#Ive never seen a single episode of One Piece
clownbukkae · 8 months
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bee-seer · 9 months
I am not a humble soul
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comradekatara · 4 months
specifically asking why *zuko* is sexist is WILD because i can’t think of a single ATLA character that does not at some point say something that reveals how deeply they have gender roles ingrained into them. even aang is not exempt (see: ember island players). anyway i don’t even have a question i’m just baffled. do people think feminism is just “girls are strong like boys”
RIGHT. ive seen people say that zuko “has no frame of reference for sexism,” that zuko “doesn’t know what gender roles are/what misogyny is,” that zuko “is a feminist (????????),” that zuko “would be appalled by sokka’s sexism,” that zuko “respects katara and would do chores with her while aang and sokka lounge around like the lazy entitled dudebros they are,” that zuko “comes from a feminist society and thus wouldn’t understand sokka’s misogyny,” etc etc. like, the fire nation is literally a fascist nation. their patriarchy is overt and unsubtle. what is ozai if not the ultimate patriarch. as i’ve already established earlier today, zuko is far more sexist than sokka in far more insidious ways. zuko has never witnessed any examples of sokka’s sexism and never will, because sokka unlearned his bioessentialist logic in episode four. sokka has witnessed plenty examples of zuko’s sexism, including the time he suggested that sokka (a kyoshi warrior) was a little girl incapable of saving aang, and that time he referred to katara as “your sister” because he never even bothered to remember her name. zuko was raised in a palace and cannot even hammer a nail into a roof without breaking his thumb, while sokka hunted and provided for his entire village by himself for years and aang was raised in a communal society where everyone did their fair share of labor to maintain their temple because there was no class hierarchy. zuko internalized extremely rigid gender roles and attempted to embody the violent masculinity of fascism his entire adolescence. just because he is aware that azula and her friends could kill him doesn’t mean that he respects them as human beings. and just because he’s never called out for the way he patronizes, infantilizes, insults, demeans, belittles, and trivializes women doesn’t mean it isn’t present in his actions throughout the entire show. and yes even aang is kind of sexist. the way katara is framed through his pov sometimes is not great, and the way he objects to being feminized in the play is understandable (bc it’s a piece of colonial propaganda that is intentionally degrading him thru misogynistic logic) but also sort of betrays that he isn’t the perfectly enlightened being he makes himself out to be. i’m pretty sure the only character who doesn’t behave sexistly or accept a sexist status quo at some point is suki, and that’s only because she grew up on the isle of lesbos and also happens to only have an total of 5 seconds of screentime. zuko is one of the principal players in the show and also the most deeply flawed. so like, of course he is sexist as well as subscribing to imperialist, hierarchical logic in other ways. it’s soooo evident throughout his entire character arc. i mean, it’s the entire point of his character arc. but this is the “lestat is woman coded” website so idk why im even surprised at this point.
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Ok the latest episode of dungeon meshi is gory as fuck.
Major episode 11 SPOILERS
Given that the episode is dragon part one, I assumed they would fight the dragon, mostly fail, cliffhanger, and the next episode would be defeating it.
I did NOT expect them to kill it, root around its insides, and find Falins fucking bones!!
The foot comes down on Senshi and he immediately vomits blood? Chilchuk knocked out by bricks to the head, Laios loses his leg?! (Nitpick but. If the leg was disconnected what was keeping him from falling out the dragons mouth? Anime rule of cool physics?)
And then. Chilchuk and Senshi is heaps of pain and Laios' leg is just itchy? Its a good joke, but I think there's more. Those heals were too easy after that amount of unprecedented violent gore.
Laios had a btw-line about of the dragon and is mating and then dismissed the thought with no given reason. So I think next episode theres gonna be a second Red dragon. ( Its possible part 2 will be next season, but following more common episode title namings, red dragon 1 and 2 will be the season finale. )
And theres the unanswered question of the whole season, why is the dragon more active, why is the ecosystem of the dungeon off-balance. I think next episode will be our big clue.
