whump-tr0pes · 1 month
Honor Bound 6 - 26
This is a series. Start here, continued from here.
This is a sequel to Honor Bound, Honor Bound 2, Honor Bound 3, Honor Bound 4, Honor Bound 5, and the prequel Vera.
Contents: PTSD, past captivity, references to being unsure of reality, thoughts of murder, self-harm themes, bad reaction to discovering self-harm, harm reduction, recovery
Isaac felt better already, knowing there was a locked door between him and the rest of the world. He had locked it behind Vera and Tori as they came in with tonight’s dinner: a hearty shepherd’s pie with rich bites of tender chicken, carrots, and potatoes all in a mouthwatering gravy. Once he had locked the front door, he had walked to the back door and made sure – for the second or third time since he’d gotten home – that it was still locked. It was, but it didn’t hurt to be so sure.
Edrissa had gotten into the house through the unlocked back door and then held a knife to Gavin’s throat. Isaac would have to be stupid to not check, and recheck, and check again.
Isaac sat on one side of Gavin on the couch, and Gray sat on the other. Vera, Sam, and Tori sat sandwiched on the other couch. Now that everyone was finished with dinner, Gavin leaned against Isaac’s side, and Isaac’s arm was slung over his shoulders. Gavin wasn’t shivering for the first time since they’d left the house that morning. Isaac was sated on two large slices of shepherd’s pie.
And yet, he ached to be holding his gun. The concerned glances Vera was throwing him weren’t helping.
“Thank you so much for bringing dinner,” Gray said, finally breaking the silence. “Did you make the pie, or buy it in town?”
“Bought it,” Vera said with a chuckle. “I appreciate your faith in us, but after everything… um. Recently.” She gave a stiff shrug. “Neither of us have felt like cooking.” She smiled tiredly at Tori over Sam’s head.
Gray let out a huff. “Same here,” they said gently. “But we’ve all been… through a lot. I don’t think anyone’s expecting anyone else to be out there crafting gourmet meals.”
“Except Edrissa,” Vera said tightly. “Apparently she’s been, uh… helping Meredith out. With the pies at the general store. Spending most of her time there, actually.”
“Really,” Gray said. Their tone was perfectly even.
Isaac’s hand tightened into a fist as the image of her flashed through his mind – cowering behind Gavin in that bathroom, eyes wild and streaming, clutching herself, looking terrified, as if she was the fucking victim and not the one pressing a knife to a man’s throat hard enough to draw blood just seconds before.
To Gavin’s throat.
His jaw ached and he swallowed hard. He forced himself to release his fist and brushed his lips to Gavin’s temple instead. He felt Vera’s eyes on him the whole time. He cleared his throat.
Sam wet their lips and leaned forward, seeming to sense the tension. “We’ve been keeping things as calm as possible here,” they said with a glance at Isaac. “Mostly just… sleeping.” They laughed. “All of us. Mostly Gray.”
“I don’t appreciate the accusation,” Gray said good-naturedly. “Although, god, I’ve never slept so much in my life.”
“What about you, Gavin?” Tori said softly. She reached over the back of the couch and rested a hand on Vera’s shoulder. “How are you sleeping?”
Gavin relaxed further against Isaac’s side and drew in a deep breath, thinking. “Well,” he murmured. “Better than in… than with Schiester. That’s definitely for sure. But…” Isaac bit his lip and waited for the second shoe to drop. “…it’s… sometimes hard to tell where I am. When I wake up.”
Isaac’s heart twisted. He knew all too well the things Gavin said, and fucking believed, when he wasn’t sure if he was staring at Isaac himself or merely a figment of his own imagination.
“D-don’t you want to… to punish me? …you want to, right? It’s… Isaac, it’s… it’s okay. It’s not… real, I know that. You can do… whatever you want. I can give that to you… if you want. I know it doesn’t really help you… But it’s what I have. P-please don’t stop touching me. Please… Isaac… please, this… this feels better than… a-anything he does to me.”
Shame clogged Isaac’s throat. His fingers itched for his knife. Fuck.
“Yeah,” Vera was saying. “Yeah, that’s… that’s the hardest part, I think. After. The waking up and not knowing, for a while.”
Isaac’s head snapped up. Vera held Gavin’s gaze, and he stared at her with an understanding that Isaac had never shared. Even though everyone except for Gray had been held captive, tortured, collared – what Gavin and Vera shared now was different. They had both been taken, punished by a sadist, had their minds broken down by pain and time – and drugs, in Gavin’s case. They had been kept in a basement, shackled for use because it brought a madman pleasure.
And they had both been alone.
Isaac’s hand shook as he slid it into Gavin’s and squeezed.
“Does that ever go away?” Gavin murmured, as if he had forgotten anyone else was there. Tears shone in his eyes.
“Yes,” Vera answered immediately. Then, she said, “Mostly. Months or years go by, and then you’ll have a shitty day or a bad nightmare and you’ll wake up not knowing where you are again. But the thing that matters is, it passes. And you’re always, always out once it passes.”
“Unless I get taken again,” Gavin whispered as the tears spilled over. “Like you did. Twice.” He shuddered and muffled a sob against Isaac’s shoulder.
Isaac’s arms wound around him in a trembling embrace, pulling Gavin into his lap. Vera stared at the floor, chewing on her lip.
She was taken again three times, if you count the time she went in to save Tori and killed Joseph Stormbeck to escape.
Isaac bit his tongue and shook his head to clear the thought.
“Alright, scootch over,” Tori mumbled as she crossed the living room to drop into the spot where Gavin had been sitting, gently laying a hand on Gavin where he now sat shivering on Isaac’s lap. She pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and draped it across Gavin’s shoulders. “There, better?”
Gavin nodded with his face pressed to Isaac’s neck. His tears streamed into the neckline of Isaac’s shirt. He wrapped Gavin up again, carefully tucking him in, and glanced at Tori inquisitively.
Tori nodded at Vera. “She’s a lot more sensitive to cold when she’s in the thick of it,” she said gently. “And he’s got goosebumps.”
“No shit?” Vera said. “Is that why you always get a blanket when I’m having a bad day?”
The corner of Tori’s mouth curved up. “Yes, dear, that’s why I always get a blanket when you’re having a bad day.”
Vera raised her eyebrows. “No shit,” she mumbled.
“Schiester k-kept the basement cold,” Gavin muttered into Isaac’s neck. “If I wanted blankets I had to… t-tell him things.”
All the blood drained from Isaac’s face. “What… kinds of things?” he croaked.
“Confessions,” Gavin whimpered. “I… I don’t think most of them were true. I don’t remember. I didn’t care. I was cold. Ziegler told me most of the things I admitted to weren’t true.”
