#I’m sorry for so many tags. (but only a little. I ramble a lot).
toxicrevolver · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @onlyoneofsideblogtrashheep !!!!!
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I’m too tired to tag anyone so if you wanna participate you can!!
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kentopedia · 6 months
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summary . . . your childhood best friend, eren, invites you to his christmas eve party, but your ex is going to be there. in order to get back at him, levi tags along as your fake boyfriend
contents . . . sfw, fake dating, f!reader, age gap (levi early 30s, reader early 20s), past unhealthy relationships, pining, fluff, humor, miscommunication, light angst, insecure and shy reader, zeke jaeger :/, not so friends to lovers, bff hange, she/they prns for hange — 12.3k
notes . . . my bday gift for my beloved that i have been speeding through the past couple of days, so pls ignore any errors. i adore him so dearly and he means so much to me. it's a little bit cheesy, and may be a little be rushed for christmas, but i hope you enjoy nonetheless. merry christmas everyone i love u all so so much <33
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“Are you even listening to me, Hange?” you asked, sighing as you leaned your head back on the sofa, taking a long sip of your wine. The alcohol washed over you, soothed the tension that was wrought within your body as the warmth began buzzing through you.
Hange poked their head up from the simmering pot, a cloud of steam wafting up under the lid. With the combination of vegetables and spices, you were pretty sure that she was making stew for dinner — and far too much for just two of you, by the looks of it.
“Sorry,” Hange said, sheepish, glasses falling down her nose. “I’m almost done, I promise.” 
You frowned, but waved your hand, letting them return to the kitchen. Hange hummed a tune, their delightful mood such a contrast to the horrific news you’d received earlier in the day. 
Briefly, your mind wandered off into the misery you’d let yourself wallow in, but Hange came around the corner quickly, stilling your anger. There were two bowls in their hands, and they gave one to you, letting it warm your own palms, the smell deliciously comforting. 
“So what’s this about your ex?” Hange asked, interested, their voice expressive, attentive, as usual. “You got invited to his party?”
The scalding spoonful of soup slid down your throat, as you prepared yourself to start the conversation from the beginning. Hange was a horrible multitasker, though she denied it, and your entire half-hour of rambling had gone in one ear, and out the other. 
Though, just as you were about to speak, you were interrupted once more by a knocking at the front door. You glanced over to the source of the noise, then back to your roommate, eyebrows raised. “Are you expecting company?” 
Hange laughed a little; it was such a carefree sound, and one that always seemed to be spilling from their lips. “Oh, it’s just Levi. I told him I was making a lot of stew, so he could come over for dinner.” 
Of course  — Who else would be banging at your door at this hour?
You sighed, the sound leaving you in something akin to a small whisper, your expression falling in disappointment. 
Levi Ackerman lived on the floor below you, in an apartment you’d never been to, living a life you knew almost nothing about. It had been two years since you’d met, when he helped Hange move into your shared apartment, and yet, he was still an enigma after all that time. 
What you did know was that Levi was a few years older than Hange, many more years older than you, and he always seemed to be around. He was quiet, for the most part, but he had a sarcastic sense of humor that only a few people seemed to understand. Him and Hange were comfortable joking with each other; your roommate never got offended by his comments, ones that would’ve been scandalizing to some others. 
For a while, their comfort with one another had led you to believe they were dating. You’d asked Hange about it one day at dinner, a fleeting comment, as you stuck a fork into your dish. 
“So how long have you and Levi been together?” you’d said.
Hange had shot water out of their nose, fell back in their chair, cackling so hard that tears sprang to their eyes. You’d only stared back like an idiot, poked at your food, until Hange sobered, and apologized for embarrassing you. 
“Oh, it’s not like that,” Hange explained, sipping on their soda, still smiling like you’d told the funniest joke imaginable. “Levi and I are just close friends. My partner lives a few hours away, going back to school. He’ll be moving back home in a year.” 
You’d supposed it made sense, looking back. Their embraces were often stiff on Levi’s end, his affection coming on minimally. Hange was a much more touchy person, so perhaps, that’s where you’d crafted the image of them in a relationship. 
Which was a silly one, now that you could see your error in hindsight.
“And Levi?” you’d asked shortly after, curious about the man you’d known—and still knew—so little about.
“Oh, Levi’s not with anyone,” Hange had hummed, rolling their eyes like this was a point of contention. “He doesn’t really date.” 
“He doesn’t like to.” 
That’d been that, of course.
 You hadn’t asked any other questions, but in the months that followed, your mind had whirled, piecing together an image of Levi Ackerman that made the most sense to you. 
He was handsome; startlingly so. Beautiful to the point that you averted your gaze when he glanced at you, your cheeks heating, palms sweaty. A thirty-something, intelligent, quiet man with his act together. He drew women to him easily, took them back home. . . perhaps a different one every night. Maybe he kept them around for a bit, until he got bored of them.
He’d never romance them, and they’d never expect that from him. If he called them back, which he did rarely, it was never because he liked them. It was because he wanted something from them, nothing more. 
At least, that’s what you thought Levi Ackerman was like, in the times he was outside of the four walls of your apartment. Perhaps your stiffness towards him continued to stem from that caricature you’d created. 
You sighed, bringing yourself back to the present as Hange let Levi in through the door, his shoes loud against the hardwood.
Really, it was hard not to form biased opinions when Levi offered up so little about himself. 
When you did talk with him, which was frequently, the conversations always centered around you. He had asked you many times about school when you’d been finishing up your degree; Levi asked you about your job when you’d first started. 
Of course, he never offered anything up about his job, which you knew must have been quite nice, nor about his family, which you figured must have been quite complicated. 
And, as always, you were forced to wipe your hands on your pants, the sweat turning your palms clammy, as you scolded yourself for the fact that Levi Ackerman still made you nervous. 
Levi’s eyes flitted across the room as he walked in, the navy blue irises cool when they met your own. He didn’t smile, but he made some sort of acknowledgement of your existence, before Hange had dragged him into the kitchen and filled up a bowl of soup for him. 
Moments later, he was on one of the chairs before you, the bottle of wine in the middle of your odd little circle. Unconsciously, you had sucked in a breath, looking away, as Levi prodded at his bowl like he was afraid of the contents. 
“Well, it’s not going to jump out and eat you,” Hange rolled her eyes, snickering, at Levi’s bored expression. “Just try it, Levi.” 
“It smells different. What the hell did you do to it?” Levi let the spoonful fall back into the bowl, the broth dripping off the edge of the silverware. “I’m not participating in any kinds of experiments, Hange, if that’s what this is.” 
“Oh, be grateful.” Hange huffed, crossing their arms over their chest. “I followed a recipe. If you don’t want it, I’ll take it down the hall to Erwin.” 
When Levi said nothing for another moment, Hange made a move to steal the bowl out of his hands.
Quickly, he guided it away.
“No, no. I’ll eat it. Your cooking may be horrendous, but it certainly saves me time.”
Hange smiled, satisfied, reading between Levi’s cool remark, sensing a thank you in there somewhere. 
It had been hard, at first, to talk to Levi, and understanding him was a skill that you’d found you could only develop with time. He had a dry sense of humor, said very little with a smile, and could certainly be mean when he wanted to be. His words were often blunt, and even when he was joking, it was hard to tell. 
Once, when you’d first met, Levi had hurt your feelings. You’d tried not to let it show, but Hange had known, as always, and had squeezed your shoulder, reassuring. 
“Levi’s just like that sometimes, but he’s a good person. Just give him a chance. I think you’ll find you’re a lot more similar than you think.”
Similar was a bit far-fetched, but you supposed you’d grown to appreciate Levi’s sense of humor. Perhaps you even found him funny at times, laughed at his jokes. He was kind when he wanted to be, even if his communication was a one-way street. There was a distance between you, but a part of you wanted to keep it that way. 
Levi ate a spoonful of the soup, swirling it around in his mouth before swallowing. His gaze trailed to the ceiling, thoughtful, before muttering some sort of praise. “Surprisingly better than the last stew you made, Hange,” he said, and Hange was pleased, a smile widening across her face. “I assume your roommate had nothing to do with it, did she?” 
You made a face at him, not sure if he was insulting you, or trying to suggest that you could’ve improved Hange’s cooking. Either way, you returned his dry tone, swirling your spoon around in the bowl. “Well, if I did, it certainly wasn’t to please your fussy tastes.” 
Levi almost cracked a smile at that, but snorted instead, leaning back in the cushion of his chair. 
For some reason, Levi’s movement seemed to trigger Hange’s memory, and they flung their spoon out of the bowl, splashing soup on the coffee table, as they pointed it at you.
“Wait, finish your story!” Hange cut off Levi’s sentence, and he frowned, but said nothing, getting comfortable on the couch. 
Today, he was wearing a gray cable-knit sweater, and a beautiful silver watch that likely cost an entire months worth of your salary. His hair had been mussed a bit from the cold, cheeks tinged red. 
Levi must have come from outside, you’d realized, not just downstairs. Another mystery that you would never uncover — how Levi spent his weekends, besides the time he spent in your apartment.
Distracted, you looked back down at your hands, hating the way that Levi pinned you with his gaze. He was far too attentive, his eyes too intense; even if you had been as confident as you liked to believe, as self-assured, you’d never been able to hold eye-contact with the dark-haired man for very long. 
“Oh, that,” you said, huffing, recalling the news that had been delivered to you earlier that evening. Not so bad, really; you were making a big deal out of something so small. But the casual remark, via a text message from your high school best-friend, had been enough to sour your mood for the rest of the afternoon. “Well, Eren is having a party on Christmas Eve. All of our high school friends will be back home for the holidays, so I’ll actually get to see them for once.” 
Hange smiled, their eyes lighting up, but the confusion in her expression shone through knitted eyebrows. “Well, that’s great!” they said, as Levi sat quietly, slurping on his soup like he’d been raised in some penthouse apartment, a view shining over the city. You could imagine him with a nanny that had been specifically hired to teach him manners. A playful version of Levi as a child was near impossible to envision — you saw him only sitting calmly, politely, hands crossed over his lap. “Why do you seem so upset?” 
You looked away, chewing the inside of your mouth, your stomach turning. It was the last thing you wanted to think about, the way your two desires were at odds. How desperately you wanted to see all your old friends, the ones that were spread all over. None of you had been all together since you were in high school. 
Yet, the other part of you considered calling Eren and canceling on him, telling him you wanted to spend it with your family instead, that you’d just have to catch up with them next time. 
Who knew when that would be.
“Zeke’s coming,” you sighed, rubbing your arm. “It’s only been a year. I don’t want to see him again.” 
Hange’s eyes widened. Slowly, she leaned back, nodding, as understanding flicked through her face. “I see.” 
“Exactly,” you swallowed the last bit of soup, letting the warmth comfort you, wash over you in waves. Perhaps, it would cleanse some of the anxiety that sat riddled in your chest. “Now you see…” 
“Well, sure I mean—” 
“Who the hell is Zeke?” Levi interrupted, drawing your attention back to him, his back straight, despite being relaxed in the chair. Everything about him was so put together. Even the socks he wore even seemed expensive, his shoes by the door freshly shined. “An ex-boyfriend?”
“Ex-boyfriend seems too kind of a word for Zeke Jaeger,” you spat, letting his name drip from your mouth with every ounce of hatred you could muster. “He’s a plague upon my life. I’d do anything not to see him again.” 
Levi set the bowl down, curiosity piqued. “I don’t see why your friend invited him if he’s so horrible.” 
“Zeke is Eren’s brother,” Hange offered.
“Half-brother,” you corrected, tucking your knees into your chest to rest your chin against them. “Don’t give him that much credit. Eren’s an idiot, but even he doesn’t deserve to be related to someone as awful as Zeke.” 
Hange laughed, though you didn’t find it to be as hilarious as they did. Your scowl deepened.
“Anyway, Eren’s throwing it at his parent’s house since they’ll be out for the night — Zeke invited himself. With his new girlfriend, I’m sure.” Your rolled your eyes, tucking your cheek against the couch cushion. “She’ll be better than me, of course. Probably prettier.”
Levi studied you for a moment, reading the hurt that you tried to veil on your face. Usually, you weren’t so open with him. You didn’t like being vulnerable, and especially not with Levi, who seemed to view any emotion as a weakness. “I see the issue.” 
You huffed, a sound of agreement, and played with the loose thread on the sofa. “Yeah, well, it was stupid of me to date my best friend’s brother anyway. When has that ever worked out?” 
Hange reached across the coffee table to squeeze your hand, sympathetic. “Hey. Don’t do that. What’s done is done. Besides, what are the odds he’ll actually show up?”
“Uh, pretty fucking high if he’s staying with his dad for Christmas,” you scowled, rubbing your eye, makeup smeared on the side of it when you drew away.
Hange’s lips pulled together, flattening into a thin line. “Well…” Dark brown eyes flitted between you and Levi, who was looking at your roommate with something less than amusement. “You could always take Levi as your date.” 
“You can’t be serious,” Levi said, his tone flat, lips drawing into a thin line. 
“What? That’s… No,” you laughed awkwardly, growing hot, nervous. Suddenly, you were worried that your panicked stutter made it seem like this had been your plan all along. To get Levi to come as your date — which was ridiculous, really, but perhaps not so farfetched with the way he regarded you. “I can’t do that.” 
“Why? It’d be a big old fuck you to Zeke Jaeger. Levi is far better looking than him.” Hange gestured to Levi, as if you weren’t already painfully aware of how beautiful their best friend was. “He’s better in almost every way, actually. Not that the bar is very high.” 
“What the hell does that mean?” Levi asked, poking Hange on the side of the head. “Almost every way?” 
“Zeke’s pretty tall.”
Levi rolled his eyes, dismissive. “Like that matters.” 
“It does!” 
You stopped them before they could bicker any further. Hange seemed to make it their mission to always rile Levi up — not that it was very difficult, but it always brought an amused smile to her lips. 
“Hange’s right, though. The bar is not so high.” You shrugged, curling in on yourself again — just another reminder of how much of a mistake you’d made. How desperate you must have been to have fallen for Zeke Jaeger. Even Eren had warned you about him. “It’s a stupid idea, though. No one would believe it. Least of all, Zeke.” 
“Why not?” Levi said. “You think I’d be a bad boyfriend. Think I can’t play that role well?” 
“That’s not—” you began, but let the words fall away, sniffing back the self-deprecating sentiment. It wasn’t that you needed him to seem like a good boyfriend. Levi was unapproachable, cold, reserved, regardless of who he was with… Even his best friend. It would take very little from him to sell the performance. A small smile, a hand around your waist. Perhaps a kiss on the forehead for good measure. 
It wasn’t that, really. 
It was more that Zeke would know, immediately. Would see you together, and laugh to himself, because someone like Levi would never want someone like you. A statement as painfully clear as the color of the sky. 
You didn’t want to admit that to either of them, though. So, instead, you narrowed your eyes, challenging Levi, perhaps, even, daring him to retract his statement. “Well… can you?” 
“Which are you asking?” Levi drummed his fingers against his thigh, pale and slender, his nails clean, neatly trimmed. Distracting, almost. “If I can put on a performance, or if I can be a good partner?” 
You shrugged. 
Levi’s eyes narrowed further, thoughtful. 
“I’ll go with you,” he finally said, after a near minute of silence, in which you weren’t sure what to say. Hange watched beside you, painfully entertained. “I’d like to see how truly awful this boyfriend of yours is.” 
“Don’t say boyfriend,” you made a face, “and he’s pretty damn awful.” 
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The next few days, you’d mapped out something of a plan with Levi — though, there was little between you that you needed to figure out. It wasn’t as if you were strangers. Levi had known vaguely that you’d had a boyfriend up until last Christmas, had known that you were still close with your group of friends from high school. 
He knew quite a bit about you, something you only just now realized. Levi often said little, but he was observant, picked things up easily. He seemed to know you better than you thought, and it wouldn’t be difficult to convince everyone of your closeness.
With that knowledge, you calmed, realizing that, maybe, it wouldn’t be so difficult to spin your relationship into a romantic one. 
The story followed: Levi had been there for you after Zeke had broken up with you. You’d been friends for a while. He had asked you on a date shortly after. Simple — no outlandish lie. 
Still, a part of you contemplated telling Zeke you’d been fucking Levi while you were still together. He probably wouldn’t believe it anyway, but you wanted to see even a hint of frustration on his usually dull expression.
On your way back to your hometown, Levi insisted on driving his car, one that was a few years old, but still had that new smell, every single inch of it outrageously clean, each crack in the cushions vacuumed. There was hardly anything in the vehicle; a pair of sunglasses in the center console, some spare cash next to it. 
He’d picked you up with two coffees, which now rested, empty, in the cupholders. 
The two of you spent the ride mostly in silence, listening to a Christmas playlist that Levi had awkwardly switched to, as if he’d been embarrassed of whatever he’d been playing before. One hand held the wheel, the other resting against the console, tapping on the leather between you. 
You stared, the movement of his fingers distracting. For the second time, you were staring at his slender hands, the veins dark under his skin. How nice they were, like something out of a painting.
God, when did you start noticing that? 
“Thank you for the coffee,” you said, realizing your manners all too late, embarrassed you hadn’t said it earlier. “How did you know what I liked?” 
