Don't you guys ever-
-Ever see a fanart and want to cry your eyes out /pos
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hunnieknight · 7 months
NSFW rambles :
Bottom reader, first POV, horny author, top Fontaine Women
Arlecchino who would close my jaw shut because i'm a whiny blabbering bottom and she "can't handle" the crying noises from me (probably turning her on more). Maybe she is into rough sex judging her putting in ball gag or stuffing my face to the pillow. It's her fault anyway for making me feel so good.
Navia on the other hand probably would praises and grounding me like "i know..i know.." and shit because she is a softie in bed and she adores stupid blabbers and whimpers in bed. I think she will feel proud because that means she is good in bed.
Furina will whine louder and blabber more than me. Think it is probably competitive, if you whine louder, that means you feel good, if you feel good that means you fuck good. The toothpaste scallywag (/pos) will blabber "is it good? It feels good right?" while i go "hnng?♡?anh??♡" All dumbed down and fucked out.
Clorinde goes all worried and probably stop when i just gone, mentally not there and just a blabbering mess♡. She knows the sex is good but is it that good? She will ground me back "You good? Should i stop?" I may not say any safeword but she just wants to make sure i am still there to experience everything.
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kairiscorner · 10 months
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TANGINAAAAAAA ok po ate @binibinileonara :>
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
stem boyfriend!miguel o'hara x reader (comforting you)
the stifling of your sobs worsened the more you dwelled on the disappointed looks of your professor after your group presentation this morning. you forced your groupmates to pick up their slack, but like all groupmates, their brains all tell them to shove all their work to you. you tried your hardest to do all the work and not argue anymore with them since they don't even know what they're doing, but you can only salvage your group so much. you sobbed louder as you hid underneath your blanket, hoping your roommate wouldn't come in and witness you weeping over something that you can't change already.
the door to your room opened, and you immediately tried to cover up the fact you've been crying by curling up in your bed–pulling the covers up to conceal your tears. the aroma of instant noodles with your favorite add-ons and spices filled the room as your boyfriend came in and sat down on your bed next to you. "i heard you weren't feeling well after that crap earlier, i'm sorry about that." he said as he handed you the cup of noodles he made for you; the steam coming from the food elicited more tears from you, not ones of sadness, but more like ones of pity.
you thanked him as he nodded and watched you eat up what he made for you. you choked out cries as you ate about how good it was, though still feeling utterly horrible about what transpired in class, but miguel didn't want you to keep thinking about that; he wanted to cheer you up, but it seemed food wouldn't be enough right now.
"c'mere," miguel said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and held you close. you leaned against him as he kissed the top of your head and rubbed your shoulder comfortingly. he asked you if you wanted to rewatch some episodes of your favorite show, even though he found that show corny and unrealistic, he was more than willing to watch with you. "you can sit on my lap while we watch, rant to me even while we're watching." he said as he ran his hand through your hair.
you sniffled at how comforting he was being towards the mess that was you right now. "but... you cooking for me is... it's too much already, really i'm..." you stammered, but miguel smiled at you and held you closer. "and i'll always wanna be too much for you. but in my opinion, it's never too much for you to just be comforted after a bad day. i love you, and i know you're struggling, so... let me take up some of your burdens and worries, yeah?" he said as he kissed your tear-stained cheek.
he was more than willing to do everything in his power, and even beyond that if he could, to make sure you'd be smiling in a few hours despite the bad stuff that happened today. he'd do this again and again for you, even if he doesn't seem like the type to do that, you'll always get this kind of sweet treatment from him. because no matter what, he's your boyfriend first, everything else that he is–snarky, cold, sarcastic–he'll set that ego and pride of his aside to see you smile again.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @fiannee @fictarian @yuridopted0 @arachnoia @ophanimgold
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vmbrq · 7 months
(about your ovulation / ethan landry post)
this is SO TMI but last night i was basically crawling up the walls with how horny i was for ethan landry, and i was so fucking confused. checked my app: i’m ovulating. makes sense.
BUT YES LIKE ethan wouldn’t understand why you’re so touchy all of a sudden, not that you’re not touchy but it was amped by like, 100. and then it dawns on him and he’s like “oh. 🤔 oh 🤭😏” like he has never seen you so feral for him before, and it turns him on so much to know you want him so bad. bonus points if you cry while you’re riding him because he feels so good and you’re so horny for him.
i’m dead died dead
i know it's been a minute since i made that post, BUT MY FEELINGS STILL STAND AND YOU'RE SO CORRECT. and whenever i'm ovulating, i feel like a werewolf chained to a tree during the full moon, so you're so real for that.
your behavior would be different--not intrusive or unwanted, just different.
but, he doesn't comment on it when you ambush him from behind while he's talking with chad, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing your face into his back to take a deep inhale of laundry detergent, aftershave, and something distinctly ethan. you'll take every available opportunity to have at least one hand somewhere on his body in public, whether you're casually rubbing your palm over his back or hooking an arm around his to keep him close or linking your pinky with his. you steal kisses off him whenever you can. you're more forward about wanting his attention, even if you don't always outright say it.
while he certainly isn't complaining, he just doesn't quite understand where the onslaught of affection came from. sure, you love him, and you very rarely shy away from demonstrating it, but this exceeds what he's used to. throughout the day, he remains blissfully unaware, never knowing that you're a solid four seconds away from popping the button on his jeans and taking what you need. the shifting of his jaw and the concentrated furrow of his brow as he works through difficult homework questions, the defined sculpt of his arms in short-sleeve button-down, the earnest adoration reflected in his big, dark eyes as he listened to you speak--everything about him just looked so good.
how could you be expected to keep yourself in line?
he would refrain from inquiring until you two are in the privacy of one of your rooms, not wanting to embarrass you or put you on the spot in front of other people. but even then, he doesn't get much of a chance, because as soon as he shrugs off his backpack and turns around, you pounce, nearly causing him to trip over his own feet as you push him back onto the bed and climb atop him.
he's surprised, rightfully so. but you kiss him, and he's more than willing to let you. but his hands flutter tentatively around your waist as he tries to ground himself and sort through his thoughts. it feels as if his world has been flipped upside down. he simply thought you were being affectionate. was he wrong? were you trying to signal to him and he just never noticed? is there something going on?
"hey," he interjects when you finally break the kiss. his chest rises and falls beneath your hands as he pulls for oxygen, the collar of his blue shirt rumpled from where you'd drawn him closer, his eyes dazed and searching yours for an explanation. "hey, are you--are we..?" you shouldn't mistake his pause for rejection, he just wants to understand. he's rarely seen you this desperate for him before.
and when he finally does? when you, just as disheveled and breathless as he is, whine that you need him--that you need him so fucking badly, all it takes is a couple moments of consideration before he realizes what's happening with you. he swallows as the pieces of the situation click into place. fuck. you're ovulating. suddenly, your earlier behavior makes sense. your desire for his attention, your craving for touch, your insistence on being pressed as close as possible to him on the subway back to your apartment--you must have been feeling the full weight of its effects all day. and now that you have him beyond the view of the public eye, you can't wait any longer.
a hushed, broken moan of his name as you impatiently grind down on him is all that's needed to stir into creation a fire in the pit of his stomach. you want him--no, you need him. you need him. he can already feel his cock beginning to stiffen against your thigh, and the tip of his tongue flickers over his bottom lip. his gaze scans your expression once more, and his breathing grows shallower when he finally identifies that distinct glimmer in your eyes as sheer desperation and need.
at this point, he's certain nothing will be able to deter him from having you.
"how badly?" he pants. it's paired with a slight, teasing upturn of the corners of his lips, just testing the waters to see how you'll react. to see how deeply your desire runs.
he gets his answer when you, in a fit of irritation at his lack of urgency, draw him into another searing kiss that he returns in full. he gets his answer when you swat his hands away from your waist when he attempts to ease you down on his cock, your own pace much more reckless as you sink down on him without giving either of you a moment to adjust. he gets his answer when you pin his wrists down to the mattress, using them as leverage while you fuck yourself stupid on his cock. you treat him as if he were nothing but a toy for you to maneuver and utilize for your own pleasure, relentlessly pursuing orgasm after orgasm even as your thighs tremble and tears of bliss pool along your lash line.
for a moment, he wonders if you're too drunk on pleasure to speak properly. but your hands move from his wrists to his strong shoulders, and you dig your nails into his skin as you begin to babble mindlessly. "feels s' good. more, i ne--i can't--" you hiccup, a single teardrop slicing through the layer of perspiration blanketing your cheek. "need you to cum," you mumble. "want it inside."
"you sure?" he pants, eyes wide. "we've never--"
"ethan!" you complain petulantly.
shit. his hands, now freed and granted permission, move to grip your waist firmly. a squeal is punched from your throat when he meets your descent with a sharp, upward thrust of his hips, burying himself as deep inside you as possible.
he grins. fine by him.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Heya! I love your writing style! I see this is a new blog so I hope youre having fun writing all of this!! <3 I wanted to request something with Twilight if that's okay? Id love to see a more sub side to him, everyone writes him as being some sort of a don, but I bet he has his weaknesses too ;) but tbh I'd love anything with twilight ❤ have a nice day and take care of yourself!!
