#Quinton Li
lgbtqreads · 4 months
Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week 2024!
Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week! Running from February 18-24, 2024, this week we’re celebrating aromantic rep, so check out these titles! (Representation is included/highlighted with each title, where I know it.) As usual, all links are affiliate and earn a percentage of income for the site, so please use them if you can! Please note this roundup only features titles that were not…
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transbookoftheday · 1 year
♾️🌈 Trans Books To Read For Neurodivergent Pride Day 🌈♾️
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("The Spirit Bares Its Teeth" isn't out yet, but you can preorder it or request an ARC on NetGalley.)
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 ACE & ARO books - part 1
HAMLET, PRINCE OF ROBOTS - Jan 31 - aroace, ace MCs
CITY OF EXILE - Feb 22 - many ace & aro characters, sequel
SAILING BY CARINA’S STAR - Mar 7 - aroace MCs, sequel
TELL ME HOW IT ENDS - April 9 - ace MC
YOU DON’T HAVE A SHOT - May 9 - ace MC
THE HUMMINGBIRD KILLER - May 11 - aroace MC , sequel
BLEEDING HEART  - May 11 - ace & aro MCs , sequel
PAINTED DEVILS - May 16 - demi MCs , sequel
part 2 / part 3 / part 4
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Devout: An Anthology of Angels edited by Quinton Li
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A collection of stories, poetry, and art dedicated to the angelic.
Here you will find the strange, the creepy, the funky, slightly silly, pieces with feeling. An experience buried deep inside, it might be from another dimension. Something questionable that makes you wonder if your first impression of the world is accurate enough to trust.
Or maybe something human — too human.
How about a feeling between a feeling? Longing, yearning. Conflict between moral and love. World between worlds.
Above all — angelic.
Are we what angels make of us, or are angels what we make of them?
Mod opinion: I haven't read this anthology yet, but I heard there's a lot of trans angels in there and that's very interesting to me.
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andromedaexists · 10 months
Devout: An Anthology of Angels || ed. Quinton Li
Okay, let’s get the important information out of the way first: I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this lovely anthology in exchange for an honest review.
Dope! Now to my thoughts. I think the scream really encompasses my thoughts on it! Devout is an amazing anthology full of stories that push the boundaries of what we consider holy. 
It has a really strong start with a piece by Freydís Moon that really makes the trans body holy. Honestly, a good majority of these stories make what is considered heretical in today’s society into something that is so much more. 
There are also quite a few stories that push the divine, the pure, into Desecration. I love those stories, it makes me think and makes me confront my own beliefs and what I consider to be holy. 
Then, it ends with five star hit after five star hit! They really stacked the beginning and end of this anthology and I LOVE THAT!
I fully expected this to be amazing with names like Freydís Moon, Morgan Dante, Tyler Battaglia, and Rafael Nicolás being thrown around, and I was not disappointed. I am so honored to be selected to read this early and tell you all to read it.
I don’t have much more to say here, I broke down my thoughts on each story as I read it. I have those thoughts down below in order of how they appear in the anthology
I know it’s tempting, authors of Devout, to want to see what I individually rated your stories. But please, if you do look at it, remember that my rating is not a reflection on you as an author. Sometimes stories just don’t line up with everyone, and that is okay. I love all of you and you are all amazing, no matter what I thought of your story. (also reviews are for readers, not for authors. Please keep that in mind).
The Angels at Harvest Church - Freydís Moon
“I am made to be yours, my King on Earth, my Morning Star. Have mercy, please”
“You look at him and see fire in his eyes. Brimstone. Chaos. Rebirth.
This short story is one hell of a way to open this anthology, holy shit. Quite literally holy shit, too!
This story makes the trans body holy. That is the best way I can describe it. It is the closest thing I’ve had to a religious experience since I left the church. Sure, it is smut, but it is also so much more than that (not that smut is bad or lesser in any way, as we all know I love a good smut story)
10/10, I haven't read the other stories yet but I know this is going to be one of my favorites.
I Know My Father - Dorian Yosef Webber
The next entry in the anthology is a poem, or, I am assuming it is a poem since my kindle said “fuck you” to the formatting. I’m not gonna lie, this issue with my kindle made me put down Devout for a moment. I imagine it’s beautiful on literally any other reader and on paper, but my little kindle paperwhite just cannot handle it.
