#K-pop scenario
stars4ni · 1 year
skz + when your anxious
hyung line + gn reader! ☁️
warnings: anxiety, crying, stress
genre: fluff + comfort
maknae line
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Bang Chan: You were at a hang out with friends when one of your friends made fun of your outfit you were wearing as a joke. You were hurt but didn’t want to show it, so you just laughed it off. You started to feel anxious and we’re bouncing your leg up and down. Chan started to realize that you were feeling anxious because of that rude comment. He placed his hand on your thigh, “baby are you okay?” You looked at him as you shook your head. “Aw baby” he looked at you in worry. He put his arm around your waist as he pulled you close. He leaned into your ear and whispered “you look absolutely beautiful today, their just jealous” he kissed your cheek. You smiled as you placed your head on his shoulder. “Channie I want to leave” “okay let’s go love~”
Leeknow: You are sitting on the couch finishing a project on a very short deadline. You started to feel very anxious as you thought you wouldn’t be able to finish the work in time. You put your head in your hands as you sighed. Minho sitting next to you quickly looked at you. “Kitten what’s wrong? Hmm?” “I’m so stressed, I can’t do this” you started to get frustrated and tears streamed down your eyes. “Oh baby…don’t cry” he pulled your head into his chest, stroking the back of your head. You continued to cry on his shirt, soaking it with tears. “Baby it’s okay…I’m here” “cry it all out, I don’t mind” You looked up at him with teary eyes. “Min what am I gonna do?” “How about you ask your professor for a extension okay? And in the meantime you get some rest, you look like you need some sleep kitten” he said and kissed you. “Do that for me okay?”
Changbin: You and him were hanging out with the rest of skz at his apartment. You were feeling anxious out of the blue, it might of been because you always get a little nervous when changbin is cuddly with you around people. But it wasn’t just that you had a lot of things on your mind like work, family, deadlines, and a lot more. Changbin had his arm around you, you guys were all talking about random things. The anxious feeling just hit you, you pulled Changbin’s arm off of you. You stood up to go to the kitchen to drink cold water, that always helps. Changbin realized you were acting off, he looked at you in the kitchen chugging water. He was familiar with your habits, you always drank water when you were anxious. He got up walking over to you, he back hugged you. “What’s making you anxious hun hmm?” You turn around to face him, hugging him. “Can we go to your room?” You asked. He nodded, grabbing your hand and walking to his room. He closed the door and sat on his bed with you. “Talk to me okay? What’s wrong?” You leaned over to lay in his lap, looking up at him. “I just get shy around other people when your touchy, and I’ve been stressed about work and-” you started to tear up. “Hey hey it’s okay…I’m here” he started to caress your head. “Come here” he said as you sat up and hugged him. “Breathe baby…just breathe”
Hyunjin: You laid on hyunjin’s bed as he sat across the room drawing. You were laying on your bed. Scrolling on your phone looking at tiktoks as you then see a notification pop up. You open to a email, you read the email as you start to worry as it’s from your college. It explains how you have failed one of your core classes and have to take it again. You start to panic as this changes all your plans for the next few years. You put your phone down as you sign very loud. Hyunjin realizes something’s wrong, “princess what’s wrong?” He says as he gets up and sits next to you. You lay your head on his lap as you start to cry. “I’m just so annoyed, I failed my class and now all my plans are ruined” Hyunjin holds your hand, “hey it’s okay…it will be okay, I’m sure you will figure something out” he caresses your hand. “I feel like a failure, I really tried hard for this class…and I still failed” you say starting to tear up. “Baby…your not a failure, classes can be hard. Especially in college, don’t put yourself down too much” he says leaning down and kissing your forehead. “Just know I am so proud of you, and that’s all that matters” you sit up as he then kisses you on the lips. “I’m so so proud of you love~”
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daydreamingyuta · 2 months
[10:12 PM] | Mark Lee
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summary: fluff, drabble, mark loves it when you wear his clothes. wc: 200
“Mind if I borrow your shirt?” You ask, already putting it on because you know Mark never minds sharing anything with you. You get your head through the neck hole fast enough to see Mark nod his head as he makes his way off the bed and towards you. “Cute.” He says quietly, as if only talking to himself.
The ends of your hair were still stuffed into the shirt and he takes it upon himself to gently pull it all out, tucking a few strands behind your ear. He tugs a little at your collar, “Did you take your necklace off?” 
You didn’t remember taking it off but you scan the room looking for it when Mark sees the gold chain peeking out underneath his shirt. “Found it.” He says, pulling out the ‘M’ necklace that he bought you for your first anniversary together. He toys with the pendent for a second before his eyes meet yours again. You’ve been with him for so long but his stare still manages to make your cheeks hot. He smiles and his eyes make their way down to your lips, pulling you in close so he can show you just how much he loves seeing his girl in his clothes with his initial on her necklace. "My girl..." He whispers in between his sweet kisses.
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ncttytrack · 5 months
Sinful - s.j (m)
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It’s not long before he comes all over himself, and the sight of him makes you bite your lip to not let out any sound. It’s then the reality hits you, you just watched Jake Sim jerk off infront of his computer, and he has no idea.
Summary: Your church counselor , Jake Sim, makes you feel stuff you never felt before. Are you strong enough to resist the temptation or will you let the sin of lust take over you?
Genre: SMUT, Churchboy!Jake x reader
Words: 3k+
Warnings: Agegap (Reader is 19 and Jake is 22), cry kink, creampie, slapping, chocking, slut shaming, Dom!Jake, Sub!Reader
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You lean against the bus window, looking out at all the trees passing before you. It’s in the middle of summer, and your mom decided to pack your bags and forcefully send you away to a church camp for kids your age. You are nineteen years old, old enough to make your own decisions, but not according to your mom, using the argument that she is your parent and that you should respect her. What about her respecting you? At least you weren’t going to this camp with strangers, the others were a part of your Sunday church group that you attended to church with every week. The bus is completely cramped, and out of curiosity, you look around only to get eye contact with one of your church concealers, Jake. He smiles when he sees you looking at him, which makes you quickly look away.
Jake was not your average church-boy, you knew that. He was hot, super hot. And not to forget to mention, he was young too, almost too young - only being 22 years old. He was older than you but still, did the hot and young church concealer have to come on the trip surrounded by girls checking him out every second? Not that you were any different. It was hard to ignore those soft plump lips, his expressive eyes and his fluffy black hair. You have always imagined how it would feel to ram your fingers through it. You looked back at him again to get another peak. Today he is wearing a white sleeveless shirt, making his muscular arms visible for you to gawk at. Your eyes follow down his arms to his hands. His hands are slender and long and he was always wearing stacks of silver rings. You imagine how it would feel if the cold metal rings made contact with your warm body.
It’s then his hand waves at you, making your eyes widen and look up at Jake's face. He looks at you with an amused expression. “Hm?” Your breath hitches and you look away again. You squeeze your eyes shut out of embarrassment. Why did you have to stare at him like that?
You finally arrived at the camp, that bus ride took forever. You walk out of the bus, trying to drag your heavy backpack behind you. All of a sudden, you feel a hand on your shoulder. You look up, to see Jake standing beside you. “Um, did you want something? You looked at me a few times on the bus" He says and looks at you with a concerned look on his face. Coward. You only looked at him two times, what does he mean by ‘a few’? You look down on your feet, not being able to hold eye contact with him for more than three seconds. As a nervous reaction, you fiddle with the straps on your backpack. Not being able to stay silent forever, you finally answer him, occasionally being able to look into his eyes. “Ah, no it’s fine, I’m sorry for looking at you.” He looks at you up and down, still holding your shoulder. “No prob, just let me know if you need something m’kay?” He says, giving your shoulder a small squeeze, before walking away to talk to another counselor. It’s amusing that he acts so polite, as if the rumors about him weren't the nastiest you have ever heard. Apparently he sleeps around a lot, including with girls in your sunday-group. And according to a reliable source, or in other words, a girl you heard talking to her friend, he was "super big". Whatever that means. 
Because of your strict religious family, sex was not a part of your everyday life. You kissed a guy once, on this camp when you were seventeen, and you still remember him trying to grope you under your clothes, before walking away when you pushed him away from you. You have never watched porn, let alone masturbated, your mother making sure that your hands should always be over the duvet when sleeping. Probably so she would know if you did something. You didn’t want to risk your parents getting disappointed in you. 
It’s the next day, and you are walking from the camp's library back to the room you are sharing with three others. It’s then something in the counselor's room catches your eyes. It’s Jake, his head is tilted back, leaning towards his chair in front of the camp's (only) computer. The room has two big glass windows facing the hallway, and because the curtains aren’t down, you see everything inside.
His face looks weird, it’s an expression you had never seen before. His mouth is open, and his eyebrows are furrowed and it almost looks like he is in pain. What if he is hurt? Should you go in and help him? You are about to open the door, before suddenly stopping yourself. He seems to be watching something? You try to look closer, leaning in as much as you can on the window. It’s then you what he is watching.
It’s two people, pleasuring themselves in front of a camera. He's watching porn! You step back and your hand covers your mouth to cover the sound you let out. That’s why it looks like he is in pain, he is pleasuring himself. You try to look away, but the sight in front of you is too intriguing since you had never seen something like it before. You gain enough courage to look down at the ‘thing’ he is touching.
