#Miyuki probably works best though
random-iz-stuff · 2 years
I just had a very cursed realization.
Zim could theoretically work as Sans in an Undertale Au.
Doesn’t seem threatening unless in the right situation, at which point he becomes one of the strongest characters in the setting
Unique speech pattern that he completely drops when he’s being serious
Is aware of other timelines and the multiverse
Minimoose as a gaster blaster
Probably more
So enjoy that information.
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citrus-cactus · 1 year
I have so many feelings about the friendship between Takuma and the Professor today.
(Spoilers for Digimon Survive under the cut!)
Like. I feel reasonably certain that the designers of the game wanted to include Omegamon and worked backward to make sure Gabumon had a significant role in the story. But the fact that Omegamon is formed by Takuma’s partner and Akiharu’s partner is SO!!! I don’t even know how to convey how amazing that is. These two are jogress partners. And (even though Takuma means so much to everyone and could probably be anyone’s jogress partner!) the closeness and understanding that would normally lead to this type of evolution in the Adventure universe is supported by Survive’s narrative. Takuma and Akiharu rely on each other so much throughout the game: Takuma trusts and consults the Professor for his knowledge and experience, Akiharu is made whole again thanks in part to Takuma’s observations and patience. In the routes where Garurumon and Akiharu reconcile, Takuma is always the one who’s there to support them, and is the character Akiharu confides his doubts and fears and happiness about Garurumon and Miyuki to. Takuma is the first of the group to see both the Professor and Miyuki as they truly are, and I think that would help his and Akiharu’s hearts resonate. Even though Takuma is probably a) too humble to realize it and b) too polite not to view the Professor as an elder and a teacher first and a friend second (not to mention the fact that he is Best Friend To All Regardless), I could definitely see Akiharu considering Takuma one of his closest and most trusted friends, as well as an equal.
But yeah. Jogress between the game’s protag and an old man who is still learning and growing. Amazing.
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fukuokanodivision · 14 days
Eko’s Thoughts On Saitama Division
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Sayaka Miyuki
“Miyuki, Saitama’s forensic scientist? Mhm. She also passes for a solid division leader in my opinion, Having those traits of protection really take the cake. Being a single mother must be tough, Taking care of a kid and yourself on top of that. However, I imagine she has it out for herself. Wait…She used to work for Chuohku!? Maybe that’s why she’s so familiar… I don’t know when, But I’ll have to face her team of sisters eventually. I’ve been so busy juggling on how to deal with other teams lately, I think I’ve barely thought how to get past Femme Fatale. Or worse, we might not even get there…”
Lola Takahashi
“Aphrodite herself? She’s not looking too bad around here, Meow…~! She really lives up to her name, Being a captivating model and all. My guess is she’s Saitama’s best model out there, Having extreme popularity similar to mine. I guess she’s nice and all…Except, Maybe overbearing? I don’t know, She probably just imagines the world as her playground or something… All in all, There will be more to discover somehow, I think it’s time to dive back into the archive again…And see what ‘true’ spirit Takahashi truly has…”
Kureha Koizumi
“So Koizumi’s the ‘fan favourite?’ I’m not surprised, Anyone can go for art, Let alone prodigies any of these days. Eclipse, Not a bad name to go by, Pretty alluring. Their art seems intriguing, More intricate than Kurome’s I believe. I guess they qualify as an asset? She seems rather blank though…Makes sense for a blank slate. I’ll have to see for more, There has to be more than meets the eye around her, No questions asked.”
Femme Fatale
“Femme Fatale. Saitama Divison, Miyuki Sayaka, Takahashi Lola, Koizumi Kureha, All here. I’ve been dying to get to this one! Not to be boring, But there have been a ton of teams with friendship theming…Even us included, Saying that now feels very hypocritical. Hear me out, Let’s say these gals have it right. ‘Sworn sisterhood’, ‘Nothing can break us down,’ You get where I’m going with that? For once, I actually am excited to face them. Their power levels seem to be burning through the roof, So let’s see how much of a ‘Drive’ they can handle~!”
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roppongi-division · 6 months
Kai's Thoughts on Saitama Division
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Sayaka Miyuki
"Sayaka. I'd like to say she's a very good and dear friend of mine, even despite the fact that she previously worked for Chuohku. I'd also go as far as to say that she's one of the few people here in Japan who understand what true music is all about and the way it should go. Why do I say that? Because using nothing but wits and ingenuity, she was able to bring together four of Japan's most powerful MC's to create the deadliest rap supergroup that this country has ever seen, TDD. And when she personally reached out and asked me to be a DJ for a band, that was, without a doubt, one of the most fulfilling and proudest moments in my entire life."
"Sadly, Sayaka's attack started spelling the end for TDD. Thankfully, she survived, but she was unable to manage the group since she was in the process of giving birth. I tried to do what I could to keep the group together, but... I couldn't really connect with them the way she did. I partly blame myself for not managing to keep them together."
"I still speak with Sayaka on occasion, though not as often as we used to do since we're both busy with life and families. A part of me is surprised to see her participating in the D.R.B., but a part of me also isn't. Regardless, I'm glad to see she's doing well. I look forward to seeing her on stage, hearing her rap again."
Lola Takahashi
"Lola is... she's a charming, beautiful young woman. ...And I'm afraid that's really all I can say about her. Nothing against her, but... for some reason, Mireya doesn't exactly see her in the best light. Why? *sighs* The model made some disparaging remarks regarding Gypsy's Palace, claiming that her friend's nightclub was better. Mireya overheard and... well, if you know my wife, there are two things she won't tolerate anyone insulting: her family and her nightclub."
"Truthfully, and I say this as respectfully as I can, I think Lola was just blowing smoke up her own ass. No offense to her friend, Dolly's, nightclub, but... look at Afterlife. ...Now look at Gypsy's Palace. My wife based our nightclub off the kinds you'd probably only see in Las Vegas. We've even got a separate wing in this place for a casino. And from what I've heard, my wife even plans expanding it. I'm not fully sure what she plans to expand it as, but the point still stands."
"Now I'm not taking nothing away from Afterlife, believe me. I've actually done one or two shows there, and it's a fun place. But comparing it with Gypsy's Palace... yeah, I'm sorry, but that's like comparing Mercury, the smallest planet in our Solar System, to Jupiter, which is the largest."
Kureha Koizumi
"I don't know Kureha very well. I've seen her at a few shows with TDD, and always wondered what she was doing there. It wasn't until later I found out that Sayaka had adopted her. ...Ha, I guess she and Zakari have that in common. It's no wonder I've heard him speak about her in a positive manner. I honestly didn't think the two of them would have much in common, but... I guess it's true what they say, 'opposites do attract'."
Femme Fatale
"A team consisting of a fashion model, a gifted painter, and the woman responsible for the formation of the greatest Japanese rap supergroup. On the surface, they all don't have much in common, but you can't deny that there's something there. I'm not sure about Lola and Kureha, but I know for a fact just how dangerous Sayaka is. That's why, if we face them, we should be extra careful of her. ...But is it bad to say I'm actually looking forward to facing her when we do meet?"
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kamyru · 2 years
Daimon Togo crushing on MC (Headcanons)
You know the "She fell first, but he fell harder" things? That's Daimon.
Thanks to his calm, kind, strict, and career-orientated personality, rookie MC developed a crush on him from the first days of working together.
Have you seen him? Togo's fantastic character, combined with his fantastic looks, would make a fantastic boyfriend.
Daimon was kind to every subordinate, and this made his strictness blend.
So, baby MC, fresh out of university and with big dreams, was like: "That's the man!"
But we all know that firstly, she is a workaholic. That's why her feelings weren't an impediment to her collaboration with Daimon.
And that's why the senior fell for her so hard.
Besides her career-orientated mind, MC had her airheadedness, energy, naivety, and unique way of perceiving the world.
These were the things that Togo didn't have or lost on his road to becoming the person he was. So, he was attracted to her.
Even if their personalities could seem so different, they shared one thing: idiocy lack of confidence in romantic relationships.
Togo was like: "I'll compliment this little bundle of joy. I want her to at least like me as a person."
And MC: "I will try my best. But I don't have any chances with him, so I have to move on."
What happened? Togo had to hide his pain every time he heard Miyuki and MC talking about MC's dates.
Soon, Togo's confidence in having a chance with her dissipated.
It was till the day she finished her first big project.
Togo was so proud of her that his feelings for MC got to a previously unknown intensity if it was even possible.
So, the man decided to confess his feelings for her.
Everything was planned: the restaurant, the date, the speech. It was only one thing to be done yet: ask MC out.
The board asked Togo out, and he was sent abroad for three years.
Happens to the best of us, doesn't it?
For three years, Togo was stalking MC's social media to see how she was doing.
From time to time, he was on the verge of sending her a message.
To not send them accidentally, he wrote them in Word first. So, he had a word document with "Hi! How are you?" written and rewritten again.
