#Immunity Builder
naturovill3 · 9 months
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical science scripture that falls under Atharva Veda. It has its traces long way back to 5000 years.
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majorpepperidge · 7 months
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[firing up my copium machine]
Hiiii Penliker Nation. I've been rotating an AU in my mind where Pen was genuinely brainwashed/test-tube baby fed propaganda by Duvos and had it broken by being treated with genuine kindness and love by my Builder; Ray. Instead of uh. What we got.
But there's no denying he still did what he did, regrets or no. So he exiles himself from Sandrock, and Ray goes with him. Much as she loves Sandrock herself; she does love Pen, and wants to find a place same from Duvos where they can be together peacefully. So they're a lil two person wandering caravan in the desert, stopping where they can and letting Ray get some Builder work for funds, hiding or taking out Duvos patrols along the way, fighting monsters, etc etc.
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9spoons9 · 6 months
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A friend of mine got me into the cookie gacha game. I am salty but I can’t pass down the allure of funny little guys.
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un-pearable · 6 months
i have both triumphant and embarrassing news:
1. i have triumphed over finals and conquered my second to last semester of my bachelor’s. yippee!!
2. i have used my free time since to play. lego fortnite 💥💥💥💥💥
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piejumper · 2 years
normal type!!
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solshop · 8 months
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Buy Immunity Builders tea - SOLShop
Teas to Keep You Cozy and Healthy During Monsoons. Fight off infections, boost immunity, beat cough and cold, treat skin conditions with our exotic range of teas.
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spicymotte · 8 months
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"So you're the new builder in town, hmh?" (I am not immune to men with gray hair and ragged clothes........)
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alt version
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inbetweenhours · 1 month
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@adina123 also for the lost ask! You had put Cleo as a member of Rivendell emphasizing her immunity to the cold for being undead. That was really fun and I wish I had your og thoughts to share because I went an entirely new direction aha.
The idea of putting non esmp characters into the esmp was fun to me in the context of making them fit into how my personal fanon has explored the esmp world. So I made Cleo a member of Mezalea!
She herself is a clay construct like many others, and she chooses to have a form that is bigger and greener than most. Construct creation is an art, and she among them, so she has no qualms looking different. She works making sculptures in Mezalea, but more often is commissioned as a "body builder" for her fellow constructs looking for a new form or to have the mother tree imbue life to a child construct. Cleo is the one molding all that clay! Very much inspired by her armour stand expertise, and her workout skin + body builder building from season 8!
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jams-sims · 7 months
Last night was a fucking fever dream. I laughed so hard until I cried and I woke up with a massive headache.
But I'm finally able to talk about what the problem is and people have already picked it out. Mainly when it comes to the red team.
They took a group of rper and forced them to play RUST, if you don't know what Rust is. Your YouTube algorithm isn't fucked like mine. It basically a game where no one wins. The whole point is that you build a base you farm materials for your base and you raid other people for their materials. That it's there is no end goal, but people sweat at that game.
An that's what Purgatory is, instead of each team going off to build multi bases, they have one home base. Instead of setting spawn points they only get one spawn point. An when they die their stuff stays on their body for anyone to take just like RUST.
The problem is they want player conflict, and for it to be something different and new unlike the leisurely life they led on quesadilla Island. They want that conflict that beautiful fitmc, where he turns back into the hardcore 2bt2 player and now that just everyone's problem.
I'm specifically going to look at the red team because they decide to put all the Lore heavy people together and they stuck survivalists with non players/builder. Charlie, Jaiden, Baghera are all pretty casual players. An Carre is never coming back after yesterday, if he does hell has frozen over.
Now I can take or leave whether the red team is cursed or not. I'm sitting directly in the middle of yeah it would be too obvious that red is cursed. Cause they legit have admin fucking with Philza. To it would be ironically funny if it was just the red team. Philza being the one to make the team curse cause the narrative has been beating his ass.
Anyway- the first thing that would have to be changed is the system of which people gain point. They want conflict, fighting is the best way to do that. Make it so killing people is gives you more points. But in turn you have to turn up the specialist factor so people don't just go on manhunts. You have to make it so if you are gonna go out into the world to kill. The world has to be beating your ass to make it fair.
This is the only way you can allow survivalist characters such as Philza and Cellbit to survive is by forcing them to make homes and equipment to survive natural disasters and other players. An you gain more by adventuring around as well. Movement should be awarded.
It's no longer race to the top of a volcano to turn in quest. It's now, race to the top of a volcano while it's erupting, to turn in quest to get equipment.
This allows players like Baghera, Jaiden and Charlie to focus on more homestead task. Building, food supply, and mining material. To make it so that if you can't turn in a quest you aren't fucked. I'm assuming the admins want NO working together with other teams. They want them to suffer thus we gotta rearrange with that suffering means.
For instants: If you build a base whether that be underground or not. You can be subject to raids, which means you actually gotta plan and hide your shit. If they find it oh well.
Your base can be destroyed but hard to craft items such as let's say enchanting table and villagers are a no go you can not take them or destroy them. Anything that would destroy a player morale shit like that is a no. We want it to be something you can work back towards and think about how do we make this thing better.