Actually, I do have the kindle app on my phone, let me see how it looks there. Yeah, okay, it definitely makes more sense and comes across as a poem on my phone. I ordered the paperback copy of Devout as well so I will be able to fully see it in its beauty then!
As for the content of the poem, maybe it’s because I’m just not a poetry person but I didn’t understand it at first. I do now, and I love the story! There is something in my little heart that is drawn to names that are not the one you are born with, and this story renames its protag so effortlessly that I had to do a double take to make sure we were still talking about the same person!
Some quotes that I absolutely love are: (only two because this is a short poem and I don’t wanna give away too much)
Bless me the way you bless your Father
Your name is now Israel, he breathes against sweat-slick skin, for you have conquered both man and divine
Like, this poem (now that I understand it) is so… filling? I’m not sure how I would describe it. It feels to me the same as sitting in a pew at church before mass when there’s only you and the Father there, doing your own things and not interacting with each other. Y’know? (is my roman catholic upbringing shining through, yet? lmao)
Seasons of God - Angela Sun
Now that we’ve got those down, let's talk about the story! I… didn’t like it. It feels very rushed to me, like the author is trying to fit a novel into a short story.
The premise is definitely there! I said it once with Sugar People and I will say it again: I fucking love stories about abuse in the Church and the victim winning. 
But where it really lacks is just that. Sure, Rui got as good of an ending as she could have, but it’s all so rushed. I have no idea what’s going on because it’s just thing after thing after thing, we don’t get to learn about any of the characters or where they are or anything. There is no atmosphere to this story and it desperately needs some.
Like, I don’t think I can sum this up in a better way than just: I don’t understand. I haven’t even talked about the body horror because honestly there wasn’t any. There are moments that are supposed to be body horror, but they are like one or two lines here and there and they are not described. At all.
That being said, I really think this would make an amazing premise for a novel. I think the extended format would do wonders for this story and I greatly look forward to what this author has lined up for the future
Resta Con Me - Ian Haramaki
I am SCREAMING omg this short story, y’all. 
This short story is what I wish the last one was. Not in content, I love that the stories don’t resemble each other. But this one had the backstory and the length but also the atmosphere. I hate comparing two artists' work to each other though, so that is all I will say.
This story is AMAZING I am absolutely living for Dani omg, like he is the most laid back and unconcerned person in existence I’m SCREAMING
Some quotes that just made me fucking cackle (both said by Dani because ofc they were):
“Do you two mind? This is a library.”
“Anyway, be not afraid or whatever.”
I’m actually finding it really hard to talk about this story without spoiling it, since everything else about the story is just incoherent screaming. But yeah, I loved it!
Seraphim - Ian Haramaki
Stunning, beautiful. I really don’t have much to say on this, art is a soft spot of mine and I love seeing it in this collection.
With Wings Like Madeleines - Dorian Yosef Weber
I mean, this story isn’t the worst. It’s kind of meh in my opinion, I’m just not quite sure what the point of it is. It’s very… I’m not an angel, but I’m not not an angel, and I can’t see angels, but I choose not to see demons, and I’m human and dirty. Which, I mean, mood.
I guess this story just confused me more than I normally care for in a story, it feels like it’s not going anywhere. I do really like the mention of a prophet having a hot coal put in his mouth, though. That was fun and a really cool play to get us to try and understand what’s going on with the protagonist!
And the Mountains Melt Like Wax - Tyler Battaglia
Oh this story trips the same part of my brain that The Binding of Bloom Mountain did! It’s nature, it’s horror, it’s not Appalachia this time but I mean it’s on a mountain all the same. 
The inclusion of body horror and things that just aren’t right in natural and peaceful scenes such as hiking up a mountain will always hold the world for me. Especially with the tender show of love and care, like I am actually crying after reading this story. Sure, the angel in here is all kinds of fucked up and bug-like, but it’s also so loving and caring. It genuinely cares for Abel (the main character). 
I mean, this line perfectly describes it:
It was awful. It was beautiful. It was Godly. It was Hellish. It was the most ordinary miracle of all.
I also quite love the play on Cain and Abel, twisting the story so that (SPOILERS) Abel is the one to kill, and Cain is the one to take care of his brother. I love that.
