#Project based teaching
pbnmj · 18 hours
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the crossover nobody asked for
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area51-escapee · 1 year
One of the many hills I’ll die on is my defense of the Girl Scouts if you hear the “girl” in Girl Scouts and immediately assume “well, clearly all they’re teaching them is how to bake cookies and manage a household and become a good wife and mother who stays home and cooks and cleans” then that shits on you yeah some troops aren’t going to be as good as others it all depends on the leadership and resources available but that doesn’t negate the fact that at it’s core it is there to teach young girls valuable skills and it can provide unique opportunities and a nice community for people who may need it
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ohitslen · 1 year
T hOUGH TS??????
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emmaspolaroid · 9 months
if i show up like “hey ya’ll i got married over the weekend 🥰” don’t be surprised lol
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daddy-socrates · 1 year
hhhhhhhh i am so close to done w this chapter i am DYING (in a good way this time though)
im really proud of how i cleaned up/rewrote/incorporated more parts into this chapter, and now im literally on my final section of my final chapter excluding the introduction and conclusion sections my advisor wants me to write for the week after next, but like, of the body of the paper?? last part
i am vibrating! at the speed of light! god i am so nervous and excited! aaaaah!
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squaretablehold · 2 years
Getting back into rp has got me thinking about twine again. It was inevitable that I'd start thinking about either this or a ttrpg campaign.
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calamitys-child · 7 months
Listening to a podcast discussing conspiracy theories and deconstructing the ideas behind them and it's reminded me of the coolest practical lessons in critical thinking I ever got, both in high school, both from the same teacher. One was a month long project on who killed jfk in which we could basically present any theory as long as we cited all our reasons and it got us really excited about research and interpretation, but it was the follow up that I liked best.
Our next project she brought us into class and showed us a documentary claiming the moon landing was faked. Gave us worksheets to do that sided with that stance. And at the end of class a bunch of us were like miss wait this doesn't seem right?? and she said okay, we'll discuss that next week. The next lesson, she showed us a mythbusters episode countering all the claims of the original documentary and gave us worksheets for that, and another bunch of people went wait miss you can't teach us two opposing things, which one is right? What do we put on the exam??
So she split the class in two and told us each to present a case based on each side, and to explain why our source was or wasn't the more reliable of the two. Got us to debate each other directly and use additional sources to back us up and explain why those sources were reliable and should be believed. And because they were randomly assigned there was no guarantee you'd agree with the stance you were presenting, but you had to present it like you did. At the end of the project she asked us all which stance we found more convincing and why, and the majority of us basically said "we think that the moon landing is real because most of the arguments against it seem like someone reacted to a confusing thing without testing it, but when you test it and ask the person running the test to explain the science it makes sense once you have more information. Also, one documentary was made with the help of scientists with qualifications and experience and the other was made by people who don't have that but like to write mystery books, which looks like a less reliable way to get an answer. But we still dont understand why you showed us both if one is wrong."
And she was like excellent. You've done exactly what you should do. At high school level, we as teachers are expected to filter for the reliable sources for you, so you know to repeat that to pass an exam, but if you want to be historians on your own, I won't be your teacher any more once you graduate. Lots of people have opinions and theories and research about times in history, and it's your job to learn how to look at them and decide who you want to trust. This won't be on the exam, but I need you all to know it. You all did a great job following the school's instructions to repeat information you were given, but for some of you, that information wasn't on a reliable foundation. I know you all know how to pass an exam. You're smart and you've been trained to follow these instructions. What you deserve to be taught is how to use all this once you don't have to do exams any more.
And then as a reward for us doing a good job at figuring out the value of checking your sources' sources she let us watch Bush get hit in the face with a shoe before we had to go to maths. Shoutout to you Ms Hannah you were a good'un I hope you're doing well ten years on from that class
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randomaccessmike · 17 days
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Overheard as I’m watching teachers share student learning presentations…
Ne’er a truer statement was uttered.
