meiloorunsmoothie · 2 months
my day just got exponentially better
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loving-jack-kelly · 10 months
i think. for spot being in love is the biggest and most unexpected thing in the world to him he didn't expect it he doesn't quite believe it's real he can't get over it. and for race it's another tuesday. and this means that race says I love you first because it's not hard for him and race says it more often because it's not hard for him and race says it more casually because it's not hard for him but spot says it and feels it from his head to his toes and there are not three words in the English language that mean more to him than "I love you" to say. or to hear.
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regina-cordium · 1 month
Absolute garbage at coming up with prompts but uhhhhhh Crutchie being a menace? Maybe with someone else but dealer's choice on that
idk why i decided to set this in the dnd au, but here we are.
It’s hotter than all nine hells combined out, and Crutchie is starting to worry his brain is melting out of his ears.
It’s too hot to exist, let alone string a thought together. When he mentions it, voice monotone because emotions take effort, Davey makes a vague noise of agreement, which really just proves his point further. If a wizard thinks it’s too hot to think, then it’s too damn hot to think.
The only person not suffering is Albert; damn tieflings and their heat resistance. Honestly, Crutchie wouldn’t even care much because at least one of them isn’t dying slowly, but Albert’s been a smug dick about it (whether or not Crutchie adores Albert’s smug little smile is beside the point). Something simply must be done, and if Jack can’t summon the energy then Crutchie is just gonna have to take matters into his own hands.
He gently knocks his foot against Sarah’s ankle, the closest person he can reach from where he’s sprawled on the floor of the house they’ve all taken over. He’d hoped the stone floor would be at least a little cooler, but apparently halfling Luck only gets a guy so far.
When Sarah lolls her head his way, he smirks and whispers, “Watch this.”
He makes a face as his magic surges warmly through him – it’s too hot for magic, what the fuck, man – and summons Mage Hand. When Albert is distracted enough, Crutchie has the Hand flick Albert’s tail, quickly dismissing the spell as Albert whips around.
“Who did that?” he demands, looking around.
“Did what?” Race asks halfheartedly.
“Hit my tail!”
“Ain’t nobody hit your tail,” Jack sighs from the other side of the room.
“How would you know? You’re not even looking over here!”
“Cause it’s too hot to move, let alone start a fight.”
Next to Crutchie, Sarah is biting her lip hard to stop from laughing.
Once Jack and Albert stop bickering, Crutchie gives it another couple minutes before nudging Sarah again. When she looks over, he smirks again and gives a repeat performance.
“Who the fuck!” Albert snaps.
“For the love of all that is holy, stop screaming,” Race groans.
Albert whirls on him immediately. “Is it you?”
“Why would I hit your tail?” Race asks, rolling his eyes. He’s slumped so far in his chair he looks like he’s actually melting.
“‘Cause you’re a dick!”
“Hey!” Race objects, getting to his feet. “Fuck you, Al, I didn’t hit you!”
Sarah snorts, but quickly turns it into a cough when Jack sits up and looks over at the two of them. Crutchie holds Jack’s gaze before flicking Albert’s tail again. Jack slams a hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing as Albert turns in place.
“He looks like a dog chasing his tail,” Sarah whispers, clearly struggling to keep her composure.
Crutchie finally cracks, practically sitting up from the force of his laughter.
Albert spins around and points at him. “You!”
“Gotta go,” Crutchie decides quickly, before casting Dimension Door and rolling himself into it.
The last thing he hears is Albert yelling, “Fourth level spells won’t save you, you asshole!”
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 9 months
Javey. - Jack constantly lays his head in Davey’s lap. The first few times Davey would run his hand through Jack’s hair but he noticed the flinch that came with any sort of contact with his head/hair and stopped. He instead settles for placing his hand on Jack’s chest or face. Jack loves it because Davey has a really grounding effect on him
When Davey is working on something for too long (an essay or school work or anything really) Jack took to just standing behind him. Davey isn’t good at working under pressure or with people watching over his shoulder so he eventually has to stop. When he does Jack gives him all of his attention and they climb out to window and go for walks. They just ramble to each other the whole time.
