#Nova cod
sapphyrnidae · 1 year
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that iconic lord of the rings drawing except make it call of duty
gaz has to be in the carrier because he’s the one who keeps falling out of helicopters 
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charliemwrites · 5 months
Part 4!! (No content warnings)
Fuck these men :)
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You roll your neck, trying to loosen muscles tense from keeping your head locked in place. Hard work denying natural instinct to look at whoever is speaking, but the 141 doesn’t deserve any more of your attention than they’ve already stolen. Even if they didn’t know they had it at the time.
You’ll have to ask Nikto if he’ll massage out the knot forming there. He’s handy with anatomy like that.
“Listen, about what happened…” Gaz starts.
“Not relevant,” you snap, crouching behind a barrel.
“I’d say it’s pretty relevant,” he replies. “It’s not right, how we left things.”
You nearly snarl. ‘Not right’ is the understatement of the bloody century.
You twist on him. “You’re being unprofessional. Shut up and take this seriously, Garrick.”
You duck as a sniper shot pings dangerously close to your head. Spot Nikto across the way, hand-signaling to ask if you need back up. You reply with a ‘no’ and turn back to Gaz.
Thankfully, it seems he’s caught the message and keeps his mouth shut for the rest of the stupid drill. You resist a snappish comment when it’s over. Up until Gaz starts up again.
“I just think you deserve—”
“I don’t care what you think I deserve,” you interrupt. “I know what I deserve. And it’s a partner that can keep their feelings in their vest.”
Speaking of, Nikto appears at your side like a shadow in shifting light. There’s a disapproving tilt to his head, aimed at Gaz. You shake your head and tap your knuckles against his.
“Need a water break?” You ask, worried about how long he’s been under the helmet.
He shakes his head, then surprises you by bumping his forehead against yours — his version of a kiss. Even in private those are rare. You hum at him.
“Thank you, Nik.”
You have to run the next drill with Soap. Know from the start he’s going to be a stubborn prick about it. Can see it in the set of his jaw and the flicker in his eye.
“Didnae have to be a knob to Gaz,” he says.
You don’t respond, slipping away as the exercise begins. He calls after you and hurries to catch up, nearly blowing your cover.
“He feels bad enough for what happened, ye know.”
You level him a cool, blank stare. “You speak for him now?”
His eyes narrow. “If you won’t give him the chance to, aye.”
You knock his leg out from under him and fire at the “enemy” combatant, Nova. She sportingly goes down, but mutters that you should have let her take the shot. You should have.
“You compromise this drill again,” you tell a toppled Soap, “I’ll tell Laswell direct that you don’t belong on this mission.”
You spin on your heel and continue the exercise, ignoring any and all attempts by Soap to get you to speak again. At the very least, he picks up the slack, earns his callsign.
Nova finds you again when it’s over, arms around your neck and chest plastered to your back.
“Look’it you go, mamas,” she coos. “Shot me through the heart all over again.”
You laugh bending your legs to let her hop up for a piggy back ride. Yeah, you’re tired. But never too tired to carry your girl around. She giggles in your ear as you carry her off back to your captain for her next drill.
“With Price now,” he says, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“Sure thing, boss,” you answer, doing a good impression of enthusiasm.
You know your place, settle into position just behind Price’s left side. No overtures about the past this time. Whatever iota of lingering respect you have for him grows as you complete the drill flawlessly. When it’s over, the two of you are at the furthest point from the designated “start”. And that’s when he decides to open his stupid mouth.
“It wasn’t personal, you know,” he says.
You smooth out your expression even though you don’t turn to him, already starting back.
“It was the best call,” he explains, falling into step with you.
You tilt him a sideways look, don’t even bother with your full gaze. Spent far too much time looking up to him, by your estimate.
“I look out for my soldiers.”
You turn forward again. “I wouldn’t know.”
Your captain happens to intercept, sweeping you up with one arm. You yelp, though can’t help grinning as you hook your fingers in one of his chest straps.
“Shouldn’t sneak up like that, sir,” you scold.
“That’s how I’ll know when I need to retire,” he replies with a crooked grin. “When I can’t sneak up on you anymore.”
