#I'm much secure in the idea of a world of neutrality
leonas-herbivore · 4 months
Leona Kingscholar x Reader
Summary: A blooming romance between you and Leona gets cut short when you start having nightmares over the recent overblots. You don't know how you'll be able to move on from it when something unexpected happens.
MC is written in the second POV, gender neutral. 2644 word count
Hi! I'm bad at summaries and titles. But here's an angsty (maybe) fic for ya. Enjoy :)
The murder of crows flying above, turning the blue sky into an inky abyss, would unnerve the person you used to be. You couldn’t remember when, but a numbness had crept into your heart. A numbness that took away most of the fear and most of the pain. A numbness… that took away most of your happiness, too. The ringing of the school bell drowned out the croaks and caws of the crows. Classes were over for the day. 
You tucked your sandwich under your arm and quickened your pace. In a world like this one, you were defenseless. A non-magic person in a magical world. You knew some basic self-defense techniques and could escape a sticky situation. But against magic? As the saying goes, you don’t bring a knife to a gunfight. The students here at Night Raven College weren’t bad people. Well, maybe.
Does controlling a crowd to secure victory by trampling an opposing team make someone bad? Would someone be a terrible person if they tricked others into indentured servitude? If someone used hypnosis to control and betray someone, would that person be evil? Of course, there was much more to it than that. You knew that. 
But these weren’t hypothetical scenarios. These were real-life events. They happened. And recently, too. The headmage assured you that you were safe here at the school. He expressed how generous and kind he was to ensure your safety. His words left you with little comfort.
You finally reached your dorm and stumbled inside. With your back against the door, you breathed a sigh of relief. Ramshackle dorm, even though it was a bit dingy, provided a much-needed sense of comfort and relief. I’m safe here, you thought to yourself. A knock at the door made your sense of peace vanish instantly.
“Yuu? You in there?” a voice rang out. Ruggie! Your heart raced. His unique magic, Laugh with Me, allowed him to control people’s bodies like a puppeteer. But instead of puppets… 
If he wanted, he could make you do whatever he wished. He could make you open this door, take your lunch, and steal your money. But he wouldn’t do something like that to you, would he? Would he?
“Uh, yeah, I’m here. Just give me a sec.” You took a deep breath. With your thoughts collected, you opened the door. Ruggie stood on the doorstep looking as casual and unbothered as ever. 
“Um, did-did you need something?” You hated how timid you sounded. But you couldn’t help it. The idea of magic used to be so cool and, well, magical. But now that you’ve seen how ugly it could be, all the whimsy and wonder in magic no longer existed. Ruggie’s gray eyes betrayed no emotion as he looked you over.
“You’ve got a funny look on your face. Did something happen?” he asked. Did something happen? Ugh, the nerve. Yeah, a lot of things happened.
A shiver ran down your spine. The memories were still so vivid. Ruggie was Leona's vice dorm leader. Was he close by? Memories swirled in your mind. Leona and his overblot. An inky silhouette emerged from his body, a former shadow of himself. The ink spilled over him, threatening to swallow him whole. His rage, his pain, and his sadness all seemed to manifest into something truly horrifying. He was so big and strong; it was a miracle he was defeated. There were injuries but no casualties, thank the Great Seven. 
After that, things returned to normal, and Leona seemed to change for the better. Sort of. He and Ruggie were back to being buds, not that there was any bad blood to begin with. But it was still a relief that they sorted things out. 
You and Leona worked things out between the two of you, too. You grew closer and closer as friends until something unspoken began to bloom between you. Longing glances and knowing smiles became a common occurrence. Things were going well until-
“Uh, helloooo? Anybody home?” Ruggie waved his hand in front of your face.
“Huh? Oh, sorry. I spaced out for a second there. But I’m fine. What’s up?”
“We’re having a barbecue later at Savanaclaw—Leona’s idea. I caught Grim after class, and he said he was going. Almost started drooling and everything. I was surprised you weren’t with him.”
You gave Ruggie a sheepish smile.ou skipped the last class of the day. Nothing wrong with being rebellious now and then. Technically, it wasn’t even a class. It was a boring seminar. You didn’t need to be there, especially since Leona AND Jamil were there. Facing two former overblot boys at once? No thanks.
“Thanks for the invite, but can I take a raincheck? I’m super busy with homework and stuff. You know how it is. But tell Leona I said thanks for the invite.” you forced a smile. You started to backpedal into the hallway. “Anyway, see you later. Bye!” You slammed the door shut before Ruggie could open his mouth again.
Back against the door, you closed your eyes and took slow, deep breaths. Ruggie was pretty smart, so he probably knew you were lying. Hopefully, he was smart enough to take the hint, too. You weren’t interested in stepping foot in Savanaclaw at the moment. Not after last time. 
You unwrapped your sandwich and took a bite. There's nothing like a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich to help calm your nerves. The overblots were such haunting memories. But there was no point in dwelling on the past. What was done was done. The best thing for everyone would be to move on.
You weren’t alone either. You had friends that would help you in a time of need. Even good old Grimmy would come to the rescue if needed. You chuckled to yourself, imagining your friends as a rescue squad. Everything that could go wrong would probably happen. They would fight amongst themselves, deciding on a strategy for rescue. Grim would set things on fire. Deuce would summon a legion of cauldrons. They’re all thickheaded, but they were good guys. Things would work out in the end. You felt comforted thinking of your friends. Speaking of, where was Grim, anyway? 
Ruggie said he ran into him after class. He should’ve been back by now. You shrugged. He would be fine. You yawned and rubbed your eyes. While you were waiting for him, a nap would be good. You stumbled to your bed and plopped onto it. 
Another yawn escaped your mouth. All of these sleepless nights were catching up to you. Staring at the ceiling, you thought of Leona. It was kind of him to invite you to the dorm barbecue. If things were different, you would have loved to go. The two of you could’ve walked around together, holding hands. Maybe you could’ve found the courage to voice your feelings to him. Handsome Leona, I have a crush on you! Please be my boyfriend. I’ll be the Nap Queen to your Nap King, haha. Ugh. That is so cringe. You wondered what it would be like to kiss him. Would it be wild and passionate or gentle and soft?
For now, none of those things could happen. Your fear was getting the better of you. It was still painful to look at Leona, let alone be near him. He wouldn’t hurt you on purpose. You knew he wouldn’t. He liked you. At least, you thought he did… Your thoughts trailed off as their eyes closed.
A loud knock made them jolt upright. You rubbed your eyes. What time is it? You rubbed your eyes again and stumbled towards the door. The obnoxious knocking continued.
“Hang on! “I’m coming, I’m coming! Geez,” you grumbled. You reached the door and pulled it open. “What’s your- huh?”
Instead of the front yard to the Ramshackle dorm, an endless savanna stretched out in front of you. Trees and shrubs dotted the horizon. There wasn’t a building or a soul in sight. The sky was the bluest and brightest you had ever seen. 
“How did I… get here?” you turned around and yelped in surprise. The dorm was gone. Nothing but savanna stood in its place. Lush green scenery spread out for miles. Maybe you were still sleeping. Ok, deep breaths. You closed their eyes and rubbed them so hard that colorful dots swam behind your eyelids. 
You felt a sinking feeling in your feet. Wait. Your feet? Your eyes flew open. Quicksand! Your heart began to beat faster. You were sinking at an alarming rate, and no one was around to hear your cries for help. You struggled against your might against the sand but to no avail. 
A growl ripped through the air and shook the earth. As if on cue, a sandstorm formed before your eyes. You spotted a figure through the sand. A figure that looked all too familiar. 
A strangled scream escaped your throat. Leona Kingscholar. In all of his overblot glory. Black ink swirled in the air, threatening to swallow everything whole. His eyes, oh, his eyes. His green eyes glowed with unrelenting rage and pain. He reached out his hand, a claw covered in black goo. Slowly, he made his way to you, sinking into the sand.
You squeezed your eyes shut. No! No! No! Someone, please help me! I’m going to die! Help! Please- 
“Oi! Wake up!” a deep voice called to you.
Your eyes shot open. You came face to face with the last person you wanted to see. You pushed him away with all your might.
“No! Get away from me!” you shouted. You whipped your head around to take in your surroundings. The savanna was gone, and you were back in your bedroom. A fire crackled in the fireplace. Cold sweat covered your body. Another nightmare. When will it end?
“Hey.” a deep voice pulled you from your daze. You snapped your head in the direction of the doorway. Leona was standing there, hand on his hip. He looked so cool and relaxed, as usual. But the shadow clouding his face said otherwise.
“What do you want?” you snapped at him. You winced. It wasn’t his fault. But you were so tired. Honestly, things were going well after the last overblot. Everyone was friends again. It was as if nothing happened until that fateful night. 
The first nightmare was almost identical to the one you had just awakened. It felt so real. The sounds, the sands, and that dreadful, all-consuming ink. You couldn’t get it out of your mind. If you felt so terrible about it, you couldn’t even imagine how Leona felt. Maybe he was having nightmares, too. Leona furrowed his brow.
“You declined my gracious invitation. I came to set things straight. But, I wasn’t expectin’ to find you like this.” he said in a low voice. Were your eyes deceiving you, or did he look… worried?
“Thanks for the invitation, but I’m a little busy. I got lots going on,” you said.
“Heh, you’re real bold for an herbivore. Lyin’ to my face like that.” Leona said. He sighed as you avoided his gaze. His shoes clicked on the ground as he walked over to your bed. The old mattress creaked under his weight as he sat next to you. You scooted away from him and crossed your arms. The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes. Finally, he spoke up.
“How long?” he asked. You glanced at him.
“How long what?”
“The nightmares. How long have you had them?”
You thought for a moment before answering with a whisper. “I can’t remember.”
