#I'm An Aaron Burr Guy
deadpresidents · 11 months
“(Alexander) Hamilton is an intriguant -- the greatest intriguant in the World -- a man devoid of every moral principle -- a Bastard, and as much a foreigner as Gallatin [Albert Gallatin, a Founding Father born in Switzerland]. Mr. Jefferson is an infinitely better man; a wiser one, I am sure, and, if President, will act wisely. I know it, and would rather be Vice President under him, or even Minister Resident at the Hague, than indebted to such a being as Hamilton for the Presidency.”
-- President John Adams to his Secretary of War James McHenry, during a tense meeting after the President forced McHenry and other Hamilton loyalists in his Cabinet to resign for allegedly scheming against him, May 5, 1800.
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casiavium · 2 months
exhausted the music I like listening to so to pass time at work I've started listening to cast recordings of musicals I liked in high school. Which is fun because I haven't listened to them in a while but also not fun because I have come to the realization of just how much influence stuff like Heathers, Be More Chill, and fucking Hamilton has on my writing to this day
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icarusbetide · 3 months
why it's okay that hamilton the musical is terribly inaccurate
i'm feverish so none of this will make any sense, but i wanted to get it down somewhere before i lose all train of thought. a lot of hamilton the musical's discrepancies with the historical record make sense if you remind yourself that it's inherently meta. it's equally about our perception of these figures and their legacies than the figures themselves. not sure how much of that is deliberate - i would argue a fair amount, since the play is literally haunted by history. "history has its eyes on you", "history obliterates", "who lives who dies who tells your story". and that's going to bleed into their musical characterization and relationships. the musical exaggerates and caricatures them, and is self-aware of its tamperings. the way burr as a narrator expresses the same frustrations we feel, not being in the room where it happened. how it puts words into eliza's mouth and speculates that she burned the letters because of the reynolds pamphlet, and she wanted to keep it from us.
alexander hamilton was not jumpy, awkward, and incredibly abrasive in real life. he was all accounts charming, and apparently even aloof in certain situations. but his writing was aggressive, heavy-handed. we all know when that led to disaster. his written work aka his largest legacy informs the character we see.
same thing with burr. it's really funny because musical burr is so shy and quiet compared to his real-life counterpart who was charming, popular with the ladies, and very hilariously unhinged. but it makes sense. because when we think of burr, we think of a guy who doesn't believe in anything, who quietly slipped through the political parties, etc. and that's the personality he carries.
and that's why washington plays a different role in hamilton compared to washington in turn. we aren't supposed to get close to him, seeing his temper or his flaws. washington in the musical is always above everyone else, spectating. he's even in the background of "my shot", watching hamilton contemplatively before nodding and slipping away. obviously he wouldn't have been aware of hamilton during the new york pamphlet era; most likely he wasn't serving as a father figure during hamilton's wedding, fixing his collar. but historically, washington's quiet support did allow hamilton to move forward with his political goals - in the musical that bleeds into their personal relationship and physical staging. he's often looming over hamilton in some way. i'd even say that some people very convincely argue that in hamilton's perspective, washington is the most important person in the musical. he's the person hamilton is most often watching. and washington probably was the most important relationship hamilton cultivated.
probably the most egregious example would be jefferson, whose shy personality is not explored at all in the musical. but the cock-fighting, taunting, flamboyant jefferson next to hamilton on stage? that's their political, newspaper rivalry for sure. they have to be seen as equals, and in a musical format, that means jefferson needs to be hamilton's equal in rapping, fighting.
i mean, the entire plot follows the relationship of alexander and aaron burr over the years in a parallel doom situation. it's probably wildly inaccurate! burr wasn't hamilton's first friend, and though they did work together and were apparently on good terms for some time, i doubt burr lived his life obsessively following hamilton's career. but our understanding and speculation on their relationship is heavily influenced by their end - and so the musical versions of the characters seem pre-ordained to reach weehawken. burr has to be in hamilton's shadow, burr has to believe in hamilton's greatness more faithfully than any other character; their fates have to be tied together, because they are tied together in death. you'll never be able to separate alexander hamilton from aaron burr.
and musical burr knows that. he knows history obliterates, and the picture it will paint. hamilton's so much a play about how we try to rationalize/dig into these human people that we unfortunately will never really know. i still think there are flaws that weren't deliberate, but that's another story.
i'll probably elaborate/edit this later. it's already a shitton of run-on sentences lmaoo.
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kalopses-sonderes · 9 months
Alrighttttttt sagau x hamilton brainrots/crack now (first time writing about sagau and genshin in general so sorry for ooc) only adult characters. This is also pre-Fontaine update
Again, they never heard of a Hamiltion so they think you fully created this play what a smart creator
Zhongli as Hamilton or Washington, leaning more towards being Washington. Like, he is just wise and what not and his voice might work more towards Washington.
Traveler as hamilton also makes sense, THE TWIN BEING AARON BURR????
ITTO AS HERCULES MULLIGANNNNNNN, thats it. Like bro, he’d be perfect for it and I stand fully by it. Theres no other person to do it better
Al Haitham as Lafyette since he knows more than one language
Thoma as James Madison and Childe as Thomas Jefferson?? Childe as the king also makes sense, he’d completely rock that little cape and crown.
