silentmagi · 2 years
Fanfic Title Summary: “Fire, Brimstone, and Chocolate”
Pig!Bakugo x Fox!Kirishima
Reynard hadn't expected anything special for their first anniversary, and had just gotten Boarhead a simple case of his favorite protein bars.
So getting to their rooftop, and finding a shower of fireworks going off in a tidal wave of fire and brimstone was one thing, getting a box of chocolates was another entirely.
This was so manly.
The chaos compels.
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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willowser · 1 year
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for ur nerd brainrot.
mermie i wanna throttle him !!! 😭😭 he's such a know it all !!! always at the damn library, finishes his classwork the day it's assigned, his notes are perfect, the first one to turn in exams. you say you like all might one time and he gets all huffy and starts quizzing you about obscure moments in his career any casual person wouldn't know, like a damn gate-keeper !! look at his stupid perfect straight CHOMPERS, close your mouth boy 😭😭 he's sure got a lot to say until you get all cutesy and then he's red in the face, like GET OUTTA HERE LOSER !!! AJDHEHSBAKA
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just-a-lil-critter · 1 year
ive been forcing chatgpt to generate bkdk fluff. theyre married and happy and i am feral. i needed to spew this into the world
Oh gosh I'm so late BUT my first ask!! Thank you Anon for this lovely mental image, I too am an uncontrollable rabid critter for married/domestic bkdk ♡(ӦvӦ。)
So have some headcanons from my drafts as a gift >>
1) Izuku hates waking up in the morning. He's slow and grumpy until he gets caffeine and clingy until he's fully awake. So it's upto Katsuki to cuddle and kiss and mandhandle him into the kitchen (usually like a potato sack but if he's in a good mood it's princess style) and pamper him with coffee and proper breakfast until he's sane.
2) They have a weird ritual of wrestling for the remote and whoever wins (or cheats by seducing the other) gets to pick what to watch. Bakugo has maintained sanity from Izuku's AllMight galore by fighting for his LIFE every night, the poor man. And yes they end up asleep on the couch squished to each other
3) Izuku handles the dishes and Katsuki laundry because greenbean has a brain full of broccoli (or so Bakugo says) and keeps mixing up the goddamnn colors, ergo he's banished to mundane repetitive tasks so Kacchan never has to wear stained pink again
4) Katsuki may be a pro at cooking, but baking is Izuku's speciality. They always have cakes and pastries stocked up and the Deku/Bakusquad keep dropping by cause they were 'in the area' so they can grab some goodies on the way out. Bakugo hates it but tolerates them for the sight of Izuku happily rambling as he whisks a mess in their kitchen.
5) Katsuki is almost always the big spoon, because if he isn't Izuku will bend him like a croissant mid sleep and fuckin' break his spine, the beefy dork. But when hero work gets really rough he always lets Izuku curl around him like a protective layer (like it's just both of them, laid heart to heart in their own world)
That's some of my favourites, feel free to add to this list I would be delighted to read more >:3
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voidlessmaze · 2 years
i have never seen people be so obsessed with their hate for a fictional character until bakugou came along. bro maybe if you can’t stop thinking about him, can’t stop talking about him, can’t stop bringing him up every chance you get even in conversations that have nothing to do with him,,,,maybe you’re idk a little bit in love with him oops- he’s not real guys <3 it’s okay, you’ll get over him eventually <3 come here *hugs you* time will heal all wounds <3
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jaeshoney · 2 years
I just watch the new mha episode and he really cut his leg off no hesitation. i literallly love everything about it.
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alrightberries · 6 months
*heavy sigh* barbarian bkg kidnapping the princess from the neighboring kingdom as a strategic move to lure out your father's knights and slaughter them as revenge for the warrior your people have killed, but it's been two full moons and neither the king nor his knights have come for you
and you... you've been the freest you've ever felt, with no knights guarded by your doors or tutors drilling politics in your head while your father pretends that you, the bastard daughter, has never existed and kept you either busy with extracurriculars or locked in your room so he never has to face you
and bakugou... watching you play wrestle with his tribe's children, pick the loose scales off his dragon's back, read the scrolls to learn his language, chew out the elders when they mentioned your name and the word 'sacrifice' and bakugou's never laughed harder in his life at their stupid dumb founded faces
and that was— that was all you were to him. a sacrifice, he reminds himself. a pig waiting for slaughter while he rethinks his strategies and reorganizes his plan to get revenge at your tyrant of a father who killed his men.
...but later, of course. not now. not when you're dancing around the fire with his people, in his home, singing the songs of his tribe and looking every bit like the woman the oracle described to be his future queen, while his parents share a knowing look
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hanasnx · 17 days
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MINORS DNI 18+ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ WARNINGS: fem reader ノ established coworker relationship ノ sexual and suggestive content: dirty talk ノ degradation: m+f receiving ノ body shame joke.
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You’ve known pro-hero DYNAMIGHT for years now, and he just started paying attention to you in ways you notice. Admiring him from afar was easy, but closing in was another matter entirely; working alongside one another got you in the same proximity, and he was forced to acknowledge you. He treated you like any other person he meets, and after studying him, you figured out an in.
Instead of a simple, “I’ll kick your ass!” from him when you’ve pissed him off, you’ve devised your own special language with him. Miraculously, he doesn’t seem to give you the impression you’ve gotten the best of him. Instead, you’re rewarded with hateful but sexual confessions. Now when you piss him off, his and your special brand of understanding and humor have turned a violent warning into a disgusting promise. “I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you.” he tells you.
If anyone was listening in, they’d think you and him have entered some romantic relationship, completely inappropriate to your professional standings. On the contrary, you’ve trained him to speak to you in a way that pleases you without him even knowing. Now your banter with him consists of angry flirting, and he still believes he’s making threats. Out on the battlefield he shamefully critiques your poor choices with something along the lines of, “Was gonna fuck your brains out tonight, but it looks like my job’s already done!”
You wear it proudly. You’ve managed to get the great Katsuki Bakugou to do what you want him to. After a long, arduous process groomed by your consistent schedule with him, spending time together observing him as you work alongside one another, you’ve done it. In place of him calling you a simple idiot, he tells you you’re lucky you’re hot.
A “fight” with him, looks like a horny situationship from the outside, publicly debuting your desire for one another like PDA-obsessed freaks. You delight in it, while he remains oblivious. At least you thought he was. More and more, he leans into this little share of humor you two have going on, wit that leads you into suspicion.
“You look like shit. Maybe if you slept over at my place, I would’ve tired you out enough to get you to bed at a decent time.” Bakugou notes, passing you as if he’d relayed the weather. Brows furrowed, you pivot your head to watch the back of his while he strides on. It’s unusual that he’d phrase it that way, regarding it as opportunistic rather than domineering. You shrug it off under the basis he’s just evolving the jokes, he’s not extending an offer.
The next day isn’t so different, sitting across from him at the table in a meeting you’re both early for. His body language is lax as always, an elbow hooked behind a corner of the chair, his glove at his belt, legs spread far. Taking up as much space as possible, whereas your hands are clasped neatly on the surface in front of you. You can tell he’s reading you, those crimson eyes unapologetically scrutinizing your erect posture and a cruel grin stretches one side of his mouth. Sighing impatiently through your nose, you call him out on being a creep. “What? What’re you lookin’ at, Bakugou? You want me or something?” you call upon that unique sense of sexual humor, hoping to trip him up.
No such luck. He snickers, and leans back in his chair to cross his thick arms across his wide chest. A pose that leaves you gulping, and he visibly notices how your eyes wander for a milisecond. “Whatever guy you’re fucking is doing a shit job because you’re still a bitch with a stick up your ass.” Has he been cooking that up this whole time? He looks mighty pleased with himself.
“Don’t be a pig, Dynamight. Who I’m sleeping with is none of your concern.” you retort, and you’re not beating the bitchy allegations. You stick your nose in the air in spite of yourself, and out of the corner of your eye you can see him teetering on the back legs of his chair. So you peer at him a little more deliberately while you’re faced away. “Unless you want a piece, that is.” A much more subtle flirt, gauging his reaction to such a timid offer.
Meanly, he scoffs. “‘A piece?’” he parrots. “What, a piece? Of that little thing? The fuck am I supposed to do with that, huh? Ass like that you’ll have to work for it.”
“Bakugou!” Somehow, he went a little too far that time. A pang of hurt is uncharacteristic to experience, and yet it twists your heart. You mask it, trying to match his energy in a way you can manage. “Are you just gonna comment on my body or are you gonna do something with it?”
“Oh, I’m gonna do som’thin’ with it, alright. I’m gonna do som’thin’.” A greedy expression shifts his features, eyeing you up like you’re a meal, a prey. Maybe he's catching on to you... And before he can explain and you can rebuke, other heroes enter the meeting room, and all four legs of his chair land with a slam.
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@HANASNX 2024 | do not copy, plagiarize, or steal.