Hi, thank you! I am fairly new to the tumblr scene, so I'm hoping I'm doing okay. I am also having tons of fun so far!
You absolutely can request something with Twilight! Especially sub! Twilight! Take care of yourself as well, darling~
If I become the blog known for turning the Links into subs I will cry /pos
they're just so submissive and breedable yk?
Also since there was no specification on Yandere type, I went, once again, with a softer Yandere! (I know I said mostly but Yandere has me in a hyper fixation chokehold so thats what I will write for now).
Smut so MDNI!
Smut CW: Mentions of slight breeding beforehand, Twilight likes being called a Good Boy, so praise, cunnilingus (I tried keeping it pretty GN, but I did write it with a AFAB! Reader.
Good Doggy
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Since his journey to the Twilight Realms and this current one, Twilight had learned several things.
One: Turning into a beast of the Twilight had consequences. Ones he never would've thought about previously.
His appetite had grown exponentially, his senses were beyond heightened (He could hear your every breath, smell you from miles away, see you in the densest of fogs, practically taste you when you leaned in close enough he could feel the heat of your body pressing against his), and he was territorial. Beyond so. And it showed.
It showed in the low growl in his throat when Warriors dared to walk too close to you. In the warning flash of teeth he would show Legend when one of his quips teetered the edge between funny and hurtful. In the absolute glower he would shoot Time when he DARED to pair you with anyone other than him on patrol. You were his, his to care for and to protect. To worship and to glorify. His, his, his, his alone. He didn't share.
Well, not with just anybody. His cub had somehow wiggled his way in, playing around with you in Twilight's sight and that made something else show. Something entirely new. Something that had him yearning to give you your own cub to play and care for. While, yes, Wild was more than capable of taking care of himself, something in Twilight's hindbrain kicked into high gear whenever he saw you mothering over the Champion like it was something you had always done.
It was positively tantalizing.
It had him yearning just to pump you full of seed until you had no choice but to carry. Carry his brood, something that tied you two together for life. And that was really all he needed, wasn't it? To be tied to someone, especially such a divine being like yourself, for life. Tied so you couldn't leave him behind. He couldn't handle being left again. Not by you. He needed you to eat and breath, to exist in a way that kept him going. You were his driving force. His Mate.
Which brought him to his next point.
Two: Turning into a beast of the Twilight had consequences. Ones he never would've bet on himself having.
Because he ached to please you in every way possible. The canine in him just wanted you to be pleased with him, to praise him, to call him your 'Good boy' as you instructed him on what to do. On how to make you shiver against him, on how to make your thighs clench around him, on how to make you think of him and him alone.
Goddess, just the thought of being the sole reason for your relief had an invisible tail thwapping about wildly. Had him drooling. What good could he be if he couldn't please you after all? No good. And that wasn't what he wanted. He wanted to be your good boy.
No other title mattered.
And finally third.
Three: Turning into a beast of the Twilight had consequences. Ones that were so delicious golden and perfect that he had to thank the light spirits in some way, shape or form for them.
He had stamina now. Nothing could stop him. Not your nails, clawing into his scalp as you gently pulled at his hair. Not your thighs, clutching around his head in a suffocating hold so that he couldn't pull away (Not that he would ever dream of doing so). Not the sounds of your whimpers and whines as you pleaded with him. Pleaded with him to stop, then continue, then faster, more, hold on- Every instruction that spilled from your lips was followed to the absolute T.
Your eyes, dazed and lidded, looked down at him, swimming with lust as you gently combed his hair after ordering him to stop. Take a breath, you said. He didn't want to breath. Not when he could have this alternative. Not when he could die a happy man, being absolutely smothered by you.
"You look so good down there, Twi. Being such a good boy for me."
Your smirk told him that you knew exactly what those words did to him. Not that it wasn't hard to see. He audibly whined, like a canine being denied a treat, craning his neck for just one more lick. Just one more swipe of his tongue to catch just one more hit of you in your purest essence. Just one more please- He'd do absolutely anything for you! You just had to ask! All he asked for in turn was one MORE TASTE-
"I'm not taking it from you, my sweet boy. Just take a breather. Can't have you passing out on me."
Why not? Why not when that was what he wanted? Who needed a breather? Not him. And while you may not have been taking it from him now, you would eventually and he could not squander this moment. That would make him a damned fool.
"There you go, that's my good boy. You're doing so well for me."
He was doing well. You were praising him, bestowing him with your grace for something he was doing!
The second your grip loosened, he was right back to lapping at you, watching you carefully for any sign that you wanted him to change or stop completely. Anything, anything at all. He would follow. You ask him to sit? He is down on the ground. Shake? He'd do it. Speak? He is praising your gospel.
"Good doggy."
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jaykaysthicthighs · 10 months
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Beautiful Nightmare | JJK
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excerpt | as a loving partner, you would do anything you can for them to follow their dreams, even if it means that you were to hurt them. and that's just what you did.
genre | angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
pairing | jeon jungkook x fem!reader
warnings | strong language, shouting, crying, jk being scared, hurtful things said to each other, reader being a little insensitive, long-distance (very minor)
wc | 2k+
notes | this is a very short story, i'm sorry
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"What the hell is this?"
Jungkook came barging into the room demanding something you don't know. You set your phone aside and looked at him with confusion. "What? What are you talking about?" Jungkook stomped his way to you and shoved his phone to your face. He repeated, "What the hell is this, ____?"
You snatched his phone and skimmed through the words on the screen until you came across the last portion. Your whole body perked up, your eyes glimmering with joy. You tossed his phone to the area where yours resided and leaped into your lover's arms. "Baby, you got in! You got accepted!"
You tried going for a kiss, but Jungkook lightly pushed you off. You saw the scowl painting his face. Your brows furrowed, you were confused. Why was he acting this way? Why is he angry? You got off of him and off the bed. You stood to him and questioned, "Why are you acting like this? You're supposed to be happy, Jungkook. I did you a fucking favor!"
Jungkook took a step back. He wanted to laugh at your words, laugh at how stupid you're sounding. He looked at you with displeasure, "Favor? You think you did me a fucking favor?" He stared at you waiting for your answer, but all you said was something that hurt him. "What do you want me to say? Sorry? 'Cause I'm not sorry, Jungkook. But if you want to hear me say it, then... I'm sorry, alright. I'm sorry that I did something you couldn't do. I did this for your dream."
Jungkook scoffed at what you had said, he chuckled, "I don't care if you're sorry or not, ____. I'm not angry because of that, I'm angry because you didn't consult with me about this! This is my life you offered up! And that is not a fucking favor!" You flinched at every word he spat out. You've never seen him this angry, but even so, you still didn't understand why he was angry. You thought that what you did was amazing. "You're angry, I see that. Jungkook, you weren't going to send them your resume, so I just took the initiative. They were only hiring for a limited time. The longer you wait, the shorter it will take for you to get this position. This is your dream, Jungkook! I did this for you and if you can't see that then we're over."
Jungkook felt his tears well up. He understood your reasoning, but you weren't the best when it comes to understanding others. He wanted you to understand what he was trying to say. Your last sentence panged his heart. He was angry - yes, but he was hurt that you were ready to break up. He didn't want that. He stepped towards you and pulled your body to him. He cupped your face and kissed you aggressively.
He kissed you with so much pain, with so much anger and want. You gripped his shirt trying to close any gap between you two. Teeth started clashing together, quiet moans being swallowed, hearts racing, tongues fighting. It went on for a few more seconds until you pulled apart from him.
You opened your mouth wanting to say something, but Jungkook interjected you. His voice choking, "You really know how to hurt me, ____. I have feelings and they matter! We matter! And you can't throw us away - I won't let you. I won't let you toss me aside because you think I can't see you. I see you! Eyes wide open, I see you, ____. I understand why you did it, but you should have told me first."
The man before you started crying and all you could do was watch. You were frozen, you didn't know what to say or what to do. Jungkook continued, "Babe, there's a reason why I didn't apply. I'm scared... so scared. This company - this position is miles and miles away from here... away from you. And I know this is my dream, but how can I pursue that if you're not with me? I need you with me, and if I were to take this job you'd be gone. Nothing matters if you're not there. So, I'm gonna stay here with you where you won't be able to get rid of me. I'm gonna stay here because this is where you are."
It was now your turn to cry. You made this decision selfishly. While you were thinking about how amazing this opportunity is, you didn't stop to think about how this would make Jungkook feel. You didn't think to understand him. You tried muffling your sob, but it came out strangled.
Jungkook held you tenderly. He knows how you are. He knows how hard it is for you to express or understand feelings. He knows that you're not the easiest person to like. And even though sometimes you hurt him without realizing it, Jungkook will always love you. If being with you means that he has to love your frustrating and annoying flaws... he will. He will accept all of you with no judgment.
