. You always think that attire is one of her best looks.
“What were you looking at, hm?” Natasha asks, sitting on the edge of the bed. She reaches for your phone, but you grip her hand before she can pick it up. “Oh, come on, babe. It can’t be that bad. I won’t judge.”
“No, it’s just um- it’s not bad,” you say. Nat eases her hand out of your grasp and picks up the phone.
You wait anxiously as she looks at the screen. She sees an album with photos full of her. Ones she has sent you and you have taken of her.
“You were looking at me?” She asks, her lips quirked into a smirk.
“Yeah,” you admit, not quite able to make eye contact with her.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” Nat says.
“Really?” You ask shyly.
“Yeah, sweetheart.” Natasha brings her hand to your face and makes you look at her. “Do you do this often?”
You shrug, and Nat chuckles.
“Let me rephrase that. I hope you do this often. I don’t want my baby so achy and needy,” Nat adds.
You blush at her words. Natasha reaches for the covers and pulls them down from your chest. She sees you’re in a lacy bra with essentially no coverage. She likes this one.
She asks for permission with her eyes before reaching behind you to unclip the bra. Nat takes her time feeling every inch of your breasts with her strong hands. The difference between her work warn skin and your soft skin makes every touch feel so right.
Nat leans in but stops short of kissing you.
“You know you never answered my question,” Natasha says, her voice dripping with lust. “Are you close?”
“I was,” you say. “But then- you know.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. But I actually think I can make it up to you,” Natasha says.
She kisses your lips and before she pulls away she licks your lip. You chase after her lips but she moves her attention to your neck. Nat drops kisses along the sensitive skin. Her hands continue to work over your breasts, taking your nipples in between her fingers.
“Natasha,” you whimper when she moves one hand down between your legs.
Her fingers easily slide through your wet folds. Nat knows it won’t take much to get you off.
“So, you were looking at me,” Natasha says between kisses to your neck and face. “Were you thinking about me too?”
You nod and Nat grips your breast harder in her hand. You know that means she wants to hear you.
“Yes I was,” you say.
“Mhm, I thought so, sweetheart,” Nat says. “What were you thinking about?”
“You taking care of me just like this,” you say. Your voice comes out labored with heavy breaths.
“Oh yeah? Was I doing this?” Nat asks, inserting two of her fingers inside of you.
“Fuck,” you whimper. “Yes. That’s it, Nat.”
“Good girl,” Natasha says. “So fucking good for me. I bet you’re already ready to come, aren’t you sweetheart?”
“Yes,” you moan out.
Natasha brings her lips back to yours and captures them in a searing kiss. With the feeling of her hand between your legs and her tongue brushing against yours, you are reaching your high in no time.
When you come back down, Natasha pulls you into a hug. Your bare body against her clothing reminds her of what state she found you in.
“Fuck yes, baby,” Natasha says. “That was much better than photos of me, hm?”
“You’re the real thing, Natasha,” you say.
“I love you,” Nat says.
“I love you too, Natasha. You’re not going to tease me later about this, are you?”
“I might,” Nat admits. “But I will also continue to give you the content you need for it.”
You smile at that. Natasha stands up from the bed and reaches for your hand. She pulls you into the bathroom and draws a bath for the two of you.
The two of you spend the rest of the evening relaxing and making each other feel so good. Natasha is so glad she got off work early.
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midnightorchids · 10 days
firefighter jason makes sure he's always the one to save you. yeah he'll be a little bitch and gently oush his coworker away so he can be the one to help you
OH THIS IS SO GOOD!! You just gave me such a good idea for a “first meeting” scenario, let me know what you think and please feel free to elaborate!!
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You’re stuck in a building that is about to collapse due to a massive fire. You can see firefighters approaching and trying to diffuse the situation, but your vision is blurred.
You’re a coughing mess and your eyes are getting teary.
That’s when Jason sees you. It’s from a far, but the minute his eyes land on you, he’s mesmerized, absolutely captivated.
He sees that one of his coworkers is about to approach you, but before the man can walk towards your direction, Jason steps in.
“No,” he says. “You go look after the other people.” His coworker stares at him, confused.
“What the hell, she clearly needs help. Let me go,” the man says.
“I said go take care of the others, I got it okay,” Jason says sternly and his coworker walks away after hearing his tone. Jason then quickly makes his way towards you.
It’s getting hard for you to hold on. There’s too much smoke and you’re getting lightheaded. You feel as if you’re about to collapse. You prepare yourself for a fall and that’s when something catches you.
Two big arms are placed securely around your waist, preventing the fall.
Your eyes are met with a man’s face. It’s hard to make out the details, but you can see a small scar on his lip and a pair of dark emerald eyes, which seemed to glow under the orange hue of the fire. You hold onto his uniform with the last of your strength and he clutches on to you tighter.
“Hey, easy, I’m gonna get you out of here, okay,” his gentle voice coats your ears. You nod your head in response.
He begins lifting you in his arms and making his way towards the exit….