You huff, snatching his sunglasses off his face to wear all the way back to the start point. Keegan meets you, looks directly at you as he salutes.
“Captain,” he says.
You laugh, give your CO his glasses back.
“Keeping fuckin’ around, Russ,” the captain rumbles, “I’ll take it out of your ass later.”
You gasp, scandalized, and laugh as the little skin visible through his smearing face paint turns pink.
“Off with you, girl,” your captain says. “We’re done after this, so keep it quick and clean.”
“Yessir,” you reply, jogging off to meet Ghost.
Fucking Ghost.
You don’t spare him a single look as you set up for the exercise. If nothing else, you have every expectation that he won’t say a single goddamn thing to you. No attempted apologies, no reprimands, no justifications. Just radio silence, like always.
What you don’t expect is for him to treat you like nothing’s changed. Like you’re still a fresh transfer that can’t watch their own six. You consider just putting your “gun” away and trailing after him until the exercise is over, but that would be just slightly too immature.
So you suck it up, grit your teeth, and do your job. Up until he gets in the fucking way. You’re about to get a sneaky shot on Keegan — a rare thing indeed — but Ghost moves. Goes out of his way to get the shot you already had and loses you both the element of surprise.
“Fucking oaf,” you snarl, scrambling behind a wall. “Is this your first fucking day or something?”
His eyes flash across the corridor. “What the fuck did you just say?”
You don’t reply, getting low and kicking your boot off, carefully sneaking it towards the corner like you’re trying to peek out. Keegan comes around, aiming too high and in the wrong direction, and Ghost shoots him.
Keegan “goes down” — goes out of his way to land on you, actually. You huff and shove at him.
“It’s not nap time,” you groan.
“Can’t hear you, I’m dead.”
You snort and shimmy out from under him. Not so different from most mornings, actually.
“If you two are done…” Ghost growls.
You suck your teeth and stalk off, giving Keegan one last pat to the back. The rest of the drill is barely civil, Ghost’s eyes more on you than on the training grounds.
When it’s finally, finally over, you sigh and pause, trying to work out that knot again.
“Haven’t changed a bit, have you?” Ghost sneers.
It’s meant to hurt. Meant to piss you off. Maybe remind you of the last things he said to you. You don’t look at him, bending to re-lace your boots. Thrilled to realize it’s like poking at an old scar. The skin is deadened, even though a mark remains.
“Fuck you’re so immature,” he growls.
You straighten and just start walking. Keegan finds you almost instantly.
“The hell was that about earlier?” He asks, frown audible.
“Ugh, he got in the way. I would have fuckin’ had you, otherwise.”
His eyes spark with outrage. “He fuckin’ what?” He snarls, turning like he’s about to say something to Ghost. Which… no. Just not worth it.
“Keegs,” you sigh, “c’mon, I told you this would happen. He’s not worth it.”
He scoffs, laces his fingers with yours. “‘Course he’s not. Don’t waste bullets on the dead, right?”
You snort and tug him along. The rest of your team will be waiting.
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numberonecodwomenfan · 3 months
im going crazy thinking about my idea for a cod women roller derby au
i play roller derby and i literally just finished practice so its fresh in my brain rn
also theyre all on the same team because i want them to be besties ok
laswell is the captain of the glam grenades (yes i know the name is corny, derby team names usually are lmaoo), and her wife coaches the corresponding junior team. laswell’s derby name is watcher, and her number is 01. she usually plays as a blocker, but she’ll pivot sometimes.
farah is almost solely a jammer. her derby name is farah scare-‘em (which again, i know its corny but all derby names are 😭). she’s a speed DEMON, and she’s insane at jumps. if she’s jamming against you, you’re barely even gonna land a hit on her. she’s jumping around on her toe stops and squeezing around blockers like she’s dancing. alex goes to all of the team’s practices and bouts, and he’s practically drooling the whole time like “holy shit thats my badass girlfriend”
valeria is usually a pivot. her name is slammin’ scorpion (referencing that one line where alejandro calls her a scorpion 🤭), and when i say slammin, i mean it. shes one of those blockers that gets penalties constantly. she is VICIOUS. she send jammers flying when she hits them. she has a lot of pent up anger, ok? god forbid a woman has hobbies.