Natural disasters are more common than the minor problems, the your inventory moving on it own is less, and your controls swapped are less. We change that too, every 2 to 3 hours the weather changes. And it stays that way for the next 2 to 3 hours. In game or out would be up to the admins.
Task still exist, global still exist, but now it's a race to the top. The only time you can turn anything in is during a Natural disaster. Once a player picks something up. From their turn-in they become immune to damage certain amount of time. Then it's a free for all but that gives the turn in team time to run.
An once they enter their base they are considered safe. You have earned supplies for your team, immunity from raids and a shit ton of points. That's for the team who turns it in first.
Player can still turn in task and earn suppliers. That supplies is limited but even if your last you still get something.
How do you stop people from camping someone base or Gobal.
Easy, immunity for the team to do turn in first last the whole day until the next day. Where it loses its effect, that gives the team time to move their shit if they so wish or be ready to defend.
Global is even more easy global is locked until it is time and 2 if an admin catches you camping any where near it. You get one tapped don't be a camper.
How to stop people from camping others bases. (I think that just falls under don't be an asshole. An maybe making a shield around the spawn point with an area of effect could also help.)
I didn't want to complain and not give like legit fixs for the problems they have. Cause it's one thing to scream and say stuff is broke and it's another to actually come up with ideas to fix it.
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anonymous-dentist · 4 months
A QSMP Fan’s Guide To Hermitcraft
Hermitcraft Season 10 is just around the corner, starting on February 3, so it’s the perfect time to get into it! It can be a little overwhelming, especially coming into it from a server like the QSMP, so I’m gonna make this little guide to help new people out!
About Hermitcraft:
Hermitcraft is a multiplayer survival server. Technically, it’s vanilla, and it feels vanilla, but they use to many cosmetic mods that it’s like. Not quite vanilla.
It’s not a rp-based server, so keep that in mind. About once or twice a season there’s some big server-wide conflict that ends up being rp in the end, but if you want rp, you’re gonna have to find certain hermits to watch.
Every season is a fresh restart, so you don’t have to catch up on nine seasons of backstory to start season 10!
And you definitely don’t need to watch every hermit. Most people stick to two or three, myself included, with one main pov they’re mildly obsessed with.
Hermitcraft is usually uploaded onto YouTube via 20-ish minute episodes, but the upload lengths and times depends on the hermit. Some hermits stream regularly on the server, but that isn’t a requirement or anything.
Hermits You Can Watch Based On Your QSMP Likes:
For rp and story stuff: Grian and Ren! Somehow, they’re at the heart of everything lore-y on the server. Ren especially is good for really interesting stories that cross into his regular content, and for silly voices
For Create Mod-esque Redstone: Doc, Etho, Mumbo, Impulse, probably others I’m forgetting. Doc’s redstone is INSANE and he’s a literal mad scientist, Etho and Impulse created a lot of the redstone machines and techniques that people still use today. Mumbo is Mumbo, you’ve probably seen his silly redstone videos somewhere before
For super cool and impressive builds: Pearl and Bdubs and Scar. Pearl is legit maybe THE best builder in mcyt, Bdubs builds with weird blocks no one would ever use, and Scar is just. Scar. You are not immune to the goodtimes.
For Vibes: Joe Hills and Zedaph. God only knows what these people do in their videos. All vibes, most of which are confusing, but that’s what’s wonderful about them.
And these are only a handful of hermits! There’s many many more, and possibly up to three new ones, so it’s best to just look around every hermit’s channel and see which one fits your vibes the best!
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naturovill3 · 1 year
The Panchakarma Treatment At Naturoville Is Famous For Removing Toxins From Your Body And Boosting Immunity. Naturoville, Panchakarma Treatment in Rishikesh.
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riacte · 1 month
Re: reddit. Warning, lot of yapping about stats. Yh i agree the reddit does shit even in the best players and their "golden boys" (what they did to purpled last season was weird af, and they adore purpled as one of the more competitive players), although i would argue that is part of their goddamn goat debates. With "players who are praised with just existing" I was more talking about players who are seen as incredible while other ccs of similar and better stats are regarded as far worse.
For example, Owen and Krinios have better average placements than Joel, but the reddit tends to forget about both of them while Joel is often predicted top 10 (and for the record, i love Joel, one of my fav povs and ccs in general, but his reddit fanboys irk me). Kratzy and Hannah are so underrated it s almost funny atp. Martyn is inconsistent so it s difficult to explain his case, but i felt it was weird how people s reaction to his top 4 in party was "well it is non canon", while Joel is still praised for his top 1 in scuffed (where the games were, well, scuffed) and his average is only 2 spots better. Grian is also regularly overrated, and weirdly enough I have seen that Gem is as well? People assume that she is far better than Pearl and False, while in reality they are all kinda similar statistically. Pete s case is so funny, bc he s not underrated individually but people always assume his teams will do badly. The second Jojo steps down of top 6 or 7 people stop considering her s tier, while sapnap or dirt block never had that issue, and people still bring up mcc 23, when she was 18th or so, to argue she s not that good?
