#Nezuko Kamado x reader
sugoi-writes · 11 months
KNY HCs - A Surprise Kiss! Part 2
Prompt: You give them a kiss unexpectedly; how do they react, when they like you back?
A/N- Next part is here!!! Sorry i struggled to get this part out. This part includes Genya, Nezuko, Obanai, Mitsuri, Gyomei, Tengen, and Muichiro. Let me know if you guys would be interested in a part featuring demons (especially Upper Moons and whatnot). Anyways, this was really fun! Please enjoy! 💗💗💗
Content warning: some implied steaminess for some of the Hashira, and spoilers for the newest season (Sword Village). Proceed with caution if you haven't watched/read ahead! 💀💗💀
He has a hard time around people who are typically femme, but it literally wouldn't matter who or what you were: because you're still his type.
The second you get within 5 ft, he's blushing. The second you touch, his veins are gonna burst in his skull. The second that touch becomes a kiss...
Genya.exe has stopped working.
He is absolutely stunned into silence. He makes no move to continue the kiss or move away. But you seem to be able to tell that he didn't mind it. Not ONE bit.
You would take his hand, apologize for being too forward, and probably make yourself scarce around him. You figure this would be best if you really did overwhelm him.
It would take quite a few days, but similar to Sanemi, he confronts you head on. Whether it's grabbing you by your haori, or slamming his arms on either side of your head... Hes got you trapped. Even though his face is still BEET red...
"I-I don't understand yet... wh-why you'd do that to a guy like me... but..." He would hesitate for a moment, before planting a kiss on your cheek.
" But... I'll try... to become a guy worthy of your kiss."
Even if you try and reassure him, or persuade him into thinking he's a million bucks, he will go over the moon to impress you, protect you, etc. He wants to be better than what you want him to be: he wants to be your equal.
And while it certainly takes him a while to loosen up, his kisses are some of the sweetest and most sincere. He would try to hold your face, every time. He would never truly want to let you go of you and your warm cheeks.
"Hmmm...~ Hmm-hmmm-- mmm?"
Nezuko, who is humming and fixing her hair, is surprised when you kiss her. She'd blink a few times, her cheeks glistening with a rosy blush. She still struggles with most words, but smiles warmly to you.
"Th...tha...! Thank... you... Y/...N-san!"
You practically scream with delight. This would be the first time you heard her say your name!!!
Like many humans, Nezuko is very protective of you. But you find that she hovers around you a little more recentky, similar to how she treats Tanjiro. Almost as if you're a guide, interpreter, or just a person she can confide in, she'll often reach out to be near you. Whether it's holding your pinky with hers, tugging on your haori, or even grabbing your hand, she likes to stay in close proximity, especially if she can make physical connection with you somehow.
She sometimes struggles (mentally) with being close to you, especially in fear that her fangs may injure you, but her kisses are short and sincere. Similar to Shinobu, she would kiss you most anywhere but your lips publically... but every once in a while, you're blessed with direct kisses.
"T...thank goodness... Y-You like me too... Y/N-san...!
Eyes narrowed with steely focus, he would be absorbed in his work, or freshly sheathing his sword. You roughly grasp him by the collar, forcing him to finally look your way.
"What is it you're doi--mmphm?!"
When do you finally get him to shut up? ONLY when you're kissing him. Even with a kiss over his bandages, Obanai flushes vividly, pushing you away. He turns away, checking his bandages hastily.
"NEVER surprise me like that!! You're lucky I didn't have a chance to react properly...!" You were about to apologize, when you see his shoulders relax," hah.... the bandages didn't move, after all..." The relief that floods his voice almost makes you want to cry. You were trying not to pity him, knowing he had his reasons to hide his face. But you wish he didn't feel the desire to keep those bandages on... or better yet, the shame he felt when they came off.
You place a hand on his shoulder, making him tense up.
"Obanai... next time I kiss you... if you're okay with it, i... I wouldn't mind it if it were without your bandages on."
That statement alone has him wide eyed, staring at you with disbelief," I... I don't..." For once, his stoic expression and tone is replaced with one of unease and uncertainty.
"I... I don't know if I'm ready for... that..." he would admit quietly," But... I appreciate the sentiment. I truly do."
You'd smile up/down to him, and place a kiss on his cheek instead," Whenever you're ready. I could wait a thousand years, if you'd have me..." Obanai squints at you, bluntly replying," We'd both be dead by then..."
You smile, winking," Then in the next life, maybe?"
Obanai would flush quietly as you'd walk away, reaching up to gently press the spot you last kissed him at,"... I see... maybe so, Y/N-san... Maybe so...."
BLESS you, if you ever do kiss him without his bandages on. Though his scars may have surprised you at first, it doesn't affect how sweet or chaste his kisses are. And once you receive them in earnest, they never stop... 
Oh, and the over protectiveness with you? Multiply it by 20. People aren't allowed to breathe the same air you do unless he allows it. And your missions, from henceforth, are either accompanied with or monitored by himself or Mitsuri. Almost NO exceptions.
"Y/N! Y/N! Look here, look here!!" Surely, Kanroji has something absolutely adorable to show you. You turn to her quickly, pushing your hair back out of your face.
"What is it, Kanroj--"
The both of you turned too quickly, causing your lips to meet in the middle. Immediately, the two of you pull away from the other. Mitsuri whines, bowing her head rapidly.
"Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry!!! I-I didn't mean to!!"
You have to grasp Mitsuri by her shoulders, before she listens to you again," Kanroji-san!!! It's okay, I promise!!! W-We're friends, after all... accidents happen."
Mitsuri's expression changes slightly, her lip quivering," R-Right... friends..."
You go back to your task at hand, not picking up on her disheartened cue. You notice her squirming beside you after a few moments, making you concerned.
"Mitsuri? Are you ok--"
Your lips meet again. This time... on purpose. Mitsuri clasps your cheeks with both hands, planting a fat kiss on your lips, before pulling away.
"Th-There!!! That one wasn't an accident!!! And that's going to be the first of many... I-- I--! Aaaahh, I don't want to just be friends, Y/Nnnnnn!!! Not anymore!!!" Mitsuri basically wails, making you smile sweetly.
You lean over again to kiss her, soothing her mild tantrum if only for a moment," I dont think I want to be 'just friends' either, Mitsuri... so we're partners now. Okay?"
Mitsuri would nod rapidly, mentally swearing herself to you, for protection and for marriage," Deal!!!!"
She's already planning your wedding. She hints at what kind of ceremony she prefers, or flowers she'd like to have in her decore... little does she know, you've already been saving up for something big... maybe her birthday could double as your wedding day?
But for now, that's wishful thinking. For now, you're quite alright with sneaking quick, heated kisses before major missions, and cuddling your tired, full partner after she gorges on her favorite food.
Neither of you mind. But the both of you know that you're actively working towards a future where there's more to your relationship than sweet kisses and embraces.
In a deep, meditative state, Gyomei sat practically motionless as you quietly approached him. Due to this, he hadn't heard you or your sweet giggles are you inched closer. You had always been his number one, secret admirer... and seeing him so content and serene made you want to kiss him. He just looked so beautiful, dangit!
Even with him sat before you, Gyomei was MUCH larger than you... but no matter!
Nimbly, you were able to wiggle closer, admiring the calm breathing of the Stone Pillar. It wasn't until you brushed your lips against his that his eyes instinctively fluttered open. As if from a deep slumber, Gyomei blinks a few times, dazed," Oh... I'm sorry, is this... Y/N?"
You nod and hum, knowing he knew your voice all too well," Guilty as charged~" Gyomei's eyes watered as he heard a genuine, airy laugh leave you, his hands folding neatly into his lap.
"Ahh... so the pining wasn't one sided, after all...," Gyomei sighs, as if relieved. You blink and audibly swallow, your face heating up.
"I-I guess not, Gyomei-san," you reply in surprise, reaching your hand down to brush a stray tear from his cheek. Had you known he had liked you back, you would have kissed him MUCH sooner...
Gyomei smiles brilliantly, tilting his head up as if to look at you,"... if that is the case, my friend... if you don't mind, I'd like you to join me by my side."