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hopkinshernandez68 · 2 months
Title: Nourishing Your Belief: Exploring Transformative Christian Content on YouTube
Introduction: Embracing Inspirational Dean jerrod Content Online Here you are at our sanctuary of religion and community, exactly where we delve directly into the enriching planet of Christian Facebook channels. Here, many of us invite you to start on a voyage of spiritual expansion and discovery even as we explore a different assortment of channels created to uplift, inform, and inspire. From comedic sketches in order to profound sermons, by thought-provoking discussions in order to heartfelt worship, these types of channels offer some sort of tapestry of information geared towards deepening the connection with God and even strengthening your belief. The Skit Men: Where Comedy Matches Belief Step straight into the world associated with The Skit Folks, where laughter and even enlightenment converge. This specific YouTube channel has a repertoire associated with hilarious and insightful skits that ingeniously convey Christian communications. Through their unique mix of humor plus depth, The Skit Guys aim to be able to captivate and forward viewers, leaving them with a restored perspective on their beliefs journey. Link: The particular Skit Guys YouTube Channel Louie Giglio: Igniting Passion by way of Powerful Speaking Make to be stirred by the fiery passion of Louie Giglio as he or she imparts timeless truths through his fascinating sermons and instruction. Renowned for his / her fervent delivery in addition to profound insights, Louie Giglio breathes existence into biblical narratives, compelling viewers in order to deepen their knowing of God's Expression and embrace a life of purpose and relevance. Link: Louie Giglio's YouTube Channel Alpha: Engaging Minds, Modifying Hearts Join typically the conversation with Leader, a beacon involving inclusivity and query in the sphere of faith. By way of engaging videos in addition to discussions, Alpha produces a safe space for folks to grapple along with life's big concerns and embark upon a journey involving discovery. Whether you're a skeptic or even a seeker, Alpha dog invites that you explore the Christian trust with an available mind and some sort of receptive heart. Url: Alpha's YouTube Funnel The Bible Task: Visualizing the Wisdom of Scripture Dip yourself in the rich tapestry regarding biblical narratives produced to life simply by The Bible Task. Through captivating animated graphics and insightful comments, this channel presents a fresh viewpoint on the timeless truths encapsulated inside the pages regarding Scripture. Prepare in order to deepen your understanding associated with God's Word and even uncover its meaning to your life today. Link: The particular Bible Project Youtube . com Channel Francis Chan: Challenging Believers in order to Radical Faith Access the realm of radical discipleship using Francis Chan, the voice calling believers to wholehearted commitment and authentic existing. Through his compelling sermons and instruction, Francis Chan challenges viewers to embrace the radical teachings of Jesus and embark on the journey of change and impact. Url: Francis Chan's Facebook Funnel C. H. Lewis Doodle: Producing Wisdom Accessible due to Animation Experience the timeless wisdom involving C. S. Lewis in a totally new light with C. T. Lewis Doodle. By means of captivating animations and even narrations, this funnel breathes fresh existence into the deep insights of one particular of Christianity's most celebrated thinkers, producing his teachings accessible and interesting for the modern audience. Link: C. S. Lewis Doodle YouTube Channel CrossExamined: Equipping Believers with Evidence in addition to Reason Arm yourself with information and confidence by way of the enlightening sources of CrossExamined. Featuring talks and discussions by renowned apologist Frank Turek, this specific channel tackles hard questions and objections head-on, providing believers with thoughtful answers and empowering those to defend their trust with clarity and conviction. Link: Christian vlogs : Guiding Believers on the Course of Purpose Uncover the transformative power of purpose-driven living with Rick Warren otherwise you guide. Through motivating sermons and functional teachings, Rick Warren equips believers with biblical principles and even insights to understand life's challenges plus pursue an existence of meaning plus significance. Link: David Warren's YouTube Funnel Isaiah Saldivar: Experiencing God's Presence by way of Worship Journey in to the depths involving worship and revival with Isaiah Saldivar, a passionate advocate for encountering The lord's presence. Through highly effective preaching, worship, in addition to personal testimonies, Isaiah Saldivar invites believers to draw better to Jesus and experience the transformative power of surrender in addition to intimacy. Link: Isaiah Saldivar's YouTube Route Ruslan: Inspiring Genuine Faith through Tunes and Conversation Get started on a journey of authenticity and even vulnerability with Ruslan as your associate. Through a blend of hip-hop, storytelling, and thought-provoking discussions, Ruslan shares his / her personal journey and even biblical insights, motivating viewers to live on away their faith using courage and confidence. Link: Ruslan's Youtube . com Channel