He probably tried to date someone else. Though, do you remember the kind part I mentioned previously? Togo couldn't play with anyone else's feelings. So, he gave up on his love life.
This man was a workaholic from the start. While being away from his crush, he achieved level 999 in this.
After three years, Togo was sure that he was over MC. The entire way from the airport to home, then from home to the office, he was: "I'm over her. I'm over her. I'm over her. I'M NOT OVER HER!"
Yes, he saw MC.
She was gorgeous from the start. Yet her 20s glow-up hit Daimon harder than her.
If you have requests about how Togo Daimon starts dating MC, send them to me.
If you like, just like me, to make this man suffer, send me requests about how he reacts when he finds out MC is already married.
If you don't have requests, I have a lot of ideas for him, so sooner or later, this man will get a lot of fluff, hurt/comfort, and angst fics from me.
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fastenwick · 2 years
Second Contact for Earth 15, Part Four
(Featuring @tallest-blue-nerd, @invader-d1b, @ukagaka-zim, and @aik-membrane, featuring mentions of @tak-e-overr.)
Aik nodded.
"Fair enough, Professor," Took said.
"I say that what Professor Membrane did for us was completely warranted. Without it, we wouldn't be having this discussion," Stocks said.
"It doesn't matter anymore though," D1b pointed out.
"On the contrary," Stocks countered. 'It matters. Just not here."
Stocks shrugged. "If you insist."
"We do," Miyuki said.
"Consider the topic dropped then," Stocks said.
Zim spoke in Irken. "WE JUST DIDN'T KICK HIS BUTT YET."
D1b chuckled.
"Who would like to bring up the next question?" Holter asked.
"I would," Stocks said. "I'd like to know more about Irken society."
"As in how we function?" Miyuki asked.
"Correct. Don't worry about repeating details, I'm sure we could all use a refresher anyway," Stocks said.
"Alright. Well, our leaders are decided based on height, hence the name Tallest," Miyuki explained.
"So the shorter you are, the less power you have?" Took asked. "Sorry Holter."
"Hmm," Holter sighed.
"Yes, exactly," D1b said.
"Interesting," Stocks mused.
"Like a program," Stocks said. "How does that work?"
"They aren't fully organic like us, so it's not hard to do," D1b said, attempting to not bring PAKs back into the discussion.
"Hmmm..." Stocks started tapping his fingers on the edge of his chin.
"Uh huh. How does that work exactly? Are you fully both the body and the PAK, are you one or the other?" Stocks asked.
"We've already said that further discussion on PAKs will wait until things are safer for Irkens," D1b said quickly.
Zim nodded.
"Ah, fair enough, fair enough," Stocks sighed. "What else is there to know about your society?"
"Well, every member of Irk was made through a cloning process," Miyuki continued.
"No, Irkens are incapable," Miyuki added.
D1b glanced away from the screen for a moment.
"Is that why you're so close to the Membranes?" Stocks asked.
"No, our cloning has nothing to do with the Membranes," Miyuki replied.
"Yes, it's a very different process," Miyuki agreed.
"It doesn't fail like Membrane's methods did," Aik added.
Stocks nodded. "Of course."
"Does this mean you could clone humans if you wanted?" Took asked.
"Probably, but I don't have a reason to," Miyuki replied.
"Good," Aik huffed. "Cloning should never have touched humans. It's not good for us, we're too different from Irkens."
Stocks chuckled.
"Do you find something amusing?" Holter asked Stocks.
"Yes, the clone talking coming from a clone," Stocks said.
Zim's eyes narrowed.
"My being a clone gives me the perfect justification to speak on the matter," Aik responded coldly.
"Yes, but without it, you wouldn't be alive right now," Stocks said.
"I fail to see the relevance of that. Should I be grateful Membrane experimented in something his mind was too dense to comprehend?" Aik pressed.
"We're not here today to talk of Membrane and clones," Barkley interjected.
"YES," Zim agreed.
"You can talk about that another time if you want, but you're not getting anything about it unless you drop some of that attitude," D1b said.
Stocks smirked.
"I think we're running out of time, if I'm remembering correctly," Took said.
"We have some more time," Aik said.
"Ah, then I'd like to ask about Irk's past regarding war and the oppressors you called Control Brains," Took said.
"They were practically slave drivers over our kind for generations. They've been gone for about 200 years," Miyuki explained.
"Where did they come from?" Took asked.
"They were created by an ancient Tallest, we believe he uploaded his consciousness into them to control us for thousands of years," Miyuki replied.
"At one point, they nearly wiped out Irken life. But that was before my time," Miyuki said 
"Oh, lovely," Stocks said sarcastically.
"Yes, I did get to see the leftovers of that though," Miyuki replied.
"What about your past in wars?" Took asked.
"Most battles we fought were because of the Control Brains," Miyuki answered. "But since then, it's been a lot better. We've defended some planets, we did have to deal with an attack on the Massive, and we've had some enemies spring up here and there. Nothing I'd necessarily call war. I suppose it depends on your definition of war."
"Society vs society, using up resources and continuing to fight for a while," Took said.
"Nothing like that since the destruction of the Control Brains," Miyuki said.
Took nodded. "I'll take that answer."
"Professor Membrane, how are we doing on time?" Barkley asked.
"I think this'll just about do it. They're ending the live stream in a few seconds," Aik replied. 
Zim nodded.
"Until next time then," Barkley said.
"A pleasure as always," Stocks said with a smirk and a nod.
"MMH," Zim responded.
"Farewell, I look forward to the next discussion," Miyuki said.
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astrcthesiai-archived · 8 months
AceYuki for the ship meme too?
How did they first meet? It’s through the seas. Ace needed something to eat and well …Nerissa likely served a meal on the deck. Ace came by and well, smelled food. Rest was history. Miyuki met Ace a few times after that, and after a confrontation, they started to become friends.
Who felt romantic feelings first? I think Miyuki?
Did either of them try to resist their feelings? I believe so. Miyuki didn’t want to suffocate him with her love. And Ace, well, he was telling himself she didn’t like him that way.
Who initiated their feelings first? Miyuki. It’s soft at first, but while Ace is more observant than Luffy, Ace probably needs a reminder.
Who said “I love you” first? I would say Miyuki. Ace might take a while to come to terms with the fact he’s loved romantically.
Who gets jealous easily? I think both but more often Miyuki. Ace knows a lot of people so his time with her is less. Miyuki will be reassured later, and she would definitely hear about what Ace thinks of her from his friends, family, and allies. Miyuki will also work very hard to stay grounded.
Who is more protective? Both of them are willing to kill for the other in order to keep them safe.
Who remembers the little things? Both do of different moments and they would talk about it or playfully bicker.
Who talks about their feelings more? I think Miyuki. She encourages Ace to confide in her.
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines? Ace definitely does just to make Miyuki laugh. Miyuki searches for pickup lines to tell Ace of her own to make him laugh.
What does a first date look like for them? I think they would enjoy exploring an island together. They would hang out on the deck after a long day of Ace investigating Blackbeard’s whereabouts. Ace needs a cheering-up, plus someone to listen to him speaks of halcyon days aboard Whitebeard’s ship. Miyuki would exchange a funny story as well. As it gets chillier on deck, I think they would cuddle close.
What do they like to do together? They would hang out and talk. They would explore different islands, and if it was one Ace had been to before he would show Miyuki the sights. Miyuki would share how she navigates the waters. Miyuki’s a welcome distraction from Ace’s grave mission. Miyuki also helps Ace with finding Blackbeard, she does her best to be there for Ace. “I might not know who Thatch was but he sounds cool and I’ll help however I can.” Ace helps Miyuki free children from war-torn islands.
Which one gets angry the most, leaving the other to calm them down? Both equally, but their anger manifests differently. Ace’s fiery and Miyuki’s it’s colder. They are fire and ice, Fire and Water. Miyuki would share her ice cream, hug Ace, and just sit by him. Ace would make tea, cuddle with Miyuki, and just be with her in the moment.
Do they like PDA? I think so but they’re cautious about it because of the World Government and Ace’s background.
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements? I think it’s interchangeable. Miyuki might feel more comfortable with being the little spoon as Ace with big spoon. I think Ace needs reassurance.
Does one like the cuddle more than the other? I think Miyuki likes to cuddle the most. Ace just goes to sleep when his head hits the pillow.
Who hogs the blankets? Miyuki probably. Ace is a radiator.
Who’s more likely to initiate sex? Both I feel.
Who’s the kinkiest? Miyuki probably. Ace might surprise us but who knows?
Who is the top and bottom in their sex life? Are they interchangeable? Ace I feel is a service top. Miyuki will have to speak up more as a bottom.
Who likes giving and who likes receiving oral? I would say both. They want to make the evening enjoyable.
Can they last more than one round? Probably…? Though Ace’s narcolepsy might strike.
Which one is a morning person? Miyuki probably. She does have to get up to navigate the ship. Ace would like to sleep I think.