Re Falin, its no coinicidence we were introduced to the racist rich guy who assures us that souls dont leave bodies in the dungeon. That was confusing up till the last episode because the characters sure act like death is possible, and we've seen dead people and heard about body-retrieval. Then Namari goes to revivals to ask about Falin and there are bodies stored behind the desk guy. Which puts the pieces together, bodies that can be retrieved are retrieved, and the people can be revived. If someone cares to, and presumably pays for it. Someones gotta pay for retrievals.
Its also no accident that our warm-fuzzy sibling scene before finding Falins skull is about a ghost who is trapped with his body, and Falins intuition/ability with ghost magic. Can she be revived, will she stick around as a ghost, remains to be seen. (Remains.)
As someone who hasnt yet read the manga, Im also curious about long term story. Ive gotten the impression that theres significant story to go, possibly probably they reach the end of the dungeon? But Ive not seen Falin present in any of the art, and for the story to continue they need motivation to keep going.
So Im guessing that Falin ends up as a ghost, or unreviveable, and they have to get to the bottom to find the mad mage, work out what stops people from crossing over post-death (does that include monsters, orcs, humanoid mermaids or fish-oid[???]mermen), and only then can they bring Falin back to life.
That or they revive her and theres some other plot hook, but my guess is what I just described.
(Another silly nitpick, the fire is blocked by the adamantium but the heat isnt a problem until after the fire is done? "WE HAVE TO MAKE SURE TO EXHAUST ALL ITS FUEL" THAT WOULDVE LEFT FALIN BEYOND ALL HOPE!!!!!!)
And its funny re Senshi's knife, ooh its mithril it can cut through anything, well of course! he's used it to cut every single monster theyve eaten! And we never wondered how! Foreshadowing by cookware, its ridiculous and I love it.
Last point is it just me or are...is it Kaka and Kiki? Theyre discount Vex and Vax, right?
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melonteee · 4 months
what are your thoughts on the one piece fandoms vitriolic take on "spoilers"? ive never interacted with a fandom so grumpy about knowing anything beyond 'well there sure are pirates' like op fans. it makes me so sad to check out series reactors just for them to go 'ok so im not gunna watch the opening or ending, and we'll skip the title card, dont wanna be spoiled! =)'
like... you miss out on some of the best parts of an anime when you approach it like that. ops and eds are meant to tease whats to come and hype you up, yet op fans treat them like theyre plague rats =( and if these supposed spoilers ruin the fun of op, maybe you dont actually like op as much as you think...
idk! just wheres the love of fun! the enjoyment of teases! why watch the anime at that point???
SIGHS I think manga readers take it WAY too seriously. They go into the anime KNOWING what's going to happen, KNOWING what all this means - they have CONTEXT.
Someone who is an anime only will look at all this without that context, they can guess what they're seeing but they don't 100% know it. As you said, it hypes it up! I feel like when manga onlys get mad at opening spoilers, they don't realise anime onlys genuinely have no idea what they're seeing or what any of this means. And as you get further through the episodes, you can point at the opening and go "HEY!! I KNOW THAT NOW!!"
Apart from Robin joining which, I agree, probably should not have been spoiled in an opening - I haven't seen a single anime only complain about the openings 'spoiling' them. It's literally just the manga onlys yelling into air 😭
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
hi! ive been reading your works for a little while now and i was actually wondering if you could do this idea: what about roles swapped au? to clarify; what if we, the readers, turn into anime characters and the one piece charcters (specifically the worst gen trio tho) would do when they're a huge simp for the reader?
I could also see this as them being set in the modern world and us being in the world of one piece ig. reader is a really great scythe wielder as well! maybe even some blood manipulation? your choice really.
btw, this ask is inspired by another ask i saw! i think they said that thsy were inspired by an obey me shall we date swapped au thing? anyway, i really love your works btw! keep going, darlin'!
