#Lê Chién Kim
venator-signum · 3 years
things I think that are great the mlb fandom has wholeheartedly agreed upon:
kim in a dress
marinette, nino and kim being childhood besties I'm not complaining but where tf did this come from
marinette being akumatised either results in her telling hawkmoth to fuck off or she beats the shit out of everyone cause she's a powerful bad bitch
lila and the lying arc is the main source of problems for marinette and her being akumatised most likely results from that even though it was like two (2) episodes from what I remember
marinette and plagg are chaos beings who feed off each other's energy
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commonratmiraculous · 4 years
Class and Alya Salt/Redemption Prompt Starting Pre-Chameleon
Including Adrien Sugar because from his perspective he’s actually done nothing wrong when it comes to the Chameleon episode. (He never said that Lila wasn’t hurting anyone, that’s something the fandom added and latched onto. He also didn’t know about Marinette being threatened AND he was right to make the point that calling Lila out wasn’t working, I mean the boy had just been targeted by Lilakuma for asking nicely what would have happened to Marinette if she’d gotten akumatised over being humiliated by her? I think the fandom knows because there are multiple fanfics where Lila attempts to murder Marinette while akumatised...)
Right, so the class are split on who will get akumatized first Marinette or Adrien. They can’t help but talk about it one day and they place bets.
Marinette has Nathaniel, Kim, Alix and Nino in her corner, while the others are supporting Adrien.
This is actually surprising to most of them, but Max is citing Marinette’s tendency to catastrophise and the girls have all seen Marinette’s mood swings when trying to confess to Adrien, this being significant to Alya. Which ends up being most of the class (with Ivan siding with Mylène and Chloé and Sabrina being given Adrien supporters, perhaps with a reference to Zomizou where Marinette was the original target). While the others have a little more faith in Marinette’s ability to stay chill, and a lot less faith in Gabriel Agreste - AKA Nino’s reasoning for not backing Adrien.
When Lila comes along Alya thinks that this’ll be a good chance to swing the bet. For the record, Alya doesn’t think that Lila would go so far as to threaten Marinette she just thinks that the lies and the threat to her prospects with Adrien might push her over the proverbial edge. At least she thinks this until she and Lila have a conversation of sorts about how Lila’s Interview for the Ladyblog was on a private page and not to all of Paris, and Alya makes it clear that Lila might get the school but she can’t have the blog. Which could later lead to Alya playing Deputy to Lila’s Class Rep campaign. Still Alya, like Adrien, thinks that Lila’s only lying for the attention and that it just so happens to drive Marinette up the wall. I cannot stress that enough, this isn’t full Alya salt here, just somewhat realistic kids-always-kinda-suck and post-s1-Alya-isn’t-a-good-friend salt. (She probably thinks that Lila pretending to know Jagged Stone in front of Marinette who actually knows Jagged Stone is hilarious in the same way I had a friend who thought it was really funny that my Uncle would tell me that he knew St. Nicholas around Christmas when my mum’s name is Nichola and I still believed in Santa at age eleven).
Except this conversation might have happened in the locker room afterschool and Adrien and Kim overhear when they’re on their way to get ready for basketball or lacrosse.
Adrien is super mad on Marinette’s behalf and needs to right it immediately because when he gave Marinette the advice he hadn’t known that others would just let Lila continue without at least showing Marinette some support. Just like he has no idea that Lila actually threatened Marinette or has a very dangerously objectified image of him.
Kim’s mind automatically jumped to the bet the class had and just fuels Adrien’s anger by mentioning that as Alya’s motive. Though he also helpfully suggests that the Art Club is meeting right then and that they can talk to Marinette and some of the others.
Marinette’s angry when they tell her, and Rose admits that she and the rest of Kitty Section had just thought that Lila was overexaggerating her accomplishments but had still done something like that. Doing charity work but not actually working with Prince Ali, visiting Achu but not the royal palace, having met Jagged Stone and his cat but not being on a runway or having a song written about her... and so on.
There’s a lot of anger in that room but weirdly enough it’s Lila that’s akumatised. Someone, maybe Marc makes the comment about how the butterfly should have gone to them, which is when Marinette mentions Lila being far too happy after threatening her and before becoming Chameleon.
The threatening is now new, but Adrien offers how he’d actually confronted Lila around then about her lying and then been targeted for it by her: who’d gone to insult Nino thereafter.
Marinette leaves the room to “cool off” while Adrien leaves to “follow her” or “let his dad/nathalie/someone know he’s not actually at practice” they both go to fight Lilakuma but I want the camera to focus on the Art Club plus Kim trying to contact the others about this development and/or plan something to help Adrien and especially Marinette.
Maybe Kim mentions how he’d never actually thought Adrien was capable of getting that angry or looking like he coupl tear someone to shreds. But Marinette was also pretty mad and clearly trying to hold herself back too.