Do either of them like to cook? Miyuki is determined to learn and not burn down the kitchen. She is better at outdoor cooking. Ace is in charge of the grill or barbecue.
If they get married, who proposes first? I think it would act to solidify an alliance with Whitebeard’s remaining men and Mira’s crew. I think Miyuki might bring it up as a matolege ceremony?
What kind of wedding do they have? Likely where the remainder of Whitebeard’s crew is. They’re family and in the new world. It’s on the shore. It’s more of a union ceremony.
Does anyone object to their relationship? World Government and the Celestial Dragons.
Do they have any kids? Miyuki and Ace might opt to adopt I feel? Ace is uncomfortable having a biological child because of his own past. If they do have a biological child, it’s likely an oopsies. Ace in his survival verse will do his best to be there for the kid. They might name their kid after Ace’s mother in some way. If Ace perished before the kid was born, Miyuki would make sure that the kid knows that they are loved and that Ace would have done his damnedest to be there. She will make sure to show them to Whitebeard’s remaining crew, Luffy, Tama, Yamato, and Sabo. They are important to Ace. They would call Makino and Dadan.
Do they have any pets? Yes, Miyuki’s pets including Mr. Eel’s descendants and probably a wolf. Mr. Eel is of sea king blood.
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Why I feel “Kaguya-Sama: Love is War” should be looked to as an influence when writing romance stories:
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So first and foremost, “Kaguya-Sama: Love is War” is a comedy series that pokes fun at a lot of romance genre tropes. While the series does have its serious moments, it is, by all accounts, a comedy. However, even at its silliest, “Kaguya-Sama” is a damn good romance story and avoids a lot of common pitfalls that other romance stories fall into.
1) The series treats friendships as being just as important as romances.
2) Rejections happen but isn’t portrayed as a negative. Sometimes, the couple just doesn’t work. Also, the big rejection that happens in the series really lets you feel for both people. You understand the reasons why one person is rejecting the other and, in a way, you actually feel better that the two don’t get together. Let me put it this way; it’s a good thing that one of the people acknowledges that they weren’t ready to be a long-term relationship. It’s better for both parties in the long run.
3) There’s a chapter that makes fun of shipping wars and how toxic and pointless they can be. 
4) The story doesn’t reward bad habits and toxic behavior BUT does give people a chance to change for the better. Look, I love the main characters...but they objectively have terrible views on romance. And that’s part of the reason why I love this series; it’s about two people with horrible views on romance changing for the better.
5) As an additional point to the series not rewarding toxic behavior, a great deal of the series is centered on the two leads being forced to deal with how toxic their own lifestyles are. Due to the pressures of her upper-class family, Kaguya becomes cold and shuts down emotionally in order to protect herself, which doesn’t work since she ends up just hurting herself and the others around her. Due to him being from a poor family, Miyuki is a workaholic who overworks himself just because he feels that is the only way he can be Kaguya’s equal. What I love is that, even though this is a romance story, both Kaguya and Miyuki’s problematic behavior is tied in with their love story. They both can’t be together until they face their problems, which I love since it’s positive character development and makes the romance feel earned.  
6) Doesn’t shy away from talking about sex and how that could really alter the relationship dynamics. Along the same lines, the series also acknowledges both “girl talk” and “guy talk”. You see the male characters talking about women and vice versa with the female characters. What I love is that it’s treated as just normal; doesn’t matter the gender, people love to gossip and talk about sex and their love lives. 
7) Avoids pointless love triangles for the two leads. Even when the story does do a love triangle, it actually make sense with the characters and the story that is being told. 
8) Literally, one of the first jokes in the series is that the romantic relationship between the two leads doesn’t progress since neither party made a move. They only started making progress when they actually took the initiative instead of waiting for the other one to make a move. 
9) Acknowledges that not everything in a romance has to be a big gesture in order for the romance to progress. Like, one of the biggest romantic moments in the series is just Kaguya giving Miyuki a birthday cake. Sometimes, it’s really the thought that counts. 
10) This is more of a modern day point but the series acknowledges just how important social media has become and how it affects our relationships. Literally, one of the funniest gags in the series is a character freaking out about sending a follow request on Twitter.
11) This series probably has the best representation of what it feels like to actually try to ask someone out, or at least what it feels like when you try to get your crush to like you back. As someone who suffers from anxiety, I love that they represent the characters’ anxiety as an epic battle. Like, you could just FEEL the stress. 
12) Actually treats the side characters and their romances with respect. I feel like I’ve seen a lot of romance movies where these two side characters will just get together randomly, no build-up and usually done as a gag. But “Kaguya-Sama” actually builds and develops the side romances, almost as much as they do on the main romance. Hell, I’m just happy that this is a series that actually uses their side characters and doesn’t treat them like glorified extras. 
13) When it comes to the romances, the series makes an effort to give each party their agency and how they feel about their partner. Let me just say, I’ve seen too many series where the romance is either one-sided, focuses too much on one character’s feelings, or there is an obvious power imbalance. In “Kaguya-Sama”, you really do feel there’s an effort to showcase both sides of the romance and develop them equally. 
14) As my last note, the series acknowledges that romance isn’t perfect. Sometimes, the person you end up falling for isn’t the person you thought you’d be attracted to. Sometimes, the romantic scenario you came up in your head isn’t what happens in real life. Sometimes, the person who you thought was the one just wasn’t meant to be. But the series says that it’s okay that your love story wasn’t perfect. In the end, it’s all about being happy with the person you’re with. 
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bubblebooming · 2 years
Hey, If you don’t mind me asking. Can you explain the au your monsters comic take place in? I am specifically curious about the relationship between Zim and the tallests. Based on that picture you did of Zim and Red, I guess that they have a more parental relationship in this au.
Woohoo! I'm so very sorry, I did see this when you put it in, but I like....suck, a lot. And I got distracted...for months and just remembered it.
The monsters comic is connected to the other comic I'm doing about zim going crazy- except he's genuinly crazy not just a conspiracies like it's sort of hard to ignore at this point- then again...
Enter the fucking florpus
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So just to explain the relationship with zim and his parents, I do need to explain irken anatomy.
Now, I'm fairly certain I am not the first nor the last to come up with this, but everyone has their own version of irken anatomy, the one I have, or tend to stick with I don't know if anyone else has done it in this much detail, is intersex irkens.
Basically they have both reproductive organs, I'd show a graph but tumblr is just ...
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So both internal and external except there's no balls, I mean there is but that's internal as well as a womb, so both are functional but isn't generally put to use unless you are 'tallest' or outside of the empire during invasion or something because I'm sure they have need for smeet there or perhaps like little planet based cities probably, I can't imagine all irken are put to that, I think the military based ones such as zim and the other surrounding the tallest are bred specifically for what they do for best result, that's how it works in my au, or the one I stick with, again I don't claim ownership of it all I just use this collaboration of ideas I've collected or come up with.
So the tallest of course I think would have to be bred to be as tall as they are, in this idea, zim is just a little short. Do bare in mind that another thing in this au is that 1 human year is the equivalent to 10 irken years, their old planet belonged to another solar system so I think it would have travelled a lot faster then ours does, so that would make zim about 16 by human years, rather then 160, in the time that the series was based, so dib is 21 in the monsters comic+, making zim roughly 25? I don't know, I suck at maths.
I'm sorry, I went off topic explaining this, so yes, red is zims father as in this version zim is their child, but he was still considered defective as he didn't reach the height he was expected to and was a bit off the rails, even though he isn't, he was just passionate.
The way they conceived zim for their time and placement was considered unconventional as it put a higher risk of being defective, but they did it anyway, not many tallest actually tend to fall for eachother but it was more of a shock in this version.
So red and purple also have more of a war and peace dynamic, they do balance eachother out, miyuki and spork also were a part of that, but miyuki in this case was too self absorbed (by irken stamdard) and spork really was just intrested in other stuff, so they actually ended up being exiled, against red and purples will, as the four were very close, but yknow with everything going on, the two aren't really 100% in control.
Dib and zim built a friendship about probably 3 years after enter the florpus, when dib found that zim had intrest in cryptids, after figuring out that the empire had a tally abandoned him, after that they became monster hunters, few years later dating, some other stuff but I'll get into that when I finally get to the new chapter in my other comic.
I'm sorry if this was hard to read, and I am sorry this took a stupid long time, I did try to write it a few times but I panicked and deleted it always and there's been other stuff happening too, but I appreciate the ask I got really excited and if you have any other questions feel free to send another :)
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stellar-imagines · 3 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝stubborn rashes.❞
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[ Fandom: Diamond no Ace ] [ Characters: Miyuki Kazuya ]
「 Scenario of Miyuki comforting his S/O who has flare rashes.」
It was the familiar crunch of sand that resounded throughout the field that drew your attention. You shifted your eyes towards the baseball field where the Seidou team was having their daily practice after classes. It was a routine for you to come after your classes and sit by the benches to watch the team play while reading your book. You weren't a part of the team but having a boyfriend there made you come here more often. There was something comforting about sitting by the benches and listening to the boys do their usual thing. The sounds of their bats swinging and the balls connecting with their mitts were just very nice to you. The usual spot was always open, almost everyone knew that it was your spot. The managers will come and join you just to accompany you while they do their work.