— eustass kid simp anon ♥️
a/n - YES :0 I love this idea sm I’ve only seen it the other way around :3 awww tysm anon!! I appreciate the support 💜\(//∇//)\💜 I’ll try not to bully kid just for you <3
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, reader’s a badass as usual 🫡, reader has “chi chi no mi” blood blood fruit (inspired by this), modern au/one piece world kinda?
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- he’s kind of a silent simp ya know??
- NO ONE and absolutely NO ONE knows about his fictional crush
- he secretly has his wallpaper set to a picture of you 👀
- But he changes it when he goes to school 💀
- man is such. A . Loyal. Simp.
- like he won’t simp for anyone else but you
- he’s a y/n simp all the way 😭💜
- with other simps he’s like: no?? They’re fictional??
- But we all know he literally worships you 🙄
- whenever he watches one piece, he saves the episodes with you in them and it’ll always brighten his day to see you get the screen time you deserve ✨
- You’re such a badass and you’re literally gorgeous/handsome af so lot of other people simp over you too
- secretly gets jealous 💀
- like he’s the only one allowed to simp over you ok?? 🙄
- he’s such a nerd he knows exactly how your abilities work
- He’s memorized every single move you can make with your devil fruit
- He also goes into like certain phases where he analyzes every single strong point of your abilities 😭
- He’ll make full on graphs and charts of your powers it’s kind of a lot-
- He wishes he could tell someone about it but then that’d ruin his “I’m emo go away” vibe 💀
- I think he’d do anything just to be able to meet you at least once 🥺
- Like yeah- you’re fictional but it doesn’t matter
- You’re still his #1 fav character
- he once gave a person death glares every single time he saw him because he heard that he simps over you as well :0
- Man got sooooo irritated with that guy
- he kinda has a superiority complex when it comes to these things
- his insults are just so fucking mean
- “Dumbass.”
- “He has the mental capacity of a piece of shit.”
- “I bet his socks smell like ass.”
- law that doesn’t mean he’s a bad person 💀
- Man’s your number one fan and you might never know it 😭💜
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- he’s got those like- stickers on his water bottle of you
- not afraid to rant about how fucking amazing you are to non-anime fans
- doesn’t matter, people need to hear how gorgeous/handsome and how powerful you are
- on discord his pfp is u 🥺
- His abt me matches one of your quotes
- If he’s feeling down? He watches one piece episodes with you in them :)
- you literally make him so happy and hyped up
- Whenever you fight someone, he’s literally jumping up and down, mimicking your movements (pls I’m abt to die ok 😭)
- You use one of your moves?? *Tries to do the same move*
- *Breaks the window*
- “Oops- hehe-“ 💀
- He aspires to be as strong as you
- That’s his main motivation for working out!!!
- 😭💜 pls he’s such a fanboy-
- he started one piece because of you
- If he’s feeling down? He’ll just watch some clips of you and instantly go back to his extremely meat motivated hyper self
- he can’t even think of any other character except for you
- He’s always like: when’s y/n gonna come back :(
- then when you come on screen: HI Y/N AAAAAAAAA
- he eats meat as he’s watching op btw lmao 😭
- lowkey he doesn’t mind if someone else simps for you
- He knows that you’re so fucking awesome so other people will simp for u as well 🗿
- still tho. Obviously he’s the best choice out of your whole simp fan club 🙄
- man might drop his meat if he meets you sometime
- he wants to fight you so bad to show you how strong he’s gotten 🥺
- pls fight him
- you’ll make his world 10x better 🥹✨
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- he’s all like: they’re fucking fictional why would I simp for the-
- … *looks at you*
- “fuck.” -kid 2022
- man just got a crush in 2 seconds within seeing you 💀
- you literally manipulate blood and use a badass scythe
- who tf wouldn’t love you 🙄
- bro like, your nickname is literally ‘the crimson reaper’
- … (yes I made that up and yes I know that it’s kinda cheesy just go with it pls 😭)
- man loves you bec you manipulate red blood (hehe color of his hair)
- wow I’m corny today
- whenever you win a fight (you always do 🫡) he gets up and just starts like throwing his fists up (kid you’re not at a sports game 💀)
- prepare for everyone to hear random cussing at his tv or phone
- killer is concerned af
- kid tried to get Killer to simp for you too but it didn’t go that well
- Kid then realized he wanted you all to himself so then he stopped talking bout you in front of killer
- no one at school knows that he has the biggest fucking fictional crush in the history of anime crushes
- like he’ll literally turn red everytime he thinks abt you 😭
- He’s like tryna go to sleep at 2am and then gets hit with a shower thought
- “If y/n was left handed would that change the fighting style?!”