“Who the fuck is Ziegler and are we killing them?” Vera said, sitting up straight and staring at Isaac. “Someone who knew you were down there?”
“Y-yes,” Gavin managed through a particularly violent shudder. “He… he didn’t… hurt me as much. And he… let me go.”
Vera’s eyes went wide. “Like—”
“Not like Ryan,” Isaac said sternly. Tears glittered on Vera’s eyelashes. “Just a guard who decided not to kill me when I was pulling Gavin out.”
“He didn’t hurt me,” Gavin said in a small voice. “He… he could have but he… didn’t.”
“Fair enough, Gavin,” Vera interrupted. She shot Isaac a glare. “I get it. That can be enough to keep you sane. Just one person who doesn’t want to hurt you as much as the others.”
Gavin nodded weakly against Isaac’s neck. Isaac tried to meet Vera’s glare, but she shot daggers at him and he faltered. Tori’s hand moved in small, gentle circles on Gavin’s back.
“No one’s taking you again,” Isaac whispered against Gavin’s hair. His arms shook with how hard he squeezed Gavin. “No one. You’re safe, alright? You’re… you’re safe.”
As soon as Edrissa is dealt with—
I wonder if I could get to her before anyone realizes what I’ve done—
“You’re okay, Gavin,” Tori said gently, her hair mingling with his as she leaned in close. “We’ve got you.”
“Y-yeah,” Gavin heaved, and shuddered violently. His hand wrapped around Isaac’s wrist. “Yeah. I’m out.”
Edrissa’s the one who last made him question where he was. I’m going to fucking—
“What the fuck is that?” Vera snapped from her place on the couch.
Isaac’s head shot up and he glanced around the room, ready to neutralize the threat. He met Vera’s eyes and realized she was looking at him – no, not at him.
At his arm.
The sleeve was pulled up slightly on his forearm, exposing a scar left by Gavin’s knife – and the cut he himself had made over it, not five days ago. The angry line flared red in the dim light, and it was devastatingly obvious what it was.
Isaac dragged the sleeve down over the cut, obscuring his entire hand. “Nothing,” he growled.
“Isaac, fuck,” Vera breathed. She rose from the couch and stood over Isaac, staring down at him, looking stricken. “That…” Her hand shot out and she grabbed his wrist, pulling the sleeve up to reveal the line of cuts up and down Isaac’s arm.
Isaac yanked his arm out of Vera’s grasp, cringing back into the couch. Gavin slid off his lap and partially onto Tori. Isaac couldn’t even look at Tori; he could barely bring himself to look at Vera, who stared down at him in horror.
“It’s nothing,” Isaac pleaded with a broken voice.
“Vera, let’s respect Isaac’s desire for privacy,” Gray said, a little weakly.
Isaac could feel Gavin’s gaze drilling holes into the side of his head. He blinked back tears and swallowed hard against the shame strangling him. Slowly, he opened his mouth to speak.
Vera beat him to it. “I… told you not to punish yourself,” she said. She held her hands lamely out to her sides. “You said you wouldn’t—”
“No, I didn’t,” Isaac said through his teeth. “I never said that.”
Vera shook her head. “But—”
“I wouldn’t have said that,” Isaac said. His voice was fading, cracking under the pressure of Vera’s gaze. Having Gavin so close to him, feeling all eyes in the room on him, on his arms, safely hidden again under his long sleeves, was too much to bear. He swallowed again, hoping his dinner would stay down. “I never lied to you.”
“I n-never said you did,” Vera croaked. Her hands were in fists at her sides now. “I… how long?”
Isaac shook his head. He glanced at Sam, who stared right back at him. A quiet sort of pain pinched their mouth. “I… would really rather not have this conversation,” he said thickly.
“Yeah, I bet you wouldn’t,” Vera breathed. She sniffed and lifted her chin against the tears that glittered in her eyes. “Isaac… why didn’t you tell me?”
“What, and have you react like this?” He meant to snarl the words, but they came out weak and pathetic sounding.
She nodded slowly. “You’re right,” she murmured. “That’s… that’s fair. I’m sorry, I… This isn’t… how I should be reacting.”
“Let’s everyone take a breath,” Gray said softly. “Vera, do you want to sit down?”
Vera returned to her couch on stiff legs and fell to her seat beside Sam. Isaac could breathe a little easier, without her standing over him. Gavin crawled back onto his lap and wrapped his arms around Isaac’s neck.
“Sorry,” Vera said flatly. She drew in a deep inhale and let it out in a gusty breath. “Sorry. That’s… probably the last fucking thing you needed.”
“Yeah,” Isaac said. He shrank as Gavin laid his head on his shoulder.
“Isaac, can I touch you?” Tori said. Isaac jumped, but relaxed a little when he met her eyes. Her gaze was soft, sad, but not filled with horror. Not like Vera’s. He nodded, and she laid a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“I’m really sorry,” Vera whispered. “That was… I wish I could take that back.” She wiped her eyes and sat up, taking another deep breath. “That was shitty of me.”
“No,” Isaac grumbled. His arms stung as if all the cuts were brand new. He longed to scratch at the ones that itched, but he couldn’t bear to draw any more attention to them. He swallowed tightly. “I should never have…” He couldn’t finish the sentence.
“No.” Vera held up a shaking hand. “Don’t… don’t do that.” She raked her fingers through her hair and stared at the floor. “Um…”
Isaac couldn’t bring himself to say any of the things that were echoing through his head:
I know this hurts you. I know I did it because I’m weak. I know I would never have had to do it if I had just kept my family safe in the first place. I know…
He knew right where his knife was, too. Gray had taken the one he usually used, but he had another in his pack. All he would have to do is—
“Boy I wish someone else would say something,” Vera said with a broken laugh.
Gray leaned forward with a warm glance toward Isaac. “Did you hear Sam is going to be staying with us?” they said, without missing a beat. Isaac could have cried with gratitude at no longer being the subject of discussion.
Tori beamed and glanced at Sam. “I didn’t hear that! That’s so great.” Her voice was tighter than Gray’s, but it was still light. Isaac felt a wash of gratitude for her, too.
“Yeah,” Sam said. They sounded so tired. But happy, too. “Yeah, I talked to Zachariah about it and… I’m going to be staying here for a while.” They grinned at Isaac. “The foreseeable future.”
“That’s awesome,” Vera said, with only a little flatness to her voice.
“We’re definitely happy about it,” Gray said with a smile.
“It’ll be really nice to… to have you here, Sam,” Isaac croaked. He rearranged his face into what was probably a smile and willed the darkness in his chest to dissipate. “It’ll be nice to be together.” His arms tightened around Gavin as he said it.
Sam nodded, their expression brightening further. “We were worried about where I was going to sleep, but…” They patted the couch cushion next to them. “Turns out this couch is extremely comfortable. After how long we spent on the road, just about anything feels good.”
