#Population Growth
mapsontheweb · 3 months
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Population Growth by Region, 1900-2050.
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
Scientists keep saying ghg emissions will peak, but they keep increasing every year. If renewable energy is growing exponentially, why, from the outside, does it seem like it is having no effect on emissions?
It is having an effect on emissions: It's preventing emissions that would've otherwise happened. Lots of them
Eventually it will start eating into fossil fuel emissions, but that hasn't happened yet, because our population keeps growing, and so do our infrastructure and energy needs.
Like, DON'T get alarmist about this fact btw because you don't need to, but here's the reason:
The world population has grown by 2 billion in the last 23 years
That's a lot of new people, which requires a lot more energy use, which means we need a LOT more energy - and renewables can't supply all of it quite yet
(Like I said, you don't need to panic about out-of-control population growth, it's going to level out way sooner than you think by itself. Sidenote all "population control measures" are ecofascist, eugenics, and a terrible fucking idea. Overpopulation is a myth.)
But yeah. Add a lot of people, you need to add a lot of buildings, a lot of roads, a lot of extra dams and aqueducts, much bigger cities, a lot of transportation, a lot of heaters and A/C unites, a lot of shipping and transport of a lot of global goods.
All of that takes emissions to produce and generally takes more emissions to keep running
Also worth mentioning that different countries will reach peak emissions at different times, and some already have. Those that have have absolutely done so thanks to renewables.
More detail on how renewables have prevented greenhouse gas emissions here:
-via IEA (International Energy Agency, they mostly only go by the acronym now, though), March 2, 2023
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futurebird · 6 months
For years when teaching exponential functions I ask “Why is the global human population over a billion fewer people than what we would predict using a perfectly exponential model and population figures from the 1950s and 1960s?”
Up until about 5 years ago my students always said “people don’t want big families anymore” which is an OK answer. But now they all say “the model doesn’t account for enough death”
… the model fails in many ways, but I think the young people are very depressed 🙁
Not that I blame them, but the slowing of the constant of exponential growth for human population isn't due to "more death." People are living longer and infant mortality is lower. Both would have speed up growth alone... but the bigger factor is smaller families. There are a whole host of good and bad reasons for smaller famlies:
more education among women
China's one child policy
higher incomes
fewer people being farmers
expensive housing
expensive to raise kids
Some of this is people reshaping their lives how they want, some of it is people being shaped by forces beyond their control. There has been "more death" but it's not on the scale and intensity as these other changes. And to the extent it is people shaping their own lives it's objectively good.
I don't think the kids are foolish. But it's interesting how they see this in a much darker way than my students just 5 or 10 years ago. We aren't really taking care of them enough, I think.
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porterdavis · 11 months
Yeah, well....we don't build walls
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Canada vs. USA, population growth (YoY) 1965 to now
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whats-in-a-sentence · 7 months
In the postwar era, Anglo-American eugenic attention extended to the global population explosion – particularly in what was then called the underdeveloped world. No doubt for some reform eugenicists the rapidly multiplying populations of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America represented some sort of immense "social problem group". Yet it required no race prejudice to find a good deal that was dysgenic in the proliferation of people in environments that offered inadequate food, housing, education, and medical care.²⁴
24. Julian S. Huxley, "Eugenics in Evolutionary Perspective" [Galton lecture, 1962], in Julian S. Huxley, Essays of a Humanist (Harper & Row, 1964), pp. 266-67. Osborn argued that whether the social qualities of children from lower-income homes were in origin genetic, environmental, or some combination of the two, their "relative inadequacy" tended to be handed on to the next generation. Frederick Osborn, "Qualitative Aspects of Population Control: Eugenics and Euthenics", Law and Contemporary Problems, Summer 1960, p. 416, copy in American Eugenics Society Papers, box 15.
"In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity" - Daniel J. Kevles
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kyliaquilor · 1 year
I mean, when Malthus wrote his thing, he thought there were too many people then. 
And now look at the world.
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indizombie · 2 years
Experts are warning that by 2050, more than 153 million people worldwide could have dementia, up from 57 million in 2019. The predicted rise is largely down to ageing, and growing populations.
‘Black people more likely to develop dementia, large study finds’, BBC
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coffeetime88 · 2 years
Fun U.S. Political Fact!
If the House of Representatives continued to follow the Constitution and have 1 Representative per 30,000 people, the House would currently have around 11,000 members.
The House currently has 435 Representatives, or 1 per every 760,000 Americans (this is thanks to The Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929, locking the number at 435).
AND FINALLY, if we followed the "Cube Root" rule that other countries use, the House would have 691 Representatives (3root of 329,500,000 = 690.69 (nice))
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marigold-5 · 2 years
Anyone who worries (excessively) about the negative population growth, and yet delights at the idea of technology replacing human labour… GETS A BIG RED FLAG FROM ME, followed by a GIANT BLOCK (tumblr and communication-wise).
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tenth-sentence · 17 days
Terror tends to trump laziness, and so when population grew after 1450, people leaped into action all over Eurasia out of anxiety about losing status, going hungry, or even starving.
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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mapsontheweb · 3 months
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Population growth in Europe between 1000 and 1340
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bigvolcano · 3 months
Tweed Shire Council calls for community feedback on future housing growth
Tweed Shire Council is asking residents to have their say on proposed options to meet future demand for housing and employment land over the next 20 years.
Have your say on options for managing growth and housing over next 20 years Looking south from Tweed Heads towards the Tweed valley: How would you like to see the Tweed develop over the next 20 years? Join in the conversation at one of several engagement opportunities over coming weeks. Tweed Shire Council is asking residents to have their say on proposed options to meet future demand for…
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kp777 · 5 months
World Population Grew By Over 75 Million People In 2023—But Population Growth Rate Is Slowing
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barronqasemll · 6 months
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icarusapotheosis · 8 months
Hi if anyone happens to have a special interest or hyperfixation in (or just knowledge about) population growth and rates and such, please please please infodump to me about it because I'm trying to worldbuild but I can't really find any helpful articles on it (also I just love when people infodump to me lmao)
Context for the worldbuilding I'm trying to do: a few thousand people were sent on a spaceship to another planet and then essentially left to fend for themselves (as in, little to no contact with Earth), how long would it take to reach a population of around 70 million maybe??? This is all very vague and subject to change, and feel free to ask any questions!!
If people wouldn't mind rbing to spread this, that would be very helpful ❤️
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brudders · 9 months
[Top of the Day]
Remember that Saying 'There's a War Going on Outside'—Well It's Just-In that a Revolutionary Forum from Out of Town Surveyed the Greater Area on the Key Issues Covering Population Growth; As a Domestic Dispute Broke Out, Activist Had Been Accompanied by Authority Figures to Prevent Protesters from Becoming a Nuisance. Some of the Towns Most Influential Leaders Have Explored Art and Activism as a Formal Engagement for the Public.
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