#Johnny hand on Jimmy’s waist
zappedbyzabka · 7 months
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The way Tommy looked at them…
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kleenexwoman · 7 months
Kk3 au where Johnny and Daniel end up together
1) Johnny isn't at school after winter break.
Daniel wonders if he's okay. He goes up to Jimmy, who isn't the most approachable Cobra but who is probably the least likely to kill him, and asks if Johnny's still in the hospital or something.
Jimmy looks at him blankly and says he doesn't think Johnny went to the hospital. He called him to see if he wanted to hang out before Christmas, but Johnny said he was busy with stuff and that he'd see him when he was finished with it.
Daniel asks what stuff. Jimmy says he didn't ask.
Bobby asks why the hell Daniel wants to know, then softens when Daniel reminds him that he saw Johnny get strangled by his sensei, too. Bobby tells him that Johnny isn't ready to come back to school, which makes sense.
Daniel says that he hopes Johnny feels better, and that if Bobby talks to him, maybe he can just tell Johnny that Daniel hopes he's okay. That there aren't any hard feelings. He'll even spar with Johnny if he wants.
Dutch sneers and says he's asking to get his ass kicked.
As Daniel walks away, he can hear Tommy saying, "I can't believe you even bothered to talk to that little maggot. You're not gonna tell Johnny all that shit, are you?"
2) It wasn't Johnny that Daniel was afraid of.
Newark was a hard, cold town. There wasn't much work, and there were plenty of brown faces in the town to turn against each other when the car company moved down to Mexico to find cheaper brown hands. Daniel knew the cold flash of fear in the pit of the stomach that comes when you see the glint of a knife or the barrel of a gun.
He'd gotten a switchblade from Cousin Enzo and taken it to school, flashed it at Peter Dabish when the oversized prick tried to fuck with his friend Cici, and nearly gotten kicked out of Aaron Burr High School, home of the Fighting Governors, in favor of the Joseph Pesci Reformatory for Boys.
California seemed safer. Sure, Compton was full of gangs, but Reseda was merely mildly seedy. And West Valley High School promised little more dangerous than social ostracism by blonde pastel-clad children of privilege.
For fuck's sake, the scariest guy in school did karate instead of carrying a piece. And he was skinny. Well, not so much skinny as slender, with long graceful limbs layered with gentle curves of muscle, and a tiny waist, and a chest more curved than barrel. The bruisers back home were all chunk, built like bricks, bulked with pasta and pork, heavy with flesh. Johnny looked like he'd been carved away over time by a stream of water.
Sure, five against one was shit odds, but Daniel knew that a knife doesn't help when you're outnumbered anyway. It's just another thing that can be taken and used to hurt you.
Daniel could have hurt Johnny badly enough to end it, if he'd wanted to. He wasn't an idiot. The kind of places that would sell a kid an illegal blade or even a gun under the table were always easy to spot in Newark, and they didn't look much different in L.A.
He was scared of what he saw when he'd looked into John Kreese's dark blue eyes. Whatever was in there was hungry, hollow, and blank. Something that had cut itself off and refused to be reached. Something that only took and didn't know giving. Something that didn't know limits.
Daniel was scared that the thing driving John Kreese would push Johnny too far. That the posturing, the pushing, the pressing against lockers, that it would explode into something real.
He really didn't want to have to hurt Johnny. Johnny had been hurt enough already.
3) The All Valley was the second night of Hanukkah and Johnny was sleeping in his car by the eighth night.
Sid had a big party at the house the night after. Since Mom was Christian, he liked to call it Christmas-kkah. There was a tree and ornaments, and there was an electric menorah in the window that looked like nine plain, ugly glass tubes that lit up in a plain, ugly sodium yellow. If that was supposed to represent the miracle of having enough oil or whatever the fuck the whole thing was about, that sure didn't look like it meant shit. The potato pancakes weren't even any good, soggy and flavorless because nobody was eating fat.
Sid gave Johnny a blue sweater that didn't fit him, a check for thirty-six hundred dollars, and a sweaty rant about how Johnny needed to stop getting his face beaten on purpose before a big party. Did Johnny want everyone to think Sid beat him, get a reputation for being a domestic abuser and ruin his career? Was that his game?
Johnny gave Sid a head hung low, a bite of the lip, and a tear in the eye. He gave Sid the generous, frankly unwarranted gift of the most sincere-sounding apology he could muster. He promised Sid that it would never happen again.
(He couldn't make himself tear up until he started to think about the prospect of leaving his mother alone with the bald piece of shit. But he'd begged Mom to just take the money she had tucked away and leave, let Sid take everything else in the inevitable divorce. She'd always said she couldn't.)
Mom gave him a bunch of things that were nice, but that he didn't really need and had never asked for. That weren't really his style, but something between the chunky, shiny bright reds he'd liked as a kid and the soft, slender pastels she seemed to like him in. She also gave him a card that had a little trophy on it and said "To A #1 Champion of A Son!" on the inside.
"I'm so proud of you," she said to Johnny, and hugged him. "You always do so well when you put your mind to it. You only ever have to try."
The report card came in. Johnny got more C's than D's this time, but Math had plummeted from a B to a D, and Phys Ed was a B instead of an A because of all the shit he'd given LaRusso that year.
Sid screamed at him that he was never gonna get into a college, that he'd wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on Johnny, that Johnny was gonna end up as a janitor scrubbing toilets. Then he shoved a brush and bucket into Johnny's hands and followed him around while he demanded that Johnny scrub all twelve toilets in the house by hand without gloves.
Later, retching, scrubbing his chapped hands with moisturizing soap, he looked to his mother for comfort.
She stood in the doorway and said softly that he'd done a good job cleaning the toilets.
Johnny left before sunrise, everything he wanted to take in the trunk of his Avanti, then drove to West Valley High and slept in the parking lot.
He found a new place to crash before the school year started up again. It wasn't hard. He looked good, and that made it pretty easy to make new friends who'd shoot you a few bucks now and again. As long as you were, you know... Properly grateful.
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puella-peanut · 10 months
Teenage tramp Daniel has the hots for handyman Kreese lmao. Thots?
Gorgeous, seventeen year old neighborhood tramp Daniel LaRusso is…mad. Big Mad to be exact. 
It’s all because his attempts at seducing the local, rugged, handsome neighborhood handyman have…fallen flat. Failed to lift off. Closed on opening night. Houston, we have a problem, and his name is John Kreese. 
Thing is, Daniel’s gone all out. Taken out all the big guns. Brought out the big, flashy, show-stopping numbers. He’s been coy, coquettish. An innocent and not-so-innocent tease. Sweet and shy. Sassy and spunky. A bonafide ingenue to the Lolita of the Valley, and all around the block and back again! 
Jeeze, he’s never worked this hard for a lay in his life!
See now—he’s worn his tiny band crop tops. His tiny tank-tops cut to show plump, caramel nipples. His even tinier, cut off jean-shorts that hardly leave anything to the imagination. 
He’s boosted himself up on the front of John’s battered Ford pickup, just to criss-cross those long, bare, coltish legs of his. Straddled (and stolen) ladders John’s been using while he works, to display parted, slender thighs. (And show off how limber he is. How…flexible.) Reached up to grab at nothing on his toes to show off a waist so small and trim that a pair of (large, callused, rough) masculine hands could span oh-so-easily. He’s bent himself over convenient surfaces—countertops, couches, tables, wobbly banisters and kiddie coloring tables for crying out loud!—to show off his sweet, juicy ass. The lush cheeks that spill out. The roundness of it all. 
He’s brushed up against John, sat touching him knee-to-knee, fallen across him “accidentally”, faked a sprained ankle in the hopes of a bridal-carry, and still—still goddammit!!—John hasn’t paid him any attention!! Not the slightest bit. 
All Daniel has gotten in return is: ‘Hey, you’re in my way.’ To, ‘Put some clothes on, Prima Donna, it’s January, and your sneezing is unhygienic.’ And even a, ‘Join the Service, kid. That’ll whip some sense into you.’
Ugh. Ugh. Ughhhh. 
…Why, by this time with his other conquests, he’d gotten railed twice over! All stupid, annoying, teenage boys; simple schoolboy, after-school flings to pass the time. Like that total brain-dead bimbo Johnny, or violent karate bad-boy Mike. To foreign exchange student Chozen, followed by future sociopath Dutch. A real slick wannabe named Ponytail got him next, then sweet preacher’s boy Bobby. Jimmy and Tommy had tag teamed him after, and then finally that dorky piano nerd, rich-boy Twig (he’d gotten real maid service, a night in a mansion, and breakfast in bed for that one!). Between all of them, Daniel had gotten laid in six months more than some people did in an entire year! Lifetime even! Yeah, yeah, the lays themselves didn’t rank too high on the scale of one to ten (some far lower than others!)—but a fucking was a fucking, and he had been sixteen and desperately horny. Besides it had been summer, and California had made it too hot to be too fussy. 
…Except that now he is, because there is something about this Kreese that gets him all hot and bothered. Something about those sinewy, hairy, muscular arms. That solid, sturdy body. The heavy booted footsteps. The worn jeans and faded flannel. The fluffy, sandy hair (and matching, coarse stubble). The hairy, broad, hard chest. The squareness of his jaw, the strapping height. The surprising brightness of his blue eyes. The sudden, rare smiles. The fact that he is older, is an adult. A full grown man. That he can do anything to Daniel, and, smitten boy that he is, he’d let him. 
Yeah, Daniel wants him like one would want a cool drink on a hot day. He has it bad. But things have to get worse before they get better, right? And all fevers must run their course. 
And boy, what a fever this is!
(And may he never recover!)
Meanwhile, our John has indeed been stoic in the little tease’s presence—but, thing is, the moment he’s alone, tucked away safe in his bed or in the shower or even that one time in his kitchen for fuck’s sake—John has spent nearly every spare minute in his day jacking off furiously. Getting his sheets, tiles—even kitchen countertop—all sticky with jizz like he was fifteen again, and had seen a pair of breasts for the first time in a dirty magazine. (But those thoughts of his former teenage fantasies have nothing on the centerfold that is LaRusso.)
And, damn it, he spends far too much of his day dreaming about that full, red mouth. The glossy, floppy hair. Those long-lashed big brown eyes. The perky brown nipples, the slightest swell of the soft chest on that tiny, fragile body. The endless, shapely legs. The endless, tan skin. The endless smoothness of it. The curve of that plump ass. The bounce it had, the little tormenting jiggle when the boy walked with a spring in his step. The sweet little puckered cunt hidden between those slim thighs. How it would drip and spill and gush out all that John has to give the little shit. Is dying to. 
Oh, John’s got a calendar counting down the days until the boy is legal, until he’s all of eighteen and the law can’t save him—and then John’s gonna fuck him into submission, rail him into obedience. Pound that tight, juicy, boypussy raw until LaRusso can’t think for how good John’s giving it to him. 
And then he’s gonna make the little shit his, because fuck it all—the little Italian brat has made him fall for his charms big time.
Only a matter of time kid, John thinks later, watching the boy work his bag of tricks with a stoic, calm expression. Though he all but grins (inwardly) when the boy fumes in frustration at his non-reaction.
Just you wait, Prima Donna, John promises.
You’re mine. 
