#Kay are they gone?
disacurveball · 7 months
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nobody look at the tags okay.
(Text from The Nation’s Saddest Love Poems, Sam J. Grudgings)
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adeleba · 8 months
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I like to think post-merge Lloyd would take a picture of his team family before any big adventures. Just in case...
(A late Lloyd follow-up)
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craykaycee · 11 months
*casually moves a pointy laser when Moon passed* 737 don't mind me, just checking if the gremlin have real cat senses
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I think he likes it
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wyrmswears · 2 months
more libber super hell au because i COULD be normal but no i wont be
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sharksandjays · 3 months
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Screencap redraw from the Hunted rewatch our server did!! Hunted rly said Bruise and Oppo canon and Core Four Parents canon.
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the sillies
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cassettemoon · 1 year
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Brothers and fathers and sons
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Okay in light of recent conversations I've had:
Please reblog both for a larger sample and also for my own peace of mind because please say I'm not in the minority in knowing this.
Also elaborate in the tags if you want :]
[Edit: I know that technically Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory and not part of Britain (aka Wales, England, Scotland including the Northern Isles and Hebrides). I simplified it for ease of access.
I didn't want to confuse people who didn't know all the different terminology we have like British Isles, British Islands, Britain/Great Britain, British Overseas Territory, British Sovereign Territory, Crown Dependency, Channel Islands, Unitary Sovereign Country, and the UK.]
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writer-room · 8 months
Dragons Rising is too dangerous for us, cause now the writers have proved they care about their characters. Pixal still existing, Kai having screen time again, and finally acknowledging Lloyd is the grandson of God? This is too much power. One has not ever dared get their hopes up in Ninjago, not for anything.
And they're gonna be the death of me specifically, because now the chances that they'll acknowledge Lloyd's dragon heritage aren't at zero anymore.
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skyf0ckz · 2 months
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They would have had matching profile pictures and you cannot tell me otherwise.
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hehe. Kai Spidersona
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mostlyfate · 6 months
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ladybugsimblr · 1 month
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Fall Starlight Accolades, Downtown Del Sol Valley
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jonathanbiers · 1 year
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master of puppets, i'm pulling your strings twisting your mind and smashing your dreams blinded by me, you can't see a thing just call my name, 'cause i'll hear you scream
@heroeddiemunson's three year gifmaking anniversary celebration day 3 (and a half) → skill: typography | color focus: purple and/or orange | other: song lyrics
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noattentionsstuff · 22 days
Am I the only one who wants ray and Maya to show up in dragons rising like the new Ninjago go visit them for weapons
I did a thing
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Skittle Squad
L> so it turns out that climbing onto a roof in the middle of the night solves all your problems
L> but i failed to consider that it creates a brand new one
K< are yku sruck?
K< bro ur a ninja
C< both of you should be asleep
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goldenavenger02 · 1 month
forever winter
Lloyd’s plans were always made around the bigger picture, but the five of them had always looked to Kai to make split second decisions.
‘And now he’s gone.’
When they finally arrived back at the monastery, all Nya could feel was numbness.
Back in Cloud Kingdom, she hadn't been able to hold back her tears as she cried on Wyldfyre's shoulder, but now she just felt nothing; in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but wonder if this was how Kai had felt when she merged with the ocean.
When she finally brought her vision away from the intricate stonework of the courtyard, she found herself swimming in a sea of somber faces but none of their questioning glances were fixated on her.
All of their eyes were silently pleading with Lloyd for answers, but he never turned around to rattle off some semblance of a plan as he silently opened the sliding door to his room and shut it behind him.
Lloyd's plans were always made around the bigger picture, but the five of them had always looked to Kai to make split second decisions.
'And now he's gone.'
"I'm gonna…" Cole's voice broke through the deafening silence, even if he was only speaking just above a whisper to keep his own tears from breaking free, "gonna go find Geo and tell him about Bonzle."
"I will accompany you." Nya watched as Zane reassuringly squeezed Cole's hand before the two of them made their way inside, leaving her alone with the others and their sadness filled glances making their way to her.
"We were up all night," she finally forced her tongue to move and hoped that her voice didn't sound strangled before she focused in on Arin as she remembered how she and Lloyd had found him flat on his back after the Bounty crashed, "is anyone hurt?"
When they all shook their heads "no", she knew that there would be more extensive prodding later from both her as well as Zane, but for now, since no one was actively bleeding or showing concussion symptoms, she dropped it.
"Okay, then we all need to get some sleep. It has been a very long week," Nya explained even though she was fully aware that the likelihood of them actually going to sleep was non-existent even if they did go to their bedrooms.
"Hey, Nya?" Arin asked quietly after Sora, WyldFyre and Riyu disappeared inside the walls of the monastery.
"I…I'm really sorry, about Kai. If I had just kept Bonzle safe-"
"Don't even start," she cut him off, resting her palms on his shoulders, "this was not your fault, or Lloyd's fault, or Riyu's fault, or Cole's fault. The only person to blame for this is Ras."
"But…" He turned away from her with a sniffle, her eyes stayed completely dry no matter how much she wanted to cry.
"Here, come sit," she insisted, letting go of his shoulders and leading him to the stone steps before sitting down and looking up at the clouds slowly rolling across the sky, "you know that Kai was the one who raised me?"