Jungkook stared at the window behind you and saw the shooting stars. He called your name and asked you to turn around, but by the time you did, it was gone. "What am I looking at? There is nothing there, Jungkook." He laughed at your lack of vision. He wrapped his arms around your torso and dipped his head in the crook of your neck. He softly whispered against your skin, "Look at the sky," and you did, "What do you see?"
You're puzzled about what your boyfriend is trying to get at. You wanted him to get straight to the point. You looked at the night sky and saw nothing but stars. "All I see are stars. Boring, small stars." Jungkook lifted his head to look at your beautiful face. You never fail to take his breath away.
"I saw some shooting stars, and I wanted you to see them, but they were done. Even though they're not shooting there are still stars in the sky. I wanted you to see that, but you," Jungkook littered the right side of your face with tiny kisses; you giggled at his action. "Have no vision. The sky is beautiful."
While staring at the stars, you had closed your eyes. You wanted to make a wish, hoping that it will come true after what you will say next. Jungkook watched as you closed your eyes thinking about something he wished he knew. Your being glowed under the bright moonlight. You looked like an angel in this dark world. Your beauty was something to treasure, to keep safe, and never let it go into the wrong hands.
You opened your eyes when you had finished your wish. You lightly turned your head and faced Jungkook. You were a bit confused about why he was staring at you. "Is there something on my face? Why are you looking at me?" Jungkook smirked, "Why? I can't look at my beautiful girlfriend?" You blushed at his compliment.
You fully turned your body to face him, wanting to see him eye to eye. You almost fell prey to his bunny-like expression; he looked confused to you but also enamored; you wanted this look to stay on forever.
You took a deep breath in and spoke, "Don't do this, Jungkook. Don't blow this away." Jungkook tried to speak but you held your hand up to stop him. "Let me finish. This company accepted you for a reason. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Jungkook! Who knows when something like this might happen again? I shouldn't have said what I said. I want us to be together, and I want us to live happily. But the only way that can happen is if you take this job. 'Cause if you don't, Jungkook, I'll forever hate you, and you will have missed out on a dream you could have lived."
Jungkook cried, shaking his head to deny your words. You gently grabbed his face, wiping away the fallen tears. You pleaded to him, "Please, take this job... move to New York and thrive. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here waiting, and when the time comes, I'll go to you, and you will welcome me with open arms." Jungkook stopped his crying; he looked at you sorrowfully. You smiled at him hoping to lighten the mood, "You will welcome me with hugs and kisses. I'd also like to be welcomed with presents. Maybe?" You two laughed at your ending sentence.
Jungkook engulfed you in a huge hug. Everything that you had said was right. He has dreamed about this for so long, and with the help of you, he can finally live it. He shouldn't take this for granted. He shouldn't waste this amazing opportunity. Jungkook murmured against your hair, "You know, you make my life worth living for. I wouldn't have gotten this far without you. I wouldn't have gotten this job without you. My dream starts with you, ____. And you have done everything and more for me. And I love you so much that words can't even describe this infinite feeling I have for you." Jungkook unhooks his arms around you, so he can cup your face and kiss you.
Your guy's kiss this time was more soft, gentler. He pulled apart and said, "I'll take the job and move to New York. I'll work my ass off for us. I'll get us a place. And when you come here, I'll welcome you with open arms, kiss you, and get you a present... Thank you, ____. I promise that not only will I not let myself down, but I won't let you down. I won't disappoint you."
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Two Years Later
You finally arrived in New York, and the first thing you noticed was that it did not feel nor look the same as it did in the movies. You kissed your teeth and said to yourself, "What a disappointment."
A voice from behind questioned, "What's a disappointment?" You swiftly turned around and came face to face with the one you love. "Jungkook!" you yelled. Just like he said he would, Jungkook welcomed you with open arms. He kissed you with so much eagerness, with so much longing. A few moments later, you both pulled apart breathlessly. Your smile beamed and your eyes twinkled; you were so happy right now. Just like you, Jungkook was also so happy. You had finally come back to him.
You turned your eyes beside your boyfriend and saw a tall one-year-old Doberman. You looked back at him and smiled, "Bam, is much bigger than I expected." You gently reached out your hand and called his name. You were scared that the boy in front of you might not like you, but your voice was enough indication that he knew you were the woman on the phone. He wagged his tail with excitement and barked out his joy. You had given him all the love you couldn't for the past year. You felt your eyes tear up; you had your family.
"Your present is big boy now.” you giggled. “Come on, babe, let's go home." You and Jungkook held hands and walked side by side to his car. Once you guys arrived, he helped put your stuff in his trunk and placed Bam in the backseat. You sat in the passenger seat, but before Jungkook went to the driver's side, he kissed once again and said, "I love you so much, ____. And I'm so happy you're here." You gave your lover a bright smile, "I love you, Jungkook."
Jungkook finally sat in his seat and left the airport. While he was driving, he held one of your hands with his. Bam was already sleeping in the back, so there was no need to worry about him. You looked at Jungkook and confessed, "I made a wish, and it came true." He promptly turned his eyes to you. "Yeah? What was the wish?"
With his eyes back on the road, Jungkook could feel your smile without looking. You announced, "I made a wish for you to be happy. It matters that I wasn't here. I didn't want you to feel like you couldn't do this without me here, because you can, Jungkook. You showed me not only today, but during the time we spent apart, that you can do this, and you did. During our calls, I could hear how excited and happy you were to take this job - to do this job. And that's all I ever wanted. I can't fathom how happy and proud I am for you."
Jungkook felt his heart swell with love. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't since he was driving; a few tears did escape his eyes. You saw this, and you helped wipe them away. Jungkook smiled and he said once again, "I love you. And I'll never stop saying it, no matter how tired you get from hearing it. I love you, ____."
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bailey-dreamfoot · 11 months
Bowser and Luigi Incorrect Quotes Because Why Not Honestly
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Luigi, handing a balloon to Bowser: I have no soul. Have a good day!
Bowser, walking off: I don't have one either.
Luigi: Bowser, I need some advice.
Bowser: You need advice from ME?
Luigi: Yeah, frightening, isn't it?
Luigi: I made this friendship bracelet for you.
Bowser: You know, I’m not really a jewelry person.
Luigi: You don’t have to wear…
Bowser: No, I’m gonna wear it forever. Back off.
Bowser: I made tea.
Luigi: I don't want tea.
Bowser: I didn't make you tea. This is my tea.
Luigi: Then why did you tell me?
Bowser: It's a conversation starter.
Luigi: It's a horrible conversation starter.
Bowser: Oh, is it? We're conversing. Checkmate.
Luigi: Don't break someone's heart, they only have one.
Bowser: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
Bowser: Luigi and I are no longer dating.
Luigi: Bowser, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Luigi: *is visibly upset*
Bowser: Luigi, what happened? I haven't seen you like this since you found out candyland wasn't an actual country.
Luigi: You don't know anything about me!
Bowser: I know EVERYTHING about you! You are an open book written for very dumb children!
Bowser: You don't know anything about me!
Luigi: I know EVERYTHING about you! You are an open book written for very dumb children!
Bowser: A decision had to be made.
Luigi: And you fucked it up!
Luigi: You call yourself my soulmate, but where were you when my meme only had four likes?
Bowser: Making four accounts.
Luigi, tearing up: Really...?
Bowser: It’s nice to be wanted, you know?
Luigi: Not by the law!
Luigi: Bowser is not allowed to decide which one of us is the chosen one.
Luigi: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Bowser: I wrote you a poem.
Luigi, already crying: You did?
Bowser: Love makes people do stupid things.
Luigi: I love everything!
Bowser: That explains a lot.
Luigi: Hey.
Bowser: Hey?
Luigi: I can't sleep. :/
Bowser: I can. Goodnight.
Luigi: Bowser, you need to react when people cry!
Bowser: I did. I rolled my eyes.
Bowser, trying their first ever cup of coffee: I am ENERGY!
Luigi, an avid coffee drinker, on their twelfth cup of the day: Someone slap me awake or I am literally going to fall into a coma in ten seconds.
Bowser: You're violent.
Luigi: Yeah but I'm also short and that's adorable.
Bowser: Do you have a self-care routine?
Luigi: "Keep going bitch" said to myself in different accents.
Luigi: They don’t make them like me no more. I’m the last of my kind.
Bowser: Thank god.
Luigi: So I was just having a conversation with Bowser about Star Wars; particularly, about the choice of architecture. The amount of people who die from falling down bottomless pits is TOO DAMN HIGH! Like, who designs architecture like this? Catwalks with no guard rails whatsoever, just zigging and zagging through enormous voids. Giant holes to nowhere!
Bowser: It's by design. It's a cleaner look, for a more elegant time.
Luigi: Like... who the fuck put this hole here???? And why????
Bowser: Exhaust?