Leona nodded. Silence fell over them again. You glanced in his direction. For the first time, you noticed dark circles under his eyes. Oh no. Poor Leona. Your heart ached for him. But what could you do? You sighed. 
Fatigue was starting to set in. You wondered what to say to Leona. He was hurting just as much as you were. Probably worse. What could you say? He came to see why you didn’t go to the barbecue. But you couldn’t tell him the truth. It would hurt him if you told the truth. I didn’t want to see you. I’m not ready. Being around you hurts. It scares me. Even though I know it wasn’t your fault, a part of me still blames you. And it makes me feel so horrible. I don’t- 
You stifled a gasp as a pair of strong arms wrapped around you and squeezed you tight. Leona rested his head on top of yours.
“L-Leona?” you whispered. Silence. You heard him take a shaky breath before answering.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve this.”
At first, you were too stunned to speak. And then the floodgates opened. Hot tears streamed down your face as you sobbed into Leona’s shoulder. He tightened his grip around your shuddering body. You cried for what felt like an eternity. 
Leona didn’t loosen his grip even after your tears stopped. You could feel his slow and steady heartbeat like ocean waves coursing through your body. You wondered if he fell asleep.
“Leona?” your voice cracked. 
“Mmm?” he mumbled. You pulled away from him, far enough to see his face. His eyes were red, and his ears were down. A sullen expression darkened his face. You had never seen him like this. Your chest tightened.
“Leona, I-”
Leona put a finger on your lips. “I know what you’re gonna say, but you don’t have to say it. Just-” he sighed. “If you need me, let me know. Alright?”
“What if I need you in the middle of the night?”
“Whenever. I’ll show up. For you,” Leona said. He reached up to your face and stroked your cheek.
“What if I need you first thing in the morning?”
“I’ll show up.”
“What about- hey!” you whined as Leona pinched your cheek.
“I told you whenever, so quit askin’,” he grumbled. You smiled at him. Same old Leona. It was so good to see his scowl again. You hugged him tight and nuzzled his shoulder. Leona hugged you back.
“Are we good, Leo?”
Leona hesitated before answering. “Shouldn’t I be askin’ you that?”
“Well, I asked you first.”
Leona pressed his forehead against yours and looked deeply into your eyes. Heat rose to your cheeks under his gaze. He ran his thumb along your chin before tilting it upward. 
“This may not be the right time, but can I kiss you?” he asked. Without hesitating, you whispered, “Yes.” Your lips met, setting off fireworks in your heart. Leona wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. Your fingers tangled in his thick hair as the kiss deepened. So many words you’d left unsaid passed between you, spilling over your lips, dancing on your tongues. You kissed each other like your lives depended on it. Like you would never be able to do it again.
You peppered Leona’s face with kisses before finally pulling away. A small smile graced his face. That moment made you realize that everything was going to be ok. You would be there for him, and he would be there for you. Together, you could overcome the past, no matter how much it scared you both. “So, how about that barbecue, hmm?” you winked at him. Your heart skipped a beat as his usual smug smile crossed his lips.
“Nah. Let’s stay here. We’ve got some catchin’ up to do.”
“But what about-” your words were interrupted as Leona kissed you.
“You talk too much, herbivore.”
You smiled against his lips as he kissed you again and again. Oh, my sweet carnivore. How lovely your kisses are. I will walk with you on this healing journey together. No matter where our lives take us. 
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winterchimez · 7 months
🔎 — the 007 files
James Bond—or rather, the public was more aware that his code name, agent 007, has been working behind the scenes for decades now. imagine this: what if the agent 007 that you have come to know of was actually more than just one person? what if the famous group The Boyz were all agent 007 working under M16. buckle up as you access M16's top secret operative files, aka the most famous missions these individual agents have succeeded in.
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A/N: why hello my fellow readers! i present to you a tbz x 007 cross-over collab series!! i've had this idea for a while now and thanks to @sungbeam who gave me the genius idea of hosting an open collab (and co-planning with me) for this!! i'm so so excited and i really hope this doesn't flop lmao 😭 so yes, please feel free to join the fun! 😉
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🔎 STARRING: the boyz x f!reader/oc // g.n!reader/oc
🔎 GENRE: crime, angst, fluff, crack, suggestive, smut (only for 18+ writers!!), assorted pairings (more to be added)
🔎 WARNINGS: will be stated in each respective files!
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↬ choose a tbz member & a bond film to start off! you may write the story loosely based on the storyline of the film/a certain scene(s) inspired by the film itself! or alternatively, write it based on the themed song for the specific film you have chosen! (eg: sangyeon - the spy who loved me)
↬ slots will be first come first served! in total there will be 11 slots for 11 members
↬ only tbz member x reader / tbz member x oc!! no tbz member x member for this
↬ as mentioned above, writers will have the option to choose to either write a female/gender neutral reader/oc!
↬ minimum wc would be 1k, and there's no maximum so feel free to write as much as you'd like! pls include a "read more" feature after your summaries/genre/warnings/word count/a.n.
↬ you are allowed to write any genre you like! pls make sure you're over 18+ if you wish to include smut in your work.
↬ no sensitive topics will be allowed (eg: su*c*de, r*pe, r*cism, etc.)
↬ i will be making a discord gc for easier access, updates, and even brainstorming with one another! it will also help me loads with any announcements i will be making. joining in would be highly encouraged (though if you choose not to that's totally fine by me, just keep me regularly updated in my dms!)
↬ the project will officially kick start off on December 1st 2023, and you will have till March 31st 2024 to complete your work! if ever you wish to drop out / need a bit more time to publish your work pls do let me know!!
↬ fill out this google form to secure your place in this collab :) (key: shaken not stirred)
↬ lastly, reblog this post, @ me in your fics & use the hashtag 🔎 — the 007 files in your works!!
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Lee Sangyeon — The Spy Who Loved Me @winterchimez
Jacob Bae — The World Is Not Enough @snowflakewhispers
Kim Younghoon — Goldfinger @daisyvisions
Lee Hyunjae — Skyfall @kkinou
Lee Juyeon — For Your Eyes Only @juyeonszn
Kevin Moon
Choi Chanhee — No Time To Die @maessseongs
Ji Changmin — Casino Royale @sungbeam
Ju Haknyeon
Kim Sunwoo — On Her Majesty's Secret Service @kimsohn
Eric Sohn — From Russia With Love @cloverdaisies
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magicxc · 4 months
Stork Visits
Pairings: Survey Coprs x Black Reader - do they want babies?
Word Count: 1137
Warnings: baby fever?
A/N: Here’s what I think in regard to the guys wanting babies. But tell me what you think! Is there someone who you feel would react differently than I imagined?
Eren  - oh absolutely. I think he’d love to see a miniature him running around causing mayhem. He’s the obsessed dad, telling everyone you meet that you’re pregnant and watching literally everything you eat to make sure that it’s safe and healthy for the baby. Eren becomes a nutritionist, a midwife, and security guard all in one; and while you are grateful, he could definitely use a chill pill. 
Levi - I wanna say no, but he can be convinced. More of a soft no, or Levi’s idea of a soft no. He doesn’t really develop relationships or connections with others because of everyone around him dying and for that reason he’s really against the idea of raising a child. But once he finds someone special, I think he’ll view it with a different set of lens and even come to anticipate the idea of another Ackerman.
Erwin - very neutral. He isn’t actively for a child or against it. More of a if it happens, it happens kinda fella. Understand that work WILL be a priority and will often take precedence. Erwin is absolutely taking care of his family but it’ll be more in a financial sense. Although he is emotionally available as well it’s his physical presence yall will have to tussle with. However, he is making sure at the very least yall wont need for much. I'm talking a house in the best neighborhood, the best schools, the best clothes, etc. And he absolutely loves his family but when that job calls, it's toodles. 
Connie - also neutral to the idea. Connie doesn’t really take life seriously to me. I consider him to be in his playboy era lowkey. He doesn’t really live for the future, but more so the present so if you get pregnant he’ll be supportive of whatever choice you make. And if it does happen, he’s that overwhelming dad who’s plastering his child on all the socials. They’ll be in matching outfits, taking professional pictures for every milestone, and he’s stacking those presents high under the Christmas tree for the holidays. That child will have him wrapped around their finger so it's safe to say that you’ll have to be the bad cop for a good chunk of their childhood cause Connie is mostly concerned with being the cool and fun parent. 
Jean - yes!! He’s that military man that enlists straight out of high school, meets a girl, marries her two months later, and starts a family of five. Maybe even get a pet for the sake of it. Jean strikes me as very traditional in the family sense. His children will be honor students and he’s plastering his bumper sticker with all their future colleges. Their report cards get put on the fridge and while Jean does start off his parenting a little strict in the disciplinary department, he eventually learns to take it easy. 
Onyankopon - yes, but when the time is right. He wants to try and solve all the worlds problems before settling down to start a family. Soon enough he’ll realise that as much as he wants to he cant help everyone so he goes on to focus his energy on creating a life with his lover. Ony’s so adorable. Literally there at your beck and call. He’s taking you to all your doctors appointments, sitting through all your lamaze classes and designing the baby's room from scratch. Ony is the hands on father who’s spending weeks tryna figure out how to assemble the crib and he’s signing the kid up for every extracurricular activity possible as soon as they can walk - ooh and he’s never missing a practice. 
Reiner - idek with this man. I genuinely feel like the pendulum can swing either way, though I am leaning more towards no. I think Reiner carries way too much guilt to ever feel deserving of children and so he’s content to just have a wife while playing the role of cool, rich uncle. Mans is honestly just happy to be alive, and barely even that, so he’s not too interested in starting a family. He’ll babysit in a heartbeat and is sneakily feeding his nieces/nephews/godchildren ice cream for breakfast after their parents explicitly said no. He’s the one they call when they need a ride home from a party they weren't even supposed to go to and he’s providing an alibi if need be. Reiner is sliding $20 in their hands at every function and bringing them gifts from his latest excursion around the globe. While he greatly enjoys his time spent with the kiddos he loves handing them back to their parents even more; and greatly enjoys having his lover all to himself while the doing things he never dreamed he’d reach the age to see and simultaneously healing the child within. 
