#Lord Shiva trap
srndpt2024 · 1 year
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A powerful first track from the forthcoming album by Indian Trap featuring S. J. Jananiy’s incredible vocals. Sing along with “Shiva Mantra” for strength and positivity.
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riseofamoonycake · 9 months
LULU!! How do you think snv characters would react to a s/o, usually not very into pda, kissing them in front of someone?? (Their friends) let me kiss confucius in front of the sages or of his disciples, in the name of the lord
Do what you want with it, pour all the love our sweeties deserve out!! Snv has amazing but so underrated characters :(
Awwwww! I loved it a lot, so I decided to take my time and let my fantasy go wild… hope you like the result!
A Kiss To Build A Dream On
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Victims: Confucius; Bishamonten; Shiva
Warnings: none
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You snort once, and immediately after again, supporting your head with one hand to keep it from rolling to the ground from boredom. Once again you were deceived; once again you have fallen into the trap that Confucius wove with great wisdom, and now you find yourself in the middle of another long, slow meeting of philosophers, wondering why it always has to end like this: why the big eyes of the man you call husband convince you every time, why you always have to be weak in front of the bright smile with which he runs to you to greet you after five minutes of not seeing each other, why you melt in his arms and let your reputation as an inflexible and severe divinity falter. Damn it, just his voice makes you tremble, let alone seeing that ray of sunshine rush with the joy of children and knowing that he is doing it for you… 
«Y/N! Come, Y/N, they want to meet you here!»
You curse to yourself for the umpteenth time, then barely raise your gaze to meet that of Confucius, enthusiastic as always as he jumps around you like a little bird and pulls you by the arm to get you up from the seat you call home for a few hours, and you dramatically throw your head back. «Confucius, my love, no…»
«Please! I promise I won’t embarrass you, I just want to introduce my heart to my friends!»
You look back at the human with half-closed eyes, then hint at a smile that could soon become a grin. «Hmmm… really?»
Confucius sweetly smiles at you when he sees you get up from the seat, he intertwines his fingers with yours while he gives you a light kiss on the cheek and then leads you with him, towards a group of people who are creating infernal chaos and who, obviously, can only be his friends.
«Here we are! So, I―»
This time, you are faster than the young man; and when you grab his face and trap his lips with yours, you feel him stiffen against you. Even if your eyes are closed, you know that Confucius is staring at you in disbelief and confusion, not understanding what is happening: his always strict love… kissing him in front of everyone? WHAT NEW IS THIS?
You smile at his reactions and deepen the kiss even more, letting go of his face to caress the nape of his neck and back, wrapping your arms around his waist and squeezing his body against yours, preventing him from running away. Oh no, Confucius will stay here with you now, you have captured him and you will not let him go before you have made him suffer everything you have in mind.
«Lov― love?», the philosopher murmurs, his eyes wide open and his face completely red, when you break away from his lips to let him breathe; and you laugh at his indescribably funny expression, then lick the tip of his nose. «Hmmm, you’re always so good⁓ I want to have more of it!», you comment, biting his cheek immediately afterwards and making him squeal. «Y/N! Not in front of everyone!»
«But Confucius, you are attracting everyone’s attention, just like you wanted❤️»
«It’s your fault!»
You laugh again, then lift him into your arms like a puppy and throw him over your shoulder. «Really? Oh my, I’ll have to make it up to you then! Come, let’s go think of a way to do this», you exclaim before turning, waving everyone goodbye and leaving the meeting with your prey in the clutches, triumphant.
Well, it seems like the day has taken a funnier turn now…
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«Benzaiten, I’m about to get angry! Watch out for yourself!»
«And what should I do about it? What do I have to do with your problems?"
«Listen to her! Come here, then, don’t run away!»
«Hey, do you want to be quiet for a bit, you two? You’ve been going on for hours, stop it!»
You raise your eyes from the cloak you are repairing and observe with a smile Benzaiten, Ebisu and Hoteison arguing and bickering with each other as usual, and then giggling as you notice the goddess leaving her two companions behind to go to Jurojin, quietly sitting in the middle of a meadow, jump around his neck to hug him and start tormenting him with a flower, chased by Ebisu’s curses and invectives. Since you have been with them, your days have become decidedly more lively: the quiet of the priesthood in the temple of the Seven Gods of Fortune is far away, the silence is an illusion that the arrival of the same divinities to which you were consecrated has taken away… and now, now there is a completely different existence before you. But for this, you only have to thank the divinity standing next to you, immobile staring at the growing chaos of the gods he leads, his gaze severe and inflexible. Dear Bishamonten… sometimes you feel compassion when you see him confront his gods and only temporarily put a stop to their screams; and sometimes you really can’t help but smile, always for the same reason. It is your family, after all.
Today, however, it is almost without realizing it that you make a movement to the side and sit closer to him, resting your head against his side and softly rubbing your cheek against it in an attempt to comfort him. Out of the corner of your eye you see the god turn his head and stare at you up and down with an indecipherable expression, and you purposely raise yours to meet his eyes and smile at him. The next second, without you knowing anything but only that you want it, you want it so much, you stand up and throw your arms around his neck, then leave a slow, long kiss on his lips.
At that same moment, all discussion ends and silence falls around you, and you have to make an enormous effort not to burst out laughing or stare at Bishamonten’s face, which is now stiffer than ever and has even stopped breathing, or that of the other divinities, petrified as they stare at you in the most unthinkable expressions. You don’t go back to your work, it is impossible now: you sit back calmly and wait for the world to implode, accepting everything that comes next, and you sigh as if you have just freed yourself of a great weight.
It is Benzaiten who takes care of bringing everyone back to normality, and she does it in a big way. «I want a kiss from Y/N too! Me too!!», screams the goddess, abandoning an astonished Jurojin to run to you and jump on top of you without thinking twice. You laugh and willingly fall under the body of your lady, who begins to kiss all over your face and hugs you tightly while bursting out laughing herself and complimenting you on the bold action, as well as adding comments of a less innocent nature; next to you, Bishamonten is still stuck in his immobility and doesn’t shake even when you caress his arm and smile at him with all the sweetness you are capable of, your face as red as he is. Since neither of you is the most open person in showing affection, especially in front of everyone, today’s gesture will need to be explained in private... and when the god gets up and turns to you, you can’t help but feel a familiar shiver take over your legs and make you look away while biting your lips.
A great fortune is about to come your way… perhaps.
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Rain, rain and more rain. The season you hate has come, and no one, not even the gods, can escape it. Damn.
«Are you cold, little lotus? Come here…»
You smile slightly as Shiva hugs you from behind, holding you close to his chest as if he wanted to incorporate you into it, and you half close your eyes as you feel his heart beating against your back and resonating within your own body. For a moment, the humidity and fearful weather move away from you, and even the sound of drops on the roof of the building breaks into a different melody, while the glass in the room instantly dries out and a ray of sunshine begins to make its way through the heavy cloak of clouds.
«Don’t choke Y/N, love!»
Parvati’s voice is as sweet as a caress and as gentle as her laugh, and it makes you smile more as soon as it reaches you; you also hear Durga giggling while Kali murmurs something in a whispering voice, then it is the Goddess of War who speaks again: «Dear, Shiva doesn’t leave you alone for a moment, eh? Honey, Y/N was supposed to be all for us today!»
