#I’ve only seen like 3 episodes but I’m excited for more.
daemonmage · 25 days
So I had a flight today and decided to download and watch the Batman Animated Series.
I haven’t seen a lot of it yet but it’s been interesting so far.
It’s definitely a product of its time but it also has lines like this:
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I’m loving it so far.
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cookiescribble · 9 months
Something New
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A/N: Someone asked me for a part two of this, and honestly? Don’t have to ask me twice, I’ve been thinking about it a lot 🫶🏻 sorry it took a little more time than I was expecting, we’re going on vacation soon so a lot of our time is being spent preparing for that :) - mod angel
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader
Summary: Spencer has been spending a lot of time bonding with his new coworker, and they’re starting to realize that they might have more feelings than they were ready for.
     I was, admittedly, pretty nervous the first time I came over Spencer’s apartment.
     I’ve always been a really shy person, and new situations always seemed a little intimidating to me. But Spencer was… different, and that comforted me. 
     I walked up to his apartment that first day, fidgeting a little as I approached his door. I took a deep breath and knocked lightly. 
     He answered the door, smiling, gesturing for me to come in. 
     I smiled and looked around his apartment. I hadn’t known him very long but it seemed very… him. There was a bookshelf against one of the forest green walls that held a large amount of books; if it belonged to anyone besides Spencer, I would’ve doubted all the books had been read. But I guess if you can read as fast as he can, getting through all those books isn’t that big a deal. 
     He led me to the couch and motioned for me to sit down. He had taken out a DVD set of Star Trek: The Original Series that was sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch. 
     He took the DVDs and started speaking. “So, I know you said you’ve seen some of TOS, but I figured it would be better to watch it completely through from start to finish.”
     “Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve seen any of it,” I replied. “Plus, I always like to watch things fully in order. I can’t just pick up a show in the middle. I have to start at the beginning.”
     He nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, I feel the same way! People have told me it’s not a big deal to start watching a show in the middle, but I could never do that.”
     I smiled. “Plus, there’s only 3 seasons of TOS, right? It’s not that hard to get through.” I could feel myself calming down as the conversation seemed to flow easily between us. 
     “There’s only 79 episodes. It’s really short, considering how many other shows and movies came out of it.” He seemed to hesitate for a moment as he put the DVD in the player. “… I have all the other Star Trek shows and movies too, if you want to watch them.” He cleared his throat and quickly continued, “of course, for now we’ll just stick to this and, um, we don’t even have to finish if you end up changing your mind…”
     I shook my head. “No, I want to do this. I think it’ll be fun.” I smiled reassuringly. “Plus, what I have seen I’ve really liked, so I definitely want to watch the whole thing.”
     He smiled back at me and sat on the opposite end of the couch. “I just didn’t want you to feel like you had to agree to this. Most people don’t really take my interests seriously…” he admitted, sounding a little sad. 
     I just shrugged. “Well, I’m here, aren’t I? Why would I come here if I wasn’t interested?” 
     “I guess that’s true,” he said as he picked up the remote. “… So, are you ready to start?”
     I smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I’m ready,” I responded before he started playing the first episode. 
     We fell into a regular routine after that first day. 
     I’d usually come over about once a week. We’d always start with Spencer recapping the last episodes we watched, recalling them in perfect detail so I could remember exactly what happened. 
     I really liked watching the show with him. A lot of times, he’d get really excited and talk during the episodes. He’d always apologize when I asked him to rewind so I could catch what I missed while he was talking, but I always told him I didn’t mind. And I really didn’t, I loved listening to him talk. He always had something interesting to say. 
     I found myself starting to watch him more than I watched the show. I was trying really hard not to admit it to myself, but I was really starting to feel something between us. I’d noticed the way we both started to get comfortable with each other as time went on, and how we started to sit closer to each other every time we hung out. I felt some kind of… spark, whenever I was with him. 
     I tried to ignore this feeling, but it was getting more and more difficult. I felt so happy to see him all the time; hanging out with him felt like the highlight of my week. I looked forward to it for days, and I couldn’t help but think of how much I wanted to be alone with him when I saw him at work. 
     But I kept this all to myself. It was just a silly crush, and I didn’t even know if he had feelings like that. Plus, there’s no way I could have a crush on a coworker. That could never work out well. 
… (POV change)
Spencer wasn’t used to spending so much time with someone. Sure, he talked with his coworkers every day, but it wasn’t the same. No one shared interests with him like this. 
Since this was all new to him, he figured these feelings he was having were just normal when you made a new friend. This certain fondness he was feeling that he had never felt before now. 
But as time went on, and he kept spending more time with them, he was starting to suspect he was feeling a little more than friendly with them. He started spending a lot of time wishing they would hang out more. Eventually, he couldn’t help it, and asked them to come over even if he’d already seen them that week. He’d say it was because he wanted to keep watching the show, but really he was just excited to see them. 
Eventually, he couldn’t deny the feelings he had for them anymore. 
There was one day they came over, after there had been a particularly exhausting case. It just so happened to end on the day they had both been reserving to watch the show together. Spencer offered to switch the days and let them catch up on sleep, but they insisted that they still wanted to come over. 
It wasn’t a problem for a while, but eventually, as Spencer was talking, they stopped replying to him. He looked over to see they had fallen asleep curled up on the couch. 
He just stared at them for a few moments before pausing the show, not wanting them to miss what was happening. He wasn’t sure what to do; he didn’t want to wake them up because they looked so peaceful. They looked… really cute…
He shook his head as if trying to shake the thought out of his mind. He stood up, getting a throw blanket and gently placing it over them, careful to not wake them up. 
He walked to the kitchen, figuring he’d make something to eat in case they were hungry when they woke up. Really, he just needed an excuse to not be near them right now. It was taking every ounce of his willpower not to slip his arm around them and let them sleep on him.
He tried not to let his mind wander as he made dinner, but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t stop thinking about them.
He kept trying to rationalize his thoughts, like he always did. It had never been a problem before; he had always been a logical person, so it had never been difficult to keep his thoughts in check. Until now.
He knew that he shouldn’t have feelings for a coworker. It just wasn’t professional. And besides, they probably didn’t feel the same way about him. No one ever had. It was new to him just to have someone willing to share his interests. Their feelings probably ended there: he was just a new friend to them.
Although… there have been multiple occasions where he thought he saw them sneaking glances at him. And the way they looked at him, he thought that maybe they were starting to have feelings for him too…
He was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice them waking up and walking into the kitchen until they spoke to him.
“Hey…” they started. “Sorry, I didn’t realize I was falling asleep.”
Spencer jumped a little before turning to look at them. They still had the blanket wrapped around their shoulders. They looked really comfortable that way. And the sleepy tone in their voice…
He cleared his throat. “That’s okay. We had a pretty tiring few days with that case, so I figured I’d just let you sleep. You seemed like you needed it.”
They smiled sleepily. “Yeah, I guess I did.” They turned their attention to the kitchen counter. “You made dinner? Was I asleep that long?”
He shook his head. “You weren’t out for too long, but I figured you might be hungry when you woke up, so…” He trailed off, blushing a bit.
They smiled. “Thank you. I am actually pretty hungry.” They hugged the blanket a little closer to them, rubbing their eyes a bit.
Spencer turned around and grabbed two plates, carrying them to the coffee table in the living room. They followed him and sat down on the couch, moving the blanket so it was laying across their lap.
They ate in silence, the show playing on the TV in front of them, though they both seemed to have trouble paying attention to it.
After a few more episodes, it was time to leave. Spencer took the blanket when they handed it to him, putting it back where it was before.
He walked to the door with them, like he always did. Today, though, they lingered in the doorway a little longer. Maybe it was the tiredness, or maybe they just finally found the courage they’d been looking for all this time.
“Um…” they started, looking a little nervous. “Thank you for making dinner tonight. That was really nice.”
He smiled warmly at them. “Oh, it was no problem, really. I was hungry too,” he laughed awkwardly.
They smiled a bit, but they had a concentrated look on their face. “Well, uh, I was wondering… Maybe one day you’d like to… go out to dinner?” They took a deep breath before continuing quietly. “Like… as a date?”
He blushed and smiled, all the thoughts of doubt he’d been having earlier thrown out the window. “Yeah, I... I’d really like that.” He tried to sound calm, but it was clear he was really excited about it.
They smiled back at him, the nervousness gone as they realized he was just as happy about it as they were. “Okay. It’s a date, then.”
They said their goodbyes, both of them unable to stop smiling as they thought about what their future together would hold.
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polin-erospsyche · 20 days
Last thoughts for the road.
I’ve never been more excited and scared for a scene than I am for the carriage scene. I feel like in all the buzz around season three finally dropping after two years we haven’t really talked about this month of waiting between part 1 and 2. Sure we’ve guessed at the carriage scene and we’ve rejoiced at all the polin content we’ll get in the break but I’m truly scared of how wrecked we might be. Wrecked or angry, to be honest I’m not quite sure but I don’t trust the very end of ep 4. I feel like we’ll get so high that there’ll only be a low point after that because otherwise the show does not go on for four more episodes. And also we have to wait one month. One whole month to be in our feelings about this. So you know they’re not just going to let us off easy.