So yeah, as you said, the reddit shits on everyone, but there are some big biases and 2 different types of shitting: disappointment in s tiers for not doing their absolute best (which puts lots of pressure on them and is toxic af), and certain players being systematically underrated (which obv pisses them off). Sorry for the rant, I like to analyse the mcc reddit as a social experiment. I think i could write a whole ass book
Ohhhhh yeah definitely. Your last paragraph is very true. Massive shitfest. There's also again, the popularity aspect and well-intentioned overrating which could lead to underrating of other people (I was frustrated at Reddit during S2 and the whole "Grian is good at BM so every hermit must be" thing but then I stopped caring lol). And their inability to acknowledge they might be subconsciously biased against women. No one is immune to accidental / subconscious sexism. Not me, not you.
Watching everyone scramble to include Joel in the hermits' stats was originally heartwarming but then it started to feel unintentionally dismissive of the 2020 hermit cohort? Like yeah, builders in general were underrated, and Joel + 2020 hermits share that similarity. But he did Orange10, not Blue9. He was part of Pink9, but it was Grian who did the iconic move. Joel (and Pearl) can be included but it somehow feels diminishing of what the others accomplished with the hermit identity. And I mention the hermit identity specifically because they teamed together as friends and hermits, and inter-team solidarity was displayed because they were hermits (Pink9 and Blue9). Not just "haha yeah xyz hermit achieved this on their own". They were moving forward as a group under the hermit banner. False, Ren, Cub, Grian.
I feel like False is in a weird spot on the Reddit because they clearly like her, more so than HC Reddit, False Supremacy memes, calling her queen, etc. But she's not really.... discussed at length? False may be quiet, but I've watched her and I know she's good at comms and has an excellent battle sense. She notices things and reacts quickly. But that depends on how well she meshes with a team, considering People Don't Listen To Her in SkB. Which leads to fluctuating morale and inconsistency and stuff. So I get why Reddit calls her both underrated and overrated? But I am a poor judge of skills but the fact that they mention her and congratulate her is already enough to make me happy lol. The bar is ten feet underground, I'm sorry but I'm a wee bit easy to appease post Demise 2 😭
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hmshermitcraft · 5 months
Pearl isn't used to consequences in the way that where she lived was 100% immune to consequences. It was just a desolate wasteland where anything you did would be returned to its normal state in a matter of minutes, no matter now severe it was. This was a problem when Pearl hermitcraft and she just did anything she wanted like it was the same. It took all of Xisumas admin power to stop her from blowing up the server. Sadly the moon still crashed so that destroyed the server. But maybe the fact that Pearl is unaware of her actions comes from that.
Consequences are something Pearl is going to experience now, whether she wants to or not. There's a lot of promise in her - there's a reason she was invited to be a hermit after all. She's an incredible builder, fun to be around and all of them agree they want her in the polycule.
But it's going to take time to heal from this, and time for Pearl to fully understand consequences and the guilt that comes with them. It won't be easy, but the hermits hope that they'll make it through. Then, they can wipe the slate clean and give things another try.
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manawari · 2 months
Thinking about this Maze Runner AU and I'm thinking about extending it (and change a few things, as well as following the original series), maybe?
Of course, Sung Jin-woo obviously is in Thomas' place as the main character and the person (Greenie) who showed up in The Box. He's incredibly confused and freaks out the moment he sees a person. He then remembers his name, which shocks the guys around him since usually, a Glader won't remember one's name within a daylight. Everyone becomes suspicious of him, yet a kind Glader named Yoo Jin-ho shows him around and teaches Jin-woo about the ways in the Glade and how he must survive.
Hwang Dong-suk (Ben) attacks Jin-woo after he had been stung by a Griever during his run in the Maze. He chases Jin-woo until they're in the center of the Glade where the Gladers find the chaos and rush to stop Hwang Dong-suk. Lim Tae-gyu soon comes to a decision to banish Hwang Dong-suk, though Hwang Dong-soo (bear in mind that nobody else here remembers their memories so we can say Dong-soo and Dong-suk are friends, not knowing they are brothers), disapproves it and argues that Jin-woo is the one who must be punished. Lim Tae-gyu has to uphold his role as a leader in this and threatens to slit his throat when it's clear that Hwang Dong-suk is no longer human; this can spice things up as Dong-soo holds a burning grudge against Jin-woo and his future actions will eventually lead him to his death by the time the Gladers have escaped the Maze.
In the fic, Cha Hae-in came before Jin-woo, but if we're gonna follow what happened in the original story, then Cha Hae-in would come a day after Jin-woo. Then again, the Glade is shook and everyone believes W.I.C.K.E.D is fooling them and disrupting their peace. In the book, Teresa and Thomas were telepathic and had formed a bond while in the Slammer, realizing they have known each other before The Maze; I'm thinking about inserting this plot-point on Jin-woo and Hae-in. They'll share telepathy! And in the movie, which is on the funny side, Cha Hae-in chooses violence and starts throwing rocks at everyone from the top of the Homestead; Jin-woo has to be the one who calms her down and gently takes the knife Jin-ho has likely given her. And like Jin-woo, Hae-in has fragments of her memories and has brought along two syringes in her pocket, which came in handy when Lim Tae-gyu gets stung later in the story when the Grievers wrecked the Glade.