Armin - yes!! I think Armin is gonna be the poster dad for kids lowkey. You ever meet those parents who run their household like the navy? Like in a scheduled sorta way? That’s gonna be Armin. Kids are in bed no later than 8pm. Their breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be balanced to each portion of essential nutrients based on the food groups of the plate. They're drinking 8 glasses of water a day and flavored milk yuck during snack time. Their juices are diluted with water so when they hit their first party and experience 100% juice for the first time they’re literally bouncing off the walls. I really feel like Armin would have that perfect cookie cutter type family who celebrates and decorates for every holiday. They brush their teeth before bed every night and must bathe with their special bubble bath soap or else they’ll lose their shit. He’ll raise kids you avoid in primary school lmaoo but get cool with during high school who becomes a more chill version of their younger self. 
Floch - not really. He wants to run wild and sow his oats. Floch doesn't care for kids in my opinion. He’s in his selfish era which turns out to last a lot longer than he anticipated. Floch is an intelligent guy and while he enjoys practicing for a baby, he’s come to realise that he wouldn’t enjoy the responsibilities of said baby. He’s not actively in his nieces/nephews/godchildren everyday lives but instead is that uncle you only see at the family functions which is like twice a year. Once he’s there though they can ask for anything and he’s giving it to them. Money, a lil sip of beer, hell even some dating tips. He doesn't go out of his way to be present so it's really one of those you just gotta be there moments. Floch has always been on his own timing and enjoys living his best child free life. 
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communist-ojou-sama · 4 months
Okay so I'm gonna go ahead and put a disclaimer up top that these are the ramblings of a dilettante that shouldn't be taken too seriously, but I think that people (understandably) frustrated with with the ICJ ruling and convinced it will have no material consequences should consider some things before they say that.
The first thing I want to remind everyone is that the west is far from invincible. Their rule is not iron-clad and their ability to enforce their will on the world is far from complete and is waning apace.
I think a lot about how in the process of the transition to late capitalism (as I personally define it), one consequence of the mass financialization of the economy is the pricing-out of most common consumer commodity-based manufacturing enterprise in favor of transactions that are most elastic in price, and how the result of that is a mass outflow of raw productive capacity from the imperial core to the global periphery.
If I can frame that in another way, and forgive me in framing this in very neutral terms, but it turns these countries from production-rich countries to production-poor countries with economies defined by the phenomenon of asset-price inflation.
The resulting global situation is that, similar to the assertion that Africa for example is rich because it's where the natural resources that facilitate the global economy are located, Mexico is rich. Vietnam is rich. Bangladesh is rich. These countries are awash in raw capacity to create goods that have a use value. What is the one thing that keeps them relatively cash-poor?
That is, the law. There's a bit of poetry in the idea that just as how within imperial core economies the most important economic instruments are legal contracts to either some percentage of a company's equity or its debt, what sustains its (nominal) riches over the global periphery is a legal regime of ownership that entitles them to the rights to all of the profits going on in these incredibly production-rich countries in the Global South.
It is absolutely correct to say that at the highest level, these legal regimes are enforced at the barrel of the gun, we've seen how too much refusal to to honor these laws by heads of state can lead to mass disinvestment and eventually coups d'état, and even now it would not be a good idea to say, seize the productive assets of a bunch of US firms.
However, and this is where the ICJ comes back in to my point, let's not think about the US. Let's think about, for example, the Netherlands or Belgium. These countries maintain fantastic financial wealth via contracts of ownership with countries in the global south but they are also small and geopolitically unimportant, with little in the way of individual military power.
For little countries like these, genuinely the Only thing that secures their ability to act as a parasite on the global productive economy is the strength of legitimacy that international law affords them, and the position of overwhelming power the west Once had, decades ago.
But the power and prestige of the West continues, as I said, to wane apace. it's too early to happen now but these less militaristic countries are aware of how exposed their assets are to simple seizure if over time international law comes to be seen as a joke.
As awful and condamnable as the current global system is, it is not total dictatorship. It is only able to perpetuate itself because the overwhelming majority of countries that are parties to it have buy in and because, albeit much more slowly than they could have under socialism, they have been able to make dents in their own poverty with it.
The exposure of the international law framework as having absolutely no legitimacy, as being a naked tool of domination of rich countries over poor countries has knock-on effects that stand to be incredibly dangerous to less militarily capable countries that rely on them for their economic structures. On a long-term scale, especially as these countries become richer and more geopolitically influential in their own right, they may well begin to pose the question: why Shouldn't I seize these french factories in my country? Why Shouldn't I seize this Belgian-owned diamond mine? Why Should I pay back this IMF loan, if the ICJ framework can't even compel the Zionist Enemy to end a genocide? And I promise you, this is a reality of which at least some people in those countries are highly cognizant and wary, so I'd wait and see a bit before being Too pessimistic.
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knightmareaceblue · 9 months
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I had an idea for an animation vs. DnD type thing. Don't know if I'm going to do anything with it, but I liked the concept and characters I came up with for it, so I decided to draw them.
Some notes:
-TSC is the DM, and thus doesn't have a character. Green's character Limerick, however, has a twin sister in his backstory, so with Green's permission Second designed her to look like them. It looks like the two have matching headbands, but actually Limerick is just wearing Melody's. :(
-As a DM, Second is very good at weaving together a world and story, and successfully ties everyone's backstories in with the main plot. They are also, however, a bit controlling and easily annoyed. Red and Purple often get things thrown at them by Second for going too off track or just being plain stupid.
-Blue's character Azure (neutral good) is technically the party leader, having been the one to gather the party and issue the main quest. They are not, however, very good at keeping the party on track. Especially Spark and Amethyst.
-Limerick is a true neutral bard that got double classed as a fighter when the sticks realized they didn't have a lot of physical fighters in their party. He's also the most stand-offish member of the group.
-Yellow's character Spark was originally going to be a chaotic evil character, but some pouting and pleading from Red and Blue caused them to relent and change to chaotic neutral. They were a little annoyed about this, but whatever.
-All of the characters' backstories take a little influence from their actual lives. Red's druid/ranger Carmine (chaotic good), however, is the one where it's most obvious, having spent much of their childhood being possessed by a forest god before breaking free, fighting them, and then the two coming to a truce and the forest god training Carmine in the art of the druid. It may look like he's wearing fur pants, but they're actually made of leaves.
-When being handed a character sheet for a rouge, Purple demanded to know why everyone assumed they'd pick that class. Red, who had been sent to get them, responded, "Well, what else would you be?" Purple couldn't respond and just huffily filled out the character sheet. Their character Amethyst is a chaotic neutral.
-MT was a last minute edition to the game, having been guilt-tripped/emotionally manipulated by Purple into joining. His barbarian Bronze seems like a chaotic neutral, but they're actually lawful neutral: They just follow barbarian law instead of the law of the country. TSC is the only one aware of this, and silently finds it hilarious.
Some Shenanigans:
-Each party member has their own motive to join Azure's quest to save the world: Bronze because of honour and also this kid's stupid and will get themselves killed if they let them go alone, Carmine because the world-ending quest has put the forest and the forest god in danger and he wants to save them, Amethyst for the promise of safety and security afterwords, Spark because research for her magical weapons, and Limerick because Azure agreed to help him with a personal matter in exchange.
-Limerick originally didn't start out with a cape. Upon realizing every other character had a cape however (Yellow tried to argue that Spark's poncho thing didn't count, but Green said it counted in spirit), they decided Limerick had to have one too. TSC said that since character creation is over, they'd have to buy a cape at the nearby town. This caused Green to get annoyed and reject every cape they 'found' in the shops. It went on like this for a while until TSC got bored and turned it into an insane side quest, complete with a vampire mafia. Limerick staked the boss vampire and stole their cape.
-Bronze is a hunter; Carmine is a vegan. They get into quite a few arguments because of this and more than once Carmine would sabotage Bronze's hunts and get them into trouble with whatever the highest level monster in the area was. Consequentially, Bronze is a little better at stealth than your average barbarian.
-Purple has a bad habit of taking inter-party conflict too personally, and at some points gets legitimately upset. They repeated have to be reminded that it's just a game, and occasionally Second will call timeout for them to cool off.
-Every weapon except Limerick's lute has a magical gem on it to enhance it's abilities. Spark has stolen the gem off every weapon except Amethyst's Golden Moon Dagger (which they can never pass the check to steal) at least once for their magical experiments.
-The most loyal, trustworthy, and responsible member of the party is Bronze. Everyone but Purple finds this surprising. The second most is Azure, but they're incredibly naive and keep getting the party into trouble by trying to help people.
-Yellow wants their character to betray the party at some point, and then have a redemption arc. Second is the only one who knows about this, and they're all for it.
-Green is convinced the campaign will have a happy ending, because 'Sec is a sucker.' He isn't wrong.
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myth-blossom · 2 months
It's The Little Things
I wrote a lil something in honor of @grumpynora's birthday! You can read about young 6 and 47 breaking into a diner below.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NORA! 🥳🥳🥳 I'm sending you lots of love and I hope you have an amazing day like you deserve! 💗
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The lock gave way easily as they broke into the diner, its only security a loose doorknob that couldn’t keep out determined wildlife, let alone two young assassins. The business was closed and the staff long since gone, providing them a quiet place to relax as they formulated a new plan to eliminate the target. 
