#Mod minis
daintymayhem · 1 year
I in earnest no clue what OP was on about but look. Speaking as a trans man, obviously we as trans folks do not have to justify why we design characters to present their genders in a certain why (especially not when they reflect our own identities and how we present them). However, that is not the question here at all. If somebody was to redesign one of these characters from a batch meant to be women for Women’s History Month, especially when they put in tickets for the original design, that would be misogynistic. Being transmasc absolutely does NOT disqualify you from also being a misogynist. 
It’s not like people who fodder designs are doing it to represent themselves; they are intentionally changing designs from women to men to make them more appealing. It’s honestly borderline fetishistic. Good on a person who buys a female design secondhand and wants to re-design them to reflect their relationship with gender, but if you INTENTIONALLY ENTER for a design that was meant to be a woman for a month that commemorates the progress and fight of women for liberation and make them a man (obviously I don’t mean masculine, as the spectrum of female/feminine presentation is just as broad as ours), you fucking suck. You double suck if you fodder them after. Leave the design to somebody else and wait for another batch or buy a (cheaper) MYO slot.
This makes a million times more sense than the last post I agree
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cordspaghetti · 5 months
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got thinking about gerard way tour outfit predictions that never came 2 be… bloody wedding dress…
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death-limes · 6 days
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she has like... lovehandles! and she's still not skinny even from the side! (that's my big beef with a lot of "plus size" fashion dolls) and aside from the joints being a little stiffer than the other dolls (which could just be bc she's new) she seems to have just as much articulation as everyone else
crying...... thank you monster high...........
(my only complaint is that her neck looks a bit long proportionally to the rest of her body but that's not a huge deal)
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I genuinely thought you just had a bunch of posts queued and has abandoned the account or died or something like a year ago/hj
I never have the energy to queue more than like, 20 posts at once, but I HAVE kind of died over the past few months lol. College is fun but draining asf, and i've been going though alot socially and mentally. I am slowly trying to transition back onto this blog though, as soon as i figure out how to celebrate a certain follower milestone that RLLY crept up on me (seriously though you guys are crazy(lovingly) and the love I get on this blog keeps me going) in the meantime please take these cool rocks that i photographed with my new macro lens d200 that I adore:
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none as cool or as pretty as The Rock, of course
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arcadebroke · 6 months
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critterzstimz · 2 months
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playing with my figures gifset
-Mods 🪼🦝
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cosmere-mini-bang · 1 month
Welcome to the Cosmere Mini Bang!
Event Info | Guidelines/FAQ | Timeline | Ask
What is a Big Bang/Mini Bang?
From Fanlore:
A Big Bang (or “Bang” for short) is a specific type of challenge usually involving long fics and accompanying artwork. This type of challenge is a reprise of the old zine tradition of collaboration between artists and writers for internet fandoms. Most Big Bangs have a similar format: Writers sign up to take part in the challenge and begin writing stories. When the early drafts of the stories are available, each one is assigned one or more artists, or artists might claim stories from posted summaries. Artists create fanart to go along with the story. This art can take the form of illustrations, manips, photo collages, vids, icon sets, etc.
Mini bangs are similar to big bangs, but are smaller in scope, with a smaller word count requirement than traditional big bangs.
So, what exactly is the word minimum?
We’ve set up two tracks for this event: the Mini Bang and the Petite Bang.
For the Mini track: writers are expected to write a minimum of 3k words. Artists should create one simple piece to accompany their writer’s fic—the definition of a “simple” piece is up to artist discretion, but should approximately match the amount of work writers put into their fic.
For the Petite track: writers are expected to write a minimum of 10k words. Artists should create one complex piece OR two simple pieces—again, definitions are up to artist discretion.
How long do I have to do this? 
Writer sign-ups are open from Wednesday, May 1 to Wednesday, June 12, and are expected to have 50% of their work done by Sunday, August 4, at which point they will be asked to provide a summary and excerpt of their fic for artist claims. 
Artist sign-ups are open from Wednesday, May 1 to Wednesday, July 31. Claims happen a few days later, and artists will receive their assignments a few days after that.
Fics and art are to be posted beginning on Wednesday, October 16. This gives writers four months total to work on their fic, and artists a little over two months to create their art. 
Sounds good! How do I sign up? 