Davey walks fast and Jack always whines at him to slow down and enjoy the time they have together but Davey knows that it’s just because Jack is smaller and little legs don’t go as fast. But he finds it adorable that he can’t keep up so he never slows down.
Modern! Jack and Davey both paint their nails. Fight me.
The first time Davey met Medda he had a minor heart attack on the way there and Jack was laughing his ass off. When they actually met she gave him a big hug and it was rlly sweet. - 🤠anon
ohhhhh I love these so much but I’m latching onto the writing one because once again I am davey he is me literally cannot write or draw where someone can even slightly see it we are The Same person I’m gonna write something now x
“Y’almost done?”
Davey huffed out a sigh. “Not really,”
“How? Y’been at that for what, four hours?” Jack, spreadeagled on Davey’s bed, stretched to prove his point. He watched the other boy carefully, head lolling so Davey appeared a little tilted where he was hunched at the table.
“Two,” Davey corrected, pencil hovering over his notebook. It looked like he was midway through a word, lines upon lines of his cramped scrawl covering the page to the point it was more graphite than paper. “I think,”
“Too long,” Jack drawled. “C’mon, ain’t you done by now?”
“I’ve already said that I’m not,”
“Y’should be,”
“Tell that to the essay. It ain’t working right,”
Jack frowned as he sat up, leaning on one elbow to study Davey. He looked at the hunch of his shoulders, the furrow between his eyes, the marks over his face where he’d wiped his eyes with graphite-smudged hands. That wouldn’t do, Jack decided. He got to his feet, hands in his pockets as Davey started to write again, not waiting for a reply. The scratch of the pencil was rhythmic, familiar but it had been going on for too long so Jack just…peered over his shoulder.
The scratching stopped. Jack smiled to himself, smugly.
“What are you doing?”
He shrugged. “Watchin’ you. Like I been doin’ all day,”
“Alright…,” Davey nodded and hunched back over his essay, pencil poised. It stayed in the air, caught like someone had pressed pause, for a few heartbeats before he scribbled down three more words and then dropped it. “Do you have to stand there?”
Jack had anticipated the rebuff. “I’m jus’ watching, since you insist on still working,”
That made Davey turn in his chair to peer up at him. He kept his expression passive. Somewhere in Davey’s face was the start of anxiety, a flicker of irritation, tiredness but also fondness he couldn’t disguise. “I know what you’re doing,”
“Watching,” Jack repeated.
Davey stared for a moment longer, and Jack could see the little battle waging in his head. Thus, he could see when it ended. When Davey sighed and snapped his book shut and took Jack’s hand, running his thumb gently over his knuckles. “You win,”
Jack grinned and tugged on his arm. “I always do. C’mon,”
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crowley1990 · 8 months
Very late to the game
Tumblr media
But I finally got a t-shirtsies
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agentsnickers · 1 year
Here to politely request anything TARFY related that you’d like to share!! It’s one of my absolute favorites and I re-read it so often. 💙
"Could you clarify something for me?"
"Sure," David replies. He hasn't done many parent-teacher conferences yet, but he's pretty sure that that would usually be his line.
"We did a unit a few weeks ago about families," Mr. Jordan says. "And at the end I had the kids draw their own families, and Leah's included her best friend and his parents and grandparents. I couldn't get them to clarify which aunts and uncles belonged to who."
David laughs. "Oh! We have those hanging up on the fridge. She and Frankie are very proud of them."
"I have to ask," Mr. Jordan continues, "do you and the Higgins-Conlons actually live together, or is that just five-year-olds being five-year olds?"
"We do," David assures him. "We've lived in the same house as long as the kids can probably remember. As far as Leah and Frankie are concerned, they're basically siblings. I'm not surprised that they included each other in their projects."
"I see," says Mr. Jordan. David can tell from his expression that he's still a bit confused about the whole thing but trying to be polite about it.
"I know our family is a little unconventional," says David.
"To be honest, I'm just glad that they didn't completely go off the rails on the assignment," Mr. Jordan says. "We'd have to have a different conversation about their behavior then, but if you just have a different sort of family then they definitely understood what we were doing. I just didn't understand them."
David lets out a small sigh of relief. Not everyone is as casually understanding of their nonstandard living situation as this. "Thanks for checking in and not just assuming they were being difficult."