Of all the places they normally visited, a diner was the most unusual. 6 and 47 lived a strict lifestyle that allowed them little freedom of choice, hindering their experience of locales that weren’t useful to their work. Father mostly dictated their daily routines, often sending them around the world to complete contracts for Providence before returning home and starting the murderous cycle anew. Though the Institute guards chauffeured them to and from the airport, they were allowed to work fairly unsupervised, though they were only given a limited amount of time to complete the job before returning to Romania. Father didn’t want his subjects to deviate from his grand plan, nor for them to get any troublesome ideas about rebelling.
Still, they had to improvise when the target’s plans changed, causing them to move from the office building to a neutral location where they could reevaluate their tactics. 47 stationed himself at the diner’s counter while his brother took interest in the kitchen. He used the small ray of kitchen light shining through the serving window to study their map of the city, doing his best to ignore the noise of 6 opening drawers and running water from the other side. He had just concocted a new plan when he heard the flat top grill switch on. Curious, 47 left to investigate. 
6 slapped many strips of bacon onto the grill’s hot surface, smirking proudly to himself at the resulting symphony of sizzle. He ignored his brother’s stare from the corner of his eye as he reached for a bowl of egg yolks. 
“What are you doing?” 47 asked, his tone neutral. 
“It’s a surprise.” 
47 raised his brow, but said nothing. 
“Go sit down,” 6 grinned. “Trust me.”
47 sighed lightly, but did as he was told. He returned to the old yellow spinning stool at the diner’s counter and listened to his brother work. After many interesting sounds, wonderful smells, and a few muttered expletives for entertainment, 6 was finally finished. He walked backwards through the swinging doors while carrying two large ceramic plates filled with breakfast food. 
47’s eyes widened at the chef’s offerings: five strips of bacon of varying doneness, a large mass of scrambled eggs, and two & a half pancakes (the half being the third pancake that folded in on itself while flipping). 6 waited expectantly for 47, refusing to eat his own breakfast until he saw his brother’s reaction to his food.
“Why?” was all 47 could muster. 
"Seriously, brother?” 6 sighed. 
“Yes. Father wouldn’t approve of us wasting time.” 
“47, enjoying life isn’t a waste,” he frowned. “Just try the food, I promise you’ll like it.” 
“Very well.” 
6 watched as he quietly ate from each corner of his plate, sampling a strip of bacon before eating half of the eggs and then one of the pancakes. 
“And?” 6 prompted. “What do you think?”
47 considered the plate. The bacon was chewy, the eggs a bit overcooked, and the pancake overly sweet with a hint of raw batter still in the middle. 
It was the best meal he ever had. 
They very rarely ate anything other than the protein-and-vitamin-rich meals served at the Institute. The meals served their nutritional purpose, but they were often shaped as grayish mush or patties and were very much lacking in flavor. What his brother had just served him was rather perfect, a revelation for his palate, and he was suddenly very glad that they took up a brief residence in the diner. It became another one of 6’s rebellions against their Father’s restrictions, one that 47 was very grateful to have experienced. 
6 grinned proudly. “I told you you’d like it.” 
They slowly ate their delicious meal as they attempted to savor each bite. They would eventually have to return to their assignment and clean the diner of any evidence of their presence. But for now they would sit together and eat, and enjoy the liberating taste of something new.
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navibluebees · 1 year
Omg I just have read "Trio" and damn Lyle and Z-Dog made me feral. If you have time and fancy could you please write something nsfw with them? Maybe including the differences between them. Like in public Lyle is very touchy and Z is more remote, but when they are in private place all of them only want to cuddle and maybe it's developing into smut. Form of HC is very nice but normal fic is also dope. Love your writing so much, hope you have wonderful day
Trio - Part 2 (Lyle Wainfleet x Zdinarsk x GN Human Reader)
Please read before interacting.
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Of course, dear! I love that my writing made you feel that way~ 😘 Thank you for your request and support! This is NSFW, minors keep your eyes off of it! 💞 *Note: since it wasn't specified in the previous ask or this one, I'm going to do a gender neutral reader.
& I hope you have a wonderful day as well <3 Also as a fun tidbit, this is not the first threesome scene I have written that is set in the Avatar world.
Your partners in crime, love, and everything in between were headed your way. Your body grew hot under their intense gazes and you glanced up to the corner of the room, trying to push all the dirty thoughts of the night before from your brain. Their bodies moved fluidly toward you and you pressed your legs together, aching for friction as they sat next to you in the chow hall.
Z bumped her shoulder against yours and ran a quick hand in a caress down your back. Lyle broke your concentration on her by sliding his hand in between your legs, hidden under the table. He squeezed gently and rubbed slow circles on the inside of your knee.
"How's our sweetheart this morning?" his voice rumbled.
Z's voice purred on the other side. "We weren't too, rough, were we?"
Prager rounded the table, tray in hand and started squatting to sit on the seat across from you. He inhaled deeply and paused, mid-squat. His eyes darted to you after scenting you and he shook his head, lips pulled tight in a grimace. "Mm. Nope. Not today. Have a good one guys." He stood back up and started walking to another table. Lopez paused, confused, but Prager grabbed his bicep and spun him around to go the other way.
Z chuckled lowly in your ear and held your hand in hers under the table. You leaned into Lyle and sighed. This was gonna be a long day.
You could barely focus on your work. Every minute, it seemed the clock was ticking even more slowly. When it came time to clock out, you jumped up and nearly ran out of your office. When you got to your room, you rushed to the shower and stood under hot water, trying to soothe your tense muscles. You washed off quickly and got out, drying off with. a fluffy towel. You wrapped it around your body and paced in your room, eventually settling on pulling on one of their giant t-shirts. You had no idea whose it was and figured it might not matter much anyway because it was more than likely about to come off.
You scurried down the hallway and poked your head around the corners. I'm sure security is having a great time watching this, you thought as you ducked behind a door to hide as people passed by. You sighed in relief when they walked by, missing your hiding spot. You turned around the door and walked smack into a blue chest. You cringed and kept your eyes closed, sure that if you couldn't see them, then they couldn't see you.
It was almost a relief when you heard Lyle's impish giggle as he picked you up and tossed you over his shoulder. He ran with you down the hall and ducked in to his room, covering your head so you wouldn't whack it on the doorway. He tossed you onto the giant bed and crawled on top of you, caging you in his arms. The long shirt slid up and he sniffed eagerly down your body, pressing his face between your legs and inhaling deeply.
"No underwear? Naughty, naughty." His teeth flashed as he purred the words at you. The door flew open and you flinched, but he didn't move from between your legs.
"The hell?" Z was leaning against the door and looking between you two.
You raised your hands in surrender. "It isn't what it looks like! Well, it probably is, but we wouldn't do anything without you. Right, Lyle?"
He growled, a deep need rumbling in his chest and you lifted your foot to his chest, pushing him away as much as you could. Z stepped forward and shoved him back, taking his place between your legs.
"Hi, baby," she murmured as she planted soft kisses on your lips. You softened under her touch and pulled her close, wrapping your legs around her. A small chuckle of happiness bounced out of her mouth and she lifted you up, sitting back against the headboard and holding you to her chest.
Grumbling, Lyle moved behind you, between her legs and palmed your ass. He whined, asking when it would be his turn and she shot him an unimpressed look.
"When you don't take an unfair advantage head start."
He playfully tossed himself beside you and snuggled up with his head on her shoulder, an arm wrapped around your back. You turned your face to him, cheek still pressed against Zdinarsk's sternum and caressed his ear. It flicked irritably in your hand and you grinned, knowing it was one of his most sensitive areas.
He moved his hand down and reached under your shirt, gently cupping your ass cheek and dragging his finger down slowly on the soft skin to tease you. He moved behind you and leaned in to kiss the back of your neck. You leaned back on him and he held you close, burying his face into your neck. He inhaled your scent and sighed deeply.
Z held your hips as you straddled her, gently massaging your thighs with her fingers. You felt your arousal stirring between your legs and whined when Lyle reached down between them. He rubbed achingly slowly and thrust against your back, making you fall against Z dog. She pressed soft kisses on your face, holding you close and nuzzling into your neck.
You heard Lyle spit and he groaned as he started massaging his cock with his wet hand. He rubbed it at your opening and you looked up into Z's eyes.
"You good?" she murmured.
All you could do was nod and gasp as Lyle started to press into you. He grabbed your hips and pulled you back, thrusting carefully into you. He was so girthy and you had a hard time taking him. Tears leaked from your eyes and he leaned over you, kissing and nipping at your shoulder while Z kissed your lips and ran her tongue up your jaw.
Her fingers moved between your legs, rubbing you and cooing at you to relax while Lyle took you from behind. He whimpered as he felt you clench around him while he thrusted in and out. Z's fingers moved faster and you cried out as you came, trembling around him.
He groaned and stilled for a moment, fighting his release. He moved back, taking you with him, holding you with a hand around your throat and arm across your torso. He put you down carefully, ass in the air and your face between Z's spread legs.
"Taste her," growled Lyle.
You dove into her pussy and lapped up her juices. You slid an arm under her thigh and pulled her as close as you could, your nails digging into her leg. With your other hand, you slid two fingers in and thrust them sharply, desperate for her. She squirmed and held a gentle hand at the back of your neck, sliding lower in the bed to adjust her hips on your face. Lyle pulled you close, thrusting into you, making you rock against her as you licked, your nose bumping into her clit.
She let out a breathy sigh and her head fell back on the pillow. Lyle continued his thrusting, holding a hand under your stomach to keep you up and holding himself up with his other hand planted on the bed. Your moans were messy and muffled with your face fully in her cunt. Lyle let out a soft laugh.
"Look at our little love," he murmured. "Looking so good wrapped around me."
All Z could do was nod and dig her fingers into the sheets as you drove your fingers in harder. Your tongue licked up to her clit and you flicked it lightly, making her gasp again. You continued licking at her clit, Lyle pounding you from behind. Your moans vibrated against her and soon she was coming undone by you.