Ningguang as Jean, Jean as Angelica, and Yan Fei as Peggy. I'm willing to change my mind on this but idk who else to put
Kaeya as Lawrance, prove me wrong. Diluc would be a background character at most, probably not. Might help you direct tho
Kaveh as that guy who also sings in farmer refuted, I dont think he has a name-
Brainrot over
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46ten · 2 months
Were some of AH's reactions over-the-top?
@icarusbetide wrote the following here:
and i'm paying attention to what you said about how "He viewed things differently than they because he had different motivations" - that's generally how i feel about the reynolds pamphlet, because i can very much see the reasoning behind why he did it, even if it was a terrible political decision. a lot of his actions can definitely be accounted for by thinking of his priorities, which a lot of scholars have nicely argued were public integrity, honor, fame.
do you think there is something illogical/irrational in a lot of his over-the-top reactions to slander, or do you similarly think they are ill-considered but still rational? i don't have an answer, because i think they make sense given his aforementioned priorities, but i've also seen people argue that that level of intensity and "rabidness" probably had some psychological basis. flexner in the young hamilton seems to lean heavily into that (i have grievances with that book in general so i'm not taking his word for it lol), arguing that hamilton would revert to this insecure, child-like mindset at crucial moments - this isn't really about bipolar disorder or ADHD, but i wanted to ask if you think there's merit in that general idea!
I hate Flexner, and others do, too. I think psychobiography is not at all helpful to history, as a discipline, as "facts" are made up to support the psychological speculation.
It's hard for me to come up with hard examples of AH behaving "irrationally" in his life - that was not his personality at all. He was overly rational, an over-thinker at times. And he was also decisive - he would take this risk if he thought that outcome was worth it, but he does not strike me as someone unaware of the pros and cons who was just marching on. (His rationality, his ability to see many sides, his clear-headed thinking and ability to move that to action, and then his judgement, are qualities his colleagues praised about him - which doesn't mean that he didn't have examples of what they considered to be poor judgment - hello Adams pamphlet.)
To discuss the Reynolds Pamphlet briefly, since this is often suggested as an example of how crazy and impulsive/reckless AH was, he spent at least a month composing it. It's long and detailed. He explains why he's writing it. Considering we have it - documented - that AH consulted with some of his friends about dueling Aaron Burr (another example where it's in fashion to claim AH was some crazy loner guy making bizarre choices), I'd speculate that he discussed writing the pamphlet with EH, John Church, Oliver Wolcott, and William Jackson almost certainly, maybe Fish, Troup, Clarkson....He may have discussed it with Philip Schuyler! [He didn't get as far as he did in military/professional/political life without understanding the idea of consultation and seeing all sides to the problem, even if he wasn't aiming for full consensus.]
Callendar's pamphlets (which we no longer have copies of - historians are working from the History...of 1796 and AH's quotes in the Reynolds Pamphlet) took aim at whether AH was a trustworthy public servant - the intent was to wound his public character. He is absolutely going to need to respond to that in some way. The way he wants to respond to it, however, is to have the editor (Fenno) disavow it, and then to have the men (Monroe, Venable, Muhlenberg) to whom he provided an explanation of the Reynolds Affair way back in December 1792 provide him with letters stating that Callendar's allegations are false. He is furious when Monroe refuses, esp when Monroe states that he didn't really believe AH at the time! He's pretty ticked off that he instead has to argue his own innocence himself, and he lets the reader know he's ticked off to have to do this. That's not reckless, impulsive, crazy behavior. The issue, really, is the amount of detail he provides: not only "I didn't do that," but "I instead was doing this...." He is "too honest," "MOST INDISCREET" as GM probably would have put it! But this was also him putting all his arguments out there - this is what you should judge me for, because I was innocent of that other thing - and besides politicians knowing since 1793, the general public already knew (it's in the press by 1795) that there were accusations of adultery around him. He really wasn't revealing anything except rather excruciating details of the affair, but that again, is his "too honest" style and his thinking like the lawyer he is - "I'm giving you guys all the facts!" There may have also been some thinking that by providing all these facts, it would shame folks in the future and he could avoid being the subject of similar attacks - he may have also wanted to correct people on the record about his adultery; it's difficult to say. (Maybe this link to all my posts on the Reynolds Pamphlet will work, for those interested.)
One of AH's best friends, Robert Troup, states "his ill-judged pamphlet has done him incomparable injury," and Webster's quotes are pretty well known - the common objection is sort of a "why respond at all?" Well, AH explains why he responded - it's not unreasonable.
Let me bring this back to Flexner and his speculation that this has to do with some awful childhood events (that we have no record happened) and his resulting insecurity from it. There's no basis for thinking this. No evidence, no assertions from AH that this is a concern for him - it's just a story to sell books (come on down, Chernow!) Now if we're going to argue that some of AH's defensiveness around attacks on his public character came from his being an outsider, so therefore often having to re-assert his position in the gentleman circle, that may carry more weight - and some scholars do argue that. But I don't think AH, through most of his life, thought of himself as an outsider on the American scene.
If you give me some examples of what you consider to be over-the-top reactions to slander, I may try to respond to a few. I am planning a response to your questions about AH's personality, if that's okay, which I will post in a few days.