His hand is pumping his cock, and it’s leaking preecum. You suddenly begin to feel weird between your thighs, making you squeeze your thighs together to numb the feeling. The more you watch him get closer and closer, the more the pleasure grows inside your lower stomach. It’s not long before he comes all over himself, and the sight of him makes you bite your lip to not let out any sound. It’s then the reality hits you, you just watched Jake Sim jerk off infront of his computer, and he has no idea. Before he catches you, you run away back to your room and lock the door. 
You sit down on the wooden stump in front of the fireplace. Everyone attending the camp is outside around the fireplace, forcefully listening to the counselors singing songs about Jesus and heaven. Jake suddenly appears besides you, switching places with another counselor, blaming it on the smoke coming from the fireplace. You still haven’t forgotten what you saw earlier, and the feeling you got from watching him between your thighs never left. “It’s beautiful tonight, isn’t it?” Jake says and looks at you. How could he look at you like this as if he doesn't know what he was doing earlier in his room the same day. Your lack of response makes Jake put his hands on your thigh, making you gasp at the sudden feeling of his fingers making contact with your inner thigh. What if someone sees him? “Hm?” He looks at you and raises his eyebrows waiting for your response. You look up at him, his hands still on your thigh. His eyes are beautiful, making you lose your breath for a second before giving him an answer. “Yes…it is ”you say, and look away from him. He looks away from you and licks his bottom lip. You thought that he would leave your thigh alone after you responded, but it’s still on you. It’s sliding up and down your thigh, getting higher by every second. The arousal between your legs is getting too much for you to bear, and suddenly it’s enough. It begins to hurt, and you need to do something about it. You can’t wait for the feeling to die down, because it won't if you don’t make it go away. Whether you like it or not you need to touch yourself. To Jake's surprise you stand up abruptly, “Excuse me…”, you say as you walk away as quickly as you can to your room. 
You try to open your door, but to your disadvantage it’s looked. Urgh. You forget that the counselors lock the rooms to stop us from skipping the campfire evenings. You look out of the window at the church only a meter away from the camp. The guilt inside of you increases as you make your way to the only place you know would give you privacy. You hurry your way to open the big heavy door of the church, walk down the narthex and sit on the first row. Too bad that this church doesn't have a confession booth, though otherwise you could've hid in there to act out your sins.
You button up your pants quickly to get it over with, and lean back on the wooden bench. The image of Jake Sim enters your brain, but the moment you touch your core outside of your panties you stop. You have never masturbated before, and you definitely don’t know what to do. You look at the big Jesus sculpture by the altar, and it feels like he is staring at you. You close your eyes out of guilt and begin to cry. You are so frustrated, and the guilt inside your chest makes you want to disappear. It’s then you feel a hand on the top of your hair, patting it. 
You didn't notice anyone walking into the church, so the sudden touch makes you open your eyes, only to meet Jake's gaze. You let out a small scream and cover yourself with your arms. He looks at you with pleading eyes, before crouching down so he is eye level with you. His hand leaves the top of your head, and he cups your cheeks with both of his hands. His lips form into a teasing pout. “Aw baby, why are your pants down? And why are you crying?” You look at him with tears in your eyes. Your whole body hurts and you have no idea what to do with it. “Jake, please, it hurts”. He pokes the inside of his cheeks with his tongue, and looks at you trying to act disappointed. His hands leave your cheeks and he stands up, looking down at you. He crosses his arms in front of his chest, and tilts his head to the side, trying to look intimidating. It’s working. Your heart sinks.
“I don’t know baby, what would god say if he saw you like this in his holy temple.” You are desperate, so desperate that you kneel down infront of him, clapping your hands together in front of him, begging. You look up at him “Please Jake, please help me and make this feeling disappear. It hurts, it hurts so much. I don’t know what to do.” He looks down at you pleading, and sighs. He brings up his finger and points at the bench behind you, signaling you to sit on it. You do so, standing up from your kneeling position. Your knees are sore from the hard contact of the church floor, and the pain makes you limp to the bench. He sits down beside you, grabs your shoulders and turns you so you face him. 
You part your lips and look at him, and his eyes look at your lips. You get ready to kiss him, when one of his hands suddenly caresses your chin softly, before pushing you down on your stomach on his lap. You let out a yelp, and your hands try to cover your bare ass from Jake's sight. He slaps your hands away, and grabs your wrists so you are unable to push him away. His hand suddenly touches your ass rubbing it up and down. You begin to whine at his touch, he is such a tease. “Tsk, tsk, do you really think you deserve my help without getting some sort of punishment for your actions?”. He doesn’t let you answer, before his hand suddenly slaps your ass hard. You let out a gasb and your back arch, getting wetter by his harsh treatment. “Please-” He slaps you one more time, and then once more right after - harder this time, leaving a big red mark on your skin. You begin to cry again because of the pain, and how wet you are from it. “Shh, baby, you are doing so good for me, ok?” He says and massages the cheek he just slapped. He pushes you away from his lap, moving back so he appears behind you, you are still laying on your stomach on the bench. You look back at Jake, the look on your face is enough for him to know what you want. He leans down over your back, and his face is right by yours. “What do you want me to do baby, use your words” 
You can feel his soft breaths against your neck, and you begin to tremble. “I want you to take care of me Jake”. He leans back away from you, standing on his knees on the hard bench. “Do you want Jake to take care of you, to make the ache go away?” He says as his hands come in contact with inner thighs, pushing you up so your ass comes in contact with his lower stomach. He grabs the side of your panties, slowly dragging them down, making your juices slide down your inner thigh. He groans at the sight of your drenched pussy, lightly touching it with his fingers to feel you, making you let out a breathy moan.
“You are so wet already, was that from the slapping? You dirty slut, what would god say if he saw you?”. His finger slides through your folds, coating his finger with your juices. He puts his finger into his mouth, tasting you. “You want Jakey to touch you, baby?”. You look back at him and whine, not being able to speak. He chuckles at your expression and slides two fingers into you. You let out a loud moan at the unusual feeling. Automatically you start to grind down on his fingers, wanting to feel more of him. He slaps you making you yelp. “Eager now are we? You are so dirty.” The feeling of his fingers, combinated with his harsh words is making you feel more pleasure. 
While still pumping his fingers in and out of you he unbuttons his pants with his other hand and lets his hard cock out, slapping it on your ass. You gasp, and look back, seeing it for the second time. He was huge, definitely too huge for you to handle when it your first time taking cock. “Are you a virgin?” He says, and you nod your head, biting your lip. He pulls his fingers out of you, slaps your pussy, and brings his cock close to your hole. He teases your already sore pussy with his hard cock, before pushing it into you. Your moan could be heard throughout the whole church, making Jake grab your neck from behind, so your back leans on his chest. While he slowley begins to fuck into your tight hole, he takes over your mouth with his to muffle your loud moans. He kisses you softly, roaming your mouth with his tongue, while fucking you gently. He stops kissing you, and brings up his hand to your mouth demanding you to suck on it. You let his finger into your mouth, lubricating it with your saliva. He pulls his finger out of your mouth, and brings it up under your shirt to your nipple.
He plays with your hard nipple before pinching it harshly making you let out a scream. His hands leave your breast, and place it on your waist. His thrusts are still slow, and you want it faster, deeper, harder. “Please Jakey”. The hold on your neck gets tighter, making it harder for you to breathe. “What do you want, baby? Tell me what you want, like the good girl I know you are, or I won't give it to you.” You let out a shaky breath and look up at the church painting in front of you. The painting makes you cry, you can’t believe you would let someone like Jake Sim to take over your body in such a holy place like this. Your tears fall down your cheeks and make contact with Jake's hand. “I want you to fuck me harder Jake, to use me until there is no sin left for me to commit”. 
As Jake begins to fasten his pase, going in and out of your drenched core, you continue to cry. Getting close, Jake leans down into your neck to muffle his moans, and you feel the sweat from his forehead sliding down your chest making your stomach wet. The closer you get, the faster he fucks into you, the deeper he fucks is cock into you. It’s not long before he comes into you, making you come as well, filling you up completely. You can feel his cum leaking out of your pussy and it's warm and sticky. He slides his cock out of you and wraps his arms around your body, as he kisses your neck, being extra careful to not leave a bruise. His hand grabs your chin softly and makes you look up at him. Your mascara is on your cheek from all the crying, and he uses his thumb to make the black smudge go away. “You know what to do baby” He says and looks down on your hands before looking at the holy painting on the wall in front of you. 
You bring your hands in front of you and begin to pray, still looking at Jake. 
“Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your unfailing love according to Your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me.” 
But you know that is no use, and Jake knows this as well. He grabs one of your praying hands and brings it up to him mouth, kissing it. No matter how much you pray, you don't belong to Christ anymore.
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Finally wrote a Jake fic 🤞 Hope you liked it!
Xoxo 💋
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ohmygs-blog · 4 months
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jealous dreamies.
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boydepartment · 30 days
mr. moneybags - nishimura riki x gn! texts !
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fluff - coworkers to lovers - 9 screenshots - i almost made this into an smau but i have no time for an smau :( - masterlist
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cry4tzu · 2 months
Focus on me, not the damn exam
Minatozaki sana x female reader
synopsis-i wanted her attention, and i got it .
Warning-smut!!, mention of mommy, and slut
A/N- first attempt at smut so it a little short so bare with me.
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The air was heavy with the scent of dust and old books as Sana hunched over her desk in her dorm , her hair falling over her face as she pored over notes and textbooks. Her heart raced and her palms sweat, but not from nervousness; it was excitement, anticipation. She was inches away from triumph, from proving herself to the world. No, not the world, just her professor. Just this stupid, stupid exam.
