#Portfolio color schemes
reboottechblogs · 1 year
10 Jaw-Dropping Portfolio Designs That Will Leave You Speechless!
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codyvondell · 1 year
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🔴🔵🟡 brand practice pt 1
🟢🟠🟡 brand practice pt 2
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betarotai · 1 year
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Had the sudden urge to effort. Also trying to get back in groove with Krita after graduating from game dev studies and losing Photoshop
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katy-l-wood · 4 months
Let's talk cover art!
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Firstly, here is the first official look at the full jacket for my new book!
Camp Daze has had a really wandering path to publication, which I'll talk more about later, but back when I still didn't know what I wanted to do with it exactly, I got this crystal clear image of what I wanted the cover to look like. So I created that cover, just the front cover at the time, as more of a portfolio piece than anything. But even though it was meant to just be a portfolio piece, I loved it so damn much, and it stuck in my head hard. When I did finally decide to self publish the book, I knew I had to use this cover.
Usually, I go through a lot more iterations for my covers when it comes time to finally publish things, but this one has just stuck with me over the years as I tried to bring this novel out into the world. Back in 2023 some of you may remember I tested another cover featuring two of the main characters, and did some tumblr polls to see what people liked most, and the tent cover won by a LANDSLIDE each time. (That other cover, or the art from it anyway, will still be available other ways! Just not as THE cover for the book.)
I think the very stark, simplistic nature of the cover fits the themes of the book really well. It's do or die and all they've got is the resources in their camp--represented by the tent, the resources of the wilderness--represented by the mountains/forest, and the looming/hovering threat of a nuclear war that they don't actually know that much about. When it came time to create the full wraparound version of the cover, I added in a little archery target on the back cover because archery plays a major roll in their survival as well.
Colors wise, everything was built around the green tents. The tents are based off of the ones at my own childhood summer camp, and they play a big roll in how the camp manages to create better shelter for themselves. I think found a purple that worked well with the green because, well, they're in Colorado and "purple mountains majesty" and all that. Then it was just filling in other areas with colors that fit within the scheme. I kept everything a little more muted mostly because I just like more muted color schemes.
For the back cover I picked a few lines from the book that, I think, capture the overall vibe of the book which is "if we try, we MIGHT die, but if we DON'T try then we WILL die, so we may as well try."
And shoutout to @gallusrostromegalus for helping me write a new author bio while I was flailing around in the discord chat having a minor identity crisis, lol. The new bio kicks ass, even in this shortened version.
Something that is very important to me is to make sure cover artists are always credited, so I do have a credit for that under my author bio even though my cover artist is also, ya know, me. Just trying to set precedent so more people will start doing things like that.
So yeah! That's how this cover came together. I think it's one of my favorite covers I've ever done.
You can back the Kickstarter here to get your own special edition copy of this book!
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uwmspeccoll · 2 months
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Decorative Plates
It's been awhile since we last posted something on the theme of the decorative arts, so I'm happy to have found this book—especially because it was mis-shelved in the stacks! This book is House and Garden's Book of Color Schemes, which contains "over two hundred color schemes and three hundred illustrations of halls, living rooms, dining rooms, bed chambers, sun rooms, roofs, garden rooms, kitchens and baths; the characteristic colors of each decorative period; how to select a color scheme, with unusual treatments for painted furniture and floors; a portfolio of crystal rooms and eight pages of unusual interiors in color." It was edited by long-time editor of House & Garden Richardson Wright (1887-1961) and Margaret McElroy, associate editor, and published by Condé Nast Publications, Inc. in 1929.
The book includes a large number of photographs of rooms, however, they are mostly in black and white—an unfortunate thing for a book about color! The promised eight color illustrations of rooms are not all present in our copy, but the five that are still in the book are shown here, alongside some of their black and white compatriots. I especially love the one titled "Tawny Yellow in Variety" that features a shocking amount of leopard print.
If you've read any of the posts I usually write, you know that I love a good binding—this one is a publisher's binding in a chartreuse-y yellow book cloth with art deco-style silver tooling featuring stars and leaves. Somebody took it upon themselves to write the publication date on the cover above the title—how thoughtful!
