#Nuclear Bomb Neptunics
Preview of my Radical inclusionist comic!
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lucifersgurl444 · 18 days
Upcoming Important dates✨✨
April 8th... a once every 375 year event takes place...we are gonna see a FULL Solar Eclipse from Mexico, thru the USA to Canada.... Solar Eclipses are believed to bring about ENLIGHTENMENT .... Spiritual Awakening, Transformation and Rebirth ... Solar Eclipses are believed to HIGHLIGHT the things that exist in the shadows and bring them to the forefront.
The Green Devil Comet will also reappear after
71 years during this Solar Eclipse
..and should
be visible with the naked eye.....some cultures believe comets to be very fortuitous while others believe them to be bad omens... the Green Devil Comet was named for the Green colour gas it burns and the 2 horn shapes that appear around its coma or core.....Comets symbolize unpredictability, disruption, and Revolution.
A NOVA or an exploding star is ALSO about to be added to our night sky as star T Coronae Borealis is expected to explode any time now...with the power of a nuclear bomb in space it will be visible to the naked eye 3000 light years away.....near the North Star...Spiritually this event is seen as an ending and Rebirth...
April 4th...A once every 175 year event is also occurring as Venus, Saturn, Mars and Neptune all align in the night sky...on the same side of the sun as EARTH.... planetary alignment symbolizes a shift in global energy... such as from war to peace.....or vice versa.
April 20th....brings a Jupiter conjunction with Uranus ..which happens every 80 years or so....bringing societal change.Jupiter is the planet of Abundance, Fortune and Expansion...Uranus is the planet of Sudden change and Revolution.....
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artzychic27 · 4 months
Head Empty. MLB Celestial AU after remembering an old Be More Chill au I loved with all my heart, but I can not longer find the ask blog here. The art shall forever live on somewhere in Pinterest… Okay, enough mourning
Anyway, they’re the human embodiment of plants, stars, and and other space stuff and rule over those domains
Adrien: Sun
Really hopes the moon likes guys
“Earth, how’s your ozone layer?” “I have accepted my slow descent into eternal darkness.”
If he smiles any brighter, the planets will be engulfed in flames
Luka: Moon
When the moon hugs the sun, that’s how a lunar eclipse is made
Seriously considering messing with the tides and flooding the Earth to get rid of the humans
Some control over dreams
Max: Mercury
He’s a mad scientist… Get it? ‘Cuz the element mercury gives people Mad Hatters Disease… I’ll see myself out
Really wishes the sun wouldn’t smile so brightly. It’s hurting his eyes
Loves Uranus, hates his puns
Juleka: Venus
She and the moon have a brother-sister relationship
“Cute rings, Saturn. Wanna check out the painting named after me?”
Nathaniel: Earth
He’s sick, people! Stop killing him!
“I survived nuclear bombs and oil spills, I’ll be fine… Probably.”
Humans seemed like such a great idea at first
Marc: Mars
Conspiracy theorist
“It is not a conspiracy if it is true; I have seen martians roaming around on Mars.”
Seriously worried about Earth
Nino: Jupiter
His red cap is the red spot
Somehow Uranus is taller than him
Sometimes full of hot air, but he means well
Chloé: Saturn
Wears a lot of rings
Secretly good at hoola-hooping
Will not shut up about Pluto
Kim: Uranus
Needs to crack a pun every few seconds or he goes mad
“Kim, no.” “… Uranus is fun.” “OH MY GOD!”
Humans knew what they were getting into when they named him
Kagami: Neptune
Has been told a few times that she’s a little cold
This close to stabbing Uranus if he doesn’t shut up “Make one more joke. I dare you.”
If she must be unalived, she wants to be because the sun smiled too brightly
Alix: Pluto
Couldn’t care less about the “is a planet/not a planet” argument. She accepted the facts
“Nath, when your done coughing, tell your humans to shut up about me.”
She just wants to skate, shut up people
Alya: Satellite
Up in everyone’s business
She’s an AI come to life with a NASA jacket and free WiFi
Makes sure to check on Earth
Marinette: Stars
Star-shaped freckles
Arranges her stars into a middle finger constellation for humans to see
Has eyes everywhere
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foone · 1 year
Random physics pet peeve: when people make jokes about splitting an atom and there being a big explosion. NO! Angry science ranting under the readmore
so the energy you get from splitting a uranium atom is something like 32 trillionths of a joule. For comparison, eating one calorie provides your body with about 4 joules of energy. A tennis ball served at you by a professional has 70 joules of energy.
An atom of uranium is basically NOTHING when split.
So the reason why nuclear weapons work is that uranium (and other radioactive materials) are constantly decaying all the time, emitting alpha, beta, and gamma particles/rays. These particles contain energy, and they hit things, warming them up. This is how radioisotope thermal generators work: you basically have some radioactive materially that constantly produces heat. They're very handy for deep space missions where you're not close enough to the sun to use solar panels, and it's a real pain to refuel probes once they're out flying past neptune.
But here's the trick: if you have a U235 uranium atom and it gets hit by a neutron, it'll absorb it, becoming the less stable U236. U236 will rapidly decay, emitting gamma rays. And when other uranium atoms get hit with a bunch of gamma rays, they undergo induced fission, emitting more gamma rays and neutrons.
So think of it like this: each uranium atom has a tiny bit of energy in it, but will give it up if triggered. And when triggered, the energy released is partially in the same form needed to trigger additional uranium atoms.
So it's an amplification process. Each decay or fission event can cause more fission events to happen. If your uranium is distributed far apart, or it's mixed with some other atoms that absorb the energy without continuing the process, you get a little heat and that's all.
But there's a critical mass: once you have enough uranium (or other nuclear material) together in sufficient density, the chain reaction becomes self-sustaining. If you are careful with how fast you let this happen, you get a source of a lot of heat that you can control by moving around your fuel and your neutron-absorbing material. Congrats, you have a nuclear power plant.
And if you want it to happen as fast as possible, you compress your sub-critical mass of uranium so that it becomes supercritical. Every decay or fission event causes ten more to happen. Those ten cause a hundred to happen, those hundred cause a thousand to happen. Nanoseconds later, much of your uranium mass has turned to angry gamma rays and heat shooting out in every direction, because that is an atom bomb.