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gglitch1dd · 2 months
Hiya glitch! Just out of curiosity, in a completely dif timeline if Katsuki hadn’t cheated in the first place, would y/n and him ended up at least having a family in the future as well? If so about how many kids do you think they would have had if they considered it?
Also since you head canon Izuku to have only boys and Eiji only girls, what’s your headcanon for Kats? :0
Hey lovey!! In a different timeline where Katsuki hadn't cheated, I do think reader and him would end up pretty happy together. There's no sign showing that they wouldn't. I do think Katsuki would have more girls than boys though. His life would go a bit like this:
DILF Katsuki's Perfect Ending
DILF Bakugou Katsuki x Wifey Reader
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Katsuki sat up with a gasp, clutching his heart. He sat in bed his crimson eyes wide in fear as his heart beat a million miles an hour. He noticed you shift next to him, turning to look up at him confused, your eyes still clouded with sleep. Katsuki looked at the window noticing the few strands of morning light seeping in. He saw you saying something but he couldn’t hear what you said. He grabbed his hearing aids from their charging doc and put them in his ears.
At sound returning to his world, he took a deep breath.
“Katsuki?” You placed a hand on his arm as you slowly sat up in bed. Your eyebrows furrowed in worry. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
Katsuki looked at you before looking off to the side. “I had a nightmare.” He let out lowly, his voice still deep and scratchy with sleep. He looked greatly disturbed by whatever this nightmare was about. You moved over closer to him, tilting your head confused. “I cheated on you and you married Deku.” He started making your face fall and your eyes wide.
“And you had all these little broccoli haired brats! And they were everywhere! Five whole boys, Y/N, for that fucking nerd! And you were so happy and I was miserable and I missed you so much! And I regrated everything and I was married to Eijiro and we had a divorce and then I had this kid from an egg doner or something, he seemed like a good kid, but I was a terrible father! It was horrible! You were all over Deku being such an amazing wife and making him all these dumplings that made him look like a fucking pig and-”
Katsuki stopped rambling about his dream as you giggled at the explanation of what he had been through in his sleep. You leaned against his arm, looking up at him amused. That was not the first thing you thought your husband would tell you this morning. “Really Katsuki? Me and Izuku?” You asked with a raised eyebrow. “That must have been one hell of a dream, Katsuki, but I’m here.” You took his large hand in yours, intertwining your fingers. “Your wife of two decades, I’m here.”
At that reminder his shoulders eased as he moved to wrap his arms around you and pull you back to lie in bed. He took a deep breath, just feeling you wrapped up in his arms. You always fit so good there, where you belonged. He tightened his arms around. “Yah, you’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking.” He grumbled. “You’d never marry Deku.”
You let out a laugh at the pure distress in the way he said your name. “I’m pulling your leg, Tsuki. I have no reason to marry Izuku. I have you and the kids and that’s all I need.” You told him honestly, resting your head on his chest with a smile. He nodded in agreement with that statement, an affirming grunt. “But now that we’re awake, we should get breakfast and wake up the kids.” You reminded him.
He let out a low grumbled. “Right. Those little parasites.” He grumbled making you laugh as you carefully started getting out of bed, but Katsuki wouldn’t let go of you.
“Hey! They are your little parasites Mr Bakugō.” You reminded him, tapping his cheek.
He playfully scowled at you like the big man child he was. “Don’t remind me.” He joked, rolling his eyes.
You tried wrenching yourself free but it wasn’t working. “Katsuki. Let go of me.”
“No.” He stated adamantly as he pulled you closer, moving to roll on top of you.
You let out a laugh at how impossible he was being. You tried pushing him off you but the giant prohero was not budging one bit. “You’re heavy!”
He clung to you like a koala. “Too bad.”
After convincing Katsuki that you could take a bath together as long as he got off of you, you headed to freshen up before you both left your bedroom. Katsuki went to his domain which was the kitchen. He slipped on his pink frilly apron that his dad used to wear and got started on breakfast as you came down the steps with your four year old and youngest child.
You sat Kazue on the ground and she went waddling over to her father immediately, grabbing onto his sweatpants. Katsuki looked down at the little blond girl with poofy pigtails. She tugged on his pants before looking up at him with her little Dynamight plushy in her arms. She sucked on her thumb before looking up at him. “Morning Poppa.” She greeted softly.
Katsuki smiled at his only quiet child. He grabbed a cloth and wiped his hands before picking her up. “There you are my angel.” He said, kissing her chubby cheek making her smile as she took her thumb out of her mouth and wrapped her arms around his neck. He held her with one arm, putting her on his hip as he continued to make pancakes. “Poppa’s making pancakes. Will you eat one?” She nodded her head, keeping her head in the crook of his neck.
Letting out a loud yawn walking into the kitchen was your eldest. You smiled at the sight of him as he automatically made his way to you. He placed a kiss to your cheek before resting his head on top of yours. You chuckled. “Morning Eitsuki.”
“Mornin’ Ma” He grumbled tiredly. The blond teenager basically just clung to you, recharging whatever battery he wasn’t able to last night.
You moved a hand to his face softly. “Up gaming all night?” You asked. He let out an affirmative sound. Katsuki let out a tsk. Eitsuki raised an eyebrow. He let go of you and moved to sit at the kitchen island as well. “Morning Pops.” Katsuki let out a grunt in reply. Eitsuki turned to you, deep blood crimson eyes looking at you. He motioned to his father. “What’s wrong with him?” He asked confused.
“Your father had a bad dream. He said I got married to Uncle Izuku.”
Eitsuki let out a scoff as he took out his phone from his pocket. “Bad dream?” He leaned back. “Sounds like a fucking nightmare.”
“That’s what I said!” Katsuki said loudly, turning back with a pointed look, trying to emphasise his point. “Deku can’t be the number one fucking hero and take my wife! Not over,” He pointed his spatula to his chest. “My dead body!”
You rolled your eyes at your excentric husband and looked back to your eldest. “It’s so nice to have you for the weekend from UA. How’s it going?”
The sixteen year old shrugged. “It’s alright, Mr Aizawa is pretty fed up though. Said he was getting war flashbacks or something.”
Katsuki scoffed at the mention of his old teacher but a small smile on his face as he shook his head, turning back to flip the fluffy pancake perfectly. “He’s just scared cause he already had to deal with us once upon a time.”
Eitsuki opened his mouth to speak when-
“POPPA!” A loud shout called as a girl entered the room. The twelve year old held a phone to her ear as she peaked into the kitchen.
“DON’T FUCKING SHOUT!” Eitsuki barked at her with a scowl on his face. “IT’S LIKE EIGHT IN THE MORNING!”
“I WASN’T TALKING TO YOU!” Hikaru screamed back.
Your husband rolled his eyes before looking at his second eldest child. “What is it Hikaru?”
She turned to look back at her father. “Can I go out with Hana and Sachiko? We want to go out to the mall?” She asked as she leaned against the doorpost. The girl looked a lot like your mother in law Mitsuki and had the same fiery temper that the Bakugō’s had.
Katsuki was silent for a moment as he thought about it. He looked too you. You shrugged, not seeing a problem with it. He looked back to Hikaru. “Only if your brother goes with you.” He motioned to Eitsuki.
Eitsuki and Hikaru both got wide eyes, clearly neither of them liking that arrangement. “WHAT!?”
“Pops I don’t want to go with her and her annoying friends!” Eitsuki stated as he motioned to his sister. “They’ll drag me around like a headless chicken!”
“And I don’t want to be stuck with him!” She pointed at her brother with a finger. “He’s ugly! He ruins the entire trip!”
“POPPA!” Running into the kitchen was your eight year old, Suzume. “Are you taking me to gymnastic practice?”
“EVERYBODY SHUT UP!” Your husband shouted, effectively silencing everyone.
He looked over at his family with wide eyes. He put his fingers to the bridge of his nose with a scowl as he sighed. Kazue looked up at her father with a tired look but snuggled back into his neck, burying her face there. At the feeling of his youngest he sighed.
He opened his eyes and looked to Eitsuki. “You! You’re going to the mall with your sister, you’re there for three hours then you can drag her ass back home. You!” He pointed to Hikaru. “You’re brother is going with you whether you like it or not. I’m not letting a bunch of twelve year old girls go around a mall by themselves. You!” He pointed to Suzume. “Mom’s taking you to gymnastic practice, make sure you’re ready by ten. And you!” Katsuki looked to you. You looked up from where you were sipping your coffee.
You looked around before smiling. “You seem like you’re handling things, Tsuki.” You affirmed with a smile. “Good job.” You gave him a thumbs up.
Katsuki rolled his eyes as the kitchen started up with talking again. His two eldest were arguing, his third was busy trying to convince you to let her bring her new costume to gymnastics and at least his youngest seemed very comfortable in his arms. Despite the chaos that was the Bakugō family, Katsuki smiled.