View more posts featuring Decorative Plates.
-- Alice, Special Collections Department Manager
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sirfrogsworth · 1 month
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My photography classes have an optional participation challenge. You get a hypothetical "brief" as you would from an art director and then you are judged on how well you are able to match the brief.
Sometimes they are very specific but this one allows for a bit of creativity on the photographer's part.
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These are the sample images that Karl used from his portfolio.
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And this is a Pinterest mood board to help with inspiration.
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And even though I don't really have a space set up for product photos yet, I am tempted to just set up some lights in my kitchen.
So I started looking on Amazon for a cool and inexpensive purse. I thought it might be cool if I found something glossy. It would be more challenging to light, but it might impress my teacher more.
I found this and I immediately had a vision in my head.
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I played around with an online color wheel looking for a color scheme. I wanted to go into pastel colors to offset the bold purple color. I also think it would be cool to combine hard and soft light. So I would do soft light on the purse surface, but use hard light to get a nice crisp shadow.
This is my initial Photoshop mockup. My purse lighting would be different, but this is more to see if the colors jive.
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Typically to get those colored surfaces you would get some matte paint and some wood and DIY it.
But I'm not sure I have the energy to figure that out, so I tried finding some paper stock that had similar colors. I found this.
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And with these colors I could do something like this.
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And it's possible I could tweak the hue and saturation of the paper if I'm not getting good color harmony, but I still think that combination looks nice.
If I accept the challenge I'd have until July to complete it.
Should I go for it?
I could win a small prize if he likes my photo. But I'd mostly just like to impress my teacher. He's a big part of the reason I've come this far in my photography journey. I think it would be cool to get praise from my parasocial mentor.
Or he could hate it.
And I will learn from his hate.
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magicalmeily · 1 year
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I've made a google doc collection of 150 useful design and art resources! Whether youre just starting commissions or want to make your workflow more streamlined, I recommend checking it out
The full list is below the read more, but I suggest looking at the google doc as well sincce it will be updated more often. 
This list was created by @MagicalMeily
I encourage you to share this list with other designers, artists, or even students via this tumblr post, the google doc, or my tweet. Links marked as ‘Free/Paid’ usually means the free version has a lot of features anyway and the paid just has some extra templates or storage space. *Disclaimer - I haven’t used all of these services myself, so please let me know if anything dodgy slipped through the cracks, or if you have any others I should add.
I do not support NFTs or AI Art generators, so hopefully you won’t find any listed. Always double check commercial usage rights
Collection of designers rates - Graphic Design Rates Master Sheet
TOS Example, Free to use (by kawa_kunn) - Twitter / kawa-kun.art
Tiktok walkthrough of a commission TOS form - artofthecatt
Longer Video of commission TOS form - How to Create a Commission Form
Commission Advice (by AerlyaGraphics) - Aerlya Graphics
Merchandise/printing services (by @sunshinehoney6) - Merchandise Resources
(Free/Paid) Clients can see your progress - Trello
(Free/Paid) Single user or collaborative project tracker - Notion
(Free) General Commission Management - Commiss.io
(Free/Paid) - Zeplin
(Free/Paid) - Notion
(Free/Paid) - Figma
(Free for Individuals) - Box
(Paid) - Sketch
(Free) - Google Drive
(Free/Paid) - WeTransfer
(Free/Paid) - Jumpshare
(Free for individuals) - Box
(Free) - Blindsend
Design Inspiration
Image search for inspiration - Muzli Search