Luigi: Darth Maul falls down a hole, Palpatine falls down a hole, Solo falls down a hole, everyone falls down a hole! Star Wars universe needs OSHA.
Bowser: Luke falls down a hole, Boba Fett falls down a hole…
Luigi: Yes, yes, I forgot about those! R2-D2 falls down a hole in the Millenium Falcon after he fixes the hyperdrive.
Bowser: We're onto something here!
Luigi: Obi-Wan almost falls down a hole.
Bowser: C-3PO falls off the barge into the sand. Pretty close to falling down a hole.
Luigi: His lightsaber does though.
Bowser: *thinks hard about what other Star Wars Characters fall down holes*
Luigi: What if the hole is symbolic? The hole represents the dark side.
Bowser: Nah, doesn't work. Luke chooses to fall down the hole instead of joining Vader/The Dark Side.
Luigi: Fair point.
(^ ive litterally never seen that before in my life, so i thought it was funny. but like- imagine they're talking ab Bowser's Castle design.)
Bowser: If by any chance Luigi should attack, just start calmly talking about anything.
Luigi: Bowser told me that brown is just navy orange, and I have never been more disappointed with something I agree with.
Bowser: Whether or not I pay income taxes is none of the government's business.
Luigi: No, well, actually, it is.
Bowser: You don't know my name or what I look like, good luck finding me.
Bowser, making a cup of tea: Yeah, get into that leaf juice, you sexy, sexy bee sauce.
Luigi: Hey, do you take constructive criticism?
Bowser: I absolutely fucking do not.
Bowser: What is this!?
Luigi: That’s the weight of guilt. Give in to the nice side. Help those unfortunate, and make the guilt go away, my friend.
Bowser: Ow! Make it stop!
Luigi: Surrender to your kindness, Bowser. It’s nice to be nice.
Bowser: Your guilt is strong, my friend. But it is no match for the power of my selfishness!
Bowser: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated.
Luigi: Killed without hesitation.
Bowser: Gatekeep, girlboss, and what's the other one again?
Luigi: There isn't another one. You're crazy.
Luigi: How many children do you have?
Bowser: Biologically, legally, or emotionally? Because there is a difference.
Luigi: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Bowser: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Luigi: ...
Luigi: You mean ring bearER, right?
Bowser: ...
Luigi: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
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mixelation · 4 months
I love Plasticity, and how organically (no pun intended) it flows. Do you have any tips for writing a SI fic?
oh hmm here's some tips (i might come back with more later):
HAVE FUN. by this i mean: write what you want to read. i think sometimes the general fandom attitude is that writers should cater to their readership, and readers will get especially weird about SIs. this is nonsense. SIs are the most self-indulgent form of writing. write for you.
notice when you're not having fun anymore. If you're making yourself miserable trying to piece together a comprehensive theory of chakra.... just don't? you don't need to.
sometimes i see people lament their day jobs aren't interesting enough to be useful to writing fic. then they'll be like "if only i was a scientist or a lawyer or something." this is WRONG WRNG WRONG. the average day of a scientist is super boring. i do write a lot about science but i do, in fact, have to bend over backwards to make it fit in the setting. i have to work hard to figure out how to make it interesting. you could do this with any profession. i promise there's a way to make processing POs for a ninja village interesting, or waitressing in a ninja village, or being a door to door knife salesman. PLEASE tell me about getting a summer job selling knives to ninja.
writing SIs usually involves making a bunch of world building decisions. in theory, anything goes here. but i do recommend taking a few minutes to reflect on how the real world equivalent of whatever thing works and why. this will help you make decisions that will feel realistic to readers and also help you feel out realistic consequences. for example, i'm not saying you need to take a wilderness survival course to write an overnight mission, but i AM saying it would be really funny if your genin OC accidentally attracted a bear
if you find your SI thinking, "why doesn't everyone just do this?" then HAVE AN ANSWER. are there consequences to doing it that way your SI hasn't considered? ARE people doing this but SI just hasn't realized? are there other, more popular solutions? does your SI have some advantage other people don't-- money, support from an OP mentor, a special skill/special training, etc? personally i don't find "no one has thought of this yet" or "my SI is just smarter" to be very compelling explanations UNLESS the narrative has done the work of hyping up why the SI thinks differently.
sometimes i see readers complaining they only want OP characters if they're "justified." i think if you want to write an OP character, you should just write one, but I also think it's worth touching on what "justified" means, because i find people making such complaints do not understand what their own problem is. they mean they want sufficient narrative build-up to whatever OP skill, and for the OPness to feel organic within the world of Naruto. if, for example, your character's backstory is that itachi keeps sneaking back into the village to train them, then you need to put in some time to explaining why the hell he would do that, because it sounds insane. the more insane it sounds, the more care and time you'll likely have to put into it. like you don't need ten chapters about their childhood, but you'll probably need a scene or two to illustrate their close friendship or whatever the reason is.
don't be like me. don't write 15k word chapters. you will cry blood
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Hello pooo!!! I dunno how to put it in words but your works just makes my heart go swoooon!! Thank you so much for your pieces 🥹
I see that we can request too po and I’d just like to put down “chemtrails over the country club” by lana del rey- specifically the lines “you’re in the wind, i’m in the water; nobody’s son, nobody’s daughter” for makisig or maliksi please!!! Angsst BUT fluff at the end 🙏🏻
((Anon, why would u do dis to us?! huhuhu. I'm a lana del rey gurlie and Chemtrails over the country club is very personal for meee))
Disclaimer: I do not own Makisig. Full Credit goes to HC - @ask-emilz-de-philz. Please check out their blog for amazing art and the wonderful world of Planet Puto. All involved characters are adults.
Genre: Angst with fluff(if u squint well enough. char lang, fluff to.)
TW: Ano...medyo masakit to bhie, yung umpisa lang naman. yun na yung warning HAHAHA.
((Let me know kung rebisco na ba ako at kung sumosobra na ba ako HAHAHA))
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"...we should run away, Makisig." You whispered underneath your breath as you softly stroked his hair while he peacefully lays his head on your lap. You looked up at the star-clad skies, wondering if you two can have a very different life right now if you were to leave everything behind and run away.
"Run away from what, my love?" He slowly opened his eyes to look into yours before gently taking your hand and tenderly kissing your palm. You shuddered from the sensation and oh, how you'd love to just pull him close and kiss those lips for an ounce of comfort.
"From everything."
You whispered as tears started to fill your eyes. Your lips quivered as you tried to held back your sobs.
"ANDDD... CUT! Y/n, you're not supposed to cry yet! Let's take a two hour break before retaking that scene."
Makisig stared at you with wide eyes as he breaks character. You quickly wiped away your tears and stood up before walking towards your own team, leaving him without a single word.
You wouldn't admit it, but you can feel your heart breaking with every step that you take. As soon as you entered your own tent, you broke down in tears as you ran into your manager's arms.
How cruel can fate be?
Five years ago
...those were Makisig's exact words five years ago while he held you in his arms, begging you to leave it all behind with him- the cameras, the fame, the undying expectations of the people around you and you had the nerve to reject his idea and leave him for the sake of your dreams.
You were a very famous actress that time, while Makisig's career was just starting and all he can get are mostly small modelling gigs. Oh, how the tables have turned- you are now the one struggling to keep your career afloat while Makisig jumps from project to project.
Atleast he's living a better life since you two broke up. That's what you always tell yourself.
Your whole body shook from how much you were crying as you buried your face into your manager's shoulders to stifle your sobs. All throughout your career, your manager has been the only one to stick with you through ups and downs- treating you like the little sister she's never had.
"I can't do this. I can't, please." You heaved as you tried your best to say the words out loud. This was the one project meant to save your career from falling into shambles.
"Shhh. It's okay sweet girl. I know how you feel right now, but we can't back out from this, can we?"
You slowly nodded as you let your tears silently fall. Leaving this project was always out of the question and you knew it. You were lucky enough that your manager has been long time friends with one of the Makisig's handlers that she was able to arrange for this project as a last resort to save you from being out of jobs.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n. I know how hard it must be."
No one knows how hard it is...
To be around Makisig is like stabbing yourself in the heart over and over again.
Hearing his voice...
Feeling his touch...
To have him look at you the way he does- like you were the most important person in the whole world.
To have him call your name as if it's the sweetest word that's to ever grace his mouth.
It took everything of your whole being to get ahold of yourself and not breakdown around him.
The things you would give if only you can go back in time and just take his hand and run away to a far away place where no one else knows the two of you. You clutched your chest at you revel at the idea of what could've been before shutting your eyes close- falling asleep after crying.
In your dreams, Makisig held you tight as he kissed away your tears, saying, "Why is my lovely Y/n is crying again? It makes me want to cry also." as he peppers your face with tiny kisses while he tickles you gently until you stop crying and start to giggle.
That's how it's supposed to be...
But you- you have to ruin it all and hurt that one person who deserved nothing but all the good things in the world.