And that's the thing you need to understand: it's not that splitting an atom releases a ton of energy. It's that you can set up certain materials (made of septillions of atoms) such that they cause an avalanche effect where each energy release event causes more events to happen, and it rapidly accelerates until you run out of atoms (or more realistically, your uranium mass is no longer close together enough to continue the reaction, because it's just been blown across many square kilometers of blasted landscape)
Tl;dr: Here's a fun visual demonstration of this effect, explained using mousetraps and ping-pong balls.
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Okay, I’ve actually run out of substantial WIPs that are more than a few sentences long! Does that mean I’m actually finishing them? Hell no! Most of my productivity has gone to my sideblog @activate-shadow-of-the-window (plug plug plug), where I’ve taken on @/ink-ghoul’s Hermittober challenge! Not for visual art, though, but tiny daily fanfic chapters. I’m actually keeping up with that one, somehow.
Have some margin fellows as compensation for my abysmal ability to finish what I start!
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Most of them are just jumbles of the bits of animals I know how to draw slapped onto a few different body types and poses. If you mrecognize most of their names we are the same breed of Wikipedia history nerd.
A quick rundown of who’s who:
Pinnacle, Broken Arrow, Bent Spear, Fading Giant, Blunt Sword, Empty Quiver, and Nucflash are all nuclear accident or incident terms
Operation Market Garden was a WW2 offensive in occupied France
Operation Northwoods was a proposed false-flag attack on US soil
Operation Paperclip recruited German scientists into America after WW2
Operation Mincemeat was a deception operation by the British in WW2
Operation Car Wash was a recent investigation into corruption in Brazil
Operation Fortitude was the intelligence side of D-Day
Operation London Bridge was the protocol for the death of Queen Elizabeth II
Operation Torch was a series of Allied landings in French North Africa during WW2
Operation Neptune was the code name for the Normandy Landings
Operation Rolling Thunder was a bombing campaign during the Vietnam War
Operation Desert Storm was part of the Gulf War
Apart from the Nuclear Incident Crew, I didn’t really design any of these folks around their names.
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foreignerabroad1994 · 2 years
The Humans Are Doing The Thing: Short Story Writing Prompt
My response to the following writing prompt to u/Master-Tanis on the WritingPrompts subreddit:
[WP] Humanity’s ability to tame and pack bond with a wide variety of wildlife is nothing new. However no one expected that this would allow them to turn the galaxy’s most dangerous parasites into symbionts
"This isn't good."
"What do you mean, this isn't good?"
"The humans are doing the thing."
Burger sighs. "You're going to have to be a bit more specific than that. I've had a long shift."
"They're doing the symbiosis thing they do, you know what I mean."
Burger shrugs. "They've been doing that for decades and so far they've only killed each other, so I fail to see the problem. We're just supposed to report anything that goes outwards. Like when they started littering with their ancient communication tools."
"You mean the satellites?"
"Bob, seriously, I only need to retain important information. We're Earth watching, not Earth cataloguing. That's Irma's job."
"Irma's as old as Neptune and she can't even see."
Burger pops a pink blob in his mouth and suckles on it before swallowing. "Still not our job."
Bob huffs in frustration. "I don't mean their wildlife symbiosis. I mean… they did it with the slugs."
Burger freezes with a purple blob almost at his mouth. He gapes. "You don't mean-"
"Yes, Burg, I mean black hole slugs."
Burger chews and slurps on the blob thoughtfully. He swallows. "This is bad."
"Yes, Burg, that's why I said it."
Burger puts the container of writhing blobs to the side, his appetite officially gone. "We need to call in code 13."
Bob raises his third brow. "Um, not to be that guy, but isn't that the one we were told not to use because Earth is a protected planet?"
"Except for when it poses imminent cross-dimensional danger."
"Can't we like… warn them to stop?"
Burger sighs loudly. "Bob."
"Bob. What did they do when we did that when that dictator guy wanted to use nuclear bombs?"
Bob hangs his head. "Nothing," he mumbles.
"And what did they do when we warned them that their planet was getting too hot and too polluted?"
"Nothing," Bob whispers.
"And what did they do when we warned them about world war three?"
Burger smiles ruefully. "That's exactly right. So why would they listen if we warn them that their newly found power source is not sustainable to their meek constitution nor their planetary stability?"
"Well it feels bigger, you know. This doesn't just affect them," Bob protests.
"When has that ever stopped them either? They literally eat other animals."
"Fair," Bob hesitates. "But code 13 just feels kind of…"
Burger puts a firm palm on Bob's grey shoulder. "My friend, you're a compassionate one. You treat Earth kindly, you care. But we can't let the humans do this with the slugs."
"Do you want your kids to still exist in their current dimensional form?"
"Well, yeah, but-"
"And your wife, Alice?"
"Well of course, but-"
"Then we don't let the humans blow bigger and bigger black holes into this universe with their new slug powers, okay? This is our job."
Bob sighs. "I liked them. They had nice things."
"Their entertainment was indeed rather delightful."
"Yeah, especially the Barbie movies."
"Definitely those."
They both sigh. Then Burger reaches for the pink phone. He nods once at Bob.
"Code 13."
A voice beeps into focus. "Planet?"
Minerva chuckles. "So soon?"
"Sadly, yes. We were hoping for another millennia but…"
"I hate it when that happens," Minerva says sympathetically as she types. "Oh, they did symbiosis? How did they even get any black hole slugs? They should be the next galaxy over and they don't have that kind of travel. Super primitive."
"I don't know. Maybe ask Irma."
"Irma barely knows what she had for dinner last night. I don't get why they won't retire her already," Minerva complains. "It'll be sorted by the end of the day. Back up any data files before deletion, okay? For the records."
"You got it," Burger agrees before hanging up.
Bob's lips are pursed.
Burger pats his shoulder again. "Let's back up the Barbie movies, okay? I won't tell anyone if you don't."
Bob beams.