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jimmy is physically unable to grow his hair more than 2cm, hence the buzzcut - the other styles are just wigs
gord, lola and pinky are the mean bisexuals and meaner lesbian trio who will gossip about anything
most of bryce’s aquaberry clothes are hand me downs but chad bought him a new vest which he adores
lefty and thad are the only left handed students
peanut just doesn’t respond to ‘larry’ anymore. he even questions it on the loud speaker - “who even is that larry?” “you dumbass!”
bo lance and gloria are all related - lance and gloria are siblings and bo is their cousin
vance absolutely loves the look of aquaberry though he’ll never admit it
christy and wade have the biggest love hate relationship
they once swapped places at school when they were 6 and no one noticed nor cared
justin hates bif with a passion and torments him
jimmy got back once and called him a genetically deformed rat however and he went off on one for a week
kirby was left paralysed from the waist down after the frame fell on him in the fire — (i’m sorry but he should not have just got up and walked away after he was saved i don’t care 💀)
dr crabblesnitch made the school more wheelchair accessible after this
he is off the football team however is still one of the jocks and will run you over with his wheelchair if he feels so
he watches from the bleachers and some dare say he’s a better cheerleader than mandy
trent still loved kirby a lot and pushes him most places
lola wears johnny’s ring on a necklace
she’s also the only person to really notice peanuts love for johnny
ted and damon practised kissing on each other when they were 13 and ted liked mandy
safe to say kissing her was not like kissing damon at all
angie, christy and beatrice have matching bracelets
nobody besides pedro likes sheldon but he doesn’t notice
russell’s favourite south park character is butters
gary moved into johnny’s old cell in the asylum
he tried (and failed) to be king there
the uniform was finally tailored to fit algie
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untilthenextencore · 9 months
"Nights To Remember Ch. 4: Forever Burn~..."
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Dahlia's gaze towards Jimmy was as singular as Jimmy's was to her. Even as she passed him a fresh beer of his own. Even when he took it with soft thanks & sipped from it.
Hers was starry-eyed, reverent & thrilled. Jimmy's gaze towards Dahlia was soft & tender. Kissing her hands before guiding her back inside.
Jimmy's gaze towards Robert was… less so.
Wary. Knowing. Almost accusatory. Jimmy very nearly bristled when Dahlia wasn't aware or looking in his direction. Brooding. Glowering. He'd only switch back to his sweet tenderness & warmth when Dahlia's gaze returned to him.
Robert shivered as Jimmy & Dahlia strolled over to him. Taking another sip of his beer to wet his parched throat - When did it get so dry? - he did his best to shake that off and think up a casual greeting. "Hey, mate! Glad you could make it! Was wondering when you'd get here?"
"Indeed." A Middlesex monotone replied. "I was just asking Dahlia here why she left so suddenly. Said you two had been discussing the merits between back at the Rainbow & here at the Chuco. She told me it was your idea to leave. Thankfully it was her idea to tell Peter to tell me. So I wouldn't worry. Isn't that right, my girl?" He emphasized the words "my girl". He always emphasized the words "my girl".
"Yes, darling." The word "darling" curled into the air like a plume of smoke from her lips. "Robert & I got bored & wanted to see how things were back home here. I didn't want to take you from the party since you seemed to be enjoying it. I also couldn't very well leave without you knowing." She cuddled closer to Jimmy, right arm around his waist, left on his chest. Right over his heart.
"I couldn't find you. Didn't even know where to even look. Not after you disappeared with Bonzo. Didn't want to worry you though so I made sure to tell Peter to tell you where we were & that I was safe. If anyone could find a way to tell you it was him. Peter made sure I was safe. As always. Safe with Robert & Magnet. He made sure you had nothing to worry about. See?"
"Indeed." A softer tone. Suburban Surrey sigh. Of relief. Of relaxation. Once again, he took her hand, lifting her left hand to his lips & pressing a kiss to her delicate little knuckles. Right by her ring. Dahlia giggled. In her girlish rapture, she was blissfully unaware however, of how Jimmy cut his eyes at Robert while doing so. His gaze remained severe as he rose back up & placed her hand back on his heart.
Diamond ring glinting in the light on her third finger.
Stately gold band shining on his.
Robert had to smirk & let out the tiniest breathless "hmph" of a laugh.
That was Pagey.
He never did anything by chance.
Just then, Dahlia's voice cut in, ending the stalemate.
"Do you forgive me, baby?"
Jimmy turned back to face her. His large left hand cupped her cheek. Ring still glinting. Pink lips curving from severe slit back to sweet smile. "Of course, my dear. There's nothing to forgive." In one swift move he leant in & claimed her lips as his, claimed her as his, again. "As long as I know you're safe. Nothing else matters. Nothing."
Dahlia's eyes glittered & shone in the pink light as he said that.
Now it was Dahlia that Robert saw being defined by the dj's choice.
"Hypnotized, you've got me hypnotized...
All it took was just one little look into your eyes...
I'll do whatever you say, command me and I'll obey...
(Because I love you)...
La la la...ha ha...
In a magic spell of romance...
Make me hold you...
Make me kiss you...
My heart is yours to command, and woah-oh...
Hypnotized, gee, gee I'm so hypnotized...
Just one touch of your fingertips...
One kiss from your sweet, sweet lips..."
"Though you did give me quite a fright." Jimmy admitted surprisingly. "Disappearing into the night like that. All I want is to know that you're safe. To keep you safe. And near."
Try as he might, Robert couldn't help himself. Maybe it was the beer. Maybe it was his usual brusque Leonine bravado. Maybe it was both.
"What's the matter, Pagey? Worried she was gonna run off with a blonde country boy? Much less yer lead singer?"
Dahlia's face fell. She gasped, turning to gape at him in surprise. She was truly stunned it seemed. Aghast. Clearly, she had no idea where this came from. Her eyes volleying back & forth from his face to the bottle in his hand telegraphed where she figured it came from though.
"No." Jimmy's response was terse & equal parts heated & cool. "What trash papers or cheap novels have you been reading? Honestly! Don't flatter yourself, Planty. I know well enough she would never do that. Never. We both do. We all do."
The gunslingers let their fingers cool on the triggers respectively. Each cooled their heels. Cooling themselves with a sip of their beers.
Until Dahlia spoke up again.
"Jimmy…" Both sets of eyes flew to her as she asked. "Let's go dance, huh? C'mon. I've waited all night."
"Waited?" Jimmy blinked in surprise. "Has Robert not led you on the dancefloor at all tonight?"
"No, baby." Dahlia shook her head. "He never even asked. It never even came up."
Shit, Robert thought. She was right. They were here all that time. Together all that time. Alone all that time. And he'd never once asked her to dance. Unlike before. He usually always got a dance in with her here. All that time. All that wasted time. And he'd never once gotten her in his arms. Now he knew his time was up. His chance had run out. Jimmy was about as likely to give him a chance to dance with her that night as he would give him a chance to play his guitar! Goddammit!
"Really now?" Jimmy quirked a brow, a smirk curving at his lips. "That's so unlike him. He usually jumps at the chance to."
"C'mon, Jimmy." She took his hand & pleaded. "C'mon, baby. It's been so long since we've been here. I missed it so. Didn't you miss it too? Remember all the fun we used to have here? All the other dances? In here? In the parking lot? Under the streetlights? Under the moonlight?"
"Aww, my darling." Jimmy's smirk then softened into a legitimate smile. His large left hand came to cup her cheek, guiding her into another kiss.
She gave herself willingly, fully into the kiss. But clearly, she was still on edge. Still willful. Still wanting.
Pulling back, Jimmy took & pressed another kiss to her left hand again. "Of course I remember, my dear. How could I forget. We've had such wonderful times here before. For years! Perhaps it was meant to be that led you to lead me here again. A welcome little change. A delight. A delightful surprise. Fate."
He smiled his best eye-crinkling smile, leading her to beam up at him in kind as he cupped her face in both hands now & pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Very well then. Whatever you say, my love." Then placing his now drained beer on the bartop besides Robert, using the clink to punctuate his words with a bit of finality, he nodded. "C'mon, Dahlia, my girl. Let's go dance."
"Wait, really?" Dahlia gasped. She knew how shy Jimmy could be. How reticent. Especially with the ever-growing weight of his & the group's name in the public eye. But when Jimmy nodded, she knew better than to question it. There'd be no looking a gift horse in the mouth from her. No second guessing.
And so it was that Robert saw them recede onto the dancefloor as the song yet again narrated what he saw before him; albeit with the tiniest mistake in getting the month wrong.
"I remember...
That night in May...
The stars were bright above...
I'll hope and I'll pray...
To keep...
Your precious love...
Well before the light...
Hold me again...
With all of your might...
In the still of the night..."
Robert ambled over to the wall by the door, reclining against it. One leg bent, foot against the wall behind him. Beer in hand.
As he stood there, he heard the music playing from the outdoor patio. A different set of oldies were playing for the kids to dance to or chill to under the streetlights. A double soundtrack for Robert to sit - or stand - and contemplate.
"Devil or angel, please say you'll be mine...
Love me or leave me, I'll go out of my mind...
Devil or angel, dear, whichever you are...
I need you, I need you, I need you...
You look like an angel...
Your smile is divine...
But you keep me guessin'...
Will you ever be mine?..."
Still, his eyes never left them as they swirled about the floor. Her eyes lit up by more than the pink light. Jimmy's glittering in kind. Both locked in a shared ecstatic grin amidst secret hushed words & giggles as the music continued to narrate.
"My love must be a kind of blind love...
I can't see anyone but you...
Are the stars out tonight (sha bop sha bop)...
I don't know if it's cloudy or bright (sha bop sha bop)...
I only have eyes for you dear...
(Sha bop sha bop)..."
Robert watched avidly. He saw how the "stars" that night shone in her eyes. How they dazzled. Dazzled him. How they were dazzled. By Jimmy.
At the same time, the outdoor soundtrack of sorts weaseled its way into his ear. It read him as well as anything playing that night. Needling him. Seeing him. Seeing deep within him. Seeing all. And laying it bare.
"Each day through my window I watch her as she passes by...
I say to myself, "You're such a lucky guy"...
To have a girl like her is truly a dream come true...
Out of all the fellows in the world, she belongs to me...
But it was just my imagination...
Runnin' away with me...
It was just my imagination...
Runnin' away with me..."
The Temptations. Despite himself, a wry smile curved his lips. Both from how fitting the name of the group was & how well it fit with the Dells' song playing as Dahlia & Jimmy waltzed in the center of the dancefloor.
"I won't forget all those things...
You have told to me...
The craze in my heart...
Won't let me forget your love...
Oh, what a night (to love you dear)...
Oh, what a night (to walk you dear)...
Oh, what a night (to kiss you dear)...
That's why I love you so...
No, no, no, no, no...
No, no, no, no, no...
One more night...
Can I walk you home one more night?...
I wanna make love to you one more night...
I love you baby...
I want you baby, I need you baby...
I love you baby, one more night..."
Watching Jimmy waltz so effortlessly. With Dahlia in his arms. Beaming up at him. Whispering to him. Kissing him. Robert couldn't help but brood a bit.
Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of another petite lovely. Dark hair, dark eyes, dusky skin… And unlike the one he had centered in his sight… The one he usually had his sights set on… She was signaling her interest in him. Finger curling in the end of a lock of hair. A soft smile curling her lips. A twinkle in her eye.
His eyes flicked over to her from time to time. A grin tossed in her direction. An effortless wink. Hell, even the occasional blown kiss. It came easy to him now. She wouldn't be the first he picked up at the Chuco. Hell, she might not even be the last.
Still, Robert's eyes couldn't help but be pulled to the same set of familiar glittering eyes that shone up at his guitarist friend as Otis Redding called into his ear from outside. Reading him once more from the great beyond. Searing into him.
"These arms of mine, they are burning...
Burning from wanting you...
These arms of mine, they are wanting...
Wanting to hold you...
And if you would let them hold you...
Oh, how grateful I will be...
Come on, come on, baby...
Just be my little woman...
Just be my lover, oh...
I need me somebody, somebody to treat me right, oh...
I need your arms, loving arms to hold me tight...
And I, I, I need, I need your, I need your, tender lips, to hold, hold me...
Tell me when I'm right now, baby..."
In the blink of an eye it seemed Robert was no longer alone.
Looking towards the source of the hushed greeting, Robert found the young petite beauty had spirited her way next to him. "You alone, handsome?"
"Not for long." He grinned, snaking an arm around her waist as her hands went to his chest. "S'yer name, luv?"
"Paulina." She cooed, nuzzling him as she asked. "You in town long?"