First-in-command (Leader) — Lim Tae-gyu
Second-in-command — Choi Jong-in
Runners — Lim Tae-gyu, Cha Hae-in, & Sung Jin-woo [Hwang Dong-suk, former]
Builders — Baek Yoon-ho & Hwang Dong-soo
Cook — Yoo Jin-ho
Med-jack — Min Byung-gyu
Track-hoe — Yoo Jin-ho
Blood-houser — Kang Tae-shik
Gardeners — Yoo Jin-ho & Cha Hae-in
Slopper — Sung Jin-woo
Bricknick — Hwang Dong-soo
Bagger — Go Kyuh-wan
Map-makers — Choi Jong-in & Lim Tae-gyu
As for Group B, I'd say it includes the rest of the female characters in Solo Leveling. Park Hee-jin will be the first-in-command of the group while Eun-seok will likely be in Aris' place.
In hindsight, Woo Jin-chul was supposed to be part of W.I.C.K.E.D, but I decided against it and made him part of the Right Arm, which will probably make sense since they're the good guys™ and Song Chi-yul will be the leader. Go Gun-hee will be the one who's part of W.I.C.K.E.D and his role is the good version of A.D. Janson. But the actual A.D. Janson still exists.
Other thoughts:
— Teresa is labeled as a Traitor, right? And who's in her place? CHA HAE-IN. However, this can be debatable since the two female characters are different, but. . . What if? What if Cha Hae-in did it for the sake of her friends? What if she was manipulated into thinking it was for the better good? What if all she wanted was to get her memories back? What if she got threatened that Jin-woo would be dead if she won't betray him?
— what if Jin-ah is alive all along?
— what if Min Byung-gyu is not an immune?
— Sung Il-hwan is alive too. He's part of the Right Arm, though he's not revealing himself to Jin-woo. Kyung-hye is the one who died and Jin-ah became an experiment or an employee in W.I.C.K.E.D whom Hae-in later met.
— if we push through Hae-in becoming the "traitor" then Jin-woo will resent and hate her and Hae-in won't apologize for doing what she thought was right. JINHAE ANGST!
— Tae-gyu and Yoon-ho are the ones who use Glader slangs the most.
— Jin-woo treating Jin-ho like a brother; similarly to how he should've treated Jin-ah if he remembers her.
— Cha Hae-in is the one who solved the Maze.
— Choi Jong-in and Baek Yoon-ho tend to argue a lot. This plotline will never change.
— Eun-seok remembers Byung-gyu, though he's hesitant of telling the truth, thinking Byung-gyu might not believe that he was his childhood friend whom he got separated from due to The Flare.
— before their memories being wiped out, young Yoon-ho, Jong-in, Tae-gyu, Byung-gyu became friends with Hae-in and Jin-woo. The six of them would often sneak out.
— young!Yoon-ho being heavily traumatized as young!Minho in The Fever Code and that includes fighting the nurses and getting tied to a chair where a Griever almost kills him, sent by a scientist for his attempts of escaping.
— Lee Ju-hee having a telepathic link to Eun-seok, Jin-woo, and Hae-in too, which she hasn't realized until the four of them are gathered into one place. That's when her memories flush in. She's also the only one (besides Eun-seok, though he needed some time to understand) who doesn't resent Cha Hae-in.
— Lee Ju-hee secretly leaves the group in the middle of the night to join W.I.C.K.E.D in hopes to develop a cure. She may or may not left a note.
— Woo Jin-chul leading both groups the best way he can, as well as protecting the ones who are not Immunes. He's also not an Immune, yet manages to survive throughout everything.
— Woo Jin-chul formerly working for W.I.C.K.E.D and used to have a hard time gaining Song Chi-yul's trust until he revealed all secrets he knew from the organization.
— the ones who successfully escaped the Maze are the S-Ranks + Yoo Jin-ho. The rest are obviously dead or killed.
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whilmsy · 1 year
TCD Scar AU Drabble
hello welcome to my silly drabble inspired by @stiffyck and the anons that helped in the asks as i wrote! you are not immune to TCD Scar angst in its many forms across servers <3
Grian learnt about Scar’s trauma the hard way. 
A new season, a new day, and of course, new pranks. 
He’d set it up with a grin on his face and hid with a laugh hard to stop. He did it without a second thought, a way of welcoming his neighbour to the jungle! Grian did it without a second thought, they’d been quick to grow as friends after he first joined last season, and so Grian can’t help it when he wants to pull this trick on his friend. Mumbo’s next, he tells himself, plans already forming in his mind as he hides behind bamboo and watches the zombies bounce up from the water elevator. What Grian doesn’t expect to watch unfold is the way that Scar seems more and more scared as time goes by, as the mobs keep showing up. At first he takes it as his friend being overwhelmed with confusion, but the more he watches on, the more he can tell Scar is panicking.
It’s… not exactly what he planned for, to be honest. 
In front of him, he can hear Scar’s heavy gasps for oxygen, and that dread merging with guilt forms quickly, settling hard and heavy in his chest. Scar doesn’t panic like this, he doesn’t really show a sign of weakness despite the amount of times he dies on accident, and so to look at him and watch it unfold, it hurts that this isn’t fake.