Sign-ups open on Wednesday, May 1. The form for writers is HERE, and for artists is HERE. Please be sure to read the Event Guidelines/FAQ before signing up!
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papercutstoday · 15 days
Minis Multiplying 🤏🏻✨🩸🧶✨
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Astarion centric post the dramatic little thing (affectionate) he protecc, he attacc, he fights bacc no touchy
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umblrspectrum · 2 months
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the ror2 modded experience
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davidthephoneguy · 1 month
A little (mostly Dialtown) rant of my own
Ok first of all you all need to calm down, I'm goin on this rant despite not currently being in the dialtown fandom but I was back around when the game first came out. I just feel like I gotta ask you to be calm because I know how agressive people can be online with that shield on anonymity. I also do not hate dialtown or Dogman nor do I blame them for said issues that will be stated.
Dialtown as a whole does pretty obviously have a problem about representation of fem/fem presenting characters especially in the fandom side. As a previous rant stated before most fem characters are either glossed over in favour of male/masc presenting ones, such as with the main dateables. It even extends to side characters which feels rather disheartening. Now I get why its mainly the male/masc presenting ones who get attention, I must highlight the fact that I am a Bi-Ace Transman and I tended to focus on Oliver and Randal over Karen so I was part of the problem on that part. So i get the gender serotonin of drawing them but I hope you can also see how it means that for example, Karen is almost completely overlooked. I would see myself in them because of the shared gender, I really do understand why this has been happening. You are not evil for doing this, that is not what this rant is about in the slightest. Like the previous rant before stated the game doesn't pass the Bechdal test (Which if you are unaware is a media test which requires two fem characters to talk to eachother about anything other then a man, already an extremely low bar to pass) which Dialtown does not pass. It's completely valid to have reservations about that as it is an overall problem with media at large. Media at large is still a white straight cis male dominated space and needs more diversity in all ways. Dialtown as a whole is a good game and has a diverse cast which is wonderful and amazing to see. The only issue is how some are highlighted more then others or demonized in a way that lines up with misogyny (Such as with Mingus' behavior being villainized by the fandom while Stabby and Shooty doing the same thing being ok and lighthearted in the eyes of the fandom which from an outside view just looks like misogyny I am sorry folks. If the only factor in if you like or dislike a characters actions is because they are a woman is misogyny even if they're cis or trans, misogyny is just the word for discrimination in this way) Pointing this out doesn't mean an attack on anyone, pointing out an issue is meant to bring attention to said issue so it can be improved or fixed. The previous person who I have been referencing and paraphrasing here (who I am not going to @ as they don't need more direct harassment) was slightly attacked for having a rant, yes everyone is entitled to their opinion but that does not give either side the right to actively attack the other. Please remain diplomatic.
People are allowed to highlight issues, if we don't then they won't ever get fixed. We're meant to stick together and fix things together, not attack eachother. Thats what people like terfs want us to do, they want us to tear eachother apart so that they get what they want, our destruction. We have to stand together with the things we love. My apologies for how long this ended up being but I just had to get it out of my head. Just my thoughts as a transman/voidrabbit on the topic
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swapmeetsimming · 2 months
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"Simtari" 400 MINI is up for Early Acess!
Releasing today for the release of the real thing, it will be public on the 18th!
I made a retro style catalog page for it, too. I really like making these - it makes me strangely happy.
The console is fully functional, can be upgraded and is small and adorably-sized to the real mini! The joystick is clutter, as the console will use whatever controller you have installed.
Here is the link to the public preview with information and more pictures!
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daintymayhem · 1 year
I can never get over people designing Dainties in a suit and tie only to give them shorts because they don't want to hide the overly detailed stockings that doesn't even match the rest of the design.
Sometimes the gay little suit shorts are cute tho
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all-things-normaler · 2 months
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Some chibi cat Normaler ✨
I finally can draw them
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rainymoodlet · 5 months
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save a spaceheater, snuggle a cowboy 🏜️
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agneskyandoru · 1 month
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I just haven't posted this art yet because I was embarrassed, maybe I'll delete this post.
(I certainly won't.)
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cashmoneychiyo · 9 months
Honestly I kinda curious about how Yuzuki call Ryousuke. Is Nii-san? Nii-chan? Or maybe Aniki? 🤔 Anw thanks for keep translating GSNK 😍🥰
She calls him Nii-chan!
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