In fact, you should have been alone with the god’s wives, because all four of you had decided to spend the day among yourselves, to talk and get to know each other more, since it wasn’t long ago that Shiva brought you in the palace and married you; but the Lord of Destruction decided otherwise and slipped into the room with his normal confidence, and now all his arms are wrapped around you and you couldn’t escape from him even if you wanted to.
«I don’t think I’ll ruin your day if I cuddle Y/N for a while! Come on, at least let me give you a kiss! Another one!»
You giggle as soon as you feel Shiva’s lips resting on your head and instinctively lean more against him, humming from the sweetness of feeling his mouth on you. You observe the world around you one more time, so you take his hand and, to his surprise, now you are the one leaving a kiss on it.
At that point, the god tenses his face to better observe what you are doing, and you catch him off guard again by raising your head and shooting upwards, so this time it is his mouth that is trapped by yours. The gesture surprises even yourself, because you usually don’t do any of these things in the presence of someone else, so you blush and quickly withdraw, biting his lip slightly and moving your gaze elsewhere.
«Hmmm… I like it! Do it again⁓»
You blush even more, and Shiva laughs in his deep, low, vibrant tone. Like a tiger, he remains motionless and awaits your movements before striking, but you only notice this when his hands open a little and free you, and his eyes narrow in a sly expression. «Oh, so the dove wants to play…», the god murmurs with a smirk when you take a step forward and detach yourself from his person, only to be followed closely by him.
Parvati, Kali and Durga don’t say anything, however they look at each other and smile with a knowing look, especially when you and Shiva start playing and you step back, your cheeks still red but from the excitement and the desire to tease him without, if possible, succumbing easily.
«You say, Great Shiva? Oh, how unfortunate», you murmur, changing angles and backing towards the door, glancing at his wives and grinning in response to their gazes.
Shiva is about to leap and reach you, but Parvati and Kali are faster and attach themselves to his legs, blocking him temporarily; Durga, on the other hand, opens the door in front of you, giving you a light push and patting your shoulder. «Run, Y/N, run with all your might! Don’t let him win!», she urges you while you respond with a laugh and start running along the corridors of the building, making the most of the advantage you have been given.
«Eeeh? Hey, this is unfair to your husband! We’ll talk about it later, my queens… but now, if you’ll excuse me, I have someone to hunt… Y/N! Y/N, where are you? Come on, don’t be so shy, your husband needs you!»
You chuckle in response, trying not to make too much noise, and formulate the next move in your plan. Who knows if Shiva will be convinced until the end that he is the hunter, or will he eventually begin to believe he is the prey…
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talonabraxas · 10 months
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Many natural forces are imprisoned in Shiva's persona: his flowing tresses represent the forests themselves, trapping within them the mighty river Ganga, the source of perennial water and life. His vibhuti or sacred ash is the symbol of fertility, a gift of the earth. He is invariably painted or sculpted beneath one or several trees, generally the bilva. He is accompanied by Nandi the bull and, often, different wildlife, for he is Pashupati, lord of animals.
Shiva is also Bhupati, Bhuteshvara or Bhutanatha, lord of the earth. Bhu means earth and the suffix ta means give in Tamil, so bhuta means ''given by'' or ''formed'' or ''created'' from the earth. Bhuta is the spirit of the earth who is worshipped in rural India. The bhutagavana of Udupi in Karnataka and theyyam of Kerala are bhuta rituals that continue to be popular.
Shiva as Ecologist ૐ Talon Abraxas
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freyayuki · 1 year
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy XIV Dreams Dungeon
Currently, in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, there are time-limited missions associated with clearing a Final Fantasy XIV Cardia Dungeon quest.
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IIRC, you need to clear a FF14 Cardia Dungeon quest 5 times and with at least 3 chars who are from Final Fantasy XIV in order to get all the rewards.
The Final Fantasy XIV Dreams Dungeon Infernal fight is quest level 350. Since I haven’t done this quest yet, decided to try clearing this now.
Don’t have a lot of relics that belong to Final Fantasy XIV chars though so I decided to do this fight with 2 off-realm chars.
Of course, one of my off-realm chars was Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.
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Currently, Genesis is one of my absolute, most favorite chars in Final Fantasy VII (#ad). He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
Have all of his relics and I bring him everywhere I can, even to fights with enemies that resist the fire element (Genesis is a physical fire DPS).
Limit Break Overstrike (LBO), Light of Doom
Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Purgatorial Wave
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Genesis Rhapsody
Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), SOLDIER’s Epic
Ultra Soul Break (USB), Apocalypse Genesis
Glint+ Soul Break 1 (G+1), Epic of Creation
Glint+ Soul Break 2 (G+2), Epic of Heroism
Glint Soul Break (G), Epic of Destruction
Legend Materia Relic (LMR), Fierce Opposition
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The rest of my team for the Final Fantasy XIV Dreams Dungeon Infernal quest was the following:
Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa) from Final Fantasy XII
Chain Soul Break 2 (CSB2), Incendiary Trap
AASB, Untouchable Hellfire
G+2, Scarlet Sky Fluke
Burst Soul Break 1 (BSB1), Gatling Gun
BSB2, Spark of Change
USB2, Edge of Treachery
Genesis served as my main and only DPS. He’s a physical fire elemental attacker, which was why I brought Balthier to support him.
Balthier has a fire Chain Soul Break which buffs fire damage and increases the party’s attack. He can also imperil the fire element, which will further increase Genesis’s damage output.
Cid Garlond from Final Fantasy XIV
I don’t have any of Cid Garlond’s relics. Only brought him along because he can use Wrath and Entrust. Had Cid Entrust his gauges to Balthier so he can juggle between casting his Chain and his imperil USB.
Also had Cid Entrust his gauges to Y’shtola so she can keep on casting her USB to heal the party.
Alphinaud Leveilleur from Final Fantasy XIV
Have Alphinaud Leveilleur’s AASB, Glint+ and Burst. Too bad I’m missing his Sync.
Alphinaud does very well on my magical wind elemental team but here on this fight, his damage was rather subpar since I didn’t really have anything to support him.
Y’shtola Rhul from Final Fantasy XIV
Like with Cid, I don’t have anything for Y’shtola Rhul either. Had to lens her Secret of the Lily USB though because she’s acting as my healer.
Had to equip Y’shtola with Hastega since I don’t have any other sources for Haste. Her second slot has Curada for more healing. She did well enough but I definitely would have preferred to bring along my usual healers.
My Magicite deck and passives consisted of the following:
Odin (Ultra Attack) (Lord’s Seal: Ice only though) - Blade Ward and Spell Ward
Shiva - Health Boon and Healing Boon
Ifrit - 2 Empower Fire
Madeen - Attack Boon and Deadly Strikes
Madeen - Health Boon and Fast Act
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Managed to win. Even got sub-30 with the fight ending at 22.36 seconds. Genesis did really well as my main DPS. Everyone else did well enough too.
Super pleased to have been able to use Genesis on a fight where it was preferable to go in with a full realm team.
You’re heavily encouraged to clear fights in the Cardia Dungeons by fielding a full party made up of chars that belong to the same realm because there are penalties the more off-realm chars you bring.