Makes and automatically sets out moodboards - Visualist
2d Animation (Free/Paid) - Cavalry
Graphics, Photo editing, Publishing (One -off payment) - Affinity
Graphics, Audio, Video (Free, Browser) - Artboard Studio
Graphics (Free) - Inkscape
Graphics/Layout (Free/Paid, Browser) - Canva
Graphics, Photo Editing (Free, Browser. Can open Adobe files) - Photopea
Vector making (Free, Browser) - Vectr
Vector making (Free, Browser) - Vector Ink
Wireframing (Free, Browser) - Moqups App
Bulk file renamer - Bulk Rename Utility
Bulk image resizer - ImageResizer
File Converters - FreeConvert
Image Upscaler - Waifu2x
Floating view of reference images - PureRef
Timezone converter - World Time Buddy
Twitter image crop guide by @dripchirp - Twitter Crop Guide
Learning how to use the pen tool - The Bézier Game
Portfolio hosting (Free) - Foriio
Portfolio hosting (Free with Adobe Subscription) - Adobe Portfolio
Portfolio hosting (Paid) - Portfoliobox
Website builder (Free) - Carrd
Website builder (Free) - Google Sites
Website builder (Free) - Weebly
Website builder (Free) - Wix
Website builder (Paid) - Squarespace
Make a blog you can use as a folio - Tumblr
(Posts Selective Folios) - Bestfolios
(Posts Selective Folios) - PFolios
(Posts Selective Folios) - Pafolios
(Posts Selective showreels) - Showreelz
(Free) Linktree
(Free) Lnk.Bio
(Paid/Free) Later
(Free) Solo.to
(Free) Campsite.bio
Ko-fi Shop
Various colour palette tools - Adobe Color
Colour palette search and generator - Coolors
Colour palette generator - Color Space
Colour converter, make colour palettes - RGB.to
Displays big brands colour schemes - BrandColors
General design accessibility tips - Lemonly Infographics
Font accessibility tips - UXdesign.cc
Accessible colour combination generator 1 - Accessible color palette builder
Accessible colour combination generator 2 - Color Safe
Google Fonts
Adobe Fonts
Pixel Surplus
Free Japanese Fonts
Displays inputted text in fonts installed on your computer - Wordmark
Identifies fonts on a web page  - Fonts Ninja
Typography Resources - Typewolf
Font Pairing Help - Fontjoy
Examples of fonts in context - Fonts In Use
Font Management - FontBase
Mockup World
Anagram Design
Pattern Inspiration - Pattern Collection
Customisable Repeating SVG Patterns - Pattern Monster
Seamless background pattern maker - Patternico
Mesh Gradient Maker - Mesh Gradient
Make and print your own grids - Gridzzly.com
Downloadable Patterns - Subtle Patterns
Toools Design
Irasutoya / いらすとや
Open Peeps
Open Doodles
Paid/Free - Streamline Icons
Paid/Free - Flaticon
Mindsparkle Mag
Muzli Search
100 Archive
Design Inspiration
It's Nice That
(Free) - World Brand Design Society
(Free) - AIGA Eye on Design
(Free) - Creative Boom
(Free) - The Design Team
(Paid) - UnderConsideration
Company logos categorised by letter/number/symbol etc - Logobook
Logo/Branding Examples - Logoed
Packaging Design Archive
Packaging Of The World
Lapa Ninja
Best Website Gallery
Dark Mode Design
(Wireframing) Moqups App
Zine Creation Tips Masterpost - How to Organize a Zine 101
Editorial Design Examples 1 - Formagramma
Editorial Design Examples 2 - Pentagram
Typographic Poster Design Examples - Typographic posters
Poster Design Examples - Poster Poster
Character Design Library, Challenges, etc - Character Design References
Anime Settei/Reference Sheets - Settei Dreams
Historical Costume references - OSF Costume Rentals
‘How to Design Your Own Vtuber Logo’ (by the-tragic-heroine) - The-tragic-heroine
Discover V-artists/V-designers - Heartist
V-Artist/V-designers Catalogue (Hiatus) - VTuber Catalog
Vtuber Resource Collection (by VTResources) - VTuber Resources
View badges/emotes will look like on Twitch - Twitch Elements
Resize badges/emotes to actual sizes - Twitch Emote Resizer
Vtuber based commission hub (beta) - VGen
Wise (previously TransferWise)
Direct Bank Transfer
Vtuber Resource Collection (by VTResources) - VTuber Resources
Designer Resources Collection - Design Resources
Merchandise/printing services (by sunshinehoney6) - Merchandise Resources
Typography Resources - Typewolf
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rhysmaart · 5 months
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Working on my portfolio, today’s first project: finding a color scheme for my seldom-seen character “Actionette”, a G I Joe parody who gets zapped into the real world. She has various misadventures as sitcom hijinx get turned up to 11 by her natural “action cartoon” nature while she tries to live a more normal life.