Lyle saw and pulled you back into his lap, using his hands to move you up and down on him. His muscles tightened and his hand moved down between your legs to rub. Z laid limply against the pillows and her eyes roved over you two and lingered on where you were joined. Lyle's body trembled around yours and he increased his pace, hand moving with his rhythm.
You cried out as you came and clenched around him with him finished only a split second later. He held you in an iron embrace until he stopped shivering and carefully pulled out, lowering you down onto the bed. You whimpered, feeling sore and cold. They noticed and quickly pulled you between them, pulling the blanket over you.
You curled up facing Lyle's chest and Z curled up behind you, sliding a leg between yours. Her leg smeared everything that had leaked between yours and made you tremble as her skin brushed against yours. She pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head and held you close. Lyle moved closer and wrapped an arm around the both of you, kissing you both goodnight.
"Bet that person who flirted with you earlier couldn't do this for you," Lyle stated proudly.
You whined in annoyance, pushing at his chest. He pouted and tried to move closer, but Z tightened her hold on you.
"Mine," she growled playfully.
Jealousy wormed through Lyle and he grabbed your waist, about to pull you closer. Your hands reached up and you pat both of them on the head.
"Settle down, kitties. Time for bed," you yawned.
With minimal grousing, they both curled around you and their breathing slowed. You held Z's arm that was around your waist and moved your hand up to rest on Lyle's chest. They moved even closer, all your limbs tangling together. You drifted off thinking that there was no better place to be than smushed between your lovers.
@drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @ikranwings
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smilesession · 6 months
ur not a man ur just a woman with enough autism to not feel like shes doing womanhood correctly
i'm going to level with you because you're invested enough to have sent this
i have spent the last five years solidly living under the paradigm youre suggesting. and before that, i had spent an additional five years actively compromising with a nonbinary identity, ten years of "it's ok, i don't really care you can call me 'she', it doesn't bother me, i know i look like a woman and i don't want to make it complicated for people, my identity's really just an internal thing and not something i'm worried about other people acknowledging" and so on. but before that i was, momentarily, an incredibly self-confident and assured transgender young man. ten years ago i was exploring transition. i was tall, androgynous, and young enough to have had the experience of passing as male, which i vividly remember the feeling of. it was only my parents bringing the hammer down, shaming me, telling me i could dress however i wished but they'd never refer to me as a different name or consider me their son that made me spend the next decade considering it futile. so i reversed course entirely, leading to this moment, and what you've come to me on this day to repeat to me thinking youre doing a service for women
i dont owe proof and i dont want to rely too heavily on medicalizing it, but if everything i felt was just the social phenomenon and a result of my experiences as an autistic woman, why do i remember being a young child who had not even lived long enough to have formative social experiences yet, whose parents raised me pretty gender-neutrally, ten years prior to an autism diagnosis, wonder when i'd "grow into my boy's body"? i have had thoughts and experiences that i would largely prefer to keep private that completely defy the reasoning that i'm just a confused sperg who just couldnt hack it as a woman in this crazy mixed up world. if i could simplify it to what youve just said, i would. i tried.
if radfem jesus comes down from heaven and reveals that i was truly and ontologically a woman with autism, defying my sex and so on all along, then I'm Sorry Women. but until that day comes i can promise you that i feel secure in my current decision of addressing the fact that living with the idea that "i'm just an autistic woman who feels i cant perform womanhood correctly" has been enormously damaging. instead of beating my head into that wall for the rest of my life i have considered changing course and trying out a different way of living, acknowledging that i've experienced dyed in the wool gender dysphoria since i gained consciousness. and i have as much of a right to acknowledge my autonomy as anyone else, that i have as much of a right to choose my own outcomes as anyone else, and in the process of doing so i find healing for a slew of personal handicaps that stretch far beyond the matter at hand, then so be it. do not politicize my ass
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theguyplayinggalaga · 11 months
See You In The Morning? Part 2
Kate Bishop x Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 2,670
Warnings: Complicated relationship with Parent, Some very slight angst, Author struggles with Grammer and punctuation.
A/N: I had to make a new blog but I guess I'm just gonna keep writing this thing? Thank you for the likes and reblogs on my other post! Genuinely feeling very happy that other people enjoyed my little story.
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The plan had never been to become the assistant head of security for Stark Industries, the plan had been to graduate college and find something actually related to your degree. But neither of those things had happened. After a particularly bad semester of college you'd decided to take a "break" and you'd taken a job working the front security desk at Stark World Headquarters, and it had been the only stable thing about your life after you eventually dropped out of school. And somehow here you were a few years later sitting in your own office looking over blueprints of a building that Stark Industries would be having a benefit gala at. Your boss was out of town so that left you in charge of keeping New York City's wealthiest socialites safe for an evening.
"Y/L/N, Kate Bishop is here to see you." The voice of the secretary over the speaker in your office startled you so much you actually jumped.
You pushed a button and responded "Oh uh, what a surprise! She can come right in." Kate was here to see you? You double checked your phone to make sure she hadn't texted you. Your girlfriend very rarely visited you at work and never unannounced. Not because she wasn't welcome to, but because being the heir of Bishop Security caused some Stark employees to stare a lot. Stark Industries and Bishop Security were competitors so you couldn't blame them for their confusion.
Kate walked through your office door and you quickly got up to greet her. "Hey, everything alright? Not that I'm not happy to see you!" You said as you gave her a tight hug.
Kate pulled away and gave you a small smile before she cupped your face in her hands and pulled you in for a soft kiss which you reciprocated. "Sorry I didn't text you! I kinda broke my phone again…." She said after pulling away.
"Kate! Again! That's like 3 phones in the last month." You said with some exasperation.
"I know! It wasn't my fault this time though! This dude punched me right in the pocket where my phone was."
"Oh, and I expect that's supposed to make me feel better?" You rolled your eyes trying not to think too much about Kate getting punched. You lead Kate over to your desk so you both could sit.
"Really though Kate, is everything alright?" You said with some concern.
Kate groaned as she leaned back in her chair. "Well …. I don't really know how to say this, well I do, I just don't want to… My mom just got released from prison."
You stared at her speechless, trying to decide if she was pranking you or not. You'd never met Kate's mom, only heard stories about her from Kate and watched her get arrested on the news. "What! How? Did you know she was getting released?! I thought she still had a lot of time on her sentence!" You spluttered.
"No! I had no idea!" Kate said she was now playing with the ring on her finger, a nervous habit of hers. "I got a call from her lawyer, before I broke my phone." She added "I guess she took a plea deal? Or something… I don't remember the legal jargon the lawyer was saying I was kinda in shock."
You reached forward grabbing Kate's hand in yours. This was not at all what you had been expecting but you did wish you'd reacted a little more calmly because you could tell this was really upsetting her.
"Okay, well this is incredibly surprising. But how are you feeling now? I know this is all very complicated for you." You said with as calm a tone as you could find.
Kate's eyes began to swim with tears and she stared down at your hand in hers "I…. I don't know exactly. I feel conflicted cause she's my mom and I love her and never wanted her to be in prison. But she also did really terrible things…. I just know I'm scared to see her." She admitted.
"Well you certainly don't owe her anything and you definitely don't have to see her till you're ready, or at all." You said.
Kate nodded her head but didn't say anything. You sat with her in silence for a bit gently stroking the back of her hand. You had worried this day would come, someone as powerful and connected as Elenore Bishop was eventually going to beat the system. You just wished you had the words to make it all okay. But you didn't all you could do was reassure Kate that you were there.
"Kate, I'm here, and I'll continue to be here. I'm sure this is going to be tricky to navigate, but I'll do whatever I can to support you." You said firmly looking Kate in the eye.
Kate wiped a tear from her cheek and gave your hand a tight squeeze. "I'm really glad you're here, just being with you makes me feel just a little less scared." Kate cracked a small smile and rolled her eyes slightly. "Damn Y/L/N, you got me over her being all cheesy!". You both laughed and the mood already felt a bit lighter.
You stood and started to collect your things. "Now, let's go get you a new phone! Then we can take Lucky for a walk and order pizza, yeah?" You asked.
Kate nodded and stood to follow you to the door. "Okay, but I need a smaller phone this time because the last one was too big and very impractical."
_ _ _
It was the day of the Gala and you were there bright and early! You had spent the day walking the building, going over details with your team, making assignments, and assuring a rotating list of people that everything was secure.
You ran home to shower, change into your Stark issued suit and if you were lucky eat something. You had just gotten out of the shower when Kate walked into the bedroom doorway. You were just in your underwear as you examined your suit for any wrinkles.
"I can feel you staring at my ass Bishop." You said.
"Sorry, couldn't help it." Kate responded as she walked further into the room.
"Well look while you can cause once I put these company issued pants on you won't know if I even have an ass anymore." You joked as you started sliding your feet into the pant legs.
You finished putting your pants on and as you started buttoning up your shirt Kate walked up behind you and wrapped her arms around your middle resting her chin on your shoulder.
"Hey" you whispered, turning your head to give hers a little kiss.
"Hey." She whispered back, leaning her weight into you a bit more.
"How's my girl doin? I'm sorry I haven't really talked to you today." You said as you began to do your tie.
Kate stopped you and turned in front of you so she could do up your tie. "You don't have to apologize, I know today has probably been crazy! I'm okay, Lucky and I went on a very long walk through the park and then I talked to Laura on the phone about my mom for a while." Kate finished your tie and stepped back to admire her work.
"What did Laura have to say?" You asked.
"That seeing my mom is on my terms and I don't have to if I don't want to. She also said that it's okay that I feel so conflicted about my mom, she did awful things but she's still my mom." Kate paused, she looked down before continuing "So basically everything you've been telling me but it sounded different coming from her. Not that it doesn't mean anything coming from you! Because you are also right and have good opinions!"