Whatever happens I want most of the class redeeming themselves with a pact of somesort to actually look out for eachother and actually listen.
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Kim Possible AU
In which Marinette is in gymnastics, is childhood friends with Adrien, and somehow became an agent-for-hire when someone accidentally dialed her number to call for help instead of actual, professionally trained agents. That’s right, they called a preteen for help, didn’t have the time to call anyone else, and rolled with it.
Also Adrien is a total goofball with a hairless cat. He still has both his parents, who start out overprotective but gradually loosen the reigns when it becomes clear that his friend will keep him safe.
(The reason I put gymnastics and not cheerleading is because I’m pretty sure that’s an exclusively American thing? Besides, gymnastics kind of makes more sense, skillset-wise.)
     • Marinette took gymnastics since she was seven, mainly because her clumsiness had been turning into a bit of a problem. (Parents start to get worried when their child’s having genuine physical difficulty in not hurting themselves. They thought gymnastics would help her learn balance, and also allow her to burn off some of her natural childlike energy.) By the age of eleven, Marinette is the best in her class, and is thinking about entering competitions.
     • Adrien is Marinette’s childhood best friend. Along with gymnastics, Marinette also started taking ballet, which is where the two met. Adrien was taking ballet because both his parents had taken it, and also because he thought it would be fun. Since he’d been taking it longer than Marinette, he helped her out in class, and the two have been inseparable ever since.
     • Adrien helped Marinette build a website to help get her name out there when they were eleven. They took videos of her doing a couple moves, and added a contact number. Unfortunately, (or, rather fortunately, actually,) Marinette’s number is very similar to a number for a group of agents who do pretty dangerous, life-saving jobs. 
     • Marinette’s first call is from a man requesting for help at a rather big bank in Paris, not far from her house. Being eleven, she doesn’t really understand that this is probably something she should inform the police, rather than handle herself. So, she and Adrien (who she sneaks out of his house) rush over, and save the day themselves.
     • Adrien had videotaped the impressive gymnastics Marinette had pulled off in order to safely get through the security lasers and shut them off. After that video was posted, she started getting calls on a much more regular basis, all from people in need of help. It wasn’t the sort of attention she was looking for when making the website, but she can’t deny she doesn’t love her new job.
The Present
     • By the ages of 16, Marinette and Adrien have travelled all over the world, gaining favors from a bunch of grateful individuals, and are pretty dang famous. They aren’t necessarily given special privileges at school, but if things are urgent, then they’re allowed to leave and makeup missing work online. 
     • Adrien is still a model, still plays piano, still takes Chinese, and still does a lot of different sports. On his own, he’s actually pretty famous. However, in this world, it’s pretty much impossible for him to display the ‘perfect, gentlemanly son’ persona when most of the world has seen videos of him screaming at the top of his lungs, running around in his underwear because somehow his pants got pulled off again. Yeah, he’s a straight A student with the classic, rich people training, but he’s still an utter dork and everyone knows it.
     • Marinette, while still taking gymnastics, has lost interest in making it a life career when she already sort of does it already. She’s picked up other interests, one of them being fashion design when Adrien had introduced her to what goes on behind the scenes in his workplace. She’s good at designing stylish, yet very practical outfits, and made uniforms for herself and Adrien for their ‘side jobs’ as agents-for-hire. 
     • While Adrien isn’t necessarily incompetent, he’s more of the ‘do first, think later’ type of guy when it comes to their dynamic, which often leaves Marinette to do the planning and problem-solving. At this point, it’s kind of abundantly obvious that, while Adrien is academically more profound, Marinette is vastly more analytical, and probably has a ridiculously high IQ if they ever bothered to check. 
     • There isn’t a main villain. Papillion doesn’t exist because Gabriel is completely aware of what his son is doing, still has his darling wife, and has literally no reason to waste his money on illegal activities. He’s a big name in the fashion world, it’s not like he’s looking for world domination or something stupid like that.
     • (I’m sure you’re wondering why the fuck Gabriel Agreste would let his only son go off on dangerous adventures like that on a daily. Well, he didn’t at first, but over time Marinette proved to be a more effective bodyguard than Adrien’s actual bodyguard, so he became more chill. Also, Adrien’s the face of his company, and with all the brave and daring things he’s done alongside Marinette, his popularity ratings are through the roof. Son has fun, is well-taken care of, still performs exceptionally in all his extracurriculars, and does well by the family business? It’s a win-win on all sides.)
     • I would make Lila Shego, except Shego is an actually likeable villain who’s genuinely smart, badass, and fun to watch. So, idk who Shego is, definitely not any of the catty girl rivals Marinette has to put up with, but you can’t have a Kim Possible AU without Shego, so she’s definitely in there. 
     • Max is probably Wade. Honestly makes the most sense, but here’s a suggestion: Max and Kim are the ones who contact Marinette when she has a mission. Max is great with numbers, technology, etc, but Kim’s expertise in completely random shit like sports, terrain, and necessary gear needed for specific situations makes him a valuable asset to the team.