“You slept on my floor on an air mattress for months,” Tori said with a laugh. “Anything is better than that.”
“Even sleeping on the ground during winter?” Sam said with a mischievous smile. All at once, the exhaustion around their eyes faded away, and they looked like themself again. They looked like the Sam Isaac had always known.
“Depends on the winter,” Tori said. “In the south it wasn’t bad.”
“I’ll take the air mattress,” Vera interjected, raising her hand. “If I get a say.”
“Yeah, because it was on my floor,” Tori shot back with a conspiratory grin.
Everyone laughed at that, even Isaac. He felt the cold fist around his heart loosen a bit, then fall away entirely. As he looked around at the people he loved, feeling Gavin’s warm weight in his lap and Gray’s shoulder brushing his, he could breathe a little easier. He could survive another few minutes without his knife.
Perhaps he could go without it entirely, tonight. It would still be there in the morning if he needed it, and he figured he would. But… maybe then he could just hold some ice instead, if he didn’t need it too badly. What he knew for sure, though, was that he didn’t need the knife tonight.
With his family around him, alive, safe… he could go without the knife for a little longer.
Continued here
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hollywocd · 1 year
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misc icons like or reblog if you use them
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dylan-duke · 4 months
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liked by lauren, mackie.samo, maggie and others
munchkin TWO GOALS FOR MY BOY! so proud of you gavo @seamuscasey26 give him a hug for me
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cuttergauthier_ can i give him a hug? -> isaachoward53 NO ITS MY TURN -> seamuscasey26 i believe she asked me to do it. so I'm doing it
ellie USA!
taylorbrindley go gav!
_quinnhughes congratulations gavin!
g.brindley4 thank you munch! wish you were here 🩵
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absyntheartref · 1 year
Ty always for the tag @layalu :] for THIS picrew
I may have also went a bit overboard... Started with DA OCs then added other OCs
I don't have people to tag but @melisusthewee: you've been looking for a dragon age group so you are welcome to add to this tag! We tag each other to make our Dragon Age characters in picrews a lot. (We meaning me, layalu, creativegoblin, quakingbirch & crew. Sorry if this @ is annoying btw I know we've never interacted but I wanted to include you in our group.)
Under the cut we have: Luciano Smith, Modern AU Berwick if he were super into 70s fashion, Gavin Sharpe, Thorsten but as your odd scottish neighbor & Isaac Leighton
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I made Adrian but forgot to save him so he's uhhhh lost oops, oh and I had made myself a bit ago before I got tagged, heres that:
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frenchiefitzhere · 2 years
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Oscar Isaac is Gavin’s face
Yes he is
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gavisdoctorulysses · 1 year
My (almost) award winning short story 'The Forest Sociery' is an homage to Isaac Asimov's Robots universe.
I hope you enjoy.
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wornoutspines · 1 month
X-Men '97 (Premiere Review) | Nostalgia Rekindled
The electrifying premiere of X-Men '97 is here! From jaw-dropping action to nostalgic nods, this continuation delivers a quite the punch. #XMen97 #SeasonPremiere #Review #DisneyPlus #NostalgiaRevived Read my review ⬇️
The X-Men, a band of mutants who use their uncanny gifts to protect a world that hates and fears them, are challenged like never before, forced to face a dangerous and unexpected new future. This show is the continuation of X-Men: The Animated Series (1992). Review The highly anticipated X-Men ’97 bursts onto our screens with a thrilling two-episode premiere that seamlessly blends nostalgia…
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dementedfilament · 6 months
John Isaac De Cartes
The flame before Gavin ceased at his breath.
And he cringed, acutely aware of the energy radiating from his former club leader. “You did what with my knife?”
“I’m sorry!! I-I didn’t mean to!!”
Hestia looked as though she were about to pop a vein. “The minute we’re finished here, you’re coming with me and repeating what you did!”
“I’ve been trying to contact the entity bound with it for months! You’re going to show me how you did it so I can open communication with them!”
“I-I don’t think that’s a g-good idea!”
“He’s right,” Cedric said. “Given how rapidly the situation escalated, it wouldn’t be wise to repeat it carelessly.”
“I…understand.” She sank, letting out a defeated sigh.
“We can examine it safely at a later time.”
“Of course.”
After examining a nervous Gavin, Cedric brought them back on topic. “For now, let us continue.”
“Please do,” the boy said.
“I don’t know,” John chuckled. “I’m feeling a bit intimidated after that.”
“Don’t be.”
The early riser that he is, John paced through near-empty halls still only lit by the inner lights. Hair gelled, tie straightened, he headed straight for his first hour to begin sorting paperwork and scheduling his day.
Then, a thought hit him. ‘Ah, there’s a sub today, isn’t there?’ The chance the room may not even be available occurred to him, since the sub probably wouldn’t arrive this far before class. However, he could always visit another of his teachers’ rooms for morning planning. A minor inconvenience.
Swerving ‘round the hallway to his class, he was relieved to see the light spilling from the open door. An itinerary began swimming through his mind, but he stopped upon hearing the sub’s voice, speaking as if they were in conversation.
‘Oh…is someone else in there? Maybe I shouldn’t interrupt…’
He remained just outside the door frame, listening in long enough to determine if he needed to relocate for the morning.
“Ah…what is this? I don’t get it…”
Furrowing a brow, he kept his ears open.
“Gah…this is so itchy…” Only the sub’s voice streamed out. “It’s necessary, isn’t it?
But it’s so itchy. And I don’t understand this work.
You’ll figure it out.”
Did they not understand the work for the day? He’d be happy to show them if they’d accept help from a student, but….
Then scratch it.
So damn itchy…”
With a gulp, he crept in anyways. Maybe his presence could be a distraction for the sub’s…whatever it was.
“Itchy itchy itchy…
Scratch it.
So damn itchy!
It hurts!”
His narrow, violet eyes flew open as the sub came into view.
The man placed firm fingers on his chin, then pulled outward. Lines around his face slowly became visible, like the seams of something adhesed to another. Then, his expression froze completely. Like a sort of mask, he peeled the fleshy plate from his head, skin and veins stretching with it before snapping from the distance.
His other hand dug into the weave of red muscle underneath. “Itchy…” Blood popped from under his fingernails, and flowed like a river down his arm. “It hurts!!”
Scaretober 2023
Brisk Wind on a Dark Trail
Midnight Moon
Gargoyle's Watch
Cold Stones in the Fog
Spirits Rising
Haunted House
Witching Hour
Bubbling Cauldron
Spider Silk
Fangs or Talons
An Offering of Blood
Dark Ritual
Spook Scary Skeletons
Carnivàle Morte
Still-Beating Heart
Sharpened Blade
Looming Shadows
The Devil's Hand
Reflection in the Mirror
Rusted Chains
Precious Jewels
0 notes
La Croisière s'amuse fut créé en 1977 et diffusé jusqu'en 1987. Titre original The Love Boat créée par Aaron Spelling. Avec Gavin MacLeod, Bernie Kopell, Ted Lange ...