You stopped Kate from continuing into a ramble by taking her hands and stepping closer to her. " Hey, Kate, I know! It's different coming from Laura because she's kinda like a mother to you and I'm definitely not! And I'm not offended by that. I'm glad you got to talk to her, sounds like it was probably nice to talk to someone who isn't me or Yelena about this."
Kate took a shaky breath and nodded. "Yeah, it was nice, I'm glad I called her. She made me feel a bit better about everything."
"Good." You said leaning in to kiss the tip of her nose. "Now I don't mean to ruin the moment but I have to leave in 10 minutes and I can't find my shoes."
Kate laughed, "I think maybe you should consult Lucky about that, he's got a pretty impressive shoe collection in his kennel."
_ _ _
It was only 30 minutes into the gala and you could already tell it was gonna be a night. As the higher profile guests started to arrive you got called outside to break up a fist fight between two of the paparazzi. Internally cursing yourself for putting Mathison as lead for entrance security, you stepped outside to find just one security guard trying desperately to separate the two men.
"Alright! Alright! Gentleman, can we have some decorum?" You said as you stepped between the two men.
You were met with both the men yelling at once.
"He took my spot!"
"That's impossible! I was here first!"
"No! That's not true, ask anyone here!"
You cut them off,"Well, unfortunately for both of you that doesn't matter much because I'm asking you both to leave, and I'm only asking once."
They didn't like that idea so you and two of your guards had to physically remove them. About half way down the entrance steps one of them said something that completely caught you off guard. "Hey wait! I know you, you're Kate Bishop's partner! Wow! I didn't realize you worked for Stark Industries!".
You tried to regain your composure. "Well it's not exactly a secret and Google is free so that's on you."
"Wow! A Bishop and Stark Industries security guard. I'd just love to know how her mom feels about that! But I guess you probably haven't met her yet." Now at the entrance to the property you let go of the guy and removed his media pass.
The guy lifted his camera so he was filming you, because clearly he was that stupid. "I gotta ask though, how are you feeling about Eleanor Bishop's recent release from prison? Any comments? Or a comment about what Kate thinks about it."
You weighed your options. Not responding was the reasonable thing and what you would tell literally anyone else to do. On the other hand this guy had really just gotten under your skin and you were having a really hard time not punching him in the face.
"First, that's head of global security to you. Second, I have no comments and I suggest you get lost before I have you trespassed. Goodnight gentlemen!" You said as you turned and started walking back up the stairs.
And after that the night just got worse. You were getting pulled in a million directions because apparently nobody on staff that night knew how to think for themselves. You had just finished kicking out someone not on the guest list who had snuck in. And now you had no choice but to take Mathison off of the entrance and put a rookie guard in charge. A little distracted by the coms going off in your ear over this controversial move you almost didn't see Kate in the corner of the ballroom. You had told her that she definitely didn't have to come since she hated galas, but Kate had insisted on coming and supporting you. She was wearing her signature black suit, her dark hair in soft curls, and she was leaning against a column just observing the room.
You walked up beside her and turned to look around the room too. "You know I really like it when you wear that suit." You said to her with a cocky grin.
Kate jumped a little, clearly she had been lost in her own thoughts. But she smiled when she saw it was you. "Well I figured at least one of us should be wearing a good suit tonight."
"Hey! It's not that bad is it?!" You said looking down at your suit.
Kate raised an eyebrow as she looked you up and down. "I just don't understand how a company with so much money and power lets you walk around looking like you stole a suit from the clearance section of mens warehouse."
You groaned, "Well perfect, because I'm one hundred percent going to be on the morning news in this thing."
Kate looked at you quizzically. "Do you want to elaborate on that a bit?"
You groaned, why had you brought this up right now? "I kicked a tabloid photographer out earlier, he was talking about your mom and what she would think of the two of us dating. He then started recording me and asked for a comment on her getting released."
Kate's eyes widened and she took a step closer to you. "Y/N what did you say?"
"Nothing bad! At least I think. I just told him I didn't have a comment and that I was going to have him tresspaced if he didn't leave." You said.
Kate signed in what you assumed was relief. "Yeah no, you probably handle that correctly. But it's definitely gonna be on some news outlets. Do you think my mom knows about us?" She asked timidly.
"Oh, one hundred percent she knows!" You said. There was no way that Elenore didn't know about the two of you and also no way she didn't also know more about you than you'd probably like her to at this point.
Kate groaned and buried her face in your shoulder. You and Kate had talked a couple of times about Kate's mom and how she would feel about your relationship. Kate had no idea how her mom was going to react to it, you definitely weren't what Elenore Bishop had in mind for a good partner for her daughter. And while her opinion didn't matter to either of you, the potential comments she might make or her trying to discourage Kate from dating you were very real possibilities. You were brought back to reality and the fact that you were very much at work by the voice of the rookie at the entrance in your ear piece.
"Y/L/N we have a situation at the entrance."
You dropped your head in defeat and spoke into your com. "Another one? Can I get some clarification?"
"Uhh yeah, Elenore Bishop is here. She's not on the list but I thought you might want to handle this one."
Your eyes widened. Yeah, Elenore Bishop wasn't on the list because she had up until very recently been unavailable. You turned to Kate not sure how to break this to her.
"Kate, I promise you I had no idea she was coming, but your mom is here."
Kate looked at you with panic in her eyes "She's here? Like is she in the building? Was she invited?"
You shouldn't have because you were working, but out of instinct you grabbed Kate's hand. "She wasn't on the list, but we are probably going to have to let her in. I can get you out of here without her seeing you. But I gotta go find Pepper and handle this. I'm gonna have Patrick come find you, he can help you out. You don't have to go, but I've got you covered if you do."
Kate nodded and it absolutely broke you that you had to just leave her like that but you also couldn't leave Elenore Bishop just chillin on the steps of the entrance.
End Part 2
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lizhly-writes · 2 months
i now have the vivid image of clw ending up in transmigrator clw's world and going "...?" when finding out everything the "other him" did. What drugs did he take to get so much drive. Why on earth would any version of him be (*throws a dart at a high-powered position*) the CEO of a top fashion company. Lol
It wasn’t the first time Chen Liwei had woken up in a room with no idea how he got there. He couldn’t remember how many times he’d been kidnapped. He used to keep a tally, but he’d lost track at some point. It was too much of an effort to figure out the missing iterations, so he’d stopped there and never picked it back up again.
Whoever had kidnapped him this time didn’t bother securing him. No rope or zip ties around his wrists or his ankles. He was free to wander around the office --- an office with a view, how nice --- and do anything, like raid the fridge or try out the door. Maybe the door was unlocked. Maybe he could turn the handle and walk out, and no one would ever notice he was gone.
Chen Liwei would need to get off the ground first.
Slowly, he sat up, and arranged himself into a slightly more flattering position than flat on his back. There. Good enough. He’d check the door in a little bit.
“What the shit,” said a strangely familiar voice.
Or not.
There was a man standing in the doorway, neatly dressed as any businessman Chen Liwei had ever been arm candy for. He was probably not Chen Liwei’s kidnapper, considering how surprised he looked at the fact that Chen Liwei was sitting on his nice carpet.
Chen Liwei was sure he had never met him in his life, but there was something … familiar about him. Something about the face. Something about the voice. Something.
“Chen Liwei,” the main said.
“Yes,” Chen Liwei said.
The man’s expression turned angry.
… No, that wasn’t what happened. It was easy to assume it was anger, but there was no tension in the brows or the jaw or anywhere else. This was a fully relaxed face, it just happened to look angry.
Yes, Chen Liwei knew why this face looked familiar now. It had been unrecognizable when filled with any emotion at all, but when set in dead-neutral --
This was the face he saw in the mirror every day.
“Fuck,” said Chen Liwei’s identical twin.
‘Fuck’ was probably not his name.
While Chen Liwei pondered this, his twin stalked into the room and towards his desk. “I have a couch,” he barked out, which wasn’t a command, technically. He wasn’t technically telling Chen Liwei what to do. Chen Liwei didn’t have to. No one was stopping him from staying on the ground.
By the time Chen Liwei had decided that maybe sitting on the couch was worth the effort of unfolding himself from the floor, his twin was on a call. “ --- look, I just need you to --- you will? Good. You know where my office is, I just need you to take him for… four hours? Okay. Okay --- no. I’ll explain when you get there --- ”
Chen Liwei waited. Back straight, legs crossed, hands in his lap. Perfect posture --- he could always do at least that much while he was staring blankly at the wall opposite him. Briefly, he considered the door again. It occurred to him that it would be a good idea to check the date and time, since he didn’t know either. He might be late. Boss always hated when he was late.
He checked his phone. Nothing on his calendar. No missed calls. He was probably fine to just sit here, then. It seemed like a lot of work to do anything else.
“Hey,” said his twin, waving a hand in front of his face and frowning the moment Chen Liwei made eye contact. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“Yes,” Chen Liwei said. That seemed self-evident enough.
“So I’m getting someone to look after you. He'll keep you company here for a few hours, that'll be when I'm done with my meeting. Then we'll hash things out.”
Chen Liwei didn’t have anywhere better to be. “Yes.”
His twin frowned harder. “You’re not even going to ask why?”
“Why are you getting someone to look after me?”
“That’s not what I --” he cut himself off with an irritated click of his tongue. “You don’t actually care, do you.”
It was more of a statement than a question, so Chen Liwei didn’t answer it. But it was true enough: Chen Liwei didn’t care.
Chen Liwei hadn’t cared about anything in a very long time.
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legendofmorons · 1 year
hello! since you like angst, how about this idea? a one-shot with wild and a gender-neutral reader where wild has romantic feelings for them; later down the line the chain are in the topic of romantic partners during dinner. one of them asks the reader if they ever had a partner and they reveal that they are aroace and they have to explain what it is. while they explain, wild comes to a realization that they probably/most likely never feel the same way towards him.
