#Kidney damage
sylveon-and-velveon · 3 months
Messy concept art of what Greg would look like from EJ's origin story. The frat boy roommate.
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This is more on the side of "he's no longer a frat boy and finally accepts that he is, indeed, gay". He's trying to find Jack. ^^ Oh and the dude has acne now :D
EJ x Greg = Kidney Damage!!
Why? Because frat boys drink a lot of beer and it can damage the kidney/liver, and EJ eats kidneys. Smart, I know- Don't ask about the ship, it was originally a joke-
Commissions are always open!
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In terms of health, it is funny to think about my 70 year old mother experiencing for the first time, things I have been dealing with since I was 25.
She is just getting arthritis, kidney issues, anemia and cataracts.
I am the ones giving her tips.
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geezerwench · 2 years
Pregnancy and Covid-19
This is all pretty disturbing.
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vuals · 11 days
One of the main concerns with moringa and kidney health is its high potassium content. While potassium is an essential mineral that plays a key role in heart, muscle, and nerve function, too much can be harmful for people with kidney disease. When the kidneys are not functioning properly, they are unable to effectively remove excess potassium from the blood. This can lead to a condition called hyperkalemia, which can cause symptoms like: Muscle weakness Numbness and tingling Nausea and vomiting Irregular heartbeat Chest pain
Read full article.
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Which types of symptoms show when kidney beings are damaged?
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Changes in urination patterns, such as increased frequency or changes in color
Swelling in the feet or ankles
Fatigue or feeling generally unwell
Nausea or vomiting
If you experience any of these symptoms after a hair treatment, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Read more symptoms and prevention :
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this-bird · 4 months
There's nothing quite as depressing as realizing that you might have a medical malpractice case. Like my kidney damage was probably preventable and my life is never going to be the same.
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drforambhuta · 9 months
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Diagnosing urinary tract infections (UTIs) in individuals with polycystic kidney disease (PKD) typically involves a comprehensive approach:
1. Urinary Analysis: This entails examining a urine sample in a laboratory to identify the presence of white blood cells, red blood cells, and bacteria.
2. Urine Culture: This is done to pinpoint the specific bacteria responsible for the infection and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics.
3. Imaging: Radiological assessments like ultrasound, CT scans, or MRIs are used to evaluate the extent of cyst growth and any urinary tract blockages.
Addressing UTIs in PKD effectively requires a combination of strategies involving antibiotics and the management of PKD-related issues:
1. Antibiotics: Healthcare professionals prescribe antibiotics to eradicate the infection, selecting the appropriate medication based on the specific bacteria causing the UTI and its susceptibility to treatment.
2. Pain Relief: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help alleviate discomfort during the infection.
3. Cyst Management: In certain cases, particularly when cysts contribute to recurrent problems, healthcare providers may consider interventions like cyst drainage or surgery to alleviate urinary tract obstructions.
If you have any kidney diseases, like polycystic kidney disease, kidney failure, or end-stage kidney disease, you can contact some of the best nephrologists at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals in New Delhi. They can help you with an early diagnosis and treatment plan for your condition.
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drpriya · 11 months
The need for a kidney transplant depends on the severity of the disease and the progression of kidney damage. Some PKD patients can live with the condition for many years with manageable symptoms, while others may experience a more rapid decline in kidney function, leading to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) necessitating transplantation or dialysis.
For Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD), kidney transplantation may be considered when:
End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is reached: When the kidneys' function declines to a point where they are no longer able to sustain the body's needs, ESRD occurs. At this stage, kidney transplantation or dialysis becomes necessary to maintain life.
Severe symptoms and complications: Some ADPKD patients may experience severe pain, frequent kidney infections, uncontrolled hypertension, or other complications that significantly impact their quality of life and may prompt the need for a kidney transplant.
For Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (ARPKD), kidney transplantation may be required if:
ESRD occurs: ARPKD is generally more severe and often diagnosed in infancy or childhood. In severe cases, ARPKD can progress rapidly, leading to kidney failure and necessitating transplantation.
Other organs are affected: In ARPKD, the liver can also be affected by cysts, leading to additional complications. In some cases, a combined kidney-liver transplant may be necessary.