Miyuki Kazuya finds himself glancing at the bench occasionally. Whenever he finds the chance to catch his breath, he will definitely look at you and give you a small wave. He notices something different with your today. Being in different classes always meant that he never got to see you unless it was during lunch breaks or joined classes. Most of the time, you would come by and watch him practice. Afterward, Miyuki would walk you back home which was only 5 minutes away by foot. It was the jacket you had on that drew his attention. It was slightly windy here but it wasn't windy enough for you to put on a jacket to begin with. 
"Why are you wearing a jacket, [First Name]-chan?" Haruno asked you while you flipped through the book you were reading.
"Oh, this? I just felt a bit chilly that's all." you replied with a smile. 
Though of course, that was a lie. It was just recently that flare rashes begin to show up on your arm and just the sight of them makes you frown. Your parents told you that it was nothing you should worry about and that it was probably because of stress or allergies. At the moment, you didn't even care what the cause of it was, you just wanted it gone. And all you could do now was to hide them from view. The only way you thought of was to just put on a jacket to hide them from everyone. It did draw attention from your classmates since the weather didn't seem suitable. Not only did it drew attention, it just made you feel much more uncomfortable.
Miyuki approached you after the coach called it a day. Instead of going to the training ground to catch some balls for Sawamura and Furuya, he decided to come over to you. He gave you his signature smile, giving you a small peck on your check. The managers excused themselves and decided to give you two some privacy.  You closed your book and rose from the bench, smiling back at your boyfriend. He took a seat next to you, using the towel around his neck to wipe off the sweat gathered on his forehead. He looked at you with a small frown but not one that expressed worry, one that expressed slight confusion.
"Are you sure that you wanna keep that jacket on, [First Name]?" Miyuki questioned you.
"Yeah, it's fine. It's starting to get a bit cold for me." you replied with a smile.
Miyuki eventually noticed that you began to wear a jacket more often, no matter how hot it was. After a hot day of practice, the catcher caught himself looking at you talking with the first-year players who came by to greet you. And you were there, dressed in the same way he saw you for the past 3 days. The school's signature tracksuit over the uniform you wore every day. The teachers had asked you the reason behind this but you simply mentioned that you were feeling a little bit cold. However, Miyuki didn't seem to be convinced that it was the case.
"Why don't you just take it off? I can see you sweating a bit you know." your boyfriend poked at your cheek and handed you a bottle of water. 
"And you got a little something here." Miyuki pointed at a spot under your chin. You raised your hand to touch whatever he was pointing at, it surprised you that your rashes showed up on your face. Out of reflex, you pulled up the collar of your tracksuit in an attempt to hide your face.
"Come on, don't be so embarrassed. Show me." the brunette urged. You shook your head, refusing to do as he said.
"No, don't look at me, Kazuya." you whined, avoiding his eyes. He gently put his hand over yours, slowly removing them and noticing the flare rashes on your neck. Miyuki was a smart guy, it didn't take him long to realize what was up with you. Now that your secret was out, you decided to just let it go.
"Do these hurt?" Miyuki asks, gently tracing his finger on the red patches. 
"They're just itchy but sometimes they hurt." you muttered.
Your boyfriend placed a few kisses on your face and around your neck. You let out a small giggle when his hair tickled your neck and chin. Miyuki smiled gently and helped you take off the jacket, only to reveal a few patches of red on your arm. He gave your arm the same treatment, peppering kisses all over the red patches. A gentle smile replaced your frown, you almost felt stupid for being so insecure of yourself. It was dumb of you to assume that Miyuki only liked you for your looks.
"Don't be insecure of them, baby. These will go away, I'm more concerned whether these things hurt or not." he spoke.
"I'm fine, Kazuya. It's just that they're so ugly you know." you rubbed at the rashes with a small pout.
"You have nothing to be insecure of. What do you say we go to the clinic tomorrow to get these treated? I remember that there's a small clinic near your house, I'll take you there after practice." Miyuki offered.
"Thank you, Kazuya. You're the best." you kissed his cheek.
"Though, it kind of reminds me of that one time my classmate dressed up as a zombie. He had patches all over his arms and legs―" you cut him off before he could finish his sentence, punching his arm. Miyuki let out a loud laugh when he saw that your face turned red as a result of his teasing.
"I'm just joking, [First Name]! You know I love you!" he followed you when you didn’t respond to him.
“Come on! I’ll give you all the cuddles and kisses you want!”
Total: 1133 words Published: 12.07.2021
Thank you for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 We hope you liked it! ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting it! Hope you enjoyed this! ― author Natsuki
Requests are closed! Matchups are closed!
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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aerialflight · 3 years
Fic Recs (mostly Naruto cause I read too many good fics in the fandom and now I'm in hell)
Spirit-Touched by phooykazooi
Once upon a time, the Haruno clan were priests. It was said that they were spirit-touched, and that they walked among the downtrodden and the poor, and did not bow to royalty.
Or, an AU in which Sakura can see spirits.
Part 1 of The Realms Between
(Really, and I mean REALLY fantastic Shikamaru & Sakura friendship! Fantastic, beautiful writing, and such good worldbuilding, god, and the Haruno family is so badass!! Sakura and everything she does makes me want to scream!! Please read!)
Final Evaluation by Do_the_Cool_Whip
Progress evaluations are one-on-one consultation meetings between academy students and their teacher. Their purpose is to inform academy students of their strengths and weaknesses and guide them down their ideal path to becoming a strong shinobi. Upon graduating the academy and passing their jounin-sensei test, new genin return to the academy for one final consultation. (Or: The story of what happens when Umino Iruka uses his final meetings with his students as way to send them off to become the best shinobi they can possibly be.)
(Iruka! Is! The! Best! Teacher! Ever! End of story!!! Great interpretation of all the characters and their capabilities and I am so so excited for the sequel that will undoubtedly come! XD)
Celestial Bodies by Oceanbreeze7
Sasuke looked at the fire, eyes glowing red as the mutated corrupted seal on his throat. "Amaterasu blessed me. I see things. Like you with two normal eyes and the Hokage. And Sakura with a seal on her forehead. And I run Chidori through Naruto's heart. I keep trying to kill him. Over and over. And that knuckleheaded idiot never gives up.”
(Don't you get it? I saw it. The moon will bleed, the nations will die. The world is going to end.)
Part 1 of Celestial Bodies and Anomalies
(I swear, this fic freaking elevated my expectations on Sasuke-centric fics in general holy hell. Also, read the fucking sequel after this cause EVERYTHING GOES NUTS AND THE PLOT GOES OFF AND I'M HERE FOR THIS SHIT. Fucking Uchihas man. Also, you wouldn't think this series is funny, but it is, and it's amazing.)
A step to the left (and right off the cliff) by weavingBlue
Team Seven starts off on a different foot and Sasuke's canonical journey to get stronger goes off the rails a bit. It all works out though. Probably.
(This fic went in a direction I didn't expect and it's GLORIOUS. SO FUNNY, I honestly was dying while I was reading this. Please give this a chance!!)
promises by BombsAreForBabies
It's her first kiss and Naruto's last. She promises him that she will bring Sasuke home. It's his dying wish, after all.
(Naruto bleeds out faster than the kyuubi can heal him.
Sakura learns that being a ninja is more than fancy jutsu and fun.
Sasuke does not know that he just killed his best friend and turned his most loyal comrade into his worst enemy.)
(Listen LISTEN I know this sounds depressing but the relationship developments and slow healing is EVERYTHING and I think it's absolutely worth it to read this. Sakura's characterization is so good and Kakashi makes me want to hug him. A lot.)
Fang Under Fang by Vroomian
"Are we sure he's really an Inuzuka?"
(The answer is no.)
Someone reborn as Inuzuka Kiba not only has to deal with bullshit ninja magic, but soulmates being A Thing.
(Really good self-insert fic and its platonic soulmates, not romantic! I am always here for a good Kiba-centric fic and I won't say who the soulmate is. It's unexpected but so, so good! Trust me!)
Haunt The Lonely by Tht0neGal666
(Series where Sakura can see ghosts and the Things she gets up to due to this ability. The fics are short but man, you can already see the shifting differences in Team 7's dynamics, it's great!)
Perception by Ellie_Enchanted
Naruto can sense auras, which throws everything off it's balance. Because really, with someone as open as Naruto running around and peering into the depths of people's souls, something is bound to change. In other words, sometimes all that's needed is a push. Also, Sasuke apparently glows.
(Naruto the empath changing the plot and making it Better and I am loving it!)