And so, they back up the Barbie movies. By that afternoon, Earth has been wiped, and with it, interdimensional harm has been prevented. Bob and Burger celebrated with a fresh container of spicy blobs and a Barbie movie marathon. Irma slept through her shift.
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thedojoofintellect · 1 month
The United States has the best trained military in the world. The United States armed forces has over eight thousand tanks and their aerial vehicles include the B2 stealth bomber and the Lockheed martin F-22 raptor. The tank used by the U.S. Army is the M1A2 Abrams tank. During WWII, America's military used the Sherman tank while Nazi Germany used the Panzer tank. German Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, nicknamed the Desert Fox, is considered the father of modern tank warfare.
Total war refers to a state of armed conflict during which the belligerent parties target far more than they would in a conventional warfare situation. Scorched earth policy is enacted by targeting things that are of use to the enemy. Mutually assured destruction, a cold war doctrine, refers to a scenario in which two nations threaten to deploy nuclear warheads, which would result in the complete annihilation of both countries.
Counterproliferation is the interception of the rapid and often excessive spread of nuclear weapons. Insurgency is the rebellion against a government, usually one's own. Insurrection is another word for rebellion. A coup d'etat is the overthrow of a government. Espionage is discovering the military and political secrets of other nations.
The three branches of government are executive, legislative, and judicial. A republic enjoys a division and separation of powers in its government. As far as the public is permitted to know, the United States has several thousand nuclear weapons and the same is true for Russia.
The earliest manifestation of the internet, called ARPANET, was the work of the Department of Defense in 1969. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency reportedly was attempting to create super-soldiers by trying to figure out a way to lower the empathy of sldiers, thereby creating more efficient killing machines.
The Naval Special Warfare Development Group, also known as DEVGRU and formerly SEAL Team 6, are credited for the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound and bin Laden's death during this operation, which was called Operation Neptune Spear. The Central Intelligence Agency recruits members of Seal Team Six to work for the Special Operations Group of the CIA's Special Activities Division. The same is true for 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, better known as Delta force. Seal Team Six and Delta Force are amongst the premier counterterrorism units of the United States military.
Osama Bin Laden's Secret Service codename was Geronimo, and President Obama's is Renegade. George W. Bush's Secret Service code name is Tumbler. Some examples of clandestine operations include the Mossad's Operation Wrath of God, the CIA's Project MKULTRA and Operation CHAOS, as well as Project Camelot and Operation Gladio, among many others.
The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima during WWII equated to around ten kilotons of trinitrotoluene and the one dropped on Nagasaki was the equivalent of around fifteen to twenty metric tons of TNT. Some of today's hydrogen bombs, which are thermonuclear devices, have a destruction yield of millions of metric tons of TNT.
The U.S. Army's Special Forces, also known as the Green Berets, are skilled in a host of unconventional warfare activities. They go behind enemy lines during stealth reconnaissance missions to gather intel on their adversaries and to acquire information regarding enemy territory. They are also experts in guerrilla warfare.
War has been transpiring since time immemorial. It seems as though the United States of America is always battling somebody. Some wars that the USA has participated in throughout its history are revolutionary war, the war of 1812, the civil war, World War I, World War II, the , the Cold War (though not a war in the conventional sense), the Korean war, the Persian gulf war, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Second Indochina war, which is also known as the Vietnam conflict.
During the Obama Administration, the people in charge of America's military were the commander-in-chief, Barack Obama, the defense secretary, Ash Carter, and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, General Joseph Dunford.
It is axiomatic that there have been countless wars outside of U.S. history. Some of them include the Punic Wars, the Thirty Years War, the Trojan War, the Peloponnesian wars, the Spanish Civil War, the Greco-Roman conquests, and the conflicts waged by tribes of the enigmatic prehistoric world.
It seems that the onset of World War III is not necessarily that far off. As tension amongst Russia, China, America, and the Arab world heightens, it only seems reasonable to adopt the supposition that global thermonuclear war could jeopardize the future of our civilization.
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element-tournament · 9 months
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Basically the poster child of the actnoids
Named after the planet Uranus
The heaviest naturally-occurring element
Used in nuclear reactors, atomic bombs, etc.
A byproduct of nuclear reactors
Named after the planet Neptune
Used in neutron detectors
Was once thought to have been discovered by Enrico Fermi along with element 94, but he was actually mistaken. He named it Ausonium.
When supposedly discovered by Enrico Fermi, one suggestion for a name was Fascium. The person who suggested this name was Benito Mussolini. Fermi did not take this suggestion.
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christ2525 · 11 months
The Planet Pluto - Astrology
Pluto's disclosure, in 1930, concurs with the most over the top unfortunate revelation of humanity, the nuclear bomb. With this weapon, the world confronted a power that could obliterate humanity whenever abused. As per the nuclear physicist, Robert Oppenheimer: "We realized the world couldn't be something similar." Obviously, because of the hour of Pluto's revelation, stargazers appointed a few rather horrendous traits to Pluto, but at the same time it's classified "the incredible renewer". To cite Nietzsche: "What doesn't kill us makes us more grounded."
The Planet Pluto - Astrology Pluto requires 248 years to circle the Sun and is the furthest planet, however it has a whimsical circle and for 20 or so of those years is nearer to the Sun than Neptune. Pluto pivots the other way of the greater part of the planets. What's more, similar to Uranus, its equator is nearly at a right point to the plane of its circle.
Pluto and Charon In 1978 Charon, Pluto's biggest satellite was found, in fact making Pluto a twofold planet. Pluto and Charon are extraordinary on the grounds that they turn in a state of harmony and keep their equivalent face toward each other in a kind of dance. In Roman folklore, Pluto is the divine force of Abbadon (the hidden world), and Charon is the legendary figure who ships the dead across the waterway Acheron into Gehenna.
Pluto's Demise and Resurrection In 2006 Pluto made the news when it passed on as a planet and was reawakened as a "bantam planet." This choice by the Worldwide Cosmic Association (IAU) was questionable, particularly in the prophetic local area. In any case, taking everything into account Pluto was as yet a planet and the most powerful power for developmental change in a horoscope.