Levi glanced over, slowing down as the light turned red. For a moment, he hesitated; contemplated. Pink tongue flicked over his bottom lip as the car idled. “Hange told me.” 
Levi shrugged. “Well, you’re welcome anyway.” 
The light turned green. Silence settled between you once again. 
You twitched uncomfortably, wondering how much you should say — or shouldn’t say. There weren’t many times you had been together, just the two of you, without Hange somewhere near. 
Levi didn’t seem to be in a talkative mood, but then again, he could’ve just been focused on driving. He was gracious enough to take on that responsibility, and you didn’t want to be distracting, even if the near silence was driving you mad. On the other hand, there wasn’t much you wanted to say. Every time you thought of something, a conversation to strike up, it died just as quickly on your lips. 
Eventually, Levi seemed to grow tired of the awkwardness between you, how stiff you appeared to be. His eyes darted towards you once again, studying you from the corner of his eye. “If you want people to believe that we’re dating, you’re going to have to stop acting like that.” 
You blinked at him, shifting in your seat. “Like what?” 
“Like…” Levi shrugged. “Like I’m holding you at gunpoint.”
A laugh bubbled out of you. “What does that mean?”
He gave you a blank expression, certainly calling you an idiot with nothing more than a gaze. “It means you make it blatantly obvious you don’t want to be around me. I know you dislike me, but maybe…” Levi shook his head, dark hair falling into his eyes. “At least try to pretend otherwise.” 
Your stomach twisted up as Levi worked his jaw, frustrated, undeniably. For some unknown reason, it made you feel ashamed, even more shy around him than you’d been before. Levi was probably used to women who knew what they wanted. Who could meet his eyes without feeling a sense of shyness creep up their spine. Who could do a lot of things that you couldn’t, and could match his wit and sarcasm without feeling the rush of dread that you’d offended him. 
“I don’t dislike you, Levi,” you said, huffing. “I just — don’t think we get along well.” 
“That’s news to me,” he said, tapping the gearshift. The music turned down two notches from where he punched the button on the wheel. “Hange says we’re quite compatible.” 
“What?” you laughed loudly, ignoring the race of your heart, the furl of anxiety in your chest. “Don’t listen to anything they say — Hange wants to set me up with everyone. You’re hardly the best option.” 
Levi, for once, quirked his lips in something near a smile. “Funny. I thought the same thing.” 
You scoffed, warm again, crossing your arms over your chest. It was infuriating, really, how you felt around him. Surely you weren’t the only one — Levi radiated confidence and authority, entirely. You’d never seen him interact with many others, but surely they averted their gazes, cheeks warm, stumbling over words. Surely, you couldn’t be the only one who seemed to feel so small under the breadth of his presence. 
Another song played before he spoke again, tapping his fingers against the wheel. Familiarity sprung up around you as the landscape began to change, the scenery transforming into one you’d grown up in.
“Why did you date Zeke, anyway?” Levi asked, this time, not bothering to look at you. He stared straight ahead, passing a slower car, the blinker tapping wildly against the dashboard. 
You shrugged, scratching your wrist as you looked out the window. How you loathed this topic of conversation. It didn’t matter why you’d dated that man — only that you had, and you regretted it. 
You found yourself telling Levi anyway. “He was funny,” you said, quietly, watching the clouds pass above in the sky, dark and gloomy. “He was charming. He liked to read and so did I.” 
Levi hummed, but it was dismissive, an acknowledgement of pity and nothing more. Deep down, he was probably laughing, amused at your idiocy. “That’s it?” 
“I know it’s stupid… I was stupid,” you said, defensive, curling your hands into fists. “He was my first boyfriend, and I was naive. I wanted to be loved, and Zeke told me he loved me.” You felt the wash of angry tears come back upon you, and you flushed them away, sniffing. “I just didn’t know he’d told two other women the same thing at the same time.”
Levi’s eyes flashed, surprised, as they darted back towards you. “Jesus,” he muttered, fist turning white as it clutched the wheel. “You were right. What a fucking asshole.” 
You smiled a bit, shaking your head. For all accounts, Levi could be an asshole in his own way; a comment you decided to keep to yourself. 
“Yeah, well, what’s done is done. I don’t give a shit about Zeke Jaeger. He can rot in hell for all I care.” You wiped your face, yawning as the sun began it’s descent in the sky. “I’ve given up on finding love anyway. I just don’t want Zeke to have the satisfaction of knowing it was his fault.” A sigh left you. “Besides, that was probably the point. Our relationship was likely just a way to test some philosophy he’d come up with — nothing matters, least of all love.” You rolled your eyes. “He’s like that.” 
Levi didn’t say anything, but you could see him thinking, his eyebrows tied closely together. “But, you know that’s not true, don’t you?” he said, his tone flat, as usual. “You can’t possibly think that you don’t deserve to be loved.” 
You smiled. “Of course,” you said, nodding. “I’m just better off without it.” 
Levi took a breath, looked over once more, and then let the conversation die. 
You hoped it sounded much more convincing to Levi’s ears than your own.
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While you were visiting, over the next couple of days, you were staying at Pieck’s apartment. She was two years older, but had been in some of your university courses, and you’d met back in college. You’d found out you were from the same city, and had bonded instantly, having lived such a similar life, in the same place, without even realizing it. 
The three of you had grabbed a quick dinner, and when you got back late, Pieck gave you a little tour of her small apartment, showing Levi more than anything, since you’d visited her twice before. 
“Here’s the other bedroom,” Pieck said, flipping the switch on. It was a room filled with soft pink decor, the comforter lacy and white. “My roommate is visiting family, so you’re welcome to sleep in here; she doesn’t mind. I’ve cleaned the sheets and everything.” 
Levi thanked her, and Pieck smiled sleepily, walking back to her own bedroom with a wave. 
You watched as Levi set his bag down, tugged off his thick jacket. He hung it, gently, on the back of the desk chair, unhooking his watch to set it down beside the coat. His wrist looked so bare that way. Nothing to cover it up, exposing the even softer skin where the accessory usually rested. 
You looked away. “Is everything okay?” you asked, by way of making your exit, eyes flicking around the room. 
Levi glanced up, unfolding a pair of clean clothes from his bag, almost like he’d forgotten you were standing there. “Should something be wrong?” he asked in return, placing a pair of flannel pajama pants next to the gray t-shirt. 
For some reason, the image caused your heart to swell, the sight of something so normal within Levi’s grasp. The organ that continuously betrayed you sped up, beating harder.
It was endearing, really, to see such a mundane side of Levi. He always lived in that enigmatic shroud, some sort of ever-present being that you couldn’t quite understand. 
You smiled softly. “No. Just wanted to make sure. Goodnight, Levi.” 
He said something back, but you were already halfway down the hall, slinging your own bag to Pieck’s room. She was on her side, scrolling through her phone, dark hair splayed across the pillow like a halo. Though, the moment you entered, her attention doubled, eyes crinkling as she grinned. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” you said, frowning, as you followed the same routine as Levi, slinging your bag down to pick out a fresh pair of pajamas. 
“You didn’t tell me he looked like that,” Pieck muttered, the sound of her voice always tired, no matter how much sleep she got. “Zeke is going to hate him.” 
That, at least, had a sense of relief pooling inside you, a laugh spilling out. “I sure hope so.” 
She set her phone on the nightstand, laying flat on her back as you continued through your routine. Her introduction to Levi had been brief, but already, she seemed to like him well enough. 
Maybe they’d end up together, you thought dimly. Pieck had been single for a while, and you’d always thought she was much more charming than you, much prettier. Perhaps Levi would like her.
The idea put a sour taste in your mouth.
When you returned, face scrubbed, teeth clean, Pieck was nearly asleep, the lamp on her side of the bed the only source of light in the room. She glanced up at you sleepily, batting her eyes before you climbed next to her. 
“I can’t believe you,” she said softly, already half-asleep. “How can you stand it?”
“What did I do?” 
For a moment, Pieck stared at you like she didn’t know who you were. A yawn left you, even as you tried to hide it. 
“Is there something wrong with him? Is that the reason?” 
You crinkled your eyebrows together. “Levi?” A million different things ran through your head, but Pieck seemed to want an honest one. “I mean…” Was there, really? Were your speculations and assumptions enough to pass judgement on Levi Ackerman? Or were you just too intimidated by him to admit that he was much nicer than you thought. “Well, you met him, didn’t you?” 
She blinked, then laughed, slapping you with the pillow. “You’re so ridiculous. Why aren’t you together then? I mean, actually together?” Pieck hummed, tapping her hand against the pillow, before she tucked it back under her head. “You’ve got hearts in your eyes when you stare at him.”
“What?” you said, bursting into a fit of giggles. You’d thought it was a joke, but Pieck didn’t smile, didn’t even force a laugh alongside you. “I don’t — I’m not.” 
“I mean, he clearly likes you quite a bit,” she continued, smiling, “if he came all this way. He listens to you, practically hangs off your every word.” A pause. “Wish someone would look at me like that,” Pieck sighed.
You rolled your eyes. “Levi’s just like that. He’s a good listener.” Although, when it left your lips, the last few words came out slower, more uncertainly. Was he really like that? You could think of plenty of times where he’d blatantly ignored people he didn’t like, left a conversation with a snide comment if he didn’t agree with the subject.
Pieck didn’t seem to believe you, a smile tugging on her lips. “Right. A good listener like you, huh? Listening until you don’t care anymore.” She didn’t give you a chance to respond, your indignant protests enough. “It’s funny. You get so flustered you get when he teases you. I just,” she hesitated, tucking a hand under her cheek. “Well, I just didn’t expect that from you — you weren’t like that with Zeke.” 
Again, your cheeks grew hot, your entire body warm. Already, you wanted to kick the covers off, sweat pooling at the backs of your knees. “I’m — No. It’s not. . . Pieck, it’s not.” You buried your face in the pillow, frustrated, hating the grin that curled onto her lips. “Look, I know what you’re thinking, and it’s not like that. He’s just — ” You shook your head, words evading you. “I mean, you’ve seen him.”
Pieck laughed, the sound soft, raspy from exhaustion. “I’m only teasing you,” she whispered, her smile almost wistful. “I know what you mean. He’s older, he’s handsome. He probably knows what he wants.” Then her face grew serious, eyebrows drawing together. “But, I also think you’re not letting yourself admit that you’re attracted to him.” 
“Pieck,” you huffed, feeling that itch at the back of your skull, under your skin, that you couldn’t quite scratch. “I’m not. Half of the time, I’m not even sure if I enjoy his company.” 
She stared at you for a moment longer, unamused, before rolling back onto her side, facing away from you. “Whatever,” she mumbled, a dismissal, like she truly thought every word that left your lips was a denial. “I think you’re just scared after what happened with Zeke. I think you know Levi is exactly what you’ve always wanted, and you don’t think he could possibly like you.” 
You started to protest, maneuvering onto your elbows, but Pieck hushed you, flicked the lamp out. 
“Night,” she said, signifying the end of the conversation. “Just… think on it.” 
An indignant groan escaped you, as Pieck shut her eyes, her breathing evening out not a moment later. You’d always been jealous of how easily she could fall asleep, while you continued to lie awake in bed, left with nothing but your own thoughts. 
Which were certainly not, and would never be, plagued by Levi Ackerman.
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Unsurprisingly, Levi had been the first one awake, sitting in the kitchen as he scrolled through his phone, a pair of wired-rimmed reading glasses perched at the edge of his nose. He was already dressed, looking unsurprisingly perfect, while your hair was disheveled, pajamas still on, eyes sleepy. 
You’d stared at him awkwardly, embarrassed by your appearance, and ignored his brief greeting before you slinked back into Pieck’s room, putting yourself together rapidly. You refused to speak to him until you were ready to leave.
Pieck was spending the rest of the weekend with her father, so you and Levi were left to your own devices for the day. You decided to take him around the town, showing him all the places you used to frequent. It was nostalgic, showcasing your city to a man who’d never been here, wouldn’t know the depth of your memories, those that were tied to a smell, a scene, a sound. 
Levi was, to your surprise, quite interested in the places that you’d been around as a child. As usual, he asked many questions, digging into your past without offering anything in return. And, as usual, you let him, all too excited to reminisce about the grade school where you’d met Eren Jaeger, the restaurant you’d always gone to with Sasha. 
It warmed you, how caring he could be — something you’d always known, but perhaps, hadn’t really paid attention to until Pieck pointed it out. Levi did seem to take everything you said to heart, store it in some memory bank with your name labeled right on it. He remembered things you hadn’t even known you’d told him, but must have, at some point. 
When it neared noon, you took him to a coffee shop that you used to study at, right around the corner from your old school. It was still the same as it had been back then, like nothing had changed at all. 
“It’s nice that you have such fond memories,” he said, and there was a small smile on his lips as the two of you entered the cafe, the smell overtaking you almost immediately. 
You laughed, shrugging. “It’s better in hindsight.” There’d been times when all you wanted to do was leave. Now, you couldn’t help but miss it. 
Levi ordered your coffees, and though you’d protested, trying to push your card in his direction, he paid for the both of them, and waited at the end of the bar while you saved a table. Once again, he’d gotten your coffee order correct, but now that you were able to read the side of his cup, you noticed it wasn’t coffee at all, but actually tea — Earl Grey, steaming, far to hot to drink when he took the lid off. 
“Are you not a coffee drinker?” you asked, and for some reason, Levi seemed surprised by the question, his eyes flashing. 
“Not really,” he admitted, his hands folded around the paper cup. “Sometimes, if I don’t get much sleep the night before, but—” Levi shrugged. “It makes my hands shake, which does nothing but irritate me.” 
You smiled, letting the words sink in. Levi didn’t seem like the type of person to dislike coffee, but he sipped at his tea slowly, huffing as you blinked back at him. 
“What’s the matter?” he asked. “It’s not a crime to dislike something, is it?”
“No,” you said, looking back down at your drink, antsy. His mouth was drawn flat, unamused as always… This time, though, you couldn’t help but admire the curve of his cupid’s bow, the plushness of his lower lip, which was such a contrast to the color of his pale cheeks. “It just surprised me, is all. You never tell me anything about yourself.” 
Levi’s eyebrows rose to his hairline. “Well, you’ve didn’t ask. You never do.” 
You opened your mouth, then shut it, thinking through all the conversations you’ve had, all the questions you’ve answered, but never returned. “Usually a conversation is two-sided,” you supplied, leaning forward, accusatory. “I share things about myself, and the other person does so in return.”
Levi’s lips lifted up, nearly a smile. “I’m not really the type of person to spill my heart out unprovoked.” He took a long sip of the tea, glancing out the window at the snowy sidewalk. “If you really cared, you would ask. I won’t bother anyone with useless anecdotes about my life.”
You watched the movement of his hands as he set the cup down, fiddled with the lid beside it. “So that’s all?” you asked, unamused. “All this time, I’ve thought you were some great mystery, and you were just waiting for me to return your questions?”
Levi snorted, though there was a hint of humor in his gaze, flashing from the Christmas lights that were strung around the shop. “Don’t blame me — I’ve always been honest with you,” he supplied, matching your posture. “Maybe you’re just a poor conversationalist, and you’ve made assumptions about me that aren’t true.” Though his tone was clipped, there was still a sense of disappointment in his words. 
You let his words sink in, opening your mouth, then shutting it, silencing your protests.
Levi sighed, spinning the conversation towards your evening, rehashing the plan for any questions that might arise. Though you nodded, engaged, your mind was still on his confession, the words gnawing at you. 
It was true, you realized with disappointment. Levi had never avoided any questions you’d asked him outright, had always given you a small smile, before carefully answering. You had, really, been avoiding him — perhaps, for no reason at all. 
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That evening, you arrived at the party just a few minutes after six, when Eren had told you to arrive. Many of your friends were already there, the street lined with cars that you didn’t recognize. 
Unsurprisingly, Eren was the one to answer the door, throwing it open and pulling you into a hug before you even had time to react. Your name left his lips in an excited exclamation, and you breathed in the familiarity of him, a deep-rooted nostalgia at the sight of someone you’d known for so long. 
“It’s so good to see you,” Eren said, even though it had only been a few months since you’d last gotten together, not years, like it might have felt. 
His hair was longer than when it had been when you last saw him, and he’d bulked up a bit, but otherwise, hadn’t changed. That was a comfort in itself, just like the smell of Carla and Grisha Jaeger’s house, the furniture that had been the same since you were an adolescent. 
Eren guided you through the door before glancing over your shoulder, noticing Levi for the first time. His eyes widened, green eyes electric as your name left his lips, aghast.
“You didn’t tell me you were bringing someone!” Eren’s posture straightened, and suddenly, he was on his best behavior, trying hard to impress the man that you’d brought with you. 
Levi gave him a once-over, glanced over to you, and then stuck out his hand politely. “Levi Ackerman,” he said, shaking it. “You must be Eren—”
But Eren’s attention was already caught by another part of the conversation. He shook his Levi’s quickly, not bothering to answer the greeting, before saying, “Ackerman? Maybe a long-shot, but do you know my girlfriend, Mikasa?” 
Surprise flashed in Levi’s irises as he followed Eren inside, nodding. “Actually, she’s my cousin.” 