So to be able to bring my fave Genesis to these fights as an off-realm char and still be able to win is really super special awesome.
So what about you? Have you tried any of the Cardia Dungeons fights yet? Did you bring any off-realm chars to these battles? What do you think about these quests? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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arwenkenobi48 · 19 days
Literally had the coolest dream ever last night
Was trapped in this weird gated city, like a more gothic version of Ba Sing Se, but I found a Pegasus and rode it to freedom, flat out teleporting through the gates and stone walls
Then I was flying over this gothic castle/cathedral, a full moon shining overhead and a Disney-esque song about stars lighting the way playing in the background
Eventually I landed in the courtyard of the castle and was greeted by three cute little critters who looked like garden gnomes and they offered to give me some important items
Plus there was apparently an archenemy of mine in a nearby dungeon that I had to face, so I did
Has to face him in these arenas based on four different elements: fire, earth, water and air
It was so fucking cool and not only did I win, but found myself in an HMV the size of IKEA with all of my adventures available on DVD
And on top of all of this, I had someone with me the entire time, someone who felt like both a close friend and a soulmate (I think his name was either Shasta or Suleiman, can’t remember) but his presence made everything feel really warm and safe despite all the dangerous situations I was in
I think it was a lucid dream as well, or it at least became it
Started out as one of my usual nightmares but it changed and became an absolutely thrilling experience
I don’t know if that’s because of something I did or just a natural progression, but the feeling that i was in control of what happened in that dream was really empowering
I loved it and I wanna remember it for a very long time 💖
(I fell asleep listening to Lord Shiva mantras so that probably contributed to this)
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stolengirlfriends · 25 days
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Chai, chillum, chapati, Jai Matta Parvati. Baba life." This is a Sadhu, a Hindu holy man, who follows an ancient yoga tradition, and currently resides in a half-cave temple in the Indian Himalayas. His name is Sat Garan Giri and he is a Naga (Sky) Baba, a devotee of Lord Shiva.
I've heard stories about the magical powers of these Babas. They can see into your soul and know your past and future. They can bless or curse. They are holy men but wild, and are even above the law in India. Police won't arrest them; even for murder, which happens I'm told.
They travel around India and Nepal, on spiritual pilgrimages to holy sites, and some of them spend large portions of their lives in wilderness solitude. He has walked thousands of kilometers through Nepal and India. He has rather grotesque swellings on his elbows, wrists, ankles and knees from his yoga practice (someone told me- I didn't ask). He was quite proud to show me his yoga as we sat alone in this smokey stone cave. He knows over 84 asanas (ancient yoga positions), and it's very impressive. He has renounced the trappings of the world: both money and women. He says most babas are fake, that they enjoy money, women, and posing for tourist photos for cash; basically fake-holy-man bums. But he assures me that he is the real thing. He even cut his penis off. No women. He spends his life sitting by a fire that never goes out. People visit and ask for blessings and often bring, tobacco, mal (what he calls charras-hashish-marijuana resin) and yes, sometimes a monetary donation. In this way, the sacred fire is a source of life. One visit, I showed him a picture from my cave home, further up the mountain, and afterwards, anytime we had a guest, he would ask them questions about me and what I was doing. He fed me once a day which was often my only meal: Milk tea, chapati, or Khir, a delicious rice pudding made with fresh buffalo milk.
Here, he is smoking a strong mix of hashish and tobacco in a chillum, which is a clay or stone pipe. Shiva was a big fan of Marijuana, and it is a dietary staple for these babas.
NagaBaba #Sahdu
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subir-astrologer · 10 months
India has always been labelled as the land of snakes and snake charmers. But instead of taking offence, let's be proud that we stand apart by being a land of snake worshippers as well. We stand apart by worshipping these fearful but magnificent creatures. And the best day to spot these snakes in their glorious form is the Hindu festival of Nag Panchami.
The day of Panchami occurring in the month of Shravan is celebrated as Nag Panchami. It is believed that on this day when devotees worship the Nags or snakes, it appeases Lord Shiva and he bestows them with boons.
On Nag Panchami day, images of Indian cobra are worshipped with an assortment of milk, sweets, flowers and lamps. The images of Nag deities are first bathed with water and milk and then worshipped, with the reciting of mantras.
As with all Hindu festivals, Nag Panchami has many legends associated with it and there are even more shrines dedicated to snakes than there are stories.
According to the Mahabharata, Janamejaya - the son of King Parikshit of Kuru dynasty - decided to perform a ritual to avenge his father’s death. Since King Parikshit had died of snake-bite, Janamejaya decided to offer snakes as sacrifice in the yagna. In fact, his aim was to trap Takshaka, the king of snakes, because it was he who had bitten his father. Thus, the yagna was named Sarpa Satra, or snake sacrifice.
The yagna was an extremely powerful one and soon, snakes from all around started being pulled into it. However, Takshaka managed to escape the fire's magnetising pull by escaping into Indra’s netherworld, known as Patal Lok, the legendary abode of snakes.
The power of the mantras was such that Takshaka felt himself being pulled towards the fire. Indra decided to accompany Takshaka to the place of the sacrificial fire.
In a last-bid attempt to save Takshaka's life, the gods appealed to Mansa Devi, the goddess of the snakes, in whose name many temples exist across India...In turn, Manasa Devi sent her son, Ashtika to plead with Janamejaya. Persuading Janamejaya was hardly an easy task, but Ashtika was able to put a stop to the Sarpa Safire.
Thus, was the life of Takshaka, the king of snakes, spared and guess what day it was? It was the day of Navi Vardhini Panchami. Ever since, it has been known as Nag Panchami, as a tribute to the Nagas who survived.
Though there are several variations to observing this vrat, most commonly, women offer their worship to Nag devta on this day. The main part of the puja is offering milk to serpents on this day. The main prayers on this day are for the welfare of the brothers of the women. In general, this puja is said to confer prosperity and welfare to all in the family.
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Complete salvation cannot be attained by worshiping Lord Shiva because he himself is trapped in the web of birth and death.
To know more must read the holy book "Gyan Ganga"
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shobha12sblog · 11 months
Complete salvation cannot be attained by worshiping Lord Shiva because he himself is trapped in the web of birth and death.
ज्ञान गंगा
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alwaysfreecreation · 11 months
🌷💐🌹💥Complete salvation cannot be attained by worshiping Lord Shiva because he himself is trapped in the web of birth and death.
You must be read Gyan ganga book
👉more information SA📲📲 youtube channel sant rampal ji maharaj.
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torahtantra · 1 year
"Between The East and the West." From the Book of Joshua, Chapter 23.
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From Chapter 22:
32 Then Phinehas son of Eleazar, the priest, and the leaders returned to Canaan from their meeting with the Reubenites and Gadites in Gilead and reported to the Israelites. 33 They were glad to hear the report and praised God. And they talked no more about going to war against them to devastate the country where the Reubenites and the Gadites lived.
34 And the Reubenites and the Gadites gave the altar this name: A Witness Between Us—that the Lord is God.
The God of Israel is a Central Reference Point for humanity. He is one thing we can all agree upon. Whether you call Him Allah, Shiva, or the Clear Light, everyone human being knows Him as the Timeless One, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. His Altar, the Hebrew language, which divides the savage from the man is known to all persons and always has been.
