#Poor boy's in pain
the-border-outpost · 1 year
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Thane isn't the only Warbred to have gotten a bit of bruising from that failed hunt! Poor Areto got kicked under the tail... which is the equivalent of a nutshot. Poor boy got kicked in the nards, has a bruise, and is very ouchy! His sister's trying to make him feel better, but she can't help but be a bit amused by his rather painful predicament. Look at that pout and those sad puppy eyes... poor Areto's gonna be sitting on an ice pack for a while!
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amariram · 4 months
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“I failed?”
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highly--distractible · 3 months
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Sketch dump! I have been sketching these sillies since watching the show. I doubt it'll happen but I want them to be soft for each otherrrrrr. They deserve love and cuddles and it'd be funny cause they'd be so mad about crushing on each other at first xD
Close ups under the read more! :D
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fallenfrommars6277 · 6 days
I am rewatching Dead Boy Detectives for the 3rd time and I noticed that it's not only in hell that we see Edwing running faster than Charles or should I say that Charles lets Edwin go faster to watch his back
Of course, in hell Edwin is so scared he probably does it without thinking, but also because deep down he KNOWS that Charles is behind him slowing down the spider, just like in the first episode, when Charles wants to teach him defending himself, he says that he doesn't need to because he knows that if they are in danger, Charles will fight for both in order to protect him.
So, in the first minutes of the first episode we see the boys running away from the WW1 soldier and Charles is always the one behind, the one who looks back to see where the man is and if he can do something to slow him down and then, when they approach the mirror and the soldier has almost reached them, he pushes Edwin through it to make sure he is safe in another place while he tries and fight him.
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scrollonso · 26 days
fernando alonso wants to know where the 6 calamari are
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danwhobrowses · 7 months
For anyone else who is gonna struggle surviving the next 3 weeks with the angsty and tense situation of Callowmoore here's a few things from the last 2 episodes that I feel were underrated and will assist in trying to keep me sane/emotionally stable: - Matching messed up hands built for holding - Fearne nervously playing with her hair as she approaches Ashton - Ashton wanted Fearne to be either the last thing they saw if they died or the first thing they saw when they succeeded - Fearne's admittance corroborates Ashley's 4SD revelation that Fearne is in love with someone in the party but doesn't know how to process the emotions - Fearne wanted Ashton to be happy, while Ashton wanted to feel whole so they would be worthy of the Hells - Ashton twice tried to lead a search for Fearne, and instantly clocking onto Chetney saying he followed Fearne - Fearne making herself look as radiant as possible before giving Ashton the cold shoulder - Ashton only rose to Chetney's provocations until he said 'You hurt Fearne' Use how you will
#godspeed my poor damaged psyche#critical role#bells hells#callowmoore#ashton greymoore#fearne calloway#fearne x ashton#ashton x fearne#strangely enough I don't enjoy having a dark and sad pit sitting in my chest day to day#3 weeks and we don't even get a cute M9 reunion in between to distract us? this was worse than Callowmoore's sistergate 3 week wait#also 'a little'? Sweetie people don't jump into lava for a little you got the big L and it's not Lesbian(s)#Feel like Laudna was a bit cruel this ep (Ash has been there for her a ton and she kinda villainized him) but we'll put it down to Delilah#much of Ashton's trauma has been overlooked or left to them to internalize but still nobody has told them that they are loved#and Ashton Greymoore needs to be told they're loved! (by Fearne)#but yeah time for more positive mental scenarios that 99% won't happen (but when that 1% does ho boy)#couldn't have just had Fearne go 'no talking' and sleep on Ash's chest to hear their heartbeat as her touch soothes Ash's pain could we?#or final fight scenarios where Ludinus is a walking harness and Ashton tricks them into absorbing their titan powers so he'd explode#they could've even had a talk in the woods because they wanted to find her so bad but was not gonna test Imogen's patience#I for one though will have at least one where Ashton seeks out Mori for advice (Fearne too but separately)#Tal I need you to use all your romantic arsenal in the feywild (Percy's worst travel experience) to win back Ashley's beautiful faun girl#bonus prompts for 'You will always be perfect to me' and 'Promise you'll come back to me' they pop up often in my scenarios#taliesin jaffe#ashley johnson
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thatonekimgirl · 10 months
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kermit-coded · 29 days
CANNOT believe someone said that charles would be pissed that edwin didn't take the cat king's original deal on my "he would be pissed if he found out about the deal" post. truly zero reading comprehension or understanding of charles' character.