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kottkrig · 6 months
you've got really great variation in the faces of all your characters. It's hard to find resources of just people's portraits to study different shapes - any recommendations? How do you practice?
Thank you! I wish I could tell you I have some secret stash of references, but I really don't do anything beyond just looking at other people/other character designs and picking up on features that look fun to draw together. There are probably websites with pictures of random diverse people for this, but I personally would probably look at character design concept art or portfolios for different forms of media? Character designers can simplify shapes and include elements that tell a story to convey the most amount of character for the character's purpose
Usually a design is easier to make effective if they have shapes that show up consistently in their design (round shapes, or sharp angles, blocky, or curves, they have a specific color scheme etc.)
I still have my favorite charateristics that I like to re-use and that I think show up in almost every design I do (murky colors, deathly themes, black/purple/green palette) so leaning towards something you enjoy probably helps a lot if you're new
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bangtansmauyeondan · 1 year
THIRTY-FIVE | S03 E04 - In Denial (Text Between Images)
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Pairing: In-Studio Director!Jungkook x Stage Director!Fem Reader
Genre: rivals au, social media au, frenemies to lovers, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, crack.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: explicit language, mentions of abandonment, alcohol consumption, harmless scheming, dare, bet, smut
Summary: It has always been the battle of the best between you and your college rival, Jungkook. What happens when years later, you cross paths again working for the same network broadcasting company, and the competitive flame is rekindled? Well, a whole new drunken bet that determines your futures wasn’t in your line of vision but here you are… and you have until 35.
SERIES TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @babyboo22 @dionysusenthusiast @luaspersona @timelessruins @royallyjjk @sandraviolante-blog @quarter-life-crisis2 @jub-jub @pb-n-juju @jeonxgoogiee @sugaluvmyg @lookformyvoice @fairy-jaykay @juju-227592 @such-a-wh0re @hoseoksluv89 @exhibitachol @kleirielk @era-genius @hyuneyeon
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @jinsquishes @persphonesorchid @thatbangtanjagiya @taestefully-in-luv @pamzn @wrmnssoul @ygbubs @halesandy @jayhope88 @bnagtanx1306 @pinkseokchim @busanbby-jjk @babycandy111
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There was a spring in your step as you hopped off of your car at the parking lot of RKive 360. You looked around and noticed that after a long, gray winter, the colors of spring have finally appeared in full force. Trees that were bare of leaves and flowers a few weeks ago are now in full bloom, with bright greens, yellows and pinks popping up everywhere. The warm sun slowly melted away the last of the snow and ice, and the days are becoming longer and brighter. The fresh air has a certain energy that can only be described as the joy of spring, reminding us of the beauty of nature and how life can thrive after a period of rest and renewal.Getting that unexpected call from Taehyung this morning before you left for work felt exactly just that: a breath of fresh air, renewal, and forgiveness.
It has now been three months since Jungkook unexpectedly came to your aid. He had been there just in time, lunging at Taehyung, literally sending him cowering down the floor by the force of the former’s strength. His actions were incredibly unexpected but welcomed – something you were sure you would never forget. He had no obligation to lend a hand, yet he decided to be there for you. He drove you home that night, and you ended up drinking and talking to each other until the wee hours of the morning on the steps of your brownstone building.
You talked about your past– after graduation, where you both had been before fate had thrown you together again, working in the same company. He told you he went to America to study even more and worked two jobs so he could buy the best equipment to record and edit videos on. He spent most of his free days hauled up in his closet creating his portfolio, and sending them out to every production and broadcasting company in New York. You learned that the reason he came back to Seoul was because Mingyu convinced him to do so, that he had submitted his portfolio to Namjoon and the latter had agreed to meet him. You told him that you went home and stayed with your family in Gangwon-do and spent most of your time attending workshops and conventions; one of them being hosted by a young multimedia start-up company owner, Kim Namjoon. You told him about how Namjoon started the company with only you and Yoongi in tow, and how Namjoon had worked all day and all night to make the company what it is today.
“Were you happy to see me after all these years?” he teased, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Don’t push it, Jeon.” You replied, squinting at him, which made him throw his head back in laughter.