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leaves-of-laurelin · 7 months
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But I love him, whether or no.
Henry moves to New York City to help Pez with the opening of his new bar in the East Village. The location—fortunately for business, but unfortunately for Henry’s sanity—is directly across the street from a fire station. The sound of sirens is bad, Alex the gorgeous firefighter is worse. But when Alex helps Henry avoid a near catastrophe the night of the bar’s opening, the two form a tentative friendship that starts to develop into something more.
Read on AO3
Fandom: Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Pairing: firstprince (Alex x Henry)
Complete, Chapters: 14, Rating: E, Words: 77k+
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Blue and Fire Engine Red Pt 9
“Are you sure you want to do this? I won’t go easy on you.”
Lena’s voice is light in its challenge, but edged with true competition. 
It’s been more than a month since their confrontation, when they’d mutually agreed to keep things going. For much of that time, Lena had existed on tenterhooks, waiting for some other shoe to fall. But Kara was patient, and when nothing happened to threaten their happiness, Lena had finally relaxed, bringing a return to her playful confidence.
Kara bares her teeth in a grin. “Bring it.”
Today is the day of the intramural baseball championships, pitting the best of FDNC and NCPD against each other. They’d thought it would be fun to participate, neither thinking they’d ever manage to face the other in an actual game. Yet here they were, Precinct 42 facing off against Station 13. 
“Hey!” Nia calls from the bench area. “No cavorting with the enemy, Lieutenant!” 
Lena’s face creases into an exasperated eyeroll. Kara cherishes the sight, the memory of her girlfriend’s guarded features still fresh in her memory.
“Duty calls,” she drawls, leaning in for a final pre-game kiss. 
“No smooching the enemy either!”
Lena huffs as Kara guffaws, giving Lena a swat to the butt as they split to return to their respective teams. Kara hears Lena say something about psyching out the competition, but Nia’s disbelief is equally audible.
“Sure, Jan.”
Kara jogs a lap around the diamond, doing her best not to stare at Lena’s legs as she does a series of lunge stretches. When Lena moves to side bends, the edge of her jersey rides up to expose a slice of skin that makes Kara nearly trip over her own feet. When Lena turns and bends backwards, stretching her spine, her grin tells Kara that she knows exactly what she’s doing. 
Suddenly, Lena pauses mid-stretch. Though she straightens casually, Kara sees her eyes scan the field, then the bleachers, searching for something. Concern flashes through Kara, but before she can approach Lena, Winn Schott trots towards her. 
“Hey Danvers. You ready to crush your girlfriend?” 
His smile is broad and bright, and Kara automatically smiles in reciprocation. She hadn’t spent much time with Officer Schott before joining the team, but over the course of the season she’s learned that he’s a good sport, playful yet dedicated. She likes him.
“You know Lena,” she returns, “she’s not one to do things halfway.”
Winn’s nose wrinkles. “Okay, did not need to know that about you guys.” He earns a smack to the shoulder, and breaks into giggles. “Okay, okay, you know I’m joking!” 
Glancing back over the field, Kara sees that Lena has been similarly wrangled, circled up with her teammates. Her focus seems to be entirely on the huddle, so Kara lets her shoulders relax. 
“Come on,” she tells Winn. “Let’s get going.”
The game is close. Too close. It comes down to the final inning, with two outs and the bases loaded. The Hot Shots are at bat, trailing by one, but the Moody Blues need only one more out to end the game. From her position at shortstop, Kara swallows with anticipation as Lena steps towards the plate. The rest of her team cheers, while Kara’s jeers. Kara remains silent, mentally calculating how Lena might play it. She’s been hitting hard all game, making Kara’s team work to collect the ball and wing it back towards the bases before doubles and triples can turn into full homers. And in this suspenseful moment, Kara wouldn’t put it past Lena to fire a line drive directly into Kara’s knees.
She settles in, watching Lena’s relaxed strides to the plate, casually knocking the bat against her cleats to dislodge the packed dirt. Then, she settles into her ready stance, and waits. The pitcher winds up and drives the ball over home plate. Lena doesn’t swing. On the second, she even dodges as the pitch careens too close to her, much to the Hot Shots’ outrage. After a warning from the umpire, the exhausted pitcher takes a beat, spits, then readies himself.
The pitch is so fast Kara barely registers it’s been thrown, but the answering crack of the bat is unmistakable. Kara traces the arc of the ball up, up, and away, across the field and over the scoreboard on the far end, out of sight. Home run. Lena takes her victory lap at a trot as the other runners cross home plate one after the other, picking up her pace when she sees her team surging towards her in celebration.
While Lena gets showered with praise and gatorade, Kara laughs as her team groans and curses, sprawling on their backs in the dirt, exhausted. It’s been a tough one, giving as good as they got, but where the other officers wallow in disappointment, Kara feels exhilarated. 
“Jesus,” Winn says, panting as he crosses to her from second base. “Is she superwoman?”
Kara shoots him a cocked grin, and after a beat of staring his eyes go wide. “Oh! God– Danvers, I did not mean it like that!”