     • We all know who Chloé is going to be, I don’t even need to say it but I will anyways. Say hello to our Bonnie, everyone. She was probably in that ballet class with Marinette and Adrien too, years ago. 
     • While Tom Dupain is still a baker, in this AU Sabine Cheng went on to pursue her dream as a literal rocket scientist, and succeeded. So, Sabine is basically Dr. James Timothy Possible. 
     • Adrien has a hairless cat named Plagg. His father is allergic to fur, and Adrien’s allergic to feathers, so he was sort of limited to pets like fish or lizards, neither of which he really wanted. He found Plagg outside gorging himself on camembert by a dumpster. Having been previously a street cat, Plagg’s growth was stunted, so he stayed pretty small.
     • Luka is obviously Josh Mankey. Marinette and Luka date for a while, but eventually break up on mutual terms due to him not being able to handle some of the dangerous things that pop up in her life often. While he doesn’t panic when things go south, he’s not really physically equipped to protect himself... He’s a musician, not a fighter.
     • Listen, y’all can fight me, Marinette’s longest relationship before finally getting together with Adrien is going to be with Kagami. Kagami handles the dangerous things that go on in Marinette’s life perfectly well, and they date for several months. Eventually, they do break up, but still remain good friends. (This is the period in which Adrien realises he’s jealous of Kagami, and has feelings for Marinette.)
Get Together
     • For those of you who haven’t watched Kim Possible, (and honestly what the hell are you even doing with your life if you haven’t,) Kim and Ron get together at a school dance (prom, but I don’t think prom exists in France,) and share a slow dance with each other. Uhhh so basically think Despair Bear, except Adrien and Marinette are wearing fancy clothes, just got together, and share a kiss in the end.
     • Marinette had recently broken up with Kagami before the dance, and is a little upset over not having a date when she already made herself a dress. Adrien is dealing with his realisation that he likes Marinette romantically, but keeps quiet about it and gives her a shoulder to cry on because she’s hurt, and he’s not going to take advantage of that. He suggests they go to the dance together as friends.
     • Kagami is there, and Adrien confronts her as to why she had broken up with the most amazing girl in Paris. She tells him that she came to the conclusion that, though she loved Marinette with all her heart, Marinette clearly had someone else as her #1. Kagami was sick of having to compete for that position when the other person didn’t even need to try. Adrien is left baffled by this.
     • Marinette overhears this as she’s walking over to ask Adrien for a dance. Kagami looked past Adrien’s shoulder, directly into Marinette’s eyes, and smiled knowingly. Then she walked away, sipping at her drink. 
     • Adrien turns around, pretty green eyes latching onto hers, and Marinette immediately understands what Kagami had meant. A slow song comes on, and she asks him to dance. Things fall in place from there.
     • (Of course, after they’ve kissed and become a couple, some dumb villain is going to inevitably crash the party and try to kill Marinette, as usual, but they deal with it like they always do.)
Alright that’s the end! This was an almost completed draft of mine I had, and since I’ve been lacking on content recently, I thought I’d quickly polish this up a bit and post it. I also have some other completed things I could polish up on, but eh, don’t feel like it right now. Enjoy!
(And maybe tell me how you’d imagine your favourite KP episode would go with Marinette and Adrien as the protagonists instead!)
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kryptored · 4 years
Kim is a fucking hero.
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complex-theories · 5 years
Kim's character design is both awful and great
I don't know how I didn't notice this before, but Kim's full name, Lê Chién Kim, translates to "Kim the dog". His name is French, yet it follows Vietnamese naming conventions with his name being "backwards" compared to other countries. In English his name would be written as Kim Chien Le, or "Kim dog the". It doesn't make sense written like this.
So his name is French, follows Vietnamese naming conventions, translates out of order, and is French for "Kim the dog".
And he has the monkey miraculous.
None of this made sense to me and was a little frustrating to think about, until I remembered what the monkey's power is: chaos.
Everything about his character is chaotic and doesn't make sense, and his power is to create chaos and disorder.
This hurts my head to think about logistically, but the foreshadowing is next level.
I've been informed that "chiến" with the accents is Vietnamese and means "battle". I also looked up "lê" in Vietnamese and apparently it means "pear", but I don't think that's important? 😂
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superboycurl · 6 years
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miraculous: tales of ladybug and cat noir
— fancast 
adrien agreste ✰ max barczak | marinette dupain-cheng ✰ arden cho
nino lahiffe ✰ reece king | alya césaire ✰ lee armoogam
lê chién kim ✰ ross butler | max kanté ✰ rhenzy feliz
alix kubdel ✰ francis bean cobain | lila rossi ✰ paris berelc
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venator-signum · 3 years
okay mlb fandom I see your gnc kim/kim in a skirt or dress and I would like to add:
thanks for listening
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The Thieving Saga
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