She glanced at the clock, willing the hands to move faster. Just a few more hours and she'd be free to enjoy the fruits of her labor. Or so she thought. There was a small shape, barely noticeable at first of someone right beside her.When she focused her attention on it, she realized it was her girlfriend, Y/N, trying to get her attention. But she couldn't. Not now. She had to focus.
"Sana," Y/N whispered, her voice husky with desire. "Babe, I need you to pay attention to me."
Sana sighed, already for the 50th time . "I can't, Y/N," she murmured, her voice strained. "I have an exam tomorrow, I need to study."
“You have been studying for the past hours my love, you should take a break” y/n said whining to the fact that her girlfriend attention was on something else other than her.
“Well, this exam is very important so if you can let me study for two more hours then i promise you will get my attention baby ” she said going back to focus her attention on the papers she need to read over.
With a sigh of defeat, y/n gave up on trying to get Sana's attention the conventional way. She knelt down on the floor, slipped her long, slender legs underneath Sana's desk, and before Sana even had time to register what was happening, she felt y/n's lips wrap around her aching clit, her tongue darting out to tease and caress her swollen nub. Sana's eyes widened in surprise and she let out a small gasp, the sound muffled by the pages of her notes.
She slipped a finger inside, making Sana gasp, and began to move. "You're so wet," she whispered, her voice husky with desire. “You like this don’t you mommy.” Sana let out a whimper in response.
As Y/N continued to work her magic, Sana could feel her mind start to wander, her focus slipping away from the books and notes spread out before her. She tried to concentrate on the exam, on the questions she needed to know, but all she could think about was how good it felt to have Y/N's body pressed against hers, her fingers moving inside her. She couldn't help but wonder if she was making the right choice, if she should really be studying right now. But it was too late for second-guessing. All she could do was give in to the pleasure, and hope that she would remember enough to get her through the exam.
Her breath hitched as Y/N's fingers found her clit, circling it expertly, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. "Yes," she moaned, arching her back, her hips pushing against Y/N's hand. "Just like that baby ." She could feel herself getting closer, the need building inside her, and she knew she was going to cum.
“You're such a fucking slut for your baby, you know that right?" Y/N whispered, her voice thick with desire. "Just let go, Sana. Let me take care of you." she increased the pressure of her tongue and her fingers, driving Sana closer and closer to the edge.
“Fuck,fuck ,fuck I’m gonna cum please don’t stop”sana said as her eyes rolled back in her head, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she felt herself starting to lose control. the way her lover fingers was deep inside pushing her right to the edge. She needed more. She reached out, tangling her fingers in Y/N's hair, urging her on, begging for more.
As the pleasure built inside her, Sana could feel her muscles tensing, her orgasm growing closer and closer. And then, with a cry of release, she came, her body shuddering and trembling beneath Y/N's expert touch. "Fuck," she moaned, her voice hoarse. "Y/N... I can't... I can't take it..."
But Y/N didn't get up, not yet. She continued to suck on Sana's clit, her fingers still thrusting inside her, relentless in their pursuit of pleasure. And as Sana began to catch her breath, she realized that she was still sitting at her desk, her legs spread wide, her pussy exposed and on display for her girlfriend. A thrill ran through her as she imagined what this must look like, and she let out a moan of approval, urging Y/N to keep going.
"That's it, mommy. You look so pretty when you’re desperate for me ," Y/N murmured, her voice low and husky. "Just let me have you." She reached up, untying Sana's hair from its messy bun and letting it fall around them in a curtain of black. She used it to cover her hands, using the strands to hide her fingers from view as she continued to work her magic.
Sana arched her back, her hips bucking forward as she felt herself growing wetter and needier under Y/N's expert touch. She gripped the edge of the desk, her knuckles white with effort as she tried to remain still, but the sensations were simply too intense. "I'm gonna cum again," she gasped, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "Oh God, Y/N..."
Y/N smiled against her, her tongue darting out to tease and flick at the sensitive bud of her clit. "That's it," she whispered, her voice a low growl. "Let go, Sana. Give it all to me." And with that, Sana was overcome, her body shuddering with another powerful orgasm as she cried out in ecstasy.
As Sana's tremors subsided, Y/N pulled away, gazing up at her with a satisfied smile. She licked her lips, tasting their combined juices, and then leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Sana's swollen lips. "I'm so proud of you, mommy," she whispered. "You did amazing."
Sana blushed, her cheeks flushed with a mix of pleasure and embarrassment. "Th-thank you," she stammered, her breath coming in short gasps. She looked down at her desk, still covered in books and notes, feeling a pang of guilt. "I-I really should study..."
Y/N laughed softly, her fingers tracing lazy circles on Sana's inner thigh. "Don't worry about that for now," she said, her voice soothing. "You've earned a break." She leaned in, pressing their lips together in a soft, gentle kiss. "Why don't we take a little nap together? It’s getting late. " she suggested, her hand sliding up under Sana's shirt, touching her soft skin.
Sana nodded, feeling herself grow warm at the touch. They got up from the desk, and Y/N helped Sana lie down on the bed. She pulled the blankets up over them, tucking Sana in like a child. As they snuggled close together, their hearts racing and their breaths intermingling, Sana couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. It was as if nothing else in the world mattered in this moment, as if they were the only two people in existence.
"I love you, Sana," Y/N whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of their hearts pounding. "You're the only one for me."
Sana smiled, nestling deeper into Y/N's embrace. "I love you too," she murmured, feeling her eyes grow heavy as sleep began to creep up on her. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt so safe, so cherished. The warmth of Y/N's body against hers was addicting, and as her eyelids grew heavier, she allowed herself to drift off, lost in the comfort of their embrace.
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f3lix00 · 11 months
Bf!straykids reaction to reader simping over their hands | nsfw
Hyung line | Maknae line
Han (한)
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Felix (필릭스)
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Seungmin (승민)
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I.N/Jeongin (아이엔/정인)
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herslvt · 1 year
K-pop Soft Thoughts with Ateez Maknae Line
From a black female writer-
My men 🤭 anyway enjoy there are no warnings unless you think Jasmine is better than Rapunzel…then we got a problem.
Hyung version
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ATEEZ members who spoil the literal hell out of you and treat you like a princess in their own individual ways, but this time featuring the sassy members because they’re princesses too and you can’t say otherwise!
San! Who loves to feed you not in a teasing way, but in an ‘I love you and I want the best for you’ type way. You’ll just be sitting on the couch minding your business and he’ll come up to you, favorite snack in hand and feed you. He knows he doesn’t have too but he wants too so he does.
San! Who adores you so much you’re glued at the hip, and when you’re not glued at the hip he’s got you on FaceTime because in his words he can’t breath if you’re not there, when you two are together he’ll wrap you in his arms and continue to complain about you not being close enough. If he could have you under his skin he would which is insane because you and him both know he’ll be fine but he just has to be a little dramatic first. (I love pushing the clingy Ateez agenda)
Mingi! Who once dedicated a song to you, but it made him so shy he refused to tell you about it for months. When he finally let you listen to it, he wasn’t expecting much of a reaction from you but you ended up breaking down in tears which then led to him doing the same. He wasn’t expecting you to like it but you did and he was happy.
Mingi! Who literally gets shy when you call him princess minki as a joke. He’s so used to Atiny and the members doing it to tease him so when you did it for the first time he was definitely flustered. He wouldn’t admit it but he thought it was adorable how you addressed him in that way every time he entered a room you were in. Regardless though, you were his baby and he wouldn’t let you forget that even if you called him princess for fun,
Wooyoung! Who debates with you on who the best Disney princesses are but ultimately gives into your opinion because he loves you (you threatened him) even then he still will refuse to admit Rapunzel was better than Jasmine but you let it slide just for now. He did agree with you that Mulan and Tiana were number 1 so you gave him the benefit of the doubt. (Bro I feel like all of them would do this at some point, just sit and argue w you over Disney movies and stuff)
Wooyoung! Who accidentally on purpose buys two of everything or always orders extra of whatever. He just got a new jacket? Just so happens they sent him an extra. He got food? Suddenly he ate earlier and isn’t as hungry. You know he’s doing it on purpose, but you won’t acknowledge it. He wants you to have whatever he has and if that means buying everything for two he doesn’t mind, though he knows you’ll just complain about his being better anyway. (Strong believer that Jongho would do the same.)
Jongho! Who will sing you to sleep. You beg him to sing to you and he always refuses, but when he knows your drifting off to sleep and barely still in this world he’ll sing a song that you love to relax you and as much as he refuses to admit it he enjoys it. The way he can feel you relaxing in his arms when he starts softly singing melts his heart.
Jongho! Who cherishes his time with you so much he has to take a picture whenever you’re together. Though they never leave the confines of his gallery, he likes looking at them when you’re not around. He has pictures of you doing any and everything, you in the kitchen looking for food, you walking back to the couch to sit down. He doesn’t care what you’re doing, the more domestic the better. You’re his home though he’d never admit it. You don’t even know to the extent of his picture taking goes. He even has a picture of you scratching an itch and he absolutely does not care.
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“Morning, baby"
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summery: a short keeho fic about the morning after sleeping together. Centered around his deep voice that he apparently has lol cause I didn’t know about it
warnings/info: suggestive, talking about “the night before” where keeho and reader had sex, gn! Reader, mentions of keehos fingers inside of reader (not specified where lol), it’s basically all centered around keehos deep voice @jasminexox5 sent a clip of to me a little bit ago, kissing, LOTS of kissing, hastily edited
You rolled over, the comforter slipping down from your shoulders in the process and your eyes fluttering open. You were just in your underwear and a tee shirt, having hastily grabbed the first from the floor next to his bed the night before.
