#Jason Drury
mikeladano · 5 months
2023 in Review with Jason Drury, Rob Daniels, Mike & the Mad Metal Man
‘Twas a warm and cozy gathering of film-addicted friends, reminiscing upon favourites in the year 2023.  With Jason Drury joining from the UK, Harrison from Australia, and Mike & Rob in Canada, it was a a truly intercontinental show. We took a look at some new musical arrivals (signed Blaze Bayley, Rock Candy Ronnie James Dio, some sweet soundtracks on CD) and some books as well. Though we always…
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why-i-love-comics · 7 months
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The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #12 (2023)
written by Matthew Rosenberg art by Carmine Di Giandomenico & Romulo Fajardo, Jr.
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mayamarvil · 5 months
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Born to be a fairy princess, forced to be a vigilante 😩😩
The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #12
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mahemo-art · 2 years
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The rest of my Huevember 2020 pictures (Days 8-14). I never made anymore than this. Looking back on my old art is crazy like how did I let this stuff fly it’s so gross looking. But maybe some of y’all will find it interesting :)
Okay I take it back Catwoman and Red Hood look fiiine
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kudosmyhero · 7 months
Batman (vol. 1) #400: Resurrection Night!
Read Date: March 04, 2023 Cover Date: October 1986 ● (too many creators in this issue to list. Please see the wiki page here for credits) ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● ah, a foreword by Stephen King. noice! ● nice architectural art from Steve Lightle and Bruce D. Patterson in the first chapter ● seeing glimpses of several of Arkham's inmates: Joker, Mad Hatter, Killer Croc, Clayface, etc. ● Inmate 481 looks like we killed his father and should prepare to die
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● yikes, pretty much everyone escapes Arkham and the state prison thanks to some explosions. Batman's gonna be busy. ● I think every chapter will have a different artist. this'll be fun. look how amazing this Killer Croc is:
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● so Ra's al Ghul knows where the Batcave is, eh? ● I like the painty/sketchy art of chapter 4. I like all of the art styles so far, actually ● the penny has never looked so huge ● Batman smash! ● this whole issue is a treat for the eyes ● Killer Croc, don't you harm a hair on Alfred's head! ● the art!
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● ah, Black Spider. I was wondering who the hell that guy was. ● did Killer Croc kill Jason Todd's folks? ● I can't get over how many characters are in this issue… and even with all of them, the pacing seems fine and the story not overcrowded. quite a feat, that. ● "smurk"? ● Ra's al Ghul goes into the Lazarus Pit while still alive ● 👏👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Ra's al Ghul embarks upon one of his most ambitious schemes to confound the Batman. He engineers a massive breakout at both Arkham Asylum and Gotham State Penitentiary, uniting both prisoners and patients, he arms them with their uniforms and weapons, giving them special instructions. Meanwhile, Batman finds a note taped to the Batcomputer that reads, "Know your foes!" and Ra's enters the cave to tell Batman what he has done. He further offers his service in permanently eliminating Batman's adversaries should he agree to join his crusade. Batman naturally refuses, and Ra's takes his leave.
He soon discovers that the villains have kidnapped people with strong connections to the Batman -- Alfred Pennyworth, Harvey Bullock, Julia Pennyworth, and Vicki Vale. Moreover, the Joker and the Penguin have enveloped GCPD Headquarters with a giant steel net, turning the police into prisoners. The Joker forces Commissioner Gordon to contact Batman and tell him that he has three hours to rescue them or else all of the hostages will die.
Batman and Robin find assistance from Catwoman and Ra's daughter Talia. They split into two teams to tackle the mission from different angles. Robin and Talia go after the group of villains at the GCPD, while Batman and Catwoman confront the criminals who have kidnapped Batman's allies. Throughout the course of the long evening, both parties prove successful and after Batman defeats the Joker and regains control of the GCPD, the heroes then travel together to Ra's base of operations.
They track him down to an old decrepit windmill where Ra's is housing one of his Lazarus Pits. For the first time ever, Ra's immerses himself in the pit while still alive, and soon emerges, now ten times as strong as a normal human. Batman and his allies approach the windmill and uses explosive charges to blast away at the foundation, providing them with a quick entrance. Batman and Ra's fight one another and through the course of the conflict, he flips Ra's over his head. Ra's lands for a second time inside the Lazarus Pit. The explosives have greatly weakened the structure of the windmill, so Batman and the others race out of there just as it collapses. With Ra's base collapsing the heroes retreat, assuming that Ra's is gone for good.