"Mmmm… Pleasure to make your acquaintance, luv." He nuzzled back, one large hand gripping her hip. He heard her gasp softly, drawing an even wider, dimple-popping grin from him.
Old Habits die hard.
"What brings you to these parts, Paulina, my dear?"
"Well, at first it was the music… But now…" She rubbed her nose against his in a soft little, teasing Eskimo kiss. "You…" Her eyes flashed up at him, searing him in her own way.
"Smart girl." His grin now widened to a face-splitting Cheshire cat level.
Another gasp sounded as he then stole her lips in a sudden hungry kiss. She responded in kind instantly. Though, gathering as much of her own barely checked ardor & need as she did, she still struggled to match his passion & fervor.
Breaking the kiss just as Paulina began to swoon, Robert began kissing his way down her throat, sucking a mark onto her tawny skin.
Though even as he mauled the young Paulina so, his eyes still rose. They still lifted. They still moved across the room & locked onto the sight of another dark beauty. He couldn't help it. The same one as ever. Her and her dark lord. The two were still making a striking sight as they swirled & whirled about the floor. Only this time, they two were beginning to neck as well as Etta James sang.
"All I need...
Is someone like you...
My dearest darling...
Please, love me too...
Within my heart...
I pray your answer's yes...
I'll make your life...
Full of happiness...
Whenever you need me...
I'll be there by your side...
Oh, I pledge my love to you...
With God as our guide...
Oh nothing, nothing, nothing in this world...
Can keep us apart...
Unh, my dearest darling...
I offer you my heart..."
Dahlia's arms tightened around Jimmy's shoulders. Jimmy's hands sliding up & down her back. Jimmy's head craned into the crook of her neck in between his mauling her with kisses. Her eyes closed & head tilted back as she giggled & smiled rapturously.
The sight still stung a bit. The beer dulled it a bit. And the presence of a curvy beauty in his arms helped to soothe the rest of the sting.
The music pumping from outside continued to needle him, however.
"Sincerely, oh yes, sincerely...
'Cause I love you so dearly, please say you'll be mine...
Sincerely, oh you know how I love you...
I'll do anything for you, please say you'll be mine...
Oh Lord, won't you tell me why...
I love that girlie so...
She doesn't want me...
But I'll never never never never let her go...
Sincerely, oh you know how I love you...
I'll do anything for you, please say you'll be mine..."
Robert did his best to brush those needles off. As his hands slid up & down Paulina's back, he tried to ignore how they paralleled the movements Jimmy's hands made on Dahlia's back. The barest thought of it, the merest thought, made him crave to feel how it'd be to have his own hands running up & down Dahlia's back. Feeling how she'd react. How she'd respond to the very things that had Paulina purring & nearly coming apart in his arms.
That thought was the straw that broke the camel's back for him.
Unlatching his lips from her neck, he glanced down at her. Eyes closed. Sweet smile. In rapture herself clearly. He grinned, rubbing his thumb over the soft bruise he'd already drawn into her skin.
Try as he might, he still had Dahlia on the brain.
He sucked the mark deeper into her skin & gazed at her.
He gave Paulina his own version of mauling kisses & gazed at her.
He pulled back from the passionate kisses & gazed at her.
Dahlia, for her part, was still lost in her own world dancing with her beloved shimmer suited Jimmy.
And as he grabbed Paulina by the hand & guided her out the door & out into the car, the vision of Dahlia, rapturous, smiling, dancing whirled in his mind along with the words to the song they were dancing to - the only song that was playing both inside and outside - rang in his mind.
"Forever my darling our love will be true...
Always and forever I'll love only you...
Just promise me darling...
Your love in return...
May this fire in my soul dear...
Forever burn...
My heart's at your command dear...
To keep, love and to hold...
Making you happy's my desire...
Keeping you is my goal...
Forever I'll love you...
for the rest of my days...
I'll never part from you...
or your loving ways...
Just promise me darling...
Your love in return...
May this fire in my soul dear...
Forever burn...
My heart's at your command dear...
To keep, love and to hold...
Making you happy's my desire...
Loving you is my goal...
Forever I'll love you...
for the rest of my days...
I'll never part from you...
or your loving ways...
Just promise me darling...
Your love in return...
May this fire in my soul dear...
Forever burn..."
Hope y'all enjoy~!
As ever, this is forever under construction~
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cobrakatharsis · 2 years
kinktober 2022
day nine: lingerie | outdoors
og cobras x johnny
dutch is grinning when he and johnny reach the isolated spot in the hills where the others are waiting, and bobby’s immediately giving him that cautious, suspicious look.
it’s evening and they’ve only been out on their bikes for a couple hours or so - everyone bar johnny and dutch had been busy all day with various family things, pushing their full group meeting time back to around five with the story they were all going to get dinner together at a local diner - but dutch had told them when they’d last paused to talk that they were headed to the usual spot now, and everyone had driven up that way without question, speeding and weaving and laughing as usual.
now, though, it’s like everyone has suddenly remembered that dutch and johnny have been alone together all day, which is very often recipe for disaster, and dutch grinning like this is not a good sign.
“what?” tommy asks, looking cluelessly between everyone as helmets are pulled off and tossed aside. dutch hadn’t been wearing his in the first place, hence his grin being the centre of attention, but he’s looking at johnny as he pulls his helmet off and shakes his hair out. johnny doesn’t look back at him, doesn’t look at any of them, instead looking with far too much intensity at some point off below in the distance, and then there’s a stretch of silence.
“at least tell us if it’s good or bad,” jimmy finally offers, and, as dutch’s grin widens, bobby sighs.
“i’m leaning bad.”
“it’s good!” dutch assures, hands splayed in mock defence. “isn’t it, johnny?”
dutch leaves his bike and meanders over to where johnny’s standing, and that seems to finally earn johnny’s attention. he turns to dutch and glares, though the heat behind it is lost when combined with the way his cheeks are all flushed and he’s shifting around, fidgeting, like he’s embarrassed. dutch puts a hand on his waist and pulls him closer to kiss him, placatingly sweet and reminiscent of any guy kissing his huffy girlfriend, and though all that earns him is johnny punching him in the chest, johnny does look at the others when they’re done, feigning normalcy as another beat of silence passes.
“what did you two do?” bobby asks, long-suffering.
“just some light shoplifting.”
dutch laughs shamelessly at bobby’s ire, clinging to johnny like he’s using him as a shield.
“it’s not a big deal! couldn’t have paid anyway, they kicked us out. said the store wasn’t for us, didn’t they, johnny?”
“i wasn’t involved in the theft,” johnny defends himself to bobby, ignoring him.
“what store were you in?” tommy asks, apparently also unconcerned about the petty crime and more curious about the logistics, or at least more interested in finding out what dutch decided was worth stealing as an aside from his mother’s provided allowance.
dutch seems to pick up on that and grins again - despite bobby snapping, “not the point,” at tommy - turning around and spinning johnny with him to face the others, his chest to johnny's back.
“you won’t be mad once you see what we got,” he promises bobby, then turns his gaze to tommy and jimmy. “you wanna see?”
“okay,” jimmy says, somewhat cautiously, while tommy nods eagerly at his side. bobby sighs again, but even he looks undeniably curious, and his change in interest when dutch grabs the waist of johnny’s jeans is almost laughable. dutch opens them with rough, experienced hands, and it’s jimmy who reacts first to the peek of deep red revealed, inhaling sharply.
“are those—?“ tommy asks, but loses all hope of stringing a coherent sentence together as dutch shoves johnny’s jeans down his thighs to fully reveal the panties. they’re expensive red lace, ruffled at the hems, skimpy but cut just barely generously enough to hold all of johnny’s cock even as it begins to harden under the rough treatment and all the eyes on him, out in the open like this.
dutch smiles dizzily at the sight, chin hooked on johnny’s shoulder to look down over him. they look so much better on johnny than they had on the stupid mannequin, and certainly way better than on the shelf dutch had swiped them from to stuff them in the pocket of his jacket.
“he wouldn’t let me see until it was all of us. said he wanted us all to see at the same time,” he explains, briefly glancing up to enjoy the others’ dazed expressions before he looks back down johnny’s body. “did you put the other thing on too?”
shamelessly, he delves a hand beneath johnny’s t-shirt and hauls it up, bunching it up to johnny’s throat to bare the rest of the ensemble he’d swiped - a matching longline bralet in the same sheer red lace, ruffled in the same sweet way, with straps winding around johnny’s ribs.
“hey! dutch,” johnny whines, shuddering as the cool evening air meets his suddenly bared skin, goosebumps rising over the pale planes of lean muscle thus far revealed. his nipples are hard beneath the skimpy fabric, and dutch grazes them with a wandering hand, earning another shudder - though this one is decidedly not from the chill.
“aw, you cold?” dutch coos at him, sounding somewhat genuinely sympathetic even as he helps johnny shrug entirely out of his shirt and tosses it atop johnny’s bike.
the image of johnny in the lingerie is even more obscene like this than it would be otherwise, outside and backlit as he is by a mixture of the sky and the city far below, just the bralet on his upper half and his jeans undone and around his thighs. he looks like something out of a dirty magazine, especially in front of the bikes.
dutch can imagine what the next few pages would look like. his brain is suddenly filled with images of johnny bent over a bike, panties pulled aside to bare his hole, looking so pretty all dressed up for them as they take their turns with him.
“don’t worry,” he tells johnny, and wraps an arm around his - now bare - waist again to pull him in for another kiss, though this one is far less placating. johnny meets it hungrily, pressing closer to dutch, and dutch is very promptly distracted from what he’d been trying to say as he feels the heat of johnny’s arousal beneath the lace, pressing up against the friction of dutch’s thigh.
thankfully, the others get the memo. dutch’s hands meet others as they grope over johnny, and he opens his eyes to see bobby pressing kisses to johnny’s bare shoulders before promising in a low, heated tone.
“we’ll warm you up.”
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teachesmercy · 2 years
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     𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗬  𝗡𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥  𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗞𝗘𝗗  𝗔𝗕𝗢𝗨𝗧  𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧  𝗪𝗔𝗦  𝗚𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗚  𝗢𝗡  𝗕𝗘𝗧𝗪𝗘𝗘𝗡  𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗠,     or  at  least  johnny  didn’t  talk  about  it  and  found  ways  of  distracting  jimmy  from  when  he  tried.     which  wasn’t  difficult  to  distract  him  because  he  was  always  down  for  kissing,  especially  if  johnny  was  the  one  to  initiate  the  kiss.     he  thought  jimmy  would  know  better  than  anyone  that  he  struggled  with  words,  that  he  couldn’t  always  find  the  right  ones  to  explain  how  he  feels  and  talking  about  his  emotions  was  even  harder.     maybe  he  was  scared  that  if  they  talked  about  it,  it  made  all  too  real.     that  they  would  have  to  really  admit  that  they  were  more  than  friends.     what  if  that  meant  everything  changed?     what  if  he  lost  him?     johnny  didn’t  think  he  could  handle  losing  someone  else  amongst  everything  else  that  had  happened  this  year.
     𝗠𝗔𝗬𝗕𝗘  𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗧  𝗪𝗔𝗦  𝗪𝗛𝗬  𝗪𝗛𝗘𝗡  𝗝𝗜𝗠𝗠𝗬  𝗧𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗗  𝗧𝗢  𝗚𝗘𝗧  𝗛𝗜𝗠  𝗧𝗢  𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗞  𝗔𝗕𝗢𝗨𝗧  𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧  𝗪𝗔𝗦  𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗘𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚,     he  acted  quickly  because  certain  lessons  from  cobra  kai  couldn’t  be  untaught  and  he  always  had  liked  the  strike  first,  strike  hard  part  of  the  cobra  kai  motto.     he  had  pinned  jimmy  to  the  wall,  kissing  him  hard  and  hungry,  trying  to  show  him  instead  of  having  to  talk  about  it.      his  own  hands  gripping  hard  at  the  other’s  waist  and  he  groans  at  the  feeling  of  jimmy’s  hands  in  his  hair,  making  kiss  him  with  a  little  more  eagerness,  one  of  his  legs  slipping  between  jimmy’s  legs.     pulling  back  with  a  small  groan,  leaning  his  forehead  against  the  others,      “     just  stop  thinking  so  much,  we  don’t  need  to  talk,  just  enjoy  it,  yeah?      ”
@healstrikes​  /  things  done  while  kissing ; accepting.