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slogthor · 2 years
Not now bakugou
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ectologia · 7 months
have you ever tried a makeup smear fic? one where the yandere makes her wear like lipgloss and eyeliner then smears it over her face like she’s lowkey a whore lmao
♱ ˖ ࣪࿐ 𝒫𝒜𝐼𝒩𝒯𝐼𝒩𝒢 ؛ 𝓀𝒶𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓀𝒾 𝒷𝒶𝓀𝓊𝑔𝑜𝓊
𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓃𝓉 ؛ dubcon ノ noncon ノ humiliation ノ mocking ノ forced cunnilingus ノ name calling ノ bullying ノ crazy bakugou ノ mean bakugou ノ profanity
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“Awh, look at you..” Katsuki coos, popping the cap of your eyeliner and holding it between his teeth. Your eyelids are pulled back to the hilt by his thumb, leaving you a teary mess as he oafishly free hands a string of ink across your lash-line. He pulls away with a triumphant grin, admiring his handy work as you blink away the black seeping into your pupils. The dainty pen is snapped in his fist, discarded onto the floor much like the rest of your make-up, shades of pink and brown left crushed into your carpet with their cases in fragments.
“Who’s a pretty girl?” He sneers, ruffling your hair with a big palm before taking hold of your bound ankles.
The metal clinks as he tugs the chains over his neck, allowing your trembling feet to rest on his shoulders, gracing you no escape.
“Wish I could say the same about this filthy little muff though..” Katsuki tuts, pressing your pussy-lips down to inspect your distorted hole. He slides a finger through the sticky webbing, flicking off at your clit. “Tsk.”
You don’t get a chance to reply before he’s dipping down, snorting like a pig. Engulfing with teeth and a fat tongue as he sticks it to your wet slit. Immediately, he’s shaking his head side to side, nuzzling his creased nose into your swollen bud as he sucks on your cunny hole with an unjust violence.
You cry out an incoherent plea, writhing in the stained sheets smudged with concealer and lipstick, the same colours he’d just finished caking your face in previously.
His head bobs up and down, routinely hacking a glob of foamy saliva onto your folds only to slurp it back up again.
“There we go...” He scrubs his chin of any fluid, sniffing his fingers as-well in a subtle fashion. “Nice ‘n’ sloppy.”
He stays preoccupied with slapping his heavy cock-head against your twitchy clit, even as you snivel into your shoulder, wincing and jerking beneath the heavy weight of his tip spanking your puffy pussy up and down. Pearly teeth bare at the wet splatters that jump from where you connect, spitting back up at him.
“You gonna’ behave?” He questions, leaving his stiff erection to flop onto your stomach as he raises two hands towards your face. Your skin is rolled and tugged on by a set of invasive digits, smudging black clouds of ink from your eyelids to your ears. “You gonna’ be a good little prostitute for me?”
You can’t feel your toes where they’ve gone numb from their ascended position, kicking up into the air as he sheathes his length into the pocket of your choke-hole.
Even as you scream raw from your throat, he can’t help but froth at the pair of pink glossy lips crying out for him. All shiny and glistening in the light, specks of glitter jumbled about inside the glass-like coating that paints them corner to corner. It turns him on, the thick globules of transparent gloop looking all to familiar to something else.
He’s compelled to spread the stickiness around, creating an exaggerated ark over what would usually be your smile, leaving a stripe of gloss in it’s wake.
“Awh..” He chuckles through his nose. “Such a lil’ cutie, you like getting your pussy fucked? Yeah you do, look at that smile.”
“Ngh.. ‘suki..” You keen, jostling the chains keeping your leather-cuffed wrists pinned to the headboard.
“Oh, ‘suki! ‘suki!” He mimics you as you sob, turning his mouth down and squinting his eyes in the same pitiful way you do, only without the crystalline tears dragging pounds of blush and bronzer down your cheekbones. “Please make love to my pussy harder!.. Yeah? ‘s that what you’re tryna’ say you little bitch?”
Even as you shake your head, he ignores you. To busy flicking at the artificial eyelashes he’d shoddily stuck to your lash-line, dramatic and bold like butterflies, nothing you’d ever dare to wear yourself, were it your decision.
“Please Katuki! It hurts, you’re hurting me!”
Your attempt to reason with him falls on deaf ears.
“Oh, I’m hurting you am I?” He only responds by pressing your knees back further. “Good.”
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keulixeutin · 2 years
Lovelorn & Laughable
a/n: tried something more casual and shorter.
summary: it’s laughable that your friends think that bakugou, of all people, is dangerous to you. bakugou x gn!reader.
cw: fluff. established relationship. mentions of drunkenness and alcohol. mentions of friends being afraid that reader is in an abusive relationship (they're not).  gender neutral pronouns used.
wc: 986.
You’ve been dating Bakugou for eight months, and your relationship with the infamous explosive hero is a confusing case among your friends.
However, you don’t know how confused they are until Uraraka pulls you aside one day to ask if you’re okay—read: to ask if you’re safe.
You almost laugh in her face, but you’re able to keep it together in front of her honest expression.  It’s surprising how little they know, and it’s hilarious how wrong they are (which is wild to you, because aren’t they close with Midoriya who considers him one of his closest friends?).
It’s laughable that they think Bakugou, of all people, is dangerous to you.
Bakugou, who gives you his credit card three months into the relationship.
Bakugou, who changes his phone background weekly because he can’t decide on one favorite picture of you.
Bakugou, who searches for your hand to hold even in his sleep, who jerks awake whenever he feels you shift too far away in bed, whose frantic fingers search the sheets for you in his half-sleep.
That Bakugou.  Right.
Though you have enough self control to not laugh, you do let out a wicked snort.  You tell her to watch carefully next time you’re all together, and even when she tries to tell you that she has been, you shake your head and repeat it—watch carefully.
At the next group outing at a pop-up carnival, you arrive arm-in-arm with Ashido, Bakugou following close behind.  Midoriya’s the only one who eagerly greets your boyfriend, though you wouldn’t say the others give an unkind welcome.  You grin at the ones you know are worried—Asui, Iida, and Uraraka—though they don’t find this as funny as you do.
Watch close, you mouth to them.
And they do.
At first, they think you’ve got some mild form of Stockholm Syndrome; they think that you must be used to trauma and that you can’t tell your relationship is a bomb ready to go off.  All they can see are his scowls and shouts.  All they can see is the angry child who grew bigger, stronger, and more powerful than he was a decade ago, a man who must be utilizing all of his strength and anger to keep you trapped.
Watch, you tell them again when they try to pull at you for a quick intervention.
They’re still doubtful, but for you, they try again. 
This time, they see things—they see Bakugou, maybe not the way you do, but different than how they used to.
They see how his shoulders always touch yours when he’s seated, how he accompanies you to the food stall so he can pull his wallet out, how he always glances back to see where you’re at as you linger at each stand.  They see him scowl with cheeks colored pink as you fix his hair in the whipping wind.  They see him lean into your ear and whisper something that makes you laugh as he points to an ugly pig plush prize.  They seem him pull you away from the group and sneak off into the crowd when he thinks no one’s watching.
Still not fully convinced, they finally approach Ashido about your relationship, about whether or not you’re truly safe and loved.  She’s first taken aback because she thinks they’re making a dumb joke.  Then, when she sees that they’re genuinely concerned, she doubles over in laughter, cackling so hard and so loud that there are hot tears in her eyes and painful cramps in her stomach.  She gasps out in between giggling and snorting about how incredible it is that they could believe something so obviously impossible, ignoring their expressions of irritation and shame.
Well, Bakugou doesn’t drink around you guys, so that’d probably help, huh, she says when she’s finally calmed down, wiping at her eyes.  At their confusion, she explains that he’s needy when he’s drunk.  I’ll give you a sneak peek, she smiles conspiratorially.
Pulling out her phone, she opens up the folder created specifically for sentimental Bakugou photos.  Ashido shows them a picture of him passed out on the couch, face resting against your lap with a firm grip on your calf (This was last week when he was plastered after four drinks!), another of him with you up on his shoulders in the pool, fiery smirks on both your faces (They beat me and Denki in Chicken, ugh!), and finally, a picture of him kissing you around a corner, which was immediately followed by a blurry photo of Bakugou swinging at the camera  (I don’t remember this one, actually, but this happens pretty frequently!).
Perhaps they hadn’t been watching closely after all, they think.
Ashido shows them several more photos, each with Bakugou sappier than the last, and she ends it by cooing about how cute the both of you are.  She says she’s surprised that neither you nor Midoriya have shown them anything, and Midoriya stammers out something about privacy, and they mention that they hadn’t expressed their horror in full until recently.
Horror, Ashido repeats, and then it turns into another full-blown cackle in public.
When you and Bakugou make it back to the group, you take one look at your friends and grin, seemingly aware of their newfound understanding.  They look back at you, abashed, but you’re too preoccupied with your bag of souvenirs and the ugly pig plush in your arms to be mad about their misconceptions.  Anyways, the pig was bought, not won, and you’re excited to share the story with the others.  Bakugou is on his phone again, subtly leaning against you; when Uraraka passes by behind him, she sees that he’s not scrolling through his apps but deciding a new background photo, stuck between one of you throwing the camera a kiss or laughing in the sunlight.  She watches him pick one and then favorite the other one.