Slapping him on the back, Kara chuckles. “Later, Schott!”
She trots over to the other team, wading into the crowd of bodies until she’s planted herself in front of Lena. She grips Lena’s face with both hands and kisses her soundly, dust and sweat and all. It surprises Lena, evidenced by the slight glaze in her eyes when Kara draws back.
“Good game,” Kara all but shouts to be heard. As Kara smiles up at her, she sees the tiniest wrinkle appear between Lena’s eyebrows. Green eyes lift to scan the area around them, her chin even swiveling to check behind her. Kara’s hackles lift; she knows that look– the sense of being watched. 
“What’s wrong?” she asks.
Lena doesn’t respond, and Kara realizes that she hasn’t heard between the din and distraction. She touches Lena’s arm, pulling her girlfriend’s attention back towards her. 
“Everything okay?”
Lena blinks, staring for a long moment before she shakes her with a disarming smile. “Yeah. Of course.”
“Hey lovebirds!” Nia calls. “Come on! We gotta treat the losers to pizza and ice cream!”
“It is tradition,” Brainy confirms. “To ease the sting of failure.”
Kara turns back to Lena, smirking. “Oh darn. Guess I’ll have to wait to give you your prize at home…”
Lena’s gaze sharpens as her words register, her previous distraction swiftly turning to hunger. “You know, I have some ice cream in my freezer–”
“Nope!” Kara chirps. “Come on, babe. Pizza and ice cream wait for no man.”
Under the din, Kara hears a plaintive whimper. Her insides melt as she settles her hand into Lena’s hand and gives a promising squeeze.
All in good time, it says. All in good time.
Later that night, Kara wakes up deliciously sore, and not just from the game. She lengthens her body under the covers, stretching some of the ache away. It’s a few bleary moments before she understands exactly what’s woken her. 
Lena twitches and jerks in the bed beside her, her brow furrowed with anguish. Her lips move indiscernibly, silenced in sleep. A nightmare. Kara reaches to shake her awake, but retracts her hand at the last moment. She’s heard stories of unsuspecting partners trying to rouse their loved ones awake, only to be made part of the nightmare itself. She knows Lena would never consciously attack her, but in sleep? With a monstrous trauma and undisclosed past hanging over her? Kara knows better than to believe she would be an exception to the possibility.
Suddenly, Lena spasms, lashing out with a long arm. Kara only just manages to dodge before rolling out of bed and onto her feet. “Shit,” she hisses. She flips on the light on her bed stand, casting a glow throughout the room. Lena’s movements are more noticeable now, rocking to either side as though to dislodge something sitting on her chest. Her arm flails again before clenching the sheet in a white-knuckled grip.
Kara considers her options, but before she’s able to make a decision, Lena bolts upright with a sharp gasp, so suddenly that Kara flinches back in surprise. Lena’s head whips back and forth frantically, scanning the room. She jumps when she sees Kara standing beside the bed, eyes flying wide before recognition hits. For a brief moment they can do nothing but stare at each other. Kara’s sure her eyes are as wide as Lena’s which soon glaze with tears. Finally, Lena sighs, deflating a little as she wipes a hand over her face. 
“Fuck,” comes the inevitable mumble. Kara watches tentatively as Lena scans the room again before slowly sliding her legs over the side of the bed, turning away from Kara. Her night shirt clings to her in cold sweat, and her hair hangs limp around her shoulders. 
“You okay?” Kara asks, clearing her throat. 
Lena nods without looking up. “Yeah.” Her voice is little more than a croak, and does nothing to reassure Kara. In the end, Lena sniffles huskily and swipes again at her eyes. “I’m going to get some water. You can go back to sleep. Sorry I woke you.”
With that she slips out of the room as quiet as a wraith. Kara stares after her, at a loss for what to do next. In the quiet that follows, she realizes she’s also trembling, her body stiff with adrenaline.
“Fuck,” Kara echoes Lena’s sentiment. She drops onto the side of the bed, resting her elbows heavily on her knees as she rubs her cheeks. She doesn’t feel afraid, but her body does. Only when her hands stop shaking does she rise and venture from the bedroom. Lena doesn’t look up when Kara enters the living room, but doesn’t protest when KAra settles down next to her.
Her shoulders are hunched, arms crossed around her middle, a glass of water forgotten on the coffee table. They sit in silence for several long minutes– Lena not ready to speak, and Kara loathe to break the quiet. Finally, Lena forces herself upright, lifting her head to reveal solemn features. 
“You were smart,” she says roughly. “Getting out of bed.”
Kara takes it as an invitation to take Lena’s hand, who allows their fingers to intertwine. Clearing her throat, Lena looks at her. 
“Did I hurt you?”
“No,” Kara promises, shaking her head quickly. “I’m good. Are you good?”
Lena doesn’t respond. Tension still limns her frame, her breathing almost shallow as they sit, as though Lena can’t pull in a full breath. An idea pops into Kara’s head, and she gives Lena’s hand a squeeze. “Hey. Wanna go for a walk?”