Kap Chatfield: Empowering Youth to Navigate Faith and even Culture Navigate the complexities of religion and culture with Kap Chatfield as your manual. Through engaging vlogs, interviews, and talks, Kap Chatfield address topics tightly related to modern-day youth, inspiring these people to deepen their very own faith and understand the challenges in the modern world confidently and conviction. Url: Kap Chatfield's YouTube Channel Michael Heiser: Unraveling the Strategies of Scripture Start a scholarly trip into the absolute depths of biblical studies with Michael Heiser. Through meticulous research and accessible presentations, Michael Heiser outdoor sheds light on historical Near Eastern cultures, difficult passages, and even theological concepts, giving viewers a clean perspective within the importance of Scripture nowadays. Link: Michael Heiser's YouTube Funnel Donald Platt: Calling Believers to Radical Obedience Answer the call to radical obedience together with David Platt while your guide. By means of thought-provoking sermons in addition to teachings, David Platt challenges believers to have out the revolutionary teachings of Jesus and make a touchable difference in typically the world around these people. Link: David Platt's YouTube Channel By pass Heitzig: Applying The lord's Word to Everyday Life Obtain useful wisdom for everyday living through the particular teachings of Skip Heitzig. With a new dynamic preaching fashion and in-depth research, Skip Heitzig empowers viewers to make use of The lord's Word with their day-to-day lives, fostering spiritual growth and maturation. Link: Skip Heitzig's YouTube Funnel Asks Cliffe: Engaging Skeptics with Thoughtful Discussion Enter into important dialogue with Demands Cliffe as your guide. This station navigates difficult inquiries and objections related to the Religious faith with brains and grace, delivering thoughtful responses of which invite skeptics right into a journey of intellectual exploration and breakthrough. Link: Asks Cliffe YouTube Channel Whaddo You Meme: Merging Humor with Biblical Truth Discover the intersection of laughter and faith along with Whaddo You Meme. Through cleverly designed memes, this station delivers lighthearted
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endeavoracademy · 4 months
Website: https://www.endeavormesa.com/
Address: North Mesa, Arizona, USA
Endeavor Academy is an exceptional microschool located in north Mesa, offering a personalized educational approach to unlock children's full potential. With limited class sizes, it provides individualized attention and unique learning opportunities, ensuring each student's success. Emphasizing hands-on, collaborative projects and flexibility, it fosters a safe, understanding environment where students can learn at their own pace, supported by the experienced and patient guidance of Ms. Toni.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091564063293
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/endeavormesa/
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fairuzfan · 6 months
What's new(ish) in the settler-colonial state of the US is that a series of bills have been passed in the House (the Baby Senate as I like to say) and are on their way to the Senate that make it harder to voice support for Palestinians while also making sure your direct taxes aid the genocide in Gaza.
These bills affirm the US's stance on the settler-colonial Zionist Entity and the implicit ties that the government has with Israel and really — just goes to show you how Israel is just one big base for American Imperialism.
Anyways, there's still time to call your senate and tell them that you don't want these bills that only further spiral the US into fascism so even if you think it might not do much — it's important that we document our dissent in official sources. And while you're at it — call your congressperson and tell them that if they voted for this you're not voting for them next election. If they voted against the bills, still call your congresspeople and tell them you support their decision to vote against these bills.