"No…" another sniffled as he rubbed his orange sleeve over his face, "the only ninja whose family is common knowledge is Lloyd."
"Well, you know about the elemental masters fighting in the serpentine wars, right?" She was met with a nod, "shortly after, they were betrayed by the elemental masters of time, so Master Wu came to our parents, who were members of the elemental alliance, to make four blades out of Chronosteel. It can absorb elemental powers."
"Kreel had some of that stuff a while back in her junkyard, Sora used it to make hers, Cole's and Kai's mechs."
"But when Master Wu and Garmadon threw the blades into a temporal vortex, the elemental masters of time went after them. One of them, Acronix, was lost for forty years and the other one, Krux, he captured our parents and forced them to equip their army of vermillion warriors. Kai and I were just kids, little kids. I couldn't have been older than four."
"But you two didn't join Master Wu until you were teenagers."
"There were some people in our village, who looked out for us at first, either by buying us food or buying the stock of weapons that our dad had in the back, but as soon as Kai was tall enough to start learning how to run the forge, he refused any financial help, dropped out of school and ran the shop. He refused to let me do the same no matter how much I begged, stuff about "mom and dad would want me to keep you safe"," Nya swallowed back a sob at the memories flooding her mind and looked back up at the sky, "he was such an idiot, but he always kept me safe. It's why, for the longest time, I viewed myself as invincible. That no one could lay a hand on me because Kai would stop them before they could even think about it."
She was caught a little off guard by the sudden pressure of tight arms around her, but she didn't push away and pulled Arin closer instead, her eyes starting to fill with salty tears that absorbed into his shirt.
Despite the tears, it never devolved into sobs; Jay had always been the one who was more open with his emotions, the one who begged her not to leave him as the call of the sea grew louder and louder in her ears.
Nya knew that the sobs would come as soon as she was alone; they would come after she called her parents to let them know what had happened and she made her way in his bedroom filled with warmth, reds and the scent of smoke lingering in the air.
Her chest would heave and the tears would spill onto his red bed sheets as she curled up in a ball with Jay's tattered stuffed zebra in her arms all while she tried so desperately not to feel like that terrified little girl who crawled into her big brother's bed at every minor inconvenience.
It was not the first time she had fallen into this routine; it had happened after Cole's fall, it had happened after Zane was transported into the Never Realm and it had happened that first night she had returned to the monastery after years of being separated from the others only to find out that Lloyd and Kai had also been unsuccessful in finding Jay.
It was as if her body refused to let her fully break until she was completely safe, far away from prying eyes and rhetorical questions.
When Arin finally pulled away and sat back down beside her, he brought his arm up and rested it on her shoulder blade, "I know Lloyd, and Master Wu, would tell you that "ninja never quit", but ninja are allowed to take a break."
"Well, you are the ninja expert," Nya chuckled as she wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand, waiting until he finished yawning to continue, "a ninja expert who really needs to try and get some sleep."
"I get the hint," Arin nodded, making his way towards the door as Nya turned away and pulled in another deep breath, "Nya?"
"Yes?" She turned to see him nervously tapping a finger on his left hand as he lingered by the sliding door.
"Are you going to be okay?"
"I don't…I don't know."
"Do you want me to stay?"
And no matter how nice his offer was, she shook her head "no".
She couldn't accept it because no matter how much she had grown to care for Arin and the rest of Lloyd's students, he wasn't Kai; and Kai was the only person that could make any of this feel somewhat okay.
"I guess I'll see you later, then." Arin spoke before the sliding door opened and closed with a soft 'thunk' against the wood, leaving Nya by herself in the courtyard as the clouds rolled across the sky lazily.
She wasn't sure how long she watched the bright blue and bright sun rays be broken up by clouds, but the warmth soaking through her clothes and coating her skin felt so wrong; if the sky understood what had taken place and just how much her brother had sacrificed for it, rain would be dampening her hair and drenching her clothes.
But instead, she was covered in sunlight while wondering, 'how can there be any warmth if Kai isn't here?'
Nya turned her head quickly at the noise, only to relax when she saw Lloyd with a mug clutched tightly in his right hand.
"Figured you would need something to drink, it's really hot out here."
"Thanks," Nya muttered softly, taking the mug from him and sipping at the cool water inside before taking in his disheveled appearance of messy hair and red-rimmed eyes, "I take it sleeping still isn't going well?" he shook his head, allowing her to prod more, "is it more visions?"
"I came out here to help you feel better," his chuckle was hollow in a way that made Nya feel sick as she came to the realization as to why he had sought her out, "but no, it's not visions…I just miss him."
"Yeah, me too."
"Kai's the one I always go to when this leader stuff gets really hard and I don't…I don't know what I'm going to do, how I'm going to do this, without him."
"Well, it may not be the same," she didn't expect it to be even close, "but you can always talk to me about it, okay?"
"Okay," Lloyd agreed after a beat of silence, catching her off guard for a brief moment by resting his head against her shoulder before asking, "Is this okay?"
"Yeah, it's okay," she insisted, pulling him closer to try and remind herself that she still had one of her brothers while the sun started to dip behind the monastery wall, "it's more than okay, Lloyd."
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