The offer is accepted with a quiet nod. After pulling on their sweatpants and sneakers, they step out into the night. They’re the only ones on the street at this hour, and they hold hands as they silently walk towards the nearby park. When the scent of sleeping trees drifts across their senses, Kara finally feels Lena start to relax. The air isn’t quite chill, just cold enough to bring a tint of pink to her partner’s cheeks. 
Halfway across the bridge spanning a small creek, Lena draws to a stop against the wrought iron rail. Kara watches her turn her head to the sky, eyes reflecting every star peeking through the cloud cover. Soft moonlight dapples across Lena’s skin, and Kara feels her heart lurch, stuttering a little with an emotion she can’t quite describe.
“Thanks,” Lena murmurs. “This was a good idea.”
Kara slides closer, until the warmth of Lena’s shoulder melds with hers. “It always helped me, when I had nightmares. After the shooting, there were nights I felt like I was still in that bathroom stall, with the walls closing in.” She smiles thinly. “Sometimes a little breeze is enough to ground a person.”
“Or blow them away entirely.” Lena’s voice is even, but low. Vulnerable.
Kara gazes at her. “Is that how you feel right now? Like you might blow away?”
Lena sighs, then turns her gaze from the sky to Kara. “Let’s just say it’s not the breeze keeping me grounded.” Her thumb brushes the back of Kara’s hand in soft circles, sending a thrum of something deep through Kara. She leans her head against Lena’s shoulder, gazing out across the trees lining the creek while Lena returns her attention to the sky.
“It’s actually one of the things I miss about the desert,” Lena says gently. Kara hums a low question. “The sky. You could see the whole Milky Way out there, painting the entire sky. It was… breathtaking. Even on the most miserable days, it still awed me.”
You awe me, Kara longs to say. You are breathtaking.
She doesn’t.
“Maybe we could go camping,” she suggests instead. “Chase the open sky.”
Lena grunts, but the sound of it doesn’t completely nix the idea. Kara bumps her with a hip.
“I could see you on a Harley for sure.”
Finally, Lena laughs. “Nah,” Lena returns. “We’ll take the truck– sleep in the bed.”
“With all the rust mites? Psh.”
“All right, fine. Just some bedrolls around a fire. Like Xena and Gabrielle.”
Kara grins. “Can I be Xena?”
“Nope. You’ve the soul of a poet, Miss Artiste.”
It draws a chuckle from Kara. When Lena lifts her arm, Kara tucks herself against her, soaking in the proximity. 
I love you, she wants to say. I cherish you.
She doesn’t.
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wildlife4life · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @try-set-me-on-fire @jesuisici33 @lover-of-mine @fortheloveofbuddie @cal-daisies-and-briars @exhuastedpigeon @monsterrae1 @disasterbuckdiaz @tizniz @theotherbuckley and @diazsdimples You are all super awesome! Thank you so much!
Happy trailer drop day! Hope ya'll are having some fun clowning, theorizing, and freaking out in general. I am. Hope I can add to that fun with another NFL Buck snippet, though I'm not too sure. This is a kind of sad snippet, featuring Red. Enjoy? (All things NFL Buck)
Eddie is midway through a somewhat calm 24 hour shift when his phone vibrates with a call. Caller i.d. shows a picture of his previous captain Tommy Vega with her twin daughters smiling bright at the last Texan's game Eddie brought them too. He is slightly confused as to why she would be calling in the middle of the afternoon on a Wednesday, but Tommy is a good friend and Eddie is always happy to talk to her. "Hey Tom's this is a pleasant surprise." Eddie answers abandoning his UNO cards, and leaning back in his chair. Across the table, a slightly irritated Chim scowls, mouthing 'Tom's' towards Hen sitting at the head of the table, who just shrugs and sets her own cards down, officially putting the game on pause. "Oh thank god." Ravi groans under his breath, slumping down in his chair next to Eddie's. Poor probie has had to draw way too many cards and Chimney was an evil bastard who kept making him draw one too many cards. "Eddie." Tommy states, her voice apologetic and layered with grief. Immediately, Eddie gets to his feet, and stalks over to kitchen, ignoring his crew mates startled and concerned looks. The last time Tommy said his name in such a way, his friend and previous paramedic partner Tim had been killed by a freaking lava rock. So yea, Eddie knew this tone of voice from Tommy meant only bad news and he needed the space to hear it. "Tommy, what is it?" He asks glumly, bracing himself for the worst. The paramedic captain lets out a wet sigh, "Its Red, Eddie. The cancer's back and they're saying he has less than six months." His stomach drops to his feet. Not Red. Not the man that not only Buck looked up to, but Eddie as well. The man who gave him and Buck a safe haven to be a couple. The man who is practically a pseudo-godfather to Christopher. His red door and sign, one of the most prominent points of Eddie's and Buck's relationship is because of Red. His motto, 'Just walk in' has gotten them through the toughest times since meeting. And now they are going to lose him to something he thought he had beaten. Fuck the universe. Fuck cancer.