Afterwards, most of Batman allies gather together in the Batcave to celebrate Batman's anniversary, but the Dark Knight refuses to join them, knowing that there are many criminals still at large and that his mission is far from over.
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Fan Art: Ra's al Ghul by jameszapata
Accompanying Podcast: ● Batman Knightcast - episode 01
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johnvenus · 2 years
RIP Alan Grant
9th Feb 1949 -  20th July 2022  
Meant to post this on the day he passed but it gets exhausting repeatedly writing tributes for creators who made an impact on you. But lets cut to the chase:  
Alan Grant was a prolific writer who was part of the British Invasion of comics talent in the 80′s and 90′s. He has worked on multiple titles ranging from 2000 AD, Judge Dredd, the Demon, Shadow of the Bat and Detective Comics.    What I remember him the the most for though, is his work on the Batman comics.    
In the 90′s, Alan Grant, Chuck Dixon and Doug Monech were the big three Batman writers and this was the period I got into DC comics. Paired with the immensely talented Norm Breyfogle (who also passed away a few years back), the duo gave us Batman stories that were not only dark, moody and noir-ish but also very human.    
Amongst the duos most well known creation was the villainous duo Ventriloquist and Scarface:   
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And despite being a relatively recent villain, the characters became a staple of Batman’s rogues gallery after they were adapted in the seminal Batman: The Animated Series. 
Grant also played a key role in the development of Tim Drake’s character, he wrote the story in which Jack and Mary Drake were poisoned by the Obeah Man resulting in Mary’s death and Jack’s paralysis:  
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And the subsequent fallout of Tim dealing with his parent’s death and the Master of Fear story arc that showcased Tim’s early outings as Robin:   
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Grant is also responsible for introducing grim and serious slasher villain rouges like Kadaver, Cornelious Stirk and most famously Mr Zsaz:  
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And whilst these villains were disturbed individuals who loved to stalk and torture and treated human lives as disposable meat, Grant also used this as an opportunity to flesh out citizens who lived in Gotham. Whether it was a homeless man living on a street corner or an orphan grieving the loss of their parents at a grave yard or a single mom who happens upon a dead body or Jack and Mary Drake reflecting on how they’ve been neglecting their son whilst being held hostage by the Obeah Man, Grant showed the inner lives and humanity of the citizens of Gotham thus Batman’s role as the protector of the city had a deeper meaning, showing that he was making a difference in their individual lives.      
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Grant’s Batman was also never stoic in the face of darkness, thanks to Norm’s expressive art style, the full range of Batman’s emotions were on display as he confronted the darkest side of humanity:
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  Shock, horror, rage and disgust. These emotions never made Batman seem weak at all. Some, like Bruce Timm seem to prefer a Batman who is an emotionless robot but I like a Batman who is human and can feel emotions besides rage.
On the other side of the coin, Grant also gave us Anarky:   
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Contrary to what other writers would tell you, Anarky was never a villain. Antagonist, yes but not a villain.    
Grant also gave us the excellent, ‘Batman of Arkham Asylum’ Elseworlds; set in the 1900′s it’s a more thoughtful exploration of mental illness in Gotham Rogues and gave us a Batman who was a psychologist at Arkham by day and a vigilante by night. It also has the best take on Killer Croc/Waylon Jones in comics and I’m glad sympathetic Croc has crept it’s way to canon:   
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Also, I’m probably the only guy who remembers and appreciates the Human Flea and bummed that nobody has brought him back:    
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And misses one shot C-list villains like Chancer and Nimrod:  
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This was a fun arc that ran from Shadow of the Batman #7-9 drawn by Tim Sale (who sadly also passed away this year) in which D list villains like Killer Moth, Calendar Man, Catman and Chancer kidnap Bruce Wayne, Commissioner Gordon and Mayor Armand Krol and holds them ransom. Now Tim Drake has to rescue them with the help of anti-hero Nimrod:
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  It’s a fun Reservior Dogs style heist story but starring Batman villains. Also a rare occasion where Killer Moth isn’t portrayed as the laughing stock of Gotham:   
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And sometimes, the characters you thought were going to be villains were never villains at all:   
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And to wrap this up, Grant also wrote the Batman/Etrigan the Demon cross over and is responsible for giving us this hilarious panel from Detective Comics #601-603:  
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Godspeed, Grant.  
Thanks for all the stories.   
