#Psych medication isn't helping. Therapy isn't helping. Exercising isn't helping.
psilactis · 5 months
as a person who grew up loving anime and seeing the relevance and importance of found family over blood family, and as a young queer adult who keeps reading about how important community is for a person whose very identity goes against the 'traditional family' it's (really) kind of disheartening to realize I'm never going to have my own found family. Especially when your blood family just... Isn't there
#Been thinking about this a lot#When I was a depressed pre teen I had accepted I was doomed to be alone#But then I found friends. Real friends#And I though. Hey. Maybe they could be my family#But as an adult going through an impossible situation with next to zero support or care I'm having to come to terms again#That I'm never really going to have that. A family.#Not unless I conform to what society expects of me and find a man to get married and have children with (I'd rather die)#It's been a rough few days while I come to terms with that#And try to come to terms AGAIN with the fact that my parents don't love or want me#I think it'd be easier if they just disowned me all together instead of making me go through this.#And it's horrible because I'm stuck in a situation I can't get out of very fast. It's a long process#Of getting a job and accumulating money so I can move out#And not getting the support from my parents but seeing my brother get it.... It drives me insane#I hate being o psych medication but I have to be or I'm going insane#I keep wanting to harm myself or kill myself and it takes everything in me to not make a harsh decision#Right now there is nothing keeping me going other than inertia of decisions I made a few months ago.#I have to keep moving because I'm terrified of what is going to happen if I stop.#Psych medication isn't helping. Therapy isn't helping. Exercising isn't helping.#I keep having dreams that I find someone who truly loves me and it's so.... Warm. Comfortable. Safe. I just want to keep asleep in them.#Forever.#It's a pain to wake up and realize I'm never having that in real life. Just a warm hug.#Yesterday I realized if I attempted suicide it would take people a few days to find out#And it's not because I don't talk to people. I do. But. It's always me starting conversations these days#If I don't say anything usually no one starts talking first#Which is fine you know? But also so lonely
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mono-red-menace · 25 days
i would say overall i don't really agree with psychiatry but i also kinda disagree with some common antipsychiatry views.
in my experience, psychiatry has been extremely helpful, but only in the case where the professional didn't prescribe to diagnosis as a solid thing, and instead adopted an approach of treating symptoms that affect me, acknowledging that diagnoses have a lot of overlap, and many of the boxes aren't fully accurate to reality. basically like, acknowledging that i have symptoms of Bipolar, BPD, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, Major Depression, and Social Anxiety, and each of these can have significant overlap, so rather than treat me as having a specific disorder, they ask what my problems are, what i want treated, and how i want to treat it.
they give me suggestions mostly. my official diagnosis from my latest psych was Bipolar, but she didn't have the full picture of my symptoms, now knowing my previous diagnosis was Borderline. but like treatment now is "these things might help stabilise your mood (they have), but your main course of action is therapy"
i've been basically using self-help stuff online to therapy myself, tho, lol
idk it's just i've rarely actually seen doctors and therapists who prescribe strictly to the DSM. i've had some, but most i've had actually criticise the DSM and think a patient-first, therapy-based approach is essential, with medications only being there as a sort of "safety net" that can help with negative mental effects like mood swings and psychosis.
and like. i agree. i was off my quetiapine for a long time, and i can see the effects it's having on me now that im back in it, clear as day. like i wanted to try it again, unsure if it would work, but after a week of being on it, my ability to use techniques i learned in therapy has increased DRASTICALLY, and my mental health has been improving significantly with a combination of medication, therapy, reading of case studies, etc.
a lot of the antipsychiatry i see is (i think rightfully) focused on anti-diagnosis, which is a stance i agree with wholeheartedly, but also that medication wan entirely ineffective and often harmful approach to treatment, which i disagree.
it's like the anti-chiropractic. i'm anti-chiropractic myself, but SOME chiropractic is shown to be effective In Combination With Ither Treatment, with the chiropractic often improving outcomes.
medication is, in my experience, like that. it's like. augmentative to therapy-based treatment. it doesn't like, fix your problem, and it's not supposed to be the only thing you're doing for your treatment, with almost all psychs and therapists i see taking an almost wholly nurture-based approach to treatment, where some chemical imbalances can exacerbate problems, but treatment of just the chemical imbalances doesn't fix the problem, it's like a cane. it helps you keep walking so you can exercise the problem, basically.
and i really like that comparison.