Le capitaine Stubing et son équipage, le barman Isaac, le docteur Adam, la directrice de croisière Julie et Gopher, accueillent chaque semaine sur leur paquebot, le Pacific Princess, des passagers pour une croisière exceptionnelle
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castielli · 2 years
How to request:
Send your request featuring the character you want, the plot (+ANGST, FLUFF…) and anything I need to know about the reader.
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Fandoms I write for under the cut!
Timothy McGee
Jimmy Palmer
Nicholas Torres
Spencer Reid
Penelope Garcia (platonic🫶)
Luke Alvez
John Price
Soap MacTavish
Ghost Riley
Gaz Garrick
Alex Keller
Alejandro Vargas
Phillip Graves
Vladimir Makarov
Rudy Parra
Red Daniels
William Pierson
Joseph Turner
Robert Zussman
Frank Aiello
Drew Stiles
Ian Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Shane Walsh
Lee Everett
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley (platonic)
Eddie Munson
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Jason Carver
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY (I still need to finish the last season😊)
Viktor Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Number Five
Luther Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby (platonic)
Jack Wilder
J. Daniel Atlas
Merritt McKinney
Dylan Rhodes
Chase McKinney
MARVEL (Avengers/X-men)
Wanda Maximoff
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Steve Rogers
Stephen Strange
Peter Parker (Tom/Andrew/Tobey)
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Peter Quill
Quentin Beck/Mysterio
Eddie Brock/Venom
Charles Xavier
Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Scott Summers
Hank McCoy
Bobby Drake
Alex Summers
Phil Coulson
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockey
Scott Lang
Pietro Maximoff
Mobius M. Mobius
Matt Murdock
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Peter Hale
Theo Raeken
Liam Dunbar
Jordan Parrish
Mason Hewitt
Danny Mahealani
Aiden Steiner
Ethan Steiner
Corey Bryant
Alan McCarthy
Neal Caffrey
Peter Burke
Mozzie (platonic)
Clinton Jones
Caleb Prior
Neville Longbottom
Sirius Black
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Viktor Krum
Remus Lupin
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Ron Weasley
Oliver Wood
Gellert Grindelwald (Mads Mikkelsen)
Newt Scamander
Credence Barebone
Theseus Scamander
Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law)
Peeta Mellark
Coriolanus Snow
Sejanus Plinth
911 (and LONE STAR)
Evan Buckley (Buck)
Howie Han (Chimney)
Bobby Nash
Eddie Diaz
TK Strand
Carlos Reyes
Paul Strickland
Owen Strand
Jud Ryder
Mateo Chavez
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Hiram Lodge
Sweet Pea
Kevin Keller
Reggie Mantle
Moose Mason
Jake Peralta
Terry Jeffords
All the others (platonic only)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Javi Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman)
Silva (Strange Way of Life)
Francisco Morales (Triple Frontier)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Ken (Ryan)
Ken (Simu)
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Jim Moriarty
Mycroft Holmes
FNAF (movie)
Mike Schmidt
Steve Raglan
Harvey Specter
Mike Ross
El Profesor
-Smut (for anyone)
-Female readers/GN readers
-Romantic/Suggestive stories for underage characters (only platonic, basically)
If the character you wanted to request is not on the list, you can try and ask me anyways.
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whump-tr0pes · 3 days
Honor Bound 6 - 27
This is a series. Start here, continued from here.
This is a sequel to Honor Bound, Honor Bound 2, Honor Bound 3, Honor Bound 4, Honor Bound 5, and the prequel Vera.
Contents: themes of self-harm, harm reduction, imperfect recovery, PTSD, tattooing, piercings, themes on nonconsensual tattoos and branding, angst
“Come into town with me,” Sam said, looking right at Isaac over the breakfast table.
Isaac’s hand tightened in a fist around his cereal spoon. “Um…” He glanced at Gavin, who sat next to him. Gray had already eaten breakfast hours ago and was out on a walk.
Isaac’s scars stung. He was going to… not use his knife, he wasn’t going to do that after breakfast, he told himself he wasn’t. But his skin itched and he needed to do something. He had been planning on holding an ice cube after breakfast until it disappeared into water, dripping off his fingers.
He cleared his throat and tried again. “What’s in town?”
A faint flush warmed Sam’s cheeks, and a smile tugged at their lips. “Zachariah did some asking around, and it turns out one of the guys who lives in town used to be a tattoo artist, back down south. Zachariah is going in today to, uh… get his tattoo covered up.”
“Oh,” Isaac said softly. He chewed his lip and kept his gaze from flicking to Gavin with sheer will alone. “His…” He motioned at his own shoulder with the spoon in his hand.
Sam nodded solemnly. “His Stormbeck crest, yeah.”
Isaac’s brow furrowed. “How would they cover that up? It’s… huge. And dark black.”
“I don’t know,” Sam said with a shrug. “But apparently the guy said he could do it. And I wanted to go, to support Zachariah. I figured you might come with me.” Their gaze shifted to Gavin’s. “Both of you?”
“That sounds nice, Isaac,” Gavin said gently, sliding his hand into Isaac’s free one. “But if you, um… need a break after last night—”
“No,” Isaac snapped. The embarrassment of Vera’s gaze and words hadn’t faded, but he was fucking sick of being the one having to be babied. Not after what Gavin had been through. Not after what Gavin had survived – after what he nearly hadn’t survived. Isaac wasn’t going to be the reason Gavin stayed inside, away from the sun and air and grass, because he was fucking embarrassed.
He shuddered and carefully put his spoon down. When he looked up at Gavin and Sam in turn, they were looking up at him in concern – or perhaps something deeper than concern. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he ground his teeth against the shame that prickled where their gazes touched him. His throat worked and he made his shoulders relax.
“Sorry,” he said quietly. “I hate being this on edge.”
“We know,” Sam responded without hesitation – but without judgement, too.
Isaac offered them a tentative smile. He squeezed Gavin’s fingers and glanced between him and Sam. “I appreciate you being concerned. Both of you. But… I’ll be okay. I think it would be better, actually, if… if you both believe I’ll be okay. And…” He returned his gaze to Gavin’s, and his smile grew warmer. “And we should get you outside as much as possible. Get some color in those cheeks before winter comes.”
Gavin laughed and drew his hand through his short-cropped hair. “Vera did say I look so white now I may as well be a ghost.”
“Damn, Vera,” Isaac muttered.
