nepofmwren · 10 months
"I can just add A+ pizza maker to my resume," Wren giggles, rolling up her sleeves and taking out her phone from her purse. She was ready to take a video of her brother's buddy flinging the pizza dough up in the air to add to her Insta story, but also as a reminder of this hangout. She was a very sentimental individual, always wanting to capture a moment, even if it seemed small and unimportant. "Hmm, I think I can probably do three and a half feet in the air. I know that there's a height difference between us, but I'm not gonna let that stop me from totally beating your ass. Feel free to try to prove me wrong though," she shruged her shoulders.
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                   although  the  two  met  due  to  tristan's  friendship  with  wesley  ,  he  still  liked  hanging  out  with  the  girl  .  his  relationship  with  wren  a  lot  different  then  the  utter  chaos  he  would  get  up  to  with  her  brother  .         ❛     i  don't  know  ?  now  you  got  me  shaking  in  my  boots  ,  wren  .     ❜         a  smile  spread  across  his  lips  as  he  leaned  his  side  against  the  counter  .  arms  crossing  over  his  chest  as  he  looked  at  her  .         ❛     you're  practically  a  𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋  now  .     ❜         teasing  a  little  ,  he  let  out  a  small  laugh  before  pushing  himself  up  from  the  counter  and  leaning  over  to  nudge  into  her  slightly  .         ❛     alright  ,  bet     ⏤      i  think  i  can  throw  mine  up  at  least  three  feet  high  .     ❜          putting  his  hand  out  to  shake  hers  .          ❛     if  i  can't  get  it  that  high  without  complete  𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐔𝐑𝐄  you  have  free  reign  .  got  me  at  your  disposal  .     ❜         eyes  narrowed  as  he  leaned  forward  ,  leaning  down  a  bit  so  they  were  at  a  more  even  height  .          ❛      you're  turn  ,  how  high  do  you  think  you  can  throw  yours  ?      ❜
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nepofmwren · 10 months
"Would I be considered too basic if I say I'm just drinking a vodka cranberry right now?" Wren replied to the boy, glancing down at her glass that was now about half empty. "Just wanting to start off with something simple right now, I might mix it up later on though. How about yourself? Is your drink more exciting than mine?"
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"First time for us both then. Congratulations to Us." They replied. It was the offer next that had Seamus pause for a second before deciding to take the seat next to their new companion for the evening. "Alright, i'll take you up on that then. And what is my new friend drinking?"
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nepofmwren · 10 months
"I'm sorry to hear," Wren frowns a bit, trying to be sympathetic towards the other. "Let me guess, you've been having shitty luck with dating apps too? I feel like if I were to buy a magic eight ball and ask if I'd stop being a hopeless romantic, it would just say no," she jokes.
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lowering  the  cocktail  glass  ,  the  umbrella  seeming  moved  with  the  motion  ,  lost  at  sea  amongst  the  mixture  .  pain  painted  into  every  inch  of  the  expression  ,  "  down  in  the  dumps  ?  "  harrowing  almost  ,  "  i'm  further  than  the  dumps  …  i'm  more  down  than  that  …  the  woman  of  my  dreams  left  .  "
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nepofmwren · 10 months
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nepofmwren · 10 months
Wren was in the middle of working on her tan, kindle in her hands as she was finishing up a juicy chapter of her spicy romance novel. When she realized someone was trying to talk to her, she perks up a bit. "Not sure I've had any cocktails at this pool before, yours looks pretty good though. What has you down in the dumps though?"