"They're good kids," Mr. Jordan tells him with a reassuring smile. "Mostly."
David smiles back. "Mostly sounds about right."
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ink seems to be the one thing that's always present in bill's life. as a child, he has no better way to spend much of his time than watch his father write document after document in that posh looping handwriting and expensive ink. when he meets darcy, they bond over their love of printing, spending day after day fiddling around with printing presses together, until eventually the cleaning staff stop bothering to clean the ink off the floor, because they know it'll be right back again the next day. when they kiss each other for the first time, their hands are still covered in ink, and their clothes are ruined, but bill can't find it in himself to care. when they can't be together physically, he writes letters the same way he used to watch his father do it, using every last drop of ink to make sure darcy knows just how he much he wishes he was here. when their parents eventually get old and die, the wills are written in pages and pages of ink. bill cries, yes, but he knows the memories of the people who matter will live on in the ink they place upon a page.
and when time does what it's best at, and the day comes when bill stops living too, the letter placed carefully on top of his grave has his name scrawled in a familiar handwriting on the front, and the name at the bottom - d. reid - is signed in deep black ink.
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to-be-a-dreamer · 2 years
Working on the Mike and Ike fic and am literally going over the proshot with a fine-tooth comb, stopping every half a second to figure out what these two losers are doing. I don’t know why I’m so stressed about getting their characterization right, they literally have zero lines, are in about four scenes total, and I’ve seen maybe six other people talk about them ever.
But you best believe I’m making a chart about how I want to write them to make sure I make them distinctly different.
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 2 months
Buttons was 16 years old. He'd been a Newsie for ten of those years, therefore being around to see some of the younger kids grow with him.
When he saw Elmer, he still saw the three year old Spot brought to visit Manhattan four years ago.
When he saw Splasher, he saw the five year old he and Tommy Boy found sat alone on a bench outside the church three years ago.
When he saw Mike and Ike, he saw the babies left in a basket outside the Lodge House five years ago.
So, seeing each of them beaten up and bloody hurt all the more.
The Lodge was absolute chaos after the fight. Not the usual Lodge chaos, however, it was a scary and fearful chaos. The one that made your heart pound and brain blurry.
Kids were wailing and crying, teenagers were yelling and shouting. There wasn't a quiet place in the house.
Everybody realised quite quickly that nobody had walked out without a few battle scars to show afterwards, and the little kids were no exception.
Elmer had a shard of glass thrown at his forehead, and it was bleeding badly. Despite the bandages now wrapped around the injury, the injury had bled through, creating crimson dots splattered around it.
Splasher had broken his ankle after being shoved to the ground by one of the bulls. Buttons had a pole tied to his leg to keep it as straight as possible and had it elevated on the other bed. He was still weeping silently with the pain shooting up his leg every few minutes.
Mike and Ike were sat on his lap and were crying harder than any of the Newsies had ever seen, despite knowing them their whole lives.
Mike had been struck in the back with a baton multiple times, his back now scattered with bruises and blood. He didn't understand what was happening or why he was in so much pain, he just wanted it to stop.
Ike was hit in the face with one of the Delancey's brass knuckles, leaving him with a black eye and scarred nose. He was practically inconsolable, not allowing anybody to touch him for a very long time after the fight, only relaxing enough for Button's to check him out when Mike was brought in with Albert and Finch.
Buttons, with no help from the others got to work helping the kids in any way he could. The kids needed a shoulder to cry on and a helping hand to wrap up their injuries while some of the older newsies tried to sort out where Jack was and if they could try to save Crutchie.
They didn't understand what any of this meant. They just wanted somebody to hold them and tell them they were okay. Someone to sing one of Meddas songs while they wrapped up their scars and cuts.
Buttons was okay. He was fine and could help with the little ones with their injuries. Yeah, sure, he was struggling to breathe properly, and his knees were throbbing with pain, but the little kids needed help more than he did. He could handle it.
Buttons was 16, but sometimes he wishes he was still 6, when there was always an older kid around to help him out.