Crossfire by DejaVu22
Following the events of Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke never makes it to Orochimaru's hideout. Instead, he is waylaid by a one-eyed man named Tobi, a man possessing a Sharingan, a terrifying dual personality, a penchant for always being late, and a single-minded mission to stop the Akatsuki in their tracks. When Sasuke runs into Naruto again years later, he must ally with his old teammate in order to protect him from the Akatsuki, while keeping him out of the two man war Tobi and Sasuke have started against the dangerous organization.
(I honest to god can't stop cackling when I read this, the Sasuke & Obito dynamic is so freaking chaotic and Sasuke's characterization is the best thing I've ever read. This boi is a mEsS and I'm fucking rooting for him. He cares so much! There's secret identity shenanigans happening on sasuke's end and it's HILARIOUS! This is the duo I never thought I needed but here it is! *cackles insanely*)
[Diamond no Ace]
Echo in His Hands by SportRayne (rayningnight)
Ship: Miyuki/Sawamura
What does it mean, when you remember snapshots of your own future?
Is it your future at all, if you change it?
Would you even want to change it?
(Look I am WEAK for BAMF Eijun and time travel fics and Miyuki being a tanuki bastard, okay? Time travel fic where Eijun gets feelings of people he knew before in the future. Really good so far and am so excited over this fic!)
The path we walk by WindsOfTime
Ship: Miyuki/Sawamura
Eijun goggles at the magazine she just shoved into his hands. "W-Wakana!" "I know!" she says, beaming. "That's my soulmate!!" "I know!!" "My soulmate plays baseball!!"
(Became such an instant fave so fast it's unbelievable. I LOVE THESE IDIOTS SO MUCH! Best soulmate fic in this fandom, hands down!)
[One Piece]
switching places by fireflywitch
Zoro is 21 and wakes up in a desert they already saved, on a ship that they burned two years ago, and standing next to a man who is supposed to be dead. Except, that can’t be right, can it?
Zoro is 19 and wakes up on a ship that’s too big, next to a robot wearing a swimsuit, and he’s supposed to fight something called a Kaido. Also, he’s missing an eye, and no one’s even a little worried about it?
Time travel is a shitshow, and Zoro didn't sign up for this.
No Time To Crank The Sun by VIKAN
He’s surrounded by strangers, but they’re all trying to convince him otherwise. Or, Zoro faces a mysterious and relentless challenge that he just can’t wrap his head around.
(This ripped my heart open, I cried reading this my god. Please read this, the pain is so worth it and Zoro and his relationship with his crew is so good here. This reminded me why I love the Straw Hats so much!)
[Fairy Tail]
to learn about a lucy (with a look into the future.) by るる凪 - nagi (arurun)
A watching the future fanfic.
It's currently X781, three years before canon. A group of Fairy Tail mages find themselves in a large building, with no known way out.
They sit down, and they watch the future.
(This is so much more fun than I thought it would be and I'm so happy I found this fic. This fic reignited my old love for this fandom and I hope it does for you too!)
[Harry Potter]
sunflowers by Marnie27
One day, a young girl sits on the edge of a well. On this day, she falls in. Then the next, she’s not even a ‘she’ anymore. He’s Peter Pettigrew — doomed to die at the hands of his (betrayed) friend’s son.
Peter is selfish, bitter and brash. He’s not some fairy tale hero, he doesn’t care if everyone around him dies, as long as he lives. The marauders are annoying and childish. Survival is his priority, and he can’t afford to face distractions.
This just makes the fact that soulmates are now apparently a thing all the more godawful.
(And then another day years later he falls into an entirely new impossibility, Remus Lupin in tow, right into the third book of Harry Potter. Smack bang on the other Peter Pettigrew’s grave).
It’s confusing and graceless, and entirely something that would happen to him of all people.
(Self-insert fic where a girl reincarnates into Peter Pettigrew! And there are soulmates! And it's angsty and hilarious and Peter is an Asshole (somewhat unintentionally lol). Always a fan of biased pov fics and characters slowly improving themselves and their mental health! Cause dying! Is! Traumatic! *smiley face* Please read!)
he's a killer queen, sunflower, guillotine by hoye
Fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist, Harry Potter
He has to be the weirdest Hufflepuff Harry’s ever seen. Scratch that, he’s the weirdest Hufflepuff Hogwarts has ever seen.
(One thing everyone could agree on: NEVER call Edward Elric short.)
(This is peak Edward Elric and all the best things about him and I'm just having a Good Time. Friendships! Logical solutions! Marauder screentime! And so much More! *bright grin* It's a fun place here!)
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Hi! I'm about to attempt my first beaded knitting project : https://ravel.me/river-of-beads for a wedding gift.
Do you have any advice re: where to acquire appropriate beads and/or what to consider when making a decision? I'm seeing 6/0 tossed around a lot as a size, and a variety of small crochet hooks?
I bought fingering weight Urth yarn for the project :)
Thanks for the expertise you share and the amazing work you create!
As to where to acquire beads, I would try asking at your local yarn store because the people there probably would know if any stores in your area carry the appropriate kind of beads. If not, try searching online, probably Amazon or Etsy. I highly suggest Miyuki beads, out of all of the thousands I've used I've only had four be size duds, so they're pretty good and they have a very large range of colors to choose from.
Unfortunately I can't give the best advice as to where to buy them. I live in Japan and they're a Japanese company, so for me they're the cheap and available option at every craft store outside of the dollar store (which is hilarious to me because the containers are less than a dollar at the craft stores). But they should be available online.
6/0 should be a decent size bead for fingering weight yarn, though I'm not really sure which size crochet hook to use with them. If you have small sized crochet hooks you can check with the beads when you buy them, but if you don't have any crochet hooks I would suggest getting a 1mm sized crochet hook. That should work with 6/0 beads quite well.
If you've never done beaded knitting before, I would suggest watching a youtube video on the how to. It's not a hard process, but it's always good to cover your basis before you start.
Good luck with your shawl, I hope it turns out lovely!
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dajaregambler · 3 years
AAside - Event story “WITHOUT ME“
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A translation for the story of the AAside event “WITHOUT ME”.
It contains all chapters (6 total) fully translated!
----At GYROAXIA’s sharehouse
Reon: Hmm…..
Miyuki: Huh, is that a wedding invitation?
Reon: Wah, Miyuki-san! Don’t stick your nose into my business
Miyuki: Just happened to see it. So, what of it? Whose invitation is it?
Reon: The owner of a local livehouse. Someone I’ve known since highschool
Miyuki: June is the season of marriage, huh. Marrying during this time will sure make the bride happy
Miyuki: Kinda romantic, isn’t it
Reon: Not really
Miyuki: Aren’t you interested, Reon-kun? Like, about what kind of person you’ll marry in the future
Reon: Nah
Miyuki: An immediate answer…
Reon: The most important thing right now is to claim victory at the LR Fes. I can’t get distracted by anything else
Miyuki: How serious. Well, that is a fact though
Miyuki: So what are you gonna do about that wedding invitation. Because by local you meant Sapporo, right?
Reon: I’m not gonna go
Reon: It’s a bit of a bummer but our live and schedule are too close to it
Reon: We’re on a time crunch for me to go to Sapporo right now
Miyuki: True that, there’s our preparations and practice too
(Door opening)
Kenta: I’m back
Reon: Kenta-san, welcome back 
Miyuki: Meeting ran late, huh
Kenta: Yes, for a bit. More importantly, Reon do you have a moment?
Kenta: There’s going to be an interview for a music magazine. With you and I
Reon: With...me? Not Nayuta?
Miyuki: Isn’t that unusual. What kind of interview?
Kenta: This
Reon: Eh….? This is…..
Kenta: A magazine special on June brides
Chapter 1
Reon: Special on June brides….
Kenta: Yes. It seems to be about the music used at ceremonies
Kenta: It’s common for the bride and groom to play their favourite music artists at weddings.
Kenta: Thus they want to hear the artists we have in mind from us.
Reon: …..Really now
Kenta: You don’t seem to be too pleased
Kenta: Well, it is part of advertising. It could serve as a chance for us to expand upon a new customer base.
Reon: Even then, why me. I kind of see why you but….
Kenta: It was requested by them.
Miyuki: Isn’t that nice, Reon-kun
Reon: Not at all
Reon: I mean, wouldn’t it be better for Nayuta to be taking interviews once in a while
Kenta: You should know by now what kind of answers Nayuta would be giving.
Reon: That… is true but….
Kenta: In any case, it’s set in stone.
Kenta: You don’t need to mull that much over it, I will be there too and I have received information regarding the contents of the questions beforehand.
Kenta: I can understand as to why you’re not motivated, but keep in mind it’s part of the job.
Kenta: Please give it what you got, Reon
Reon: ….Understood
Reon: ….Haah
Miyuki: What a heavy sigh. Is the interview right after the next live?
Reon: Yeah. Kenta-san had asked me to, and I’m trying to understand the logic behind this
Reon: The kind of person I like, weddings and all that… All of these questions don’t have ANYTHING to do with music!
Miyuki: Lemme see… heeeh. “What’s your ideal wedding?”