At the same time, across the room, a familiar voice shouted Levi’s name, running over to throw her arms around him. Mikasa’s body rammed against Levi’s shorter frame, and despite his strength, he let out a small puff of air, shocked, as she crashed into him. 
“Levi, what are you doing here?” Mikasa said, smiling softly, before releasing him, returning to her normal, calm self. “I had no idea you knew—” A pause, as she flicked her eyes between you, puzzling the pieces together. Her palms covered her mouth, but a sharp squeak emitted from her throat, excitement. “You two are together?” 
You hadn’t even gotten the chance to greet her, but Mikasa held you close, her perfume so familiar, hair soft against your cheek.
“What a crazy coincidence — I had no idea… Well, of course, it makes sense. You’re so perfect for each other. I can’t believe I didn’t think of introducing you earlier.” Mikasa rambled on, uncharacteristically, and even Eren seemed surprised as he darted his gaze between you. “How did you meet?” she said.
Levi sighed, perpetually put-out, and followed Mikasa to one of the couches. 
You sat with him, but stayed silent for the most part, enjoying watching them interact, smiling at the sight of him so comfortable. Levi spun the story of how you’d “ended up together,” and you offered a few nods here and there, too distracted by the revelation of their relation. 
Ackerman was a common enough name that you hadn’t even thought about it, but the more you looked at them together, the more you could see their similarities. Their quiet, but confident demeanors, intellect, and grey eyes. Even the way they spoke was a bit similar. You felt like such an idiot, and when there was a break in the conversation, you said as much. 
For once, though, Levi didn’t take it as an opportunity to tease you for your foolishness. “Truthfully,” he said, squeezing your hand gently, “I should’ve realized. I knew Mikasa had moved here recently, but I hadn’t been to see her, and I hadn’t met her boyfriend.” 
Only later did you remember how nice his hand felt in your own — those cool, pale fingers wrapped around your hand, as if he hadn’t even had to think about it. How you’d accepted them so easily, feeling warm, calm, his fingertips against your knuckles so natural.
Mikasa and Levi seemed happy to catch up, so for the next couple of hours, you made the rounds, visiting with your old friends and the people they were now seeing. Historia and Ymir, the only high school sweethearts left in your group, had even managed to show up, even though they lived the greatest distance away from home. It had been a surprise, and you’d nearly cried when you saw them, leaping away from the table, interrupting your conversation with Jean, to get to them. 
Later, you found Levi in the kitchen, a drink in his hands, as he took in the silence away from everyone. 
“Everything okay?” you asked, smiling, your entire face bright as you shuffled through the cooler for your own drink. “I didn’t mean to leave you alone, I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” he said, tipping the bottle back to his lips before setting it on the counter. “I managed to meet almost everyone anyway. They seemed pretty pleased you have a boyfriend now.” His expression was completely serious, and though his face always was, it sent another round of laughter through you, the beer you’d already drank settling in. 
“I hope you gave them a good impression.” You took the spot at the counter beside him, ignoring the softness of his eyes, the way they melted as he stared at you. 
Had that always happened, or were you just imagining it… 
No, it was definitely the beer. 
“Maybe a bad impression would be best,” Levi disagreed, running his fingers across the counter, beside the spot where you rested your hip. “That would make it easier for them to accept our break-up later on.” 
“Of course,” you teased, though the mention of the “breakup” that wouldn’t take place at all made disappointment seep into your core. Perhaps, over the course of just a few days, you’d come to enjoy Levi’s company. 
Or, maybe, you just decided to accept that you’d always enjoyed it. 
“I won’t do that, though,” he concluded. “Not when you look so happy.” 
You didn’t get the chance to contemplate that before Mikasa stuck her head through the kitchen door, calling out to get your attention. “Hey.” There was a frown on her face, and she nodded back towards the front door, pointing behind herself. “Zeke’s here. Just so you know.” 
You sucked in a breath, nodding, and Mikasa smiled sympathetically before going back to Eren.
For some reason, you were even less prepared to face Zeke than you thought you’d be.
“Okay?” Levi asked quietly. HIs eyebrows tugged up, towards one another, concerned. 
You forced a smile, and stepped away from his embrace. “I’m fine,” you said, nodding, but you weren’t able to meet Levi’s eyes, too enraptured by the panic that had begun to claw at you. “Let’s go, better to just rip the band-aid off.” 
“I’ll be out in a second.” 
Although you didn’t want to walk out alone, you left Levi, heading back to the living room, where at least you’d have the protection of your vast group of friends. You considered grabbing another beer — you needed more than just one to get through the evening, but before you could protest, Sasha had whisked you away, pulling you into some ridiculous, made-up game with Jean and Connie. 
For a while, you were able to avoid Zeke, until he’d caught you in pursuit of another drink, your laughter dying the moment your voice was called out in a tone you had never wanted to hear again.
“I didn’t think you’d actually show up.” 
You shifted, spinning around, nails digging into your palm, your jaw clenched. The sight of Zeke standing there sent a wave of nausea over you, doubly so, when you saw the woman standing next to him. 
She wasn’t the same one that you remembered with him before, the reason he’d split up with you an entire year ago. No, this one was much taller, her hair smooth and dark as it cascaded down her back. She was wearing a pair of brown, round glasses, and she was beautiful. 
“I came to see Eren,” you said, eyes flitting between Zeke and his new girlfriend. She seemed just his type. Pretty, intelligent, a sense of style to match. Anything and everything he’d claimed that you were not. “I was certainly hoping to avoid you.” 
“Yet, here we are,” Zeke smiled. He looked the same, exactly the same, as if time has done nothing but turn him into a worse version of himself. His eyes were a little more dull, another wrinkle around the corners, but that was the extent of it all. “This is my girlfriend, Cassandra.” 
Cassandra greeted you politely, spoke in a way that was much more smooth than your own voice, her back straight. Instantly, you wondered how anyone like her could fall for someone like Zeke. Yet, you supposed you had done just that, which only proved your stupidity.
Zeke attempted to make small talk, and you smiled, awkwardly, uncomfortably, as your hands began to shake at your sides. It must have been obvious, what you were to Zeke, and you felt horrible for making Cassandra endure the formalities. 
“How have you been?” Zeke asked, placing an arm around Cassandra’s shoulder to tuck her into his side. You watched the movement with disgust. “Seems like much hasn’t changed about you, has it?” 
It was low, in a way that only you and Zeke could understand — and your face was burning, hot, as you looked around the room for anyone to free you from the conversation. “I’m fine,” you said, wrapping your arms around yourself, close to telling Zeke to kindly fuck off for the rest of the evening. “Actually-”
“There you are,” an arm wrapped around your own waist, a hand on your side. Calm, instantly raining down upon you. “I was wondering where you’d gone.” 
Levi kissed you on the temple, and for a moment, your brain short-circuited, questions rising up as you glanced over at him, mouth parted in surprise. But Levi wasn’t looking at you, too busy fixing Zeke with a bored expression, eyes flitting over him in judgement.
“You must be Zeke,” he said, and perhaps it was just your imagination, but you felt him squeeze your hip once, as if comforting you. “I’ve heard a lot about you.” 
Zeke cracked a smile. “Good things, I hope.” 
“Terrible, actually.” 
That only seemed to heighten Zeke’s amusement, and he laughed, loudly. “You must be the new boyfriend.” 
Levi glanced down at Zeke’s outstretched palm. “I am,” he said, but made no move to shake Zeke’s hand, ignoring the formalities. Instead, he guided you away from the couple. 
For a moment, you blinked, staring out at the space where your friends were congregating, unbeknownst to the interaction in the kitchen. Then, you were relaxing into Levi’s side, the smell of his cologne lingering on his sweater, soothing you.
“I’m sorry, Levi,” you mumbled, shaking your head. “I could’ve avoided him. You didn’t have to kiss me.” 
Levi rolled his eyes. “That? That was nothing.” He came around to face you, eyes scanning you for any sign of sadness. “Are you okay?” 
His consideration shot warmth through every vein of your body, igniting your skin. A smile spread across your lips, and you felt dizzy with it, hating it all at the same time. “I’m okay,” you said, leaning closer, if only to remain within the space of Levi Ackerman. “I just can’t believe him. Showing up like that, and—” 
“Don’t give him the fucking time of day.” Levi shook his head, for once, his seriousness not bleeding into sarcasm. “Just enjoy your time with your friends.” 
You locked eyes with him, watched as his features turned tender, the cool blue of his irises lightening under his thick lashes. Swallowing, you nodded, looking away, and resumed your place close to Levi, remembering you were supposed to be selling the relationship, not making people question it. 
Levi squeezed your shoulder, and you went back to talking with Mikasa and Eren, even though you were distracted by the other pair of eyes that watched you from across the room.
Zeke’s gaze was all that you could feel, even though all of your friends did their best to maintain your attention, remind you that Zeke might have been there, but it didn’t matter — not when there were so many others that cared about you. 
It didn’t do much to soothe you, but your tried your best to relax, studying Levi as he spoke, the movement of his sharp jaw, the soft hair that rested over his forehead. He was wearing a soft, burgundy button-up, the sleeves tighter around his wrists, one that complemented his complexion nicely. It nearly matched your own red dress, this one a brighter shade, but still, close enough to seem as if you had planned it. 
As the evening went on, the tension drained out of you, and you began to feel more comfortable under Levi’s arm.
Fleetingly, you wondered if this was what Levi was really like in a relationship. Attentive, caring, sweet. Softer towards you only, a secret smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, even if he didn’t let it show. 
The thought sent a spiral of longing through you that you ignored, and you sighed, hating that you were constantly on edge. If not from Zeke, than from the way Levi was holding you close, his fingers grazing, caressing your sides. 
“By the way, Levi, happy birthday,” Mikasa said, a giggly mess after a few beers. “I almost forgot!” 
You made a face at Levi, your expression tied up together. “Birthday?” you asked, frowning. 
He waved you off, mumbling a thanks to Mikasa, before she walked off to find another drink, one Eren insisted she didn’t need. 
“Levi?” you said again, grabbing his pale wrist, your hand gripping the watch tightly. “It’s your birthday?” 
“Tomorrow.” Levi cringed, looking over your shoulder, like that was the last thing he wanted to discuss.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
A horrible emotion washed over you, one that was both guilt and melancholy. Levi knew your birthday. Hange had invited him when they’d made you a birthday dinner, and Levi had brought you some flowers, a gift card to your favorite store.
You’d never even bothered to ask when his birthday was. Hadn’t even thought about it. 
“I don’t really celebrate,” he shrugged, running his tongue over his cheek. 
“I’m sorry — I should’ve —” 
“Don’t.” Levi brushed your hair out of your face, shaking his head. The touch soothed you, his fingers so gentle on your temple. “It’s really okay. People are usually too busy with Christmas, and I don’t care much about it anyway.” 
You opened your mouth to protest, Levi shook his head again, smiling. “Don’t apologize. Mikasa is the only one who knows, really. Hange knows it’s in December, but I don’t like making a big deal of it.” He sighed, pinching his temple, before looking back at you. "I promise. It doesn't matter."
Still, you couldn't help but feel horrible for not realizing, for dragging him out of town for you, when it was his birthday. “I’m sorry,” you said again, heart clenching.
Levi rolled his eyes, defensive, and moved along, tugging you forward, clearly not wanting to discuss the matter any further. 
It ate at you for the rest of the evening, though, nearly distracting you from the fact that your ex-boyfriend was there at all. 
You stuck with Levi for the rest of the night, but eventually, needed to use the bathroom, hoping to get back downstairs as soon as possible. Though, your plan was undermined when you opened the door, the other side revealing Zeke, leaning against the wall. His eyes raked over your body, a mix of anger and hunger as you left the bathroom, waving your hands to dry them completely. 
“Zeke,” you said, ignoring the hammering in your heart, the way that your panic had spiked the moment you saw him. “What the fuck do you want?” 
He laughed, though it was without humor, as he pushed away from the wall, coming towards you. You felt small under his dark gaze, the way he pinned you, so much more cruelly than Levi did. “I can’t tell if you’re actually serious, or if you’re fucking with me,” Zeke said, and it took you a moment to figure out what he was referring to, his eyes hard and narrowed under the thick lenses of his glasses. “Do you really think I believe you? Believe this act that you have going on with your boyfriend?” 
You blinked back at him, momentarily at a loss for words, before you forced a laugh from your chest, spitting at him cruelly. “God, Zeke,” you said, shaking your head. “Are you so paranoid that you think I would go to that extent? I stopped caring about you a long time ago, and I’ve moved on.” You tried to push past him, blood rushing through your body; all you could think about was getting back downstairs to Levi. 
“Right,” Zeke didn’t let you get far, grabbing your wrist and jerking hard. He forced you back into the wall, your shoulder hitting it with a thump. “I know you’re still not over me. You haven’t been, and we’d both be better off if you could admit that to yourself.” 
You glared, prying his grip off, even if he wouldn’t let go. “Leave me alone, Zeke. I’ve never regretted anything as much as I regret you.” 
“Please,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes, grazing them all over your face. Zeke had never been a good listener, had never seen eye to to eye with you, but he sure pretended to. “You wanted me for years. You loved me.” 
“Maybe at some point. Not anymore.” you said through gritted teeth, tugging again, desperate almost. But Zeke didn’t let you free, his grip harder, bruising your skin. “Zeke. Get off of me. I don’t want to talk to you.” 
That subtle remark served to do nothing but make him angrier. His features contorted, shoving you backwards so you were pressed against him, his knees brushing your thighs.
A flash of fear went through you, and though you didn’t want to seem like a coward, didn’t want to scream for anyone in the house to help you, you considered it. Zeke towered over you, his breath fanning over your cheeks, thumbs grazing your jaw. “I’m not an idiot,” he said, smiling, that same saccharine grin he’d given you when you were together. “I know that man downstairs isn’t really in love with you.” 
“What makes your so sure that you’re right about that?” 
That seemed the question he had been dying to answer all evening.
“Oh, it’s easy to spot, really. Just look at you,” Zeke said. “You were nothing without me, and you’re nothing still.” He laughed, loud and cruel, finally stepping away, giving you an escape route. “No one wanted you before, and no one wants you now… Especially not now that I’ve ruined you.” He shrugged, tucking his hands into his pockets, a dismissal. “And it was so easy to do.”  
Tears sprang to your eyes; breaths left you, stuttered exhales that were more than forced. “I hate you.” 
“Why?” Zeke asked, curious. “I did you a favor.”
You stared at him, wondering how he could possibly believe himself to be so benevolent, to have saved you from some existence that would have been miserable, without the divine lesson he’d bestowed upon you. Though, it wasn’t long before you realized that he was taunting you, trying his best to make an embarrassment of you, laughing at the way the tears had flooded your eyes so easily.
You rushed down the stairs, holding back your sobs.
As your feet touched the bottom step, you collided with another body, turning the corner, too off-kilter to recognize who it was. “Sorry,” you said, the word coming out soft, weak. “I’m sorry, I have to—”
“Hey.” Levi’s soothing voice washed over you, his hands on your shoulders snapping you out of your distress. At first, he hadn’t realized that you were crying, the tears hidden by the palms that covered your eyes. Gently, Levi pried them away, taking your wrists in his hands, staring at you with a severe expression. “Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” 
“I’m fine. I’m fine,” you said, wiping at your face furiously; Levi was unconvinced. “I just… ran into Zeke upstairs, that's all.” 
That soured his mood immediately, expression turning cold, a glare overtaking it as he understood. “Fucking asshole,” Levi ground out, teeth clenching together. “What did he say to you?”
“Levi, I said I’m fine.” But your glossy eyes revealed the opposite, the tears leaking from the corners of them only exacerbating the fact that Zeke had said something cruel. “Leave it alone.”
“Did he hurt you?” Navy eyes flicked all over your face, narrowing in concern. “What did he say, love?” It slipped from his lips, without thinking.
You stared back at him, frozen, hesitant. That sort of softness was one you’d never heard from Levi before, had never seen him so furious, yet so worried. It seemed every emotion that he had tucked away was bleeding onto his face, and you leaned into his touch, let him examine your wrists. A red ring was around it from Zeke’s heavy hand. 
“I’m okay,” you promised, barely a whisper, taking your wrists back to hide them by your sides. Your lip quivered, and you looked away from Levi's concern as new wave of tears rushed over you, warming your body with despair. “He just doesn’t believe that we’re together. Said that you’d never love someone like me, anyway. That Zeke ruined me.” You shrugged, rubbing your elbows. “The usual.” 
Levi clenched his fists, pushing past you. “Fuck.”
You could see the anger spelled out all over his expression, as he began his ascent up the stairs, feet heavy, infuriated. 
You clutched at his sleeve. “Levi, stop. Just let it go.” 
“I’m not going to let him fucking talk to you like that!” he said, and it was, nearly, the most emotion you’d ever seen out of Levi, his hands practically shaking at his sides. “He can’t just — ”
Levi grit his teeth, then shook you off, taking long strides to get to Zeke, who was leaving the bathroom just as you arrived. Although the smarter part of your brain nudged at you to stop Levi, you couldn’t help but let him play out his anger, wanting to see the look on Zeke’s face when he approached him. 
The loud steps against the stairs gathered your ex-boyfriend's attention, and Zeke smiled, looking down at Levi from under his glasses, amused. Though, he didn’t get a chance to say a word before Levi had tugged him by the shirt, forced him against the wall, his gaze hard, almost scary.