The truth is, you were, and it seems like, so did your heart. You were just too scared to admit it. However, the way he smiled at you, the way he spoke to you like no one else had done before tonight made your heart beat fast and strong. It was like all the old feelings of admiration you had for him came back in full force, making you feel a little giddy. For the first time in a long time, despite what happened just a few hours back, you felt comfortable and at peace.
For the first few days after that incident, it felt a little awkward around Jungkook at work. You were constantly on edge because you didn’t know if you could fully trust him. You didn’t know what’s going on in terms of the legality, or lack thereof, of him threatening Taehyung. He did seem to notice though, as he pulled you to one side one day and convinced you to tell Namjoon, for your own safety. That same day, you realized how trustworthy Jungkook is, not only for keeping what happened that evening only between the two of you, but also for having your safety in mind. Not even a week later, your legal team has assured you that Jungkook’s threatening remark didn’t violate the terms and conditions between the company and the artist, but the artist’s actions against you clearly did. A restraining order against Taehyung was filed, his connection with RKive 360 was terminated, and you haven't heard from him again ever since.
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You arrived at your desk and immediately logged onto your computer, opting to kick start your day early while it’s still relatively silent around you. You were going through your emails, as you usually do at the first hour of your shift, when Jungkook rolled up next to you literally, in his rolling leather chair. You didn’t notice his arrival because his desk is a good couple meters away and you had your headphones on. He reached out and lifted one of the cushioned ear cups, exposing your left ear, “Breakfast in the break room.”
“Hold on, let me just… reply to this one…” you typed up a quick reply, pursing your lips in concentration as Jungkook scooted closer to take a peek at your computer. “Did you already eat? You smell like maple syrup.”
“Who are you emailing and why are they more important than maple syrup?” Jungkook pouted and started rolling his chair around in lazy circles. “Come on, let’s go. The french toast is still warm and Mingyu’s already in the break room, inhaling them.”
“Let him, he’s a big boy. He needs that.”
Jungkook snorted at your remark. “Okaaaay,” he said in a singsong voice while getting up from his seat. “Just come when you’re done…”
“Mmkay…” you replied. You heard him go ‘Sohyunie, let’s eat’ cutely when he passed by Sohyun on his way back to the break room before you snuggled your headphones back on over your ears.
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A/N: Hiiii! How’s everyone? What do you want to see on the next update?
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broadcastzine · 18 days
Hi! I was rejected and was just genuinely curious what you were looking for so I can take that and learn; From style or preference, what were those deciding factors? Thank you!
While we cannot critique every individual portfolio, here are some common issues we noticed amongst rejected artists' portfolios: - Lack of finished pieces. Sketches are great, but we want to see what your completed works look like. - Poor use of color or shading, or a lack of color/shading in every included piece. - No included illustrations which feature landscapes, scenery, or backgrounds. We specifically sought out artists who displayed an ability to draw detailed and captivating backgrounds, as well as environments. - Inaccurate anatomy or inability to draw bodies/full-body illustrations. - No included illustrations which displayed your full skill-set, or a lack of varying poses, perspectives, or color schemes. These are just a few things we noticed, and our criticisms were highly subjective; largely, though, we were looking for a good display of skill and ability, a portfolio which included numerous examples of finished work, and a portfolio which we felt contained an adequate quantity of complete and well-rendered works.
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artleaguemdcnorth · 3 months
MUSEUM DAY- ALL CLASSES - Weds & Thursday - (3/13 & 3/14/ 2024)
Students will use class time this week to attend the museum.
I highly recommend the MoCA exhibit in North Miami. The exhibit is very compatible with all three classes.
3D will choose to attend MoCA instead of the Lowe.
Unless otherwise stated, you need to attend the spaces in person.
Note: I gave verbal permission to a few students to attend a virtual museum.
Only those students that spoke to me will be allowed to do it virtually.
Museum Visit
Students will be visiting either of the following museums :
MOCA in North Miami or
LOWE Museum at UM
When you visit the space make sure to bring with you the following:
1) sketchbook
2) pencil
3) Student ID
You will begin your museum experience by taking a selfie of yourself from inside the venue as you begin your activity and posting it on your threads handle.
