#Kalina Ann
storytellering · 1 year
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ko-fi commission 🔫
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ninebaalart · 4 months
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Melancholy Mary
shes long abandoned that name
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hiddencarpet · 2 years
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[ID: Devil May Cry 3 fanart. Two digital artworks in warm beige and green tones. First one depicts Kalina Ann with her few years old daughter. Kalina Ann wears a light green tunic with white skirt and black boots. Her daughter wears a beet red dress on suspenders and red shoes with white socks. They are viewed from above. They are lying in a field of grass. Kalina Ann with a soft smile looks at her daughter laughing next to her. She holds her daughter's hand lightly, and her daughter holds hers aswell as an orange teddy bear. The drawing is encased with a simply drawn beige frame with scribbles of flowers. The second picture depicts young adult Lady sleeping in a grass field next to her bazooka. Her eyes are covered by her hair. She smiles lightly through her sleep. The drawing is encased with a drawn beige frame with a bit differently scribbled flowers. End ID]
A moment of respite
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weatherman667 · 10 months
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This is what I live for! by Pills-in-a-cup
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devileaterjaek · 1 year
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bqrkrocks · 23 days
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tardismyrp · 1 month
Conspiracy board # whatever because I do so many of these:
Ok so I don’t think Jace died in the mountains of chaos. I think he died way before all of this, and possibly before the bad kids and rat grinders were in school. Jace chose The Rat Grinders to go to the mountains of chaos because he knew of Kipperlily’s rage and knew she could be manipulated. The rest of her party was just a bonus. That does make me feel a bit bad for the Rat Grinders because they were taken advantage of by an adult they were supposed to trust. However, I don’t think it was just Jace alone.
We know at the end of freshman year/beginning of sophomore year season Ragh saw Kalina talk to Jace and Porter. These are the names Kalina couldn’t say. Thus Porter is likely involved in this plot and may have helped kill The Rat Grinders. When were they killed though? This is where my theory goes off the rails.
My personal theory, which is me over thinking past interactions, is sometime before the beginning of freshman year. In episode 3 of freshman year Jace says “ I gotta be straight with you about that. I don't know why you talk that way. I'm trying to make a bridge between you and me. We're coworkers. I'd like to get along, you know? You're not required to be my friend, but, like, a little cordiality, man. Like, spoonful of sugar. Help me out, man. I'm here trying to make something happen.” to Porter. Back then it was just hey we teach together we should at least get along. Now I’m wondering if it’s anything more than that, especially with this new information.
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fallowfrog · 1 day
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more hades x dmc to celebrate going on uni break >:))
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thesillyvivi · 7 months
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cringeboy and failgirl. i love them
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dmc-questions-anon · 3 months
I would also like to see more of Lady and her mom.
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cerezzzita · 8 months
Today on Tumblr: @alaxamost & @cerezzzita talking about a DMC nail polish brand.
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froqgy · 8 months
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lady got a new cannon apparel thanks to this year's pirate event. smiled
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Headcanon that Lady's red right eye is inherited from her mother, Kalina Ann's side, originating from the priestess that was sacrificed in Sparda's ritual
Arkham's left eye turned red after the ritual in which he sacrificed Kalina Ann
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ashtnketchup · 24 days
Well considering the Lady cosplay, I volunteer as tribute.
I respect a guy who likes a girl who could kick his ass
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So I'm making a personal Fallout 4 AU based off Devil May Cry 3, because Nick and Vergil have my heart in a chokehold and they won't let me go.
Anyways, I got most of the characters down in my head. Nick as Dante, DiMA as Vergil, Nora as Lady, and Father as Arkham. But I'm having trouble figuring out who Jester would be. I'm torn between Synth Shaun, since it'd be similar to the relationship between Arkham using Jester as a projection of himself, or Kellogg, who is the main line of defense to getting to the Institute in the game.
I'm leaning towards Synth Shaun, but Kellogg as Jester would be funny as fuck to watch.
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tardismyrp · 1 month
Thoughts for conspiracy board:
I still don’t have my thoughts all organized yet, but I have some things rattling around in my brain that I just need to get out. Maybe someone can help and I can get my mind on track.
1. Next episode we get Ally making Brennan wanting to quit. That’s either going to be a nat 20 ribbon flight/pullup bar or K2 is going to do something insane.
2. Porter has a fake name so is it really end of the world if Kipperfuck wins?
3. If the Rat Grinders aren’t taking the honey, then what was Ruben’s dream about?
4. Fabian if you had just cleaned or hired a maid service then you might not be flying through the sky right now.
5. Fig is the champion of Ankarna, but who would have been if it hadn’t been Fig? Would it have been Buddy multiclass? Or would Porter have trucked sweet Bucky into it?
6. I know the Rat Grinders were taken advantage of by the adults, but god I hate them. I want to forgive them, but I just can’t.
7. Where the fuck are these kids parents? Like Ruben’s parents? Hello the kids are plotting to kill a god in your own home after going through a significant change!
8. I mean could everyone really be at that party? It doesn’t matter how popular you are, everyone is not going to show up to a party. And you’re telling me none of the people who wouldn’t go would vote for Kristen? Like Bucky is right there. I think that’s a bit unfair to them.
That’s all my current thoughts, but I know there will be more.
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