The night before... yes, the night where you both came undone around each other, wrapped in each other. Your hand unconsciously came up to your neck. The part he marked up and kissed the night before. God, his kisses. On your neck, on your stomach, on your thighs. Soft and wet, making you writhe in your place and grip the pillow he gave you for the night
His fingers is what you can't get out of your head next, seeing them next to his head as he lays there looking like an angel. A large contrast to last night when he had them curled and pumping in and out of you. That was one of the many times last night he had you begging for more of him. Those fucking fingers, you mentally scoffed.
At that time you wanted noting more than to have them in your mouth again, sucking on them as a show-- a precursor if you will, to what you wanted to do to him again. Just like last night. Making one beg for the other was each of your kryptonite. Having him where he struggles to keep his hands to himself made you want to remake last night all over again. This time with the morning light streaming in from the cracks in his curtains that made his face have that beautiful glow you loved to see so much.
that was another thing: the beautiful feature that rested perfectly in the middle of his sleeping face. His nose, to you, could not be described by means of words alone. It perfectly captures every word describing something beautiful you could think of. Sat perched tall and proud on his face, like it knew of its worth. You told Keeho a lot about how you thought his nose was so pretty, too. It seemed like you could never stop. Others might think you were overreacting. It was just a nose, right? But once you found another thing about him that made you feel all sorts of ways-- your stomach jumping with the overwhelming need for him to bring you to orgasm, the warm feeling it gave you when he pressed it into your neck while hugging you, the list could go on. But that was something worth rambling about, right?
you You sighed contently. You knew you'd have to wake him up soon. The both of you would have to get your days started sooner or later. But, as always, it seemed like he read your mind before you got the chance to say what you were thinking. His eyes blink open a few times, mimicking you a few moments ago. Or maybe it was an hour ago. Who really cared? He sparked a lot of thoughts, and all his face made you wanna do was look at it some more. You could spare a few more minutes searching and memorizing how his knuckles curved or how his pretty nose twitched in his sleep. In fact, you were sure if your boss knew what he looked like he'd let you off the hook for being late because you spent too much time taking him in and basking in his presence. That was, if you were late. Which could have very well happened if the man didn't open his eyes so soon.
You smiled as he blinked sunlight and sleep out of his eyes, your thoughts of how good he made you feel the night before dissipating from your head entirely and replaced with thoughts of him, him, him. A smirk graced his facial features as he realized you staring at him. "Morning, baby." He said, his voice surprising you. You'd heard it time and time again before, but its contrast to how he usually speaks will never fail to surprise you. It was deep and darker in tone, thicker. resembling dense wood
Well, now you were really definitely wide awake. It seamed to enchant you, flashing images of him in your mind like bright lights. You've thought about him in many ways, but not because of this. He seemed to noticed. Not clearing his throat when he said, "What? you seem a little off. Did you sleep ok?" You nodded, not really trusting yourself to speak, not knowing if you wanted to respond or not. You didn't even want to think of what him talking in that voice again would do to you. You smiled to yourself at your boyfriends antics.
He leans forward, nuzzling his nose into your exposed neck, huffing out a puff of air there. His fingers commence a shiver-up-the-spine-causing dance across your shoulders, rubbing them gently. You sigh into his hair, relaxing again, thinking that maybe he'd just get up. Thinking that maybe, just maybe you were out of the woods that was his thick as tree canopies voice. "Does that feel good, baby?" Keeho asked. That fucker. He knew exaclty what he was doing. You could see it in his eyes. In the way his lips curved up in a way that made your head spin even more.
“hm? You alright? You seem nervous?” He asked, “am I going too hard?” You shook your head. Another wordless answer as his fingertips dancing long your skin, making your hairs raise, and voice thick as slow dripping molasses makes your head spin. "Words, please." He chuckles. And although it's a simple request, thats when you cannot possibly take any more of it. Of him being so fucking-- You don't even know. Was it agrivating you? Or was it simply only turning you on too much then you'd ever thought a voice and a shoulder massage would.
You deemed it to be a mixture of both. Whatever it was, you didn't care. You flip your body around to the man behind you, causing his nimble fingers that you craved to fall off your shoulders and drop to your sides. Not exactly where you wanted them right now, but it'll have to do. They were pretty close to it anyways. Although he smiles, he still seems surprised-- confused, even, by your actions.
"Whoa, baby. What're you--" You could only provide him with a a simple, two word answer. One whispered so quietly even the sun peaking in from between your curtains would've have heard it. Not the extra blanket that had been kicked onto the floor while the both of you were sleeping, not his tee-shirt thrown off in a haste the evening before and then long forgotten. Noting and Nobody. "Want you." You breathed against his lips before diving in. "Now." You pulled apart with a whine, not wanting to leave that beautiful soft feeling of his lips. "That can be aranged." He smiled. Then pulled you against him as he laid down on the sheets, causing you to land on top of him. You sighed contently, feeling that the plushness of his lips swallowing yours whole in a needy kiss as his hands started to roam your body.
End ~~~~~~~~~~~
thank ya'll for reading!! please leave a comment and/or a reblog if you liked this! :) I got the individual pics from Pinterest by the way!
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theunhingedwriter · 2 months
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Pairing: seungmin x afab reader
Rating: M/18 +
Genre: smut, slight bit of angst it’s sprinkled through out the story.
Warnings: work room harassment, smut, 18+, MINORS DNI, bullying, dick sucking, being called toy, tiny bit of over stim, hair pulling, degrading, praise,
” I don’t take to kindly to you avoiding me.” He mumbled into your ear as he stalked towards you,
” I’ve been busy with the comeback, hyunjin solo, Felix’s trip, you’ve literally had to do everything, be everywhere all at oneself. You’ve had so much to do and you’re so stressed. All you wanted was a break but you knew better than to complain to seungmin,
” I’m sorry…w-what can I do to make you forgive me?” You asked softly as he gives you a smug grin, he leans his elbows against the wall behind you both as he traps you between his body and arms,” you already know what to do.” He says before moving away from you as he struts out the room, your wobbly knees finally give out on you and make you hit the ground,
”why…why me?” You mumbled
While your head dropped onto your knees.
Later that day seungmin called you into his hotel room, hyunjin was out having dinner with his sponsors and wouldn’t be back for a few hours into the early morning you knew that any way because you had to dress him but seungmin still recited it to you.
“ come.” He tells you while staring you down.
His eyes haven’t left yours since the moment you stepped foot into the room. Locking the door behind yourself. He started to grow impatient from your sluggish walking,
“ I don’t have time for you to be taking things slow.” He said through his teeth, you picked up the pace and immediately sat down at his feet, while staring at his feet,
” look at me.“ he growled.
He sat back, undoing his pants and freeing his erection. He was huge, and extremely girthy. He forced you up by your hair and put you in front of it.
“If you keep acting dumb with me I won’t hesitate to treat you like such, do you understand?” He said through his teeth.
putting your hands between your thighs to keep from pushing him away, it would make him mad and you wanted this over as fats as possible. A small whimpered started to form in your throat but you kept it at bay.
As you stare into his eyes tears started to form in your own, you hated this the most out of anything he makes you do, the burn in your throat and the way the head of his cock pokes and rubs against your throat hurt so bad, but…as much as you hated to admit it… you’ve grown to like it.
 “If you want to get anything you better start acting like a good fuckthing.” He growled pushing your face into his cock.
Shakily opening your mouth, he pushed himself into your mouth as his head slammed into the back of your throat. Immediately you jumped back pulling your head away, gaging a bit from the sudden intrusion. Seungmin rolled his eyes glared back at you and yanked you up, pushing you roughly against the bed, holding you in place.  
“ Are you trying to testing my patience on purpose.” He says, looking down at you. You body started to shake a bit as you feel the flushed
“If you’re gonna act like a bitch, I don’t mind treating you like one.” He says through his teeth.
“good toy” seungmin murmurs
“ that’s it…” his gaze falling to his monitor as he hits record making sure to slide closer to the desk so no one could see your head.
“HIIII EVERYONE !!” He said in that cheery tone that made you feel sick to your stomach.
After an hour his gaze started to flip between the recording video on his phone and your pretty face, prettier than 1080p could ever preserve. your hand spelt stroking what your mouth can’t take, blush colored lips weapped around his thick cock like you’re a perfect fit, pretty thing you were… you always looks best on your knees. Seeing you trying so genuinely to make him feel good, it’s cute. god, is he big, warm wet saliva left as your head bobs on his length, trying to take him as deep as you can, touching the back of your throat. You had spit and cum falling down your throat and his thighs, you were so surprised he hadn’t made a noise yet. He lets out a tiny moan and made it transition smoothly into sigh.
” well—…goodnight everyone!! I love you stays so much!” He purred as he ends the live. He immediately yanks your head back and pushes his chair back.
“Up.” Was all he said tilting his head towards the bed.
Fucking finally…
Thank you so much for reading I appreciate it so so much!! What ever you pick leave a comment so we can chat a bit especially if you need a hug!!
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daydreamingyuta · 8 months
Don't Wanna Say Goodnight | Mark Lee
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summary: fluff, drabble, you don’t want bf!Mark to say goodnight wc: 369 a/n: writing this actually made me more delusional 😵‍💫
"Baby, please don't leave." You say, grabbing Mark's arm so he can't get off the couch. He looks back at you with tenderness in his eyes. For two whole blissful days, Mark was completely free of any schedules, but tomorrow he has to work on some new music.