- kid. go to sleep 🗿
- man spent all night thinking about that
- yes it’s made out of real metal ✨
- he made your outfit, scythe, weapons, you name it
- you wear it? He’s made it
- I mean he doesn’t wear it- but he threatens his neighbors with his scythe if they don’t leave him alone
- “Uh is this Eustass Kid’s home? I was just here to inform you about these new solar panel types that are 10x more efficient than the ones you have right now-“
- *holds scythe menacingly* “get the fuck out of here I’m fuckin busy.”
- man hates these solicitors 🙄 (as do I- I had to tell one off today 🗿)
- the poor marketer sprinted as fast as he could 😭
- if someone interrupts his one piece watching time, especially if you’re on screen..
- hell nah they’re dead in literal seconds
- He will literally- yeah Idek what atrocious ways he’ll use to kill them
- moral: don’t solicit at kid’s house. Don’t interrupt y/n one piece screen time. do not simp for y/n only Kid’s allowed to 🙄
- man. kid you’re high maintenance ngl
- he loves you tho 💜
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a/n - pls. why did that stupid solar panel guy have to stay and talk to me for 20 minutes 💀
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regret-breathing · 3 months
eeeaaahhh fuckit. i never do these but im bored and i love ya @p-paradoxa so here we go.
Last song: Asher White Misses The Good Old Days by Asher White from the album Asher White Sells Herself And Buys The World. its a good album, definitely worth a listen. ive been listening to this album a lot because i recommended it to a cute barista so i gotta brush up on it in case they mention it next time im there 🫣😶
Favorite color: GREEN. usually. i like green. greens good. :3 like a rich lush dark green ya feelme?
Last movie/TV show: somehow for some damn reason i made the fucked up choice to watch all the damn marvel movies in a row >:( they are not very good, ive seen like 20 of them now, im as we speak posting instead of paying attention to endgame, which might be one of the worst pieces of crap ive watched in my entire life. the last tv show i watched is MUCH better, 2011’s Hunter x Hunter, it is fucking amazing and i love it very much i hope kurapika gets to kill so many people he’s earned it god bless him.
Sweet, spicy, or savory?: sweet. always sweet. i do enjoy spicy and savory but im a sweet enjoyer. unless bread is savory? what flavor group does bread count as…. whatever it is my favorite is Bread.
Relationship status: profoundly single unless SOMEBODY wants to change that lol
Last thing i googled: the imdb listing for the marvel movie captain marvel. not the worst movie. before that it was trying to figure out if a guy in ant man two was walton goggins. he was in fact walton goggins. i love walton goggins. hes great in that one community episode where he plays a guy who administers polygraph tests. god bless community seasons 5 and 6 and god bless the minnesota vikings.
People i want to know better (if you wanna):
@powerbottom @perditionanddiatribes @loverbearbutch
i never do lil tag games someone else please join me in the leaf pile (i am flopping around in the leaf pile)
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 6 months
HELP THAT ANIME IS SO FUNNY?? he's so relatable for turning into dust btw that's actually mad funny 😂😂😂
no because cheol/hao/wonwoo (and- hot take maybe- shua and jeonghan??) totally give off that 'passive dominance' vibe
YEAH I TOTALLY LOST FEELINGS FOR THAT GUY....LIKE I THINK I MESSED UP IN THE BEGINNING BECAUSE I TEXTED HIM TOO MUCH 🙃🙃 it is what it is tho because i think im much better off without him...........