I use a cane to take weight off my bad hip, and to help me keep my balance when walking, because my bad hip causes me to over-rely on my knee on that side, which causes buckling.
but using the cane isn't healing my hip. dedicated exercise and physical therapy is.
stopping the cane would make me more likely to fall and get hurt, but i can do the physical therapy without my cane. the cane just makes me less likely to get hurt, which means my progress will be more linear.
and that's the view i and my psychs have toward medications and psychotherapy.
my biggest problem with psychiatry, personally, is involuntary commitment.
i think that inpatient care NEEDS to be ENTIRELY voluntary, regardless of the condition of the patient, because, in my experience, being trapped in a facility with shifting release dates is not helpful for my mental health, it is demeaning. being made a prisoner for wanting to hurt myself doesn't help me.
if commitment was always entirely voluntary, and included one-on-one therapy for the patients, it would actually give a place for people who are in too bad a spot for just outpatient a place to go for safety, where they can control their treatment in a place where they can feel safe from themselves, without feeling like they are trapped, or under surveillance.
but like, the capitalists would probably think ppl who "didn't need it" would use those facilities basically as places for free food or something, covered by their insurance, and i think insurance would try to not cover entirely voluntary commitment like that, especially if it was "too frequent."
anyways these are the thoughts and observations i've come to based on my extensive experience as a patient (20+ years) in and out of psychiatric care.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Hello Mother of Cats! I hope you are doing well. This fellow ND and disabled witch is hoping to get some insight about coping with burnout that affects your craft.
2022 was probably the worst year of my life, especially for physical and mental health reasons. Things are starting to get better, though I'm still very fatigued, fragile, and high-strung a lot of the time. The one thing that's been taking especially long to recover is my spirituality. I don't feel capable or powerful at all, I'm plagued with self-doubt, and I feel more lost and disoriented than I did when I first started almost 10 years ago (holy shit, that number is just sinking in...wow). My intuition just feels gone.
I know healing from spiritual burnout isn't something I can force, but I'm hoping it's something I can foster. Have you ever been in particularly rough patches with your disabilities/chronic conditions that deeply impacted your capacity for spiritual practice? Was there anything specific you did—in conjunction with actual medical/psych treatment, obviously—that helped you recover? Spells, exercises, routines; practices to ease into working with the atrophied muscles of the soul?
I think, most of all, I just need to hear that it won't be this bad forever. That healing is possible. Because that's very hard to believe right now.
Sorry for the long ask. I hope you have a wonderful day. <3
Oh dear, this brings back memories.
Near the end of 2020 was when I got sick. And the last 2 years kind of swam by in a blur. Like, what the hell happened. Where did I go. It was 2 years of my life, and it felt as if I wasn't the one who was living it.
I think the last 2 years really tried and tested me all the way down to the core. I'd thought I'd paid all my dues in the first 30 decades of my life. Golly was I an idiot to think that. As my chronic illnesses progressed, and more and more of my previous life became lost to me, it felt as if parts of myself were being chipped away one piece at a time. And I'd thought I'd come to terms with being disabled. Whom was I fooling.
Then near the end of 2022, with some push from my husband, I put my feet down and decided I wasn't going to lose hope after all. I began working with an occupational therapist in a long COVID rehabilitation program, then I checked myself into therapy again. I put myself into a wellness routine, and I kept up with it cussing the whole time. I've never been a fan of the hanged man tarot card, but I allowed it to be my inspiration (you can read about it here). I'm determined to find myself again in 2023. The universe can watch me.
I've been taking it easy and gentle with myself spiritually. I don't love having to take extended time off from my spiritual practices, but I've learned that my health has to come first, because without my health, there's nothing. Sometimes, you just have to step away for a while. Spirituality is not something that can be forced. When you need a break, you need a break. Trust that it'll always be there for you, and when you return to it, you'll feel better and ready again. We spoonies, our recharging needs are different. We need more rests and recuperations from just about everything, and that's ok.
From my personal experiences, healing is very possible. It won't be easy, it won't be comfortable, and you might even feel worse for a while, but it gets better.