“She meant it as a joke,” Gavin said, still smiling. “I wasn’t hurt by it.”
“I know,” Isaac replied. But maybe she could wait until I stop seeing you dead in my nightmares before she starts joking about it? He pulled Gavin’s thin hand to his lips and kissed the bony knuckles.
“So… yes?” Sam said, giving them both a thumbs up. “Tattoo guy? Zachariah? Sound good?”
“Sounds good,” Isaac said with a nod. “Gavin?”
“You know I’m always interested in going into town,” Gavin said with a grin, and in that moment, Isaac’s heart swelled to bursting. There was Gavin, his old self – perhaps not his old self, but his true self, the way Isaac had seen him in the few months they had had together before Gavin had been taken – radiant and mischievous and sweet. In that wide, contented grin, the pain and fear had fallen away from Gavin’s face, the circles under his eyes faded, and the scars stretched until they were pale again. Isaac’s throat tightened and he drank in the sight of the thing he hadn’t truly believed he would ever see again: Gavin safe, home, and happy.
The intensity of Isaac’s attention made Gavin blush. “What?” he said, his smile growing wider.
“Just… looking at you,” Isaac murmured. His own face flushed and he looked away. “Sorry.” He glanced at Sam. They stared at him, grinning too. “What?”
“Nothing,” Sam said with a chuckle. “It’s really nice to see you two back together, is all.”
Isaac flushed deeper and snatched his spoon up off the table. “Yeah,” he said, and scooped up a bite of cereal. “Let’s finish up breakfast so we can head into town.”
“Sounds good to me,” Sam said. “I can’t wait to see what Zachariah is gonna get.”
Isaac didn’t know what he found more intriguing: the man’s tattoos, or his piercings. Isaac had seen all kinds of piercings before on the team’s missions – rings all over the ears, in nostrils, in lips, in eyebrows, in nipples – but he had never seen, or at least noticed, anyone who had pieces of metal seemingly embedded in their skin like the tattoo artist did. And he had them all over his face – on his dimples, cheekbones, and above his eyebrows. Isaac couldn’t stop staring.
The man seemed to notice. He gave Isaac a long glance, which had him shifting his gaze down sheepishly. When the man turned his attention to Zachariah, Isaac used the distraction to look at his tattoos.
They covered his skin – or at least, his left forearm and hand, with some stretching up his neck to wind across his jaws as well. His right forearm was almost completely bare, and the half-rolled sleeves of his shirt and pants obscured the rest of him from view. But across his left arm twisted the impossibly complicated shapes of skulls, birds, and geometric shapes, all in a gritty swirl of black and gray and red. The designs shifted with his muscles as slid his hands into his pockets. He stood only a little taller than Sam, and was even more slight in stature.
The shop itself was actually just a glorified shed attached to the feed store, but it looked like it had been completely made over to accommodate an array of tattoo supplies – plus a chair in the center of the large shed that looked like it could be unfolded to be like a bed. A few stools lined the walls as well.
“So,” the man said with a thin shrug. His dark, baggy clothes seemed to hang off him. “You said shoulder, right?”
“Um… that’s, that’s right,” Zachariah said softly. He rolled up his short sleeve and stared at the floor as he revealed his Stormbeck tattoo. Sam reached out and put a hand on his arm.
Isaac’s throat tightened. It’s bigger than I remember.
Still, the man nodded, seemingly unbothered, his eyes moving over the tattoo. He tilted his head. “Any ideas for what you wanted instead?”
“Oh… no,” Zachariah mumbled. “Just whatever works. I know it’s… it’s bad.”
The man snorted. “Definitely not the worst I’ve seen. You ever try to cover one of these up on the face?”
Gavin gasped. “Who the fuck tattoos on the face?” he breathed.
“The Torrs,” the man said with a dry chuckle. “When they’re feeling particularly shitty. A bull in the most god-awful blocky style, right here on the cheek.” He motioned to his own cheek, bare except for a dot of metal. “Or on the neck. Still, I think I’d prefer that over the Stormbecks.”
Gavin went rigid beside Isaac. Isaac could hear his throat click as he swallowed, watched his lips tremble as he opened his mouth and asked, “Why… would you prefer a face tattoo over the Stormbecks?”
With an easy shrug, the tattoo artist pulled up the sleeve on his right arm and exposed the brand over his bicep: the head of a raven, surrounded by vines. By the look of the scar, it was a decade old at least.
“R-right,” Gavin whispered. “Stormbecks brand.”
“Hurts like a bitch, too,” the man said with a chuckle.
“So you were owned by my— by Benjamin Stormbeck?” Gavin croaked. His eyes swam with tears.
“Yup,” the man said. When he didn’t continue, Isaac’s gaze shifted from Gavin and pinned the artist where he stood.
“You know who he is.” Isaac’s mouth was dry. His hand inched toward his gun.
“I suspected,” the man said gently. He shrugged again. “No hard feelings, though. I mean. I heard some of the story, so I know that’s not even your real name anymore. And I heard you were in town. So it wasn’t hard to guess. But like I said. No hard feelings. You think I haven’t done shit? I wasn’t branded for no fuckin’ reason. It was because I got caught selling Stormbeck playthings to a higher bidder. So.”
Gavin went pale. “You sold—”
Isaac fell back a step, pulling Gavin and Sam with him. “Let’s—”
The man raised his hands. “Holy shit, here’s a good first impression. I did it so I could feed my little sister and her kid. And I didn’t exactly enjoy it. And once I escaped, I didn’t start again. Fuck, I…” He pinched the bridge of his nose and turned to Zachariah. “Well, I might have entirely fucked this up. Sorry. But I would like to help you out, still.”
Zachariah stood frozen, his eyes darting between the man and Sam. “I… um…”
“Start over, maybe? My name’s Brandon.” Brandon held out a hand and shook Zachariah’s. “Good to meet you, man.”
Zachariah’s hand swallowed Brandon’s, but his was shaking. He squeezed Brandon’s hand in a quick handshake. “You too, Brandon,” he said, shuffling his feet.
“And you guys, too,” Brandon said, his relaxed demeanor slightly giving way. He held out his hand for Gavin to shake.
“Gavin Uriah,” Gavin said, his eyes still downcast.
“Yup,” Brandon said with a nod. He held out his hand to Sam.
“Sam,” they said, their mouth turning down at the corners. They kept their arms folded awkwardly across their chest.
“Sweet.” Brandon didn’t skip a beat. He reached out to shake Isaac’s hand.
“Isaac Moore,” Isaac said flatly. He only barely held himself back from grinding Brandon’s knuckles together in his grip. Instead, he released his hand quickly, so he would be able to reach for his gun if it turned out he needed it.