“C’mon baby, don’t do this to me. You know I have schedules early in the morning.” He says, but he doesn’t move a single inch away from you, a soft smile on his face. 
You knew he had to leave, but you just really didn’t want him to. You usually weren’t this clingy, but you knew Mark secretly loved it when you were like this. “If you really loved me you wouldn’t leave.” You say, challenging him.
He tilts his head back and smiles up at the ceiling, he knows that you’re just trying to prolong the goodbye so he can stay as long as possible. He looks back down at you and tilts his head. “If only you knew how much I loved you.” He moves close to you, his face centimeters from yours. “If you only knew how obsessed I am with you baby and how hard it is to leave when you beg me to stay like this.”
You smile up at him, satisfied, knowing that if he could stay, he absolutely would. “Finee text me when you get home ok?”
“Of course, baby.” He says, pressing a sweet kiss onto your lips. You follow him off the couch and get to his jacket before he does so you can help him put it on. Once it's on, you fix the collar for him, taking a moment to just stay close to him. He grabs both of your arms and wraps them around his waist while he wraps his arms around your neck. “Goodnight babyy.” He says against your hair, kissing your temple. 
“Make sure to get enough sleep ok?” You say, still not letting go of the hug. He hums, telling you that he’ll try his best to sleep well. Once you both untangle yourselves from the hug, he cups your face into his hands and scrunches his face at you. “I hate saying goodnight to you.”
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ncttytrack · 5 months
"Not your type?" - l.hs (m)
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“Oh, Sweetheart.” He says and looks at you with a massive smirk, his hand never leaving your soft cheek. “I heard everything"
Summary: Your new summer job was great. The salary was great and the scenery was beautiful. But what made the job perfect, was your hot older co-worker Lee Heeseung, who you swear is not your type.
Genre: SMUT, Co-worker!Heeseung x reader.
Words: 3,7k+
Warnings: HardDomHeeseung, Heeseung is lowkey mean, chocking, creampie, lowkey size kink, degradation kink!!!, reader is lowkey a masochist...
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☠︎︎♡︎☠︎ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙︎ ☠︎︎♡︎☠︎ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☠︎︎♡︎☠︎ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
You load dirty spoons and plates Into the dishwasher, sweat running down your neck. It was a hot summer day, and while the average person your age is down by the beach sunbathing, you are working at your new restaurant job. When you applied, you didn’t actually think you would get it, but here you are during your vacation from college. Not that you could really complain, it is a nice restaurant you are working at by the coast. It’s always sunny, you are surrounded by people wearing little to no clothing because of the hot weather, and the nearest sea is just about ten meters away from you. The perfect summer job for someone who is in a desperate need for money. 
But there is one thing that makes working there difficult. 
The first day on your job, your boss wanted an experienced college to help you out. For example, showing you how to load the dishwasher, the different courses on the menu, what you should do after the restaurant closes - and so on and so forth. What you didn’t know however, is that the man getting the “help the new coworker” mission, would be the hottest man you have ever seen in your life. 
Lee Heeseung.
When Heeseung showed you around on your first day, it felt like you became 16 again. Every time his eyes met yours your whole body would tingle, only being able to look into his eyes for 3 seconds before looking away. Every time he asked you a question, you became a stuttering mess trying to compose yourself. It was really difficult, and because you two always seemed to get the same shifts, you couldn’t avoid him either. Not that he seemed to complain, he probably loved the attention he got from you. That is what you at least internally tell yourself. 
You did however get close to some of the people working at the restaurant over the last two months, one of them being your now close friend Sunoo who was your age. That is what is peculiar about this working place, everyone is about the same age. Over the age of 17, but younger than 24. And because of the young staff, it wasn’t an unusual thing that people hooked up with each other. And the first time you heard about it from Sunoo, you couldn’t help it but get almost too excited.
“Are you serious!?'' You shout with a shocked expression, the food you chew almost flying out of your mouth. Sunoo laughs, putting a hand right in front of his mouth. “Yeah, it's true! And can you please whisper, we don’t want the others knowing what we are talking about”. You look at him with big eyes, before looking around making sure that people aren’t listening to your conversation. 
You lean in and begin to whisper. “Like who?” Sunoo leans in as well, right by your ear. “Which ones have hooked up with each other? Well where should I even start. Um, well there was this one time with Yujin and Jay, and oh! Yunjin and Hee-“ you cut him off abruptly, not wanting him to mention Heeseung. 
You lean back beside him, trying to act casual. “Yeah I get it, I get it, you don’t need to continue!” You look away from him, but Sunoo looks at you. “What, do you like Heeseung? Y/n…” He says and punches your shoulder playfully. Your face turns beet red, trying not to unveil the secret you so desperately have been hiding for the two months working here. 
“What do you mean? Heeseung? Nooo he is like, sooo not my type” You say trying to sound convincing. “Not your type?” Sunoo says, not convinced by your false statement. Instead of answering him, you look away and shake your head confidently. 
Sunoo suddenly smiles teasingly, grabbing your arm and leans in. Because of his sudden touch, you look at him surprised. He maybe leaned in a little too much, though he is so close that you can feel his breath tingling your neck.
“You know what I think?” He says slowly, making sure to pronounce every syllable, and looks at you with innocent eyes. You get nervous, not knowing what he is about to say and try to look away. “What?”
His smile gets bigger, and he continues while having a teasing pout on his lips. 
“I think that you want big, sexy, Heeseung to grab your tiny, little, fragile body, push it against the hard wall of the storage room and manhandle you with,“ he makes his voice lighter, trying to mimic yours “his, big, manly hands, and strong arms”
Your mouth gapes open and you begin to laugh nervously, hitting Sunoo playfully several times until he backs away from you. You shake your head. “No! No! It’s not true!”
He looks at you and laughs while hitting the table in front of you. “Are you serious? You are lyiiiing! That is totally what you want!” You shake your head “No! I promise I-“. 
Before you can continue defending yourself, you get interrupted by Sunoo rolling back his eyes. “OhmaGAWD, You are so BIG! Don’t stawp Heeseungie-“ 
Sunoo suddenly stops, and look away at someone standing in front of your table. You slowly look towards the same direction Sunoo is looking. You begin to internally panic. 
“Um I think your 30 minute lunch break is over”. 
It’s Heeseung. 
You and Sunoo look at each other. 
Omg, did he hear all that? 
Heeseung is looking at you two confused, did he interrupt something? 
“I mean, I need to get my lunch break too” Hee continues, looking down on the salad he picked out. He seemed…nervous? Before you could make this situation even more awkward, you and Sunoo quickly grab your dirty dishes and walk away trying to ignore Heeseung's intense gaze. 
You could hear Sunoos' quiet laughter beside you while walking away from Heeseung. You look at him.“Promise me to never do that again Sunoo! And why are you laughing!” You whisper-scream trying to sound intimidating. “What?” He laughes, “It was sooo funny!” 
You look at him with a worried expression. “But what if he heard everything?” 
“So what! Just wait until the next Friday-night shift you have with him, drink the last 30 minutes at closing, and see what happens!” 
You look at him, smiling. “Are you allowed to drink on the job?” Sunoo looks at you and grabs your shoulder. “I don’t know? But what I do know, is that amongst the older coworkers-“ he points his finger towards Heeseung and the others, “it’s a Friday-tradition, and if you want what I think you want…then you know what to do” He says and winks, walking away to help a customer. 
And here we are, the Friday night shift. It would be embarrassing to admit, but the night before you did a 3 hour long everything-shower. Every inch of your body was shaved, scrubbed and cleaned. You were partially oozing vanilla. You hope that if something happens he doesn’t acknowledge the small wound you got from shaving too enthusiastically. Even though you put on matching underwear, an inch of you silently hopes that nothing happens. What if something goes wrong? What if you do something wrong? You try not to get too anxious, afraid that the nervous sweating will smell more than the perfume you put on this morning.
The final customer walks out of the restaurant, and you look at the clock. It’s exactly 30 minutes before the shift ends, which means it’s cleaning and drinking time. 
“Is it your first time on a Friday-shift?” The voice behind you, surprises you, making you do a small jump out of fear while looking over your shoulder. Heeseung looked down on you with an amused expression. “Did I scare you? Sorry I didn’t mean it” You try to say anything, but the scary thought of you stuttering is enough for you to stay quiet. You tap your foot on the ground trying to fill out  the quiet atmosphere while looking away. 
Heeseung tilts his head, while biting his lips, trying to hold in his laughter. Why is she so cute? “Um… So..If you don’t know already, we have a tradition where we drink during cleaning so it makes it more fun. I mean, it is Friday soo” You look up at him again trying to act as if you don’t know about the “tradition” - as if Sunoo didn’t tell you a week before. “Oh, well, that sounds fun?” You answer. 
Heeseung looks at you with bright eyes, turns around and grabs two glasses of beer, probably around 50ml, and hands it to you. "Perfect! You drink beer, right?” He says and looks at you. To be honest beer is the least you want to drink right now, but not wanting to be a burden, you take the big glass. You press it against your mouth, looking up into his eyes, while swallowing a big gulp of beer. You feel the bitter drink hit your tastebuds. Heeseung takes a deep breath, looking at your lips while you swallow the beer. Does she know what she is doing? 