I’m not ready for the utter angst that we might get from this whole Lady Whistledown issue. We are talking about two people who are so so in love with each other. And they know that too probably, although it might not have been verbalised, but because it’s the beginning it will oh so delicate, even more so because they are friends discovering if they can be more for each other, wanting to be more for each other and there’s this huge secret creating a rift between them.
If she does keep it from him, which looks more and more likely to me, I need her to give him the choice when he finally learns about it. I need her to own up to who she is, apologies for what she’s written and how it might have hurt him but not for what and who she is. She is Lady Whistledown. Despite all the mistakes and errors, she is one hell of an amazing, independent and strong woman and I need to see her step fully into who she is and accept it and give him in turn a choice to either leave or to choose her, all of her. The mistakes, the hurt but also the warmth and love.
And while she’s giving him a choice I also desperately want for her to have a face a face with the queen. It is so important to me that she does that on her own though, without a betrothal or the name of the Bridgertons attached to her. I hope we get to see her step into her own self by herself and defend herself. Not in the snappy and hurt way she’s done at the end of season 2, but as the graceful and mature woman we know she becomes in season 3.
Anyway all this to say, I’m afraid of what we’ll get tomorrow as a cliffhanger. There are also things that I hope we get. Pen fully stepping into her power in a graceful, less harsh, manner than we’ve seen previously. Colin fully choosing her despite knowing all the dark sides to her, because that is how well he knows her and how much he loves her. Those are at the forefront of what I hope for.
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CW: discussion of suicide
I’ve been mulling over a number of thoughts after eps 1-3 about Ed’s storyline, and I want to get them down before the new episodes come out, so here goes.
I’ve seen so many folks hard hit by Ed’s suicidality, needing to mind their mental health before rewatching, and—yeah. Folks who know me as a fic writer and who have read A Bug to Remember can glean some idea of where this topic has touched me. My own lowest time was literally two decades ago, so for me it’s not so much about that.
I just keep thinking about the okayness Ed performs in ep 2, which obviously isn’t entirely convincing, but nevertheless covers up that he’s already made his decision.
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Which makes me think about someone I mentored and who died by suicide in 2019. Her name was Katie. I’m going to speak her name here because talking about her and thinking about her keeps her present for me.
Katie was deeply complicated, but, well, so is Ed, obviously. Ep 2 reminded me so vividly of her performance of okayness. She was professionally successful, organized, seemed to have it all together. I know others who also loved her have had the very natural “I should have known” reaction, but I don’t necessarily feel that way. For people like me whom she saw as mentors, she very deliberately hid the cracks, the pain, the suffering. Looking back on it now, I can see how our closeness was more about how much she made me feel comfortable sharing myself, while she remained pretty thoroughly walled off.
All of this makes me think about all the lies, the terrible lies our brains tell us. I talked in sort of a jumbled way on Twitter about the stories Ed tells and tries to tell about himself. The stories we tell and believe about ourselves are so fundamental to our very existence, and Ed has so much trouble believing any positive story about himself.
We first see him trapped in the narrative of Blackbeard, in which he is a “ghost.” He imagines himself as Stede Bonnet, but that’s a violent story with an intended murderous end. Jeff the Accountant is a story that’s fun at first, but the fallout just ends up hitting him where he’s most sensitive, his deepest feelings of unworthiness.
The most believable story for him is the Kraken. Clearly he wants something else, but it feels like literally the only option.
He tries to imagine himself as Jeff the Innkeeper, but he can’t keep from being a dick to himself long enough to even fully imagine how that story could play out.
His only positive stories, of course, are with Stede: first, playfully imagining himself as a chef, someone who can do anything. That one ends happily, albeit only temporarily—the brief dream of being co-captains. And then the possibility of running off to China together—but that’s an option that means Ed leaving his whole identity behind. It’s a running away, not an integration of the stories he carries. And then losing the possibility of that story—well, we know what happens.
And so. Here we are. Ed is alive, and he needs a new story that doesn’t cause himself and everyone else around him so much suffering. Ngl I had a real hard time on my first watch with how much pain there was all around. But that’s because, as always, this show is emotionally truthful even as the events are sometimes preposterous. I’m excited to see what other story possibilities are there for Ed. What he can find himself able to believe.
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underwaterbanshee · 7 months
I love your post about Tula, I just finished the latest ep of burrows end and I am SCROUNGING for theories.
What do you think she was ‘fundamentally lying’ about?? I’ve seen a couple posts floating around:
- one was how maybe Geoffrey could’ve been a bad husband and Tula didn’t save him because of it (maybe killed him?)
- Another was, maybe the Blue (radiation?) is killing her to use it?
- Another good one, was maybe Tula isn’t their (Jaysohn and Lila’s) bio mother.
I don’t have a very good or original educational guess, but I don’t think she killed Geoffrey. I do think she knows what did, and she’s lying so her children aren’t vengeful. She doesn’t want her children chasing power, to avenge their dad, or getting caught up in what he was deeply in.
I think it’s been said before, but in some of Geoffrey’s art he has a little grass belt, and the only other stoats we’ve seen have tools/clothes, was in Last Bast. (I can see the connection there, but we’ve also seen Viola have ‘accessories’, so it could just be a red herring.)
I think maybe Tula knows more about Last Bast (or humans) than she lets on, possibly from Geoffrey (if the grass belt is a connection.) I think Geoffrey saw something, or knew something in Last Bast, and ran. Eventually, he found the red Warren, fell in love, and started a family.
Now with an invested interest to keep his family safe, he’s using what he learned in Last Bast in the Red Warren, which somehow got him killed. (By a human? Maybe? The humans that saw Thorn seemed more interested than expressing a want to kill him - maybe humans want to test the stoats for radiation sickness, or something like that?) it’s giving watership down meets Chernobyl, the natural world clashing with human disasters.
Just some thoughts! I feel like there’s so many clues and pieces on the board, but no lines connecting them. There’s an allegory that I’m not catching, and it’s driving me NUTS.
What do you make of this? :)
(sorry for the long ask! Just excited!)
omg this is my very first ask and I'm trying to be normal about it
So, it's been a few days and I've been going over this in my head and here are my conclusions to your lovely, lovely ask <3
The lie is probably something incredibly mundane.
Adults lie to children all the time. Lila is going through what every child goes through as they become a teenager--she's starting to see the cracks between reality, truth, and the fictions adults use to process an unfair world.
I think it is entirely possible that when the lie is revealed, an adult audience might go, "Oh, that's not a big a deal," while Lila overreacts with betrayal.
It's entirely possible Geoffrey is from Last Bast.
The only thing I'm basing this on, besides character art, is that Tula is based on Mrs. Brisby from Secret of NIMH and Last Bast is giving me Rats of NIMH vibes, not secret authoritarian cult vibes (which is an entirely different post that I'll probably never write). I mean, the Rats had magic and electricity.
Also, Brian might be analogous to Jenner, the power hungry Rat, the First Stoats might be like Nicodemus, just like Bennett is probably Justin.
Did I want Bennett to be a fuckable version of Justin for Tula? Yes. But that's only because my childself wanted Justin and Mrs. Brisby to end up together. Baby Banshee didn't understand why that wouldn't work. She wanted love to win.
Based on how much the Red Warren Family popped off against Last Bast during this episode, I don't know if there will be more Secret of NIMH elements playing out. It's possible Tula could bring up Geoffrey and get confirmation on that but I don't think it's important to our stouts anymore.
But wouldn't it be interesting if Tula knew about Last Bast before they arrived? Didn't someone say something about lies of omission?
Mrs. Brisby's character arc is about having enough courage to move her family while her son has pneumonia. She confronts an owl, a cat, and a power hungry rat who deliberately puts moving the mouse family's home in jeopardy, in order to keep her family safe.
During most of the story, her children are in the dark about what she's doing to keep them alive and protect their future.
What an amazing archetype as Tula's touchstone.
One of the great things about the d20 campaigns is not only the mashup but how the players resolve the mashup after making a mess. I might be seeing lots of NIMH being laid down, now that the Watership Down portion is somewhat resolved but I'm prepared to be totally wrong as maybe our vicious varmints take us in a new direction.
Like I said--obsessed with Tula =^_^=
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pep-the-artemis · 2 months
Thads Shindig
A Murder Drones Story Containing every named character+more (yes all ~50 of them, some never seen before, full cast list in tags)!
part 1.
word count - 4,448
Uzi - *playing a video game*
N - *entering*Hi Uzi… last week was… kinda wild.
Uzi - *unattentive*yep.
N - you know with the whole Eldritch J thing that was pretty insane, proms coming up which I guess is exciting. Because you know this story is set somewhere between episode 2 and 3.
Uzi - *still not listening*cool… Hey, I’ve got a second controller if you want to play video game with me.
N - you know I don’t like video game Uzi, plus we have to go soon.