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
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— when you have a blind date
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Your friends think its time you tried to settle down and they set you up on a blind date.
Warnings: implied angst, idiots in love.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Word Count: 1.8k.
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You’d slowly come to terms that you’d probably be the last one of your friends to find a partner. Everyone else seemed to be following the right paths in love, and you were still pining dreadfully for a man that didn’t like you back.
“Not settled down yet?”
The dreaded question always directed towards you, and you never had a clue how to answer. No matter what occasion— weddings, birthdays, baby showers, anniversaries. It was always directed at you without fail, eyes looking to the side of you like maybe this would be the event where you’d show up with someone. If you had a hundred yen for every time someone asked you the same dreaded question, you were certain you’d never need to work again. 
You’d become robotic in answering it too, recycling the same excuses about working overtime and trying to further your career, or dates not working out (when really you’d been at home with a pint of ice cream and another Zack Efron rom-com), but there was only so many times you’d be able to dodge that question before your friends would take it further. 
There were rarely questions about other aspects of your life, as though your worth was connected to whether you were seeing someone or not. The pity on your friends' faces whenever you’d pick out an excuse was enough to make you want to crawl into a hole and disappear. 
“Well, I’m sure you’ll find someone soon.”
But that wasn’t the worst part about being single. 
Being the single friend meant it always seemed to be you that had to endure being accosted by hopeful men trying their luck. Weddings where you’d already dodged the dreaded “When is it your turn then?” questions and sympathetic gazes when you’d explained your single— the classic “I’m sure you’ll find the right person soon” oozing with faux sincerity, followed by having to avoid half the groom's party offering to dance with you or buy you a drink from the bar. Even worse the best men that thought it was right of passage to sleep with the maid of honour. 
Bars where men would come up to the table and offer to buy you drinks, your friends immediately making it clear that they were taken but you were single— like a prized pig at the country fair. The awkward tension whenever a man wouldn’t take no for an answer when they offered to buy you a drink, even after you’d politely declined and then would proceed to think you owed them something for taking it. 
Not to mention the photographs plastered all over your social media of your friends getting married, moving in together and starting perfect little families. A constant reminder of how alone you really were, and you’d admit it would be nice to come home to someone each night. 
So here you were awake an hour earlier than you needed to be for work, preparing yourself for a date you didn’t even want to go on. A blind date. Your friends had found you the perfect match, in their words. A cute guy— a lawyer, they’d emphasised, as though the career gave credence to his propriety.
You tried to pick an outfit casual enough that you would be able to wear it at work and to the date after without having to get changed, picking a pretty dress paired with some simple low heels. It felt peculiar putting so much effort into your appearance when your heart wasn’t in it, but as your friends said– what have you got to lose?
You’d managed to make it into the office slightly earlier than usual thanks to your early alarm, dropping Bakugou’s coffee down in his office along with his morning paperwork before taking a seat behind your desk and opening your inbox.
“Mornin’” Bakugou grunted as he passed you fifteen minutes later, half-lidded vermillion eyes lingering on you a little longer than usual before stepping inside his office. 
Bakugou never was much of a morning person, especially before coffee. Even though he was always one of the first inside the building each day. One poor reporter found out the hard way when his old secretary organised an interview before his shift was due to start, he’d ended up taking the following three weeks off for stress. 
It was barely twenty minutes later when Bakugou emerged from his office, looking slightly more alert as he placed some forms down on your desk.
“I need these sent to Deku’s agency by this evening.”
“Oh, are these the figures he asked for?” You opened the file to check the first page to see whether it was the paperwork that Midoriya had been expecting from Bakugou. He was always kind and patient on the phone, especially with you, but even you could tell he was getting annoyed at how long it was taking Bakugou to send them to him. You were certain it was Bakugou’s petty way of trying to wind him up, like they were still playful kids in the playground because Bakugou was never late with his paperwork.
“Yeah, he’s been buggin’ me for a week now,” Bakugou scoffed, “Told him he’d get ‘em.”
“I’ll send them right now.” You smiled, standing up from your desk as you collected them in your hands.
“You look nice.” Bakugou murmured, eyes flickering over your form.
“Thanks,” You replied shyly, the corner of your lip curling into a small smile. 
“Not that you don’t always look nice, I just meant you— that dress— fuck.” He cleared his throat, cheeks tinged bright pink, “Sorry. You just look real pretty.”
You felt your cheeks heat up at the compliment as you tried to calm your fluttering heart tickling your ribcage, making your way to the copy room to scan the files across to Deku’s agency but you were unable to hide the wide smile on your face.
The rest of your shift was uneventful, right until you were due to finish. You’d managed to get stuck on the telephone with the head of hero relations at the commission, trying to gather information on Dynamight’s last mission. Information that was usually sent across in a huge report when he made it back to the office, but of course men in suits did not have time to look through a report when they could get someone else to do it for them. Which led to you answering each question by using information on the same report you’d submitted to them, which then led to you finishing your shift late. 
Slamming the phone down as you moved to set your out of office for the weekend, trying to get out of the agency as fast as you could. It wasn’t that you were worried about looking bad to your blind date for being late, but you didn’t want your friends to think you hadn’t made the effort when you had. Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you knocked on the door to Dynamight’s office. Popping your head around the corner to let him know that you were leaving, as you noticed him sat behind his desk with his glasses on as he looked up from his laptop.
“Hey, I wanted to ask you something,” Bakugou called out as you moved to shut the door, “Wait— are you in a rush?” 
“Not really,” You lied, “What do you need?” 
“Are you going out tonight?” Bakugou was a perceptive man, he could tell from the slight difference to your appearance that something was happening. He wondered if maybe it was a friends birthday. 
“Yeah, it’s stupid really,” You didn’t even like admitting it to your boss, and it totally wasn’t because you were head over heels for him, “My friends set me up on this blind date, and I was supposed to meet him twenty minutes ago.”
“Oh, you’re late.” Bakugou muttered. 
“Yeah, but I’m not even sure I want to go.” You shrugged. 
“No, you should go.” He shoved his hands in his pockets so you couldn’t see his fingers curl into fists, his blunt nails digging against calloused skin. 
“I can always come up with something, it’s not a big deal—“ You’d assumed your boss was going to ask you to stay late with him again, like he usually did when someone at the agency had made a mistake that he needed to fix. 
“Seriously, go.” He came towards you, his arm reaching out to open his office door as he ushered you out. 
The intoxicating scent of his quirk mixed with his cologne invaded your senses as he walked you towards the elevator on his floor, leaning forward to push the button for you. 
Part of you felt disappointed that he’d pushed you to go, hoping deep down that he’d be happy you weren’t going on a date with another guy. That maybe, just maybe, he’d ask you on a date himself. 
But of course that was just a fantasy, the perfect little fairytale you liked to conjure up in your mind to try and cope with how desperately your heart yearned for him. 
“Really, I don’t mind staying if that’s what you were going to ask—”
“It ain’t. But it don’t matter, it wasn’t important.” 
“Oh, okay.” You nodded slightly. 
“Oh, and don’t worry, sweetheart.” He smiled, watching as the elevator doors dinged open, “You look beautiful. That fucker is lucky to have you.” 
You stepped into the elevator as you turned to face him, a soft smile on your face as your heart sped up from his words. 
“Thanks, Dynamight.”
The doors slammed shut before he had a chance to correct you, running his palm down his tired face as he felt that familiar ache begin to throb in his chest. 
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The question Bakugou had been planning to ask you all week now sat at the forefront of his mind, taunting him vindictively as he fought the urge to throw his phone across the room when he looked down at Kirishima's messages.
The annual Hero Gala was fast approaching, and in all his years from sidekick to owning his own agency, Bakugou had never once been bothered about going. The theatrics of it completely lost on him, distracting from his focus of becoming number one. And knowing that any awards would be packaged and hand delivered to his agency the next morning with or without his attendance solidified the fact he did not need to attend (despite numerous pleas from his PR team). All of his appearances at the Gala's had been forced, until now.
This year felt different, he wanted to go— and he wanted to go with you. Picturing the pretty dress you'd wear, and being able to spend the entire evening with you away from this building— just like a real date.
But he'd fucked up. He waited too long to tell you that he liked you, and now he'd lost you forever. This guy would probably be your perfect match and now he'd have to watch you hopelessly in love with a man who isn't him.
Opening the new notification from Kirishima on his phone as he text back. 
Kirishima[5.58PM]: Hey man, so did you ask her? What did she say?
Kirishima[5.59PM]: She said yes right?
Kirishima[5.59PM]: C’mon man, please tell me that you asked her? 
Kirishima[6.01PM]: You said you’d ask today, man.
Bakugou[6.43PM]: She’s going on a date tonight. 
Kirishima[6.44PM]: Wait, what?!