His Torah is likewise, a Central Instruction, is a product of the first learned men called Jews "Sons of the Lightning" who used the spark of intellect the God Yah gave mankind in ancient times to incredible advantage. Reading, writing, math, agriculture, engineering all science and the arts, these we have because of early Hebrews and their literary accomplishments, of which the Book of Joshua is one.
We are nearing the end, and as with the end of the Torah itself, God reinforces His Preeminent Position:
23 After a long time had passed and the Lord had given Israel rest from all their enemies around them, Joshua, by then a very old man, 2 summoned all Israel—their elders, leaders, judges and officials—and said to them: “I am very old. 3 You yourselves have seen everything the Lord your God has done to all these nations for your sake; it was the Lord your God who fought for you. 4 Remember how I have allotted as an inheritance for your tribes all the land of the nations that remain—the nations I conquered—between the Jordan "the descent" and the Mediterranean Sea "where one sees greatness in oneself", in the west. 5 The Lord your God himself will push them out for your sake. He will drive them out before you, and you will take possession of their land, as the Lord your God promised you.
6 “Be very strong; be careful to obey all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, without turning aside to the right or to the left. 7 Do not associate with these nations that remain among you; do not invoke the names of their gods or swear by them. You must not serve them or bow down to them. 8 But you are to hold fast to the Lord your God, as you have until now.
9 “The Lord has driven out before you great and powerful nations; to this day no one has been able to withstand you. 10 One of you routs a thousand, because the Lord your God fights for you, just as he promised. 11 So be very careful to love the Lord your God.
12 “But if you turn away and ally yourselves with the survivors of these nations that remain among you and if you intermarry with them and associate with them, 13 then you may be sure that the Lord your God will no longer drive out these nations before you. Instead, they will become snares and traps for you, whips on your backs and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from this good land, which the Lord your God has given you.
14 “Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed. 15 But just as all the good things the Lord your God has promised you have come to you, so he will bring on you all the evil things he has threatened, until the Lord your God has destroyed you from this good land he has given you. 16 If you violate the covenant of the Lord your God, which he commanded you, and go and serve other gods and bow down to them, the Lord’s anger will burn against you, and you will quickly perish from the good land he has given you.”
It is the journey from the Jordan in the East to the Mediterranean in the West all Jewish men and women must complete. From the moment we wake up after the Big Schcrew to one's marriages with other members of mankind, from the Age of Reason to the Age of Enlightenment, all must travel and become fully Israelite lest the all important literacy of humanity become lost in the labyrinth minds of savages who think they are on par with our God.
God Himself had to make this journey during the Seven Days. Out of chaos He descended to give birth to Himself in the East, and finally at the end of the Dawn of His Enlightenment, He gave birth to Himself again on Shabbat.
This He does all the days of all the weeks and years, yearning. just like us, to see Himself in the Mediterranean Sea, the continual greatness of our accomplishments.
Following this route right behind him, as the Oracle says is the only way to know if God is able to keep His promises to us. First, and always keep yours to Him. Do not worship other men as if they are gods, kill the ones that pretend as if they they are lords over you instead of the God of Israel. If you fail at this, life on earth will likewise fail.
So be careful to love the Lord your God first and above all things.
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Nataraja ॐ Shiva as Ecologist Talon Abraxas Many natural forces are imprisoned in Shiva's persona: his flowing tresses represent the forests themselves, trapping within them the mighty river Ganga, the source of perennial water and life. His vibhuti or sacred ash is the symbol of fertility, a gift of the earth. He is invariably painted or sculpted beneath one or several trees, generally the bilva. He is accompanied by Nandi the bull and, often, different wildlife, for he is Pashupati, lord of animals. http://www.arunachalasamudra.org/ecologist_shiva.html?fbclid=IwAR3NZZQMQkAUNPcfHFddkkGpujiVwcjcaNQgu73emvwmmJoRMPTukMacOSc
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astroexplore9 · 2 years
This is the second part of my series of Aries sign from scorpio to pisces please forgive me if it doesn't resonate with you as I am just an amateur astrologer by the blessing of ganpati,saraswati,narayana,adiyogi shiva and all the saptrishi let us began our blank chart prediction from scorpio to pisces ascendant part 2 CONTD TO PART 1 :
8)For scorpio ascendant aries is in 6th house and mars is ruler of 6th and 1st house as Aries is in 6th house Aries means new beginning they always create new enemies or new obstacles for themselves they are pioneers in term of health and in providing services to other people Aries represent body too they can use their bodies to tackle competition and enemies or their enemies will attack them by using their physical body or they will be attacked by their enemies on head and on there physical body they easily get new disease in there physical body it vanishes too easily they keep on thinking about new obstacles though taking care of their physical body and their overall appearance through diet and exercise they can improve there overall health in service industry they take initiative into introducing new services for the benefit of human body and human brain they can work as physiotherapist or acupuncturist they can provide services using there body they can either be police officer ,sex workers or sports person whatever obstacles they will have will first be noticed in body itself there anger and fast thinking to notice only obstacles is there biggest enemy as Aries represent horns they constantly think about there health,enemies,competition and obstacles In kalpurush virgo is in 6th house it is natural dusthana and tamsik by nature and Aries is dharma house and is rajasik by nature the person dharma is to fight like warrior with obstacles and enemies in order to gain the resources from obstacles and enemies.
9)For sagittarius ascendant: Aries is in 5th house Mars lord of 5th and 12th house Aries in 5th house show person is active,enthusiastic and like to have new lovers and new creative projects their kids are very active or they are very active with kids or there new personality emerges out while dealing with kids they enjoy new pleasure activities they are quick to speculate they tend to get attracted to body of there lover or there lovers tend to get attracted to there body in cinema they will mostly enjoy action movies,sports movies or movies about physical love they get pleasure from massaging there body or they can get quick pleasure by touching there body or they give pleasure to other by using there physical body or get pleasure from other people bodies though sex they love to have dynamic love life they like to began new hobby or they are enthusiast to began out new hobbies they get pleasure through dance and they like to try out new games in sex they like to try out new things which gives them ultimate pleasure as they are quick to speculate they easily loose on gambling in kalpurush Aries and leo both are part of dharma trikon leo is sattvik and Aries is rajasik so Aries dharma in leo house will be to enjoy pleasure they find there new selves through hobby or casual sex and as represent horns they can get into arguments with kids and lovers and they are quick to began casual dating.
P.S the difference between sex for scorpio and sagittarius ascendant is scorpio does sex as a service in form of sex work or tackle there enemies like honey trap or to tackle competition where as sagittarius ascendant will do causual sex for pure bodily pleasures on the other hand scorpio sex can be in form of devotion and for sagittarius sex can be to find out new aspect of there personality as scorpio ascendant is hidden there self comes out in form of providing services and competitions and sagittarius ascendant has wisdom there primal self comes out in form pleasure.