OKAY I HAVE A THEORY ABOUT PULLING DOMINANT MEN....you either have to act SUPER independent/borderline "leader" like OR you have to act like someone that could be a sub little housewife (like its the 1970s oops).... IM TRYING THOSE 2 OUT RN SO LETS SEE HOW IT GOES LOL
so many meds?? that sounds so complicated (and borderline terrifying 🙁) it must be so bad to be given something that's supposed to help but somehow makes things worse
would a sleep study actually help? here's to hoping it will because not being able to sleep must be torture brie im so sorry i hope you get through this in one piece (ONE PIECE MENTIONED!??!?!?)
true. imagine ignoring your child's pleas for mashed potatoes... those creamy garlic mashed potatoes are actually a god given right, you can't convince me otherwise 😒😒
i'm doing great (besides finals.)!! YOU GOT THIS BRIE I BELIEVE IN YOU
-finals week or 🫨 anon's final week? stay tuned
Hufflepuff 😨
NO SERIOUSLY they should make a website like does the dog die but for what episode of a drama you should stop watching at if you want to pretend there is a happy ending
I actually really heavily agree on that Joshua take that’s crazy but i feel that
NO I THINK I REALLY MESSED UP WITH ONE OF MY FRIENDS i’m so stressed about it too she’s taking a break from social media and i’m going crazy like i feel like part of it is just that i’m too much for her now and i’m so stressed, every day i want to spam her and i have literally been crying every single night because i’m so upset cause i think i really fucked up but like is it worse that i think that she would just abandon me? IDK but i’m so upset it’s been a week now. What if she hates me, and also i went literally crazy and i don’t think she knows how crazy but crying every single night cause i think she hates me and left me is CRAZY like every time i calm down i see reason but i was rereading our interactions so much and analyzing all the things i did wrong so much i had to delete the messages
I’m crazy. I’m crazy actually. I want to just forget everything and move on but imagine i put all this effort into forgetting her because i had a maniac anxious breakdown in the middle of a depressive episode and she comes back completely normal expecting me to be completely normal 😭😭 that would be crazy right
I’m crazy right. I’m crazy.
Meds are meds i guess i’m just really hoping these new ones work. The sleep study SHOULD be helpful like if it’s a serious health problem. And it will help them know if it’s not like sleep apthia? Or something like that
I WAS TRYING TO TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT THE HEIST ONE?? AND THEY WERE LIKE but the first one is so bad and i was like oh my god… they haven’t even met the third twin LIKE ITS GOOD???
I don’t remember why i said i suck but oh god so annoying i give myself the ick. TODAY I WAS LIKE i was like when i serve food out to people sometimes i like can’t explain this well but i smile and pose? Like when i turn around i’ll like IDONTKNOW POSE? ITS LIKE SUBTLE BUT ITS LIKE IM IN A MOVIE AND IM THE MAIN CHARACTER AND ITS REALLY ANNOYING AND SUBCONCIOUS SO IM ONLY AWARE AFTER IVE DONE IT AND ITS SO ANNOYING AND IT GIVES ME THE ICK SO BAD i have A SERIOUS pick me problem that no one will EVER acknowledge even when i say it i’m surrounded by LIARS
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
Yk I have never watched a single episode of one piece but ur works got me considering it.. 👍🏾🤔🤐
U know how many comments ive gotten between when i draw or write abt these characters people have said they never seen the show but now they might🤣
I mean obviously i recommend.
At least for background noise i did that all 2020 n im doin it now.
And watch at ur own pace its not a rush.
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fortunemagic · 1 year
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old commission from march/april  ive never seen a single episode of one piece in my life
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booler · 2 years
my solace in life is that ive never seen a single episode of one piece. Like wow… i am truly a lucky person
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elizaszone · 11 days
! why.. !
