pensat-i-fet · 4 months
I see there is a new SJM book out this week so time for some "friendly reminders".
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pentanguine · 2 years
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@whatevsbla @lairn​ Sorry for screenshotting, tumblr wouldn’t let me reblog
#i was also so disappointed in the way hobb just dropped wintrow at the end of the book#i think he was the character she dropped in her otherwise masterful juggling of ten? or more pov characters#i don't necessarily mind his character regression (for lack of a better word) because he's spent over a year being manipulated by kennit#and it seems like a realistic thing to have happened to him#i think his admission near the end of the book that he did believe althea but didn't want to speak out for her (and that that was cowardly)#shows a bit of him starting on an arc back toward clear-eyed judgement and kindness#but hobb doesn't show the interior dimensions of him realizing how far he's strayed from himself and resolving to do better#and that makes it feel unsatisfying and a little hollow#from the spoilers i've brushed up against in the tag i don't think wintrow comes back in subsequent books#but i think he's one of the main characters she should return to because she left him unfinished! he's still carrying the full weight#of kennit's trauma and manipulation and the end of ship of destiny is all about working through those burdens. bah#who will wintrow become when he can live fully according to his own morality? have control over his life?#love etta without being manipulated into it?#I WANT TO KNOW. i want a book about a wise pirate king who has made mistakes and learned from them and lives with them#gah!! i apologize for all the tags i'm just in love with these books#liveship traders
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tearlessrain · 2 months
please help me- i used to be pretty smart but i’m having so much trouble grasping the concept of diegetic vs non-diegetic bdsm!
gfkjldghfd okay first of all I'm sorry for the confusion, if you're not finding anything on the phrase it's because I made it up and absolutely nobody but me ever uses it, but I haven't found a better way to express what I'm trying to say so I keep using it. but now you've given me an excuse to ramble on about some shit that is only relevant to me and my deeply inefficient way of talking and by god I'm going to take it.
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SO. the way diegetic and non-diegetic are normally used is to talk about music and sound design in movies/tv shows. in case you aren't familiar with that concept, here's a rundown:
diegetic sound is sound that happens within the world of the movie/show and can be acknowledged by the characters, like a song playing on the stereo during a driving scene, or sung on stage in Phantom of the Opera. it's also most other sounds that happen in a movie, like the sounds of traffic in a city scene, or a thunderclap, or a marching band passing by. or one of the three stock horse sounds they use in every movie with a horse in it even though horses don't really vocalize much in real life, but that's beside the point, the horse is supposed to be actually making that noise within the movie's world and the characters can hear it whinnying.
non-diegetic sound is any sound that doesn't exist in the world of the movie/show and can't be perceived by the characters. this includes things like laugh tracks and most soundtrack music. when Duel of Fates plays in Star Wars during the lightsaber fight for dramatic effect, that's non-diegetic. it exists to the audience, but the characters don't know their fight is being backed by sick ass music and, sadly, can't hear it.
the lines can get blurry between the two, you've probably seen the film trope where the clearly non-diegetic music in the title sequence fades out to the same music, now diegetic and playing from the character's car stereo. and then there are things like Phantom of the Opera as mentioned above, where the soundtrack is also part of the plot, but Phantom of the Opera does also have segments of non-diegetic music: the Phantom probably does not have an entire orchestra and some guy with an electric guitar hiding down in his sewer just waiting for someone to break into song, but both of those show up in the songs they sing down there.
now, on to how I apply this to bdsm in fiction.
if I'm referring to diegetic bdsm what I mean is that the bdsm is acknowledged for what it is in-world. the characters themselves are roleplaying whatever scenarios their scenes involve and are operating with knowledge of real life rules/safety practices. if there's cnc depicted, it will be apparent at some point, usually right away, that both characters actually are fully consenting and it's all just a planned scene, and you'll often see on-screen negotiation and aftercare, and elements of the story may involve the kink community wherever the characters are. Love and Leashes is a great example of this, 50 Shades and Bonding are terrible examples of this, but they all feature characters that know they're doing bdsm and are intentional about it.
if I'm talking about non-diegetic bdsm, I'm referring to a story that portrays certain kinks without the direct acknowledgement that the characters are doing bdsm. this would be something like Captive Prince, or Phantom of the Opera again, or the vast majority of bodice ripper type stories where an innocent woman is kidnapped by a pirate king or something and totally doesn't want to be ravished but then it turns out he's so cool and sexy and good at ravishing that she decides she's into it and becomes his pirate consort or whatever it is that happens at the end of those books. the characters don't know they're playing out a cnc or D/s fantasy, and in-universe it's often straight up noncon or dubcon rather than cnc at all. the thing about entirely non-diegetic bdsm is that it's almost always Problematic™ in some way if you're not willing to meet the story where it's at, but as long as you're not judging it by the standards of diegetic bdsm, it's just providing the reader the same thing that a partner in a scene would: the illusion of whatever risk or taboo floats your boat, sometimes to extremes that can't be replicated in real life due to safety, practicality, physics, the law, vampires not being real, etc. it's consensual by default because it's already pretend; the characters are vehicles for the story and not actually people who can be hurt, and the reader chose to pick up the book and is aware that nothing in it is real, so it's all good.
this difference is where people tend to get hung up in the discourse, from what I've observed. which is why I started using this phrasing, because I think it's very crucial to be able to differentiate which one you're talking about if you try to have a conversation with someone about the portrayal of bdsm in media. it would also, frankly, be useful for tagging, because sometimes when you're in the mood for non-diegetic bodice ripper shit you'd call the police over in real life, it can get really annoying to read paragraphs of negotiation and check-ins that break the illusion of the scene and so on, and the opposite can be jarring too.
it's very possible to blur these together the same way Phantom of the Opera blurs its diegetic and non-diegetic music as well. this leaves you even more open to being misunderstood by people reading in bad faith, but it can also be really fun to play with. @not-poignant writes fantastic fanfic, novels, and original serials on ao3 that pull this off really well, if you're okay with some dark shit in your fiction I would highly recommend their work. some of it does get really fucking dark in places though, just like. be advised. read the tags and all that.
but yeah, spontaneous writer plug aside, that's what I mean.
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cow-smells · 8 months
Worth your While | Opla! Sanji x reader
Request: I've read that you are in the need for some Sanji request or ideas so here's one for a fic :D
The crew gets into a fight ( it can be the Navy or anither pirate crew) and the reader gets badly hit and Sanji just loses his shit seeing the person that he cared for the most getting knocked out?? I just genuinely wanna see Sanji just go ape shit on people because of it XD and maybe hiw the others in the clue will react to seeing Sanji like that? @smolracoon25
Summary: You and Sanji have been playing the flirting game for way too long. When you get injured, Sanji shows a side of himself you had yet to see.
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: none
A/n: I'm going purely off the live-action so pls have that in mind, also I'm just getting back in to the rhythm of writing after such a long time so sorry if this is poop/ooc/both, love ya :)
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Read on AO3
“Don't you ever take a break?”
Zoro's voice coming from behind startled you, forcing you to break your longing gaze at Sanji who was fishing at the bow of the ship. “Huh?” came your wise response.
Zoro looked from you to Sanji. “You've been making moon eyes at him for months now. Don't you get tired? Or are you waiting for him to take his shift staring at you so that you can clock off?”
You felt heat rising to your cheeks. This was far from the first time crew members commented about you and Sanji's – whatever was going on between you two – but this was the first time Zoro called you out so blatantly.
When you didn't respond, Zoro went on. “I just came to tell you we should be docking soon. I'll leave you the pleasure of telling the cook.” with that, he left.
You closed the book on your lap. You really did have the intention of reading when you first head out to the deck, having some time to kill, but then... you noticed Sanji. At first you thought you'd go sit with him for a while, flirt and banter a little as you always do, but you found yourself absorbed in taking him in instead. He was different when he was alone. The way he looked so focused, so deep in thought when it was just him and the sea. Maybe even a little sad. So different from his usual sunny exterior that he put on when he was with people. Falling in to deep thoughts wondering what he might be thinking about – maybe about you? - you sat and stared, not reading as much as a word.
The book discarded, you felt a spring in your step as you made your way to the ship's chef.
The creaking floorboards alerted your arrival. Sanji turned to see who was creeping up on him, and when he saw you, he set his fishing rod aside as a wide smile grew on his lips, his dimples deepening and making your heart miss a beat. “There's my favourite girl. Come here, let me hear all about your day.” Sanji held his arms open, beckoning you to come sit on his lap.
The flirting was nothing new. When you first joined the Strawhats, Sanji was as flirty to you as he was to any other woman; he did not expect to meet his match in you. You were quick to play along, always one-upping him, dancing along the line that separated playfulness and seriousness, never quite picking a side.
The problem was, in reality, you had chosen a side long ago.
You would flirt and giggle and make him blush but never actually act upon anything. Neither would Sanji. He, however, took your playing along as though it was a battle to be won. Sanji would flirt, you'd reply with something raunchy, he would surprise you with something heartfelt. It was as though he knew exactly where to hit in order to get you a little closer to buckling, every time. As time went on he had become so devoted to your back and forth that you noticed he had gradually abandoned all other efforts flirting with other women, to focus entirely on you.
You had to remind yourself that this was a game to him. An instinct, almost. It hurt to think of your relationship that way, but you had to keep that thought at the forefront of your mind if you didn't want to fall even harder for him.
So you would continue to play along, even if that's all that you could have with him.
You chose not to indulge him completely – that was too dangerous for you – and so you opted to bend a knee over the armrest of his chair. Close, but no contact. “Come on, Sanji,” you bent your head in what felt like a bashful manner and said, “you know I spent all day thinking of you.”
You weren't sure if he was blushing or if that was just your wishful thinking. Composing himself, Sanji wrapped an arm around you to hold your waist, lightly tracing circles on your hip. “I beg of you, darling – next time, come find me instead of just thinking of me. I'll make it worth your while.”
You wanted to ask, how will you make it worth my while? Just to hear Sanji go in to detail of what you've been fantasizing about for months. But instead, you opted for a tamer response. “I came to tell you we're docking soon. Maybe I'll find you then and you could make it worth my while with a drink.”
Without missing a beat, Sanji took hold of your hand, bringing it to his lips. “There's nothing I'd enjoy more.” With that, he kissed your hand, his eyes never leaving yours.
Docking started out normal. Everyone knew what their usual chores were when you reached a town, restocking and fixing so that the ship would be in top condition for its next leg of the journey in your search for the One Piece. So while Sanji went in to town to restock on groceries (you didn't pay much attention to the others), you, Nami and Usopp stayed around the ship to fix up some of the damage it took when you last encountered a rival pirate ship. That also happened to be the reason it was just you three when the same rival pirates noticed your ship docked, ready to take their revenge.
The three of you had your individual talents, but you just weren't enough to hold up against an entire rival crew. They had attacked so suddenly and so fiercely – it didn't take long before you were on the sand, fighting to stay conscious. You lost that fight as you watched Usopp try his best to fight off three attackers at once.
You really thought that would be the end for you. You should have known better; it was Sanji's voice you heard as you regained consciousness, motivating you to open your eyes despite the pain that flooded your body.
The beach area all around you was covered with pirates who were taken down, just like you – only that they were your enemies. You first noticed Nami's orange hair – she seemed to be taking care of a bleeding Usopp, his condition worse than yours. Following Sanji's voice, you found him holding the last one of the rival crew by his shirt, throwing punches like you've never seen him before. It took you aback – thinking about it, you had never seen Sanji use his hands in combat. Too precious – need them for cooking, he'd once told you before adding, the only thing more precious to me is you. It had made you blush at the time before you had laughed him off. Now, you were questioning if it was a joke at all.
The man Sanji was holding wasn't putting up a fight – he was far too battered for that, but Sanji didn't stop. He was too far away for you to understand what he was saying to the guy, but focusing hard, you could just about make out half sentences – "to hit a woman" – "don't deserve to breath" – "finish you" – you searched for the strength to get up and stop him. You had never seen Sanji – your happy, cheerful Sanji – so angry, feral even. It scared you a little; but mostly, you knew Sanji would regret it if he were to kill a man who no longer posed a threat. So you grasped at the sand, forcing your aching bones to pick yourself up. But as you were regaining your balance, Sanji finally threw the man to the sand, a look of disgust painting his handsome features. "Finally made a date with her and you ruined it... You hurt her. You're lucky I don't kill you." The man groaned in pain.