**( For those students doing the virtual format, you will take photo of yourself next to the laptop or computer.)
During your museum visit try to look for several paintings or artworks that catch your interest.
Take notes regarding what it is that you enjoy about the artwork.
Is it the composition and if so describe it in a few words ?
The way the materials are used, mention which materials?
Is it the way the elements or principles are organized, color, texture, the way it is balanced, how emphasis is created?
Are you connected to the message of the work, content, explain your answer ?
Finally, find a work or works you like and do several sketches .
Make notes regarding the composition, horizon, proportion , color scheme. Write the name of the artist and name of the artwork in your notes.
Figure Drawing :
Analyze paintings with figures . Create a drawing in your sketchbook using various figures.
Look at how art creates visual narratives, stories. Create a drawing inspired by this visit.
3D (MoCA) :
Pay attention at the power of structures and sculptures to engage audience, the materials and presentation. Create studies for future project (final Assignment might be inspired by this visit.)
Finally, close your museum experience by taking an exit selfie and posting it to your threads.
ALL PRELIMINARY SKETCHES PRODUCED at the museum and your notes from the visit MUST BE SUBMITTED TO YOUR TUMBLR PORTFOLIO BY END OF DAY on SUN 3/17/ 2024 by 5pm
One last thing, have fun , museums are the churches of the artist go and enjoy yourself!!
See below the links for each museum with information for addresses and phone numbers.
Lowe at UM
Van Gogh
Guggenheim NY
LASTLY, students who have been absent, late, not turned in midterm on time, have unfinished midterms, or are in need of an extra credit component, will receive extra credit if they attend in person.
If you decide the virtual component, you will only get credit for attendance in class for today or tomorrow.
If a student wants the extra credit then you need to do this assignment in person.
Also, you can choose to go on Saturday or Sunday (if they are open ) to the venue so that you may have more time to enjoy it. Take a family member or a friend.
Just get the assignment done by end of this week.
Look at the websites to see weekend hours.
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onioneyez · 1 year
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Hello to my several followers! I’m participating in @fandomtrumpshate this year, which means you can bid for the chance to get a custom work of art from me!
I’m offering one full-color painting for one of these three fandoms:
Good Omens
Our Flag Means Death
Sherlock Holmes (ACD or Granada)
Bidding starts March 1st and ends March 5th!
Below is the link to my auction page! (I can’t figure out how to make a word a link on mobile 😎)
The winning bidder will donate the amount of their bid to any charity from a long list of progressive causes, and in return you’ll get a print-ready digital painting from me!
And if my stuff doesn’t float your boat, be sure to browse the many other offerings this year! Might bid on a fanfic myself.
Details of my offering below the cut:
Highest rating: M (Mature)
Length/scope: A digital painting, either color or black and white, not exceeding 6”x9”, and up to 300dpi. $25+ for a full color painting featuring up to two characters against an abstract or minimally suggested background. $50+ for a full-color painting with up to three characters with a fully fleshed-out background.
Especially interested in:
I’m all for any lovey-dovey or sexy or hurt/comfort or sad or funny scenarios you can think of. I love painting faces best of all. I’m an ace at anatomy and likenesses if you need them (went to school for it) but I love bending the rules for fun shapes. I live for golden hour and playing with saturated colors and I have a special interest in funny scenarios or wacky action scenes. I love any and all AU’s, I love painting rumpled birds and smoke and water and if you let me paint a ghost I’ll throw it in for free.
For Good Omens:
I love me some ineffable husbands, whether it’s platonic or romantic or nasty. I adore both the book and the show.
Stede and Ed are my fave pairing, though every face on this show is super interesting and paintable. Ed is also very very pretty.
For Holmes:
I used to be active on the Watsons_Woes lj, so any “poor Watson” type stuff I’m super into. Bonus: I will know what you’re talking about if you bring up something obscure from canon.
Unwilling to address: No non-con, no pregnancy, no marriage, no young babies, no watersports, no spit-related stuff (like drool) no animal death, no poop stuff, no Omegaverse, no furry-adjacent stuff, no underage stuff, no de-aging stuff, no slashing the actors that play the characters (I will draw the actors though if you want, just no lovey stuff).