Prophetic Pluto Pluto, a Transpersonal or powerful planet, is related with Scorpio and the eighth place of the zodiac, the two of which can allude to the more obscure parts of life. It represents human advancement. A few catchphrases for Pluto are; power, power, emergency, want, end, demise, revival, resurrection, and transformation.
Pluto is the destroyer and the maker. It holds influence over birth, demise, anxiety toward death, calamities, the inner mind, and huge mental changes. It rules special insight, otherworldliness, mysticism and rules over obscure things like phantoms and shadows.
Pluto's Glyph Pluto had two glyphs or images. The one most utilized looks like a scorpion with its paws stretching around a circle. In any case, it's a cross, bow, and circle that addresses soul, soul, and food. One more that is being used is a mix of "PL."
Pluto in Your Introduction to the world Outline It requires around 248 years for Pluto to circle the whole zodiac. Because of its whimsical circle, it stays between 11 years (Scorpio) to 32 years (Taurus) in each sign. Its sluggish advancement implies Pluto's sign position is shared by whole ages. And that implies the house Pluto possesses, the viewpoints it makes, both natal and by travel, to every one of the planets and focuses in your introduction to the world graph are what most soothsayers think about more than the sign Pluto possesses.
Pluto in Developmental Soothsaying The people who practice Developmental Soothsaying have confidence in previous existences. These stargazers accept Pluto in a birth diagram represents the development of the Spirit and its sign and house demonstrates the center transformative cravings and goals in your ongoing life.
Get Your Introduction to the world Graph You can track down the celestial sign arrangement and house position of your Pluto with the free natal outline generator on Astro Look for.
Pluto in the Prophetic Signs Pluto's sign addresses the way of life, by and large world and political truth of entire ages, as well as every age's urgent longing to develop and change these real factors. Nearly everybody living today will have Pluto in one of the signs beneath.
Pluto in Malignant growth: Roughly 1928-1939 The Pluto in Malignant growth age discreetly works inside customary frameworks. Those naturally introduced to this gathering want to limit outside conditions.
Pluto in Leo: Roughly 1942-1947 The Pluto in Leo age has a profound feeling of direction and uniqueness. Those naturally introduced to this gathering want to complete their one of a kind fate.
Pluto in Virgo: Around 1956-1970 The Pluto in Virgo age has areas of strength for an ethic. Those naturally introduced to this gathering genuinely want to forfeit and help out.
Pluto in Libra: Roughly 1971-1984 The Pluto in Libra age is fundamentally worried about connections. Those naturally introduced to this gathering want to change what's viewed as socially OK connections.
Pluto in Scorpio: Roughly 1984-1995 The Pluto in Scorpio age is outstandingly extraordinary, strong, and groundbreaking. Those naturally introduced to this gathering really want to encounter power and feebleness, then, at that point, go past their impediments. Note: this age was brought into the world during the 20 years when Pluto's circle carried it inside Neptune and nearer to Earth. They got an additional portion of groundbreaking energy from Pluto!
Pluto in Sagittarius: Around 1998-2008 The Pluto in Sagittarius age is very opportunity situated. Those naturally introduced to this gathering want to grasp themselves in a powerful, philosophical or strict setting.
Pluto in Capricorn: Around 2011-2024 The Pluto in Capricorn age will be a predominant power in changing the world's legislatures as well as how individuals of the world carry on with work. Those naturally introduced to this gathering want to interface their motivation to social and political change.
Pluto's Home Pluto brings all that it addresses to one house in a natal outline. You could say Pluto works from that house. Pluto's home is where you need full control and where there determination battles, feeling of dread toward misfortune, selling out, enthusiasm, fixation, or suspicion, however where there will likewise be a transformation.
Beyoncé Knowles has Pluto in the main house. Beyoncé has full control of herself, embodies sex, has an ordering presence and oozes attraction. Whitney Houston has Pluto in her seventh house. Whitney's fabulous voice pushed her to fame, and poisonous connections were her defeat.
Pluto in Relationship Soothsaying In relationship soothsaying (synastry), Pluto contacts between two person's introduction to the world outlines can be a battle. Pluto has a hazardous standing in synastry. Where it connects, there can be envy, fixation, ownership, impulse, and all the damnation those things can bring into a relationship. A Pluto contact can entrance, control and control, and urge you to battle as far as possible for a relationship. They are not for weak willed. Nonetheless, a few people flourish in every consuming relationship. Thus, what Pluto contact means for the relationship relies upon each's introduction to the world graph as well as the development of the couple.
Pluto Travels At the point when you're moved by a distressing Pluto travel, issues of control, control, envy, possessiveness, predominance, and power are continuous. You're compelled to check out and scrutinize the everyday routine you are experiencing. Subliminal stuff rises to the top permitting you to audit you're molded mental and close to home reactions. Pluto travels are many times likewise joined by a fixation on power, and a practically crazy longing to have a thing, an individual, or a position, and in the fanatical drive to have what we need, you stomp on over others.
A Pluto travel isn't lovely! On the off chance that you're feeling any of the abovementioned, it's conceivable you're amidst a Pluto travel and would profit from a talk with an expert developmental crystal gazer.
The Pluto Cycle Pluto is the slowest moving planet in the planetary group, so its travels to the planets or focuses in your introduction to the world outline can require two, three, or more years to get done with you. Pluto's extraordinary cycle is typically concealed from the outset. It works like a well of lava with pressure developing for quite a long time until it at last detonates! Indeed, you can be reawakened any place Pluto goes, yet very much like the actual experience of birthing another life, it's difficult and incredibly untidy, yet more straightforward for some than for other people.