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thingsmk1120sayz · 1 year
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andreisvechnikov · 1 month
Hurricanes’ Seth Jarvis leans into status as an honorary Harvard grad
By: Luke Decock, April 24, 2024
When Tripp Tracy was asked to speak at a meeting of the Harvard Club of the Research Triangle last week, he naturally invited the Carolina Hurricanes’ two other Harvard Men to join him. Jack Drury, owner of a Harvard diploma, class of 2023. Seth Jarvis, owner of a “Harvard Alumni” T-shirt, class of not quite veritas.
Neither Drury nor Jarvis could attend because of the team’s pre-playoff dinner gathering, but Jarvis was nevertheless welcome despite his self-proclaimed “Grade 6” education, because if there’s one thing that’s true about the Hurricanes’ third-year forward above all else, it’s that if you try to make him the butt of a joke, even a heartfelt, good-natured one, he’ll find a way to turn it back around on you.
When Drury returned from his Cambridge graduation last summer with the crimson T-shirt as a gift for Jarvis, he never expected Jarvis to cut off the sleeves.
He never expected Jarvis to make it his undershirt and wear it under his shoulder pads every single day of the season. For every practice. Every game. Every postgame interview.
“I thought, there’s no better way to put it to use than cut it into a tank top and wear it under my gear,” Jarvis said.
Seth Jarvis. Harvard alum. The shirt says so.
“There have been a few people who have seriously asked me if I went to Harvard,” Jarvis said, “and they’ve obviously never had a conversation with me.”
The Hurricanes have always had a strong connection to Harvard, through Tracy and his youth teammate and future front-office executive Jason Karmanos, through players like Craig MacDonald and Craig Adams.
They’ve had players from the rest of the hockey-playing Ivy League schools as well, other than Brown: Jeff Hamilton (Yale), Kevin Westgarth (Princeton), Lee Stempniak (Dartmouth), Riley Nash (Cornell). Now Drury. And, apparently, Jarvis.
“I think it’s been awesome,” Tracy said. “I would have liked to have had him on the roster.”
Even within the hockey world, it’s hard to imagine two teammates as different as the goofy Manitoban and the cosmopolitan Harvard grad becoming so close. Jarvis left home at 14 to play junior hockey in the Western Hockey League and was in the NHL by age 18.
Drury, scion of a prominent hockey family, spent two years at Harvard and another year overseas in Sweden; even though Drury is two years older than Jarvis, Jarvis has played more than 100 more NHL games than Drury.
The two are akin to brothers as much as they are friends or teammates, so when Drury gave Jarvis the shirt, it was with the best of intentions. Still, give Jarvis an inch or two, he’ll take all 200 feet, same in the dressing room as on the rink.
“I got it for him hoping he would wear it,” Drury said. “Using it as the undershirt, I love that. I didn’t know he’d do that. Once he started to do it, I thought it was awesome. He’s a character. But you couldn’t have a better guy around the room.”
Every single day, the shirt goes into his laundry bag to be laundered with the rest of the team’s base layers, an old-school throwback amid the sweat-wicking, high-tech gear.
By now, seven months into the season, as the Hurricanes head north for Thursday’s Game 3 against the New York Islanders with a 2-0 lead in their first-round series, the T-shirt should probably be in tatters. It looks just fine. Other than the missing sleeves.
“It’s hung on,” Jarvis said. “It’s high quality. Only the best at Harvard.”
At the end of the regular season, when Jarvis sat in on the Bally Sports broadcast with Tracy and Mike Mansicalco while sitting out Game 82, he told Tracy he would have liked to major in “micro-macro engineering” at Harvard, which sounds like a typical Jarvis malaprop, mishmashing economics and engineering. But it also could very well be somebody’s bespoke “special concentration” in Harvard’s engineering school, studying “theories of engineering principles” or the “interactions between microscopic innovation and large system models.”
Jarvis, with his elite hockey IQ and even quicker wit, may be more evidence that you don’t have to be book smart to be smart. He plays up the dopey-goofball angle because it gets laughs — “There’s still a lot of stupidity going on throughout my day,” Jarvis said — and won the Josef Vasicek Award this season for his quotability, but he’s the son of two educators, and there’s a spark that animates both his personality and his game, burning bright under all the self-deprecating humor.
“He plays a little dumb, but he’s pretty smart actually,” Martin Necas said. “I’m positive. He’s pretty smart. He just makes himself look like it on purpose, sometimes.”
Watching his game grow over the past two seasons, as he spent last year becoming a two-way player and this season reaping the rewards, it’s fair to wonder what would happen if he applied himself in the classroom as he has to his hockey career. Who knows what might be possible.