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OPEN . @nepofmstarters
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kellan  was  still  in  recovery  after  the  loss  of  their  beloved  fantasy  dream  girl  but  they  realised  life  must  go  on  .  and  so  must  the  show  .  not  that  they  ever  related  those  things  together  .  on  the  sun  lounger  ,  soeaking  in  rays  as  their  lips  part  and  they  express  ,  "  even  the  umbreallas  in  these  cocktails  look  different  now  that  she's  gone  .  "
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nepofmwren · 10 months
"I know you've always been the over dramatic one between us," Wren rolls her eyes at the brother as she quickly opens up her door, welcoming in her sibling. She was only half expecting his company, always knowing that him stopping by could come at any moment, it was just a twin thing. "Come over here, put them in our favorite mugs," the girl motions over to him, grabbing the cups from her cabinet. "Did you at least get my favorite kind?"
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closed starter for @nepofmwren ❝wren,  hurry,  open  the  door!❞  wesley  is  banging  on  his  sister’s  front  door  with  his  left  foot,  each  hand  holding  an  ice  cream  cone.  when  the  door  opens,  he  comes  inside,  ice  cream  running  down  both  hands.  ❝the  ice  cream  i  got  us  is  melting,  get  me  a  cup  before  my  hands  turn  into  sticky  city!❞  he’s  jumping  up  and  down  frantically,  extra  as  always. ❝you took so long to answer the door, it's like a hundred degrees outside, help!❞
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nepofmwren · 10 months
"Here I am!" Wren lets out a giggle as she makes her way into the boy's place. A lot of her brother's friends were interesting to say the least, but she's always liked Tristan and thought he was a good guy. Not having any plans for the evening, the sound of making homemade pizzas sounded like a lot of fun, wanting to do something lowkey after being so busy lately. "Y'know, I think we can probably be even better than those chefs. I just binged The Bear like last week, so I am pretty confident on my cooking skills," she adds on. "Do you wanna pinky promise on this bet? I'm very serious with my pinky promises too, just ask Wes."
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❛ . 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 ╱ @ 𝐖𝐑𝐄𝐍 ( @nepofmwren )
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                   once  hearing  the  doorbell  ,  tristan  rushed  over  ,  knowing  𝐄𝐗𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐋𝐘  who  it  was  .  due  to  the  invite  via  text  message  .       ❛      there  she  is  ,      ❜          he  smiled  as  he  held  the  door  open  ,  letting  her  inside  .          ❛       the  pizza  dough  been  rising  for  awhile  so  i'm  pretty  sure  it's  safe  for  us  to  start  flinging  it  up  in  the  air  like  𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋  italian  chefs  .      ❜         tristan  smiled  ,  raising  his  eyebrows  as  he  lead  her  into  the  kitchen  .         ❛      how  high  do  you  think  i  can  throw  it  up  without  dropping  it  ?  we  can  make  bets  ,  whoever  is  right  gets  to  make  the  other  do  anything  they  want  .      ❜
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nepofmwren · 11 months
"I wouldn't know, this happens to be my first time here," Wren spoke, seated up front right by the bar, only ordering her first round a few minutes prior. The girl had heard through the grapevine about a divey place in the city, a place a little more lowkey that she wanted to check out. "If you need a drinking buddy for the next little while, I'll be here and could always use a friend."
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Looking around the almost empty bar, Seamus couldn't help but tune out what the promoter was telling him about it usually being more busy, its great cliental, etc. THe stage was fine and that's all he cared about to try out some new music in a space to hear it in a real space. Finally when they walked away, they looked to the person nearest to them. "So, Is this place always this dead then, or is there something I should know about the place? Ghosts or something maybe?"
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nepofmwren · 11 months
"Yes, exactly. I'm always looking to try to add new songs to my playlists, there is nothing worse than being in a musical rut," she replied with a shrug of her shoulders. Wren was big on making several different playlists that were on rotation through the year and depending on her overall mood. While she was having a major Taylor Swift fixtation at the moment, she knew even having a break from her woul be good for her. "Honestly, I was just adding some pictures and videos to my Instagram story....nothing major. I'm pretty sure that my brother's set is supposed to be on pretty soon, you won't want to miss it because it'll be one of the best."