You put down the glass, it is already half empty. “It tastes better than what I imagined!” You say, feeling the courage entering your body with every second because of the alcohol. Before Heeseung can answer, you pick up the glass again, only for him to take it from you. You look up at him irritated “I think you might slow down on that, the beer is extra strong and we don’t want any…accidents”. Heeseung says, bringing his hand up, laying it on your cheek. His thumb strokes your top lip, swiping away foam left from the beer. Your breath hitches, and you stop moving. Heeseung's hand leaves your cheek, before walking away, leaving you with a beating heart. 
Your body is swaying to the music coming from the speaker Sunghoon brought from home. The Broom you are holding gets heavier, the alcohol making your body weaker every minute. You don’t really remember how much you drank. Was it two glasses? Maybe Three? You don’t really care. All the staff members working this shift seem to be having a great time. Jay and Sunghoon were singing their brains out while putting up chairs on the tables, and Jake leaned towards the wall, holding his drink while laughing at his friends. You try to look around for Heeseung, but you can’t see him anywhere. 
Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder, and you look back to see Heeseung looming over you. Why does he always sneak up on me like this? 
He looks at you with an innocent smile, pointing back at delivery boxes filled with vegetables and meat. “It seems like the food supplies are here, do you mind helping me load the boxes into the storage room?”  He says. The storage room? Omg the storage room! That’s where the hook-ups that Sunoo talked about happen! You look at him trying to calm yourself, hoping he didn’t notice your body reaction to the word ‘storage room’. You look at him, confident enough to talk back without stuttering. “It seems like I am done cleaning the floor, so I can help you” 
He looks down on you, grabs the broom from your hand and leans it against the nearest wall. “Well come on then”. He says, picking up two boxes, and walks away, signaling you to follow him. You do so, lifting a heavy box with vegetables in the process. 
The storage room is in the far back of the restaurant, and it’s now when it finally hits you that you two are completely alone. Even the others were too far away for you to hear, and only the music from the speaker was the sound reaching your eardrums. Trying to do your best, you turn around towards the shelves, stacking up cucumbers and carrots. 
While opening up the second bag a hand suddenly leans on the shelf in front of you. You already know who it was, but decide to look back anyway, thinking he needs to stack up this shelf as well. Heeseung is looking down on you, his other hand resting in his pocket before bringing it up and grabbing your chin - making you look up at him. You could smell the alcohol from his lips, and you were super close, only a few inches keeping you apart. “W-what are you doing?” You say almost pathetic, as if you already don’t know the answer. 
Heeseung lets out a small laugh and bites his lips. “I think you know, not that you should be complaining” You look at him confused, before realizing what he might mean. He looks at you and sighs, leaning down right beside your ear and whisper sensually. “I think you want big, sexy, Heeseung to grab your tiny, little, fragile body and push it against the hard wall of the storage room and manhandle you with his big, manly, hands and stroooong arms. Or isn’t that what Sunoo said?” You look back at him trying to object before feeling his hand leave your chin and meet your lower back, pushing you towards the shelves, making you drop the bag of cucumbers on the floor. He pushes his leg between yours, rubbing it against your core to tease you. 
You try not to let out a moan, bringing up your hand in front of your mouth to muffle the sound. “Don’t think you can hide those sweet sounds from me princess” Heeseung says and grabs both of your wrists and puts them above your head. His other hand is now playing with the hem of your shirt, slightly brushing against the side of your stomach. Too drunk by his touch, the only thing leaving your lips are your heavy breaths. Heeseung grabs your waist and pushes you harder down against his leg, making you grind on him. The sudden friction is making you moan, and you tilt your head back to lean on his shoulder. His hand now leaves your waist and unbutton your shorts, sliding his hand over your panties. 
A smirk forms on his lips when he can feel how soaked you are, and only from using his leg. He lightly touches your core with the tip of his fingers, making you let out a small hiss. Getting inpatient, he turns your body around making you face him and he let goes of your wrists. He grabs your shorts harshly, pulling them down with your panties in one go. You gasp by the sudden movement while Heeseung crouches down so he is eye-level with your core.
While licking his lips, he puts his finger between your folds. “Aww, baby, you are completely soaked already!” He says amused, trying to hold himself back so he doesn’t tear you apart then and there. Not wanting to wait anymore, you let out a small groan. “I know, I know, baby. Heeseungie is going to take care of you ok? Do you want that?” He says and looks up at you while rolling his head to the side, his fingers still lightly touching your folds. You desperately shake your head and down. To your surprise, he stands up and grabs your chin. “Use your words baby, only good girls get what they want.” You look at him with pleading eyes, hoping that he would spare you from the embarrassment. 
He suddenly slaps you hard against your check, making your gasp. “I said use your words y/n” he says, his soft voice not matching his hard demeanor. He grabs your chin harshly. “Hee, please, I really want you” He looks at you and shakes his head. “I’m not sure I understand, what do you want me to do baby?” 
You can’t take it anymore. Your whole body is aching for his touch, and the only thing you want right now is Heeseungs cock buried deep inside of you. You look up at him with tears in your eyes. “I want you to fuck me”
Heeseung wraps his hand harshly around the back of your neck, and pushes your head towards his, passionately kissing you. His tongue slides in your mouth while you feel his hand massaging your clit. You leave his lips, letting out a moan by the feeling of his rough hand pleasuring you. He takes off your shirt, not sparing a single second before unclipping your bra. He starts licking your nipple while his hand starts massaging the other. Cum is dripping down your leg and he kisses you down your stomach down your thigh. He drags his tongue against your leg to taste your cum, from your inner thigh up to your core, pushing his nose up to smell you. “Mm, baby, you smell so sweet”. 
You feel his tongue circling your clit, making your head fall back towards the hard shelf behind you. Your hands grab his soft hair, a feeling Heeseung can’t get enough of, he loves how good he makes you feel, and how weak you are for his touch. Wanting to bring it one step further, Heeseung pushes his tongue inside your soaked pussy, making sure to push it as far in as possible. His hands grab your thighs harshly for support, and you roll your eyes back at the feeling. You know his harsh touch is going to leave bruises tomorrow. Heeseung speeds up his pace, using his nose to touch your clit while his tongue is deep inside of you. You begin to feel a clump in your stomach, and by the way you are pulling Heeseungs hair he knows you are close.
But then, he stops. You look down on him, disappointed and confused. “Why did you stop? I was so clo-“, before you can finish your sentence, Heeseung stands up and turns your body around. He leans down towards your ear “Don’t think we are stopping yet”. His nose brushes against your neck. He takes a deep breath to take in your sweet vanilla scent, before sucking your neck - making sure to leave a bruise. You tilt your head back, feeling both pain and pleasure from his actions. 
He then stops, unbuckles his belt, and pulls down his pants, and that’s when you feel it.
You feel how his cock teases your wet fold and he is big, really big. At least 9 inches, if not more. Not wanting to wait anymore, You need to feel him inside of you,  you whine “Just fuck me already!”. He slaps your ass, leaving a red mark and making you shut up. “Eager now are we? Don’t forget who is in charge here”
Before you can talk back you feel his cook slowly entering your hole, making you let out a moan. His hands meet your waist, pulling you in on his cook deeper. He is so big that it is actually difficult to take all of him, and you wouldn’t be surprised if you begin to bleed because of his size. He is stretching you out completely. “Common princess you can do it”. He says between heavy breaths, encouraging you to take his length completely. “Oh god, you are so tight” He says, pushing the last part of his cock into your pussy. 
He waits a few seconds, so you can adjust his big size, before beginning to slowly slide his entire cock out of you. You look back at him, “Why did you take it ou-“ you say, before he harshly slams it back fast and deep into you. Your body slams on the shelves and you moan from the pain. You are not sure anymore if it is blood or cum sliding down your leg, but you don't care. The only thing you care about is the man behind you, pushing his deep length inside of you. Using you, for his pleasure, like his personal fuck toy. 
Heeseung grabs the front of your neck while he fucks Into your tight little pussy, tilting your head back so he can take over your mouth, and your tits are bouncing with his thrusts. He then stops kissing you, still holding your neck almost shocking you till your light headed. You From the feeling of his large cock ramming into you to his hand on your neck is almost too much for you to handle, and you begin to see black spots forming in front of your eyes as if you are going to pass out from pleasure. “Aww are you about to cum? Do you think Heeseungie should let you cum?” He teases you, not slowing down one bit. 
“Please Hee, please let me cum” You say desperately, trying to hold in your orgasm before Heeseung lets you cum. He fastens his pace and the before steady thrusts turns into sloppy, and you know he is about to cum soon as well. “You want me to fill you up with my cum baby, be my little cum slut?” Sweat is running down his back, and his hand leaves your neck and he instead grabs your waist to deepen his thrusts. 
It’s not long before you both cum, his filling you up and leaking out of you when he pulls out his length. You are breathing heavily, and you feel too weak to stand on your feet. You lean back on Heeseung, your whole body aching because of him, and he hugs you from behind, kissing your neck. You feel his naked sweaty chest on your back, you can’t believe how tal he is compared to you. 
“How much did you actually hear from mine and Sunoos' conversation?” You ask, breaking the silence, while turning around still leaning on his chest. He lets out a slight chuckle, one of his hands holding your waist, helping you stand, and the other grabs your shin. His thumb sliding across your bottom lip, playing with it, wanting to slide it into your mouth. 
“Oh, Sweetheart.” He says and looks at you with a massive smirk, his hand never leaving your soft cheek.