“It’s never too late,” Drury said. “He plays it up a little bit but he’s smarter than people realize. He’s got a good head on his shoulders.”
And the T-shirt over his shoulders to sort-of prove it.
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Today I just want to talk about my Batman designs does anyone wanna hear a 5 paragraph diatribe about Drury Walker's design and also probably moths?
I've also got some stuff on Scarecrow, Riddler, Black Mask, Zsasz, and Poison Ivy.
Also Batman, Robin!Jason, and Cassandra.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
Cobblepot Junior
by TheRoyalSnake By chance, Oswald Cobblepot becomes a father with a girl from the Balkans. After 26 years and almost 7 years of traveling around the world, their son returns to the great crucible of crime that is Gotham to build his own criminal organization. Of course, all this with one goal: to keep the Cobblepot name at the top forever and no matter the cost. Words: 3943, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DC Extended Universe, DCU (Comics), DCU Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Multi, Other Characters: Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot Junior (OC), Oswald Cobblepot, Killer Croc, Catman (DCU), Lester Buchinsky, Edmund Dorrance, Drury Walker, Lynx I (DCU), Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Rogues Gallery (Batman), Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon, Kabuki Twins (DCU), Original Characters, Original Male Character(s), Harvey Dent, Harvey Bullock, Bane (DCU), Robin (DCU), Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Rose Wilson, Roman Sionis, Edward Nygma, Rupert Thorne, Victor Fries, Joker (DCU), Harley Quinn, Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Major Original Character(s), POV Original Character, Organized Crime, Father-Son Relationship, POV Oswald Cobblepot, Criminal Masterminds, The Iceberg Lounge, Gotham City is Terrible, Crimes & Criminals, Dark Gotham City, Not Canon Compliant, Gangsters, Weapons, Biological Weapons, Chemical Weapons, Black Markets, Underworld, Gotham City Police Department, Building a Criminal Organization, Crime Scenes, Partners in Crime, Gang Wars, Anti-Hero via https://ift.tt/uG3oTvW
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goalhofer · 9 months
2023 Los Angeles Angels Roster
#17 Ōtani Shōhei (Ōshū, Japan)
#28 Aaron Loup (Boutte, Louisiana)
#31 Tyler Anderson (Las Vegas, Nevada)*
#40 Sam Bachman (Fishers, Indiana)**
#43 Patrick Sandoval (Mission Viejo, California)
#44 Ben Joyce (Knoxville, Tennessee)**
#47 Griffin Canning (Rancho Santa Margarita, California)
#48 Reid Detmers (Nokomis, Illinois)
#51 Jaime Barría (Ciudad Panama, Panama)
#52 Dominic Leone (Norwich, Connecticut)*
#53 Carlos Estévez (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)*
#54 José Suárez (Ciudad Naguanagua, Venezuela)
#58 Robert Daniel (Montgomery, Alabama)**
#59 José Soriano (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)**
#61 Austin Warren (Fayetteville, North Carolina)
#63 Chase Silseth (Farmington, New Mexico)
#65 José Quijada (Caripito, Venezuela)
#73 Chris Rodriguez (Miami Gardens, Florida)
#78 Kenny Rosenberg (Santa Clarita, California)
#14 Logan O'Hoppe (Islip, New York)
#21 Matt Thaiss (Jackson Township, New Jersey)
#33 Max Stassi (Yuba City, California)
#35 Chad Wallach (Orange, California)
#2 Luis Rengifo (Ciudad Naguanagua, Venezuela)
#3 Joseph Ward (Oviedo, Florida)
#4 Andrew Velazquez (Bronx, New York)
#5 Eduardo Escobar (Villa De San Luis Rey De Cura, Venezuela)*
#6 Anthony Rendon (Houston, Texas)
#8 Mike Moustakas (Los Angeles, California)*
#9 Zach Neto (Miami, Florida)**
#10 Gio Urshela (Cartagena De Indias, Colombia)*
#18 Nolan Schanuel (Boynton Beach, Florida)**
#23 Brandon Drury (Grants Pass, Oregon)*
#25 C.J. Cron; Jr. (Phoenix, Arizona)*
#75 Trey Cabbage (Blaine, Tennessee)**
#7 Jordon Adell (Louisville, Kentucky)
#15 Randal Grichuk (Rosenberg, Texas)*
#16 McKenzie Moniak (Carlsbad, California)
#27 Mike Trout (Millville, New Jersey)
Manager Phil Nevin (Placentia, California)
Hitting coach Marcus Thames (Louisville, Mississippi)
Assistant hitting coach Phil Plantier (Manchester, New Hampshire)