This is real, and Grian feels frozen for a moment as he takes the scene in.
His friend is terrified, panicking and barely catching his breath. With wide eyes and a paleness to his skin that wasn’t there before, Scar seems to be in a sort of trance as he takes them out - and Grian will give it to the builder, he honestly thought Scar would’ve been taken down by now, but he knows he’s crossed a line he wasn’t meant to. The look on Scar’s face as he fights these undead is a look Grian knows too well; guilt, fear, exhaustion. Finally Grian frees himself out of his unmoving state from behind the line of bamboo, and he wastes no time racing forward with his axe drawn, coming in from behind to take down the closest zombie. He swears he hears Scar asking himself about not bringing a gun - he doesn’t want to think about the meaning of that just yet.
Taking down the mobs is hard, but they take them down quite quickly, and Scar uses a lot more aggression in his fighting style than Grian thought was possible for him. He doesn’t say anything until he blocks up the source of their exit with a block of cobblestone from his inventory
Grian takes a moment to catch his breath afterwards, frowning at the undead blood left staining his axe, and yet he decides to clean it off later with a wave of his hand as the weapon fades back into his inventory. Scar hasn’t, though - not that gracefully. His sword clutters to the ground and disappears back into his own inventory, and he seems on edge, calming himself with whispered words and clenched fists. He’s pleading, begging, for what exactly, Grian has no idea, but he knows he needs to help him - he started it after all. “Oh Scar, I’m so sorry.” He speaks as he moves, his hands on Scar’s shoulders at an attempt to keep his friend grounded. “I took the rest of them out-” “Were you bitten?” Scar’s voice is firm and straightforward in a way Grian hasn’t experienced before, and had never expected from him before; he looks him dead in the eyes but his expression shows nothing. The tension in his shoulders and the dull, panicked look in his wide eyes tells him so much and yet it tells him nothing at the same time. Bitten? What? “What? Scar-” “No- I need- Grian I need to know.” 
For someone so adamant on asking the man if he had been bitten during the fight, Grian frowns, because none of the mobs really had a moment to exactly grab him - and Scar would’ve seen that, right? “Scar, I promise you I wasn’t- I just- It was a prank, man,” It confuses him, Scar’s panic about that specifically, but the way his friend seems to show that bit of relief makes him both grateful and more concerned. “Why were you worried about that? Wait- that came out wrong, but you know what I mean, right?” Scar pauses again, a sense of defeat weighing him down as he closes his eyes and takes a moment to breathe. “You don’t need to explain it now actually, just take a moment, sorry. You’re worrying me, and I can’t help you if I don’t know why it got to you so much.” It sounds forceful, it probably is, but he can’t fix what he’s done if he doesn’t know how to fix it.
“It was- uhm… It was an old world, let's just say that,” Scar says it so casually, and yet his voice shakes. His hands are still clenched into fists, but they move as he crosses his arms over his chest; Grian frowns, lightening his grip on Scar’s shoulders. “I don’t know what happened or how it happened but… let’s just say me and zombies don’t get along well…or get along really well? It’s hard to really tell, but it’s like how Jellie was when she first met you, all weird around the new person and-” It’s obvious he’s changing the subject, Grian knows it too well by now with all the times ConCorp had worked back in their last season. “Scar,” his friend stops talking immediately, tensing right back up, “If you don’t want to talk about it in detail I’m not forcing you to, I just need to understand.” Another moment of silence, Grian doesn’t say anything else as he removes his hands from Scar’s shoulders and moves one of his hands down to Scar’s forearm - not once does he stop the grounding technique, and he leads them towards Scar’s starter base. Grian sits and leans against it, and Scar follows without complaint; he fidgets with his hands, running fingers along his knuckles as he looks at anything else but Grian, and yet he stays as close as he possibly can to him, and Grian rests his hand against Scar’s back. And Scar talks. He talks about bites and turnings and loneliness, of scavenging old buildings and travelling and loneliness. In every bit of this story, from the beginning until the end, there is loneliness. Scar doesn’t explain it all, even though he tries to, choking on his words and blinking back tears until Grian pulls him closer after wrapping an arm around his shoulders and the man breaks. Grian doesn’t ask him to keep going, he doesn’t want to be told until his friend feels comfortable enough to explain more - as much or as little as he wants to. “I'm sorry,” he says, and he means it. “You don’t need to be okay all the time, you don’t need to be sorry about holding it in, I’m sorry that you had to relive that. I’ll make sure to do my best so you don’t have to, alright?” Scar says nothing, but he nods, and it’s enough for that moment.
In this new game, the closest thing Scar has to having company is the red life at the bottom of a mountain - a friend he wants, who he’s willing to put himself into danger with - and the memories he has of every place that isn’t this one.