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aasraphysiotherapy · 4 months
Discover The Best Physiotherapist In Jaipur— Get Expert Care For Your Pain And Injury
Are you struggling with pain or discomfort in your body? Have you recently suffered an injury and need expert care to get back on your feet? Look no further than the Best Physiotherapist in Jaipur. With a wealth of experienced professionals and state-of-the-art facilities, Jaipur is home to some of the most skilled and knowledgeable physiotherapists in the country. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain, recovering from surgery, or just looking to improve your overall physical well-being, there’s a physiotherapy clinic in Jaipur that can help. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the top physiotherapy clinics in Jaipur and what sets them apart from the rest. From personalized treatment plans to cutting-edge technology, you’ll discover everything you need to know about getting expert care for your pain and injury in Jaipur.
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What is Physiotherapy?
The assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of physical impairments, disabilities, and pain are the primary focuses of the healthcare profession of physiotherapy. Through exercise, manual therapy, education, and advice, it aims to improve mobility, function, and quality of life. Physiotherapists work with individuals of any age, from babies to the old, and in various settings, including medical clinics, facilities, schools, work environments, and sports groups. To assist their patients in achieving their objectives, they employ a variety of methods and modalities, including ultrasound, stretching, heat therapy, electrical stimulation, and massage.
Physiotherapy is built on the fundamentals of human anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics. It considers how the body normally recuperates itself and how the psyche, body, and climate communicate with each other. Physiotherapists address the underlying causes of physical problems holistically rather than just treating the symptoms. Furthermore, they team up intimately with other medical services experts to furnish their patients with a complete and composed care plan. Psychologists, occupational therapists, physicians, and nurses are examples of these professionals.
Benefits of Physiotherapy
People who suffer from a variety of physical ailments can benefit greatly from physiotherapy. Here are a portion of the key advantages:
Pain management: Physiotherapy can aid in the recovery from surgery, chronic conditions, or injuries that cause pain. To lessen pain and inflammation, physiotherapists employ a variety of methods, including heat therapy, electrical stimulation, and manual therapy.
Further developed versatility and capability: Joint mobility, muscle strength, and overall physical function can all be improved with physiotherapy. Physiotherapists teach patients how to move and use their bodies more effectively and prescribe individualized exercise plans.
Preventing additional injuries: By identifying and addressing underlying issues, such as muscle imbalances or poor posture, physiotherapy can help prevent future injuries. Patients can also learn from physiotherapists how to avoid common sports or daily activities injuries.
Recovery following surgery: Physiotherapy is an important part of recovering from surgery. After surgery, such as a joint replacement or spinal surgery, physiotherapists can assist patients in regaining strength, mobility, and function.
Controlling chronic conditions: By improving physical function, reducing pain, and promoting healthy lifestyle habits, physiotherapy can assist in the management of chronic conditions like arthritis, diabetes, or heart disease.
The Importance of Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy isn't just about recovering from injuries; it's a comprehensive approach to rehabilitation and wellness. It involves targeted exercises, manual therapy, education, and lifestyle modification to address a variety of concerns:
Injury Recovery: Physiotherapy aids in recovering from sports injuries, fractures, sprains, and muscle strains by improving flexibility, strength, and range of motion.
Chronic Pain Management: For those dealing with conditions like arthritis or back pain, physiotherapy offers non-invasive techniques to manage discomfort and enhance mobility.
Post-Surgery Rehabilitation: It plays a pivotal role in post-operative care, facilitating a smoother recovery process and helping individuals regain strength and functionality.
When to see a Physiotherapist?
It may be time to see a physiotherapist if you are having any of the following issues:
.Agony or distress in your joints, muscles, or bones
.Restricted portability or trouble performing day-to-day exercises
.Post-medical procedure recuperation
.Sports wounds or other actual wounds
.Constant circumstances, like joint inflammation or diabetes
.Pregnancy-related agony or distress
Physiotherapy can likewise assist with forestalling future wounds and advance in general actual prosperity.
Seeing a physiotherapist doesn’t have to wait until you have a problem. You can stay healthy and active by going to checkups and maintenance sessions regularly.
How to choose the best physiotherapy clinic in Jaipur
Choosing the Top Physiotherapy Clinic in Jaipur can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to the city or have never seen a physiotherapist before. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a physiotherapy clinic:
Location and Accessibility
Choose a physiotherapy clinic that is conveniently located and easily accessible, especially if you have mobility issues or need regular appointments.