*Hides behind offensive linemen (big ass football players that protect the quarterback)* I'm sorry?
Tagging (no pressure): @daffi-990 @spotsandsocks @hippolotamus @aroeddiediaz @giddyupbuck @rainbow-nerdss @loserdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @bekkachaos @eddiescowboy @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @athenagranted @evanbegins @elvensorceress @malewifediaz @911onabc @911-on-abc @hoodie-buck @ladydorian05 @bigfootsmom @watchyourbuck @thekristen999 @spagheddiediaz @rogerzsteven @honestlydarkprincess @bitchfacediaz @buck-coded @housewifebuck @glorious-spoon @buddierights @prosperdemeter2 @lemonzestywrites @gayedmundodiaz @transboybuckley
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Need Tim and Bernard kissing in the rain, but it’s just the batkids hidden behind them and holding different hoses to create the effect
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howgalling · 2 years
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took a break from organising life stuff for inferno <3 <3 while doing firefighter outfit research i saw a lot of concepts about ai/3D mapping being used to help firefighters help navigate low/no visibility situations. i love that alot. i also love the idea of red alert hijacking inferno’s headset to Observe Her Wife
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waty-art · 8 months
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“He’s not a monster!”
Kade protecting Heatwave from people who don’t understand that Heatwave is on their side.
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boschintegral-photo · 7 months
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Firefighter Kyoto City Fire Department 京都市消防局 Kyoto, Japan
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nonasbirthday · 4 months
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t shirt for firefighter gideon
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discordiansamba · 5 months
also thinking about Keith's relationship with Heath's crew at the firehouse in the runaway paladin AU, because they have to know him. They're all fond of Heath's weird delinquent son.
He doesn't trust babysitters, so he'd often bring Keith with him when he had to stay over on shift at the firehouse... at least, when they'd gotten to the point where Keith could control his shapeshifting. Keith as a toddler just running around the firehouse, because this kid went from crawling to running with no stops in between for walking. Everyone had to pitch in to keep an eye on him, because he seemed to have a talent for getting himself into trouble.
(they would laugh and say he still has one to this day.)
They kind of miss him when he gets older, and can stay home by himself. They'll still see Keith from time to time though, when he's out and about. They offer up one of the walls of the fire station for Keith to do whatever he wants with. He spraypaints a mural of a blue lion curled protectively around the Earth that no one really gets, but everyone agrees looks really cool.
They all know the kid is a little weird. They've seen him lift shit he absolutely should not be able to. They know nothing about his mother. But he's a good kid (despite his multiple arrests).
The half-alien thing throws them all for a loop though. And to think, they could have been poking fun at his dad for being an alienfucker this whole time.
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togrowoldinv · 6 months
Firefighter!Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
When Natasha takes you on a date, she asks you to take the next step with her
Warnings: 18+ please! Smut! Kissing, cursing, oral (R and N receiving), Natasha being feral for reader
Note: Hehe firefighter Nat. Enjoy!
Burning Red AU, Main Masterlist
Natasha arrives at your front door right on time. She straightens up her leather jacket and knocks twice, holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand.
Your roommate, Wanda, opens the door with a grin.
“Come on in,” Wanda says.
“Nice to see you again, Wanda,” Natasha says.
“You too, Nat. Y/n will be right out.”
Nat glances around at the room and notices way too many fire hazards.
“Do you think you could unplug a few of those devices?” Natasha asks Wanda. Wanda chuckles and gives Nat a look. She understands it’s your stuff. “Oh, I’ll tell her then.”
You emerge from your room at that moment. Natasha looks you over and smiles.
“What will you tell me?” You ask as you approach her. You drop a kiss to her cheek in greeting. She hands you the flowers she brought you.
“Fire hazards,” Wanda answers for her. She shrugs and walks to the kitchen, leaving you with Natasha.
“You look amazing,” Natasha says.
“You do too, babe. I love this jacket,” you tell her, grabbing the lapels of the leather to pull her closer.
“Mhm, I figured you would,” Nat says. “It will likely end up on your bedroom floor later.”
Natasha places her lips so close to yours that you can feel her breathing, but she doesn’t kiss you. She brushes her nose against yours and smirks.
“Are you ready to go?” She asks.
“I am,” you tell her. “Did you make reservations?”
“I did,” Nat says. She glances at her watch. “And we have to drive a little fast to keep them.”
“Safety expert Natasha Romanoff wants to drive fast?” You tease her.
“Hey, I am a fire safety expert not a road safety one,” she replies. “Let’s go, babe.”
You two walk to Natasha’s car. She opens the door for you and helps you inside. The drive to the restaurant goes quickly, partially due to Natasha’s driving.
Natasha smirks at you as she orders a bottle of wine for you two. She seems like she is up to something tonight, but you can’t figure out what.
“How has work been?” You ask her.
“Not bad. I haven’t had to pull doubles lately, so I am satisfied,” she answers. She leans over the table to be a bit closer to you. Her eyelashes flutter at you. “I would still quit to spend more time with you though.”