In a sharp change, his features went from anger to concern as he finally left the man and turned to where he last saw you laying. His eyes were full of honest pain, until he saw you on your feet – then they read of hope. "Y/n!" Sanji called, rushing to you as he could see your struggle to stand upright. "You- I-" he scanned your body as he reached you, taking in all visible injuries. "Are you – are you okay? Can I help you?" he reached an arm around your waist, waiting for your approval before he held on to help you stay up, so afraid he might hurt you.
"Thanks." his arm around you really helped you to stay up. It was a practical measure, sure, any one of your crew mates would do the same – but when you look up and meet Sanji's eyes, you know that the tense feeling between you two wouldn't have been replicated with anyone else. "I mean it. You saved us. We'd... I'd be lost without you." at that, Sanji smiled that deep-dimpled smile of his at you, the playfulness not reaching his still-concerned eyes.
"Y/n," he started. "are you really flirting with me, at a time like this?"
It was strange how despite all your injuries, you felt less and less of the pain the longer you leaned in to Sanji, close enough to smell his fragrance. A half-smile reached your lips. You couldn't play this game any longer. "Did you really beat that guy up that bad because he ruined what should have been our... date?"
Sanji tensed, obviously not ready to have this conversation now. His gaze dropped momentarily before he wrapped his other arm around your waist, holding you tightly to him. "I had a hundred reasons to kill him," Sanji said, and you felt disappointment bubbling through you until he continued, "but the most pressing reason is that he ruined our date."
Sanji took the opportunity to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear and you couldn't help but smile so big you were embarrassed by it. "I really wanted that drink with you, away from the ship and everyone else. Just us."
You recomposed yourself. You needed clarity. "I'm not playing anymore, Sanji."
Sanji chuckled. "Fancy that. I was never playing at all."
You must have forgotten how to breath at all when he leaned down, his hand finding a rest on your neck as his thumb caressed your cheek. Nearly a whisper, he asked – "Can I kiss you?"
You leaning in served as the consent he searched for. After months of pining over each other, wondering what it would be like – his lips met yours, in a mixture of softness and passion like you'd never felt before. Forgetting you were injured at all you sneaked your arms around his neck, pulling him in, almost afraid of letting this anticipated moment of passion go. Sanji was more than happy to pull closer, a hand on your lower back holding you impossibly close to him.
The moment did, however, find its end as you heard your Captain whoop and holler from afar. "Yeah! Way to go, Sanji! About damn time!"
Breaking the kiss, Sanji nodded at Luffy, his smile lines prominent as he looked the proudest you'd ever seen him.
The crew was more than happy to make a quick exit that night, preferring to not stay around until the rival crew regained their strength. You were helping Nami untie the ropes anchoring the ship to the dock when she said, "I really thought he was going to kill him earlier." you didn't know how to respond. "I've never seen Sanji like that." Nami managed to untie a knot, and Zoro began pulling the rope up on to the ship. "He's really got it bad for you."
Despite that questionable context, you couldn't help but smile. In a burst of honesty you confessed; "I hope so, because I've got it real bad for him, too."
On cue, the ship's chef leaned over the ships railing, looking down to you. "Y/n, my love!" he called, as though the rest of the crew wasn't surrounding the both of you. "I hope you're finished down there, because I've got a candlelit dinner waiting for you up here. And drinks. You know, to make it worth your while," he finished with a wink.
From behind Sanji you could hear Luffy ask, "What about our dinner? Just because you're lovers now doesn't mean we don't need to eat..."
Sanji sighed and turned away from you, probably to go protect your dinner before Luffy demolished it.
"Right then, let's go," Nami said as you finished untying the last rope. "While there's still food to eat."
And for the first time, you boarded your ship not to find the One Piece or the All Blue – you were just happy to be there, with the man you loved.
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luffysscraps · 7 months
Dracule Mihawk absolutely NEEDS a chubby girlfriend.
Drabble; 🔞
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It’s not a want, or need it’s a MUST.
Just thinking about him calmly sitting down on his throne. Wine in one hand, a book in his other. And you his chubby goth girlfriend in his lap. And he’s so serious all the time. He’s like “Y/N it’s 4 pm. It’s time for your daily belly rub.” And he’ll sit there rubbing your stomach like this ‘😐🍷’.
Despite his face he’s absolutely elated, he’s past cloud nine he’s reached heaven.
And of course he takes you everywhere with him. So when he sails across the sea in that tiny ass boat he just has you in his lap, petting you up like you’re a little rabbit while slashing down any sea kings or pirates that dare cross his path.
If you’re insecure about your weight or refuse to sit on his lap he’ll shut that down in seconds, he’ll literally stare at you blankly like. “My sword weighs more then you. You can’t hurt me.” He leaves no room for argument and just pulls you into his lap.
He loves feeding you and watching you eat. It’s just about the only thing that’ll make him smile. He doesn’t really know why but watching you eat is one of his favorite activities. He’s just silently looking over the table at you with a small smile on his face. “Do you want any more?” :)
He doesn’t look like it but he secretly likes it when you dress up for him. Whenever you and Perona come back from a shopping spree and you show him the outfits and lingerie it’s probably the only time his face turns red but he’s still stoic in the face. All he says is:
When the other warlords tease him about his chubby chasing habits he simply rolls his eyes. “I’m simply a man, unlike you boys. You simpletons only like plump breasts or plump butts. Who’s afraid of extra soft plushness everywhere?” He says blankly while flipping through the newspaper without a care in the world.
He will Unironically wear a T-Shirt that says ‘plus size is my size.’ Or ‘the bigger the better.’
He really. REALLY. Wants you to sit on his face and will easily admit it. Suffocate him between your thighs and pussy please and thank you. “Y/N, may you please sit on my face?” He wants to drink your wetness until the ends of time.
In the past skinny girls had never made him cum. But your plump pussy, oh he can empty his load into you five times in one session. It’s so soft, so warm, that cute muffin top, your stretch marks. Good god this man is so in love with you.
He loves when you ride him. He’s holding onto the plush of your ass and pumping himself deep inside of you, burying himself in your cunt. “Good heavens.” He moans out as you pick up the pace and he just cums right then and there.
Aftercare is often him laying you down on top of him and him silently petting your hair. He doesn’t say it often but moments like these you know he loves you exponentially.
“Chubby women are truly superior.”
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elliottkay · 1 year
Every show and film and book I grew up with presented the military as a place where you’d find yourself. The military could be good, could be bad, and all that “glory” stuff was clearly nonsense… but shared trials made you stronger and forged ride-or-die buddies for life. And hey, it’d pay for college.
Then I joined. It didn’t work out. Every day ranged from tedious to toxic, even when we did genuine good. I made one short-term friend in four years.
I still loved those stories, but none of them were ever about the guy who joins up and doesn’t find himself and never belongs—so I wrote it.
Poor Man’s Fight is a rockin’ space opera built on shattered dreams, student debt, and space pirates. Lots of space pirates. It’s funny, it’s sober, and you’ll want to hug Tanner Malone even when he’s covered in blood. The real enemies are always capitalism and toxic masculinity.
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And then comes the war with the corporations that built this whole dystopia, because the enemy is still capitalism, even for the aliens.
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On a brighter note, Tanner does make it out of the military and into college, becoming the Deadliest Unpaid Intern in the Galaxy… and the Resident Advisor for a freshman dorm full of chaos goblins.
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(Cover art by Lee Moyer, Julie Dillon, Dan Watson, and Brittany Torres, for which I’m forever grateful.)
If you’ve made it this far, hopefully you’re looking for where to pick this up. They’re all available on ebook and Kindle Unlimited, and everything from Poor Man’s Fight to Last Man Out is also in paperback and audio.
And bonus: they’re cheap!
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ALRIGHT, *cracks knuckles* let's get into that teaser, shall we?
Should I itemize this? I think I'm going to itemize it lmao.
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Starting here because this is a baseline for Stede, he's got no neckerchief here. This is likely early in the season, probably the very start.
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Man's got a fuckin' ARM.
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This is Ed. You can see the bare right arm in both shots.
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Red neckerchief. Ed's scrap of silk? Beat to shit if it is, which, he did toss it out to sea so, it would be.
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Ed's not wearing the knee brace. Or gloves for that matter. I know the knee brace being an actual mobility aid is unconfirmed canon/fanon but it does make me :(c to see him without it. Either it wasn't actually considered as a mobility aid or he's lost it like he's lost his gloves OR he's going without it because he doesn't care if it hurts.
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Closer shot of the neckerchief.
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I just wanted to point out all the knives stabbed into the table. Also, those look like bits of paper on the windows, did they keep some of the books to repurpose for window blocking purposes?
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THERE HE IS!!!!!!!! Other people have already pointed out the makeup and his ring still on his tie, along with the whip on his hip cjizzy real. He's got a new baldric but I also think his clothes look. Darker? Than in season 1? This is a darker/heavier contrast setting but it carries into other shots of him too I think? Like they're less sun/saltwater faded or something?
Other thing to note: If I have my orientation right, this is to the right of Stede's bed nook and to the left of the library, which means this shelf is the one with the auxiliary wardrobe opening mechanism. Which I bring up because:
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This little guy seems to be in the place of the mannequin. Ed kept the auxiliary wardrobe and gothed up the mannequin to justify it still being there.
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SO much here. This is, I'm fairly certain, Benjamin Hornigold. This camp he's set up (along with what he's wearing) looks like it was made out of a shipwreck. Ed's barefoot and missing his jacket and gloves, and his shirt's torn up at the sleeves. Definitely where he washed up from his dip in the ocean.
Note the trees and the lighting, that comes up later. Ed shoots here and Ben moves with the shot but it doesn't look like he was actually HIT by it to my eyes.
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'Wanted. |Blackbeard| Villainous Pirate. Murderer, thrice over. $400 Reward for the criminal responsible for: theft - brigandry - larceny - arson - tax evasion ➡' Presumably there are more crimes/info on the back, though we see the reverse side in the next cut and it's either blank or all in very small text, I couldn't quite tell.
The poster to the right says 'Port' something which has me wondering Port Royal but that's just the only 'Port' something I know, could def be somewhere else.
(Also, just for fun:
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Here's how much abouts Ed's capture would be worth now.)
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Wider pic than it needs to be but I didn't wanna cut out Olu lol. ANYWAY. Neckerchief again. Also the back of the poster, see what I mean about it either being blank or very tiny?
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Babygirl. . . But also that Bride Ed figure kinda slays. Little bralette with the midriff showing, I see you Babygirl. When will he be allowed to just rest and do silly little crafts WITHOUT heartbreak looming over him?
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Well. Four is not nine. So. There's that. The other five could be used or out of frame though, of course.
OH. He's back to his fingerless gloves! They might actually be different from his original ones though, they look different at the wrist to me, not quite sure though.
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The BOYS!!!! Frenchie looks like he's having a GREAT time. Considering he suggested they turn the hostage into a table and complained about the Republic of Pirates being a bit gentrified I'd say this is more in line with what he's used to in piracy. I 100% buy he was going along with Stede's way because he knew it was an easy ride compared to real piracy. This wouldn't necessarily be a return to form for him but definitely something he's more used to? And he gets to be kitty :3c
And FANG!!! Look at him showing a bit more skin!! Good for him!!
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Everybody say 'Thank You David Jenkins'. Right now. Look at this Mad Max shit. Fuckin' Imperator Jimenez right there. LOVE that tye added the 'beard' after the 'fuck's wrong with your face?' bit in 1x10. Full 'it looked weird on you but I slay' energy.
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Near as I can tell at least. I can't make out if Frenchie is in the shot and I'm pretty positive Ed isn't cause he stayed by the cake when they charged in.
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Man, yknow I know we were all kinda clowning on it a bit at the end of 1x10 but this look really is so JARRING. Like, in the dark it's menacing but in the light? It's unhinged and that reads as more dangerous imo.
Also just for comparison's sake the pre-Ed-ified version of the bride figure. He really did full on customize that thing lol.
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I DON'T THINK ANNE KISSED STEDE HERE. It feels out of character of the show to pull the 'It's fine if a woman does it to a man' kind of thing with regard to unwanted kissing. This is the frame the scene starts on in the trailer. She's leaning back from him and isn't nearly close enough to his mouth to say for certain that's where she was coming from. My money is on her leaning in to whisper something into his ear, maybe under the guise of it being an advance/intended kiss, which would also explain the annoyed look when she's interrupted. She either got ACTUALLY interrupted or it's part of the act. Stede doesn't look nearly as uncomfortable as he would be if she'd kissed him or tried to, he looks confused.
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Izzy going for his sword when this guy tries to get the drop on Stede. He either is starting to care or he knows how much Ed needs him alive.