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lullaby-for-a-shark · 9 months
Hamildaddies Update
I have finished the first two songs
Alexander Hamilton/These Four Dads, yeah
Aaron Burr, Sir/Put Down That Phone, Son
Lyrics under the cut, pray for me :)
(also a TW for suicide, just in relation to Cern, it’s fleeting and unspecific)
These Four Dads, Yeah
How would a vegan, rocker, son of a dick
And a coach dad, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot
In the forgotten realms, by some guys in purple robed collars
Get out in time for them to play soccer
An extreme, green, man who's always oh so very keen
Dad to two whack tweens, who steal all his time to clean
Having to stand between
His kids and a naked tree
His crunchy munchiness is all part of his neat routine 
And every day he would pray 
his step son wouldn’t cast him away, would this be the day?
He struggled and kept his guard up
Inside he was longing for something to be apart of
The step dad was ready to be, steal, or borrow a father 
Then a guitar riff played, the Glenn Close Trio reigned 
Christmas music now rise, rising from the grave
Put a doobie in his face hole, let it ease his brain
Donning an awesome belt chain, to cover up all the pain
Well, the word got around, they said ‘damn this guy can coach, man’
Good at doing dishes, the kitchen is his main land
He quit his college education 
On tax day he came
These dads, the words gonna know their names
The fuck are they man?
These four dads, yeah
God please help these four dads, yeah
Your heart apart they will quickly tear
If you just wait, if you just wait
With their kids they will split, various levels of tear ridden
In a short time they’ll have to find out where they’re hidden
Are they dead? Coping with being sick and brain thick?
And the longer we take the faster time seems to tick
They make some cool friends
One of which wants to commit suicide
His dead kids left him with broken pride
Nothing new inside
Henry says ‘McStuffins you gotta fend for yourself’
Which led to him retreating
A deck of cards placed placed on the shelf
With their kids their conflicts they will have to try to dispute 
Before they’re all dead or destitute
Without a cent of restitution
Dealing with scamming while lamming
Henry and Darryl being ignored
Ron and Glenn mostly enjoying being abroad 
Scamming will become a real issue from now on
Planning seems impossible when you drive on
The issue at hand while in your cool van
In the forgotten realms you can improve as a man
In the forgotten realms you can improve as a man
(If you just wait)
In the forgotten realms you can improve as a man
(If you just wait)
In the forgotten realms you can improve as a man
In the forgotten realms, forgotten realms
If you just wait
These four dads, yeah
(These four dads, yeah)
Mass destruction followed you
(Destruction followed you)
You never backed down
‘Cause you were running out of time
Oh, these four dads, yeah
(These four dads, yeah)
When all the friends you made sing for you
Will they know what you overcame?
That lives were lost to win the game?
Your world will never be the same, oh
The van in in San Dimas now
See if you can spot them
They cannot possibly know 
That they will hit rock bottom
Their fatherhood destroyed their rep in the world of forgotten
Me, I fought with them
Me, I helped them
Me, I loved them
And me?
I'm the awesome guy that scammed ‘em
Your hearts apart they’ll quickly tear
If you just wait
They fuck are they man?
These four dads, yeah!
Put Down That Phone, Son
Two Thousand and Nineteen
San Dimas
Put down that phone once you’ve won, son
What is it this time?
Oh well tons, son 
You see I, Darryl Wilson have a task, son
We’ve got a job to do
Oh goddamn it
Son, I know you love your soccer and I thought that maybe you could make some more friends
And you could get sorta buddy-buddy with that team of yours
If we carpool it could be fun, son
And look, there’s Glenn over there
The weed one?
Morning Glenn Close, I’ll have to shake your hand we’re not here for social revolution 
I look at him like he’s stupid
I’m not stupid
So, your sons smoking weed, ha, guess they grow up so fast
He’s only thirteen, but why wait for more time to pass?
About the smoking weed, of course
I’ve done it, God, back in ninety-four
I smoked more weed than we possibly could have ever
Paid for
Can I get in the car?
That would be nice
While we’re talking let me offer you some free advice
Care less
Chillax more
‘Cause why would you want to live life like that for?
You can’t be serious 
You wanna get ahead?
Dads who are too square wind up dead
Ah-yuh-yo-yo-yo, yo!
What time is it
Show time!
Stop that dread
Showtime, showtime! Yo!
I’m Lark Oak in the place to be
And I’m punching the absolute shit out of this tree
And even though my dad may frown at me
Violence is the coolest in the world, you see
Yes yes brother, that’s as true as it can get
I Sparrow am one half of the best twin set
My enemies have scars
I make them see spinning stars
We are cool and awesome and et-cet-e-ra
Guys Guys, I am the Henry Oak
Just a bloke, don’t choke
I heard your mother say “it’s not a joke”
So I don’t wanna enforce nor endorse
Your energy ‘cause it’s your passions source
So if you could get right into the car, sons
And later you can continue with your little
With my extensive environmental knowledge
I suppose carpooling is fine if it’s acknowledged?
Good luck with that, I’m making you walk
Your shit oatmeal spit is even sick of your talk
I still don’t understand why the fuck you are here for
I here ‘cause I’m your step dad
And you’re someone to cheer for 
Ugh, are we good, are we good, are we good?
Yes we should be good son, yes we should…
edit: pasting the lyrics in instead of having screenshots
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kingofthescene · 9 months
Burr: Part 01.