Levi’s strength was almost surprising, had you not already known, but Zeke hadn’t. He glanced at Levi, then you, wide-eyed, before recovering smoothly. “Sent your guard dog after me, did you?” he asked you, a dull expression on his face. 
“Don’t talk to her.” Levi snapped Zeke’s head back against the wall, forcing the taller man to look at him. “You may think you’re better than you are, but I don’t. You’re a piece of shit, and you never deserved her.” Levi said, eyes pinched, the words calm, even more serious than if he’d been shouting them. "Just stay the hell away."
“Really?” Zeke said, a smile curving onto his lips. “Or what?” 
Levi stared for a minute longer, contemplative, and you sucked in a breath, wiping your eyes. You hardly registered the movement of Mikasa, who had rushed up the stairs, wrapping you up in her arms, whispering something to you that you didn't comprehend. 
Before either of you could react, Levi had swung, hit Zeke square in the nose, blood trickling down not a moment later. When the blond man tried to react, swinging aimlessly, Levi ducked, and grabbed at Zeke's arm, forcing a knee into his stomach. 
Zeke coughed and keeled, muttering a silent, “shit,” and a few other expletives, but not making any moves to swing again.
After he released him, Levi flexed his hand, looking over his shoulder to see you staring at him, Mikasa holding you tightly. He exhaled, sniffed back his anger, and turned.
“Levi—” you started, but he said nothing, pushing past you, his fingers running through his hair as he made his way down the stairs. 
Mikasa whispered something else to you, but you wiggled out of her arms, ignoring her, as you followed after Levi. Your tears had dried, but they had, nonetheless, been obvious to everyone, who seemed to know exactly what had been going on when you walked downstairs. 
Still, you didn’t meet any of their eyes, frowning, as you pushed open the door. You ignored the fact that it was below freezing outside, and you were in nothing but a jacket, when you found Levi, drawn to him light a magnet. 
Flurries of snow rained down, dusting the top of Levi’s head, like little crystals against his dark hair. It was much quieter, away from the chatter, and the music, the night calm and serene, wrapping you in a blanket of comfort. 
“Levi?” you said, approaching him quietly, shivering in the brisk air. It had snowed much more than you'd thought in the past few hours, coating the ground, painting a scene so perfect for Christmas Eve. Crystals of ice hung off the edge of the railing, the wind whipping the flurries around in a swirl. 
Levi glanced over his shoulder, but said nothing for a moment, his breath coming out in a cold puff of air. Slowly, you came up beside him, watched as his cheeks began to tinge red from the wintery air, his hair brushing across his forehead from the wind. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, blinking at the scene in front of him, as he leaned against the icy railing of the balcony. “That was a stupid thing to do. I embarrassed you in front of all of your friends.”
You paused, before a small laugh erupted from you. “Embarrassed?” you smiled, pulling on his forearm to guide his attention back to you. “Levi, no one cares. Truthfully, I’m grateful,” you admitted, retracting your hand, swallowing. “I never would’ve had the courage to do it myself.” 
Levi’s eyes flashed, and he glanced over at you, conflicted. Christmas lights shimmered against the snow, dulled only by the darkness that lingered above you.
“Regardless,” he muttered, fixated on the wave of red and green. His lashes were coated in droplets of white, and your voice caught in your throat. He’d never looked so beautiful. “That was immature. I’m not — We’re not even really together.”
You laughed, the sound light and airy. “Well, surely Zeke believes us now. I think you’ve done enough to sell it, haven’t you?” 
Levi sighed, dropping his gaze to the railing, his shoulders falling. “I suppose.”
Still, there was tension between you, and your stiff joke did little to diffuse it. You ran your hands up and down your own arms, feeling the goosebumps beneath them, trying to force your attention away from how cold you were.
“Zeke deserved it,” you said, quietly, shaking your head, eyebrows knit together. "You shouldn't feel bad."
“I know,” whispered back, just another exhaled of the wind. Levi didn’t move, didn’t bother to look at you, despite the fact that you were desperate to read any twitch of his expression, to get him to reveal what he was thinking. 
Finally, after far too long, he glanced over, raked his eyes across your figure, the frozen posture that your body had turned to, the confusion all over your face. He frowned, dismissive. “We should go inside. You’re freezing.”
“I’m okay.” 
“Levi,” you said once more, halting him, a frowning permeating your lips. “Why did you do it?” 
His face twitched. “Zeke? I told you, he has no right to—”
“No, no. Not that,” you waved him off, crossing your arms to hold them tightly to his chest. “I mean... Well, I suppose that too, but why did you come? Why would you choose to spend your birthday here, with me, of all places? Why do you even pretend to like me at all?” 
Levi stared back, slowly blinking, his eyes wide, startled. Then, he started laughing, and for the first time, it was genuine. The sound left him deeply, amused, by your question.
And though, you didn’t understand, had no idea what was so funny about the sentiment, you couldn’t help but feel the warmth of his humor all the way down to your toes, the sound a battle against the brisk cold that slapped against you. 
“You think I don’t like you?” Levi asked, shaking his head, laughs subsiding to a small smile. 
“Well,” you said, defensive, sniffing. “Yeah. I’ve always thought that.” 
“And? What do you think now?” 
You remembered the small smiles you had shared, secrets almost. The way he talked with all of your friends, made an effort to see the beauty in the home you’d grown up in. The way he listened to you, took in your words and remembered them for later. 
You shrugged, though it was half-hearted. “I don’t know.” 
Silence fell between you, before Levi had cupped your jaw, tracing the softness of your cheeks, the hollow beneath the bone. His eyes held a sadness you didn’t understand, before he had looked past you, to the house next door, the one beyond that, and the one beyond that. 
“Hange said you had no idea. I thought I’d been fairly obvious about it, all this time, but maybe I’m oblivious myself.” 
“Levi,” you began, frustrated, confused by the way he touched you so gently, the way his sarcasm had subsided, and nothing remained but the gentleness between you. “I don’t—”
“I’m in love with you.” 
A pause.
Slowly, your jaw fell slack. Your eyes grew wide, and you swallowed, as the sentence repeated over and over in your mind, until you could make sense of it. 
Levi stepped away, clenching his jaw as he turned you, only his side profile visible. “I have been for quite a while. Hange was the one who pointed it out, and I realized…” He sighed. “Well, I realized they were right. I love you, and I thought that, maybe, if I pretended to be your boyfriend, you’d see I’m not as bad as you think. I didn’t care about spending my birthday at home because I want to be around you — I want to be around you, as often as I can. Perhaps, I'm a complete fool for that, but...” He trailed off, and though his eyes had hardened, not revealing any of the misery he felt, you could see it. 
“I just hope you know that whatever Zeke has planted in your mind, it isn’t true,” Levi spat, clenching his teeth. “You’re not unloveable. God, you were so easy to fall in love with, and I had no idea, that all this time, you’ve been thinking otherwise.” He sniffed, caught between sorrow and fury. “I would never have told you how I felt, but it doesn’t matter, anyway. As long as you know that what he says isn't true.” 
You were still whirling from the confession, but Levi had already begun to walk off, trudging off into the house.
“Levi, wait,” you said, grasping at his arm before he could go back inside, get too far away from you. Your head was spinning, and you couldn’t think, couldn’t hear anything besides the words I’m in love with you.
And though he was frustrated, and a culmination of many other things, Levi did as you said, because he loved you; because he loved you, and he listened to you, and you had a hold over him. 
Levi stopped, looking back at you, breathing deeply, waiting.
“I—” you began, but the words died there, because Levi looked so pretty with snowflakes on his lashes, and you thought of all the questions you’d never ask, and the fact that all this time, you’d wanted Levi… even if you’d been to scared to admit it. 
You kissed him.
Your lips pressed against his, and though he was caught off-guard, eyes wide, he fell into it instantly, arms coming around your back to hold you close. Levi kissed you with a passion that Zeke never had, grabbing at your body like a lifeline, desperate and adoring.
Levi tasted of peppermint, smelled like tea, and felt like a home you hadn’t known since you’d been back here. Something clicked into place, your mind shifting, and your hands fisted in the back of his coat, holding onto him tight. 
“You love me?” you asked in a small voice, eyes glossy from a sort of happiness you hadn’t felt in years. 
Levi smiled down at you, his expression bright, the corners of his eyes crinkling. He traced your jaw, kissed your forehead, your nose, your cheeks. “I love you.” Another lingering kiss on your lips. “I’d spend all of my life showing you, if you’d let me; getting rid of all those lies Zeke planted in your head." Levi inhaled, rested his head against your own gently. 
“I thought you didn’t like to date," you said, closing your eyes.
He huffed out a laugh. “I don’t.” 
“Are there other women?” 
“What?” Levi shook his head, amused, when you finally pried your eyes back open. You wondered if you’d ever seen him so happy; if you’d ever seen him happy at all. If, maybe, you could keep him happy forever. “No, I’m — Is that what you’ve thought of me all this time?” 
Embarrassed, you dipped your head to his shoulder, warming yourself up in his embrace. He took that as yes for an answer. 
“I’m not interested in dating, and I really haven’t been with many people before, contrary to what you believe,” he teased, running his fingers along your spine. “Certainly, not since I met you. Does that answer suffice?” 
You ran your hands against his chest, kissing his collarbone, his neck, then along his jaw, letting every ounce of your affection seep into it. “I don’t want you to see anyone else,” you admitted, looking at him from under your lashes, remembering exactly what Zeke had done to you, at exactly the same time that he did. 
“I won’t, my love,” Levi swore, kissing you once more, sweet and wonderful in the snowy Christmas Eve. 
"And, maybe," you began shyly, playing with the buttons of his deep maroon shirt. "We can start fresh tomorrow. I don't know enough about you, Levi Ackerman," you said, frowning, a wrinkle forming between your eye. "But I'd like to."
Levi relaxed, shifting into a version of himself that so few would ever get to see, sweet and caring, with eyes so soft. He smiled. "I can't think of a better way to spend my birthday."
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dizscreams · 1 year
Hii hii can I request a Jack Champion × actress reader where they react on some edits Abt the two of them in an interview and then one ship edit Abt them came out thank you so much
++ I luv your writing so much some times I go overboard by liking all of them sorry Abt that Have a great day/night
ur so sweet anon ty :( <3 I hope I understood this right 😭
Mesmerized — Jack Champion ★
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PAIRING: Jack Champion x gn!reader
TAGS: @beary-rambles @ashlesys-blog @wekiamo @wenvierismycomfort @aesthetixhoe @mbankfav @aqellano @dizzyscreams @c8rdigan @teyamsgirll @evanpeterswifeyy868
A/N: he’s so bf like he’s literallyy my bf?! I love my bf!! bf!! he’s so this song!!
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The producers for the interview you were doing didn’t tell you what the interview would be about. Both you and Jack just assumed it was a normal interview until you had to do the intro for the video. ‘Action!’
You wave, “Hi I’m y/n l/n!” Jack follows you and waves as well, “And I’m Jack Champion.” You both share a smile before quickly looking back at the camera, “And today we are going to be reacting to edits of ourselves.” Jacks eyes widen a bit before nodding slightly, “Lets do it.” “Lets do it,” you repeat.
Someone gives you a phone and tells you all you need to do is scroll and give commentary. “Jack, do you ever look at edits of yourself?” You ask him before clicking on the first video, you pause it before it starts to hear Jacks answer. “Uhh sometimes,” he laughs, “When I’m bored, or they’ll randomly appear on my for you page. What about you?” You smile a bit, “Same here. I also get tagged in a lot of them.” “Oohh yeah me too.”
“Shall we start?” You ask shaking the phone a little.
“We shall,” Jack responds with finger guns. You chuckle and start the first video, it’s an edit of Jack. It was of his Scream 6 character, Ethan Landry. Jack was blushing slightly when you had looked over at him. You giggled when the video ended, “Soo what’d you think?” He giggled with you, “People are really talented. I will say though I wasn’t expecting so many people to love Ethan. Especially because of.. the movie,” he said slowly.
You hum, “The movies been out a while I think you can say it.” He looks at you and then back at the camera, “I didn’t expect many people to love my character in Scream 6 because he’s a psychopathic murderer who chases people in a Ghostface mask,” He says in an accent and claps his hands together. You cover your mouth with your hand as you laugh. “Alright let’s move on, next!” Jack says smiling.
“Okay, here you can take the phone this time,” you tell him handing the phone to him. He takes it and scrolls down to the next edit, “I think it’s of you,” he whisper yells. You recognize the clip used as one in an interview you did only about a week ago. Jack looked at the video and then looked back at you while grinning. He seemed to be enjoying this a little too much, but you didn’t mind.
“Aw I liked that one,” you spoke up first.
“Me too,” Jack says as he stared at you. He liked the outfit you chose to wear today, he always admired your sense of style. He also liked the way you did your hair, it framed your face nicely. “Jack?” He cleared his throat, “Yeah? What?” You let out a confused laugh, “Were you listening?” His face turned red at the question, “uhhh-” You shake your head with a smile, “It’s okay, next edit!” You stick out your hand, signaling for him to give you the phone and he just looks at it.
You shake your hand and nod towards the phone a bit trying to be more clear and he tilts his head. You look at him and he looks like a lost puppy with his big brown eyes boring into yours. You smile a bit and lower your voice, “The phone, Jack.” “OH! Right yeah here,” he stumbles over his words as he hands you the phone. The light pink blush dusting his cheeks once again making him look even cuter than before.
“Okay and here we go,” you mutter. The video plays and at first it’s clips of Jack, you can recognize where some of the clips are from. A lot of them are from Avatar interviews, which makes sense. But then there’s clips of you and that causes your eyebrows to knit together slightly. Just a friendly edit, you presumed, but at the end of the video there’s a clip of you and Jack together.
It’s a clip from a little behind the scenes of Scream 6. The small moment was of Jack putting his arm around you while you were both in the backseat of a bus going to set that day. You smiled at the memory and the video came to an end, “That was cute.” He nodded in agreement, he had the same stupid smile on his face, “Yeah.” You took a peak at the comments, all of them were ship comments.
“They’d be so cute together!”
“Are we sure they aren’t dating?”
“The way they look at each other 🥹”
“There’s no way they aren’t dating”
Your smile got bigger and you handed Jack the phone with a quiet, “Your turn.”
The interview went on for a couple more minutes until they were satisfied with the length that the video would be. Then, it was time for the outro. “I’m y/n l/n,” Jack said and you followed his lead, “And I’m Jack Champion.”
“And you’re watching Disney Channel!”
“That’s not it, Jack-“
“And you’re watching Buzzfeed Celeb!”
“There you go. Thank you so much for watching..”
“And make sure to leave a like for more content like this,” he said finishing your sentence in a British accent.
“Cut! That was great, guys.”
You looked at Jack only to find him already looking at you, “You wanna go get lunch?” He asked already standing. “Of course.” You guys made your way out of the filming room and he made sure nobody was looking before he grabbed your hand, giving it a kiss,
“You don’t know how hard it was for me to stay quiet about our relationship. You looked so good, I just wanted to brag about how you were mine the whole time,” he said while pulling you in for a hug. You giggling and wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss, “We’ll tell them soon, babe.”
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crystaldoodler · 3 months
A very long post of doodles relating to @theminecraftbee ‘s smallishsona AU (sorry for the tag again). I think of this AU while wandering Tartarus, so, I’ve had a lot of time to think. This post is really long and has a lot of rambling so, I’m putting it all under the cut. I’m sorry world I have too many words and rambles in me
First up, character designs!
I used primarily their mc skins for design, with only a few rl things thrown in. But, I didn’t bring them up so the colors are off a bit.
Starting off with Joel:
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He’s following the persona protagonist tradition of mostly wearing the school uniform correctly, but with some minor embellishments. I’m still debating whether or not to add more, but w/e. His signature color is green.
Then Skizz and Impulse:
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The greatest dichotomy of time to design, Impulse I knocked out on the second go, but I’ve done many iterations of Skizz and I still am not satisfied with this design. The ripped sleeves looked too out there (to me, at least) but nothing else seems to work so I settled for the shirt under uniform shirt look. Something I struggled with that these two emphasize is making them look like teenagers, and what they look like, and also keep to the anime style, and also my own incompetence with drawing facial features so It’s something all of these lack in. Impulse is yellow, and Skizz is blue.
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Scar and Grian are next up, Scar’s facial Scar is from summoning his persona, because he stabbed himself in the face lol. Not much to say about these guys, I settled on orange for Scar and red for grian, which I am still struggling with beacause mumbo:
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is ALSO red. So I guess they are just, both? red? If you look at the party select screens in persona though, the characters have pretty strong color coding, so I guess I’ll figure something out. If anyone is still reading: help. Anyway, mumbo wins the award for wearing the uniform the most normal (except for the tie)
Last but not least, Gem!