Also, this is the other potential source of Stede's neckerchief. Mr, Knife right here has a red one and Stede doesn't have it in this scene. I do think this one is a little less distressed than the one Stede has though so it could just be coincidence.
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See? No neckerchief. He DOES have a sword at his hip tho! So this, I think, is after Izzy's started training him.
Also, he actually looks really good in red lol.
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Baby. He's definitely missing the ring in this shot. It sits higher than the baldric is covering. I want to give him a little kissie on his ouchie and then let him have a nap, he needs that.
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The pants match the coat. Also, black shirt. Stede is kinda slaying ngl.
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Still missing her head :(c. Isn't that bad luck?
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Maybe yall didn't hear me properly with the Jim pic. I'll repeat:
I can't get over how Stede's just standing there politely with his arms behind his back lmfao.
Also, Izzy's got his right leg up, he's putting his weight on his left. . . 'foot'.
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I know tits and all but also. The belly. I would like to. Bite.
ANYWAY. On the left (our left) side of the barrel you can see the tip of his right boot so he's def got that leg off the ground. Perhaps someone is trying to relearn their footwork? Now that they've got a different balance than they're used to? And perhaps a difference in sensory input in the leg he's standing on? Possibly?
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This is the same beach Ed was on when he did the fuckin' RAD takedown of the other officer but it definitely looks like different times of day. Having both in the teaser is def meant to be a red herring. He doesn't have the neckerchief in this shot either.
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Bra för honom. (Is how google translate tells me you say 'Good for him' in Swedish.)
Is Jackie's hair the same here as it is in the VF pic with Ed? Or like, similar enough to be a 'later in the day after some Fun™ messing it up a bit'?
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Roach!!! Fully sleeveless now, added a belt, got some flowers tied to the strings/straps of his apron. Looks like he's having fun lighting that cannon lol. Pretty sure this is the same scene as that one leaked photo of him dancing with Fang and Izzy's green screen sock. He had the flowers in that, right?
[Ran out of allowed images, please hold]
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thornsnvultures · 11 months
laundry day
eddie munson x plus size!fem!reader
summary: eddie catches you reading something saucy at the laundromat while you wait for your load to finish.
cw: smut (18+, no minors), mutual pining, nipple play, fingering, lil bit of edging, teasing/cocky!eddie (in like a playful way, he's not mean)
a/n: thanks to @ozarkthedog for being super encouraging as always ❤
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Just imagining running into Eddie at the laundromat. It's hot outside, a muggy 80 degrees, and he's in cut off jeans that he chopped himself and an Iron Maiden tee. There's industrial size fans blasting from the corners of the room, hanging from the ceiling. They feel like they're blowing hot air around the room more than anything.
When you walk in with your basket he's already there, playing with the claw machine they inexplicably installed at the beginning of summer. Like they didn't have enough machines here already that ate up all your quarters. His head turns briefly when you walk in and you awkwardly wave and say hi out of courtesy. Of course you almost drop your laundry bag but Eddie's surprisingly quick, catching it before it slips out of your hands.
"Careful there." His boyish grin is surprisingly disarming. You find yourself staring at his dimples for a moment too long.
"Right, sorry," you force out a laugh and try not to cringe. Eddie's a bit weird but hot in a way that makes you act a little stupid.
You pick a machine far away from the one that's already running, presumably his, so you don't have to sort out your under-things with him right next to you.
"C'mon, c'mon...Dammit!"
Looking up from your pile of clothes you see Eddie squat in front of the claw machine to put more coins in, the black bandana hanging from his pocket drags on the floor. You can't help but to watch, it's kind of entertaining. His tongue is poked out in concentration, his ringed fingers tapping the stick ever so slightly to nudge the crane into the perfect position. Eddie looks around the sides of the glass box to make sure he's lined up just right and smacks the button to make the grabber drop. He curses when it snags the plushie's arm but doesn't pull it free.
It's been a full minute and a half and you've been standing there holding the same pair of panties, watching him and not sorting a damn thing. You don't have anything else to do today but you can't stand there and ogle either. So you shake your head and get back to it, finally tossing in a load as he loses for the third time since you got here.
You sit down and crack open the book you brought. It looks like he's out of quarters now. You feel kinda bad, he seemed pretty excited about whatever's in there.
He's pacing around the room now, sitting still and waiting for something doesn't seem like a skill he has, and singing to himself. You never thought of Eddie Munson as a singer but you can hear him enough over the machines and he sounds...good.
It's impossible to read with him pacing the room looking like that. With his short sleeves rolled up to his shoulders, showing off all his tattoos. And the one on his thigh that you didn't see when you walked in, that one had to be new. You were starting to zone out, thinking about Eddie and his tattoos and your long, long week of working doubles. It was hard saving up enough to get out of this town but you were determined to do it. Even if it left you drained at the end of every week.
A loud bang in front of you had you nearly jumping out of your skin.
"Whatcha reading?"
Eddie smiled at you from atop the washing machine he was now sitting on. You looked down at the cover that he could clearly see, the racy cover showing a fair maiden being ravished by a swoon-worthy, shirtless pirate. With a gasp you closed the book and put it face down in your lap.
"Nothing. It's- I'm not even reading it really, just skimming."
"Looking for all the steamy bits, huh?"
Eddie's shit eating grin made your face feel hot and you sputtered, trying to think of anything that wouldn't make you seem like a weirdo basically reading porn in public.
"Is it any good?"
"The book. Is it any good?"
"I, uh...it's okay," you mumbled, messing with the hem of your shorts instead of looking at him. You couldn't. Not with that blinding smile, those dimples and pretty brown eyes making your stomach flip more than any of the bodice-ripping going on between the pages in your lap.
"Just okay? What would make it better?"
Oh god, why is he doing this. You wish he had won the toy from the machine so he could play with that instead of you right now.
When you don't answer Eddie jumps down off the machine and grabs the book from your lap. He ignores your protests as he leafs through the pages.
"You're mine now," the Captain growls at my ear. "Not a prim, proper lady of society. Not aboard my ship."
Eddie's voice changes to that of a grissled pirate as he reads. It's shocking, at first the horror that he's actually reading your book out loud, then how you respond. Your thighs tighten and you swallow, your mouth suddenly gone dry. Eddie's whole posture changes. He stands taller, more confident, like he truly is a grim, dominating pirate who kidnapped Lord Quimbly's only daughter.
Captain Blackburn roughly pushed up my skirts, bending me over his massive oak desk. I'd never felt more exposed and completely at someone else's mercy. Before I knew it, his manhood was pressing into me there, breaking me, ruining me for all others.
"Okay, wait, hold on," Eddie's teasing grin and dramatic tone vanished by the end of the passage. His brows furrowed as his finger traced the page and he read it again to himself. "That's it? He's just whipping it out and going to town? Breaking and ruining her? Fuckin' hell. I see what you mean." Eddie shook his head, flipping through more of the book.
"I mean, it's not great. But aren't most dudes like that anyway?" You laugh but it's true, the dudes you've been with in the past haven't cared much for seeing to your needs. Eddie, however, looks personally offended.
"They shouldn't be."
Eddie handed you back your book, not that you wanted to go back to reading it now anyway.
"Are you like that?"
The question slipped out before you could stop it. And you felt like you already knew the answer.
"Am I like what?"
"Other guys."
Eddie's playful smirk was back. Maybe you did want to be a toy for him to play with after all.
"Want me to show you? Hmm?" Eddie reaches out with one ringed finger and tips your chin up to look at him. "Want me to take care of you like those other guys couldn't?"
"No. Yes. I don't know." Your eyes search his, for what you don't know. For him to tell you what you want so you don't have to admit to yourself you want him to rail you at the laundromat while no one's around? Maybe.
"Tell me. Tell me you want me to make you come."
"Yes. Please."
Your desperate little plea is all he needs to hear apparently because in the next second he's pulling you up on your feet and kissing you. Eddie's mouth is hungry on yours, devouring yours. Turning in his arms, you jump up on to the washing machine and pull him closer. The metal is a welcome cold against your sweat slick thighs and Eddie's even more welcome between them. You scoot to the edge of the machine to grind against the bulge pushing against his zipper.
"Please, Eddie." You don't mean to sound so whiny, but you want him to keep his promise. You want him to make you feel good, to make you come.
"Shh, I'm here. There's no one else. I've got you," his words whispered in between kisses along your neck makes your spine tingle. He's got that same air of dominance as when he was reading your book and it's got you soaking through your cotton shorts.
Eddie's hands massage your breast, tugging at your nipple until your writhing against him. The ridge of his denim covered cock provides just enough friction for you to come from just this. His lips leaving love bites where anyone can see, his fingers pulling and squeezing to the point of pain, a pain that shoots straight to your clit. Just one more second and he'd have you screaming, but all at once he pulls away.
"Eddie," you sob, "don't stop, please."
"I've barely touched you and you're almost in tears," his mocking tone would piss you off if his touch wasn't so gentle. Holding your face so delicately, pressing soft kisses to your jaw like he didn't just bring you to the edge only to pull you away.
"Please, Eddie."
"Love the way you beg for me. So pretty when you beg."
Eddie's nose rubs against your jaw, nuzzling against you like a cat. You wouldn't be surprised if he started purring.
He nudges your thighs open a little wider, squeezing them and groaning at the way his fingers dig into your flesh.
"Next time you're gonna let me get my face between these thighs, princess. It's already killing me not to sink my teeth into 'em."
"Next time?"
Eddie looks you dead in the eyes, watches them roll back, and cups your pussy over your shorts.
"Next time. Because this is mine now."
You kiss him again then because, fuck, no one's every looked at you like that. Like you were worth keeping, like you were worth a next time. No one's fucked you in an empty laundromat either, but it looked like Eddie was full of surprises.
"It's yours," you press your forehead to his, trying to stop your head from spinning. "Make me come."
Eddie slips his hand into your shorts and curses.
"No panties? You've been sitting here this whole time with no panties on?"
"Stop saying panties. And yes, it's laundry day," you shrug like it's no big deal, which it isn't, but Eddie looks like he's about to pop five different blood vessels.
"You're in so much trouble," he groans as his fingers slip down to your soaked cunt. Your hole clenches around his finger tip like it's begging for him to push it in and he listens. Eddie fills you up with one, then two of his thick fingers. Teasing, spreading, stretching you open until you're writhing again. Your hips twist in time with his palm rubbing against your clit and it's heaven. He feels so fucking good and you tell him over and over until you're not sure you're saying words anymore.
Anyone could walk in and see the two of you at any time and it only makes you squeeze tighter around his fingers. Getting caught like this, spread open for Eddie like a whore while he bullies your cunt with his fat fingers. You're ruined for anyone else. Not like your book, with its heroine terrified of ruination, of being seen as dirty or less than. No you're ruined for ever being treated as less than, for accepting that no man will take the time to make you feel as amazing as you feel right now.
"Eddie, I'm gonna- oh god."
Your legs shake, you're right there. Eddie pulls his soaking wet fingers from inside you and you want to fucking scream, but he taps your clit and starts rubbing furious circles over the oversensitive nub.
"Come for me, show me."
His deep voice in your ear and the relentless pressure on your clit have you flying off the edge. Your body tensing, folding in on itself, all the air rushing out of your lungs as you implode from your release.
And Eddie holds you and kisses you and wipes his fingers on his shirt which should be gross but you don't care. It's laundry day, anyway.
"I meant it. You're mine. Not letting you tiptoe around me anymore."
"I don't tiptoe," you mumble into his neck. Your legs wrap around his waist as he settles between your thighs again. He's still painfully hard but it seems like he's fine with you clinging to him like a koala for now.
The washer buzzes under you, making you jump. Eddie doesn't want to let you go at first, but you give him an ultimatum that kicks his butt into gear.
"Help me finish my laundry and I'll blow you in your van." You look up at him through your lashes and laugh when he scrambles to pull you off the machine.
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physalian · 2 months
What No One Tells You About Writing #4 (100 Follower Special!)
Have you got any that deserve to be on these lists? Don’t be shy! Send ‘em over.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
*This list contains mentions of assault, #4
1. Zero cursing is better than censored cursing
I made the mistake in the early days of writing a self-censoring character, and every “curse” she said just took the teeth out of the rest of the statement. I’m talking gosh, darn, dang, etc, not world-specific idioms a la “scruffy nerf herder” or “dunderhead” instead of “dumbass”.
Look to any American TV show that so, so badly wants to use f*ck or sh*t but has to appease the sensitive conservatives who still somehow believe strong language is worse than graphic violence and horrifying psychological damage. For shame! Your characters can be angry without expletives, so rework your sentences to include equally damning insults that don’t resort to potty mouths if you’re concerned about ratings.