roze is a blocker for sure. she’s sturdy as hell and it takes a lot to take her down. her derby name is ragin’ roze and shes a bad bitchhhh!!! i like to think shes pretty tall, so sneaking around her is a no go with those long legs. she also seems like the type to manhandle her teammates a lot. like if the jammer is moving to the opposite side, shes yelling “out!” and just yanking the other blockers over.
callisto is a blocker too. she prefers to play as a point because she’s a control freak, and while she trusts her teammates, she prefers to be able to see the jammer. this is a really stupid joke but i think it would be funny if her derby name was lady liberty because she’s from france and moved to the US lmaoo
i feel like stiletto’s derby name would just be stiletto. its cool enough on its own lmao. she also gives blocker to me, and i feel like shes the type to get penalties a lot and then get insubordination penalties for giving the refs sass.
nova feels like a jack of all trades to me. i think her derby name would be nova, and i feel like she would be one of those players that just throws caution to the wind and charges in with no hesitation.
kleo is greek and i also imagine her to be pretty tall, so i think her derby name would be something like amazon lol. i feel like shed be a pretty aggressive blocker. she is NOT letting that jammer past, so much so that she sometimes gets stop block penalties.
uhh yeah thats all the brainrot i have lmao. i might draw them 😏😏
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cariadlovescodwomen · 7 months
listen, i get it, i really do, i get that there is a lot more male characters in the game to obsess over, buy could ya please acknowledge the women? pretty please?
i’m scared of annoying people with repeating myself so much, but this is my blog??? 😭 i’ll post about this as much as i want, lmfao
i love them so much that it’s killing me, or the lack of content for them is
re-reading the same four headcanons, two fanfics, non-stop checking one blog over and over again
i’m happy for ghost/soap/price/könig stans… i am not at all envious… not at all… (but why do some of you guys exclude gaz from 141 stuff??)
i’m fed when it comes to valeria, thankfully, but that’s about it (any cod writers that write for valeria, kate, and farah, i love you so much, but i’m way too scared to ever make an ask, even anonymously)
(does anyone else’s social anxiety extend to the internet?? i find posting these things incredibly nerve-racking, i could never ask a STRANGER ON THE INTERNET to maybe write something for me)
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that-one-hom0 · 10 months
More CoD art heres Kleo🩷🫶🫶
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Novas here too bc they r gfs :3
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s-oaps · 23 days
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nova-lunosi · 2 days
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Ghost saying "Johnny" parts 1 and 2 from my TikTok
Part 3
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fic-heaven · 25 days
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COD masterlist
Pick your drink=>
Feel free to request anything
Ghost (Simon Riley)
All for a pair of tits / part2 n.fw
Distant memory [AOT AU]
Good lucks kiss
Brown eyes (+Gus)
Jealous much? (+Price)
Last confessions
Soap (John Mactavish)
Nutella Doughnut
Friends doing friends things (messy unedited) n.fw
Price (John Price)
Jealous much? (+Ghost)
Reyes (Enzo Reyes)
Was it that hard to say? n.fw
Make it a twenty. n.fw
The three fools head cannons (1. 2. 3.)
Turquoise smoke.
Gus (Gustavo Rodríguez)
Fangs [masterlist] n.fw
I will try n.fw
Brown eyes (+Ghost)
Ice cream incident.
That one Halloween party (1.)
All I want for Christmas is you.
Fruta del pecado [masterlist] n.fw
The three fools head cannons (1. 2. 3.)
König (Andreas Dobler)
Say my name (1. 2. 3.) n.fw
Nova (Nila Brown)
The three fools head cannons (1. 2. 3.)
Graves (Phillip Graves)
But you belong to me.
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grian-updates · 4 months
Grian uploaded a Fishing Video!
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loth-moth · 11 months
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022)
SpecGru Operators - Default Skins and In Game Biographies.
For all your creative/curious needs.
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All images, characters and writing belong to Infinity Ward and Activision. I've simply edited them down to full cards for the sake of accessibility. Enjoy <3.