You have to calm yourself down as he pats the space beside him. You take him up his request, sitting and scooting closer until your knee bumped his. You feel a large, warm arm wrap around you, pulling you closer until your head was against his chest. Your face burned as Gyomei chuckled.
"...thank you for taking the initiative, Y/N-san. I admire your forwardness. I just wish I could have made that first kiss more..."
"Special?" You finished, Gyomei nodding back quietly.
"W-Well, that's okay-- I already feel like kissing you, on its own, is very special. But..." You sit up, before crawling into his lap. Gyomei would tense up, flushing as a coy grin makes it way to your face.
"I think we can make the next kiss particularly special... if you'll have me."
Gyomei couldnt reply verbally, as the impulse to kiss you tenderly overshadowed the flowery words and praise he wanted to give you.
His kisses were many, and they would be mostly reserved for your cheeks and temples. But most of all, your kisses would be an assured way to make his heart race. Due to his blindness, kisses feel electrifying to him. Making your kisses together all the more special and intimate for him. He loves you to bits, and would never pass up on a chance to engage with you, especially through touches and those sweet, featherlight kisses. Even if others may be close by...~
Little to anyone's surprise, Tengen is a HUGE flirt. It didn't matter if it was a stranger or his bestie Rengoku: he would relentlessly do and say things that would tetter on raunchy or sappy. This, however, was something you were used to. And at times, you'd welcome it.
Tengen, many times, had made jokes about you becoming his fourth spouse. Quote him: "Afterall, who said polygamy had a 4 person limit~?"
You'd normally roll your eyes, and playfully shove him, not knowing what his other spouses thought of you. But after getting to know him more, and even being over to his estate a few times, the jokes felt more... sincere. As if he were wanting to propose more properly.
So finally, after a particularly rough Hashira meeting, Tengen would look at you again, with a serene look in his eyes," ...Y'know, Y/N... if you ever considered settling down more properly, or commitment in general... I think you'd make a really good spouse. The others think so, too." He would grin, nudging you playfully," Theres always room for one more, yknow~ "
And, after a few quiet moments, you hadn't yet replied. No shoving, no tickling, just... a heavy sigh. Tengen starts to worry he offended you... until you pull him down/up for a kiss.
Tengen, being the good man he is, immediately leans into it, eyes closing on their own. When you finally decide to part for air, you're absolutely beaming.
"Well, while I can't accept your 'proposal' without the others consent... I wouldn't mind being courted. Normally, yknow..." Tengen looks practically speechless, as your arms snake around to hang on his neck.
" How about we start slow... maybe dinner at your place, next time we meet? Im sure the 5 of us have a lot to talk about before we take it too far..."
Tengen, surprised that his forwardness may have actually paid off, smiles tenderly. He pulls away from you, only to take one of your hands. He guides it to his lips and kisses you knuckles, running his thumb in circles along your warm skin.
"Suma, Hina, Makio, and I... we'd be honored, Y/N. Let's shoot for next weekend, then."
"Huh...? What did you want to see me about, again?" Mui would probe, following behind you.
"I-I just wanted to go somewhere more private, to tell you something." You'd reply evenly, a steady blush spreading across your face.
"Is that so... lead the way then, Y... ahh, sorry, Y/N-san." You roll your eyes. Surely he hadn't forgotten your name so easily. Maybe he was teasing you?
As you finally get to a more private area, you turn towards him, face heated," Muichiro... I have to say it."
The mist hashira would look to you, eyes widening," Ahh... did I forget something again...? Sorry... I still struggle... even now, i guess," he would admit, making your knitted brows soften.
"N-No... you didn't forget anything... but..." You lean forward, trying to kiss him on the cheek, before he recoils quickly. You blink in surprise, face twisting in regret. Oh shit... so you were rejected huh... You can't muster any words as he looks at you, bewildered.
"...were you trying to kiss me?"
You were flustered, assuming your hunch was correct, but you nod shamefully. Then, Muichiro pulls you in by your wrist, placing a soft kiss to your lips. You gasp, taken by surprise even as Muichiro lets you go.
"...sorry... I feel like I would be able to treasure your kiss better... if I initiated it. I hope that's alright with you."
The both of you are perfectly flush now, but you smile warmly back to him, pulling him in for a hug," Well, if you ever forget... I can always kiss you again?" Muichiro would have an idea, leaning his head on your shoulder," Mmm... I think I'm in need of a reminder."
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Maybe making a bento for the kamaboko squad?
Anon (´∀`•) This was such a nice request to receive! It just instantly sent my head into fluffy territory and it was just a pleasure to write.
It also made me want to make a bento?
if you have any other requests like this one - or literally any other type of request - then please send it in because your more than welcome too <3
Making a Bento for the Kamaboko Squad!:
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Tanjirou Kamado:
Ok, first off! Tanjirou would literally eat anything and everything you made him - seriously, head AND stomach of steel
Obviously if you took the time to make it all pretty and presentable he would look it in awe and eat it slowly to properly savoir the presentation and flavoring
Loves it when you pack him all the home cooked meals
He's happy with food that were left over from breakfast or dinner from yesterday - so long as its something you've made
Enjoys your Miso Yaki Onigiri with Honey Soy Chicken with a side of cherry tomatoes + sauteed cabbage
Anything yummy makes him happy - well... anything that you've put time and effort in is always gonna make him happy
Wouldn't say he has a big sweet tooth but he really can't turn down your desserts - especially if freshly made!
Particularly loves your Matcha Marble Pound Cake
If you ask him, Tanjirou will help you make your's and his bento's
Nezuko Kamado:
Nezuko loves your bento's
She loves the bright colours of the food that you use - it always makes her happy to see that you've added something into the rice to make it slightly pink
Nezuko also has a soft spot for sweet things so when you add extra Tamagoyaki (sweetened omelette) from breakfast to her bento it adds a little pep in her step
She really loves forward to the bento's you make during cherry blossom season cause everything is cherry blossomed themed - lots of cherry blossom themed desserts too! e.g. Cherry Blossom milk pudding
Oh! Enjoys abit of Sweet and Sour in her bento - specifically when you use the lefter overs from your sweet and sour chicken + vegetables with steamed rice
Sweet and Sour Chicken with Japanese Potato Salad and steamed rice with sesame seeds and umeboshi (pickled plum) + cherry tomatoes
Will absolutely help you make the bento's
Inosuke Hashibira:
He's still getting used to receiving a packed bento - Inosuke was really confused when you first gave him one
Doesn't see the point of all the pretty food shapes and colours to begin with but he does secretly enjoy it when you shape and do all that stuff with his food - it just helps prove that you love him cause your making him food and making it into things he likes
Cackles when he opens his bento up and there's onigiri shaped like boars + pigs
Will eat anything that's smothered in teriyaki sauce or tempure-d
Absolutely adores sweet potato pie and will eat an entire one to himself.... - its safe to say that you put at least a couple of slices in his bento when you make a pie to hold him off
To give him his vitamins in the form of fruits, other than berries, you usually pack him a Fruit Sandwich/Fruit Sando - a taste sweet dessert in sandwich form that consists of sweet milk bread, fresh whipped cream with strawberries, kiwi and orange - which you usually have to give him extra as he scoffs down the first one
don't ask him to help make the bento's.....he'll eat everything as your preparing them...
Zenitsu Agatsuma:
Absolutely sobs when you give him a bento.... actually that happens every single time you make him a bento
Enjoys literally all of your food
Will absolutely sob while eating it...
Really enjoy when you use ginger and honey in the foods
Has a softspot for your Ginger Pork Onigirazu
Although he really loves when you pack Nikujaga (Meat and Potato Stew) with Shirataki Noodles with a side of Miso eggplant in his bento
Loves all the desserts/sweet things that you pack him
Doesn't matter what type of dessert - cake,mochi, crepe, etc. - its going into his stomach
although if he had to pick a favourite, it would have to be your Warabi Mochi
You can ask him to help prepare the bento's but he will add more stuff than needed or add the wrong decorations and/or seasonings
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kyojurismo · 1 year
kamaboko/hashira/uppermoon (any of those choose to your liking sweetheart 🫶🏻) with an s/o who’s distracted easily which causes them to be kind of clumsy
tags : gn!reader, fluff, bruises, very clumsy reader bc i needed to laugh lol.
a/n : went with the kamaboko bc i’ve never written anything for them ??? absurd.