Or go full-throttle into the idioms of the world or the time period like Pirates of the Caribbean. Or just… don’t. There’s zero modern cursing in the Lord of the Rings adaptation and not a single sentence that censors itself. The dialogue is above vulgarity and feels more *fantastical* that way anyway.
2. “Yeah, you aren’t the target audience.”
It’s kind of hilarious seeing the range of reader reactions to two characters I intend to have a romantic relationship. Some will go “I ship it!” after the first page of them together… and another will go “wait, I thought they were just friends” up until they kiss. Sometimes you might be too subtle, other times it might be better to just accept that you can’t rewrite your entire book to please one naysayer.
When I’m pitched a fantasy adventure book that turns out to be a by-the-numbers romance where no one is allowed to be a peasant and every important character is royalty in some way, with a way cooler fantasy backdrop, I get severely disappointed. That doesn’t mean the book is bad, it just means I’m not the target audience.
3. There is no greater character sin than making them boring
Unless you live in the wacky world we find ourselves in where any flaws whatsoever are apparently harmful depictions of so-and-so and not at all written with things like ~nuance~. I will gush over your heinous villain committing atrocities because he’s *interesting*. I will not remember Bland Love Interest who’s a generic everyman with zero compelling or intriguing traits or flaws.
There’s another tumblr post out there that I cannot find that says something like this, and I believe the post goes “his crimes are fiction, my annoyance is real”. Swap annoyance for boredom and you get what I mean. So, I don’t care what your character does so long as they’re memorable. I will either root for their victory or their doom, but I do need *something* to root for.
4. The line between “gratuitous” and “respectful” is actually very thick
Less what no one tells *you* about writing and more what no one tells screenwriters. Y’all do realize you can write a character who experiences assault without actually writing the assault, right? Fade to black, have them mention it in their backstory, or have the horrific aftermath as they come to terms with it. An abrupt cut to this devastated character when it’s all over and they’re alone with themselves can be incredibly poignant and powerful. This goes with anything sensitive, especially if it’s not coming from experience.
If you want to write it or film it respectfully, romanticizing assault, for instance, is when it’s framed as if either character has earned or “deserves” it. If the narrative in any way argues that it's justified. The victim might have "earned" it for any of the BS reasons we use in the real world, or the perpetrator might've "earned" it because of temptation, desire, pressure to assert dominance, etc. Representation is important, but are you “representing” to shed light on a misunderstood and maligned topic, or are you doing it to satisfy a fetish or bias in yourself?
5. Don’t let your eyes get bigger than your stomach
Fantasy has no limitations, which means you can dig way deeper into the well of your worldbuilding than you realize, until you look up and realize you’re stuck down there. I have never seen a more obvious inevitable disaster looming than the pilot of GoT season 5. Why? Nobody has any plans. They’re all just led around by whatever side quest the writers throw them on, twiddling their thumbs until the writers deign to pull the trigger on the White Walkers.
To the point that what should be a major character can skip an entire season because his arc is meaningless. Everything in the last half of that show was one big “eventually” while the story toiled around in an ever-expanding cast of characters and set pieces (seriously, it’s hilarious how jarring the extended version of the theme music became compared to the pilot episode to fit all these locations).
When you have too many directionless characters, too many plot elements, too many ideas you want to fully mature and get their due spotlight and then somehow combine them all together for a common foe in the end, writing can get tedious and frustrating very quickly. Why, I imagine, the book series remains unfinished. Fantasy is great for being able to create such complex worlds, but don’t be the snake that eats its own tail trying too hard.
6. No one cares about your agenda if you insult them to push it
This deserves its own post but here we go. Peddling an agenda is a paradox: those who agree with you won’t need to be preached to, and those who you want to persuade will instead reject you further because they feel belittle and disrespected. This is why so many recent “strong female characters” fail on both sides of the aisle. Feminists see an annoying caricature of the movement they’re passionate about. Antifeminists see an insufferable, shallow, liberal mouthpiece when they just want to be entertained. You have failed both sides, congrats.
The answer? Write a strong, nuanced, well-developed character. Then make them a woman. I know this has been said before but this BS keeps happening so clearly the screenwriters aren’t listening. Entertain me first. Entertain me so well I don’t even realize I’m learning.
7. Today’s audiences won’t react the same way as tomorrow’s
Sometimes genres or tropes get oversaturated and need a few years to cool off before audiences are receptive to them again—teen dystopia, anyone?—that doesn’t mean your story is inherently bad because it’s unpopular (nor does it mean it’s amazing because it is popular).
You should always write the book you want to read, not the book that chases trends. I can pick up a well-written teen dystopia I’ve never read before and enjoy it. I can continue to ignore Divergent because it has nothing to say. Write the book you want to read, but then accept that you might make no money because no one else wants to read it, not because they think it’s bad. And, who knows? You might get a boom of chatter months or years down the line when readers stumble upon an uncut gem.
8. Your characters don’t age with you
Depending on how long you’ve been working on your world and what age you were when you started, the characters, concepts, morals, and story you set out to tell might no longer reflect who you want to be as an author when all is said and done. Writing can take years, some of which can be incredibly turbulent and life changing. I wrote the first draft of my first original novel in my freshman year of college. Those characters and that draft are now unrecognizable and has left a world I’ve poured my heart and soul into in limbo.
I’ve slowly creeped up my characters’ ages. My writing has matured dramatically. The themes I wanted to explore in the height of the 2016 election are just demoralizing now. That book was my therapeutic outlet and, as consequence, my characters sometimes reflect some awful moods and mindsets that I was in when writing them. But nothing in that world grows without me tending to it. It’s not alive. Despite all the work I’ve done, there’s still more to be done, maybe even restarting the plot from the ground up. When I think of what no one told me about writing, staring at characters designed by someone I’m not anymore is the hardest reality to accept.
If you think I missed something, check out parts 1-3 or toss your own hat into the ring. Give me romance tropes. Mystery, thriller, historical fiction, bildungsromans, memoires, children’s books, whatever you want! Give me stuff you wish you’d known before editing, publishing, marketing, and more. 
Also, don’t forget to vote in the dialogue poll!
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fandom · 1 year
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Queer TV
This is a strange time to be writing an editorial on queer representation. While the past year has seen an incredible uptick in queer stories being told with humor and heart on the small screen, 2022 has seen a record high of 238 proposed anti-LGBTQIA+ bills in the US—nearly half of them targeting trans folks. Representation is important, though, and demand for more queer stories is growing (and, to some degree, being met), with a lot of good books and comics making it to our screens. With that in mind, think of this as your selective chronological tour of all the times we won in the TV landscape of the last year (October 2021–October 2022).
Our dataset year started off with the much-awaited adaptation of Robert Jordan’s fantasy epic, Wheel of Time. With such extensive source material (15 books if you count the prequel, which is where the seeds of the sapphic storyline in Rafe Judkins’ adaptation are to be found), the viewership, generally speaking, was divided into book fans and show-only fans, and both camps shitposted and meme’d and reviewed with abandon. 
The biggest queer-centric show we saw in the last year was the adaptation of @aliceoseman’s comic Heartstopper (@heartstoppercomic). Co-created by Alice Oseman themself, this adaptation was very sensitive to the much-loved source material. And, being native to Tumblr, these characters were bound to be welcomed with open arms when they hit the screen in an ebullient explosion of queer joy. 
A run-down of the past year would be incomplete without the incredible queerdos of the Revenge who swashbuckled their way into our hearts. We’re referring, of course, to Our Flag Means Death’s Gentleman Pirate and his merry band of (living-wage-paid, no less!) shipmates. Your favorites included genderqueer Jim ‘not-a-fucking-mermaid’ Jimenez and Oluwande, Lucius Sprigg and Black Peter, Frenchie who just hates cats, and The Swede, who keeps his heart but loses his teeth. Then, of course, we have Blackbeard himself, or simply Ed, who is struggling with his identity (villain or softboi).
Based on the story by @veschwab and produced by @belletristbooks, First Kill was another adaptation that fans of vampire stories got very excited about. Add to that the fact that this was very much a sapphic enemies-to-lovers scenario between hunter Calliope and young vampire Juliette, and the pre-show excitement was palpable. The post-season disappointment even more so as fans turned to their dashes to vent about the lack of good lesbian and wlw representation in 2022’s TV landscape.
Where the cancelation of First Kill left us reeling, the Rockford Peaches from A League of Our Own came in clutch and soothed our sapphic souls. You love the show which you affectionately shortened, in good old Tumblr fashion, to a silly little acronym: aloto. Whether you’re in it for the gal pal aesthetics, the butch energy, or Uncle Bert, or some good old fashioned baller drama, there truly was something for all of your wlw whimsies here. Let’s go, Peaches!
@neilgaiman’s The Sandman series finally came out to much acclaim, and came out so gay that armchair reviewers of the homophobic sort really struggled to wrap their minds around quite how gay it is. We got pansexual serial killing Corinthian! Pansexual, demon-hunting, women-kissing Johanna Constantine! Some very loaded moments between Morpheus and Hob Gadlin! This is what dreams are made of (sort of)!
This whole list would be nothing, nada, a crumb of zilch whizzing around a black hole, if it weren’t for the writers who created many of these stories in the first place. So thank you to them. And to you, Tumblr, for celebrating the good and standing up for each other through another year. Here’s to a kinder 2023. 
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clairegregoryau · 7 months
Through the Looking Glass
From fairytale in Season 1 to stark reality in Season 2 of Our Flag Means Death- meta ported across from this Twitter thread by popular demand!
This thread contains spoilers for the entirety of OFMD Season 2
First OFMD S1 rewatch since S2, and holy shit, if you haven't done that yet... do that. A thing that it made instantly clear: they told us *all along* where this was going, but there was a reason we didn't see it. Because we were living in Stede's world then. Now it's Ed's.
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I know that a lot of us have felt that the tone shift at the end of S2 was... jarring, compared to what's come before. This felt like a show that wouldn't go there. One where being run through was a temporary hiccup. We've travelled all the way from this to this.
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But we haven't jumped there without a journey in between. And from the minute we started hearing about Blackbeard, the show never tried to hide what Ed's world and his specific life was like. Not once. In fact they told us over and over and over.
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But Season 1 told us a lot of those things through song and story and fuckery. It blended reality with fiction.
Stede met the Blackbeard he knew through books and tall tales, and the real man was even more wonderful than he'd imagined.
We, along with Stede, were comfortable thinking that all those other tales were exaggerations and misrepresentations, and a lot of them very likely were.
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The Ed Stede got to know was a person who was capable of whimsy and silliness and loved soft things and doing something weird. Yep, he was also capable of violence and rage, but when he was with Stede, he didn't feel it so much.
This was a vacation from that life.
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To Stede he was absolutely lovely... oh, and also a bloodthirsty killer. And Stede loved (and loves) everything about him, and both of those things can be true. This is a perfect example of a spot where (in watching Season 1 without the benefit of hindsight) I assumed that everyone else in that pub was wrong, and Stede was simply trying to protect Ed's fearsome reputation by agreeing on the bloodthirsty bits. And I think from Stede's perspective that was largely true. I think that's how they wanted us to see Ed, through his eyes. Now, after watching both seasons, I think it wasn't the whole picture.
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They told us, we heard it, we saw glimpses of it. But we (and Ed) were in Stede's run-away-to-sea fairytale the whole time. It wasn't until Stede left that we saw the reality- the Ed we knew had been, to a degree, a fictional character all along. I always saw this scene as Ed putting a bit of distance between himself and reality; it always felt like the Blackbeard of Stede's storybooks was the fictional one. But now it feels like the softer Ed that Stede knew was much the same- neither of them the whole story of who Ed was and is.
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The one person who refused to live in Stede's fairytale was Izzy. I've seen people say it before, but he always gave off that vibe of the only human in the Muppets movie, or the guy who was in Black Sails while everyone else was in Pirates of the Caribbean. He saw the real risks clearly.
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And in that light, the end of S1 has shifted an inch to the left for me, and I'm seeing it at a slightly different angle.
Izzy ripped away the healing Ed was doing, but in some respects he did it by tearing away the fairytale we'd all been living in, shoving Ed back into the Blackbeard story.
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And that's where we pick up again in Season 2.
The fairytale reference came back in S2 in two notable places, those being Jim carrying that legacy forward in the darkest times, and in Izzy invoking the wooden boy against Ricky's efforts. Stede's made himself into a real boy. Ricky, nope.
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Now that I've watched both seasons together, the tone shift doesn't feel so jarring at all, actually.