“I heard everything” 
The moment you slam your front door you pick up your phone from your pocket to call Sunoo. “Sunoo, you have NO idea what happened at the shift today”
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delululand · 8 months
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you and yeonjun studied at the same university. you met him on the first day and quickly became close, you both had common interests, similar values and you liked to spend time together. you often went to exhibitions, went shopping or just watched TV shows and series together at his house.
he's always been very popular with girls, but in all the 2 years that you've known him, he hasn't dated anyone. yes, of course, he was nice and friendly with everyone, sometimes even flirted (or was it just his way of communicating? actually often his natural manner of communication looked like flirting), but it never ended with something serious. you were very close and told each other about your affairs, but in fact you also didn't have anything serious with someone, there were a couple of guys who asked you out or hinted at sex, but you weren't interested in it, your own life, hobbies, studies and time with friends was much more important
since you studied at the creative majors, you had quite a lot of group projects on staging dances, recording songs and shooting videos for editing practice. you have always chosen each other as a partner in such tasks and this time, having received a big task, you decided to do it together again. you had to come up with a choreography and perform it as a qualifying exam.yeonjun was a very good dancer, so he immediately offered to take on the most difficult choreography and you agreed to meet in the studio in the evening for a final discussion. he often danced with his friends in this studio, so when you got there a little earlier than the appointed time, you found him and his friends still dancing. carefully walking into the hall, you saw taehyun and bomgyu, who were already familiar to you, as well as an unfamiliar guy who was sitting in the corner of the room and watching the guys.
a minute later they finished the dance, yeonjun came up and hugged as a greeting, and the guys said hello and immediately said goodbye, as it was time for them to go. the guy sitting in the corner got up and came up to you, yeonjun said, "y/ni, this is mingi sunbaenim, he helped us with the choreography". the guy smiled sweetly at you and greeted you. since yeonjun had already been dancing for several hours up to this point, he asked for a short break before you start. at this time, mingi continued to communicate with you. he was very friendly and asked a lot about you and your project. you told him that you had to put on another individual dance and mingi offered his help in this. you have seen yeonjun looking slightly annoyed, but probably he's just tired from a few hours of rehearsal before? after answering several messages on the phone, catching his breath and drinking water, yeojun came up to you and said, "khm, I think it's time to start? we need to prepare well today," to which mingi replied, "yes, of course, I won't disturb you, I'm just surprised that you've been hiding such a beauty from me all this time," you laughed and yeonjun saw off mingi to the exit. only you and yeonjun are left. you liked the dance he put on right away and you started rehearsing.
after 3 hours of rehearsal, you finally went outside. it was already 10 pm and yeonjun insisted on walking you home. on the way home, you started asking about mingi, to which yeonjun said "why are you suddenly asking so much about him?", you replied "no, he was just very nice to me and promised to help with the next project", you saw yeonjun's lips pouting and he looked at you with an offended look "can't I help you? why ask someone else?", his pouting face caused you to be touched and a surge of tenderness, so you patted his hair and put your arm around his shoulder and said, "heeeeeeey, what's going on? I just don't want to bother you with my problems, you already help me too much and I really appreciate it, but I don't want to be completely arrogant." his gaze softened, he turned to you and with a soft smile said "hey, you're don't...", he hugged you and kissed the top of your head, after which you continued to go home
a few days later, mingi text you and you began to communicate a lot and it seemed that you were beginning to fall in love. you continued your rehearsals with yeonjun, you saw the face he looks at you every time you mention mingi in front of him, so you tried to talk about him as little as possible.
you went on a few dates with mingi and you were so excited about it, but this feeling of falling in love overshadowed the guilt of not telling him, knowing that it would upset him. you've always been so close and shared everything from childhood traumas to what you ate for breakfast today. you asked him about why he reacts to mingi like that and each time he just replied that mingi is just not the one you need. it makes you overthink. maybe he's really not the one you need? maybe yeonjun knows what you don't know? or maybe yeonjun just has a personal dislike for him? or is he afraid that you will spend less time with him because of this? after all, in fact, he was your only guy friend, of course you had girl friends and other friends, but you weren't friends with any of the guys as close as with him
your dance with yeonjun had already been rehearsed almost perfectly and there was only a week left before the performance, so you decided that you could already start rehearsing your solo dance.mingi, as promised, offered his help, so you agreed to see each other in the studio. due to the fact that you spent more time with mingi, you met with yeonjun mostly only at rehearsals and at university. he called you to different places, but you were busy, so you made up excuses every time hoping that he would not guess the true reason. but he is not a fool and he has long guessed the real reasons for your behavior, maybe he just didn't want to believe?
after meeting mingi in the studio and practice the dance, he walked you home, but on the way he accidentally dropped coffee on a white t-shirt, so you invited him to come in to wash it. you clearly liked each other, sexual tension was building up and at one point you were already sitting on a shelf in the bathroom passionately kissing mingi without a t-shirt. it was a long session of kissing and you heard your phone ringing, but only put it on silent mode. realizing that this is growing into something more, you stopped for a second and you glanced at the phone. there were about 15 missed calls from yeonjun and the phone still kept ringing. it bothered you, why is he calling so much all of a sudden? something happened? mingi stayed to kiss you on the neck, but you asked him to stop and took a breath to answered the call
- hiii, junie, did something happen? is it urgent?
- oh, you finally picked up the phone, no, nothing urgent, I was just near your house and wanted to see you, can you go out for a couple of minutes?
- mhhh so suddenly..... I'm just a little busy right now.....
- it's just a couple of minutes, I won't distract you for too long, I need to tell you something
- okay, wait a second... - you answered with a heavy sigh
after explaining the situation to mingi, you asked him to wait for you here and were about to leave the house. even after several attempts, you still didn't look very good. to put it mildly, your lips were swollen, your makeup was a little smeared and your clothes were crumpled, so you just hoped that it was already night outside and it wouldn't be so noticeable in the semi-darkness.
when you went outside, you saw yeonjun, he was leaning on a lantern, he had a really cute bouquet in his hands and he greeted you with the most tender smile. when he saw you, he took a few steps forward and hugged you tighter than usual. being so close to him, you smelled a plume of alcohol. "hey, what's going on?" you asked, breaking away from his embrace, "I'm so glad to see you, and what are you so busy that you can't see your dear friend?" his words stuttered a little and he giggled, without waiting for your answer, he held out his hand to you with a bouquet in it saying "it's fo....". before he could finish, his face changed and he was looking somewhere behind you. the bouquet fell out of his hand and he looked at you, looking into his eyes you saw the look of a dog who had lost his master, he looked with such pain and disappointment that you were taken aback. turning around, you saw mingi standing on the doorstep of your house without the t-shirt, he looked at you and shouted "baby, is everything okay?". you looked at yeonjun and just wanted to say "yeojun no, that's not what you....", he interrupted you by saying "ah, so that's what this is about.... and how could I be such a fool," without listening to your explanations, he just turned around and left. you tried to stop him to solve this situation, but he just threw off your hands and calmly walked on, not stopping a step.
you came home in a rage, "what the fuck have you done? who asked you to come out?" you shouted, not understanding what to do next, unlike you, mingi was calm, "what's wrong with that? he would have found out about us being together anyway, so what's the problem?", mingi grinned and added, "or are you saying you didn't know about his feelings? everyone around knew about it, I don't believe you're stupid enough not to see the obvious things." feelings? no, you knew he loved you, but was that what you were thinking? he was always caring, brought you food when you didn't have time to eat at home, picked you up from parties if you were drunk, treated you when you got sick, helped you always and everywhere, all these moments flashed through your memory in a second. what was friendly love for you turned out to be not just friendly love at all?
as the days passed, yeonjun stayed to ignore you, he did not answer your calls and messages, and at the university he passed by pretending that you did not exist. mingi calmed you down and said that yeonjun was not worth your worries, and everyone around asked what happened just pressing on the sore spot, and the thought that in a few days you should perform your dance for the exam finally finished you off. he hasn't said a word to you since, you haven't rehearsed the dance anymore and haven't discussed how it will go. however, he did not block you and the day before the exam you received a message “tomorrow at the university at 9am. do not be late. we are the first to perform” you answered “yes, of course, I will” and you hoped that this was a shift for the better, because this is at least something, and after hundreds of your calls and messages, he texts you himself. when you met, he was still cold and without saying a word to you, he danced with you to the highest score, also silently leaving immediately after grading.
the second month of silence has begun. your relationship with mingi was something that somehow made you glad and if not for this whole situation, you could say that you were happy. was happy exactly until I received a message from an unknown number. you knew that before you, mingi had a girlfriend with whom he dated for a long time and they broke up because she had to move to another country, but you didn't know that she returned about two weeks ago. in a message from an unknown number, there were photos of mingi and his ex spooning sweetly in a cafe, he kissed her hand and the message claimed that they were seeing each other for more than the first time. when you found out about it, you were so disappointed that all the emotions that had accumulated during all this time poured out a stream of anger at mingi. he said he could explain it all and he was sorry that it happened, but you were not able to listen to it all, so after blocking him everywhere, you called your friend, found your most cheese outfit and you went to the club.
it was Saturday night and the club was full of people. it was smoky around and loud music was playing, you drank shots one by one and after 10 you already lost count. the alcohol in your blood was making itself felt, and the smell of weed around only made the situation worse. slightly stumbling, you were walking through a crowd of people and bumped into some guy. looking up, you saw that it was yeonejun. after looking at you contemptuously, he was going to just pass by as he had been doing for the last month, but when you saw him that evening, you couldn't stand it. because of the loud music, you couldn't hear anything, so you grabbed his hand tightly and dragged him to the exit to the backyard.