As someone who has been doing research on Aaron Burr for years and years now, something that genuinely frustrates me about "Hamilton: An American Musical" is how Burr's character is treated throughout the entirety of it. It's very strange because to me, it seemed as though they were downplaying/disregarding Burr's own accomplishments in order to bring light to Hamilton's and put him on a pedestal instead. The way they go about this in the musical is very odd. Burr has been dehumanized and villainzed throughout history and his actual life due to his enemies - men like Hamilton himself, Thomas Jefferson, and so on. Vindictive people who made it their life/were dedicated to ruining Burr's life and reputation. Many lyrics stand out to me and I can't help but roll my eyes at some of them. Even in the first song of the musical alone; "His enemies destroyed his rep, America forgot him." That line speaks more to Burr than it does to Hamilton. The damage Burr's enemies, Hamilton included, still lingers around today and he's still known as one of the most hated men in history. Even more so because of how many people refuse to do actual research on him, they watch a musical, or read two pages from a very biased and not very credible book (Chernow, I'm coming for you), then come to a conclusion/form an opinion on someone they truly know nothing about simply due to the fact that they didn't care enough to educate themselves. Lin Manuel Miranda himself admitted that when he was writing this play that Burr was an after thought, didn't see him as human. Though with how much he praised Chernow's book - to the point where he wrote an entire musical based off that nonsense - I would be lying if I said I was surprised, I didn't expect anything more or less. The historical inaccuracies and lack of research always did bother me when it came to this musical in particular. The little "America forgot him" line bothers me as well because as small of a line as it is, it just is not true. Hamilton's family have been fighting for him since the day of his death (for over 100 years), saving his reputation and painting him in the best light in order to secure his legacy. He's the guy on the ten dollar bill, numerous statues of this man posted not only in New York, but in Boston, Chicago, etc. There's one in the U.S Capitol. What about this screams "forgotten"?
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burr-did-nothing-wrong · 11 months
what's your theory on why there's so much fucking drama in a fandom of plus minus 50 people? mine is that several of these accounts are just hamilton sockpuppet-blogging from hell and forgetting that he's actually the account he's arguing against
Honestly I came from the LOTR fandom, which back in the day, it was an incredible cesspool of moral superiority and pseudo intellectualism. Like, "oh, you don't know that gothmog was born in the year of the third age 6969? Well you're not a *real* fan!" We get that some here between musical fans and rpf fans, but the level of shit-slinging is really not comparable at all. We're a relatively peaceful fandom. Yes there's drama, but very rarely do I see people directly @ing blogs they don't like and fighting on main.
Where AmRev is concerned there's that ego element of "I'm doing serious historical work by playing with my barbie dolls" that other fandoms don't have. I understand fandom spaces are denigrated by society, so it's sort of a defense against shame to say "I'm not doing gross fandom stuff like those gross fandom people! I'm a real historian!" And I get why people are like that, cause it's really painful when your fandom interests are treated as inherently invaluable or not important. But by trying to differentiate in that way you're just reinforcing the very thing you're trying to escape and shitting on everyone in the process.
Then I see people who just...are personally offended when you have a different interpretation of a historical character than they do, as if it's not okay to prioritize different things or look at evidence differently. And of course there's an element of hero worship that a lot of people here have for those figures, instead of recognizing that they're just as much clown as the rest of us, and it certainly doesn't help that America tries it's hardest to make these regular dudes into God-like mythical figures.
This blog here memes a lot about Aaron Burr, but he was p shitty to his wife when she was sick, in period typical fashion (basically "you're sick because you have a bad mindset!" Aaron bby stfu you're not a doctor.) People are always going to be deeply flawed. And these figures don't need you to defend them when it comes to shit they *actually* did wrong. You aren't going to meet them one day to get their gold star of approval for defending them enough times on the internet. When they did something fucked up, you can acknowledge it and just move on, if you want. But acting like everybody has to come play Barbie doll with you in exactly the way you want...that's schoolyard bully behavior.
And I want to be clear, it's totally fine to just play with these guys like barbie dolls! If you want to write cinnamon roll Washington fic, there's nothing wrong with that at all! I go back and forth between writing cinnamon roll stuff and history compliant stuff (and egrigous porn). And I don't think one is inherently more valuable than the other. The issue is when you try to tell others that they need to play with a specific barbie doll in *your* way, or that what they're doing is inherently invaluable.
Everyone can just...play in their sandbox. And if someone doesn't like a character you like? That's okay! They're allowed to not like them, just like you're allowed to ignore them.
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3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 23, 24 for the fandom asks!!!
this turned out pretty long so answers under the cut!!
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
burr. burr burr aaron burr. also madison!!
5. something you see in fics a lot and love
ohh uhh i only read angst fics help the friendship between mulligan, lafayette, laurens and hamilton definitely!! like idc if they never met irl they're silly now. also the characterization of certain characters!! like idk how to explain it but the characterizations of the schuyler sisters are always so good!!
7. your favorite tropes to read/write/draw
definitely angst & hurt/(no)comfort lmao i love to see them suffer <3
10. a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
wdym one blog D:
@jittyjames you were one of my first fanfic authors that i discovered and i literally worshipped you (i lowkey still do) at the start you're so important!! definitely made me feel accepted <3
@conjectureand-gloom how do i even. you are so fucking amazing. you're so talented and funny and like just so fucking amazing. thank you so much for like everything. <33
@my-dear-gal you're literally so cool. i want to inhale your art
@unicornsaures just like!! you!!! you're so!!!!! (idk if i'm getting my point across tysm for being here!! and for the redcoat hamilton au fic it's one of the things getting me through life rn)
@ashlamsms we haven't even interacted that much but you're really really cool!!