It feels like sliding through the looking glass, out of Stede's world, and into Ed's- a world that existed all along; we were just seeing it, la vie en rose, through Stede's eyes.
At the beginning of S2, Stede's gone, and we're seeing it unfiltered through Ed's reality.
But Stede wasn't lying when he said he loved everything about Ed. He made a promise to come back and find him- he went down into Ed's darkest place and reminded him that no matter how bad things got, there WAS someone waiting for him, ready to love him.
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The contrast between S1's fantasy and S2's reality (excluding mermaids and actual bird guys and cursed coats) is stark, but it really is that.
We have the same settings, the same people, and very different ideas and outcomes at different times.
But it was always there.
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Things do come back to a state of (precarious) balance once they're all together. Apologies are made, whether they're spoken out loud or through actions. Things go right, things go wrong. Healing happens. Izzy continues to have the steadiest, most real through-line in the story as he tracks toward redemption, finds acceptance, and to an extent finds himself.
Once again, I hate that they went here with the ending and I wish they hadn't. But it got a fraction easier for me looking at it not as a continuation of Stede's fairytale, but of the grounded-in-pirate-reality arc Izzy was always on, even while we lived in Stede's world.
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Where does that leave us? We're not going back to the fairytale, but we're not going to be living in Black Sails for S3, either. We've hit a fusion point where S1 ended with each of them going to separate, miserable homes, but S2 ended with them in the same place, ready and willing to make a go of it.
Season 3 is going to give us their world, together.
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I LOVED the moments in this season where the deep emotions were in balance with the silliness I've always adored about this show. Eps4-6 were wonderful like that. Clearly we're not done with drama, either, but like Ed and Stede, I think we'll find a middle ground.
Anyway in conclusion, a rewatch of S1 after S2 somehow made me love the first season even more, which felt impossible? It's now gained /even more/ layers of depth than it had before. No matter how you feel about S2 I think it's worth that rewatch.
Adding one more bit of clarity for myself: I think we got a bit (intentionally) seduced in S1 by the idea that the Ed of the storybooks, the Vampire Viking Clown with the nine guns, was a version of him that others saw, when Stede saw the REAL person who 'worked' for Blackbeard.
In hindsight I think it's clear the Ed Stede go to know was also not the complete version of himself- the reality is, there's a whole spectrum between the two, and they've landed in the middle of it now. Ed intentionally leaned into the unlovable Kraken image to protect himself.
It very much didn't work, just like being just... Edward hadn't worked to protect himself, either. This season has been very much about pulling those two extremes together and finding all the parts that make up Ed overall (another thread on that here on Twitter, which I'll also shift across to Tumblr soon!)
And I think one of my favourite things in S2 has been seeing the way Stede SEES that- he knows what Ed's done, everyone's told him, but he still loves Ed. sees his trauma and how it affects him, and believes he's a good man regardless. He IS lovable; he's not forever broken.
And together, they can heal.
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the-fluff-piece · 6 months
"Invisible: chose your own romance
- Law or Sanji?
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This is a "choose your own adventure" type continuation of "invisible", if you haven't read that, start here. You can chose at the end if you want to be with Sanji or Law, click on the link to get to the corresponding story
Being friends with Sanji went better than expected. He was still the most handsome and awesome man you knew and it would take a while until your feelings would adjust, but it was good as it was. You helped him often in the galley where you talked and joked.
But he didn't stop swooning over Nami and Robin. When he served them, you were still invisible to him. From one moment to the next, they became his entire focus. His shouted praise and confessions of love still hurt, everyday.
But there was something new to occupy your mind: when Law realised that he had fucked up and spilled secrets that weren't his, he apologised sincerely. He also spotted your stamp collection while standing in your door.
"Wow is that an alabasta crowning special edition?" His whole being changed in a second. His usually squinted eyes opened, his mouth formed a little smile and he disrespected your personal space to squeeze past you and inspect your collection.
With care, he looked through the pages and showed he was also a stamp nerd. It was an unexpected bond that formed and he was still a little frightening, but you promised to look at his coin collection as well.
The two pirate ships anchored side by side for the day and everyone met for a big BBQ on the sunny.
You helped Sanji with the grill, handing him things and goving out food for everyone. Helping him out with his duties on the ship had become your favorite pastime. The moments spent together in the galley where moments of privacy, just the two of you.
When you could at least pretend that in other circumstances, he might have chosen you instead of literally any other girl.
You loaded your arms with plates and brought it to your crew and guests all around the ship. As you approached Law with some grilled fish, he patted the seat next to himself.
"Y/n-ya, I got something for you" He looked excited, showing you a rare smile.
Sanji was pretty happy. He resolved the issue with Y/n like a man and gained a friend in the process. It was still new to him to have a lady friend that was just his friend, but he liked it. She helped him in the kitchen and kept him company, he could vent about Zoro or even swoon over Nami. The book she had made just for him had a special place in his kitchen and his heart. He felt seen, appreciated on another level than Luffy or Nami appreciated him.
And right now, he grilled tasty food for all his friends. Life was great. He couldn't help but to whistle a tune.
"Wow what's going on there?" Nami pointed behind Sanji.
He turned his head and saw Y/n, sitting on a picnic blanked with that tra-guy. They were awfully close, looking at some kind of thick book together.
Sanji stared as Law produced a magnifying glass and both tried to look through it at the same time, bumping their heads together and laughing.
"Sanji, you OK?" Nami asked.
"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked through, as he now realised, gritted teeth.
"You just kind of bit your cigarette off" She looked at the crumbling stump on the floor.
"Must have been in my pocket for too long" He mumbled and pried his gaze from the scene behind him to resume his grill duty.
Throughts raced through his head: why were they so friendly all of a sudden? What were they looking at? How long as this been going on? Why didn't she tell him? They shared everything.
He tried to breathe deeply. She had a right to hang with whomever she wanted. Sanji respected the heart pirates captain for his strength and skill. He was a good guy. This was OK.
He snuck another glance - fuck, are they holding hands?
He turned a bit to fast, throwing a piece of meat in the air with his momentum. Luffy sailed past and caught it with his mouth ("tasty!")
They inspected a small coin on Law's hand, she traced it with her hand - it looked like they were caressing each other - like lovers.
"Sanji, you're turning red" Nami commented.
"It's just really warm at the grill" He groaned as he felt his body tense with anger.
It was a great evening, finally you have found a fellow collector who valued a piece's beauty as well as its history.
He was willing to trade an especially ornate coin from a flower island for one of your incredibly detailed Sora stamps.
"This was enjoyable, let's do it again someday!" He eyed the stamp with pure joy in his eyes. You could almost see the boy he must have been once.
"Do you like machines?" He suddenly asked.
"Well, I think they're interesting, but I'm not a machinist" You didn't know where he was going with it.
"You want to see the inner workings of the polar tang?"
He lead you away from the party to the strange submarine he called his home. With a quick "shambles" he transported both of you inside.
He didn't warn you or prepare you in any way - it was like losing your sense of direction and being spun around, condensed into one second. Landing and not knowing where the floor was made you sway and fall directly onto Law's outstretched arm.
He gently pushed you backwards until you were upright again.
"Warn me next time, please!" You huffed.
"Apologies, I should have known" He chuckled. You were pretty sure he did know and he did tease you.
It was pretty dark, there were sparse, little lamps illuminating the hallway. Tiny lights and dials seemed to make up the walls of the ship.
Angry puffs of smoke surrounded Sanji as he smoked like a nervous chimney. His thoughts were glued to one subject alone:
What was she doing with that guy? Were they secretly dating? Did they fall in love just now? Did he touch her?
Almost swallowing his cigarette from his gasp, he decided it was his duty to protect her from that guy's tattooed hands. She was so innocent and sweet, the thought of any man groping her made Sanji's legs itchy. If he so much as looks at her in a lusty way, Sanji would kick that gut all the way back to the north blue.
He stomped around the ship in a foul mood.
"Have you seen y/n?" He asked around, "or law?"
"They went back to the tang I think" one of Law's crew indicated the weird submarine.
"Alone?" Sanji grabbed him by the collar.
"I mean, just the two of them!" He said.
Letting him fall from his hands, sanji sprinted as fast as he could toward the ship. If that bastard did something to her he would sink it.
He ripped the door open and ran down the first corridor he could see, crying our her name.
With relief, he heard her answer "I'm here!" And Sanji ran towards the sound. Bending a corner, he saw the most horrifying thing.
Y/n was practically trapped by Law, shoved against some kind of rattling machine. He looked malicious. She looked so small and helpless against him.
"Hey you dirty bastard, let her go!" Sanji challenged the surgeon of death.
The polar tangs inner workings actually were quite interesting. The engine and life support were to complicated to understand, but you got the basic principle of the ship. You absolutely had to tell franky about this when you got back.
Law was way taller than you and easily leaned above your head to explain some of the dials and meters to you.
It was kind of exciting. It was hard to deny that he was good looking, in a bad-boy kind of way. But underneath the stoic surface was a nerd for collecting, machinery and medicine. He was so different from Sanji in almost every aspect, but just as appealing.
Keep it together, you can't have your heart broken by another stupid crush. He's out of your league, you told yourself. He's just happy to meet another coin enthusiast, that's all.
In the wrong moment, you looked up at him, and he smiled just right. He looked gorgeous. Dreaded infatuation was driven through your heart like a spear and you blushed, thankful for the cover of darkness.
The rest of his explanation went by in a blur, you both hung on his lips and didn't get a word he was saying.
"Y/n!" Someone screamed. Footsteps could be heard throughout the ship.
"I'm here" you answered, hopefully loud enough.
Not even a second later, Sanji slid around a corner and immediately began shittalking Law.
"Get your dirty hands off her, you bastard!" He screamed, fist raised.
"I'm not even touching her" Law stated calmly.
"He showed me how the submarine works." You told Sanji, demonstrably taking a step back from Law.
Sanji was there in a heartbeat, grabbing you around the waist and dragging you behind him.
"Guess you're leaving. But think about my offer, will you?" Law waved at you and stepped back into the hallway.
With a yank, you landed in Sanji's arms and you were back at the sunny before you realised he had carried you all the way.
When he finally set you down in the safety of the galley, he sighed and began to inspect you.
"Did he touch you? Did he hurt you?" His voice sounded distressed.
"Did he....force you to do anything?"He grabbed your chin and looked into your eyes.
"No, we just looked at the engine and the electronics" you mumbled out from between his long fingers.
"He's our ally, calm down" you grabbed his hand to reassure him.
"Tss" He threw his blonde hair around like the diva he was. Anger has reddened his face and squeezed his mouth into an adorable pout.
"Just don't be alone with that guy anymore" he said.
You just rolled your eyes, knowing better than to correct him while he was really on edge.
"What offer was he talking about?" Sanji began chewing the end of his cigarette.
"To join his crew" you stated as sanji flinched.
"Cannot wait to see that guy's face when you turn him down" he grinned maliciously.
"Who said I would?" You looked at his surprised face as the cigarette almost dropped from his gaping mouth.
"Uhm what? You're..You're not seriously considering that. The guy is a weirdo" He gestured wildly, "unpredictable!"
"Don't talk about him like that! He's been a great ally to us. So he's a little introverted, he still has a kind heart" you stated, demonstrably calm.
"He cuts people open! He's...he treat you well!" Sanji's voice morphed into a shriek.
"He's a surgeon, his crew is so nice. Why are you like this?" You got louder as well. It was your decision, not his.
"Promise me you won't go!" He shouted.
"Who do you think you are?" You retaliated, "you can't give me orders! Maybe I want to join his crew? What's it to you? A few weeks ago you didn't even talk to me - now you're aching like...like..." You were so angry, words eluded you.
"Like a man protecting a woman?" Sanji's voice was flat, without emotion.
"...like an overbearing father" you corrected him. The nerve -acting like you suddenly registered as a girl to him.
His face became cold and unreadable, scary.
This had no use anymore.
"Good night Sanji" you didn't wait for his answer and left him in the galley.
After your little argument with Sanji, you packed your bags with the motivation of anger and hurt. But you mostly threw your belongings in without plan or order. A half packed bag, total chaos.
The next morning - the heart pirates would leave and you had to decide if you wanted to go with them. You already talked to Luffy about this - he only told you to follow your heart.
You stood on deck, you bag over your shoulder. When Law saw this he smiled and nodded, Bepo was nervously fumbling and blushing behind him.
You turned back to your old crew to say goodbye, you were sure they would understand. Frankly cried, Luffy looked serious and wished you all the best. Sanji was nowhere to be seen.