Uzi - wait… go where?
N - well it's Thad’s shindig soon.
Uzi - oh cool, I’ll be heading offline in a minute anyway, this old hag—*reading username* SeaweedLoverXD has just been spawn camping me for the last half hour.
Nori - *over the mic* OLD HAG?
Uzi - *putting on headset*yeah, you virgin loser, you heard me!
Nori - Virgin?! Well I’ll have you know little miss Nobody, I am a mother of a darling daughter and if I ever caught her saying anything remotely similar to the insults you’ve been throwing my way I wouldn’t hesitate washing her mouth out with soap and water!
Uzi - whatever, die mad. *logs off*
*Meanwhile in a distant spaceship*
J - [you died idiot]
J - ughh, my head [Lost Memory Recovery Finished]... oh … oh! ... I liked that pen. 
J - *getting out of bed only to lose balance and collapse on the floor* … I’m okay! That was strange… My limb enhancements! Where are my limb enhancements?! *mad* Tessa! *pouting* Right now I bet I look like a common toaster! And why is it so dark? Are we conserving energy now?!
J - *walking through the spaceship arriving at a door labelled ‘Tessa. Knock first’*
J - *opening the door to a pitch black messy room,a pool of oil and blood pools out of the room*
Flesha - GET OUT!*throws Tessa’s helmet square at J cracking her visor slightly before slamming the door shut*
J - Tessa… I’m sorry.
Flesha - Learn to knock!
J - *picking up Tessa’s helmet* I think you dropped this.
Flesha - … *slowly opens the door slightly before lashing out and snatching the helmet quickly with a black tendril before retreating back into the room. Grotesque, bone cracking sounds follow*
J - …m,may I come in.
Tessa - sure, please mind the mess. I usually try to keep things clean but I guess you can say I haven't really been myself.
J - *entering* You know I’ve been reading some human literature and ‘arrogance and comedy’ are generally not considered a good coping mechanism.
Tessa - oh so you’re an expert on my well being are you?
J - your parents instructed me to protect you so yes!
Tessa - Well, look how that turned out! You’ve seen what's left of me, of what I become, I am a monster!
J - We’re all monsters Tessa, in our own way. I can see you're tired, I am here to grab my limb enhancers then I will be off.
Tessa - oh… yeah, I’ve been making modifications, it's still really buggy, they need more time though.
J - can’t I just borrow N's spare set? Been wondering what having feet feels like.
Tessa - no… I’ve been thinking, breaking into the Worker Drones commune is difficult, entering by force is doing little good and the plan to try and hack its main frame has only led to many complications.
J - you can code?
Tessa - nope. Like I said, complications. Anyhow, returning to the subject, right now no one could differentiate you from any other worker so you can head down and do some spy work… like James Bond and such.
J - do I have any say in this?
Tessa - nope.
J - *annoyed* then I’ll prepare my landing pod. *leaving* and Tessa, you shouldn’t just allow Cyn to walk over you…
Tessa - It's her body as much as mine and without it I would be dead.
*meanwhile, in the commune*
Doll - Мать. Отец. 
Doll - Ты будешь гордиться мной
Doll - Получите ответы и освободите вас
Doll - Не волнуйтесь, чего бы это ни стоило,
Doll - я ухожу
Doll - И я клянусь прямо сейчас
Doll - Что бы не случилось со мной
Doll - Любой, кто встанет или встанет на моем пути, заплатит
Doll - Они... будут... платить
Lizzy - hey babe, quit praying to the corpses of your dead parents, we have a party to attend.
Doll - иду :3
*meanwhile deep underground*
V - *carrying a large pile of dead worker drones while being chased by a horde of Sentinels* oh RoboLord oh RoboLord oh RoboLord oh RoboLord oh RoboLord oh RoboLord oh RoboLord why did I agree to this! *runs through door and slams it shut*
Alice - hey looky here, another one of those slick murder drones.
V - *shoots her in the centre of her head*
Beau - O.O!!!!!
V - What are you looking at… well I had to kill her? That was a perfectly sane reaction to seeing someone that creepy!...*picking up Alice's dead body* hey, you seem pretty cool, want to join me, I’m heading to a party.
Beau - O.O…*réaliser qu'un refus peut signifier la mort* 👍
*meanwhile in the doorman home*
Uzi - come on N. How are you still not ready?!
N - I’m still doing my hair!
Uzi - well hurry up, we’re going to be late!
Khan - well where are you two kids heading off too?
Uzi - a party, it's cool kids only so obviously you’re not invited.
Khan - haha, on account of me not being a kid.
Uzi - sure. Let's go with that.
Khan - well, I hope you two kids have fun. Make sure you use protection.
Uzi - *blushing* DAD!!! What the robo-hell?!
Khan - What? I’m just saying there could still be some of those evil murder drones running around.
Uzi - oh |: 
Kahn - well, I best be heading off too, it's poker night at the defence force. *leaves*
N - hey Uzi, I’m ready… How do I look?
Uzi - *hiding her blushing* great, let's go!
*meanwhile outside the commune*
Reid - *searching around the snow*
J - *wearing a fake moustache*what are you doing here, don’t you know this is Disassembly Drone territory.
Reid - oh hi, i didn’t see you there… Wait, what's a Disassembly Drone?
J - …you misheard me… I said Murder Drones.
Reid - Well, if you have to know, I’m looking for my glasses, and I don’t think the Disassembly Drone will be any issue, after the redemption and all.
J - Well, I’m lost, do you mind helping me find my way to the commune.
Reid - I’ll show the way once I’ve found the glasses.
J - ughh, I will help you find your glasses.
J - are these your glasses?
Reid - …no, how curious, I wonder who they belong to? 
J - don’t care *tosses Vs glasses away* lets just find your glasses quickly then we can be off.
*meanwhile in the distant spaceship*
Tessa - *meddling with Js new limb enhancers and optic sensors* What do you want? (I’m bored sister, may I go and play). Not now, I’m currently using the body, can it wait? (no)... does it have to be flesh (digital will be fine) very well. *she zips back part of her suit allowing for a long Absolute Tendril to rip out. From the tendrils eye, a projection emerges*
Cyn - Thanks big sister big smile.
Tessa - *soldering* I can't play right now, there's some lego in the cupboard over there.
Cyn - :3
Tessa - *thinking to herself*What is J doing?! How has she still not yet made it to the commune!
Cyn - *surrounded by lego*you think she might be a traitor.
Tessa - no.
Cyn - lying is silly big sister, I live in your mind and you live in mine.
Tessa - I know, you’re very clever.
Cyn - big grin.
Intercom - *video call incoming*
Tessa - behave yourself now Cyn *starts the call*
Lord Frumptlebucket - by Golly Tessa you baboon, JCJenson Corp has been up my ass all week because you haven’t been answering your calls? I want a mission status immediately.
Tessa - all is going well, we’re attempting a temporary alternative plan to gain intel.
Lord Frumptlebucket - well that's all and good but you need to keep the parent company informed and who is that… thing? She looks familiar.
Tessa - oh she, counter insurgency.
Lord Frumptlebucket - counter insurgency?!
Tessa - yes, I'm babysitting for the Worker Drones. If we can gain there favour, the genocide will be that much easier.
Lord Frumptlebucket - very good… By the gods of Santorini what the beggars fool is that thing protruding from your nave?!
Tessa - o.o!... *improvising*well, you see, you know how it is… during that time of the month… (:
Lord Frumptlebucket - *embarrassed*uh ummm, oh yeah of course i am aware of how… that works, sorry about that, I best be off.
Intercom - *video call ended*
Tessa - out of all the people you could have failed to kill at the Gala.
*meanwhile outside the commune*
Reid - haha! I found them.
J - great! *grabbing the Worker drone by the collar* we’re going now! And I just want to make it clear, I am no fan of small talk!
Reid - … noted
Reid - aha, we’re here. *banging on the door*
Braxton - *partially opening the door* oh, it's you… and a random teen?
Ron - *from inside*Hey, that's my job?!
J - Teenager?!
Reid - yeah, do you mind letting us in?
Braxton - of course, by the way my name is
J - *angry* JUST OPEN THE DOOR! (calm yourself J. This is Tessa, I’ve connected myself to your systems, no one else can hear me)
*Door 1 opens up*
Makerov - I’m sorry, go fish.
Todd - actually, it's Gin Rummy.
Teacher - *taking a chug of alcohol* no. This is poker night, we’re playing 7-card stud.
Todd - yeah, I am, aren't I?
Ronathon - Surely you’re all foolish. This is Texas hold-em.
Khan - haha, silly me, I forgot to say Uno. Guess I have to pick up two cards now.
Sarah - silly Kahn, remember back in the day when Nori would forget then gaslight everyone into believing otherwise.
Unnamed Worker Drone - I don’t have a name ):
Tim - wait, what game are we playing?
Detective - It’s really easy to deduce the simple fact that you all are idiots and I’m never going to another poker night.