Before considering a kidney transplant, PKD patients will typically be on a treatment plan aimed at managing symptoms, preserving kidney function, and delaying disease progression. This can include medications to control blood pressure, dietary modifications, and close medical monitoring.
Ultimately, the decision for a kidney transplant is made on an individual basis, considering factors such as the patient's overall health, the extent of kidney damage, and the availability of suitable donors. Kidney transplantation offers the potential for improved quality of life and long-term kidney function for those with end-stage PKD or ESRD, but it is not the only treatment option. Some patients may continue to manage their condition with dialysis or supportive care if a transplant is not feasible or desired. There are many hospitals in Bangalore where kidney transplant is done with great success, where you may consult with to know more about cost of kidney transplant in Bangalore, kidney transplant procedure, kidney transplant recovery and success rate.
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sriasskidneycare · 11 months
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Are you suffering from chronic kidney disease or CKD and still searching that can CKD cure naturally?
For expert guidance and help -
Contact details -
USA +(857)7073625📷
UK +44 20 3322 9992📷
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tanushka02 · 1 year
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What is co-relation between Creatinine and GFR? and how to reduce creatinine?
Tips to Increase Glomerular Filtration Rate & Reduce Creatinine
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Are you suffering from the problem of creatinine in the blood ? If yes, this is the right place to cure your kidney problem.
For kidney patients, Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment has always been beneficial. The Ayurvedic system of medicine focuses on overall health gain and maintenance with the use of healthy living tips instead of handling the symptoms of the diseases. Toxins removal, blood pressure removal, acid-base balance, management of solutes, and water transport in the body is managed by Kidneys. Therefore kidneys are the important organs in the human body. Ayurveda science is beautiful, as it provides a personalised treatment process designed for every individual. Ayurveda always works to cure the disease and always aims towards restoration of the health of damaged body organs. Herbal preparations are used to purify the system and then enhance the functioning of the body organs.
Now, ayurvedic principles are used worldwide for treating various kidney related diseases such as urinary stone, kidney failure, kidney infections, high creatinine levels etc. The treatment process in Ayurveda comprises following the right diet, lifestyle modifications along with the ayurvedic medicines.
Ayurveda approaches all diseases differently. Ayurveda is the science of life. The causes of kidney diseases are associated with the rakta or medha dhatu which eventually vitiates the Vata, Pitta or Kapha dosha. This vitiation of doshas creates kidney diseases. To treat the disease system purification and pacification of these doshas is necessary and ayurveda always works for it.  
In Ayurveda, a group of diseases, also inclusive of kidney disorders are considered as Prameha. It includes clinical conditions of obesity, prediabetes, diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome.
Ayurvedic management of these kidney disorders have shown promising results. Prameha is a Tridosh Vyadhi and occurs due to predominance of Kapha.
Ayurveda is amongst the best options to cope up with kidney related disorders in a natural manner.
As per ayurveda, urine flow into or out of the kidneys occurs through Mutravaha srotas (channels carrying urine) and any blockage in these srotas results in improper functioning of the kidneys. The blockage of srotas creates kidney related disorders. Toxins start accumulating in the body when kidneys are not able to clear them from the blood. This improper functioning of kidneys creates imbalance of electrolytes and hampers red blood cells production. It is usually seen that the process occurs silently and the signs and symptoms are identified later.
At times unknowingly we promote the factors that cause kidney damage and alter its functions. Few mistakes are listed below:
 Alcohol and tobacco addiction
 Controlling the urge to urinate
Drinking  improper amount or cold water 
 Excess salt intake
Excessive intake of coffee, tea, cold drinks
High protein intake- pulses, non-veg products
Lack of vitamins and minerals
Cardiac disease, liver problem, paralysis, TB and psoriasis etc
Sleep disorders
 Polycystic kidney disorder
 Unprescribed and excess  use of painkillers, drugs, antibiotics etc.
Any kind of addiction or inclusion of above mentioned factors in your daily life leads to damaging the kidneys.