Also please no cars, I can do them but I dread it.
For Good Omens:
No T or M rated ineffable bureaucracy please.
For OFMD: No Steddyhands or Blackhands please.
Notes: After you tell me what you’d like, I’ll give you three thumbnails (very rough sketches/ideas) to choose from. When you pick your favorite, I’ll use it to proceed with the final. I prefer to pick my own color scheme, but I’m open to requests and can send you color studies to choose from if you like. The painting will likely take me several months to complete, but when I’m done you’ll receive it in your preferred file type, at a size that is suitable for printing out if you so choose. If you want a specific size, please let me know before I start.
Special Interests: Canonically trans or nonbinary characters, Trans or nonbinary interpretations of canon characters
Minimum Bid: $25
Extra stuff!
If you’ve read this far, you deserve some examples of my work so you know if I’m what you’re after. My portfolio is mostly kids’ book covers and chapter illustrations but you’ll get the idea.
Here’s some examples of the $25+ tier of paintings (no/ minimal background):
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Here’s some examples of full backgrounds ($50+):
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And here’s a very old drawing I never finished to show I can do likenesses lol. (Keep in mind I’m not offering sketches, only full paintings):
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farazghurki · 3 months
Creative Careers 101: Building a Portfolio That Opens Doors
Creating a portfolio is an essential step for anyone looking to forge a successful career in creative fields such as graphic design, writing, photography, art, and many others. A well-crafted portfolio not only showcases your work and skills but also communicates your personal brand and professional journey. Here's a comprehensive guide on building a portfolio that opens doors to new opportunities.
Understand Your Goals and Audience
Before you start compiling your portfolio, it’s crucial to identify your career objectives and understand the audience you’re targeting. Are you looking for freelance projects, aiming for a full-time position in a specific industry, or seeking admission to an educational program? Each goal may require a slightly different approach to presenting your work. Knowing your audience—whether potential clients, employers, or admission officers—helps tailor your portfolio to their expectations and needs.
Select Your Best Work
Your portfolio should be a curated collection of your best work, not everything you’ve ever created. Choose projects that demonstrate your skills, creativity, and range of abilities. It's better to have a smaller number of high-quality, diverse pieces than to fill your portfolio with similar projects or work of lesser quality. Aim for a variety that showcases different styles, mediums, or genres you're proficient in, as this can illustrate your versatility and adaptability.
Tell the Story Behind Each Project
For each piece you include, provide context and a narrative. Explain the project's objectives, your role, the process you followed, the challenges you faced, and how you overcame them. This storytelling approach does more than just display your work; it offers insight into your problem-solving abilities, creativity, and work ethic. It can also highlight your growth as a professional by illustrating how you’ve tackled various challenges.
Focus on Presentation
The way you present your work can be as important as the work itself. Ensure your portfolio is well-organized and easy to navigate. Use high-quality images or clear, readable text, and consider the layout and design of your portfolio. It should reflect your personal brand and style, with a consistent theme, color scheme, and font choice. An aesthetically pleasing and professional presentation can significantly impact the viewer's perception of your work.
Go Digital
In today’s digital age, having an online portfolio is a must. It allows you to reach a wider audience and makes your work accessible to potential clients and employers worldwide. There are several platforms and website builders specifically designed for creating portfolios, such as Behance, Adobe Portfolio, and Squarespace. Make sure your online portfolio is mobile-friendly, as many people browse the internet on their phones.
Update Regularly
Your portfolio should be a living document that evolves with your career. Regularly update it with new projects, and don’t hesitate to remove older works that no longer represent your best or most relevant work. Keeping your portfolio current ensures that potential clients or employers are seeing your latest and greatest achievements.
Solicit Feedback
Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback on your portfolio from peers, mentors, or professionals in your field. Constructive criticism can offer new perspectives and insights on improving your presentation or which pieces to include. Additionally, engaging with your community can lead to valuable connections and opportunities.
Personalize Your Portfolio for Opportunities
Whenever possible, tailor your portfolio to the specific opportunity you’re pursuing. This might mean emphasizing certain projects or skills that are particularly relevant or rearranging your work to lead with the most pertinent examples. Personalizing your portfolio demonstrates your genuine interest in the opportunity and can make a stronger impression on the viewer.