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tanjiro would be worried about you 25/8
literally sleeps with one eye open
whenever you’re close to walk into a piece of furniture or in a door he’s quick to pull you away and avoid you getting hurt
that’s because you usually walk with your head turned to look at something or maybe because you’re speaking with someone
or when you’re walking outside, tanjiro is always ready in case you trip over your feet
“you should look where you’re going instead of staring at the sky...”
“but i heard a bird,” pout on your face
“that’s dangerous, be more careful alright?” kiss on the nose
nezuko pushing you out of the way whenever you’re about to hit something
she’s always holding your hand because she’s scared you’ll get seriously injured
“nezuko-chan, look at those flowers!” there you go tripping on your feet
but don’t worry, she jumped in front of you so you fell on her back
she thinks you’re the one that needs to walk inside the box ngl
she loves touching your bruises with her forehead as if to kiss them
zenitsu when he has anxiety because you might get hurt even when he’s around you
would cry if you hurt yourself & feel bad about it
he usually stops you physically if you’re talking with someone or looking at something while walking
because he knows you would end up hitting something or falling on the ground
super sweet whenever he checks your bruises and cuts
“i walked into a tree,” you’re crying while zenitsu checks your forehead and then he pouts because he feels like it’s his fault
treats you like a toddler
holds your clothes 24/7 because man’s on a duty
and his mission is surviving each week without ending with you covered in bruises
he somehow feels you’re about to walk into something and his hands end up wrapped around your forehead or whichever part of your body and take the blow for you
“watch your step! if you lived in the mountains, you would be dead already!” it’s usually what he says to scold you
he saw tanjiro do it, so he would usually kiss your bruises and then smile at you as to copy him lol
another person who feels bad whenever you are the one hitting something
“i’m so sorry!” she helps you get up and checks if you’re alright. “no i’m sorry, i was distracted.”
knows how to medicate you tho and it’s pretty good at it ngl
holds your hand or arm every moment, just in case
“look, that’s uzui-san over there!”
bonk, straight into a wall
“oh my god! are you okay?”
kanao is this close 🤏🏻 to get a box similar to nezuko’s one
man would be so stressed
“watch it!” bonk
“y/n!” straight into the door
“what the hell!” you just hit a table
genya studying your bruises while counting to 10 trying not to snap at you & warn you to be more careful
“i swear there was a beautiful bird!”
“at least stop walking! shit,” genya rolls his eyes
he’s not really mad at you, he’s just worried ):
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reblogs & comments are super appreciated! thank you for taking your time reading it, i hope you enjoyed it. have a good day / night <3
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
Thank you: Soft moment between You and Demon Slayer characters.
Notes: Man, I should be asleep right now because about to be but in a coma by my heart rate- But no, my brain wants this. Only tanjiro is a romantic choice but it still up to you.
I read the motherly HC’s by @midnightwriter21 and i couldn’t help but want to do something to. Thank you for the comforting idea that heals me.
Reader: Female, and sweet and caring. Very motherly.
Characters: Tanjiro Kamado, Nezuko Kamado, Muichiro Tokito
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(Romantic/ Platonic)
It had been years since he felt truly at home somewhere. It wasn’t just comfort of those around him, he had nezuko and that was all he need. No matter where he was he had her, and his founded family. But here, with you, was something familiar but distant…
The house smelled of cinnamon, he woke up in fresh clothes and sheets under him. He was warm and felt at peace. He had no idea why this didn’t just feel like a safe house. When he woke up he saw his clothes cleaned and repaired, the holes and blood stains no longer in them. And a cute hair pin for nezuko, which she was hopping up and down for.
When they made their way down the hallway the sweet smell got stronger and it made his mouth water. Nez was the first one to open the kitchen door and rush in, with a hum and a brightened look on her face.
He felt his heart warm as you smiled sweetly at her, flour on your cheek and sweat on your forehead from the warm room. “Come sit down,” you move your hands to show a nicely made sitting area with plates already prepared. “Hope it’s to your liking” He looked at the plates, nez couldn’t eat the food and he felt bad to bring this to your attention, until he looked closely. It wasn’t food at all but pretending food, like for children to play with.
You felt so homely to be around, like one his mom used to have. “I’m also making cookies, because you deserve it.” Tanjiro just looked at you for a minute and let his body take in the feeling of warmth. The sunshine in front of him with all its glory..
He was very grateful and thanked you, he shouted at how nice you had been to him and that he would make up for it. But you refused any help he offered around the house. So for the short time he stayed there, he cherished every second.
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He had never met anyone as gentle as you and he wondered how you got into this line of work, or made it this far without being killed. You weren’t a demon slayer, but a doctor for the near by demon slayers. You ran a safe house, cooked and clean and hosted anyone who needed it.
You ran your hands softly along his arm with some medicine that was cold, he just sat there. He could barely feel you, and he knew if it wasn’t for the medicine being cold he wouldn’t feel it at all. Usually, these things sting the wound but that didn’t happen. “You should get some rest when I’m done here, I’ll bring you a change of clothes.” You smiled at him.
He just looked plainly at you and slowly blinked, but speaking to you. “Do you prefer a red or a blue tooth brush?” What kind of question was that? Really, why would he care. A few seconds you realize he wouldn’t crack but that didn’t hurt you in the slightest. People take time, or maybe they never open up at all. It didn’t matter, as long as they are happy.
You patched him up from every scratch to every bigger wound. You never once let go of your smile, or didn’t try and talk to him when he wasn’t comfortable in doing so. The silence wasn’t filled with tension, it was calming to say the least. Your carful touches and your soft breaths, it was almost like being taken care of a mother…
You stood up when you were all done and clapped your hands slightly together and opened a  cabinet. Pulling out a few things, a blue toothbrush, a small towel, a pair of socks and what caught his eyes the most…
A blue lollipop.
“You don’t have to eat it, but all my patients get a treat.” Your voice beamed as you hand him the candy. He stared at it confused and then back up at you. It was very soft, like not even a inch but his lips curled up. “Thank you.” He said quietly.
You just giggled and help him to his room. He didn’t know why you just smiled and acted like a angel. But, it was a nice change.
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While tanjiro chopped firewood, something he begged you to let him do and wouldn’t stop asking about, she had a moment alone with you. She sat beside you, the sun had just set and you did some of your work.
You hummed a sweet tune as you wash the clothes, in your own little world. She stared at you and enjoyed the sound, it was nice to her. Maybe it was a glimpse of the passes when her mother would sing to her and her siblings. Whatever the reason, she was loving this moment.
That was until you stop humming the song, maybe it came to a end but she glared slightly, not mean or anything but in confusion. You heard her make a sound and found her staring at you with her head titled to the side.
You just smiled, “What is it, Nezuko?” You asked with a cheery tone. She just inched closer and tried to hum like you had, her nails pointing at you. “Oh, is this about my humming?” You chuckle as she nodded her head at a rapid speed. “Do you want more?”
When she agreed you smiled, continued to hum a new song your mother had once taught you. A weight pressed on your shoulder and your heart flutter in awe. She closed her eyes and listened to you continue to make the sweet sounds, her face happy and calm.
You knew this moment was more important to you. The place got lonely at times but with the siblings staying you couldn’t help but feel a hole being replaced. It was healing for you in a way, to hum for her like your mother used to do when you slept.
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komoboko · 6 months
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𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐤𝐨 𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐝’𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐞
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ft: tanjiro kamado, (platonic) nezuko kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira, kanao tsuyuri, genya shinazugawa
So sorry Kanao is short I had no ideas for her 😓
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# tanjiro ! ☆
giving: words of affirmations
TANJIRO, who can’t help but compliment you nearly every time he sees you. It’s almost an instinct as his mind has almost trained itself to do it by command. He can’t help but notice even the smallest change in your daily look and create some sort of compliment out of it. He finds it more meaningful to put his love into words and to really show you how much he loves and treasures you.
receiving: quality time
He enjoys just being in each other presence. Whether you both are doing things together, or your doing completely separate task. Tanjiro is perfectly content with just embracing your presence. He enjoys when he you come to him after seeming out his presence just so the two of you can enjoy anything, together.