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
oh god uhh. tbh i haven't made that many but i'd say the sky's the limit?? i spent a lot of time on it and it turned out really good so :)) (even though i did have a mid-writing crisis of i hate everything about this fic)
23. the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual
answered here !!
24. how has fandom positively impacted your life?
well. you see. it saved my life.
i was in a really dark place before watching hamilton and joining the fandom. i don't think i would've made it to this day without the fandom tbh.
but now i have stuff like 'oh i still need to write that' and 'i haven't read that yet' and 'i can't just like leave my blog wtf???' so :))
this is also like my home. you guys are like my family. if i'd have to list the most important things in my life, y'all would be at the top.
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binch-i-might-be · 2 years
intermission. I'm having so many thoughts but not in the mind to articulate them
edit: it is no longer intermission. in fact I am back at the hotel room sprawled over the bed and kicking my legs in the air like a little girl. but I refuse to start this list over!
first of all, german really isn't the language for the musical, but they absolutely did the best they could with what they had
with that out of the way, let's get into my scattered stream of consciousness!
the lams is blatant and almost ridiculous. the guy playing Laurens only auditioned for the role so he could make it as gay as possible and I am CERTAIN of that. the homosexual gazing in the first song...... the fucking WAY the other guys and Laurens were whispering to each other when Hamilton first started going off and then Laurens stumbled over as if he was working up the nerve to ask him out. THEY KEEP GRABBING EACH OTHER'S NAPES??? IT LOOKED LIKE THEY WERE ACTUALLY GOING TO KISS DURING MY SHOT. HELLO
when Washington first showed up on stage I immediately went "YES DADDY" and I am not sorry!
speaking of Washington tho, he doesn't quite have the presence for me at some points. he's not as intense or consistent as Chris Jackson, but Hamilton and him are so very cute so I'll take it!
Hamilton is. SO endearing. I love him so much oh my god he's such a sweet boy he deserves the world. the actor is playing him so much younger than lmm did. he's so GENUINE. with lmm there was always this underlying weariness, he was weathered and snippy and waging a constant battle, but this one??? baby boy. such a little guy. absolute sweetheart
at the end of Aaron Burr, Sir instead of "who's that kid, what's he gonna do" they say. "what's the little one doing". can you hear me weeping
a lot of the jokes are lost or just don't hit. sad!
in helpless not only did Washington fix Hamilton's cravat,,,,, Hamilton showed him his ring all excited and then Washington PATTED HIS ELBOW as he was walking away. I'll never emotionally recover from this
also Laurens hands him the ring. they did make homosexual eye contact then. #lgbtq
when Hamilton asks for Eliza's hand, her father doesn't say "be true", he says "na gut". which is basically like saying "k". sir 😭
one thing that annoyed me a bit was that they used a lot of the formal "you". let them use the casual "you". come on :(
every time Washington would have said "young man" he says "my son" instead. 5 dead 21 injured
instead of "at the right hand of the father" Burr says "in the lap of the father" and I?????
In Guns And Ships when Hamilton is leaving to rejoin the army he kisses Eliza and then :( he kisses her belly :( just kill me on the spot
oh at the end of Meet Me Inside when Hamilton screams in Washington's face he immediately ducks his head and WHIMPERS? he sounds like he's about to cry!!!! baby boy :(
Hamilton and Laurens are constantly roughhousing. constantly in each other's faces. it is very lgbt
this fucking shredded me. they changed mom/daddy/pa/pops whatever to the german Mama and Papa. not only does Jefferson say "quick, run to Papa" to Hamilton instead of "daddy's calling", this ALSO means that Philip burst into his father's office yelling "Papa if you'd HEARD the shit he said about you". you don't know real pain until you watch Philip die and hear that boy go "Mama". eternal suffering
Burr was good. I liked him! (yes that's all I have to say about him lmao)
my favourite performer was either Eliza or Angelica. they blew it out of the water
I am saddened to report that making out on stage occurred yet again! the people losing their shit over lmm maybe kissing with tongue during Say No To This would have died. I saw. tongues. I SAW them
some songs really do not work in german. the Schuyler Sisters is usually a favourite of mine but oh man does it sound rough. I didn't really understand the lyrics in Helpless but I still liked it because it's Helpless. some translation choices were wild and it took me out of it for a moment! BUT I'm very pleased to say that one line in Alexander Hamilton I was annoyed about, which was "and I simply shot him" instead of "I'm the damn fool that shot him" was changed to "I was his friend and I shot him". better!