Here are the bills:
📍Resolution: HR 6126
Resolution Name: Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act Description: Gives $14.3 Billion To Israel From The IRS (Taxes You Pay). Like straight up. Just takes it from an IRS project, which used our tax dollars to begin with, to give to Israel "defense." Link to check summary: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/hr6126
📍Resolution: HR 798
Resolution Name: "Condemning the support of Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations at institutions of higher education, which may lead to the creation of a hostile environment for Jewish students, faculty, and staff." Description: Will Penalize Students On American College Campuses For Supporting Palestine. This includes "Free Palestine" Protests as according to Rep Owens who introduced the bill (Click). Link to check who voted: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/118-2023/h578
📍Resolution: HR 3266
Resolution Name: "Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act" Description: They will be examining Palestinian education materials to see if it promotes "hate" or "violence" (aka are they teaching their children to become murderers??). Will inevitably require Revision Of Text Books In Palestinian Schools To Portray The Occupation In A Positive Light. Link to summary: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/hr3266
📍Resolution: HR 340
Resolution Name: "The Hamas International Financing Prevent Action" Description: Claims to stop financial support for "terrorist" organizations but considering that Gaza's government is run by Hamas, then this would mean Gaza will receive absolutely no aid and donating to people in Gaza could get you in legal trouble. Link to summary: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/hr340
There's a button for most of these bills that allows you to contact your representative directly. Please do take the time to contact them — while many of this isn't especially new to Palestinians, the difference is now that we have a larger power in numbers than we did in the past. Please make sure to advocate for you Palestinian comrades in the US whenever possible! Help us Free Palestine one step at a time!
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monsterblogging · 3 months
"I know JK Rowing is a terrible person but her books are so good-"
You sure about that?
I mean, just for a start, have you taken a good look at her fantasy creatures lately? A whole bunch of them are straight-up based on malicious and dehumanizing stereotypes about actual people.
Remember the werewolves? And being a werewolf was made into a kind of metaphor for having AIDS?
And you know how AIDS was first associated with gay men? And how conservatives back in the day were claiming gay men were preying on children in order to convert them to gayness?
Remember how Fenrir Greyback preyed on children in particular? Yeah, she put that subtext in there. She was an adult in the 90's. She knew damn well what she was doing.
Remember the house elves? Remember how most of them loved to serve and needed to have a home and a master or else they just wouldn't know what to do with themselves?
Did you know that's literally what slavers in the American South said about the Black people they kept enslaved? Go look up the happy slave myth.
Do I even need to get into the goblins and the antisemitic tropes they're based on? No, folkloric goblins were not gold-hoarding bankers waiting for their chance to stab humanity in the back.
"But the characters are so good!"
Are you kidding me?
Most of her characters are pretty one-dimensional, including Harry. Her idea of making a morally complicated character is giving a tragic past to a bully. Numerous characters are little more than stereotypes. (Looking at Fleur right now.) Literally anybody, including you, can easily make dozens of characters just as good, if not better. (It doesn't exactly take a lot of character designing skill to go, "hey, actually, having a sad backstory doesn't make it okay to bully children" or "hey, maybe I should not base a character on the first stereotype that pops into my head.")
"But the rest of the worldbuilding!"
Sorry, but her worldbuilding is just as basic as her characters. Magical castles and secret passages are stock tropes. Magical people who keep their true nature secret from humanity is the premise of pretty much every White Wolf TTRPG. Most of her fantasy creatures are just common European fairy tale and folklore creatures with shitty stereotypes projected onto them.
I'm not saying "basic worldbuilding bad." I'm saying, you could do just as good, if not better, with minimal effort.
Also there's her magical bioessentialism, where only Harry's abusive blood relatives could provide him with supernatural protection from Voldemort. Rowling thus effectively declared that non-biological family isn't quite real family, and that abusive biofamily can give you some essential thing that a loving, supportive family that isn't related to you just can't.
The Hogwarts houses are one of the most insidious elements of her worldbuilding. The idea of being sorted gives you a little dopamine hit because wow now you have a li'l niche where you belong!
But the actual function of the houses and sorting system and the House Cup is teaching children to see each other as rivals, and ensure that the most toxic views of the upper class get passed on to every new batch of kids sorted into Slytherin.
Hogwarts effectively prepares children for a dystopia where magic serves to distract its citizens from how nightmarishly awful it is. Economic inequality is so bad that people like Arthur and Molly Weasley can barely afford to put their kids through school, casual sadism is just an accepted norm in everyday society, and non-humans are second class citizens. Rowling sorta acts like she thinks this is a bad thing with certain lines she gave to Dumbledore, but in the end, her special boy protagonist becomes an auror; IE, a defender of the status quo. So.