# nezuko ! ☆
giving: acts of service
While she can’t use her voice to express herself, NEZUKO prefers to use actions. She enjoys helping out others, especially you with anything. Whether your lifting a box somewhere or your setting up a table for dinner, nezuko will be on standby to try and help you. She’ll fight by your side to protect you as she’s seen you do the same for her.
receiving: physical touch
Nezuko likes spending time with you, as well as doing things with you! She treasures when you braid through her hair or even help her with an injury despite her being able to heal herself. She likes being close to you, seeing you as a more parental figure in her life. When she’s able to come out of her box when the sun sets, her first task once she sees you is to swoop in for a hug.
# zenitsu ! ☆
giving: physical touch
ZENITSU, not surprisingly thrives off of physical touch. Every time he lays eyes on you, he’ll run while chanting your name to swoop in and give you as right off a hug as he can. Any type of affection in a physical form is something he can and will do, whether it’s a sweet hug before bed or pestering you and poking you while your trying to train. Zenitsu will find a way to do it!
receiving: words of affirmation
The boy’s self esteem issues shouldn’t be as high as they are. So any time of comforting and reassuring words are sure to make him melt. He can’t keep his composure hearing you chant praises while he’s training leading to multiple accidental injuries. Other times he’s almost brought to tears in privacy as you can mutter compassionate words to make sure he feels only the best about himself.
# inosuke ! ☆
giving: physical touch
Being one of the only proper ways he knows how to show affection. INOSUKE will be sure to bother you with any stunt he can pull. Wrapping his arms around you neck while he laughs about anything, or ruffling your hair in a playful manor when your around. Growing up in the woods didn’t really teach him any proper forms of love at all..
receiving: words of affirmation
Any praises that come from your mouth are sure to hype him up for anything that he’s facing. Considering his whole ‘king of the mountains’ dynamic this sure fuels his ego into becoming an even better slayer. What he doesn’t realize is how much your words stick to him. As in the depths of the night his minds trace back to your words and he finds himself asking why your words made his heart flutter in ways he’s never felt.
# kanao ! ☆
giving and receiving: quality time
KANAO loves and embraces being in the presence of each other. Whether your seeking out her, or she’s seeking out you. Being in each other presence is something sacred that she treasures. Similar to Tanjiro, she doesn’t mind what your doing when your alongside each other. You could both bring in a comfortable silence doing completely separate things and she’ll still believe it’s a moment well spent with you.
# genya ! ☆
giving: acts of service
Poor sweet GENYA who’s to embarrassed to put his love into words that he does it best with actions. He tries to help you out with anything you really do it could be the smallest task and Genya will still insist for him to help you. He wants to show you he cares for you, and taking all the task your responsible with so you can relax for yourself is his go to way to show you.
receiving: words of affirmation
Your words fluster him but he treasures what you say dearly. He’s constantly ashamed of himself for what he does and for his choices from the past, so any reassuring words will lead straight to his heart. He’s been flustered just by hearing you compliment him more then he admits, your words of praise and confirmation that you love him for who he is rings in his ear at dusk. He just can’t help but fall in love even more.
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bullieving-in-amour · 11 months
"Can you convince or bully me to eat ?"
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Prompt : Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke, Zenitsu and Hotaru reacting to you requesting this of them when you're struggling to get yourself to eat.
CW : Mention of food, no specific talk about ED but it is written with it in mind. Hurt/Comfort
Pairing : & GN!Reader, Platonic/Friendship
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•He'd take it upon himself to have a balance of pushing you and have you do it on your own. He doesn't want to force feed you, but he understands you need someone to make the decision to do it for you at the moment.
•He's so supportive, but he's not babying you. He would however, if it was what you asked. His big brother side comes up whenever he comforts someone - and he knows sometimes people just want to be babied a little, regardless of your age. Which can be quite amusing, the older you are compared to him, to have him do it on instinct. makes quite the funny sight to - but it's sweet.
•If you don't ask for it, his words are strong, and comforting. He's not going anywhere, and he's not letting go. You can do it ! You don't have to eat more than you can handle, but don't worry, he'll make sure to stay and have you eat some amount, at the very least, enough to keep you going.
•He'll cook for you, if you can't do it. Or he'll help you cook, or watch you cook. If you already have food, he's just preparing it into a plate for you, and sits next to you as you eat what you can. He's touchy, if he knows you're okay with it, and keeps a hand on your back, often tracing circles with it to comfort you.
•Tanjiro's presence is a strong pillar that you know won't let you give up, but also won't push you past your limits. It's true that he needs that himself, at times, but you know it's okay to let him care for you the way he knows how to, and feels secure.
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•She takes the consent for convincing and bullying to heart. She's not letting you get away unless you make it clear you can't do it. She understands you need a strong help - so she'll give it, and that's a promise.
•She's using her charms, and being sweet, as always, but she's also very good at being convincing. She's taking you to wherever it is you usually eat, helps you get the food if you don't already have it. She'll try her best to make you something simple to eat - if you're struggling, she figures something easy is better on the stomach and the mind. You might need to help her a little, if she's struggling. Her abilities to handle tasks sometimes depends on the day.
•The bullying comes in the form of her annoying you. She'll throw her fists, never enough to hurt, obviously. Poke you again and again, huff and puff, whine. Pinch you, shake you. The whole younger sister treatment, really.
•She'll feed you by hand unless you stop her or start eating on your own. She also holds you through it, staying close and making sure to show you how much she loves you. She cheers when you're done - regardless of how much you ate - and gives you a hug.
•Nezuko doesn't hesitate in anything she does to help with you if you ask for her. There's no doubting she'll try her best to help you, and if needed she'll get someone else in on it, but she'll always try first.
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•Giving him the option to bully you is a terrible, terrible, but effective, choice. If you want someone to make you do something, he's great at it, that's for sure.
•He's not big on words, past saying he'll make sure you eat well. And by well, he means you'll eat something you like, and filling, not necessarily well for your health. Maybe it's surprising, but he's going to make sure you get a food you really enjoy. He's not one for cooking, so if it needs to be made, he's getting Tanjiro roped, no matter what time it is.
•You don't have to worry about moving a finger, unless you want to. He won't stop you, if you try to do it with him. But if you don't ? He's telling you to wait right there, he's got this ! He's so overconfident, it's bound to rub off on you.
•He's cheering you on like you're winning at a sport competition when you finish. If you ask him to be calm, he'll try his best, vibrating in his seat and making Inosuke noises.
•Inosuke is not the most calm, comforting presence in that way. But his loud comfort is something you're bound to be used to, and at this point, there's something comforting in it. He's secure, he doesn't let go, and despite that he would bully you as well if you were to push yourself too much.
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•Do you want a hug ? what kind, how long ? Do you want to go eat now ? Do you want him to hold your hand ? He can distract you if you want ! He knows you asked him to convince you and bully you, but he'll only resolve to it if he can't communicate with you through it. Besides, he can convince you, with care and love and affection !
•He's soft. So soft. He's afraid of making you feel worse - but he'll nod vigorously and square up if you tell him you need him to be more severe with you.
•Regardless, unless you can't do it at all, he's trying to get you to get the food with him. Make you feel like you're accomplishing something, overcoming the struggle it is - but he also understands it's not that easy. That sometimes, you can't do anything, and that's okay.
•He makes sure you eat slowly, so you don't get sick, and drink through it. The moment it seems you're at your limit, he gets you to take a break, and tells you you can eat more later if you feel good for it.
•Zenitsu is not someone you can doubt either when it comes to the honesty of his care. It feels safe, knowing you can just get as much care and love as you need without a word, or asking for it. He's a stable safety.
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•If you're someone who's okay with it, yes he'll threaten you.