Miyuki: Say Reon-kun, why don’t you let Onii-san practice with you?
Reon: No.
Miyuki: You sure with that? What if it ends up being a mess because you’re stumbling over your own words?
Reon: ……………….
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Chapter 2
Miyuki: Next question! Your ideal wife is-?
Reon: ��.Don’t have one
Miyuki: Didn’t you say the same thing earlier too. Like, really don’t have a type of girl you like?
Reon: I keep saying that this is just….!
(Phone vibrates)
Miyuki: Your phone’s buzzing
Reon: Haah, who could it be at this time now?
-----Few days later. At a café
Livehouse owner: Misono, it’s been a while!
Reon: Boss! Long time since we talked. It’s nice that you’re in Tokyo
Livehouse owner: Yes, had some work to take care of. Being here made me want to see you guys again
Reon: “You guys”?
Yuto: ‘Sup! Huh, Reon’s here too!
Reon: Yuto…..
Livehouse owner: Still, you two haven’t changed
Yuto: Could say the same for you! Really thank you so much for taking care of us back then.
Livehouse owner: I didn’t do anything special
Livehouse owner: Honestly I wanted to meet up with Satozuka too but he seems to be busy.
Yuto: Well, as you’d expect from Kenta-san
Livehouse owner: Ah that’s right, our livehouse has become somewhat popular for the fact that you guys have used it.
Livehouse owner: They’ve probably heard it from somewhere, but every so often fans of yours show up 
Livehouse owner: Especially many of Misono’s fans. Though even back in the day there would be some waiting outside 
Yuto: True that. Reon wasn’t only popular in our band but at our highschool too.
Reon: No way
Yuto: No, totally yes way!?
Livehouse owner: Regardless, you two are truly amazing. To be able to enter such a grand festival
Livehouse owner: ….Well, being part of different bands that is
Livehouse owner: Honestly, it never crossed my mind that you guys would end up going your separate ways given how close everyone was
Reon: ……
Yuto: ……
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Chapter 3
Livehouse owner: My bad for keeping you guys so long. I’m happy we were able to meet today though
Yuto: Yes, thank you so much for your time too! Alright, it’s time for me to head off!
Reon: See ya, Yuuto
Yuto: Yeah! I’ll be seeing you!
Reon: ...Um, Boss. Thanks a lot for today
Livehouse owner: It’s all good. If anything my bad for calling you out of nowhere
Livehouse owner: ...Should’ve known better to not mention the old band
Livehouse owner: Both you and Goryo didn’t seem to appreciate it… It was a bit insensitive.
Reon: No, please don’t mind it
Livehouse owner: Speaking of bands, how’s Gyro doing? Going well?
Reon: Right… I can’t say that it is going well at all when asked that.
Reon: To put it bluntly, it’s nothing but butting heads with the vocalist, and there’s a lot of issues within the band too
Reon: But there’s no mistake that Gyro will be the one band to be on top of the world.
Livehouse owner: Huuh… that’s unexpected. To think that you’d love Gyro.
Reon: Well… I love Gyro’s “music” if anything
Livehouse owner: You have a lot of confidence in that vocalist, don’t you?
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Reon: ….Hah? Where is that coming from
Livehouse owner: Because you normally wouldn’t think that far if you didn’t have such confidence in your band members.
Reon: I mean… you could say that but with such a vocalist it’s totally impossible!
Livehouse owner: Really?
Reon: Really! Just who in the world would…
Livehouse owner: In the end band and marriage are the same. It’s sharing the same fate. There’s good times, bad times too… all that.
Reon: ….Being in the same boat.
Reon: …...Um, when you decided to get married, how did it feel?
Livehouse owner: How it felt…. that’s sudden. You have to be determined to make a choice.
Reon: Determined, to make a choice
Livehouse owner: Yes, yes. Aah, since I’m in Tokyo after all, I want to go to a Gyro live if… Misono?
Reon: Ah, sorry.
Reon: Um, talking about the live right? Till when are you staying in Tokyo?
Livehouse owner: I still have some work to take care off, I think I’ll be going back to Sapporo next week
Reon: Then I’ll leave a seat for you open so make sure to come
Reon: ….And with that I invited the livehouse owner.
Kenta: That’s fine. I’ll arrange a spot for him.
Reon: Thank you
Kenta: That reminds me, how are the preparations for the interview going? I noticed it seeming to be a struggle...
Reon: ………..
Reon: Um, Kenta-san. What’s your opinion of being in a band means sharing the same fate?
Chapter 4
Reon: It’s what the owner said today. “Band and marriage are the same. It’s being in the same boat”
Kenta: It resembles what you had said before, doesn’t it.
Reon: ….In the sense that it’s more about destiny.
Reon: Though… Gyro isn’t that kind of band.
Kenta: Yes. It’s not necessary for Gyro to have a feeling of fellowship or the resolution to walk together on the same path.
Reon: It narrows down to what performance Nayuta agrees with.
Kenta: Yes. And if it doesn’t you’ll get discarded
Reon: And to not get discarded you have to keep up with it.
Kenta: Exactly
Reon: I seriously still think that’s not right
Kenta: …….
Reon: …..But today, thinking about the past made me realize something.
Reon: I think it’s strange, yet I still chose Gyro.
Reon: It might’ve been more fun to continue with Yuto and the others, and have made some good memories too
Reon: Though that’s not what I’m seeking for
Reon: I want to become a pro. To surpass the world. Fun memories or friends aren’t necessary for this.
Reon: All you need is the guts to aim for the world and have the best kind of music. That’s why I’m here.
Kenta: No matter how many times you lock horns?
Reon: Yes. I don’t regret choosing Gyro
-----On the day of the live.
Reon: Looks like boss came too
Kenta: Yes, I had talked with him earlier. He hasn’t changed at all.
Reon: Right
Miyuki: Oh Reon-kun, you’re looking pretty calm. Was sure you’d be more nervous 
Ryo: That’s right. Kenken and Reon have an interview after this
Kenta: Yes
Reon: Kenta-san lent me a hand with preparing for it.
Miyuki: Eeh, didn’t I help you out too 
Reon: Only thing you did was mock me!
Nayuta: Stop yapping. Let’s go
-------At the office
Magazine reporter: Let us begin the interview. This time it’s special on June brides.
Kenta: I’m looking forward to working with you
Reon: I’ll be, in your care
Magazine reporter: Recently, songs of rock bands are being more and more used as background music at weddings...
Magazine reporter: How would you feel about your own songs being used?
Kenta: I would be very appreciative of it.
Magazine reporter: There’s also a pattern where friends of the bride and groom form a cover band together to perform.
Magazine reporter: Have you ever considered performing at your own wedding?
Kenta: I wonder. I can’t say for sure until that time comes.
Kenta: I haven’t had a moment to consider it either.
Magazine reporter: Satozuka-san, is there an ideal partner that you have in mind for marriage?
Kenta: Perhaps this would be a boring answer, however….
Kenta: I’m charmed by the kind of person whose talent far excels that of mine.
Magazine reporter: I see….
Magazine reporter: What about you, Misono-san?
Reon: Uum… I haven’t actually thought about marriage yet
Reon: Someone that gives priority to the band is good. At any rate I’m too occupied with the band myself right now.
Reon: On the other hand, I don’t want the other to have regret in choosing me.
Kenta: Reon, that went pretty well didn’t it.
Reon: Y-you think so?
Kenta: Yes. Compared to when we practiced, these were all fine answers.
Kenta: As expected from a man that became a legend for having 11 girls confess their love to him.
Reon: What!?
Reon: Hold on a second! From who did you…!
Kenta: I fondly remember needing to apologize to the amount of people waiting outside of the livehouse.
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Reon: Wha-, Kenta-san!
Kenta: Quite a different experience compared to the man who has been popular since forever.
Reon: Please spare me….!!
Some sort of semantics about destiny and fate. Fate has no choice, we play no part in molding it. Destiny has a choice, we actively shape it. The owner and both Reon talked about “being in the same boat” but the kanji differ: 運命共同体 and 一蓮托生. The former is about destiny, the latter about fate. Reon has said it before which is why Kenta points it out, and Reon explains that it’s not precisely that. Hope it makes sense!
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nothing but what came before
Fandom: Kamen Rider Ryuki Characters: Yura Goro, Kitaoka Shuichi, with a cameo by Tezuka Miyuki Song: "Bury My Lovely," October Project (playlist here)
Goro doesn’t go for fortune-telling. It’s for teenage girls and bored housewives, and anyway it’s never right. So when the fortune-teller reading cards on the street waves to him, he goes over, but not because he’s worried and wants his fortune told. The guy just looks weirdly familiar, that’s all.
The fortune-teller smiles at him, very gently. “You look troubled.”
Goro nods slowly. “Yeah. Do I know you from somewhere?”
A flicker of uncertainty. “I want to say yes, I feel like the answer should be yes, but I don’t think we’ve met.”