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xysidhequeen · 8 months
So the Dead on Main server caused me to spontaneously spawn an entire outline for an AU because I wanted a Dark Danny fic. So. Here's a snippet of what I'm working on.
It had started out subtly. The beginning of the end. 
The GIW had crept into Amity Park, buying up empty office buildings. Making themselves known. 'Researchers' they called themselves. 
They could always be seen whenever there was a ghost attack. Not running, not helping, not hindering. Just. Watching.
The first red flag that became obvious in hindsight was when they'd reached out to the Fentons. When Jack's long winded rants on ghosts didn't scare them away. When they started taking notes.
The second red flag was the government contract sent to the Fentons a week later. 
But still, the GIW didn't do anything. They bought up the empty buildings, filled them with strangers in white suits. Amity Park gradually learned to ignore them. They were harmless, some weird government branch that had an interest in ghosts. It wasn't interesting after months of idleness from them.
Amity Parkers lowered their guard, answered the seemingly innocuous questions posed to them. 'How long have ghosts been attacking?' 'Have you ever been injured by one?' 'Have you noticed anything strange?' They were simple questions, questions any Amity Park resident could easily answer. 
Eventually the GIW became another quirk of Amity. Something expected, normal even.
Then the 'clinics' started popping up. They were free to use, offering simple health care for any Amity Park resident. Common colds, ear infections, broken bones, vaccinations. You had to do a blood test to use them, but no one minded much when they were free. And injuries were so common with the ghost attacks. Ghosts never seemed to care about collateral, except Phantom. But he was the one ghost who protected them, so that was expected. 
Amity Park became welcoming to the GIW. Open to their questions, freely giving information. Even Phantom was willing to stop occasionally when a question was called out to him by one of the white suited men or women. 
Yet still, the government contract remained. The Fentons handing over blueprints of weapon after weapon, prototype designs shipped off. Research papers handed over by the box full.
The GIW presence increased slowly, over the months that became a year. Their clinics and offices multiplied. Empty buildings and shop fronts were bought as soon as they went on sale. Soon it wasn't uncommon to see a person in a white suit everywhere you went. 
No one ever noticed how they never employed Amity Park residents. How they never hired, how there was never a help wanted sign posted or an ad made to ask for workers. No one wanted to look that deep.
Willful ignorance was easier than admitting they'd been invaded.
So the Amity Parkers kept answering questions. Kept visiting the clinics with their doctors who often asked questions unrelated to the reason for visiting. 'Have you noticed yourself becoming stronger?' 'How much sleep do you need, on average?' 'Have your eyes ever glowed?' 'How long can you hold your breath?'. 
The clinics began offering more services, addressing more issues. All still for the small cost of a vial of blood. It became normal to visit a clinic rather than a doctor for anything. Flu? Clinic. Broken bone? Clinic. A nasty burn from an ecto-ray? Clinic. 
Some people started vanishing, but that wasn't unusual in a city. People ran away or died all the time. It wasn't many, really. Maybe a one or two a month. There was no pattern in the victims, so it was presumed they were unrelated. The cops were stumped. No one paid attention to the fact that every single one of the missing had visited a clinic days before they vanished. 
Then came the blackout. Or maybe it came sooner, it was so hard to tell when it started. When it became impossible for anyone in Amity Park to reach out to someone out of it. At first anyone who mentioned it was called crazy, conspiracy theorists. 
But soon it became more obvious. Friends or family out of the city could no longer find any Amity Park resident on social media. Couldn't even find a mention of the city existing anywhere on the internet. They blamed it on the ghosts at first. They did weird things to technology, it must be them. Right?