•But if you're not someone who would be okay with that treatment. it's different then. It's true that he's a mess, and doesn't always know how to act with people. But after some hesitating, he's going, and he's confident. Somewhat.
•He's getting you sitting somewhere, and you better not move from there. He's taking care of you, so better listen to him. He's getting a meal he knows you can handle, but something easy on the stomach, and easy to make. He doesn't want to lose time, and make sure you eat as soon as you're able to. He'll ask questions, make sure what you can and can't handle, like touching, words, etc. He's a bit blunt, but it's nothing aggressive.
•He'll be antsy, as you eat, so he crosses his arms and sits on your side, leaning against you and looking elsewhere. Like he's making sure no one will intrude and scare you to stop. But at the same time, he's showing he's there, and he wants you to feel better.
•He's.. a bit of a mess, and it may rub off on you, energy wise, to be fully honest. But he's here, and he doesn't run away, not from this. And he'll never stop trying to be the kind of support you need him to be, no matter the mess he is. He's a safety you trust, no matter the mess ups.
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hope you like it ! leave a comment and reblog. my requests are open <3
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blues824 · 1 year
Can I please request the Kamado squad with the female riddle s/o
🌹Her obsession with red and rules her being a doctor (last time I forgot that riddle wanted to become a doctor that his whole family came from the medical feeld )
❤️Imagen them being the only one get inosuke to follow a few rules.
🌹Her garden of demon repellant magic infuse roses (nezuko didn't get problem in the wisteria house when she was there so she gets the green light )
❤️The first time that zenitsu ran up to her and asked her to marry her before listening to her rules or telling his name got him collard (this if for everyone because eventually they stat to date one of the Kamado squad boys. )
🌹What's there reaction to her magic and unique spell of with your head.
❤️How would they react that she is on muzans radar because of her magic and is getting protection from the hashiras because she and her magic can make him more powerful and immune to the sun.
I don’t think I’ve ever written for the Kamado Squad if I’m being honest… unless I have and I forgot about it. This includes Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kanao, and Genya.
Fun fact: I am the same height as Riddle and share the same birthday as him 🙂
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Tanjiro Kamado
Your height isn’t a problem to him since he’s only around 5’5” (165 cm) and you’re around 5’2½” (160 cm). All he has to do is look down a little and there you are! He wouldn’t tease you about your height, though. 
Whenever he has to travel, he will bring you back a trinket that is in the color red for your sake so that you may be reminded of him as he is gone. A few times, he brought back roses of different varieties as well so that you could press them in a book.
He supports you and your study of the medicinal arts and often goes to you instead of Shinobu for treatment. Of course, you reprimand him every time he gets hurt, but it’s to be expected in his job as a Demon Slayer.
He’s always happy to see the Queen’s Palace (that’s what you had named your mansion) and its demon-repellent roses. A while ago, you had conjured up a magical talisman for Nezuko so that she wouldn’t be harmed by the flowers. You would see your Tanjiro through your window and rush to the courtyard to greet him with a worried hug.
He’s always so amazed by the things you can do with your magic because he knows that it’s a very powerful thing. Many times, he has seen you behead Zenitsu for trying to get you to marry him. He finds it humorous rather than irritating.
When he gets word from Giyu that Muzan has you on his radar for your magic, he is angry. That demon has already taken his family away from him and turned his sister into a demon, and now he wants to take the only ‘normal’ thing from him? You actually had to calm him down from going straight to killing Kibutsuji.
Each night, as you both lay in bed together, he wakes up due to having nightmares of you either dying or being turned into a demon so that Muzan can learn magic from you. You were gradually becoming concerned and had to reassure him often that you weren’t going anywhere.
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Nezuko Kamado
She is almost the same height as you, standing at 5’ even. You are finally taller than someone, and for some reason that makes you happy. But you don’t tease her for being smaller because you wouldn’t want someone to do that to you.
When the Kamado squad comes to the Queen’s Palace, you often open the box and open your arms for Nezuko to run into. It took a while, but after a few months you got used to her affectionate personality and even enjoyed it.
She’s often intrigued by your knowledge about medicine and would often hang around in your ‘lab’ or ‘office’ on one of the stools while listening to your voice. She can’t talk much because of the muzzle (she keeps it on so as to maintain self-control) and so she listens to you.
Nezuko understands why you enchanted the roses you grew, she just wishes that she could help you tend to them. At the end of the day, she’s just grateful that you created a talisman for her that counteracted the effect of the roses so that she could at least go inside the Palace. 
She’s most definitely mesmerized by your magic because she hasn’t seen anything like it before. That’s if we’re talking about basic magic. When you use your unique magic on Inosuke, she finds it hilarious because you’re so angry as well.
Once, she overheard you, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Tanjiro talking about how you were a target on Muzan’s hitlist. She ran in and clung to you, tearing up. The 4 of you were taken by surprise, but you hugged her just as tight, whispering to her about how you would try your hardest not to be taken and how you would protect yourself for her.
Now, she doesn’t ever want to leave your side. Forget Tanjiro, you are the one she wants to stay with 24/7. When the group needs to hit the road, she hisses and scratches at her own brother because she doesn’t want to be taken away from you. Even on the road, she sulks and cries.
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Zenitsu Agatsuma
He’s just a bit taller than you, standing at 5’4¾” (164.5 cm). He wouldn’t make fun of you for it either because he’s not the type to do that to a lady, but loves that he’s taller than you because it makes him feel ‘manly’ in a way. 
Would often try to court you or fluster you by presenting you with a couple of roses he found at the market every single time he visited the Queen’s Palace. The one time you finally accepted them was the day he swore he could’ve died happy right then and there. He wasn’t going to die alone!
When he gets hurt, he finds it adorable how you fuss over him. He knows deep down that you’re just worried about him. He’s never had someone do anything like this for him, so he just has a blissful expression on his face as you scold him for the nth time.
He’s glad that he finally gets a break from seeing wisteria flowers all over the place, but you took the enchanted rose thing to the next level. All over the grounds of your mansion, there were rose bushes that you had him help tend to.
When you demonstrate the sheer strength of your magic, he’s completely terrified. You’re more powerful than any Demon or Slayer. He’s experienced your collar the first few times he held out a rose bouquet to you as a greeting. He was secretly relieved when you finally accepted his love because he knew that he wasn’t going to be beheaded anymore.
One time, he overheard you discussing the matter of you being targeted by Muzan with one of the Hashira, and he was angry. I’m not talking about the Tanjiro-how-dare-you-be-traveling-with-a-cute-girl mad, I’m talking about the passing-out-and-bringing-out-his-demon-slayer mad.
He now gets paranoid at every noise he hears throughout the mansion. He’s more serious and jumpy than ever before. The only ways to get him to calm down is to either lay his head in your lap and run your fingers through his hair or to cuddle with him in bed.
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Inosuke Hashibira
Would absolutely take advantage of being the taller one. He’s 5’4½” (164 cm), so he’s not that much taller, but to him every inch counts (that’s what she said). Would be the type to just pick you up and haul you over his shoulder and carry you around while you scream at him to put you down.
Doesn’t know anything about the human ways of courting and would often ask the others in his group about the feeling he gets in his chest whenever he’s around you. Tanjiro tries to stifle his laughter and Zenitsu is full on wheezing and yelling about how he certainly has a type.
This feeling goes haywire when he’s injured and you tend to him while also yelling at him to try and be more careful. He then decides to ask you why he feels this feeling in his heart and you are obviously shocked. You then have to try and explain the concept of love to him.
After a while, he gets protective over you and he’s glad that you grew the enchanted roses because that means you are safe while he is away. Whenever someone gets a bit too close, this mf is ready to throw hands.
He’s proud whenever you use magic. You are strong and smart as well as a bit feisty, so you are obviously his type (he marries Aoi, man definitely has a type). In the earlier stages of your relationship, he has been collared numerous times because he wouldn’t follow the rules.
When he overhears the conversation between you and one of the Hashira about Muzan coming after you for your magic, Inosuke goes silent. It’s not out of shock, mind you. It’s out of pure rage that his body couldn’t even begin to process.