Reputation and Reviews
Check the clinic’s reputation and reviews online or ask for referrals from friends or family. Look for a clinic that has experienced and qualified physiotherapists, modern facilities, and a friendly and professional atmosphere.
Specialization and Expertise
Choose a clinic that specializes in your specific condition or needs. Look for physiotherapists who have expertise in your areas of concern, such as sports injuries, post-surgery rehabilitation, or chronic pain management.
Different types of Physiotherapy treatments
Physiotherapy offers a wide range of treatments to address different physical problems and conditions. Here are some of the most common types of physiotherapy treatments:
Key Services Offered
Manual Therapy: Skilled hands-on techniques such as massage and joint mobilization aid in relieving pain and improving movement.
Therapeutic Exercises: Tailored exercise programs designed to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and enhance overall function.
Electrotherapy: Utilizing modalities like ultrasound, TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation), and laser therapy to manage pain and aid in tissue healing.
Education and Prevention: Educating patients about injury prevention techniques, ergonomic advice, and lifestyle modifications to prevent recurrence.
The landscape of physiotherapy in Jaipur is diverse and dynamic, offering individuals a range of options to address their physical health concerns. From cutting-edge techniques to compassionate care, the city provides access to top-tier physiotherapy services aimed at restoring function, reducing pain, and enhancing overall well-being.
By choosing the right Best Physiotherapy Clinic In Jaipur that aligns with your needs, you can embark on a journey towards improved mobility, increased strength, and a better quality of life in the culturally vibrant city of Jaipur.
Physiotherapy is a safe and effective way to address a wide range of physical problems and conditions. If you’re struggling with pain, limited mobility, or other physical issues, consider seeing a physiotherapist in Jaipur. With their expertise, experience, and personalized approach, you can get the expert care you need to feel better and live your best life. Remember to choose a physiotherapy clinic that meets your needs and preferences, and prepare for your session to get the most out of your treatment. With Best Physiotherapy hospital in Jaipur and a treatment plan, you can achieve your physical goals and improve your overall well-being.
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/physiomeenakshisoni
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dr.meenakshisoni/
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Inside Conquer Recovery’s Innovative Alcohol Detox Approach
Picture this: The City of Angels, a place known for its glitz and glamour, is also home to an oasis of tranquility and recovery – Conquer Recovery. As a premier destination for the alcohol detox Los Angeles experience, Conquer Recovery stands apart, not just because of its location, but due to its distinctive approach to addiction treatment. It’s all about balance here, with the team employing a blend of tried-and-true methods with holistic therapies to help patients overcome alcohol addiction. Our holistic approach starts with viewing each individual as a whole being, not just through the lens of their addiction. We believe that to truly conquer addiction, it's crucial to address every aspect of a person's health: physical, mental, and spiritual. By creating a personalized treatment plan that embraces this ethos, we initiate the journey to recovery, which begins with detoxification.
Unveiling the Detox Process From Chaos to Clarity
Alcohol detox is an essential first step towards recovery. It’s a process where the elimination of alcohol from the body occurs and while it can be uncomfortable, it's necessary to clear the path for further treatment. At Conquer Recovery, we don't just monitor this process; we infuse it with a unique touch that's inherently human and, more importantly, empathetic. Our professional staff ensures the detox is safe, but more than that, they provide a comforting presence. Our team knows that detox isn't just a physical ordeal. Emotions run high, uncertainty abounds, and it can feel like you're navigating uncharted territory. To counteract this, we integrate holistic therapies right from the get-go, providing the kind of support that brings peace to the mind and comfort to the soul during this challenging phase.
The Power of Yoga - Embodying Serenity Amid Detox
One unique aspect of our holistic approach to alcohol detox is the integration of yoga. Now, you might be thinking, "Yoga? During detox?" But stick with us here; it's more impactful than you might imagine. We understand that to heal a person's addiction, it is not enough to treat the addiction itself. Instead, you must treat the patient's psyche, body, and spirit. Yoga therapy is one of the most effective methods for doing so.  Yoga brings a sense of calm and clarity. Its gentle movements and deep breathing exercises help to release stress, increase flexibility, and improve overall mental well-being. For someone going through alcohol detox, it’s like a breath of fresh air, grounding them in their body and providing a peaceful counterpoint to the turmoil they might be experiencing. During alcohol detox in Los Angeles, our bodies are working hard to rid themselves of toxins, and yoga supports this process. By helping to regulate breathing, blood flow, and even digestion, yoga can facilitate detox and make the process just a little bit easier.