The Mountains, The Mountains, The Mountains - Tyler Battaglia
Stunning, gorgeous, we all know I love art. It fits so perfectly after the last story, too, with the mountains. I love this piece.
We Suffer In Fire - Tyler Battaglia
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA holy shit??????? I’m screaming, this short story is the perspective of the firesetter from the first Tyler short story AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
This short story is the mental ramblings of a clinically insane person who believes himself to be the Hand of God, the person to call forward something by sacrificing people through fire. Omg, I love this so much.
I love that we get to see both sides of the story, first in And The Mountains Melt Like Wax from the perspective of a firefighter and then from the perspective of the person who set the fire.
This story is very short, and while I am sad about that I think it was the perfect length for what it is. 
This story is amazing, my God.
Divine Body - Daniel Marie James
This poem is beautiful. It is a lot shorter than the poems we’ve seen thus far, but no less impactful. It gets its point across very plainly and clearly, and I really appreciate it for that!
halfway to heaven - Freydís Moon
Right off the bat with this poem, the font is different. It is smaller. This is fine on my kindle paperwhite since I can always just change the font size, but I anticipate having a hard time with it once my paperback arrives. I am not terribly visually impaired, but it is still rather hard to make out some of the words without making the text much, much larger (and that’s already making it larger than my previously too-large setting). I normally read on a 7 or 8 on the kindle paperwhite, but I read this story with a size 10 font.
Other than that, I really like this poem. I think this is my favorite poem so far, I would even say my favorite poem in the whole anthology (sorry, rafa). It is downright lyrical, and boy am I a sucker for music. Even the formatting of this poem with its strange spacing screams SING ME.
I really don’t have much else to say on this poem, it is genuinely a lovely piece that speaks to the more musical part of my soul and I love it for that!
Fade To Black - Morgan Dante
This story is not for me. It has a lot of the same issues I found with Seasons of God, it’s fast paced with no real time to take in anything. All in all, the tone of the story, the way it was told, and the style it was told in are just not for me.
Misery in Company - Morgan Dante
Now this story, this is one that I can get behind. It feels very fleshed out, and though there are a few plot inconsistencies (in my opinion), I think it’s really great!
The pace is much slower in this piece as compared to the first one, which I greatly appreciate. I feel like we got to actually experience the story and the characters, got to truly know them. 
This is a continuation of the first piece, or, well, a bigger part of a brief mention in the earlier story. It really pulled at my heart strings for a bit. The story started to fall apart towards the end, it seems like it shifts from a love narrative to an abusive  acceptance. This is not a tone I like to read, and I really would have preferred if we stayed with the loving overtone of the first half of the story.
Overall, I like it! I probably wouldn’t read it again, but I am a chronic single reader anyways. It takes a lot to get me to re-read anything lol
Enfleshed - Cas Trudeau
I mean this in the best way possible but this poem reads like a medieval translation of an ancient latin or greek poem. Reading this felt like I was reading something for class, and though I struggle with poetry and struggle to understand its nuance even I can tell that the words hold deep meaning.
Swarm Behavior - Aurélio Loren
Not gonna lie, I have no idea what I just read. Timeline, who? It seems to jump between two different time frames with no distinction between them other than just knowing that something new was happening in a different place.
That’s not to say I didn’t like it, no no. I really enjoyed this piece once I understood that and was able to go back and mentally jigsaw the timeline together. This piece has some real thick and heavy body horror, like I’m talking it made me a bit queasy type of body horror. Maybe that was the bugs, though. I am really not a fan of bugs.
Speaking of! I added insects to the list of TWs for this short, it wasn’t originally included I think because the name implies but but! Better safe than sorry and hoo boy was that a lot of bug stuff, my god.
Recovered Contents From an Angel’s Stomach - Rae Novotny
Hooooo boy this story. This story feels so different from the rest in this anthology and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. In this story, the confusion is key. I feel like I just read a fever dream, and I quite liked it. I had no idea who we were following at any time but I don’t think that’s necessary, just that the being we were following was Angel. 
This story also has some banger lines, I mean:
God, he thinks, is a pervert.
Heaven, at last: to be utterly devout, and devoured.
So yeah, quite a good story. Confusing, but using that confusion to its advantage.