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mockerycrow · 9 months
Price x GN!Reader where you’re a demolitions expert. Why would they bring another demolitions expert when they have both Gaz and Soap, you may ask? Well, this order came straight from General Shepherd—because you’re a demolitions expert, specifically with gas bombs.
And Nova Six has made an appearance after a long, long hiatus.
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charliemwrites · 3 months
Part 10! of SpecGru reader. This is a little short, but I was so excited to post because NOVA.
Content: safe/sane/consensual sex - oral, female receiving
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Nova is your partner for the day – running drills as guest instructors for recruits, working them so hard they don’t have enough air to make any stupid, sexist remarks. The two of you spend all day flirting like a new lovesick couple, your hand drifting low on her back while she teases you with double entendres. Press her up against the wall outside the dining hall after lunch, licking the taste of apple off her lips while she tangles clever fingers in your hair.
Don’t care about who might be watching, or who cares. Not like your captain does. The opposite really, as he sidles up behind you while you’re spotting Nova in the gym. He slaps your ass so hard it damn near echoes, smirking at your scandalized face while she quickly reracks so that she can laugh.
“How are my girls doin’ today?” he chuckles.
“Right as rain, cap,” Nova answers, beaming when he cups her cheek.
“Can’t be anything but good with our star girl around,” you reply, winking at her. Bark a laugh when she smacks you in the thigh.
“Yeah?” he asks, a note of sincerity in his voice now. “Those shitheads leavin’ you alone?”
You blink, realize that there has been a distinct lack of 141 overtures today. No wonder you’re in such a good mood. An orgasm in the morning, your pretty, hyper-competent girlfriend all day, and no shitty former teammates? That’s practically a vacation lately.
“Do I have you to thank for that, sir?” you ask. Remember him saying something about talking to Price yesterday.
“You can thank me later,” he answers with a little smirk.
“Gladly, sir.” He’s getting more than that at this rate.
“Just wanted to check in on you two,” he continues, tweaking your nose, “and there’s an intel brief at 1600.”
“Yessir,” you and Nova reply together.
He chuckles again, gives you both one last fond look, then takes his leave.
“Finish up in here, shower, and get there a bit early?” Nova suggests.
You turn back to her, wipe a bit of sweat off her forehead with your forearm. She huffs in (only half fake) disgust and lays back on the bench again. She’s still got half a set to finish.
“Yeah, I want to steal Price’s usual seat,” you answer.
“You petty little tart,” she chuckles.
You lean your elbows on the bar and lean over her, arching your eyebrows playfully. “I’m your petty little tart.”
“Have always had a sweet tooth,” she muses.
You laugh and get off the bar so that she can continue. Of course, you’re keeping a close eye on her – but lord, she’s distracting. Thick thighs and solid abdomen, her tank-top is even sticking to the flexing muscles. And her arms. You’re not even being subtle, drinking in each deliberate rise and fall of the metal bar. Following droplets of sweat down her biceps…
“You mind?” she huffs, though not without amusement.
You jolt a bit, flushing as you help her rerack again. She sits up, a mischievous curl to her full lips.
“What’s got into you, huh?” she asks, tilting her head.
You shrug as you switch places, trip up a bit when you realize just how nice the view is. Even thoroughly sweaty, she smells a bit like coconut. Damn.
“Not you, unfortunately,” you reply absently.
She chuckles, tapping a finger against your forehead. “Tell ya what, love – you do five extra reps and we can make that happen.”
You’ve never flown through a workout so fast.
You damn near stumble into the shower stall, lips and tongue tangled with Nova’s. The flimsy curtain flutters haphazardly behind her as you reach blindly for the knob. Ice cold water drenches your back, but it does nothing to cool the desire blazing in your gut. Not when she’s peeling herself out of her compression pants, shimmying out of her damp shirt, and wriggling out of her sports bra.
Don’t even care about your own clothes, dropping to your knees in awe. She’s absolutely gorgeous, your girl. Pretty brown skin interrupted by pale patches like scattered clouds, meeting of earth and sky right there in front of you. Something divine about that, you think vaguely. She certainly looks the part, all strength and confidence, dark eyes smoldering like coals. Interrupted only by slashes of scar tissue and the SpecGru tattoo on her forearm.