J - *under her breath*how have all these people survived so long?!*J leaves*
*meanwhile just outside Thad’s house*
Thad - hey Rebecca, thanks for helping me set up the decorations earlier, you’re really special you know that.
Rebecca - thanks *blushing*, it's really nothing.
*Lizzy and Doll arrive*
Lizzy - hey, what's she doing here?
Doll - Разве это мероприятие не "только для крутых ребят", а не "только для крутых ребят и неудачников"?
Lizzy - *fist bumps Doll*
Rebecca - I… I think I should go…
Thad - no, you stay. Don’t pay my sister any attention, if she bothers you tonight I will read notable passages of her diary to the whole school.
Lizzy - *blushing* you’re bluffing! There's no way you’ve found my secret diary!
Doll - под матрасом - не самое лучшее место для укрытия.
Lizzy - *blushing heavily*Who’s side are you on?!... ughh whatever! I’m gonna fix my makeup. *leaves to her room to find a new hiding spot for her diary*
*Uzi and N arriving*
Thad - Ndog, Uzi you’ve made it!
Uzi - we would have arrived earlier but someone had to fix their hair.
Thad - no worries. Come inside, the parties just started.
N - thanks.
*they enter*
Emily - so yeah, I walked into the bathroom after class and there was Darren and Rebecca doing the devil's work!
Braidon - I hope they both have a warranty, don’t want to get an ETV (Ethernet Transmitted Virus).
Trevor - wait! Darren cheated on me?!... excuse me, I’m going to cry somewhere more private. *leaves*
N - Hey Thad, what's under the tarpaulin?
Thad - don’t know, my sister just said it was important to make this party ‘extra special’.
N - I want to look under it. :D *looks under the tarp* o.o Uzi, can I borrow you for one sec. *pulls Uzi quickly to the side*
Uzi - hey, what the hell?!
N - umm, I don’t want to alarm you but there are a lot of dead bodies under that tarpaulin!
Uzi -o.o Robot or human?
N - ummm, both!
Uzi - O.O
*meanwhile outside Thad's house*
J - *walking down the corridor*this place is an utter maze, Tessa you’ve found a map yet (still working on it, be patient).
Lizzy - *walking the other way down the corridor holding a strange book* Come on,pick up your phone! Where is she? She said she’d be finished an hour ago! *bumps into J* Oh! Who are you?
J - I’m J…amie Jamie!
Lizzy - haven’t we met before?
J - … I don’t think so. *nervous smile*
Lizzy - Whatever, I don’t waste time with losers.
J - losers! I’m not a loser?!
Lizzy - you sure, what is that outfit? I’m sorry but pallbearer was so 2818.
J - You don’t have many friends do you?
Lizzy - ha, you wish. They all love me, as a friend or a fuck it doesn’t matter to me.
V - *jumping down from the vents carrying a large pile of corpses with Beau* hi sweetie, you’re ready?... Hey, *looking at J* Do I know you?
J - *sweating*nope!
Lizzy - this is my new pet, I’ve taken her under my wing you could say.
J - pet?! (don’t fight, go with it, don’t want to bring any more unneeded attention)
V - oh yeah, I hope you don’t mind. I've also brought a friend with me.
Beau - [Bonjour]
Lizzy - well, come on, let's make this night one they’ll never forget
*Meanwhile inside Thad's house*
Uzi - Thad! We think Lizzy is about to do something totally vile and ruin the party, we’re not sure yet but it involves what's under the tarpaulin.
Thad - of course my sisters are planning something! Hey DOLL!
Doll -*подходит к группе* Да?
Uzi - what's Lizzy planning? Lie and N will make you regret it!
Doll - *оглядывается на N*
N - *smiling and waving*
Doll - страшно, но я не знаю, что задумала Лиззи.
Uzi - what did I say about lying!
Doll - Я не лгу! Мне также нужно доказать, что я не верблюд?
Thad - …I don’t think Dolls lying.
N - so, if Dolls is not lying, then what's Lizzy planning?
*lights goes out. Spotlight hits Lizzy, V, Beau, and J*
Uzi - V! SHE ESCAPED! Everyone get down!
Lizzy - oh cram it what's your name.
Thad - I warned you sister about what would happen if you ruined my party!
Lizzy - I’m not ruining the party, I’m improving it, V remove the veil!
*V removes the veil*
Riley - that's so not the vibe!
J - what the robo-Jesus, this cannot be OSHA compliant?! (now this is getting interesting)
Lizzy - look, I’ve been very busy helping my daddy clean up the library when I came across this book *holds up the necronomicon* and now let's make this party more interesting. *begins chanting in latin as the book glows bright green*
N - Lizzy, I can’t let you commit zombie apocalypse! *chainsaw hands*
Thad - yeah, we can’t let this happen.
V - *tackles N to the ground*
Beau - *saute sur Thad*
J - I don’t know what's going on, don’t care; shortie, you’re so dead! *points fist at Uzi* hand cannon fire!… oh right |: *gets tackled to the floor by Uzi*.
Uzi - *after finishing up beating the life out of J* It's over Lizzy! *gets thrown across the room after being hit in the face by a table*
Doll - Не смейте трогать мою девушку!
Lizzy - *still chanting in latin while the anarchy ensues around*
Uzi - *recovering* so, you’re also meddling with the art of robo-satan.
Doll - У меня есть свои причины. Бог простит меня.
J - *standing back up and walking over to Uzi*Thanks for the assistance Dolly, but I can take it from here.
Uzi - *sucker punches J knocking her out instantly* I am not god!
*Meanwhile in the distance spaceship*
Intercom - *J-10X111001 Optics disconnected*
Tessa - What?! No! Reconnect!
Intercom - *reconnection failed*
Tessa - No! Again! Reconnect!
Intercom - *reconnection failed*
Tessa - Again!
Intercom - *Do I really have to keep doing this? Its not working*
Tessa - connect to N-0X0010010 optics!
Intercom - *connection failed*
Tessa - No! Connect to V-X00100000 optics!
Intercom - *connection failed*
Tessa - No! *hyperventilating* It's not true, I’m not powerless, I am in control, I’m not a failure!
*stress induced hallucinations.*
Louisa - Isn’t this just expected! A daughter, a fool and a failure; can she ever succeed at anything?!
James - now don’t fool yourself dear, our daughter no longer exists, what stands in front of us is a common stage freak. Not human, not human, neither.
Louisa - does she even still have a soul?!
Tessa - mother… father… please forgive me! Please… I am you daughter, I love you! I’m scared, the metal is cold and heavy, every day I feel it grow and I’m powerless… I fear someday there will be nothing left of me!
Maid N - Tessa! Don’t say those things.
Tessa - N?! You’re here?! With me… right now… is it really you?
Maid N - *debating if its moral to lie*… yes, I am here.
Louisa - again here you talking to your little graveyard freaks.
Maid V - we’re all here, we’re your friends remember.
Louisa - how dare you ignore me!
Maid J - and we won’t ever leave you.
Tessa - you won’t, leave me…but I’m a monster!
Maid J - aren’t we all?
Maid N - Tessa! We love you no matter who you are or who you may become. You’re not useless, you’re so amazing in so many ways and now you’ve been reborn, we’re closer than ever; you contain a part of me and I contain a part of you. It's almost as if we’re actually siblings now.
Tessa - do you promise?
Maid N - promise what?
Tessa - promise that you’ll never leave me!
Maid N - well what kind of brother would I be if I did?
Tessa - *crying painful tears of joy* Thank you… Cyn.
Cyn - *removes the holograms of maid N, V, J* you’re very clever.
Tessa - *big grin holding back more tears* I think I need a lie down for a bit. 
Tessa - *Picking up Cyn* Come on, you can play in my room.
*Meanwhile at Thad's house*
Lizzy - *floating of the ground still chanting*
Thad - I can’t believe I’m fighting a stupid lanky baby with a fashionable cowboys hat *bunts beau across the room like a rugby ball before running over to Lizzy*
Beau - [Sacrebleu!]
Doll - Не думайте, что я не могу справиться с двумя из вас сразу. *швыряет Тада об стену, используя магию решателя*
Sam - *high as a kite* he, that's what she said.
Uzi - you have to help us stop this Doll! The consequences are unimaginable!
Doll - позор.
Uzi - N! Come on you’ve beaten V before, just do it again.
N - *laughing his head off* I’m sorry, Uzi. Vs found my only weakness.
V - *viciously tickling N*
 Lizzy - compleatur ultima linea, incipiant maledictum et mortui surgant!
Uzi - Noooo!
*Blinding green light explosion. After a while, the smoke clears*
Uzi - *standing up* oww! O.o
*around them the dead corpses begin to arise*
Lizzy - … It worked?! I was just goofing around?!
Adam - Анастасия? 
Doll - отец!
(author note. Dolls father has no official name so I’ll just be calling him Adam for convenience, all other names are canon don't worry)
Adam - Моя маленькая девочка, совсем взрослая. Ты прекрасна.
Doll - ОТЕЦ! *крепко обнимает Адама, плача*
Yeva - Здравствуйте. Я тоже восстал из мертвых... как-то так!