An angel song from the ether - Rafael Nicolás
I am SCREAMING. Rafa, as always, delivered devastation in this poem. It reads almost like Catullus. Like, the homoerotic overtone (not an undertone, never an undertone) with the blatant hatred and pessimism. Like, it’s not over the top like Catullus often is with that, but you can feel the underlying hatred in this line:
Angel, I waited long enough for you, there is no love left in me, now, but lust I’ve never known to live without
It’s giving a more graphic Catullus 5, it’s giving Catullus 8. Hell, it might even give Ovid! I’m not as familiar with the Ars Amatoria or the Amores as I am Catullus, but Ovid definitely has a more sensual vibe like this poem does. All in all, an amazing addition.
Hashem yireh - Dorian Yosef Weber
Ooooooh this story is great too! I love how seamlessly the gendered terms switch, it was instantaneous and effective. 
I also had no issue with following this story, and I genuinely think that I would read a full length novel with this concept. I love it! I don’t want to give too much away, but I also quite enjoyed that the POV character found angels, which had been described as horrific and terrifying to him earlier, beautiful Again, I am a sucker for finding beauty in the monstrous and this story did just that!
Pieces - Emily Hoffman
 Oh goodness this is the story with an uncomfy name in it for me. This will be fun!
Oh boy this story has it all! My legal name, Costco, the butchering of human bodies, Ken Dolls, a character who was judged for wanting to go into the arts and chose science instead, body modification, religious trauma, gosh it’s like I was written into this story. 
Needless to say, I quite enjoyed it! The existential horror and question of faith is written so well, I could practically feel it!
Paradises - Rafael Nicolás
I have to compose myself for this, this is the short story that made me want to read Devout and become an ARC reader. I have to compose myself. 
Okay, okay I can do this. This story is stunning, beautiful, amazing. It feels like love, it feels like finding your home in someone else. It feels like what Gabriel is experiencing. 
I was expecting the sex to be much more graphic than it was, like I was ready for a full cock and balls but we didn’t get that. It def wasn’t like fade to black, but it wasn’t graphic. I could feasibly have my mother read this (i won’t) and not be uncomfy. 
I just, I love it, this story is one of love and doing what you need to do for yourself. I’m so glad that Gabriel found his home with Tlāloc, I’m so happy.
I am planning on writing little things like this every time I read a book just to help me keep track of them. If I don’t write down my opinions and thoughts right away I am liable to forget them. I am hesitant to call these a review because i’m really just not comfy with that lol I will do my best to make sure I appropriately tag and warn about topics. If I miss any please let me know!
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queerbookdirectory · 4 months
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DEVOUT || ed. Quinton Li
Today the QBD spit a very special book back at me; Devout: An Anthology of Angels!!
This anthology is chock full with amazing writers and even more amazing stories! It was one of the first ARC reads I ever did, and I'm very happy to say that I loved it!
This anthology has a little bit of everything:
making the trans body holy
the mundane
romance and most of all it has Angels! So many angels!!!
I genuinely hope that y'all get a chance to pick this one up, it's amazing and you will not be disappointed
Featuring work by Freydís Moon, Dorian Yosef Weber, Angela Sun, Ian Haramaki, Tyler Battaglia, Daniel Marie James, Morgan Dante, Cas Trudeau, Aurélio Loren, Rae Novotny, Rafael Nicolás & Emily Hoffman.
A collection of stories, poetry, and art dedicated to the angelic.
Here you will find the strange, the creepy, the funky, slightly silly, pieces with feeling. An experience buried deep inside, it might be from another dimension. Something questionable that makes you wonder if your first impression of the world is accurate enough to trust.
Or maybe something human — too human.
How about a feeling between a feeling? Longing, yearning. Conflict between moral and love. World between worlds.
Above all — angelic.
Are we what angels make of us, or are angels what we make of them?
This anthology is for mature audiences due to themes and explicit content. Our genres include, but are not limited to: Contemporary Fantasy Romance, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Horror, Historical Fantasy Romance, Mythological, Gothic Fiction, Science Fiction, Horror Drama
each short story has it’s TW’s listed beneath the title, but major ones are body horror and sex
Various, depending on the story, but mostly M/M, trans (incl. non-binary)
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laplumedemaureen · 1 year
Book Review : Tell Me How It Ends - Quinton Li
Quick disclaimer : I was honored to receive an eARC of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review.
First of all, if you don't follow Quinton on Twitter, what are you waiting for ? You should do it immediately (and maybe preorder their book ?).