“Could the department survive without their best hero?” You ask her.
“You have a point.” She chuckles.
Your conversations remain light as you eat dinner. Dessert is on the way when Natasha suddenly seems nervous.
“Are you okay, Natasha?” You ask her.
“Oh yeah, I’m okay,” she replies nonconvincingly.
She reaches into her pocket and places a small silver key on the table between you. You look at it and back up to her. You can tell she’s trying to gauge your reaction.
“So, I’ve been thinking, and we’ve been together for a while now. I- um- I was hoping we’re ready to take it to the next level. My place is plenty big enough for the two of us and the future we have,” Natasha explains. “Would you want to move in with me?”
“Yes,” you say without hesitation. “I would love to.”
“Really?” She asks with a grin on her face.
“Really, Natasha,” you tell her. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” Natasha says.
She leans over the table and kisses you softly. She wants more, but you’re in a restaurant after all. You two finish up dinner and walk to Natasha’s car. She drives to her place.
“Welcome home,” she says as she opens the front door. The place looks the cleanest you’ve seen it. “I already have plenty of ideas of how we can make it ours. For now, why don’t we take this to the bedroom?”
Natasha practically pulls your hand to lead you to the bedroom. You can tell she’s in one of those moods. She kisses you as she backs your knees into the bed. She pushes you down less than softly onto the bed.
Natasha’s hands find your shirt hem, but you don’t let her lift it up. She groans in annoyance as she continues to kiss you. Nat’s plump lips move to your neck. She licks and sucks against you, leaving marks where she can.
“Natasha,” you moan out as she presses her knee between your leg. The pressure you feel is already causing her movements to make you need her.
“I want to fuck you,” Natasha says. “I want to fuck you so hard.”
“Yeah?” You ask her.
“Yeah, baby,” she breathes out against your neck. Her hand holds pressure against your neck just enough to make you feel hotter. “Can I fuck you?”
“You can,” you tell her. So much for thinking you might want to tease her tonight. “Please, Natasha.”
“Good girl,” Nat says.
She finally gets ahold of your shirt and lifts it over your head. Her lips attach to your nipples quickly. She never gets tired of sucking them. Her hand works to unbutton your pants. She slides them down your legs with her strong hands.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” Natasha says. She kisses between your breasts as her hands find your core.
Natasha grinds her own core against your leg as she rubs her fingers over your pussy. She gathers wetness from between them and brings them up to her lips. It’s absolutely sinful as Natasha licks her fingers while maintaining eye contact with you.
You see the hungriness in her eyes as she moves down your body. Your head falls back in pleasure as she dives into your core. Her tongue works expertly to devour you.
“Fuck, fuck,” you moan out as you feel yourself getting close. Nat reaches up and massages your breast as she continues to eat you out. “Natasha!”
She hums against you as you fall apart under her touch. Licking you clean, Natasha can’t get enough of the taste of you.
“Come here,” you say as she emerges from your legs. She kisses you deeply. You help her take her clothes off. The muscles of her body never cease to amaze you. Natasha pulls away from you and you miss her already.
She leans over the bed and grabs a strap from her dresser. The thick fake cock looks amazing attached to her. When she is about to put lube on it, you take the opportunity to lean forward and take it into your mouth.
Natasha groans at the sight of you taking the thick strap into your mouth. She loves this. Pushing her hips further into you, you choke but keep sucking on her.
“That’s it, baby,” Natasha says. “Let me fuck you until you can’t stand tomorrow.”
You release her strap and she repositions herself to slide into you. You are more than wet enough for her to slip inside of you easily. That final push presses the tip exactly where you need it. Natasha picks up the pace of her hips.
“Fuck, you look so pretty taking me like this,” Natasha says. “Will you come for me, sweetheart? So quickly. I barely even have to try.”
Her slightly degrading tone is enough to put you over the edge. You come again for her. She doesn’t stop her movements until you’re practically pushing her away.
Natasha lays next to you and catches her breath while you catch your own. She interlocks her fingers with yours by your side.
“I’m really glad you asked me to move in with you,” you say. Nat turns her head to look at you.
“Me too, sweetheart. It will be really fun to do this together,” Natasha says. “I love you.”
“I love you most,” you say, skipping the more versus most fight.
“Show me?” She asks.
“Always,” you reply.
You kiss down her body and situate yourself between her legs much like she did yours. This moving in together thing is a great idea. You can do this anytime you want.
The future with Natasha is looking bright.
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juloviz · 3 months
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Moodboard for one of my absolute favourite fics ‘But I love him, whether or no.’ With Alex as a fire fighter!
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leaves-of-laurelin · 9 months
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But I love him, whether or no.
Henry moves to New York City to help Pez with the opening of his new bar in the East Village. The location—fortunately for business, but unfortunately for Henry’s sanity—is directly across the street from a fire station. The sound of sirens is bad, Alex the gorgeous firefighter is worse. But when Alex helps Henry avoid a near catastrophe the night of the bar’s opening, the two form a tentative friendship that starts to develop into something more.