From that point on, he’s more irritable than ever. You eventually ask him what the hell is wrong and he explains everything. He feels a bit ridiculous for being this angry, but you tell him that it’s not his fault. In fact, it was rather endearing to you.
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Kanao Tsuyuri
She’s half an inch shorter than you, so the difference isn’t noticeable at all. It’s ironic because you both tend to see eye-to-eye on many different things. Other than that, you don’t comment on each other’s height at all.
She doesn’t speak too much but she does offer some words here and there. She makes sure to respect all the rules you had put in place at your mansion (and you are so freaking grateful for it that it’s not even funny).
She offers to live with you and stay at the Queen’s Palace to tend to the sick. You obviously accepted and wrote a letter to her older sister that you were needing some assistance and Kanao had offered to help you.
She helps you with your rose bushes as she does get worried about you not being able to defend yourself if not given the time to prepare. She listens as you teach her how much water and pruning the bushes need to stay healthy.
She’s shocked whenever you use your magic for anything. It’s not something you see everyday, so she always stares in curiosity as you revive a rose that was gifted to you or you collar someone who made you angry. 
When she gets word that Muzan is coming after you for your magic, she gets flashbacks. She fell to the ground, but no tears were coming out… just like at her oldest sister’s funeral. She was not about to let that happen again.
She had noticeably become more helpful to the point you didn’t even have to lift up your finger for anything. She also has become more clingy in a way. You asked what the deal was and she quietly told you what was wrong. You held her close and whispered that you didn’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.
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Genya Shinazugawa
Would try to tease you about you being much shorter than him (he’s 5’11” or 180 cm). You most definitely have collared him multiple times. The thing is, he doesn’t know how to interact with women so he can’t hold a proper conversation without joking about your height.
One thing he would do is he would definitely be protective over you. He knows about emotions, so he’s not dense. Once he confessed to you, he stopped making fun of your shortness. From then on, he gets jealous very easily (as if he didn’t already).
He visits you often at the Queen’s Palace just so you could dote on him. One time, he came seriously injured and he just stared at you lovestruck as you went off on him about how he should try his best to be more careful.
I headcanon that he definitely does not have a green thumb, so you urge him to stay away from the roses. He sits at a nearby chair as he watches you tend to your garden. He admires the way you gently take care of your beloved flowers.
He’s always amazed by the way you harness your magic and overpower him or anyone else for that matter. You’re able to detain a demon with your unique magic, which prevents them from using their demon blood art.
When he overhears you talking to yourself about upping the security of the Palace for your protection against the forces of Muzan, he gets scared. He bursts into the room and asks you what the hell you meant by that.
From that point on, he’s the one who answers the door. He escorts you everywhere to make sure there is no surprise ambush or attack. He sleeps with you in your bed (consensually, and in a SFW way) so that he may be able to protect you at your most vulnerable point.
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sanemifromcriagslist · 9 months
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba
↳ Characters Im writing for!
Requests are opened; headcanons only
Zenitsu Agutsuma
Inosuke Hashibira
Nezuko Kamado
Tanjiro Kamado
Aoi Kanzaki
Genya Shinazugawa
Kanao Tsuyuri
Gyomei Himejima
Obanai Iguro
Mitsuri Kanroji
Shinobu Kocho
Kyojuro Rengoku
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Muichiro Tokito
Giyuu Tomioka
Tengen Uzui
Muzan Kibutsuji
Hinatsuru Uzui
Makio Uzui
Suma Uzui
Hotaru Hagenzuka
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My Beloved: Nezuko KamadoXReader
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You couldn’t say for sure when it started, but you know one thing: you were deeply in love with a demon and not any kind of demon.
It was Nezuko Kamado, the little sister of your fellow demon slayer Tanjiro Kamado.
You meet them both while you were dealing with a nasty demon who had eaten severely freshly married couples.
At first, you were wary of them.
You have been for two years now a demon slayer and Tanjiro was only a few months on the job. Then of course that he had a demon with him, even if he assured you that Nezuko was harmless and wouldn’t eat any human.
You didn’t think you needed their help.
Oh boy, were you wrong!
The married couple eating demon turned out to be tougher than both you and Tanjiro thought. It had been a hard fight and if hadn’t been for Nezuko you would surely be dead right now.
Without hesitation, she had thrown herself before you and got the full force of the demon attack. That she could stand after this was a miracle in itself, she was bloody and shredder nearly to pieces. In fact, she had lost an arm clean off from the attack.
You had stared at her back in shock. You just couldn’t believe it. She had protected you, a demon had protected you! She hadn’t cared for her own life, but more to save you who had been wary of her.
In your shocked state, you didn’t register how Tanjiro finished off the demon, but you felt a soft hand caressing your hair.
You looked down at Nezuko, still only with one arm left and bloody, and how she looked at you with kind soft eyes.
These big pretty pink eyes….
She made cute noises, thanks to her bamboo muzzle, but you had the feeling she wanted to ensure you that anything was okay.
Tanjiro then came over asking if you guys were okay and hugged his sister relieved. Nezuko let him hug her and kept caressing your hair.
After that, you became friends with the Kamado siblings. You started to journey with them and meet their other friends the frightened and flirty Zenitsu Agatsuma and the boar-headed, literally and figurately, Inosuke Hashibira.
You were all an odd bunch, but you guy’s made it work. It was like a little family. Since you were a girl you naturally stayed closer to Nezuko and even without a word a deep friendship formed. Nezuko never stopped to play with your hair any chance she got and making these cute noises for you.
You loved just to sit with her under a tree when it was night and watch her under the starlights. She wasn’t a demon, she surely was an angel from the heavens.
She was adorable.
Too cute for this world.
To pretty.
Too kind and good.
You didn’t care anymore that she was a demon, she was Nezuko, your friend.
Then one day as Nezuko was playing again with your hair you could feel yourself blushing and just looking at her in trance. Why would someone so precious give you this much attention?
You were rough on the edges knew only how to wield a katana, and didn’t care much for other people besides Nezuko, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke.
It was like this since your parents throw you out for the crime of loving a girl. Not that she stayed with you after you were on the streets. She married a boy from your village and forgot about you.
You who would have done anything for her, even faced your parents to be with her. But for her, you were just a plaything.
From that day on, you cared only for yourself and no one. You became a demon slayer cause there weren’t a lot of good-paying jobs for young girls and you didn’t care if you died or not.
Then Tanjiro and Nezuko came into your life and changed you.
They all changed you.
But mostly Nezuko.
You felt how your heart beat faster and oh, you knew this feeling.
You have fallen in love with Nezuko.
What should you do now?
Well for the first few weeks you did nothing, you acted as if nothing had changed, but now you literally burned when Nezuko touched you.
If she gripped your hand, hugged you, and caressed your hair.
It was too much.
You were going to explode one day for sure.
Your little group was now currently back at the butterfly mansion after an epic battle against a horde of demons for cures and you couldn’t take it anymore.
You had to say something to Nezuko.
Even if she didn’t accept your feelings you needed to get them out.
So when you both sat down under a cheery blossom tree at night and Nezuko started to play with your hair, you decide that now was the time.
“Nezuko?”, you started and she gave you a little hum. “Nezuko, I have to tell you something.”
Nezuko braided a part of your hair but looked with her pretty pink eyes into yours. She was giving you her full attention.
“Nezuko, you know how important you are to me, right?”, you asked.
She made again her cute noises and nodded her head. Then she patted your head. You know she meant that you were important to her too.
“Right, but there is more…”
You stopped and Nezuko stopped also braiding. She inclined her hair cutely. This meant she wanted to know what you meant.
With a deep breath, you took one of her hands in yours and faced her bravely.
“Nezuko…I’m in love with you.”
There you said it! You were sweating like a pig and felt like fainting on the spot, but you did it!
Nezuko only stared at you with her big pink eyes.
You gulped.
Oh no, maybe that wasn’t such a good idea.
Before you could have a panic attack and maybe cry like a baby, you felt how Nezuko smashed her bamboo muzzle against your lips.
You looked shocked at how she nuzzled her bamboo muzzle against your lips and made frustrating noises.