TMHIE is a cozy fantasy, with plenty of representation. The characters and overall story is very cute, with many mentions of magic. It also focuses on tarot, which is something I'm interested in, so I really liked the whole aesthetic.
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However, I personally prefer when the stakes are a bit higher and we get more action, hence why I gave it 3 stars on GR. I would have loved for the story to be deeper.
What about you ? What did you read recently ?
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auslgbtqya · 3 months
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Chrysalis & Requiem by Quinton Li
From the Author:
At Adraredon Academy, fervent passion, contemporary companionship, and forbidden desires intertwine with tall gothic spires, ancient halls, and centuries of history. Veaer Rosell can't imagine a better place to satiate her craving for beauty, knowledge, and art.
Yet senior year shatters her illusion of tranquillity and civil intellect when she witnesses the headmaster's daughter murder another student and is confronted by an unthinkable choice: avenging her fallen peer or taking this secret to the grave, one way or another.
But fate laughs at Veaer's expense when the headmaster's daughter requests her aid. Driven by an all-consuming thirst for answers, Veaer becomes an untimely partner in solving a murder they both know the answer to, unaware of the intricacies that come with learning the bigger picture and playing with death. Chrysalis & Requiem is a haunting thriller of tragic obsession and relentless grief, weaving two young, queer women in a spiral of clandestine violence and illicit love.
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betterbooksandthings · 9 months
"The best asexual and aromantic fantasy books are packed full of magic, monsters, and mayhem. In a genre where we can imagine anything from unicorns to unique political systems to new approaches to gender and sexuality, these books take on the assignment and expand further than we thought possible."
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quintonli · 3 months
close up of my book's cover <3
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avatardoggo · 2 years
i am the smartest girl in school
#i was at the bus station waiting for my bus tonight close to 1130 and this guy comes up to me and he’s like ‘i just wanted to say yiu look#really cute and that color (this lavender long sleeve top) looks really good on you and i was like “o ty 😊 on the outside 1000% normal but#SCREAMING on the inside and mind you a couple hours ago when i was dt with my friend this guy stuck his head out the window to say he liked#my top too so when this guy at the bus station complimented me i was like o wow ok guess this is my color even my coworkers were saying so#so bus terminal guy introduced himself and i instantly forgot his name bc i big brain smart and we just started small talking and then my bu#s came so i was like cool i can go but then we take the s a m e bus and the same stop but i didn’t tell him that i let him think i got off l#later at a different stop so we’re on the bus just talking about movies and christopher nolan ans quinton tarantino and movie nerd stuff#y’all know how i get and i’m thinking o this guys cool like i’d be his friend and then when his (our) stop comes up he asks for my number#AND I JUST GIVE IT TO HIM LIKE ???!! and i could’ve lied or given another number or just said no but i was thinking o he’s cool like he’s a#movie nerd and we can have a good discussion and like i wasn’t shaky nervous around him like my social anxiety was non existent so i was lik#o friend? but as soon as i went home to text my friend she was like GIRL WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT AND NOW ITS CLICKING THAT HE MAYBE MOST LIKEL#Y DOESNT WANT TK BE MY FRIEND BUT SOMETHING ELSE ANS HE LOWKEY LIVES NEAR ME ANDBJDJDHDHSKJSBDHDJDJJS THIS#has never happened to me like nothing of the sort i’m blaming the top and it’s color like ahshhdjdjdbdbdbd i’m flattered but no i’m not look#i got for that rn and he looked older like late 20s?and i’m baby so no tanks#hopefully i never see him on th street omgoofness that would be the worst i won’t know how to act like i thought friend as if he didn’t call#me cute upon introducing himself goodness i shouldn’t be allowed to speak for myself smh#i need to search up how to be a Normal Calm Girl Who Can Take A Compliment And Reject A Guy If Necessary Withiut Being Weird#wikihow here i come#vk overshares in the tags
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lgbtqreads · 1 year
Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week 2023!
Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week! Running from February 19-25, 2023, this week we’re celebrating aromantic rep, so check out these titles! (Representation is included/highlighted with each title, where I know it.) As usual, all links are affiliate and earn a percentage of income for the site, so please use them if you can! Please note this roundup only features titles that were not…
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transbookoftheday · 1 year
💚 Trans Aro Books To Read For Aromantic Visibility Day 💚
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("Godly Heathens" isn't out yet, but you can preorder it or request an ARC on NetGalley.)