“what the fuck are you doing!?” he was screaming and trying to take your hand off his forearm. finally going out into the fresh air, you let go of his hand, turned around and shouted “what the fuck AM I doing? no fuck i should ask you about this! do you seriously think that after a few years of our friendship, it's okay to just cut me out of your life like this? without explaining absolutely anything and without giving me the opportunity to even just talk to you” his eyes widened with anger, he came close to you, pressing you against the wall “explain WHAT? THAT I like fucking idiot love you almost from our first meeting? THAT all this time I could only dream about you? THAT I'm a fucking coward who didn't have the courage to tell you because I was afraid that you would stop communicating with me at all? THAT the day I finally decided to do it, I see you with mingi coming out of your house half naked? WHAT did I feel at that moment as my heart was being torn into thousands of pieces? THAT all this time I wished I could have confessed earlier? THAT missed my chance? WHAT THE FUCK OF THIS WAS I SUPPOSED TO EXPLAIN?”.
you were taken aback by his words, his face was literally pressed against yours and you felt his heavy breathing on your lips.you tried to say “junie... I'm not...” at the same moment, your lips merged in a passionate kiss, his hands pressed you closer by the waist, and yours pressed him even closer to you. unable to restrain yourself any longer, you hurriedly called a taxi and drove home to yeonjun. everything was familiar to you in this house and knocking down some of the objects on your way passionately kissing you went straight to the bedroom. carelessly falling on the bed, yeonjun leaned on you with all his weight, unbuttoning the zipper of your dress and kissing your neck and collarbones, leaving purple hickeys. throwing off your dresses, he began to suck and kiss your boobs, touching and sucking your nipples. leaving a wet trail of kisses on your stomach, he goes down and bites the inside of your thighs. he takes off your lace panties, bending painfully slowly, eyes shining in the lit light, making contact with yours and cares your folds with his tongue.
your body trembles under him when he eats you, his mouth feels everywhere, licks and sucks you where you want it most, as if he was born to give you pleasure. your moans echo around the room, sucking the clit feels unreal, with each immersion of his tongue in your hole, you whine and squirm until you reach your limit. your fingers tingle and twitch in his hair, warning of the approach of the culmination, but he does not stop, only works harder with his tongue. inserting your fingers inside, you feel overstimulation and cum. giving you a chance to catch your breath, yeonjun pulls back to take off his pants, seeing how hard he is, you stretch out your hand and smear the precum on his tip. “jun…i need you so bad”. he puts his palm to your cheek and gently kisses your lips, pressing his forehead to yours. making eye contact, you feel him put in you with a low moan coming from his throat. feelings from smeared kisses, stretching and slow but confident movements feel mind-blowing. your hands are squeezing his hair with all their strength when yeonjun starts to pick up speed, his eyebrows are frowning, heavy sighs and moans come out of his throat, and his hands are squeezing your waist and hips, pressing you as close as possible. he opens his eyes when you pull his hair sharply and almost cums at the sight of your face frozen with pleasure. you hold him to you and frantically whisper his name. the sensations get stronger every second and you cum for the second time in a night, your walls start to shrink around him, this puts him over the edge. you feel the warmth of his sperm spreading inside you, he kisses you on the corner of his lips, whispering “I love you” and lies down on your chest, trying to catch his breath, still staying inside you. your nails draw circles on his back and after a pause you say into the air, “I think I love you too...”
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boydepartment · 10 months
heeseung is the type of guy…
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a/n: i am procrastinating on my bio lab again‼️ update on that- i failed the bio lab test, so i’m hoping the lab itself i get a better grade :(
warnings- none just fluff :)
wc- probably like 250-300
other members part-
jungwon heeseung jay jake sunghoon sunoo ni-ki
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song- lover by taylor swift
heeseung is the type of guy who…
🦌 bumps into you at an amusement park and knocks over your ice cream. he looks at you in horror expecting you to blow up on him. you don’t, you start laughing.
🦌 exchanges numbers with you so he can “make it up to you” that ice cream he made up to you was technically your first date. at least in his eyes
🦌 asks you out officially by spilling ice cream on you again by “accident.”
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🦌pulls you a little closer to him during group movie nights. heeseung really appreciates that you want to spend time with his second family.
🦌 traces your features as you sleep soundly next to him. he takes notes of his favorite small features, like the way your hair falls back everytime he brushes it out of your eyes. the way your eyebrows furrow when he rubs your forehead with his thumb never fails to make heeseung smile to himself.
🦌 absolutely loves when you throw your head back and laugh, it was the first thing that made him fall in love with you. it reminds him of when you first met.
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🦌 plans trips with you for special occasions. you’d travel to different sights where you both could be yourselves. of course at the end of the night of your anniversaries heeseung would order ice cream.
🦌almost throws up when he meets your family. heeseung was so worried about making a good first impression. you have to calm him down while silently laughing. your smile was enough to calm him down.
🦌 makes an amazing impression first impression. your family loves him. at the end of the night he gives you the dorkiest smile ever, it was full of love.
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💚🦌 heeseung is the type of guy to have the brightest smile when he sees you or when he enters a room he knows you’re in. heeseung is so giddy to be around you, always.
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cry4tzu · 2 months
Lethal love
Obsessed mina x fém!reader
Warning: killing,stalking, and her just being crazy.
A/n: this my first story so if you have any comments to either help me or something I will appreciate it
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Myoui Mina had always been a quiet and reserved girl. She kept to herself most of the time, not bothering to make friends or get involved in other people's business. That was until she met Park Y/n, the love of her life. From the moment she saw her, Mina's heart was set on winning her over.

Y/n was the younger sister of Park Jihyo, who was Mina's classmate in college. Mina had noticed Y/n when she came to visit jihyo one day. She was the most beautiful girl Mina had ever seen. Her long, dark hair and piercing brown eyes had captivated Mina's heart. From that day on, Mina made it her mission to get to know Y/n and make her fall in love with her.

At first, Y/n was hesitant to talk to Mina. She found her a little strange and off-putting. But Mina was persistent. She would always find a way to be near Y/n, whether it was in class, at the cafeteria, or even outside her house. Mina would always find a reason to be there, and slowly but surely, she started to win Y/n's heart.

Their love story was like a fairytale. Mina would do anything for Y/n, and Y/n was smitten by her passion and dedication. They spent every waking moment together, and Y/n couldn't imagine her life without Mina by her side. Mina, on the other hand, was obsessed with Y/n. She couldn't bear the thought of anyone else taking her away from her. She would do anything to protect their love, even if it meant eliminating those who threatened it.

It started with little things, like Mina getting jealous when Y/n talked to other girls. She would give them cold glares and make them feel unwelcome. Y/n noticed this possessiveness in Mina, but she thought it was just her way of showing how much she loved her. But things took a dark turn when Y/n's friend, Yoo jimin also known as Karina ,confessed her feelings for Y/n.

Mina had always been wary of Karina . She felt like Karina was trying to come between her and Y/n. So when Karina confessed her love, Mina saw red. She couldn't let anyone take Y/n away from her. She followed Karina after school and waited for her in a secluded alley. When Karina walked by, Mina attacked her. Karina tried to defend herself, but Mina was relentless. She didn't stop until Karina lay motionless on the ground. Mina left Karina’s lifeless body in the alley and headed back to her dorm room, feeling satisfied that she had eliminated the threat to her love with Y/n.

But Y/n was devastated when her friend, Karina , went missing. She searched for her everywhere, but she couldn't find her. Y/n shared her concerns with Mina, who acted shocked and offered her support. Little did Y/n know that Mina was the reason behind karina's disappearance.

As the days passed, Y/n continued to notice Mina's possessiveness and strange behavior. She saw how Mina would follow her everywhere and keep tabs on her every move. Y/n started to feel suffocated and trapped in their relationship. She tried to confront Mina and talk about her concerns, but Mina would always deflect and make excuses for her actions.

One day, Y/n decided to take a break from Mina and went on a trip with her sister, Jihyo. They had a great time exploring a nearby city, but little did they know that Mina had been following them the whole time. She had bugged Y/n's phone and listened to all their conversations. She didn't like the thought of Y/n spending time with anyone else, especially her sister.

When Y/n and Jihyo returned home, Mina was waiting for them. She had a crazed look in her eyes, and she was holding a knife. Y/n was shocked and scared as Mina lunged towards her. Jihyo tried to intervene, but Mina attacked her as well. Y/n screamed for help as Mina chased her around the house, knife in hand. But no one came to her rescue.

In a desperate attempt to survive, Yn ran to her room and locked herself in. She knew Mina couldn't stand the thought of anyone else being in her and Y/n's sacred place. But Mina was relentless. She broke down the door and continued to chase Y/n. Just when Y/n thought it was all over, a group of police officers barged into the room and apprehended Mina.

It was revealed that Mina had been stalking Y/n for a long time. She was obsessed with Y/n and had killed Karina because she saw her as a threat to their relationship. Mina was taken into custody, and Y/n was left to pick up the pieces of her shattered life.

Y/n was heartbroken by the betrayal of the person she thought loved her. She couldn't believe that Mina had been stalking her and had even gone as far as taking someone's life. It took a long time for Y/n to heal from the trauma Mina had caused, but she eventually found love again with someone who cherished her and respected her boundaries. 

The incident with Mina had taught Y/n a valuable lesson about love and obsession. She realized that true love should never be controlling or violent. It should be pure and selfless, and that's what she found in the end. As for Mina, she was sentenced to life in prison, but her obsession with Y/n never faded. She spent her days in jail, dreaming of the love she could never have.
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missbangtangirl · 4 months
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