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*˖  ⊹              "  i  can't  either.  but  that's  kind  of  like,  the  fun  of  it,  don't  you  think  ?  "  she  stopped  moving,  her  feet  planting  firmly  against  the  grass  as  she  glanced  over  her  shoulder.  "  finding  all  these  new  artists  and  like,  exploring  music  and  sounds  that  maybe  you  hadn't  heard  before.  or  if  it  isn't  your  thing,  then  at  least  you  only  have  to  listen  to  it  for  like,  an  hour  before  you  can  move  onto  the  next  set.  "  her  lips  parted  in  a  laugh,  and  she  took  the  opportunity  to  open  the  water  bottle  she  gripped  in  her  free  hand  so  she  could  have  a  sip.  swallowing,  she  looked  back  towards  wren.  "  if  you  weren't  just  standing,  what're  you  doing  ?  if  you  don't  mind  my  asking  !  " 
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nepofmwren · 11 months
"I'm supposed to be meeting up with a guy that I've been chatting with, trying to catch a few sets with him and everything," Wren admitted, trying not to let a blush form on her cheeks while she spoke about her possible budding situationship. The girl had been enjoying sending dm's with the guy and was excited to finally (hopefully) meet him in person to hang out. Her love life had been pretty spotty the last few months and she was just wanting something casual for now. "That's so amazing though, having a genuine connection with your fanbase is something I'm always striving for. Still, I really have no idea how you don't freak out like that. Posting on my socials is a lot less pressure," she points out.
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"  wait  for  somebody  ?  "  she  asked  ,  a  ring  to  the  tone  that  implied  that  she  wanted  to  know  who  it  was  and  why  wren  was  waiting  for  them  .  it  was  implied  that  no  matter  what  ,  al  was  always  on  the  side  of  her  friends  ,  encouraging  whatever  adventures  they  were  undertaking  and  wanting  to  know  all  .  she  accepts  the  compliment  although  her  ankle  is  still  aching  and  she's  wondering  just  how  good  she  was  ⏤  accomplishments  her  parents  would  never  see  because  they  had  ditched  her  last  minute  ,  something  she  kicked  herself  for  being  surprised  by  .  "  not  really  …  "  it  was  who  wasn't  there  that  got  her  overwhelmed  .  "  i  just  think  about  how  lucky  i  am  to  have  a  whole  crowd  of  people  out  there  who  are  all  here  because  they  love  music  …  some  of  them  because  they  love  me  .  most  people  never  get  to  feel  that  …  "  softened  expression  and  then  a  laugh  ,  "  plus  ,  there's  always  the  old  picture  everyone  naked  trick  …  scary  ,  "  she  teases  ,  a  funny  expression  .
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nepofmwren · 11 months
After taking a long puff from her baby pink dab pen, Wren is approached by a frazzled Mikayla. Fashion emergency? She was the perfect person for this situation! "Actually, I do. It would be a crime to come to an event like this and not look like a magical fairy? What color do you need? I brought a few small bottles for options."
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mikayla  sources  down  the  first  person  on  their  path,  hands  going  up  to  stop  their  tracks  with  a  charming  smile  on  her  features  "  please  —  "  she  drops  the  hands  and  her  breath  slows  from  the  fast  pace  it  was  before  "  tell  me  do  you  by  chance  have  glitter  on  you  ?  i  swear  i  had  it  but  turns  out  i  actually  don't  and  this  look  just  won't  be  complete  without  it.  " // @nepofmstarters
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nepofmwren · 11 months
"Oh, yeah! I'm actually waiting for someone," she replied to Abigail with a no of her head. Wren was supposed to be meeting up with a guy she had been texting through her Tiktok DM's the last few weeks. Would this probably end in yet another fling that would fizzle out too quickly? Most likely....but he seemed like a nice enough guy that she would hopefully vibe with. With the festival being so huge, agreeing to a meet up area was a must. The girl had gotten to the spot a few minutes early, hoping he'd be arriving soon. "You were really good out there though, does the big crowds ever get you overwhelmed?"