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lukeevangelista · 2 years
Truth or Dare with the umich team. Any player x reader.
truth or dare.. no dare? - jimmy lambert
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i had to do something for my fav golden retriever. i hope you like this!’
warnings; making out, underage drinking, cursing (not edited)
“isn’t that a childs game?” you asked as your hand was pulled by johnny, him dragging you to the table where some of the boys and their girlfriends were already sitting.
“yes and no.” he stated as he pushed you down into a seat across from jimmy, him giving you a once over before shooting a smirk your way causing a blush to rise on your cheeks. you quickly looked away, letting a cough out before tucking your hair behind your ear.
“does anyone have a bottle?” someone called out as you watched brendan take the beer out of thomas’ hand, chugging it before sitting it on the table.
“there.” he grinned as thomas smacked him on the back of the head, “ow! that hurt.”
“good. you idiot. i wasn’t done with that.”
“well now you are.” he smirked back.
you watched as smiles covered everyone’s faces as johnny reached for the bottle, spinning it. it spun around a couple of times before it slowed down, landing on the girl next to you. johnny sighed as he asked her some stupid question, her firing off an answer, clearly not embarrassed.
it continued like that for a while before nick went for the bottle, “my turn.” he grinned.
it was the same thing as before, but this time, it landed on jimmy. if it was somehow possibly, nick’s smirk widened on his face.
“oooh jimmy.” he called out to the only boy that hadn’t been landed on yet, “truth or dare?” he asked, leaning back in his seat, tucking his hands behind his head.
jimmy’s eyes widened, looking at his best friend. he honestly thought he was going to get away without being landed on, but fate decided not to be in his favor this time.
“uh- um..” he stalled.
“we don’t have all day blondie.” leavy laughed as he gave jimmy a nudge, “it’s not a life or death question.”
“um- dare.” jimmy blurted out as his eyes met yours then quickly moving back to nick.
nicks eyes shifted to yours causing you to slowly shake your head, your eyes widening, “no nick.” you sighed as a wicked grin appeared on his face.
“mr. lambert here, likes you.” he blurted out, “so with being said,” he lifted his hand, pointing to the closet that was conveniently right across from where the group was sitting, “7 minutes. go.” he said as he finished.
“are you okay with this?” jimmy asked as you stood up, standing next to him.
“i’m just glad it’s my boyfriend and not someone else.” you whispered in his ear as he grabbed your hand, leading you into the closet, shutting the door behind you, but not before throwing a thumbs up to the boys causing them to whoop and holler about their boy, finally making a move on the junior he has had a thing for since you arrived at michigan.
“we don’t have to do anything.” he said, his hands staying by his side, “i don’t want to make you feel awkward.”
yours and jimmy’s relationship was fairly new still and the last thing jimmy ever wanted to was make you feel any type of way, other than being comfortable with him.
“stop.” you grinned up at him, taking his hands and placing them on your hips as yours went to his neck, playing with the hair that was lying against his neck, “don’t worry about me.” you whispered as you pressed your lips to his. jimmy lightly shoved you against the wall, grinning against your lips.
he patted your thighs as he pressed you tighter against the wall, signaling you to jump, “up.” he murmured, you listening as your legs went around his waist and your hands further into his hair, slighty tugging.
“are you okay?” he asked, pulling away for air and he brushed the hair out of your face, your hand still tangling in his, twisting and pulling it.
you didn’t even respond as you connected your lips again, him letting out a light laugh. it quickly escalated from there, his hands finding themselves all over your body, yours tracing the details of his chest and face before going back to his neck, twisting the necklace around his neck.
“get out!” you heard matty bang on the door, “times up!” he said as he jiggled the handle to the locked door.
“holy shit.” jimmy breathed as he pulled away, resting his forehead against your, his hands resting under your thighs, “that was…”
he slowly let you down, his right hand finding your face, “you realize were going to have to tell them now, right?”
you nodded as he laced his fingers with yours, him opening the door. the two of you stepped out, the door slamming behind you.
“how was it?” blanks smirked, the rest of the group turning around to face you two.
“your hair.” matty laughed at you, causing a blush to take over your cheeks as you tried to pat down your, now, extremely tangled hair. audrey smacked his thigh, telling him to knock it off as a laugh escaped her lips.
“thanks for outing us blanks, we appreciate you.” jimmy grinned at his best friend as he watched nicks jaw drop.
“what the hell are you talking about lambert?” he asked, the boys looking confused as well.
“we’ve been dating for the last couple of months.” you sheepishly admitted, hiding your face in jimmys arm.
“don’t be bashful now!” brendan laughed, “you two practically fucked in the closet.”
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laterzgators · 3 years
Hey! How are you? I was wonderin' if you could do Johnny x reader (85) when their freshmen in college? Thank you!
I’m doing well thank you! And yes of course!
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-New to the Both of Us- Johnny Lawrence x FEM! Reader
After summer ended I said bye to the Cobras as Dutch, Tommy, Jimmy, and Bobby all headed on their own paths to college. Johnny and I had luckily been accepted to the same college. They had messaged me while for Johnny he had written to them. We both decided it was best to move in with each other for the time being. He had his own dorm and I had mine but it was fairly close to each other. Right now I am waking up to the first day of college. The radio in my room is playing “Power of Love” that came out back in the summer and I absolutely love it. I decided I’d wear a pair of light washed hemmed jean shorts with a thick white and blue stripped tank top and a Jean jacket. I put on my slouch socks and my Reebok’s and headed out the door with my bag and books in hand.
“I didn’t know I’d be seeing someone so beautiful this early in the morning.” I hear behind me in the hall as a door clicks. “Johnny!” I said running to him to hug him. “Good morning beautiful ready for this?” He says to me. I sigh smiling and look at him. “No but will I ever be? Haha” I say to him and we walk down to the stair case leading to the next door college campus. “Johnny I don’t know how I’m going to make it. I mean this place is huge.” I say to him. “I don’t know either Babe but let’s just hope it goes well alright? It’ll be just like going into our first year of Highschool.” He says to me smiling. “Alright. I love you baby see you later alright?” You say to him pecking his lips softly. “Okay y/n. See you later babe. Love you more.” He says kissing your forehead and you both head to your respective classes.
Heading into your first class you felt dizzy. The auditorium was huge and you wanted to cry almost. You just thought about Johnny and how he would probably be seated right now. You also thought about how the girls would fawn over him. You had a very handsome boyfriend with a good build so it would be a surprise if no one had found him attractive. But you knew he loved you more than anything so you didn’t care. You enter into the class and sit on the top left towards the middle going into the back. You put your binder out and books just waiting for the professor to go in. Finally you made it past your first few classes and you were so confused you didn’t even remember how you were at the door to your last class for the day. All you knew is you were tired and hungry and wanted to be with Johnny. You head to sit down and put your head down after a while you feel someone kiss your forehead and you look up. “You look so tired baby.” Johnny says to you softly smiling, running his fingers down your hair. “I am. I am so tired Johnny. I don’t even know what I’m tired about. I’ve zoned out in most of my classes.” You say to him sighing. “It’s okay this is our last class so we’ll be okay.” He says hugging me. I put my head on his shoulder and just thing of the power of love like how it was playing earlier on the radio. The power of love is so strong. Just an hour ago I was drained and dreading the whole situation. Now I’m more relaxed and at ease. We go through the last class and get up from our huge class. I put my books and objects away and Johnny holds my hand guiding me back to his dorm. “Ya know it’s only 2:30? Wanna go out?” Johnny says to me. “Yeah lemme just go put my stuff back in my dorm. Leave your stuff with mine so we can pick it up later.” I told him and he nodded. I unlocked my door and leave our stuff on my bed.
“Ugh today felt so long for no reason.” I told him sighing and yawning. “Well baby we aren’t little kids anymore. It’s gonna be like this for a while.” Johnny tells me laughing slightly. “Be quiet I don’t want to think about that. Let me pretend I’m a senior in highschool and you and the cobras are busy terrorizing Larusso.” You say laughing. “You aren’t gonna let that go huh?” He says to me half annoyed. “Nope and I never will.” I say to him. He picks me up from my waist and tickles me. “JOHNNY! PUT ME DOWN!!! BHAHAHHA JOH-JOHNNY!!!” You say laughing out loud. “No way babe no can do.” He says laughing. “JOHNNY I LOOK CRAZY STA-STOP HAHAHAHA!” You say laughing. Finally he puts you down and kisses you. “You good now?” He says to me. “Mmmm Yeah” you say to him hugging at his waist. “I love you Johnny.” “I love you more babe.” He says to me. “To us becoming adults and making through our first day of college?” I say to him making a fake toast. “To us making it through our first day of college.” He says back kissing me.
I LOVED THAT SO MUCHHH!! Thank you for the request ❤️❤️❤️💖
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chaotictommy · 3 years
Hand-Holding Prompts
39. holding hands in a museum to pull them to the next exhibition
Tommy/Bobby Brown
(The Author apologizes in advance for all the stupidly bad Art Puns in this fic)
“Well I still think that we should Van Gogh right ahead to the Art Museum together, or at least I’m going, I would bring Jimmy, but he’s away right now, visiting family or something in Minnesota of all places, might be Michigan, might be West Virginia, so I can’t. So Mr. Brown, should we walk or Renoir to the museum? I’ve already got the tickets and the show starts at one, can you Rembrandt that for me? Franz Marc that down please?”
Bobby’s getting tired of the constant chatter and bad Art puns and he knows Tommy’s doing it to get him to say yes, he’s waring him down till Bobby agrees to accompany him to L.A.C.M.A. the art museum in Los Angeles, so he slips on his Walkman and pumps the rock and roll loudly through his ears so that even Tommy’s loud voice is drowned out, but Tommy’s got other ways of getting Bobby to listen, tackling him to the couch as he tugs off the Walkman headphones, straddling Bobby’s hips to keep him down as the brunette starts squiggling to get away
“Please Bobby? Please? You know it’ll be so boring without you and I’ll get lost in the museum if you don’t come with, see Bobby I can’t survive without you,” Bobby kicks him in response and flips them over “How about no?” Tommy huffs out an exasperated breath and tries to struggle out from under him “How’s this, one day, man? One day with a great adventure, great company, a trip to the Art Museum, what you think? And — to really make it un-resistible for you, you’ll get to spend the whole day with me, how great is that?” Bobby rolls his eyes and moves out from under Tommy, awkwardly, kicking him off the couch with a sweep of the leg “Alright, fine, I’ll go, just give me back my Walkman? It’s Johnny’s. He’d kill me if he knew I had it.”
They hit rush hour traffic with Tommy swerving around cars, and when they finally get to their hotel, they have little time to spend.
Getting to the museum is worse on the motorbike, Tommy in the front while Bobby’s clutching round his waist on the back, for dear life, while Tommy’s speeding with the wind through his hair. When they finally pull up at the museum entrance, Bobby’s a disheveled mess of windswept hair and frayed nerves. Bobby fixes his hair and enters the museum with an overly talkative Tommy. Bobby grumbles a little as he’s fixing his hair “You should really come with a warning label or something...”