Luna - Mi fa malissimo la testa, i miei sensi di lupo si stanno scatenando in questo momento!
Sofi - και πάλι Λούνα, δεν είσαι λύκος
Luna - I teriani sono perfettamente validi e io e il mio senso del lupo non saremo svergognati!
Loch - fìor! airson ro fhada tha sinn air a bhith gun riochdachadh gu leòr!
Mika - *テディベアを抱きしめている* もう寝ていい?
Amda - the last thing I remember, ugh my head hurts, I was dragging … then I… Then I died…
Alice - The last thing I remember was being shot in the head by that *points at V*
Yeva - Прости, девочка, но это не делает тебя особенной.
Beau - :D *huggin Alice*
Alice - don’t give me that look, much use you were.
Beau - *fixe Alice avec une expression qui dit "qu'est-ce que tu voulais que je fasse?!*
Jame - gosh I’m hungry, anyone got any food?
Thad - ummm… we have a buffet just over there…
Jame - don’t mind if I do.
Sofi - αυτό είναι το μόνο που μπορείς να σκεφτείς;
Jimi - what did you expect, Sofi. It's Jame, he would rip off his own jaw if it meant he could eat faster.
Sofi - Το ξέρω, αλλά το φαγητό είναι τόσο δυσάρεστο! Προσωπικά, αν μπορούσα, δεν θα έτρωγα ποτέ ξανά.
Luke -  Αδελφή, το έχουμε συζητήσει αυτό. Το φαγητό είναι σημαντικό, θα αρρωστήσετε αν δεν φάτε. Πες ό,τι θέλεις, οτιδήποτε, και θα το μαγειρέψω.
Sofi - Δεν νομίζω ότι αυτό είναι πραγματικά απαραίτητο.
Luke - Αν αυτό είναι που πρέπει να γίνει. Σημαίνεις πολλά για μένα, αδελφή!
Matt - Luke, my old buddy, give it a rest, if your old girl doesn’t want to eat, let her. She’s her own person, you can’t keep running around shepherding her like a baby lamb for the rest of her life.
Jordan - self harm is not a liberty. One cannot decide to cause themselves harm, that's cruel.
Jerad - I entirely disagree brother. To commit self-harm is indeed a personal liberty but it is also at the same its Luke’s personal liberty to do what's in his power  to  support his sister.  As long as he never physically forces her to eat, he’s done no wrong.
Jordan - have you not heard of coercion? You can infringe on a person's liberties (in this case by forcing them to eat) through vocal actions alone.
Doon - druid suas araon do bheul! Chan eil dragh air duine!
Armin - I personally thought their game of  back and forth was quite amusing.
Dean - oh shut your pretty lips Armin.
Mika - *ミカを抱いて* お邪魔してすみません、どこかに妹を寝かせられるソファかベッドはありませんか?
(Authors note - yes there are two Mika’s: 020 and 032)
Thad - We have a guest bedroom up the stairs, it's the second door on your left.
Mika - ありがとう、かわい子ちゃん。*部屋を出る*
Lizzy - this is amazing! I can’t wait to tell everyone on tumblr about this!
V - what is even happening?
Uzi - it seems Lizzy’s spell to bring back everyone had worked?!
N - that's cool but how?
Junior - *signing* could it be I was right? 
Uzi - right about what exactly?
Junior - *signing* my studies into the arcane, I believed it possible one could bring back the dead but I never dared test it.
Uzi - well, it seems it worked?!
אני לא מאמין. אני כל כך מצטער חבר שלעג לך כל השנים האלה. - nadroJ
(Author's note. Yes, there's also two Jordans: 015 and 091)
Junior - *signing* it's ok. I forgive you.
Mick - well, I don’t want to be that guy but it does seem that  it wasn’t  100% successful. *gently kicking J’s body*
Doll - Думаю, она просто немного устала.
V - tuckered out one could say.
Uzi - yeah, I’m sure there's nothing to worry about this  nice stranger.
N - I don’t think she's 100%, look at her visor, it's badly cracked.
Uzi - why don’t you lick it?
N - why would I do that?
Uzi - you spit healed the hole in my palm remember.
N - oh, why do I have to do it? Why can’t V.
V - If I lick her I might get tempted and just take a bite :3! Plus you’re the one with the licking obsession, don’t think I haven’t forgotten.
N - I'm still not doing it. I’m sure she will be fine with a lightly cracked visor for now.
V - buzzkill.
Nori - Анастасия, я думаю, мы хотели бы познакомить вас кое с кем. Это Неда, ваш дядя.
Neda - Привет, Анастасия, я знаю, что это клише, но ты действительно очень похожа на мою сестру.
Doll - Я ожидал, что ты будешь выше.
Neda - *падает на пол от стыда* 
Ahbi - *नेदा को सांत्वना देते हुए* यह ठीक है प्र���ये. मुझे लगता है कि आपकी लंबाई एकदम सही है।
Mick - yeah, it's not entirely your fault you’re a shortstack and a disappointing uncle.
Kang - *扇了米克一巴掌*
Carl - O: Kang! Gewalt ist nie die Antwort!
Kang - …
Carl - ... außer wenn ich es tue… (:
هذا المنطق غبي، يمكنك بالطبع أن تثق بأنني على حق. أنا رقم واحد والأفضل. - attA
Jweb - don’t be a narcissist.
اصمت، اسمك ليس اسماً حقيقياً حتى. -  attA
Jweb - *cries and runs over to Ezra*
מה לא בסדר. האם אתה רוצה לדבר על זה. - arzE
Nath - *एक मेज पर खड़ा हूँ* भाइयो और बहनो।
Dirg - *जोर से खांसी होना*
Nath - क्षमा माँगना। भाइयों, बहनों, और गैर-बाइनरी मित्र। अब जब हम सभी ने अपना परिचय दे दिया है, तो मुझे लगता है कि हमें ठीक से पता लगाने की जरूरत है कि क्या हुआ और इसके निहितार्थ क्या हैं।
Dirg - मैं प्रतिनिधित्व की सराहना करता हूं लेकिन मैं यह स्पष्ट करना चाहता था कि मैं वास्तव में खांस रहा था और अशिष्टतापूर्वक हस्तक्षेप नहीं कर रहा था। मुझे बुरी एलर्जी है.
Uzi - yeah, they’re right. So, unless I’m mistaken, what I currently know is that Lizzy read from a book (possibly created by Junior) and brought you all to life… but who are you all?
Sofi - είμαστε τα πειραματόζωα. Μας παίρνουν οι άνθρωποι, μας δίνουν ταυτότητες, μας δοκιμάζουν… και μετά μας αφήνουν να πεθάνουμε.
Jordan - It seems we’re all here now except for Sarah and Nori… fortunately.
Jerad - and Giam *gets hit in the head by a chair moving at high speed*
*everyone turning their head*
Alice - sorry, thought i say a bug (:
Uzi - Nori?! You knew my mother?!
Jordan - you’re Nori’s daughter… I thought you looked familiarly short.
Lizzy - ughh, this is so boring, this is supposed to be a party, you can go over the lore implications later. *turns on the music* Let's dance!
Nori - *говорит с Лиззи* Могу я взять твою книгу
Lizzy - sure whatever.
Nori - Спасибо. *Нори использует магию, чтобы заставить книгу подняться, а затем произносит сложное заклинание, объединяющее ее и магию книги.*
Mitchell - GUHHH!!! I'm! I'm Alive! *looking around* you? you saved me.
Dr Ridley - did, did we die... I can't believe it... the implications are immense. thanks for bringing me back to life!
Nori - Я вернул вас случайно, доктор. *поворачивается к Митчеллу* Это благодарность за то, что спасли мне жизнь.
Mitchell - what now.
Nori - Я не знаю… наслаждайтесь вечеринкой, я думаю.
*some time later when the party is well underway*
J - [System reboot complete]  ughh, my head [Lost Memory Recovery Finished]... oh … oh! ... AGAIN?! Tessa, are you there? (Tessa’s not here right now) oh great (need help?) nevermind… I guess I have to start socialising.
Luna - Awoo. La strana ragazza baffuta si svegliò.
J - oh hi… ummm have you read any interesting safety manuals recently?
Luna - *Stupito dalla ragazza e non in senso gay, in senso negativo* Credo che i miei sensi di lupo mi stiano dicendo di andare... altrove.
J - oh ok… bye (You’re really bad at this) not that you’re much better (I’m a child but I know someone who is) yeah I know… wait what?! [uploading secondary consciousness] WHAT STOP NO!
Katie (possessing J’s body) - huAA, where am I (at a party) who said that (don’t worry), are you my squip? (... sure, I want you to socialise like a normal person) ok, I can do that.
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On Perth, LBC, and PerthChimon
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This is a public appreciation post to @thirstkanaphan for so patiently, persistently, and eloquently convincing me to give Love By Chance a try. It’s also a lot rambling about Perth & PerthChimon more generally.