Kirishima[6.44PM]: With you? 
Bakugou[6.45PM]: No.
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vampyrsm · 2 years
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'as above, so below' demon king bakugou katsuki x reader
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synopsis: what more could the king of hell want than having ultimate control over everyone who descends into his domain? well, there is just one thing. he wants the silly little girl who thought demons were a joke.
warnings: summoning, mentions of animal hearts (it's brief), female reader, monsterfucking, dubcon to be safe, mind breaking(?) reader is a virgin, rough sex, shibari, size difference, corruption kink, blood, marking, hair pulling, squirting, multiple creampies.
word count: 6174.
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The sting against your flesh was nothing, it didn't surmount the bubbling fear in your stomach at the current situation you were in. The rope that was snug around your thighs and calves felt like it was fire rubbing against you whenever you tried to shift, just to ease up the pain enough to let you a moment of reprise in this newfound Hell.
You were utterly, and entirely fucked.
But you asked for this, didn't you?
You're the reason the man stood at the end of the bed filled with expensive silks was here. You just hadn't thought that this was quite how it would go, your friends had said it wasn't even meant to work—so just how did you manage to summon the most powerful of demons? The Demon King no less.
It was meant to be a harmless evening, something your friends had passed off to you as a 'joke'. They said that it wasn't real, that demons don't exist but it was all part of the thrill that something might just crawl out of the darkness in the dead of night. All of them had said nothing had ever happened to them, that the names were too hard to pronounce anyway or that they didn't even do the ritual right.
So just why did you do everything down to the letter? Why did you go out of your way to get your hands on a pig heart, they didn't even sell them in local stores. You shouldn't have even done it in the first place, it was a disgusting practice you realised when you had laid it all out in front of you. The lit candles, the blood that had been smeared on your clean wooden floors in what must be some sort of ancient language because it didn't look like anything but symbols and runes to you. Then the heart sat in the dish, thankfully you didn't have to do much to it other than just offering it up, but still having it sitting there made your stomach twist uncomfortably.
This was ridiculous. You thought as you painted the same symbols and runes along your thighs, down your arms and finally directly on top of your stomach. The blood was slimy and cold, and the fucking smell was rancid. You were going to bitch about this to your friends the second you got this shit off of you, they were clearly messing with you—why else would they get a person to rub blood on their skin?
Of course, nothing happened straight away, you hadn't expected it to but that bit of disappointment in the back of your mind was loud. You at least expected a tiny bit of a scare, maybe something would touch your hair or whisper in your ear but nothing. You spent the next 45 minutes cleaning up your apartment, running the washcloth over your body to rid yourself of the now sticky blood.
And you were content with the fact nothing happened, maybe it was for the better than you somehow fucked up the ritual. You shuddered at the thought of if it wasn't all a lie, just what could be lurking in the deep dark? You didn't want to find out, and so you resigned yourself to just shutting off for the night and heading to bed.
That was the plan of course as you opened your bedroom door, eyes on your phone screen until it felt like you walked directly into a thick wall of heat. Had you left the heating on? No, you didn't need it on today so just what—
You froze on the spot, eyes locked onto the man who was standing directly in front of your wardrobe's full body mirror. If you could even call him a man, that is. He had thick black wings that were more akin to that of a bat's wings, and he was fucking big. You could tell from the way his head was slightly ducked down to stop himself from hitting the ceiling that he was well over 7 feet, at the minimum. The longer you stared, the more details you started to take in.
With only just the small bedside table lamp giving him an amber glow, you could still see that his skin was a glistening tanned colour and he was beyond ripped. His muscles were tensed, large shoulders hunched and biceps bulging as he heaved in heavy strong breaths through his nose. Finally, you looked up at his face, he wasn't what you were expecting when you'd describe a demon. You always envisioned them as creepy little things that had disfigured features or an extra eye, or something. But this man, demon, was the most beautiful person you had ever laid eyes on.
Jaw sharper than any knife as he tensed it, his lips were turned down in a deep frown with his upper lip threatening to rise up like a snarling dog the longer you stared him down like a deer in headlights. A flick of something to the side of his head had you instantly looking at his ears, they were long and pointed but covered in fur, like cow ears. Heavy hoops adorned them both and jingled when they flicked again in what must be annoyance, and finally, you settled on the thick black horns that were most definitely bovine-like, large and pointed upwards, even those had metal rings dangling from them.
The second you met his eyes, your stomach dipped and twisted like it would on a rollercoaster. The red was unnatural, shining brighter than any fire you had seen, carrying the same heat as the sun when it's high in the sky on a summer afternoon. His lip finally curled up in a snarl, a low rumbling growl that bubbled in his throat and perfectly displayed the sharp fangs in his mouth.
"Done fucking starin'?" his voice was like ash, smokey and raspy yet deep it had a subtle shiver sliding up your spine. It matched his appearance perfectly, like every aspect of him had been hand-sculpted by the Gods. Perhaps he was. "Of course, the one person who manages to do the ritual right is too scared to fuckin' speak."
You blink finally, wiping the sweat from the palms of your hands against your sweatpants before you speak. "You're real?" is all your brain can ask in the current situation, and the way his eyebrows dipped in a frown and lip covering up his fangs once again tells you it was a stupid question. "I mean, you didn't show up for anyone else."
"Because they were all fuckin' idiots and didn't do it right," he finally shifts, and it feels like gravity moves with him like you're being drawn into his eyes the longer he holds eye contact with you. "You, however, little innocent you did everything right. Didn't you?" and suddenly he's in your space, the heat coming off of him in waves is unbearable and suffocating but you can't find the energy to move away from him.
"Why is that? What exactly did you wish to gain from summoning someone like me?" this close you can see his own eyes scanning over your face, along your hair and down the front of your body. His eyes linger on the exact places you had recently painted in blood as if he can still somehow see it.
"Speak." A command. A snarling one at that, it shakes you from the spot and has you blinking away the tears you hadn't even realised had started to clump against your eyelashes.
"I-I," you start, throat parched from the searing heat of the demonic figure who's now fully leering over you, head tilted down so the shadows shroud his face. "I don't know, I didn't think anything would happen!"
His eyebrow arches a little, whilst his head tilts as if he's fully surveying you. "You're a terrible liar, you know that?" his tone is demeaning, lecturing you as if you were being scolded by an adult who had caught you with your hand in the cookie jar. "You knew exactly what you were doing when you wrote my name right along here..." his hand raises, a clawed finger dragging along your stomach before it dips down to press lightly against your womb.
The searing heat of his hand disappears just as quickly as it appeared, his hands dropping to his sides as he straightens up to his entire height—the best he can in this room, anyway. "I'll ask just one more time, what did you want from me?" you want to look away from his eyes, but they were like glowing coals against the shadows of his features.
Your silence clearly isn't what he wants to hear as he breathes in a deep breath through his nose, eyes rolling in annoyance before he abruptly turns away from you, you notice something whipping and lashing behind him as he walks, had he always had a tail? You realise he's heading back towards the mirror he had once come from. Is that how he got in here in the first place? You had heard of rumours about it being a bad thing to have mirrors angled towards your bed, a gateway or something.
But just as he reaches the mirror, he freezes on the spot when something sweet hits his nose. It's a rare kind of sweetness, not one he'd often get to indulge in because it usually bared heavy consequences on his behalf if he were to let his greed take over. But something is cementing him to the spot, and his ears flicker again causing the small hoops to jingle with the slight movement.
He's glancing over his shoulder briefly to see the muscles in your thighs tensing, squeezing as if to alleviate something and then the smell hits him again.
So he was right in assuming you'd summoned him for that exact reason, he figures you just didn't bank on him being the King of Demons. What a shame, he grins as he turns back on his heel to look at you fully.
...And that's just how you ended up in a room that didn't quite look like yours anymore, the walls were draped in expensive yet old-looking fabrics, dark reds and blacks that seemed to ebb and flow despite there being no breeze. The soft bed beneath you was much bigger than any bed you had ever owned, was this all a hallucination? It sure didn't feel like one when a clawed finger hooked against the black rope that had been tied around your thighs pinning your calves to your thighs.
He was clearly impressed by his own handiwork with the way he kept running his fingers along it, putting a small amount of pressure against your thighs to make you hiss out at the aching pain in your calves but he knew it wasn't hurting you, not entirely. Not when he had you kneeling before him in said bound position, completely bare and dripping for him.
He looks even more sinful in the new light of the room, your lamps replaced by candles, the flickering orange somehow making his eyes brighter and that much more dangerous. His skin is shining, you realise, the sweat sticking to his bare chest and the column of his throat. You're completely fixated on every part of him, allowing him to pull you into this fantasy when he finally leans forward and pinches at your nipples that were already sore and red from his earlier ministrations.
In truth, Katsuki hadn't been able to keep his hands off of you. You smelled so pure, so ripe and ready for the picking and it had been centuries since he was allowed someone who hadn't been tainted in one way or another. He wanted to devour you whole, suck your very essence out of your body until you were quivering and shrieking for him to stop, and then begging for him to take you finally. He wants to lock you away in his own dungeon for the rest of eternity.