Hands-On Healing and The Role of Massage Therapy in Alcohol Detox
Beyond yoga, another jewel in our holistic crown is massage therapy. It's more than just a feel-good measure; it's a strategic method that helps manage withdrawal symptoms, reduce stress, and promote overall wellness. Plus, it serves as a constant reminder to our patients that they're not just a number in a system, but individuals deserving of care, comfort, and respect. By increasing circulation and promoting relaxation, massage therapy aids in detoxification and helps the body to rebalance after alcohol use. It’s a gentle, non-invasive therapy that complements traditional medical detox, adding a soothing layer to the overall experience.
Aquatic Therapy and Detox at Conquer Recovery
Water has a calming effect, doesn't it? At Conquer Recovery, we channel the serene nature of water through our aquatic therapy sessions, offering another level of holistic support during alcohol detox. Aquatic therapy provides a low-impact, relaxing environment for physical exercise. This not only aids in the detoxification process but also serves as a form of stress relief and relaxation. It's an effective, non-drug approach to managing the physical and psychological stressors that can come along with detox, and it pairs beautifully with our other therapies to create a comprehensive, holistic detox experience.
Conquer Recovery's Unique Approach So, there you have it - a sneak peek into our holistic approach to alcohol detox in Los Angeles. Conquer Recovery is not just about overcoming addiction; it's about finding balance, embracing wellness, and navigating a path to a healthier, happier life. With our blend of traditional and holistic therapies, we aim to provide an experience that's more than detox - it's a journey towards recovery, and it begins here, with us. Together, we can conquer anything. It might be difficult to reach out for detox services, to begin the process, or simply to chat with someone about further information. We've got your back!  If you have any questions regarding our detox process, our community, or our facilities, or if you're ready to start the intake process, we'd be happy to answer them. If you're ready to move forward, just send us a message through the site or give us a call now.
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dither44 · 10 months
Outcall Massage Service
All of us has more bustling timetable nowadays and our lives have become increasingly requesting on our time. Our day to day schedule has become loaded up with additional obligations and the present society delivers a ton of tension and stress that we need to adapt to consistently. Thus we will generally be more inclined to a medical conditions and we can't partake in the personal satisfaction that is close by to capitalize on our lives.
There are numerous ways how to partake in a solid way of life and the most significant is to pick the blend that we can appreciate, in light of the fact that it's in the human instinct not to continue in the exercises that we are awkward with. One of the suggested ways that have been around us for quite a long time is a back rub. Knead, as a control of body's delicate tissues (muscle, ligaments and tendons) to accomplish a particular constructive outcome on human's body and psyche, isn't just a decent cure but on the other hand it's an exceptionally viable method of counteraction against numerous medical conditions. Back rub can assist us with disposing of our day to day portion of pressure and the human body, psyche and soul can profit from it in numerous ways.
There are excesses of back rub styles and methods yet the most well-known in the western culture are Swedish Back rub, Profound Tissue and Sports Back rub.
It could appear to be as a touch of issue for a few of us to conclude which style is generally reasonable for us yet that ought not be considered as an issue as each back rub ought to begin with the underlying counsel and evaluation and there are many spots where we can get an exhortation on what's best as far as we're concerned.
The genuine issue we could confront is where we can seek a treatment that can offer us the most advantages and would feel generally good. Individuals as a rule believe that the main spot where they can partake in this experience is a Back rub Spa or Cantina. However, truly not we all would be glad to go to places like that or not we all could fit the back rub arrangement in the sallon to our occupied and in some cases eccentric day to day plans.
Indeed, fortunately there are many outcall knead specialist organizations out there nowadays. The organizations I'm discussing can send an expert who can give you a merited and much wanted knead treatment to your home, lodging or an office.
This can furnish us not just with the advantages that we can seek from the treatment in the Cantina or Spa yet in addition with a couple of something else.