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She’s wearing a longer skirt than the usual uniforms and also some big-ass boots. Also, she’s a sea monster thing? So, I was thinking, staring at SEES cool new uniform things and thinking about the Phantom Thieves and how cool their outfits are and realized the persona games have at least some design change to separate their daily looks from shadow hunting. Even if it is only glasses in p4 lol. So, I thought maybe weapon holsters? but, that seemed a little too generic. So! I decided to combine how I normally draw the hermits (and a lot of the fandom does) as having non-human traits as the big things setting their combat looks apart. It is both a) fun to draw, b) creates an eye catching and distinctive design for combat and c) is really funny. I thought it was funny so I drew a comic about it:
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and here’s a sketch of what everyone looks like and also the transformation gives them very distinct eyes, for no reason other than I think it looks cool:
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mumbo is a normal human btw (or at least, he appears to be)
Welp,that’s all I got. If I look at these drawings any longer I will hate them so here they are, yippee. Also, Bee/OP, sorry for exploding; I am into persona and hermitcraft right now so this AU is like a perfect storm to give me brain rot.
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worldofheroes · 9 months
A Jealous Man
pete “maverick” mitchell x reader
summary: you try to distract yourself from practice and Maverick
warnings: angst, some fluff, language, alcohol
wc: 902
a/n: hi all! so sorry it’s been a hot minute. I got married!!! I promise I’m still working on all the requests! based on this request! maybe there will be a part two??
tags: @kissatelier @tomcruiseishot
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"What the hell was that?" Maverick yells from across the tarmac.
"Leave me alone, Mav," you say, grabbing your gear and heading to the locker rooms.
"No, I will not. That stunt you pulled? It could’ve gotten you killed!"
"I was in control."
"You were not in control."
"You would’ve done the same thing."
Maverick sighs. "I don’t have the energy to argue with you. Go home."
"Yes sir," you say, walking past Maverick and purposefully bumping his shoulder.
You change out of your flight suit and head to The Hard Deck to meet someone you’ve been on a couple dates with. He’s not amazing, but it’s something.
Maverick didn’t consider himself to be a jealous man.
But when he walked in The Hard Deck and saw you with someone, Maverick felt physical pain.
He hated to admit it, but there was something about you that lured him in.
Of course, it was inappropriate, with him being your teacher. But Maverick wasn’t one for rules.
When you looked over and gave him a small smile, he felt something he hasn’t felt in a long time.
Tough guy Maverick was falling for you.
Shortly after getting your first round of drinks, your date leaves you for his friends.
You sigh, knowing he’s not going to come back to be with you.
You finish your beer and head up to the bar. Much to your better judgment, you find a seat beside Maverick.
"Where’s your date?" Maverick asks.
You scoff. "With his friends. I knew it was a bad idea coming here."
Penny walks over to you, and you hold up your bottle. She nods and grabs another beer for you.
Maverick clenches his jaw. He could say so many things right now, but none of them are a good idea.
"What are you doing here?" you ask him.
"Trying to avoid thinking about the mission," he says.
You nod. "Fair enough."
"Y/n, what are you doing over here?" your date asks, stumbling over not only his words, but also his feet.
"How are you this drunk already?" you mutter.
"Baby, come on," he says, his hands all over you.
"Dylan, just leave," you say.
"Baby," he repeats, still touching you. You try to move away.
"Leave her alone," Maverick says.
"Oh, who are you to tell me what to do?" Dylan asks.
"A decent human being. I’d leave now, if I were you."
"Are you threatening me?"
"Not yet."
"Mav," you whisper.
"You know this old man?" Dylan asks, appalled by this possibility.
"Dylan, leave," you say.
Maverick stands up and forces himself between you and Dylan.
You’ve never been this close to Maverick, and it makes you a little dizzy.
Maverick and Dylan are silent, having a stare down.
"Fine," Dylan says, walking away. "I’ll call you later, Y/n.”
"Please don’t," you say, looking at the floor.
Maverick doesn’t move until Dylan has left the area.
"Are you okay?" Maverick asks you, sitting back down at the bar.
"Yeah." You stand up and finish your beer. "I’m gonna head out. Thanks for, uh, intervening, I guess."
You don’t even wait for a response from Maverick before you leave.
"Y/n," Maverick calls out as he catches up to you in the parking lot.
"Mav, I appreciate you standing up for me, but I’m fine. I don’t need protecting. I know how to fly my plane. I don’t need your help constantly," you say.
"Y/n," Maverick repeats.
"I don’t get why you give me so much shit all the time. I don’t get why you’re always right there. I can handle myself," you ramble.
It takes you a second to realize Maverick has closed in on you, his face inches from yours. You stop mid sentence.
"Maverick," you whisper.
He leans in closer, stopping for a millisecond before his lips land on yours.
Your mind goes blank, and you wrap your arms around his neck.
He places his hands gently on your waist.
"Maverick," you repeat.
"I care about you so much, Y/n. I tried to push these feelings away, but I can’t. And seeing you with that guy tonight… I’ve never felt that way before, jealous of another man," Maverick says softly.
"Mav," you repeat.
"I want to give this a try."
"We can’t, the rules.”
"Fuck the rules," Maverick says, caressing your face.
"Maverick," you scold.
"I’ll take care of it," he smiles at you.
You roll your eyes and give him another kiss.
"I don’t want this to hurt me, Mav."
"I’ll handle it, trust me.”
Maverick wraps you up in his arms, and you rest your head against his chest, where you can hear his heartbeat.
"Come back to my place?" Maverick asks.
"Okay," you say, nodding against his chest.
Maverick releases you from his arms. "Need a ride?"
"I’ve never ridden a bike before."
"Just hold on to me, you’ll be fine," he says with a smile, leading you to his bike.
You can’t help but smile back as Maverick’s hand finds yours.
He easily swings a leg up and over the bike, and helps you on to the bike too.
Maverick takes your hands and places them around his waist.
"Hang on," he says.
"Take it easy for me," you smile.
"No promises," he jokes with you, taking off from the parking lot.
You're still unsure how it happened, but you're thrilled to be going home with Maverick.
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spacexseven · 1 year
sorry for the late reply! And to answer some of your questions in the tags, it’s actually all three. A “final girl” is a basically a trope that means a character (usually protagonist) that is “pure, feminine, and the victim” during a horror film. They’re usually a victim of chance or have a distant past connection to the killer. Be it their intelligence, connection, or simply pure luck, the final girl is able to avoid death until the end where: 1) they survive to the end and defeat their killer 2) they escape or 3) they die regardless. I was thinking of killer! yan bsd, but I was also intrigued with a victim/final girl! bsd. An example of an idea that’s currently plaguing my mind is Final Girl! Nikolai. I liked the idea of a serial killer targeting magician/or whimsical (maybe ability users) people and choosing nikolai as target. cat and mouse chase, and they end getting the drop on him (how? idk). Its kinda a slow burn horror, but regardless nikolai fights back. this is a gist and example. Tuna, i’m so sorry about throwing this ramble dump at you. 🙈 this is just an idea, nothing you actually have to do. im just happy sharing this with you - 🦄
ahahahaha....there was a lot i had to say about this, but i kept it as brief as i could because i Might...might do a series/oneshot w this au. Maybe &lt;/3 thank you for sharing this gem of an idea i am very excited to dig in nomnomnom. tagged under 'sk reader au 🐟'
gn! reader, is a serial killer & implied to have an ability that can 'collect' other abilities. can be read as a yandere reader.
cw: stalking, murder, violence
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ability users are fascinating little things.
especially when they try everything in their power to stay alive. it's a wonderful sight, to see those that always stood above regular people, to see those regarded as gifted, desperately attempt to survive. there was something intoxicating about holding power above the same ability users that were feared by all.
but your interest was less in the users and more in the ability itself.
there was a lot you hoped to learn about abilities, regardless of the type. there must be a reason as to why some were sentient, why some were so much more powerful than others, why some were uncontrollable, and the best way to learn, was of course, through the ability itself. you were willing to do anything to satisfy your curiousity, even if it meant the user had to die for their abilities to join your collection.
you had fond memories with all of them; flawless made for an exhilarating fight, always a step ahead until you sunk your claws into the frightened figure of a dark-eyed ability user, rashōmon was unique, the dark mass almost besting you, but, in the end, you stood victorious over a sickly body—even if you hadn't gone after it, this was an ability that wasn't meant to survive for long, and you liked to think that it was for the best that it joined you instead of disappearing with its user. and of course, discourse on decadence was unforgettable. you remembered it belonged to some goverment agent who was hot on your trail—it was the closest anyone came to stopping you—and your most recent kill.
usually, you didn't like picking favorites. each ability was fascinating and unique in its own way, but it was undeniable that one in particular stood out to you.
the overcoat was an interesting ability. at first sight, it appeared quite simple, but you had viewed it in action too many times to know just how frightening it was. how easy it was to turn it into a lethal weapon—to reach in and twist out a limb or to drain out the blood from a vein. the seemingly unlimited potential of the ability, however, was only one of the aspects that intrigued you.
generally, you've never cared for the users as much as you did their abilities. while you enjoyed the brutal torture you made them suffer, and you liked hunting them down, they always came secondary to their abilities. you didn't care to know their names or their personal stories. despite all that, a name—nikolai gogol—had made his way on your list of targets, scrawled next to his ability.
it'd only take you a minute to identify nikolai in a sea of people.
whether he had the scar over his eye showing or hidden, whether he was wearing glasses or colored contacts, no matter what wig he wore or how ordinary he tried to look, you would immediately be able to point him out. no disguise, no false identity could hide him from you—you know this because he's tried, many times now, to fool you. but you've always known it was him, from the slightest strain of his voice when disguised, the unsettling blankness in his gaze when he looked at you, the subtle upturn of his lips when he approached you. you knew it was him from the way he titled his head when asking you a question, the way he said your name, and even the syllables he stressed when he spoke.
he approached you first as a police officer, then as a detective, a local politician, and even an assassin. You had already noted down each encounter you had with him, the details of each false identity, and what you had learned from it. it was a feat in itself that nikolai had survived so many encounters with you. perhaps it was because of your growing obsession with him,
(somehow, you always knew that your last victim would be nikolai. he'd be a fitting end for your legacy, as the ability user who had been watching you from the very start. the only ability user you could see as more than a shell for his powers. the only one who escaped you once.)
initially, you believed that nikolai followed you around for self-driven justice, to punish you for your crimes. (the policeman getup convinced you of that much), but instead of lunging at you, he watched, enraptured, as you stole the perfect crime, and he followed you closely as you stalked the user of falling camellia, doing nothing to stop you either time. and every time after that, be it walking past him in the busy streets of yokohama or meeting him as your taxi driver, nikolai had yet to try and expose your crimes and exact revenge. he never held a blade up to your throat, never used the very frightening ability of his on you.
his passivity, however, did nothing to quench your bloodthirst.
it was you who attacked him first.
you're no stranger to hunting down your prey. it was something you anticipated now, the sound of footsteps making their way around corners, the sight of shaking shoulders and trembling hands as they hid behind walls, the way fear consumed them when you finally cornered them; you relished in the hunt as much as you did the result.
nikolai doesn't make it much of a hunt. he's quick, with his coat fluttering around him. his footsteps, you remember, are light and quick, his breathing staggered as he laughed wildly. he snatches up your gun with a hand through his coat, and shoots blindly. there is despair consuming his mind, no panic climbing up his spine. his heart rate accelerates not out of fear, but out of thrill, and he looks at you with unrestrained elation. this was no hunt, nikolai wasn't hiding from you—this was a chase. just as you approached a dead end, and you think you can finally, finally, shove him into a corner, nikolai turns to smile at you one last time, before disappearing into a flurry of his coat. as you stand alone, a dark glove laid on the floor ahead of you catches your attention; his glove might have caught on a jagged end and fallen, you think. after cleaning up his mess, you silently pocket it, still haunted by that uninhibited look and that devilish grin.
nikolai is everywhere after that, taunting you.
he sits across you from the train, he takes your order in a restaurant, he applauds you from a distance, after watching you drag away yet another body, congratulating you on another successful kill.
"next time," he smiles at you, all coy and enticing, "i hope it's me."
you hope so too, but you don't let him have the pleasure of knowing that. the scowl on your blood-streaked face sends him spinning away in giggles.
it wasn't the next time, but after a few more dead bodies and many more warnings about your work are played on the news, you meet nikolai again. nikolai gogol is no easy prey, but you're not one to be bested twice. this time, you don't let him run. you're finally on top of him, blood pooling out of where your knife was stuck in his thigh, his coat ripped off him and abandoned somewhere else. it would be so easy to kill him now, so easy to watch him bleed out and claim his ability as yours, but for the first time, you hesitated on delivering the killing blow.
this time, it's not the ability you're after, is it?
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cheeriecherrymain · 1 year
For request 🥺 viktor and a nervous reader’s first time
An attempt was made! Again, kind of ran away with the prompt in my mouth and chewed it a bit until I was chased down and made to spit it out. Sorry
Viktor x fem!Reader (18+)
Content tags: first time together | oral (f and m receiving) | simp Viktor p much
-You had…kind of expected sex to just happen naturally in your relationship. You had expected that you’d go through each new milestone as they came, from holding hands, to a first date, to a first kiss.
-And for the most part, it had happened like that. Viktor had asked you out to coffee one evening, when he was frazzled from work and already a little jittery from his rather impressive (and detrimental) caffeine intake throughout the day. 
-You’d softly denied his suggestion, and quickly replaced it with something a little less…unhealthy. You invited him over for dinner, instead, offering to make something hearty and spiced, but easy on the stomach. He’d accepted, of course, and that night had been one filled with a whole bunch of firsts.
-But now, four months into your (official) partnership, he still had yet to touch you. Well, he touched you, yes - all the time, in fact. He always liked to have a hand on some part of your body, in the most innocent sense. You’d learned quite early on that physical affection was one of the silent ways he told you he cared for you. And that he trusted you.
-What you mean is that you hadn’t…
-He hadn’t…
-You haven’t had sex. Ever.
-Not only with him, but…in general. None of your past relationships had ever gotten to a point where you’d felt safe enough to open up about that sort of thing, or made you feel comfortable enough to bare yourself so openly. But you want that, with him.
-You’ve heard as many horror stories as you have pleasantries about the whole ordeal, ranging from pain and discomfort, to not being able to come, to muscle cramps and weird noises and knocking foreheads when you tried to-
-You take a deep breath, in a vain attempt to calm yourself down. You know it’s not always like that. You know that Viktor would never hurt you, or make you feel weird or unusual for something so trivial.
-You’ve heard good things about sex, too. The emotional intimacy it could achieve, on top of the physical pleasure - little giggles and feelings of elation. One of your friends had said she’d never really experienced good sex until she’d met her partner, and they’d actually talked about what they wanted. Openly and without judgment.
-You’re a little bit cranky that you’re probably going to have to be the one who brings the subject up with your boyfriend. You wish that you could just…fall into it, and talk about it afterwards, but realistically? It’s a conversation that needs to be had.
-You want him to know what you want.
-You want to know what he wants.
-So on a weekend, as the two of you sit comfortably at your tiny dining table, eating some kind of cheesy pasta dish that you don’t know the name of, you broach the subject.
- “What do you think about sex?” you ask him, during the first lull in your mutual chatter. You want to hit yourself, with how the question comes out, but you suppose there’s no going back now.
-Viktor nearly chokes for a second on a bite of food, his gaze snapping up to yours as a light dusting of pink begins to appear on his cheeks. “Pardon me?” he coughs, clearing his throat.
-You sigh.
- “I just…I want to know where we’re at,” you explain, setting your fork down. “Most people usually…do it within the first month of being together. And we’re on month four, so I- I just want to…check in, I guess?”
-You can feel your face beginning to heat up, as the mortification sets in. “I’m not saying that we have to have had sex by now,” you ramble, “I’m just talking about the statistical average! I mean, I’ve never even done it before, so it’s not like I have any frame of reference - I just thought! It’s a thing a lot of couples do, so maybe it would be a - a good idea to - talk. About it. About if that’s something you want.”
-You set your face in your hands with a groan, feeling the tips of your ears burn from the awkwardness of it all. You knew it was going to be uncomfortable and kind of weird to bring it up, but of all the ways you could have messed it up and stuck your foot in your mouth-
- “Is it something you want?” he asks suddenly, surprising you well enough that you crack your fingers apart to peer at him with a single eye. He’s flushed, as you expected him to be, but he doesn’t look particularly embarrassed. Not like you thought he would.
-You sigh again.
- “I…think so,” you admit, finally pulling your hands away from your face. “It’s like I said - I’ve never done it. I know I’m late to the party, but-”
-He reaches across the table then, all but throwing his fork down in lieu of reaching for you. Wrapping his hand tenderly around your own, in an attempt to comfort you.
- “There is no time limit on something like this,” he tells you. “If the moment has never felt right, then that’s…that’s okay. If you’re unsure about making our relationship more physical, then we don’t need to rush. There is no rule saying we have to do certain things at a certain time.”
-You carefully knit your digits around his, staring down at the little details on his hands. The angular curve of his fingers, long and slender and dextrous, along with the little moles and freckles and scars that dot across his pale skin. You’re rendered breathless for a brief moment, upon the realization that every part of him is stupidly attractive.
- “I want you,” you mumble, shyly avoiding eye contact. “The number of times I’ve thought about you during one of my ridiculously long showers is…too many to count. I guess I just. I dunno. I’m nervous. I don’t want to be bad at it, and I don’t want to mess something up, and I’m worried I won’t….”
-You sigh for a third time.