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wren / @nepofmwren
setting : 2 hours after alara's slot on stage .
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following  her  performance  ,  medication  had  definitely  taken  the  edge  off  her  overworking  (  something  that  had  never  happened  before  ,  acquired  injury  a  new  turn  of  events  for  al  )  .  sitting  at  one  of  the  makeshift  bar  areas  ,  the  palette  used  for  seating  quite  comfortable  beneath  the  bare  skin  of  her  thighs  ,  mini  skirt  riding  up  slightly  as  she  put  a  fry  in  her  mouth  having  a  seemingly  sombre  moment  .  it  was  only  when  she  noticed  wren  that  she  looked  up  completely  , her  relationship  with  wesley  always  closer  but  wren  someone  that  she  had  spent  a  lot  of  time  with  .  "  looking  for  somebody  ?  "  tone  slightly  flatter  than  it  was  meant  to  be  ,  a  tease  that  doesn't  make  it  out  quite  as  intended  .  she  shuffles  up  for  the  other  to  sit  beside  her  ,  mood  certain  to  lift  up  within  moments  once  wren  began  speaking  to  her  and  she  got  back  into  the  upbeat  mood  .
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nepofmwren · 11 months
"I wasn't just standing," Wren shakes her head, glancing down at her iphone as she was added a quick video to her instragram story and sending a few texts. While she was enjoying herself a the festival so far, she also needed o make sure tha she was updating her socials throughout the various sets. "I am totally digging the bass right now, even though I couldn't tell you who is playing right now...," she lets out an awkward giggle. Perhaps the girl wasn't as up to date on everyone at this festival, this wasn't exactly the type of music she usually listened to.
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*˖  ⊹              "  why  are  you  just  standing  there  ?  "  her  hands  waved  around  her  as  destiny  approached  the  other,  a  slight  bounce  in  her  step  that  matched  the  bass  of  the  music  echoing  around  citi  field.  coming  to  a  halt  in  front  of  them,  she  reached  out  to  grasp  at  their  wrists  and  gave  a  tug.  she  pouted.  "  don't  make  me  dance  alone  like  a  complete  fool  !  you can't tell me the energy isn't like, totally contagious. "  /  OPEN  (  @nepofmstarters  )
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nepofmwren · 11 months
kristine   froseth.     she/her.     cis   woman.      ›spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   wren   lafleur   ,   most   likely   listening   to   gypsy   by   fleetwood   mac   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty one    gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -insecure   yet   +creative   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you’ll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   a   smile   that   can   light   up   a   room,   mascara   stained   eyes,   a   room   filled   with   vintage   fashion,   dancing   barefoot   in   the   rain   ,   followed   by   eau   de   soleil   blanc   eau   de   toilette   by   tom   ford   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   making   a   sex   tape   with   her   manager   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .   
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Full Name: Wren Lafleur
Age: 21
Siblings: Wesley Lafleur (fraternal twin brother)
Birthdate: August 18th, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Hometown: Marseille, France
Current residence:  New York, New York
Occupation: social media influencer & model
LIKES: Vintage fashion, Fleetwood Mac & Stevie Nicks, early 2000′s pop music, stuffed animals, cheesy romantic comedies, handwritten notes, Starbucks, chocolate covered strawberries, makeup, shopping, mini skirts, her overflowing shoe closet, Sunday brunches with her besties, daddy’s credit card
DISLIKES:  Rude people, spicy/tart food, sleeping in past your alarm, bad hair/makeup days, chipped nail polish, canceled plans, getting spoiled for the end of a book or show, not understanding a joke, being yelled at
Trigger warning for mentions of anxiety, depression, death
Wren and Wresley were born in France to parents Lisa Kapone and Alain Lafleur, being one of the most famous and prominent names within Europe. Everybody wanted to know and be a member of the Lafleur family, considering her parents had high connections in the hospitality and fashion industries.