It's the straightforward reality that not we all are quick to visit public spots for a treatment like that as we feel awkward utilizing a public changing rooms or changig rooms utilized by many individuals consistently. It could likewise be our abhorrence for the public shower offices. One more of advantages we could get is that we can save a ton of time by seeking a portable therapy as we don't need to make a trip to spa and back once more and furthermore we can organize a back rub to fit in our bustling timetable. Obviously it's not just about the time that we could save however what could be awesome as to have a decent, hot and loosening up shower at the solace of our own home or lodging after the back rub treatment go against to stressfull voyaging experience returning in a bustling rush hour gridlock or transport conditions? This way we could extend our loosening up experience significantly more and get actually the most out of our back rub insight to advance our blissful perspective, to spoil our spirit and award our body.
Everybody of us is a person with the veritable requirements and wants. Every single one of us has various inclinations and subsequently we shouldn't fail to remember the choice of outcall knead administration when we are settling on how and where to partake in our next helpful back rub treatment.
For more information : tantric massage
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roselollipop · 2 years
Summary of Self-Care Recommendations
[’The Self-Care Toolkit’ Facebook Page - Pinned Post]:
"The Book of Overthinking" - by Gwendoline Smith 🧠 (Learn CBT for the Tools to Analyse your own Unhelpful Thinking Patterns & Correct them) [This, naturally, can also apply to other people's words/behaviour]
You may want/need to speak to a Psych. There are different types [In order from ‘Day-to-Day’ to ‘Serious Help Needed’]:
"Psychologist" (Talk Therapy)
"Clinical Psychologist" (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
"Psychiatrist" (Talk Therapy & Medications)
Openground MBSR Course 🌿 [Facebook Page] (Learn Mindfulness Meditation Practices to Develop Emotional Resilience/Self-Discipline)
Live a Healthy Lifestyle (Good Sleep Routine, Healthy Food, Good Hygiene) 💤🍳💧
Find a Sports Hobby you enjoy/are passionate about to motivate you to Exercise Regularly 💪 (To help stay Mentally & Physically Healthy) [Option: Try to use Flexibility/Workout Apps regularly 📱 &/or if possible, Learn Self-Defence 🥋]
🛄 Develop Anti-Stress Strategies & Create a Coping Box/Bag - Collect physical items that positively engage your senses, remind you of anything that makes you feel happy, relaxed, comforted or motivated, or that can at least be used as visual reminders of other stress strategy activities
Memorize your anti-stress strategies so that they're always with you (even if the Coping Box/Bag itself isn't)
[You could include a notepad or printed pages of the CBT Thought Viruses, Flashcards (Reroute Thoughts/Affirmations) & Mindfulness Meditation Practices]
Go on Outing/to Social Event, Get Outside for the Sun & Fresh Air 🎉🏞️ (R&R = Relax and Recharge regularly to not Burnout)
[👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Try to only socialize with people who are positive influences on your life. Keep your distance from (or cut out, if necessary/possible) difficult/poisonous people - & always make a point of keeping people around you 'in the loop' asap about what's happening around or with you socially so that there are no misunderstandings & so that their lack of awareness can't be taken advantage of by troublemakers. Always be willing to hear out both sides of a social conflict. The first person who talks isn't always the one telling the truth (Even if they seem quite convincing in how they sound & behave, this might be an act) - And in some situations (not all), both may be lying or telling half-truths]. If you don't care or don't know for sure, it's best to remain neutral & behave the same as usual. That way, the potential liar(s)/manipulator(s) - whoever they are - don't get what they want from you through trickery. If you do care, then investigate impartially so you can decide what to think for yourself (Carefully, like a detective)]
To Aussie targets/victims & bullies alike, or anyone who is putting up with personal issues they don’t know how to deal with, look at: CCI - Self Help Resources for Mental Health Problems. It might help you. (These workbooks can help everyday people too, not just people with diagnosed mental conditions) [Why for the bullies? Because I understand - from researching psychology - that bullies bully as an ineffective coping strategy to try and counteract - or at least distract themselves from - their personal issues (Them blaming their targets/victims by claiming: 'They deserve it’ is just the excuse that they use to cover up this fact)]
Stay safe & get/stay well 👍🏻
- Heather RG Norman, 2022
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