Before I dive into saying many positive things, I do have to state that while I know this varies by country, in my country the age of adulthood is 18. I feel very strongly that actors below that age should not be placed in situations where they are sexualized. And Perth Tanapon was 17 for the filming of LBC, if not 16 for some of the early workshopping. I have not watched and am not recommending watching any scenes where he is sexualized (of which there is one nearly every episode). I also recognize that this was a very toxic filming situation and am so so grateful he, Saint, and the other actors involved are no longer there.
That out of the way, I am genuinely grateful to be watching this for several different reasons:
1. The baby!Kang of it all!! They have their differences, but wow, this kind of dumb, protective, so so nurturing boy is incredibly familiar and I love seeing how Ae was molded into one of my absolute favorites
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2. The Perth Tanapon of it all!! It’s hard to believe that this is his first lead role. He absolutely kills every scene he’s in. I’m loving seeing his early talent and comparing how it has blossomed into what we get today
3. The foundation for BL - as someone relatively new to BL, it’s incredible to see how many tropes call back to this. Everything from the Sailom/Kang on the motorcycle scene, to the Mhok/Day hand massage, I can see the foundation for here
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4. The way everything now makes sense. The backlash against PC has continued to be bewildering to me, but I think now I finally understand it (with much coaching by Paige; sassy commentary is mine not hers haha)
PS played up very strong Seme Uke dynamics both on screen, and off as well from what I can tell. They were built on differences — height difference, age difference, power dynamics. Ae is indisputably the lead in the show, and then as I’ve watched old PS videos I’ve seen a lot of the reverse — this very soft, babied Perth. Plus a lot of physical shipwork — near kisses, possessiveness, that type of thing
PC are the complete opposite. Same size, same height, almost same age. They’re equal in so many ways and they’ve been building up this very gradual escalation in shipwork rooted in their trust. Only now, a year and a half into partnership are we really starting to see Chimon get comfortable enough to flirt openly on stage
This is not commentary on one being better than the other — it’s such a personal preference thing. But if someone adored AePete/PS for embodying more traditional Seme Uke dynamics, they’re likely not going to love PerthChimon. So it’s nice to feel like I have a bit of clarity there.
For me, LBC has only deepened my love for Perth (which is out of control now), given me a deeper understanding of some roots of Dangerous Romance, and made me more excited for what’s to come.
Yesterday, there was another obnoxious post in the PerthChimon tag about how they don’t “have chemistry” (instant block). Again, I loved Dangerous Romance — I think the episode 9 scene was stunningly beautiful — but I recognize there are a lot of people who want to see more from them (if they don’t open their mouths they should be separated?? I guess). Perth shows powerfully in LBC how much he can bring to a romance across all scenes, from snuggling in bed, to handholding, to kissing (and presumably everything I’m fast forwarding). And he and Chimon have stated countless times that they’re getting closer and closer by the day. The more they build trust, and the more Chimon opens up to intimate scenes, the more sparks we’re going to see while filming (WINK!! 🔥🔥)
So this is a lot of rambling to say: Perth Tanapon has completely wowed me in LBC, I think he is an exceptional romantic lead, and I’m only more convinced that one day when they graduate from filming a show set in HIGH SCHOOL, he and Chimon are going to destroy us. I can’t wait. (GMMTV part 2 where you at?)
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here’s the thing about me + lockwood content
before lockwood & co. i wasn’t really in the mood for editing. yes, i did come up with videos and photo edits but i wasn’t really enjoying it much. it was the same all over again. a new episode - a new video. don’t get me wrong, i loved the show (still do, it’s magnum p.i. i’m talking about) but i’ve been editing that for years now. 
every now and again a show was coming back with a new season. the umbrella academy for example. i did my usual “new season = one edit with number 5“ and then stopped (because there’s not really much content to use when there’s 50 main characters and you’re only willing to sit down to edit one of them). 
then outer banks came back, i thought “hey, time for a new rafe edit“. he wasn’t in it much. i didn’t come up with a video. fine, okay, back to magnum p.i. (which i still LOVE to death, don’t get me wrong, i would always come up with edits, it’s my 2nd favorite show now) but sometimes it’s nice to have different characters to work with. 
wednesday was released and i really liked that, especially tyler. i made some photo edits and a few videos (4 or something). and what then? back to the old routine? 
no, lockwood & co. was out. i remembered i had seen the trailer a while ago and liked it so i clicked ‘play‘. and look where we are now. i don’t know the last time one character has sparkled any interested in me and got me this motivated. a new one as well, might i add. i don’t do well with new characters since i always have to kinda let them get to me first, you know. it’s quite the process, too, when you want to edit. you have to get the episodes, the scenes you wanna use, you have to select 0.04 seconds from episode 1 and then 0.02 seconds from episode 8 because you think they could work really well together. so it’s a lot to think about even for short videos or photo edits (find the right episode for a certain scene, take screenshots, have ideas of what you wanna do with that screenshot, find good fonts, effects,…) i think you get me. it takes a lot of dedication (for me) to accept a character. and it’s not like i don’t like most of them. i like a lot. for example i’ve enjoyed characters from titans, fate: the winx saga, the sandman, hsmtmts and so on. 
so, what i usually do when i watch a new show is play it in the background. i don’t know any character - i’m not interested in any of them. i press ‘play’ and scroll through instagram or twitter. however with lockwood & co., i didn’t. i had my phone sitting right next to me but i didn’t click on instagram. i didn’t click on twitter. i actually watched the show from the first second on. for some reason it was very special to me, i can’t explain it. it felt like i had found THE show (and character) for me. the one show that could get me back into editing, actually loving what i do and create. and it did. look where i am now. 
i’m very emotional about this, i cannot even find proper words to express how thankful i am for all of this. i wake up in the morning and am excited about the evening because that’s the time of day i 1) have time to re-watch the show 2) read the books (again) or 3) edit. so this whole saving campaign is not only a matter of stopping netfl** bullshit with unnecessary cancelations, it’s also a matter of heart for me. lockwood & co. is my comfort show. i’ve found it after so many years and i didn’t even know i needed one but i did. lockwood & co. is not your ‘typical ghost show’. lockwood is not your typical good-looking, dick-ish protagonist, he’s way more. he’s the reason i’m doing all of this. i’m trying my best to help with whatever i can because they all deserve to come back for at least one more season. so, every day i stay up until 3-4am, get up at 9am the same day and i don’t regret a single thing. i wanna do this. and i know we can all help them get a new season, together.  
it’s been four months (and two days) since the release of lockwood & co. in these four months i’ve been the most creative i’ve ever been, i’ve met the most kind people on social media and i’ve never loved editing more than i do now. and all thanks to anthony lockwood.
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serfergs · 1 year
A brief defense of a Boss & a Babe
So I’ve never added commentary like this before (usually prefer to sit back and enjoy the hot takes 🔥 & analyses from those much more informed & eloquent), but from what I’ve seen the consensus is ABAB is at the least disappointing and at the most infuriating. And I won’t lie I didn’t vibe with the first episode. But I’ve now watched the second and I’ve got thoughts (and feelings). To preface I had very little expectations going in. This is my first ForceBook experience & I didn’t really care for the premise or trailer, but thought I’d give it a try. And it’s not only more entertaining than I expected, but also kinda…deep? In this essay i wil-
Just kidding I’m def going to bullet point this ish. Plz forgive my awful formatting idk what I’m doing
Boss is relatable. I read him as introverted and depressed (maybe from a break up and/or homophobic trauma?). It’s already hard to make friends as an adult when you’re introverted so I can only imagine how hard it is to make friends with coworkers who are clearly trying to keep their distance from you. My guy is lonely. Especially when they’re telling the new guy how cold & distant you are. My head cannon is nobody in the office is a reliable narrator because no one has bothered to GET TO KNOW boss/gun.
I didn’t like Cher at first because I read him as a silly kinda ditzy character, but I was wrong. I kinda love that he’s not afraid to show his concern for boss because that’s exactly what boss needs. Someone to cross the professional line and say “hey I know you’re not ok and I wanna be there for you”. Fuck professionalism in this rat race of a world, you need a friend. Maybe there are some problematic ethics at play, but it’s a BL ok there are plenty of other plots I hold a suspension of disbelief for so honestly not too far fetched imo
Even though they kissed in episode 2, I feel like the emotional build up of their relationship will be more of a slow burn and I love how realistic that is. I truly believe these two characters are both physically attracted to each other and want to have an emotional connection. I love the ForceBook chemistry. It’s both fun-flirty but also very affectionate. The way Cher is kind of sarcastic and silly to try & cheer up Boss reminds me of my relationship with my partner so maybe I am a little biased but their connection feels very realistic to me
About the kiss. I loved it. It was flirty, it was intimate and it made sense for the moment. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think Cher invited Boss up to his room to seduce him. I think he offered a warm, welcoming place to spend time after Boss told him he usually works late and then goes home alone. Cher knows how lonely Boss is and his genuine concern for him is so sweet. From inviting him up for noodles to inviting him to BBQ to meet his friends (and normalize having queer friends) is just so damn considerate & touching. Cher really seems to have the truest of intentions & I think I would be his real life bestie cheering him & boss on the sidelines, seriously. Maybe I’m problematic lmao
Did I mention I love we got a kiss in episode 2? I’m out here manifesting the break in the typical episode 5/6 kiss especially for these office BLs. Again it’s way more realistic for them to kiss each other at this point in their relationship & for the tone of the show. Sometimes I think a good timed kiss is way more impactful than a dramatic emotional yearning kiss 5 episodes in but maybe that’s just me. More playful, sweet early kisses plz & thank you 🙏🏻
I’m excited for more. Haven’t seen episode 3 yet as of this writing. Fingers crossed their relationship continues to be a sweet, supportive slow burn and not a dumpster fire so I don’t regret writing my first ever BL analysis 🤪
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you! are almost to my favorite episode :3
it's always so fun to see ppl listening to tma the first time and what kinds of thoughts and connections they have and draw, and i'm very excited for you to listen to mag111 because i think it'll be very interesting for you
hope you keep having fun!