Then they stopped being able to call out. Cell phones would no longer make or receive calls from anyone who didn't have an Amity number. They started to get restless. 
Then came the roadblocks. Anyone trying to leave Amity found that all roads out were inexplicably blocked. Construction, they claimed. All the roads at once, yes. There had been earthquakes that destabilized the roads all around Amity. So they said. 
They had been trapped, and they never saw the jaws closing on them until it was too late. 
It didn't take long, once the revelation that they couldn't leave, couldn't call for help, spread. 
The military moved in, penning them inside their city. Checkpoints were placed at every road in or out of Amity. You could only leave if you were in the company of a soldier or a GIW operative. 
'Quarantined' they were told. Because of what they weren't told. Something highly contagious and dangerous was all they were given. Hospitals were taken over by men in white suits. Doctors and nurses were sent away, fired. New ones were shipped in, strangers. 
More people started going missing. They all knew who took them but they couldn't say it. Couldn't admit it. Didn't want to. 
Curfews were enforced. No one was allowed out after sundown, businesses had to shut down an hour before. No one was allowed out until dawn, schools were forced to start later. Anyone found breaking curfew was apprehended, sent to a holding facility. They weren't seen again. 
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the-pale-elfs-love · 5 months
My Tav just used a healing spell on one of the companions during a particularly hard battle and said,
"I'll kiss it better later."
And i just about died at how cute that was and that I've never heard that dialogue before?
And that could have ended me, right there, had they said it to the person they were actually romancing.
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irritated-empath · 3 months
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this old man is an asshole.
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ddenji · 5 months
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i think it’s interesting that previously nayuta has seen other people as her competition for denjis love (and by that her ‘control’ over denji), like when they talk about denji caring for asa (ch. 149), but the truth of it is that denji turns away from her on his own because no love compares to his love of freedom!!! he turns away because he loves to be chainsaw man, because being chainsaw man is a symbol of his free will & it allows him to not be under anyone’s control. nayuta has him as a brother, but not at the cost of his right to choose, not after everything that happened in part 1. but also when considering part 1, another reason he tells her to leave is his unhealed trauma!! turning away from the people who love you to do something destructive because the hurt feels better than the nothing that he got from his normal life. denji never really was normal!!! there has always been a hurt for him, one way or another. maybe its comforting, going back to the baseline pain that he’s always known. can he be any other way? is it fair to ask him to be any other way? i have lots of thoughts on this but im excited to see where denji goes from here. ourgh.
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rayman-raylove · 6 months
first actual rayman-related post here, look at these! sketches for rayman 2! all sourced from raywiki!
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and some stuff for the original rayman game!
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what a little guy! :)
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
It was too good to be true anyway, he tells himself. It’s ok. This is the catch. He knew there would be one eventually.
But the thing is— there probably wouldn’t have been. Not if it weren’t for Ivy and her stupid tantrums and her stupid fucking pollen-
Doesn’t matter. It happened, Talon got tagged, and now they have to deal with it.
Talon cries out softly as Jason slips his hand away to pry away the loose board behind the tower and a moment later a pale hand takes the board from him and just— breaks it. Clean down the middle.
Idly, almost numbly, Jason notes that he’ll have to replace it later. Can’t have anyone else think this place is good for squatting.
Talon makes a pleased little chirrup in the back of his throat and suddenly there are hands under Jason’s knees, around his waist, and his brain short circuits and screams and whimpers but—-
Jason clamps his mouth shut.
It’s ok. He can do this.
— Owl Song pt. vii sneak peek
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lesbiannieism · 1 month
rewatches are fun because they make you realize things like how the doll in the gift shop in ep 4 freaked edwin out because he was chased through hell by a giant baby doll spider for 70 years
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manyrandomfandoms · 1 month
on episode four of Dead Boy Detectives and my god, the sheer amount of gay panic in this show…
Got me kicking my feet but I also feel bad for the poor guy
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