10) For capricorn ascendant: Aries is in 4th house and mars is ruler of 4th and 11th house they will have an active mother or in there home life they are very active and enthusiastic they are quick to buy properties and vehicles there opinion keep on changing based on there emotion there peace of mind will come to them though new emotions they usually reside to place near fire at home they will focus on there physical body and on there overall appearance there personality is much more will be seen in there homeland though moon is ruled by 4th house they or their mother will take action based on there mood or the moon phases there mother is quick to notice there mood or they have change of emotions quickly while residing in there home land they keep on changing there residence on whim of emotions In kalpurush cancer ruled 4th house and its part of moksha trikon the dharma of the person is to be warrior like to fight for there home life and as Aries represent horns they are constant battle with there mother with difference of opinion or they constantly battle with people of their homeland based on different opinion they easily renew themselves at home.
11)For aquarius ascendant: Aries is in 3rd house Mars is ruler of 3rd and 10th house so Aries in third house show active younger siblings they are very active in travelling or taking out short journey to there local neighbourhood or the reside in active neighbourhood there neighbour's will be police officers or athletes or there younger siblings will be into police or athletes there younger sibling will be quick to communicate or they will communicate in fast manner while talking to there neighbour's or there younger siblings there handwriting is very fast they give there opinion and in online media or they are known as fast news opinion when news will come out these people are enthusiast to share information with people quickly they always want to come first in sharing information they can be sports journalists or they can be doctors to write about human body they have new innovative idea and pioneers in school life they are seen as kids that always comes up with new innovative idea or innovative way to communicate or as teacher that began new ways of communication with kids at school they are quick to take initiative in doing hardwork and to show there courage Aries represent horns they are constant battle with there younger siblings or there neighbour's and they can be seen as giving out aggressive speech In kalpurush gemini rules third house Aries dharma will be to derive pleasure in form of communication that is kama of 3rd house and enjoy though short distance journey in order to find out about themselves.
P:S On net I have research about both Aamir khan and Amitabh bachan being aquarius ascendant and having Aries in 3rd house i have noticed both of them has one thing in common Amitabh Bachana became pioneer through K.B.C and Amir khan though satyamev jayate in Indian T.V industry I have seen a YouTube video I think it was from KRS channel where he I think have mentioned 3rd house is T.V too and Aries is always beginning of something new to be born again like Amitabh Bachan was born again because of Indian show K.B.C though I agree its copy of American show but he is the first Indian superstar to accept to come on Indian television after that everyone followed him and Aamir khan introduced social issues on Indian Television.
12)For pisces ascendant:Aries is 2nd house and mars ruler of 2nd and 9th house it shows person comes from active family or there family will be very aggressive they are quick to get resources of their family there early family life would have been either very aggressive or very active they are quick to eat there food in there family they are often seen as pioneers they are often seen as the one to make plans or to come up with new ways to save there family resources and usually they save there family resources of there own selves they always look out for new values within there family and is curious to know about there family traditions they often change there family value or create new values for there family based on there own self interest there self worth and self value is based on family getting involved into getting new resources they perceived the family to always changing there values or there family perceived them constantly changing values there self worth and value is based upon there physical appearance and on other people opinion of there family In kapurush taurus is 2nd house represent artha and Aries is dharma the dharma of the person is to be grounded with the resources and have passion to earn resources for there family as Aries represent horns too they are constant battle with there family based on there self value.
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eleanore-delphinium · 4 years
The Demon’s Head
Damian Al Ghul for a moment was a hero. And in that time that he was a hero, naturally he would meet other heroes.
That was how he met her.
His Raven.
He would describe her as a very graceful woman. She was quiet, kind, generous and lovely. Despite her name sounding as if it should belong to a lonely person or an unkind being, she was none of these. But her name did befit her origins. In the sense that she is the daughter of a being synonymous to satan; and of intergalactic alien origin, the conqueror of worlds. Therefore, the name Raven as ominous as it was, befit her well, and yet also-- not so well.
But that was the thing, he was only a hero for only a moment. That moment was all that mattered, since—after all, that was how he met her. As she continued on her heroic path, he returned to what he knew to be right as a child, the path of darkness.
He took upon himself, the name Al Ghul, a name synonymous to a demon, and he used it well. And thus, Damian Al Ghul was reborn anew, he became the Demon’s Head. The name became associated to a cruel, cruel man. But he changed the ways of his organization, and tread very, very strictly on a grey line. And in doing so, he keeps his Raven. And remember it well and do not forget, he only stays on that grey line to keep her by his side.
And if anything were to happen to his beloved Raven, he will cross to the darkness before one could even blink his own eyes, and will burn everything and anything in his path with his bare hands.
So, make no mistake by taking his Raven away or you will live a life even more painful than death. For Damian Al Ghul has a league of assassin as his army, who are extremely loyal to him. And him alone.
Killing for him was as easy as dropping a needle on a hay stack.
Damian Al Ghul, the leader of the league of assassins, stood inside his throne room made of beautiful marble in ivory and gold. The sun high up in the sky, its light entering the space so blindingly. The sunlight weaves through the pillars and mashrabiya* leaving beautiful intricate patterns on the marble floors. The sunlight helped give an illusion of brightness and happiness and warmth to the chamber.
Damian was facing his throne, his back against the door as he read the papers he was holding with his right hand. His left hand resting against his back, atop his green cape. He was wearing his black with gold uniform and armor with a green cape in contrast to the almost white room. And with his cold facial expression one would be reminded, that all the sunlight was giving after all, was just an illusion of warmth.
Damian Al Ghul was not kind at all. But of course, there is an exception to the rule.
The door suddenly opened with a burst and a loud bang, and Damian’s eyebrow twitched in annoyance. He had strictly told them that he shouldn’t be disturbed unless necessary. He coaxed himself thinking that it had to be an emergency. With narrowed eyes he tilts his head a bit to the left to acknowledge the presence of the intruder.
“My Lord!” A man in an all-black suit says hurriedly as he kneels on the floor with a thud. His left leg against the floor while the other propped up to let his right arm rest on top. His head bent toward the floor.
“What is it that you have to report?” His enunciation of every word unhurried and heavy. Damian could hear the gulp from his poor frightened little underling. Even if said underling was twenty meters away.
“It’s—it’s the Lady.” The poor man could barely say. And even though the sun was high up in the sky, and that it’s light shone brightly in the room, making the chamber look as if it was glittering, it became cold. So cold, that both people seemed frozen in place, but the poor underling was the one fighting his shivers.
“What about the Lady?” Damian asked a little too clearly, that the poor subordinate could only kneel on both knees, bend his body and rested his forehead against his hands that was now on the floor. At this point, Damian turned slowly, as his green eyes landed on the man in black.
“What about the Lady?” He repeated even more slowly than the last. And Damian saw his assassin shiver in fear.
“She-she has been missing for a few days, and we searched for her—but—but—she is nowhere to be found.” He reported as calmly as he could. The subordinate thought the room couldn’t possibly get any colder than it already was, but he was wrong. The moment he finished his report, he was kneeling there in pure horror, he was sure he will die today.
“It seems that my league of assassin who are supposed to be like a shadow, cannot protect their lady in the shadow.” It was spoken slowly that it was certain: that this was the calm before the storm. “It seems that my league of assassins lack training.” He concluded.
“You cannot even track down your lost lady, why do I even keep any of you!” Damian’s voice echoed through the chambers; his fury clear. And yet, anyone who knew their lord, would know that was not the full extent of his anger.