Bobby’s studying an Art Nouveau piece when Tommy almost pulls his arm out of his socket tugging him in front of a Greco Roman statue “Isn’t it beautiful in a way, man?” Bobby lifts an eyebrow teasingly and studies his friend’s face “A naked man? Uhhh, yeah, I guess it could be beautiful —,” he shrugs awkwardly, wrenching his hand gently from Tommy’s “I mean I’ve never really put any thought into it, have you?” He’s glancing ever so slightly at the side of Tommy’s face and watches a few emotions flit over his face till he’s coached himself expressionless and shrugs “Maybe, who’s to say, I just thought he looked like you, I mean you look like him, not that I’ve checked you out in the locker rooms or or anything because I haven’t, I wouldn’t, I was talking about his face, not his —,” Tommy’s wildly gesticulating to the statues marble lower half “Not his — his di—“
Bobby can’t help but start laughing at the obvious blush creeping over Tommy’s warm skin and grabs his wrist, pulling him past more nude statues and towards the 19th century gallery “I get the picture... come on,”
Bobby’s holding close to Tommy’s hand since he doesn’t want to lose him in a crowd, since Tommy’s acting much like a rambunctious toddler who can’t stop looking at everything and wandering off, Tommy’s looking everywhere, trying to go everywhere at once, and Bobby grabs him by the back of his collar and tugs him into an adjoining hall with a few paintings spread out on the walls “Wanted to show you something...” he mutters, keeping a close hold on Tommy’s hand, while he pulls him over to a classic Impressionist painting
“This painting was first painted in eighteen-ninety-nine by Claude Monet, the title of this piece is Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lillies, and it’s one of my favorites. Do you see why? Look closely, you’ll see globs of paint in no particular place, it’s all one great smudge of paint, but step back, and there you will see the whole picture, the mastery of every little brush stroke... come here,”
Bobby pretends he needs a reason to touch him, to hold his hand or waist, he pretends it’s just what friends do, but he’s lying to himself and he really wants to stop, to tell Tommy how he feels about him, but he can’t, so he doesn’t, he just pulls Tommy back a ways and positions him in front of the painting, hands gripping Tommy’s hips, chin leaning down on his friend’s shoulder “Do you see now what I’m talking about?” Tommy’s breath catches and he nods slightly, but that’s really all Bobby gets as Tommy stares ahead in awe at all he’s now seeing, since Bobby opened his eyes to all of it, the different complicated brush strokes, the complexity of a ‘simple’ painting, and Tommy falls more in love with him.
They head on to the next exhibit, after a while of Bobby explaining away his love of Claude Monet’s artworks.
Tommy doubles back when they’re about to leave, and takes Bobby back to the Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lillies, so Bobby can look at his favorite painting again and take it in.
As they’re walking out, Tommy doesn’t look at the exhibits anymore, the decades worth of works of art, he’s looking beside him at the brunette brushing his fingers absentmindedly against Tommy’s, and Tommy is lost in him, eyeing him as if he’s a Michelangelo statue. Bobby catches him staring and a deep blush appears on his face “Ummm, lots of nice art here to look at, right? We should probably look at that instead of — Tommy what’s so interesting about me? Hmmm? Your eyes stuck or something, man?”
Tommy shakes himself out of it and turns a shade of embarrassed burgundy which is mirrored in a Botticelli canvas before them, on loan from Italy “I — oh, right, the art, the art, right... It’s okay, I mean I liked Claude Monet and all, but I think I prefer you really, cause — cause you’re a work of art... Bobby you’re beautiful and compared to you that art is nothing, compared to you it means nothing to me because it isn’t you, because it won’t ever be as amazing to me as you are, because — because Bobby I think I — I think I love you. The way you love that painting, well, that’s the way I love you.” Bobby does a double take before leaning in and capturing Tommy’s lips with his, in their first kiss.
Tommy wakes up the next day bundled up in covers in his own room, splayed over at his desk, head heavily resting on the open copy of the Art History book that he borrowed from Jimmy. It’s on a chapter on Claude Monet, and Tommy’s fingers are resting on a photo of Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lillies, someone’s slipped a blanket over his shoulders and a gentle hand lowers a cup of tea before him and Tommy watches a finger touch the page just under his fingers, jabbing gently at the worn rough, dog eared, page “Claude Monet, excellent choice, you know he’s my favorite artist except maybe Mary Cassatt, I especially like this painting... Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lillies, the composition is just beautiful.”
Tommy glances up, tired eyes half lidded, meeting Bobby’s gaze and his dazzling smile. Tommy blushes bright red, realizing that was all just a vivid dream which he dearly wishes was a reality that he could live in, preferably rent free.
“So you ready to go to the museum today? I’ve got something to show you, I think you’ll like it.”
Tommy shrugs and breaks into a slight grin “I prefer Greco-Roman Statues myself, but okay... whatever makes you happy, man.”
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kairate · 2 years
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@teachesgrace​ asked: [ PIN ] : sender pins receiver against a wall and begins to kiss them. ( for jimmy )         '𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂 𝙳𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝚆𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙴 𝙺𝙸𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙽𝙶' 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙿𝚃𝚂.
THE   MUSIC   IS   LOUD   AND   SO   ARE   THE   PEOPLE.   it’s   tommy’s   house,   his   parents   gone   from   the   night   and   they   are   out,   celebrating,   a   cobra   party   that   ended   up   with   half   the   school   in   the   backyard.   he   keeps   natalia   company,   and   some   of   ali’s   friends,   watching   with   amusement   as   his   friends   go   around   and   make   a   fool   out   of   themselves,   he   is   the   designated   driver   so   he   can’t   drink   anything   but   water   or   soda.   ali   is   around,   so   he   knows   for   a   fact,   johnny   is   with   her,   goofing   around   or   anything   but   he   can’t   find   bobby   anywhere.   tommy   is   with   a   girl   (   vivian?   vicky?   something   among   those   lines   ).  
 somehow,   they   end   up   inside   the   house   practising   together,   roundkicks   that   they   need   to   prepare   for   class.   it’s   good,   she   helps   him   and   he   does   the   same.   she   corrects   his   form   and   jimmy   makes   a   faux   ballet   stance   to   tease   her   and   in   turn,   he   correct   the   shift   of   her   feet,   one   leg   between   her   own   as   he   pushes   them   apart.   “you   gotta   keep   them   flexed   but   make   a   stance.   keep   one   foot   slightly   above   the   other.”   and   it’s   good.   it’s   as   relaxed   as   you   can   be   in   a   party   before   he   feels   something   in   the   air   shift.   the   way   she   demostraste   the   move   and   his   body   hits   the   wall   behind   them   and   blue   eyes   has   a   moment   to   react   before   her   mouth   is   on   his   own.   he   tastes   soda   on   her   mouth,   and   perhaps   some   of   that   shitty   beer   they   all   drink   but   it’s   surprisenly   soft.
   hands   on   her   waist   grow   in   intensity   as   he   pulls   her   closer,   grasping   on   the   edges   but   there   is   an   alarm   on   his   brain,   lingering   as   her   body   presses   on   his   own.   “hey,   hey,   nat.   .   .you   okay?   you   sure   about   this?”   he   asks   instead.   his   mouth   brushes   against   her   own   and   he   wants   to   close   that   distance   again,   touch   starved,   he   wants   that   touch.   all   the   other   cobras   seem   to   have   someone,   anyone.   he   is   the   odd   one   out,   and   she   is   beautiful   and   kind,   out   of   anyone’s   league.   specially   his   own.   does   she   even   know   it’s   him?
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zappedbyzabka · 7 months
Prompt: Serial Killers
for @ckhalloween23
(Scream au. Lawrusso. Little fast paced. Just one of a couple variations I’m going to make and build on. Wonky timeline)
Johnny slams the fridge closed dramatically, huffing and stomping towards the ringing phone. He’s pissed all day about various things. One is the fact that no colleges have gotten back to him yet. Is he really that…dumb? He could have sworn despite the various times he’d skip classes in school and flunk, that all the debutante bullshit Sid forced him into would at least work for something. Bobby assured him
(“Oh, come on, Johnny. I don’t hang out with stupid people—“he glanced at Tommy and Dutch, then back at him “Actually, scratch that. All I’m saying is that you’re not *educationally* a dumbass, alright?”)
It helped yet didn’t at all. Of course Bobby isn’t stressed, he and Jimmy have always been the smart ones. Johnny would go as far as to say they’re Harvard material. That comfort was fine and dandy, but Dutch was never good at reading the room, he was always just even more affectionate when Johnny was struggling. Arm around his shoulders as Johnny vented about it all. He just wants to get out of his stepfather’s hands, maybe become a doctor, make good money, and be on his own. Make a family at some point. How can he do that if no school wants him? What if he ends up as a plumber? Dealing with shit for shit money. What if he has to strip for perverts? And he wishes he could stop fucking thinking about that annoying little worm, LaRusso. The fighting and tournament are all over yet he seems to run into him everywhere…he can’t even say he hates it. He almost feels excited every time he sees him, especially when Ali isn’t there—so much less tension. So much more time to chat civilly with less filter. He finds himself hoping they broke up and not because he wants her back. Every date he’d been on recently never called him back. It’s like no one wants him except the cobras—and god is he thankful for them even when they say he’s wrong
(“Hey, at least you look cool even when you’re acting like a total diva.” Dutch teased, and Johnny stiffened. They always called him that and he usually scoffs, but right then it just felt like a way to tell him he’s over reacting.
No, it WAS. “I’m not being a diva. Why do you always say that shit?”
“I think you meant drama queen—“ Tommy started, mouth snapping shut at Bobby’s firm look. “Sorry.”
“What’s so great about college? Can’t you just, I don’t know, work at a diner?” Dutch shrugged
Jimmy raised his brows and nudged Johnny’s shoulder with his, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Don’t listen to him. We understand, okay?”
Johnny smiled at him. Jimmy once said he was one of the only people who never made him feel irritated, even with all his chaos. He’d even let him snag one of his grandpa sweaters, which he was usually such a prissy princess about, and just rolled his eyes when Johnny showed up to school one day wearing one. The day they met, he and Johnny were more alike than different, and that always stuck.
Johnny pushed Dutch’s arm off him hard and Jimmy’s off gently. Dutch frowned as Johnny walked to his bike, the other cobras watching and sharing looks.
“What’d I do?” Dutch all but whined to Bobby who smacked him over the head. “Don’t leave, man, please?”
Johnny shook his head and straddled his bike, grabbing his helmet. “Thanks for the pep talk, guys. I’ll see you later.”
“Call me when you get home!” Bobby shouted as Johnny sped off.)
It must be one of them. Dutch or Bobby in a coin toss. Dutch calling with a sheepish apology, asking if he can bring a pack of beer over. Bobby calling to cheer him up a little and give him tips on making better applications. Maybe Jimmy calling to talk about some movie or book, focusing on the action because he knows Johnny likes it most—a great storyteller. Or maybe it’s Tommy with a laugh in his voice, ready to make him cackle so hard his stomach cramped.
He picks up the phone. “Hello?”
“Hi,” A strange voice answers. It’s like they’re using some sort of modulator.
“Uh, who is this?”
“If I tell you, will you give me a chance?” the voice croon.
A chance at what? “Sure, whatever. Who the hell is this?”
The man chuckles, “So feisty. I always liked that about you.”
“What's your dating life like? Wait, Let me guess, not going so well?”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
“What’s your fucking problem?”
“Hey, hey. I’m just curious, you never tell me about those kinds of things when we talk.“
“I never tell you?….Who is this?”
Johnny swears he hears something in the background. Something like wheezing, scraping.
“You wanna play twenty questions?”
“You wanna stop playing games and get to the point or did you want to keep prattling?” Johnny counters, walking back to the fridge with the phone pressed to his shoulder.
“No, I want to play with you for a long time.”
Johnny’s face heats up. “Maybe I’ll let you “play” with me if you tell me more about yourself. Like your name, for example.”
Why is he enjoying this?
“Well, sure!” the voice answers cheerily. “What do you want to know? Other than my name. If I gave you it now that’d be no fun. ”
Johnny thinks about it. It's someone semi-close to him at the least with how he speak. Must be some lame prank.
“Do you…live with your parents?”
“Interesting choice. Yes. My ma was very adamant that I stay until I have everything together.”
Johnny’s ears might as well have physically perked up. “Ma”. He knows a lot of people call their moms that but…
“You know, the way you talk reminds me of a boy who’d be *dead* if this were him.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. This prick from New Jersey….Kind of changed my life. Mostly for the worse I’d say.”