Pluto's Gift Secret inside each individual is an excruciating experience with Pluto, however on the off chance that you are effective, the gifts Pluto brings are restoration and reclamation as well as another you and another life.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 10.10
680 – The Battle of Karbala marks the Martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali. 732 – Charles Martel's forces defeat an Umayyad army near Tours, France. 1471 – Sten Sture the Elder, the Regent of Sweden, with the help of farmers and miners, repels an attack by King Christian I of Denmark. 1492 – The crew of Christopher Columbus's ship, the Santa Maria, attempt a mutiny. 1575 – Roman Catholic forces under Henry I, Duke of Guise, defeat the Protestants, capturing Philippe de Mornay among others. 1580 – Over 600 Papal troops land in Ireland to support the Second Desmond Rebellion. 1631 – Thirty Years' War: An army of the Electorate of Saxony seizes Prague. 1760 – In a treaty with the Dutch colonial authorities, the Ndyuka people of Suriname – descended from escaped slaves – gain territorial autonomy. 1780 – The Great Hurricane of 1780 kills 20,000–30,000 in the Caribbean. 1814 – War of 1812: The United States Revenue Marine attempts to defend the cutter Eagle from the Royal Navy. 1845 – In Annapolis, Maryland, the Naval School (later the United States Naval Academy) opens with 50 students. 1846 – Triton, the largest moon of the planet Neptune, is discovered by English astronomer William Lassell. 1868 – The Ten Years' War begins against Spanish rule in Cuba. 1903 – The Women's Social and Political Union is founded in support of the enfranchisement of British women. 1911 – The day after a bomb explodes prematurely, the Wuchang Uprising begins against the Chinese monarchy. 1913 – U.S. President Woodrow Wilson triggers the explosion of the Gamboa Dike, completing major construction on the Panama Canal. 1918 – RMS Leinster is torpedoed and sunk by UB-123, killing 564, the worst-ever on the Irish Sea. 1920 – The Carinthian plebiscite determines that the larger part of the Duchy of Carinthia should remain part of Austria. 1928 – Chiang Kai-shek becomes Chairman of the Republic of China. 1933 – A United Airlines Boeing 247 is destroyed by sabotage, the first such proven case in the history of commercial aviation. 1935 – In Greece, a coup d'état ends the Second Hellenic Republic. 1938 – Abiding by the Munich Agreement, Czechoslovakia completes its withdrawal from the Sudetenland. 1945 – The Double Tenth Agreement is signed by the Communist Party and the Kuomintang about the future of China. 1954 – The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sultanate of Muscat, Neil Innes, sends a signal to the Sultanate's forces, accompanied with oil explorers, to penetrate Fahud, marking the beginning of Jebel Akhdar War between the Imamate of Oman and the Sultanate of Muscat. 1957 – U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower apologizes to Ghanaian finance minister Komla Agbeli Gbedemah after he is refused service in a Delaware restaurant. 1957 – The Windscale fire results in Britain's worst nuclear accident. 1963 – France cedes control of the Bizerte naval base to Tunisia. 1963 – The Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty comes into effect. 1964 – The Tokyo Summer Olympics opening ceremony is the first to be relayed live by satellites. 1967 – The Outer Space Treaty comes into force. 1970 – Fiji becomes independent. 1970 – Canada's October Crisis escalates when Quebec Vice Premier Pierre Laporte is kidnapped by members of the Front de libération du Québec. 1973 – U.S. Vice President Spiro Agnew resigns after being charged with evasion of federal income tax. 1975 – Papua New Guinea joins the United Nations. 1979 – The Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant began operations in Eurajoki, Satakunta, Finland. 1980 – The 7.1 Mw  El Asnam earthquake shakes northern Algeria, killing 2,633 and injuring 8,369. 1980 – The Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front is founded in El Salvador. 1985 – US Navy aircraft intercept an Egyptian airliner carrying the perpetrators of the Achille Lauro hijacking, and force it to land in Italy. 1986 – A 5.7 Mw  San Salvador earthquake shakes El Salvador, killing 1,500. 1997 – Austral Líneas Aéreas Flight 2553 crashes and explodes in Uruguay, killing 74. 1998 – A Lignes Aériennes Congolaises jetliner is shot down by rebels in Kindu, Democratic Republic of the Congo, killing 41 people. 2002 – Iraq War: The United States Congress approves the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002. 2007 – Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor becomes the first Malaysian in space on board Soyuz TMA-11.[9] 2009 – Armenia and Turkey sign the Zurich Protocols, intended to normalize relations. However, they are never ratified by either side. 2010 – The Netherlands Antilles are dissolved as a country. 2015 – Twin bomb blasts in the Turkish capital Ankara kill 109 and injure 500+. 2018 – Hurricane Michael makes landfall in the Florida Panhandle as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane. It kills 57 people in the United States, 45 in Florida, and causes an estimated $25.1 billion in damage.
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themogaidragon · 3 years
Nuclear Bomb Neptunics
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Nuclear Bomb Neptunics is a soliditary movement made up of individuals who identify as Neptunic (any gender, any pronouns) who support everyone in the LGBTQ+ community, including all sexualities, genders, pronouns, and identities. This term was made to counter Longsword Lesbians, Gravity Knife Gay, Battleaxe Bisexuals, and any other groups like it.
The term was coined by FANDOM user Lxvenderjewel with help from FANDOM user -lolbidiot-gae-.
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i wish more people realized and appreciate the world of spongebob’s cleverness like for the longest time i didn’t know that most of the buildings were supposed to be trash that fell into the sea until like 3 years ago when it said that on the spongebob wiki like dggdjjdgdugyuf
The show has crazy good world building. I heard someone say Spongebob's background art isn't as good as Disney's because its not ✨realistic✨ and its just a gradient with flowers but uhh what kind of dumbassery is that?
The show takes so much to create its own world.
Things like the Krusty krab being a lobster trap. The chum bucket referencing chum which is the bait fishermen use to bait fish. Often made from low quality scraps hence why fish think the chum bucket is disgusting.
The name bikini bottom. People think its like a sexual innuendo for a literal bikini's bottom piece when it was really referencing the island of bikini atoll where Americans dropped test nuclear bombs. Before that, some American artists and designers went there and used thr native clothing as inspiration for the early bikini swimsuit design which is interesting to learn about.
The buildings are trash cans and tins discarded in the ocean. There's things like an anchor, tiki head, boat motors to be seen when looking at a full shot of the bikini bottom.
Coral being used as trees, sea anemones that are used as flowers. Sea urchins occasionally were used as spiders in the early seasons.
Snails are like cats, worms are like dogs. Sea horses like actual horses.
You also had tropical prints and patterns used for the title card. Ukeleles and sea chanties.