-Thankfully, Viktor has known you for a significant amount of time by now: he knows your moods and feelings, knows your little secrets and tells. He knows what you’re thinking about, just by looking at you. You don’t need to say so much out loud.
- “Nothing you could do could put me off of you,” he promises, as he rises from his seat. Keeping your hands entwined, he maneuvers his way over to stand in front of you, bringing your knuckles up to his lips once your knees knock against him.
- “If I’m being honest, I’ve been…quite horrendous about controlling myself around you,” he admits, without an ounce of shame. “Most nights, when I’m alone in the lab, I’ve taken myself in hand to the thought of you. The way your hair smelled that morning in bed, the way your lips are so warm on mine.”
-You swallow hard, as your stomach flutters wildly.
- “And then, of course, there are the things I don’t know,” the corner of his mouth quirks up at the edge, mischievous and playful. “I like to think about the way you’d taste on my tongue, how I could make you squirm. The pretty little sounds you’d make as I gave you pleasure. How divine you’d feel, wrapped around my cock.”
-You nearly stop breathing, the softest of whines falling past your lips.
-Viktor looks down at you like he knows exactly what he’s doing, like some kind of devilish, scheming man. Bringing his lips to the back of your hand again.
- “If it’s something you want, would you let me have you?” he asks, his gaze meeting yours. “Would you allow me to make you feel good tonight? And every other night you so please?”
-If you weren’t already sitting, you know for a fact that your legs would have given out beneath you.
-The second you nod, he leans down to kiss you. Sets his cane in the crook of his elbow, and takes your jaw in hand, pressing little circles into your skin with the tips of his fingers. It’s sweet as can be, warm and comforting like you’re used to, but with a sharp bite to it.
-Sharp, like the way he nips at your bottom lip.
- “As much as I would love to have you right here,” he murmurs, barely pulling away from you, “I would at least have our first night together be somewhere more fitting. I want to take my time with you.”
-And so, the two of you find your way to the bedroom, significantly slower than you usually would, stopping every couple of steps to mesh your mouths together. Or for him to find any exposed piece of skin he can, latching onto you to suck and bite little bruises.
-By the time you actually make it to your destination, you’re mostly divest of your clothes. Save for a soft undershirt and a pair of pastel panties. Viktor fares no better, his usual vest and tie dropped somewhere along your path, his shirt hanging open and his trousers halfway unbuttoned.
-You stop at the foot of the bed, and he comes up behind you, wasting no time in getting to feel you - feel the warmth and the gentle squish of your flesh beneath his fingers. The soft hairs across your body, your skin rising into goosebumps along every trail he makes.
-His breath, hot against the back of your neck, as he slowly slides the bottom of your shirt upwards. So slowly. 
-You appreciate that he’s giving you time to back out, should you so desire: that his touches are meandering and lazy, enough that you could stop him with ease. But you don’t want him to.
-You squirm where you stand, trying, hoping that he’ll understand what you’re hinting at. But the devious bastard only smiles, laying a smattering of kisses across your shoulders.
- “You’ll have to use your words, milý,” he mutters, toying with the edge of your shirt. “How can I know what you want, if you don’t tell me?”
-Your face feels like it’s on fire, embarrassed even though you know you have no reason to be. You trust Viktor, more than you’ve ever trusted anyone: you know he’s just being a tease.
- “Take it off,” you whine, and thankfully he doesn’t push you on it further, demands no more explanation.
-The next couple minutes are a total blur, wrought with new sensations and little thrills of pleasure. He settles you comfortably on your back, once you’re fully bare to him, and for a moment he just…stares. You wouldn’t exactly call it humiliating, not with the way his eyes darken with lust, but you’re certainly shy.
-He kisses a scalding path down your body, more tongue than anything else. Stopping for a few dozen seconds to pay attention to your chest, wrapping his lips around one puffy bud, sucking hard for a couple seconds before soothing the ache with the lave of his tongue.
-Until both your nipples are drawn into stiff peaks, and the soft of your skin is littered with the dull imprint of his teeth. 
-And then he continues his path downwards.
-Kneading the insides of your squishy thighs, he slowly coaxes you to open your legs, murmuring praises all the while. He’d done the favour of removing the last of his own clothing for you, not wanting to stress you out by demanding some kind of reaction from you.
-You’re grateful for it, in a sense, but you’re also desperate to get a peek at him. Hard and dripping, watching as a pearlescent drop beads at the tip of his cock the moment you open your legs for him. You whine quietly, when you finally get to see how you’re affecting him.
-He lays kiss after kiss all over your spread thighs, foregoing his earlier cheekiness for obvious and genuine care. Treating you sweetly, with the most gentle and loving hand that he possibly can.
-He wants this to be good for you.
-He needs this to be good for you.
- “Tell me, milý,”  he says lowly, “How far have you gone on your own? Have you touched yourself here?” he lowers his thumb to your clit, already already swollen and thick with your arousal, and begins rubbing slow patterns onto it.
-You mewl at the new sensation, not overly pleasurable, but the fact that he’s the one doing it makes it infinitely better.
- “Yes,” you breathe, fisting your hands into the sheets beneath you. “I - I’ve done that. Several times, in fact. S-sometimes out here, spread open like this, on my own. Other times…”
-He quirks a brow at you.
- “Other times,” you continue, “I…use the showerhead. Once or twice when you were staying over.”
-He groans, then, letting his eyes fall shut for a few moments while he lets his cheek come to rest on your thigh. You think for a second that you’ve somehow offended him, but he’s very quick to mitigate that worry. Bright honey eyes snapping open to nearly glare up at you with palpable desire, so strong you’re made breathless again.
- “To think, I could have tasted you weeks ago,” he sighs, almost sounding genuinely saddened. But it’s quick to pass, as he descends upon you with the hunger of a man starved.
-Licking a solid stripe up your drenched slit, drawing his tongue into a point near the end to flick it against your clit. Again and again, he repeats the motion, watching with rapt attention as his spit mixes with your sticky fluids, dripping down onto the bedsheets below.
-It’s not long before he changes his technique on you, startling a moan out of you when he wraps his lips around your puffy bud and sucks. He leaves you trembling, positively quaking, with his ministrations. You never thought that you’d ever be able to have an orgasm approach so quickly, but now, as he continues his onslaught of pleasure, even going so far as to dip his finger into your drenched hole, you can’t even find it in your heart to be embarrassed about it.
-He doesn’t stop touching you, doesn’t stop pumping his slender digit into you, doesn’t stop the movement of his tongue on your desperate slit. You know he can feel you squeezing around him - he’s got to. 
-But he never stops.
-He tenderly works you over the edge, groaning and sighing along with you as you find your high, nearly grinding against his face in an attempt to seek out more, more. Anything to prolong the pleasure.
-Until you’re rendered boneless beneath him, breathing hard while you wait for all the little stars in your vision to fade away. You barely even notice him removing his finger from you, popping it into his mouth to suck your juices off, as if it’s some kind of rare delicacy.
- “Holy shit,” you squeak, followed by an almost disbelieving giggle. You can’t help yourself - you don’t think you’ve ever had an orgasm quite like that before. Your own fingers were well enough, you supposed, and the showerhead was certainly intense, but…
- “You’ve ruined me, Viktor,” you laugh, smiling down at him with a dopey grin. “I’m never going to be able to get myself off after this - I’m only going to want you.”
-His brows rise by a fraction, a moment of disbelief immediately followed by his own self-satisfied smirk.
-You’re hardly shy after that, despite being unsure of what to do and where to put your hands, or of what might feel good. Your boyfriend, to give him credit, is a good teacher - guiding you through the motions of what he likes best, what makes him squirm, what makes him come.
- “It’s you,” he says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Your touch, and your hand wrapped tightly around his drooling cock, your mouth wrapping around the blunt, flushed head, and your tongue sliding along his shaft to slick him up.
-And it’s you who lets him rut up into your grip, staring up at him with naught but adoration shining in your beautiful eyes.
-Like you, he’s neither embarrassed nor ashamed about how quickly he reaches his end, far too pleased by the fact that you’re finally touching him. That he’s finally gotten to see the gorgeous face you make when you come, and that’s he’s gotten a taste of your perfect pussy.
-He tries to warn you before he comes, but like he had earlier, you don’t pay him any mind. Until his release hits your waiting tongue, you continue to work him.
-Until he starts whining and batting at your hand, you work him.
-It doesn’t go much further than that, for the time being. The two of you carefully and tenderly cleaning each other up in the aftermath, sharing kisses and blissful little bouts of laughter, your hands never really leaving each other’s bodies. You have as much time as you desire, to figure everything out, and to learn.
-To discover new things about one another, and forge this new part of your relationship.
-Though let’s be honest, he does get a little handsy the following morning.
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A little collection of fun things Judd does
Tags: fem! Reader, mentions of drugs, alcohol, pyromania?, just Judd things yk, maybe he should be a warning in himself, there’s like one brief mention of sex, generally creepy behavior, Judd being an unironic edge lord, author was sleep deprived
Playlist: I made him a fun little playlist, I tried very hard not to be biased and add songs I actually think he’d listen to instead of just songs I like lol
But! if you’d like to listen to some of Judd’s jams, you can do so HERE
Summary: part 2 to my Judd hc’s, read part one HERE
Author’s note: this,, just came to me. I’ve been taking random thoughts I had about Judd and added them to a docs document, and would you look at that! These hc’s wrote themselves! I think I babygirlyfied him a little bit, but yk what? He is my baby girl 💪
Just Judd things
Word count; 1,9K
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Judd birch is known for many things, one of them being his smell
He always smells a bit.. funny
Not bad, just kinda like raccoons and alcohol, it’s an interesting smell
Often he also smells like some kinda polish, either because he’s been polishing his car or his knives
I’m sorry if I ruin y’all’s illusion, but he DOES NOT shower unless absolutely necessary
He only really showers if someone (probably you or his mom lol) tells him to, or if he had a particularly sweaty workout
Also, he would never admit this but sometimes he showers just to impress you
Always carries that certain Judd musk yk
He’s also one of those guys who washes their face like once every full moon but somehow still has flawless skin
If you ever convinced him to let you do his eyeliner, he would also not wash it off, just let it sit there and bake unless you washed it off for him
Judd is mean as hell, a gaping asshole in his own words
But, he does respect his family somewhat
Even loves them a bit, if he’s being completely honest
Especially Diane
He holds a strong sense of respect for his mom, way more than his dad
It’s not like he’s gonna stop making low key misogynistic jokes for shits and giggles, but he often tries to dial back the cursing in front of her
Like he values her opinions and praise of him the most out of his family
He’s also super protective, mostly of his younger siblings
Like I mentioned before, he definitely has that kinda “edgy” humour
The guy probably says a lot of controversial stuff just to get a reaction
He literally pretends not to be a feminist just to piss off leah
(In reality, he genuinely doesn’t give one single shit about feminism)
Likewise he also just disagrees with whatever his family says just because they said it
But he will not hesitate to physically or verbally beat anyone who starts shit with his siblings
Forget all about is asshole-ness and such, he will obliterate anyone who hurt his siblings
Only he’s allowed to fuck with them lol
When he told Nick “you’ll die when I say you die” he really meant it
He actually also values the raccoons quite a bit
When he goes on his drunken rambles, they’re always there to listen yk
He has friends,, kinda, like he has people he tolerates more than others but he honestly doesn’t mind doing things alone
He enjoys his own company
But also the raccoons
It’s like a mentally unstable girl and her support cat, Judd just has his gang of raccoons
(He tells them all his secrets)
I feel like he would genuinely enjoy the company of an animal way more than people, not limited to raccoons
But he’s not nice to them, he’s never nice to anyone he cares about
He’s just doesn’t grasp the idea, being nice verbally means nothing to him
He’s a man of physical and action-based affirmations
It’s the little things that counts for him
Unless he knows someone who values affirming words, ect his family or girlfriend, he will very rarely go out of his comfort zone to grant them such
He’s so awkward verbally stating his feelings too omg,,
“Dad.. I.. love you..?” He’s like that each time he tries to come across as sincere, it’s like he’s questioning it as he’s speaking lol
He was like that as a kid too, he’s always just enjoyed creeping people out
He takes pride in his weirdness
The guy is very morally grey, the only thing he truly wants ever is the cause chaos
Or inflicting stress/pain on his siblings somehow
He doesn’t rough Leah up like he would with Nick, but he knows just how to get into her head
That’s another thing, he knows everyone’s business
Between hiding in the vents, being the designated dealer in town and generally the quiet kid in school, he knows what everyone’s up to
Even Nick and Leah’s friends
Knows all their names too
His parents definitely took him to a psychiatrist when he was younger, he was a very difficult child to deal with
Think gremlin meets Chucky
That’s baby Judd
His parents supported him though, and still do
Elliot especially tries to take interest in whatever Judd likes, bands, movies, setting things on fire, ect
Also, music wise, I think he’d really like the misfits
Probably also three days grace and oooh, definitely rob zombie
He just strikes me as that kinda guy
But also, he doesn’t know shit about the hands he listens to
He doesn't care enough to get into the people behind the music, you could literally ask him who’s in the band who wrote his favourite song and he wouldn’t know
Takes the term “separate the art from the artist” to a whole new level
If he doesn’t listen to music, he’s the type of dude to literally put “horror movie ambience” or “pov you’re getting murdered asmr” on or whatever the fuck
Also, he’s the type to strictly listen to music on YouTube, with adds because he doesn’t want to pay
He only has burner phones anyways, so he has to listen to music on his computer or whatever, he has a shit ton of obscure cd’s in his car though that he listens to as well
And on the topic of phones, because of his less than usual choice, literally no one has his number
Probably only Leah has his number? I feel like he’d only give it to her and maybe his girlfriend if you’re lucky
Leah has to text him like “mom says dinner is ready in 10” or “dad told me to text you to please come home soon” stuff like that, and she’s so done with it
He somehow has everyone’s number though
You’ll randomly get a text if he needs you, and he never tells you who it’s from
He will literally text you “I’m in your house” without any disclosure
Maybe he’ll add a few blurry pictures of something in your house as well
Oh but if he’s actually trying to scare you, expect pictures he took of rotting roadkill or a bloody ziplock back or something he found
He just loves gore and violence <3
Another thing he really, really, enjoys is scaring people
He deliberately hides behind doors or curtains to scare his family, he’s also really good at just being super silent?
If he doesn’t want to be found, you’re not gonna find him
If you sleep over at his house and use the bathroom by his room to brush your teeth, the fucker will be standing behind you in the mirror when you come up from rinsing your mouth
He scares those he cares about, what can I say
Well he also scares everyone else, he’s kinda feral
As I said before, it’s not like he doesn’t socialise at all, bc like, he’s literally everyone’s dealer
Idek where he gets his stuff from, but everyone knows Leah and Nick as Judd’s little siblings because they have bought from him one time or another
Not only limited to drugs, he also always has alcohol
(He robbed a liquor store)
Somehow they never found out it was him?? Even though it’s exceedingly obvious and he keeps doing it every other week or so
Some of your dates casually turns into “hey let’s rob a store” and it’s actually so chill
As a consequence of his never ending supply of Jack Daniel’s, he’s like chronically hung over
Always kinda tired and complaining that his head hurts
Literally has a hangover 6 out of 7 days of the week
He also has a bit of a pyromaniac streak
Sometimes buildings in town just sorta,, burn down
I feel like people in town know it’s Judd, but the police force is actually useless so again, he never gets caught
Actually he got caught once, because he was high and accidentally left a lighter at the crime scene
It was before he turned 18 though, so he got no major consequences besides like a night in jail and being grounded for a really long time
I imagine that might have been why he ran away? Man’s didn’t want to deal with the aftermath of his own consequences
He actually really likes consequences of things, just not when it actually turns out to be inconvenient for him
But like, he’s really fascinated by watching things slowly unfold if yk what I mean
He’s quite a patient guy, he literally had the patience to train a whole ass battalion of raccoons
But my point is, he can wait a long periods of time while plotting his sinister plans
He’s a supervillain at heart fr
And as I said before, he exists to cause chaos
I feel like he would literally worship the chaos theory, and he would definitely mansplain it to you
Judd doesn’t believe in god, but he believes in the chaos theory
That’s probably why he’s so into horror, but like a certain kind
He doesn’t really care too much about paranormal or psychological horror
He still watches it, but it’s just not his favourite
What he really loves, is the gorefests
Murderporn if you will
He lives and breathes bloody slasher movies, where people get pointlessly murdered left and right
Literally the more gritty the better
Especially if it’s one of those where all the women gets murdered with their tits out
Horror movies makes him horny help—
No but actually, he’s so annoying to watch them with, because even if it’s a movie he likes HE WILL NOT STOP COMMENTING
starts muttering every other minute about how that flesh wound is not realistic and how it would actually look
How does he know this? You don’t want to ask
But back to the horny part, if you’re dating him, you almost always fuck to horror movies instead of music
If Judd puts on a horror movie, yk what he’s initiating
It’s either that, or he lets you choose the music in his car
Two very subtle, but yet very clear demands of what he wants
Another thing, he loves when you scratch him up
On his chest, on his back, anywhere
Just having those long, red nail marks on his skin does stuff to him
The same with leaving marks on you, he’s so into it
He needs you to be absolutely as bitten and bruised up as you can possibly be
And it doesn’t limit to you, no, no please, bite him back
He’ll love it
(People around you are slightly concerned)
Now I’ve just listed a bunch of things he likes, but like whatever he’s doing, he’s gonna seem super indifferent
He’s just,,, always scowling
My man’s not coded to show joy
Wait okay no, but like he can smile, it just looks unnatural lol
Sometimes, he even laughs (mainly when others are in misery)
But generally, he’s just pretty stoic
And also, he doesn’t truly have that many opinions on stuff
He literally doesn’t care, but that’s kinda expected for someone who’s biggest wish is to go permanently off the grid
Like, he could be delivered the deadliest insult ever, or see a house burning down or something and he would still be like ._.