If you've never seen it, Lily Simpson's video goes into even more detail on how the worldbuilding of Harry Potter is actually incredibly fucked up, and how it betrays small-minded attitudes on Rowling's part. There's no separating the art from this artist, because Rowling's rotten values pour out of nearly every page.
Yes, there are many things in Harry Potter that evoke feelings and inspire people, but there's absolutely nothing in it that this series has a monopoly on. You can find those same experiences in much, much better media.
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sunlit-haruka · 5 months
I love Kotoko Yuzuriha a lot
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freshstitches · 5 months
One of my posts keeps getting reblogged with hashtags like
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It's funny because a while ago, I made a few KNITTING patterns that purposefully look like CROCHET.
I call it faux-chet.
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Off the hook shawl - yes, it's knit.
Some of you may find these patterns interesting, they're all I cord based stitches. I know that most of these would be basic projects to crochet, but not everybody knows how. I designed these for people who want the look but don't have time or the desire to learn a new craft.
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Loaded Taco Shawl
Another advantage of these faux-chet patterns is that they use a lot less yarn than crochet. The taco above uses i cord like chain stitch, it only weighs 85 g. The boardwalk wrap and top below mimics fillet crochet openwork.
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All of these faux-chet patterns are made with a technique that I call the lattice stitch. I made a YouTube playlist of the basics and sometimes teach classes on this topic.
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I named this pattern Definitely a Knit Shawl to avoid Ravelry mods relabeling it AND included photos of it on the needles to prove that is actually knitted. I have had arguments with people who think that I just crochet poorly and that's why my stitches look funny.
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If you think the stitch is interesting, you should definitely check it out. The YouTube videos are free and I have plenty more patterns on my Ravelry page that use this technique.
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educationmundo · 1 year
Teach green and put environmental issues at the heart of school life
Teaching green and promoting environmentalism in schools can have numerous benefits for both students and the wider community. Not only can it help to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the planet...
Teaching green and promoting environmentalism in schools can have numerous benefits for both students and the wider community. Not only can it help to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the planet, but it can also foster a sense of responsibility and encourage students to make more sustainable choices in their daily lives. Here are a few ways that schools can incorporate green…
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omaano · 6 months
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Touchy subject
"The 501st was one of the best legions during the war. I've lost a lot of good men over the years - some of them would have given even you Mandos a run for your credits. And my general... My general was a good man too, but that's enough of that, I thought you were too old for bedtime stories by now."
Din just tried to figure out what the colour of the clones' armor paint meant, and why he's never heard Rex mention his CO during all the wartime stories and lectures; whereas he's already got to meet Wolffe and his general and even heard Cody mention his every once in a blue moon. (Special thanks to @witchydom for helping with the "dialogue" :3)
The rest of my Star Wars meets Hades AU project is here
I'll take a bit of your time to give a bit of an explanation why I decided to put Rex in Skelly's spot:
During a playthrough when I was looking for screenshots to use as backgrounds the first thing that greeted me was Zagreus calling Skelly "Captain" upon entering the armoury, or whatever that chamber is called. And that really decided it, let's be honest. Rex is Captain, and that is the Captain's spot. End of story.
Reading "still got it" by qigiined even before I got into watching TCW was such a personality defining experience (seriously, this fic lives forever rent free in my brain), that I really had no other option but to put the few clones that I'm willing to work into this AU somewhere around home base (the covert) - so you can guess where Cody and Wolffe are situated. Or will be, hopefully soon enough. Rex needs to be able to hang out with Cody, that's just how it is. (Rebels and TBB canon who?)
Rex deserves to teach some uppity Mando bounty hunters and other warriors who think too much of themselves a few lessons in humility and some crafty tricks. I think it would be very good for him.
As a throwaway note since we are already under the read more section, I've been thinking about sigils and keepsakes (trinkets) and cthonic companions (I know that over a year ago I inaccurately but very self indulgently designed one for Din, Boba and Cobb, that is not the point now) and while Cody can have one shaped like Boga, and Wolffe can obviously get a stuffed loth wolf (and Bo-Katan a very squishy owl)... I have no idea what shaped companion Rex could have. If anyone has any suggestions and would love to share it with me, I'd be very grateful!
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