As you approached the heart pirates, who were already shouting Greetings, you saw Law nod behind you.
Sanji stood there with a small package in his hands, wrapped in cloth. His cheeks were fiery red as he tried to keep his composure.
"I made you a last bento" His voice was hoarse, breaking, "everything you like. All your favorites. Just promise that you'll eat proper over there." He handed you the box and as his fingers brushed against yours, he couldn't keep it together anymore.
You didn't move, your were both holding the box as he wept and whispered his goodbyes:
"I am sorry I didn't see you. I'm sorry I was so stupid. I wish I could turn back time and make everything right. I didn't know what love meant until I lost you. I... I am so sorry." He whispered so softly that only you could hear it.
What's going to happen? Will you stay or go?
--> chose Law and go to the heart pirates
--> chose Sanji and stay
Taglist @sophsgloom @nim-rose @iloveartofcartoons-blog @caffeinated-chicken-nuggets @mugiwarasoul19 @yeeeeezly @atanukileaf @rosemaplefairy90 @carpinchootaku @corvinalitbitina
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puranami · 7 months
✿ It's The Little Things - 2 ✿
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A/N: Wow, the first post went far better than I ever expected, especially considering I have no idea what I'm doing ᕕ(✿ᐛ )ᕗ It was a lot of fun though, so I'm back for round 2!
Summary: More little relationship things with other characters that are in both the anime/manga, and the live action~
Characters: Buggy, Shanks, Mihawk
Content: SFW, G/N reader, fluff with added fluff on top ✿
(Part 1 - Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji) (Part 3 - Franky, Robin, Law, Kid, Killer) (Part 4 - Crocodile, Rosinante/ Corazon, Doflamingo)
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✿ Naturally there is never a dull moment with a man as flashy and bombastic as Buggy, but that doesn't mean there are no calm moments. The start of your day is relatively mellow compared to the rest of it. Bugs will cling to you for as long as he can get away with before you both have to get up. During your morning routine you are practically on top of each other, but it is so natural and well coordinated, that you never collide or get in each others way. All the while, he'll be cracking jokes, and putting his hands on your "assets," followed by a cheeky wink, and infectious giggles. He loves when you match his shenanigans, and will overact his reactions, as if he wasn't just doing the exact same thing to you; "Well, I never-" - "You literally just grabbed my-" - "Never," to which you'll laugh and gently slap his arm while he sticks his tongue out at you.
✿ He's a materialistic guy, so he gives you lots of gifts, from the extravagant to the sentimental. It's the easiest way for him to show you how much you mean to him. Giving him gifts in return makes him melt; he isn't just buying your love, you are speaking his love language! As a pirate it's always been him taking what he wants, so to be freely given those things speaks volumes. Even more valuable than the things he wants are the things you have made for him. To know you have put time, energy, and love into making something special and unique means so much to him! He will cry because he is so moved, just hold him and stroke his hair while he has his moment.
✿ To be with Buggy means you have willingly lowered every single one of your barriers; you are an open book, completely honest about what you think and how you feel. He is insecure, so he needs to see that you trust him implicitly in order to return that trust. As a part of this openness, your personal bubble no longer exists, you have a couple bubble now. That doesn't mean you can't have space though! On the contrary, the mutual trust you've cultivated means you can say, "Hey, I just need some time to myself," and he knows that you aren't angry, or upset with him, because you would have told him as much. When you come back he welcomes you with a cheesy pickup line or wise crack as he pulls you right back into that shared bubble. It took a lot of faith at the start, which wasn't easy for him, and it takes consistent hard work to maintain this level of trust and honesty, and it is so worth it.
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✿ This man cannot keep his hand to himself! When you're walking together he'll have his hand on the small of your back, or his arm around your shoulder. More often than not he is holding your hand, fingers laced together, with him brushing your thumb with the rough, calloused skin of his own. In his mind, the closer you are to him, the safer you are. He's one of the strongest men in all the seas, so being in the same space means no one can touch you, just as they can't touch him, but you'd never know it. To you, he's just like a big puppy, needing to be in your presence, smothering you in affection. He likes to lean his head on top of yours, similar to how a dog will lean their head on your lap, all while wrapping his arm around your waist so you can't wander off. He can be a little possessive, honestly, but he means well.
✿ He will listen to you talk his ear off for hours on end about literally anything. From philosophical musings, to colour theory, to the many uses of vinegar - it doesn't matter the subject, he just loves to hear your voice, and to see how passionate you are. Shanks won't just smile and nod, giving the odd confirming "uh huh," while not really listening either; he gets really invested! Your passion is contagious, and you make even the most mundane things interesting. It's also good to know what interests you, as it makes gift ideas easier. Whenever he sees something related to a topic you've talked to him about he will get it for you. The main thing with all of this is the quality time he gets to spend with you; outside of drinking and merriment, it's one of his favourite ways to relax.
✿ Shanks loves playing little pranks on you. He never goes too far though, as it's important that you are laughing alongside him and the crew. It makes him so happy when you start pulling your own pranks on him. It is very hard to surprise him, but easy to confuse him. You know those pranks where people hide numerous things everywhere? Lets just say he is still finding little gnomes around the Red Force. The rest of the crew is in on it, pretending not to see them, and will deny any knowledge of them, and the longer it goes on, the funnier he finds it when he spots another - you hid them in the such obscure places! He's kept every single one of them, and they have a designated chest, but he'll keep his favourites on his desk.
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✿ Everything about Mihawk is subtle, and purposeful, and that extends to relationships. To outside observers he appears cold and distant, like he is barely tolerating your presence at his side, but you are so familiar with his subtleties that you can see just how much he adores you. Each ghost of a touch and fraction of a smile are a declaration of love that only you can understand. He is much more open with his affections when you are alone, where you are safest - not to say you are unsafe out with him, nothing could be further from the truth, he just won't do anything that puts a potential target on your back, exposing you as his achilles heel.
✿ He is a classic romantic! Mihawk is courting you, not dating you. At the start of the courtship he will wine and dine you, lead you with an arm behind you that never makes contact, and the only time he will touch you is to leave a faint kiss on your hand after escorting you home. There will also be large periods of time between meetings where he will send many unsigned love letters until he can return to you. You know exactly who they are from, Mihawk just wants to avoid you being linked to him, especially when he isn't there to protect you.
✿ Once you are fully committed to one another, he moves you to his home where you are safe, and when he is there, he is so domestic that you often forget you are with a (former) warlord. You will tend to the garden together, harvest what you need, and cook together, though he'd prefer to do all the cooking for you. In all honesty, as long as you are there to keep him company, he'd be happy to do everything for you, but he won't fight it if you insist on doing things for him, or ideally together instead; "We'll get things done quicker together, and then we can relax with a bottle of wine and a good book." - "Very well." There is nothing he loves more than sitting with you on the settee with a comfy blanket after a long day of training and daily chores.
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fl3shm4id3n · 7 months
ₜₕₑ Wₕₒₗₑ ₜᵣᵤₜₕ
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐦. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬.
ꜰɴᴀꜰ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, ꜰᴏxʏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ), ꜰᴏxʏ x ꜱɪꜱᴛᴇʀ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ) ɪᴍᴘʟɪᴇ ᴍɪᴋᴇ ꜱᴄʜᴍɪᴅᴛ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tw: Spoilers? Missing children, child abduction, mentions of death, FNAF stuff, murder, Mike gets his ass beat, reader gets stabbed, good ending this time.
A/N: Some parts a cut out because Vanessa wasn't involved in the fic, sorry :(
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You woke up, in a cold sweat. You sat up from the couch, hyperventilating. You ran your hand across your face to remove the sweat away. You've found your brother, he had been in the pizzeria the whole time, but what you now wanted to know was who did it. As much as you didn't want to go to work, you had too. Maybe you could ease up your mind. You decided to shower, to get the smell and stickiness of the sweat off your body. Once out, you put on lotion on your damp body, then got dressed, did your hair however you could and were out the door.
At work, you felt distracted. Sometimes you'd just stop what you were doing to think about what happened in your dream. Why didn't your brother tell you who did it? Did he not want you to know? Was he scared to say something? It was getting to you. Your boss took notice and pulled you aside. "Y/n? What's wrong? You've been distracted all morning." She said, sounding concern. "I'm fine, it's just... a lot on my mind." You told her, while fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. She could see the bags under your eyes and how you seemed to just not be in it today. "You know what, you can take the rest of the day off." She said, making you look up at her worried that she might fire you. "I'm not going to fire you, just go home and rest. You don't have to show up tomorrow if you don't want to." She explained. You couldn't help but smile at her. "Thank you." That's all you could say, she gave you a smile in return. Shortly after you left work and went home.
Back home you were in your room, as much as you wanted to sleep. You just couldn't get any shut eye. It was almost frustrating, you were about get yourself some chamomile tea to sleep. But then you got an idea. You got your book that you kept in your desk drawer. You put the book of the wooden surface, you paged through the book fast. Pulling out some loose pages and analyzing them again. From the now yellow articles, police reports, and pictures that you had got. You looked carefully, trying to find something, but nothing. It was getting frustrating, you were getting desperate on trying to find who did this. You stopped eventually, you just sat there, thinking of what you could do or what to do. Nothing. You found nothing again, it felt as if you were back in square one.
You sighed, leaving your desk and walking to the bed, sitting down on it. You felt so frustrated, that you didn't find anything with the little information you had. You looked over at the picture on your night stand. Of you and your brother, you grabbed the frame and looked at it. Remembering back at that summer many years ago, he had recently turned seven years old, right after you. At that time you were about third teen. He had grown a fascination for pirates, he loved being the captain with a hook that he had made himself. That was the theme of the party. You sighed, looking at the picture, it was a nice one. You and him were dressed up, standing in front of the table with a cake in the middle with seven candles. As well as many kids around the table, but you and him were in the spot light. The more you looked at the picture, you couldn't help but notice something in the very back.
You brought the picture closer, at the very corner, you saw a yellow rabbit. A yellow rabbit? You looked closer, seen that he had a pirate hat on and an eyepatch to match the theme. How could you miss that? Well, it wouldn't be very easy to spot. You could barely even see the yellow guy. It felt oddly strange as if, he wasn't really meant to be there. That made a shiver run up your spine just thinking about why the yellow rabbit would be at your brother's party. You placed the picture back at the night stand. Thinking about why you felt slightly disturbed by the picture now.
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Later that night, you were at the pizzeria, still thinking about the picture and your dream. You didn't even hear or see Mike's care pull up. Till you heard Abby call out to you. "Hey!" She said, running up to you. "Oh, hey kid. How are you?" you asked her. Then you smiled at Mike who was coming, he gave you a small awkward smile. Then you and Abby moved out of the way to let him open the gate. When open, you all went inside. As soon as you stepped into the lobby, Abby went up to the animatronics, who were already up. You and Mike watched from afar. Seen her interacting with them.
"You alright?" Mike asked, making you turn to him. "Oh, yeah, I'm good." You responded, a bit to quickly. "That's something a person with a lot on their mind would say. I'd know that." Mike said to you. He saw right through you. Then Abby called you and him over, you both walked over to the stage, seen that she had a notebook out, with a drawing of a huge fort. "It has to be big, so that we can all fit." She explained, looking at you and Mike. At first it seemed weird, but she was a kid, she more focused on playing than anything that was happening. "I mean, I'm sure that we can use the tables and chairs?" You suggested, Abby seemed to agree with you, along the animatronics. You looked over at Mike, who didn't seem so sure, but once he locked eyes with you, he seemed to agree.
Then everyone got to putting up the chair and tables up together. Except for Abby, she was telling every one where things went or should go. It was easy, specially since there was more hands to work with. When the fort was done, Abby couldn't help but shout. "You did it!" She said, happily. Then Bonnie began to tilt back, falling off the chair and into the floor, heard. You and Abby went over and asked him. "Are you okay?" She sounded concern, then Bonnie gave her a thumbs up to show that he was alright. Afterwards, everyone squeezed into the fort. Laying on their back. You were between Foxy and Freddy, while Abby and Mike were laying between Bonnie and Chica. The night was chill so far. You were all just interacting with one another.
Then Abby said that it might be raining soon. So you had the idea of going to the back to see if there was any kind of table clothes you could use. You got up from off the floor, telling them that you'd be back. The Mike decided to go with you to the back. In the back, you looked around for Table clothes, looking through the shelves and in some boxes. "Hey." Mike made his presence known. "Hey." You responded, as you looked some more. "I've... been meaning to ask... what exactly have you been looking for?" He asked, making you stop at your tracks. Looking down at your feet, then you looked over at Mike. "My brother." You told him, making his eye go wide. "Your brother?" He asked.