"Ready to admit just how fuckin' desperate you are yet?" he taunts, sharp claw stroking down along your sternum and then slowly back up until he hooks his index finger under your chin, forcing your head back to meet his gaze. "C'mon.. it won't be so bad if you just admit to it, tell me how bad you want it."
You do want to, you want to cave to him so badly but this game of cat and mouse has the throb between your legs intensifying. You know you're needy just from the way you clench around nothing when he spreads your legs just a little more to put the strain on your bound form but you can see the impressive bulge in his tight black slacks, the thick outline telling you just how badly he wants you in return.
Clearly, however, he is much stronger in will than you as you moan, breathy and downright needy when his fingers slip back down your body and rest between your legs. He was hardly touching you but the heat that seemed to move around him like an aura felt the same as if his hands were on you directly, and he could tell you were struggling to hold yourself in place. Stopping yourself from lowering yourself despite the ropes digging into your skin and grinding your wet heat against his palm.
He had you right where he needed you, on the precipice ready to fall directly into his clutches. So with a delicate tap of his index finger against your clit, your entire body jolted forward at the sudden stimulation. You figured it might've been a one-time tap, to mess with you, to make you admit all your sins to him but it was as if he were in a trance himself. His fingers move against your slick warmth, long fingers dipping in slightly before dragging back up to your clit to draw lazy but firm circles against it.
The low groan that came from his throat rumbled up through his chest, "Just say it, and I'll give it all to you."
You couldn't do this anymore, you couldn't hold out in hopes that he'd get bored. You figured he's a man with an infinite amount of time and just as much patience when it comes to getting what he wants.
"Please," you whisper, you're worried he might've not heard you when he remains silent. So you tilt your head up to look at him, certain you look every bit the mess he's made of you but you can see his nostrils are flared, eyes honed in on your lips. Waiting. "I can't wait anymore, please, I need you."
His eyes flick up to your own, and that feeling in your stomach is back as it flips and drops dramatically. Yet this time you don't feel the fear crawling up your spine telling you to run when he starts to crowd into your space, large wings behind his back spreading wide so all you could focus on was him. A large hand splays itself against your chest, carefully forcing you onto your back with your bound legs forced apart to expose yourself to the warmth that is Katsuki Bakugou as he lowers himself between your legs.
"Again," he growls, fangs peeking from beneath his lip as he tries to suppress a snarl. You figure it's not out of anger but rather frustration that he's still having to hold back.
His lips are just above your own, the closest you had been to him all night and it's intoxicating. Having a man so beautiful, a demon so powerful, asking you to tell him just how badly you want him. "Please," it's firmer this time, a little louder than a whisper. "Katsuki, I need you–" is all you manage to say.
The animalistic growl that rips through him shakes the four-post bed you're on, the way his given name rolls off of your tongue is what adds fuel to the fire in his gut. His lips are on yours in an instant, large canines pinching hard against your bottom lip until he draws blood. The kiss is messy, blood and spit mixing as he practically tries to devour you through the kiss alone, a large hand around your jaw to hold you in place whilst he got his fill.
When he parted from your lips you had to take in gasping breaths, with him this close it was like you were on fire beneath him which did nothing to help the aching need between your legs that was pressed snuggly against the heavy outline of his cock in his slacks, certainly leaving a mess behind on the pristine material. Suddenly he leans back on his knees, the space in front of you cold and empty.
Something in you makes you whimper at the loss, and his ears twitch at the sound, twisting and turning until they were pointed in your direction to take in your sounds. "What's wrong? You that much of a slut you can't wait a few more seconds?" and he grins when the same whine bubbles in your throat. His hands slip down to the belt of his slacks, the metal of the belt buckle clicking catching your attention immediately.
He tugs on the belt once and it slides out smoothly, the leather of the belt hitting the floor before he's unzipping his slacks to slip them down and off to reveal the black boxers that were tight on his thighs, and even tighter around the cock you could now see had a thick vein running on the underside of it, a darker wet spot near the waistband from the pre he'd been leaking all evening in anticipation of finally having you.
Despite your better judgement, you reach out a hand and half expect him to grab at it and burn you for daring to touch him out of turn but instead he lets your fingers brush against it. From the way you drag your fingers downwards a little too hard, he can tell you've never been this close to a dick before and that little fact has his tail lashing out viciously behind him in excitement.
"Can I?" your question catches him off-guard, his eyes look up at your own and for the first time you see something more than the hard glare, instead he looks rather... dazed, softened molten lava red eyes that take in the doe-eyed look you're giving him. You're so painfully innocent it has his cock twitching, he wants to ruin you.
"Be my guest," he offers, hands moving away from the waistband of his boxers as you, albeit awkwardly, pull down his boxers from the position you're in. The weight of his cock causes it to fall out once freed from its confines, and it has you clenching around absolutely nothing. He's much bigger than a human, you know that much for sure, the tip is big and looks irritated from how red it is—was he just as needy as you were?
His eyes were locked onto your own the entire time, drinking in the way your pupils dilated fully when you saw the very thing you had summoned him there for. He's about to take back the reigns when he feels a soft hand wrap around his length, it doesn't quite fit the entire way around and that has a pearl of precum leaking from the tip. Finally, he looks down, watching how you delicately stroke him as if he's going to somehow end up hurt if you're just a little rougher with him.
He thinks it's adorable.
But his patience has been worn thin all night long, he didn't make you crumble for no good reason. He wants to be buried deep inside of you as soon as possible, he needs to be or he thinks he might just go insane. His fingers curl under your chin, tilting you upwards to meet your gaze before he's ducking in once again. Your body is forced once again to succumb to his weight as he climbs back over you, big thighs spreading wide to force yours apart so he can nestle himself right where he needs to be.
A large hand meanders its way between the two of you, gripping at the thickness of his cock before he glides it along your slit eliciting a full body shiver in him at the copious amount of slick that had accumulated so quickly. His lips parted from yours just in time to hear the shaky intake of breath, and his eyes finally break away from the string of slick that was connecting the two of you.
He can see the fear in your eyes, something he hadn't expected in someone who would summon a demon. Unless—
"You're a virgin?" he asks in hardly a whisper, almost like he's confused by the idea of someone that pure trying to lose their virginity to a creature made up of pure sin. It's given this whole game a brand new thrill, a new prize that can be captured. The essence of a virgin is hard to come by nowadays.
You can't find it within yourself to answer him verbally, be it from embarrassment or fear of rejection that you're not going to be quite as easy as he first thought so instead you nod to his question. And his ears lower just that little bit more, eyes darting all over your face to take in your expression.
"I'll be gentle," he says, it's a half-lie mostly but you don't need to know that. You chew on the bottom of your lip, causing more blood to spill from the previous two puncture holes he had left there from his kiss and he can't stop the automatic response to lean in, his tongue dragging along the plumpness of your bottom before he presses his lips against yours, small pecks slowly growing more heated with each passing moment until he was crowding over you, his weight settling a little more against your hips whilst his hand continued to drag the tip of his weeping cock up and down your slit until he angled it just so.
Your lips parted from his, his own opening in a silent gasp at the way you're squeezing the life out of him already and he had hardly pushed the tip in. You're panting into his mouth, and he can hear the start of a pained whine starting to build in the back of your throat the more he continues to bully his way through your walls. "Relax f'r me, please–" he pleads, unsure if he can withstand anymore of the clenching. "I need you to relax."
It's impossible to relax you think, you had never had sex before and yet you were practically being split in half by the biggest man you had ever seen. You squeeze your eyes shut, tears rolling from the corner of your eyes and you can feel the burning of his gaze on your face when you continue to whine, whimpering in pain at the shallow thrusts he's giving. You feel full already but you know he's hardly made any progress on ensuring he was buried to the hilt deep inside of you. "P-Please," you murmur, what were you asking for exactly? You had no idea, but Katsuki seemed to have some sort of idea as his hand drifted between the two of you again and the heat of his fingertips against your clit had your hips bucking upwards.
He hisses, teeth gritted at the pulse of tightness around only part of his cock when he taps a finger against your clit before running smooth yet tight circles on it. But it seems to be working, your legs relax as much as they can in their binding and your walls relax just enough for him to fluidly roll his hips back and forth until he's seated deep against you. His cock is twitching against your walls, bumping into the spot that has your stomach tensing and thighs trying to clamp closed around his trimmed waist.
You half expected him to start as soon as he was buried inside of you, but when you reopen your eyes you're met with his own being tightly closed. His body is hunched over your own, two large forearms caging either side of your head and his head is ducked down just enough so the hardness of his horns is touching the top of your head. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he was in pain from the scrunch of his nose and the furrow of his eyebrows.
Unsure if you were genuinely hurting him just as much as he was hurting you, you decide to try and comfort him in some sort of way. Can demons even be comforted? They didn't seem the type who needed comfort in any way but nonetheless, you slid your hands up along his neck until you cupped his jaw, the muscles jumping each time he tensed and untensed his jaw, teeth grinding.