"Y'know, if this life troubles you...then we should just run away, Y/n." Makisig smiled as he held you.
This. why does this have to play on your dreams over and over again.
He held your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. "Let's run away from everything, y/n."
You nodded, and smiled. "Let's do that, Makisig."
Atleast you can do things right in your dreams. Atleast you wouldn't do the single thing you'll regret for your whole life in this dream.
You will not break his heart again-
Without second thoughts, Makisig grabbed your hand tight before making a run for it, storming past the whole production crew and outside the set.
Your eyes widen upon realizing what's happening.
"Thought my Y/n will reject me for the second time." Makisig softly chuckled, still running away while holding unto you.
"W- wait! I'm not dreaming?!"
"No, my love. Your manager called me in when you fell asleep crying."
Hearing him calling you 'my love' once again instantly tugged in your heart. No cameras, no audiences- just the two of you and he calls you his love. You breathe in as you tried to keep yourself from crying once more.
"And I'm not dreaming when you were holding me and kissing my tears away?" You softly said, your voice shaking and cracking from too much emotion.
"You're not." Makisig smiled as he stopped running before pulling you into an embrace, letting you bury your face into his chest.
Oh, how this feels like home.
"Y/n. Please run away with me?"
"I will, Makisig. I will."
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duckciferthecg · 1 month
Alright. This is going to be a long one, but I feel it needs to be said, so
Thank you.
You started this blog a little over a month ago. March 29th. That's it. In under 40 days, you have been able to conjure up a community unlike any I've seen. In under 40 days, you have sparked 20+ other Hazbin cg blogs, 10+ Helluva cg blogs, 10+ Helluva-verse cg blogs, and 15+ other fandom cg blogs. Those are just the ones on Charlie's list! Countless little blogs, including my own!
You have sparked a movement of people like me, too afraid of their regression to go out and show it proudly, to become indulgent in their regressions, have fun with it, and be comfortable in their own skins. Even amongst the anonymous hate, you have brought together a beautiful group of people who most likely never would have interacted with each other if you hadn't started this blog.
I always ignored the childish feelings I had, until I stumbled across your blog in early April. It made me realize I'm not alone, I'm not a creep, I'm not insane, I'm normal. That there are other people, who feel the same way I do, and that it isn't weird to express it, and, I'm going to be honest, I haven't felt this seen and happy in years. I'm finally learning how to be me again.
Lucifer, whatever your name is beyond the screen. Thank you. So much, for creating a space I and probably hundreds of others feel safe in.
@cloudscaregiverservice / @cloudsageregression / @lunaeclipse1057-ao3
Hold on-
Let me go cry real quick-/pos
I’m so happy to have helped to many people!
I honestly thought this blog would go no where and that it would just be something silly but it’s actually been super useful to not only others, but myself
Helping other people is amazing and it’s literally my life’s goal (Irl I want to be a therapist) and knowing that I’m actually helping people is amazing!
You guys have helped me so much too
I’ve learned more about myself
I’ve re-established my main goal in life
Because of your guys’ love and support
I have people in my life that I’m not only friends with, but I am close with. I haven’t had such amazing people in my life before and it’s honestly been so amazing
Throughout everything, my inspiration for the next thing in life has shifted from floating around in the unknown to being able to help you guys
I love you all so so so much
So much more than you can possibly imagine
Thank you
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moons-epiphany · 5 days
clancy album review
i have finally listened to clancy and watched all the music videos so i thought it'd give a little album review
okay first i'll give each song a star rating out of 5 which will mean:
1 star = i didn't like it
2 stars = it was okay
3 stars = i liked it
4 stars = i really liked it
5 stars = i loved it
(also disclaimer in case anyone tries to come for me lmao - i've been a clikkie since 2016 back when i was a young cringefail teen so just bc i'm not a massive fan of all of their songs does not mean that i hate the band or that i'm not a true fan or anything. fans can be critical of the bands/media they like and in fact i encourage it. okay anyway, let's go.)
album rankings
and, because why not, here's my ranking of all of the top albums so far:
trench (5 stars): you can take this album from my cold dead hands. i firmly believe that this was top's best album music wise. (also the bandito tour was an overwordly experience that i'm grateful i saw twice so i'm very biased towards this album).
vessel (5 stars): my favourite album (despite being second). it's very nostalgic for me. when i think of twenty one pilots i usually think of guns for hands first as both the song and music video are peak.
blurryface (5 stars): i love every song from this album :) also tear in my heart was the first ever twenty one pilots song that i listened to <3
self-titled (5 stars): every song is a banger. ate no crumbs.
regional at best (5 stars): again every song is a banger.
clancy (4 stars): some songs will have to grow on me but i largely like most of it.
scaled and icy (4 stars): i did really like this album and i did like the sound but only after listening to it a few times (and the live stream experience really helped me to like it even more because that slapped).
track rankings
alrighty now for the actual songs themselves. also another disclaimer, i'm not a musician, i don't know a lot of the terms lmao i'm just a sensory seeking autistic and listen to music a lot. also i listened to all the songs first and then watched the music videos (not including the singles - overcompensate, next semester and backslide - though) if that adds anything at all.
1. overcompensate (4.9 stars): okay the reason why i put my album ranking is because you need to know how much i love trench lmao. the bandito sample at the start was the peak of the album for me. the rest of the song is why it's a 4.9 (i'm being kinda petty with this lmao) and not a 5 star song but i have listened to it a bunch of times and it is a banger. also the muscial video created the perfect level of hype for the album, it made me very excited for the rest. a strong opener indeed!
2. midwest indigo (5 stars): now i know it might be silly to have a 5 star song below a 4.9 star song but listen this is my ranking list and i can do what i want ;3*. when this song first played it reminded me of what i call my "don't stop believeing" song. essentially, songs like these make me react like how every white person, like myself, reacts to don't stop believing when it comes on. that song for me is magnolia by gang of youths. as soon as the first note is heard, i am up. midwest indigo is a close second to magnolia. this is the highest praise i can ever give to a song lmao. also the music video is very twenty one pilots to me seen by tyler tweaking on the ice and dancing - remember when i said that guns for hands is the first thing i think of when i think of twenty one pilots and have you seen how weird he dances in that music video? /pos (dw this is a compliment) [*it's second and not first because overcompensate is a certified twenty one pilots song, if you don't know what that means, i can't help you just trust me on this.]
3. at the risk of feeling dumb (5 stars): okay so this song just makes me want to cry because 1) it hits close to home and 2) i'm going through some shit right now and this song just perfectly describes it. i also love the music video, it may be simple** but i really like it. the way that at the end it gives like classic band vibes? like i can think of a lot bands that have had that same shot of very close up to the camera stood on top of a building lmao. [**in comparison to some of their higher production music videos with the special effects and what not]
4. vignette (5 stars): as soon as this song started i liked it. it gave me gang of youths vibes (one of my fav bands, listen to magnolia linked above!!) tyler's vocals in the chorus come throughhh (this means that i loved them). such a groovy and cool song, how can you not like it is the real question. i also love the shouted (or at least in top terms just a slight volume rise lmao) "where do i go from here?". and don't get me started on that little music break oooooh so stimmy. the "(denial)" part after "no-no, not me, it's for a friend" is also hilarious in a way i can't describe. the music video: what was that red piece of paper??? that's a lovely portrait of josh, but tyler, what is that paper????
5. navigating (5 stars): loved this song as soon as it started, i loved the groovy retro almost 80s vibes to it?? and in typical top fashion i thought "oh this song sounds groovy the lyrics must be really sad" and then bro started saying "disassociate" in the chorus lmao. but anyway yes, i instantly adored this song. the song is just so stimmy, i was stimming pretty much the whole time this song was playing. obsessed with the music playing in the background of the verses. also obsessed with the way tyler sings "navigating" idk he just says it in a way that's fun. further, obsessed with the bridge and the bass. so the music video. first of all, why did the aspect ratio change, was that just me? secondly i'm welsh so i loved the daffodil cameo <3 thirdly, WHAT??? WHY IS MY BLOOD HERE? WHAT'S WITH THE MY BLOOD SAMPLE? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THE MY BLOOD SAMPLE??? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN???? HUH???
6. the craving (both versions): listen i'm not rating this, it's a cute wholesome sweet love song for his wife. it would be evil to say anything bad about this and it doesn't really feel like my place to say anything about it in the first place, yk? the song isn't for me. however, the music video... what? there was me thinking they were making a cute music box for their family or something only for it be a box for a bullet??? huh???
7. backslide (4 stars): we now enter the songs that i didn't instantly love, but i'm sure they'll grow on me. i really like backslide but what's stopping me from giving it 5 stars is the chorus, which is complicated. i love the sound paired with the vocals but i just feel weird about it??? idk how to explain it. the music video also doesn't help bc i don't really like the part where he rides his bike through the wind and rain. i get it. i get why. but i just don't really vibe with it??? i'm being really petty about this but i just can't get over it. apart from all that i really liked it. i loved the references in the music video but justice for that meat patty damn.