"I'm not throwing away my shot" became "I only have one shot" and honestly I can't say I'm too mad about it at this point
"rise up" became "frei sein" ("to be free") which was a bit. ngl. cringe at times haha
Dear Theodosia hit me straight in the nutsack. I was borderline weeping over it. both Hamilton and Burr were so good in that, the text was very well translated, and oh boy does it hit different to hear that in my mother tongue. shit girls my issues came THROUGH on that one
Satisfied might have been my favourite translation out of the whole musical. god was that good. it had slightly different vibes from the original, but that made it so interesting. the imagery used was impeccable, Angelica's actress was AMAZING, and it's just. jesus fuck I'm probably coming back to that later on. genuinely that version made me tear up it was so good
honestly I would say the performers carried the whole thing. they made it work!
that's all for now folks! rest assured, I'll let y'all know if I think of anything else, but yeah! initial impressions and all that :)
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felizusnavidad · 7 months
in the heights/hamilton characters as different aesthetics (preppy, goth, etc.)
this is such a great question! ok, let's think about it. so i decided to pair them up (one ith + one (or two) hamilton character(s) with similar vibes i may also drop some quotes to prove my point) and here's how i see it:
usnavi/alexander (it's all about the legacy they left with me, it's destiny/what is a legacy? it's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see + both the caribbean immigrants + both orphans + both can't shut up sometimes i could write a whole essay about it actually): 90s (i don't have any explanation for this one, i just want to see it cause it's a vibe)
vanessa/angelica (if i'm in the mood, it will not be with some dude who is whistling cause he has nothing to say/i'm looking for a mind at work + so this is what it feels like to match wits with someone at your level you see what i did here, right?): DARK ACADEMIA (oh i love this one, i could even make them a moodboard lol)
nina/eliza: (hey guys, it's me! the biggest disappointment you know BUT nina please believe that when you find your way again you're gonna change the world/i'm erasing myself from the narrative BUT i live another 50 years, it's not enough + and when my time is up, have i done enough? cause in the end they both have done so much, ok? you know what i'm trying to say also this post is a mess): PREPPY (idk i just think it's their vibe)
benny/mulligan (idk, for some reason i was just thinking about how benny was showing off his skills in benny's dispatch and mulligan was showing off... his pants also yes that is the only reason lol): SKATER (do i even need to explain?)
sonny/laurens/philip (they all just have the same young energy for me and i'm not gonna give you any quotes here, it's just something you can see with your own eyes when you watch them on the stage): KIDCORE (i literally had no idea something like this exists but you can google it and it's a perfect choice for them)
kevin/jefferson (ok so look, kevin and camila are married to each other and jefferson and madison are also like a married couple in my head i don't know what else i can say): NORMCORE (just how i see it)
camila/madison (look up): LIGHT ACADEMIA (idk it's just the vibe bro)
daniela/lafayette (mostly because they are both iconic and come on we all love them so much also daniela works in the salon and layafette has majestic hair but it's unimportant): ART HOE (it's just perfect for them, ok?)
carla/peggy (like can't you just see it? carla clearly doesn't have much to say and peggy... and peggy. they are both cute tho! and they are both there just for fun!): SOFT GIRL (cause like i said they are just cute!)
piragua guy/king george (hey, pana! i run this town!/soon you'll see, you'll remember you belong to me! come on they are basically the same person, piragua guy is the king of washington heights): BADDIE (i'm literally crying right now, it's too damn funny)
abuela claudia/george washington (that was abuela, she's not really my abuela but she practically raised me, this corner is her escuela/your wife needs you alive, son, i need you alive + daddy's calling parent vibes lol): COTTAGECORE (it is what it is)
graffiti pete/burr (listen, i don't even have any quotes here, it's just the fact that usnavi hates graffiti pete and hammy and burr are enemies lol you see what i did here): GOTH (just because this is so fucking funny in my head lol imagine aaron burr as goth)
maria reynolds (i don't have a pair for her oops): EARLY 2000s (because of course)
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g1gglee-rxccoon · 1 year
the election of 1800!!
every action has its equal opposite reaction!!
John Adams shat the bed, I love the guy but he's in traction
Poor Alexander Hamilton, he is missing in action
So now I'm facing (Aaron Burr) with his own faction
He's very attractive in the North, New Yorkers like his chances
He's not very forthcoming on any particular stances
Ask him a question, it glances off, he obfuscates, he dances
And they say I'm a Francophile, at least they know I know where France is 🙄
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rainbow-pop-arts · 1 year
WA-CHAAA, we can talk about Trigun Maximum vol 1 now, baby!! This is part 1!
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Some thoughts about TriMax chap 1-2 under the cut!
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Here comes the The Punisher!!
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Here comes Va- I mean, Eriks and Lina!
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Okay…so, when I saw this in the anime I was like “Wait, is he actually gonna strip?” then BOOM, I saw his butt. (⁄ ⁄>⁄ _ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) He also acted like a dog and oh how much I screamed in cringe (Oh my, Wolfwood saw him naked ¬‿¬)
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Epic plant healing ability. Man, I wonder what other cool plant ability he can do…that I don’t know of yet?
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Aaaaaaw, Vash missed Wolfwood
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Aaaaaaw, Wolfwood missed Vash
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Oh yeah, someone told me that Vash retiring as Eriks is unhealthy coping. Here’s what they said:
“more like he doesnt want to cause the same amount of pain and suffering and since hes the cause of it all he goes “off-grid” (hiding in plain sight) 
"changing his name and way of life is apart of that”
“hes not taking accountability for his actions or even trying to stop the root cause”
“he just gave up there”
I guess that make sense? I dunno, what do you guys think?