You’ll never get tired of looking at her.
“C’mere, love,” you murmur, hooking your fingers behind her thigh and gently urging her closer.
She laughs a bit, though there’s a breathless edge to it that makes you perk up like a dog.
“You’re still dressed, daft thing.”
You shake your head. “That can wait.”
Despite your deal in the gym, there’s nothing you want more right now than to take care of her. Just leave her a shaky, whimpering mess, until your shirt is wet with her rather than water or sweat.
“Let me take care of you, baby?” you breathe, hands skimming up her soft thighs. You caress your thumb over her labia, licking your lips at the stickiness already gathered there. “Please, Nila.”
She shudders hard. You groan softly, trailing kisses over the bundle of tissue protecting her lower tummy. Can feel her twitching a bit from the ticklish sensation of your hair brushing her ribs.
“Y-your sure?” she asks. “I haven’t washed off yet…”
“Don’ care,” you mumble, scraping your teeth over the sharp cut of her hip. Tease eager fingertips over her leaking slit, playing in the trim curls. “I gotta taste you. Stay hydrated ‘n all that.”
She tries to scoff, but it’s overtaken by a wobbly moan when you suck a modest mark into her inner thigh. Keegan’s going to pout when he sees it; that’s his favorite spot to claim on all of you.
“Yeah, babes,” she gasps, “g-go ahead.”
It’s probably pathetic, how quickly you faceplant into her pussy. Can’t bring yourself to care when the taste of her bursts across your desperate tongue. A bit of salt, but all her, earthy. You lap at her with the flat of your tongue, starting at her dripping entrance and working slowly up until you curl the tip over her slippery, swollen clit. Again and again. Until all your thoughts whittle down to this, to her. To the helpless clench of her empty cunt and the involuntary buck of her hips. Nothing to calm your thoughts like taking care of your angel.
“Fuck, baby,” she moans, blunt nails scraping over your scalp.
Your eyes roll back as shivers chase down your spine, moaning into her cunt just to return the effect. Love how her head tips back, knees quaking. You scoot in a bit closer, hook her knee over your shoulder to offer some stability. Then focus your attention on that button of nerves, sucking it gently into your hot mouth.
“F-fingers,” she whimpers, “fingers too, love. Please.”
As if you could deny her anything ever. Circle worshipful fingers around her entrance, groaning lustfully when slick begins dripping down your wrist. God, she always gets to fucking wet. When she tilts her hips with a needy whine, you test one finger inside her, rubbing gently against her walls. But she keens, clearly wants more, so you stuff a second finger inside her, curling them as you flick your tongue over her clit.
“Fuck!” she cries. “Yeah, just like that. J-Just there, babe.”
And you’re useless to do anything but acquiesce, setting a steady rhythm that leaves her squirming on your mouth and hands. Feel like you could get off on the noises she’s making alone, your own pussy drenched and aching. But you can’t be bothered to spare a single thought or movement for yourself, hands and mind too full of Nila.
Your dedication is quickly rewarded by the telltale squeezing of her pussy, the increasing pitch and volume to her voice. Don’t dare change a single thing, as desperate for her to cum as she is. Could live forever between her thighs, just like this, listening to that voice break for you.
“Fuck, fuck, I’m… c-cum – fuck!”
You moan as she drenches your chin and neck, quick to support her weak legs so that she can ride out each and every wave of her ecstasy. Suckle at her sensitive clit and circle your fingers around her spongy g-spot until she’s shuddering, gently tugging at your hair. You pull away reluctantly; don’t want to overstimulate her (when she doesn’t want it) but pussy-drunk all the same.
Give her a second to catch her breath, dotting kisses like stars around your pretty Nova.
“That was perfect,” she coos, “come up here for a kiss? I miss you.”
You make sure she’s steady before standing, smiling, stupidly charmed. “I’m right here, sweetheart, nothing to miss.”
“Miss you anytime I’m not kissin’ you,” she replies dreamily, looping her arms around your neck.