The loneliness is its own chokehold, crushing his ribcage and squeezing his heart; it’s so similar to a world before, a world that gave up on itself and yet still  lived on. At least the living dead were company, something that resembled a person. That’s what he tells himself. Up on a mountain, so far away and yet so close whenever people need him for a life or two, Scar mourns what he knows he will grow used to again - what he’s already used to. The only difference between now and then is that the undead crawling around his base during those days were a sense of normality - their undead groans were a comfort, they had been living before; if he looked at it from that perspective, it was both sickening and comforting in a way he had to get used to. The undead were better company then no company at all. He probably really needs to unlearn that, he knows that the mindset he had during that time isn’t okay, isn’t entirely healthy - but hey! At least he knows how to deal with loneliness!
Scar tells himself that, and yet the silence has never been more suffocating. 
And when the arrow enters his back and strikes true, he tells himself that at least he didn’t die alone; it’s so hard to believe when he’d given away everything he had for company, when no one’s there by his side. He misses Monopoly Mountain, even though his partner killed him after it all, it was so much better than this.
He feels as though he can’t catch his breath, his soul connected to Grian and their pain shared like a loop of him meowing back at Jellie when she would cry for food. They’ve once again become enemies with every member possible - though he tries not to think about secret soulmates and heartbreak. 
It’s hard to remember what’s happened since he lived from that high of a fall after he watched them attack some of the Jellie Panda’s, that’s really the last thing he can remember easily. The adrenaline of being on the run courses through his veins, the only difference between this game and the others is that in the first one he’d never been on the run, and in the second he hadn’t been wanted; though the only difference between the second game and this one is the fact that Grian didn’t him out of his sight in case he got into danger. It hurts a bit, knowing Grian wants another soulmate, that he has another soulmate, but he’d take it if Grian wanted to keep him around a moment longer. Despite knowing it’s because his soulmate didn’t want them to lose, he tries to believe it’s because he cares. They’re the last green lives for heaven's sake, cut him some slack! He wishes Grian would have faith in him, wishes all of them would. It’s all fuzzy, words spoken and anxious laughter shared. They were the last greens.
They had been until he and Grian started hearing those horrible, painfully familiar cries of the undead, and Scar’s heart drops in his chest just like he does into that pit of them.
He remembers asking “Is this safe?” and yet he knew it wouldn’t be.
Grian shouts for him in a panic, he doesn’t whether it be for their life or for Scar himself. There are other people talking too, and yet all he hears is Grian - asking him to do something, to get out, and he feels guilty for knowing they both feel his fear. Scar tries, he really, really, does, but the pain is too much, too familiar. 
Scar tries escaping, running through the hoard and trying to dig his way back up, but there’s nothing you can do when you’re cornered.
Teeth sink into his flesh, and the faint memory of jumping from a building - thinking he would make it only to break his leg and pump himself with enough drugs to keep him moving until he made it back to his base - comes to his mind as he screams, as Grian’s shouting echoes it. Scar remembers doing what he could’ve to fix himself up when no one else could; you learn a lot when you’re alone.
They had been the last greens, and when he heard Grian’s shouting cut short, feels another set of teeth sinking into his flesh, another cold hand gripping onto him, and then nothing? It’s not hard to tell he’d died and respawned.
He respawns in Pearl’s tower, body aching with phantom pains that he knows are probably scars now and his heart racing as his breath comes in short bursts while trying to calm himself. 
He’s in Pearl’s tower, his soulmate is Grian, and the world he’s in is not that one. He is not back there. What is hard is trying to keep his breathing steady. Cub wasn’t there to help him, reminding him of the world they made it to, his brother wasn’t there to keep his gasping breaths steady. Jellie wasn’t there to nudge him when she knew when something was up, to distract him when those thoughts of panic and dread swirled in his mind whenever he caught sight of one of the undead mobs that roamed as if they never died. Grian isn’t there, and though Scar doesn’t remember setting his spawn here after taking Pearl’s last bed, he does know that he needs to find his soulmate.
With trembling hands and a forced steadiness of his breathing after time that feels like minutes and hours of calming himself to the best of his ability, Scar makes his way down the tower - using his time on the ladder to make sure he could try and calm himself to the best of his ability.
He was expecting Pearl there, but he wasn’t expecting the entire Divorce Quartet or whatever the other members called them. He wasn’t expecting Cleo. Scar feels his heart pounding in his chest, feels the need to run all over again, and yet he puts on the businessman mask. Pearl’s look of understanding and a hint of pity is all too easy to see in her yellow gleaming eyes; she found out when Scar tried masking his breakdown after a run in with armoured zombies, and Grian held a meeting and explained it to their fellow Boatem members with Scar’s consent, but it still made him feel weak.
It makes him feel weaker when he takes a step back in panic after Cleo hands him steak, but he hopes she doesn’t take notice.
Scott asks how he died, and he tries to make himself sound as Scar as he possibly can when he explains the pit full of them. Ren’s zombie spawner, Martyn says, and that doesn’t make him feel any better. 
He rides back on Etho’s horse, in a daze with his anxiety simmering, but Grian destroying the spawner with eagerness after it all makes him feel a little bit better. Grian knew, and it felt nice to watch him destroy it when he knew his soulmate was doing it for him.
He makes a comment about becoming secret best friends with Joel and Etho - a subtle nudge at secret soulmates, but it doesn’t work, and so he continues on. At least they were the last greens. At least he wasn’t alone this time.