A hum. “You don’t sound like you hate him all that much for someone who change your life for the worse. Do you?”
Johnny stops pouring the coke staring at the half-filled cup and chewing on his lip “It’s not your turn to ask me things yet.”
“Oh, come on. Humor me.”
“Well, I guess not anymore. I kind of… appreciate him. I’d have stayed with him if he never came around. My buddies too.
“My teacher. Bad guy. Tried to kill me.”
“Should have killed him.” he sounds angry. surprisingly so, like a switch had been flipped.
The mansion is so…eery without his mom and Sid there. Unsettling in a different way than when they’re home. He rests his elbow on the counter, pulling his sleeve over his cold fingers. Will he get drilled into it for turning on the heat? Racking up the bill. “Great idea but I don’t really want to go to jail because I’m actually trying to have a life.”
“I wasn’t talking about you killing, I was talking about me.”
Johnny goes silent. So he knows all about it—what Kreese did—and only so many do.
“You look pretty in that sweater, Johnny.”
It takes Johnny’s brain a moment to process that and when it does he stands up straight, looking out the windows he can see.
“Wha—How do know what I’m wearing?” He changed after he got home. There’s no way he could know that unless…
“Are you all alone?”
Yes. Painfully so.
“I—I’m over this. Bye.”
“Did you lock all the doors?“
Click. He practically slams the phone back in the holder, nerves haywire all over again. He dumps his drink out in the sink in favor of some of the scotch stashed in the cabinet
Pouring it hurriedly then going upstairs to get loose and pass out for a good night's rest.
Johnny startles awake, his eyes darting in the direction of the sudden cracking noise—heart jumping in his throat when he sees someone successfully breaking into his room. How did he not wake up sooner?
A big white face with a gaping mouth, gloved hands pushing open the window and stumbling in: clumsy.
Adrenaline hits him like a train.
He slinks off his bed and onto the ground just as the intruder's feet meet the floor
They’re not exactly tall, and their flowy black attire makes it hard to determine their stature
He stands up quickly and runs toward the person but a glint makes him stop in his tracks.
The person tilts their head like a dog, bringing out a kitchen knife smeared with blood.
They step towards him, and he steps back, that pattern continuing until Johny only has the corner of the wall behind him, nowhere to escape. He was taught better than this—maybe he can still run.
The intruder sweeps his legs causing him to fall on his back and lose all his breath, lungs feeling like they were punched, his head knocking on the floor making him see stars. The person gets between his legs easily and puts a hand on his chest to hold him down (though it feels more like a grope) and the blade still held in warning
Maybe he could get it away from him. Maybe he can get himself to move if he just takes a deep breath. Wills away the dizziness.
Heavy breathing comes from the mask, and he trails the blade down Johnny's body slowly. Toying with him. Staring at him with big black eyes. “I’m sorry. I thought you’d catch yourself better, you’re usually such a cat….” he leans in “You’ve been drinking again, haven’t you? Bad boy.”
“Are you going to kill me? Johnny asks, voice high and tight.
“Are you scared?” his voice is strange like he’s impersonating someone, like they’re going as deep as they can. Breathy.
Johnny grits his teeth, eyes on the blood smeared on the mask.
“I…I’ll give you whatever you want of mine. Just please don’t take my parents’ stuff—“
The boy shakes his head. “Don’t be scared.”
Johnny’s hands tremble where they’re clutching his sweater. He could wrap his legs around his waist and squeeze tight, roll him over, and surprise him enough to escape.
But the knife—but the butterflies in his stomach.
He was always fascinated by knives. The way they reflected things. He used to play with the switchblade his dad left when he was young. He hid it from his mom until the day he accidentally sliced his hand and needed stitches. She was furious, he was thinking about just how dark his blood was. Not at all like the movies he’d watch that looked like ketchup. He thought it was beautiful
“I know you like blood on your hands but — “ The intruder swipes the red off his mask with a finger, leather shining with it. Johnny’s eyes follow widely, “Is it like I do?”
He almost sounds hopeful. Vulnerable. Johnny’s heart thumps loudly. he hates murder. Murder is wrong. It’d make him a bad person if he sometimes thought about going further than a strike. More than just his hands and high kicks and words. He says nothing, and the boy tuts his tongue, wiping the blood on Johnny’s lips like some sort of fucked up lipstick.
“I think you do. I know you, Johnny. Better than you think I do. Better than you know me.”
“No. No. I don’t like it.” Johnny chokes out, tongue threatening to peek out a lick his lips clean.
He can just sense he’s smiling. “Okay, pretty boy.”
He knows him. He *knows* him.
The intruder covers his eyes, shushing soothingly when Johnny goes tense
“No more dates for you. ” he whispers, and Johnny flinches when he feels the heat of their mouth hovering over his. “I’ll keep making sure of it. And since you *don’t* want blood on your hands, you should probably just give up because next time, I’ll stab them when you’re still there.”
It clicks in his head like a phone getting hung up: All the failed dates, they’re dead. All because of him. All because this man is… is what? Obsessed with him?
He kisses Johnny out of no where and it’s eager, rough like he had been waiting forever. Like he’s trying to eat Johnny like a blood-glazed cake lips first and he just lays there and takes it. Opens his mouth and tastes his tongue: iron and mint. Something interesting.
He turns his head abruptly, hand still covering his eyes firmly, and the kiss breaks with a wet noise that has Johnny’s feeling warm. He breathes through his nose, tears welling at the corner of his eyes. He’s striking first and Johnny hasn’t struck him once
“Aw. I’m disappointed you’re done so soon, but that’s okay. I’m not pushy. I wasn’t even sure you’d let me…You chew on things so much, you have no idea the things I think about you.“
A rustle, then the moonlight filling Johnny’s vision again.
The murderer gets up and saunters to his bedroom door, looking back at him with his hand on the knob
Johnny sits up his elbows, licking the roof of his mouth to savor.
“One day, I won’t have to make calls, ‘cause you are instead,” he tells Johnny like a promise before he opens the doors with a creak and steps out.
Johnny lays back again, shaking with it all. No want in him to close his window or see if the boy is burglarizing the mansion or just going out the front door like he owns the place.
He might ask someone out tomorrow.
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konstantya · 2 years
“That was before I knew you were a—” Rita faltered, considered saying ‘killer,’ but just couldn’t make her mouth form the word. “A criminal.”
“Oh, like you’re one to talk about morality,” Jimmy shot back. “Out there, taking your clothes off—”
She slapped him—hard. A part of her ached at the knowledge that she’d never had a reason to do so before; he’d never before done anything to deserve it. “At least it’s honest work,” she seethed, her cheeks—for once—flaming in anger more than embarrassment. “At least I’m not—”
She never finished. Instead, he grabbed her by the shoulders and jerked her to him harshly. Rita gasped, belatedly realizing that striking “Babyface” “Johnny Mars” had probably been a bad idea—no matter who he might have really been, no matter how long she might have known him.
But then, just as suddenly, he halted. Almost as if the action had been born out of reflex more than anything else, and as a result he now regretted it. Still, he didn’t let her go, and for a moment they just stared at each other, her heart pounding and her arms braced against his chest. Slowly, his hands slid from her shoulders down to her waist, his fingers firm through her silk dressing gown, and his eyes flicked over her features with an intensity she couldn’t identify. It wasn’t quite hunger—she’d seen enough of that on enough men that she could recognize it at a glance now—but it was something related to it. Longing, perhaps.
“God, I missed you,” he whispered. Rita blinked. Suddenly, he was back to being her hometown sweetheart, and the shift made her feel unsteady—more feverish than the hot palms that were currently pressed into her lower back, holding her flush against him. She had the strange sensation of being in a funhouse’s hall of mirrors, with all the reflections around her distorted. How was she to ever reconcile the images in front of her—the sweet boy he’d been, that he seemingly still could be, with the ruthless gangster he’d become?
I mentioned in my Year In Writing Review that I was considering dipping my toe into original fic, and that, combined with my most recent reading disappointment, made me stop and think, “What the hell, might as well give it a go, yeah? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
No idea if it’ll go anywhere, but even if it doesn’t, that’s okay. I figure it’ll be a neat little writing exercise if nothing else.
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shall we? one sentence for each character on their s/o’s birthday (btw you started this and him) (and bc i love your writing but you already knew that)💕
Since its YOUR birthday and I love you so very much, its a pleasure baby. I hope you've had a great day and sending ALL THE LOVE. More characters under the read more line ❤️
The sun was setting over the ocean and you could feel Ari’s chest pressed against your bareback, one hand wrapped around your midsection, and his bearded chin rested on your shoulder, admiring the beauty the last light of day provided. This was all you asked for on your birthday, a quiet evening on the beach just the two of you. The rest of the crew took care of the guests. Inhaling the salty beach air deeply, Ari pressed warm lips to your neck, whispering against your ear. “Happy Birthday Honey.” 
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Steve, he was a traditional kind of man. He wanted nothing more then to put on his old military uniform and play some forties music on the record player. He completely caught you unaware, knocking on the bedroom door, and when you opened it, to catch him adjusting his army green tie, he cracked a shy grin, a bit of flush warming his cheeks as his blue eyes twinkled. “Can I have this birthday dance Doll?” 
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Andy had come home early, well before you were due home. Having sent the kids to a friend's house for the evening with a promise to come pick them up later, he spent the afternoon cooking your favorite dish. He even taken a few courses to perfect the dish, make it authentic. You got home and while tugging off your heels at the door, you followed your nose to find Andy setting the table. “What's all this Andy?” you asked in surprise, and he broke in a grin. “Your birthday Dinner Mrs.Barber.” 
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Ransom, you didn't expect much from Ransom. Especially since he had dragged you to Harlans for a family dinner, which was really the last thing you wanted to do that evening. But you didn't say anything and played the perfect girlfriend. You didn't want a fight with him, not tonight. About halfway through, Ransom took your hand and grabbed your jacket while pulling you away from the group. Linda huffed at her son. “Where are you going?” Ransom smirked as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “Taking my girl out of town for the weekend, it is her birthday after all. Come on Kitten.” come to find out, Ransom had a bag already packed for you in the trunk of the beamer.
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Frank nervously was parked out front of your house in his old beat-up truck, thrumming his fingers nervously for just a minute before getting out of the truck and making his way up to your porch. He quickly patted his hand through his hair trying to get it to straighten a bit before knocking on your door. You opened it to see him shuffling a bit, his hands in his jeans pockets. “Hey Y/N, Mary and I were wondering if you wanted to go for a ride before the tide leaves the sound? a birthday treat from us.” 
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Jimmy Dobyne approached you at the fancy socialite party you were made to attend, your father's way of announcing you were now of proper age to be wed off. It was your 17th birthday, and now officially a woman who would be looking for a husband. Only you didn't want a husband, and all night you had to act polite to possible suitors. When Jimmy sat next to you, he leaned a bit over and whispered. “What do you say we get out of here for a bit? Go down by the river and actually enjoy your birthday?” You glanced at your closest friend and nodded, the two of you escaping for a bit. 
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Johnny whistled as he went through the fantastic fours headquarters, grinning as he searched each room for the birthday girl. When he finally found you, he tugged you into his lap while falling into the chair. Arms wrapped securely around you, and warm kisses nipping on your shoulder, you giggled “Johnny, what has gotten into you handsome?” and he smirked, pulling a box from his pocket and handed it to you. “Did you forget Babygirl, It’s your birthday. Go ahead, open it.” he said excitedly. Which you did, pulling out a key to his apartment. Your eyes widened in shock. 
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Chris happened to find you out on the patio, and he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in close to him, dropping a soft kiss to your lips. Behind you two was soft music playing, in which he started to sway, the last of his family had just left for the evening after a birthday surprise party for you. Now it was just you two and Dodger who was currently sniffing around the back yard, trying to catch fireflies. “Happy Birthday Beautiful, I think this is the first time weve been alone all day.” You hummed softly and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Best part of my day then Chris.” You said softly before arching to your tiptoes for a more intimate kiss. 