Chapter 6: the smell of hospitals in winter
Previous chapters:
Chapter 1: Auntie Pezza’s
Chapter 2: dead dad sympathy card
Chapter 3: ride the pole
Chapter 4: befuddled by a soup
Chapter 5: slag era
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Blue and Fire Engine Red Pt 8
Kara tries to pivot them back towards the normal they’ve established so far. After all, nothing for her has changed– Lena is still a hero, and Kara still… Kara still wants to love her. But she can sense the difference in the way Lena behaves towards her. Responses to Kara’s texts over the following days come fewer and farther between, personable enough but lacking the spark they’d held before. Soon, Kara realizes that what little communication there is, Lena’s stopped initiating.
There’s a wall between them, even when they manage to sneak a dinner together midweek. Lena’s smiles are thin, distant, like a wall has been erected between them. Lena guards herself now in a way she hadn’t before, and the longer Kara lets it be, hoping things will naturally drift back to the way it was, the more Lena pulls away.
Finally, on a night Lena begs off a meet up due to pulling an extra shift at the firehouse, Kara goes to visit her– only to find Lena not there and not ever scheduled to be on duty. A finger of icy dread creeps down Kara’s spine as she drives to Lena’s.
When she arrives, she pounds on Lena’s door. “Lena! It’s me! Open up!”
There’s music from inside, loud and angry and patent evidence that Lena is within. She pounds again and again, then ceaselessly until finally she hears the lock snick back. The door opens, revealing Lena sweating and flushed, hands wrapped for boxing.
This time, Lena doesn’t bother to feign interest in Kara’s presence. Her eyes remain dark, features stormy when she retreats back inside without a word, leaving the door open to follow if she wishes. 
The music continues to blast from the mid-sized speaker in the corner, soon accompanied by the beat of Lena’s fists slamming into the punching bag again and again. Kara waits a moment for Lena to pause and catch her breath, but she continues without flagging, until Kara loses her patience and yanks the speaker’s power cord from the wall. 
It does nothing to slow Lena’s pace. The force of her blows swings the bag to one side then the other, to the point that it rattles Kara’s bones when she moves to brace it. Still, she refuses to back down.
“We need to talk,” she states with a calm she doesn’t quite feel.
“So talk,” Lena huffs, jabbing with an uppercut that nearly knocks Kara back a step. Kara doesn’t relent. 
“I said we.”
Lena’s jaw visibly clenches, and she finally breaks away from the bag, breathing heavily. Kara hesitates, suddenly unsure what to say to navigate the storm gathering around Lena. She crosses her arms over her chest to steady herself. 
“Shutting me out after I told you I wouldn’t push is a dick move.”
Lena snorts. “Yet here you are.” 
“Because I care about you. Respecting your boundaries doesn’t mean I have to just stand there as you drift away. Not after everything–”
“Everything? Everything over, what, a month? How special.”
“Don’t,” Kara growls. “Don’t trivialize how I feel, and don’t you dare pretend you don’t feel it too.”
“And so what if I do?!” Lena’s shout cuts through the air. “Compatibility consists of more than just good sex–”
“Oh fuck you,” Kara snaps back. She takes a step forward even as Lena moves back. She sighs. “Look. I know I pressed closer than you were ready for. I’m sorry.” She gazes at Lena, searching for her girlfriend beyond the anger. “Could we just– reset?” 
“Reset? Really?”
Kara nods. “Yeah. Because one month or no, I like you, Lena. And that’s all I’m asking for. You.”
That at least, seems to give Lena pause. She hesitates, brow furrowing as she studies Kara. In the end though, her gaze slides away once more. Kara’s heart falls.
“It’s not that simple,” Lena murmurs.
“And that is 100% your choice,” Kara shoots back. Complicated doesn’t have to be complicated if Lena doesn’t want it to be. If she does, Kara doesn’t care. “I’m not looking for simple.”
Lena scowls, but says nothing. Kara scowls right back. 
“You have trauma. Trust me, I get it. But you don’t get to punish me for caring about you.” At that, Lena nearly flinches, guilt flashing behind her eyes as she looks away. “And waiting for me to drift away is just mean.”
Lena still doesn’t say anything, but now it feels less guarded and more at a loss for words.
“I get that you’re not ready to share, okay? And I get that you may never want to. I just want to be the one there if you do. That is what I’m looking for.”
When silence answers her yet again, Kara loses patience. “And if that’s not something you want– if I am not what you want, fine. But at least have the balls to tell me outright.”
With that, Kara turns on her heel and storms out. She’s just jabbed the button for the elevator when she hears a door open behind her. “Kara!”
Turning, Kara sees Lena standing in the middle of the hallway. Her anger seems to have evaporated, leaving her bereft of anything more to say. The elevator dings open behind Kara, and she has half a mind to enter it out of spite, but her heart speaks louder. She retraces her steps back down the hall, drifting to a stop in front of Lena. She waits.
