#Ml S2
cakemousse · 2 years
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thebigpapilio · 11 months
do you guys think they had a "temporary redemption arc" for Chloe in S2 & S3 because they saw the fans clamoring for it?
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plumsaffron · 1 year
Miraculous S5 is really making things age well. It's sadly amusing. Today it's episode 24 or Representation. Kagami Tsurugi, if only you could save yourself but you sure seem to be highly tolerant of a friend (possibly suffering) I guess. It just makes Protection, Perfection, whatever of previous seasons a good laugh for me though. When your accidentally indirectly manage to make Lila appear even more right than before. There you go, Kagami isn't stupid as some viewers assumed. Interesting Update *SHRUGS*
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See, the funnier, unhinged ending to Queen Wasp would’ve been Marinette completely misreading the situation and deciding that, if Chloe’s bad, she should be the one to have the money and connections instead, and just straight-up offers Audrey the chance to take her under her wing
YouTube won't let me cut this clip, so I'm just gonna leave this here at the 0:08 part.
No seriously, help me. I'm autistic, so I don't understand your ask.
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 2 years
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Cute & funny Chat Noir/Ladynoir moments in gifs
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hot take but Frozer might be the most cringe miraculous episode. I mean, the dream love declarations from both Chat Noir to Ladybug (he wants them to go to a deserted island???) and Marinette to Adrien, the whole drama of it, the music, Luka, the whole Kagami talk about changing your target, Adrien asking Marinette for dating advice and her thinking she's talking about him, and Adrien inviting HER to his date with Kagami, the shoelaces thing, Adrien running after Marinette and then being like nooo she's my 💖friend💖, "I never hesitate", Marinette replying to Adrien's offer to do things just the two of them by screaming that there should be everyone else there too...
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yeet-noir · 3 months
Marinette to literally all her classmates and peers s3-s4
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winxanity-ii · 5 months
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lukeskylovr · 11 months
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vavandeveresfan · 7 months
The MLB writers really hated Chloe.
I haven't watched many episodes of MLB after Season 2, because I hate pretty much everything the show did.
One thing in particular is how they treated Chloe Bourgeois.
MLB set her up as Marinette's nemesis and the school's worst bully. But in Season 2 the writers gave us reason to understand why Chloe has issues. They even had her ask a question that very few adults can bring themselves to ask.
I love the way they had her hesitate. In this scene we see a sad, lonely child.
The writers could have had all kinds of interesting ideas come from this. It'd be unrealistic for Chloe to be healed immediately, especially with Audrey being the self-centered bitch she is. But they could have explored the girl trying and failing and trying again to be a better person, and even Audrey making in-roads to a better relationship with her daughter, then slipping back to her callousness. It'd keep the audience wondering what would happen with Chloe, perhaps even cheering her on to find redemption.
But no. The series completely hated her guts, and turned her into a shallow caricature, rotten and irredeemable.
I was curious what the writers did to her before everything in the world was reset after The Wish. It was even worse than I thought. Not only is Audrey an utter monster who now has control of Chloe, but Chloe, rather than reaching out to the one person who's very good and asking for forgiveness and help, she chooses to attempt to make that good person feel horrible and to make her suffer.
In the same way, the writers wanted Chloe to suffer.
I want to ask the writers, and especially Thomas Astruc
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I know it's a kids show, and often characters are cardboard cutouts with no depth. But in Season 2, as the clip shows, originally the writers began to give Chloe some depth. We saw she understood the most painful thing a child can know, that one of her parents doesn't love her. Even so, she desperately wants to win that love, just as children do in real life. We have reason to sympathize with her, and to hope that if Audrey never cares about her daughter Chloe can someday break free from her need for her. She didn't have to stay the spoiled bully the entire series.
But after Season 2 the writers decided Chloe was going to be a flat, one-note character till the end. It was lazy writing.
Season 2 Chloe deserved better.
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cakemousse · 2 years
chat noir to ladybug in frightningale s2:
- my better half
- lady of my heart~ 💕
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angelshizuka · 1 month
I'm aware that a lot of my assumptions and theories might be wrong, but I'm just having so much fun guessing (and it's the only thing keeping me sane while we wait).
I can't remember the last time I was this emotionally involved in a show I wanted to guess, assume and theorize in the first place, and actually having faith that wheter I'm right or wrong doesn't really matter, because it'll most likely be good either way.
(My trust issues will never truly go away, after the kind of bullshit shows I've had to suffer through, but I haven't come this close to trusting a show again in years.)
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inkerii · 10 months
So I had a different post up about the miraculous movie and how it wasn't perfect but - as someone who liked the series back when it was just Ladybug and Chat Noir against the world, and sorta naturally dropped it when the show started to introduce more heroes just bc it wasn't my thing - it felt nice and it gave me closure.
I was just gonna rewrite it in a way I liked better, but Jesus, whatever minor desire to pick the show back up again was very quickly snuffed out by how negative the a browse through the fandom tags felt. It's like people who like the movie are rubbing it in with a sort of arrogance, and the people who don't are almost gatekeepy with how "it's not the show" and how inferior it is bc of that. And I feel like wanting to talk about that instead.
Like. There are actual criticisms and praise going around but it gets lost in a sea of salt. It's kinda scary.
Personally, I liked it. It had some very cheesy lines, a couple scene transitions could have been better, What Have They Done To My Son, Plagg, and Adrienette's dynamic would have benefitted from a couple extra scenes (just a few tweaks showing him a little embarrassed or staring a little longer than usual in the Baddie Of The Day Montage(tm) would fix it, since I think they do a decent job of setting Marinette as special to Adrien given she's the only person we see him open up to about his mom, when we know he and Nino are friends and Nino already stated to always be there for him), to make the turning the ball invitation down + reveal hit harder, but overall it was fun. It was different.