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alright, so is it just me or??
i have phases that come back EVERY SINGLE YEAR. like and its always in this certain order. for example, i have my danganronpa phase return every 1-2 years through october-feburary. while my hunter x hunter phase comes back every year in the summertime through fall (june-november)
AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON NARUTO. it always comes back. EVERY.SINGLE.YEAR. i will fixate on it SO much i will not know what to do. this proceeds to the point where its all i ever think about, (similar to the other phases)
alsoo, one piece does as well. i finish 200 episodes every year and then quit till next year, and i dont even mean to. its just a returning phase every now and then. ive already had my one piece phase this year too so.. THIS HAPPENS WITH OMORI TOO??
i know im just sort of yapping and changing the subject every paragraph BUT as someone who has been playing genshin impact for 3 years now this also happens to me with that game too. like ill spend SO MUCH money on it only to not play it again for 2 months.. i spent $45 just this month.. (NOT A FLEX PLS.. CASH APP ME RN.) i wouldnt consider myself a whale because i dont have EVERY constellation but ik for a fact ive spent over $1.5k for this 3 year time span ive been playing
ANOTHER PHASE IS ROBLOX.. like ill play it for hours on end for literal months just to not play it again for another year. (ive been playing since 2015 (?) too, yikes.) like ill spend so much money on this game as well, probably as much as i did w/ genshin. ESPECIALLY ON BLOXBURG OH MY GOODNESS?? i have wasted so much robux on that game its ASTRONOMICAL.
also minecraft. im just now getting out of my minecraft phase again for the millionth time, after having 980 something hours on it js on my playstation. i remember at the beginning of middle school i had my first ever boyfriend and all we did was play minecraft. (NEVER HAVE MIDDLESCHOOL RELATIONSHIPS PLS TRUST..)
also my my hero academia phase never fails to come back at least twice a year. i rewatched all of it in febuary-april while waiting on season 7 to come out, and ive already seen all the released episodes of season 7!!! its so good so far watch it please i will do anything
anyways thank uu! theres MANY more phases that come around but those are just the main ones. STAY SAFE ILY GUYS!! <333
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thekingofwinterblog · 5 months
Favorite anime?
Anime? Well, i shouldn probably note i dont watch anime in general, with few exceptions. Generally i stick to the manga if there is one, with a few exceptions.
Soul eater, trigun, etc. Or if there is not an original, previous manga like kill la kill.
With that said, i do know which series i consider my favorite Anime overall.
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That being the original Naruto Anime. The manga and shippuden both turned into absolute garbage at a very specific point, and never really recovered, but the original Naruto anime, unlike the manga, can be viewed in the context of a separate series rather than just pre and post timeskip.
Looking back at it, knowing how it all turned out, it's actually astonishing how GOOD the original Naruto was.
Naruto might be THE example i would point to, of how you can present your protagonist, their goal, and why it mattera in one episode.
And it only kept on trucking from there.
One piece at it's peak during water seven and Enies lobby might be overall better, but as a consistent bit of work, i regard the Original Naruto as the gold standard for Shonen storytelling, and just anime in general.
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Ive seen some people who make compelling arguments that the Sabuza arc, naruto's first arc, ita east blue as it was, was the single best one it ever had... And its great.
And it only got better from there.
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It had a great world that managed to combine brutal but perfectly logical and interesting politics rooted in war, ninja clans and economics, a relatively low level magic system that made for logical and strategic yet spectacular fights, and best of all, characters that made this world feel alive.
Barring filler arcs, i can point to every single arc, as having some of my favorite moments in fiction period.
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Naruto's interaction with Haku wheter as a passing interaction, their fight, naruto beating him to a pulp, then stopping once seeing his face, Zabuza addmitting he did love Haku, orochimaru's introduction and him beating sasuke around like a punk and marking him, hinata standing against Neji, gaara vs lee, Naruto defeating Neji then breaking his entire world view by confessing that his absolute worst point used to be Bushins of any kind(ive seen so many people miss the forest for the trees with that one by focusing on the fox chakra), pretty much Tsunade's entire arc, sasuke lashing out at Kakashi, only for Kakashi telling sasuke that everyone Kakashi ever loved had died a long time ago, every fight in the sasuke retrieval arc, and the list goes on and on.