What was she doing?
Wait…was that…
You gripped her shoulder and softly shoved her from you. She blinked and made a whining noise.
“Nezuko.”, you said amused, and felt the butterflies in your belly flying like crazy. “Was that a kiss?”
She turned red like a tomato but nodded her head rapidly.
You laughed happily and hugged her tightly to yourself. She snuggled up to you and made her cute noises.
You know what she meant.
“I love you to my beloved Nezuko.”
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Later when you both came back into the mansion holding hands, you saw a happy crying Tanjiro who hugged you both tight and said to you sister-in-law, Zenitsu who was a shadow figure in a corner, mumbling about how neither Nezuko nor you would be his wife and Inosuke who was pocking him with one of his Katana’s.
Yep, this was your family, with your beloved demon girlfriend, her kind older brother, and Zenitsu and Inosuke who were like your brothers too.
But this doesn’t mean you let anyone spy on you and Nezuko!
Shinobu, Aoi, the little girls, Kanao and Nezuko watched amused and laughing at how you were hunting down with your Katana the three boys all around the mansion.
Life was good.
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samrsgyi · 10 months
Why? [ Kamado Siblings ]
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Samrsgyi note: Hope everything's okay with you guys, but just imagine nezuko and tanjiro with a suicidal reader can you imagine 😰
Tanjiro x Nezuko x Suicidal! Reader
( Shinobu is mentioned )
Reader is 13 years old
Warnings ⚠️: Angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of suicide, fluff at the end
Summary: Y/N feels numb from rengoku's death knowing that she now suffers from PTSD and anxiety. The Kamado siblings are worried about them and try to figure out a solution to help them calm down and make it through with some comfort.
( Nezuko can speak in this one but it's not an au!!! )
It was just like any other regular day. You had lost the sparks in your eyes since rengoku's death. You never wanted this to happen, you wanted him to live but I guess that was all a lie. You headed into the butterfly mansion to go into one of the beds and snuggle up with the blanket covering you. Your eyes filled up with water and started pouring out of them. Today you were supposed to help Aoi with folding the sheets but you were too sad to. Tanjiro was outside training for the final selection while Nezuko was just sleeping in the box. Nezuko was sleeping until something interrupted her nap. It was something that sounded like soft cries and short gasps. Nezuko got out of her box and saw you snuggled up in the bed and crawled over to you. She sat on the bed and poked you. You got startled and realized it was only Nezuko.
" Oh hi Nezuko-chan, you okay ?"
" Mhm "
" That's great."
You smiled with tears still rolling down your face and you slightly starting to calm down and keep your composure. Nezuko looked confused and hugged you. You put your hand on her head and held her close so that she wouldn't go.
" Are you ok y/n, you're...crying "
You paused for a moment and remembered seeing rengoku covered in blood. It scared you so bad that you could fully imagine it happening to any of your friends or the rest of hashira. You finally found your voice
" I'm fine it's just y'know allergies got me. "
"...Are you sure? It doesn't look like allergies to me at all."
" I-I-I...I'm just feeling a little numb from rengoku's death."
" Oh..."
Nezuko felt bad for you because usually she had dealt with her brother going through emotional numbing and bad memories but, never you. She leaned in to give you one more hug and you held her tightly making sure to loosen your grip a little bit making sure she doesn't leave. You don't wanna have to lose her as well nor anybody at all. You were gonna make sure it never happened. Soon as then you heard footsteps from inside you looked to see who it was when you were still hugging Nezuko. It was tanjiro. He looked at you and saw you crying and a sad smile went on his face and he rushed to you to give you a hug. He hugged you tight knowing that you needed comfort.
" Y/N are you ok, is something wrong?"
" I um...just sad about rengoku's death."
Tanjiro paused realizing what you had said and almost lost his spark remembering rengoku's death and wanting to cry but, he held it back not wanting to be emotional right in front of you.
" Oh y/n...we're all upset about it. "
Y/N burst out in anger and sadness.
Y/N let out all the sadness and anger they had and realized what they had done. They finally decided to confess to them.
" I've...I've been, um, over-dosing on pills for the past couple of days and wanting to kill myself. "
Tanjiro and Nezuko were in shock and had replayed the words in their head over and over and over. Nezuko hugged you tighter and tanjiro's eyes started to swell up with water and hugged you as well as Nezuko had done. You started to cry.
" Y-Y/N, why didn't you tell me? I was worried something like this would've happened." Said tanjiro
" Y/N, please tell me you won't ever try to do those things to yourself ever, okay I can't lose you, please." Said Nezuko
Your eyes swelled up with even more tears and you cried in agony and pain wishing his death didn't happen. Once you stopped crying, You, Nezuko and Tanjiro had all snuggled up on the bed making sure none of you ever got loose from each others grip. Once then, shinobu came in and saw all of you snuggled on the bed. She took the blanket and covered it on all of you making sure not to wake you guys up. You all snuggled as the sunlight shone through the window.
( I almost cried while writing this )
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trashland-llamas · 1 year
Imagine Nezuko developing Hanahaki…
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Gn reader
Nezuko would give up anything for her brother Tanjiro to have what little morsels of a normal life that he could. Even if it meant dealing with the pain of wisteria flowers blooming in her lungs. The bamboo muzzle not helping when she’d awake hunched up in her box with blood spilling out around it. On the other hand, she wouldn’t dare remove the muzzle. Unless it was absolutely necessary and this wasn’t necessary. She decided to do something final about the disease once the flowers started blooming along her cheeks. Nezuko sprinted to the one person in the demon slayer corps she thought would be of any help.
‘Who’s ther—Nezuko?’ Y/n didn’t care that Tanjiro ventured with a demon but they were confused as to why Nezuko was standing on their doorstep. ‘C-can I come in?’ Her voice rough from not using it regularly since she’d been turned. ‘Yea, come in, come in. Let me just put on a kettle and clear some things out of the way.’ Once a whistle sounded, y/n grabbed two cups. Not knowing how Nezuko took her tea, they put some sugar and milk in it. ‘So what brings you by?’ They weren’t oblivious, they’d noticed the wisteria bulbs forming on Nezuko’s cheeks. The bulbs a lighter purple than the full blooms.
‘You were an apprentice for Shinobu. I need you to make me some poison.’ Y/n after checking that Nezuko was in the right mind and truly wanted to go through with this, they agreed. Harvesting the bulbs from her face and a freshly coughed up sample. It’d do good to study the internal structure of the petals and bulbs. Gently taking the girl’s forearm, y/n found a vein to intravenously inject the poison. Watching as Nezuko succumbed to the effects of it, the wisteria flowers still killing her in the end.
‘I’ll make sure he understands Nezuko.’
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leviackermansbrat · 2 years
The Price of Immortality - Gaia Profile
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Appearance^^ (I reaaalllyy wanted a darker skinned OC)
*note: this OC is definitely overpowered, but of course I will give them handicaps that they can't overcome so don't expect it to be smooth sailing. If they had all the power in the world they would have defeated Muzan already.
Name: Gaia Tojo Age: 19 (after the 2 year timeskip) Height: 5'4 (162' cm) Hair Color: Dark Blue Eye Color: Green Outfit: Short sleeved demon slayer uniform with long pants and a dark blue haori (same as her hair color) decorated with constellations and a small sun in the middle of the back. Sexuality: Bisexual Status: Alive (12th reincarnation) Position: Goddess Hashira Weapons: Dual swords (katanas) one bright yellow blade and the other is a light pink color Breathing Style: Breath of the Gods
Info: Breath style is rumored to be derived from the Goddess clan that fought with the demons along with the sun breathing user and lost long ago. It is a breath that utilizes styles from the basic forms of breathing- including sun breathing and void breathing. This breath is unique and rare, only one other user has been recorded: Gaia Kibutsuji, who passed over 1000 years ago.
Breath Forms -
First Form : Infernal Agony
This style combines the aggressive nature of flame breathing and the poisonous nature of insect breathing in order to create a quick attack, The user charges forward and delivers a single decapitating strike to the target. This strike is acidic, corrupting the target's flesh and burning it.