His eyes fluttered open when your thumbs rolled over his cheekbones, but instead of that deep red you had been staring into the entire evening you were met with black. Even the white of his eyes was no more, but you could tell he was staring directly back at you, just something in your gut telling you so.
"Don't look at me like that," his voice a thunderous growl, involuntarily making you clench around him and his nose screwed up once again.
But you weren't looking at him like anything, were you? "I don't— like what?"
"Like I'm the one who hung the moon, it's makin' it so much harder for me to hold back." You hadn't realised you were looking at him in such a way, what did that even look like? But the thought of him holding back after all you had endured, all the teasing and the unfulfilled promises of something more, didn't sit right with you.
"Then don't," you reply automatically, his eyebrows raise up in surprise and despite looking every part of the soul-consuming demon that he was, you think he looks somewhat softer as he observes you. His ears twitch a little, angled towards you, he almost looked cute. "Don't hold back."
Katsuki gives an experimental roll of his hips, the drag of his cock against your gummy walls has both of you moaning. His with more timbre than your own before it tapered off into a gravel-like groan when he ruts his hips forward, the entirety of your body bouncing off of his hips. He leaned down further, his hands locking together on the top of your head to make sure you stayed in place for what was to come.
"You asked for it, sweetheart."
The pace he picks is instantly fast and extremely hard. The clap of his thighs against the back of yours is loud but the sound of just how wet you are for him is louder, it has your cheeks heating and the tips of your ears burning in embarrassment because he must know just how desperate you are for him, creaming all over his length until a delicate little white ring is starting to form at the base of his cock. Katsuki finds it all that more exciting, just how much can he make you do?
Suddenly he leans back up onto his knees, large clawed hands grabbing at your knees and spreading you impossibly wider whilst his eyes are glued to the length of his cock disappearing and reappearing from the sticky warmth of your cunt. It has him feral, the way there's a clear yet thick sheen to his cock from your shared arousal and the way it strings every time he pulls back. Can't help himself when one of his hands slides down along your inner thigh until his thumb presses hard against your clit, tight and firm patterns being drawn against the nub until he can feel your walls fluttering around him.
"Let go," he moans when you clench the second he speaks, his pace not faltering now that he has your walls stretched to his size but he can feel the telltale signs of his cock twitching, his balls aching with the need to release. "Cum for me."
The command has you vaulting off of the cliff you had been teetering on for the entire evening, your stomach tensing as your entire body locked up under his ministrations. The way the tip of his cock drags deep inside of you consistently has your brain unable to think clearly, the prolonged orgasm effectively melting away every thought you had ever had until all you could think about was him.
Katsuki watched the way your lips remained parted from your loud, long moans until it fell silent, just the sound of your panting breaths each time his hips slapped against your own forcing the breath out of your body. He couldn't hold back anymore, his upper lip curled into a nasty snarl and his eyes shot down to look at the way his cock twitched hard when he saw just how much you were gushing around him.
The first wave of his cum was molten hot, it felt like it was burning—no, it was more like branding—your walls, and it didn't stop as he continued to roll his hips albeit a little more sloppy in comparison to his previous rhythm, his claws were dug into the fat of your thighs, holding you perfectly still as he continued to pour more and more of his seed deep inside of you.
Slowly he pulled out, the hefty weight of his cock slapping against his thigh. His hands travelled down the back of your thighs, thumbs pulling apart your swollen lips just in time to see you clench around nothing and force his cum out of you and down between your asscheeks until it pooled on the silk sheets beneath you. "Oh fuck, you might just be my undoing," he whispers more to himself, but the words have you yearning for more.
You want more of him, all of him.
In your post-orgasm state, you fail to notice when his claws grab at the ropes on your legs and seamlessly slice through the thick bindings to free your legs. He's quick to manhandle you further up the bed, his frame hitting the sheets this time before he's hauling you up on top of him on all fours. It's a big stretch for your thighs still with how much bigger he is than you, his cock twitches when another thick glop of cum drips from your pussy and directly onto the length of his cock.
"We're not stopping now," he breathes, gripping himself to angle the tip of his cock back against your entrance and this time the way he slides into you is with no struggle at all, your body naturally melting down into his own as you sink all the way down until you're flush with his hips. "You're mine, gotta make sure everyone knows it too."
He gives a rough thrust of his hips, forcing you to fall forward on his chest and crush your chest against his own, your face is inches away from his and you see the vicious smile slowly take over his features. He looks devilish. "You got that?" he says whilst stroking his hands down along the expanse of your body, long fingers grasping at the meat of your ass.
"All. Mine." the growl of his voice makes it hard to hear him properly, but you don't have much time to focus on anything else when his legs prop up on the bed and he's fucking into you with reckless abandon.
The squelching is much louder, and the slap of his balls hitting against the curve of your ass from the force behind his thrusts deafening but you can't focus on anything but the whines coming from his throat. He sounds wounded, panting and heavy breathing between his moans each and every single time you clench around him.
You're so focused on him that the feeling of your second orgasm of the evening hits you a little too late, your stomach tightening unbelievably so but the pressure in your pelvis is nothing like you had felt before. You scrambled to try and get your hands under you, to try and push yourself up and off of him before anything bad happened but Katsuki had other plans. His arms locked around your body, forearms pinned against your spine and hands latched onto your shoulders whilst his hips and thighs did all the work.
"Give it t'me," he moans against your cheek, your moans feeding directly into his ear. "Give yourself to me, sweetheart, c'mon."
You couldn't deny him even if you wanted to, he must shift his hips just slightly before thrusting up impossibly hard so he hits directly onto the pressure point that had been building inside of you. His moans grow louder, rumbling in his chest as he keeps trying to fight against the pressure of you clenching around him until he's inevitably forced out of your pussy when clear liquid gushes from you in harsh streams.
You're twitching atop of him, your mouth having latched onto his shoulder at some point to stop the scream that wanted to rip through your throat as you squirted all over his length. You're mortified, had you just—
Katsuki, however, is elated. He got you to squirt all over his cock, and he wastes no time realigning himself to thrust himself back inside of your hole that's still twitching and overcoming the shock of your previous orgasm. You moan against his skin, teeth threatening to break through the skin. "So fucking good, did so well f'r me." he mumbles against your hair, a deep kiss being pressed against you that almost seems too intimate for the situation you're both in.
His pace is a little slower this time, still aggressively hard but he seems to be revelling in the way you're still occasionally gushing around him. With a pop of your mouth, you finally release his shoulder and meet his gaze, his eyes are back to that shade of red that draws you in. He doesn't stop you when you push against his chest this time, planting your hands firmly against his broad muscled pecs, drawing absentminded patterns over the various scars that littered his chest.
You raise yourself up, gently dropping yourself back down and it has Katsuki pressing the back of his head against the pillows, eyes fluttering. You do it again, and again until the pace is starting to pick back up and his hands are clawed against your hips, marking your body once again as his. He looks beautiful beneath you like this, blonde hair ruffled and sweat dripping from his browline, his entire body glistening with it and large black wings splayed out wide in all their glory. It felt invigorating to have a deity such as himself beneath you, quivering each time your walls fluttered and whining when you rolled your hips delicately back and forth.
When Katsuki reopened his eyes, he raises a hand up to your cheek and guides you back down towards his face. That same hand cups the back of your head, fingers curling into your hair until he had a firm grip and that was the only warning you got before he yanked hard on your hair, forcing your head to the side to expose the expanse of your neck. His mouth opened wide before latching himself onto you, large fangs digging firmly into the skin until he knew he was drawing blood.
His cock twitched again deep inside of you, that sudden warmth coating your insides as you rolled your hips back and forth involuntarily to try and ease the pain you were feeling in your neck, your nails dug into his chest leaving behind thick red welts. His groan vibrated against your throat, and he remained like that until his balls were drawn tight and a sense of completion finally settled deep into his bones.
Deattaching from your throat he relaxed back into the bed, blood dripping from his lips. His body curled naturally around your own, large arms holding your smaller frame to his own and shifting slightly to ensure he remained buried deep inside of you. It felt oddly intimate once again, but something in your stomach told you it was right. He had said you were his, had he marked you as such?
Part of you hoped so, you think you could live with this for the rest of eternity if it meant you were his.
"Sleep," comes his raspy voice, his fingers now stroking along the back of your head where he had pulled a little too harshly on your hair. "We're not done here yet."
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katsus-world · 5 months
Bakugou fluff! Just something small because I haven’t posted in a while! Not proof read so sorry about any misspellings 😣!
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Your hands smell like metal as hangers make their way to some racks in front of you. The lanyard around your neck making you sore as you reach to rub the back of your skin.
A yawn pulls to your lips as you continue to walk around the store, today’s been pretty slow and nothing interesting ever happens so you’re always bored out of your mind.