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tamiisnthere · 5 months
Crossover Universe Maps and some Lore
I finally got around to writing some Lore about my Crossover Universe. I have to say that it will change over time, because I have constantly changed it over the years.
I admit that there won't be much, such as the whole history and culture, because I probably can't do good worldbuilding, I mostly do it for fun. Still I'm still ashamed of it...
I also have to mention that most of the islands have some parts of the lore of my favourite video games (since it's called Crossover Universe of course :P).
So anyways... Enjoy? ╮( ̄~ ̄)╭
The Crossover Universe is actually a multiverse that connects several alternate universes in order not to damage their main timelines.
Planet Thansuokria:
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The new residents named the planet Thansuokria, which was said to be larger than Earth. This water planet has several islands separated by stormy oceans. No one knows why individuals from any universes and timelines end up here. For some it's a great change, for others it's a disaster and they wish to return. Some think that Thansuokria may be an afterlife, as most of the residents have arrived shortly before dying or falling asleep, but this is largely denied.
Here is a smaller part of Thansuokria where the story takes:
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Azerwias (Warcraft) - The largest diverse island, the main residents of which are from Azeroth, Outland and Draenor. Relations between the Alliance and the Horde are usually very tense and they try to gain as much territory as possible. Nevertheless, both sides were able to make a peace agreement, but it is not known how long it will last.
Cross Island (Assassin's Creed) - An island owned by the Templars and Abstergo as the main base and ruled by a dictatorship. The Templars manipulate the Alliance so that they can eliminate their enemies easier and gradually expand their Order to other islands. Either way the Assassins try to stop them…
Fouria (Left 4 Dead) - Originally it was a holiday island, until one day an epidemic broke out there causing a zombie apocalypse. Today it is a strictly forbidden place where experiments are carried out to eliminate the virus. Fortunately, the virus did not spread further and a vaccine was even invented, which created immunity in the vaccinated. But the vaccine could no longer help the infected and new mutants were created from them, which managed to leave the island and reach other areas.
Mann Islands (Team Fortress) - Islands with an endless war between two companies RED (Reliable Excavation Demolition) and BLU (Builders League United). The arms company Mann Co located in it's city makes money from their war, but is even interested in doing business with the Alliance and the Templars, the Horde considers them as dishonest cowards. RED and BLU have mercenary teams that attack each other to get the rarest resources to make their products. Most mercenaries enjoy their jobs for the money and/or even the enjoyment of the combat, though there are exceptions who are there involuntarily.
Whirlsand Ruins (Warcraft, little bit) - A desert island that is impossible to live. This place is the main home of the bronze dragons guarding the center of the island. Some believe they guard timetraveling portals, as the bronze dragons of Azeroth are known for traveling and protecting time. It's still a mystery…
Pure Kingdom (OFF) - A mysterious island inhabited by humanoid beings called Purifiers who may have a probable connection to The Batter. Their kingdom isolates itself from other factions and refuses to form alliances or create wars because they consider them as impure. Rarely, red-eyed individuals have a curse that allows them to turn into a monster and threaten their surroundings. They are often exiled for this, as the Purifiers believe that the curse can spread among others and hope that the exiles will perish beyond the borders of their kingdom. But it's not always like that, and the cursed Purifiers can find a new home in an unknown world…
Island of Eagle (Assassin's Creed) - The hidden island of the Assassin's Brotherhood, where they only live in the secret small town Accipiteria and the rest of the island is wilderness, so that their archenemies the Templars will never find them. It had been going like this for a many years since they entered that world, unfortunately one day they were attacked by the Templars, destroyed their town and captured or killed several Assassins. The survivors managed to escape in the south to safety.
Havaykia (Crossover, made this island since childhood) - An isolated island that rebuilds a sanctuary for those who have fled their homelands and can live here in peace. It is mainly known for the diversity of inhabitants from other islands living in harmony and the exotic colorful wildlife. Since Havaykia does not support wars and colonization, several factions are still interested in getting this territory for themselves, but the inhabitants of the island defend their rights to freedom.
Oceans and Seas:
Waves of Silence - It got its name from the waves, which for a mysterious reason cannot heard any sounds.
The Proud Waters - Ships of important personalities and politicians who enjoy sailing expeditions often sail along these waters.
The Whispering Depths - Legends say that in this sea at night there are whispers of sailors who died in storms during their voyages.
Sea of Lost Souls - It is infamous for the high number of lost ships. At first, no one understood why, until eventually they discovered that this sea has the largest number of marine reptiles like mosasaurs, which attack smaller ships and hunt sailors. They believe that mosasaurs hunt on ships because they often mistake them for their usual prey (whales in this case). Fortunately, they managed to find a safer way to cross to the other side of the sea.
Ocean of Unknown - The most dangerous ocean on the planet. Nobody knows what lies behind the aggressive waves and storms. If anyone tried to find out, they never returned. Some people think that Thansuokria is flat, but in fact the part of the ocean where they live is just the tip of the planet's iceberg.
The Heart Sea - Named after the shape of the heart. There is a diverse ecosystem and a rich coral reef with both modern and prehistoric animals.