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I wanna…I wanna wrap him up in a blanket and hug him 🥺
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Badass grandma. Don’t mess with a grandma who would grab a gun to save someone she cares about >:)
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Here goes The Punisher and his epic machine gun that looks like a cross (truly a badass priest)
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Oh woah guys, It’s Hamilton from act 2 of Hamilton the Musical!! Y'know, where he had a duel with Aaron burr
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Just Vash and Wolfwood fighting for food (sorry for the bad manners, Granny Sheryl)
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Real footage of grown man getting kicked by a 12-yr-old 2
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Anyways, Vash being epic (see, Wolfwood thinks so too! :D)
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Can we just…can we just appreciate these bits of moments that Vash had with Lina and Sheryl throughout 2 years??? 🥹
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I wonder why part of his hair is black? (Damn, Lina sure is good at cutting hair, maybe she should cut mine if it gets a bit long)
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Vash is best big bro
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Welp, there they go leaving Lina and Sheryl (I hope we’ll see them again)
That's all for part 1! ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ"
Bonus thoughts: So I read a fanfic where reader was being taken care of by a dependent plant but that plant's more sentient than the other dependants. So cuz of that I have this silly imagination of a kid who's in the ship where Vash grew up on and that kid befriended that kind of dependent plant. (This is TriStamp-coded btw) Then it gets sillier, cuz then the dependent somehow have the ability to become tiny and the kid has container for the dependent. How does the dependent survive? Because of the special water it was in! ๑(◕‿◕)๑ .....I'm not sure if that would be possible but anything can be possible in the fanfic world
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jittyjames · 3 months
8 9 10 16 23
8. for hamilton, i hope more people can appreciate aaron burr. he is the most underutilized character in the musical, and often times people just completely erase his character and characterization. i could go on for hours about aaron burr. his dynamics with everyone are amazing, and let's be real, leslie is arguably one of the most talented people in the cast. HOW DO PEOPLE NOT APPRECIATE BURR??? anyway for jcs, just jcs broadway 2012 in general. people don't even put this production in the core ones, and it makes me saddd :(( like guys i promise it's good. i know it's different BUT DIFFERENT IS GOOD!! they didn't appreciate it then, and they don't appreciate it now :((( but also for jcs, mary. i need to see more mary love. more mary fics, more mary fanart. just more mary pls and thanks.
9. OOOO for hamilton, I'm gonna go with jeffmads. i don't really venture into ships that don't involve alexander, but the dynamics in this one are good. i see really cute fanart and really cool fics that bring me joy even if i don't obsess over them, spend hours thinking about them, have the desire to write for them. it's a good ship. y'all should do it more. as for jcs....uhhhh.. most of the ships i like I go absolutely crazy for. I don't just enjoy them normally. I guess caiaphas and annas. like yes. good content. I love to see it.
ok I'm just going to rattle off some moots for hamilton: @firebalda @crys-sp @cecescomposition @starduckys @conjectureand-gloom @gabcakes @arkhamknight14 and the entirety of the founding fucks. I'm probably missing some, I'm sorry :(((
and for jcs, just the entirety of the jcs discord server. like all of y'all. you guys have made jcs such a good fandom, and you're all so talented. i love that we can just brain rot together
16. for hamilton, i feel like more details have already been obsessed over. I love the use of motifs for songs (like wait for it and burn being the same notes, just at different tempos and with different rhythms) like the implications there that burr and Eliza have some similarities in these songs makes my head spin and keeps me up at night. of course, this is just me being insane for hamburr. like lin is a smart man. he worked on this for years. he did that on PURPOSE. also the fact that alexander is constantly singing other people's themes, like eliza's and burr's, almost mocking them with it. in jcs 2012 broadway, during jesus' arrest, judas is trying to run to jesus with and outstretched hand only to get flung away by a guard. no one talks about this. i brainrot over this moment. judas canonically was trying to rescue jesus. and when he's just centimeters away from touching him, they're ripped apart. also not really tiny, but under-appreciated. the temple scene. the implications of judas walking through while jesus/mary avoid it, the way he's staring at the dancers (men and women), and the fact jesus gets so angry he shoves him that hard. like oh god, they took an already dense scene and made it even more heavy. WHAT WAS GOING ON THERE???
23. hmmm. this ones hard bc most the time, i actively venture into the fandom if it looks interesting. so this happened with hazbin hotel. some mutuals were fangirling over it, and i gave it a try and loved it!!! but i guess if I had to pick one I haven't looked into yet....I think it might be batman?? but not batman??? batman's kids??? idk I see it a lot, and they're always doing lots of whump stuff!
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sardonic-sprite · 1 year
I'm Back!
Wow, so Lent is over now, so my tumblr fast is also over and I'm still a little in shock, lol. I had hoped the past six weeks? I don't know, Time is weird, would be more productive but at least I got SOME stuff written/posted. Anyway, I have one more month of school and then fucking FINALS so expect sporadic updates at idiot-o-clock hours of the night, and maybe yell at me to sleep, eat, study, or drink water whenever i do post 😅
I am up to SO EFFING MANY wips rn on so many different fronts you guys have no freaking idea 😭 so here's a status report for EVERYTHING on or going on sardonic_sprite. (Its gonna be a monster post, y'all, bear with me)
in absolutely no particular order:
Wayne4Ham: We have a LONG way to go with this one, so just be patient and I'll slowly but steadily plug on through. Aaron Burr, Sir, should theoretically take me no longer than end of april
Wayne-Crazy: there's like 4 specific requests on it, plus a few 'series' i started, but after those, say 6-7, i'll probably mark as complete and only re-open if someone offers me an idea
Batman Beginners: i'll tell y'all up front, this one will take me forever. i don't even know what all I intend to cover, but know that i'm halfway done with the DITF arc, and it'll probably come out in the next two months
Just A Kid: this was my shits-and-giggles fic that got like 3000 notes in a weekend lmao. it's something i do intend to continue bc its so fun and i enjoy the concepts in it, but i don't have plans to actively write more of it in the immediate future.