In conclusion, a well-designed portfolio is a powerful tool for opening doors in creative careers. It not only showcases your work but also tells the story of your professional journey, abilities, and potential. By understanding your goals and audience, selecting your best work, focusing on presentation, and continuously updating your portfolio, you can create a compelling showcase that captures the attention of potential clients, employers, and opportunities.
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a1interior · 4 months
Inspirational Clinic Interior Design Concepts In Dubai
In the vibrant city of Dubai, where innovation and opulence converge seamlessly, the healthcare industry continually raises the bar. As healthcare providers strive to cultivate inviting and comforting spaces for their patients, the significance of medical clinic interior design cannot be overstated. This article explores captivating clinic interior design ideas tailored for Dubai's dynamic landscape, where form and function unite to create environments that nurture both body and spirit.
Balancing Tradition and Modernity:
Dubai takes pride in honoring its rich cultural heritage while embracing the latest design trends. Infusing traditional elements like intricate Arabic patterns or Islamic geometric motifs into clinic interiors establishes a sense of familiarity and cultural resonance. Combining these with contemporary design elements produces a distinctive and harmonious ambiance reflective of the city's diverse identity.
Luxurious Waiting Areas:
Understanding the importance of first impressions, the waiting area serves as the stage for a patient's experience. Consider incorporating lavish design elements, including luxurious materials, ambient lighting, and carefully curated artwork. Plush seating arrangements and a soothing color palette can create an inviting atmosphere, ensuring patients feel at ease during their wait.
Natural Elements and Biophilic Design:
Despite Dubai's skyline dominated by skyscrapers, the trend of integrating natural elements into clinic interiors is gaining momentum. Incorporating indoor plants, natural textures, and abundant natural light establishes a serene and calming atmosphere. Biophilic design, proven to reduce stress and promote healing, becomes an excellent choice for healthcare spaces.
Seamless Integration of State-of-the-Art Technology:
Synonymous with technological advancements, Dubai's medical facilities exemplify innovation. Design your clinic to seamlessly integrate cutting-edge technology, such as interactive displays in waiting areas, touch-screen check-in systems, or telemedicine stations. This reflects a commitment to providing state-of-the-art healthcare services.
Wellness Retreats and Relaxation Areas:
In a city that never sleeps, the importance of wellness and relaxation cannot be overstated. Designing dedicated wellness rooms or relaxation areas within the clinic offers patients a tranquil space to decompress. Consider incorporating features like soothing color schemes, comfortable seating, and soft ambient music to create a haven of relaxation.
Personalized Consultation Spaces:
Recognizing each patient's uniqueness, it's crucial to design personalized consultation spaces tailored to the specific needs of different medical specialties. Align the interior design with the ethos of the medical practice, whether it's a minimalist approach for a dermatology clinic or a warm, comforting atmosphere for a pediatrician's office.
As Dubai cements its status as a global hub for innovation and luxury, healthcare providers have a unique opportunity to redefine the patient experience through thoughtful clinic interior design. By seamlessly blending tradition with modernity, embracing opulence, incorporating natural elements, integrating cutting-edge technology, and creating personalized spaces, clinics in Dubai can offer a healing environment that transcends medical treatment, truly embodying the spirit of this vibrant city. Elevate your practice and make a lasting impact with a clinic interior that captures the essence of Dubai's dynamic and diverse culture.
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pixel-bloom · 1 year
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Dakota eventually wanders back upstairs, promising to visit Sebastian again. She pops into Maru’s room, noting the color scheme--the girl loves purple.
Dakota: Ooh, it smells like burnt popcorn in here! Watcha working on?
Maru: It’s a new project, something big. Something that will impress admissions for Foxbury for sure.
Dakota: Wait--Foxbury! You’re applying to university?! Since when?! I thought you said it was ~overrated~.
Maru: It is. And that’s why I never applied in the past...but then I started working on more and more projects, and I decided to apply on a whim. My portfolio is coming along with cleaner and toy robots but I need to really impress them with some “wow” factor.
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