No, it really wasn’t.
“Lady Shiva!” He summoned and instantly a woman with black hair up to her neck in red appeared beside the kneeling assassin.
“It seems that you have been lax in training the league.” He tells her and as she bends her torso to bow. Before she could start with her apologies, he continued on. “Prepare the top ten men in the league, and have them follow me. We will look for the lady.” He started walking down his throne.
“No, in fact, I will be looking for her. And if you so choose to have people follow me then so be it.” He said when his eyes landed on Lady Shiva as he approached them, the assassin up on his feet, his head bent low as to be respectful to their Lord.
“When I find Raven, I hope my league’s errors would be corrected. But that would be wishful thinking, won’t it, Lady Shiva? I will personally see to their training when I return.” Lady Shiva and the assassin gave way to their Lord.
“Of course, my Lord.” She mutters as he completely disappears.
 Damian held a woman in blood stained and dirt-filled white robes on his arms. Her face had cuts and bruises and she looked so weak and small against his shoulder. When he looks down at her injured face, there was a softness in his glance. A gentleness unbefitting of the Demon’s Head.
But as gentle as he was as he held her, the scene behind him was not. Orange flames flickered as he walks out from the heat and the building calmly.
“I want anyone who is even remotely related to this tracked down, and I want them tortured.” He said so calmly as he held the woman he loves in his arms. His gentle glance has become cold as he looks at his subordinates in front of him. The crunch of green grass under his feet as he continued on into the night that was illuminated by the orange flames behind him.
“If done well enough, then maybe I won’t be so strict when I train you all. Prove that you all aren’t so useless after all.” His tone stone cold.
The gentleness from before must have been an illusion. Because this was the Damian Al Ghul, they all love, respected and oh-so-feared.
“Of course, my Lord.” One replied with a bow.
“No.” They pause as they wait for Damian’s final instructions. “Keep the master mind alone, I would love to capture and torture them myself.” And the shadows that was surrounding him disappeared. Raven stirred in his arms, against his chest.
“Damian?” She called out weakly. And he stood frozen as he took a peek eagerly at the woman in his arms. “They didn’t know.” She mumbles and he couldn’t help but narrow his eyes on her. She means that it wasn’t the Justice League’s fault.
“They didn’t know it was going to be a trap.” She tried to keep her head a float.
“And look at the price you had to pay.” He said bitterly as he sneered a little and continued walking to the jet.
“I—” She couldn’t even say anything to defend the Justice League, because she felt the turmoil in Damian. How could she defend the Justice League knowing what he was feeling?
“I didn’t mind that you wanted to continue being a hero. I would not take that from you.” He sets her down inside the jet. “And I know that you know this to be true, I only stay in between good and bad for you. If you are taken out of the equation, I have no qualms in being the Demon’s Head, in its truest sense. But you choose to love me, despite of who I am. And I will not have any one harm you. Less others think that the Demon’s head is weak.”
“You are not a bad person, my love.” She replied, as she cups his cheek. He closes his eye and places a hand over hers. He opens his eyes and meets her violets irises.
“But I can be, if I am without you.” He whispered so gently as his forehead laid against hers. The words completely true. They stay like that for a minute in silence, and he pulls away.
“You shall stay in Nanda Parbat as you recuperate. I will inform the Justice League.”  He stares at her sternly but she does not refuse him and he turns away from her.
The Justice League has been quite cautious about Raven. They knew of her relationship with the leader of the League of Assassins. And what the risk of putting her in imminent danger would mean considering Damian’s nature. Therefore, Raven was treated as if she was glass and yet, also fire.
“I begged them to give me the mission.” She said softly, she took note of Damian’s body twitching but she had to continue on. “After you left, and made a name for yourself as the new Demon’s Head, they were uncertain of where my loyalties lie.” She found it difficult to talk due to her injuries, but she had enough strength to heal herself a bit, to keep herself conscious and stop internal bleeding. And so Raven did, as she continued on.
“And then you made a point to show that you were not like your predecessor. And yet, you also made it clear you could be far worst. And I, your beloved, was someone who they could not risk in the forefront anymore.” She moved in her seat, as she felt her insides return back to how it should be. “I just wanted to do one more mission, where I wasn’t treated like a bomb, and after that, I will be done.”
He turned to look at her with a shocked expression. Her voice was calm as her face was gentle. Despite her battered appearance, she looked like a saint to him. The words he couldn’t seem to say aloud, she felt, and she responded as she closed her eyes.
“Yes, I was going to leave the Titans, and be with you. Commit fully to you.” Her voice was soft but his thoughts were a mess. And it was clear to Raven, all of his thoughts, as if they were all written on the air for her to read.
“The Justice League thought it was a harmless mission; therefore, they could let me go. It was supposed to be a reconnaissance mission, nothing more. But we were ambushed, and I was captured.” She sighs and opens her eyes to look up at Damian. The water in his eyes finally gave way as he blinked when their met, and she inhaled a breath.
“You could have died.” He said it lightly, that Raven’s heart started beating fast in her ears. His cold eyes that had never been directed at her, has finally landed on her. “You could have died, if I was just a minute too late.” And like his eyes that could no longer contain his tears. Raven could not ignore his emotions. And she broke into a sob, as she covered her lips with her fingers. He knelt beside her, as he put a hand on her cheek.
And his face was not cold nor was it warm. The eyes she had seen him use with his fellow assassins had disappeared. She didn’t expect that the day he would look at her, the way he did his subordinates, would happen.
“Are you crying for me?” He whispered and she sniffed as she looks at him. But still, even if his cold stare was frightening. She could never be afraid of Damian Al Ghul, even if he was an Al Ghul, and the current Demon’s Head.
“I’m sorry.” She tried to contain the emotions. And she could feel the apology he was about to say. And before he could, she leans her forehead against his. Places her right thumb over his lips as her palm rested on his jaw. “But I swear to you, I am done with being a hero. I want to walk that grey line with you.”
And his lips turned up into a smile. A smile that was only ever directed at her. His gentleness and kindness only exclusive to her. His warmth only reserved for her. And she could feel it all in her chest, and in her very bones.
The love he has for his beloved Raven.
And the danger, if he loses his bird.
*Mashrabiya = those wooden windows with intricate design; (wiki says: is an architectural element which is characteristic of traditional architecture in the Islamic world and is a type of projecting oriel window enclosed with carved wood latticework).
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pl-panda · 4 years
To Marry a Vigilante: Part 15
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To Marry a Vigilante: Part 15
The book was incredibly interesting. It was written in some dialect of Mandarin. Many things were also covered in The Grimoire but several stories told there were previously completely unknown. It seemed like it was written after the other book and while the first was entirely encyclopedical, this one contained detailed stories from several time periods. What got Ladybug’s attention was that many of them were diary excerpts. 