What I truly cannot understand how this isn't Miraculous or how it doesn't really have a story. Sure, it's not The Series but in movie format, including the characterizations (they ARE different characters), but?? I feel like the core of who they are, or who they were back when the show began, still remains. Marinette still struggles with self confidence (which is in line with her season 1 self), and I particularly love how you can see how she HAS that spice bubbling underneath the surface, she just needed a push to embrace it and grow more confident (very Origins of her). Adrien is still closed off and quiet, and I love the implication that it was each other that gave them the push they needed to open up and be stronger and more social. I love how it was still Adrien's kindness that made Marinette fall for him, and Ladybug's bravery and selflessness that caught Chat Noir's eye.
Marinette is still clumsy and a little over excited, which we see in the first music, it just has a sense of WONDER to it instead of a frazzled energy like in the show, lol, poor baby. Adrien is still flirty and punny, he's still closed off, except show Adrien is trying to put up a brave face about it and trying to move on, and movie Adrien has lived with grief for longer and developed different coping mechanisms in regards to it. They're both very interesting in their own right, and I think the timing of Emilie's loss really explains the changes in him- movie Adrien is just past the meek attempts to be happy that show Adrien is still trying to do. He lost his mom and lived with an absent father for much longer than his show counterpart and it SHOWS. It's a different flavor of Adrien, but I think it's a neat choice, to have LB be the reason why he chose to open up. Show Adrien was interesting bc he chose to stand up to his dad in order to go to school, but he still felt alienated from his peers. The movie just makes that separation clearer but lets Adrien grow and hang out with his friends* and create actual bonds with them thanks to having first created a bond with Ladybug. It's a cool take on it.
I also really like what they did with Hawkmoth, though I don't think I can compare it to the show bc back when I watched it Gabriel was more or less just the absent father, mustache twirling villain that he was. This is where that * is inserted, I think the biggest change is that show Gabriel was more controlling of his son's life, and more demanding. Movie Gabriel straight up "lets" Adrien go missing for a whole night and only tries to talk to him the day after. He doesn't seem to mind Adrien spending time with his friends. He doesn't micromanage his son, though we still see hints of that control in how he talks about his designs, so its there, just a little hidden, that pride and arrogance. Again, it's a different flavor of Gabriel, but it works within the characterization of the movie and what they wanted for his character. Reminds me a bit of the Gabriel that wasn't willing to hurt Adrien (which apparently is an early series thing only, rip lmao) but was willing to go all out on Ladybug and Chat Noir.
So... yea. Maybe I'm just out of touch with the fandom and the show. Maybe it's because the characters have grown in ways I simply don't know bc I lost interest, and the modern MLB fandom understandably attaches those changes to the characters and wants to see it represented, which is valid. But tbh? I still love early MLB - not bc the "writing was better" or bc of Astruc v Zag shenanigans (are those still going? oh the war flashbacks) - just bc I vibed with the concept more. I love the show versions of these characters. And I think the movie is a different spin on them, but I think it does them justice. It has flaws, but the show also did, and I loved it anyway.
Speaking of just what I watched back then... I still think nothing in the movie tops the Umbrella Scene(tm), but I love that Ladynoir got a cute equivalent in the sparring one. I love the banter in both. I love the Adrienette moments in the show and I love how the movie expands on the inconditional trust between Chat and Ladybug, on how they're partners and always there for each other. I love Tikki in both. Show Plagg is my baby. I love what they did with Hawkmoth in both (movie and s1/some of s2). Master Fu as a cooky old man is hilarious. The cringe somehow got cringier in the movie. I think it's funny that movie Adrien gets to have his own "oh my god the second hand embarrassment, I want to cry" to balance out show Marinette lol. I love Chat still simping for LB and I love the cute little romance scenes, shipping fodder moments were always one of the strengths of the show, and we have it here in spades, so good for me.
It's just... as I said, it's different, but to me it's a love letter to the MLB that captivated me for years. It does its own thing, but I think I'm just gonna make a few tweaks in my head, mash Origins with the first half of the movie, then watch season 1 and a few select season 2 episodes, then go back to the movie to finish it up. I actually think that they complement each other quite well, even with the characterization changes, because, for example, the early seasons compensate for the movie's lack of Adrienette, while the show expands on the ladynoir side. If you use both, then the movie manages to effectively reverse the love square, allow Mari to grow past her awkward self, deal with the bits of insecurity in her that we still see sprinkled across the series, allow Adrien to stand up to and face his father, and give me a satisfying conclusion to the Hawkmoth plot and a cute little reveal.
I could go on over more talked about topics like the music (its fine. Christina inserts a certain breathlesness to Marinette that you feel Lou is trying to capture but she just can't. I got used to it tho, and Lou's voice is lovely) or the animation (gorgeous), like I did in the original version of this post, but to me what mattered most was the... For lack of a better word, the vibe of the movie. To me, it felt like a little time capsule bc it really embodies everything the fandom liked about the show during season 1 and its hiatus. I can't give it an objective score bc I think my 8.5/10 feels very biased, but I loved the nostalgia trip. I loved getting that closure. I'm still gonna go off and enjoy parts of both the show and the movie, because something something stronger together might just apply to them as well :)
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eldritch-ace · 10 months
So if season 3 is actually in order and Reflekdoll is that early, does- does that mean Adrien was the first one to purify an amok in the narrative?? My poor boy, I am so so sorry your first time as mister bug is gonna be way overshadowed by that. Félix will go on multiple rants once he figures out who mister bug is, Adrien will be having another crisis.
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 2 years
Scaredy cat's cataclysm
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I would go to chemistry class if this was the catalyst
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