“Okay, cool,” Brandon said, rubbing his hands together and glancing at the four of them. “It really is my bad for bringing up the plaything… thing. Not exactly something I’m proud of and it’s honestly not something I bring up a lot. If you don’t feel good about moving forward, totally cool. But…” He peered at Zachariah’s tattoo again, taking a step to the side as if to look at it from a different angle. “I think this is totally doable, depending on what you go with.”
Anger and distrust churned in Isaac’s gut. The door called to him, but more than that; this entire town felt absolutely crawling with people he couldn’t – or shouldn’t – trust. Just being in the same room with someone who had sold stolen playthings made him sick to his stomach, and to know that this same man had also brought up the Stormbecks knowing who it was that stood in front of him…
After everything Gavin has been through, after having that history carved into his fucking arm…
“What do you think, Zachariah? It’s up to you,” came Sam’s voice, winding through his distrust – and below the distrust, as there always was, was fear.
Zachariah wrung his hands and looked to each of them in turn. “Um… I would… really like to have it covered,” he said weakly.
“Then let’s stay and have it covered,” Sam said with a nod. They glanced at Isaac, and he felt their gaze like an admonishment.
He forced himself to nod back, forced his shoulders to relax.
“Okay,” Brandon said with a gusty exhale. “Sounds good. Um. I do a lot of my designs freehand as long as they’re simple, but I have the stuff to do a stencil too. So. If you don’t have any ideas, um…” He pulled up a stool and sat down. Everyone else remained standing. Brandon didn’t seem to notice. “What kind of things do you do? What do you enjoy?”
“Um…” Zachariah spread his hands. “I don’t… really know. I uh… I played soccer with my siblings, but that was more for them.”
“Hm. Okay. What else?”
Zachariah glanced at Sam and blushed a furious red. “I like… Sam,” he said, almost too quietly to be heard.
“No go. I don’t do couple’s tattoos.” Brandon waved the idea away. “Used to be bad luck in case you broke up. Now I don’t do it in case one of you dies.”
Isaac let out a sound like he’d been punched.
“Way less likely up here, but a superstition is a superstition,” Brandon said with a shrug. “Let’s think of something else.”
“Um…” Zachariah twisted his hands together. “Finn and Ellis have… a cat that’s really friendly, and I like him…?”
“Mm, could be promising,” Brandon said. “What are the main colors?”
“Oh, he’s all black,” Sam said with a grin.
Brandon leapt up from the stool. “Bingo,” he said, and went to his table of supplies. He paused and glanced back at Zachariah and lifted his eyebrows. “Does that work? Black cat tattoo?”
“You… can really make this work?” Zachariah murmured, glancing to the others hopefully and back to Brandon.
“Sure thing,” Brandon said. He pulled on some gloves and began preparing the tattoo gun. “Only thing to settle is payment.”
Isaac’s stomach dropped. “We don’t have any—”
“Yeah, I know, nobody does,” Brandon said with a good-natured wave of his hand. “But I have a small tree that’s been about to fall over in my yard for a few months. I don’t have a car to pull it over and I don’t have the strength or… frankly, the fuckin’ time to chop it into firewood when it does go. Help me pull it over, then give me like four hours of chopping? Whatever amount of wood that makes?”
“Th-that’s it?” Zachariah said softly. “That’s… all you want?”
“Yeah, dude,” Brandon said with a snort. “Believe me, it’s worth it to me.”
“I can start tomorrow,�� Zachariah breathed.
“You’ll start once this is healed,” Brandon laughed. “You don’t want a tattoo this big getting infected. Especially not up here where I don’t have a lot of the stuff I would need to treat it.”
“Thank…” Zachariah swallowed hard and sank into the tattoo chair. “Thank you.”
Brandon turned around and rolled his tray of supplies closer to the tray. “Oh yup, just make yourself comfortable. I already wiped the chair down before you got here.” He gestured to the stools along the wall. “The rest of you want to have a seat?”
“Thanks,” Sam said, and gave Zachariah a reassuring squeeze on his arm. They and Gavin each went to a stool and sat down.
“I’ll stand,” Isaac said coldly.
Brandon shrugged. “Suit yourself. Sit down if you feel woozy.” He poured disinfectant over a cloth and smoothed it over Zachariah’s exposed shoulder. “Did the old tattoo heal okay?”
“Um, yeah,” Zachariah mumbled. “Just a little itching. The Storm— um. They gave me a good tattoo cream for the healing process.”
“At least there’s that,” Brandon said with a one-shoulder shrug, peering at the tattoo again. “Let me just…” He uncapped a black marker and drew a few swooping lines across Zachariah’s shoulder. “There. That’ll be the general idea. Like I said, I can add more detail if you want, but…” He stripped off his gloves and passed Zachariah a mirror. “Take a look. Do you—”
“How did you do that?” Zachariah whispered, eyes wide, staring in awe at the mirror in his hand.
Sam jumped up off their stool. “They me see,” they said, grinning. They stared at the drawing on Zachariah’s shoulder. “I… wow. I didn’t… so you’ll fill in that part and that part?” They held out their left hand to point.
“Okay, now I have to see,” Gavin said as he slid off his stool, too. His eyes widened as he looked at Zachariah’s shoulder. “It’ll be…” He wet his lips. “It’ll be like it was never there.”
Isaac ground his teeth and stepped around Zachariah, unable to contain his curiosity. The drawing was simple, but the lines were clear; once they were filled in, the image of Nata curled on Zachariah’s shoulder would fully cover the black Stormbeck crest that marred it now. Peeks of Zachariah’s skin would even show through to show the cat’s eyes, nose, and whiskers, and his tail curled around Zachariah’s bicep.
“I love it,” Zachariah rasped. “Seriously, I… I love it. Let’s do it.”
Brandon clapped his hands together. “Awesome. Let’s do it.” He pulled on a fresh pair of gloves and switched on the tattoo gun, dipping the tip of it into the small pot of jet-black ink beside him. “We’ll take this at your pace, okay? Shouldn’t take too too long, but if you need me to slow down or if you need to just tap out, no problem. We can always go again another time.”
Isaac’s eyebrows pulled together. Tap out?
Zachariah nodded vigorously and pushed out a slow breath. Sam pulled their stool forward and reached out, taking his other hand. Isaac watched in confusion. They’re acting like he’s about to give birth, what—
The needle touched Zachariah’s skin and he let out a hiss.
Isaac fell a step forward, his eyes fixed on the needle in Brandon’s hand. “Does that hurt?” he said, before he could stop himself.
“It’s…” Zachariah’s eyes went wide and he stared up at Isaac. “N-no,” he stammered. “No. It doesn’t. I… it’s not that bad, I promise it’s—”
“But it hurts,” Isaac said weakly. “Right? Like, does it always hurt?” He could feel Sam’s gaze on his face, but he ignored it.