Lena takes a breath to speak, then another, but nothing comes out. Green eyes meet Kara’s, as though imploring her to understand whatever it is she can’t say. Though the ball of anger in her gut cools, she stands firm.
“I’m not a mind reader,” she says.
Exhaling, Lena closes her eyes. Again, her words seem to fail her, but Kara gives her time to gather herself. Finally, Lena rallies against whatever ties her tongue. 
“I like you,” she says, her voice low. “More– more than I should.”
Kara frowns– she doesn’t necessarily like the sound of that. But at least it’s honest.
“I don’t– jesus.” Lena wipes the sweat from her upper lip, her frustration plain. “There are things… things I never want you to know.”
In spite of herself, the words kick Kara in the chest. She means it when she says she doesn’t need Lena’s past. But she does want her trust. Kara releases a breath. “I told you I don’t care.”
Lena shakes her head. Suddenly, Kara realizes it’s not the only part of Lena that shakes. Her hands tremble, as much as Lena tries to hide it by picking at her hand wraps. 
“You say that now–”
Kara’s features harden. “Don’t insult me by comparing me to anyone else, and don’t you dare assume for me that I’ll change my mind.”
Lena swallows audibly, and only then does Kara realize the anguish in Lena’s posture. She’s never seen Lena like this, and she knows Lena had pulled away from her because drifting away was the easiest way to let her go. But right now, Lena is facing the most difficult path– for her. Kara softens. 
“Hey,” she says, reaching out to still Lena’s fidgeting hands. “We’ve been having a good time, haven’t we?”
Lena exhales, nodding. “Yeah,” she breathes. 
“And we were having a good time before Hector told me anything, and without me knowing anything you don’t want me to know. We can keep this going without it.”
“If anything changes, for either of us, we can have this conversation again.”
Lena frowns. “It’ll be harder then. To let you go.”
Kara offers her a thin smile. “That’s the risk we take, when we decide to share any part of ourselves with another person. But I promise you– all I want is now, with you. Now, and however much of the future we get.”
The next thing she knows, warm lips press against hers. Lena’s mouth is soft, transferring the salt of her sweat to Kara’s tongue. Wrapped hands frame Kara’s face, before Lena’s forehead rests against hers.
“I want that too,” Lena breathes. “God, I want that so much.”
Kara hears the shake in her whisper, the tremble in Lena’s hands against her skin. She’s afraid, Kara realizes. Truly afraid. Questions and dread bubble in Kara’s chest, but she tamps them down, curling her fingers around Lena’s and giving them a firm squeeze.
“Then let’s do it. Together.”
Lena takes another quaking breath.
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wildlife4life · 4 months
Fuck-It Friday
Tagged by @watchyourbuck @theotherbuckley @lover-of-mine @wikiangela @spotsandsocks @hippolotamus @devirnis @buddierights @cal-daisies-and-briars @daffi-990 @tizniz and @disasterbuckdiaz You all so awesome! Thank you!
Getting to this kind of late because I have been catching up on a lot of online class work today. But I'm all finished for the day and it is still Friday where I live. So here is a very short snippet from NFL Buck, continuing a bit from my WIP Wednesday post. (All things NFL Buck). Enjoy the sadness?
"How long does he have?" Buck asks. Eddie swipes his thumb across his partner's knuckles, soothing himself and Buck. "Less than 6 months." he murmurs. More tears flood into those ocean blue eyes, "Fuck. Fuck that's no time at all." Evan rips his hand away, pushes to his feet and begins to pace the expansive living room, "Damnit. We need to be there, sooner than later, but I don't have off days for almost two weeks. Can you even ask for more time off?" The question seems to be directed towards Eddie, but Buck is ranting and rambling more to himself. Eddie doesn't answer, just watches the distraught man walk around the room, trying to find a way to fix everything. Cause that's what Buck does. Try to fix things, its an aspect that makes him a great quarterback. With Red's diagnosis and being in the height of the NFL season, there wasn't anything that can be fixed. Eventually Buck would come to same conclusion, he just needed the time to process and understand. Eddie just needed to patient, be there for when Buck accepts this isn't something he can fix, and help prepare them both for what is to come with Red.
Um...sorry? Buck can't fix everything, we all know that, but that doesn't mean he won't try and Eddie will be patient as always. Hope you all enjoyed!
Tagging just share: @try-set-me-on-fire @jesuisici33 @fortheloveofbuddie @exhuastedpigeon @monsterrae1 @diazsdimples @aroeddiediaz @giddyupbuck @rainbow-nerdss @loserdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @bekkachaos @eddiescowboy @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @athenagranted @evanbegins @elvensorceress @malewifediaz @911onabc @911-on-abc @hoodie-buck @ladydorian05 @bigfootsmom @thekristen999 @spagheddiediaz @rogerzsteven @honestlydarkprincess @bitchfacediaz @buck-coded @prosperdemeter2 @lemonzestywrites @gayedmundodiaz @transboybuckley
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