#I'm so fucking sick of this
angels-heap · 4 months
Saw a post in the tag that's like "do you think the Half Life series is an allegory for the COVID-19 pandemic?" and putting aside that it can't really be an allegory for something that happened decades after it was released... I'd say the answer to that question is a very emphatic no.
The Half Life series is about how a horrible freak science accident happened and made everyone's lives considerably worse in a very short time, and then humanity spent 20 years working together to fix it. The COVID-19 pandemic has proven that when horrible freak science accidents happen in the real world and make everyone's lives considerably worse in a very short time, humanity will pretend to care for about 1.5 years and then gleefully, spitefully, cruelly throw everyone who survived the first wave to the wolves. People in the HL2 universe gave up their lives for the greater good. Most of y'all won't even wear a fucking mask to the grocery store.
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radioactive-cloud · 2 months
starting the day with the absolutely insane level of hatred for each and every russian as well as people who care more about oil prices than about the lives of ukrainians
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silver-ace-of-spades · 5 months
Why are trans people still seen as a horrifying threat to the USA...
Trans people ruled as obscene material
Average of 25 bills per day in the first five days
Erasure from public spaces
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vyorei · 7 months
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Alright I'm back. Here's the most recent update, and here below is a recap
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seancodydotcom · 1 month
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samijami · 1 year
I'm always wrong, and the more I'm wrong, the more I hate the fact that I'm wrong
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ionlycareaboutyou · 9 months
in hindsight developing disordered eating habits was probably a bad decision. groundbreaking discovery i know
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silks-up-my-sleeve · 1 year
Do I have the most garbage luck for cars?
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faustycakes · 1 year
I love feeling insecure about myself because this fucking site wants to show me unfiltered TeruR_i shit :D
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burningfaith · 1 year
and of course, when everything seemed to be going well something had to fuck up all out of sudden
Leon is gone and what's even worse, today is 4th anniversary since we took him
Amazing gift for children's day, huh
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y'know what, fuck microsoft word for deciding every few months that, no, canadian english isn't good enough, i really need american english spellchecking
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ghiralinked · 1 year
go into the ghiralink tag and am immediately met with a wave of pornbots. why.
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This is a screenshot because I don't want to flood op with hate but like
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Call this non racist all you want, call it white people food, call it whatever and IT'S STILL CLASSIST
All of these fucking "yucky food" polls are still just shitting on food that is cheap and easy to access and overwhelmingly eaten by poor people
Even the stuff that's like British only or American only and the argument is "oh they're oppressors, they're colonizers, it's okay to make fun of them" No it isn't! Have some fucking compassion and self awareness and stop treating food that real people eat as if it's disgusting! It isn't that difficult!
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fastcarsfasthearts · 2 years
why am I seeing anti-Max posts on my Tumblr home again?!? I thought I was following only decent ppl!
like, it's ok, you have every right not to like a driver, but literally making bad puns based on a a potentially fatal crash is really not the hot take you think it is. neither is flexing the fact that your driver didn't have an abusive father.
you can't go around saying that you are "fueled by love" and then being a cruel bully, what the hell. at least don't act like you have a moral high ground you literally don't have, since you're acting like bullies.
if you don't like a driver, why can't you simply ignore him? wouldn't cheering your favorite driver a way better use of your energy rather than spitting hate on the others?
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wilderulz · 2 years
Disability pay is NOTHING, its impossible to survive on!!
I feel like i’m screaming into the void.... Why are so many people okay with forced poverty??? why do people care so little about those living with disabilities?? Force ourselves to work, most of the time get severely re-injured and need to put more stress on our failing healthcare system....
It feels like such an urgent matter yet NO ONE is talking about. There are people LITERALLY DYING IN THE STREETS because of our governments lack of concern for our well being, why are we being ignored??
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what-if-i-dee-eye-do · 2 months
woke up as angry again. mil is driving us FUCKING NUTS this is EXHAUSTING
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