Brandon wiped his mouth on his shoulder. “Depends on the person, and on the body part getting tattooed. And on what’s being done. But yeah, tattooing hurts, man. It’s needles going into your skin at like 10,000 times a second.” He chuckled and glanced up at Isaac. He immediately sobered when he saw the expression on Isaac’s face.
“Do you…” Isaac swallowed dryly. “Do you tattoo over scars?”
“Hell yeah, man,” Brandon said, and turned back to his work. “I work in the North. If I didn’t work with scars, I wouldn’t have a job.”
“I mean… do you…” Isaac’s hand shook as he fumbled for his sleeve. He wordlessly pulled his sleeve up to reveal the scars at his wrist and forearm.
Brandon paused his tattooing and looked at Isaac’s arm. He looked for a long time, so long that Isaac flushed with embarrassment and yanked his sleeve back down. Then, Brandon drew in a deep breath and said, “Of course I do work over those kinds of scars, man. But I can’t tattoo over broken skin. You’re gonna have to stop doing that if you want any work done by me.” Without another word, he turned back to Zachariah. He switched on the machine again and deftly moved it over Zachariah’s skin, wiping, tattooing, wiping, tattooing.
Isaac fell a step back and sank onto the stool next to Gavin. His scars prickled where the air had touched them. Still, as he watched Brandon work, he imagined how it might feel to have a needle slide into his skin 10,000 times per minute leaving ink in its wake, making designs instead of scars. He shivered as Gavin slid his fingertips against his palm and laced their fingers together.
“You doing okay?” Sam said gently.
“Yeah,” Zachariah said with a tight smile. “Really, it’s not bad at all.”
“Damn,” Brandon murmured, as if to himself. “This is gonna be a really cool piece.”
@womping-grounds ​, @free-2bmee ​, @quirkykayleetam ​, @walkingchemicalfire ​, @inpainandsuffering ​, @redwingedwhump ​, @burtlederp ​, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog ​ , @whatwhumpcomments ​, @whumpywhumper ​, @stxck-fxck ​, @whumps-the-word ​, @justplainwhump ​, @finder-of-rings ​, @inky-whump ​, @orchidscript ​, @inkyinsanity ​, @this-mightaswell-happen ​, @newandfiguringitout ​, @whumpkitty ​, @pretty-face-breaker ​, @pebbledriscoll ​, @im-just-here-for-the-whump ​, @endless-whump ​, @grizzlie70 ​, @oops-its-whump ​, @kixngiggles​, @1phoenixfeather ​ , @butwhatifyouwrite ​, @carnagecardinal , @whumpifi , @squishablesunbeam
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marcmarcmomarc · 4 months
The Owl House: The New Year’s Special
A post-epilogue special starring Luz and her two families celebrating the new year between the two realms.
Dee Bradley Baker as Princess
Eric Bauza as Gilbert Park & Faust
Bob Bergen as Barcus
J.B. Blanc as Professor Hermonculus
Steve Blum as Salty
Benjamin Bratt as Manny Noceda
Kimberly Brooks as Skara & Eileen
Isaac Ryan Brown as Gus Porter
Bruce Carey as Mason
Matt Chapman as Steve Tholomule & Harvey Park
Parvesh Cheena as Tibblet-Tibblie Grimm Hammer III “Tibbles”
Noshir Dalal as Adrian Graye Vernworth
Felicia Day as Bria
Ariana DeBose as Tía Valentina Noceda
Elijah DeJesus @not-so-average-fangirl as Prima Gabi Noceda
Grey DeLisle as Masha, Katya, Cat, Usurper, & Bonesborough Brawl Security Guard
Jorge Diaz as Matt Tholomule
Michaela Dietz as Vee
Nik Dodani as Gavin
Deb Doetzer as Gwendolyn Clawthorne
Jason Douglas as Osran
Tati Gabrielle as Willow Park
Eileen Galindo as Flora D’splora
Peter Gallagher as Dell Clawthorne
Noah Galvin as Jerbo
Kimiko Glenn as Long-Haired Bat Kid
Elizabeth Grullon as Camila Noceda
Harvey Guillén as Angmar
Arin Hanson as Eye-Eating Monster, Snaggleback, & Papa Titan
Alex Hirsch as King Clawthorne & Hooty
Holly @hollowtones as Mohawk Bat Kid
Chris Houghton as Bill
Oscar Isaac as Tío Emilio Noceda
Keston John as Darius Deamonne
Cissy Jones as Lilith Clawthorne
Mela Lee as Kikimora
Jason Liebrecht as Vitimir
Erica Lindbeck as Emira Blight
Kevin Locarro as Braxas
Rachael MacFarlane as Odalia Blight
Ally Maki as Viney
Wendie Malick as Eda Clawthorne
Shannon McKain as Morton
Mosco Moon as Olive (Gabi’s Girlfriend)
Rita Moreno as Abuela Luna Noceda
Ryan O’Flanagan as Edric Blight
Johnny Ortiz as Tío Mateo Noceda
Penny Parker @snapscube as Bucket Hat Bat Kid
Jim Pirri as Alador Blight
Anairis Quiñones as Azura
Matthew Rhys as Philip Wittebane/Emperor Belos
Kevin Michael Richardson as Tarak, Bonesborough Brawl Commentator, & Tom
Eden Riegel as Boscha, Amelia, Bo, & Abominations
Bumper Robinson as Hieronymus Bump
Zeno Robinson as Hunter, Derwin, & Male Camp Friend
Sarah-Nicole Robles as Luz Noceda
Avi Roque as Raine Whispers
Isabella Rosselini as Bat Queen
Roger Craig Smith as Jacob Hopkins & Warden Wrath
Hailee Steinfeld as Female Camp Friend
April Stewart as Greater Basilisk
Christopher Swindle as Graveyard Keeper
Fred Tatasciore as Malphas
Jen Taylor as Hettie Cutburn
Dana Terrace as Tinella Nosa & Severine
Morgan Terry as Hecate
Kari Wahlgren as Amber, Eberwolf, Villainous Lucy, & Barista
Mae Whitman as Amity Blight
Gary Anthony Williams as Perry Porter
Debra Wilson as Terra Snapdragon
Fryda Wolff as The Collector
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comiiical · 4 months
Let me know if you want Gorka (Iztan Escamilla), Andy (Chris Hemsy), Stephen (Chris E), Phillip (Paul Mescal), Tanner (Jacob Elordi), Lee (Noah C), Peyton (Gavin Leatherwood), Peter( Taylor Zahkar P), Stefan (Paul Wesley), Luke riordan, Ian (Andrew Scott) or Isaac (Oscar I)., Conner (le kent) At least one of these to say if I can kick something off.