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It was early morning and you were toasty warm, curled up in bed when it just occurred to you that it was your birthday. Rolling to your back and stretching, you weren't expected a furry boy to jump on you. But a flash of brown and white fur tackled you with yips and nuzzles, Dodger effectively making sure you were awake as he rolled to his back, giving you the sweet puppy eyes while flashing his belly. With a laugh, you reach over to give him that belly rub, leaving him looking all blissfully calm and happy. “Happy Birthday to me....” from behind you, you heard Chris’s voice agreeing. “Happy Birthday indeed from your son.” He leaned over and kissed your cheek. “And me as well Beautiful Girl.” 
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justice4harwin · 4 years
All Too Well
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Summary: Johnny Lawrence was a troubled guy, very few people could get him to let his guard down.
Series if one shots telling the story of the one girl who made him happy.
Part 1: Johnny takes Noelia home to meet his mom.
Late April/Early May 1983
Johnny would never admit it out loud, but he was nervous the first time he bought Noelia home to meet his mom. He had picked her up from home, since she still didn’t have a license and her parents needed the car to go to work anyways, and kept his eyes on the road for most of the trip.
He should've said something. Like how pretty she looked in her pale pink dress, or how nice her hair looked that day (not that it ever looked anything but). Instead, all he managed was a curt “Hey” and he pressed on the gas immediately, not even giving her time to put on her seatbelt. 
She had an attractive lemon pie in her lap, zealously cradled in her hands. It looked good. It looked so damn good, but he couldn’t bring himself to open his mouth, afraid that his voice would shake.
“Do you mind if I switch stations?” she asked, to which he shrugged, and didn’t even complain when that pop shit began to stink his car. He made a face though, and she giggled. He cracked a small smile of his own, and the tension seemed to ease.
When they pulled up to his house, she paled, eyeing the place up and down.
“Uh,...wow.” she mumbled, so soft he almost didn’t catch it. She began to fidget in her seat. “Nice place.”
“Thanks.” he replied, lamely.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, neither really knowing how to proceed. He knew he should get out of the car, open the door for her and hold the pie so she could get out, but it was like his ass was glued to the leather seat, as if Duth had finally taken revenge from the time he and Jimmy made him get stuck to his bike seat.
“Johnny, are you sure this is a good idea?”
He turned. Noe was already looking at him, the green flecks in her eyes standing out in an almost unnatural way, as usual. It was hard to focus with eyes like those.
“This.” her eyes deviated to the house for a fraction of a second before returning to him. “I don’t think your mom will like me. This is,...I don’t,...” she sighed and uttered something to herself he didn’t understand. “Look, I don’t belong in places like these, unless I’m the help, that is.” the last part came out low and sardonic, but he wasn’t that dumbstruck by her hotness to not catch it.
“Hey, no, c’mon, Noe, don’t say that.” he smiled in what he hoped was an encouraging manner, but her skeptical face told him of the results. “My mom’s been begging me to bring you home.” that wasn’t a lie. Laura had taken to ask every morning if that day was the day she’d meet the lucky girl who put a smile on her boy’s face. He wished she had relented a little, especially the particular day when Jimmy had stayed overnight. The guys still made fun of him. “Seriously, there’s nothing to worry about.” Except his asshole stepfather, but mom had promised he’d be nice. She always kept her promises, but Sid was known for not giving a shit about anything. He knew Laura would forgive him. “Especially with that pie you got.” he reached down to try and lift the lid in the hopes of snatching a few berries, but Noelia’s hand slapped his away. He chuckled and nodded towards the house. “C’mon, I promise it’ll go well. Besides, I already met your folks, so it’s only fair you meet mine.”
Her relenting smile was all the answer he needed, so he got out of his firebird and quickly made his way to the other side, opening the door and accepting the plate she handed him.
She got out a little awkwardly and ran her hands over the skirt of the dress and her fingers through her hair. That last part was to no avail; it was always tangled.
He handed back the plate and closed the door, turning back to the house. To hide his trembling hands, he put one in his pocket and the other on Noe’s back. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a curtain moving and held in a snort.
He let her walk in first, and barely closed the door when his mom appeared in the foyer, her blond hair flowing in soft waves, her long, flowery dress making her look like she was gliding rather than walking. She was smiling from her to ear, her blue eyes shining as she looked from her son to Noelia and back, taking in the scene as if it were a miracle come true or something.
He felt Noe tense up, and he softly squeezed her waist.
“Hey mom,” he cleared his throat and quickly hid his other hand again. “This is Noelia. Noe, this is mom, Laura.”
Laura clapped her hands together and put them against her cheek, positively delighted.
“Oh, I’m so happy to finally meet you, dear.” she stepped in front of Noe, who looked like a terrified deer, and proceeded to hug her gently.  “I’ve been dying to meet you, but I see why Johnny wanted to keep you for himself.”
Noe chuckled ungainly.
“It’s very nice to finally meet you, Mrs Lawrence.” she offered her the pie. “I hope you like lemon pie.”
“Oh, dear, you shouldn’t have.” she accepted the dessert and motioned towards the dining room. “It looks so good; where did you buy it?”
“I-I made it, ma’am.”
Laura’s eyes widened slightly.
“Well, now I’m even more excited to try it. Rosa? Could you put this in the fridge, please?”
The table had already been set up for four people, and the first course was being laid out. He knew they were almost late, but that was because someone, ehem, decided to change outfits six times. He had a feeling Noe had just been stalling.
She was looking around the place, the further they advanced the more she pressed herself to his side. He had some idea as to what she was thinking. The place was bigger than her parent’s apartament in Reseda.
He pulled the chair back for her and gently back in before taking his seat to her right. Across from the table, he saw his mother hiding a grin behind a glass of wine.
The seat at the head of the table remained empty, and something told Johnny that Sid would be making an entrance, as usual.
Laura didn’t even look in that direction, placing her forearms on the edge of the table and looking at Noelia.
“So, tell me dear, you moved here about a year ago, right?”
How did she even knew that? Probably Ali or one of her friends.
“Yes, ma’am. My parents and I used to live in Wisconsin.”
“Oh please, call me Laura, dear.” she waved a hand to rest importance to the matter. “And how are you liking it so far?”
“It’s great not having winter anymore.”
His mom kept firing questions, but Johnny relaxed, and little by little, so did Noe. His mom didn’t have a mean bone to her, and her curiosity was starkly genuine. As the minutes passed between them, everyone seemed to forget about Sid’s tardiness. Johnny bent his leg, placing his foot on the seat and an arm around Noe’s chair, joining the conversation here and there. He kept playing with her locks, gently pulling at them here and there, waiting for her to turn with a fake annoyed expression only to play the fool.
Noe was just telling his mom about her singing lessons when they heard the front door slam shut. His girl was the only one to jump, startled, while everyone else remained impassive, having grown too used to Sid’s antics long ago.
He strode into the room, already complaining. Johnny was quick to sit properly, Noe turning to him when she felt the absence of his touch.
“I fired that jackass today. I had it with him!” he was saying, his obnoxiously loud voice not relenting even as he sat.
“Who, honey?” Laura was the only one whose mood didn’t seem too tainted by his presence.
“Barney!” he gave her a look Johnny didn’t appreciate, as if his mom were stupid for not guessing who he was talking about. Right, cause usually, Sid didn’t have anything bad to say about anyone, especially his employees. 
“Oh, and what did he do?”
“The ungrateful bastard had the audacity to come ask me to reconsider his 'paternity leave'.”
Laura hesitated for a moment before forcing a smile onto her face.
“I’m sure you did the right thing.” Sid opened his mouth to keep going, but she cleared her throat and diverted her eyes towards him and Noe, who stared at his stepfather with her mouth slightly agape. “Honey, this is Noelia, Johnny’s girlfriend.”
“Uh. So she is real after all, eh?” he asked, looking her up and down. The cobra didn’t like that at all, so he leaned forward as casually as he could, hiding her at least partially. Sid’s eyes settled on him then. “Or did you have to pay her, boy?”
“Sid.” Laura sighed.
Johnny clenched his jaw.
“I didn’t.”
“Maybe not to come over tonight, but-”
“Oh, look! Dinner is ready.”
Rosa served them the first course as quietly and as quickly as she could, retreating back into the kitchen before Sid found a reason to yell at her as well.
They ate in silence for a few minutes, the teens keeping their eyes mostly on the plate in front of them.
As the main course was served, Laura spoke again.
“Honey, did I tell you that Noelia bought us dessert?” she smiled brightly at the girl, her approval too obvious. “She made it herself, and I’m sure it tastes as good as it looks.”
“Remember Bobby’s birthday, ma? Noe made his cake.”
Laura’s mouth hung open.
“Why, yes! It was simply divine. All those details! And so delicious!” she turned to Noe, beaming. “I didn’t know you made that as well.”
She nodded, returning her smile.
“Yeah; I like making birthday cakes, and Bobby’s mom couldn’t find someone on such short notice, so I offered.”
“Well, it was the talk of the party. It absolutely outshined the birthday boy.”
Noe chuckled as she reached for the glass. His mom wasn’t lying: that cake was the most delicious crap Johnny ever had. It had been a pity that she hadn’t made it to the party, but his boys made sure to let her know how well liked it had been, in great detail.
“So, I take it you like cooking as well as singing?”
Noe nodded more enthusiastically, and the blond teen smiled at her infectious mood.
“Yes! I love it! I was thinking of going to culinary school after I graduate. I thought about being a baker, but I think I’d prefer to be a chef.”
“Or you could be both?” Laura suggested. “Why limit yourself, dear?”
Sid snorted, and Johnny’s mood was ruined again.
“You want your son to marry a cook?” he asked his wife, pointing at him with his knife. He snorted again. “Like it’s not bad enough she’s a-”
“Watch it.” he warned, tense.
“-a gold digging, illegal mexican-”
“I’m from Winsconsin.”
“Watch it, man!”
"Mom's Italian though…"
“-She also wants to 'work' in a kitchen.” he said it while doing air quotes. “As if serving someone else wasn’t denigrating enough.”
“C’mon, Sid.” Laura threw her napkin on the table, seeming tired of his crap. “Just stop it, please?”
“Why?! You know it’s the truth! Just look at your son?”
“Hey! Enough!”
“He’s a pathetic little loser. You think a hot piece of ass like that would go out with him for his personality?” he said the last word in a flamboyant way as he leaned over to her. 
“Of course I do! Johnny’s a lovely boy.”
“He’s a loser! A good for nothing,...”
Sid and his mom kept on going back and forth, but Johnny didn’t listen anymore. Out of instinct, he reached to his left for his walkman and found Noe’s leg instead. Before he could retreat his hand, she had grabbed it with both of hers, holding his in a tight but comforting grip.
They kept staring at the windows in front of them. This was why he was so nervous. It wasn’t about his mom; he knew she’d love Noe, it was because of that asshole she married.
He just wanted a quiet night with his two favourite girls, as stupid as that sounded. He should’ve known it wouldn’t be a regular night in the Weinberg house if Sid didn’t throw himself into a monologue about how great it was that Johnny wasn’t his kid.
Rosa picked up the plates silently and quickly, but gave the young couple a sympathetic glance.
“Johnny, sweetie, why don’t you give Noelia a tour of the house?” 
“Oh, great! Show her where the safe box is while you’re at it! Hell, I’ll just give her the code!”
The blond stood, not wasting time and pulling Noe up with him rather harshly. She kept her mouth shut as he led her out of the dining room and of the house all together.
He hurried to his car and opened the door for her, closing it with much more strength than he meant. He got into the driver's seat as well, Sid’s screaming muffled now, and turned on the engine.
He carelessly pulled out of the driveway and into the street, driving off with no real destination in mind.
Noe said nothing for several minutes, and neither did he.
Suddenly he jumped, almost losing control of the wheel, but didn’t react further as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“I’m sorry.”