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kkqueergurl · 2 months
I’m a full Javey supporter all the way, but if Jack and Kath ever got married you’d know they’d have the cutest kids
all the newsies think so too
and one day they leave their daughter with the newsies in the lodging house, Kathrine scared for her child’s life, and Jack reassuring her every ten minutes
they end up leaving Davey in charge because Kathrine was terrified of anything else
when they got back their daughter was asleep on top of a sleeping Race who was snuggled with a sleeping Spot on the floor
Finch, Mush, Davey, Les, Tommy Boy, Crutchie, Jojo, and Romeo were all sleeping around the floor near them
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theatre-stuff · 1 year
Theatre songs that make me absolutely euphoric:
30/90 - Tick, Tick… BOOM!
Another Terrible Day - The Lightning Thief
Behind Closed Doors - In the Light: A Faustian Tale
Boho Days - Tick, Tick… BOOM!
Brooklyn’s Here -Newsies
Carrying the Banner - Newsies
Chant - Hadestown
Come to a Party - Dogfight
Come to Your Senses - Tick, Tick, BOOM!
Dare to Dream - In the Light: A Faustian Tale
Ex-Wives - SIX
First Date/Last Night - Dogfight
Gee, Officer Krupke - West Side Story
Goodbye - Catch Me if You Can
Guns and Ships - Hamilton
Halloween - Be More Chill
Hey Good-Lookin’ - Dogfight
I Can Do Better Than That - The Last Five Years
I Was Born This Morning (The Cicada Song) - Joe Iconis, Things to Ruin
In the Light: In the Light: A Faustian Tale
King of New York - Newsies
Livin’ it Up on Top - Hadestown
More - In the Light: A Faustian Tale
More Than Survive - Be More Chill
Moving Too Fast - The Last Five Years
Never Heard Nothing - Joe Iconis, Things to Ruin
No Reason - Beetlejuice
Non-Stop - Hamilton
Once and For All - Newsies
Partner in Crime - Tuck Everlasting
Picture Show - Bonnie and Clyde
Rise or Fall/Act I Finale - In the Light: A Faustian Tale
Run Away With Me - The Mad Ones
Satisfied - Hamilton
Say My Name - Beetlejuice
Screech In - Come From Away
Seize the Day - Newsies
Sextet Montage - Tick, Tick… BOOM!
Some Kinda Time - Dogfight
The Next Ten Minutes - The Last Five Years
The Room Where It Happens - Hamilton
The Schmuel Song - The Last Five Years
The Smartphone Hour (Rich Set a Fire) - Be More Chill
The Squip Song - Be More Chill
The Whole “Being Dead” Thing - Beetlejuice
The World Will Know - Newsies
This World Will Remember Me - Bonnie and Clyde
Times Are Hard for Dreamers - Amélie
Tomorrow Begins Today - In the Light: A Faustian Tale
Top of the World - Tuck Everlasting
Voices in My Head - Be More Chill
Wait For It - Hamilton
Wait For Me - Hadestown
Watch What Happens - Newsies
What I Know Now - Beetlejuice
What the World Needs - Ride the Cyclone
When He Sees Me - Waitress
When I Drive - Bonnie and Clyde
Word to the Wise - Hadestown
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meiloorunsmoothie · 2 months
heeey I can't find the video of jeremy jordan doing the 10-minute newsies video, could you post a link? tytyty
yes, of course!
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loving-jack-kelly · 1 year
au where jack and davey start out as random roommates/craigslist roommates or something similar and only see each other at four am bc that's usually when jack is waking up to start his day and when davey is finally going to bed
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callmeroygbiv · 1 year
I played crutchie in newsies, here are some of the things that happened
- the refuge was constantly referred to as "little boy jail." "I wish you were in king of new york" "can't, little boy jail." "yeah when i got rolled onstage for letter from the refuge-" "HAHA, LITTLE BOY JAIL!" 
- an ensemble member came up with the hypothetical question "if you were starving and had no food, would you eat crutchie's leg?" he then proceeded to ask every single cast member this question. I now know which newsies would eat crutchie's leg and could provide a list if asked. jack kelly would he told me HIMSELF. 
- someone accidentally called me crunchy instead of crutchie. various variations of that nickname ensued, my personal favorite being "cankle" 
- somebody put me on the spot and asked me to name my crutch. I panicked and said pickles. 
- jack kelly himself greeted me every rehearsal by pointing at me and saying "bum leg." what a wonderful friend. 