Island Havaykia:
An island with a very varied nature and a diverse population. Several mountains and waters are named after the area's most common animal or shape, such as the Dragon's River or Cheetah's Valley. Havaykia is mainly known for the occurrence of modern and prehistoric animals and plants and rare creatures such as hypogryphons and griffons. Around the island there are several smaller islands that are strictly protected by law due to the occurrence of endemic species of fauna and flora, such as Moho's Island located close to the Small Coral Reef. Even though the population is diverse and coexisting, discrimination still exists unfortunately.
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Cities, Towns and Villages:
Ashte'quel - the capital and largest city of Havaykia, where all races and factions coexist peacefully.
Falahnaar - the city of Kaldorei, which is quite similar to the now destroyed city of Darnassus from Azeroth. The Night Elves tend the wilderness and a gigantic tree called Kaldrassil.
Oakheart City - the city of former Alliance's fighters. It is the oldest city of Havaykia, where the first inhabitants settled. It is named after the occurrence of oak forests with heart-shaped leaves.
Greentree - the harbor city, where the best fishermen of the island live.
Mardual - the city of former Horde's warriors who see war as a dishonest and pointless fight for territories that do not belong to them.
Warpeace - the oldest city from the Horde's side. The city got its name from a small civil war due to food shortages, which luckily ended without fatal consequences.
Raptoria - the village of trolls, which is known for important breeding of several genuses and species of raptors.
Peatgor - the city covered with peat. It is known to archive the historical writings of Havaykia.
Red and Blue Forts - the both cities of former mercenaries from both teams. Even though they are no longer fighting each other, there is still tension and discrimination between them.
Sahrasaeida - the village near an oasis and a popular resting place for travelers.
Faenanor - the school village of druids, where newcomers learn new skills of druidism.
Strix - the Kaldorei's village, known for its important breeding of birds of prey and owls.
Gepardia - the village later becoming a town. Residents do projects to protect the cheetahs, but other endangered species and the environment on the island.
Cheetah's Valley:
Cheetah's Valley is mainly a savanna area known for the highest population of cheetahs. This is the most peaceful and safest place on the island, but it's not always like that. The climate is mostly mild and the savannah part of the valley experiences high temperatures in summer and snow in winter at higher elevations.
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Points of Interest:
Entrance into the Valley - The only land entrance to the valley, as Pecker's Hills and Falcon's Highlands are often dangerous to pass through. Herds of animals often pass through it.
TaE Family's Ranch - Home of the TaE Family, which is not just like a family, but also like a small community that is outsided by society. They raise domesticated hadrosaurs and small feathered theropods, but also help injured and abandoned animals. Since there is nothing there that would attract the other factions, the Templars still plan to take over their ranch and could use it to create a new position for Abstergo. Of course the TaE Family fights back and for this they later form an alliance with the Assassins to save their home.
Assassin's Hideout - The new home of the Assassin's Brotherhood since the destruction of the Accipiteria. They settled in Falcon's Highlands to keep the Templars from getting to them and started training new novices. Assassins travel all over the island on missions to make the island a better place with more freedom.
Palins Farm - A farm owned by the Palins Family, who are family friends of the TaE Family and trade supplies with each other. The Palins Family work honestly and as a result they usually have the best vegetables and fruits grown in the valley.
Survivor's Saferoom - A shelter located not far from Gepardia where the survivors live. They keep their distance from others as they have had interactions with the Infected and can be carriers until they find out the vaccine exists. Still, they decided to hunt down the Infected so as not to endanger the innocent.
Cheetah Sanctuary - Rescue center for cheetahs and other animals and educate the public about fauna, ecosystem and environment.
RED & BLU Camps - The camps of both teams, where the mercenaries came to find available materials for production, which is illegal in Havaykia.
Infected's Refuge - A hidden place within the borders of Pecker's Hills, where the Infected and mutants hide from the civilization that wants to eliminate them.
TaE Family's Ranch:
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Ranch Entrance - A stone arch welcomes visitors.
TaE Family's House - A large house where 25 people can live there.
Workshop - There they are created and repaired as fences, furniture and wooden decorations.
Warehouse - Food grown there is supplied.
Food Garden - Fruits and vegetables are grown, which are in charge of Elphina, Tarion and Relante.
Hadrosaur's Barn - A stable where hadrosaurs such as Parasaurolophus, Lambeosaurus, Olorotitan, Corythosaurus and Tsintaosaurus are housed, but also smaller dinosaurs such as Dryosaurus and Leaellynasaura. There are incubators for eggs dropped by females and stall boxes for babies.
Hadrosaur's Enclosure - Herbivorous dinosaurs graze and live like in the wild. On the left side of the enclosure, there are three lookouts through which you can safely observe the dinosaurs.
Lily Lake - Water source for enclosure residents and fun fishing.
Mini Raptor's Enclosures - Two aviaries where Microraptors and Archeopteryxes are kept.
Cerato's Enclosure - The enclosure of TaE Family's tamed Ceratosaurus named Cerato (I'll probably change the name later because it's a bland name for Ceratosaurus), which was raised by Clara.
Veterinary Building - Injured and sick animals are treated here.
Recovering Enclosure - An enclosure for treated animals to recover, so that they can later return to nature.
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