You pepper kisses along her jaw until you reach her puffy, bitten lips. Tuts softly at their swollen state before she thoroughly distracts you by licking the taste of herself from your mouth.
“Spoil me,” she sighs against your lips.
“Not spoiling if you deserve it,” you reply, hugging her close.
She giggles brightly, tucking her face against your flushed neck. Stay like that for a moment, gently swaying. Then she nips gently at your collarbone.
“C’mon, let’s get you out of those clothes.”
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callsign-mimic · 3 months
So... Uh... I know I just posted part 4 yesterday...
But I had a lot free time at work today...
A Waltz with Patience
Part 5. Part 4 is here
Tags/CW: Angst. Just... Angst...
Word Count: 858
The mission had gone to shit rapidly.
One minute, everything was running smoother than butter on a slip'n'slide.
The next, hostile forces were everywhere.
And you and Mimic were missing.
Desperate calls over the comms were met with worrying silence. The explosion that rocked the compound only served to raise everyone's anxiety the longer they were met with radio silence on your end. Keegan called in from his vantage point for overwatch. The part of the compound that had been blown up had been the exact location of the intel that the team was supposed to collect.
Which had also been the exact location that you and Mimic had been heading to.
The enemy soldiers had cleared out after the explosion, finding they were losing too many of their own to five operatives. Nikto was the closest to the blast site, quickly making his way through the rubble. The sound of his voice over the comms made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.
"Found them."
But the moment was brief.
"Doesn't look good."
Castle sent Rusty to join up with Keegan and contact exfil. Price and Laswell had gotten him in contact with Nikolai, and he was waiting for the call in his chopper. Nikto was digging through the rubble when Castle and Nova arrived to help. It didn't take the three of them long to fully uncover you. You looked up at them, your sweet face flooding with relief at the sight of your team. Your partners. More rubble cleared away revealed Mimic, her body braced over top of yours like shield.
Any feeling of relief that the team would have felt was immediately wiped out when they saw her condition. She was covered in cuts and gashes from the concrete shrapnel, and there was a combat knife embedded in her shoulder. Her breathing was ragged, her body shaking from the effort of keeping the rubble from crushing the two of you. She looked as if she was barely alive, and Castle found himself briefly wondering if she would even make it back to receive medical attention.
He shoved that thought aside violently as he gingerly lifted Mimic into his arms. You tried to stand, only for Nikto to scoop you up and start running toward the exfil site. You could hear your captain talking Mimic in a voice so soft and desperate that it made your heart ache.
"Stay with us, doll." Castle says, holding Mimic as tight as he dared to keep her from being jostled as he ran. "You did so good, Sweetheart. Just stay with us,okay? Don't leave us now. Not now." He could tolerate a mission failure, but not losing one of his own. And while Mimic may officially belong to a different unit, Castle still thought of her as one of his. The idea of the mission being a failure, and losing Mimic on top of that, was almost too much to bear.
Rust had to be physically restrained when the rest of the team made it to the rendezvous site. You and Nova practically had to sit on him to get him secured in the chopper while Castle and Nikto got Mimic safely secured. Her eyes flutter open, and she smiles as she looks up at Castle.
"C-Captain..." She says, her voice a hoarse whisper from breathing in the smoke and dust from the explosion. Castle plants a soft kiss on her forehead, brushing her hair out of her face.
"Shhh, Sweetheart. Don't try to talk. We're gonna get you some help, okay? I just need you to stay with us. Got that, doll?" His eyes study her face before he notices that she's trying to reach for a pocket on her tactical vest. He reaches into the pocket for her and pulls out a USB drive, looking back at her to see her beaming up at him.
"Th... The intel..." She says, looking like that cat that caught the canary. "We... g-got it..." Castle stares at her, completely astonished. The mission hadn't been a failure. The intel had been secured. Mimic had managed to get the intel, on top of saving your life. He wanted to pull her into his arms and cover her face with soft, sweet kisses. But she had a coughing fit that brought him back to reality. Her breathing was still labored and ragged. He could only assume that she had multiple broken ribs. Who knows what other damage she's probably suffered.