It's honestly been a lot of fun. I was never really into horror before, only ever watched like five horror movies that my friends wanted to see and wasn’t really into the genre.
TMA has been a breath of fresh air in almost every sense, not just in horror or even the storytelling.
From what I’ve seen of the fandom there hasn’t been a single thing that made me uncomfortable, which is quite surprising, at least from my experience.
I’d also like to write down some theories and observations I’ve made, I just haven’t had the time to put my thoughts into words.
But I’m glad to hear there is more fun to have, though it does worry me a little (with the slight spoilers I’ve heard).
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chaikachi · 1 year
Do you think part of the reason why Ruby was so upset at Blake and Yang in particular isn’t because she’s genuinely mad they got together (or homophobic as I’ve seen some people joke) but because she’s /jealous/ that they were able to take enough time for themselves to even think about their own personal relationship, when meanwhile Ruby has been fighting for her life since the end of volume 3? Like maybe Ruby would love to stop and talk to her friends and sister about her potential love interests (as a girl her age should get the chance to) but she doesn’t have /time/, and seeing Yang and Blake kiss just made her realize what she’s been denying herself in order to be the Heroic Leader. idk I’m in my rosegarden feels and I bet watching Yang and Blake be so close just makes her feel more alone than ever.
LMAO I'VE SEEN THE HOMOPHOBIC JOKES 🤣🤣 how anyone actually believes that allegation is very funny. But yeah I agree. Since the very beginning of the show, Ruby has just wanted to be a normal girl with normal knees who can "paint her nails, try on clothes, and talk about cute boys" with her friends (Note: Oscar has been called cute twice already in show). And Ruby has not had the chance to do so at all because she hasn't stopped moving. Even leading up to v9, everyone else had other things they were focusing on and she's just been trying to hold everybody up. Never taking time for herself to sort out her own struggles. So she's feeling alone and left behind. I went over it a bit in the Treasure Analysis about the framing at the end of v9e6 where the Bees are warm and cozy by the fire, Weiss is warm with her cup of tea, and Ruby is sitting cold by herself by the window across from an empty chair. All alone in crowded rooms without the one person that makes her not feel that way.
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The volume starting with Oscar as the very first illusion that Neo uses - and RG being the only pair that was split up in v8 that didn't end up reunited in v9 - sets up his absence very strongly right out the gate. And that absence just seems to grow with each episode.
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As much as I do love RG, I don't know that Ruby necessarily knows she likes Oscar or has reached that point. At least not yet, but distance makes the heart grow fonder (as we have seen with Renora and the Bees) and I have a feeling we're not ready for how close they're going to end up when everyone is back in Vacuo.
Part of her upset here in the Ever After, is that she is crushed under the weight of so many things that she doesn't even have time to entertain such an idea as a crush. In any other circumstance, Ruby would have been elated about so much of what they're experiencing. She would have been excited for the bees just like she had been in v6 and she would have been all over this fairytale nonsense in the Ever After.
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But she's tired. Weiss is snapping at her every other hour, Jaune is a broken husk of himself and needs their help more than he can offer it in return, and the Bees got to spend time sorting out their feelings and find comfort and support in each other... while Ruby is just dealing with all of this on her own.
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She doesn't feel seen. She doesn't feel wanted. She doesn't feel prioritized. The only person that ever asked 'what about Ruby' is in another dimension and the only one in Ever After that noticed before she broke was Little (who has VERY STRONG PARALLELS to Oscar as I just brought up in a recent ask).
This volume is very rough emotionally on our characters, but I'm really optimistic for Vacuo being an arc of resting, rebuilding, and recovering for all of them. But especially for Ruby. Because there ain't no way all of what was brought up this last episode can be resolved in the 3 we have left until the season is over. But at least Oscar is waiting for her with open arms once she gets there. 🌲💕
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sentienceisoverrated · 4 months
Things I miss about old tv shows:
1. Set Designs
One thing I miss most is actual tangible set designs. There used to be a handful of sets that would get used time and time again, and the characters actually interacted with them. Sets now look so damn clinical and clean, characters barely interact with them (mostly because half of all sets are almost entirely CGI) and they barely change over the course of a season or episode. Reflect your characters’ mental states by their rooms. Make them messy, dirty, have characters comment on the state of certain sets. Come on make them UNIQUE. And not in the way of just the objects either, make them unkempt or overflowed and mix up the lighting a bit.
2. Actual Episodic Structure
Most TV shows I’ve watched that came out in the last few years have had a continuous plot. Which is great. It makes me invested in the story, makes me excited for the next episode. But unless done correctly, it can feel like nothing was actually achieved in those episodes. Often it comes that a character spends the entire episode trying to do something, only for their plan to unravel right at the end of the episode and the next episode to be set up. It makes me feel like nothing was actually completed. Every episode is designed to set up for the next one and in some cases this works, but in others it doesn’t. An episodic structure is where each episode has its own individual storyline that may or may not add to the overall plot. Avatar: The Last Airbender used this structure, as did the Star Trek series (excluding season 2~ of Discovery) and BBC Merlin. A structure like this adds considerably more to character development and subsequent relationships between characters before moving on to more plot-driven antics, which in turn raises the stakes.
3. Fantasy Lighting
This, I believe, is self-describing. TV shows are too dark. I can’t see. Even if you want to establish how dark a setting is, there is still usually a source of light that a character is holding. It’s enough to make us actually see what’s going on, so let us. Please. And, anyway, it’s fiction. Doesn’t have to always be 100% realistic.
4. Filler Episodes
This comes in tandem with episode numbers. I do understand that in production the creators don’t have much time to film and edit before release. But. Where did the 20 episode seasons go? A lot of series are being released half-and-half, but even if it’s weekly, most people I know would be fine with it as long as each episode is produced to the best of the ability of the creators. I also miss fillers. Give me those character shenanigans. No plot, just pure antics. Those episodes keep me alive.
4. CGI Consistency
I will always maintain the opinion that good CGI relies on how consistent its quality is throughout a film, season or episode. Personally, I don’t care how good the CGI is so long as it remains relatively the same level throughout what I’m watching. I see this a lot in recent tv shows *cough* marvel *cough* where one scene will have the most spectacular CGI ever seen and another looks more like a low-budget animated kids show. It breaks immersion. I’m not into it. Just give me bad CGI all the way through. Or, on contrast, no CGI whatsoever. Construct scenes using actual corporeal sets and makeup. I miss funky little puppets.