It takes quite a lot to get him to move his face muscles, is what I’m saying
Generally, it’s gonna take a lot to get him to care about anything
Wow 🤩 more judd headcannons
These were a bit pointless ig, but I enjoyed making them haha, I hope you enjoyed it! And if you listened to the playlist, I hope that was alright too 💪
Tags: @dlfvrr @bxbyyyjocelyn
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Danny's Evil Jaunt. Its Evil He Swears. Ignore the Charity. pt. 2
Hello! Im back with Part 2 Im honored that so many people were interested <3 HOPEFULLY THE COLOR STAYS RIGHT IM SO SORRY ABOUT THAT I DON'T POST ON TUMBLR OFTEN. also i have almost 0 history about Dc so if anyone wants to ramble about the charaters in the tags please do
Danny's outfit was based on @little-pondhead 's art and prompt was by @im-totally-not-an-alien-2
part: 1
Oliver Queen had thought he’d seen it all; however this Fenton guy just seems to be full of fun little gadgets. And puns. So many puns.
No one knows anything about the guy other than he’s a mechanical genius. Just magically appeared out of the blue one day with inventions that make Dr. Freeze’s gun look like a toy, claiming that ‘he’s not gonna be here long today but needs to do some field testing.’
And now here's Oliver listening to this kid(it had to be a kid, Fenton didn’t look a day over 14) ramble about how much fun he had today and that he had to come back soon(not looking forward to that). Green Arrow took a good look at the kid. 
He was short, maybe around 5’4 without the boots, and didn’t have much bulk, but clearly had a lot of lean muscle from what Oliver could tell from the fight, and black shaggy undercut hair. He wore a red hazmat suit with black gloves and red with black tinted lenses goggles. All covered with a lab coat that is definitely not OSHA compliant for mad scientist children, not with the way it was singed at the bottom and the sleeves had been torn off at the elbow, and the amount of sewn on patches - the biggest being the Fenton logo on his back. He was also lugging around a massive cannon that had Oliver bound to a lamp post with a glowing green net, but nets weren’t the only thing it could shoot, no it shot out so many things within the half hour they had been fighting that Oliver lost count. The kid also had some weird meta biology if the sharp teeth and pointed ears were anything to go on. But Oliver’s thoughts were cut off by a phone ringing. Fenton looked down and started feeling around his suit until he found his phone, a small Iphone with odd attachments with a green ghost case covered with stickers, stopped the alarm and moved his goggles up to rest on his head wincing as the rising sun shined in his eyes.
“Hoo bright. Alright that's it for today I guess! Thanks for playing with me Mr. Arrow, I think I'm gonna pick up some energy drinks and  a couple of snacks before heading home, I still need to write an English paper for Mr. Lancer and Jazz’ll finish me off if I don’t get home soon” Fenton grinned and started to punch in directions for the nearest convenience store on his phone. It was just around the corner from the street they had left the fight off on, nice. 
‘Maybe I should grab some for Sam and Tuck’ Danny thought, ‘Oh wait I forgot!’ just as he was about to turn into the store he rushed back to where he left Green Arrow, who was trying to saw his way out of the Fentnet with his knife. 
“Sorry! I wanted to do something before I left!” Fenton smiled and put his wiry arm around Oliver in a side hug and pulled out his phone and did a peace sign with the hand around Oliver. “Say Frootloops!”
Fenton pulled off Oliver and showed him the picture, Fenton had a Cheshire cat grin while he had a miserable expression. 
“Ooph, probably not your best look but I think we look cool. And really, that’s all that matters at the end of the day. How I think we look.” 
“You're a menace, what do you want?” 
“You don’t know? I’m god’s playtester and I’m here for bug testing before the rest of the world sees my inventions. Consider Star City my testing sandbox. Anyway see’ya!” and Fenton was gone down the street. 
And that was the day Oliver Queen knew that he needed to make sure that the world outside of Star City could never be exposed to Fenton. Especially the bat. If anyone found out his ego would never recover.
if you want to be added to the tag list please put it in the comments! it's easier to see there!
@starkcravingmad@amuseofminds@emeraudesfateandfandoms@passivedecept@quirky-gardener@xarexraven@justwannabecat @fisticuffsatapplebees @blacksea21090 @lovelessnightfall @iceknight-of-sun @sabrina414 @moobloomrights @vortexbox @trickedri @naluforever3 @suppengott @angelsdeathsstuff @lesling123 @cosmicgesture @always-be-a-stranger @sealover89 @slapphapp1 @fantasticbluebirdfan @krzys2000 @xxwintrynightzxx @justgray15777 @littlegrayram @danisfra @kyrianclawraith @@thought-u-said-dragon-queen
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ndjournal · 9 months
hello! so i’m wondering if i’m sending this in correctly but i’m just gonna trust that i am. so literally august 30th i had a realization that there is no 3d vs 4d. i am not a human just doing what they have to do nor are things required of me because there is only consciousness (or self? not going to trip over the wording) and then all early morning, i’m talking about up until 5 AM, i read all of the submissions in the understanding concepts tag and boy oh boy. so many bombs were dropped and i just? i had to laugh when i read some of my old diary entries; my gosh i was so cute and deep into it. i realized that i was being Vanessa and actively trying to become someone else and obviously this doesn’t work. realizing that it’s not about changing the dream but to realize you are dreaming in the first place; to become lucid. then i realized what i could apply this to and it just hit me like a ton of bricks.
so as a shifter (you know the whole “reality shifting” thing), something i regularly do is “make scripts”. it’s quite fun to start from scratch and make all kinds of backgrounds with different families and just coming from different walks of life. even if i script something “undesirable” i never care too much about it because i see it for what it is—i know it’s not as deep and if i don’t like it, i can just change the script. so then i thought, “hey, what if Vanessa is a script too?” and i really started to think: “Why not treat Vanessa the same way you treat other scripts; other versions of yourself?” because i will literally come up with a story (as the observer, just picking a new character) and this character could have the hardest life and the most prominent obstacles and i feel absolutely no way about it, just a “yeah, i think that would be cool to experience.” and all i’m thinking is like, “bro..then what makes Vanessa so different from these scripts? from these people you make with these backstories? and then discard when you don’t care for ‘em anymore?”
and that, that’s something i’m just probing. along with letting Vanessa think every thought and feel everything; she’s perfect and she’s in her own little movie playing her part as she was designed to. I, as the observer, would send poor Vanessa on a goose chase of trying to realize things when she’s just like, “what do you mean it’s not real? i’m in it! and i see it, and i feel it! and this happened!” like if you were to step into a movie and told the characters about the problem not being real, they would look at you like you were crazy. they don’t have that luxury, but I do—because i’m not the characters, I AM.
sorry for the ramble, i am just like a kid in a candy store. i just wanna disbelieve i was ever Vanessa, and i am excited to do that. thank you!
Thank you for sharing your thought process, I'm sure it will help other Vanessas too. I know exactly what you mean. This is what can make LOA a struggle because it's basically telling people who don't understand what their true self is, to deny the ego's reality while identifying AS ego and that often results in a LOT of mental confusion and torture (and no actual desired results because all that effort is the opposite of our true being which is effortless) - GOSH ego is trying to tell itself that something isn't real when it so very obviously is because ego is part of the world! It's like stepping into any fictional world and telling the characters they're not real - but to them, it IS real, it's the only world they know of.
Keep disbelieving and see what happens :)
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gazs-blue-hat · 11 months
Gaz’s Blue Hat  Masterlists and introduction! (Please Read Me!)
Hello! I’m Val, or “the hat”. I love the CoD universe and have watched play throughs of most of the games. At the moment, I’m only writing for 141 and possibly other main characters throughout the story.
If you do not have your age in your bio, you’re getting blocked. I’m sorry but this is an 18+ blog. I don’t feel comfortable with minors interacting with my things.
Another thing. I will write rough topics. I’ve struggled with Suicide, Self Harm, Sexual Abuse, Addiction and many other vices. I feel like there (rightfully) is a lot of hesitation to write these topics. However, I find comfort in stories. Of course I’ll put trigger warnings on every piece I do, but I want to let you know that you’re seen and you’re heard. Final thing and I'll stop my rambling, I promise. I won't tolerate hate here. I do my best to stay educated on things and thus, this is a safe place for people to ask questions and learn about things they might not know about. Be kind folks.
🪄 -Silly
-Fair Winds and Following Seas- Simon Riley x Reader (Tempest) 
Read on Ao3: Here!
Chapter 1: Pilot
Chapter 2: The Winding Road of Introductions
Chapter 3: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 4: Speed of Sound (Wip)
Glacial Tides- King!Johnny MacTavish X Siren!Reader
Masterlist Found Here!
--------------------------------------- Small Town UA- Hiatus
-Sunflowers and Shotguns (Small Town UA)- Soap x Reader (Lamb) 💖🩸
Southern Hospitality
Around the Fences
Air Pressure
Tornado Sirens (Wip)
Toxemia (wip)
-Injections and Ivermectin (Small Town UA)- Ghost X Reader (Tens)💖
Moos Malady 
Like Little Railroads
Riley and Riley (Wip)
Concussion (Wip)
CPR (Wip)
Fireplace (Wip)
-Books and Bombshells (Small Town UA)- Gaz x Reader (Keys)
Books Bring Us Together
WPM (Wip)
Dewy Decimal System (Wip)
Movie night (Wip)
Kickstarter (Wip)
Dog-earing (Wip)
-Waves and Warfare (Small Town UA)- Price X Reader (Skip)
Captain to Captain
Come a little closer (Wip)
Kate Kate Kate (Wip)
High Seas (Wip)
Depth Charge (Wip)
Songs of the Deep (Wip)
-TF141 and the WSM- (Small town UA blurbs)
Wear the hat, ride the cowboy 🪄
Beware the Wave Soaked Maidens (Wip)
Dungeons and Dragons AU (All characters have three parts)
Seeing isn’t everything (Kyle “Gaz” Garrick X F!Reader) (Medusa)
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Songs across Seafoam (Johnny “Soap” MacTavish X F!Reader) (Siren) (Wip) 💖🩸❤️‍🔥
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Shapes in the Mists (Simon “Ghost” Riley X F!Reader) (Changeling) (Wip) 💖☠️❤️‍🔥
Curls of Smoke and Embers (Captain John Price X F!Reader) (Dragon) (Wip) 💖☠️🩸❤️‍🔥
--------------------------------------- One Shots
Captain John Price 
Left Behind ( Wip) 💖🩸
Yours to command ❤️‍🔥
Wedding ring (blurb)❤️‍🔥
Cherry stem (blurb) mild❤️‍🔥
Bad day (blurb) 💖
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Potent Poisons and Precious Passions (Fem!Reader) 💖❤️‍🔥
Loving Something So Broken (Gn!Reader)☠️💖
Forged in Blood, Bonded by Steel (wip) 💖❤️‍🔥
Hearts Do Mend ☠️💖 (Slight❤️‍🔥)
Cherry Stem (blurb) mild❤️‍🔥
Tags (Blurb) ❤️‍🔥
Bad day (Blurb) 💖
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish 
Whispers in the Night (Wip) 💖❤️‍🔥
Domestic Bliss (wip) ❤️‍🔥💖
Cherry Stem (blurb) mild❤️‍🔥
Desperate (Blurb) ❤️‍🔥
Bad Day (Blurb) 💖
Talking you Through it (Blurb) (Capt. MacTavish) ❤️‍🔥
Headboard (Blurb) (Capt. MacTavish) ❤️‍🔥
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Passing Notes 💖
Cherry Stem (blurb) mild❤️‍🔥
Natural Remedy (Blurb) ❤️‍🔥
Bad Day (Blurb)
Paperwork Shmaperwork 💖
Alex Keller
K.I.A to C.I.A (Wip)💖❤️‍🔥
Love on the Battlefield (WIP)💖❤️‍🔥
Keegan P. Russ
Rupert’s Drop (WIP) 💀🩸
No Nut November (Blurb) ❤️‍🔥
No Pairings, just brainrot
What really happened at the end of MWIII
Intro (Please Read)
Character taking care of Reader Whumptober list
Reader taking care of Character Whumptober list
Reblogged Masterlists
These will be complete lists of everything I have ever reblogged about these characters. I don't like the Tumblr Tagging system to look through my stuff so I made my own list like this. I'll be going backwards from present day to the very start of this blog (June)
(11/5/2023 update): I'm working hard on linking and sorting everything I have reblogged. I have organized up to October. Everything that has yet to be linked will have the tag 'To Be Linked' on it. Feel free to rummage through the bins while I get my books on a shelf. Thank you for your support!
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
John Price
All Others /Multiple
77 notes · View notes
sidras-tak · 2 months
I clicked on the notes of that sibling poll and I saw your tags so I came to your blog to see your last post that you mentioned. And just, wow. I lost my older brother too and I feel the exact same way. I hate that sibling question bc I never know how to answer it either. He's been gone for many years now and it still feels weird. I often say I'm an only child bc it's been so long and that's how it feels. I also hate getting the weird "Oh I'm so sorry" from people if you tell them your brother died. It can often feel awkward and some people don't know how to handle that information, so it's almost like you're left to comfort them? I also have two step siblings, but we're not close at all, so I don't even bother mentioning them most of the time..
Anyways idk, sorry I'm rambling. But yesterday was the anniversary of my brother's death and I saw that poll and your reblog was one of the last ones and it felt like I could've written that and I just felt like I had to say something, it's all so strange, especially seeing this today. Grief is weird and complicated. I'm still rambling. I hope this wasn't too weird of me and that I haven't made you feel uncomfortable or anything, my sincerest apologies if I did.
Upon a little more looking, I saw some more of your posts about your brother. Wishing Scott a happy belated birthday! I'm sending you lots of love and big hugs. 🤍🤍🤍
Thank you so much for sending this. It’s comforting to know that someone else feels like I do. We all get lost, I think, in grief. Finding similarities makes it easier to find our way back. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s indescribable, really. So thank you for reaching out. It makes me feel less alone.
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yukidragon · 1 year
hiya! i wanted to ask, do you have sauce’s old art saved, or is there an archive somewhere? from what i’ve read, they had a twitter that’s been privated/locked (?) but i see people post art that looks like it was drawn by sauce ;w; also i’m sorry if this was already asked, i feel like i sent in this ask before but can’t remember,,
i love and appreciate all your work btw!! i hope you have an amazing day <3
Awwww! Thank you so much! That makes me really happy to hear. I hope you have an amazing day too! 💖
I’m afraid there’s no archive set up as of yet, just pictures fans managed to save and pass around amongst themselves. Sauce did mention that they wanted to create an archive on the patreon before they closed their twitter. I don’t know if that’s still happening or not, but I imagine that’s taking a backseat to their personal recovery and making progress on their various projects. They have a lot on their plate right now, so it’s understandable that it might take a while.
I have quite a lot of old art saved myself, and I use some of the pieces here in my posts occasionally, with Sauce’s consent so long as I credit them. They’re really such a nice person. That’s why whenever I share some of their art, I like I plug the SnaccPop Studios Patreon and remind everyone not to repost any of the privately posted content elsewhere.
You can see a lot of Sauce’s art peppered around my blog, particularly in posts I’ve labeled as Headcanon Ramblings. Sometimes it really helps to illustrate my points, you know? Maybe I should add a Sauce-y tag sometime.
Sadly, I can’t show any of the NSFW art over here without heavy censoring. Tumblr might say they’ll allow non-erotic nudity again, but I suspect all it’ll take is one floppy ding-a-ling, some “female presenting” nips, or something a bit too spicy and suggestive and my blog will be taken out with an extinction level event.
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I mean look at this. This is such a fun picture and all you get to see over here is Jack’s face. Sure I could show the man’s nips since he’s not “female presenting” but with the level of spice sprinkled in this picture, I’d rather not risk it. Such a shame. Not that I can complain about seeing a face like that. This clown is having a really good time and it shows. Sauce does great work with expressions don’t they?
You know, this picture actually looks pretty exploitable cropped like this. It looks like a good teaser illustration for some spicy writing. It seems like an awful shame not to do anything with this idea, don’t you think?
Alice might not be a part of the full picture Sauce drew, but I’m totally going to imply it with a little bit of writing. I hope you all enjoy this impromptu snippet of Adults Only spicy fun times between Jack and my version of his sunshine~!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
Jack moaned as he tipped his head back. His clothes were in disarray, his shirt rolled up close to his collarbone, his pants and underwear dangling off one of his legs, with the rest of his signature outfit nowhere in sight. His flushed skin glistened with sweat and bore countless pink patches that marked where Alice claimed him as hers with her mouth.