Frankly speaking, if the original Naruto had just done a good job adapting it, it would probably be my favorite anime, but the fact is that in so many aspect, they knocked it out of the park. Amazing fight scenes, glorious and iconic music, and capturing every important scene pretty much perfectly.
The only bad thing i have to say about the original naruto anime, is it's filler arcs... But by virtue of them being arcs and episodes, you can very easily skip them, unlike some series who plops down filler wherever, or drags out every single moment again and again tos tretch the run time(one piece, im looking at you).
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taohs · 2 years
oh thats great to hear! sometimes working with kids can be fun doing little activities or just watching their favorite shows with them. im happy to say i dont take classes at all so im living as stress free as i can! :d ahhh csm and spy x family im also watching! i still have catching up to do but i agree with both. sxf is wholesome to see the family get closer and closer each episode and csm is just a master piece! the theme or concept of the show can be seen as taboo but everything else is marvelous. ive never seen anime with that many smooth frames, even when you look at the frames individually theres not a single repeating one which alot of other animes tend to have. i also love that they get to have a new ending each episode, the budget is massive hahaha. which characters from either show do you really like and why? and are there any you can relate to at all :o? besides those anime, ive been watching mushikaburi-hime which is just your cliche sweet shoujo, i cant get enough of those though lmao - your animanga secret santa c:
agreed!! it's insane how much work they put into chainsaw man! the quality for each episode reminds me of watching anime movies 💕 for sxf, my favorite is yor! i adore how she loves anya and her family unconditionally. she can be such an airhead too despite her strength. i think i can relate to her since i can be really clumsy and I doubt myself a lot, but i try my best at what i do to not disappoint others :D i also really love Sylvia since im weak for powerful ladies, but i do adore the main cast so much! for chainsaw man, i love the trio and their individual characteristics (especially power, that little goofball). himeno could have been most likely to be a fave, but i feel icky with her taking advantage of denji :’) how about you?
ohh the artwork for mushikaburi hime looks really pretty! 👀 is it a new shoujo that just came out?
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disastergenius · 2 years
Finished S2 on my relisten
Onto Season 2! I remember thinking that the plot started dragging a little, since we start out strong with the initial exploration of the tunnels and then go back to the Monster of the Week format, and I was now invested in the mystery solving. But it works significantly better for the story and it was the right choice, and it definitely is more fun in retrospect to be able to put all the pieces together.  
E42: Grifter’s Bone freaks me out because the idea of listening to something by choice or unwittingly and then permanently being affected. i mean, that’s just how music works in a way, but now its Sinister. 
E43: Section 31 big fan of early Basira and Frank Voss, their voice is so nice
E44: ooh set up to the Unknowing; every single Circus statement just has such a terrifying undertone before they get really bad
I think I’m in the minority of Magnus fans that isn’t obsessed with Michael? Like I understand that he is fascinating but also I don’t really like him?? I don’t know why???
i think i don’t enjoy any statements to do with Robert Smirke and his weird architecture? I dont know why but i lose focus during them. maybe because i hate buildings that don’t make sense because i have quite a tendency to get lost, so this almost annoys me more than it scares me
E52: Exceptional Risk full confession is that I am really bad at remembering when statements have names that are the same, so I don’t always get it when they are connected immediately but once i do realize, they make good statements and good linking for the story
E57: Personal Space I love this statement so much even though it terrifies me
E59: Recluse always enjoy a Hill Top Road statement, there’s so much that goes on and i really want more of the various happenings there
E61: Hard Shoulder i hate Daisy so much sometimes but her statements are good and her voice is really nice (thank you Fay Roberts!)