“Aren’t you supposed to say yeah, sure, and start talking about my past life or something?”
“Maybe, if I were trying to sell you something.” The fortune-teller gestures to the other chair at his table. “Right now I just have a feeling, though, and those are free of charge. Sit down and let me read for you.”
Goro eyes him, suspicious but swayed by the man’s odd familiarity. He sits. “A feeling about what?”
Shuichi walks out of the hospital. He’s been expecting bad news since the headaches first got bad enough to see a doctor, but not this bad; part of his mind has already started rearranging his schedule for the next few months at least. There’ll be appointments, treatments, surgeries…he’ll need to cut back on his workload.
The rest of him is numb.
His laughter sounds fake in his own ears; he hopes the kid he’s on the phone with doesn’t notice. “Look, Naru, if you keep on assuming the best of people it’s going to make this job very hard for you—”
Someone steps in front of him on the sidewalk.
“—anyway, tell Chihiro to call me herself if she wants my support, and let her know my offer of dinner’s still open.” He hangs up, ignoring the kid’s protests. “Can I help you? I’m not carrying any cash, if that’s what you’re looking for.”
Unexpectedly, the young thug blocking his path blushes.“No…no, um. Are you…a lawyer?” And—his voice is quiet and respectful, not at all what Shuichi would have expected given the tacky shirt, the bleached hair, the pierced ear.
Shuichi eyes him. “Why do you ask?”
“Well. Um.” The thug is staring at the ground as if embarrassed, the tips of his ears red. “A…a fortune-teller said if I came here now I’d meet a lawyer who’d be able to help my friend.”
“A fortune—look, unless your friend is a celebrity or a large corporation, I can’t help you.” Shuichi moves to step around him.
The strangely bashful thug blocks him again, gaze still lowered but stance firm. “Please hear me out at least, sir.”
“You’ve caught me at an especially bad moment, I’m really not in the mood to—”
And the thug’s on his knees, forehead nearly on the pavement, soft voice shaking. “Please. He didn’t kill anyone, he was trying to help her. I’m sure I—he—we can’t pay what you’re used to, but I’ll do whatever else you need me to do.”
Shuichi stares down at him. “Look…”
The thug doesn’t move, just stays there, on the ground in front of him. A couple of high school girls passing on the other side of the street glance at them, whisper, giggle.
“…look, stand up, all right? This is embarrassing.”
After a beat, the thug stands and finally looks up at Shuichi, their eyes meeting just for a moment.
The doctor was giving it to me soft, is Shuichi’s first thought, my actual prognosis must be much worse if I’m having delusions like this. Because he’s dizzy, all of a sudden, with the weight of half-memories, so much that he actually stumbles and the young guy catches him and helps him to a bench. Which also feels familiar, the arm around him, the whiff of a particular cheap aftershave that he knows this man buys at Don Quijote, knows which Don Quijote he buys it at. His head is spinning, and the sunlight is too bright, and he says, gripping the bridge of his nose, “What’s your name?”
“Yura Goro.”
He knows it. Part of him knows that name. “Yura…Goro. Goro, I’m Kitaoka Shuichi. You and your friend are that broke? And this is actually a murder case?”
“Yes, sir.”
“But you’re willing to work to cover your friend’s fees.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I’m not cheap, you know. I’m guessing it would be too much to hope that you’re a trained paralegal?”
“Um…” Goro sounds faintly puzzled. “No, sir.”
“Well, that’s not ideal, my last paralegal just quit.” Because I slept with her, but he doesn’t need to know that. “Can you at least take dictation? How’s your handwriting?”
“I can…I can take dictation if you need me to.”
“Can you drive?”
“I have a license.” There’s a pause, Goro’s throat audibly working before he says, “This is later than—you have. A brain tumor.”
Shuichi actually starts laughing. “So I’m not delusional? You’re remembering things too? That’s a relief, I thought maybe the doctor was just being nice about it when he said it was treatable.”
There’s a note in Goro’s voice that makes Shuichi look over at him, searching for the shocked hope on his face. “That’s what he told me. Why, you remember something I don’t?”
Another long pause, and then Goro ducks his gaze again and says, “No. It’s nothing.” It’s an obvious lie, but Shuichi isn’t sure that he wants to hear the truth.
Instead he says, stifling the urge towards more hysterical laughter, “So you seem like you probably know how to fight, you any good at being a bodyguard? Because a lot of people really don’t like me.”
“I can fight, but I don’t like to.”
“You don’t—ok, now I’m starting to think your friend really is innocent, if a guy with your look doesn’t like to fight. What do you like to do?”
A shy mumble of, “I like to cook.”
“Really. You any good?”
“I…I think so, yes.”
Shuichi stares at Goro’s lowered eyes and red ears, still dizzied by the indistinct rush of memory and wondering if something similar is the real cause of Goro’s furious blush—he’s sure remembering some things that would make him blush if he was capable of embarrassment. Or maybe the dizziness is just because of Goro’s cheap aftershave. No, scratch that, he likes the cheap aftershave, it smells like coming home. “You know,” he says, finally letting himself start to laugh again, “you know, Goro-chan, up until a few minutes ago this was the worst day of my entire life and now it’s not. Here, I’m going to need you to help me up, I’m a little dizzy, and then you can drive me back to my office and we’ll talk about your friend’s case.”
Goro smiling is somehow the best thing he’s seen all day. Maybe all month. “Of course.”
“You don’t happen to know who did kill this woman your friend’s been arrested for, do you?”
“A man in a snakeskin jacket, I think his name was Asakura.”
“Oh good, more déjà vu. Funny thing,” as they’re heading for the car, “I’ve had the nagging feeling for a while that I was missing something. I thought it was just the brain tumor. You can’t imagine how relieved I am to know that it isn’t.”
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tracingdreams · 3 years
Miyuki’s Ambition
I have to talk a bit about this. I do. Humour me. 
This is the first time that Miyuki’s talked about his own intentions. He’s been absolutely good about keeping it in till this point, but of course it makes me worry that the reason it’s come up at this point is because the next game is Inajitsu and there’s still no guarantee they’ll win it.
As Eijun observes, if they’d lost to Sankou, that would’ve been the end of it.
A little rant...
Eijun frustrated me in this chapter actually. Miyuki both praised him as an ace and talked about scouts probably coming to watch him. Everything Miyuki says  is praising both Eijun and Furuya, not Furuya alone. But the thing Eijun takes from that - from the guy whose acknowledgement he’s been working for all this time - is that Miyuki talked to Furuya and not to him.
Almost certainly Miyuki hasn’t thought about it in those terms - he’s talking about scouts, and Furuya has had scouts, so it makes sense to ask Furuya his thoughts. Moreover, having that conversation with Eijun could easily throw Eijun off focus for the next game. Which could still happen. While in a way Furuya has already gone over that mountain with his struggles in the Spring.
I’m going to hope for the best where Eijun is concerned, and that he uses it as a trigger to play amazingly in the final and win them the game, rather than the opposite. Beating Mei is still an important thing for them to do, and if they don’t do it, it doesn’t matter how awesome Eijun might be in his final year. He’ll still have failed, twice, and won’t get another chance - so I’ll hope this is just creating drama and hype for the game that’s coming up.
The real reason for this post, though...
The thing that I took most from Miyuki finally voicing his intentions was his rationale. The comment about his father.
I have seen some really negative representations of Toku in fanfic, but I have never seen him as a bad father, just one working overtime to make ends meet. Miyuki having to more or less raise himself has always been for me a sense of him understanding that both of them have to do what they can to get by in the situation they’re in. We don’t know a thing about his mother, still, but even though we don’t see Toku and Miyuki talk to each other, that gesture at New Year with the sushi does say a lot about the respect between the two of them.
I really liked that part of Miyuki’s reason for wanting to go pro was to repay his father (literally he says ongaeshi - to repay the debt or obligation owed) for allowing him to do as he liked with playing baseball.
In reality, Toku could have insisted Miyuki inherited his business. He’s an only child, so that’s a reasonable expectation. It’s also probable that Toku’s long work hours paid for Miyuki’s equipment and maybe any other costs associated with his playing for the Edogawa team prior to his being scouted at Seidou. Although he’s almost certainly a scholarship student at Seidou, it’s not as though there would never have been any costs associated with allowing Miyuki to follow his dreams.
For me this chapter vindicates Toku as a good father, if a busy and overworked one. 
And that at least made me happy, even if I still want to shake Eijun for being dense.
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lazuliquetzal · 3 years
Don't Take It Personally, Asshole!
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BY POPULAR REQUEST: This is a (cleaned up) version of an early draft of CH11 of AA Batteries, which is in Akira’s POV instead of Miyuki’s! You’ll probably recognize a lot of turns of phrase because I’m unoriginal and like, 80% of what I cut gets recycled. This scene got cut up and Frankensteined a LOT into later chapters haha.
So this takes place during the Yakushi practice match, right after Eijun throws wild and Miyuki talks to Kataoka about his inability to throw to the inside.