Or that was until now. Heavy footsteps hit the hardwood floor, ash blonde hair catches your eye as he walks up to the register.
“Fuck, what is he doing here?” You thought to yourself as you see your super hero roommate walk in, his handsome face covered in dry blood and ash.
“I lost the fuckin’ key at work, gimme yours and I’ll pick you up later.” He grumbled as he looks at a little all might key chain that was on display.
“Couldn’t you have texted me about it and I would have dropped it off at your agency kat.” You sigh as you walk over to a cabinet, unlocking it and grabbing the key from your coach purse.
“Tch, I lost my fuckin’ phone too. The stupid villain took our shit to make a weapon.” He’s walking around now, eyes looking at everything, and all your coworkers hiding behind shelves and racks of clothes, trying to find out what your conversation was about.
“Be careful out there, dumbass. You’re filthy right now, I might just have to mop the floor once you leave.” He shoots you a look and snaps his lips.
“Wish you could do that in the house, ya pig.” He chuckles to himself, finding his comeback clever. You roll your eyes, but the sound of him makes your heart melt.
You walk out the register and follow to where he’s standing. His suit is ripped from the back, his muscular shoulder blade on display. His boots leave little marks on the floor, shit now you might actually need to mop when he leaves.
“Fuck this place is boring, can’t believe you work a nine to five y/n.” He snorts as he sees some knock off gucci shirt, walking over to the shoes where there’s knock off Jordan’s and literally every other brand.
“Sorry, not all of us have to luxury of being heros.” You replied, hitting his rip playfully.
“You could have.”
“I’m not talking about this anymore, Kat don’t you needa be saving people or something?” He turns to look at you, eyes annoyed that you’re kicking him out of your shitty store.
“Rushing me outta your job ain’t nice sweets.” His finger hooks at the bottom of your chin, heat fills your face as you pull away from his touch, now your coworkers are DEFINITELY staring.
“Since when do you like nice? Shut up and take the key.” The jingle of the dynamight keychain pulls his attention. His gloved hand takes the key and shoves it in his pocket.
“Let me know when you get off of work and I’ll come get ya. Ima’ cook tonight, don’t order nothin’.” You nod as he reaches down to kiss you, you smile softly at him as his lips brush against yours.
“Get me that all might keychain.” He whispers in your ear so no one else could hear, his ears pink with embarrassment. With a giggle you “mhm” in response and watch as your hero boyfriend walks out.
Your coworkers are gonna have a FIELD DAY with this now.
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Bonus! :
“Katsuki where’s my key, ima be late to work!” You call out as you search around the living room table.
“Fuck about that, I lost it.” He walks into the room, hands in his sweat pockets as he looks at you with a bored expression.
“Fuck do you mean you lost it!? Bakugou I swear to god.” You pinch the bridge of your nose as you try to calm yourself down. He smacks his lips at you using his last name.
“Don’t go to work today then. Stay with me.” His voice is horse with neediness as he walks up to you, rough hands finding home at the curves of your waist.
“Katsuki..” you bite your lip at the thought of going back to bed with your boyfriend. Fuck it.
“Lemme go call in, but you’re buying me lunch!” He grins at your words and plants a kiss on your forehead.
“Whatever you want sweets, come back to bed when you’re done.” As katsuki walks away, he can’t help but play with the dynamight figure that was in his pocket, his fingers careful to not touch the keys. 😉
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habken · 1 year
Looking at your fem Bakudeku stuff, I have made a head cannon: Bakugo either doesn’t care about her hair or does. Either way, she wears it her own way and doesn’t like people messing with it.
Except Izuku. Izuku wears her hair in little pig tails and always asks to put Katsukis hair up like that. She puts little All Might clips in.
YEAHH !! Good headcanons ! I have so many thoughts about their hair to be honest, if I share them all it's just gonna be word vomit on a page lmao, but hair is super important to me! Here are some other sketches I did :) !!
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I like the idea of Deku having long-ish hair up to junior high, and cutting it before UA! (I had a mini comic planned with her getting gum stuck in her hair right before the first day of school ohshc style and bakugou helping her cut it out, but I don't think I'll ever get around to actually making it)
I also imagine she's got a bunch of fun hair accessories! (like you said, she's definitely got all might hair clips, probably a whole stash lmao) The clips I drew Bakugou in on this post were a gift from Deku :') and I really like the idea of Deku putting her hair in a half-up/half-down style similar to her mom !
In my mind Bakugou wouldn't care too much about the way her hair looks, but also she really does actually cause she hates the "wow you look just like your mom!" comments lmao. I can see her doing her best to style it differently or keep it longer/shorter, just to stop some of the comparisons.
Aside from that, I think she'd also probably want to keep it out of her face, putting it into ponytails or pinning it back, especially when the class is training or she's out on a work study. Nothing worse than blasting off and getting a mouthful of hair </3
And yeah, I just really love the idea of them playing with each other's hair! Braiding it, brushing it, chatting about their day as they use a million goofy hair clips, I need it so bad
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toji-bunny-girl · 2 years
Ok but I fucking love the idea of God of War! Bakugou falling in love with Goddess of Life! Reader but not being able to express his feelings bc of his role.
The man in charge of so much death and despair for his own amusement stumbling upon the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen silently crying in their haven as she re-sows burnt crops, sends rain to cease the flames that burned villages, and redirects lost children back to their family. She weeps because she knows that as part of her life, she must always be shadowed by Bakugou since Bakugou is a reflection of mankind. As long as there is man, there is war. As long as there is war, there is Bakugou.
He feels kinda shitty about it because he’s never had to look at the aftermath of his doings; victorious feasts of rich meats and wines always came after leading corrupt leaders into battle. Seeing something so divine weep over something so fragile makes his stony heart twinge a little. He knows he can never approach you fully to court you because of your destinies. It kills him inside, so he might reconsider starting that war over a stolen pig.
You’re the hope women and children pray to in times of war, watching over their trembling figures as they clutched their shaking hands together and wept your name.
Nurturer of Battlefields, hear me!
Mother of Light, hear me!
Lady of Spirits, hear me!
Let your children live through the destruction of men!
Oh Goddess of Life, hear me!
Now save your children!
Nights they’ve spent, whimpering chants to you while their fathers and brothers and husbands and sons fought under the other watch of another god. It was either one side of women and children captured and raped when all their soldiers fall, or the other side safe with abundance of stolen goods.
What could you do but to let the god of war decides for himself—and you’re left to weep as fallen men rot to death on their own land; unable to enter the gates of the underworld as they wander Earth as silent souls.
Victory was taken while loss hammered the damned to death, a side of women and children were safe while the other is left to be enslaved to the people who killed their lands.
While on the other hand—bloody red eyes and golden blonde hair, the god of war celebrates the wins he’d side with. People would offer sacrifices of slain bulls and goats and goods for the aid of his on their side; humankind would do anything to not be killed.
Songs and chants were written to him every night as they offer their offerings, singing about how the strength of Bakugou is worth 5 thousand of the strongest warriors.
He had enjoyed victories for centuries while your tears turn into rain that put out the fire of burning cities. He cheered through blood that splattered all over his golden armour while your tears washed dried red off of the grass of battlefields.
Slowly as time went by, prayers to you by the women in hiding ceased. After all, centuries of prayers did nothing for their land. It was all in the hands of Bakugou—the god of war.
Lord of Destruction, hear me!
Lord of Fallen Cities, hear me!
God of War, hear me!
Now pity the lives of us and bring us victory!
Lord of Slaughter, hear me!
Slay the damned enemies!
They’d pray and pray, with clutched hands and hopeful eyes. And you’re forgotten as the nurturer of battlefields.
At last, when the men were planing to burn all their fiend’s offsprings and wives alive—you discarded the dignity of a goddess and knelt in front of Bakugou. Rain poured as you pled for the lives of the innocent.
The war god had seen mortal being bowing beneath him, kiss his feet as they cried for their lives. But it was a first for a goddess to kiss his hand as she begged for mere mortal lives. You were almost powerless beneath his strength.
Humans could live but war was bound to happen. And he was bound to shine as marble statues in temples.
That was the tragedy. War can only end if life simply never existed; and you were the true mother of war.
It was only because you were a fellow god, he thought, impossible to kill that he no longer is appeased with the killing of women and children—and the Lord of Destruction would send thunders that struck huts and horses if he was angered.
Soon, Bakugou finds himself spending his days when he’s not battling in the quiet temple of yours. He would disguise himself as a bird, resting on a tree that runs with your holiness. Your tenderness and warmth for humanity were rare amongst the Gods and Goddesses, and he finds the epitome of beauty in that.
But what could he do with his heart? He birthed war and you begged against it. He thirsts for blood and you use your tears to wash it away. Mortals pray to him for the befall of their own kind and they pray to you for the lives of their children.
The both of you were never supposed to be destined. So all he could do, with his heart that beats feelings for the Lady of Spirits, was simply watch afar at your marble statue in your temple and listen to your weeps as yet another city burns.
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