Rev Wayne: just gave y'all Jason's fic, so the next probably won't come until late in summer, extrapolating from my few data points. if anyone has ideas for timmy's intro, let me know, i'd love some inspiration
Celeb Batwaynes: reported separate from wayne-crazy for reasons. i think theres like 12 specific requests plus 2 ideas of my own. i may put out a poll for the next one to write, but not until after school's out, because these fics are HUGE time-eaters for me. speaking of, are non-tumblr-users able to vote on polls?
Welcome to Gotham U: this was again, me doing shit bc why not. will probably add more in the style that i first posted, but i doubt i will write any prose for it. if you would like to give it a try, please reach out, i'd love to see what you write!
One Diamond: every time i touch this i make the cliffhanger worse lmao. i finally do have a direction, but execution is gonna have to wait a while.
The Young, Innocent, and Righteous: this is mostly just for me anyway, but i'm just gonna say that i'm waiting until i finish watching miraculous season 5 before i go any further
AS you wish: i have 5 more requests to do and i am so sorry to everyone waiting you do not deserve this lmao. i promise im trying, i love your ideas, it just takes me a really long time to fill in the rest and then actually write it. the next one on my list is particularly hard to pin down and so it's halting the ones behind it to. if not before, then after finals i will sit and bang my head on the keyboard until something good comes out
Light Isn't Fadin': soooooo many people have asked me about this one oof. SOMEDAY, i swear. right now its a huge, nebulous, hulking monster and im sorry it's just not happening yet.
A christmas carol: wait until december. please
Father's Day: june.
A Little Problem: over the summer, i will watch marvel movies until they once again hijack my brain and fuel this to completion. maybe.
easter eggs: how the fuck did i forget this lmao. i'm doing as much as i can in april, but when the month is done, i'm sorry, we'll all be waiting until next lenten season. hopefully it won't come to that.
aaaaand i THINK that's finally it. there's also a bunch of random paragraphs in word and google docs that may appear, not to mention ideas that kidnap me in dark alleys. but i also have like a good half dozen other wips for other places that im trying to attend to, so please be forgiving if it seems like its taking a while to post something as sprite.
as always, i love questions, comments, concerns, even some complaints, so feel free to interact.
See ya when I see ya!
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☠ & ▼ for cclingy:)
headcanon ask game!
ohhh this one is fun
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
In terms of instances of violence that arent explicitly canon: Tubbo definitely beat the shit out of Sam in the rescuing Michael stream. Like within an inch of his life. Eret was the only one who managed to get him to stop and lock the guy in prison again. It was all very methodical, and Tubbo was silent the entire time. In terms of Tommy, I think he broke Eret's nose sometime after the betrayal but before the election arc.
Now in terms to how they view violence/anger: Tubbo has a list in his mind of safe people to get angry with. It's been present since he was a spy, and he's tried to scrub it from his mind and ignore it lately, but it's never really worked. The safe list are all the people who he can get angry where there's no risk of retaliation. The reason he forgave Techno for the festival but not Tommy for George's house is because Techno isn't on the safe list and Tommy is -- Techno is to be treated as a hostile threat who could retaliate at any minute, and although extreme caution should be taken in building defences against him, he's not someone Tubbo can actually speak his mind to. This same rule is slightly modified for violence -- be prepared for everyone to attack you, but never attack first or attack someone you think could beat you. So killing Aimsey, newby player? Fine. Beating the shit out of Sam? Fine, if you make sure to lock him up afterwards so he can't retaliate (and he doesn't have any friends anyway, so he'd be helpless against you if you really tried). Dream or Techno on the other hand? Avoid at all costs. You are super polite 100% innocent but, just in case they think youre weak, not just pacificistic, you remind them your nukes.
I don't know if I have any headcanons for Tommy on anger/violence exactly, because everything I like about it is pretty much canon. Sorry for the lack of content im a c!tubbo main for a reason lol.
▼ - childhood headcanon
Tommy kind of has a canon childhood, so the only thing I really have to note is that in the village he grew up in, people gave him food/shelter when things got too cold pretty regularly. he didnt have a lot of friends but adults felt bad for him. they figured out pretty quickly that he wouldnt accept food when offered but he would steal it if it was conviently left out. he still thinks he is a master thief who stole it with his ninja burglar skills and could do it again if pressed.
For Tubbo, honestly my backstory for him changes so often i'm not sure what I think anymore, but the basic gist of all of them is that he grew up poor/in an area with a lot of conflict and probably didnt have parents. in augustus evergreen i use what i call the aaron burr backstory, which was that he went to university at a super young age (like 14) but dropped out to join the dream smp and fight in a war. this is also where he met quackity. consistent theme for all of them though is that tubbo and tommy met in hypixel skyblock and then moved on to smpearth. you can rip those being canon from my cold dead hands.
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