8. next semester (4 stars): okay not an instant hit for me. it sounded very pop punnky 5sos-y??? which isn't a bad thing but it's not my usual taste. however, i loved the chorus. the vocals and the sound are peak, i love it. also the ukulele part, love love love. also the "oh-whoa-oh" part is amazing too, i'm a massive fan of "oh-whoa-ohs" and i also love it when vocals overlap. i alsoooo love it when there's a group of people singing together :) it's also so catchy? i find myself humming and singing it a lot. the music video was very sweet, having members of the clique there singing along was a lovely detail. the bow at the end too :')
9. lavish (4 stars): this song took me by surprise. it still sounds like the classic top sound but in a way i never expected they'd go, yk? and i think it worked! honestly, there's no reason why this is a 4 star rather than a 5 star, i just feel like the 5 stars are in a different catergory if that makes sense? i loved those better. also the music video for lavish is my favourite out of all of them. it's so fun. the suits and sunglasses. the weird ass dancing from tyler and josh just being there. it's groofy, it's got charm. i love it so much.
10. routines in the night (3 stars): okay i know a three doesn't look great but this song isn't my usual taste in music, nothing necessarily bad on the song or anything. i loved the vocals on this track and i find it catchy because i will sing along to it. i also found it was too cool for top if that makes sense?? like it's very different from the ukulele emo band yk? again, not a bad thing, just not *my* thing though i can see this growing on me for sure. also i see those references in the music video.
11. paladin strait (3 stars): this song is confusing. i like it but there are parts where i don't like it so i averaged it to a 3. i feel like those vocals don't really match the song? i'm not sure. i know i just talked about the good old emo ukulele days but i feel like the ukulele doesn't really fit here?? i did like the "here's my chance" bit, though i still felt like something was wrong about it?? idk. i also really liked the lyrics, they were very sweet and encouraging :) i've listened to this song a bunch of times and still the random ukulele that starts playing jumpscares me T^T it happens so suddenly lmaooo but that part is nice :) then the rest... the fpe???? hello clancy??????? hello???? clancy is still in the thick of it, huh? finally showdown vibes, i'm ready let's go. i've also seen theories about how this relates to the isle of flightless birds which is very interesting and i mean they did play it recently sooooo.
12. oldies station (3 stars): okay when this first started playing it gave me children's song vibes, you know? like it was a kids song or even a song in the background of youtube videos or something. that is to say, i didn't really like it. however, the lyrics were sweet and i liked the line "your favourite song was on the oldies station" :') yeah that hits oof. i also liked the "you don't quite mind" part! it saved the song for me i won't lie. it was very sweet and nice :) nothing really bad to say about it. also the lyric "you're in the crowd at her first dance recital" was very sweet :') as for the music video: yo homies you just killed someone. anyone gonna comment on that at all? and the white pole things moving was really trippy T^T i hated it, it hurt my eyes.
13. snap back (2.5 stars): honestly when this first started playing it gave me like txt / kpop vibes??? not a bad thing as such but just surprised me. however... i gave it a 2 so i wasn't really a fan of this song. though i did like the "i've been praying for my elasticity..." part. that was really vibey :) if we wanna get personal real quick then i'm someone who becomes quite angry and quick to irritation when i'm not doing well mentally and can lash out at people as a result so normally i relate a lot to lyrics like the ones in this but something just felt off about them??? it kinda felt like 'oh i hurt people when i was mentally unwell the other day but why haven't they forgiven me?' type of vibes??? (i got this largely from the lyric "blacklisted from forgiveness") essentially it sounds like an excuse for doing something shitty to someone when you're mentally unwell which doesn't sit right with me.* which i know is referenced in the song itself -> "i have seemed to run out of excuses of why i am this way" which yeah i relate to that because i have said those exact words to myself before, so i get it. i have first hand experience. it's something that i have done before but deeply regretted and don't really want to be reminded by a song. in short, "i am in this and i don't like it." the music video itself was fine i guess but didn't really change my opinion of the song at all. [*also remember that music is up to interpretation, so just bc this is how i see it does not mean that this is the actual meaning, reasoning or the thought process behind tyler's writing. art is subjective and we're all allowed our own opinions and all that jazz. i mean no hate or disrespect when i voice my opinions and only ask for mature responses that contribute to a healthy discussion.]
anyway we got deep at the end there but please don't jump on me bc my opinion is different from yours i beg T^T i left twitter to avoid that, please don't disappoint me tumblr clique :') but i was being serious innit, feel free to add your own opinions onto this :) i'd love to know what everyone else thought!
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laceadornedvampire · 1 month
Ok wiki on standby let's do this
- ADORE the first line right off the bat. He sounds so fucking hesitant
- he sounds so soft when recounting how kind the farmer was aughh especially when he says people don't let him lodge with them usually
- "and compared to my perpetual "misfortune," this situation is hardly worth mentioning." ....huh. the subtitles change this to a, so I'm guessing it was meant to mean that it shouldn't have been worth mentioning at the time how the situation was bad. Does make me curious though...
- ough I can hear his fear and paranoia creeping in now this is the good shit
- the slight venom (which seems to be fear) in his voice when he says "group of well-respected elders." Is so gooddd he is scared shitless of authority
- how many people were wailing outside the house? That's an interesting aspect. Was the disease that painful? And how come Andrew didn't get it, seeing as the way it's worded implies he did presumably leave the house a lot?
- the quarantine being built at night while everyone was asleep definitely paints it as unplanned and an emergency so they could get people in first thing in the morning.
- Andrew drawing attention to the candles, painting them as menacing because he doesn't like light is such a good detail
- the house took 2 days to make, then was likely checked over, then people started coming in on the fourth day presumably.
- ough his voice sounds so strained with panic here especially when he talks about the dark incantations (calm down they're probably just trying to pray)
- how LONG was he here??? It feels like a few weeks right??
- "Your head is playing tricks on you. Just close the curtains." From this line and beyond he sounds much more scared I hate it /pos
- the smoke must have come in through an open window I think?
- Also he definitely slept in the same room as the farmer given that it mentions them being gone when he wakes up. So assuming he doesn't have extra beds, did Andrew just... Sleep on the floor?
- Andrew's lodgings are nearly burned down he's gotta have some fear from that
- the way it's worded describing the hut after makes it seem like the epidemic subsided IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE BURNING.
- "The eldest looked coldly at me." That line and his gasping after makes it sound like he's trying not to cry
- "God's forgiveness comes only when the sinners are punished. All our misfortunes, or their misfortunes, are due to His providence." He sounds so... Strict when he says that line. Like a teacher...
- god he's just. So fearful.......... Sobbing
GOD LITERALLY. the canfle thing is SUCH. a detail im gonna throw up
also he sounds a little like he's smiling after he says "hospitable" when talking about the farmer godd i love him
also the "close the curtains" he sounds like he's very very subtly mocking the statement, like he doesnt believe it? and also the one about sinners being punishf is SUCH. a tone shift in his voice, like he's reciting a line from a book or something
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lanaxoxoxoxoxox · 11 months
HMMM I SAW THOSE DIALOGUE PROMPTS so i'm gonna give u one before i go to bed!
“why can’t i get you out of my head?” with ranboo?? :0
xoxo love u lana take care bb /p <3
i- this is perfect. literally perfect.
i know this fic is long BUT TRUST ME ON THIS ONE !!
"why can't i get you out of my head?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
ranboo x gn!reader
warnings: brainrotting fluff that will make you want to cry /pos,
definition: everytime you have tried to tell ranboo you admire them by giving hints
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
y/n's pov
where it started !
"Hey Will?" I spoke up into the mic.
Wilbur's voice came through my headphones. "Yes?" he said, taking a sip of his water.
I paused. "I think I'm going to tell Ran I like them."
Since Wilbur's webcam on, I could see him spit out his drink in surprise.
"You- what?! Really?" I nodded, laughing at his response. "That's amazing, Y/n. How are you going to do it?" he asked.
I explained to Will how I was going to slowly compliment him and just make it obvious bit by bit until Ran finally said something.
"That's actually.... really smart." he laughed.
"I know, right?!"
brighton beach !
It was 11:38 pm at night, and my eyes were slowly starting to close. Will had invited the other Sorry Boys and I to come see the Lovejoy gig in Brighton. The show was incredible overall, but the thing that was running through my mind is how I was going to first start the confession mission, as Will and I called it.
All of us were walking down a dark alleyway that was barely lit. Street lights flickering every other minute, and closed shop signs hung on the doors. We finally got to the pier, and walked down to the beach.
Coming down to the beach in Brighton was always a treat, even during the day and it's super busy, or if there's not really "sand", and the beach is just slippery rocks. At night it was especially great, because no one was there except for the occasional teenagers. Everyone else stared at the soft waves crashing against the shore, with the stars glimmering behind it. "What was I looking at?" you might ask. I was looking at the glimmering thing next to me, Ran.