“Akira.” Akira stiffens and turns his gaze away from the mound. Coach is standing on the sidelines, and he makes a ‘come here’ gesture. Akira jogs over. He tries to ignore the flicker of hope in his chest, but he can’t stop the way his heart is pounding out of control, leaving him barely able to hear. “Coach,” Akira dips his head in respect and clenches his jaw. His eyes fix upon the ground below. “Can you fix this?” ‘This’ being the obvious — the fact that Eijun can’t throw to the inside. He looks back to the mound. Eijun is stiff and pale, his left hand clenching and unclenching in unconscious denial. He looks a little scared, yes, but mostly, he looks confused. And — this is the important thing — he hasn’t given up. This Eijun won’t shuffle back to the dugout, defeated. This Eijun will go down kicking and screaming. Eijun still wants to pitch. Maybe he can’t pitch. But he wants to. Yeah, Akira thinks. I’ll take those odds.
He looks back at the coach and nods his head.
Kataoka breaks his gaze and looks to the outfield. “Asou!”
Their left fielder jogs in, mouth pulled into a firm line.
“Miyuki, you’re playing left field. Akira, you’re in.”
You’re in.
The words echo around Akira’s brain. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
While Kataoka sorts out the substitution with the umpires, Akira exhales. He drops down onto the bench and adjusts the straps on his leg guards, making sure they’re not too tight or too loose. Beside him, Furuya hovers, eyes narrowed.
Are you going to be okay?
Akira nods.
The truth is: he’d thought about the Inajitsu thing for a long time. And after the initial anger and grief and shame, he’d come to the following conclusion:
Coach Kataoka was right. Akira probably would not have survived that inning.
It wasn’t nerves. Akira had never been nervous in his life.
(Okay, he had been nervous, of course he had. But not for a baseball game.)
And it wasn’t lack of skill or experience, though that probably played a big role in the coach’s decision.
(Okay, definitely played a big role in the coach’s decision. Let’s be honest: Akira was not the best catcher in the dugout that day.)
The truth is this: Akira was scared, too.
For good or ill, better or worse, Eijun and Akira have always fed off each other like a chemical reaction. If Eijun got excited, Akira got excited. If Akira got competitive, Eijun got competitive. Having them play while they were both out of their minds would not have ended well.
Today is a different story.
He’s not going to lie: it is weird seeing Eijun unable to pitch to the inside. It’s practically unthinkable. Eijun and Akira lived and died by the inside pitch. It pretty much defined their entire middle school career.
But right now? Akira’s not scared. And as long as he can hold onto that, he can fix this.
Kataoka gestures for him to get out on the field, and Akira steps out of the dugout.
“Do your best,” Miyuki says, from behind him.
Akira resists the urge to roll his eyes. As if I’d do anything less.
They split off: Miyuki to the outfield, and Akira to the mound. He jogs up to where Eijun is standing. When he arrives, he stops just an arm’s length away from his brother.
Eijun stares at him for a moment, and Akira stares back.
“Hey,” Akira says. “What sign does Miyuki-senpai use for the cutter kai?”
Eijun blinks, caught off guard by the question. He shakes his head and answers the question. “Ah, he uses a ‘four,’” he says, and he makes the sign with his hand.
“Cool,” Akira says. “I’m gonna use a seven.”
“Why not?”
Eijun makes a face. “You’re doing this just to be annoying, aren’t you.”
“And even if I argue, you’re going to use it anyway.”
“I hate you so much.”
“Great,” Akira says, in the flat voice that he knows Eijun finds irritating. “Good talk.”
He steps away and turns to the rest of the field. “So, uh, they’re probably gonna get a lot of hits,” Akira yells out. “Like, a lot. Sorry about the workout. Thanks for your cooperation.”
“You’re saying it wrong!” Eijun hisses at him. “And they are not gonna get a lot of hits!”
“I dunno, Ei,” Akira says, rolling his eyes. “You’re not exactly on top of your game, are you?”
“I’ll kick your ass if you make bad calls.”
“So shake them.” Akira glares at Eijun, daring him.
Eijun agitatedly waves his arms around. “You know I — ugh! Shut up! Get off my mound!”
Akira waves good-bye, as annoyingly as he can, and he walks down to home plate. He sketches a quick bow to the batter and the umpire, and then he crouches down.
The game resumes.
Akira takes a quick look around, the way Chris-senpai taught him to. The runners are at ease, barely paying attention to him. The guy on first base looks especially relaxed.
Hm. He’s never done a pickoff before. That would be pretty cool.
Akira turns his attention back to the mound, and he’s about to make a call —
And then he frowns.
He wants to tell Eijun to throw to the inside. And he knows, by the expression on his brother’s face, that it’s what Eijun wants to do, too.
But there’s something else in Eijun’s gaze. His eyes keep darting around — not to the runners, but to the batter.
Akira glances over at Todoroki Raichi. Yakushi’s monster first-year, a batter who can crush an ace in a single hit. Logic says to be careful; logic says to keep their guard up against the best batter in West Tokyo.
Well, fuck that, Akira decides. If Eijun really can’t pitch to the inside, then every batter might as well be Todoroki Raichi. It’s like middle school all over again.
He spreads his arms wide.
Eijun blinks.
Ignore him, Eijun. Just pitch whatever.
You’re joking, right?
Akira smirks. What, you think I can’t catch it?
Eijun sticks his tongue out — petty and dramatic as always. Akira rolls his eyes, and he knows that his brother can see it because he rolls his eyes back.
Eijun throws the ball.
It's instinctual, at this point, to move his feet and stretch his arm, catching the ball before it can fly out of reach. It slams into the back of his mitt, his vision tunnels — and before his brain can catch up with his body, he chucks the ball down to first base.
Wait, shit —
Thankfully, Zono-senpai catches the ball and tags out the runner. Pickoff.
"Out," says the umpire, looking just as surprised as Akira feels.
Holy crap! Akira thinks, in the safety of his own mind. That actually worked?
Zono tosses the ball back to Eijun, and then sends Akira a fiercely enraged expression.
Akira winces and ducks his head. He can hear Chris-senpai’s voice in his mind: baseball is a team sport.
But they got the out, so at least he didn’t fuck up his very first play in the game.
Akira looks back to Eijun. Judging by the wild course of his last pitch, he’s still overly aware of the batter.
Akira spreads his arms, again.
Eijun grits his teeth. He steps onto the rubber and winds up.
It comes. Low. It hits dirt, and Akira stops it. Then he tosses it back.
Throw what you want.
“Are you leading me, or not?” Eijun yells, finally cracking.
“Depends!” Akira yells back.
Eijun crosses his arms. On what?
Akira mimes the motion of a ball hitting him in the face, and then flaps his hand around.
Eijun stares at him incredulously. Excuse me?
It’s a valid concern!
Eijun groans in frustration. I’m not gonna hit you in the face!
Aw, you do care! Akira grins and fires off a sarcastic thumbs up, just rile up his brother a little bit more.
It works, because Eijun’s eyes flash, bubbling up with barely contained fury.
Get mad. It’s better than being scared.
Eijun steps back onto the rubber and tightens his grip on the ball, daring Akira to make the call.
Akira places his mitt. Fastball to the outside.
Eijun throws. Todoroki swings. Foul.
Akira barely registers the hit — as soon as he realized it was a foul, he’d already started planning the next move. Another outside pitch, again, but a four-seamer this time.
Eijun throws.
Okay, Akira thinks. He looks back at his brother and studies his expression.
He still looks annoyed and irritated. And even better — he’s not looking at Todoroki Raichi anymore.
He makes the call. And Eijun follows.
It’s like déjà vu, Akira thinks, as the ball makes its way toward him. A fastball to the inside corner, a sight he’s seen thousands of times. The batter tenses, squares his hips, and swings the bat.
Like lightning, a sudden stab of oh shit flashes across Akira’s chest. That was a good hit — firm and loud and solid.
Oops, Akira thinks, as Todoroki takes off running and the runners start trickling in. In retrospect? It was probably obvious that they were gunning for an inside pitch. Most batters are pretty comfortable with the gambler’s fallacy —
Someone clicks their tongue, and Akira blinks, crashing back into the present. Eijun’s glaring at him, again.
Deal with that later, dumbass.
Akira rolls his eyes, but Eijun’s right. Unfortunately.
They’re in the middle of a game right now. He can reflect upon his baseball sins at two in the morning.
The moment the next batter steps up to the plate, Akira calls for another inside pitch. And Eijun delivers.
The ball slams into the back of his mitt, and it’s like a gear clicking into place. How long has it been since he caught for his brother outside of mandatory practice? How long has it been since they formed a battery on the field?
The familiar sensation doesn’t wipe away the anger, but it does drown it out. Who needs feelings? They have baseball.
“Nice pitch,” Akira calls out, and he tosses the ball back to the mound. Truce?
Eijun receives the toss. He nods and straightens his back. Truce.
The rest of their play time blurs by after that.
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