-p.s. i was the one that requested the platonic headcannons and i absolutely loved it<33
Hi! I actually really love this one, and I'm excited to write it!
I'm glad you liked the platonic headcannons too!
Chanceless love (Wild)
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Pairing: Wild x AroAce! Reader
Rating: g
Summary: Wild has had feelings for you for a while now- but when Hyrule starts poking around, everyone learns that you are Aro Ace... And Wild feels like a fool.
Warnings: Angst, hurt/no comfort
Other: If I missed anything, let me know
Wild isn't sure how to tell you how he feels. But he knows it's a strong feeling. That you make his heart swell and his mind feel at ease.
He knows he loves you. In a way he's never felt.
He's almost positive he loves you like a husband loves a spouse.
So obviously, he needs to figure out how to talk to you about it.
Unfortunately for him, as the group sits around the fire, Hyrule starts asking about people and their love life.
"What about you Twilight, anyone special?" Hyrule asks, turning his gaze to the rancher.
"It's complicated but not officially, no."
"Shame. What about you, Legend?"
"No. Why do you care?"
"I'm just curious. What about you, (Y/n), do you have anyone special back home?"
"No. I'm aroace." You say with a laugh, sounding as if the idea of a romantic partner is hilarious to you.
Wild woukd like to die now, obviously you aren't interested in any relationship right now...
"Aroace?" Time asks, "Is that a slang word from your time?"
"Sorta. It's short for Aromanyic and asexual."
"You're like a plant?" Sky asks, confused, "Hylians haven't changed so much they can reproduce all by their self have they? Without a second patent?"
"Oh!" You snort a little, obviously amused. "No! No, that's not it at all."
"Then what is it? And what is aromantic?" Four asks, sounding confused beyond reason.
"Oh, wow, okay. Uh- so Aromantic means I don't feel romantic attraction. Like, at all, really. It's a scale like all security, but I don't feel it ever."
Wild feels his world stop, shatter, and flip inside out in the span of about two seconds.
You can not return his feelings. You don't feel romantic feelings. Ever.
He isn't sure if this is worse or better than just not being your type.
He never had a chance with you. Did he?
Hylia above.
"And Asexual?" Wind asks.
"I don't feel sexual attraction either." You say with a shrug.
Wild stands up, needing to get out right now. This isn't okay. This isn't fun.
He's not mad at you of course... but he's mad at himself.
He believes you are amazing, but he can't help but wish he'd fallen for someone who could reciprocate his feelings.
Tears start pricking his eyes.
This is so stupid.
He shouldn't be crying.
At least he found out before he made a fool of himself to you.
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heyheydidjaknow · 2 years
Hi there, I hope I'm not intruding. If you're still open and willing, could I request HCs (or anything, really) for Near? What ways do you think he could meet a potential partner? What would it be like to dating him? These are just ideas but I will take literally anything for Near at this point ahaha
Gender neutral so everyone can enjoy maybe please? Thank you so much for reading!
What you have to understand is that what your relationship with near would be is entirely, 110% transactional in his eyes out of necessity. He is a sugar daddy, only instead of sex it is just domesticity and occasionally someone to bounce ideas off of, because even though he is not going to do that thing stupid people do— that is, get into a with intense relationship with someone only for them to drop them like a hot potato— he is a person. People get lonely. In return for your company— romantic feelings optional— you will be paid not just with company, but whatever you so desire out of him. Money especially. People like money.
In regards to the actual relationship, it’s not exactly the most exciting thing in the world. He isn’t gonna leave the house— mostly for lack of desire— so you better like long conversations about seemingly random topics that require an encyclopedic knowledge of just about everything other than modern pop culture to understand. But only all at once. Never over a long period of time. There conversations, to him, are to be considered breaks in what is otherwise either a very quiet monologue about whatever he happens to be working on or complete silence. No electronics are let in the room in which he works, so you better pick up a hobby that takes up a lot of time unless you want to watch hour of security footage at 3 times speed and look at charts and spreadsheets and all that. Not that he would expect you to sit and look at spreadsheets with him— this is, again, a transaction, and however you fill your end of the bargain is fine. If you ever convinced him to go outside, it’s going to be away from other people, either on a roof or somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
There are upsides, though. For one thing, he is incredibly attentive and incredibly open about how he feels about you; he considers your company a service to be distributed at your discretion but there’s nothing wrong with letting you know that he thinks you’re good at what you do. If you have an issue— be it one in your life outside of him or a problem between the two of you— he does make a noticeable effort to try to help out the best he can manage, be it by supplying you with funds or helping with the psychoanalyzing of people in your general circle to figure out why they are acting the way they do. Unlike with someone like Light or L, he’s never going to lie to you about what it is he does; as your job is mainly to offer him emotional support it only makes sense that you understand what’s going on in his life. He won’t necessarily go out of his way to talk to you but he will become an expert on any topic you happen to be remotely interested in so you can have meaningful discussions, and he is a very good communicator.
So, all in all, if you’re fine accepting that he’s going to assume that this is a transactional relationship whatever you say otherwise, he’s not a bad partner. Just try to understand how he sees things and you two would be fine.
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abysscronica · 1 year
Abyss, can we have some au headcannons for birdie and kid and the crew? Like, how they meet, how they get along, what would they be if they met in our world kinda stuff. If that's not too bothersome ofcourse. With love. ❤
Yo! Of course.
First of all, if you're interested in this topic, I recommend a fic from my fellow fanwriter and friend KiraReno, titled "Modern Life."; I linked it but you can find it on Wattpad. It's a modern!AU Law x OC, but birdie (as "Lotte") is a character that gets involved with Kid there. I was partially involved in the crafting of her plotline. Heads up: unfortunately the story is unfinished, the author is on a hiatus and I'm not sure when/if she's coming back. Either way, she has a lot of OP characters x reader stories, and she's one of the best OP authors out there in my opinion.
Now, moving onto your modern!AU Kid x birdie headcanons! Under the cut.
Birdie is probably a veterinarian of some sort - with the fact that she has a medic aptitude but she doesn't particularly like people, I think it works
Kid is either a mechanic or a mechanic engineer, OR even better, he works in a workshop to pay for his engineer studies
Killer is studying to become a chef, helps Kid sometimes for some extra money
both hit the gym all the time
they are also occasionally involved in some shady stuff like illegal car racing or so
I like the idea of birdie going around with an old vespa that often has issues
so they would meet when she brings it to Kid's workshop to get repaired
Kid would be enthralled because it's a very unusual vehicle, he strikes me as the type that would know anything about old models and they would get him very excited
he takes notice of the sarcastic girl that brings in such motor scooter
if they live in the same town, they might meet at some party - let's say Luffy and the gang throw a big one, he'll probably invite Kid & crew, and birdie can be there through common friends like Koby
I feel like Kid would normally have a lot of casual sex and one-night stands, so it wouldn't be a big deal for him to hit on her - just to be blatantly ignored
then there's a drinking competition that birdie totally rules (not win, as Zoro is there, and Nami is a worthy opponent too, but she certainly impresses a lot of people with her drunk-sassy attitude)
Killer & crew will have a "uh-oh" moment as they see Kid zeroing on her and setting on the pray
he challenges her to a 1v1; if he wins, she goes on a date with him (he would already have her phone number because of the vespa repair)
and that's how they go out for the first time
she's definitely very impressed with the work he did on her vespa, no one had done such a good job before
during the date, Kid definitely catches her eye, she's drawn in by his wild side, it feels new, exciting, refreshing
but she's very insecure, she's the type that has avoidant attachment issues due to being neglected as a child (Aokiji as adoptive, quite distant father maybe?), so she feels intimidated by him
which she tries to cover up by being extra sassy
Kid senses her insecurities, but the mixture with her strengths kinda excites him even more
not much will happen on that first date except for a fun night together
once he gets home, Killer is playing video games (they're roommates), and casually says "oh, you're home early, so no luck with the vespa girl?"
"not yet"
Killer is quite surprised as Kid usually loses interest quickly if a woman doesn't put out
in the following days, he observes how Kid is more attracted to her than he even realizes, but he's not sure the girl feels the same
Killer decides to secretly help out his homie by organizing something chill like a bbq and inviting common friends, so birdie can come over with her own mates and she & Kid can spend time together in a neutral environment
birdie feels more secure in this occasion
they kiss for the first time
their actual first time would happen after a couple more dates, when they both get drunk
it'll be hard for birdie, but she'll tell him before that she is a virgin
this gets Kid extra excited, he loves the idea of being her first, and the whole pain/pleasure situation is definitely his thing
BUT he still tries his best to be gentle (for his standards) and prepares her as much as he can by going down on her first
after that night, they become a couple
it's not easy to adjust as they're both strongheads and totally new at this
they have crazy physical chemistry and they're hot for each other all the time, but there will be a lot of messy fights too
somehow tho they always find their way back to each other (although Killer has to mediate sometimes)
birdie bonds with the crew too, especially Killer and Heat
birdie & Killer become pasta buddies
she's drawn to Heat because he makes her feel very calm and secure, he's drawn to her for the same reason, he's not used to girls feeling so safe around him
plus birdie doesn't care about the shady stuff or the punk looks, so they can be themselves around her all the time
as a couple, Kid & birdie are horny, both jealous and possessive, fierce, sassy
but they have their secret soft moments when no one is around
Kid is sometimes brutal but a huge help for birdie's insecurities, and she's a great incentive to push him trough his studies because she encourages him all the time and believes in him even when he doesn't
the crew don't say anything, but they're definitely overjoyed seeing their boss so happy
There you go, I hope you like it! It was fun, feel free to ask for more stuff. ❤️
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What do you think of Taylor getting all the hate? I think this is the first time in a long time an album announcement wasn't received well. People are usually neutral towards her even if they don't like her music. Maybe it's because she has been oversaturated she has been constantly releasing albums since 2022, and then the eras tour and break up drama what do you think?