- the theatre we performed at had a covered area outside that could be accessed from backstage. this area had a sign over the door that said "area of refuge." three different people asked me to pose under it and took a picture of me. 
- our director had us practice the prologue together with her to guide us exactly two times, the first was in a practice room the size of a closet (i knocked a framed photo off the wall and my director and i blamed our jack immediately) and the second was in the theatre bathroom like ten minutes before the opening show (jack had to hold a mini piano so our director could play the notes for us. he looked very silly.)
- we had a medda wig that we didn't end up using. it was blonde and very long and jack put it on after the closing show. i begged him to sing hopelessly devoted to you. he didn't. :(
- Jack Kelly got sick the day before the show. It set off a chain reaction of understudies. our directors pumped so many concoctions and vitamins into him. he looked deathly ill and was sitting in the corner breathing through this crazy miracle cure device that looked So Scary but he magically got better it was beautiful.
- we aren't cowards like disney so when crutchie returns from the refuge jack and crutchie have a Big Hug and like five minutes before the closing show our director came up to me and was like “yeah i was thinking we should probably cut that, i don't know why they would hug like that, its almost a little weird.” and i was like “oh no i play crutchie like he’s gay don’t i”  (I did and it was a little bit on purpose) so i thought that she told our jack too, but she didn't. i was fully prepared to give him a fistbump and he almost knocked me over with the hug.
- "care to let this young man’s artististry shine a light into your closed doors?” -our pulitzer three times
- stress dreams. everyone had them. in mine i forgot to climb onto the scaffolding during the overture AND i forgot to bring my crutch onstage. our director had a stress dream that our jack showed up really late to rehearsal in a three piece suit.
 - sprace was canon. that's it. they called each other stage boyfriend offstage.
- entire cast swayed our arms back and forth during something to believe in. sometimes we turned on our phone lights like it was a concert.
- one time our davey lost his voice and wasn't singing during rehearsal so his understudy, who also plays race, was running back and forth between doing a weird voiceover over davey’s shoulder for all his singing parts and doing all his race parts. he was darting across the stage for the entirety of seize the day it was great. 
 - "And all the newsies run up the stairs, across the scaffolding, and down the other set of stairs and offstage.” “Ms Sarah I only have one working leg.”
- up until tech week we didn't have our newsies banner newspapers for once and for all, so during rehearsals for that number we got out the giant bin of stuffed animals. the number just was so much more beautiful when it was performed by a bunch of angry looking teenagers holding small stuffed animals. like ten of them were frogs (or supposed to be frogs. vaguely frog shaped.)
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bigmack2go · 3 months
Newsies as Things my friend and me have said bc im shocked i haven’t done this yet
Sarah: THIS!
Sarah: *points at tailor doll*
Sarah: this is the reason i‘m into women!
(Sarah *in a whispered sob*: my hand fits her waist so perfectly….)
Race after getting one single question wrong: if you’re alowed to be dumb, so am i
Albert *shocked*: why is there no crossover of „sing“ and „zootopia??“
Albert: i mean—… NOT EVEN A FANFICTION!
Jack: there are very few names that are acceptable for sausage dogs
Jack *clears throat*….
Race:*wakes up david from his much needed afternoon nap*
Race: do u ever mix up the feeling of attraction with the one of jealousy???
Les: so if harry potter is an otter—
Les: and ron weasly is a weasle….
Les: whats hermione??
Albert: anyone else ever wonder how it would go if henry danger went to hogwarts?
Davey (in the middle of a conversation about hotdogs or smt): is there a place where you can give emoji suggestions??
Hotshot: what are you doing?
Autistic!Spot *squatting*: i need to make sure these pants don’t give me over sensory issues
Race: i dont get hyperfixations
Albert: you— you litteraly memorised Hamilton
Katherine: why is it, whenever i find someone hot, they get a haircut???
Albert: SHUT UP YOU LITTLE— YOU LITTLE… i can’t think of an insult but imagine something thats really bad just so you know i am in fact very mad
(Race: woah who would have thought i’d live to see the day albert dasilva isn’t able to think of an insult)
Albert: ok but like… the characterbuilding of pawpatrol is like,,, really fucking good
Albert: like that shit deserves an oscar
Spot: did it hurt when you fell—
Race (litterally from down on the floor): when i fell from heaven?