Second Form : Solar Blessing
The user is able to give the target a peaceful death and recover happy memories from the demon's time as a human. It feels as if time is moving slowly before the user decapitates the target.
Third Form : Sacred Light
This form works by blinding the target with light that mimics the sun and brings pain upon the demon.
Fourth Form : Hell's Fury
The user creates a blazing heatwave inside of the opponent upon stabbing the opponent. Causing the enemy to explode from the inside. Will not kill the demon, but will slow the regeneration process and severely weaken it.
Fifth Form : Soul Dance
The user evades multiple incoming attacks and performs ten chaotic consecutive strikes that effectively weave in and out of themselves. This particular technique can cover a vast area.
Sixth Form : Godspeed
Derived from the first form of Thunder Breathing, this form accelerates the user's speed in order to deliver several quick slashes to the target. This is only used to wound the target and not to go for the final kill.
Seventh Form : False Reality
Derived from the sixth form of Sun Breathing, this form induces a state of delirium and delusion upon the enemy it inflicts, aiming to confuse the enemy before they are completely paralyzed, making it easy to slice the head off.
Eighth Form : Rising Blossom
A healing technique that summons the cosmic energy of the universe and pulls it in to concentrate in one area. Used to heal minor wounds and sprains but requires a lot of energy. If used to heal almost fatal wounds, the user becomes at risk of death, as the cosmic energy from the user begins to be drained.
Ninth Form: : Requiem
The user uses a rare state of calm mind to trick the enemy and strike in an instant with the force doubled.
Tenth Form : Blood Bath
This form is used for slaughtering multiple enemies instantaneously and combines the quickness of Godspeed and the aggression of Infernal Agony. This style is not physically taxing, but mentally as the user's sanity declines upon usage.
Eleventh Form : Infinity
The user goes into a full aerial attack, using agile and graceful movements to be read as unpredictable. The user's blade is unleashed, laced with poison, as it deflects any physical attacks in the way.
Twelfth Form : Mass Hysteria
The user is able to manipulate memories and emotions of the target if it comes in direct contact with the blade. By doing so, the user is able to distract the enemy until it is beheaded.
Thirteenth Form: Final Judgement
This form uses the target's life force against them and once impaled, a final judgement for their fate is made whether gruesome or merciful. An extremely powerful form like this requires a lot of energy, is extremely dangerous for the user, and can only be used once until the user has fully recovered. This form is used against powerful enemies and can kill a demon without decapitating it and instead just impaling it, hence requiring so much energy and being extremely dangerous. This form is used as a LAST RESORT.
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manji-is-a-crybaby · 2 years
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Gamer!Nezuko x Crush!Reader headcanons
Nezuko loves video games it’s her main hobby, even though she knows a lot of screen time is bad she tries hard to not be on the screen all the time but it’s hard cause she wants to beat her high score on subway surfer and text her friends that’s until Her mom takes her phone and tells her that enough time on the screen lol.
You actually made her heart felt something unlike Zenitsu always chasing after the poor girl who just wants to play games you, Y/n L/n the most prettiest/handsome girl/boy in the school a lot of people liked even had a crush but Nezuko fell for you not for your looks but when you helped her pick up her books when it fell out of her hands. Even though it was a little act it felt like a big and kind act to her.
Nezuko never told anyone her crush on you but Makomo because she didn’t want a rumor going around that she liked you and then you found out{which would be very embarrassing} and then your lovely ex Daki/Ume she broke up with you cause you were to nice to people but now she wants you back cause like she fell in love with you again, anyone who has a crush on will be meeting with her and her older brother which Nezuko doesn’t want to get involved with that business so she avoided going near daki/Ume and Gyutaro.
Nezuko can’t help but always stare at you, your just so pretty/handsome how could she not look at you? You even distract her from her video games a few times. I mean of course you already know your good looking a lot of people remind you of that everyday sometimes Nezuko wants to tell you that but she doesn’t want to bother you.
Nezuko always pay more attention to you more then others. Like for example you and Nezuko are with Inosuke and Zenitsu and your all talking right but If your Talking Nezuko will keep all distractions out of her view and look and listen to you even if your not talking she’s still pay attention to you like Inosuke and Zenitsu aren’t even there and it’s you and her.
Nezuko doesn’t really talk when your there i mean of course she’s loves you Company it’s just that she’s shy and don’t wanna embarrass herself in front of you but she is very talkative over text. Looking for a time to confess to you.
{ Please don't post my work anywhere else on tumblr and other Websites/Apps without my permission }
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rizzyu · 11 months
▵▿— Demon Slayer Hot Spring HC
Pairing: Swordsmith village arc characters - Tanjiro, Muichiro, Mitsuri, Genya, Nezuko x gn! Reader
Category: Fluff, light suggestive
Warning: Nudity, reader sneaking peaks at Mitsuri's... b a d o n k e r s
A/N: don't sneak peaks at people's boobs
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Dang, now you know about my fantasies
Poor baby would be quite flustered seeing you in a hot spring
I can imagine you tracing the scar on his shoulder while he would be so flustered that he kept stammering and couldn't talk straight
You both would sit there and c h i l l with your head resting on his shoulder (of course after he had calmed down lol)
Imagine giving him a little wash in the hot spring *mentally squealing while writing this*
Definitely would share a towel with you after getting out of the hot spring
I want to see this in my dream tonight
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Bet he would be spacing out in there BUT THAT’S SO CUTE
His hair is quite long, so it would be flowing around with the water, tempting you to play with it
Self-control… self-control…
You ended up playing with it.
But ok picture this, you were tenderly washing and untangling his hair. And because it felt so comforting to have you playing with his hair, Muichiro ended up falling asleep.
After he fell asleep you give him a gentle peck on the forehead then sat and leaned your head against him.
He then woke up to find you sound asleep.
Muichiro would carry you back to the house you were staying in in the swordsmith village and help you get cleaned up.
Aaaaand you would wake up realising you were in Muichiro’s bed with him cuddling you from behind :)
I wanna play with his hair so badly >:O
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Let’s all be real here, you both would be flustered seeing each other in the hot spring.
“KYAAAAAAAAAAH! It’s our first time soaking in a hot spring together! Isn’t this exciting??!”
You both would be chatting endlessly the whole time while you were soaking.
While Mitsuri was ranting about food or cats, your eyes would dart between her fern green eyes and her b a d o n k e r s I know you would you little perverts
Yea there were definitely a ton lot of ranting about random things.
After having a nice long relaxing soak in the hot spring, you and Mitsuri would have a nice meal.
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The poor boy would be painted red all over and be frozen in place as soon as you showed up.
You would be talking to him, asking how his day was, or whether he ate dinner already. But he would be too flustered to even open his mouth and talk to you.
You being intimate with him obviously did not help.
Tracing the scars that decorated his body is a must.
Throughout the whole time you both were soaking, the only thing anyone could hear was you happily ranting about random stuff, like what you wanted to eat for dinner.
After soaking, you would help Genya clean up. Because, well, the whole time Genya is too flustered to do anything.
Since he doesn’t usually go eat with everybody else during dinner, you would eat with him in his room.
You like seeing his soft side don’t you :)
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Nezuko is a fun and happy little girl, so I for sure know you both would be playing around in the hot spring
The both of you would splash water at each other, chase each other around the hot spring etc.
You would be playing with Nezuko like an elder sibling
Speaking of siblings, bring big brother Tanjiro too next time, Nezuko would be overjoyed to soak with her favourite two people in the world
I can imagine you giving her cute little pecks on the forehead
You would help Nezuko clean up and hold her hand as you both went to eat dinner with Tanjiro and Mitsuri afterwards :)
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looking for the right photos was the most painful process of this fanfic
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nayrring · 1 year
Haganezuka's build :
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mubabee · 4 months
so basically I made this cringe kny x reader a few years ago when I was younger, so I’m gonna be drawing some scenes from each chapter. (nezuko is genderbent in the story bc yes)
y/n is kinda like Inosuke, clueless and sht
let me know if y’all want context
ah sht I forgot to color the ends of nezuko’s hair ☹️
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