They really made drunken sailor kid friendly.
The flying duchman casually existing in the Spongebob universe. Greek gods and roman gods existing in the spongebob universe.
The lost city of Atlantic city is just late stage capitalism lol
The little fact that krabby patties are vegaterian because if not then the people of bikini bottom would have been cannibals.
Variants like seanut butter, snails milk, seahorse milk.
tartar sauce, mother of Neptune, great mother of pearl, great barrier reef, barnacles, and more being variants for curses.
Its really crazy how much thought they put into the smallest things.
There's also people asking "how can there be lakes under water??"
And it turns out things like goo lagoon is actually a brine pool. That water is a brine pool. Who would have known?
Rock bottom is entirely a joke about the dark zone of the ocean. Usually when you get down there, you'd find the strangest sea creatures down there. Also explains why rock bottom is so dark.
The show is made up of so much stuff. Its really impressive and fun to learn about because its like unraveling something. There's always more to discover.
These are some I can remember off the top of my head but there is certainly more!
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bigsismag-archive · 4 years
Thank you to @uselessvalshit for tagging me!!!!
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better!
Name? Andie
Birth year? 2000
Sign? Sagittarius
Height? 167cm (5′6)
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs:
Trouble - EXO
Humph! - Pentagon
Me - CLC
Goodnight Like Yesterday - Lovelyz
Grab the nearest book, turn to page 23, what’s the 17th line?
Everything near me is a comic book, magazine, or self help book, so none of these work. 
Ever had a song or a poem written about you?
Damn I wish
When was the last time you played air guitar?
Geez it’s been a long time lol
Celebrity Crush(es)?
I guess Felix from Stray Kids?
What’s a sound you hate/love?
Air raid sirens, like for nuclear bombs and stuff. I like how eerie it is but at the same time if it were going off for real I’d have a huge issue on my hands
Do you believe in ghosts?
100000% yes
Do you believe in aliens?
For sure. Whether it’s intelligent life or just bacteria somewhere on Neptune, it’s out there
Do you drive?
Last book you read?
It was a book on other enby’s experiences....questioning is hard....
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Hell no!!!
The last movie you saw?
The newest Annabelle movie, and let me tell you that sucked ASS
Do you have aby obsessions rn?
BNHA, Demon Slayer, and kpop!
Do you tend to hold grudges?
Are you in a relationship?
I am not
I tag: @ohmoka​ @burlybuttlet​ @shreedy​ @czqy​ @dezuya​ @giveseraserhead​ @todoroki-dokie​ @so-many-efforts​ @hxtoshi​ @mylifeisaconstantparadox and anybody else who wants to!
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current writing queue
hi!!!!! I just wanted to let yall know WHAT is coming just so you have an idea of what im workin on
- peter christmas light request (This is taking me FOREVER i am SO sorry)
- a speedster, a nuclear bomb, and a worn down walkman ch.1 (not a priority)
- HFH ch.6 (not a priority)
- kit walker fluff (again, sorry its taking so long!!)
- something for scott summers
- warren fluff hcs
- the 2 ship requests in my inbox (These might take a while since I’m focusing on ^^^)
If i forgot anything, please let me know! I don’t wanna accidentally forget anyone’s request!
I love you all to Neptune and back,
- G
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confused--robot · 4 years
I'm just really vibing with early postwar mixed propulsion aircraft today.
P2V Neptune. Two turnin and two burnin.
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North American AJ Savage. Because we could launch a Neptune off a carrier deck with a nuclear bomb couldn't land a Neptune on a carrier deck.
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kimyoonmiauthor · 4 years
Types of Cultural Dissemination for Laymen
If you won’t bother reading the profile, and the previous posts, I’m going to introduce myself again. I’m an anthropology major, and short of Calc I for my degree. (which I’m miserably failing and I don’t need). For my BA I focused mainly on systems (racism, sexism, etc), but my true interest is in media exchange with systems. i.e. trade of things like movies, books, and seeing how they are interpreted in the country of origin v. internationally and how they might be reinterpreted, etc with a focus on say... gay people. So say, how Sailor Moon views gay couples and how they are represented versus how say, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus were made cousins for the sub and why that might have changed for the DVDs. No one was interested in something like this though, since we’re still stuck with Eurocentricism, even though I did a paper for my high school’s senior thesis back in 1999. (It’s been a long road) As such, I know the internet loves, loves to confuse cultural dissemination terms up, and make it super simple, but it isn’t. And last round of me doing this essay had it stolen, so, in respect to that, I’m going to be giving my profs credit for their ideas, so if it does get stolen (again), at least SOMEONE will get credit. (maybe, hopefully). So I tip my hat off to:
 Wendy Fonarow for the basic analogy of the house for imperialism. 
Also Eric Johnston for the physical Anthropology parts of the article. 
Lilith Mahmud for having an awesome class on systems and power struggles.
 Jerry Won Lee for being really good at talking about Korean history and its relations with the US. 
Eleana Kim for doing studies on Korean adoptees and economics of that. 
And James Egan for teaching about Economics and various types of reciprocity and exchanges. (He’d also credit Marcel Mauss’s work on reciprocity.)
I ask, if you don’t credit me for this, you at least keep in their credits. Though it’s pretty much a terrible move to appropriate an essay on the subject of appropriation in the first place. Also, any mistakes made aren’t their fault since I compiled this myself. I apologize to them ahead of time if this is the case. But please please keep the credits. If this essay is so good, to be stolen, at least have respect for them.
Basic terms:
Cultural Dissemination is the spreading of culture to one place to another either by mutual, imposed or invited consent.