That same mouth was wrapped around him now, showing Jack love in a way that he had only dreamed about before. He lost count of how many fantasies he had about Alice going down on him, but no fantasy could ever hope to compare the real thing.
Alice had started with kisses that fluttered along his length delicately, but just as the teasing started to get too much, she switched to using her tongue. She tasted him thoroughly, making sure not a single inch was left untouched before she took the tip into her mouth.
“Oh Alice…,” Jack moaned before biting his lower lip. “Your mouth feels so good… so warm…”
Alice let out a low hum, and the vibration of her voice made him twitch a bit. She repeated the sound again, longer this time as she sucked on him, and she was gratified to see his eyes roll upward.
Jack was so big, bigger than anything Alice was used to. A part of her worried she might not be able to handle all of him without choking, but she was determined to try. She focused on relaxing her jaw as she dipped down as far she could before she had to draw back for a breath, taking him just a little bit further each time.
Jack twined his fingers through his sunshine’s fair hair as he watched Alice adoringly. “You’re doing so good…” She gazed up at him through nearly white lashes, and the way her blue eyes burned with desire that was only for him sent a jolt of heat directly into his core. “God… You look so beautiful like this. I love you so much.”
Alice wanted to respond in kind, but words were impossible for her at the moment, so she traced a heart on his inner thigh with her finger instead. Jack murmured her name in return, his rich voice dissolving into another moan as she teased him with gentle suction. She couldn’t get enough of his sweet words or all the adorable noises she coaxed out of him. It made her all the more determined to please and tease him.
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heytherejulietx · 2 years
Calling Steve or Eddie to come over and kill a spider for you
thank you for sending this in and turning my awful spider incident into a fic WSKWJJD ily <3
551 words
just a reminder that reblogs are seriously appreciated as it helps my work get seen by more people!
@eddie-darling @vintageobx @m1vfs @katsukis1wife @pastel-abyss-x @levylovegood @simplymurdock @mayyvh @parasadic-blog @pr3ttycunt join my tag list
“I’m sorry.” Was the first thing she blurted out when she opened the door and saw Eddie stood there.
Getting a call from her to come and catch a spider in the middle of the night probably wasn’t something that he had wanted to deal with, even if she did only live a few trailers down. He probably had much better things to be doing than dealing with her fear that she felt was pretty irrational. But Eddie just smiled and shook his head a little.
“It’s no biggie,” he told her as he walked inside. He was clearly ready for bed in his plaid trousers and black tank top, but Eddie had never been one to care about what he wore when he left the house, or had people over. There had been many occasions when he had opened his front door with just a towel around his waist, hair wet from a shower. That had been the first time she saw all of his tattoos. “So where’s the little bastard?”
“Bedroom,” she told him, and gestured vaguely, but didn’t move any closer. “Near the desk.”
She remembered the way her heart rate immediately increased when she had seen the considerably large spider as it ran across her bedroom floor. She basically bolted out of the room and slammed the door, and her hands were still shaking as she called Eddie, because there was no way that she was going to sleep unless the spider was far gone. And he had caught spiders for her before, but only when he was over. But Eddie didn’t seem to mind one bit that she had called him, and for that she was seriously thankful.
“Aye aye, one captured spider coming right up.” Eddie saluted and gave her his most gorgeous smile, before he disappeared down the hall into her bedroom and she sighed in relief. He really was a godsend.
He was in there for all of five minutes. She heard a lot of his rambling, some “where are you hiding?” and a lot of “come here!“, but after some minutes he came out of the room with a closed fist, held up so she could see.
“I’m just going to take it outside.” He told her, and she pressed herself as far as she could into her kitchen counter so that he could pass her with much room to the front door, where he walked out and down the steps before he let the spider go.
She sighed, finally relaxed as he walked back inside, palms open so she could see he wasn’t holding anything.
“Thank you, Eddie,” she breathed out as he shut the door behind him. “You’re a lifesaver, I probably wouldn’t have slept if you hadn’t come, sorry for calling you so late.”
Eddie waved his hand with a smile. “It’s fine, babe. Can’t let you of all people go without their beauty sleep, must be hard being so pretty all the time.”
Eddie laughed as she rolled her eyes, and brought an arm around her until she was pressed to his side. He was warm, so she snuggled in a little closer.
“How could I ever repay you?” She sighed dramatically, and watched as he grinned back.
“Let me take you out?”
A fair payment she supposed.
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
Can you do Nya for the doodle/ramble? :o
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DISCLAIMER: sorry sorry sorry this is so dang late, I have been sitting on this essay for like 2 months and I feel really bad about it. I just had so many passionate thoughts about Nya until school and work and assignments meant I lost flow and I probably won’t finish it. Tbf I did write lots so Oop lol. I’m just gonna post it unfinished like this so take away what you will :)
Awww hell yeah! So in the last post of this series, I said that Cole is probably the best written character, but i think Nya is the most interesting, and Cole’s only higher because sometimes Nya falls into kinda sexist cliches sometimes. But for the most point Nya is such an inspiring character who goes through so much strife. Honestly I think that her writing is actually a really good commentary on modern day misogyny, which is unexpected since this is just a Lego show marketed to mainly boys, and even if it wasn’t, Nya’s arc hits so much harder than you’d expect. But either way, regardless of the societal analysis, Nya is generally a really strong character who gets a lot of development simply bc was more of a side character who basically fought her way into the plot.
So the main themes of Nya is her struggle with destiny, whether she has free will or choices or if she just has to do what other expect her to. Like so many of her arcs are her struggling against what other people have told her to be or what she tells her self she has to be.
First of all, her time as samurai x and how she initially kept it a secret. In s1, in like, the first episode, we see Nya training on the training course trying to beat Kai’s score, wishing she had a dragon, and generally trying to tag along with the guys despite not being included in their team. Maybe you could argue she always wanted to be a ninja, to prove that she could do that too. However it never really caught on (until much later), and she ended up abandoning that idea in favour of becoming something else; samurai x.
I’ve always thought it was weird that she kept samurai x a secret when there wasn’t really any consequence to it when everyone found out. I think that maybe she felt a little bitter about not being included with the ninja so she decided not to share in what she got up to. Also I bet she just kept it up because the guys’ annoyance at not knowing who she was, would’ve been actually hilarious. But also she may have kept it a secret because no one could tell her how to be if no one knew it was her. Samurai X was her way of having freedom and independency, and her way of proving that she was useful, most importantly, in her own way on her own. She wanted the power to make her own choice and in order to do so, she didn’t even risk letting other people in the know in case they took it from her.
Short mention of s2 but the scene where we see Nya get corrupted is actually so horrific and invasive but it completely fits Nya’s narrative of getting her choices taken away as she’s corrupted by the dark matter. Ooh, quick s2 rewrite concept but the dark matter doesn’t immediately make you evil, but it only builds upon already dark feelings present, and in Nya’s case its her struggle with being alone, presently the fact that she was captured and overall how she gets singled out for not being a ninja or how she has to work harder to be seen alongside everyone else. With both her and Kai, they both seem to equate their worth and right to be in the family with how much they can contribute, and Nya especially puts a lot of pressure on herself, to be just as good or even better than the other ninja.
Now s3. S3… is a mixed bag. Bc it’s notorious for having a god awful love triangle that arose out of nothing but then if you think hard about it, everything after the set up kinda makes sense. Jay and Nya have kinda a strained relationship, where if we view s1 and s2 skeptically, their feelings aren’t really justified further than “jay likes girls and Nya is girl” and “Nya happens to like the colour blue”. It feels very forced hetero 2011 writing because it kinda was, but at least s3 is consistent. If you’re generous and are invested in making the most of a Lego show’s writing, then you’ll be happy to know that all of that accidentally works really well. Because we can assume that jay and Nya were quite young and it’s very common for kids/teens to just get into relationships in only name, for the pure reasoning of “we are guy and girl who hang out sometimes” Nya and jay being in a loveless, one sided relationship where neither are on the same page is pretty realistic actually, and the show tells us that Nya isn’t as invested as jay is and how there seems to be a fundamental imbalance of affection between them. Whilst I hate that Nya changes her whole mind as soon as the computer tells her to, it kinda works in that its consistent with Nya’s incredibly surface level reasoning for attraction. Her mind set is basically: if she was told a guy liked her, then she’s supposed to like them back right? That’s just what you do! Compulsive romance is so real and it’s how I personally see Nya in s3. Also it links in either s3’s theme of relying too much on technology, with Nya being swayed because of it.
Now the actual love triangle links back in with Nya and choice. She’s forced to pick between Jay and Cole but even if she does pick one, she’ll let the other down, or they might not accept it. It looks like she has a choice but there are no good options. And when she feels like she’s fighting against the grain, just like when she gave up from being a ninja, she too retreats from the conflict, avoiding giving an answer that she knows wouldn’t be accepted. She just lets them duke it out until they’ve forgotten about her and any relationship she had or could’ve wanted. By not picking a side, both sides left her after s3 and she just accepts it.
…or maybe I’m looking into to it too much as a way of coping with awful love triangles.
Quick note about s4, bc Nya kinda just kicks ass that season and I honestly don’t have too much to say. She’s just very cool. I will say that’s it’s interesting that she stayed home with wu Lloyd etc when the rest of the team dispersed. You could say she again was left behind. She stayed rebuilding the bounty, which may have been in tribute to zane considering he found the bounty. You could say zane brought the family together and found them a home, so when he died, Nya tried to fix it by remaking their home. Im gonna make a separate post about this actually.
Okay s5 is where we really get going and tbh, this season should’ve been more officially Nya. Because she’s actually becoming a ninja. I think with Nya interpretations, people usually see Nya being a ninja as a bad thing, something that was again forced upon her, which is true. I’ll talk about this again when we get to crystalized. But idk if this is a hot take but I think ninja Nya is a good thing, if you interpret samurai x as being a last resort because she didn’t become a ninja. It’s her learning to not give up, to keep at it, which is how she unlocks her true potential. That she’s just as valuable, in fact, uniquely valuable on the team. Idk I think it’s nice if you look at samurai x being her giving up on trying to be a part of the ninja. Her arc of needing to be perfect at what she does, without allowing herself to be messy or vulnerable or confront what makes her weak because she always thought that if she was a ninja, she’d be the weak link, and confronting why she hadn’t become a ninja makes her vulnerable. And her facing that fear and realising she’s more than she gives herself credit for is so so so good. Nya actually has such a low self esteem and tbh you can’t blame her when it looks like she has to fight tooth and claw to be as good as everyone else, but I’d bet on her being the strongest ninja, in some ways stronger than the green ninja. It’s very fitting that she wears the green gi in s5’s finale, because when the ghosts realise she isn’t the green ninja, they’re actually more terrified. Because she is something more feared than the green ninja. The water ninja. One of the only elements that the fsm couldn’t control. She single handedly drowned the preeminent (and destroyed an 1/8 of the universe but shhh).
And then we get to s6, which is only really good because Nya. Because even when she figures out she’s super op, society hasn’t. We get the whole news stuff in the first episode where the ninja deal with their acquired fame (nice acknowledgment of the rest of the world tbh), and we’re highlighted of how, whilst Nya took down a literal eldritch monster in the last season, she’s still only known for the love triangle, and it feels a little meta because I bet that’s what a lot of fans knew her for too (and I say this because unfortunately 13 ye old me was that, but I’ve rewatched since). We see Nya having to face everyone else’s expectations of her and the media doesn’t see her as anything but the girl ninja and she’s just told to accept that. And even when she’s trying to go against the grain, the fact that she’s only doing it to prove or disprove someone else still means she’s technically still controlled by something else. This is how I interpret the (admittedly mess of) the romance plot. Nya has and does love Jay, but she’s scared of that being all there is to her, that doing what the media expects her to means giving in to it, and losing her sense of independence. She basically can’t do what she wants because she’s holding herself to standard in response to other standards placed on her. It’s like a form of toxic masculinity but for feminism, where women feel like they have to be tough and never vulnerable because they’re trying to fight against being defined by those traits of vulnerability. Nya and Dogshank in particular, have a very specific relationship, they’re on opposite sides but play exactly the same roles, women who fought against the grain and did what was not traditionally expected of them, but in they’re fight to do so they ended up sacrificing their own freedoms anyways (Nya stops herself from getting close to the others in her need to be independent, Dogshank traded her life to be Nadakhan’s pirate just so she could win at something once). And say what you will about s6 but Nya’s death scene will always be the saddest thing, because we truly see Nya just give up her life. She’s so resigned to her fate, finally giving up on changing it and tells Jay that she never wanted to be apart of their boys club anyways. The reference of the “boys’ club” comes up 3 other times in the show: when Nya reasons why she became samurai x - she felt excluded in the group, when Nya is corrupted with dark matter and the guys fight her - Kai quipping that the “club” just became boys only and when the love matcher machine in s3 describes Nya as an independent self confident young woman who refuses to be part of a boy’s club. The evolution of the use of the quote, going from the reason Nya felt excluded, to Nya being defined by it and lastly as an acceptance of her own death, sums up what I mean, Nya internalising that “othering” and just growing to accept it. Nya then says that she guesses it’s true, the greatest love stories end in tragedy, which I think shows how she’s been told and sold so many expectations of how she wouldn’t end up happy, and it further shows how she’s given up. And the resolution of the plot isn’t perfect but I actually do like how Jay essentially bent time and space to show her that it doesn’t have to be true. Metaphorically, Jay erasing the timeline feels like he’s erasing the proposed bad end Nya’s predicted of herself. S6 is definitely flawed but I do like the theme of inevitability and the defiance of that with Nya in particular.
Yeah sorry friends that’s where I stopped. But I’ll paste my little planning stage so you guys know what I would’ve started writing about?? Anyways Nya good!!
Intro- hell yeahhh - good writing altjough ppl don’t think so
- boys club - choices
- Samurai x inventing her own identity but in retaliation
- Water ninja - child of destiny
- S6 choosing her own fate - crystalise
- S11 powers significant + seabound
- Crystalised
- Tidbits such a cool narrative but like s567 could’ve been even cooler
Conc honestly I get emotional bc she’s actually so cool man
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runawaymun · 1 year
Hey, I'm really sorry if this ask comes across as hostile, but due to recent experiences with another Tolkien fan, I do feel like I need to ask. In the tags of a recent post you reblogged, you mentioned being Christian. I know that there are many Christians who are kind, loving people who embrace the queer community, including trans people. But unfortunately, I also know there are a lot of Christians who don't. I would prefer to not follow someone who thinks I and people like me are evil simply because of who we are, or who try to pull that 'love the sinner hate the sin' crap. I am not saying that you are one of those people, but I have unfortunately encountered enough of those types of Christians (even in fandom spaces) that when someone says they are Christian, it makes me nervous. I understand my own religious trauma is my issue and I need to work through it, but I would still like to know how you feel about the queer community, as I greatly enjoy your fic and art and would like to continue enjoying your fic and art. Obviously you don't have to answer this ask and regardless of your answer you shouldn't be attacked. Sorry for rambling and I hope have a good day.
Hi there!
No I really appreciate the ask and I get it. I am glad you’re taking initiative to keep yourself safe and curate your online experience. I have a huge boatload of religious trauma myself from my upbringing so when I say I completely understand, please know that I really do.
I’m openly GNC bisexual myself & a trans & nb ally and a member of the queer community who writes a lot of ragingly gay fanfic and l am also a member of the Christian faith. I grew up raised extremely evangelical and am not anymore. I just read the Book, do my own religious practice, believe in God, and try to be active in the little Lutheran church I sometimes attend because Church community is important to me and I’m fortunate to have finally found a church community that is both a safe place for me as an openly queer person & also has sound doctrine and theology. It was a long road to finding one because I’m not willing to compromise on either of those lol.
I spent a long, long time decompressing from my upbringing and unpacking my religious trauma (therapy!!), and came to the conclusion from studying the book & long prayer & discussion with other queer Christians that God Is Not Small. The Church’s historical and current hatred toward queerness is a manufactured product of Man, not God. I’ve spent years studying all of the classic “bludgeoning passages” that are brought up to go “see!!!!!!! See the Bible says it’s a sin!!!!!!!” And found through linguistic study and intersectional doctrine that, actually, no those passages have nothing to do with people in consensual, healthy, committed queer relationships. The Bible has nothing to say about trans people or enby people either. It has a lot to say about how we are all unique and diverse and made imago dei, that we are loved — and that is the truest thing about us. Again: God is not small. God does not have a gender. The Bible even makes references to God having a womb in some poetry and prophecy chapters (metaphorically, but the point being that God is not “male”). Jesus never married. Paul was arguably ace. Jesus healed a gay centurion’s boyfriend and told him “go in peace”.
Sorry, I’m rambling too!!! TLDR: I am a proud member of the queer community and I am Christian and I don’t believe those things are antithetical. I’ve experienced a lot of pain at the hands of Christians, but never from the hands of God — only love and comfort. And I am fortunate and extremely grateful to finally have friends and a church community who strive for Christlike behavior and agree with me that God Is Not Small, and that God’s love is infinite and diverse. We’re made imago dei— so why should we be any different? 🫶
Hope this helps clarify and again I appreciate the ask. I really wish you well on your healing journey with your religious trauma and whatever that looks like for you. I hope you have peace 💕 and if you ever want a friend who Gets It I’m happy to chat and I’m here 💕
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