You nodded. "Yeah, many years ago in the eighties, my brother along with some other four kids, went missing here. They never found him or a body. It was almost as if he vanished." You explained to him, Mike listened to you. Your situation sounded similar to his. "Eventually the police stopped looking, the case had turned cold. For many years I've been hoping to find him or the person that did it. That's the reason I began to work, to get some money and maybe hire a private investigator. But instead I came across you and I thought that maybe you could have helped me by letting me in here to find something." You explained to him.
Mike nodded, he understood clearly now. Why you had asked in the first place to let you, if he was you, he would have done the same thing. "I understand, I too lost my brother and I've been wanting to find him too or at least, find out who took him." He explained. "I mean, the only reason I took this job is so that my aunt doesn't take Abby away from me. She thinks I'm not qualified to watch over her. So, I really need the money, that's the reason I let you in here in the first place, despite it being risky." He added. You nodded understandingly. "It seems like you and I here much in common." You said to him, giving him a small comforting smile. He also smiled back at you, but it was a bit more awkward, it was cute. Then you found some purple clothes on some boxes, you picked them up and looked at Mike. "Let's get back, they're probably waiting for us." You said, Mike nodded. Both of you going back to the main lobby.
Music was playing on the main stage. They must have been the ones who were playing. You watched how Abby was on the stage, watching Bonnie 'playing' the guitar. You saw how she was about to play the string, but you noticed how a small spark went out from Bonnie's wrist. "Abby!" You yelled out, but it was too late, as soon as she touched the guitar strings, electricity sparks went all over her. Shocking her, making her fall backwards. Both you and Mike quickly ran towards her. She was on the floor, passed out. You then picked her up, taking her to the floor and laid her down, using the table clothes as pillow so that her head isn't touching the floor. You leaned down to her chest, listing to her heart beat. It was fast, but it must have been due to the scare.
"Is she okay?" Mike asked, in a panic. "Yeah, she just passed out, give her a minute." You said, then the animatronics came close to check on her. They all seemed worried, specially Bonnie. He didn't think that would happen, he felt bad. A couple minutes passed, then Abby finally opened her eyes. "What happened?" she asked, slowly opening her eyes. "You got shocked and passed out. Are you alright?" you asked her, she sat up, rubbing the back of her head. "Yeah, it's just my head. It hurt." She whined, then you pulled her into a hug. "It's okay, you'll be fine." You said, comfortingly rubbing her back. You then helped her up from off the floor. "I think she should go home." You said to Mike. "Yeah, but I can't leave her alone." He said. "It's fine, I'll take to my house to watch over her." You said, while hugging Abby to your side. "You sure? I wouldn't want to bother you." He said. "I'm sure, you can trust me." You said to him. For a moment, you locked eyes with one another, then he spoke again. "I trust you." He said. "Let me walk you both out." He finished.
As you walked out, the animatronics waved at both you and Abby. Their faces still filled with concern. You walked outside to your car, opening the door for Abby and letting her in. You then turned to Mike. He had a look of guilt on his face. "You alright?" You asked him. "No, Abby got hurt." He said sadly, you reached out and gave his shoulder a small rub. "It's okay, it was an accident." You said trying to ease him up. Mike just nodded, still feeling guilty for what happened. "Call me when you're shift if over, so that you could come pick up Abby." You said, with a small smile to him. He nodded, then looking in the backseat, giving Abby a small wave of goodbye and he went inside. You got in the driver's seat and turned off the car, driving back home.
The car was quiet, normally you'd have music playing, but not this time. "Something is wrong isn't it?" Abby asked. You looked at her through the small mirror. "What do you mean?" you asked her as you drove. "Something is wrong with Mike. He may think I don't notice but I do... It's me isn't it?" she asked, sadly. You didn't know how to explain it to her. "He is trying. He really is. He is doing everything in his power to keep you with him." You explained to her, hoping that she'd understand. "I want to be with him." Abby admitted, you knew that she loved her brother more than anything. He was everything that she had left. "You will, trust me." You said with a small smile. She smiled back at you, still a bit sad. "I trust you, Foxy told me to trust you." She added. "He did?" You asked her. "Yeah, he talks an awful lot about you." She explained, this made your heart slightly swell up by this new information.
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You were back at your house, again, your mom had left early. Abby looked around the place, a bit then she went over and sat on the couch. "You hungry? Want anything to eat?" You asked her, while in the kitchen, looking for something to eat maybe. "Do you have bacon?" She asked, you looked in the fridge spotting some bacon. You looked over at the time, seen that it was barely 5:22. It was already Friday and she may have school, but It would be fine that she didn't go today. "Yeah, I do." You told her.
So you made breakfast, very early in the morning. You made scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. Now you were sitting in the dinning room table with Abby, eating together, in silence. It was comfortable silence. She seemed to really enjoy the food, looking over at the time, you saw that it was 6:03 already, Mike must have been out of work. You then got a called and picked up the phone, it was Mike. He had asked for your address, you told him what it was and ended the call with him a 'See ya soon'. A couple minutes passed and Mike had arrived, you let him in. Abby was sitting on the dinning room table, finishing her glass of milk. "Hey." He said, getting both your attention. "Hey Mike." You responded to him.
"Come have a seat, you're probably hungry." You offered, but he declined. "No, I'm fine, just came to get Abby." He said, but you weren't having it. "Just sit down." You said, your tone made Mike's eyes widen and he sat down on the chair across Abby, who was slightly giggling. You came back with a plate of food, putting it down in front of Mike. "Eat, it'll do you good." You said, sitting down next to him. Mike only nodded, beginning to eat the plate you had made for him. Abby on the other hand, was attempting to hide her small grin. She seemed happy that Mike was actually eating something, unlike other times he barely ate anything. Most of the time he'd just say that he ate earlier or that he wasn't hungry.
After that, Abby was back in the living room, watching the TV. While you were in the kitchen with Mike who was helping you with the dishes. "Hey y/n, could I ask you a favor?" He asked. Making you look over at him. "Sure, what is it?" You asked, looking at him. "Could you watch Abby for a couple hours? I got something to do." He asked, seemed a bit desperate that you'd say yes. "Yeah, I'll watch over her, what are you doing?" You asked, out of curiosity. "Just... something, I'll be back I promise." He said, you only nodded. "Thank you, I'll make it up to you." He said, putting the last plate on the drying rack, wiping his wet hands onto his jeans and he went over to Abby to tell her that he'd be back later.
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You didn't go to work that day and Abby didn't go to school either. All day you spent it with Abby, you got a call from your mom that she'd be home the next day. So it was just you and Abby until Mike came home. Afterhours, Abby had fallen asleep. You let her sleep in your room while you were in the living room, laying on the couch about to go to sleep. Mike had not returned yet. Odd, it was about to be 12:00. You were growing tired youself. So you decided to try and take a small nap. Slowly you closed your eyes, the sounds of the TV turned into muffles and everything went completely dark.
Shorty after, you woke up. In the Pizzeria. But this time you woke up in the middle of the lobby. Still in that outfit you wore many years back and the place was much brighter. Your brother was right there. You called out to him, making him turn to you. "What's going on?" You asked him. "Everything is fine, we'll be together again." He said, this confused you a bit. "We will?" You asked him. "Yeah, but first Abby must come with us, then you'll come with us." He explained. "What are you talking about?" You asked him, now concerned. "Mike said we could have anything we wanted if we helped him know where his brother is at. And we want Abby, but also you." He said.
That sounded wrong, you knew that Mike wanted to find his brother, but he wouldn't give up his sister. "Look, maybe he wasn't thinking straight at the time, but you can't take her away from her brother." You told him. "Why not? We want her, she's our friend." He said. "I understand, but... you just can't have her." You told him, you saw the look of sadness in his face. "So.. you don't want to be with me?" he asked. "Yes, I want to be with you. I'd do anything to be with you, but that isn't the way." You told him, he didn't seem very happy with what you told him. "Please... Don't do something you might regret." You said. But then he just scratched you with his sharp hook. Making you wince in pain. Looking down you saw a cut on your hand. Then you looked up at him. Then you saw how his eyes were now a pitch black and black liquid rolled down out of them. Letting out a loud scream.
You woke up, flinching violently. You scrambled around the couch and sat up, breathing heavily. Your body was covered in sweat, looking down at your hand, you saw a cut that was bleeding. You got up from the couch, about to go to the Kitchen to clean off the wound, then you saw the front door open. Weird, then you looked at the hallway, seeing that your bedroom door was wide open. "Abby?" you called out to her. Quickly you ran into the room, seen that she wasn't in there, making you go into a panic. "Abby?!" you called out to her, looking for her all over the room. Then you looked in your mom's room, the bathroom, kitchen, dinning room area, living room, and outside. Before you could do anything else, remembered your dream. It was them, they took her. Quickly you got into your car, turning it on and then you drove to the pizzeria as fast as you could. Hoping that they hadn't done anything to her.
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The whole drive, you were worried that the kids might have done something to Abby. You wanted to call Mike, but you never asked for his phone number, which you felt stupid for not asking him for it. As soon as you arrived at the pizzeria, you parked quickly and ran inside. Not noticing that Mike's car was on the parking lot. You went inside, looking for Abby. "Abby!? Abby?!" You yelled out, you saw how both Bonnie and Freddy were laying on the floor, as if they had been shut off. You ran towards the Arcane area, seen that Foxy was on the floor, also shut down. You spotted both Mike and Abby. "Abby!" you ran towards them, to see if they were okay. "We have to get out of here, now!" Mike said, all of you then ran towards the main lobby, but stopped, seen someone coming from out the shadow of the main entrance. Both you and Mike pulled Abby behind, as a form to protect her. It was two glowing dots.
Your eyes widen when you saw who it was. That damn yellow rabbit, stepping out of the shadows. The suit was now warned out and decaying slowly. Mike then tried using the teaser gun on him, but that made him laugh and pushed him out of the way hard. You then moved Abby to a safer spot. Hiding her. "You couldn't just leave it alone, could you?" It asked, in a robotic like voice. He laughed. "Lucky me! First I killed your brother and now I kill you!" He said, giving Mike another kick. "This is going to be so much fun!" He claimed, then the Animatronics began to get up, and approach towards the main stage. "And you!" He said, looking at you. Pointing his knife at you. "You couldn't just mind your own business! You couldn't just forget!" He snared. You then ran up to him, attempting to fight him, but he was much stronger and bigger than you. That made him drop his mask, revealing himself to you. It was him, Steve.
He manage to get the upper hand, he grabbed your wrists. Making you fall to the floor, Abby then moved from her hiding spot, this caught William's attention, before he could go get her. You grabbed him again so that he couldn't get her in time. Then you felt sharp pain in your side, looking down. You saw that he had stabbed you with his knife. He then pulled it out of you. Causing you to you fall to the floor. Mike was still on the floor, weak and in pain. You couldn't help but cough, in pain. Holding onto your wound. "How could you!? They were only kids!" You cried out in pain. He looked down at you, watching you slowly bleed out. "Oh, don't feel too bad, they did try to fight me off, but... I'm sure you know the rest." He said as if it was nothing.
You whined and coughed in pain. Trying to hold onto your bleeding wound. "It wasn't hard, but it wasn't easy either. The girl screamed, a boy tried to hide, the other, I had to decapitate. Not only that, but one of those brats gave me a sore jaw. He was a pain.. Now, your brother. He tried running, to get help. To get his sister." He said, mockingly. You felt tears rolling down your eyes, you felt sick just listening to him talk about his murders. You were breathing heavily, in pain. You felt more blood coating your hand. "Since he wants his sister so bad, I think I might just give him that... I mean, the more the merrier right?" he asked, lifting his knife up, to kill you. "I'm sure you'd be a great addition, I have just the perfect model for you." He said, about to bring the knife down to end you.
Next thing you knew, the lights shut off, making Steve look around to see what was happening. Then the lights went back on, directly to the wall of pictures, the animatronics began to approach it, to see the new picture Abby had replaced with a new one. It was of the yellow rabbit, but he was welding a knife, with blood. Around him was the five kids that went missing. With X's on their eyes and frowning face. Indicating that they were dead. "They can see you now. They know what you did." Abby said, she was right under the night, in the dark spot. She the ran over to where Mike was to help him. Calling out his name. Then the animatronics turned, looking at the man in the yellow rabbit suit. You were growing weak, but you could still see what was happening. "Move... Move!" He demanded, but then the lights began to turn on, around him. Making him cover his eyes so that he wasn't blinded anymore. Then they moved towards him, surrounding him. Foxy was in front of you, glaring at the guy with his single eye. Not only that, but the place began to make loud noises and move around.