Spot: no when you-
Race: when i fell for you?
Jack: ah where did i put my crutchie?
Jack: damnit why do i keep losing i— ahhh there it is!
Elmer: ask for forgiveness, not permission
Hotsot: *sighs exasperated while watching elmer proceed to pull out a baloon sword with a genuinely evil look on his face*
Jack: you ever notice how you can deescalate literally any situation by [doing smt] as long as the situation is right?
Davey: *blinks* what?
Smalls: soooo i think i may or may not have just accidentally invented backwards stealing
Jack: ugh! Nephew, grandson! Wheres the difference, really??
Jack: i just stepped on my painting
Jack: haha! Look at those cute lil paint pawprints on the floor
Jack: wait why do my feet make pawshaped pawprints???
Davey: thats it. Im done. I quit.
Elmer: quit what?
Davey: life.
Spot: im trying to work on my anger issues
Albert: you literally just punched somebody
Spot: and it made me less angry
Mrs Kirby: buttons what are you doing here? This isn’t your classroom
Buttons (shamelessly): avoiding my teacher hopefully for another….
Buttons (squinting at the clock):
Buttons (happy as ever): 36 minutes!
Graves: my bf is being homophobic
Hotshot: youre single???
Graves: exactly!!
Davey: i may be antisocial but im still a socialist
Albert: spot, if i dropped dead here and now and race wasn’t there to witness that you didn’t murder me, what would you do with my body?
Spot: bold of u to assume I didn’t murder u
Spot: or need race as a witness
Spot: or—
Albert *putting on creme-deodorant*:
Jack: is this hair wax you’re putting under your arms???
Albert: yes.
Albert: it blocks the sweat glands.
Jack: *proceeds to go on about a ten minute speech about how tiktok spreads false information and life hacks*
Race: ow ow ow ow
Spot: what?
Race: i put on the wrong glasses
Spot: race w h a t
Albert: im a left handed green eyed ginger and thats not even the worst part—
Race: there are four types of people.
Race: watch.
Race: *shoves crutchie so he falls*
Jack: *gasps and runs to fight race*
Davey: *gasps and runs to help crutchie*
elmer: *gasps and laughs at crutchie*
Albert: *gasps and laughs at race*
Race: see
Race: *the most satisfied hes beenin his life*
No one:
Absolutely no one:
On this entire planet no one:
smalls *giving b i r t h*: ow ouch ow ah- yeah that does in fact hurt, owowow
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rosewritingprompts · 11 months
Romantic Songs as Prompts: Musical Theatre
Use one of the songs below as a prompt or inspiration!
Johanna from Sweeny Todd
On My Own from Les Miserables
The World Will Remember Us from Bonnie and Clyde
Heaven's Light from The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Take Me or Leave Me from RENT
The Next Ten Minutes from The Last Five Years
Lily's Eyes from The Secret Garden
Always Will from Bright Star
All I Ask of You from The Phantom of the Opera
Ten Minutes Ago from Cinderella
If I Can't Love Her from Beauty and the Beast
Small Umbrella in the Rain from Little Women
When He Sees Me from Waitress
Wait for Me from Hadestown
Falling Slowly from Once
Come What May from Moulin Rouge
Till There Was You from The Music Man
Best Kept Secret from Bare
Burn from Hamilton
Crazier Than You from The Addams Family
I'll Cover You from RENT
Tonight from West Side Story
That Would be Enough from Hamilton
Something Good from The Sound of Music
Right Hand Man from Something Rotten
Anything You Can Do from Annie Get Your Gun
People Will Say We're In Love from Oklahoma
Green Green Dress from Tick! Tick! BOOM
It Takes Two from Into the Woods
Some Enchanted Evening from South Pacific
Last Night of the World from Miss Saigon
Something There from Beauty and the Beast
Something to Believe In from Newsies
All I've Ever Known from Hadestown
Honey, Honey from Mamma Mia!
Bad Idea from Waitress
Miracle of Miracles from Fiddler on the Roof
A Heart Full of Love from Les Miserables
The Thrill of First Love from Falsettos
____ from ____ (prompter's choice)
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