Kidney diseases manifests through the following signs and symptoms:
Bad breath-smell in breath
Blood in urine- hematuria
Burning micturition or Dysuria
Difficulty in breathing while walking
Early tiredness/lethargy
High blood pressure-Hypertension
Irritability in behaviour
Itching on body
Loss of appetite or Nausea
Proteins or Pus in the urine
Puffy face on waking up in the morning
Taste of the mouth changes
Tingling in the body-specially calf muscles and feet
With every passing day, kidney diseases are increasingly becoming a cause of concern  worldwide. Use of natural herbs, lifestyle management can have an effective impact on kidneys and can treat chronic kidney disease naturally. There are various ayurvedic medicines available for creatinine treatment:
1. Punarnava: It has anti-inflammatory action along with curative effects on kidney disease. It reduces the accumulation of the fluids in kidneys thus cures creatinine problems. It also treats oedema of feet and joints. 
2. Varun: Another powerful ayurvedic medicine used for creatinine treatment. It works to remove all the kidney ailments. It helps to improve urinary function and also provides strength to the prostate gland. It also prevents stone formation in kidneys. It is also helpful for other health ailments like intestinal bleeding, intestinal worms, and chronic migraines. It is considered a very effective ayurvedic medicine for creatinine problem
3. Kaasni: Kaasni is a wonder drug for all kidney ailments. It also has anti-inflammatory actions. This herb helps in relieving the inflammation in the kidneys. It is also helpful in respiratory troubles, chronic constipation, and for treating low haemoglobin also. It is also considered as a miraculous medicine for creatinine treatment in Ayurveda.
4. Palaash: When considering ayurvedic medicines for creatinine problems, palaash is considered as the best herb. It is used in all kidney problems. It is used to treat decreased liver functioning, if it is causing damage to kidneys. It has antimicrobial and anthelmintic action that eliminates the intestinal worms and parasites too. 
5. Gokshur
Gokshur has cooling effects; it relieves inflammation and treats chronic kidney disease naturally. Gokshura is helpful in treating renal infections. It is also helpful in enhancing the immunity of the body.
Few dietary and lifestyle changes are also found helpful.
Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
Avoid seafood-rich source of sodium
Controlled consumption of sodium
Blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels should be in control
Low potassium intake
Low protein consumption. Check and avoid foods having high protein content
Fried, fatty food should be avoided.
Your health should be your top priority. Therefore, it must be taken into consideration that the use of the above mentioned herbs is not recommended without proper medical supervision. Know your creatinine.
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healthtripseo · 2 years
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ng99h · 2 years
Dialysis center in Coimbatore | Nephrologist doctors in Coimbatore | NG hospital
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Our Nephrology experts will guide you through the process of treatment and recovery, ensuring your safety. Dialysis is a short-term procedure which needs to be carried out continuously for many hours. At NG Hospital Coimbatore, we have a state
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slowitdownckd · 2 years
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What’s Your Superpower? 
Last week, I mentioned that my renal/diabetes dietician had suggested Magic Spoon cereal since it’s low carbohydrate. I didn’t care for it. Marc Hernandez of Uhling Consulting was surprised, since he and his family really liked it. We tried to figure out why I didn’t. Then Marc hit on something. Maybe I was a super taster. Oh goody, a new concept for me.  Let’s get a definition for super taster…
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Nierschade Koffiedrinken kan risico op nierschade met 23% verminderen || Kidney damage Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of kidney damage by 23%
Nierschade Koffiedrinken kan risico op nierschade met 23% verminderen || Kidney damage Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of kidney damage by 23%
Als je meer rechtvaardiging nodig had om je dag te beginnen met een kopje koffie, ontdekte een nieuwe studie van onderzoekers van Johns Hopkins Medicine dat het drinken van ten minste één kopje koffie per dag het risico op acute nierschade (AKI) kan verlagen in vergelijking met degenen die dat niet doen. Nierschade De resultaten, die onlangs werden gepubliceerd in het tijdschrift Kidney…
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this-bird · 5 months
There’s an axe in my future, just waiting to fall. When will it take what’s left of my kidneys? My heart? When will it’ll cut me from life?
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