#It's a very early stage
yarmiko-art · 10 months
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"You dragged me here on purpose!" "I might have"
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The fact that I remembering this bit only now
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ibtisams · 7 months
One of the most reliable and popular instagram accounts covering what has been going on in Gaza @/sbeih.jpg has started a free online crash course about Palestine history and the decolonisation movement to help educate more people and spread awareness. It is on instagram @/palestine.academy and their website is thepalestineacademy.com. It is completely free and has tons of resources on how to get informed, find further information, and how to help Gaza right now. If you have the time I recommend exploring the website and following their instagram!!!
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kiashieart · 1 year
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Sleepless night(mare)s from North Blue
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bleue-flora · 2 months
Ok, so can we talk about Punz for a second? Because like when I rewatched that stream the other day, not only did I notice that it was Punz who avenged Dream by killing Tommy and returning all of his stuff, after Sapnap and Tommy had ambushed Dream and refused to return it [details] (making him truly the mvp, who really doesn’t get enough credit). But I also noticed some other fun things.
Specially this.
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And this.
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Tommy punches Dream -> immediately killed by Punz [clip].
Like okay maybe we could make the point that Dream pays him to kill Tommy and reclaim all of his stuff [clip], but pretty sure Dream isn’t paying him to be so protective.
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wastefulreverie · 2 months
girl wake up im writing a no one knows au sequel
“Danny, one of these days you have to tell us what’s up,” Sam said. “You can’t stretch yourself thin like this forever. Whatever your secret life has you doing.” “I don’t have a secret life.” Which is exactly what someone who had a secret life would say, but Danny obviously evaded this with the loophole that was being dead. His secret half-life was also none of their business.
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sky-scribbles · 1 year
Asexual and Aromantic Survey
I am currently writing a book about the experiences of those on the asexual and aromantic spectrums! As part of my research, I’m trying to compile as many personal stories as I can to include in the work - to which end, I’ve created a survey.
I’m hoping to put together a personal story of my respondents, exploring the challenges we face, the way our orientations intersect with other aspects of our identity such as disability and race, how we navigate relationships, and so on. How long the survey takes will depend on how much detail you want to go into; you could probably breeze through in a few minutes, though longer and more detailed answers will be a huge help to me.
If you are in any way ace or aro (including grey-ace/aro, demi, etc), it would mean the world to me if you filled in the survey; and if you’re not, please do spread it around! The survey will not collect your details (other than what you choose to share, of course).
Here is the link to the survey.
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ursiday · 10 months
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My sillies
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sixoclockuty · 2 months
hi (makes starlo a red giant star early)
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hey lol (steals all of his hydrogen EARLY so he’s FUCKED UP and RED instead of a MAIN SEQUENCE STAR and he can’t NUCLEAR FISSION!!!!)
here’s an extra doodle
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he can talk in full sentences but a lot of the time it’s just too taxing along with everything else he has to worry about
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getbreaded · 10 months
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Guys, I've managed to connect to my mongoDB database at last! Databases and express apps are kind of a new world to me tbh so I'm so excited to be learning all these new concepts!
My app is coming along ;) yay 🌱
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polyamorousmood · 8 months
Just saw the most gorgeous person while at a restaurant, on a date with my partner, asked for their number, and got it, while my partner cheered me on.
This is peak polyamory. This is what peak fulfillment looks like. I can't get over how perfect this feels.
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azenzeph · 6 months
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Been enjoying PMD Super so far!
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m-comma · 2 months
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Laios wip im working on >:)
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heavywithplot · 1 year
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john and the harvester again! this time it's the off season, tho, so the harvester is like. in the Other World. conveniently, mirrors are doors and windows into Other Places!
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bignostalgias · 11 months
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“You’re an idiot,” Jack told him. It was one of the first phrases he learned in Norse, and it was easier to say than I love you.
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fishareglorious · 4 months
Hello my r1999 soldiers. I am looking for people able to help me with the making of a website that'll contain the story logs. Writing them down one by one is going to take me thirteen years if I do that, so may I ask, are any of you willing to help with providing the logs? Including the branching dialogue options? Something along these lines:
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If you wanna help, please feel free to dm me here with the info, or message me on discord at friedfishforsale.
Currently am focusing on writing the main story, specifically with the This is Tomorrow (prologue) and In Our Time.
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tatck · 5 months
Who’s the most obscure character that you have plans to put in the comic?
either sticks or tikal, but they're not that obscure aha.. not really into many of the more obscure characters. Though i did include scratch and wit who were technically redesigns of tails bullies from sonic the comic and i dont think i could get more obscure than that
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