Pitching coach Matt Wise (Montclair, California)
Assistant pitching/bullpen coach Bill Hezel (Bonney Lake, Washington)
Bullpen catcher Drew Butera (Orlando, Florida)
Batting practice pitcher Mike Ashman (Fairbanks, Alaska)
1B coach Damon Mashore (Ciudad Ponce, Puerto Rico)
3B/catching coach Bill Haselman (Saratoga, California)
Quality assurance coach Tim Buss (Dodgeville, Wisconsin)
Field coordinator Romar Gil (Chula Vista, California)
Assistant coach Ali Modami (Scottsdale, Arizona)
Assistant coach Jason Brown (Long Beach, California)
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mikeladano · 5 months
Return of the Drury: Film and Soundtrack Experts Jason Drury and Robert Daniels on Grab A Stack of Rock for 2023 in Review
GRAB A STACK OF ROCK With Mike and the Mad Metal Man Episode 45:  Return of the Drury Tonight, film and soundtrack expert Jason Drury is back on the show from five time zones away!  All the way in Ramsgate UK, Jason will be burning the midnight oil with Robert Daniels, Jex Russell and Harrison Kopp tonight. Tonight we will just be catching up with friends, talking everything that we enjoyed in…
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why-i-love-comics · 1 year
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Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5 (2023)
written by Matthew Rosenberg art by Carmine Di Giandomenico & Romulo Fajardo, Jr.
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mayamarvil · 1 year
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red hood sighting at local bar
The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5
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wyattjohnston · 1 year
Player/Team Preferences
if you are in a player tag and see this please scroll past, i’m sorry
Please click on the images to make them bigger/clearer
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The following players received two (2) entries
Anders Lee, Brendan Brisson, Cole Caufield, Dougie Hamilton, Jacob Markstrom, Jeremy Swayman, Josh Norris, K'Andre Miller, Leon Draisatl, Michael Bunting, Miro Heiskanen, Sean Kuraly, Thomas Bordeleau, Thomas Chabot, Tom Wilson, Tyson Barrie
The following players received one (1) entry
Alex Turcotte, Alexander Georgiev, Alexander Wennberg, Andrei Kuzmenko, Artemi Panarin, Brad Marchand, Braden Schneider, Brady Skjei, Brandon Hagel, Brandon Tanev, Charlie Coyle, Dawson Mercer, Elvis Merzlikens, Erik Portillo, Henrik Lundqvist, Ilya Sorokin, Jack Drury, Jake DeBrusk, Jason Robertson, Joel Edmundson, John Marino, Johnny Beecher, Jordan Harris, Kaapo Kakko, Kent Johnson, Kevin Hayes, Kirby Dach, Kirill Karprizov, Lucas Raymond, Mason McTavish, Matt Boldy, Matt Martin, Mika Zibanejad, Morgan Frost, Moritz Seider, Nils Höglander, Roman Josi, Ryan Lindgren, Ryan Reaves, Timothy Liljegren, TJ Oshie, Travis Konecny, Vince Dunn
The following UMich players had entries, they haven't signed NHL contracts so it feels weird for me to include them but I'm not going to pretend they don't exist.
Ethan Edwards (3), Mark Estapa (2), Nolan Moyle (2)
The following reponses have not been included. They are too vague and/or ignored my guidelines. I wasn't going to go through and name every player that could fit into these categories.
Tampa Bay Lightning Players (literally)
 and basically any finnish player
UMich hockey
Tkachuk (which one???)
but honestly anyone over like 21
And a few people who just said that they aren't fussy.
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stpauls-milaca · 3 months
Announcements for March 3, 2024
Be sure to check your serving schedules, both on top of this email and in the announcements booklet. If you cannot serve, please let the church know ASAP or find someone to take your place.
Servants for Sunday Elder: Jason Theisen Usher: Mike Maurer Altar Guild: Sue Drury Reader: Brock T./Brayden T. (https://app.lutheranservicebuilder.com/holiday/2024/03/03/aa92e3ed37c442b28899e6158e60954e, Exodus and 1 Corinthians) Acolyte: Lauren F./Ella R. Booth: Chase V./Landon M. Organist: Sue Drury Fellowship: Calanders Sunday School: (remember to sign up for Sunday School!)
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