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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cover reveal for TELL ME HOW IT ENDS by Quinton Li! I’m so excited for this!
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Tell Me How It Ends by Quinton Li
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Iris Galacia's tarot cards do more than entertain gamblers. With the flip of her fingers she can predict the future and uncover a person's secrets. But under the watchful eye of her mother, she is on thin ice for pursuing a passion in the family business, and then cracks start to form until eventually she falls through. She is given an ultimatum — a test to prove her worth: earn a thousand coins or leave the business, and the family. Enter Marin Boudreau, a charming young person who can scale buildings and break off doorknobs, who comes for her help to rescue a witch who's been falsely imprisoned in Excava Kingdom. And Marin is willing to pay a high sum for her talents. But saving a prisoner from royal hands isn't easy, nor is leaving home for the first time in eighteen years. Now Iris must learn to trust in herself, Marin, and this new magical world, while racing the clock before the royals decide the fate of the witch, and before any secrets catch up to her.
Mod opinion: I haven't read this one yet, but it sounds interesting.
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andromedaexists · 5 months
Chrysalis & Requiem || Quinton Li
Good News: We are starting off the year with a 5 star read! Bad News: I am going to be sick
I'm trying so hard to explain the absolute roller coaster that this book took me on, but I don't think I can. I think the closest imma get is:
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I guess, I should start from the beginning. This is an ARC!! I am on Quinn's ARC team (and hopefully eventually street team if I can spare the time) and I got this review copy in exchange for an honest review!
Because the book doesn't release until March, I will be keeping this spoiler free. Sad for me, as you guys know I love giving the full run down on the book.
When I started this book, I was a wee small child (i started it yesterday). I didn't know what the universe would hold for me, I didn't know the emotional turmoil I would be put through.
The beginning was a bit hard to get into, as most books are for me these days. I'm incredibly sick at the moment and I just graduated from college last month, any story where I have to learn new things is hard. And you do have to learn new things for this book, I mean it is a fantasy novel.
But once I hit like 20% I was hooked. I stopped reading for the night at 24% and thought that I would be able to meter out my consumption (wrong) only to wake up this morning and blast all the way through to the end.
I am a huge murder mystery person, and when I started this book I thought that might be a detriment. But I can assure you, it isn't. You think that because you saw the murder that you know what's going on. You don't. At all.
I had my theories, about halfway through I had my theories. The group chat will probably never forgive me for reciting the "I've connected two dots" scene from Unsolved but I mean, I'm not the only person reading the book in that chat so I couldn't tell them what my theory actually was because they aren't to that point yet!
Then I hit 60%. And I really started to struggle. This is my fault, the content warnings at the beginning of the book say "This book contains references and themes to alcohol/drug use" and I guess I just didn't realize that meant we would see the POV character being out of her mind drunk for an extended period of time. As someone who really struggles to be around alcohol due to my past, this was nearly enough for me to put the book down. But I'm glad I didn't
Because then, at 72% in:
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And again, not too long after:
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Until finally:
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And honestly, I don't think I can explain anything better than this. I highly recommend this book for y'all, but please please please be mindful of the content warnings. Actually, imma put them here too
This book contains references and themes to alcohol/drug use, blood, confrontation to abuse, death, emotional abuse, escalating violence, gaslighting/manipulation, gore, lifechanging injury, murder, corpses, visions about traumatic events, panic attacks, paranormal/occult content, self-harm, sexual references, suicide ideation, and trauma.
now for the part some of you are waiting for: some of my favorite quotes!
Thorns falling away, petals outstretched, bleeding red onto white roses—revelation would be hers and hers only.
We leave behind love when we die.
Beautiful, beautiful, so beautiful. They would be beautiful together.
Girls like you have secrets. I'm going to peel you apart and reveal every part of you. I will consume you.
To create is to be alive.
and then this one, an epigraph for part four of the book:
Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again. — Homer, The Iliad
Y'all know I'm a sucker for a good Iliad reference and this one. This one wrecked me. I sure wrote a lot for someone at a loss of words, so I'm going to end this here and go curl in a ball and cry and try not to throw up. I am sick and this book is to blame.
Thank you Quinn, truly. I'm so fucking disgusted I love this book so much
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