Her childhood was nothing short of magical, it being something anybody would envy. Both her and her brother were spoiled rotten by parents that saw them as their 'golden twins'. Their life seemed perfect. Well, almost too perfect that is.
The tone of her family dynamic took a negative turn after the infamous cheating scandel in her parent's marriage along with the passing of their mom. The Lafleur family had one too many scandles hit the front page news and weren't as squeaky clean as others pegged them to me. A preteen Wren didn't quite know how to handle this kind of spotlight on her family.
Wren always was a bit closer with her mom in comparison to her dad ( though she liked to think she had a good relationship with both of them ). So, her death did hit her hard even if she never always outwardly showed it.
Wren began to go to therapy to try to talk through her intense feelings that she was having from her mom's passing. She was diagnosed with panic discorder and depression and was put on medication for both.
Generally, her anxiety has always been worse than her depression. It causing her to lose sleep and effect her day to day life. Thanks to regular therapy and medication, a young Wren was able to be "okay" for the most part.
When she transitioned into her teenage years, Wren would begin her 'rebellious' streak. Befriending older models from photoshoots and shows, she would find herself sneaking off underage to house parties and clubs. Fake ID's didn't really matter when she had major connections thanks to her last name. That chunk of her life ( around fifteen to like nineteen ) was probs her most intense party stages. She is still very much a party goer, but she's tried to clean up her act a lil' bit.
College wasn't much of a thought for Wren, already knowing it would be a waste of time for her. School was never really her thing, even though she graduated from high school with decent marks. The girl knew that she wanted to continue with climbing up the ladder of the fashion world and raise her follower count on social media.
So right now, she's just kinda vibing??? Continuing to take modeling gigs and doing her social media stuff. Her short term goals do include starting a podcast and fashion line.
Wren stopped going to therapy and regularly taking her medication after high school, becoming too busy with her various jobs and feeling like it wasn't necessary for her anymore.
As an alternative, she just hits her dab pen a lot and has found other hobbies to curb her anxious thoughts ( adult coloring books, yoga, making handmade jewerly, etc ).
Wren spent her high school years vlogging her teenage years and posting weekly updates on her youtube channel ( very much Emma Chamberlain tbh ). Overall, she has always wanted to appear geninune and relatable to her fans/audience. Her content ranged from thrifting hauls, school vlogging, get ready with me's, music recs, etc.
As she got a bit older and youtube wasn't become as popular, she transitioned those vlogs over to her instragram and tiktok.
She has been coined as one of the most "powerful" up and coming young influencers in the fashion industry. Basically, teens and other young adults pin her outfits on pinterest and she has made certain "trends" go viral.
Wren is an extroverted introvert. She's very "mirroball / the archer / this is me trying coded." She can be considered a bit of a social chameleon. She can put on a good outwardly appearance when it is needed for her career and social outings. She tries to be friendly and generally see the best in others but ultimately, she tends to keep a smaller inner circle of close friends. When she is in party mode, it's a different story. Bestie is talkative af when she is tipsy and on other sustances.
The rumor about her is 10000% true. She ended up going to a last minute party with her manager that went waaaay too crazy. One thing lead to another and BOOM, a sex tape was recorded. She is pretty terrified of it getting leaked, knowing it would ruin her reputation.
WREN IS A SWIFTIE. She has been one since the start!! If you asked her for her favorite albums from her, she is torn between folklore/ lover / reputation.
Bestie is a hopeless romantic :// known for having her fair share of flings and one night stands but has had very minimal partners. She has a big heart but is very insecure and hasn't quite found the right person to really open up to.
Honestly....she is a bit ditzy. She can have her head in the clouds at times and be a bit naive and be a little too trusting of others who probably will stab her in the back.
Overall, Wren is a very eccentric famous model / influencer who is a pretty messy but means well <33
coming soon.
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nepofmwren · 11 months
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kristine froseth via instagram
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nepofmwren · 1 year
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nepofmwren · 1 year
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