I ended up writing a weird, tangential ramble, so in short, to answer your question: I think it is just oversaturation. She's sort of becoming a lightning rod for people to express all their frustrations with the world, which might be legitimate grievances and might even be fairly related to her (like say jet emissions), but her presence in pop culture just leads to her continuously being the vehicle to have these serious conversations, if that makes sense. Like, I wish she switched to renewable kerosene (which is a thing, look it up! though I imagine it may not be available at most airports) but it serves no one to center a single rich singer-songwriter in the discussion surrounding climate change and the energy transition. (and also people continuously dismiss her security concerns when her houses are like REGULARLY broken into.)
It's difficult not to read most of the backlash as a kneejerk reaction (and to be clear there IS valid criticism), which is also why I try not to give it too much headspace. It's not what I'm here for.
My additonal rambling below the cut (please don't expect more of these lol):
(there's some repetition here cause I actually wrote this bit first)
I have opinions on most Taylor-related news stories, but I find interacting with the haters as well as the fandom tiring in anything larger than small doses (I only follow a handful of swifties and most of them are mutuals).
That being said: I actually really understand the general "Taylor-fatigue" — as you said, she is everywhere these days — and I also think there are things that are totally fair to criticize about her (even hate her for I guess, I can't choose how people feel). But it's also hard to ignore the dehumanization she's subjected to on the daily (like the idea that her using her jet too much gives people the right to create an app to track her current location – as if her location is relevant to the amount of emissions she's caused). But I guess that's just the price you pay for the type of success she's gained. I also think one can't totally blame her. Yes, she's touring a lot and putting out tons of music but that's her job!! And I love these things and WANT more of them!! It doesn't to me seem reasonable to expect her not to attend football games to support her boyfriend just because people can't stop filming her. Being annoyed by how she's everywhere is normal, but projecting all that annoyance back onto her, leading to disproportionate criticism of everything she does: that's on everyone. I don't know if it's avoidable at this point, I just wish people interacted with her in a more self-aware way.
Also, regarding people finding the vibe of the next album cringe: again, I don't have an influence on how people feel about art lol, but I do find that some of the criticism seems to be assuming it is entirely serious, without a hint of irony, and frankly I find that silly, given Taylor's entire body of work. (There was a time when people took Look What You Made Me Do 100% at face value and made fun of it for that! but oh well, bunch of people missed the nuance of Anti-Hero. Anyways.)
Sorry, I don't actually want to get into a discussion about the minutiae of everything everyone says about her. Like, I don't want to feel obligated to provide my take on every single thing that she does or happens to her, whether I support her or don't support her in that particular instance. That is too much work in such an active fandom.
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my official gleanings thoughts <3
story 1: the first swing
also quick fact i probably won't do this for all the stories, just the ones i like the best, but idk that might change who knows
page 1: the poem?? absolutely snazzy i love it so much. particularly the second verse: "those before you are in awe / they cannot imagine what your next move will be / you carry yourself as balanced and poised as a performer dancing brutally among them" is so reminiscent of goddard's values and really ties into the idea that curie was seeking that high life that goddard also looked for. the parallels between the two of them are insane and i love that we can see how two different ideologies stemmed from people who were similar. it pushes the theme that decisions are what make us who we are. joelle shusterman?? loml
page 6: i like that shusterman (from the get-go) is showing how people treat scythes. like actually bowing is crazy.
page 7: "it is a scythe's prerogative to give random tasks to random people." irks me tbh and it cements the fact that most scythes do believe that they are worthy of handing out such tasks, which we know is not the case. also the "some scythes play to the crowd, some scythes don't." is almost word for word a phrase in scythe (book 1) and so that's awesome that he called it back to show how little the scythedom has changed
page 10: "...and toosdai riggle, because she liked saying the name." love that he emphasised her more playful and younger side. i think it helps us differentiate the older from the younger curie and it shows us how she's changed
page 13: love love love that they showed how quickly the scythedom moves on. going from the topic of potentially killing the president to a debate between scythes armstrong, armstrong, and armstrong is a vast difference. in addition to that, i love that shusterman shows how little the scythedom wants to change. now that all of these scythes are in positions of power, they don't want to advance the world. they are willing to let midmerica fall into ruin as long as they can live their lives the way that want. they want to make it the thunderhead's problem even though curie correctly brings up the fact that the thunderhead can't do anything.
page 14: "but death was death, and blood was blood." an interesting statement but idk what i wanna say about it so
page 15: CAT!!
page 16: "but not all justice had such a pleasing aesthetic..." shusterman you're my favourite person ever. that's such a fantastic quote and it's so applicable to the world today. many people aren't willing to take the steps required in order to serve justice because it is so so messy. which is why we see politicians making promises in order to gain votes, and then not doing anything because it's hard. then the individuals who have been wronged are essentially forgotten, and groups or people who attempt to change the situation are looked down on by society, and are mocked and villainised for attempting to get justice. i'm thinking things like first nations movements, the black panthers, etc., but if i'm wrong please correct me!
page 21: "palming a security pad, which, by law, had to yield to her." it's not just the security pad babes literally the entire world has to yield to her. but it is an odd thing to write in so i think shusty knew that.
page 22: "humanity has given me the right to do as i whatever i please." the parallels between goddard and curie are killing me omg. the scythe mentality that every person believes and understands what they are doing is so wrong. people are terrified to their core of scythes because they know that being given the right to kill is something that should have never happened. not to mention that the people who are picked to become scythes are not chosen by a neutral party like the thunderhead, but by OTHER SCYTHES. other scythes pick and choose who gets to essentially become a god in this society!! this is why they end up with the old and new guards because each scythe looks for people who will hold their values and essentially turns them into themselves so that they can leave behind a legacy when they die. scythe curie's quote "for [choosing an apprentice] is a form of vanity [...] 'be the new me, so that the old me can leave this world satisfied.'" (177, scythe) is literally a direct example of it. essentially this means that no one in regular society has ever had an opinion on who will be a scythe and who won't!! humanity quite literally didn't give curie the right to do whatever she pleases. this is so insane because it shows how little humanity and ruling systems have changed.
page 25: up until now i actually thought that the writing was pretty stilted and odd, it seemed like shusty was getting back into the rhythm of scythe, but curie's "speech" is so perfect omg. it's like two lines but it captures her reasoning and drive and shows us that she truly believed that what she did was right. also the president was right and wrong about her regretting what she did. yes, she did regret it, but mainly because it was rash and uncalculated, not because she didn't think it was right. even the thunderhead was completely on board with it. QUOTE FROM THUNDERHEAD CAFE SCENE
page 26: "it gave her a persona she was motivated to grow out of." that's such an interesting line because we know that yes, she does grow out of it eventually. again my brain is like half making a connection but not fully so i don't know how to articulate my thoughts.
thoughts: that was wonderful curie my dear i miss you so much. but i really like that the story emphasised how she's changed overtime and the lessons she's learned. one thing that worked great was that she showed how she was ridiculed at the start (for the colour of her robe, her hair, faraday) and so that was also a motivator in what she finally did. overall, it did a great job of presenting curie's commanding and take-charge nature, and i loved it. one thing i didn't like about it was the writing, just at the beginning. it didn't really flow as nicely as i was used to and everything seemed to be in a series of steps rather than a flowing motif. her entering the white house was very "first this happened, then this happened, then this happened" but it really pulled together at the end so i'm not annoyed at all. loved it.
thanks guys!!
∼ akki <3
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erigold13261 · 8 months
Some more rosebots HCs because why not? -Yinu uses ze/zir as a neopronoun since it felt neutral -Yinu can now speak some Japanese and Hebrew. Peni can now speak some Spanish and Zulu. -one of the most prominent holidays that they celebrate are Día de Muertos and Obon -they both stopped working in their late 20s, and travelled the world for few years (Japan, South Africa, Mexico, and more) -some of their old friends or people asking for tech advice come and visit them in their getaway
I love all of these so much! They sound like such lovely headcanons!
Also, I can see Yinu not ever having to work anymore from like a teenager on because zir mother made sure all the finances as a Megastar were put in proper avenues (as well Mama putting her own money into good investments for Yinu's future).
Yinu just decides to keep working out of passion and love for the job (whatever that may be, might not still be an NSRtist). Ze will always have the option to quit a job ze hates or is treated poorly in. That privilege extends to Peni once they get together (I'm sure Yinu would have also extended help to Peni if they were both just friends, but now there is a definite security for Peni).
Peni honestly wouldn't need that security as much, but it does help as Peni doesn't come from money and most likely would have had to keep working well into later adulthood depending on how kit lived kits life (which I can see being pretty maximalist for a while before shifting to a more average, possibly minamalist, kind of attitude).
Yinu probably already knew some Japanese and Hebrew thanks to the Sayu Crew and Eve, however it was all just phrases and words. After Peni and Yinu became friends and then closer, Yinu was able to become conversationalist in those languages.
Peni might have known some Spanish from kits time in Nueva York, but again, it was more like phrases (less than what Yinu knew of Japanese and Hebrew). The two definitely use LSM as that is a very important part of Yinu that keeps zir dad's memory alive (I don't know what Peni would do to keep kits dad's memory alive as an everyday thing, but they would do it).
Speaking of keeping their dads' memories alive, I do love the idea that they participate in those two holidays! There is definitely going to be other holidays about keeping family members' memories alive and honoring the dead that comes from their other heritages, but those two holidays are probably the most important to them.
That last point though made me think of something sad. Imagine some of 1010 having to come to see Peni for tech issues (like really bad ones that Eloni or Purl can't fix) because Neon J is no longer around. That would definitely be a hard hit for Yinu (as well as obviously 1010) which would make Yinu keep in close contact with 1010 as best as ze can. Peni would absolutely help out when kit can.
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