Her eyelids start to droop again as consciousness fades, making everyone in the helicopter start to panic. Rusty starts calling to her, his voice laced with anguish and desperation. She hears everyone begging her to stay awake. To stay with them. She feels Castle's hands cupping her face, his lips brushing her temple as he speaks softly to her.
"Come on, sweet Bunny. You can't do this. You've gotta stay with us. Renee, baby doll, please... You can't make us all love you and just leave us behind like this... You can't..."
She feels his lips press against her temple. Something warm and wet lands on her cheek. And then...
Everything goes dark.
Tag List: @charliemwrites @soupforthecryptids
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cariadlovescodwomen · 7 months
i’ve sucked it up for so long, but it’s actually killing me now 😭
we (i) need more cod women content on this app!! platonic or romantic; valeria, kate, farah
i don’t care for könig, horangi, gromsko, etc
i want roze, calisto, stiletto, luna, kleo, nova!!! i love them so much it hurts
headcanons, fics, whatever
i doubt anyone’s gonna see this, but oh, well 🤷‍♀️
i am *not* trying to make anyone write for characters they don’t want to/don’t know very well!
anyway, thanks for listening, lol 😭
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lilchickie · 2 months
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~ Innocence lost~
It's comforting to imagine these three have a sibling-like bond...
I love my underrated operators so much 🌺🌴🍁
Nova 🌺 Gus 🌴 Reyes 🍁
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nelida-alvarez · 3 months
I blame @charliemwrites for this 💀 I’ve been obsessed w/Captain Daddy for a while now, so enjoy I guess.
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There was something poetically horrible about relieving past horrors in nightmares.
As Nélida sat up in her bed, the sheets pooling at her waist, she sighed. She rubbed her eyes with the heel of her palms, grimacing as she felt the sweat on her back slowly cooling. She looked down at Nova as she felt her move slightly, grumbling in her sleep.
Nélida winced slightly as she carefully got up so as to not wake up the woman sleeping in her bed, and placed a hand on her lower back, massaging lightly a sore spot. She sighed through her nose as she put on slippers, bending down to press a sweet kiss to Nova’s lips before quietly leaving her bedroom.
She silently made her way to her Captain’s chambers, her heart still heavy with fear and despair at the unwanted memories she had relieved. As she came to a stop before Castle’s door, she pursed her lips. Nélida knew she could always ask for comfort, of course. It still didn’t feel right to do so, no matter how many times her loved ones assured her it was fine.
She rapped her knuckles on the door, the knock seeming deafening in the silence of the corridor. Not waiting for an answer, she quickly got in the room before closing the door behind her, her legs rapidly eating the distance between the entrance and the bed.
Humming slightly at her sudden appearance, Castle scooched to the right to make place for Nélida in his bed as she took off her slippers. She crawled into bed with him, immediately burrowing herself into his chest, wrapping herself around him the best she could.
“Bad dream?” He whispered, caressing her back with one hand as the other lightly scratched at her scalp. Instead of responding, she nodded.
“Wanna talk ‘bout it, sweetheart?”
Silence reigned for a moment before Nélida replied, her voice full of the tears her eyes refused to shed.
Castle hummed at that, moving one thick arm to place Nélida on top of him, corded muscles bunching and releasing. She let herself be moved, plopping down on top of him as he gently patted her ass to comfort her. She took a shuddering breath, small hiccups leaving her clenched mouth.
Nélida calmed herself down by listening to the strong and steady heartbeat of her Captain, her tears slowly but surely drying.
“Feel bad.” She croaked out after a while, her voice hoarse.
“Left Nova ‘lone…” she said, mentally chastising herself for that. Surely Nova would be confused and worried when she woke up alone…
“I’m sure she’ll forgive you, mami. Just gotta tell her why you left.” Castle gently cooed, effectively putting a stop to Nélida’s worries.
“Just go back to sleep, Néli. Leave everything else for tomorrow, hm?”
And with that, Nélida nodded, her heartbeat slowing as she fell into a dreamless sleep.
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(Please tell me if I mischaracterized Captain Daddy)
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