There is an essay (which I know my professors would chase me after to cite... but I disagree) about how Nationhood is more recent, so ideas of “imperialism” and “appropriation” are more problematic for time periods roughly before the 1400′s (probably a mistake on the dates). But I’m still a bit skeptical about it being so widely accepted since there’s historical evidence for the idea of sacrificing yourself to the state going way back in human history (They would point to the rise of agriculture, mainly) and the essay is widely Eurocentric with no one questioning this fact. So while we don’t have specific dates for the following things, I’m going to probably simplify it in ways my professors are going to hate me for and mark me down for. But then this isn’t a paper for them. Types of Cultural Dissemination
Cultural Exchange- basically, this is your trade. Someone comes up with a cultural good, you share it with them, and you think it’s a great idea, so take it back and keep it as it is and then give them something in return. Trade, BTW, goes back to Homo Erectus, so humans didn’t invent it. There is evidence in a Chinese cave of rocks from Africa (yes, I know that Africa isn’t a country, but it also got sliced and diced to smithereens, so in respect to that, that’s why I say Africa, the continent) that must have followed a trade route. Granted there is debate whether it was someone traveling from Africa specifically to that location or if it traveled more slowly by local trade. (Credit to Johnston for this). The idea that Homo sapiens sapiens invented trade, and specifically Europeans is pretty ridiculous. We’ve always traded from the beginning.
Cultural Adaptation (as a sub category of Exchange)- If something exchanged is adapted to the country in its own unique way because of exchange over a long period of time, that’s Cultural adaptation of the object. And no, I’m not saying cultures get “better” with this term. There is no such thing, they change, but the needs from that object when embedded into a culture might need to change. So chopsticks and how they are used is slightly different from China, Korea, Mongolia and Japan, so since they became a part of how to eat food, their design is different. (There are youtube videos on why, etc) Cultural Sharing or Cultural Invitation- is one way. (Cultural sharing is used more than cultural invitation, but I think Cultural invitation is more precise). I invite you to learn about how I do things and participate. Like learning how to make kimchi or soy sauce. But I also expect that once you have this knowledge, you won’t backstab me later after all of that emotional labor put in. Cultural Appreciation- Look, don’t touch. Basically the museum model. You don’t try to steal the painting off the wall and then take it home and claim you painted it. You look at how its curated and appreciate it for where it is (Yes, I know about museums appropriating objects... we’ll get there.)
Fetishization of a culture- Basically having a crush on a culture without understanding and accepting the downsides of the culture. Accepting means you can’t change what’s wrong, but can enable people within that culture to change it if they want to. (How to do charity is another essay, though). For example, K-drama fans who weren’t Korean were not appreciative of Greatest Marriage, the drama, because it showed the underbelly of Single Motherhood in Korean society and they rallied against it and judged Korea directly for it, rather than taking a balanced approach to it.
Cultural Appropriation
- Stealing. If people made the word stealing, I think they’d understand it better. There are three basic conditions for this and exacerbation points. It’s not clear cut in some cases. (I’ll get to those) BTW, some would also argue can’t exist before the nationstate... as I said I’m iffy on that considering the history of China which predates most of Europe.... but later.
The three main points are:
History of Imperialization (exacerbation of making it worse)
Mockery of cultural items (or history thereof)
Taking of Sacred objects without invitation of participation or any understanding.
Imperialism -
Basically forcing “help” along the way by imposing one’s culture on another with total disregard for what’s there. (for the context of this essay, though my professors would chase me for simplifying it this way.) Not sorry. Also argued, you need the nation state for this, but I have a whole other essay for why Europe tried to colonize and imperialize the world. Imperializing, though, initially profitable ran out of steam once they came to the Pacific, though no doubt they did a ton of destruction, including the US causing a nuclear disaster in the area. (The irony that the US dropped more nuclear bombs than anyone and has one of the largest programs, yet regulates others is an example of nationalism and imperialism all in one neat package). This one goes to Egan, BTW. People have meltdowns over these things and mix them up, but I put it in a simple way for you. All of these have basic forms of human rules worldwide of emotional intelligence, consent, boundaries, love and respect. What you are willing to share or not share and how, on an individual level should be understandable to everyone. Those rules might change per culture or individual, but it’s basic human intelligence to respect boundaries. And this type of intelligence is taught in kindergarten worldwide (and believe me I’ve watched a lot of those videos--most kindergartens teach emotional intelligence). Got it?
The idea that sharing, appreciation, appropriation, and adaptation are the exact same thing is ridiculous. So let’s get into why this is different since some people forgot their lessons from kindergarten. But let’s get to the next section. An Analogy to break it all down. The initial analogy handed to me was that often White Europeans would go to a different tribe and then try to get them to sell a different tribe’s lands. (Africa and North America and Australia and New Zealand apply here) which is like someone going to your neighbor’s house and offering a bunch of cash for your house, writing up a deed of sale, and then claiming that your house is there’s. This is Wendy Fonarow’s analogy.
What I did, since I got annoyed with how people couldn’t personalize it and thought that say killing 80,000 people isn’t as bad as someone they know dying, was when I was in a doctor’s office, think about how to break it down, since my analogy of the museums and paintings wasn’t working for a group I was talking to about appropriation, and how to extend that to a larger sample. I wrote that essay, posted it, it got stolen (the irony isn’t lost on me), but I’ve improve it since because I’m a fan of extended analogies. In the positive reciprocity model, as James Egan would put it, you give hoping for something close to an equal exchange. But often money is the cut off point for this. This is called “Balanced reciprocity”. (There is also generalized reciprocity and negative reciprocity).
So I’ll go over the set up for the balanced reciprocity models with two families for the terms except fetishization, appropriation and imperialism.
Say, Person X is invited to Person Y’s house. This would be sharing. They have dinner, there, they really like the food. If they look at the art and like it, then that’s appreciation. They looked, but didn’t touch it. Now, say, Person X invites Person Y to their house. They also serve them dinner, then that becomes an exchange. Person Y comes to admire a painting of theirs
Say Person X goes to build a family and Person Y does too. They become the best of friends, and over time, Person X is like, “You know what, I want to give you the painting you so like.” And then Person Y said, “And I’d like to give you the painting you so like.” So they trade the paintings and talk about their history and meaning to them. So for generations both families keep the paintings and keep in contact, but the paintings, as they do, get damaged beyond repair, and being sad, one of the family members tries to recreate the paintings, not as an exact replica, but more like a tribute to it with their own interpretations of what has happened so far. This becomes adaptation. So let’s go over the negative models in analogy. You have Person A, and they really, really think that Person B does not deserve the house they are living in. I mean, look at all that gold. And they’ve heard there is a fountain of youth inside. And they look dirty all the time. Plus they have a beautiful garden they want. Person A, then goes to Person C, Person B’s neighbor and says, “You know what, I’ll give you a bunch of goods and money to sell Person B out.”