E62: First Edition love the dynamic here it’s so fun
E65: Binary freaked me out the first time and still freaks me out now, something about the imagery of the broken computer and the shards and pain 
E67: Burning Desire first mystery episode i really got into that has good payoff
E68: The Tale of a Field Hospital i did not appreciate this statement the first time i heard it, thought it was weird and did not enjoy. on the relisten it is incredible at reimagining things that are Just Slightly Off
E69: Thought for the Day first Annabelle Cane statement! it’s wild and i hated it the first time i listened to it but its such a good statement
E70: Book of the Dead is such a good concept, terrifying thank you
E72: Takeaway I hate every single Flesh statement related to the Hans because 1. creepy 2. imagery is the worst in my head 3. somewhat racist and i hate it (sorry for the discourse but god it’s so bad)
E72: Police Lights maybe one of my favorite small details between the Callum Brodie connection to learning about both his parents and then later his own fear domain
E74: Fatigue too relatable
all the Not!Them statements are scary to me because the idea that a monster can just slip in and recreate reality without anyone knowing is so awful and scary to me because you would just have to question everything but you would never know to even start
my favorite theory ive seen is that the Not!Them keeps the witness as someone who is close to having a connection to that person, so close but maybe not quite, and that’s what makes you question it more, because it’s a memory of what you could have had all the time but you don’t know why
E80: The Librarian *insert Jurgen Leitner rant* 
[extended sounds of brutal pipe murder] 
Whoo ready for Season 3! 
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exocbxmp3 · 2 years
no one asked but here’s the anime I’ve watched while in the pandemicverse and my thoughts on them. it’s actually a Lot for me bc I never really watched the genre ever in my life before these quote unquote unprecedented times. and yeah also these are all pretty much only the current popular ones but I’m not sitting through 60 seasons of naruto & friends or something obscure like “my sister turned into a left shoe and jumped 12,000 years into the future” so anyway here ya go
my hero academia: I like this one, it’s fun and upbeat with lots of kooky characters. I heard the fans are cringe compilation station tho but thankfully I can’t read 8/10
demon slayer: still in the process of watching this one and it slaps but man it definitely loses some points for me when they introduce those super demon slayers whatever they’re called, the ones w/ the single personality trait each and the worst character designs in history. legit looks like the circus came to town whenever they’re on screen. 8/10
jujutsu kaisen: i, from the bottom of my heart, don’t understand the plot of this one at all but the art style and soundtrack are completely insane 9.5/10
dr. stone: one of my favs this show literally gets me hyped over some guy making a lightbulb 10/10
bungou stray dogs: I thought this was like your boilerplate anime before I realized i was watching two anime emo supremes fight f. scott fitzgerald on top of blimp that’s actually moby dick reimagined and careening out of the sky at 1000 miles an hour then I figured it was actually something really special 10/10
one piece: I did not and will not watch all 1000 episodes of this but I hear it play on tv when my husband watches it and it makes him super happy and I love him so 10/10 ❤️
promised neverland: I can’t remember watching this but it’s showing up as continue watching on hulu so uh 3/10
attack on titan: 3 seasons of ??? and then another of war crimes idk maybe 6.5/10 because I think the plot is interesting but a little 2 scary 4 me
tokyo ghoul: what a darksided sad depressing show why do you all like it so much are you okay. i seriously thought I’d need (more) therapy after season 1, season 2 was boring, and then it became completely unwatchable 2/10
blue exorcist: fun show but ended as soon as it really started, legit a prologue to a show that never came so that was weird 6/10 (no I’m not checking out the books i don’t need supplemental reading material for anime)
fire force: thought it was cute at first then it got very strange and intense. plot is complete mumbo jumbo but im always rooting for fire feet boy so I guess it’s good because it makes me care. also the second intro song fucks 8/10
tokyo revengers: actually a very poignant story about gang violence but also has the most nonsensical use of time travel ive ever seen in a piece of media outside of a m4rvel property but also why are they all like 12 lmao 7/10
one punch man: caped baldy my beloved 100/10
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