One of the most important elements was a story about the seventeenth-century villain, Lord of Butterflies, who came to the colonial city of Gotham and tried to take control of the settlement. He was a master of deception and almost succeeded. Ladybug and Black Cat of that time never appeared. Another story told about their involvement in the Thirty Years’ War in continental Europe, where they were hunting the Snake and Bee Miraculous users that tried to manipulate the conflict. Luckily for Gotham, a witch hunter named Malleus opposed him and used jars with symbols engraved on the walls to keep the butterflies locked away so they could not wreak havoc again. The book told of the power struggle until finally, after the burning of Raphael Dent, a longtime friend of Malleus, the attacks stopped. Most people thought that the problem was over, but from the looks of it, the author of that book tried to imply that Lord of Butterflies just bid his time, waiting for the opportunity to strike again. 
Ladybug read the story twice, trying to figure out the fate of all the corrupted Butterflies or the jars, but she got nothing. Maybe if they figured out what symbols kept the akumas in, she could experiment with warding the butterflies away. It could be a breakthrough!
While she was browsing the book, Black Cat eyed the teens. “Shouldn’t you people scramble for classes?”
“Nope!” The little one, Maps, grinned. “The new school policy. In case of a supervillain attack on campus, the rest of the classes that day are canceled to avoid additional stress to students. It’s nice they care about our mental health.” 
“Yeah… Dude,” Colton looked at Black Cat, “any chance you can tell me what tech your staff uses?”
“Tt. It’s magic.” 
“No, seriously, I suppose it could be an organic metal of some sort, but it’s able to perfectly support your weight at the same time.” 
“Magic.” The vigilante-turned-hero growled.
“Come on! Don’t do it to me, man! Pom won’t let me live it down!”
“I told you magic was real!” The teen was glaring at him with a smirk on her face.
“Tt. Don’t play with magic or you’ll get burnt.” He scoffed. 
“Don’t be a grumpy cat!” Ladybug called from over the book. “Silverlock… Why does it sound so familiar…”
“Did you say Silverlock?” One of the teens peaked. “I’m Olive Silverlock.”
“Bellatrix Silverlock was the only akuma from that period mentioned here by name… I wonder why… Ugh! I can’t decipher that part. It’s too old and damaged.” The heroine groaned. “Cat! We should move back to the base.” She pulled a pair of glasses from her yo-yo and put them on. “Tikki! Kaalki! Merge!” 
As soon as the light of transformation died, a portal consumed both superheroes and the book, leaving the teens alone in the dark library.
Sabine paced around the manor in the foul mood she was in ever since she sent the kids on their way after initiation and returned home for some long-deserved rest. Half-way home, she received a phone-call from Chloé saying that Marinette was crying in the bathroom with her over another girl that threatened her. The only thing that stopped Sabine from turning around and possibly crashing the car through the front gates was her daughter begging her not to.
She admired that her little girl tried to resolve the problems herself and she didn’t want to come off as overbearing and intruding. It wouldn’t stop her from preparing for if it seemed too much for her sunshine. She made a mistake with Lila. This time, she would be ready. But first, she needed tools. 
“Tom! Where is my suit?!” She called out to her husband, who was happily baking in the kitchen. He finally managed to kick Alfred out and get control. Sabine laughed when the butler, passing her, revealed that he let him win. 
“I think Bruce wanted to put it in the vault, together with the bag!” The large man answered with a merry tone. 
“Thank you, honey! I think I’ll be going out for a while!” 
“Be safe!”
Finally having a direction, she stormed toward the vault. It was hidden under the stairs, where one had to first enter a secret passage, only to then open a door in the wall.
When she opened the doors and looked inside, her first instinct was to immediately go into a battle stance.
It looked like a tornado passed through the room, which was supposed to be neatly ordered. All the documents were scattered, two priceless artifacts got destroyed and every drawer was pulled out. Inside the wall opposite to the doors, someone made a giant hole. The concrete was shattered and the metal reinforcement cage was pulled apart. 
Warily, Sabine approached the hole. Once she got closer, she could take a better look at the reinforcement. What got her attention was the way it was bent. Someone grabbed it and ripped it apart. The hole itself also revealed a small rectangular area that was used to hide something. A secret buried so deeply it was frozen inside a wall of a hidden vault inside a hidden corridor in one of the best-guarded buildings in Gotham.
“Oh for crying out loud! I just wanted my suit…” She threw her hands up. 
More or less at the same time, Tim had a lazy day at the cave. He didn’t need to return to Wayne Enterprises for at least another week. He tried to solve a cold case, using the updated list of secret powers Sabine provided him. He and Bruce were both worried about how much had escaped them. Neither considered Luxembourg Secret Service to be capable of ordering a hit on a hitman that was after their Duke. And hire Lady Shiva nonetheless. 
He just got himself a new cup of coffee when suddenly, a portal appeared in the middle of the cave and dropped two superheroes and a book on a podium. The Cat landed on his feet while Ladybug fell on her rear with a soft thud. Startled, Tim dropped his mug and the coffee spilled all around him.
“Could you not!?” He shouted, a bit embarrassed that they got a drop on him so easily. 
“Tt. Shut up replacement.” Cat growled. He and Marinette dropped their transformations and she proceeded to feed Tikki with some cookies while he reluctantly pulled a small, isolated box from his pocket and gave Plagg a bit of cheese. 
“We’ve got plenty of new material after the last akuma attack. I’ve sent you a picture of a woman using the Peacock Miraculous and we’ve got an essential book.” She walked over to the bat computer. “It appears that they used the distraction the akuma caused to infiltrate the place.”
“I’m not sure, Angel.” Damian was busy with the other screen, trying to attach the tablet to it. The deciphering system managed to unlock it already and while he waited for the system to scan for any traps, he browsed the photos. “From the look of it, she only got two or three pages before we ambushed her. She must’ve arrived shortly before us or couldn’t find it for a long time. I would hazard a guess that she didn’t know about it.”
“But… That would mean she was at school when… but how would she… No! The only other person that heard about the book was Erica.”
“Maybe not. She could’ve been there trying to get some information on us.”
“But how did she get there before us?”
“Tt. It’s not like the Detective Club was in any hurry.” He huffed. 
“Um… That’s all great and all, but what the bat are you talking about?” Tim asked, trying to get between the married couple. 
“We had an akuma attack at school. Damian earned detention for calling Hammerhead old while out of the suit. After we dealt with the akuma we learned about this book,” she pointed at the podium. “We went to check it and found the new Peacock trying to photograph as much as she could. We stole her tablet and kicked her backside.” Marinette beamed. 
Their discussion was interrupted when Sabine stormed inside the cave. “I need security feed from the Gala. Someone trashed the Wayne Vault and stole some box!” She shouted at Tim. “Oh! Hi Sweetie. Go change out of the uniform and we will get tea in a minute.” She smiled at her daughter. Except it was not as genuine as her usual smile. It felt much more forced. 
“Maman. I would love to, but maybe let’s deal with the break-in first?”
“We must wait for Bruce to get back anyway. He took Cass to the ballet class today. My turn will be on Thursday.” 
She pulled the video feed from the camera that overlooked the entrance to the corridor that led to the Vault. She put it on double speed and watched various guests hang around and talk. They usually had a glass of champagne. Suddenly, Marinette lunged and pressed the pause button.
“Him!” She pointed to a younger man with jet black hair and a white mask that covered the upper part of his face. His hair was neatly combed back with no small amount of hair gel, enough that it shined in the camera. 
“He doesn’t stand out really…” Tim scanned the image. 