"Look at you. Look at the nasty things you have become! Look how small you are, how worthless you are! You are wretched, rotten little beasts! I made you!" He insulted them. They had stopped trying to get closer. Then the cupcake jumped off its plate and bit right into where his rib cage is. Both Abby and Mike approached you, seen that you were unconscious on the floor. Bleeding out. "Y/n." Abby said worriedly. Both of them helped you get up, you were getting weaker and weaker, you needed to go to the hospital. You were about loose complete conscious. Last thing that you saw was how Foxy was dragging away the yellow rabbit, with his mask on. As he whimpered in pain. You also saw how Foxy looked back at you, then everything went black.
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Now you were in the hospital, you had to put into Acoma for a little bit. Then eventually you woke up. Your mom was worried that something might happened to you. She couldn't bare the idea of loosing her other child again. At first you were worried on how you were going to explain to your mother how you got stabbed by a serial killer. But she most have been told another story. Which she believed to your surprise. You were laying on the hospital bed, in a bit of pain. Your mom had gone back home for a moment, but she would be back. You were thinking about what happened a while ago, how was your brother and the others doing? Were they okay now? What happened to Steve. Was his name even Steve? You wondered.
Then the door opened, it was nurse. "You got a visitor." She said, then she moved out of the door and let the visitor in. It was Mike. He had a handmade card and some flowers. "I'll leave you both." She said, politely and left. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked, with an awkward smile. "I'm alright, the wound will scar for sure." You commented. Then Mike handed you the flowers and card. "Oh thank you." You said with a small smile. "Abby made you the card." He said, you looked at the card. The 'Get Well Soon' was drawn in huge letters along with drawings little drawings. When you opened the card, they were small drawings of who you assumed was Abby, Mike, along with Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and a golden Freddy. In the middle said 'We Miss You'. The card made you feel a bit emotional. "She also says Hi, I'd bring her to see you, but you know how the hospital is." Mike said, while looking at you. "It's very cute, tell her I said thank you." You told him, with a small smile.
It was silent for a minute, then you couldn't help but just ask. "How's Abby?" You asked Mike. "She's doing great, she's actually made friends." He explained, he also seemed very happy about it. "That's good." You responded. "Hey, Mike. I know this is coming out of context due to the situation, but would like to go out sometime?" You asked, making Mike's face become a red by the sudden question. "Did... did I hear you properly?" he asked, and you nodded. "Yeah, I mean, unless you can't, then I'd understand." You said to him, but he quickly jumped in. "I would like too!" He said quickly, making you slightly giggle a bit. "Yeah, just let me get out of this hospital and we could maybe go somewhere. I could ask my mom to watch over Abby or you could bring Abby along." You added. Then you looked back down at the letter, looking at the little drawings of the animatronics. You couldn't help but wonder, how were they doing? Could you perhaps go and see them some time? Specially your brother, how was he doing after all that?
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luna0713hunter · 7 months
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Dancing to the beat of our hearts
Zoro Roronoa x reader
Summary : being Zoro's lover,was a dream come true. Everything was perfect about him,but...when the night comes and you see couples dancing,you cant help but to wish for more...
Warnings : none, slightly hurt/comfort,Zoro being a simp for you,soft Zoro, FLUFF,gender neutral reader
Luffy's excited shout echoes through the night,as everyone cheer and down their drinks. All around you,people were celebrating,and happily serving you and your crewmates drinks after drinks.
You and your crewmates had managed to save yet another village from pirates,and it was time to celebrate.
Everything about this village was absolutely beautiful;from the cherry trees that had blossomed just recently,making the scenery breathtaking,to its kind and warm-hearted people who knew nothing but how to love and be happy.
They apparently,also loved to dance.
When the song changes to something soft and more melodic,you watch from your place across the bonfire how couples start to gather around;hands being placed on shoulders and arms around waists. You watch and sip your suddenly too bitter drink as they dance,and the sound of their laughter fills the air.
Your eyes wander to the green haired man sitting next to the open bar across you,and your lips pull down to a frown;Zoro didnt like to dance.
You loved Zoro,of course you did,but ever since you two became a couple...things didnt get too different between the two of you.
Obviously there were small kisses here and there,and Zoro became even more protective of you if that was even possible,but you craved real romance. Like the ones you would see young couples do,or read in the books; running under the rain while laughing,going shopping or matching clothes,and of course, dancing .
You could've made a list of the dances you wished to have with Zoro on so many occasions,but you never asked. You knew Zoro;he wasnt a big fan of showing his affection openly,always choosing to show his love to you through his actions. So it didnt take a genius to guess he would absolutely rather die than to dance.
You swallow the lump in your throat and stare down to your drink. You weren't even sure what it was; probably something light since you weren't feeling even slightly drunk. Something sweet. Maybe cherry? It sure had a good smell to it. As you swing the last of your drink around the glass,you make a mental reminder to tell Sanji to get some with you back to the ship. A small smile graces your lips as you think about sailing tomorrow morning once again with your new family,but the happiness is short lived as a bitter feeling fills your chest and you find yourself blinking rapidly in hopes of not bursting in tear right there.
Was it too much to ask to have a romantic love life?
As you start to wonder whether to return to the Going Merry or ask the musicians to play some other song,a small tap on your shoulder makes you jump in your sit slightly. You turn your head,and find yourself face to face with your boyfriend.
At first, Zoro's eyes search yours for a second,before jerking his head toward the back,where the road leads to the cherry garden.
"come with me for a second."
you silently nod,and accepting his offer to help you stand,you take his much larger hand in yours and make your way toward the garden. And when you finally step inside,you let out a loud gasp.
You dont think you've ever seen anything more beautiful in your life;the way the petals of the cherry blossoms dance in the air and settle on your hair,the air having the sweet smell of the drink that you had earlier,and the moon shining the brightest you've ever seen-
And none of them could compare to the picture Zoro was making.
You've always loved Zoro;ever since the very first moment you saw him,the first time he smiled at you,and the first time he held your hand. You loved Zoro,and you believed with your soul that there was no one prettier than him.
But now,as you watch the flower petals dancing around him,and the moonlight shining on his green air as he stares at you with the softest look on his face,you cant help your heart from beating awfully faster.
You loved Zoro. And gods above,he was the most beautiful being in the whole universe.
You're so busy admiring his features that when his fingers brush against your cheek,you jump slightly. Zoro raises his fingers up to you hair,and you feel him pluck something out.
When he lowers his hand,he shows you a small cherry blossom that was trapped in your hair. And in that moment,when he raises it up to his lips,you swear the time stops all together.
Zoro closes his eyes as his lips make contact with the flower,and he slowly opens his eyes to meet yours.
"y/n," he puts the flower in the pocket right over his heart and as he takes hold of your hand,with the sound of his three swords clanking together,he kneels right in front of you. Your gap at him,and you're torn between laughing and kneeling as well.
"Zoro,whats going on?"
Zoro scowls at you.
"what does it look like I'm doing?"
"no," Zoro deadpans,and your face visibly falls, "that has to be special. Not out of blue."
Your face brightens and small laugh escapes from your lips
"then,whats going on?"
And for the very first time since meeting him,he actually looks embarrassed.
You didn't know he could feel that kind of emotion
"I'm planning to ask you for a dance,if you let me finish."
When your mouth slams shut,he sighs and unconsciously rubs his thumb against the back of your hand.
Your heart flutter at how comforting he can be even when he's not realizing it.
"Babe,i know I'm not the most romantic person in the whole world," when you let out a snort,he scowls again, "but i promise,its not because i dont love you."
He slowly raises to his feet once again,and gently leans his forehead against yours.
"i know i dont say it enough,but i love you." His hand find your waist,as your arms wrap his neck;your eyes shining with unshed tears, "and i will continue loving you until my last breath."
You let out a small sniffle when he kisses your wet eyelashes.
"sounds pretty much like a proposal to me."
"oh,babe,i promise you that after my proposal, you'll cry your eyes out."
You tug at his short hair and give him an unimpressed look.
"you're making my heart beat with your smooth talk,Zoro. Keep it up and you'll no longer have a lover to propose to."
And when he laughs quietly,you cant help but to pull him down for a kiss.
The sound of the music in the background,makes everything feel surreal. The way Zoro holds you so gently,and his lips moving against yours with urgency,reminds you how passionate he can be. And its right there,that Zoro reminds your how much he actually loves you.
The sound of the music is still audible in the background,so when he starts swinging you side by side,you cant help the giddy laugh that escapes you. Zoro gives you a gentle smile,and kisses your forehead.
"from now on,tell me what you desire. I'll make all your dreams come true."
And when you raise your head to lock your lips with his once again,a small whisper leaves your lips.
"dont worry. All my dreams had already came true the moment i laid my eyes one you."
P.s : thank you everyone for 400 followers!!!
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writing-funsies · 10 months
OP characters as besties p.5
p.1 | p.2 | p.3 | p.4 | p.5
characters: Ace, Shanks, Mihawk
warnings: mentions of alcohol, light cussing
notes: all platonic hc's
will share his food with you
but won't let you take any off his plate
falls asleep on you all the time
uses you as his personal pillow
and will make fun of you if you freak out when riding with him on Striker
despite the fact that it's designed for only one person
but I digress
also uses you as a napkin if needed
sometimes shoots little flames at you to see your reaction
talks about Luffy nonstop
like that's the only thing he ever talks about
by the time you actually meet his little brother
you're ready to strangle both of them
not really
but you could spot the kid a mile away
before you ever actually got to know him
Ace and you working together to become more confident
always teasing each other
you having to fish him out of the ocean when he falls in
drinking contests
staring contests
fighting contests
eating contests
just competing over everything and anything possible
training together
he may be really strong and have a devil fruit power
but he won't hesitate to practice his hand-to-hand combat with you
especially if you need it
will tease you about it though
so you just push him overboard again
long talks about your lives
your pasts
your families
where you see yourselves in a year
five years
maybe even ten years
your goals
and aspirations
just talks about life
he tells you about his dad
and is relieved when you tell him that just because he was his father's son doesn't mean that'll be his legacy 
you two would die for each other
nothing will ever tear you apart
besties for the resties
super sweet and funny
but won't bathe no matter how much you beg
party boy™
genuinely doesn't give a fuck
he's here to have fun
and protect his family
that's it
tells you the corniest jokes you've ever heard
also laughs at everything you say
like Luffy, laughs even when you're being serious
uses his missing arm as an excuse if you ever try to get him to do his duties as captain
sometimes struggles with phantom pains
but assures you they'll go away on their own
drinking contests
if he's got a drink in hand
then everyone's gonna have a good time
100% threw up on your shoes once before passing out
laughed like it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard when you told him
quickly stifles his laughter when he sees how mad you are
offers to let you throw up on his shoes to make it even
you just stare at his sandals for a moment before walking away
watching Luffy's progress through the news together
bragging about the kid as if he were your own
the antics you two get up to guarantee that Ben will have a constant headache
the rest of the crew finds your dynamic duo to be hilarious
the sheer power of this crew is near unimaginable
so if the two of you ever actually fight enemies
they don't stand a chance
if anyone ever targeted you
and hurt you
Shanks would have his crew capture your attacker
and then show them exactly why no one messes with the Red Hair Pirates
always provides a good time
but will laugh at you if you fall 
I ain't ever seen two pretty best friends
until now
you are probably a little more lively than this warlord
he just doesn't care for drama
which means it's up to you to keep him in the loop
yet somehow he has the truly juicy details you could only wish to find on your own
y'all have a small book club
it's just the two of you
you tried to invite Perona to join
but she thought that your reading selection was so not cute
you even tried to invite Shanks once
all that accomplished was you gaining a new drinking buddy
which Mihawk begrudgingly allowed to happen
basically, the book club is just you two sipping on wine while discussing every mistake that the author made while writing your current read
salty bitches™
you're one of the only people alive who can get Mihawk to laugh
which is your favorite party trick
except that he's never laughed at the parties you both went to
(ie visiting Shanks and getting roped into a night of drinking)
he airs out all of the other warlords' dirty laundry to you
will talk mad shit about them
well at least most of them
he finds that no matter how powerful they may be
they're all idiots in his eyes
they can't see the big picture
he trusts that you have enough common sense to use the information sparingly
and you do
for the most part
it's giving rich single wine aunt meets vodka mom (but without the kids)
knows how to relax in style
but will not let you play with his sword no matter how many times you ask
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