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wondererryn · 17 days
why did my friend send me this i thought we were past chain mail
" Hi can u put your name in it and send it to 10 different people We’re trying to make the longest iMessage for the 2021 Guinness World Records. Put your name below (copy it) and send it to 10 people, Don’t be th e one to break the chain
🐷Sadie 🐷
⚾️Matthew ⚾️
😎Spencer 😎
🥶Kayla 🥶
🌈Justine 🌈
📍Aniyah 📍
🤞Emily 🤞
😜Brenda 🥎
🐱Emerson 🐱
🏈 Vishal 🏈
🦊Sahithi 🦊
🐰Sravya 🐰
💃🏼Jacqueline 💃🏼
🏄 Reilly 🏄
💀⛓Corine ⛓💀
🤍Mia 🤍
🎀Aylah 🎀
🪴Merrill 🪴
💕 Kendal 💕
🍬Chloe 🍬
🍭 ♡Taylor ♡🍭
🐻Keira R.🐻
🐝✌🏽Hannah ✌🏽🐝
💖Johannah 💖
arlyn 🦥
🏵Emily 🏵
🏳️‍🌈 Rayno 🏳️‍⚧️
🥝🧸 Tessie!! 🧸🥝
🍍grace 🍍
💀 Lucas 💀
😭Pheobe 😭
🦻🏻 Sierra 🫀
🦖Gisella 🦖
🦋Nolah 🌼
🏈 Will 🤪
⚽️Noah 🤡
⚽️Caden 🇮🇪
🌸 Beatrix🌸
🦑 LuCiA🐳
🐾 Abby-Rose🐶
🥶Kylie 🤫
🌸Taylor 🌸
🌺Dailyn 🌺
🌮Jacqueline 🌯
🐱 Aria 🏊‍♀️
🍄 Evelyn 🍄
👾Isaac 👾
🍕Pearl 🍕
🐹Margaret 🐹
temped to put my name and pass it on now
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tcringetourney · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
here is the official tcringe tourney bracket! the first wave of polls will go up tomorrow. since this is such a large bracket, i’ll be rolling out polls in waves of 8. the first round will be open for a week, with waves dropped on a one-day delay! and under the readmore, you’ll find a transcribed list of the bracket. be warned, there are 128 characters here!
Left side:
Scout (Team Fortress 2) vs Maximus (Tangled)
Crona Gorgon (Soul Eater) vs Kevin (Up)
Dirk Strider (Homestuck) vs Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) vs Dismas (Darkest Dungeon)
Harrier DuBois (Disco Elysium) vs Ellzor Umberspore (Not Another D&D Podcast)
Shiver (Splatoon) vs Miss Frizzle (Magic School Bus)
Marik Ishtar (Yugioh) vs Tumblr Anon Profile Picture (Real Life)
Asa Mitaka (Chainsaw Man) vs Tadashi Yamaguchi (Haikyuu!)
Penny (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet) vs Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
Link (Legend of Zelda) vs Kaname Date (AI: The Somnium Files)
The Collector (The Owl House) vs Venti (Genshin Impact)
Luz Noceda (The Owl House) vs Magne (My Hero Academia)
Yes-Man (Fallout New Vegas) vs Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney)
Reigen Araraka (Mob Psycho 100) vs Kuina Hikari (Alice in Borderland)
Doug Eiffel (Wolf 359) vs Jesus (The Bible)
Me (Real Life) vs Leorio Paradinight (Hunter x Hunter)
Fabian Seacaster (Dimension 20) vs Briar (Branching Out)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) vs Alex Fierro (Riordanverse)
Castiel (Supernatural) vs Waluigi (Mario)
Ivankov (One Piece) vs June Egbert (Homestuck)
Mr. 2 Bon Clay (One Piece) vs Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Ur mom (Real Life) vs Leo Valdez (Riordanverse)
Pyro (Team Fortress 2) vs The Dragon (Jane and the Dragon)
Crowley (Good Omens) vs Eddy (Duolingo)
Emperor Belos (The Owl House) vs Peter Parker (Toby Maguire’s Spiderman)
Sweetheart (Omori) vs Nick Danforth-Evans (Julie and the Phantoms)
Jerma (Real Life) vs M&Ms (Real Life)
Kajiyama Fuuta (Milgram) vs Jeremy Heere (Be More Chill)
Shin Tsukimi (Your Turn to Die) vs Ena (Ena)
Isaac (The Binding of Isaac) vs Allied Mastercomputer/A.M. (I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream)
Ranma (Ranma 1/2) vs Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
Fred Grant (Hamster & Gretel) vs Benrey (Half Life VR AI)
Right Side:
Spy (Team Fortress 2) vs Varian (Tangled)
Sanji (One Piece) vs Milhouse (The Simpsons)
Gonzo (The Muppets) vs Hero (Omori)
Cecil Gershwin Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale) vs Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa)
Hardwon Surefoot (Not Another D&D Podcast) vs Mina Zarei (Paranatural)
Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes) vs Sabine Wren (Star Wars Rebels)
Deuu Dino (CNP) vs Nightblood (The Cosmere)
Benny (Fallout New Vegas) vs Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Alphys (Undertale) vs Angel Devil (Chainsaw Man)
Dave Strider (Homestuck) vs Elliot Dunkel (El Goonish Shive)
The Onceler (The Lorax) vs Chuck E. Cheese (Real Life)
Buggy the Clown (One Piece) vs Hinata Tachibana (Fabiniku)
Jake English (Homestuck) vs Kris Dreemurr (Deltarune)
You (Real Life) vs Tsukishima Kei (Haikyuu!)
Tome Kurata (Mob Psycho 100) vs Neptune (RWBY)
Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb) vs Osiris (Destiny)
Vash the Stampede (Trigun) vs Fox Mulder (The X-Files)
Evan Kelmp (Dimension 20) vs Paracelsus (Darkest Dungeons)
Bocchi (Bocchi the Rock) vs Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck)
Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club) vs Bakugo (My Hero Academia)
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa) vs Luther (The Umbrella Academy)
Fujisaki Chihiro (Danganronpa) vs Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Sniper (Team Fortress 2) vs Fujimoto (Ponyo)
Space Boyfriend (Omori) vs Zirk Vervain (Not Another D&D Podcast)
Rouxls Kaard (Deltarune) vs Robbie Rotten (Lazytown)
Ranboo (Minecraft Youtube) vs Arthur Dent (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
Sakurai Haruka (Milgram) vs Luke Patterson (Julie and the Phantoms)
Hunter (The Owl House) vs Dib (Invader Zim)
Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad) vs Wheatley (Portal)
Grell (Black Butler) vs Viktor Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
Shut (Go Princess Precure) vs Kakashi Hatake (Naruto)
Wonderlands x Showtime (Project SEKAI) vs Rodney Copperbottom (Robots)
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