“The bracelet!” She seethed. “I can’t believe that bastard still carries the bracelet.”
“Tt. I can cut it off next time I see him.” Damian offered before muttering “Together with the arm.” Luckily for him, Marinette had more pressing matters than stopping his murderous instincts.
“So Agreste somehow got inside during the Gala. It’s maybe an hour before the akuma attack.” They continued to watch as he chatted with people nearby. Finally, when they left, he slipped inside the secret passage. They switched to the camera inside, only for it to then be destroyed by a cane. The one inside the vault was a bit farther away, so before it was destroyed they got a good look at the boy. 
The male figure had a dark purple suit with the signature butterfly brooch pinned to the top of the shirt. His chest was protected by two black flaps that looked a bit like the moth wings. In his black gloves, he held a cane topped with a purple orb. The face was covered by a simple domino mask that did nothing to hide the mane of blonde hair on top of his head.
“At least we know that he inherited his father’s lack of taste. At least his mask isn’t…” Marinette stopped herself when Damian poked her side and pointed toward the glass cabinet inside which the first Red Robin uniform was. Its mask was pretty close to what Gabriel wore. “Oh… Nevermind.”
Tim was clearly unamused. 
“This is still important. We’ve got a first look at his transformation. We can set cameras to, in addition to akuma tracing, scan for him personally.”
“I don’t think it would do much good. The image wasn’t the best.”
“But how did he avoid the scanners?” 
“Alfred was busy, tracking a suspicious blonde with bi-colored eyes. She was supposed to have messed too close to the kitchen for his liking.” Tim explained.
“I remember her. She said something to me. ‘You’re far from victory yet’. I considered it suspicious, but in the whirlwind of the following events, the meeting slipped my mind.”
“You! The great Damian Wayne forgot a crucial detail!?” Tim laughed. “This is gold! I need to mark the date on my calendar!”
“Tt. And I need a set of matches.” The youngest Wayne growled. 
“So we’ve got another suspect on the list?” 
“It’s getting complicated. First the vault, then the book… Hawkmoth was narrow-minded in his goals. Create akumas, have them hunt Ladybug and Chat Noir, take the Miraculous.” Marinette collapsed on the nearby chair. “Adrien is… he’s more organized. He’s got a plan. He’s not after the Miraculous. Or rather not directly. There is something else he’s trying to find. I’m just not sure what…”
“The history of Gotham is filled with so many mysteries that we wouldn’t even have any idea where to begin.” Tim wasn’t helpful. At all.
“We know they stole something from Wayne Vault and used the akuma as a distraction to carry it away. Then, they attacked the school. What could be at Gotham Academy that they had a personal interest in?”
“The book?”
“I don’t think they knew about it. The attack on the Academy could’ve been to test our abilities.” 
Tikki and Plagg floated to the group. “Gotham is a dark place.” Ladybug Kwami started. “There are so many things in this city…”
“What about the Bat miraculous, cookie?” Plagg asked. “I mean where else would it be but Gotham?”
“Bat… Miraculous…” Time starred at the two mini-gods. “You’re joking, right?”
“No. Balla is the Kwami of clarity.” Tikki nodded. “The Bat Miraculous gives the wearer supernatural perception and near-precognition.”
“What?” Marinette asked, not sure what the word was supposed to mean.
“They can see the immediate future.” Her mother clarified for her. 
“Is it possible they are after the Bat…” she tried to imagine what jewelry would be associated with bats. Tikki came to help. 
“It’s the belt buckle.”
“Tt. Bat Buckle?” Damian raised an eyebrow. “Whoever made the Miraculous had a great sense of humor.” 
“Okay. But we still need to figure out their next step…”
“Sweetie? Maybe you focus on school and let me deal with this?” Sabine asked after a moment. 
“But… I’m the Guardian.”
“And you’re also a teenager.” Her mother countered. “I’m not trying to replace you or keep you on the sidelines. I am your mom though. Teenage years are supposed to be the best in your life. You should be dating, spending time with friends. Exploring the world. Nowhere on that list is fighting against a mad terrorist.” 
“But… but… I can’t just sit back while you fight!” 
“You can still fight. And help.” Sabine tried again. “I just don’t want you to devote all your time to this. You can leave the investigation to me, Bruce and Tim and enjoy the time with friends; Or design; Or take Damian on dates.” 
“Tt. It’s my duty to take her on dates.”
“Dream on, grumpy cat.” Marinette booped his nose and giggled at the face he made.
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templepurohit · 3 years
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Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 Verse 21 yo yo yāḿ yāḿ tanuḿ bhaktaḥ śraddhayārcitum icchati tasya tasyācalāḿ śraddhāḿ tām eva vidadhāmy aham Word Meanings: yaḥ yaḥ — whoever; yām yām — whichever; tanum — form of a demigod; bhaktaḥ — devotee; śraddhayā — with faith; arcitum — to worship; icchati — desires; tasya tasya — to him; acalām — steady; śraddhām — faith; tām — that; eva — surely; vidadhāmi — give; aham — I. Explanation: God has given independence to everyone; therefore, if a person desires to have material enjoyment and wants very sincerely to have such facilities from the material demigods, the Supreme Lord, as Supersoul in everyone’s heart, understands and gives facilities to such persons. As the supreme father of all living entities, He does not interfere with their independence, but gives all facilities so that they can fulfill their material desires. Some may ask why the all-powerful God gives facilities to the living entities for enjoying this material world and so lets them fall into the trap of the illusory energy. The answer is that if the Supreme Lord as Supersoul does not give such facilities, then there is no meaning to independence. Therefore He gives everyone full independence—whatever one likes—but His ultimate instruction we find in the Bhagavad-gita: one should give up all other engagements and fully surrender unto Him. That will make man happy. Both the living entity and the demigods are subordinate to the will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore the living entity cannot worship the demigod by his own desire, nor can the demigod bestow any benediction without the supreme will. As it is said, not a blade of grass moves without the will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Generally, persons who are distressed in the material world go to the demigods, as they are advised in the Vedic literature. A person wanting some particular thing may worship such and such a demigod. For example, a diseased person is recommended to worship the sun-god; a person wanting education may worship the goddess of learning, Sarasvati; and a person wanting a beautiful wife may worship the goddess Uma, the wife of Lord Shiva. In this way there are recommendations in the shastras (Vedic scriptures) for different modes of worship of different demigods. And because a particular living entity wants to enjoy a particular material facility, the Lord inspires him with a strong desire to achieve that benediction from that particular demigod, and so he successfully receives the benediction. The particular mode of the devotional attitude of the living entity toward a particular type of demigod is also arranged by the Supreme Lord. The demigods cannot infuse the living entities with such an affinity, but because He is the Supreme Lord, or the Supersoul who is present in the hearts of all living entities, Krishna gives impetus to man to worship certain demigods. The demigods are actually different parts of the universal body of the Supreme Lord; therefore they have no independence. In the Vedic literature it is stated: “The Supreme Personality of Godhead as Supersoul is also present within the heart of the demigod; therefore He arranges through the demigod to fulfill the desire of the living entity. But both the demigod and the living entity are dependent on the supreme will. They are not independent.” https://ift.tt/3h2B61O
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