They were looking at the view in front of them, their gray eyes glimmering from the reflection of the stars above. Their hair was fluffy and had streaks of caramel brown from the early morning sun.
I kept looking at them, admiring their features rather than the once in a lifetime view in front of me.
Ran finally turned their head and saw me looking at them, instantly making eye contact with me for a few seconds. He looked back to the waves and fixed their hair.
"Are you going to stare at me or the view of the waves?" he teased, looking back at me once more.
I stared at him for a few seconds, before tilting my head slightly to the right, observing his freckles that painted his cheeks and nose. "Hmm... I think you're much more admirable." I said, confidently.
I looked at them and could see blush tinting their cheeks. I looked over to Wilbur on my left and nodded to him. I mouthed, "Mission accomplished." Wilbur smiled.
on stream !
"Hey chat! It's your favorite human, Y/n here. Today, I'm joined by Ranboo in my lovely kitchen!" I said, smiling into the webcam.
Chat went 100 miles per hour seeing Ranboo and I in the same room. Chat filled up with "y/nboo" and "my favorite streamers!!" or whatever chants they could come up with.
"Chat's really loving this duo, huh?" I smirked. I looked over to Ran. "Might as well have to deliver this duo more, shall we boo?"
I may or may not have especially chosen that nickname on purpose, since it would not only just make them a little flustered, but more flustered since we were streaming.
I kept staring at Ran. They looked at me with surprise in their eyes, but also a scolding look at the same moment. I looked over at chat to see their responses.
user444: WAIT WHAT
user10: "BOO"??? WHAATTTTTT [shock]
y/n4life: ahhh my fave duo!!!!
I innocently continued on with the stream, acting like nothing happened. And I swear, I made him blush again. 2 missions accomplished.
on the train !
Ranboo, Tommy, Wilbur, Niki, Jack and I were all on the train on the way to London to record a new vlog. Tommy and Wilbur were on their phones playing some random game, and Niki and Jack were talking about the vlog and stream ideas. Ranboo and I were just sitting next to eachother peacefully, sharing earbuds and listening to music playlists. It's been a couple weeks since the kitchen stream, and I had honestly forgotten entirely about it. I yawned, feeling my eyes slowly close and my head lean against the shaking train window.
Ranboo spoke up next to me. "Y/n, love." Wilbur and Tommy peeked up from their phones and exchanged looks with each other at Ranboo's words. "Your head is going to hurt a fucking lot if you lean against the window."
"There's literally nowhere else to sleep. What the hell am I supposed to do?" I said.
Ranboo faked coughed into his elbow and looked at the other side of the train. He then looked at me giving approval.
I laid my head down on his chest and curled my legs on the chair as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I blushed, hiding my face in his hoodie. Ran then placed his head on the seat, leaning his neck back, somehow being comfortable.
Tommy whispered to the others, thinking we couldn't hear him as we snuggled. "Deffo flerting." he said, getting the others to giggle. I saw Jack and Wilbur take a picture from their phones through the corner of my eye.
"You realize we can hear you, right?" Ranboo spoke up.
confessions !
I was walking down the shore with Ran at night, as he had asked me to come meet him there. I wasn't sure what he wanted, and I was utterly confused.
"Um, Y-y/n? Can we stop here for a second? There's something I need to tell you." Ranboo said, looking up at me with dilated eyes.
I nodded. "Yeah, is everything alright?" I said, taking his hand in mine.
He looked down at our hands and I could see the tip of his ears blush for a few split moments. He took a deep breath.
"I'm in love with you, y/n l/n. I've noticed your little compliments and flirts here and there, from the beach, the stream, on the train. Everywhere. And I can't help but fucking adore it. I've always fucking thought why you can never get out of my head. I truly love you, and if you don't love me back, that's fine. But I can only live with you knowing, no matter what your answer is."
I stared at his eyes. I'm 99% sure someone on TikTok said that a persons eyes dilate when they're in love, and just by telling and looking from his eyes, it seemed true. I looked quickly at his parted lips.
"Yes, I fucking love you too, idiot. I'm the one who flirted with you first!" I spoke back.
Ranboo tilted my head with his fingers, and looked down at my lips and back to my eyes. "May I kiss you?"
"Mhm." I said.
I felt him close the space between us, and I swear, my legs could have gone flat. He wrapped his arm around my waist, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled away, and I smiled, leaning my forehead against his.
Let's just say we left a trail of memories on the way.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
do you guys want a part 2? i have some ideas teehee
hope you enjoyed!! please support me by sending in requests/asks, liking, replying, reblogging, following my blog or sending a dm!! everything helps for me to continue writing <3
love you xoxoxo
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 8 months
3. "Wait, you love me?" "I always have." With RED Demo and BLUE Soldier (because theyre canonical FRIENDS and they make me cry /pos). Bonus points if Soldier is dense as fuck
❤️Red Demo + Blu Soldier💙
Ough, I kept wondering if you put friends in all caps for it to be platonic or wanting me to ignore canon I'm so dumb sometimes lmao, so uh I wrote them with a budding romance because Boots n Bombs has my heart. UHHHH I figured it'd be annoying to read "RED demo" and "BLUE soldier" every time I wrote out their names so I'm just calling them Demo and Soldier, but they are Red and Blue respectively, cool? cool.
Demo didn't even know his feelings were blooming. Demo and Soldier simply found themselves growing closer to each other, sharing jokes, drinks, and stories to break up the nights after battles. Forming a friendship, Demo thought. But something felt different. He had close friends before, hell, he even figured him and his team were getting pretty close, but there was something more, something below it all, something Demo couldn't understand. It all started gently, unknowingly, soft touches, longer glances, and small jokes between the two of them. Demo realized what his feelings truly were during a battle. The bloodshed was heavy on both sides, neither team making enough progress to matter, everyone was on edge, tense from both the heat, and angry at the lack of progress. Even Demo found himself being rather annoyed, finding himself hiding in a shady spot, giving himself a break from it all, letting out a long and drawn-out sigh, until his eyes lit up at the sight of Soldier running past, turning to flash a smile at Demo. Demo smiled slightly to himself, finding comfort in seeing the face of his friend, until a bullet from Sniper plowed through his skull, dropping him to the ground. Sure, Soldier would respawn in a minute or two and would find himself back on the field just fine, albeit a bit angrier than before, but Demo still feels like he's been punched in the gut, he feels cold and hot, and sick and, oh, he feels his heart, hurt, hurt in a way that he's never been able to grasp until now, he finds a wall to brace himself against, as his mind finally connects the dots. He loves him. Soldier didn't think anything of the intensity or emotion in which Demo started to lock eyes with him, Demo always holding the gaze a bit longer than normal.
Soldier also didn't think anything of Demo's sudden but subtle protectiveness during battles, never connecting any dots that one might in this situation. Soldier had grown up very sheltered, very alone. He was never a boy with many friends. Even as he grew up, his friendships came from a sense of obligational brotherhood due to his military roots, but with Demo, it was different, Soldier felt understood in a way he had never been before. He just appreciates having a friend, and he doesn't bother attempting to understand the weird feeling in his chest, or the warmth in his soul when with Demo, chalking it up to it being normal and how things should be forever, and he's okay with that, he wants to feel like this forever.