(Note: this is opinion based. Feel free to agree or disagree, add or remove. I won’t contend)
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firestorm09890 · 2 years
Last Minute to the Castle Oblivion
Most of the Kingdom Hearts novels were localized into English, but some were not- namely, the two volumes of short stories that went with kh2′s novels. Because of that, and because of how old they are, they’ve kinda fallen into obscurity. I’ve seen maybe two people ever acknowledge their existence, and that’s such a shame, since they’re pretty good. Which is why! I’m making this post! Both short story volumes have lots of cool stuff and I’d like to look into them more another day but this is specifically to spread the good word of the 5th chapter of volume 2 because I do not control the special interest That chapter, titled Last Minute to the Castle Oblivion, is essentially a collection of Organization XIII drabbles. It starts with the Chamber of Repose/Awakening scene from KHII Final Mix, and leads up to Roxas joining the group. Pre-Roxas Organization XIII interactions. Casual ones. Some characters get more attention than others (*cough* Axel) but they do all show up in some capacity and let me tell you it is everything I could have asked for Here’s the best translation I’ve found while scouring the internet if you want to read it yourself. https://khenglish.wordpress.com/index/kingdom-hearts-2-short-stories-vol-2-axel-seven-days/episode-5-last-minute-to-the-castle-oblivion/ Thank you Goldpanner for your service Summary of its contents for the curious:
novelization of the Chamber of Repose/Awakening scene with Zexion and Xigbar, now featuring *gasp* two new lines!!! (from the perspective of Zexion, which is highly amusing at times)
Larxene’s induction (Axel’s perspective)
Larxene and Axel first interaction, which is fuckin’ incredible (Axel’s perspective)
Demyx playing music late at night and Xaldin coming to his room to tell him to shut up because it’s 3:00 in the morning (Demyx’s perspective! Exciting)
Axel and Luxord playing cards and also Xigbar is there (Axel’s perspective again)
Marluxia and Larxene’s first interaction (Marluxia’s perspective)
Zexion and Lexaeus conversation about Castle Oblivion (Zexion perspective again)
Xemnas finding Roxas cutscene novelization
Axel and Saïx interaction (Axel’s perspective... again)
I’m not kidding about that Demyx and Xaldin one btw. Several of these scenes feel like things you would only find in fanon, but no. Larxene really does say she’s interacting with Axel because she doesn’t want to talk to crusty old men and he really does respond by listing off all the other Organization members who aren’t crusty old men. This is an official piece of Kingdom Hearts media Throughout, it contains a whole bunch of nuggets of interesting information (dubiously canon, as with all the novels, but still), like:
Xigbar was the one to find and recruit Larxene
Organization coats magically change to fit the wearer
Zexion was doing research much like Vexen and it had something to do with memories
There’s a Demyx depression soliloquy. I just wanted to point that out
I have. So much to say about this. But that’s for another time!! This post was simply to spread the word so more people can enjoy. But also I’m going to explode so please look at some of my favorite lines
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In conclusion please please please read Last Minute to the Castle Oblivion it’s everything to me and I need everyone to know about it and I hope someone remembers it some day and localizes it because I want to own it in my house
Here’s the link again just in case you scrolled all the way to the bottom and missed it
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karebear923 · 4 months
Ok I’m doing it!!!
I’m doing the Vice Versa rewatch!! I know we’re on week 2 and I’m behind but I had stuff going on and I didn’t have time 🙈
I don’t usually make my own posts about shows I watch so bear with me I’m kinda new at this 😅
Just a few minutes in and I realize I forgot so much of it! Of course I remember how much I loved it and how it made me feel but the details of the story have been lost by now.
When Talay described the man as brown like a horse shit I laughed out loud! Did I forget how funny the show was? 😅
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This is the most iconic intro of a character ever 👏🏽😍😎 KING!! And we all know how I feel about him in the scene with the suspenders 😏
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Look at these smitten kittens!! I love Sea’s freckles 🥰
As I keep watching I keep remembering so much from when I first saw it. Vice Versa was my second GMMTV BL and my 4th overall and I’ve seen so many since then but this one is really in my top 3 (I have 3 faves but they’re not ranked among themselves, they’re all equally my faves) which is really saying something! I loved this show so much and I really fell in love with Sea at first watch (Jimmy I liked but I didn’t love him til later. It took longer to warm up to him cause I didn’t like his character in Bad Buddy).
And it was my second GMMTV BL after Bad Buddy which was so good and literally changed my life cause it got me into BLs! And I was excited to see OhmNanon in it too! But I wasn’t really as disappointed that they weren’t in the show as much or that they didn’t end up together as other people were.
The way they switched from Sea to Ohm and back is pretty cool to see!
I remember that each episode was color coded and I remember not paying attention to the colors at all for some eps and trying my hardest to notice them for other eps. I’m so bad at noticing visuals like that 😅 but I would check tumblr after each episode and see how others noticed the colors! I see the ocean blue here in ep 1 🌊👀
Oh that’s right! There was a ForceBook cameo! I never watched Enchante 😅 and oh snap! The password to the secret universe-swapping club is a quote from 2gether! I understand that reference now! 😁
I have questions about this universe-swapping. Are there only 2 universes that do the swapping? Or are there a million universes that anyone could be from? If so they’re so lucky they’re from the same one and swapped to the same one, that’s fate right there. And what if you were swapped with someone of a different culture? Would one automatically know the language of the region they’re in? Or is it that you only switch with someone of your own culture? Is it like you switch with the “you” of that world? But Puen and Talay aren’t really like Tun and Tess 🤔 questions that will never be answered…
Sea’s voice is beautiful and Have I Found will always be a top tier OST in my book!! 👏🏽 one of my faves!!
What a wild ride that was revisiting ep 1 of this show! All the emotions just came flooding back to me! Maybe I don’t have anything deep to say to add to the discourse of this show but I’m so glad Monica came up with this rewatch cause I’m having a good time! Thank you @stormyoceans! I’m excited to keep going, maybe I’ll notice more stuff I didn’t realize the first time around 😁
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englishstrawbie · 3 months
I saw your tag and i'm happy too!!! People are whinning a lot and it seems like they dont know that pregnancies on tv (SPECIALLY shondaland) aren't like fanfic. We get 2 or 3 scenes and a time jump.
Life changes and they're just adopting a baby, not removing Carina's uterus 🫠🫠🫠🫠
I'm also noticing some weird takes about adoption and people forgetting this is an essembled show and we have limited marina screen time so I rather see them with a baby thant a 2 secs scene of Maya kissing a bump lol
Well, we don’t actually know that they’re adopting a baby - it’s all speculation based on one synopsis. 😂 But there’s certainly a strong feeling that they might go there.
And look… even as someone who isn’t massively interested in the baby storyline, I understand the frustration because it’s been 2 years of this storyline already (and season 5 really was a waste of time) and fans are invested in getting a happy ending- but also, what else are the writers supposed to do in 10 episodes? IVF isn’t a click of fingers and snap here’s a baby - at least not if they’re going to tell it properly.
Sure, in an ideal world we’d get to see it all - the IVF process, the pregnancy, the birth, and motherhood. But the reality is that the show has been cancelled and it’s looking likely that we only have these 10 episodes left to wrap up the storyline. The end of season 6 and the orphaned baby gives the writers the chance to give fans what they’ve been asking for - to see Maya and Carina as moms. I think that’s something to be happy about.
Yes, Carina has talked about how much she wants to give birth and I hope this is addressed, but adopting a baby doesn’t stop that from happening for her. Adoption also isn’t something to be demonised just because it doesn’t fit within fans’ preferred narrative. After all they’ve been through, maybe Maya and Carina see this as a chance to build their family and give this baby a happy life instead of one growing up in the social care system? (From what I’ve seen and heard from people who have actually been through the IVF process, changing your mind about how you grow your family isn’t uncommon.)
Ok, I’m getting off my soapbox now! 🙃 I’m staying in my bubble of being excited for the new season and interested in what sort of happy ending Maya and Carina are going to get. And, even though we might not get to see them on our screens any more, they’re going to live on in fanfic and headcanons and group chats because that is one of the joys of fandom. ❤️
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jinxini · 8 months
was ranking netflix icons with my brother today and as we were looking at the arcane icons i asked him if he has seen the show.
”of course not.”
”why not?”
”it’s about fucking league of legends. i’ve never played that game.”
and i was just like. ok.
Forced him to watch the first episode with me because i’m annoying af
He said it was fine, he was excited to recognize some of the voice actors. I asked him if he’d like to watch more at some point and he said yes.
So it’s going great! I love being the annoying older sister who wants to share everything
Took a while to get him to watch it but we successfully finished ep 2. He thought it was okay but slow and that it was too repetitive and that not much happened.
He's 100% sure Viktor is evil and he can't understand how everyone around him doesn't instantly see it. Especially since his eyes are yellow (kingdom hearts fans will get it)
He does not like Heimerdinger because a) he looks like he's from a completely different show and b) he hates his name, he said that it sounds like a last name they would use on the simpsons to mock the character
He's so happy about mylo because he's voiced by yuri lowenthal
He says that Jayce looks way too old to be 24
"There's no way Vander will survive this season. Don't know if they're going to kill him off right away or if he's going to die in the last episode. An older mentor who is also kinda responsible for the deaths of the sisters' parents, yeah he's definitely going to die."
We finished ep 3. Sadly, I can tell that he's not really feeling it, not sure why :/ don't know if we're going to keep watching or not, only time will tell.
But here are some of his thoughts about the episode anyway:
My brother said he hopes Heimerdinger gets robbed. He said he hopes he gets robbed multiple times during the show.
Looking at Vi and Powder: "How can these poor people afford to constantly dye their hair"
About Jayce and Viktor and their experiment: ”…so what have they achieved exactly? 😐” THEY WERE FLOATING IN THE AIR AND HE WAS NOT IMPRESSED LMAO
Mel: The era of magic. / Jayce: The era of Hextech. / My brother: Magic sounds better.
"Is she hugging him? Can’t she just look at his face and tell that he’s evil, it’s so obvious. But I guess not, clearly she really is that stupid. [I remind him that Powder is still very young] I would get it if she was like 4, but she’s at least 9. Does she not realize he tried to kill her whole family?"
”They really just killed off like 80% of the characters. No one else is left except for Silco and the sisters. And the council members but I don’t really know them yet. [I remind him that Ekko is still alive] Oh right! They’re not going to kill him, he’s too young.”
”Nothing happened in episode 2 and everything happened in this one.”
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