Person C has always hated Person B, and Person A knows it, so Person C writes up a house sale slip, even though it’s fake. Person A, living in a different county currently is able to file the house sale. They break into the house, steal the food, wreck the garden, and say the upper floors are all for them. Person B finds out and is devastated, but can’t get the house sale overturned because they have no jurisdiction there. They work from home, but now Person A says they own their transportation too.
Person A starts telling them how terrible they really are. “You’re dirty, you’re angry, and you’re violent.” when Person A was the one that broke into person B’s house. What’s more, Person A moves their family in, who also trash the house and starts claiming that the alter that Person B set up was invented by them and they built it. Then claim all of the clothes are also theirs because they bought it with the house. Person B can’t get the law to kick these people out. How are they less than A? How are they violent? They try to resist, but get taunted and jeered at, but Person A’s family tells them, they can live in the basement--if they want.
Person B’s family has no recourse and no money to recover the house or move--besides, this house was in their family for generations--it means a ton to them. They remember when their great grandfather planted that apple tree which he brought to the property by a tiny sapling. They live in the basement, hoping things will change.
Things don’t change. Person A starts telling Person B’s family, they own the house, and another generation rolls by. Person B’s family is fighting for the house, but law enforcement is ignoring them.
Person A starts saying that the clothes that Person B owned were their invention. That they can do as they like, but Person B needs to adapt to Person A’s way of life, otherwise, they’ll cut off their food supply, and water to the basement, though Person B barely gets either of those. Person A’s family starts selling the unique designs of Person B’s home business and Person B finds out once again, they can’t sue, but they are upset about it. What’s more, they find out that the items from the alter are being sold. So far, it’s imperialism. So, say Person A’s family after generations goes, “You know what? Our bad. You’ll still have to live in the basement, but now we think we kinda like you enough to let you guys have jobs, even though you’re lazy all this time and we can’t understand why you couldn’t make any money.”
Someone from Person A’s family, let’s say Becky, thinks of the poor people living in the basement and starts calling them a great culture that people should appreciate. But when Person B’s family complains about the generational hate they received from Person A’s family and how much that hurt their present conditions because they don’t get heat in the basement, food or water, and they have to fight each other, Becky won’t hear about it. Becky cares more about what clothes are Person B’s family creating now that they can sell to her. She cares about more what types of entertainment they watch. She doesn’t want to hear about how they have barely any food or water and have to live by her family’s terms. Because her family is good and righteous and besides, it was her great grandfather that stole the house and where is Person A’s family supposed to live anyway? Back at Person A’s original house? Unthinkable. The old house didn’t have the garden, the clothes, or Person B’s established business. This is fetishization. If you have no interest in understanding why or who the people are in full breath and their joys and sorrows, it is a total misunderstanding of the culture. Basic rules of consent, boundaries, love and respect apply to large groups of people as it does to individuals. Also, punching people while telling them how great they are, is generally a terrible idea. The fancy jargon doesn’t change that. You don’t go and wreck people’s temples and think you’re a great person. You don’t steal their stuff. And you don’t buy their goods only and think you know everything about them. Anthropology teaches you to ask respectful questions and listen and dive deep. That’s respect. Something if you forgot, Mr. Rogers taught on his TV show. Where appropriation gets tricky
The easiest one is dread locks. The history of dread locks is that they started in Africa, traveled and were shared/traded with West Asians (Jews, for example,) then traveled to India. Some say they started in India. You can read the history here: http://ragingrootsstudio.com/the-history-of-dreadlocks/
So then it strongly got associated with black people, but really, it’s a giant circle. The problem lies in the face that white people (despite white people also wearing them in history) often call dreadlocks “dirty” and “unkempt”. (This is why I instill the rule of if you’re going to judge others, look at yourself first). So this is where it gets tricky... There is also sideways appropriation. Say when Koreans take reggae music, and then say they like it because they relate to the struggles of Jamaicans. (This one makes me squirm personally) Koreans have no understanding of the music dynamics of reggae music, how it relates to the culture, and are appropriating a struggle of slavery that isn’t theirs. At the same time as absorbing Hollywood movies which contain anti-blackness (like the N-word, gangs, etc). But technically, Korea has never imperialized Africa. (There is some history in Joseon and the earlier kingdoms where they cooperated, but you really have to dig to find it). For me, it makes me uneasy... but it’s this wobbly line since there are equally black people into K-pop music that have no intention of learning anything about the culture. (Two wrongs don’t make a right... but still iffy around the corners.)
Then there are the politics with diaspora with some countries too, where say, a Native Japanese says they are “real” Japanese and have NO problem with say a tea ceremony, (even if the details are done wrong), because the country is pushing towards tourism to generate profits, and then the diaspora saying “You’re backstabbing us because you don’t go through a third of the prejudice that we went through” (In this case the internment camps). Because people don’t all think the same. And if native Japanese saw the rise and fall of diaspora businesses, they probably wouldn’t be backstabbing about fetishization. (BTW, this also goes for Korea, which I’m pretty much railing against them trying to push tourism so much because I’ve seen the cost of cultural fads. Chinatowns are looking pretty nasty these days for a reason. And fetishization can easily turn to hate in the next breath and devastate economies.) And then someone say, writing a black person as a white person, which could go several ways. It could be brilliant because they did the research, figured out the boundaries and consent rules, or it could be say... Uncle Tom’s Cabin for the modern era. It’s OK for it to be iffy. Just sort it out. And most of the time it’s better to get an invitation and research and learn than it is to take and say you appreciate it. People want it to be black and white, especially with the European ideals of binary. But also examine and be uncomfortable with the grey’s too. Because everyone is on some kind of spectrum there aren’t clear cut answers the majority of the time. Celebrate that. (Except that the Earth is egg-shaped-ish and is rounder than a ping pong ball and you should always give credit where it is due, because the idea of copyright goes back to the time we were all foragers.)
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