Demo knew he couldn't keep his feelings in forever, he was aware of the fact that sometimes his stares lasted a second to long, or that he was less than subtle about dropping (when he could) whatever he might have been doing to give his attention to Soldier, but at the same time he also worried about the what ifs that plauged his mind. Questions about ruining a perfectly good friendship, how things would change, the awkwardness, the tension, the- it was all just too much to worry about, so weeks would pass of him sitting on his feelings, occasionally unconscious expression of affection being given from Demo, until one night he found the feelings he had been pushing down bubbling back up again. He's frustrated at his inability to hush the voices inside him, pulling him in a different direction, and he's tried to try to keep this secret. He finds himself ready to be bolder, to finally let his feelings off his chest and be free of his doubts. He's done waiting. He invites Soldier out to a bar, away from the base, the mercs on both sides, and the general atmosphere of stress surrounding the battlefield and such. Soldier agrees without question, and they both make their way there. Demo on his way, however, looses his nerve, realizing that his doubts may have a stronger hold on him than he previously believed. A part of his mind now telling him to run, to get out before he does something he might regret, he ignores it, only for the fact that he can still spend a night with his friend, even if it is eating at him a little bit. Plus, there's alcohol! Why let drinks and a perfectly fun night go to waste over some doubt that he can silence with just staying quiet? That's what he thought and believed, truly. He went into the bar telling himself that it just wasn't the right time. It was never going to be the right time, and eventually, if he held out long enough, the feelings would go away. He just needed to stay quiet about it. But maybe it was something in the drinks that night. Maybe it was the shine of the lights or the music in the bar, but Demo found himself unable to stay true to the idea of staying silent. Demo letting some compliments slip out, all earnest, all with a genuine love tied to them, that most people would pick up in an instant, but not soldier. Soldier only responded in kind, thanking Demo for the compliments and returning them with an energy of joy and friendship. Demo only sighed, taking away from this half hazard "confession" that Soldier did indeed only viewed this as a friendship, assuming that in some way, this was a kinder form of a refusal of feelings. Demo knows he should cut this here, not say anything else, and continue the night with a smile, enjoying the friendship as it was and as it would continue to be, but his mouth is speaking before his brain can thing, and he lets out his one last thought, before shutting the idea of anything more happening between them,
"I love ya, Soldier. And I truly mean that." He immediately wants to clasp a hand over his mouth, but restrains himself, his brain rationalizing that he could come back from this if he convinced the other man that it was purely platonic. Soldier only smiles at Demo in a way that always got to him, a genuinely joyous smile, as he slaps him on the back,
"I love you too, Demoman! I'm glad we've built this friendship!" Demo is happy at Soldier's acceptance of the comment being platonic in nature, but it doesn't stop it from feeling like a knife to the side. Demo decides it's time to head back to base, fearing that the pain he feels from this might show through. He stands up, heading to the bar to close out the pairs tab, leaving Soldier by himself at the table. And when he does, Soldier sits in silence for a moment, and it all hits him like a fucking truck. For some reason, everything clicks in his mind all at once. He gets it now, he understands , and he feels stupid for not getting it before. This feeling is new and powerful. He realizes the feelings that Demo has. Demo walks back to the table slightly. Panicking as he sees Soldier freaking out. Soldier grabs Demo by his shoulders and asks bluntly,
"Wait, you love me?" Demo realizes at the emphasis on love that it's finally clicked,
"I think..." He pauses slightly, "I always have."
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG!! I got tired </3 (uh, I might have the sniperspy one out soon, too, btw 😨)Anyways, I hope you liked this even though I might have fucked it up. Also I hope this makes sense and I didn't miss plotholes or just make this genuinely confusing 😭 Also also sorry if the end is kinda rushed I'm half passing out, and I'm super embarrassed now about how cringey this might be 💔
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zombiifyd · 9 months
Can you tell me your analysis of the Albatrio’s relationship? I love hearing the nuances of people’s different takes on their dynamic!
AHAIHSJEH WOULD I?????? absolutely.
this post is gonna be so long its just gonna be a bunch of word vomit i swear. so i am so sorry.
OKAY SO I'M GONNA BE LIKE,,,, breaking down all of their relationships one by one, with like two individual people and then their all in whole because its SO IMPORTANT to look at the details.
1. chip and jay
these two have so many dynamics. i don't really see them as brother and sister but their fights definitely do remind me of that dynamic. to me, they're more like best friends that have that close of a bond. especially because of how they met, they kind of just instantly clicked. it one of those friendships where two unlikely people have the most chemistry and it never dwindles. obviously it has to do with the fact that they go on all of these adventures together. and they probably spent a couple of days at sea before finding gillion. so they must have gotten close, even if jay was a "spy" at the time, she never really acted like she was. chip found her, and in stead she found herself. and its really touching.
i would say they're definitely the closer two of the bunch even though trust has been broken a couple of times but they always come back stronger. i really love jay and chip.
2. jay and gillion
LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING. these two mean literally everything to me. (hi navyseal shipper here) i'm sure i made a post about my thoughts about their relationship on my blog once. but might as well rehatch it and apply the new things i've learned with all the new episodes i've listened to. i still think their relationship is so pure and just so UGHHHH /pos. LIKE JUST ALL OF THE TOUCHING MOMENTS THEY HAVE. but even all of the normal moments they have also. i think the whole albatrio is just unlikely people who have found each other and just clicked with insane amounts of chemistry. because even though in the early episodes, gillion was a little strange and trying to figure out this new world. jay found him strange, but fun. and a good guy.
and it shows in future episodes and even going to him for ADVICE before the block and the reveal she was a spy and everything. and even after that gillion STILL trusted her. willing to literally to everything to keep her with them. like IM TEARING UP JUST YHINKUNG ABOUT IT. "just tell me what you wan't and i'll fight for it." HOLD ME BACKCKCKC I WILAHAJWHJE i am so notmal about them. anyway yeah thats jay and gillion
3. fish and chips
hey guys. listen. fish and chips???? yeah. i agree.
anyway, they are so important to me. they have a weird relationship though, to me at least. like in the beginning they were rough and bumpy but they were still close and affectionate. and dude, let me say, that when they we're crying and holding onto each other in the mud and fighting bugs in laffinlot, they had my entire heart. but in more recent terms from where i am listening, where they were about to go to grimms party, their relationship has evolved so much?? but it had barely even changed. if that makes sense???
especially when chip now almost refuses to lie to gillion anymore. if anything, i think the ice dome broke but made their relationship stronger because gillion confronted chip about what he has been doing. and chip now kind of understands where gillion is coming from??? because gillion doesnt share much of what is in the undersea with the two other than the mentions here or there of his laws and his beliefs, and strongly believing them. and i guess chip is still trying to process that gillion is NEW to this world and everything. even now in the episodes i'm in.
they have a really interesting relationship but i cannot put it into words bc if i do i will explode. but i love them.
4. THE TRIO!!!
all in all, they're idiots who found each other and in turn are trying to find themselves in this big vast, and new, world. they are idiots who have insane amounts of chemistry even when they first met. they are idiots who walk straight into navy bases and fuck shit up bc it's what they do as the best pirates ever!!! they consume my heart and mind and they will never leave. they are a package deal and they refuse to leave one another behind because they are friends. they are co-captains. they are family. they are each others persons. and that's it to them.
okay i think i'm done. SORRY AGAIN
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mblue-art · 1 year
Lust burst through the door without hesitation, nearly knocking it off the hinges if Cross didn't steady it immediately after.
"Lust, you don't need to shout-" Cross tried to get him to calm down, but the Lust Sans was on a mission.
"Now hold it just a minute-" Lust pulled away from Cross as soon as he got a glimpse of you. "M! I heard that someone was denying you of the obvious compliments that you deserve." He chuckled as if someone had said something amusing. "- and that someone was you." He quickly took your face into his hands, pulling it close to his, barely inches away as he looked into your eyes with a smoldering intensity. "But that can't be true, right? You? You? My amazing, stunning, and absolutely wholesome koala bear? Anything less than a compliment of perfection isn't allowed - especially not someone denying it, right?" He looked over his shoulder at Cross. "Right?" There uh... was a little bit of a threat behind that 'question'.
Although, it wasn't as if Cross would have denied it. "M-mhm." He replied, nodding bashfully as he crossed his arms and looked off to the side with a blush he tried to beat down. "Of course... she's talented, kind, and..." His blush deepened, as he fruitlessly grasped at his shoulder as if he wanted to pull his hood up to hide his embarrassment. "and beautiful." He whispered.
"I'm sorry, what was what?" Lust teased him, wanting him to clearly state his affection for her. "Speak up, Crossy~!"
"Beautiful! Okay?? She's blinding and - and yes, cool! Alright?!" He huffed, finally pulling his hood over his head to hide his blush. "I... wouldn't trade her for the world. She's... special." He admitted with a softer tone.
Lust simply nodded, turning his attention back to M. "Exactly. So, the next time someone calls you 'cool' or any other compliment you don't feel comfortable agreeing with so eagerly because you're far too humble, direct them to us, and we'll help agree with them for you, my dazzling gem." He placed an affectionate kiss to your cheek and even nuzzled it for emphasis. "Now come on! We're already here, we may as well get into a cuddle pile!"
live mblue reaction (lots of screaming) under the cut (very much littered with cussing, tread carefully /lh)
I am going insane /j (HELP. L BUSTING THRU THE DOOR IM 😳😳😳 he is. . Strong 😳) (L and C interacting,, , oughf the dynamics, ,, ///////// my purble idiots i love them so)
oh Ly you are fucking killing me
WAAAA KOALA BEAR?!?!!?!?? ////////// (so true i would,, cling,,,)
I am hiding my stupid smile under my shirt collar ohmygoddddd
LMAO CCCCCC god god god i love them i love my skeleton bfs what the hell
(c crossing hsi arms the pose THE POSE AAAA/////////)
(aha aheh eyyy i was about to say smt abt 'beautiful' but uh 🧍 LMAO)
(oh hes such a tsundere oh no oh no 💘💘💘) (your honor this is so funny we're both dumb tsunderes in love... i forget that hes a tsundere sometimes)
Tumblr media
(hood up cross my fucming beloved ive only recently appreciated that adorable visual more about a month ago after rereading the xtale comic and rewatching the xtale eps with simp eyes i am <333)
(ough L is so good..., ,L is so good i- he has my heart- BOTH OF THEM HAVE MY HEART-)
AGH!!!! WAILS thank you sm ly i feel,,, ,so loved,, ,im love,,, , my porble skeleboyfrwends,,, , /)/////(\;;
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