He scoffed.
“Why’re you apologizing? He’s the one being a dickhead.”
“I know.” she pressed her lips into a thin line. “None of what he said it’s true, Johnny.”
He stopped at a red light and looked at her worried face, relaxing just a tiny bit.
“I know that, babe. Don’t worry. Sid hates everyone, and everyone hates him back, so he hates them even more and wants to make them as miserable as he is.”
“No, shit.” she chuckled. “I really liked your mom though.”
That lifted his spirits.
“She liked you too.”
“You think?” she sounded so hopeful.
“I know.”
He grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers.
“Where are we going?”
“The guys said they’d be at the arcade. We could join them if you want?”
“So long as you buy me dinner, I’m sold.”
He was getting quite hungry as well.
“The usual?”
She smiled and nodded, leaning over to kiss his cheek. 
He would never hear the end of it if his friends saw him at the moment.
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inkrabbit · 3 years
The Yearbook
This is an older story, little over 2 years old, but the next shipping story for Sucker will revolve around the suggestion by Vance. Also I think Bully deserves a bit more content on here.
Pete frowns slightly as he stares down at the yearbook's generic cover. He'd had the thing for over a couple days and no one's come around to sign it. He didn't really go out and ask people to sign, either. He figured he was too much of a loser to ask the other students, or even teachers to sign his yearbook. And the thought of this made his frown worsen. However, when the bell finally rang and the few students who had stayed for the remainder of their English finals got up to leave, he met a smiling Mr. Galloway, beckoning him over. He figured the man was just drunk and wanted to give him a lecture about being more social and whatnot his sophomore year.
"Ah, Peter! How are you?" Mr. Galloway greets, his nose redder than Rudolf the Reindeer.
"I-I'm fine. What did you need?" he questions. With a warm smile, the man waves his hand, gesturing to the yearbook still clenched firmly in his hands. Hesitantly, he gives it to him, chewing on his bottom lip, anxious to see what he'll write. He watches him intently scribble away on the first page. He can see the familiar sloppy handwriting that had come back on so many assignments and tests. And when he's finally done, Galloway caps his pen and closes the book, handing it back to the student with a smile.
"Have a good summer, Peter," he tells him warmly. With a small thank you and goodbye, Pete leaves the classroom. He quickly opens the book once he's out, excited to see what the man had written.
"Such a pleasure in class. Have a good summer! Can't wait to see you come back as the official head boy with so many friends! ~Mr. Galloway"
It's short but really sweet. Galloway had always been one the coolest teachers at Bullworth, even if he was a drunk. He appreciated the message.
Walking out of the main building, Pete decided to take one last lap around campus before he sheltered himself inside his dorm room all summer, seeing as his parents didn't really send any letters saying how they missed him and couldn't wait for him to come home. And not even after a few steps away from the last stair was he met with Russell, the town's biggest – and scariest – junior. He could feel himself tremble at the sight of the bully.
"O-oh. H-hey, Russell," he greets timidly, giving him a nervous smile. The teen just grunts, though a grin spreads across his lips and for a moment, he's terrified he's gonna beat him with his yearbook.
"What that?" he questions with his poor English skills as he points to the book.
"This? Just my yearbook," he replies, acting nonchalant about it with a soft chuckle. Russell extends his hand, motioning his fingers for him to give it over. He's reluctant to do so, but he knows what will happen if he doesn't obey. So with a sick feeling in his gut, he hands the bully his yearbook. He just looks it over before staring at Pete.
"Got pen?" The question stuns him and the expression on his face says it all. Russell starts laughing as the younger teen fumbles to find a spare pen for him to use. He takes it softly from his hand, too, instead of snatching it away like Pete had anticipated. He stands there completely dumbfounded as Russell scribbles away and he wonders what he'll say. He's sure it'll be nothing but broken English and poorly spelled words, but the thought meant so much to him. Russell, the leader of the bully clique, was signing his yearbook, and not stealing it! After a bit of waiting, the junior hands it back with the same grin, but something else in his eyes that he couldn't catch onto.
"Thank you so much, Russell!" he speaks as the book is handed back to him. There's just a soft grunt and he waves, giving him a small wink before walking off. Pete's confused by the action until he looks down at what's been written.
"I'll see you over the summer, Pete. Don't be such a stranger to everyone when the school year starts up again, okay? ~R."
No way. No way did Russell Northrop, the walking caveman himself, sign his yearbook with such beautiful handwriting and perfect spelling. Not to mention how nice he was about all of it. Pete can't keep the smile off his face and he holds the yearbook close to himself. He feels all giddy and if he didn't want to look like anymore of a loser, he would've let out a squeal. But this still perplexed him. Russell wasn't smart – not that anyone knew anyways. Where did this come from? Did he have a sudden epiphany that he wanted to be smart? Or was it all an act?
Either way, he still felt great about it and he made his way around to the side of the school. His trip was cut short when he noticed the whole greaser gang walk his way, though, their newest member grinning at him.
"Pete! I've been looking for you!" He's surprised to hear that someone wanted to see him and without, what he assumed and hoped, malicious intent.
"Hey, Vyv. Hey… everyone else..." He feels nervous when he sees Johnny look him up and down, Lola right by his side with his arm hooked firmly around her waist. "What's uh… what's up?"
"Heard you got a yearbook," Johnny speaks, though his expression doesn't change to a friendly one like Vyvyan's had. "How's 'bout we all sign it for you?"
"Y-you guys really wanna sign my yearbook?" he asks. Peanut nods, a green sharpie in hand. And that's when he notices each of them have a different colored sharpie. He can feel himself smile, especially when he notices a pale pink in Norton's grasp. "Alright! Cool!"
He hands the book over to the closet greaser, Peanut, who's quickly going to work. While this goes on, the others are either look over their friend's shoulder or chatting with him.
"Any big plans for the summer, Petey?" Vance asks, giving him a smile. He just gives him a small shake of his head. This earns him a chuckle. "No plans? Maybe you'll stop by the tenement sometime, then?"
"You'd want me over there with you guys?" he questions. Lefty steps forward, hooking an arm around him with a smile, his free hand going up to mess with his hair.
"Of course! Or else we wouldn't have asked!" he tells him with a laugh, "Any friend of Jimmy's is a friend of ours, anyways."
"Thanks," He feels lucky to know the most popular kid in school now. At least they weren't bullying him like he had expected. And he can't help but smile widely.
It takes a bit for everyone to sign the yearbook and in that time, he's talked with every greaser, even King Johnny and his Queen, Lola. They were actually really pleasant and Lord knows he wishes he could just have an ounce of cool in him like they had. Even if they dressed from another time period. And just like Lefty, Johnny invites him over to the tenement whenever he's bored and wants someone to hang out with. It's nice to feel like he has people to call friends, even if he's never really spent much time with them. And when he's gotten his book back, different colors of goodbye and good luck messages hit him. From Peanut's simple "see you next year" to Norton's "go hang with the gang whenever you're alone." He feels lucky. Ricky and Vyvyan shared the same message, just both signing their names at the end. He even notices Vance's phone number and he can feel the heat rise to his cheeks. The greaser just gives him a wave and a wink as they all walk away from him. He spends a couple minutes rereading the messages the clique had written him and, once again, he holds the book close to him. Maybe he would get rid of his shell and actually text Vance over the summer.
Walking towards the fountain he's stopped by a couple preps. Pinky and Gord stride over, their aquaberry uniforms pristine and spotless. He's worried that they're going to belittle him for being poor, especially with the smirks on their faces.
"And what's this?" Gord speaks, going to snatch the yearbook away from Pete. He just frowns, slowly cowering in on himself. "Ew. You let those poor losers sign this before us?"
Gord scoffs as he looks over the other signatures. The comment replays over and over in his head. Pinky pulls out a pen from her purse, squealing slightly when Gord finishes signing it himself. He's still just as stunned when they're both finished and he takes it back with shaky hands. The two just give him a goodbye as they continue their way to the Harrington House, talking to each other. He's almost too nervous to look, but the cursive writing catches his attention. The messages aren't the friendliest, of course, but it still makes him feel good.
"You're not the most pathetic commoner at this school. ~Gord"
"You're okay. Too bad our social circles aren't the same, or we'd totally hang out over the summer! ~Pinky"
He just smiles nonetheless, going to close his book as he makes his way for the gym. He had a couple things in his locker that weren't meant to stay in there over the summer, but he had procrastinated for so long, just trying to avoid the area. But, seeing as he didn't want to be yelled at by either Dr. Crabblesnitch or Ms. Danvers, he had to visit today.
"Hey! Look who it is!" Ted's voice makes Pete shudder and he looks the jock who's walking towards him, Damon and Juri in tow.
"Yeah, look who it is," Damon repeats, Pete biting his tongue to keep back a mean comment. "What's that you got?"
"U-uh it's nothing," he chuckles softly, going to hide his yearbook. But Juri simply goes to snatch it from his hand, reading over the previous signatures.
"Oh, dude! That the new yearbook?" Ted questions, now taking it from Juri and looking in it. "Sick! I haven't even picked up mine yet!"
"I-it's not that great," Ted rolls his eyes, thumbing through the book, commenting about how great his senior picture came out. Pete stands there awkwardly, watching them look through every page before Damon pulls out a pen. Just like everyone else, they take turns signing it. And when they're done, Juri hands him his book back, ruffling his hair just like Lefty had done.
"See you next year!" he speaks, turning to leave. Damon gives him a noogie, following his friend and Ted gives him a pat on the back.
"Do this school good, 'kay, bro?" he tells him, "Jimmy'll take care of you."
"Yeah, thanks, Ted," He watches the graduate walk away with a small smile. "Good luck in the football career!"
Ted gives him one last thumbs up before he's gone. He feels good inside, like he's finally no longer a ghost at Bullworth. He can't contain his wide grin as he goes into the gym with a pep in his step.
Finally the sun was setting, Pete sitting in his dorm room with his yearbook in his lap. He looked over the signatures he had gotten. Beatrice, Cornelius and Earnest had signed the last page on the front, a couple of the kids had signed as well, along with Eunice, Christy and Angie. Ivan had doodled in the small spaces, and Ethan used a page to draw a few ninjas. Even Michael had decorated a page full of dinosaur stickers. However, even though so many other people had signed his yearbook, he noticed how Jimmy didn't. He didn't even see the ginger! Where had he gone to?
With a soft sigh, Pete lays down in his bed, the yearbook on his dresser. Maybe he could find him tomorrow? He was tired right now and sleep sounded amazing. But as he got close to sleeping, he heard a loud knocking on his door.
"There you are, Pete!" Jimmy bursts through his door, looking around his room. "I heard you had a yearbook. Where is it?"
"On my dresser," he replies tiredly, "Why? Where have you been, anyways?"
"Out," Jimmy goes over to the yearbook and snatches it up with a pleased look on his face as he thumbs through the pages. "Man, look at you! Signatures from so many people! Finally popular, huh, Petey?"
"I guess," He goes to lay back down, watching as Jimmy heads for the door.
"I'm gonna borrow this for a few, okay?" Without waiting for an answer, the ginger's out the door and going to his own room. Pete just groans softly. As much as he liked Jimmy, he wasn't always up for how quick he did everything. But he didn't let it fully get to him as he closes his eyes once more, finally drifting off to sleep. He doesn't even hear Jimmy return a couple hours later, set his yearbook back on the dresser and wish him a goodnight.
The next morning, Pete wakes up fairly early, everyone else still asleep. The first thing he notices is the book sitting where Jimmy had left it and he smiles. Finally a signature from his best friend. But as he searches for a message, he doesn't find one. Instead, on the last couple pages, there are drawings. Portraits of him and Jimmy, along with a small one of Gary. He was still a sore spot for both, but the ginger knew Pete had liked the senior before he went crazy. And he smiles, small tears in his eyes. He had admired Jimmy's art skills, and he felt lucky to forever have his work. It's better than any message.
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